HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-01-31, Page 9�
_. __ �__ ._1w.Vr,
race jam .��-.� N",
� --I---- - - . --,----- - __ � I , — 1 4 — _, � z — . -1 - — N �'�
fun twollty
Rtm TOM ar U112V
qd#.WWj0l1V4 ou'rorgate loyloil crftstn�
mayo, T A, ariawan. of Orlaw
lio(Allae, ftwouilly offirew vilik. in the
E"ri �ft *& w= nlkt�
MW spas
Ity restalus ia,vitw of "Ife 1.0 111114"t
IM 1 & �, ft Tfow 144 so motion of Xiiss". K"b awl
Day With
ImWt&nt F
.%."ts Wh" Haw#
rr*imwr Rawasy Xacdonalt No-
v"" Plan to Polu"Ire on "?"ration
(Contlawd from PW 2)
�___- - ________.- __ - __ - - - __ __
..ft$kW,1A_6__j �Vjlrw that the wardiin and vt#rk W
intreeted to memarialiss the Provin,
oomun*d rwri, th. wo.k.
lor. A. C. Naeker. $ohn U XcFwta.
e of 061 G
It iq a 'Vety lulvanctol cgs *6 cost of FrovineW
20 cclit. of I
2%0 Busy worm's soppe"Irw c4k*.*.
, Motortstx 1going 40 miles an hour
tuay land 14 JAI, "ra lion. rveor#e
County propert3�H. J. �W.
on, C. A. Rcliertsoin, Winialu D. sau-
ancra"a. nervoustic5q, ncura.,lllm�,`4# I*r
I - bo.,onth, jcjwl!�c_ Ifighways. or, in other , Words, Me
I C Ir"Ic ,,is Qr V
Xft. X N-. chap%iorio, Cb4tkQ=,.N*,B.,
folly' 00MV1104 mW ftot toto
I .
8, 11vury.
luniectow Fmak Elliott, .4tratforil,
derv, John MeXaugkton, 0swaidi
swss tut will laot show niarlied Ito- Whole C��A, that this be not dorte, wt
pr,)% cirwilt, aiter ta'Ung, six bottles 4c! we Consider, on account of our noili)
'Writce-111 wilsm W � I
I � ikk litlat troulom
Haody aW Attractive $lisp* for
PON1141 by the HeipAlers of Our
t*kt* over work'of A- T. 11*xtou vt
().T.A. Valt. I
County Iloinc-Robert Buchanan
nwen GeiGer. 13. f'. xUrnoings. Di", %&.
k*arlpol.accovd�,tlrl;.4k!ircct.".,:,Ii,a, Re'ad Miltiage of Frovineial Roads, 4114
. rid be r
how Mm Maa,,;�n u-- -,'N&-v r' a those withirt our bo, on iN almost
uc,:�Yly two ycarf, and part or tlkt
VWO I %Tall in the YAORP441 U144 t4tilig
rqw. I
Text of bill g4lut effe-3 to lmlo�
Canadian trade joact p9biliabcd lu Ito-
j. Milne. .
' 4
z7zarly rceuvl,Qtl�� of laoiicbl�is, completed, it to not in out interest, to
"Itty and. hiend, 'Alif'i F, Me. for this
dOctO!s' =effle!ne. All tb,o V.1110 I
wouta tal'o F"sk'i3_! spells and won14
Seven. f3remtn 410 In big oil tr.uk..
Man Glkxette.
Ife0thy Inercaoic lia,Cauadala trad,Q
wardeles Volaraittee'--y. Me.
Quaid, Win. It. Coates, Th9s, Ili 91�1"
-Self asIg chance,
Revird1l. 3W King Sc Vast. Tioront% jtorytWag IM , y4aoC4jgt,e attke joill
ViOlild I".14D to let 3-01 WOW hOW V40ty * ve�
Th# property committk
, ,
feel As. if I were �Aatg to d1e. I wozffl
at Pittsburg. '
c4na4a watching Arctic *Itus oi
with favorable balguco or #124,768�-
GO* for year, I
Elmore F. Xlopp, A. H. Raeko.r.
Good Roads Ci:,�MM1SslOn--NV- If.
highly we think of A�arnof� We are county
now taking our sKith bottlo and the PQ'ttW as followw.
. turn bluef R%14',tt 99 CID14 fit iee, 444
041A would have to stay in bed,for
VUItC4 StUC-11. .
Girls, -of nine may wxrAxW boys of I
j V*uadtan .Iqattouai Railways ,o
. V. -
X�ow% new atir"t rallv*y aj;rcemeut
Coates, F. ,T. MeQU#jdj Thos. Ingl1r.
SlieciAl 'Gr*Xts to . 6 . O&rlek .4taforth
reat benefit ,%ve have dcrhcot it, WO have visited the eoulaty jail and
ant ,.
rl is woudetful. It,Ctrt*jOjy (Joe$ d% boV# made 4 thorough inspection and
. vretkil at a time. I b"ve baol 411 mogy
twelic In Angora, I
Pirat round putoo In Canada Life
At IN6110gark I'VIN.
Toronto District Trjkdft atiol Labor
aTA Clint" for Conwilng Unks
rvmthing the *4vtrtisetrienta say we find that everything Is in perlcot
and =tv, It, Is a gemline tonic and C()Aditio#1 the preralstS being imma-
last time I ill
'Trophy are Autshe4.
Council urges Prowler macdonala to
The Goo jtQa& ConialittVe. reporL_
� I
body builder. For m Part it haq culately clean$ and the Initer Is took-
- will VRF Uv,sbax4 e*ll*d
First winter faJr at ChILtI141111 01)(111S
$to]) elnigraUtt Q0111ing to IC.*U%4&.
as fe'llows:
worked off a bronchi.;lf trouble aul Ing forWikril Lto a JoWering Of LCQ$ta all
in, tho doctor asta Vo said I would lkavoi
with excellent exhibitm
- Baldwin GoverA&erlt 14 OrMiln de. I
Hitchenor Green ftirts win'O.H.A.
sealor seame from Ualt, 6 to 4. tln�
Re resolution of Heins, Klorp *lid
""%1&T"Q -00 WnAtt"o"'la VniniummQatio'n
Sub.kCt to cv'ory 311ringtione" We fC(
it would intettst $00. to I ko W ilkis. routal. I
I.. 1.0 GO 61) 114031tre"I and tee 0; UO,Tt I * I R I I .1. _.
� fe;xted -by majorl t 72. latter vultering their xlxth eocsmu. we find that, to have earried thie court- You are also at perfect libertl to Oso , e request froul toe chairman la _._._____ I
. . spoo"alist. hut that I could Xot go g"Ton. ot Grimsby , UN Q detmt. Ibis unsolicited testimonial if vou the lAw Library Coramittee for sorloA
Ulitil I wR_5 stroll jlghts Move to Unstat him. � SfkTURPAVOI ty risk would have cost the eounty �vhould so Ivish. We both of us 4ke suppliell to the witness room. judges' for gowl, boiling beef at 12C ptr up.
.ger. L TA the Mj4�*.
. 131ght iwetiou uleg -we)rt.killea br , V;laada, consid(ning $15.600, and during that total, the pleasure in rcizommending Camol to, room and in regard to law library lit- W *4201&4- . .
tiloor I saw .vour ireart arid jkrve trade ,with county has Paid out approximately . That no notion be taken on the ze�-
,,Pills 4;d,-VftNfd and X thoug1lot 1[w,00dd passenger tr*ln In France. SoTict Russia. lit whom we know is'feelior, be- ting, that the matter be left in tbo .
$1,000, we recommend, under ordinary "" par."_Mts. Lauta N1, 'Manson. bonds of Rmoo Giant Robert rt and ,,,
try 0000� I van tell you that X felt Annual meeting * ho�.,Id of, Ontario - I Montreal mail (lies when a blood 10111VII, so quest of 0. James for anIneresse lit
I . , . Mviiiian, of Red (:rOcw Society. vft,sol burst lit itin nose. precaution,. that the county tarry Its 1447 Dufferin. St Toronto, 15-9 sillarr"
tkf good. -df tkono; ax,j &fter 4 Wtek'$ ty Power to act. 'Geiser my*
... I L flon. James Murdock reads lemon own risk. I We fitid ftow our court Carotid issoldl)� all 9.004 dr 41 Nooftan with Re - Motion of Messrs.
woo I was able to got up, and I fun to labor raon. on Welland canal. Two deep waterways associp,t1ous. enslaver no other county has taken oror3rzchers. li-q,941 , Re request of the clerk for hl%nd- t
. kol%6.qtl,v 943r I kure never'bad a bakj agroe Ott rcsolution or mergpr. cuffs for the one of ,c ustables' NolylOr thlot thO allAitOrs' rlUlloriel lie'
. Now Orleans. rating is caneeUca Miss R1. N. Hilow, virlucipal of llav- UP, the matter of WorkmeWs C(Impen- Por n*los *,% C , $50 each, that this be itece0ed. '
I sati6ft under the Act. . . grapbeills Drug Store. oad Chaim for the "TtInly to
I open 8"odo' *"4 now look tat alLa' for day because of frosen course, crxai W, esses, roolu Re motion of Mesirs. McQuaid arA a
11 =ky. All the iteighbors who rl" Ituron-Bruce -masoula lAoge pre- C-u&.,-.t,,e, 'rorout% in dead. ..!.�..,e.���.��.-,,'!!!!4!!!!!!!!ft--.��,,� � that the request be granted. -
L Ontario, callinct Is inecting in eveU- We recommend that the following, . . .
/ )tftr we say- your Pills ALro r , )Old, ac. Re request from Judge LoNvis for MeCutebeonjoi� a ar .1
. marvel. . ant of $75'to Ar
sents recalla, to Sir William Otter. lugs to iwevare session program. ty.� constable, of $20,15, be I � il
"I . I ' accounts be paid Under the Compen. .�o Huron County ,Judging team, 00 I I
. Tto ronson I am sending rou 111,13 - Unkilaw43�.-wom . Labor (koverament in Brit%in, to gallon Act, Re C. 'frouty-Dr. .G*rtt. cording to statute, tMwrlte.r and telephones that t!
, . an commits suicide _ b bHa left OVft fQrL
.. letter Is tbat I know there 4y,s lk let by'jumplag Into the; Detroit river. resume full relations, with RussIg. , Turther ell, no grant be Made. , I
9f himrt sufferen in this w9ild, and I Stoultville ' beat Claremont In ham, $60; award of Compolisationj no account of' 0. A. Reld, county Mule$ - I That the salaries be as followt -1. I
livadlook is keached between men Bo , 41011.63s. re t1alm of D magistrate,,of 4612, thitt this be not 4UIrY- .
I woozld like anyone WIXQ suffers like I Tank;Lrd grouls final At Agincourt. arid rail managers in Britisli, Strike. Ara Uacan but referred to the auditors of Re letter from Mr. Andrew Porter Warden, $100*, treasuier, Uxk
I 11
..'did and Irred in inigery for two y.ears Ottaws dofeat Caixadlens In hard. - 0 1). (kerard, Sandwich buzinvas Xennedy, Dr. Balfour, medical - atten. Paid* U clerk, $1,000., county cV4 attorw, I . I
Ito'give them a gair tris,1.11 Pro. battle at Montreal, a to 2" tion, $124., award, of Compensation''Criminal Justice Accounts, in accord. ,Pointing Out that the town 010Q call-
, O.b. $1,100" county eligineerf, 4a,qualog-
.. I Malmm's H624 ORCT Nerve Pills � Rural 1101001 teachers 4e . frauded inan, then wricin 4ugular veiii bulrst& Board, 4804.84. once with sm G,chap. log, 12-13 Goo. not be read on account of beIng , ,I: —
... A" . Toronto West kind Y.M.C.A. swim, . . 9 that ed, roads arid upheop of ear, $2AW,
We. a box at all ,dealers, or Mailed by book, peddlers in Wextern Ontario.. More win threv Ontorlo eliamptou- Re letter of John McNay, we to- V, This account was for assistant oulity engineer,, for county v000l�,
gc� acured by trees, and suggestin
airect on recoipt of price Premier rergusou announces 0 . -s bo to the TrobitiQn Officer from 'Oct. it should W raised, that no action.be c
Viilit� by the T. . in, ships, commend tho.following amount I , * $200; $afler, with fuel, light, Ae4,
. . -L W 00.) Ltd., Tgoi tarto Will contract for Alberta to 1. L . 30th, 1923, to 40. Stb, 1924. ' taken. atron of A 'r I ;
I I sto, grot XoAr Doacb, Toronto, rink wins paid, assessment agaist I malittea $800; in. '11, $225; jilt lik - .
... 11 L.. Strike of ,railway engineers ,zioaid Oak Jjslj L'j,ophy at OWQU Sound roads, $42. . Want Goderleb and. WiriRlism. to The I�iecativv CO oiciall, $400; turnkey, without extow .
, . I o1:1 1111.111 .1.11.- 11� =:1, 1111=1 ,
*. ..t_ . , ifiremon In BrIttlin SO per cent. et- �ojlspiel. Tile executive committee Itecon" k
' ,
I . . � _P"Pw� , Ito claim of Erwin Zinim for duri. Share lit Supplementary School I I Of fuel, light,. OtC., $800; M&4*44W
, I . . I 9 . .ftotiro. . .. Huar-runnors at Detroltescapo on, ages, w16 recclumand no action. Mended; . f
I I . I evnirits and Either Uore Grants to County Houle, $600; matron, Coital;?, . '. �
, 9 zates, utiat, police rurone mem ,on of Messrs. Geiger tottol I
;; - . . Grea* Britain and- Canada form 0, Re' q�aim. � of Patrick Moran- for High Sell s or Restoratlortof Pee Re motion Home, $400., ilssistout matron, $W;-
. I , 0 asreemont to assist euilgr4tuts to cevoij.0rij, I ObI 1i
I I . CEN AL . PL . . Milne, for a grant of 4L25 to Heastoll, insilk,etor, , $300* � .
'. .� . ... .. . 40sinada., . broken wagon reach, we recommend System L, . , phystelair, $40; 1; I
.1 * .. I . i I 4 to a �d Fa ch4plidut �tISO; school inspectors, for
... ... 'd . �. , I di . x\4tig.trals thunder Is reduce . I
*i . : L President ,of German nelclisbikilk. i-�r�,jqr,.xbe Amerimn falls'b.elng nl-� no agdo% . . . . . - - . Sm ir, lie grant. In committee �
11 L I 1. ,:W." Ory. I expenses, each 025; auditors of, I
. gjXes evidence bef9ro RpOrt Revar- ;� Re resolution of council of Ea L I The special committee reported a$ Atinge so tbut-grant will be paid*, on I
I ft. j,'. � ' 11 follows.. .. . motion of Messrs. Geiger and Middle- Cl;Iminal, ju, ..
� . . '07"I'Vo"D#1* If .� . _ - � . '' ,%tion � Colelaittee, ' L ' . � t.:mittrenoe, between, Xov'a Scotia. Wilwaroosh re road No. 20, we revom-, L q stice accounts* $6 ,6014, . I
I . . L I I Mrs. Volward Pennington, Otter- iiiinurs ' �1 Re comm4nication front Qritarlo too. I I Booker and per 6� and 10 Conti a wile, one v
. orepares young men and young . .4%ad operators falls to reaca niend thoir request Its granted. ,W I I ;
. L 4",vet,, . ,o-operaVon in petit I
- "I v ... e' ,waiWered away from home and ., lent. Re motion of Messrs. Middleton arid County, asking c '. He motion of Messrs. tr%vQI1i-4;%-%iuditors of county %0,_ �
. . eli for Business, wb16 is now dies of exposure. , t,ord Parmoor will act as co.unsol lolling the 0overnmeritto, assume &I for a grant of $100 to (.,.tell 'Counts, each L $Iij); vAretaker of.eo*t. . I
I . Canada?s gieatest profession. % ' a 11ailley, for a grant of $1500 lot tho Kill . . I
. Ritchoh Green Shirts losq to Pre - of Lt,aKue of Nations ill place of Lord Uwn of Clinton, we recomme Ld th t whole cost of Provincial Highways, AcriAltural Society tit the eounty� ne , Some and registry office, � I
. � , W6 assist graduates to positiortg n A,� $1900; coilift- � �
, . . ton In the latter town in .an O.H.A. Robert . . . I . � that no action be taken; abio the grant.: In committee till Wa I
1� raln- Senior garne, 4 to L 3. 1 .43"ll, L R R c '*�, ty councillors, §0 each per dsty *�W' `i� I
.. and they have a Practical t * if necessary, an Agreement be entered , "."
Ing, whic . b enables I th.6m to meet X at effect be oame, w . j\f,� .* I0LQOatS 4 mile# on way, trAV0I1cLt :, " . �
� � Teapot Voine oil scandal la,tlni any, Ontario counties will "k into, and a bylaw to th ith. reference to a similar re- ed to a $50 -grant, on.M.0tion. ot 01
.1 . tOd, GoveruzuoikL to beiar cv"- oi jxr..viu- . - r . _t
Wfib S: CO3S. , Students W � rp'. - ,t,)*. % ' . ., passed under the HigIrway improve. quest On the same matter from Wel ,n., Backer Una Xlln04 .11 - __ .
. .. , . States takes grayer aspect with eyl,; (!iai.jijgjlj,j. , I . . . . Middl, . � � 1.
ed each week. . Get, our free d . untgriq Ag -ts merit Aot. I ,.. L I land county. . - l.g o Re motion, of Messrst 11tou . - _�___"o
gist 110 U0 .. I . . . . op- "
I . once of Archie Iloosev out-Gelloral rcpoi , � L -, "% tN 4 1
1 and learn something A- i, WF ell. ,. 1. . 11 Re communication trom. Hoist n a, and I �
, cats' . V bee or Re Motion of Messrs. Beattie aiftl . I Coates for.a grant of. $lQQ tojlioL ' � PF, 7- - ."�, . �
, i .
.. I L , ' , wNESDAI - - - 1, British hiarkets Mdgilalll. allBC courit)t asking for co-operation In So-'— Clinton AgricultuiAl Society, tio F-,:, � 10 L , , "14 *,� I .�
bout our diff erent depaltmeirl. s.' , " 11111w"a" fartke. � .
I . . 1 � I Owen Sound annual bonspiel com- �. Armstrong for a gritrit of $10,000 to- curing. an amendment to the consolto grant.. Ill Committee this also Was 1. __ �, I �
-, . . - MeAces. , � . . .1 Lord uroy of Valloden tids m-ir Seaforth, under. the Highway Im- I rr � D 0 D DS 11,- .
. � dated Municipal act, so that a county changed to a grant of $50 on the F:: I I
, . %) . To 'I �. /I
. -1" I I �. L D, A. L XcLACHLAX, . - '-Mecting Of unemployed Is held In 111a) t iirovOut wan by means of prol�eilre t Act, this being a connect- ould not be 1able for unlimited same motion an.tho last clause. . I I
I . S , I twague of Nations. Ing link from the C. N. R. tracks to W el I .
"I � I r1k. . ., 11
11 Princi;RI.... Qi1oon, Pa . -damages for accidents on rooldsc that Ro motion, of Xesin. Inglis and ��, I I 11
, I - I
I Or - I I
, .. , 11 bvveu. Unionw. to 6i /I
I I . I . 1. � . ... Wardens elected. in -various , Ott. 1. .paston off the Provincial Highway, A recoul- , K IDNEY .1
. . I - I—- - I '%j%jjr . ,�,. _ i Ift
. - tario c Untiols, � , I I Ou4azr pulpit.4 lun, sume.suu,4$ mend that this giant be mado: arid. we pass a similar resolution aud MeQuAld for a grant of $25 t6. otach /. .
., .. . . I � I I . . I . .. Vraffic. officials of 0. X. R. hold uuu-Cnlonisl.'pastorA� L ..,:. that a -bylaw be prepared accordingly. I the amount to � � � �'r. �,_* I
. ' " Be . Oro �/ L S ::�, ' � " _�* , L .A
I -1 I at ' inual banquet. . - . University of Torquto I t ,/ PIL _ I . �'
. .&,-t- CAN .AN -NAT ORAL RV. I I s(Welith couspout!N�� victory beating Re nootioxf of Messrs. BtaeEwan. that this grant � L 0 1 � I
I . , I L . I . :
I . I . I L
. Play In Canada Lite curling trophy , .,�'JI.j)ujo elliol, . and Shortreed. for q new culve , -:Z7 ',"
. to, L NTO 1;*lues advances, I I I , Club, -, to i. � �,� . -, , t'. I ,
*JrJR A ,�t oil sro. $hort I � I .
Canadian Nativiml . official telir ,,I 21, TurnberTy anti Morris, we 'c( 1-��`- I 5 � i
.\TRAI [SEAVICE � lu Better -sirvices are being given 4111 1 , Row re A I I \\\\ (" I
. I L I I 0 . � . .1 how Frelielf-CalladiUns at*e'bclrjg.wvu recommend that .this be..done'Allb, ,. �25 grant ,Ito .1 .,LL j�l - � I
. . I I . ��!. . I I I . I
" . 6ft4y armep-� stitiridstv - I British ra lwa�s, . ' . . . no grant.L. In. D NEY 0 ' , " ' I
�; ,� , ... . . . azy' Macdono oack ft011l, t1m. Ualtivd.S: tto , -. summer. I - "I .......... ...... ,-r' ckL I I L.
t I I ukin I L S � 10 4 414 h F. t. A -r f.
. I . I . aid Cabinet will. � f; F I
. . J i'Z4 u 1 e loatoo as S � , "I I '� ;
. . hve.-Gr witielch 6,00'a, ip'l 2.20 O.w. take Office to-da,r. L . I I leads'qt thron churci I tervleir Re motion of Atessrs. HAllard and I � tommitt,ce this w . as chunged to a - -$20 , .1 ,. 4� , T. r) 1 44.1, 1 I .1
� 1� I C, t . ") k - 'r
L It, I) � I
L �p good start at Chw6boiim. . re- County .asking. co-operation in petit- 1 Re Motion of Meflqrs. Arvistroan 0, I . . F ,� . -1 �� I I
.)�,.qlk Lake, we Ito communication from . Ontario grant.. , .. 1� , F) . .,
. . I I � .,
Promier .and "oer of Opposition Inglis, roi'ioad at Blind � I . �1, �
" I 'L I S '� . I
. �, � r ,4 �!'! - I .
I., 01i ' lito 6 25 it. m. - Ul#) ll�ni. 1"Irst Peninsular Winter Fair Ott-, 111 Ottawa L On Church Union, . commend that Reeves Inglis and Hub. I 4 - L __ I # � r �.
' ,
Sea , forth 6.41 9,.iji. 31.12 pan. Another part* of Aebridoarl . enif- Rrigithola, , last year's- cloarropoin bar 'avid the patrol Men be instructed ioning the Government to kestore tg aiid MacDonald for it grant ,of $: 600 . i�
L , ...
�; I I.., � . 3,42: p.m. I . jari N*tionni, 4 I . 1600 .1 . . L - . . 11 , I il
� - . An ' tchell� 1,04 il.m. L , grants booked. f9r,QAnada. , f-taliion at Caa4d dc- to,make the necessatyrepsirs, the 'people of Ontario full control of to the Childrert's Shelter for! 19240 - .. L t . T
. I ,� !a . , . .. I
�. r. 'Strqt , 'y6' Oared vioxioliplon af Chatham . . L . . ..
W .forii 7 . U119 Hamilton: babolitselitntenced rU * re, L I Re cl !in Of War.'Sp6ariiio for dain-� the Hydro-Elicetrid system that every that thIs grant be paid, quarterly, . . .
. I
1". . - outlook for tu ex- . . . . .. I . I .
"I'll I �_lt�jj(r er $;20 mabl 6,20 p.m. :to ten years Iii; penftentlary� - .I oridinistic . 4 Part of ecelve, far andl Re'motion. or 'Messrs.' bluniolngs 1111 I I 11111111 I . .
14,1: � . .. �) . , Ontario, may r L I . M!! �
-� (4 I . , - Brussels bridge . . ___!r��
, . . A 1. . 0.9.A. ',eeal . Pro 613ad by, speakers , ' at dfizubr held age to car On . . P a, . IN 0 ,!,
�� , , '61 ill � , �' 'Stratford 'Aiisoclatl unicipai Ledo. ,14.50, be paid.
I I , I 1 A9.45 a w., 5.50 jp,lu, . - Month* I equitable treatment, that we Pass. a and Ginn for A grant of $20 for flow. - L
L , .
. . . L I fl , Tororit 10, I 0 IX.1y). , their Afth consecutivb victory. � (V oil of bt �"4 to, * . Similar resolution. 'L �..' . 1. , - I �� .. ��
. I I . o . ,7. Re motion df . Meson. X Kibbon � . . . I ers around -: the Court House* no . . . 11
40 . e i
11 I P -m- - Llqltkqr tneaty between Britain and 1 t:.AL Ctilittes of Ontario. . Re .motion of Messrs,, J. - L� blctw- grant, IfiL Coram'Ittee it was dh 1 .11 . ,
�," - - I -by DOMInl6no . I 1, . , . ,
� - � � 4119- USE NVORO POWER 1 I I
C , , n�t,.,..Iiiitg,---t�e,tvi�ToromhoC).60i.rn.,' ll� S approved L I I MONDAY. . I - and, Shoftreed r6 Prairie road, we ra- . . .1 I
.. �, . . .. .. . i,ftd,j3." , ,"Zm3k� -covdmm-=*tujtIe*%hiror .. , 1"Wand -wins Olymple sDe�d-zl.at* commend that the eirgineer,and com. ell 'rid Inglis, ,that this council ine- ed, to Mike the grant. � �. I i. , . .
. I 12KINIrIcur i. . , 1jj;TrP , t to ine" L66: P -of , , . TIE - ffOPIE's POWER :� , .
F %, . . .1 ed to former Grand Trunk ofAcisIN, 111g. honors., 1. . morialize the' Legislature, a ,e Motion Mossrs. Middletaft . . I � . r . I
I I Parlo� Cafe car, God'6rich to Tor� L , 11 mittee give it their Attention lnLth : , . ,*_L ,� , L. .
. I
� � '
". . to. o3roderich 6.16 p. ril. train. . I Re motion of UeSsrs. Munnings - .L c to 1119h. Schools .unit � .. . .
, . � . ... .
L -
!.,! . Pr inurderer buried es of and MacEwan for a grant of $5,000 Re motion of Me$ L - . . . , I
I . I Nikolai Lonin, , 00 K BY � il
'), onto, on wornin , Baldwin Government,realcus'.oMce x0lold corps Oe 6anaft worth $994,- 'spring. L c. -the grant on township roads., from 20 Land MeXibbon that a Special grant ne,
-, . %, train, and Toronto and Labor to called to form Ministry. 1 755,20o in 1,923. . . . to 40 per Cent, L that no action be tak- $5 , ;000 'be -mad
, 11 T.�rpugh coach Goderich to,To�oilt,, einter of Russia I ' QhlcagO 1)4i en, Collegiate Institute$ in the, county, tol .. . � . - a . 0 so . I" L
,:. I s . an& fOunder of Soyle ,� dies near Moo- I -vietaus In concrete blo&43. . N ars. If. -3. A,, ivrae- be divided as por ( ourity attendtaw., i, . . -0 � . . !� .
", . . . t . to the town of Goderich for . I . �! . ,.�
." . . . COW. . . . . . . . Ottawa citizen drops dead just be� . the "ra:' Ewan and MeXibborl. that we menior- that no krarit be Made.; Yn ennvult,,! �L .
:1 I , National provement Of Cairobria, -read, this ralize the Departin
I', . . V. F., LAWRENCE & SONSL , ellitess derailed near fore Illenioirs are published. � 4 ont 'of Education tee this ;�ras - . .1
�. . Glanow Labor glyps approval being a'connecting. link between % choinjoed to it graiii oll �` I
I I Towu Passeqj�elr, Sudbury, but pastangers orsegji,e ulk- 0 .
I hand, Tickets Agents UNTRIC ' � X41N ��
;1 P the to secure a share of the supplergen- $260O.' and, � n n' ; if iTy
. I 0 lotioll (if 31o' -s4". 11*
. I
I�oiirt t Provincial Highway and the Railway tary grants on certificates and salar- Munnings, and McQuaK. to) divide tbo, - . ��
, ,ow Laoor G(wernIment In Britain.
. I one 8, - . I . . .ill . . I.- �, �,
- . __ . - L .. 1111111111 ..... ..
; �. '.. t � . . Slayer'of Belluotto at. Foird, - On- Itzinsay Maddahald's League polley bridge,'. We recommend that, this be ies for Wingliam and Goil.erich, which grant equally among the sevoral Vol. t -111 '�i I
I .. ;, I . . . . . . t tArlo, sentenced- to 10 years in pent- 1111'aa to brWj co-operation by powers, granted, and that. a bylaw be
, __ . . prepair� are the only municipalities In the legia,tos and- High Schools of tht .
, � I
of le , � .., I tentivy. , - , . �, Moinorfal Nervice, for late t(on. ed and an agrooinient entered L Into. , . . � .. . I . I I I
, , L . I . . . L
.. I I .
, -
. 1-1;:. � i. . . � . . . . -, " '- Koine Bank Featherston Oster at St. Luke's, This is for treating this road si ilar- county 'not rceeiving same, that this County.. , I L I
1:: .. I I ,depositors watt on
, 4 �. . 1L. . . a& .. ... ... 11 "Xing , Toronto. � . I In be done. These grants are Paid In Re motion, of Xosorq,. Mc-Nibbot,j .1 - . 1. I " , I
, �, * . . . . . Otbiziet' to -day, seekluir relin- � IY. to the way Victoria' street W.19 centres of under 2500 population and and I -P
�.1(1' . _; burseftlexit. . . . .1 #00*
. . "I , I . � I Genu Sarazon -wins from Arthur treated the past. season. . - Munnings for a grant of.$1000 to I L -
I , . ,
1�, . L . � L -1 I . .. Re -organization of fire protection Havers, Aritish, open chaniplon, in ,Tb , . not -in places of over 2,500, *and tho �ach hospitillGoderlehi Clinton. . I s L I
I , 41f - � �, i 6., .. I system Ili North forecitst by Premier gulf ulatch. L e rbPort was adopted. ' " discrimination is felt as all injustice. Seolf,oirth and . Wingliam-that tir. .. . I
: Ij .1 . , University of Toronto plans Oulu- Want to Stop Huron P At w
, 'L 1, . � �, 1. UpilS L I 1,
I . . . . IM �.. *1 �_e=on . In �sbeakirig to 40putation,. tend. - Re motion of Dr. Milne and Mr. geant be made., In cornollittee . thisl I 'L
" � . L. . 0 . I. I �
. I
. : I . I fte" " 0 .. . ;. erjltuqnt-*cIqoxrIugAwuses, for wer work leading to digree of )As%- . Ing Outside 'Collegiates Geiger that this council memorialize was. changed to a grant of .$500 .
I .
- . 11 . . . I I . I tarm.produce viggested as'�olutioli U -Ir of Ar,ts. . 1, . The education . coormittee recom- tW Minister of Education and endien- That no grant be njude to the' llo.". . I ..... .
. �tl 1, �.. * .i - 4.,f ihwrkkt1dg�.4IffleultIt-s In"Northera Parents and� ehildreh.-dilven, to inended t6t the grant to cofitinua� v6r to. get other county councils to pital for Sick Children, Toronto. . . .
"'. 1. . I I L . . . . I "Olitatio, L I I . stree� by Are lrr�aPzrtrlient L on Dan- tibn * and .fifth' I . I . . 1
I te&lll%L twice faith gventle. L . . . L classes be the. same as co-operate . to make larger grants hu. I That the. requ . . I
. I % . At the fkat . St. ilary's hockmy _ ' ' . ost of the Salvation I .
. . .1 I I b(t4ten, the Seniors losing to Aura . Geralo de 0. 0%rady, ,Toronto, for 1923. �. - �. modiately to continuation schools arid ""lly, fo); -LA grant Illy over till tht.L I I I � I
. I .
. I Ze hestand That the following amounts be paid High schools, And in case no larger June 1. . � . I
� . I Unard" I Loe,.and tht, junfors to University or PrOollinout. to banking kv.d_snolicial L seanion, , I . I ,`' . I 1�
1. k, -�,,� . I . L I , ..
. is . Toronto I Orcle . . '. I
. f I. iMent. It' L . L . made to the Na-
I , '': . I a . , .
. .
. ..
Lin Fred Cartrell, well-knowix fruit- Lis High School, 4983.17* St. fee system, that this be done, and tional institute for the Blind, Tort)n, . i 1* -4
. ,4 I'L I I . TIJUP124DAY. grower,' Wrioid by own gun oil hunting Marys, $667.70. V - "I *'il . . . . �, , IW� AAL
I . 8, In dead. " for PU ils from L Huton County: grants can be obtalocol, to restore the Thit no grant be ,
. tower .
. : and tbmt6 . . Body o4 Lenin lies in sta L I that Collegiate Institutes be added. to, I . . L I . .. �� . w4w -
1% Cow. L , it In )109-, Crij) ut*r Hamilton, I - . That the f6llowing trustoes be Up. - Re -motion of MOAsrs- Xlopp and That the tender of B.' 11, TOWU44t.nd L . . 4r . . i . . �
. .1 . Itub on more throat. . . ukristmas. prOnentoo; which arrived pointed: R. .S. Ila . bt I L
, ��(
I I ' - �Vouaroby in Grrtee is oA verge of YS, 'Seaforth; Dr..Geiger that this council bring in a ic- for, county printiag .(.pted. L . I �
I e', . jifter "houte" boy killed litinsel r rold Taylor, G , 0 011"IM? thall Coal so' W01W L, I
.�, L I or dho# for. quick lipole, I t a 6 Ila olderich, In place of commendation to the Federal Govorr- - Tho _ � .
" , . . I Irdiet , pectal aIrship t(, be deaf for rvairned to &nSland. I lZov. ,-jas. Hamilton, resigned; , - it the tender of John Cutt ff).- I ,
A% W' ' We M14. Is L touch with Uaj�r tilt Sup�lfes be accepted.' - a � I
. . N 11 Canadg. L I �saym Cape Breton Miners used relier - Itobert. 101168114m,I). S4 C. IL, andon, Ont., I That. the tender of J. D. MeMittlua I '. 0 - ,. . .
. , , gned Proxidoint lAwls 99 failed Miners liam Turnbull, Exeter; J. J - Wil. ment toL got In I convellient, clean, 4014t I �
-,-- .
litt L I "W""W .
. . . = a . , *0 4kinaze to frultJ trees results buids for propaganda. . . In .the eas6 of AM. Jone Blackwell, for milk at l0c per qiiart for tile juil, I I . .
11 . N . . son, Goolorleb; � In place, of the I I . - I - f
. .
� . . from cold anal). Contentious bastness is ljk�ly to Judge Dickson; ff. 9. Ch,snt, Clinton,,, It. R. ..No. 2, HeaRall,'-that, thin be to Accepted,. . L , .
. � I Labor Government itimsumes oW�e V i,arjig- Dr. R. C. -Redmond, lViligham. done. mrs nla,ek*�Il's h * . i 01TO - - .. oeot
. rolo"Ir sittingo of O&UsAlau . . � , ) THE In"'OR RE
In (treat Britain. .. Mont Until WellLllkto Ittly. U That the tender,of E. G. $mitb fory L
L, , .
- "_lb. wept -
1, I . -That"Mr. Wul. Lane be appo'04-ed been at the Ontario Hospital lor sev-;bread at Me per loaf be ac ,
1. , Reparation vzoertit to Itold stsiolairil . . I . owtio IM44 4"M . . 0OUL0, .
I � . I . 111 German ;A)pitol, ., lNeI64111,0011111, bwtwc*R e0frinlittet,01! to the Western University Stnate. erat years. as was R member of the td� , L I L . . I w
'L. . .1 11 � lAber looragmas *ad , railway wita- That 110 delegation be sent to the 101st norou Regiment for a tivie and,l That the tender of (13 Is" Allisori mmumme I I � 4 � 111.
I I I . , I . - �. 'y-X-H,A- id"ketbioll te4in's' 'Via . agers to'*nd British strike. Ontario School Trustees` Ailsociiition I I I* * I 1 1 1 i I 11 .. . 1 k 4 - . . .- .6- I i � . . . I
I � � 0.V#-i6%*u6,g**". ' - _�. ,;--�:_,__� I . � I
. ;. I N. - '�Pzoijjrletilr b9Ij*v",,-jte has. in Torontii'duking Roster week, .. 1. - - I- __ -_- ___ ON04 a - - " � -t-
. o. -1 I
I . . . 11 XxPerts at otts.wil, Alsevoor CAIA- 41st6vtred tookoiUs ' I'molhor. loge', �� **AV - - - - I.- - - - - - - - Ift - -
I .. . . � . - � T,bat,_,k ,gront . __ - I L �
. I
I,.- .�Jtls Itiol "prohlqmL I . klodelOv4der,toRtlaw Of0aft. .. I f $800 be paid to ., . . - I . . I
. V4 . I . '.
I -1111i- � '40,92 of TA&06jigntoo of.Onfirjw dofitinuo I * I . I . . I 11 I . .. 11
.. . " ` . �11 -1 . - -M . , St. Vartick's diftt Canadjeno a to POrdwIe'h �boft school "U'ltit . I . . ..
. L � . � - I . I I I I bold stiftnual ftee"iss. I 1, **'A' Ottawa 10*6 Is. - Rablilton A fluch time as the GoVernment g,tiiat L L .1 -1. - .
� � . I
, 11, . , � ', Two Toronto policeman tro tiort to I In $%tiolksil firiieltoy 14651164 - is detennineol, when the bidanzo of .
. I 11 � �q� - - - I 1)110 oil tr^04k ft$.W. L . L . �
I .. . Ao — L ,%�40W L relifMorMlor Wjlij*r * IrrOght, train anith" Into 111tow. the* grant (on the basisr of double the .. .
04 0 40 h0wo F1_F1_�_A_A_- - . . Fair plow mt.orgr Sudliury &Ar, irorglioalotjoi Go,vernment grant) will, 'Pa I I .. �
I . Ino'keb food skoorlar. be I'd out, I i. )IUN 'WA L F 11 .. L . I
Iv0*11, nuolit In *reek 4 buracil to 6*41t. . That the Aillowing grant& to our ) I .. 1. I
� � . 'L
To, SWAR W %9 Atitur Ontario, touritive call, halt I* Uottefilty of Toronto bolero W116 IOWA Collogittes and Itigh Schools be . . r L .
. . COA11-4111111111tt 11raframs. four of Stirlen batilog - 411A wredtlets I .
Vol"Iftfoo, Atarille Aftoctatioll. 4116-, are beittoji, It polato to It lit t4oarait , paid, after tortification by the clerk J.
A . late ead Ihm Livery *mIre'res 1(orridburg fiov�qrr 4theillp. - i solid treasurer: Goderich Collegiate, L I V 11 %yet � 11
I , moutowlth W"t filiat. -
; . I
0AWV1 $5,170-86; Seafortli, $9.804-03; P I r
I Vaerriploiyotiett relports show no Taroatoo Woott WAt Ir.W.C.A. o4rots llin- IN I . I r
't i . � Nick slam", E106 vion oilt at work fa Northern Ontprio. ,galver,sity 9f Toiouts 444( Nalloiltolk to", $8,204.00; witighat" (pay when . . I a L ER I .1
. . I
. 1� . ikofto"I ftroofttL . - ootaoto Halt bootton 4 O.A.c. Is -'It," beati; Ctatml�"Y." to 0statis- Verified). , ��. . " . I . 11 I r-
. Intertolloralitte latorizedisote itookoy. A09ciatIvis twalor "Okosiliolt golo�og. I That EXetti Hijil. School bf4itemetit , 1_ 11
I . j . joikortO tke squot, 0111110. - L_ I - _ I—— . be 1kottutted'for cotiection. r I � 0 . -
I ."f* Coolloiso *Akoa roiftamondailass I That Illyth and Brussels cantintia. Take a Tablespoonful of Salts if Back I-Padine or �,�" r
I : UEF LIME Ms I , 0 _ 1 I
� I
; UV9161, FINTU:Las Ong nhov, tertmistafteoir to Irkimt trawistiv areas "a IN, WINTgj, *tIoli Ilools be paid on the 80 Pel, Blad ' r � .
M griolloWl-ar VOU AnW= la V. jj, , . VI I cent. basis, oil allowed by, jStotUte#oV . ,d,er is 1writated L �
� . Ito a woof WA#T " 691 "all Otskatolkowah igrgla staWors or* — � debenturiss slid litrillaneat ltriprore� . . � .
�: . 008"60 moo #0100"Okaoil ativisoil, lir exatlAuvii t* take erata- . "WbWr ib,&,,0&o - . wents when it I)ro or staterattot is Lg. I . , .. All_
� , Amn$,4"*w low 4M I P . �
I . . """Oro"* '. ... 400tl(gft ont,061001gaft. _�L�. " "�" , littloatmM. TU*4&*#j&i*ak&ap6Mo- 8ded# forlIft.g. -` . . .1 q allse ,the kidneo #nd , '� . r
- - � . 111.11 I , . . Flusir yof a0w; to help Cie
- � -I Itr kidnoyis by dfinking a
to, . voitt"aars 0"y I 2"i VS* cOld ik'"ol . , Jj&tL 1egisI#Ai4n,,,be .,asked. for .". ' - . � tUl$h t)fftht Wdy'S uritiOus Witste, g6t -.11 -
00t 401 th* 96*41 &&& .An . Wit1ter J. *x*xW* 14 sillactoid. v4ot- o" borlpilto thol - ilugAlft wl�%j vaeb diy, �Jmo tAke rialts I .
,,,*, r . � 1114v of ltiriiat* or 101,11'-snata . po-ftwn `"horrUliftJM�td *qqjring. puPIIs*%tWnJ1'aX outsjoib Higli .
'j" r 'jkL_40jt&,WA e"*6jdtj*]&. � . 9 �' . .. I al,ftr, t
fts.*$*^�_ajr SC
* ,
. . I tr#A 0it at , 49"t L I � P4, -V 81� . I . - a 1:6416 41 to pay fees &11& that tIfe ao�. anally, says * noted authozlt.v, flDur ouneex of hod SAIN frOM 411Y PIUM- . I
,W� f " "` . i... OrM, Owl ,
I . � 4. . .4 . . .,. . thav b�eoa No macb. TA ftew � lzroollful.1'a ok � I
. . - " .1. ,* %i4- -f, 14L vui aft of*" toopod 00 In offstliestore. erafatnt bo AsIked, to &4-119h. the pw WhO teft U14 that tao much rich food ;, I
I . rt'j I � -'. .. . 061044.1st i4Xk:,v%#1it0k#t i0t, jeti. -olt"Wee mitcy botv. Tako 0 table I
.0 . -�" - *llmll, 610'arloo, allowsof MIS tr4roll0ft - Inta to outside sebools ill ordor tol ,
I'll 'Pro L Aftor riiiiterlas wiraily. I., baft VeAtI1041 roiWas A04 oro Wa Me 0 fortam siddis which almod VUAVZO the glass of water b6fore- breakfAst f,.r a .
41 an 11111 0 , "j&4wftbt,oUls *ad Itisops. Wb,Lt Ig t'e6fr our Own fito&nts at bor4d, and few dayss $Ind y9fir kjdney�q Ma.v tht-11 . -
46*ftw 0M.O.WX lanow leat to .14041141 xwdm to k"P t1lib Astloo 01A4 *611 Is 41,80' our moiney. kidneys in thoir elTortij to exPel It frOYA .
Loirgitkii 61,Aetoiating St. Patritk1W, 6 1"yla Owa Ts"sts. Tboy vrUl "An. The report w" Adepted. � ad fine. US lonous alto is W*10, .
� ftr uVory a" IW& 6"V446 tO I- UtWilt0i *1114 At IkON16 ttoft UU tbil SkMWU, #AS 60VOIS &%a drIVos the blood. ThoV bwolwe SIU9103'11 Wid
100ij,fto"is . *U$ eo$dN "S by #tk6k to$* J60 Moaam 1C0**ft4#* from the sield of Srs,1*4 Vid terabn illide, , . I,
will 60 I cox4leng, t to 1, bolly ,oill 11 weakell; thtn �,ou tusy suffer with s dull combined with IRMA, and has beft used I
� 110 a I Im" tam"dot I I NMVA*X. ' bfi &bl& to 06 ofirt Che 'WIMOVL fM&eOo in Tht fluance committte ossAta sit t, in tile kidnoy julov, sharp raft* for yopArj; to help fitish and stakinlisto
.* . reaset "Wr. The sow ftlep tat *111 number of acconfits a4d recoinmend. w1my .
1�� . . _.- - =16111i" Uw"llit autlistas #0114y *f 1#41. zwl lbousim tbo ptice otA&bjr*SO,WX ed:
, Iftit 0611"ll. lvabkta, sA the cosapolly "79 tbei ftz. Re ruirHati of xemrs, Xiddletan In the buic or 619k 114*40,110, d144110% slarliqu IddIttys; *180 to Reutrallite the, �
A 'r, SWAJMSL Atesnas hi-Torootto, #4.24*4; at ITO call still obwo 00"Rahkm tbts'ligh I
.� and evelger, that An the banking Ac. your sto"ItCh toftll.. t01106 Is eAAW, adds in the mysteil so thow no lousa. .
0%"o 107 Amoviod �ftw irlork, $4418A. ter "edicise 6600 0 2.7 oests a box, count conriftfod with tho 0ow" of
- - - - _- - - - - - - N "t forst t 11111irts alkola lit julix- or by owl#= "W" (two The Dr, ' U%d Wkt!" tb$ Wexthft is bold you have hTftte, thus ,aften relfeving blodoltr ,,,
-4 .4 it M of A A - - - - __ __ Nsitt Ot V.'r" C"040111, 'trol �0 ,WjjIj&gWX. j"CO3jgWk#ljW,OX0: Kenn be omtrally dividod bet*wtk ths I * � -
I—- .. ... L L
I . I - I ,
I ____ __ _ - 39ti* Ir.101.9A. asirliont � tioat L -1 -1 - - tank of Commores wid SAArling rhp,um4tle twipto. a 113to urine ,gets weakuess.
.1 I . . . Torftto Is diftl Wed. I ftnk".1%ov Much tioluld *,,*ztt,4 Iliuk, that this be dL6t*, prilvi4ing the doudyi, full of 'StaimefIt, the chaftels lad SAN log inexpe"Ijive; ealittot bt- 11 .� .
se"ift relt4ered th A. �1:
I , I I
I . I I
I I i�
0-0 X=Z=
d i F
.1 I.
- a I
I I I 0 A
*W** 10t. Ikoa*s folk ottrose0a Ift hive you?0 e counts, lios 00,68 too Ira tore stid Irritated, obli'9109 jur6 and makoes A delightfolofterVercent
I � I totrbit ftr sk"11flialf, I 4Uastomek (eAqt!otis1y)-"`About a fsetOrr. / I ""'
"I I � I *k0st stairsolritioal to be bn0t for cast sma (4 half." I Re notion of Momsr& McQuaid afta , �Alf N, 10& Mid two of throw times fitbj*,t.Watotr drilak. By 0 '01,U116 k&V4 I " 4
beily at lato ftoolift 46011k. gatador.s, that The otouliW 40cminti, - .. ,I.- (.,�A PIN#11t, your physidan exAmIse, rour WOO."
� ]L*ftt)# I~t to bo #ottj"troterl W6tirfs feed' up`on tht vitalits, of both igrneftl atid coallity rootols bo . 1 . ulize tatint At leatt towlee a yfor. . I I '.
of 4rU#"J%* Watoa at Toronto. help 1�mv', tkese irti
*Oft k*W I*hWW ##hotes k1bildren aild ofidstger their lilreA. A alidited 40tfterly Juritig 1924, #that I .
� 11 I idimpI6 and 409ectivt remedy it Xotb- no 0016h 166 tskatl# t . �; I I I
^It #t loollwaareft toravoiolow # I . � - - . - � - . � - __ . - � -
_11-1. W - — 0 _ -_ _ -
ig" w4kro;t wrto 4#4 sitigh Or Grved", lwom V'"Miaxtor. 1 A6 w0aft" st A. whitfelolts" to"., 4�*Aw,,4,4r - I- . - . . I -'--- --- 010%
- . I
� � . . _,A___?_ _. -"wft&"_ .W
%d0r01WA6.�4WaWA"Mt., , , �! '11i, ,----- iojL�
- 24 I ! i�i��i:, � Ahma