HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-03-13, Page 2IN DAYS 0` YORE Fools '10W;,I� ftfter R, L Milburn"s laialwLiver Pills Tv,oaty-fwa Yca?a AZo tho WWkst Snow $Iona of tbo SepEspa Took *Plaeo EaTRY Ln mamb, 14 fachca Faging In 24 Ifko-wi-a and facing . a orb fccUpg cM of aortv, bave U yo, Plow -mi Rnto 9) Fmt Wr4jat to Mi:ss conotiptition. irxbqc�iion, pajorl or gar, go in '81 Wco 6aho F -W. -at of &0 scamort. in the ttc=CDi, 0dilopormlln. ciell and 4P hiliouil headaches, boartbura, wager braf?h, ete., Yoe WIN be aurprinpd to T1AF_%TY YNARS A60 24th in -it. Servicets at I I a- in., 3 p. ace bow quickly a felvi doliva of b(il qY`rogn The Goderich Star of Marth in- and 7 rp. m. Fvery o0ort has been buTo'n Lauti-Livor Pilizi TAII On you lith. 190a) , made to mahe the r3erviceti of special "P- Deam of Gq�dericb Tor4T_'%h1P Pioneer tritcrent. Rev. Cation Carmichael. of Hrimilton, will morning and Ur. jo-4. Eamd, 854 rvilead Ave., T01700t0i 0111t-, 1Trltet%:-"Umwl;gG bnd preach 1a_,mc Rapson, a Items lgloiatvr, died nintT and Rev. 11, McCwnh Ili the "'ve good resulto from usior.-3 your Afil- at his home on the Base Lan& (,it ed burri's La. -a Liver l"Als fur igidigeo avaday, aged about 76 yearts He, WgrigLA-Sutborland from England' the mi:*ry r6ttendina =me, I thrills it ouly cagns. to this county rzomo 00 yocirs ago, and �,yms one of the: On WednTSdAy Morning last what right it) fell orberri tit the begiefit I gne.7t Itiahly reapected residviritit. I proved to b�e ,the event of the geo- derived frota t1teir uc2. Ge62rich To-naraMp Meta Lowipa for' son" wag celetirtated at "The Rools- I rgasi vory much troubled t7ith can the V),03a try." the summer residence of Mrs. on my tstomaela after eating:, tind lont Albert Crain, in the marriage of Mr. nizair a ggigbt'n tileop, but after tailing The griflomen of Goderich towriblilig I j . J. Wright, the well-hnown proprie- h7o'vtv-b of your Pfl)a I eall trath have decided to terider an oy.qt4:r sup- i tor of `The Point Pares," to Ellen, fully ody i but I feel WE),% twt I t -r. " par and banquet to H. Mwitavirgavi-Y' third daughter of the late David Priep 25r. a l, ial at all dealers, or B. Sturdy and John McMillan, who Sutherland, Faq., of Almonte. The garlailo4 direct on receipt of price by L -ave shortly to :,erk their furtunf­ ceremony %vas perfoxintJ by the Ven. Tho 'r. Milburn Co., Limitcdv Toroatic� in the weet. Archdeacon Elwood, Mr. J. C. Currie Omt. The StO711115 giting the bride away. A 8plendid The qt4ormg of the past five werh.� 'breakfast was enjoyed at "The Roots - 'cry,- and seated. Teaching is earnest and were a areat drawback to the manu everything being arranged -with diligent, some more effective than oth- factunng industrivs of Goderich, and i-xquisite taste and Judgment, under the Mrs. Albert Crain. The ers. Discipline is satusfactory in all oncteedingly injurious W retail mer- care of The former have lost the wedding party drove to the depot, the rooms. Some pupils have done chants. aade of goods, being unable to ship! and in the drive around the Square w ell; others made little progress. The progress of morit of the pupils them fog- want of cars, and the delay were saluted with the music (") of has li�een sat4sfactory. Deportment in some instances caused th shutting horim, waving of handkerchiefs, is approved in all the divisions. The down of factories, when, of course, (hee" and good wishes of a very singing its good in all classes. men were laid off for a time. Our! large throng. At the depot a host The class rooms are always warm retail merchants have suffered for greeted the couple with showers of and comfortable. In told weather want of ffoods and loss of business rice, old sho(-, and aq the train left. the pupils should be allowed to enter through people being closed Ili tin ;I ringing divv:, amid reports from e their class rooms and :lit quietly in farm and dwelling thmugh the anow- battery of -itzals placed on the track. their seats in the morning, at recess storms, and, as a consequence, 1 -d - I Joe as in;,.iy friendii, and the hearty or at noon. Teachers are expected rZl,� that with ordinary winter we;rlheg­� olathi-n giccorded him �,hows that they to be prepent in their roo ins at 8:45 would have hevri sold, nuw remain on wish him unbouncled proepvtity and a. in. their sl�wlvvs, making it exceedingly N10 happiness. Aft, v it trip to ritreal, I.cv: , At Victoria sch�ggl Mr. Turn report- Xlnr�h and April pa)- hard it) nieet , re Boston aml York, und elsewhe ., ed all the outside woodwork of the ment.4. they WAI r. tu, 11 to "Thv Point Farril school house and especially the wiq, -F TwEP%Ti-Fivis I ARS ACO PUBL9C SCHOOL BOARD dow-sash should be painted d u ring (From The GoJerich star or Nlaich IJuly, 1924, some slight repairs neces 10th, 18439) Resolution Legislature ary inside glyring surniner vacation. Adopts Asking , Pupils appear to make constant use Jubilee Club Wag "Going Strong to Include Towns Up to 5000 in lof books in the school library .%,hivh Supplementar-3 The Juhilev. Club gave a progi c'. - Crants 'i sign of interest in the�r work. mi% v pvdro pari v in the pretty rooms. I I 'irtilts caretaker'm work is well done; d i Thc disadvantagv in which Go e- We,t on FTiday eventrig. . . 1'1,h arid Seatforth (the only munict- greenhouse plants are fine. The Thirty-evo Bidloto to Appoint Care- nalitivs in thc county tiffeetkd) find I grading and seating are satisfactory. ITeaching is fair to excellent. All are taker of St. Patrich',. in the way 41f Legislative diligent and faithful. Discipline is ithemselves grants for educatiorl was again fair to excellent. Personal influencv Frum th( report. ofthe publi, :(houl :brought up at the meeting of the pub- varies greatly. The pupils sing. well board; Apph,ation,,4 mete thun londilic school board on Tuesday after. in all but one class, Teachers that qgroni Andrew Duff, Gvu. C. Blm-i-,hioon, March 4th, in the following re- 'port cannot lead the singing should ex - Goo. Ctunpbell. Richard IhI4,ett, from the secretary of the board, cha"e rooms with a . nother that can MnL .11. A. Hardy. G4�o. Murray Geo Mr Knox , ' *I ^ 'to for one period each day. Proficiency Wil4on, Wrn. Irwin, Angus M L-DOnald, "I beg draw your attention tcl is excellent to poor. Quality of work John Roberts and W, E. Johnitor, foi I he follow ing figures in i onnection depends partly on the pupil and part - the position of caretaker of S! Pat- vvith our grants received from Pro- ly on the teacher, also partly on par- ria,'s ward school, after whj�h tht, vincial si.hool monv�4, ents. Some pupils have done well; ratembei r pro(ectled to baitot. I lie others have done poorly. Deportment close of the second ballot the -i,, ILSL &,exterally is satisfactory. There are named were dropped; at the c1qs-V il a few pupils that are out of accord the eighth Bridgett fell out, Ind at !�c 7-- 1 0 -1 Duff dropped. wtth their toachers. These should the t)Aelfth wil,; Twen r- :3 7, F r- be given another chance with another ty more balloLs uvit, taken be we c - C 0 f- tvachei. A change often gives good Campbell, Blail, and M rs. I 0 H ITsults. vhen the nutintur, rrport th 191 ) 41 ' $11041.77 $(;z4.-,5 $10363.22 I Principal Strinehouse reported 374 vote its five- for Blukk, and thr 4- ft), 5Uo 1 211 21 20624.87 538.13 19984.71% pupils enrolled in January w-ith an Mrs. Hardy. 192�1 518 20249.89 529.0 IM341.78 uverage attendance of 306, 81 per Obituar% "You will notice that while the cost 'Wq, cent. 216 Penny Bank depositors, Mrs. Adelim Chu,,ch boill it' th. to the ratepayers has increased one hundred per cent, the grant from the $113.61 depositkil. In February 36o State nf Ver-mont, Mulch l8th, lW_1,i Government has remaingA the "me, enrolled. averag,"e attendance 304.5, 84 and fell asleep in Jesus ut the rest- � in fact is n little Ieas,--the Govern- per cent. 268 depositors, $86.77 de. thence of her daughter, Mr., Da%id lignent grants not being increased, the. Fisher, Goderich, on Morl&y, Marrh posited. Alim; Sharman reported 194 oil thv - 6th, IK99, in the 1.07th year of her age. Increased cost han wholly fallen on the ratepayers of the town, though roll at Central school in January, 17, 1 4 Surprke by the many Tint aware of the Government grants to the rural average attenda .nee, 88 per cent.; 119 hkq illne,--t land incrit, regret on the dktricts and other smaller towns and drpositors, $120A6 deposited. For part of fill who �ricw hini was felt at - villages have been considerably in- February there were 196 on the rolls, the announcement on Sundav last, - reased. 1 a Verage attendance 175, 89 per cent.; thal. Nir Andrew DiN -.Rdigle, Ituron ; 1922 Aslifleld tp. Govt' grant �4"1.00 112 depositors, $77.72 deposited. Road, had on '�uturda.% evening -uc, Colborne tp. 2345.00 The amount to be asked for frorn climbed to an attatk of prieumonia G"erich tit. 2(344 -00 the town for school purpows was fix - A Record- Brea ki ng Sno-.% St&rm Exeter 1490.00 ed at W,600. $21,000 was asked for lsurlday',q Sno-,N Ilensall �torrn WAS tho-' 1040-00 1 last Year and something under $20,. 000 was spent. heaviest of the sea�vn, 14 incheA of j 1923 Clint'n ree'd it" 22111.83 It was decided to join the Ontario the beautiful hating fallen in tho 24� "'rho difTerence between the grant TrustmEms' and Ratepayers' Associa- hours. Shortly uft1t Ell, :.t,' I to the Town of Goderich and grants tion, the fee being $2, and to sub- menced a stiff northN%r6�ct blew the a% quoted is caused largely by the scribe for one copy of the Journal at snow into big drifts, making most of provision of the Public School Act. $1. 01gr 9trtwts itrip, di. as,ablv and 'is usual whdreby rigral strict -4 and urban stopptd the tairn dock. The 2000 An increase of $100 (front $250 to great municipalities under of popula- $350 ) was voted to the secretary, on e4t drift,,; in tow-ri were on the no;�; tion participate in the Provincial motion of Trustees Craigie and Thom - side of the Square and West street,�supplernentary gnints oil salaries, son, Trustee Gundry voting nay. that on the Intler being o% er five feet !This does not seem fair to the other The matter of. town school-, partici. high. towns and I think that an effort pating in competitions in drawing, should be made to have the provisions WHAT WAS MNG IN 1881 writing and showing of the product ;of the act regarding supplementary (Prani The Gaderich star of April i griant-s apply to towns of up to 5000 of bulbs supplied by the Horticultural 16th, ISAi) ! population. or better still to include Socit , y was referred to the contin- A"engment ritrureq in losl all municipalities viithin a county or. gent committee with power to act. -The matter of some pupils being The assessam for the Town (if gianization." out of accord with their teachers was Gederich have completed their labors After discussing the matter a re- referred to the school management arid handed the roll in to the town solution asking the LegHalature to committee to investigate. cler-h. The total value of nsso�sglble make the change suguested in the se. property is The popula- ei-etary's letter was moved by Trus- A mule cannot pull while he i -k tion iq 4.145. Total :who*) children tee Craiffio, seconded by Trustee SA- kicking, and he cannot kick whil e he bz-twevn 5 and to, qpA. lows and carried unanimously. a c6py in pulling. Neither can you. A Deny Da) in '&I Jof Mr. Xnor's letter to accompany Wedne-sday lagt was an exceeding- Iv lively day it) town. Th o the resolution and the same to be nent alga to the Trustees' and Ratepayers' SELF-POISONING Association which meets in Toronto �ip 11reina held this week. and the spiing abov of live stoclt, both ( in at Faster. zIled I Inapector Toni reported on the town larVe rrowds from tbe. nurroundiro-, I public schools, and from his report country, and our hotols were taned to TODATS DANGER I we take the following their utmost to accommodate p3tromi. Mr. W. G. Sunith Was Flat Fnriih no following is a statement of the number of enrolled. nvema* I Chompion pupils attk-ndance and total eupenditure for Modern Harry Upsets Run -Down bit. W. G. Smith says he tannot Coderich public qchool.q, 114'ginning People ---Vital Organ Becomes allo- Mr. Spark.,z, of The London Ad. with the year 1890. vertiser. to employ Prof. Chew, of No of pupilq Avernge Total Cloggtd and Poisons the System. SV�16!ord, or any other color,,,d gen. I R". 909 530 8 5,658.47 "I bptter Posted in astrmomy 1895 1904 6%219 5,97G.04 flun lod cation and looli of abdonilgial 4=1 ('.Sparks) as a substitute. to 19LID OR7 466 5.816.18 oxogroise clog% the oyatew and )Vf fleado digimas the globular theory rn the Iq05 571 195 1,639.48 tboliver. Thin important orgau it; the plane earth system vvttb him. Air. 1"7 F)97 :176 7,297.10 lbody'n Piltor, and when it beconiog Rpnrits will have to try it himselL 1910 636 462 27,TSS. 830 plognish and clogged lip, the gioloonotga W. GeorL7e'rg Cbarch (Dpenagag 1912 662 40* 11.041.77. wante at the body in improporiv 0itpin- ated. No lonaer can the fiver proT%,-riy The new St- G"I'Ve's; church will 1916 637 450 1 1,3298M rAcrete julcon so oRsential to alge�tloo h:E1 opened (D. V.) on Sunday, the 1020 688 434 19,992.89 and correct movement a? Nour bonelq. 1022 696 521 20,779.68 No Ionaer can it property Otter and 19as 691 518 20,575.26 purify your blavAl. The re%xilt in self *Buildina Victoria school. polmnina. This onplains %,4 by a sluggish liver to 10oforv, 1912 there wore 18 teacherp. Since establinhiw..a kindorcarton do- atWridod by ouch avilaptrim,; wiconnitia, q10,. billoacmops, nick beadachea, nour. partment, there hove been 14 t -ch- nem at4i ac&g aim a weati atawach� 10, og of era. When tho ontaidia woodwork of caqstite. u3ing to the back acd olden, tho Gehooln Is Pointed. both b-aildinga andem Irritable. pirm-down comaitlon- will bz In good condition. avmwma that IQA- to the dataf�zrjflq no appoint-rament of 0 munical dir� and enigentriva Giou bZE1 nmle,)q co?reet�ml md milk puts ettav "_'Ould not be a b�,nvflt but rath- or the gehcoll t7orit. ThQ Its time. Dr. 11. S. Tbaclacir. uot4,41 wedleall practlailemor, "irlected a whatesoma giail�g in wA eorduettd by the 'oncUr vcgeiablo prmef1VVfto to teep, the llv,�r one and body eirs %Ethont Ic3n of tirno ol- uwlogg mr. healft. It to givina giluleft relief cmd pPn.,;Zx Thin in o daw v;hon all ghould VCM,0%041 qWQS&Z11, 02C-rgy C41d TICUT to into children. tQnWra bero. TbIq prPseripTion, At tft C_,mtral CA001 ttle, clam UntUrl an Dr. Tbacher*Fi Liver clod Dicati A Cabe to a ii'am roolng ar tight and chcory. GUO the Gyroy, In plcanat to Cato and contciino tbat arm ftDown to item agim d-6111 halh Tho ddo veadwork of tbin r ?,yrftZansi for thoir earms1re mail tea achooll lfttld k-rXISUCA bY C, CO.',% bq1tb-bMl11lln9 �,Topmtlen. a? Aultablo t th My, I P4� Try tblin C M, -At al tz"o TIze wad f Of ktkl fm - WON,—, 9 ho llnlet2 4010row 0 in Itto way cohoull Mrs tvitl Nwrin--e tho ert;� �) 4,11 ICMU. Cat. Ormq�, avtd CCA 1. Ym vom t* mmplddy caltsltcl: obtle help thoul it r)mpvit�w thoilp It-vair? vMbpto Qa:t. M. Tbac-borlolavor =9 DD-ta li*�Yrbp all volgl 01011 wt-a-,�M- puP119 1717-a&'11 wen&,Ily a. A. C=ot-,% Go2odeb. . . . . . . . . . . n": Ifiry COMM !!7_= M iWWi 91=1a �1=3 TCA! 4161il NuDont CQ rr is Emy TO $AN% AT DOMINIoN STORE$ S,4,1 C. 2 B=Rca for 'f ell jA torday. X40 Q901,0411t Tbo favowlip;3 Oro ebe ecezetary'o amA gre=nror'o rmovall repaztq of ebe worts of CDA0 �,Juft�t) L'Caf-chagler. 1.0,0. U., Lor the alzbt year,. . . . . . . . . . . . SAME seezetary's Report d%—, A unegetnuen Emm The e AhweLti ChaoLer to amalratonte uraer thejr 123AU0 Mooted thO %=10 LCalitri and for We) aroz time f3lace the war an entbilaim.-tic llli=ttor, was behl Jan. 10C 34th. M3. coil lAntin made Itir the 11 -oz. packet year's isol-L. .1% a reholt iia haiv duagat-ml acalro to mitt tbt! i-k-butil Nggrev aud at, tbol end of the yoir are able to CO"EE LEMONS baDd Ovolr to the Bililiflug Fund of our LO ZonVital t1u. slim oir f_-,tigt (ID raif&d (In, 21C lar, tho )ear by earuivalA, sales, enter- I 1b, 00 C Dozen tainnients and partleivatitim in tbo Jet of PaCHMELL0 July ticlobratitita. "oil ma addlitional D160-00 rated frotai the funtis ,it hand at Y2 1b 33c imw cHEEsE the beginning of 19,21. isa-ve Jbc Coupons) _23c VIVO dollar" Vylift donated to tbe Roy Adaum 'llerling itil it, r. ;.nt? IOU of 14114 SHELLED gvuelotll" � I I I It I . fl� I'll fi. III ul, OLD CITY I'll" 0,iwtva I- it, a, pbj­i ivo for CURRANTS RUINZ SPA- WALNUTS _29C 1924. rl". , 1�lug �,l "Cl e 1 1) lor tho Dtlilthl,k; I ni.d lot Lit.- it ..pilial. 10 -oz. packet -17c, oxilETT1, -mail - (Pieces), 1b. Tip- aluuttai lilt,util,L! %% 11.6 bel I k D-S.L BAKING ICLARWS 'VOC)"IeS�41AY Yetirnagry :!7. 19JI. %%hon P4()AVDER, EINZ SPA- PORK and the followlot! )Mcvrs wem- electvd: I GHETTI, Med. -25C -14c ltegeat - If!"M Cidilk] RIVY11014.11-4 I -1b. tin 19C BEANS, No. Vice-regent - Ilikis i)orothy mchson Secretarv- Vkitis hdrie Tytt Assist. Sec'y - Miss Gladys Saulti All Prices at Dominidn Stores Are Bargain Prices Trea%urer-Ulso Edith Wil1jams Aesir3t. Treas.-MIsK M. Batter HORSESHOK CLOVER LEAF TIGER or EAGLE SALMON Standaid Beater -Ituth flaulliton or MAPLE LEAF SALMON, C (Cohoe), Vj-lb. tin - - - 13C Councillors- Wins. 13. tiaulw. tilss Va 4b. tin - 22 I,anra 11rice,\,Nlism Hodge, 'Nigs Edith -22C llolwrtg, Ilrs. at. G, calueroga. -lb. tin - 40C 1 -lb- tin CROSSED FISH SAR- EDRIE TYE. Sicy. BRUNSWICK 21C DINES (in oNve oil or Treasurees Report SARDINES, 3 tins for - tomato sauce)t tin -20C RECEIPTS PURE LARD CALFORNIA NAVEL ' 227 18 No. 3. pail ORANGP.S Feb. Ist, 1923, bal. on hand. _49c Feb. 17th, net proceeds "car- BLUE ROSE nival .. ................ `97c 33c and 45c' 87 01 RICE, 3 lbs. for -fo Mat. 14, net proceeds Maple Leaf Revue ...... ..... 157 90 GET THE SAVINGS Apr. 5, F. Hays, rate ofwork :1 50 H"IT AT Apr-. 28, net proceeds "500 and Dance .............. 60-135 Apr. 30, Bank Interest ..... 3 18 May 15, Sale canvas shoes. 2 00 June 2. Baking Sale ........ 31 20 July 3, Rose Day ........... 84 08 Oct. 2. "Tea" at Golf Club. . 14 75 Oct. 31, Bank Interest ...... 4 30 Nov. 10, Sale of SweRt4,1,.. 2 00 Nov. 30, Intereit on Bonds. 13 75 Dec. 31, Fee, fol. yeal ....... 14 00 Jan. 21, 1924, Alri;. E. Laudvr 15 00 00 719 ito FXPENDITURES "Scales.' Victoria School. ..$ 40 Oki "Memorial" for- Roy Adani� r, ()0 You and the Boss is behind you. You can get either of'ing, carry away the proud flesh, draw Sweaters, wool, etc ......... 10 45 Of course the boss; has rigany faii. them. You are in business for your- out the pus and prepare a clean way Cards for Secretary ........ 2, 00 ings, but credit him with doing his self. It might pay you well to give for the new skin. It is a recognized "Booth" for July Ist ....... 15 00 best. He hired you und while you the boss a bargain now and then. I healer an%ong oils and numbers of Steel store, paper ......... 1 40 think you may be the whole show, 1� People ,-at, certify that it healed Fees to*National Chapter, .. I I 12 who is it that guarantees the Late" sores Heal Quickly—Have you a where properly applied. Fees to Provinvial Chapter.. 5 V),There is just one man who can keep Persistent sore that retuses to heal? Invested in $50 Bond 524 7,51raising your pay, and he is t.,,e One Then, try Dr. Thomas' Eclectric oil, Fable: lie was poor but hon"t Feb. Ist, bal. in Bani ...... dJ 13 You Nvant to look square in the eyes iti the dressing. It will stop slough- I and he got his pick of the town girl,,.. __ _.- when you ask him about it Think - 719 901 whost, job at-(, you after, �he man a- Feh ist, bal. in bank ....... $ 99 13 head of you oi- that of the mail who Bonds ........ ... 5oo oo FARM HELP $ 591) V; CANADIAN NATIJONAL RAILWAYS F 1?;T 11 WHAAA318.' tP4 CO�OFERATWN "WrM Trea - urt r. ONTARIO GOVERNMENT, DEPARTMENT OF COLONIZATION Y0 V CANNOT JUDGE BY AP. WILL AGAM ASSIST FARMEVS IN SECURING FARM HELP. PEARANCE HERE will be an urgent demand all over Canada this �mr, 11 yo. nc�,d lat. help apply early, The Carladiiata It is impossible �to tell the quality TNational kailwayq Coloni7ation and Devi-lopincrit Depart - of tea by the appearance of the leaf. AD mcnt, through its representatives in Great Britain, St-andinuvian A rough, coarse, unevenly rolled tea and other Eiqopt-an countries, offers a frev serict to farmcrs. may taste rout i h better in the cup Order your farib help asearly as possible in ordcr that they will than ri clo.sely rolled, well tipped tea reach eargada in time for Spring. tha t L,OOKS much finer. The only MtAK APPLICATIONt 'AN BE OOTAIM-) FROM ANY ,,vay to be sure of fretting tea of re- CANADIAN NATIONAL PAILWAYS AGENT liable quality is to bky a tea like % 'SALADA,­ wht),;e gvo�ncss and put-- itY ure guaranteed, I DEPARTMENT OF COLDNIOZARTION ANO DEVELOPME147 no CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS If Your bed quilt is short, pull u, T H IFE. MONTREAL, QuE. leet. *th LauvhInty W1 ,he oyoUsness of Spring The Sun is steadily driving Old' Winter northward, and it will not bc loug till spring undiputed sway. Throughont our store the new frocks, bluuses, milliuery aud fabries, gleam with the ioyo;isr2c,-; aud warmth of the coming spring aud all our goods are inoderately priced. Iu guods by the yard we anuotiuce'tbis week A SHIPMENT .OF NEW VOILES Spting I 'kuows no Smarter Fashion than THE MANNISH,TAILORED SUIT Fashion lays special einplia'sis on the Mannish Tailorei Model for Ladies and Ilifisses, the novelty costutnes and boyish type suit. niese suits, whicill are positively the very latest, are fash,ioued in Tweeds, Tricotine', Pencil stripes and Poiret twills. SMART SPRING COATS Coats of distinctive style and finest tailoriag iu dreasy and sports tuodels, made of the seison*s new:se fabrics, plaids, overebeeked tweeds, velour, duvetyne, poiret twill, tricotine. marvella. 1 11 SPRING DRESS�S AND COATS' A ch2riuill)g assor.tmest, at modest prices, as varied astbey are modisli. . Tailored modelst bDyis'h IOode a'a"d also stylish broefaded, beaded or draped in silk faecd cantoia crcpi��wodels. SPRING MILUNEIRV1 The finisitioo, totwh to tlie.,spriag. costume alne of ofir chic model hats. The slianes inest vonulao,tili, seA, �eq. son are small aud witli little or no brim; flie trimmings are of floral and beaded designs. Ladies' and MiSmsum._s' Skirts of Wool relfti� with CaD11801co", 141. A* QIURNFI no RIC" 1W 511'SID[34 I W. E'. sQ1JA1ZV_ 4L L . . . . . . . . . . n": Ifiry COMM !!7_= M iWWi 91=1a �1=3 TCA! 4161il NuDont CQ rr is Emy TO $AN% AT DOMINIoN STORE$ S,4,1 C. 2 B=Rca for 'f ell jA torday. X40 Q901,0411t Tbo favowlip;3 Oro ebe ecezetary'o amA gre=nror'o rmovall repaztq of ebe worts of CDA0 �,Juft�t) L'Caf-chagler. 1.0,0. U., Lor the alzbt year,. . . . . . . . . . . . SAME seezetary's Report d%—, A unegetnuen Emm The e AhweLti ChaoLer to amalratonte uraer thejr 123AU0 Mooted thO %=10 LCalitri and for We) aroz time f3lace the war an entbilaim.-tic llli=ttor, was behl Jan. 10C 34th. M3. coil lAntin made Itir the 11 -oz. packet year's isol-L. .1% a reholt iia haiv duagat-ml acalro to mitt tbt! i-k-butil Nggrev aud at, tbol end of the yoir are able to CO"EE LEMONS baDd Ovolr to the Bililiflug Fund of our LO ZonVital t1u. slim oir f_-,tigt (ID raif&d (In, 21C lar, tho )ear by earuivalA, sales, enter- I 1b, 00 C Dozen tainnients and partleivatitim in tbo Jet of PaCHMELL0 July ticlobratitita. "oil ma addlitional D160-00 rated frotai the funtis ,it hand at Y2 1b 33c imw cHEEsE the beginning of 19,21. isa-ve Jbc Coupons) _23c VIVO dollar" Vylift donated to tbe Roy Adaum 'llerling itil it, r. ;.nt? IOU of 14114 SHELLED gvuelotll" � I I I It I . fl� I'll fi. III ul, OLD CITY I'll" 0,iwtva I- it, a, pbj­i ivo for CURRANTS RUINZ SPA- WALNUTS _29C 1924. rl". , 1�lug �,l "Cl e 1 1) lor tho Dtlilthl,k; I ni.d lot Lit.- it ..pilial. 10 -oz. packet -17c, oxilETT1, -mail - (Pieces), 1b. Tip- aluuttai lilt,util,L! %% 11.6 bel I k D-S.L BAKING ICLARWS 'VOC)"IeS�41AY Yetirnagry :!7. 19JI. %%hon P4()AVDER, EINZ SPA- PORK and the followlot! )Mcvrs wem- electvd: I GHETTI, Med. -25C -14c ltegeat - If!"M Cidilk] RIVY11014.11-4 I -1b. tin 19C BEANS, No. Vice-regent - Ilikis i)orothy mchson Secretarv- Vkitis hdrie Tytt Assist. Sec'y - Miss Gladys Saulti All Prices at Dominidn Stores Are Bargain Prices Trea%urer-Ulso Edith Wil1jams Aesir3t. Treas.-MIsK M. Batter HORSESHOK CLOVER LEAF TIGER or EAGLE SALMON Standaid Beater -Ituth flaulliton or MAPLE LEAF SALMON, C (Cohoe), Vj-lb. tin - - - 13C Councillors- Wins. 13. tiaulw. tilss Va 4b. tin - 22 I,anra 11rice,\,Nlism Hodge, 'Nigs Edith -22C llolwrtg, Ilrs. at. G, calueroga. -lb. tin - 40C 1 -lb- tin CROSSED FISH SAR- EDRIE TYE. Sicy. BRUNSWICK 21C DINES (in oNve oil or Treasurees Report SARDINES, 3 tins for - tomato sauce)t tin -20C RECEIPTS PURE LARD CALFORNIA NAVEL ' 227 18 No. 3. pail ORANGP.S Feb. Ist, 1923, bal. on hand. _49c Feb. 17th, net proceeds "car- BLUE ROSE nival .. ................ `97c 33c and 45c' 87 01 RICE, 3 lbs. for -fo Mat. 14, net proceeds Maple Leaf Revue ...... ..... 157 90 GET THE SAVINGS Apr. 5, F. Hays, rate ofwork :1 50 H"IT AT Apr-. 28, net proceeds "500 and Dance .............. 60-135 Apr. 30, Bank Interest ..... 3 18 May 15, Sale canvas shoes. 2 00 June 2. Baking Sale ........ 31 20 July 3, Rose Day ........... 84 08 Oct. 2. "Tea" at Golf Club. . 14 75 Oct. 31, Bank Interest ...... 4 30 Nov. 10, Sale of SweRt4,1,.. 2 00 Nov. 30, Intereit on Bonds. 13 75 Dec. 31, Fee, fol. yeal ....... 14 00 Jan. 21, 1924, Alri;. E. Laudvr 15 00 00 719 ito FXPENDITURES "Scales.' Victoria School. ..$ 40 Oki "Memorial" for- Roy Adani� r, ()0 You and the Boss is behind you. You can get either of'ing, carry away the proud flesh, draw Sweaters, wool, etc ......... 10 45 Of course the boss; has rigany faii. them. You are in business for your- out the pus and prepare a clean way Cards for Secretary ........ 2, 00 ings, but credit him with doing his self. It might pay you well to give for the new skin. It is a recognized "Booth" for July Ist ....... 15 00 best. He hired you und while you the boss a bargain now and then. I healer an%ong oils and numbers of Steel store, paper ......... 1 40 think you may be the whole show, 1� People ,-at, certify that it healed Fees to*National Chapter, .. I I 12 who is it that guarantees the Late" sores Heal Quickly—Have you a where properly applied. Fees to Provinvial Chapter.. 5 V),There is just one man who can keep Persistent sore that retuses to heal? Invested in $50 Bond 524 7,51raising your pay, and he is t.,,e One Then, try Dr. Thomas' Eclectric oil, Fable: lie was poor but hon"t Feb. Ist, bal. in Bani ...... dJ 13 You Nvant to look square in the eyes iti the dressing. It will stop slough- I and he got his pick of the town girl,,.. __ _.- when you ask him about it Think - 719 901 whost, job at-(, you after, �he man a- Feh ist, bal. in bank ....... $ 99 13 head of you oi- that of the mail who Bonds ........ ... 5oo oo FARM HELP $ 591) V; CANADIAN NATIJONAL RAILWAYS F 1?;T 11 WHAAA318.' tP4 CO�OFERATWN "WrM Trea - urt r. ONTARIO GOVERNMENT, DEPARTMENT OF COLONIZATION Y0 V CANNOT JUDGE BY AP. WILL AGAM ASSIST FARMEVS IN SECURING FARM HELP. PEARANCE HERE will be an urgent demand all over Canada this �mr, 11 yo. nc�,d lat. help apply early, The Carladiiata It is impossible �to tell the quality TNational kailwayq Coloni7ation and Devi-lopincrit Depart - of tea by the appearance of the leaf. AD mcnt, through its representatives in Great Britain, St-andinuvian A rough, coarse, unevenly rolled tea and other Eiqopt-an countries, offers a frev serict to farmcrs. may taste rout i h better in the cup Order your farib help asearly as possible in ordcr that they will than ri clo.sely rolled, well tipped tea reach eargada in time for Spring. tha t L,OOKS much finer. The only MtAK APPLICATIONt 'AN BE OOTAIM-) FROM ANY ,,vay to be sure of fretting tea of re- CANADIAN NATIONAL PAILWAYS AGENT liable quality is to bky a tea like % 'SALADA,­ wht),;e gvo�ncss and put-- itY ure guaranteed, I DEPARTMENT OF COLDNIOZARTION ANO DEVELOPME147 no CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS If Your bed quilt is short, pull u, T H IFE. MONTREAL, QuE. leet. *th LauvhInty W1 ,he oyoUsness of Spring The Sun is steadily driving Old' Winter northward, and it will not bc loug till spring undiputed sway. Throughont our store the new frocks, bluuses, milliuery aud fabries, gleam with the ioyo;isr2c,-; aud warmth of the coming spring aud all our goods are inoderately priced. Iu guods by the yard we anuotiuce'tbis week A SHIPMENT .OF NEW VOILES Spting I 'kuows no Smarter Fashion than THE MANNISH,TAILORED SUIT Fashion lays special einplia'sis on the Mannish Tailorei Model for Ladies and Ilifisses, the novelty costutnes and boyish type suit. niese suits, whicill are positively the very latest, are fash,ioued in Tweeds, Tricotine', Pencil stripes and Poiret twills. SMART SPRING COATS Coats of distinctive style and finest tailoriag iu dreasy and sports tuodels, made of the seison*s new:se fabrics, plaids, overebeeked tweeds, velour, duvetyne, poiret twill, tricotine. marvella. 1 11 SPRING DRESS�S AND COATS' A ch2riuill)g assor.tmest, at modest prices, as varied astbey are modisli. . Tailored modelst bDyis'h IOode a'a"d also stylish broefaded, beaded or draped in silk faecd cantoia crcpi��wodels. SPRING MILUNEIRV1 The finisitioo, totwh to tlie.,spriag. costume alne of ofir chic model hats. The slianes inest vonulao,tili, seA, �eq. son are small aud witli little or no brim; flie trimmings are of floral and beaded designs. Ladies' and MiSmsum._s' Skirts of Wool relfti� with CaD11801co", 141. A* QIURNFI no RIC" 1W 511'SID[34 I W. E'. sQ1JA1ZV_ 4L -T ­ f A w ­ +.j7. +.+.. + 4P -T ­ f A w ­ +.j7. +.+.. +