HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-01-24, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE GODERICH STAR THURSIPAY. JAN- 24'bl 19-' troffle pumhed them throWls. holes 0 were left, and for -the Viist five Years THE 'HOOME BOY'S C —1 111 01111 T66t of the door wore, and then when the jintitor W. -Wva, FaWlAt, 111m ASE aff S' icate floor. The joist$ at one r-orner had :.patoon 3 totted and given wav, 6 th'? air space not king large enough. 16;OrOntr� S, Jury Say Bulpitt Was Misplaced On MI& W- INTER SALE The joists would have to be vepaireil, a Farm, and Blame Uncongenial and Ullac. new flooring was to 'be put W ONE DINNER SET - ONE ONLY throughout.. customed Work, Loneliness and UpwArrant. The gymn-Aslum W45 not hvated en - DINNER UT ed Nuishment As Leading to His, Suicide, Blue 1%anj 4esign, wgular I box stove. The plan5pro- �,q3,5.00 for "Pt 110� coulpicto 96piecq,5, lVau- viled X the beating of the whole t4ul design, regular 8-35. building front Ono largo boiler bylSTRONGLY URGE BETIER INSPECTION $191so. 1 for $14.98 steam, and sufficient colls would be put, in the gyzanaVium to keep It an to 8b9ut 55 degrees. Recommend That There Sboul;i Be Co-operation With ONE ENWSH SET ONE CASINO CHINA Tbp lighting of the wheol at pro- 11dreres Aid Socie� protty Rose design. 4N.') DINNM SET sent was very bad. The windowa Chi ,Iee Officials Who 11 * were put In where they would giVID d Know Local conditions Regis Jar S35, for q(.� Pieces, Rose PattOrl, .41 look from the out- $16.so roatilar S38.00 fof nice arebitcotal side, but the modern idea 9f ughtina I Furtbvr sittins;Li of the ebrottees. 10, who weighed 90 pounds?" Asked $49.50 was to get all the light from the left inquest into the death of Charles Bul- Mr. Spager. ONE COWL= bond side and a regular basis of t Vitt, the home boy who h4tispil him- "Yes, heavy. enougli. for a man, DINNER SET ENWSH JUGS lighting'bad been worlmdoutfor,var- $elt at the farm adJoining Mr. I. Is. The job was heavy enough for two . ____ I Ions sized rooms- It was yroposvd.'Cox's, Colborne township, Where he good men," said the witness. in 110yal G11ftor, 00nd RoS'0___&$Igh,- regular 46C to change the. lighting to suit Mod- Was emPloYed, Were hold On We4neq- 14urcre yon ever there As early as i, Ina wbite and gold for 30 Cents, oru Ideas. The walls would be brolt- day, the 16th inst; ]VAday" the 18th, 3.30 In the mQrnin,-,. i understood select Pat. en aoAl windows widened out anil and Tucqday, the. 22nd, 004 On each you to tell we before that yqu worked torsi, regular W0.00 for 20 per coftt� off an Juxs others closed pp. occasion the town ball was packed, from 3.30 in the morning until 10 V. aW Teapots. The case has attracted the attention ni, Were you quite -mistaken when $110.00 Mr. flume read from the inspect or's reports on the building dating as of outside papers, Its ImportauCe,R0 yon told rue thut?" for back as 101% in which the inade- doubt being due to the effect on !in. 4,1 w tt t e t tl b y 4, $a 14 re wl It to 0 a, CUP$ AND SAUCERS,`regulir.25r, -for 18c. quacy of, the building, was referred migration Which Mal-treatenient of those''hours, but those were the usual ODD DINNER PLAT E,, regular prices froin 25c. to 7 SC, for to. In 1014 it had been estimated immigrant boya (should It be estab* hours that I worked whou I wAs th6re, from 10o to 26c. $00,000 would have put up a now lished that the treatment Accorded to At the threshing we worked front a Ma0y special valuo in other departments. building or $10,000 a now wing. the boy Bulpitt by Mt. Cox was un. Q�clock till, About r).3o , The original estimate of the. cost duly severe) would have... On Wed. "Did Voij. ever, he�r Mr. Cox say PARS of the now wing now proposed was nesday, the 16th, Mr. T. R. Elliott of anything to the boy?" asked the ONI FAIR Goderkh, Oat. ),It $52,000, to which had to be added the, London Free Press was present ir. crOW711 12 STORES, $1,$75 r tow flooring, heating, the interests of hispaper. On Friday "One'morningill said Llpp4tt, "the EVERYTHINO FOR THE HOW vault, and other changes in the old Mr. W. X Elliott was here from The boy.ran two! cow$ into the door and Mr. Wbitesities, of Hens4ll. was ap� invite him to be. Prc-4011t at tht eoun- school, The arobitect's commission Free Press, and the Toronto St4r-ahso Mr. Cox was obastising him for. that. 0=0 of 0. per cent. Would bring the figur.�- sent while the local' pointed High Constable of the Coun- c1i meeting the foljo,�Ing wor�inw. He had the, council Ott - UP a reporter, 1ronto' and and �. hold of the boy by, ' the throat tX (the�j appointment now being an The old members of UP f* $50,569, and another $1500 for correspondents of other -To shook blut and I thought he was annual -one) at a salary of �900- tortained at the usual smoker On. equipinout 6uld be desliable. London papers had Instructions to co- cuffing him, He said he would kic� , esignatfou of Rev, Jas. How- Tuesday evening. For WednesdiO TA,1411M_-,111.1,0001 us the amount of a ver the inquest.. him," The i nvik- dob Clerk' Holman i oof iltQo from the 0. C. 1. board was re� evening County issue at 0i por ten Oh, A d �"Anythjng else I"' forred to ed-thocouncil to And Chief PLANS— ril * : - I - - - - his home,. At the session 9n Wednes ay, the tURIJO -0 ADDITION 20 year term, would figure out $4,686 Ifth, Joseph Brophey, undertakeir. g the annual cost, or taking $58,000, was first sworn. He saw the body of Notice from the Sheriff's office was Saunders of the Lions Club ext6fide(T I ti, t 'the council to attend Ought you told nle COX thren of the resignation of Mrs. Griffin as an invitation to- Thr.4*8tory Addition, Ne,* Steamlleatillg'SyStOftt, maple $,4,053 its the annual cost. Making young'13ulPitt examined When it was onod to lick h— -out of Mm?" matron, Of the jail And the'appoint- their_-Weelft luncheon on. Friday at the term over Which the,dobefitures taken to Goderich,'., There were �11$14t %ya�l me ho said that na4ing ThroUghout, with Proper'Lighting would extend- 30 ears, *6-uld iiake inar to#�' re- . morlt of Mrs. lzqnaIds, it a salary noon. and Ventilating y Its orL the. chest and Abrasions on plied the N�tness,� I of $295, the annual amoudt to be -rafsed $3,- the Wriots, as Well as a mark Where 01110 told pie. 6 1*4on I The �resignatioh of Mr. R. C Hays —They t�ftt that twic A Household Medicine 853 for $50,000 capitalization, or $3,- the rope bad been, At thd post -mor- worked there-, . . . . . . are acquainted 'with the sterling*�ro-., as. goutitY solicitQr'was receive a' FAlectrie Oil 900 for $58,000 capitalization. tem, next day there was Also a mark "In loading the grain you speak of muniiings (Goderich), seconded by rt of Dt. Thoma WOULD COST $56,000 on $5 000 Ve jo: Taking thp present attendanco of or discoloration of the back. was not the boy tb treatment of many. ailments;, county pupils as the basis and est'i- William j;rophoZ of the undertak- 1 ads th t0l(l to take Ugbt(r Xr, Robertson (Colborne), moved not would not be Without it In tlio- house, 9 arryou?�, to accept the resignation;.'a Lay Plans Before Town Council—Co nd, Me.9- it is. -truly a bousebold'viedicine and G.'e, L Board. unty mating on $68,000 of debentures ex- Ing firz it m, then testified. He also amy "No, Aft. Cox tol d him. tG ff tb�nt srs. Douglas apd Armptrong moved vein doullits; with many Would be "uIred to Par Proportion teh4od over 30 years, -would figare the marks.* Referring. to ithe abrag- up.'� its it is effect! to accept itb .'ordinary, complaints it is an inexpen,� $1,064 annually as the county's share ' ions on the bonds, he said "they were witness estimated a bushel of Oats* Finally. a of Messrs. give medicine. So, keeO.it at h4r,4 nder !Remt Legislation. committee U Oud.