HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-01-31, Page 6PAGN WX
THE fMZRI0g___—
0=:Nlllll!liloo III! WSW
Tgt,vat)AY, JAN. 24th, It"
W b-fjkfn with irapunity., if thji 141,10
wro RU God Would Seem to be vor,
ParficWar Peoule �jax er very injast in the 'exe0tion fj�f OUR %*A U QUIZ
'4c _00 ___ - - , .1111 111!$ la*3. lie Y-Ould regard lam sis COLUMN IUD
MN= coinVIIiisant rather than as �hojy M
�Rat this life is not all, Ucrtl is a
�,'Iife beyond this. 9flere arg tl,�esD Q,410 -!Y much nursegy fruit sjocl� Rug! Possession of it in the name oof j .
11who have� brokeir (;oals laws and eve raIscd Ir "Nomsify gag
C and (the Hudson'& Bay Company, sW No &4W-" and Neocesility is at
W A Ti
may N
was fOun&d 314Y 2. 1676. Hudaqn;,
"t'll "haters 'of God" and h;kvo t, Ao—Vanado. Taised, and 1�014 44,50f, Was co Iled to wjntvr
�tllrough ropentance ani Efiving mpe in, the bay. f4 Bottom of thiAr
'alth' 104 worth of Nursery
rcecivcd GC(I's 907,94oneno an , fruit stoek in and the next sumiller. June 22, hW
a ne� lq-urmaa, bau, being appics. and. h4lf
nature fear the penalty of the brokc:14 being rmall frults. cri;w Mutinied, skild W bla4 adrift, In
law. Tile Penalty and the pjacc� Qj 8 boat, *Q111 $11 the aick on board—a
�1,rrstributiov In the ueu 10fe is called CANADAvS AGRICULTURAL bit of barbarity that has thrown a Great Stock Clearance Sale
tragic shadow over the great buy of
I To 49 ;iway Ivith hL,11 plaWs tile -q._Whgt bas been the grow 'North cm$da.
th 'of
Odpath of Christ a Mockery Anil the Ca=da's agricultural prWilction? UR POMY of "Never to pack- away go(As fr4ja
lrlihtcoumess Of 'God a shsm� If A.—fflie growth of Canada's Q.—When wwi the battle of Tbiee
The *ago$ doliclous bland procut-ablo. therel'i no fe awri- Riiers fough I
urful Peril, whv did tile cultural Production has becu steady. 6 0 one sea$0110 the next"' walies, it iMperative for
ison of God dio,? (!an any of us for iuvreaaivg� from U00,009,900 in 187011, A.—Tile Battic of Three Rivers is us to hasten tim departnre of present stock before the
fa moment believe that Godii unable to
Ito paorce His laws wh Q44ppi-Ox,matply a billion in IfI2;j Commemorated Qu a ipblet of the ar IV
t 1. r al of
en, tho tins a fcr I w th only 15 per cent of the Monuments and Historic Mtea C-ola- $priug goods.
lentorcement comea. We can only re. mission as follows; "BUt it's too late to buy Winter Clothiag" y6u
MODERN REL161OUS R'eet 3ull IOVO who is holy AG lavailable land being cultivuted� troops,
iwell I CANADA'S 014OUR V.,xVORTS on June 8, 1776, the British say. Not a bit of it, prillyiding the inducements are
It is became RM4301- outreached on the low grou
lism, fails to empbasi.-.0 the hollner I Q.—What is the extent of Chund* twa un .nd near UOUgh. Winter is 'not over by any means,
'qfi loving' Place derthecommanaof,agn- great �e
Of God that it stund,;; condowned a0a' flour O'tPQrt$? eral Simon Fraser, repulsed and In- We Can expect Pie% of cold weather i�q�g tban
CU' TcawAUSSELLISM o Interpret . ation of the Christian A.—Canada's, flour exports, are flieted severe'losses on an American
religion. ateadily increasing, going to 40 Conn- Column, - commanded' by General lik91Y thC Coldest of t year.
ilf'Ruoselusin Discredits the Life tVIC"Y. VOr the year ending 4ugust 'Thompson..
A 'Careful study of the Merits and Demerits of This and Te#vhjug of josus Christ 1923', It reacheil 11,009,050 bar. ' We are clearing up a lot of
System I JUNE 94, 1497
of Teathing rols, an increase of over 8,o00,000 in. Q._What 1, th
I Ru�Ecllfsal dishonorl Jesus, in the'a year. a significance,of tile
character of Ills Person and discro. date of Juno 24, 1407? "Splendid Coats, Dresses
SERMOX BY REV. 4 REDLE, Y SUNDAY NIGH,p lit,, Him in the nature of His teach- THE DIIATIT OV LA, SALLE, A.—On Juno 24. 1497, the mainland
Ing. According to Pastor Russell be - I Q.—Whon and where did the death'of North America Was discovered.
fore Jesus. oame into the World he of La S4110 Occur,? Columbus had -discovered the New
Michael; and longeat journey aging
'Mr. Hedley Point$ Out Wherein RUSSellism' Dishonors was 1 ereawd angel, the arch-augol A.; --La. Salle stnrted on his - just World when he lauded on its Irix nd Skirts
Godo Discredits the Lite and Tea while on earth Vo was only on November 18, islands in 1492, but he thought it was
Ching of Jesus a por&t human person, nothing 678, leaving Fort Frontenae on this all islands -4n arebipelago that could WATCH OUR WINDOWS AND SHOP EARLY
Christ and Mistranslates and 14is- more. When he, died, on, the crass he date for the unknown West. On Jan.!bo sailed through to China, An
III , he wa! , d it
interprets the I$jble sliffered absol te destructioll. or anni- 11# 1680., 9 at "Fort SL Louls,",Aws� to sail through, Canada
that tile
hilation. His explanation As
to how (nO1v St- Louis. 11. S. A.) April 9th,'little ship.- "Matthew" came in 1497.,
Christ JIV03 'low As a spirit, being in 1683, '110 r0khedl the mouth of the with bar Venetian Captajn� John Co. Royal: Ladies' w1a
serAlOn Was, Preach- then Russollism ja a deceptive RY$- hard to understand.
'04 V& Mississippi,.' naming All its valley bot, but under the Sn lReadywto- IF F Or C06.
� . W Mr.. fledley in Victoria at, tem, holding out hopes that can no- Not fing. He
Only does Russellism thus, dis LO'418far4' Ther, March 11, 1687, hojIA4dod somewhere In -Nova, Scotij, ^.31 Side4qow
thurOl On $10141A.Y Ovenirr, vor be realized b GODERICH
It is impossible to Onor the 480eattal Deity d near Texas by his own H
bolievo that God Would allow such bodily resurrec of Jesus an� 'Was murdero raising there the loop mier
ard ba Of1 I . .....
tIQn, it also -discredits 'men, udor Englaud—the first -white man's
'IWOW4 like to spe4k as briefly as great Mints as NVY91180, Luthc.-, the plain tenor of his teach
tonight on one of the mad. xnox, Wesle-,-, Finhey, spurgeol., Pg- JO- DISCOVERY OF. HUDSON'S BAY 49 to 'w4v`0 on the American o�ontjn_
sus, as,wo kn6w, wa's very Wear alul for Columbus did not discover twenty miles, through thick bush�.to death rates. Canglis deaths fioni
s and parables, ..sonr, Bay discovered? e for�e* of British And all forms Of tuberculosis tot 19go, in
*01WOus cults, popularly 14 Moody, to m0ead humanity by ffilso definite in Ills sormont QWheu and,by whom Was H o
-noun Md.
Xx Itusilillism, � This Is a system of doctrines through the -centuries, alld Wh011 his parables needed explana- ianvreoch the mainland till 1498. warn the litil
MIXIOUS 404tvilie -contained In 4. _sc'r� then at tlils late date tovorrect them VO4 he gavo it. � 1) Canadians At Jk4ver Dorn, that the the hine 13 11 1p
J"L ;of ho A.—On August a, *�010* -_ Hour% A HUN RED.yEAR FIRE.
oks called "'Studies In the by this'luo He used jungti-ige Huds t6vi ces, number d 7.05%
d0rn tegch0x�- Surely the we aWcAn un on, in the Discovery, entered 6;1 Q.—What and where uras the R American invaders, wero Planning tQ a decrease of 135 deaths over 1921.
derst4nd and He, used g un -
and publislied by life, labors and. neblevemento of eaell luiiguh�
a. correoly, roat bay which, bears his name, ajj�j dred-yoarFire in Canada? surPrisO. theit; but, thanks to bar The rate per 100;000 for 1922 is 84.4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Take 1w4riling. they Were able to surprise a. decrease of .8 -deaths Per 100,000
444 n Of -Pittsburgh Of these great manNiadle4to that God 'for. instance, his � teaching, A.—What, is. probably the strangest the enemy Instead; and so won. the
Brooklyn, o n as Pastor Rua -
was with thorn. And what we say of concernifig hell. The Word accurate. of death is separation, physical denti-& Ill's one on the s hap spent ou'.aanatorla
Ill$ clatm. to the title these tion ton also bo said of'thQu 1011110 014 lOng,burning fire in Canada battle. Canada
s.. ly trAusl4t;ad hell is jound tw _t 0 or tion of the soul j horeof the Maekenzie
elvo h Sep a built or building ;11,0oo,00o.
Is somewliat different froll, and$ of arrest Christian men 3nd times in the Now Testament, a� 'in lbody; spiritu.%j, r0ill Oe River, not. far from the oil r4olds At TUBERCULOSIS IN CA -NADA
de4t)11`4110 SOParAtion Fort Norman- 'Coal, seams, lyin Canada probably spent last year
tho"VrdinalT Claim; either It 'Was A. 'women today. Letlt be said once for eleven of the tw ve ti es it is used Of the soul frorh God.L Nor does de- L dea
9 a- th rate from for the treatment of t
long, the river shoro at tllls'point� uberculoals $6,_
lk -Goo, b3r o ir Lord Himself. And the word struction eve tuberculosis in,eanads?
40pted, by Mr. Russell himself, or giv. 411"that.to true rainistor of t a al in Q.—,"What Is t
j, mean am on 000,000. Every death. deem
'eli him by W follOwOrs,' It wos not P01 of Jesus Christ d u Whilat! oi- have - been obs , se
osires for Ono 00 lusW' the grave, nor erved every now 4 d 11 Ae—Canada leads Great Britain and means a decrease of five spen defeat -
because he had Completed 1110111100t to MISIO44 those who listen does had never means o be burning, the s Oka often tile United, States in low tube
XA"n him ca"Ing to be- It is he saine word It thou.t -n
courso.of stud f't 08 ever mean the gravef but Greek as Perdition And A e.. in rculoois ive cases in the cquimul)",y" OAK
o his toaehlng� - Ills one Aim is spirits. Not 1, means u eon- being quite notice bl The range of
to the T1806. of departed dition - of -conscious 'suffering. Ever. the
N., Mr because he had regelved ordination study, carefully and Interpret correct. only did Jesus u$0 the Word hell,'but WtIng is always , ps d'with, Jiro extends for several miles, and
reguillt" WAY. Apparently he 1Y the great truth$ he finds in God's he also used word in Of nd , C the clayof'the river hanka has been E,
a of awful.! port— ing 0 lessness or nov
'WO 4 Wan.of fair education and Of Word. :w0epinir and wil,Uing an 1--lbaked hard bythe beat. Iturasseen Inter6'' al ailis
%nore that ordinary ability, He be;, I After a -careful study of.gqssqllisjjj tooth. .Xf Jesus did. d gnashing �'f when associated- With the words life by Sir. Alexander Macitenzie It 17 are prom
not say what Ho_ or destruction.. I ptly r Rev d,
W jl�'. special toijglou 89.
