HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-01-24, Page 61.
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T11V RrSDAV, JA'%--. "Ith, 'W"
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.. ,ysoopo -.2 — __ !. -:! - I. - �� �_ - �. `."." - - -
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1!!!�=!�� _ - - r�� . � � - � � t= .� _� 1- - � ___ - i I lak�a-'bka toy -64"00" Vam #&.JL. new Mrathaii *04td a tiew swm evid;-Uu� .- --I-.--..--
� wmplK41. as Iw , � _ T Jim
�,r__ Ia . .
. "I revCr J,C*rd Uf 07A IN I 4 ble Jitsowo s4ogij he caid, � ".W
� To Ohtain &e Vt�-,X LAVC hcarl cc Z;k, inil*4&0�,� . �
C�,3- ,%-A* AlAdo ct tho (.%Ox torne 'o;, 15 the im"., QW, ;;1wi4tiv flosituo 31,,-, Gwuh-y. rw4led, fha4i 4� I I I
'INVOM"Ist! "NOWIM"11i —"mew tec, Raynarao Qacw WhEm 13ui:4% for y'ou? A5e �,,oil t6pywgWy alke tho;J411t (At Arsit lh*t the, warkzj on I — E
I Ftmest ls;rpiag" ft lug Val no UST �a*Vj* out that Tom %**.-4 ull.rftfial
. . - r;c - " 14 - by 3 .1 XT ,
;c g� W"qr% V%Cry boU4,C1,CIV 4 I the W;,' -a body wcrc catwea ;):, ". ,
- ,urable waj, tiler��. Va I ,U Zb5nk it waii sug
vncolor*4 gxsoon tom, pror fwicntl" Va yi-Al S*�Ccp �-.-01? DO ,�* W, thing apatt fro"I hiiaging. 4 !�
"al fPfJ I CA r 0 4 - safts
buy 611(y �Vnpvlw h;;d, cvrtV V.19U '0"'A"t %9 yr'" r'"�' an�l eliy*'y - 51r- 14"lie CQ_,'C' VW&l;ft;l "a'd he re- , i i . . I
I theq? &c !�-I,p 3:;;aYs 1';A0,-; - �, . .� .
�%, 0'. " If �01 - .2", at -.3 brotbicr tell "W"."� . I
, j,,, ,
CA ..t�"A- 11 2rz�al, �7.V � , -. Uliole 4- _ , nww,J;,�p4 hearive hi -
. I
mn't'.-Ca thinl; Cw41CtMVg ahoy?d rel thqroc,�,U�'y ,2%";c JJw"tally %12 � BU!Pitt not 0 fill the boXCst:fQITt,,QAIF I'll ..... I ,
� - -
. havo Uctl gouial out. HOW* a I LV j5.VS;6IJy-4'a41F tingil"1Z %144 tbQ to take wbat lie could carry. I KXI;N wi-,4ry weaflho blixigs a ba$t' I I
. . It ;ay titne uitcr , jay of fivift;--if �%-r, a dolet �;kcp W01- - Win. Vpv�*tt, -who had wovuedfw Qj ,k1,,t,,,ble5. Cold -sores,, , I ,
It I whas tuns av tilde 40 - I , I 6
finally h;tv -'n don't h6k forwa- he had to work harti chapped hpdss uasi&tly f"'�-_'5oro$ 11;
I � .d to yz-.Ir Mr. ,CVX, SUM I 14P �
. .g!j Whiscif wo,iii iAftcr Vi.- if y� I � ot discomkoft �nd . ,�;,.. �
3,lightni,t r�,c412 ano.1 c,ujo-p t,tteia-if " thl e
I inspector boa beea tUvrc, , a atii,, eilouRb. !Xlke only row be had i&74 WaWhe3, b4cor'le aCo'Wrize ,�
1i I - tivc,61, 4:nle�10, V;i;ak, - 00 need a 1,113ic. $1. C%c Was 'When he did not go to -e. 1044 %be v;aubla 814 w4kt.vaujr I ,
U403 to have beva aVaid to. compl.in. 4 � slarwya5�c Tc gj7v ,we Wes .
� 11 Y'a'-, vacil 0=001. carnol r,ovs to the ;�;;I,-_ on 'ClIvistmas bai. Ito. left 14M cte;kr, healt4y Ord C.:!siXe, * U V , . �
. I I -e bcen threatel,c , �rrlsble bv, fvu J)ui14in.7'- I a rs.5 and han4%. sk Vie -41Y &VI -n , I
I— . I Might"tt lie b3v 1 :1 Vidl vgro , �%i
allo ,a roat pi 6c, �� 11 : I
I ,~n with being eo-at back:1r,--F,0*h*1'd ir. after that. � Z I ,;.
%*X% 1111 11 TEO^ 62gr4ee, Dowt. joig thilak tlie In. Four fi;xly, cndching jour bloods roti.- Cecil 33axter, rcealled, said be knew boriml. xam-aulc. 1 �. 7. % A -. , :�
11V Vil "Voor sylilcla UkA :i-,�'vu,;tI1C",."", go!,% 341119 10tar.t"I" tvothe�, the ftmwtiog . .,. .
5 ,:VaterAl is =009 . ? ROW "4�tjr net-ve9*I;"%bU C�Awin tbinks p4lVitt as well as *ny �6utsfder. lie itil -.I,itkiltt;di,-,**:)�,,irel-ls,.I-idqu!ckly . : , I , .. ,
.00"vilor to the best Japatao. Try it J04*r# tipcetioll r I . .:, 4,�j ca acivor vaw - im , t1a . , I
would it be for vome XV00mmeRd4tion ea, hi, A. -i tie h him 4oluff WQrk too bw,e btals W1 *Oyeafsss, vouglullsq AU41 J.Zhatlx
,,, "Ii7 V.1 Camel I , thir . 19
. - II!, i .I- �!,.O_ IV made at tbcse institutions In 4-1,va-,d it by ike i0owin'- kiter.. .far bim'. 114 wat familiar v6th wbicb, r,ecZeaed. oite" ativelofs &n ,� I
!!!!!!�.! i �!i I , * .. 1. I . , I- � � . _,, 1! OF P!, - . . : %. . 0. 0 � ' I . . * I � I
V I I E-miglond dhould � cowr,wilkikta with 1 "All. tho :wNd that is vlaimcd for work .*n tb,� Com f4rio And Oid not tc4ft,* rr other 011mlic skin dioeoift.
t' e lm4l 4uthorlties Car to be, vmll f c,jn "Id. I tb�iak it any, Inore thou 'Jay ftriree.j Via,$ *:so zow-Ruk micl,ciftal '0?^..�Vi.lp ,
VIA— t%,04.'�" Of thEl Cllildr0el �%Q' Scem$' -
t3ea, - Via waw. a llttll�k re- 1=e, =ystif fJbicri,i:3 lww llcutfic6d S.on would suin 1144th.
. i br; 0 C. '-lot d Society beforo." 140,01NIX childrea, W expc4ted to do, The - and ,enjoy M4 #
- -
I . mjr"E 1-110ME 1, "-t!OU -fpcn,t o,,= - ri It lias, provedl in a taurabcr of cz=s. farm was equipped volth vwderj� mg- * , , ,
t " . ev n- because local ofriclOq like yoursel? , , -cm-'11=10-41, it so This wa* an 11
, rwt is V1v I I F, whigh i:jxade "
,. $ 4"V A I Canlol,.UnM to, Toronto ;Vould be able jogive b4oringAlon!" riy, falvitr and. to, '.III Iny vtiner the work osaltr ,
. ho 141�,-IIL� to - � mvi�j ,than *a ordinary farm. There- wo� obstimto 0XS0.1 . I #
BOY S %Wl"MSE1 Mv.!., wit -i saN 410, b."d to. ."'n p2r- "I've always th4shi it WQ;dd fdei4ts. (%rivll, ii ��,itllin th� . � I
I - , �j no Utter carri1r, howeWri, "i
. ivund.0 by -111�. ,or,ttwe have oldvountry �hadrpa un , st
_.- �_,_�. , $o. ip.1titiMat.lon vflco to . of ever, family 2S the price 1,; mos vs. flitury Alney. 42. Lyull Avtfflle,� N I
. . I Toronto. says_- fily .Iguglurr's face
- -
I 1 awthog-;tli�q tii� come to V�Iuada, te"ti. or the aupervislowl of Country in9peo.* rq*monible. To my 5incem tItAnks The Coroneea 0ance i rv'.� n; ' of cc?.rw4. fler 0 . �
. (Contmuod froul Va*J 4) . te, for the .Pros- aad tterli� we 4% I .
A , r In Ms kbarge to the jury thill Cor�
. __ _.. . , � .., �'_ - . . - J iled thult ho bad wFitten to the de- tors Who know t4e territory," repliel inin rAr' I. U wishes 11 ' . 4,KiLor pl-efA;ribed tivatmi-ar fQr river
l , I .1 dulteo. I-erity "oi '"V !ad stryP-L'Abbe ,e , 1 I
Imirtment wbilc� ia C vs& 1wr4lec"Coal. the wl -ic $ oner said tho jury muo disabu4 I Was ,.
4 a Mitchell. ,p ,.-ideiift of the 'Nug . � ,.
o - moence 91 . itsto cantin, % crenw, t.* two Month;. bilt to little avail
. -away for gooil, V;'h , t h 0 V PIP.Inian of Me Ireatn' cilt, lie VVID re. Jamo, re, 01lebec, 14.9 their MindS -Of any MUOUcC frOM, alwaut to Call ha a4in speciallst miten .
. Thma'a uather,�, the n�,Xt witno!w. I rehon Aid, reriviimbem4 -
celving MT HOOT$ Child klonsoQt �V,Ifd bv All good idnivists' strept rumors, which 'were largely I bmArd of Z=43
,� In th�� no ntier of work. I 1 A treAtment r"Cutlig
Ifq owplitied testihil-ay alvon at the . . "flatirlav that I* I .. . � 141
bourri, quitQ defialtely ,:�vfrwhcre. without any shadow of foutiontio", Goor suXerers from tbbl'.1read 443'e,
pre-4oux inquest. 11,arrjed�n elarl,., tbe son, corrobor-11vould pot be deqh016� to solid any . the boy,died from stranpla. So I got a box of zata.]J�uk and 06 tahlet
. . Ld more childrim I ror eale at Campbell's Drax Store. *'That al'soap. 10;%Jrv'�
, :'Why did Fca run, "way 2 1, tatea %lbot Lis fathcr said, Ito ba �0 the Cox ulaoo 4fter *1on as the result of baioging and of yaln-Buk.Urdichl. -v
I Wro. COR thrca I Te%�,ed c.�) alie ,c,cca,ilon to earry 9L) the Mothers jacldvnt�', Tli� whippir., .- , �. I 1, � I- �4 � !!"_ , I _!!t= � - I , days t%e�k,o4 ", ur,I)t s64ecided improt -
that that war. �elr infleted, there is ment. Day Uy JAy0)o,:tA,e,,,grad0ally
nowalAtltQdbrol�c,nunal.ego%-;s'tail:i,,,.caus of 111ill-z %veigh1a; i0o pound.; bud been the thing which lufluellgOd iqsol�jeof these boys were not worth no Shadow of doubt. There to no , heated, tLud wilbia. u month vq 11 I
I - hint in bis decision. The- troubl,� $2,ryo Old Xr� C . I .
but I didn't thln% U34 dODO'An�tIlitItt epwh, up ;144ight of ateP3 to a lo"U91ig ON1. "ITUIPItt 'lv3q doubt tfiattlic braises were caused an ' oaughtees skin..,was thoroughly cleared ,
. � I of Xhe kjnd� I* d"'lln't LTOW how it � � platform. Ile Vefused 'after carrY- Over, wagea 01tictied4t. Bul&t was there 0.4 trial.)* I . I the result of butlainv, 'not of i%tcrUall , AT the tOrrible dis045"*-" .�
. . 045:VOT)t tbtkt I hNlV,tVJ' cvidencQ I _,_!.._._, . 0 A
.coam 1XVVVrt4 ing, o ." Ilia worl; at Vweb *.6a,c9n.- A ward of au V4,0glish institution and ,,Yoq caunot draw any rt4 herri"961 vicileuc% The m..i6dlcal , 4X0*t**SMt*k1Fkr4W0yl I
the tails 0, little soinctinivs to hurry I otant", -.Ind ;, Nyou . Usually 4.3o in the the Children% Aid Society bad uoth- � the trail toulight," said Mr. shows that maxics *ill appear a short , "a "*Kt I - , & # 01
.1to 1xv - I , *odii itoo* ow*_" 0"tstA ovisnamo
I , tbent out t1le. door,. Ire enucht T mor2ftn wito lw� 9tarted and 4r; late Ing to do with him'. Mr. Mitchell."' Seager. . ,time after hainging, -Thqt, should be *" *10 0 ~, oo *dire* ZO*44k ft, �
. RW& W boxi .0,01 0000*.
the fboulder and vlappM. my eam." aa * &004 vdaell he (Julto I . prcss4od intense, .aversion to the Side", "I am not trying .to#,, said Col. fir 4 Soso ft. fo . � Ago , ,P
. I Asked about a GVv0sill 0=040U.66 mr. .114;�.;.* o1r0,4 I.new' DalliK. of whipping boys. � . , mly established. 1,
. "We gave the boy a good obonpe", , 06why Should a boy of sixteen Want , I
this Idnd *11therm rmid Cox accon,ed , . 44 hiM911 t � 'll ,
� , ,
J you try,to lionAunde Ila to leav�,�, Friday Rvetilml � You did whip tQ commit suicide, a Young plan that tom#"��$N�l�l�ill�illlliilllT�illi��illit i � I
Ingo a row's toil, and ad-' . . I .
I him of break - 41 Punished, hlm,� jes.11 Should bo,eujo�lng life And have ev, . . I
. doak � , Tea ealployll, . - . I I "I I
. "Cog vulled nir " little bQC9,qt',i I, ot neveiiaatil�,. Ite n dn't h4v�� On r0day evening Mr. Chu& r4o- You Wiltippieti him frequently?" erything 6 look forward to? Up was "i I I I PF" . .0
I , " I—, I I 11 - - _ �� , . I .
ritught wo bv, t)i6 i�,4rt front, backed I us Move of flolbornes w_�i thor - . '� -
. . 4 ta - a qdvi�v. I didtVit 11he to i'Zim ortso I I`FO,4r or five times-,, 4 ,borit aud'educateitl in. Znglqnd, a grt4- . , I - � :do0l't Stay at Itolo.
, " -LONV vtabU� door n lie s an - 01-- Or'st wi"O�.$"' HO told of being cal�. $'By what authority did you thrash dUate of 4 khool, approximutely Ior- � When a small boy had learriled to a, 'wonder, "�16' , I q - , I
D" VV a'"aiint * 14m I It, , . I . like atithmeti I Money's woXth � I I
. 14, , 1. 1 IV4, by, Mr. Cox on the eviening of the bi � I LC, lie Means that he has togetthOir-, .,,-I'.-,--- _:n___ ''. .1
I and ham vwd.'�ly'head against It Plian", I r Am?" . I fallen in love - - ver is nievo Iste-
. , ,responding to our High .8pbool, He T. _ - - -1,4--- TIl rieckli.
till, the bloodi ottxted 0 (.,-Ohio ltrota . ItIobort ,�%e�lilljin, questioned'hy Mr - lianging about 6:30. Thw, an: all the "ne was persigtontly breaking the waar taught $,p-itTtiW-aU,4--Fx�A�b:,A'TAid� with.bia teache 0 '2S�d� .. is .
. SS414 1 � . I . A . - I � .
�1111 I Thy Mouth �.r.4d 1105P and 1, nearly 4,�qeager, .q4ld lie bqd ocen Vulpitt car. ,lyap.to the born and uotbing we rulos��Of the homei".. I mtithematica, evekything and�, waa Uouse reht Is so high now I , at 11164uneral. * .
�. , I I i�,;�,eo,so - '. � ng� 6'Ut on the- -Way� At -the barn: - MT; Cox . � . s � .. . ! - . .
. I it-yina boxes tbo.d[kV_.0f tliftsbi ' "The only thing he was punished �fittcd by'eduoiitlon for an'office Post- .,
. - ____ - . � I __ . Lon"ours, - --- - ----- � ilio;jil4t it wa.j t1le, easiest job of the said be wished Xr. Robertson would for was when he told Ve3 ond porglut- tiom . He was brought to Caundik And � . - . I I . I I I ----- 0 A M A "
. I . I __ - I . ---
,� . 1. . And "unti,he the body. This . I I I I � 11 ....... ... I . � . . .
I . UWZOrding, Nprling hours ,0itne,-%Jday� Ito, donied h4ving told Thomaq 90 1PD . ed in thern." put At work. And to found the, work . . , . I � I
I � . . "i .
. . aid hwuot.op vonictimeq At I he dia ali4 mad� up Ili$ 011114 that the . ovnat right . bit � I .
I It 3L 4 0`000-, I Gimdry previously that he thought h4vvr you to him A-, I==W=n1N11ft � .
. r Balplitt, boy bad beta dead some time 0-4 U0 I I hard; any magoal work Avould, have
. . somotimm P't ry 00104'eud quit about The j � oly too heavy go a voterhaary, hand$ won cold, He called u' all?,, ., �� . I . . been hard., 4�turally he would be � I . , I I I I
. - Ile saldl- ni. - I !�, the 'Tossibly X U44 not i tighti: except lonely, X0 doubt he had long %liours . . -, .
.4 Welock In 00, evtn1ne,- , , , Joseph Freeman, . I I I rl . .." I
� , , thov *41 no sp,are time oxe6pt *hell'� told of visiting the Cox 141-M and Ot, coroner and asked. him to bring Out that he v4s br aking the rul .to' run a . r I I . I . . .
. q. . Oil Of the and hara'work. lie tried tO'ruu n- .
it WAS VAIIIIIIi.z. There were 0.5 cow.,4, 1 having Seen 13111pitt. thero. The. bov the officers. 1n, about, an hour they bome�" I I I I . I way twige,and was brought' back. � . -�
� .