$2,026 As the towres. share of the what,you would expect,oh the hands ;weighed 88 i3ounds And the, box alone Xurmings, Robertson and Rays was As the call, for it ni'a'Y',como r4ost un-. Annual Amount to be rafte,4. If with of a workinonian.11 Ito. 3, 1*,, Ford, -chairman Of the tho east side girls' toilet 'and boys' would weigb 20 or 25 pounds. He appointed to interview 'Mr. -Hays aiid eXpectedly. -A;. C. LA)oard And Mr. J- P- Runt%, toilet with:, the janitor's store room the increased accommodation the Willi4in Lippatt,, Colborne township added that, Mr, Cox had 0=40 a few school should draw a larKer percent- farmer, told of worki�g at Cox'splo'e -boxes, while Bulpitt shovelled bact; secretury, addressed the town council between. for some time and later for threshint 4)n Thursday evening on their com* The present root Is_ all to �bo re- Age Of county Pupils the, pounty'.1, g -grain iii'thobin., qnd silo -filling. -At the threshing That he had been ill treated while tht with reference modelled. The cornices are eaten a. abate would be lncressed�r r4ittet meeting tip. and Bulpitt Were carrying dxes b in�Cox!s employ in 1920, that he had to the building. program of the s0ho b . lf� ol way an - 4 it has tweh hard to keOp a 'ALLISON S In lately. Tb�.'jrexot wood-. 10R. A. SAUNDERS CHAIRMAN Oats to thObin-k' xun -away, returned, aild finally, rim the Way of aid4itlon- They Were dry. rool "Was that too heavy for a boy 69 (Continued on p THE SANITARY MEAr MARKET accompanied by the f Ilowins MOM. on cornices willbe replaced with me age 6) board- Emoterson, tal ones, bers of the Publio, School Board M""'Appoint WEST,SIDE SQUARE Chas. . M. AoboriLsoni J.- W, Fraser, The vault f6tthe storing of rccords� ineiiis and Fixe Staq& C in. t. ed: The, re�aitlng' of the roof and And 'h4s'- banded over, *250 to -the W 0 ral w0l, bovaluabio nd Mr. Hume point. tets—Inspiotor ToWs Re and Rev. Jas. IlamiltoA. a port. ceilings - and the, re-tintin - of tbe. tPWn,#,, which.. might be as Rev, Mr. Ford said the citizen$ had ed out� how former students of years rooms are satisfactory im0rovem6fits. pait payment for the privilege of 'CHOICE CREAMERYAPM DAIRY BUrMR 0 k t something ago soinatimes wrote for theirstand. The, inaugural meeting of the God The lawn and flower beds 'were At- the grounds and -upkee HAND. nown f4t- some time tht, c AILWAYS ON uring the sum- ud �to. ho done, The G. C. I., board. Ing while at - schooV for various pur. rich public school boord wits held on tractive and beautiful'. d' p e , an WANTED-w�Good chbice Dal' Bu bad tried, to avoid putting the town to, poseso and it was desirable that a fice Wednesday ev ning J . 16th ry tier and Fowl. IT ISVARW ERWIN Also heavy expervid , ut the necessity -of proof place for the keeping of record.i Mr. Alex. Saunders was. -appointed . In some divisions there should W - - - - - - - - Fk A A P1 04 04 *ctlon bad beerit.4iight home by the should be provided. This was soine' chairman, for the year and the vir�- spocilatclasses for the slow, over-aU0 B�yhfi�eljd 7 1. _. � 'I. Is RepresonW In lvarden� - - W W W - W W W W - W witlitiol4ing df the -Government grant, thivg� which the Department asked ions committees for thik� your were sLp- pupils that d4nnot leep pace with C ir nOw for tjjj secroAdyeor. Now, bo*- for, pointed'ap followsz for Pirst, Tiiu�:Ll.ther AD. quicker puplls�. . Teaching is fair to iever, that the, -board was, doihg,a6me* In answer Mr. Hunte 0 0 n tingent Cominittee.-Mosers. . pWniments, Ma4c t* questions . good, much more attractive in some Mr. A. E� Er Thomson-, Gundry and Acheson. whi,: reeve of Sayfie'ld 0 thing tbot.Govornzuq�nt had paid the stated that the present Government rooms tbskn- in, other, rooms.' DISelp- I'S the Warae _P er. $:runt to the school was about $ljfift n of Ruron County for 'S BO T 'SH r4lht,antl-tho *Arlifeltboutidto-kal Finance Committee"MessTs W -al- line is good U arly All the divisions; 1994.- This IS: big r eigft Y'e with, thi matt"' Mr. - Ford The lack of me lae-o, Sallows and Acheson,* HERh 0 ahoad reground bad Always Crai all should be satisfactory next term. , - I Parruted bow the �Voard'had asked been an objection buCwlth the tennis School Matagement­Me-ssts, coon�v council and he Is well posted lot & GOV6rnsnojjt* Architect. r The I The work of the pupils. was fair to ,rL Court$ adjoining and'j)to agrieultum gle, Carrie and UrAllace.. good. In some classes special atton- th6 6otmty� business'and will make, wits pQ school Architect, The Board. grounds convenient, for games, the Grounds Committee--mes"rs- Oun' tion must be given to neatness, accur- a worthy occupaup of the I warden's then aski dry, $allows and Carrie. chair, The village of Bayfield has on Department to natro Department had been Willing to Sic- acy and, 1qUjiity..,' Progress ha been There,. is, Genuine 6sf acfi 3 never before bad its repiaentative, in An areh't"t'r 1%ls, they would not do cept,this. There was no Miss Sharman, wai appointed on the fair to, goQ& stew y L There r are too *r;, so s whero sthool,; t: bull6dlng *I! Public Librar Ward for the years many the Wardons chat that the honor but named some town a' tt grounda.would. over-4ge pupils in some ToomN, These IN' SEUING'FOOTWEAR had *vji,bullt which had been ap� be 'er an the proposed addition 1924, 26 and- 26. Mi. Stonehouse Was require special lessong fil a clas b,,, very properly 9066 to�Xr, Erwin this To Us To Y thW, r' V year. In the. caucus of.th6 Co -orVa THAt GIVES SATISFACTION ou prov d, and In this way the Board got on the present �$Ite but the cost would Previous appointee, themselves., Depprtrhent is good in in toutb *ith X683re, Coon and son, be Touch greater. e regular meeting night w8s fix- all. the divitions. tive members Of the county council. wlio draw up the plans , which *60. It 'was pointed out that, undj� 4, do for the first Monday of :each mo th (niecting this week), tour men were "vj�,their best service if not . . 1% r I The hispeetor's reVorta Were 610, in the running on the fi No to wear cau gi chargei In logislationj the at. 8 pi. in. sharp. rst ballop, Wd on the table, and were preparing; recentj Dr.'Eminerisou was ri-appointed to F� ]Keg,-$ fitted properly. *It is, oitr aim-, to give%-satis- rs. A. R. r Erwin, reeVe of ]Bay. on, which tenders could - count y* had to pay a proportion of J. be Asked for. 1permanent Improvoments as.,well as the Collegiate Institute Board.' LL FAM FINANC"r �ffeld; Alex. H, Neeb, Stephen; r et U in 'V- Wince. — I . . Aft. Home, Went into the plans, t. i4alae Mr. Saunders, in his Inaugural ad. McQuaid, MeXiltop,, and Wro. plaiWrig that they called for,an add!- The voutilatioir in some of the dross'reforred to proposed legisluilron Annual - Usbortlew -The final vote was Meeting of Goderich Indus- Coats, the trial got at the northwest corner, brintr- -rooms at present was extromeli bad-, 48 the result of the SetivitY of Exhibition Adjourned to . be4ween Mr. Rtwji And Mr. Neeb avid QUALITY's.- FIT -STYLE AND PRI its the building to close wltbW tau other rooms.were not so bad; and Ontario. RAtePaMs' Association, Mr. Erwin was t Monday Next he siied"essful -one. bounds of tht lot, three stories high teachers going from Ono room to an- One of the stutters the 'Association Owl Ifil coutioll the -motion nominating ,V , a bgr to the storm, on Monday last n you to, letrUg SUPPIV YOU' unfair diserlift a Mr. Erwfid, was . moved by Messrs. and basement. other 1yould notice tile change. The was taking uVr Was the - th naual meeting Of the Goderich VA In the top story roota is proVidC4 plans provided for ventilation of all ination ag4inst-town schools It the, Industrial exhibition was postpone . 4 ­ob and Coats, and ho other nomin. av IOU was made, In the now part for a commerciAl the rootos by forced- tilt from fan% matter of grants. for it week. A few of the town dir- clux room. 1.13 br 83, with a typewrit- driven by a motor. The Home and School Club Of Vic- ectq�s. met but as there was doubt The Wardon-elect -was conducted North Y i1w rom ItepatAted frow it by glass � The present aceownitiodation. for the t0rla school had'a. deputation present whoiher, there was to the chair by Zx­%rdea 116vers st; strA for a library 10 1"t 18 counueroial room Was very poor. a 'Who advocated the appointment of a . a quorum, and in and e4tinty - Clerk Holman r adminimt- 43W W, HERN .1 aity� ivbn the local directors did. tot t, ered thetath bf ofilo, and congratu- to feet 0 Inches. The lav- little corner in "ro assembly -room, musical instructor. This matter vra,,t want to go ahead without the sur, lated Mr. Erwixi on his 6lectibn and atorles are being removed trow'the with two window$ higher than coulld referred to the contingent committee rounding *country representear , it was top otor�'t* the b4sement, and Me be reached; and there was no room to to consult with tho klubs of both hoped the year would, be a prosperoui 4ecidod to postpone the nteeting till one space at livescat occupW 1�y them store equipment, such, as up.todatos schools and bring in a tapprt. next Monday. 1r. Erwin exprossed -his thanks to 4111 be turned into An *it room, with filing appliances; . and pupils could tilts Shartash reported 102 boys The treasurerOs statomen� as au- his feno sky-liot. and morn room. adjacent. not stay At typewriting more than 2.0 Z girls on the rollN, averag6 �t- '� : 0 Iff-coUndillora for the honol-, and 00 ditod, I& as fell *a-. Ito felt he wat coming 'titer men The auditorium Vitt be. the full size it minutes because their fingers would tolad4ncO 92 pei cent. Penny BA"' of it r Wa 4 fige get numb with the cold. debosits $30.07, depositors 99. she IMCEIPTS who, had filled the position o rden 1wed to be befaiv p4rt of itr Wa,. I with great credit to thein * f 'wa alance on selves And for class purpws, The present toachere room t; u. "We should like to have ihe &Ve Amey By infingNOW On the next 00r down, the present ed in Addition as a library, awa-tudy =Ptwhase for us a book on Can. Government 'Orant ......... 900,,G-0 the community at large. Ile felt the vlass room on the west side will be room for fourth form, studentq rand adian authors and their writings, as County Grant .............. 100 00 responsibility and trusted to fulfitl larzW into the Science loboratory, for the storing of some science an. we need it for a reference book. Tile Gate receipts .......... �o ... 1083 20 the duties, with the co-operation, of, We ore -givina Op the We'4 Shenvh*-WWkft;i Ready b feetx 40 feet, and to the north of p4ratuq; and the science room had io ost wotild probably not exceed $4.00. 1"almcr�3 Midway .......... 900 00 all the councillors, Ads. in prize 47 00 1 There veto, many financial pro. Moo Points aaa it YOU coatmplate &j�g "Y"pawiv this t study.'vooin and Junior Mom- be used as a elaim roost. We have two eases of chickth-pox in Booths Asuir 72 00 140ting "1 7 4 blems facing th tory *� A3' feet, with a I*borator� The present cloak r6outs wer" so the school. e tounty. The county. d& spring YOU ta" save $1.50 per Sal. 6y buyinj now- fdore room and tuttater's, laborittory. small that frequently novetal i�oats Mr. Stojieh6use veported �178 boys Donatlons,, Tk1Ant1faet'Jr18 and good TOhds system was tit6 largest. W R betiveen. The teachers' "ons, will Tx- would,% foun.d on the floor for watt on the roll and 196 girls,'xversge at- banks ................. 08 00 The county had spent a great dea( ALLCOLORS EXCEPT WHrm AOL Awved into quarters in the north east of a VIA�e to put them, and they tendanceSOpercent. Pennybankae. Stalls and ...... 110Y-� Ile WAS 4 'neither 6f the. In I gallon �ans at $4-00.per c�an ( 10 9.ej of mo Corner of the tow addition and #111 were pot lighted. posits, $01.78; number of depositon, Mentberie tickets -gold ...... 109 00 council when the Good Roads polfey be 109119 feet. The present teacherO The flooris Woro,lu*de of black ash. 205. Mrs. Rre4dItt supplied"onei and Grand Stand .............. 58 30 waar taken up first. it waj quite a 31-, gallon, cans ot $2.10 per can oom willbe.*dded to tho cloak room The Janitor Sweeping one way Would a half days f6r Misi G. $turdy and'AVet Weather 'uauranee� .... 500 (oo problein and diflicult of trganizatiOn In I quart cans at $1.10, per can. -sWC(,Pr Field crop. graist...,j ....... W 00 but had been, w0tking more satisfact. the dust Into tbo cracks and Xis fre'r believed in economy and In I pint cans' at 60 tts. per can *r way wofil Belt. on the groulld door is the Drlrel�pwiepiitg the Otht d swerer s Elliott two days 'or Miss t)' 'Field crop grant, 192� ...... 2;')o 4$) oxily. In �14 pint cans at 35 ct.. Wercan pal's roont and vault, and a newlit out ngain, and a teacher at pupil These reports were filed. - that the time had come when we must vlass room 1,3--33 fett, andextrorcloal, with a hole In the sole of his or ber The instKopes, report on the Ceti. ;2,901 34 retrench- It would not be good bug!. WHITZ L I t XPtN11))ITUANS ness to neglect the roads; we should INSIDE Olt oUnjog vwnl, in Addition to the would often trip thr6bgh eaten. tal and Victoria schools was filed. keep them up to a standard to carr n I gall . on . cans at $425 Per Can 100111s. Ing a sliver ftem the door In the sole On Central-sehool Mr. Tom report.,Field crop J1020121) ....... 04) heavy traffic tot y In thebawntent a girls, physital of the shoo.. It was projto�w4 in tho ed, in part as follows:, Races ...... V- ............. 311 00 Autos and trucks. It, Yz gallon cans at $2.20 pgr can "R feet, is providol stew plans to put in ninple flooring, The recent re -tinting and painting Ifts the county bad sustained in the culture. room* 0.3XV, as made tho VlaS. 1plizo money paid .......... 165 W Ur. Erwift 6feired to the heav�- In I quart cans at $1.20'per can in the JIM Part, With fan room throughout. q, room *1111 Jj,%JJS Fle!ld . Crop ................. 15 00 d0ith ot Him: Ronor Jrudge Dickson, Ill I pint cans at 66rCb. per can (for ventilation), boiler room and. Tile gymusoloin floor was made of bright, cheery and attractive. The Printifig ......... ......... 20039 'n ml room, on the weat aid(,. and oil, pine, The knots stood Out Where the roof Is now said to 1* WAter-proof. Mee judge, 2115; postage, *ho *49 Conscientious in the dj,�q. In '�- pint cansat 40 ets, per Can charge of his duty, a good fellow and 'rhese prices'are only open Until February'l 5th, 1 t)�4 The dark spot In the c-elling of Room r 45.28.... bit Ill. 14ay be made like the tot of the 1p'"ting: 1.95; e6uykt� noble citizen. ceiling at small Cost. The painting advts., 41 night Watch, Messr.4. Neely and.Holman were ap- *minal SPECIAL PRICES ON O'fHER'SUNDRIES dw L==�Qxxo $ r,9 95 Pointed cri auditors, of theeWsrooms and halls has made $9...Ar ........... Yud W$srs- Coats, McQuaid sind Ingledr -1 only 26 indi, CitculAr, Ace ca. C(jrdWood SaW aj$-r.00 a wonderful Improvement in their ap. 013, $216; corstables, $10; E A, PEW 000 ar 411 65 were aPpointed the. Good Roads (§om. W E H horse rint, $11 1 only n$ itich, circular, Ace Co COrdkvood Saw at $0.00 mission. The vlasses are geaerally well grAd StAtifttrY, 411-50# 1*e1nW - I only 30 inch, Circular, Ace C &W ed and e'eateil. SJOW and pti: ASso., $20; tieko'ts, Wo 3.9 Itobext lliggin.-4, Heji�,sjj. 0- Cordwood 'it $9.? LINES of. and Alox- WFwm, Stanley, wet* rip. 1pils toake botter prwess in a specia Rest tent. $$; field ftop, $10; pointed county tuditor& Scveral COaSting Sltighs for Loys vind girls at tile wbolegale TexAlng Is fair tor good. It, We Ri I I W I law clo�t price 111.Uhj%jjjA JW� I'16"W%ftoU &-*f. JAVfttl. An hjjjIAjnV'. jkt;2.Lj9t 1,4n:tt= Shl-ptag Th Brush Wool To Clear lkf*v* Ott That Will in "HAS, "jr6 )&a's and 84v