s work. Ili
1 have come to the Conclusion that 1110ulatt 'why did he not say w To sum. i 0, Of the IQ, Milan he made the first trip. dovin th6
+hf. liat no up tho'A�oilehin I V.DerHOMAW ECLE R1 I
on 440 moved to SYM111 Of doctrinej as a whole ulonat? Surcly there is nothingt ble in Which these Words XAveF, allG it bag been burning ljitej,�, THAT IT HAS OEEN 0OLD, FADR NEARL7, . Ff"Y YEA I R3
BOO [Ind; there com Am f9und, i mittently ever AN2 18 1 U-0AY A GREATER IMLER AN MA
% o indicate that life ever i ISEFOAr. IS A ESTIM t INA Kis F ?a I To
;03M� �� pleted. th6 cannot be Acqepted by. -th6so...%ji�o more d0fillito And clear than the story- find nothing t sime-0
twif,ir t, have brought. him jqO earnestly seek to know rQ %IPAL
the trdt�j, of the rich, m Aly"t
I floe, %ogh the columns of the THey are three gre an and Lazarus. Nor I! ends. The life of the inipeii1tent 9 HOW THE 'jDOMJNIOX GOT$" ITS IV OU LIT 63
at difficulties that 'there anything more falitastic th 'a on parallel
1911 With the life of 'the
Towc- ono of his publica. stand. In the way.- 'the It'assollite interpretation. of this tesit. Death rpake,§ no change in the -boitin. W%O W4 wNho 40 %0 - - - - - - - -
t his Studi a in the Russellisin dishonoro God. parable -4f it be a Parable, .:'Th6ro jr, character ok eltl Q.—Whore did, tile. word
'or. Each goes,, to hiq ion" come from?
ptur6s, 11uh through
t Rosisellism. discredits 'the "lite notlibig to indicate. that it I$ a par- Own Place, and that forever. A.—The word (4
he ra,'Z.A.
1011 hQ 'founded, and through- the and teaching of Jesus ..Christ. ablm . One thilij, at any rate is cle Doinitionp" in the
iiistrauslates ubj Our Lord eartalifl�' Me, ar. onada, is #aid to have
liout use 'of hioderg adverttsing Russ011ism *r According to. Pastor Russell thf% I Dominion ot C
list his te4ebljjga� have
ant. to convey wages of sin Is extinction of be! d Till
becolue MWIl0rPrets the Bible, the Ito 119 4t:bVen suggested by Sir Leonar ey,
prossion, thero was apiece 0al, death. During- the miIjimijum.. in. based On PsAlm 12-8- 4
4 well known. I.—Russellijim Vishono He shqll have
to God le d bell.. :If there is. no hall either some 'Way the tpi4t so extinct Will dolninjon - also. from . sea to ada, aAd
Is not our purpose to .4kotch. any I R11,11s011iant lays great emphasis J684N, Himself thought there was, o.r.,, W re-created aud� even., - a secorid.;ff'oul".1he river u
a ts In connection With bis. -lite. rightly upon the love, morcy and lov� ontbe other'liand, he tried to oiak� litothe ends of the
A passed away a few year� Ago Ing kindness of Go PoOPi0 -believe whatwas not Chance for everlasting `life.' It was earth." The same veisoprovided tbb
an A trip, through, Texas. ..It is Proper emphasis to d, but falls to.give eark, Ate no -true, . I to give..jevery n%an A. second'obance =Otto for the new Canadian ,c,oat of
His holiness or- to - Ative than that, Jesus died on the* crais. If this arms ad
other� jilkern, m4rA usqup m4re,,�-fro
either U believo in h
his t04chill9s, wi are immediate. Hii rJohteousness, G d` �11 and thofIhis Necoxid , opp(irt
"Aber life ends probation Unity is neglected -thow sea to sea.
love is holk lovo; Or elso to.believe Penalty Is-,js4-'VditlCtiO of being.
The thought of the. that Jeinlsof Naza t S 4 BUTTER
not Our PurPO$o eltberi wjth� holiness of God. underliti.' the whoto. S, rot4, our Lord Aind Bd� will t oi:olit a second charicol CANADA A"
any Vp tO denounce blo Bible. The entire Mosaic qyste , ov'Our, Was -in arch a U9TRY vktrek lq*.
MM in, IS - -decLAiv r and A Will' there be � a'second, opportunit CO
jugsw It 18 Very probable that built upon And, oftwad this central fraud. for repentane:0..and faith* In Jesull Q.'—How many butter clvamorl�
43 led swity. people tb,$tudy the truth. God: cannot loo , lightly upon , I believe
�.4 k in the Deity of Jesus ChrisL It is'a matter of tromendbu,� are there it-Canadog
eiies. The p odliction 'WHILE
o invimt than . they otherwise shi. His, very being regolls at thef 'rlst A.—Caunda '% NER' '
��A, " I I Ch 60110ve he spoke the very tiomeni for all'of us -to know When has 1106 butter cream., 0 FID
Id- It U also, probable that thoug DLED
lit of. sin. This 'is Called thei'-VOrds Of God. I believe His ldve fOj the I, f ROME
salles, 0 'eternity. are settled, r Of creaniery
h hid NWIthigs, some have boot "Wrath of Qod.` And tho wrath of, mankind. was very real and very � This is -the matter o amounts to over
f supreme im-1butte! $50,000,000
to' 4 r4lit T0111tiOnatin to Vvod� 'God is mentioned directly, I tbe� .ib great. He 'Worth a year, makink the -Dominion
gave his Iiic 0 save the Portabee; Not thetime of our Urd.`�
these retUlts have in i� moiisur� far more freouentik tfian Hij' love. lost. Moieover.r one of,-the'leading butter
believe he told trio return, iniportgnt though that I producin
11 realited Iva call all rejoim The fearful character of inhu!a sinTul WhOlO truth plainly. Re -warned ui� not the fact of the Resurrectio countries tUb We hav
n word. iit C &to hear the Violin
here is no doubt- also -be has nature unit man*s, sin, 'revealed In a judg� deWul.tlioligh' that.will be; nor iven ITY OF,ItEdINA
that is of hen, he warned,. us of th 0 to Come. to Moderil.timL really
e 901A in drawing Attention t I ..
.0 ther-caso of Jesus. , What must mat "a told Us Of no opportutiff- the great Problem -of � millennium, Q.-�4beu plived. 110ifetz A
prophetic element in - hate, Cord les was tile CRY. of Regina . 17 ad Rlma . n do'n'b bave to'burn a. dity. to -06 in -
y pu9sed ftout rOVIZICial Capital ? Piratiou for their pla
ng. August 28, 1832. Regina be, .�Ying" all(I.We Can bear them, sitting In, an easy
those remarkablo pro�hesjoq No wonder man is Utle 41d
of Sob of God, Final. JudgWenti, $or 'A ua[�_40 chair boto
WO have h1l too frequentl '1' A a
after death. 110 Itilled.na-man to that I$ d P
the 131ble. b�.wheii lie can clun, inoelt'Isleop. by false hope& Let ua Ji3ten interostingthough . Nor er-n
ge, 0ft upon and Crucify the to his teaclif the -principles Underlying.the Great. 11
Is sui%oisht Came the capital -of the- Northwest
0, Paulo, John, and - osp dally of spoken of, by naturc,'hs a "ha�cr of 111--itussellism . Miftfnte6rets the for us to. know that the Judge 6ir'All Territories, now SaskA'tche*4 . U. 'The
AW LOr4r $e$118 Christ, the earth shall do, what I
Xo doubt GOd."' And what must b6 t
-110 awful
.0 Bible s right.
Is 1WbOaMle we have been more lit. character of man' 11 and the releut� Tha BROWAS Called Wascana in the Croo, IF WE, HAYP
It would bobotter to say great queatj6njq, When are'the. is. tongue, where the red met met for W AW A VICT)t
'�A UMtOd 10 the present that, in. tile less char4etcr of sGabld's law when WP allo thut Pastor Russell mi8j' first of "el", of oternify a OLA
1, A14". Qttled? their gouncil,fires in �the days What,
Ivie have Contended that it remember lit required tho,.4eath of t - he: Bible. Otte would ranslates How did Jesus, answer this .. queo,. France and Canada fought for the .
ed rk'Oht in the present there Christ on the cross to make possibi gathir from tion? 0JUBOY!
2 his writing., that llo'Wha, a as WhOrb did be laY the amplip. tPossessiom Of Now Canada.
Zone nothing to fe�r In the fut. MAWS forglvones4?* It is. 'the Cross tar Of $is In �his toachl ': u
the Greek,. I ng -a d ly C*achmg? M413 2.4, 1818
rid Hebrew languagos, What did be regard as OXR supreme
AYA4 Yet We Ought to be liltej. that tells us how terrible is tb6 right.
in. the' future. It is becatiao Commas of God, how As tk matter Of fact hil testified under in, Q, What is the Sig fi
portant? NfAs it. ot III c4nee of
1%.#Wr Russell. awful is tile 04th tb*t he knew !nothing of 'either this life? auto 24, 1813o, in Canadian Watery?
has 6ttompted t 1 0, ex, character of nian's sin, how ralentkQ,4s language, and yet with the, aid Of Here, we get rea , dyf6r the coming Oy A.—June 24j 1813, is famed. -lot, so
*Wn in, a comprohonsiv� the broken law is in its pentatles, a the Bridegroom, Here, we JENj
way the (Greek and -Hebrew lexicon he, at� VER
11140.0f the Ages!' at he 11ng won I Lot us toyer forget that GOdN Inua tolupts to..Corre make. the right use 0 are to Much for the men who -fought the
i"terest Of many and tile approv. 'Oro strengthened, like Ct our translation of It �is 'While . we are hero, f our talents, battle of Beaver Dam, on it, as jok tl__ %Owl�o �09W W NO %0
Of mom#, ltws, by certain pr Out 'national the Bible, As you ull.,khow. the Now 'to 'We are urged hbrOiC W01fifth Lalira Seco
*11 1 oscribed penaltlea-ITestament was, 'watch' and 'Re Ready., - Every rd, who
�,11111viliC, taid I this, Wo boliev If It were not for these penalties our originally written -in strong Appeal and exhortation in the 106olked from �Awn to Midnigliksome
We sold oil thkt can be respect. 11, A ShOtt tiln r brew. Our revised version of the nj� Present
said laws would receive scaut attention 0 Greek and tile Old Toi�tajuent in Ho- Biblef is , an appeal use of
in jw� to make
Of'Ru""%111`nn' If Pastor 'IftlIM11 them our country W� 0 'Without We, Completed a numbe� of years ago opportunities f0t salvation
ARK then -� great deal t through,Jesus Christ. Jitidgment io
r old become g'js'as accurate a translatiou as com#,
14'an tho other God. IfWwere not for the perql. No W.
hat hll� hotbed of anarchyj vita and crime. 1POtent British and American declared to tontre.around, "the dends
Ap&iQ for Christian te4ohing and . The Boole is true with the lawg of PhOlars done in the body" I. e. tile Sa mon By
4WrInt - is 1could make. For Pa%tor'Au 8 things done eY
ssell, 1g. this side of t
Chrittianity.ja tight. ties attached to these laws e Ovid Inoralit Of either Creek or Hebrew, �o ho. grave. There I$ no-
tb y w attempt any tr chance of S�klvAtift After deaili, for We a"
anslations of thdRible, 411t is :Ippo giving up t6
sensible as for a higib inted uuto then anco to die. MikOd'PAints @ad if you c6ni !tody
t, Ignorant Of Latin, to There, is no doubt �about 'tjio moluen- aqw: any 1painling
18WL'%Q1WTdl ttudaosn and after this cometh
attempt it translation Of a selection ')f tous decisive And eternal issues of apting You am save suso Per by haying now.
Latin prose.
To master Greek and: Rebro this life. The issues of eternal bj6s. AUCOL010,UCM WHITIE
to traoslate c ' w 80 as seduoss and gjoj�y or of etok4aj 11,g
helps Avallablo,orreet4*' with all the And $home -are Iiattled in the lite
requires almost a Jiro n that In I galton cans at $44)0 per
ow IS
time of earnes't study in these . Jan- , . - 4 * In Yz 941109 cans at $2.10 per Can
guages. One, must kno '0 3nerk and ?wovnen out of Christ, In 1 0111
qUart cals, at $1,10
W not Onlv doupt visk this great matter of Your Per 4an
Ae Meaning of all the words Soul, salvation In 1 pint Cans ',It 00 cb. per can
In Ya Pint cans at 39 ct& per can
Cd, but the usuAftt Of -the words in tbo %jhen you realize how short life U
for One, moment
1poriod in Which the" word$ w0te and how cottaIn �(kath is, it Is mad. ven up- the
IsPoken- If YOU want a cormt trans. toss to risk del INSIDE 'OR OUTSIM WHITF.
lAt"011 Of tht Bible, read the SY. Our supreme W,.
ReviAod it is zteglett. The ummawerablo In I V11011- Cans at $425 per can
pUR 77— V""011- *r b0ttCr yet, tO*d the, Amer. qVtstioll for overy unsived man is dull w�eks
WORD !'(" Revised Vftsibnp for'Our Amerf. #,Ile In Y�, gallon cans at $2." per cat,
40 10se Of Words Met& slikhtly from w Ablill WO escape if we negl qUart cans at $140 perCan
great salvation."
Ae Aritish Tile e"I.Y weekad 1924 In � I pint cans at SS cu. 'Per Call
It is,bovaust. Of the mistranalationn V111 nOt bO dUll.for t�hoso In �/, nint egne n#,aft
"A 1110 01010 In Ruagellism and, th
003equftt tilisintorprotatiots Of..fh
jBiblo tb*t it Call TAM be
feligioUls, euklo,
:1 WO hIk" *hv*Ay dealt with what I,
141itking in the IttAS"nite into
tion of " and our to orota.
1(oltrist. To Ito rd Jesto
ntluvt * little farth(v
-lot ]Rely spirit is "t looked upon 'w
i* Divint 10irSON, but OnlY as an in,
ftueAft or Power "trel3ed by the one
,I In t"04 to An end salvAcon
Jht" 4" nOt seft to be any tlL.,tr
ItOlk0hitt M4rding the t,
,kc,"diftt 8in.
jrQ14#XX Of sift, nor Of the A"g
Ity of
rtPebta" towards " and lWith in
our Lwd- But these art the #rpat
ta ental foct,%,Df Xe1W Tentair
itelketwing, Ifere ig ullero supromt
OrApholis to Plow.
We, ha" 4180 dfttt with the word
It tormpoh& to tht Ilebrow
afta aftlas ow plot* ot +-
P*Tttd 0111tits b0h goW 8011d bjid.
l"tell Or 04110M*= -4 dalvation of
*ords mftm* t* vaft' st Itinnorn,
it the name Airm to the r4aft at pun�
i-ahwilt In 1164M Death, the wast -1
of SIN ftver WOMIA elowt;aft 0,11
Wait tr toe ",ftr
eu n -o
t W With ",4d;
Uts 00o
i-JA600" 0140
t oft
w410 90-Arter business,
W It h xPedal offers, by
Long Distanee.
Peopid 11 a V e 1110 V a
ftough and confidenc�e*
enough to buy to,w if
You will make it wortil
their while.
Snow and later Spr
$kiod.% wM make it 4i&
eult for trAvellers to call,
on their tX%&
rIA t"Wamt. RtIb i
rfot, "St jaoobs Oil"
4mme the handkap.
"jtvr spw aftd IV *t
0 ji* It"106.4IIIt
Vxe the Den to Sell. 13ruy
"Mit We ad di*m.
ir is i batrAkst tbm.
We help so -4?
rit which iwver 4,
�Wt bum the ;a"T
*ta tk saluess itm
, Malcki add ks"*
luft1w. wighe W
on a mali ttm tot&
W"t 11SL jk0% or
aftt, md 1W 4
dw per can
These. prices areonlY OPen -until Febru4fy 15th, 1924
&�Eaa Plucts
I only 26 inch, CiMular, Ace & co. COrdwood Saw at$7.00
i only 28 inch, cirtular, Ace & Co. cordwood sawat $8.00
I only 30 Inch, -4rcular, Ace & Co' CordwDod'Sa1v at $,).2r
Several cogsting $14969 for boys ind gi.,-13 at t1le w1lojesale
cost price
Six $7.50 00thes Wringers at $0.00 eae,11.
AutomoblIeSkates at a cut of $1.00 Per pair
HOW can ypu� sav
tM *iWWAUC$MtoOfnewyAcaisricirmthailt�l�'-"warKi d
ring own to
complett lkw of we tarry a
Shelf and Heavy 4
so "6fthoem of ft& !%*Ipme
fthma 112 Co LIFF,