. .
I . I . sev,ou orvlo.t T'Ounr catthfand sevall * sm . =cd delicate and not fit 0, wort, 'arrived and the Vitnests bela-tho body j 4,you ucke I a your hired man,9*1 ;� � The I alternative was olther that Ito . . I . .
, .
I . I .or eight, horseq. . . on it farm, and was apparently afraid while Xr- GUndry fts-vered the �rove. ' . ent bock 'to. tho home or � . . I 0�
, - -CUims, Restionsiollity *. A ,would be 6 �
" . I., . . � It. C. llav-41why #0 to Work soj of cattle. (Iox bad told him the boy Mr. Cox told the witness -be bad pun� . . , , remilin where be_.Vits. These'bOY5 .. � I � .
. . I . . I I . . I wag a Illiviludo boy, Nvas, -Ilto, gOO4 and lsh*4 the boy that morning' when be -., ,4ThI& ,wpis, differout; I WAS respon- .0 . . �
e4irly?"' . �. ., $ ' . . ,appear to have Allotror of being sent .. L . . I . . I I . . .� I
- '
an 0 Ad to O, call up the coroner, I , sible -for his Moral eoA4li(:t" ' . I . 1. 1� ' .. - �1��01 I
. . ;4Vy4n�1.,;s,_TltP vows had to bia ogeded a Job In 01110e,� Ok. h � W., t t ,� back to the home, which ,would pro. , , , . � I . . . . .1 . � � I ., �
I . . I . �
, � � .
I A . I 'Id, he was the mvsf, UsOles$ boy he - a know anything of Ids - '44y,ou. ,were � going to� make, � 'Chrit., bably also�mv4u ,being sent back 3o, - I , I � � I
I Uolkod� and � tbo nil It shipped on. t1he sti t !Do yo I . . . I . . . . .
. . was geing-to got aSketl tian out of him,. were you?" . ..
� . . early b-aill-s' , had,'eitver had 4nd he . , purse of life, at I. mt. Cwea? I 1, . . , . don't need.. any $or- � -England. which 'he would regird as a .. . .. I . � . �, . � I � * . . � w" I � .
* . I the, Crown Attotney, . V. , - - ,#,Well, we . . I . VSkoto"04a 146,, a
� .. i,* lfara�-.I'That. waan!t my bard Tid of him.. " 1. '4 . I - . . . I dtogrilre, because he bad relativei; � I . I . .
I I Vorkof . 1. . - , 10ply the balf dayat the tbries Ing. casm.'s � , .. . . I- . I � . I . I 1. . I �. 11 � . . 1. . I . I �1. .11 I— �- - ; . I
I . . � X*de ,Noo Re.oarkq , I" there. . I ,
� . . � The boy *so o4rrying boxes along "Lying Is a pretty bad thilogr",
0 , i 'Ot 0Q.0t.ght"Ti was .hard work." - I james AleCluskey desiled that lie A I . I . . I I "Added to lonelloess he. w" Wig . . %J" - That Imp � ISO . ,,
. I
1. . . U'r joba had modo.any rem rk b t tbo � y with Mr. Uppatt-11 `1 think so,." whippii4 for telling lies 'As is said, %. DiA Pf"You0bey . 1.
�� Xikther;i told of getting ot a 8 a ou VA 40606,11104 the wit"'OPS i,'Yot you,made hiin a ebur'ch-luen', , � y I I . . I
u0er lea . - (.1OX!,1 and 'admitted be Buil)it, 'Ur Is a qudstioh'Whether there is . . . . . , , '. . I .
- seager. . . , � I : , - .
Vint, . was tre%ted at the Cox farw.� climialy. as to the aiti and, it � 10 . I . . 4% IL I I
ount of grain that u .,? *, �
. I . . I � , Cor bad whipkd Rulpitt I'a W ,would� 1 . � ' I any. good Vom "VP1VwU9 A. Voy 0 1 . , ,
I f . I ,2 '. . I of 111% own, I � � . . � be handled that half day- - T11Q ONo sir."o I . � certainly had no .. �
I I I �'; I I . . . tinl6w, for lying, accorilini to the evl� withes . . , o, . .sixteen. �Xr- Cox . ANNU � . A 'V IL UKVLA 0. " . - :
� , . . . 4 SaUt, 1600 to 1600 �buohels iitrotluee him? tip -the -boy."" ' � . I .. I . I
I I . I . . William Vmg,.Of colbornc� thresb- doace Of ce,il. Baxter, a 'neighbor� � . . 41 . "bidn't you I . 1.�o -a, legal authority to wb I I I I �: . . I I . I I � . . I . I
� . i "I , ,,cI4, 1 _h_ � --- 7 --- j
I -St ho hiid been at Covs d4-vl,s work. I V4 . 'No, he went forward WiW . . . � . W en
. I
I 11 I �Or, U44 the $vr 1 I would be- a good, cod. I - -, "' * L . . . 11 I The C�Jroier read ftora the Crimin- , I : - . arn w eU . f.
� � . � ;1 Ili& tostifiqd'that'.0o.v4%ad told him I ' is�as cold as a b
.104.th�-'dalr Thelitioned by a pieviow.; about th . 00, or $00 Oi'4ppl1caiitS:, on usault, all - ' � - 4- I .� Ili � . I
I I r � I . ,do,ea Vain was g Qvvilhg, that ev. I � . Puflng t(hg�big storn.-t,the ll6use.w. ' . I
I .
t , �1� , . . e moviling of oulpitt's death. bushelo W Id W. 4, a kir. S�agier read, ,section W of. the' ,a' Code I -*,and the ripes Were froZen—and I I ,
- I � 0 ' - i tase,of a,poirvat or� one , �YOU go . .
, )'rkb Up In
" , , sent over ,to feed *:work; or possibly 'L I I cert. in 'the 1 ,6uJ 1 dguap _t.hawing them out—=d your POOr : I �
4 , . �vttneks and ,4 - Bulpitt . 1144 bee, ,ou 4 fternooti's e knqrnlng-o- . ,
11 , - - 11 I 11P(I ..00.11 Dulpitt carry .tbqt':" t is litVdal for' roj�t, Or r
. � "_* " �, , . in ,ame, boxc.--i .of grainir go estij, ,itocl. in the stable 4n;l badnst done 80- �tbot was handled. ,6k' Would, be L all !Criminal C�de of sf�nditlg In the Place of a- Pa I Vou rail. I . . . .
, � � ,� �, � , � . . I _g r ' - - 0 E . every phrout or person.ju the Place 1 � t.icft" chastisament WKS ;vlfo- had'to suffer -, �7 . . I 11 � I I . . . ..1. . �� A
. , � I ,, V, , noted that a full b ,of 'on, ap I in sib�iidb, I . . I . . . . . .
. . I .
i . OX `�Outld IVO �x bad thou whipped BUIPitt- GOO- Mr. Vanstone, recalled, ,was ques-. a pitrout or sehoolmaster-to use foice, Illeg , al. Lpren . . ....", .. . . . 1. I . & I .. 1.
_ i 11, 40. Polmlle. . of . . . I .
k it, ; . I 1 7 Baxter, father. I .
� I _� , the ,witness, lived tioned. ,closely as to. the Amount ot by w4y 9f correction it*N�Ard avir child, 8, . . r 'L .. .
� .
, " '
L'� ��o , , I John - Vanstione. another .� but U4'ooly seen I , "4 ' ' 'T"W OM TK P'PES To TVE MUS1C 0 � 1
4 � - thresh*.-, across the road I thresh- ,. All these things the ;NvbiP�Iii 1. I , ,.. I I , � .
1�p 1 , "'! - gTain 6reshed at Mr. Cox's it or apprentice 0 der his- Vare. the general louXlQso and lack of I " . 1 . , , . I
I J _1 � .. allo I pliv. n � , I . I L . . . I � I
'�� .i . agw,Lipott and the boy WrYtAT DoIjitt. A TOW tinlOS And couldwt tell ings. They workod ten lxour,4� the providod. ,400h force is Tea$ 1 ulvm 'Xrivadu ond no r"reationt except th�t � . - I I . . . � I K 11 . . . . I
I � . :1� # I �. . 110vt he -had ]XV11 -way, �.Ut WOft not thVedl- dor the 4rcurnotanc6s." , " I .T,. � . . . I . . I LL ,. .
1� _.;. %� Uxm, He suld the boeq full would trented., He could first day any A -y1C""r%0LA � 11,
� .
'A 11, . schoo 10, I
'A I , � wolgh -�O. po.unvjs and thought the IOU b *.a to �cbutcl* and' Sunday A . . .
i . , n wily Bulpitt shoOd ing U.s.1slav as U0, machine I 4gaautboriy to -Sithil , , we _.W. -I . . � I
�, 1�' . -would �: " 116 4uo! ar. � I sing-I'Love's Old Sweet song. � , . . .
, �, � - � - misht-have becu'a. little too much for ),,,tve run � �way ol,, - hanged hi 9 I 1_1 �.. ... but boya'ad that he U& nothblig-if liext time, and. yoiir', wife wil I I .
I 4 , k , . I . , m e t 0 handled, as lhoy� bad to. IiNlait 10 effect, , I �11 , . I . p .. � - - . . . I
, iv. 11 . :4, . bav . you',,eansider,Mr. cox,a conaui6t bad : , . I I �... � . . ! I _.��� -
. r, I b*r liko Bulpitt. . id SoCloty effiejal$ %V16r40 � I I
I 'i 1, ... I I .. , I Childrvu'A A 1. . tre mikht. have, been .dn Mr, COX sUggQptea that tl;6 � . __ __N I .
I � the grain,-:,th� : �jo�y anything todo,with tlie,boyls, suicide, —'-- — --'
�� 11 roar have suld so at thO, tible," tj called.in icontilectloii with theevi. . �� .
I le� I � won I hQUr!S delay in the, day TAU up ;of *" in $K .e I . . . I . ; . . i . ,
. , t, art apprientice, but, I think it ii� your duty.. to embody tll��t * . :, , I . "I.
itif the . . . . . .
I � *"' . crown Attot"01 . . . I I I
�, P ? j". . . short Intervals, Xrow ,time, It Ohle. � � �y dlo4greed. ,
�' � ,
1� i � 'be idmitted to Mr. SvarvrLw- wltnbss, Matheis. Xte-
A 1 14 . fe-ren I 'IT I , I . . . .. . . . �!
.� , . he a ternixt ri� of, it. � I 1. I
j . pinion of the Nvork, llulpiti'bad , er' IS . , 0 �
� A%kif All6t. of CA -borne, A.131,Wd forl tie to records by County Irkspec- The Second day they worked sWadby- tvo the boyt had,," said ,�Thea th el , thicr Inatte, I H. -E, JENNER .
i, I -41% 01 , t 0, X� VIllotit Showed . that notehad ' I . . . .
A. " .:; 1 1 bmit doing, uaiil.* "Lots of lb;ys do -it I or I He estimated the. 806A'a dox tbo.v Mt-.� lieage4 "'*as to UvO witli you un- I . �
� I bepil m a he time Alathers vall - spec,tiorr. These. boys arO if'sPecte'l - I I ... . . . . � . 11 . I .. . :1, ��. .. � . � � .
1�. 1, ,� I handled. 400 bushels in four hours. dWillejo conditions or go back to the pmes twice , I -_ AO . I
_1 1, . - .$- �40at age� but It the bu%(4 were flall. ay Toni t c,place. The so. h�,, the inspector for the t A'A . d h Is 1 PQ M P1 Ap ___. 10 A A " A - I . .%^^0%
, I I I I . I I . . . uw� Col I 'ace,- . -1 I P _. �. I . � 1.
I . too heavy for blul.". , . � Tile boxeg-full of grain whigh,1144 to I a vear., It Afas 'bot shoi ",. . � - - I
. awy woll� �, tit , ud littd, , boino, and going back .was, A disg, - - 0�0_: I* I ! �_.__ �___!!!�O- -
. . � To was h, - " I .�"_.�,_ _ =.;;;�. .
