HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-01-24, Page 1I— ^ —11 � -1, —1 'a - - -
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new Pear. Your stationtry for the'
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. I . . 9.1 �, 4 -Wrio am,
. i U�Zia 41 INUItc-4 ,;On 1`13. aaci, . f I
. I - 11 lowwwwolopes n5lainst Cox Likely As Result of ==�� - - -- - , ,--- iu�tw A% I . . .
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. t , — -- ;-- �—— 1.11=1=1.1. — Allf-c- -LL - -1 "I'll I'll, I � # "I'll, ��� I "I'll I'll Rome 0 .. awls Appolated Surrotats can' 11, . . I .
- 9 . --- � -- � Ft .11iddis
- - � . . -I,-- - , �--�����- "I WW"011,11's .
1� 1. I 1. I -- � - i A x4c 4I illIM 1410 %*W at IlIeW A&, " �rTikr ,�
. - ' in W" W"A's fta.. ." `1ho'st'llrketora will Probably ar. --=�����-`�-- �7---
. - ' I � � -#k--- -�----1-----�------* year. L W04 in good time vhi:i�' I EVENIN6 CL ASSES
I Me3srs. Cray and Cartwright an. ' Thogullual Clinton QadelI iunjuv I
k V. 0. F. 00cers Instal" The directors met, after the nival . =#�
: E STERLIN6BANIC nounce some rousing specials in I The, following are the offic.eri jo�. of 3bawholders � and P29 Q'IrRullic"t was rorkewcd last ThuiI There arc, now L,0 ciaralled in tbe,,;e I
I 0 F. CANADA dress goods in flannels, strge4 alV4 th* C4111I Order of Forester$, lowing *lcctod the '01- when "Ke"Y" R040 Qr4d his rarz. el'"30-1*
1 1 I � I -- - . wool dress orepes, pap ........... ,f, Court Goderigh No, 32� installed at vice officQrs* ftesident. 0 0. Lee; nets took the local kids into ealap. In rooketry, the three pre3ent
� - .- I .."', � � .1 --.".",""..".wool -- Pre3ident, J. L. Xlllora�' f5ecrc ' Clinton 499regation have Io5t Q193SQ3 Arc 4111c . The Princip
:� - .. . .1 . 04. .1 � I Drastle Reductl9liI Fur Trim. their meeting field on Monday oven. tary-tircasurer, V. D. Mooney., - Tilt d
, � � . prepAred to recelvei OnKolinen al. I'$
. 1� b, I Well Costs slid Dresses -Royal La. Ing, Jon. 7th: C. R,, c. Johnston, re_ twO Of lost 3rear's player-,-. -Freddyto ., to Atil It, . �
, dlea' Ready to -Wear Co. Brilmot-psirr Elliott, their star right w1uge nufficient respond a fe'urth cla
, . . ,� Page. -6 elected; V- 0. R., 14, ArNstrong, tin . ling migrated to r, ha,- to formed, � sa will
"I Thaw Out the Pipes, to the MUsI avo-s A. X Wilkins, re.elected; r�, : . A quiet and verypretty e
, '0 Owen Souji.d, while. In Fancy K"Ittim, tk.e three cqa%�
1 of a Victrola-11. V. jenner. psgo Ct see.. A. V. Barker,. re-elected; tren Ing wvddi4g ty motn- "Ciliek" BAWdcn, their speedy cen.,
I � St"Pet"i'd tIV, IS DOW In 11amilton. The local, I 11
,SAVE, Because..., ; "`*1 church. Godericb, on M 803 !0MICd will take two on Tueada,v I
I I , "I 1 '14 I I Special Bargains for Last Week W. X MeNevin, ro-clected; chaplain,. Unry 21st when One ofinday' Ja".' 03I bus fared Just wi badly if n9t afternoon. Another class will be �
. � , I , I . of our Stock -Taking Sale --A. Corn- W- M. Knight, retolected. S. Goderich's worse, Mountain being a member �
I .1 � W-0 most Popular young ladies, in the per. IV
, � � . / .11, I . field. page . ...... .... ') Percy Barker, 4 W., 0. k,,. "Steel); 3. fOrOlvd, if sufficient enroll with the I
I I ... .... .. 1. son of Miss Elizabeth 0. Farr, eldcr tho fast Part Colborkpp,-:'fultior BOX- P&I I I
. I �4v* is OM:.rut it is - S-, T- Carroll; J. B., A. Henderson daughter of Mr. and Mra. jas, Farr. tette, Ilyur"My" Y044�-Aaving
1. i . , probtable to fol,tow. The Leading Life Assurance (-,om, Cralgie.campliell � Bri ed to Detroit and tile age ,,w,tm,I I In Home Nursing, a half-dozon or I
.. . Pany Of thVi " Dominion -Sun Life tattilla Road. was United in roar. , Wore can be enrolled for Wednesday.
.� I - . Assurance Co., 11. R. Long, plot. �
I I � � I I 1 On WednesdaYmorning at the ust, 4690- to Xr. Frank D. Brieco, of vents Westbrook and M Ua froru I
. I "I I N . Agent. page .......... ......... I LawreiI the Grand'Valley, Ont., only sot, of Mr. play,lig. DeaDite thiI silo it prt' I In Cooking tht) cls.q�j Ili flied up �
I . , - . k
� - � - , home Of the bride's and Mrs. A BrIceo, of Colborne, out. . ,so losses eac); "ll "Lid Only sOnle six morq can b,s . I
� . , mother, Mrs. Christy CAmpbell
1. . � , I . du Evening Classes-Goderich in- - m;X , the The, wedding ceremony and mass. ,,,,, management "I's mustered a rp.,,, accommodated on Thuraday II . I I
, . I , -111.11-- . 1 ��"$ lively Outfit, and the game dished Vil. I
l . I .� I 1. I -.- -"!�:!;�,,-��-,t:�,,�,r:��,,,�,;7,.�fr.����,-. = � 111111��"$ � on Thursday was a nifty battle �
, � ........ 1 ChristY MacAuley Campbell to Mr. :Father P. J, Guam, The bride wore .
I I =- � 1! s strial Classes. page II took Place very quietly of sOlQ"I'VIII by the WOrthY pastor, Rev. , In Automobile Meellantea we Tire
. . I . ;��::,�-,7-:�-"=Z-7=ZZ--------� Dinner $eta of E4qllsh China_ 100tdrig for a Lirge enrolment in the, I �
, --- ladle3l class oil Tuesday ni lits Arid !
� � . "I I ----------- - I � --- -- - John William C1.41gle. Rev" R. C. her travelling suit of dark blue it won 442". "They doubled tho DI on 9 I
I . "I 1 I . I 1, IRM -14 � I -- - Porter's Book Store. Page ....... 10 McDermid Officiated And Mrs. Fred T. iliarvellieuv, with grey squirrel trlllli� Clintoll
I ,! . .
'. 1, � , .. 1. � 11 I .. . - Stop that Bark with White Pin(, Craigle play M.1 the Wore," you aay� Yes, but ,,in, Thursday ni,,,J,t,,, Tileg,c,
. : , . '' '' .. , . ". 1 . * ed the wedding march. MIDI and pretty hat to match. does not indicate the run* of the pla�-, night'a can -be chan'e'vil.to suit Intend. .
. - , ; and Spruce Balsain-Campliall's The bride was unattend "or for Allison a. co. had th ing members. . I
f .. . I :: . Drug Store. Page ......... ;-...5 attired In, u F rench f ' ed and was hridal bouquet was of American Beau. much as the Clintonites. 0 puck at;
� ,
I . , son. 1110 A I * ult Of Band shade, tY roses, The young couple were at_ , In Commercial Work tile prin
, I , , I U M14 -Winter Sile--Parsons, Fair with "Mall bro?m hat and squirrel fpp tended by Miss Hileen Fenowes, girl I A lucky .lit elpat
. ; . ssu"ance Goa of"Canad'a I , goal I f It is hnd four enquiries. 'gh .
I ��, %h A,11300t QOttO` C1111t011's lot when a
I I " '' :. I I . .1 I Syndicate- Page .............. -.4 and wore a corapgo bouquet of. Sweet friend of the bride, who looked charm. . I g lost in the lights all flufficicllt number tieslr(, o4ld a I
. � .1 - I I 0 . . , 1 . . I I . I "as$ It c4a .
�. C4011M Creamcry.4nd Dgiry, But. heart rosea ',49 In a beautiful gown of black silk fou Ind San. . or three time,4 .
, * ter-Allisorea Sanitary Most ,N,la Ira]
"I 1. I , , , I a d Y -of -the valley, velvOt and rose silk hat, and wore a If v trid it billet bell d be formed to meet two: a c .
'. , 0 1kading Life COMOU. Mediately a in"ho',
, , Th ifleir lit' 1 Z -
. 1. I � . �,:i , , 1� I v of the Domlifti . r- the ceremony Mr. corsage bouque orsoo, N,ho urned in A'Ilice perform. A '%vec"" Pie,'Lic send In your narnel, I
''. I. . 1, I oil ket. Page ,. and Mrs. Craigle le t of roses, and by Mr. awe in the nets. at once. I .
.0 I .1, '.....1. , , , . . , ��.t ". I ' ... � 'I Washington, V. C. ft to" B04lo and lVillilail Farr, brother of the bride. 44xen - wa, . I " 'j. - I � .
, . 1 �4 . I,", - ''., . ASSuMuce . .. I A Few Odd , 'Lin' e, a -"C"him" , ...... * The . AY" Rork I the star of thq'J, W. VRASX9,
I., I I . S in foree., Black. Ustaflation gMmI gift to the bridesmaid home team, showt . �P. HUME, .
. :�' , . ��,.. 4 ,, $63000100� Page .......... ....... P of Officers,of Goderich and be ng, fine imptov* Chairman. .
, , : 1: � .0 ....... 4 Rebek h W . ., at X114A were beautiful and'val. me* Principal. . .
I . I I I . . . ... . Assas . . . .,. ., . . .,,. . .,.$170,W0, . nes , .8 go, No. So I liable gifts, and the gift to his bride tit over lost Year. Par tht Imes, . � 11--�
, , -t . I I I . 000 1 Our Picturd Frame Beat a- I i
,�.� " , I 1. 1, I o., . t I one would be foolish to attempt to I A carload of slightly damaged. ,
, t. 4 �.�� ill '. I I .. �� . � . 'Shilth'a'Art Stom page.... " Mrs� Mary Thomas, Past D. D. P., wps a handsome Platinum necklace so' 141no till outs Wileat for * -, , . I
. ,
'. "" � : , , " - . , ,� :� �1, 4 0 - . . ..,.. . I I -Feed TheIrLittle, Mouths 1--40 assisted by Mrs.- LUcY ltobert$611, with. diamonds. After the weddinT 1' tauding Player, ag enell salt A. 1 J. eoopglt�
�� , . . i . I ------- . . for Past D. D. P,, and ?4ka. Suis breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Briccoleft on member played 1% 86110 Gooda delivered to ally 'part of tbo . . 1
I .1 A � !P4MJV I IS �'; Less--Dominlon Stores le Xur- . on town, I
" .. - . -7 � . - I. -i . � .... .... - � F ,,, Distnict- Agent -- * - the r train ,i,a-.fft0.n 1 Alli.son, --and -Tilomps r game' �F'arl P... -
-.1,v, I ----wero 1h...1 ... -- � . . . I ..
I � . - . I .. . e-1 �
I , . - . -- � I 17 -----ft----� I .
. - . � . . . I tbornk, I I ti I . .
� . . . , I , I I : " =-- � 11 I'll - -- I -- 0 '09 Officers Of G040II UebW- Rochester. On eturn they w�jll Next Monday, Jan. . If Y"Ll eLIJOY, 4 real good hearty I
,,; I ... - I -��, I .... ... ... . .. L 11-R.:1014C - - wit - - - d Marshall, inat th i - e4rIY` Inorninf,
I . � , ),�, . .. . I I I, -10(i Men ntedr--Remphill Auto alled 1004I trip to Toronto, co inarkorne.n.
. , and , Tractor Schools * followa
. . I- -11 11 t__; Toronto. all Lodge on Tuesday, JaTi. 15th j the' 28th, is the date song novice come to . I -
I I , 11 . .. . ... I J�age ...... : .... ........... *. 4. A'... 1. Past 9. 0 . Jr. take, up sidene of e the revival meet, I
I., I "; 1, � �1, 1. . I . -----�� . , ., Mrs. Mary Pindels; Noble - joy, ont., e at. Grand Val. engagement, and an the inga ill the,Dapti, I I
. Model Theatre's Program for .Grand, Miss where the groom is a popu- 80flea Is deterinined by onto and � . ----S-� .
.. I .. .1. -PIUBLIC NOTICIR . at church. , � I
. . : . !;! FOR.SALH h
" 4.1 . �, I I � �, I �, � � III,,, I WL-11miriT. . � I
I . � � ��; - ;;; 111111-1--W� I I � I . . Next Week.. Page .' ... . $U816 Noble; vice grand, lar and successful Young business -home gamO.4, 90818 to count, a, thril. - ThO EtnvkA Class of Victoria � .
I ;,.,FA . ....0. .5 Mrs- Lily VrOOman; rec. secretary, man engaged In the jewelry business, I ling battic is scheduled. Clinton in 11,1111" 010thodh4t, church III hold a .
..� , � . . . I . .......
. ", . . � — , . . FOR SALR,Tbq �Ipcople,s Our riclu pap � � I
i , -1 I � 1, , .9100001 I$ hereby. given that -an APP00- 1 age. vlo,� r . ............... I Miss Edith ClIMPboll; financial Sec- Among the large number of useful all probability Will be,ton
1 � , ., , VOM NIV be made by tile cc tOVI& st, Wericb- at present occu- Auction Sfd�';j 'ONtra rind Young I I 0104 to-tak I anic' Of 110111:0--roade baking In Ifee . I I .
I ' Craig- ibis is a money- Ciittl retaryi Miiis 15III Thompson; t,reas., and verp, much. appreciated Is 1:i �%,,
6 w . rporation, or pod by � WAL . . Lu -A, B. Toftsend. i ..
. I ,tho-wowrl cir,-Goderloh, to the teelslatim making Proposition for the tj P,g-.. 110 Chances find eiideavor to kgro"ry atOre on Saturday, Jan, 2 v -
. . . � I �, 1. Mtn. Mabel Hu4, Wardell, Mrs� May gifts W43 a substantial ebe wedd'n.�* com .
.. . . . Or to P. J. AYAN", Vill mail.. AD- 1. * I . I I hold their ,ticiiI at a 0,clock, ('", � I I
" ,1 � I Asifetnli)y or the Province or Ontario. at I . I I ,Postponed Meejlng-.,-M quo fro * two n] lead, but 4 Surprise awflit,; . me I �* I
. I tht
, I . .. asonle Thompson' conductor,. Mrs. Clarke; Mr. and�Xrs. Wesley Will In ,:oan . 1. . I
I .:" � , . US nou Wsft for A spoctai. act to eni- ALE. -A buo for rate, sl Temple Associ , ker, with _ it You. Let's see you.-thare, � I � . . "I r,
. 1. polwer, lhi� 5 11 X 0 9 & Utlou--Page ........ 1. chaplain, Mrs. Lucy Robertson; IL,S, whom the, bride, has . . . .. � 0 �
� I , *: the Iffin or fr, near. thor. . I -A r . . .
aid MtPoratlon to ratio by F61' A been* associated . , . it and Whiti will again en -1 SATURDAY, . �,
I. . I . . . old, Durbat at Estate and Ingu a6o-�-j -X. Grand, Miss Nflia:Tait; L, S. N : for several Years in connection with tortaill Mitchell , Jan. - 96th -Auction ' I � I
. A � . I WAY -Of*loan oil the credit " its dollenturci a trade. pretty I The Re I RALF, RuGISTRIt - %. -
. .. 'OK00, to pay a 404unt'dellf; Ouff"I`;ed- PrIce riglit for quicic sale. r W. Armstrong. Page .... ',,, Grand, Mrs. Susie MOrne, ' � their furniture and house furnishing on Friday. sule -of household furnituro.464 other % , .
�v 11 ,� I ,. . ' of me 9410i OrPotatft. amounting to the further Parti, Ikrs 9PP1Y to THOS. , I ...... here , , " "
I C I I .. . � . ".41d sum Pr 00. fin(I W, