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The Exeter Advocate, 1898-8-5, Page 5
T: THE O 't'z xxxo.iat Republished every Thursday Morning, at the Office, ,MAIN -STREET, -- EXETER. -fly the - ADVOCATE PUBLISHING.COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Otte Dollar per annum if paid in Advance $1.50 if not so paid. a -emetics g. _2atara ox, ,3ft•plpat ,- taor> No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements without s.eeifio dixeeticrns will be published till forbid and shamed accordingly. Liberal diseountmade for transeient advertisement., inserted for long periods. Every description ot JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and. at moderate rates. Cheques,mouey ord. era, &e. for advertising, subscriptiens ,ete.to be made payable to »mss Irl: &antlers, EDITOR A;vn PROP Professional Caves. R. KINSMAN, la D. S. $ DR. A. R. KINSMAN. r. D. S.,.D. L S.. Honor graduate ot' Toronto lani', eraity, DENTISTS. Teeth estraete•l without any pain, or apv bad effects. (Mee in Fanson'e Brook, west sale Mein :street, Exeter. VOLD. ALTON ANDERSO;VD.D S, I,-D.S..) 1 ! honors Graduate of the Toronto rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extractel vathout paha. All melee of Dentistr.v u1. to .late. Otiiee o.er Elliot a Elliot'a law efface-oa odic Central. Betel-Exeter- lIedleal re- J i#, ItatI.LINS S T A. Ades. ___.... ltesi'lenees. dame as formerly ▪ OFFICES,Sra:el;ma,u, i,tlit.iing.Mein at. n •e y -no tb � n, rl s �' P r'e; :Arne hi t r y Q dl Ar, 11 lltla door. P. Auto; office, same buif•ling-aoutb door.May let, tS'03 a..,d, Rollins. M. D. m A. Amo., sl•I' Taal, F McLA1 (Hil.1X. MEMBER OF • tlzeColiege ot 14'4,i -eaten., and aurgaoaa Ontario nt:' me .,a, Saracen awl Aezotlol - Oar. Office, Pi,, haaoo,h. out. Legal. E.MiLLINS, I3ARRISTER,SOLICITe OR, t`onveyal:cer. Notary Fui,lie. Otlioe -Over O'Neil'a leas L, Exeter.Ontario. Money to Loan. f IC'RSoN 8; CARLilitt. DA.RRISTER' selicitor•. :''kQari''i, Convevaiie. ra Canzmia,io,u••r'.eke• Monet' to loan at la an 1 a rev eeat. Otlioe•-•Faueon a Bleak, main St., Exeter. 1. R. Cas :moa, n. A. L. A• Pietas',. +iA rnr'knk.or ot the arta wilt to at lieusall on Mars lay of tach �y1 I+LTOT 5......QLADMAN. BARRISTERS. Et• Cony evaneers. 0vol Money to Loan at 5 tan II a'. rr cent. lI, V. ELI. tar. F. w. (=r.arkltaa.. lairtltt21 t#t' v�TfRQWN.WiU(b0Isea. Licensed Allot- 11. ,ander tor the Countlot of Perth ane Middlesex, alio for the townshl]pofi:sbortie rea- son bale Sales arrangedded at Fest office.�Win. °holaos.. Insurance. EELLIOT. Insurance Agent, :,rain St. Exeter WANTED, IIELP. Reliable man in every locality, ictal or travellinir, to introduce a naw discovery and keep oursho w earcla�tackeal up on trees. i`nnees 1• and bridges throughout town and country. , s •i n or alar •, , employment, ca ikn3 y aa 'n1 lotntt t, m Steady t ti p. and mono d`e- GS or month and expenses, y N • For tax= when atlhrtetl. ponttul in any Tank lhl.n1 ttt.ulars write '• The World M',lieal Electric Co.," Lawton. Ont , Gttna,ia. -'-= il3 Tl[i YI1M'11O .f; IU3,111lISON lfnssiness and Shorthand. College Cor. Young au.l College Sts., Toronto ' is an absolutely iirdt-class Business School Individual invtruetioa by experienced. teach- ers hel,ling highest qualiili ations. Good re- sults. Praspcetus manse free. Eater now. :\lnuno I` i P.v. Jas. Harrison 1'rineipalrt rtalergreauate of'Terouto Lniver.itw arta of 1'. y. Ilrj'orc. Aft". Wood.'s Phosphodino, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered Slz packages guaranteed to care all to -tensor Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package M. six, *5. Onelrtltzdcase, $2. Wil4 curt. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. ea -Wooers Phosphoaane is so1,i in. Exeter by 3. W. Browing, druggist. ADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURE 4XLNerrous 22 ieascs-Failing Maw orr,Impotoncy, Sleeplessness, etc., caused by Abuse or other Excesses and India• orations. 'lhcy guhckly and surely restore Lost Vitality in old or young. and fit e mao or study, business or marriage. ±Prevent _Insanity and Consumption if ..• at in time. Their use howa immediate. a - ae ',tend oeos n UIE :`.Ta all other fall In- eist upon having Co genuir.- 4 ex Tablets. They have cured thousan.Lend wilkrrr you. Wo aivo a pos- itive written gnara.kteo to alit.t a.,:: art� CoTS in ;: each case or refund the mozo. Pried , a1. per package; or six pkges (full treatments for $2.60. By mail, rn plain wrapper. upon receipt of rice. manlier tree. AJAX REMEDY CO., 79Ch1ca6rI1l.c" Solei in Exeter by C. Lutz, Druggist FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS. Hamilton, ex•Reeve of Shelburne, and seven other prisoners passed through Owen Sound by boat on their way to Toronto in charge of detectives Sunday. A Winnipeg contractor named D. McAnany was accidentally killed on the Crow's Nest Pass Railway con- struction. No particulars have been received. Bert, a little son of Reeve Martin, of Mount Forest, was playing around the cooper shop at the mills one day recent- ly, when his finger was caught in a knife, taking the digit off between the Bret and second joints. William Brown, wood carver in Me- began's, Stratford was working at the turning lathe on Saturday when the chisel flew from hie hand and inflicted a gash clean to the bone,in his left leg between the knee and ankle. THEDOOK'SBEST FRIEND 4RGCET_SALE IN GAI'rA9.., EXETER MARKETS,. (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel :r0 to Jt Flour per owt Barley 40 to 41 Oats ee to se TO Peas 52 to 53 Butter le to 13 Eggs Potatoes perbag 85 to fel Hay oer ton r�to�. Dried Apples per lt% . 44 EPITAPH OF PRINCE BISMARCK, IWSER'S GRATITUDE "A Faithful Servant of Emperor William 1.n. Cook's Cotton Root Compound, Is successfully used monthly by over 10.000Ladies. Safe, effectual, Ladies ask yourdrug.gistist for CooL•so4 Ra ot COM - Pond, Tak no other. as all ,\iztures, pills and imitations. are dangerous. Price, aro. 1, Sl per box, No. 0,10 degree's stronger, t3 per boa. 2 o. tor 2. mailed on receipt of price and two S-eent stank• s The Cook Company:Windsor, Ont. re� sible Druggists and tlatieenaeudedbrall N'..1 an•i No s sold in. Exeter 1'L J.SV Browning, Druggist, -A-freight Train parted and Crashed together again on the downgrade near I>uudas. Eight cars were smashed, and trarel aver that portion of the line leas delayed for several hours. The Berlin Telegraph says the 5:36 train; Saturday lamming, was au hour late, in Consequence, it is said, of dis- covering- a number of ties piled on the track near Parkhill.. Fortunately an accident was averted. Friday Parker Pilton, who lived about a mile out of Foxboro, together with his brother-in-law, Luca Van Al- len was loading peas, when the hems started thruwiui huu to the greued anti breaking his neck. Mrs. Snrsah M.1-oung wife of Andrew Young, of :=t:: rbaro townshil , who hes been ca 0in din the 'Detente ;Asylum, a m , toe% a viten freni her bed and tore a strip cif it, With one end fastened to Chit top of the bedstead she hanged her- self. A heap ci bonus Canadian and Amer lean cons were found on Thursday at Hamilton under a pi; pen near the mountain by a email boy. A ladle and other tools were also dug up. Elm; emus have been circulatiug for the !aSt two years in Hamilton - Mr. John Gillies. former];' agent for the Graud Trunk Railway, Alvin -ter, committed suicide :'ueday whine they family were at church by siring a rev olver into his mouth, l;i iia himself instantly, lie had been unwell for some time, and had become despondent. Thursday afternoon James Walsh, of Kingston, employed on the street rail - Way extention, was overcome by the intense heat. lie was removed to his home hi an unconscious (audition aitd died a few hours latter. A wife and five children are left without a protec- tor. Archie Seymour, of Petorsaoro, aged. 16 years, was shooting with a 32 cal- ibre rifts at a can attached to a elothee- line in the batik yard. of his father's place on Saturday, when a bullet went throughthe fence and struck Miss E. Thornton, daughter of T. Thornton, a neighbor., in this neck, narrowly miss ing one of the principal arteries. The girl was taken to the Nicholls hospital, but died on Tuesday. A very sad fatality occurred on the Lake Huron shore on Th rsda3 last, the victim being a young man abou 19 years of age, `Montagu Braybrook, of }larthaville, who was drowned in shallow water close to shore. Bray. brook was attending the Baptist picnic .at Galley Grove. He waded out from the shore a little distance, and was standing in water about shoulder deep, when he suddenly disappeared beneath the surface, Those near by at once endeavored to rescue him, but when brought to shore it was found that life was extinct. It is supposed shat dice eased was suddenly seized with cramps of so violent a nature that he was un. able to stand up or do anything tow- ards making his way: out of the water. 'Written 3F 1Ximself ?t Will Be Inscribed on the ai'ausoleunn Which Will Be Built on a Spot Chosen by 7iii,nself - Emperor Orders Gorgeous funeral Qbse. (titles at Berlin, Berlin, Ang. 2..,.,-A despatch from Friedrichsrube to the Hamburg Naebri- chten says it has been definitely decided that the remains of Prince Bismarck: are to be interred at the spot selected by himself, where a simple mausoleum will he built, and to which the remains of his wife will be transferred from Vier -slue. Until the mausoleum is completed rite Federal rites will be confine:] to the simple ceremony of blessing the remains, widen will be performed by the lural pastor of the village of Brullseerf. Bi;marek.'s final written inetreet signed by himself, express his de-iro to , be buried in a secluded spot' in the i achsenwold, and conclude: 11 "For an epitaph 1 wish 'Prance von iletstuarck, horn April 1. lsi:1, died -.. with the addition of 'A faithful servant ee Enipernr William 1,' " After remarking that Prince Ilismutrek MO not only the unifier, Int era k the educator of hie people%. the Iii; : iain...J, •r says: ••If it eines that state; :we tai;tintaine.1 by thespiritcrit and patter la w .^s the v aro (reared, than the. inane of Iii-. 1'trc',-, will rain:tiu for us a device mut 0 me1:1- tln) at all timee. .4s T3nlul►rek once 1 deelored at Frani:fart, l'ru" i;s. which icould renoun''u the inheritance at' the great l;r•'al r e .lbw.;mit exist in Europe. 4Inthe saamo way tho (lermain Empire i could not elt4-t at any to ttre time unit=,a It bold+ feast to the legacy of its founders. the first Hohenzoli,:i'n Kaiser and his great Chancellor." The Coffin Closed, Berlin, Aug,. .'.--.Prince von Ilohen• Mee the Imperial Cheneellnr, and Count von teho,'nbnern, arrived at Friedrichsruhe hast night. In the presence of the Chan- cellor, the coffin was closed, after whieb Prince von Hohenlohe left Friedrichs. rube. Emperor William, accompanied by the Ernprese, who wore a mourning costume, arrived at Kiel last evening. Baron von Buolow, the Foreign Minister, anti 1)r. von Teteanus, chief of the Empress' Civil Cabinet, are also at Kiel. The Emperor has ordered that gorgeous funeral obsequies be held in Berlin, on the square in front of the Reichstag Building. rho famous Gorman artist, Herr Franz von Lonbach, has been commanded to paint a portrait of the dead statesman. lr a: kt: % . ase fie a' S€%I CIA The Leading Specialists of America 20 YEARS RI DETROIT. 250,000 CURED. k WE CURE EMISSIONS i. Nothing can be more demoralizing to �,, young Or r_adtlle_aged men than thoTilley phe - e encu of these ' nightly losses' 1r i' a f Olin nervousness, a o A rroduceweakness, s �� of tfisgustantlatittoletrain ofsymptoms. They unfit a man for business married �, life and social happiness. , N'o matter whether caused by evil habits in youth, P.4 ilaturalweaknetaor sexual excesses, our Sew Method Treatment will positively et ro you. NO CURE -1\10 PAY 'Reader, you need help. Early abuse or later excesses may have weakened you. Exposure may have diseased you. You are not Safe till cured. Our New Method will =ogee. You run no risk. 509000 CURED Young Man -You are pale, feeble ;Ilia and haggar©., mu-vooa, irritable and ex- citable. You 'erume forgetful, morose, ;�?i• and despondent; blotches and pimples, ennken egos, wrinkled face, stooping ,•v, torn and dowueast oountenanao reveal n1( a tae blight of your existence. rota gin, No matter how serious your case may t be, or how long cop Xaa have had it, our n TREATMENTy ill • r7 NEW Ikl LLtIUll w caro it. The "wormy veins" return to theta normal condition and hence the sexual organs receive proper nourish- t ment. Tho organs become vitalized, all Of unnatural drains or losses. Cease and maul y,or,crs return. No temporaky benefit. but a NO .euro assured. NO CURE, NO' PAs:. NO OPERA - ZION PRO`i Biz INTi3S (0 D1'1' N- tom f40 CURES UA Iz TSE L "" Wo treat end cue SYPHILIS, GLEET. EMISSIONS. IMPOTENCY, STRICTURE, VA1tICOCELFI SEMI- NALLOSSEa, BLADDER AND 1KID- NEY diseases. 001a 4 ULTATION FREE.' BOOKS FREE. CHARGES MODERATE. If unable to Call. write for .a QUESTION BLANK. for HOME TREA'1MENT. KENN w 4%Ver K.F.RGAN 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT, MACH. E 113 -a3' •1 THE FITNESS OF THINGS, Emperor William Would nave Prince Bh,marck's ltesaalns Edo Beside Those of Ms Grandfather. Berlin, Aug. 2..• -Thus far Emperor William has telegraphed twice to Fried- riohsrubo. A. despatch sent on Sunday morning was addressed to Count Herbert Isismarok, and set forth in the most cordial terms the merits of tho late Prince, and expressing His 1tIajesty's undying gratitude to the deceased, "who has been a model of the most faithful porformanoe 01 duty," Tho Emperor also mentioned Prince Bismarck's domestic 1ifo, "whioh has been his greatest joy," and assures the family of his most sincere sympathy. Another telegram begs for the family's consent to bury tho Prince's remains in tho Charlottsburg Mausoleum, where the body ot Emperor 111111am I. reposes. This, however, is declined, because of Prince Bismarck's clearly expressed wish to be buried near the Schloss. Prince Hoheuloho, tho Imperial Chan- cellor, took a special train for Frfodrichs- ruhe yesterday afternoon, in order to convey to the family the condolence of the Prussian Ministry of State, and to place a wreath upon the former Chan- cellor's bier. The city councils of Berlin and Munich will hold special sessions on Tuesday, tho late Prince Bismarck having had the honorary freedom of these cities. His Title Descends. In regard to Prince Bisrnarok's tosta Ment, it is known that Friodrichsruho, with rho title of Prince, descends to Count Herbert Bismarck, the eldest son, the family of Count Von Rantzau, the hus- band of Prince Bismarck's daughter, remaining there tomporarily. Schoen- oos to Count William Bismarck, bunsen g s ell;, the second son. Tho late Prince's money, which is estimated to amount to several million marks, a larger amount than was gener- ally supposed, is divided among the three children and the young Rantzaus. This money is partly in the Bank of England and partly in the Bleichrooders Bank. The decorations, diamonds and art objects of the deceased, valued at about a million marks, are deposited at a Ber • lin jeweller's. Immediate Cause of Death. Dr. Schweninger, the Prince's physic- ian, now says that the immediate cause of death was effusion of blood on the brain. igreat The romans of the oa Chancellor g have been dressed in the uniform of the Halberstadt Cuirassiers. An enormous number of wreaths and other floral tributes have already arrived at Frledriohsruho. The Official Reichsanzieger, which appeared yesterday With the black borders, publishes the telegram whioh Emperor William sent Sunday to Prince Herbert Bismarck. It is es follows: "In deep sorrow, and sympathizing with the grief whioh has struckus ail, for your ,beloved, great dead, I learn tho loss of Germany's great son, whose faith - fill co-operation in the work of reuniting the Fatherland won him the lifelong friendship of my grandfather, resting in God, and the undying thanks of the whole German people , for all time. I shall prepare a last abode for his remains in the Cathedral by the side of my ancestors." Court, Army and Navy in mourning. The Emperor has ordered the court to . go into : mourning for ten days, and has ordered the army to go into mourning for eight days. Tho same will obtain with regard to the navy, Tile flags on • all the Imperial aid Statee buildings wi11 bo half -masted until after the funeral. The Reichsanzieaer published a long leading article yesterday, extolling Prince Bismarck's intnlortai services and declar- ing the Fatherland has lost her greatest son.. mule Sam's Condolence, Berlin. Aug. 2. -The United States Ambassador, Mr.. Andrew White, has received the following cable message from Washington: The President charges you to express in the proper offiofal quarter, to the bereaved German nation and to the family of the deceased statesman, the sorrow which the Government and people of the United States feel in the passing away of the great Chancellor, whose memory will be ever associated with the greatness of the german Empire. Toronto Resolution of Condolence. Toronto, Aug, a. -The Board of Direc- tors of the Liederitranz Club, h1r. Carl ,'£oidler presiding, after discussion last night instructed their secretary, Mr. S. Weichart. to engross the following resolu- tion and have it forwarded: "Notwithstanling being three thousand Miles away, separated by land and sea, it is with feelings of the very deepest regret that we hear of the demise of Prince Bisrearek, and wherever Germans are, no other feeling but that of deepest sympetby prevails. remembering the groat services rendered the old Father- land by him, without whose aid Germany would not have attained the height of prosperity she naw has." llOoLEY azattt:S ,3. lacilittal. 3I:1111me. of Englishmen Thrown Into a Panic by Revel:arsons, London, Aug. a. --Nr. Ernest Rooters revelations of the rottemie-a of London linanciering h :avo thrown into a p n'o millions of kngltahmet who have invest- ed their savings in the stock of coin - panics. An exmiu4 of aristocrats on foreign tours i equaled, led, and e1 crap of inve=tl ;a• tine. is -are to math'. The testimony given yesterday impli- cated nnens• trell•kltown 1,an,i•nurs,who.o names would not be recognized in America. amirehing '01110 in the bu,ineee world hitherce untarnished by suspicion. Beeley is the popular hero, and he I+ tromendon-1y applauded every time be touehea off a nobleman. May Be a Murder. Pembroke. Aug. :'..-A quarrel arose last evening between two ehantymen at Crelle's hotel. George Gourdeau stabbed 11'ilUalu Uurriette twice in the abdomen. Burreetto is seriously wounded and not expected to recover. lie is at Howard's Hotel. Gourdeau was immediately ar- restel. Both the mon were under the influence of liquor. ITIS GRACE'S OBSEQUIES. The Program as Prepared by the Clergy Of the Dlocese. Toronto, Aug. 2. -Arrangements ware made yesterday for the obsequies of the late .Archbishop Walsh at a meeting at the clergy of the diocese. The body will remain at St. Johne Grove until 7.80 o'clock this evening. It will bo than removed to the Cathe- dral, escorted by the Catholic societies and the religious bodies of the City on foot. The route of the funeral procession will be from Shorbourno to Wellesley, along WellosIey to Jarvis, down Jarvis to Stouter., along Shutor to Bond. "heclergy will net as Pall bearers. The remains will lie in state in the Cathedral, with a guard of the uniformed Knights of St. John, from Tuesday night tiI1 Thursday, and during that time the oburoh will bo opon to tho public. • At 10,80 on Thnu'sday thorn will bo a tuneral mass, Bishop Dowling of Hamil- ton officiating. Bishop McQuaid of Rochester has boon invited to preaoh. Tho remains of the late Archbishop will be then interred in the Cathedral itself, beneath the altar dedicated to the Blessed Virgin. The funeral ceremonies will be the most imuressive of any ever seen in Toronto. TOM CAr.LYLE IKIT HARD. The Sall Breaker Gots Twelve Years at Kingston. Toronto, Aug. -For attempting to shoot Detectives Porter and Siemin, who wore endeavoring to place him under arrest, Tom Carlyle, the notorious con- vict who escaped from the Central Prison on July 15 last, was sentenced by Magistrate Denison yesterday to ten years in Eingston Penitentiary. For the escape from tho Prison be received a sentence of two yoara in prison, so that the next twelve years will be spent by him inside prison walls, unless he makes another attempt to escano, in r bl which case be will probably succeed or be shot. Prison officials will take no further chances rite Tom Carlyle. James Fitzgerald Frilled. Rat Portage, Ont., Aug. 2. -James Fitzgerald, at one time a prominent lawyer, was killed while passing a bridge on the C. P. R. traolr between Keewatin and Rat Portage. He thought there was lots of room for the train to clear him, but he was struck by the engine and hurled to the ground below. He was aged 58 and leaves a widow and six children. New British 011icial Selected. London, Aug. 2. -Tho creation of an additional 17nder-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs has been fount, necessary. Sir Islartin le Marchant Hadsley Gossolin, C.B., Who holds the position of Secretary to the British Embassy at Paris, has been selected to fill the office, 'hiob will deal exclusively with international ques- tions connected with Africa. Suicide of John Qillies of Alv.in$ton. Alvinston, Aug. 2. --Mr. John Gillies, former station agent for the Grand Trunk Railway here, committed suicide Sunday evening while the family were at church by Bring a revolver into his mouth. He died at once. He had been unwell for some time and had become despondent. Iteee for a Specialist. Oshawa, .Aug. 2.--Itiiss Agnes Riddle, B.A., Toronto, was appointed French specialist teacher in the Oshawa High School from a list of 50 applieants, by the School. Board at a meeting last night. The competition was keen, .many special- ists pecialfists competing. The salary is $600. What does it do? It causes the oil glands in the skin to become more active, making the hair soft and glossy, precisely as nature intended. It cleanses the scalp from dandruff and thus removes one of the great causes of baldness. It makes a better circu- lation in the scalp and sf(ps the hair from corning out. 11 Pr ventlkeS Qs (i�.►� < 11 CHITS k it Ayer's Hair Vigor will surely .make hair•grow on. ( bald heads, ads, provided only there is any life remain- ing in the hair bulbs. It restores color to gray or white hair. It does not do this in a moment, as will a hair dye; but in a short time the gray color of age gradually disap- pears and the darker color of youth takes its place. Would you like a copy ► of our book on the Hair and Scalp? It is free. y uea do not obtain ailahebenellts d from the use of the Niger wrslt. Address, bout JJ. 0. AYER. Lowen. Buss. Martin Thorn, the murderer of Win. Guldensuppe, was executed by moans of electricity Monday in Sing Sing prison. Monday a quarrel between two shantyulen at Creile's Hotel, Pembroke, George Gourdeau stabbed William Burrcette twice in the abdomen. Burr. tett is seriously wounded and not exp. ected to recover.` A Creat Event CMWA'S 6gFq) e*fXpOSifiOo and Industrial Fair TORONTO... Aug., 29th to Sept. 10th '98 New and Wonderful Attractions Excelling All Previous Years The Cuba -American War Exciting Naval and Military Displays The Latest Inventions and Novelties from ail parts of the world Entries of Exhibits Close Aug. 1 th. Cheap Excursions from Everywhere. For Prize Lista. Entry Forms, Programs and all particulars. address 'THROti1 J. J. WIN THROW, H. J. HILi1 President. Manager, Toronto A thief entered Ed. Holden's hotel Yarmouth Center, on Saturday. Mr Holden awoke and grabbed his revol- ver. Be discovered a tramp climbing through the window. Holden fired two shots ,but the tramp escaped. Rays f o r ilope for Suffering Men. u g IT IS NEVER 'J TOO LATE! After all other fail, consult DR. BO3 RTZ 252 Woodward Ave. Detroit, Mich.. HE CURES WHILE OTHERS EXPERIMENT. Don't lose hope ; yott can be cured 3f you get the proper treatment -and .DR. BouExxz, 1S the physician who can effect that cure. You are probably eufering from the effects of. Youthful Folly, Excesses, overwork or prudence -or perhaps it is your Blood or the Nervous System that needs building up. If so, don't waste time and money, but consult DR. BonER•rz, at once and be cured. Valuable Book, references and proofs of success nailed free, sealed, Treatment forwarded to Cana- dian points free of duty. Should your case be a serious one or if you wish to avoid delay, send a small remittance by Registered Letter, together with a full and plain description o your condition and your case will receive buy lm:tnediate and care el, personal atteutiou: THE PALACE t, WARM IL DURABff O jCMeAP I T NIN4 neposlyo 1 A man must consider b,ia purchase well these times; he must buy wilese he eau do the best. Look at some of. these iigtltree; Pante il:`'.'l4i• t'3 }Q •le , itsM p /, (� wee! Leavy tweet .82.00 .*'salts $',sig OS ercerate 8.09 .Black Worsted sted t 1! ; i•:; c. 812,00 *, . " Ourlr ,» , a 820,.a,l. 1 j �a •4 all others a: 823. (, w^,:t= and see fur yeene e:t. JAMES H. GRIEVE Bicycles! Bicycles 11 Bicycles 111 Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel. We can furnish you any of the best wheels made, at lowest prices Musical. Do you want anything inthe musical line. We have a choice lot of Pianos and organs, call and in spect them before buying elsewhere A full stock Of sewing machines, baby car- riages, etc. etc. Perkins & Martin. THE CENSRAL DRUB STORE. Try 1V1YA'Nee: COUGH BALSAM for Coughs, Colics, and Bronchial trouble in old or , can . We 3innufacture-4 WINER'S EINAMENT which is an a: cellent remedy for Cramps, Palms, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza. The Old Reliable, Winan's Con- dition Powiters, still holds first place in the market. Also Lotion for scratehas on horses and Condition Powder for same DIX LUNG SYRUP. C.. L.UTZ, DRUGGIST. OVER LOADED. Every incoming freight train, since last January, empties part of its cargo on our floors, and the new things have crowded every foot of our large floor space. WE ARE NOT hurrying you to purchase, but many prefer to get as near as possible the first choice of new assortments. Our stock of Fur- niture of all kinds was never more complete. Purchasers get from us always the , LOWEST PRICES and the advantage of all the study of styles and of the most perfect taste that we can Command. S. GIDLBY & SOW Furniture. Dealers t Undertakers.