HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-01-24, Page 5r
BAnisT GHURCH IVILSONAfter a 1W9 11100iia Uhl
I)avid Uibtous Stri*t, pa%cil
Vt%try ii" ('ONKTfgXti0tk%1 51ett!1199 man, wat'-dan and 01IND Went two `&To ot iuvalldis1% N T
nm D A Reld on mQuilay Evening F"mrs, wil"11, 's. WINORR FOOT W.,"t A R
away en Suujay, Jau. Iatb� lit bee mist
SIV Al DR The %unual vmtrY inceting of SE., should Ic;lr Torrk, Satur. t io aucka ta ug ave on
,day ni;h1v in 'the Baptist Qbureh.
backlay. the 1"ah, to altiand
Georgos church was held on 5100:;!: Subscet, "Chooil 1111Lg a Wife." Stad. rmuctery. Tbo decea— tiaf* a weva.
Mah.. your feet eomfertaW�e for the snowy
WITH ents and young 11vaple in ""'Queral, iwrer Luon. 4 liturl) ar"'I tho Fvkvivcs;
Tile rector, Rev. 11arfly, pro. shouldnot ralss,tbiq hot -shot vormon � � lI Cro Conducted by rZov. R, V. metle r. I seasoit in a pair of our
Sunday morning at It OVIOCL Evan, wt vf nnoi� vhnrch. Uto Pall,
sented .1 report in whicii lie laid, pa�
bcarersucre Xv�fsys. Tbwl. W3111% a."
the various organizations for tbeir golist Torte will '�Wak on the su I- I it, willian, John 1�tngay alul ('1111cs den. RUBBERS, OVERSHOSESP G43010SHES
faithful work during the year, and Idus. The deciliawd %&as b,'", In
gave the following 3tatt'stila. Church Goderich Tonw,laill and Ono brotherk
families, 215; adults not Included lit Goderich, survives.
WHITE OINE and SPRUCE BAISAM famill, V5, �0; total sou1% 403; bap- The -%vbolo of i4cr watricd tire hatt ken 10W&.OTS
-4. lii*nt In Godevicb. A latully et 61K V%r B
tisms -during theye4r, I childirca suvwlvv. Mrs. W41bet KlOry, Of HOCK=# A
If You. have a stubborri cougit antl your lungs are inflantoa tx�a 23" actual communic"I'A0, 3,011.1; total Crystal Vity Man; Itobort WIlsou of
your air passages irritato.4, this. splendid cough syrup will affor(I tha number of couilrated, 400; marriagen. town; Xr4. %valloud suit Mrs. t-varle; of Are now in sto,.k and we are rea(ly for the
relief You seek promptly and without any after effects. Ponalfw 2; burials, Sunday services, 133; Guelph, Urs. (;. W. Logau of W"Itie.g.
White, Pine ana Sprage Bat!.)= is 4 healing r6mody -composed of average attendance at the two main 404 biles, Margaret at hoille, an of Skating season.
White Pine Bark, Spruce GUM, Tamarae. Bark, Wild Cherry and Sunday Zerviee$ of the ehtirob� 15% w4loul Ware. here fow the Intleml with
Public celebrations of the Holy Cow- the exceptiou of Nvu ugau of NVI041.
pe Xr. Iftripy Vantelon, of 011ittow.
iontsoir.ecQgnizediperit. Sold in two sizes. 25c and 50c. rotation, 58; largest number of vonl_ 0
1 '111 Xr. oeo. Iloulev. also Ot Clinton.
niunicants iimsent on ony oixe, day. Mr. W. F� Sharp of Crantimok, and Mr.
207, -G. Logan, Of Brausole, also 'Wetv utre
The churchwardens presented their for the funeral. Geo. Mac'v icar"
report whieh �howed an adverse bal.