11 -accused ' th - I I . . , . z. -_ � '.. . I .
� - 44, I', I 0much troubles' with " � U
. .
.". I , AIA "fortaight, of Inbor on7 tho V_JX be Oarried away �rom the machine Ally, woni he killed himself ?" i - , -- 1 . .
� J_ , I
,� 1. !� I 'N the . . . - - I . I
, �, L 11 0 the boy having been at -wond�,f," said � _� environment at the far I I i ! i 0 -.I-- �
� , I . . 10 would welgh about 40 lbs. The boy ,$Yes a gre . . - 11 .. . I
it '. 1, I farm %V4% th-111 gnphically des-v.ril)�Idl I br COW$' tails. Math- . , s�ecUd before the boy went thelle buz . - ; I . . . . � 11 .. 1. . �
� I
, ,; by x of Oakfu . , I . . . .
� 1 , , �by 10harleq Clarlte. Clarke in thc carried the first, day. ' I I witneo�'. - I � . . . OV .
'! " t . WAS, SO- � I it w. , I . -
*, i . �J . � , eig WAS a wa of the St.. Tho Cox,*brother of Mr. Don- The Crown Attorney read lOtter4 i to inspected on the 21th IN . . L ... ...
. Wie and � "I
� , . W, -A4 told of goina It, vVorh With C44X - A lette' mr, Le -frout his Sister, 'Hilda.. in inspi�tiou may be, all right .
, I . stit . .
11 1� . . elety 1, writtah to - the St. witness box to � BuIpitt This 11 . I �
I . , '0 ZQ Ilint, 'Ind (lf%bC*in6r I nas alithol'tit SOD Cox, was .Put iA the � -�' w,iu ' -not, ,T av, 11 t h a f,
I - I � . At 440 In tb it , I Thor ' q 'a -roferrid to Math- - SY . I . . . I-
,.. . 'ftg1and,,*from . -y saw 4 %9,004, farm - 4 8 Adid- I
, . f I .11 . '. 14,06 fields rigularli i0l.0 01`460;. - ., but and controdlicted'ibe statemeiit, that the matron' df.thO,Par- I bo � 091 . I
. ampt4n. he inspector i -T.
; �, I , t� . , ,, _ I Re Inever left for, hovll� until after 1. ers h%v,1n4*,-be6a whipped Uy Cox thO. boy was carryjng.boxes the first Ish, of South childrefi's home . voohl, . 10HAS loli, - RJ . . .. " I . . . 1!
, I .. �
, -0 s not a -evere -whipping, Mr, . I IOULe, t6. boy had 4 ;�Iendid I � . 1. I I , I
! , , . it NVA, ,,, - - and Otherso all touched. In uffectiolil- . : natural , . . : � , 11 . . � I . I � L 1. I I � 11 I ., f .. 11
- I
� J, , I � six, f3o"'. flamsou, opied 18, had 41 -so Elliott ouid. Ile b4d never heard of day ; The, uftnohs'said he and, his hi� I I Was well od. It was quite natural ' . . � I - � � 1. k
� i ed man carried the firakd4y. till -6, as be, saidA "the
i lvoaoa for Cckv. nud one inortillig ��O., ull against-'tho stable I e, 'ate t*rms to shows, � for ti�e inspector to ,say -the boy bAd ' I , �
, ..
I , - . . I
. � , . I tilt batterillIq The boy: might have carried -have to deal with -s' - I , I
0 . kind of boy. we . I I . . I .� � %.,0%J I . I
L il . lis. . �boy got up ut 20 ntiuutos to 4 *6 st'Art jilers' went into the ejock-, I eudid .bome FUR, TRIM M -ED , fuw'ATS ' .
I A 1k, itloor. until Ma � � a SPI . � . . .
I 1�1 ?. I . . "I'll e is I I I I . . � . a dozen boxes or 80 while he ,went i'A"boy of brains, he said." . 14 . Ilt Seems to me illo. ihspectioll a I . I -
"041J , I . . " I son, to, quit andtold Vc he 'wasn't fit, stand. . go Nvas only 10 or 4,.Just ,thei reasoa-%�e tried to k , . 4 .
�_ * . , ., ... " . lWr. Seigor- * "DId the society not to putup poles. cen �should b�,. iu the hands of *the local � . I Distinctive Model* on Sak At Almost'lUst PAte . . I
1�.. .1 . ., � oaid'blr� Cox., "Because lie had I . . I I .1 . . .
, , ; � , � to have -a bor " . .. � I � deel& not to send anY MOTO Chlidra 15 minutes at this. The,bOY 'Wa0in him,10 Childreriss Aid �ofgcars, 'Who aro,fft- . 11 . , - �f .! _ �. I I . -1 . -
1 I
. I i . � d he had Weil a tenaw. shing back Intelligence, 'Oh November 5. the.biky � . I I
� , .. Clar�b $UN the Cox PlAeOV, , : die blin part of the time PU ' rojilar with all t1he f�rms in 4 ten dr . . . . I 1. �
.,;, . farmer for 1,7 704rq in Raislood and to . . i gnin and- was notb%10411 the time- wur twelve mile radius' . It would . b,a I �. I
ill� � , I I .. , prompted by young, Clarke, at
, �,it . � �". NeverAsked Ono, tithe be went dut-aud'sat'besi46 b�itjh]1%qr und next morning made nu - 1;�, to rep Oil � 007 : R ' lar - - $3850 .
� 11 113ww, forming. . . , I I . . �mueh bettei for h , Ort Regular ,�4YAN 060 egu . V I Is -, , ..
I " 'ttte 3110. attempt to rurt dwl . wliat farm. -is suitable for a boy � -and ,
r Atid dift Ya 1% Elltott. 'Ve WOM, 116vor a11AV %y. Is .tUero no
. I Mr, Ifitym "The t I , , I . . . . I . .. .%. U. .
, #- . , v�" you were tryiu.40 0 tell 'Mr. CO. ed for uny more. Wo may have- conle mr. s. D. Cox *M theripot IT' the significance about thatl� I what b4k f6f, 4, fat . . .11 ,,, ,
V -in. I Oink it Wag ,
, .
I . '. to Cox s ated in answer -Y n a 1! $19 50' I . $23.00 1
1 1 how to farm?" I Vach a decision, but I vaull9t rectV11 ,%41thc�s b6t. Ito wia shown the, cor- Mr. t to a quot a misa 07 I -
k 1 " � It �go, it was not Oil 11WOUbt Ot trAot,of the -hiring of the bo,V. T414 front one of the jury that the boy%s -Vwil not built &r farm ..
- "Oil, lVas 11 N'0, tl�(- it. . . I
I .1 I �, � I witoss. -tvIlt n blathers got, but be- he,vaid wa,4 sent up with' the b6Y"tO wages wenti'to the home. We saw farm. )aa ' I I . I . I . - �� 11 11 L_ . . ... - - - .. I ..
. �1�mg Itiour ,,�x oulplained tbe rm k
. , . ,ik _Ve Nvhtxt I - c, '�York and was 'not educated,for ta � ___ � b. , . I .
. bgvc thought Ili.%, eat* - ke a IV . ' . " . 11
I I ,of. Vou would , (- of the QT1901ty in 01lectIV him. It valled lor $100 wa90. Mr- that be had money thout,11%, hO said- I work, I think you should" raftke ,11 -
. aLlout tl�k. Uttt1tk1r4, =90.3. MatherW KtOTY tQ- (!Ok sald ffiiQ Waa A.ho contract. that bjr� Songer pointed Out the damaq- �
le.or coramt;wdation along this Regular $29.5 � �'R_liwd *
. * N1 I vt*ft two Ukatincs rtishlitvr 11 bt Nvas m1V to'# . - tVong TO , 1, . en - ar �$23 . ..
I Ill fi&u."# ig, . . fts always, $out with a 'boy, blat noth. lug ettect this, occurrence wotilct have, I - � . 1. .
.1 � . I kt in Vallii. "'A"Do-you thilik it reaRoulable, io i'll"r, ing was �bjudjug until tho' outrtw,t on immigrat � ion to this country'. That line� This inattor has been talked of I . . I n , . �!. �* . ���
. . . . . . . . � . . . . �,Uy,ojt wer*0 Vq04, to the I a b �y of 102" , . .. .� 11 *gncd�'- He %would, take a boy ond w ' re4tinc the matter oll, over Ontario and If We can 40 r . $2105 . ,_ � - , $17* 1 . .
� lsod?" * ! wag al US vhy'he was, t . 4ny1hIn to improve the conditions of I , . -11, � I . I
i I I t M �iove it." �- so sc -jously. thew � -0, "m , Is � .1--moo-W 0 1 �
, I . 14x0i"' 110, I dowt ql! , try 'him out and then, discuss thi. - ,i 61S this, boy, may not have - � � .
pIptin �f bnIng tprmq I .
KIDId not Mothers coin . with the juspeetor in a, reagen- Jkt the "O . . . I .
'11 ." "What awac,"Would rou call quit- �est Of Mr. R. ;C. Hap
I *!!!=!!�"W�11"Nixsorsilil! 11,11 11101"... I I � =..0:=..W I.Nio I ', I died in, vain," . '.. . . . . I . �,
1'. I #=1Z.W.# 4 1, � 1!11 i�, 111111 ! ii !! ;, !t"'M ablewaY, . N I
, ____"!` -� i,, .
� I
. . I I .. , � Z. - 1. � no a4vii1tted it waa at. hU si., vho waz watthing the- ease- Ott UP# I W a 960 to . .. ,.-- SSE � -.., � - I
I I ! .,, i , ., I � .11 -Z-A.__�.I' '. . '. � . request -the coutraot was thap'"Id half of Mr. Cox, a jurtber AjdJourh- Jgry Took Two Routs a I DRE S I . I I
I . J&f.�-�+Ak.g-. .... 1. r._ '. 41 4"A. 1 . - i t � - . I.... ..1- 11 11 . . . . . . �� . . - � I �
I ii ;. " -_Et.r� - -1 I t rout wo to $76. , Mont Was intdc, Sis son ,as tho, so. ' C'onsider Their Verdit. ,
I g -�J!1111 JUN fifil i . , N thto It Vas ten . .. 1. .
- - " - ,
1. 11 ------ �� . : -1 - i'MITI 1.7c;.. .: - :9 ..j -That %vas at your request'.)'? lithor imtructed in the ease. AS minutes to 9 when the . I . .. .
" J,� I .3; X I ,I . fi. -i . ' r& Is &,ft "O 11
T 11ili: 11 )I 2-t . ,jury retired and it Vas two bours and ' ' I .
-',I' ., Zt! "Cortainly", said the witnesq. onquirr Vould not very well be finish. I
.. _ , "� kT etuvifted, with legUl 443 13
� 1) Ii.
f. liffloid P .4. Regular $25-50, ar It
� . 1109i t You. 6jected to $100 and suggpvt- p A it hot In er -who hey �
I i I ; 4 ,that tight in tiny taso, and on , & J t n t T
I I . 1 I ,.- "� N � i fli . I I 11 !,
. I 1� i ZT I -1 i if I" . . Od VIV" ' . count �,D7f Mr. Hays, iieque8t, an ad -'I the, following verdict: .. . 1% . :
. . I- Ill th " IlWe talk.4!d the watter over Ili o jourIthlent was thade, this time to t h es B I I I 1
7 1L U I , hol **T at ChsVI Ulp
: I . _ i I I i : ,tt canto to h1i $19.50, , / . $18.50 � i
. i : , , , *1 -4 . I , I . .
AA�i it St_ I . reasonable wa�--" . . ionowing Tuesday evening. death on Doe. 221341 1923, at lot 3� . I � I 0 ol
�. — �,,,2,,� , I .
Z � I � . .
I , I . t,wfa Will be -here all nig I I � � � . -...1-1-1- ... 1- I . . I .
I i . . . . I St . ht unlel.1.4 V ton, 10, Colborne township, Western I .. - .1 L I . 111.
� . .
00-1, I I. Tutwo Evettlog I � �
;; I h " !:I yoo. are wore definite, bectluu,e vve. . � I . Division, by Unging wbith was c4us-1 � I
� -.111 It a" going to find t'1100 th%94 out-" At the Vloshig Wsititt Of the In- ed of his own Act. . I
- ;
. "I tliieSt oil TOOStifty, eVerking the. ero%,J, L I $(We ,11)%d that it chain of cireutil-
I � ii U ,11 am not trylug to We Anytblul, " Regulai $22150 Regular $19.5
A �. . , . . ... I 1-
-i caidjhe ,witness, *11 rda& the To. offered no new evidellee. st-a-dicies, led up to tho boy'a dest14 *
. . 0 - I'� � "I I 4 QueSVI . � . It. r� Haya, jr., tailed several %N it- commencing in his. being�,Jent out A3 . $17-150 $17,0 .
. . I - -ad being misplae- I � . . I
. . fo-of. . � �L . -
. . � I Ilia, The Vrowil Attorney quoted Mr. Aesses. 4 farin, emigrant, a .1 .. I
I .", . A 1W (,%�,ea letter to the.h6lue Authorit-C4 44mes FUrAut, 20 Years 4f, 410* cd on a farm instead of in an W10et I
� .� " 'io I -
f , 'ViARO .1 I ',,I am sure I am, at a 16ss what to do, Uow employed with the V. X% U. at for willeb. hisi oducation and desire fit- ' A Stovi Wi& CkJ4*n1ft—EVt*1h1AX RWOctd
* I I I . I � . _
: , I � regaraing 10harles sulpiti. I havo Stratford, aaid ke worked with MV- ted him. The lowelines-41 among , === I __ 1-01 . . . --- -_ - �
. - �-. I � Ileen just' holding, ON sighing the 0,011- Cox fiV6 $cges #44 eight Ifouths and strangers, the unaccustomed and nil- . �
. .1 . trAd to toe how thitip, -would got aud, got along the very best with him and congetilal work, ara the truw4ftikht0d I I
bether 0 I - diilolt havifj to ,Work too hard) ho -dent he rectlived for miscoh Roof L dies IR�adrta-Wear Co.,, . ,
I I I 1 w to boy would take au',P iA, a Punight
� . , = I i terest in matter,; aroutwid, the farth. , Plenty to, "t wad wotr and AeAtY Ot duct, all oftbintid to prompt him to . �11 . * 4GODOUCH
I 110 vms not at all"pleased to thitik *- sp.,Ouding mouey. Mr. Ciox always UA- takq his life. - 946A N& sq"* I
. � i
. �_ I ; � WAS Mt Riven an omee Job, Vitale ,od him fitios ils well as he could have jk1v,0 are Ilf the opiolou thrkt the I I W11111,111111111001"Wo �
4F I I we would hr- glad to kft,lv him autl pay ,used hi't 0-0,w tolt. present System of inspiep'tion of hottwlea� - _____ -_ � -1 . - �
I - t .- - - , t!", i !! !! � ! � ! ! ! ! _!,F !! !!! I I _
. him hecording to bis ability# yet he '%Irh. Tattion, tecalltd, bad *6itkeil where these ,childton, from &Arltiibl�! e!tt!!t �, i , i � ! l� � -_ , ______
. - , I I% to disbiteiestt4 in his work we'ter Mr. r4x on Coming to this coun- Inst.itutiong fro* lGreat Joritain ft -i � -0 .
1. � tr,v from tnglaud andfouo4 * *d bal
fed we e., A Sem 1111114t for W--
.. %nnot'afteird to pay bim $100 I _V1 - Cox wen as forolga; countries at* ploc VIUMID I 8106ft..'aw w"d rm ,
I a $tIV& a model tmPloy1r, in 0 WY WAY* is tutlrelg in*AoquMe And we w6ie-d oroge tily it a tertajft Mief f$t *11 di"tftj OA. I'VOUft, It 11% 0,PPI", I .
�f Fmis Clean #-You were rayinitVal $73 a yearl" maxel Sthwinti for *han% Toni stwngly reeommood thsit such in%10,
. I-nott ,much Vash." . totally sod is alioorbod latO 11% 5400144 UP,ne., Tht dftd %-Mto Matter
,,, ... 1,1 ----,.-- I—— . Wn!"i �i�#Wt!!�!!` t i !'.W, o !&,!!,!!, tutiorts beinging lil ebildten ShOuld ill, in the 04906ted rWVA Is 'expelled. '41VIag immedwer Mthw And- O'by"
__ �
- _ -, , - � , "so �Perite with the local " ... .- — MOW vtoseli *W
I - "Seventy-11vt a vear. 10 0 all -cases co -0 . ._1. - _. -1 relief; tilt
I I ,�
� 'OcittiPffo W11080 in- ' '
"It be did not Gvrovo, HaA4 "tion � Children�& Aid 8, .1 t nerv6 *re tonett and stmaigW.
0 Gmuents or matetials dtlkwed _1%,ut ;y6tt sity here you would no, sp"torik must bot in a better Position � 11. 004; "Ind 016 4*11,ftlation is "60
1, " , to %iV&"thrA the loest conditions and t - I
� , *ssy digettift. F"'a \ �rj �� - dorvi in norms). Av thliq trt*,*
1)4,v MoVe. 0 . T"CUIT, . . t� J
11 with SU feet Soft sod Morb it W001h It pc' -r,,)_-3 %1th stro""T dietti_':as wbo "ft visit t1w ehIkktift r4ore fre� )I I .. M'DI 11!V based on strielly jewo*
. ., . I I , alid Aeft orl OW I
� t'N'.1',�ti,�u�ferf.,mwefftcisofi-..,tl�- queotly aroi #Ake! an Jt*PKtJon whi�+ 1, I I awli ruva 0 L --s
0 , a(41U31 li"';iall6n of tht diteaft ft �
1 I ,1 *aid it he wa% w6ft1k more li�% ,!,;Afie_�. An WIA agtm* (,�r is yat TWffuwom 6% has b",ft th- . -i4 "I'do but do *60d, In 14
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