t 'I ance carried forward. McPHERSON.—Tho funerat of the North Side'of Square e-,,G0DER1CW
late Urg. James McPherson, whose
Blessrs. Goo. lVilliams -and 0- 1"- EVANGELIST AND MRS. TORRUN death in Winnipeg was noted in our
Carey were appointed auditors for
4 last issue, took place on Friday last M-
in the residenco of hot- son, Ur,
The rector appointiA Mr. J. 8. Platt jQ.ct6 "What Goderich Christians Are.* fro
street, Doyle also sang. Mrs. W. 11. Bill-,
elect.. There will be a great mass vicoting David XcPherson. Palmerston PROPLE_WE KNOW
ioll, on Friday, Jan. 18tb, Inter�, lard, of Segforth, prqsIded at the or- i
as hiswarden, and the meeting
left as pe , ward-, *-1IM-111-thQ ZUPWt church for ov. Goderl - gan, The pall.beare-rs were Messrs Ura. IkIeDonald, LI,,whthoom Street, Vo
ed Mr. 0. C. MeN aoploi�
en, erybody. Subjoet� "What a Woman mont being made In Unitland'oetive
A eelect vestry of eight was up- Did." Sunday night Mr. Toirle will tery. The deceased was born in j. B. Xelly, p. il, Ryan, Patrick Farr, visiting bor,41%tighter at (11ruellik.
Scotland. being, a daughter of the jas, Foley, Thos. Hogan Ind John Mrs. liarvey cutt, will receive at bov�
pointed as follows, Messrs. 0, F. speak dn the subject, "The Way We late James MeRay, and tame to this H vletoll&-stri,00 01A Ille jaw
0kroy, C. C. Lee,. Goo, Williams, C are Saved." Come early to be sure egron, of Myth. Mr. and bIrs, Jos, home On
C country as a child, She was worried Dwyer ghd Mr. W. J. Kelly worts horQ� Thursdavoteatit nioulb.
AMpB,M S D UG STORE, T111 Wurtele, D. Brown, Pied sturdy, G: of a seat. about 60 years ago and they lived itt from Detroit for the funeral, also, Xr. and Vrfu A. IkNeDoxiald, of P&rt
R Hearty and joyful sing.
90 Square L. Parsons and T. C. Crawford, The ing. Special music by chorum choU, Gotlerkh, where Air. McPherson died Mrs. Richard Foley, Chicago; Mrs. Unroll. motomd to (Wilertch laRk wook
select vestry wilt appoint the sides- at all these meetings. Service eacit cars ago. For the paw. P. Moore and Mrs. Macklin, front and VINIted thett, frivilds and rolotlim,
men. night' this week at 7.t15. No service about 45 In t4wu.
'it ser- A
-he *ndaY night, but.tbei��will 1 d with her daughter in Winnipeg, gad X Alorr
i Following the vestry meeting t be' clove years Mra. McPherson had liv - Stratford; Mrs, P. Reynolds, Ilullett,
Lauder. of theModal Tb
r. ins. Kelly, from left Tueldoy Oe la%t -week for % ftw;
annual congrezational mectinr %v4g vice every I other night next at 11 - visit with trieud-i in pik""
and It was here her death took place Mr. Kelly bad served on the SeParAtc wouthij
hold. The report. of the Sytiod &artj 7.45. on Sunday, the 10th, at the age of 81 School Board for a term of years. In Lo% An elos, and. -other i)oluts lu C*L-
showed the diocesan budgetallotment
The- I own COU n Cil met in full. years, Thefamily consists of Jamen Politics lie wasa Liberal. forals.
UNION -ISN'T UNITY. and bliss Helen (Nellie), of Winni. 1 11 � 1.
Messrs. -and Unav: (Dolli),- `11UR
Douglas- -Brown peg; MIMI John McPherson G TIMIG CRES
Salkeld were appointed lay reprcseli� To the VdItor of tho stav— . ;..". .. I ___
of Denver. Col., and David *cPhor-
Mr. W= Wallace Suggests Calling Square. "Memorial t.tivos to Synod, with Messrs, G. 1, see in ymir paper ateport of (3turch, son, of town. Mr. McPherson im The vervices in Knox church will tke GRAND CARNIVAL
Parie' andBriecting 1110mina4d )Eutiaxwe Aichek POrsons and J. S- Platt as altilmates. Valon disetisseti, 4y tbQ" Aiev. .1. L. hero front Winnipeg, accompanying c011duct4d by' tht' minister. Subjects
The reports of the various church Ifolmeg.'who spvs be walits to steady the remains. The deccaied was a of sermons, 11 a. in.. 'rlxird in the WEST STIMET RINK
COUNCILLORS ord4niz4tions all sho-V a y`oar of pro. the mind" of the lixioplo. The ininda of
A PROPOSAL TO� REMUNERATE tb(A people atil idriqxdy s4eady. The PresbyWrian. and the funeral services scrion on the, Lord's Prayer, OThe In aid of Hospital, under auspicep, 44
"Maple, Leaf Chapter,
greas with a cash balance on hand. w conducted by 1�ev. R. C. MeDer, Kingdom of Heaven;" 7 p. in., "A
The* receipts for . the year are as people don't want union. If It wero the Ore ath SVhO(.I
poo�167 who wautod it, it would nover', raid. pastor of Knox church, and the Friendly Pilgrim" Sabb Friday l9votgo Feb. Ist, 1924
A Suggestion. for ihe Starting of a Public MuseUM__.� follows. Du�'lex envelopes, 42704.14; have been born. Who wants Union ? poll -bearers woro Messrs. Peter and and Bible Classes at .1 o'clock. Priz(%'i given for'. tile followi%Zl
loose collections, $704-21; duplex- en. Some Ftay It Ili the. HiLsher Critics or tile John NgoE It
Special Committee to Interview Mr.` Robt. elope cost, 1 $15.9 w4ni Percy Walton and The,Sish9p of Keewatin Is tit vil
5; special offeringm, Evolationists.nuil somo sa.v too godoru, JAB. Buchatip"n., St. George's parish on Friday. Fun�y, JIr t.. nd . 4o i-�
or - - - - . k% 8 a to h
Mcli� $ 1 charitable relief.. $62,83; 11M. Whoevir Will, i, , nother I Ist. Ile vAll address the, W. A. lit Ludiem' Fancy, firs� and second.
re Mvm ial., Hall 644.08 VF1 A ne of the venerable re.
I Woman's Auxiliary, $?,11,9.65; Juilior EV dierupt , the world. I-,vory, y RELLY-0
The.town council of :1924 met on A , communication front the Provin- Auxi . Ila school. knows union jaInt anity. -One thing $141011ts of town was called to his re. o'clock In the afternoo.h. I(Q 'Will Buys' Fancy, first, and second.
rx, 1176-60; Sunday
niday evening- last, all the members olal 'Secretary's department ael`TOW-. $237,12; ceetalu it would do -, It would aild 100 word On Monday, Jan. 14tb, in tho give an illustrated lecture at 4.,15 Olt (Itirls' Fancy, first and seegild.
Church Wominis Quild', pet, The Great Northland of Ontarlo mid Gentlatuares (,lowic, Ili -at and see nii
cenb� to the non-clitiroh,goors, and, Person of - Air, 'John Xelly. The do.
present. Jedged receipt of petition for act to $70.7.67.; Parish Hall fund, $643.42; dltulbish 500'uorceut, from the present ceased gentleman during the p will address a public nteeting at 9 Laillpqt.
list onlic, flrst and second.
The tax collector reportcdaszfol� authorize' eppsol . idation Of 'the fl0at- .'Girls! Guild, $197,01; Girls' P4risil chnich givings. The. rovereAd gontle� oclock on. Indian' and 9skinto *mia- toy$, Comic, Arst and second.
lows: IT, have paid the treasurer ir I ig debt. Hall -fund, $52 08; Chancel Guild, man onid our Lord prgyea for I unjoh, ; $core of years In which he had been
taxes as follows during the year 39231. sions.
The finance committee reported as $94Mf Choir fund, $60;45 rayeCror unionwith P. resident of.0odorich, liecame one of Girls' Comic, first wid-second.
lqlg,,$300; �1919, $,360; 1990 $162d; -follows, oor TA60 never p -be our 'well-known citizens. Hip was it The annual l000ting of 8t. Oeorgolo Best Policy Qtlartotto'L
the SaribeA and the t)harip000 and t,
1921, � $4,251.36; llq= sii,685,90; . We .havd �xamined the treasurer's an�d" experienced motUby% iPYVOOrlie4 With his own people. native' of Tipperary, Ireland, being Churoh. Wornali Is Ou lid was held On. Bet�t CQmic, rgir.
.1928, $83,008,90; total, PO4,982,16; statement, . of receipts and' exp. d - Wise T1108. BURNS the fifth child of the late -John Xoll�l Tuesday. Jan. lith, The following aro Best Fancy, )?air.
On I know when their children are trou" -the offloorti.cleowd tor Illird Time Costume.
and since Jan. Ist, 1024,`$2,378,81; tures from Dec. 15th'to 31st as audi, 'bled with w�rrna and lose no time in Godorich, Ontario. and. Margarer Ryan, whose famil�
total to Jan, 18th, $107,860,47.11 ted and found I co, . rrect, -and we recQm- applying Millees Worm Powders,' consisted of 0 boys and two girl Durnlu I lot Vic" ')resident' "'ro' Boys' Raw, under 10 y6arm.
This was' reforied to the finance moild thht; it W filed.. most effective"vetmifu * a BELFA -he was a- Folker; Suit Vico Prosident. Mrs. 'No.
go. It is abso- ST When a child of only six -hie Nell .-, Secretary, XrR. J. AV. 11 tinter -, Girlh" R-30*, under 16 YeArs
Nit, In is visiting her 'brought *.him to C , 14 , , Race'
We have interviewed the local matiL lute in c4earizig the system. of worms 4% Wimale Irwi - parents ' ' Canada, sail- Treasurer. Urm. 111. D. Prown . 31041 F Xaft s
Xt. Win."Wallace'wiOte l% follows- ager of . the Bank of Xontreal with and restoriAg thoso healthy condl. uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. T. Ager, Ing from Limerick on the Lazy �Bry- mothers. 'Xise Q. IW4 and'Slrm. McNeil, Best Comic
-quire ce Page"). Costume.
tions without. which. there can be no near 'Brantford. Nab, which', at that stage of advan At tho'Victotla Street 11ethodI60
Dr. 04 referencO, to gur financial re comfort foe the child, or hope of ro.
in navigatio took eleven weeks for k church next 8unday bothr Hary Ices will 8kating at 9 P. ra. Judging at' 0�-.
-Mayor of Coderich. ments for tbi year. 4nd. -wi are eft- get n
bust krowth. It is a most trustw* Diin't for . the play, 4'Alwayo ln :the In itay. In the
or- passage. They settled' at, By. I b 0 1 P. 11aiid in atteridance.. Admb;,
m%goduotoil by the 0a
t Dear Sire—While passing so often deavoring to Obtain a lower rate of Trouble which isAo be held in the
through the Square I . have boefi interist., �thy wqrn3 exterminator. town, now Ottawa, where they To- M be will will xpeak (in the gion�
school on Friday night., subject 41.1cous and the Church." In the
mained for a couple of years. They lipg at 7. on the subject. "Alo(
thinking that it would be a. fitting, With reference to., default in pey. ovel
eil as follows. Mrs, Frank Irwin,spent 4.few days then removed 10 Hilloloo, on the Mlo� us Cultil — Pr&v(,r
tribute to.ovi fallen' soldiers. to name merits. by theD61iiiinion Road b�ach- In Ah, mattOr of the -ongineer's re- this- week*, in'Luanow, Visiting helt =90log at 10 eclocit, and the Bible
it, #lMoiorial Park;" . Yoil 'have "Har- lner�r Co. of -their bofi(l'of 4069.41 wers C I on, uncle and aunt, Mr. and, Mrs. William sisllippl, where tbey staidd", a year. Wde[Theatre.,
im 11 P -welconlo to
bor'Park" and I'Vlctoriv6 Park," but as due Jan. Isti .1924, d as guaran- port as to the - cost of so Then they came to Goderich. . After saboolab.. m. A corillal
has no parj� name at pre. teed by. t6 'town, And demauit;.uf structed - in 1998, we recommend that Irwin- a year here they went to farm on the all.
the the exigin�er be instittilea to prepare' Mr. 'and Mrs. Alex. 'Itli�'kctt unit .7th concession of Morris township. North St. Methodist church: t11 iYEEK of JAN. 28th to FOR. 2#4
aont�_ V(Tliol *� are fortunate in this be- holders of � the bond,.for payment, we the special 4sessment rolls for caell boys spent a day last week visitii# Mr. Kelly was married Jan. 26th, a. in., Motes, Club, - subject, "How call
chuse you will. not have to make any recommend that the bond be paid and sewer construetpd but not: yet capi- the former's.' sister,. Mrs. Jno. Brv4--AI864,,nnd Morris . township "was the I make the beat use of my time? P in.
change, and the name. once adopted,that the matter.of. repayment by'the� t Monday and Tinsday.
corn alized. ley" of Laurier., scene, of his labors f6v 39 years, trodueed by'Mr. Jack Purvio. Church
will last as long as Goderich and.lofig Company be takeq-,up by your. P
That open air skating rinks ara Our neigbborbood last Priday-morn-' They theii retired to Blythr and after Clasies.- Mission.9and. 11 a. in., RICHARD BARTHELMESS
after the nalnes on the moilument.1mittee, it I
will hilve become ille ible. �Ni i dotibt We� And that being made at Victoria Park, and on Ing lost one of its, highly rospected'' a residenco there of nineteen ypars. The (M-115 of - the Middle -Aged.", I , with a 4cast of .1,uallty, In bis Xrea4�
4 there- is approximate. lot on Bayfield road, the same as last neighbors, in the person of Mr. Win cattle to Goderich. Mrs;, Kelly, who p. m., (liurch School." 7 p. in., Mleccvs
but that, in the years to eomo. 1bere ly �108-36 of arrears on thd Cuthbertw
yd11 be otIver, monuments erected in son Housing an and that the tre.as- year...- Gardiner, Sr., of Zion, He was in his survives, was formerly Margaret "Spiritual Dynatiller..", 'Collo olo' .94
the- park,. and, the present fia of ureris in recelpt of a lotter from the Wr. . by,bir. F. It. Miller, po4t1w-ned. froo
Lo The fire committee reported as fol- Vsual good health, but had.Aaken a Walsh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jro The Bond 130Y
me � : (11141STIN C01180y.
48 . . ... weak spell, from Which he did not, Walshi Of Xorl-ls township. ' Their 1.3.4t1quilday becati8e of the stjr-,J,
�quart" I!; not, and. never wae,.�Ap- Provincial Housing beilartment, We e I
We have'passed th' following gP- r,%Ily, Ile was in his eighty-accond wedding took � place at Winghant, "Stay sinqW',
propriate. recommend that the letttir for- _� -1 1 1 .11 6.
plications for building permits- C,' year. The funeral was bold on Mon- being celebrfited by Rev. Father was-. GUARD THE BABY
ould also* ed two warded'to -the loc
There, sh _�,o�tereeted, �al Housing Commis- A. Reid, garagej East at; R. MacFar- da Jan. 2fat, front..Zion Methodist ro. A in � ily..of twelve children wa!; AGAINST COLDS' Wednesday and Thursdayv._.
h I, y# ra
small entrance aichees.:_! ith illuminat- sion, with the request to collect the lane, garage,4,nd driving shod on Ox- Church, bf which be was a faithful born to thent. Those surviving are
member, to Greenhill cemetery. Much Mrs. Joseph.Dwyer, Detroit-, Airs. M. ANTONIO MORENO %vid
ed n4v*s.at entrance, fr,o in :East and! amount or- realize oil the PVPQrty-� lord at. To guard 0lo boh
West Amos. We find that the fire insurance oil With reference to. purchase of fire sympathy is felt for the..Sons ani J. Farr, Goderich,, W. X Kelly, De. Ing Can. (4111111 If.thy's Own TmblPtA
The matter of-entrince anchos.,ean The Tj�l)lotg tirti it: wilit )axative Ilia;. BEBE DANIELS
the Arteraft Furniture factory, re- hose, we are obtaining prices on dif- daughter, Will, Epnest, Mark, all of troit, Mrs. Richard Foley, Chicago, will Iteop'the Httjo 01AWK Ntolliach. alldl in their br(*zy Not act.loix ParAmoupt
be left over for a while but I would � quires some 're-adjustmefit and we re- ferptit makes and will report at next Zion, and Mrs. Bert Finlay, who lives and Miles Kelly, Of Los Angeles;
like to see your council take action In bowelq 1vok-hing regularly. It 14 a
respect to the name. 1commend that the matter be left In meeting. In Dakota, . and. a brother in Winni�,, and those deceased are Patrick, John. recogulycil fact Outt %bere the stoniael, "The Exciters".
the hands of. the chairrnan-'of the fin.. The council decided to ad*ortise re-. peg. Joseph; Michael, bliss Esther au(I IloweN neo In good. ortler that (.01IN wo cotiv.D)t
Yotirs respectfull�, aneb cominittee. questing citizens to. keep Miss Catharine Xelly and Mrs..W. 0, Will not exist " that tho helklili of tilt, Tuxt.
garbage The box soeial and. entertainment, "One Night It Raifte&"
WM. WALLACE, With reference to method of asses- separate Irom. ashes, with a'view of which was held in the haill last Fri- Baker. Thiore - ari,� 24 granil-children little Ono will 1)'! 004 and tbal; he �11111
Thls:was referred.to the cometery sing and collecting of taxes and up- using good clean ashes for filling pur -and six great grand children. Mr. thriva and be hapoy, Tbd n w
tax will not locreaso the plice 40 11 ";'t"
and parks committee. pointment of assessor and.,colleetor, poses in tbespring. day night, was a grand., sucqcss, The 'a Rab V I Friday, and Saturday
hall, was filled to its capaoit$�,,and the Xelly Was 'a devout inember of tho Own Tablet% as tbe ootutlan v piyR the C
A requost from Meast'g. Barkei We recommend that your committee The renting of the L town, gravel,pit Oranlremen are very thankful to all Roman Catholic laith and was a ta% yo, can otill obtain fist) Tabh)(,41 EILEEN PER Y and'
Bros. for Permission to have tree in be empowered to consult'the solicitor on Maitland road for pasture pur� those who so -%villingly helped and es- member of the Holy Name Society, thbott
front of their garage removed was ro- and 'Obtain advice as to method I and poses was referred to the public pecially to those who'bame at a dis. t1fo local branch of the Society, at- A 0, 1, by inall, IloNt lildfl. from Illo HERBERT R INSON
proc r o Ak
ferred to the parks and pubile worki edu e to' be followed and any works committee. to. inve4,01gate and, tance. in sleigh leads, from C tending, thp.funeral in a body, Tito Dr. willialli.4, .1fedlelike CO.. l3vockylile. in, the Do Luxe Attraction
committee, Jointly. lother information required in the ieport, reWc, funeral took place on Thursday, Me 0AN" . . . : ,
Dungannon and ZJon, and to Mr. 1). "The Prisoner$"
A request fro�n Sick Chitilren's matter� Mov�d by the Deputy Reevet se- 0. TAylor,.of Lucknow, who so ably 17th Inst,, Rev. Father P' J- .0nam A jrrcat mass meeting for* everyoun. (%NTURY V0ilJ?,Dy'
'Hospital, Toronto, for a grailt� was We reeommillid that the matter of 'con'ded by the Reeve, that the starting filled his duties as chairman, and to singing golorml requiem high mass, in the Baptist church Sunday after.
referi*d to the finance committee, icultmeration' (if touncillors, be taken of a Public: museum be referred to the Mr, Elliott Miller, auctioneer, from Ire. was.assisted by Rev. Fatber Gafr� noon at 3.80. Subjeet, "What a Wo. Don't Get Fresh
A communication :rrom the Citi. up by the chairman of the finance special committee to look into.—Car- Lucknow, for vellinj the boxes The ney� of Clinton, and Rev. Father mun .11V13 ' AND, J9PV. fit
ittee with the solicitor�. ried, Proceeds, which amounted to I'Moran, of St. Augustine, Interment
zoos' Research Institutt, oitetiag'to comim
)5, will be used principally for was made in St. Michaelln cemeteryo Peeviall, pale, restkws. and sickly "BUMps and, Thumps!?
make ii'municipal sur�vey of the town, We have much. pleasure in 'report- -Moved by Councillor Ryan. secon& $r
was placed on file. , - ing that the Goderich Industrial Ex- ed by the Deputy Reeve, that the ape pairing and furnishing their hall. Blyth, Rev. Father Gaitney conduct- children owe their condition tf
'tied to order the.blunio.. hibition Society has paid int, r-1 ) Nlatinees—Pllon. and Wed. at 4.15.
It was doci D� the cial committee interview Mr. Robe t Urg. Leo. Whitty worms. Mother Graves' Worm: Vx fiat. at 3.0.
com:,[ Th re is 11; r; ing the services,
pal World for each councillor and town treasury the gum of $250. Imexay with reference to his 0 ason for marriage, sang "Jerusalem" at the church sor- terminator will relieves them and rc:
for the clerk and the assessor. The public works committee, rbpoi?t,.l inuttity hall proposal. folks just get in love, Vice at St. Peter's here, and Ur. Wri.ntorc health. —"The .1111d . night Alarim.'"
R0.08ING, SPECIALS. In DRESS GOOD -S, Flannels, s,.epges,. Wool Dress Colun
0 Dr
All Shades and Quall" CREr it;I 'DRESS GOODS
ties m One Lot to In 181ack, -Sand, Cocoa
Brown,, Navy, Gre- y
$ C
in Q. C 9f
I 111 11 I'll 11111 116"a 660"
NELS, alliplain -shades
A Lovely Cloth for
Dresses and Middloes
$ *89
in Black, Brown,
Navy, Green, Copen
$ .1.050.
In t6ck 'and flain
Sha"des. A Real Bar-
OVER'1,00 REMNOT TABLES --,Hund Pods of P'leces of Evepy Kind, 15c to $2,00
ALA GIRI-91 UUATS, 0*741 "13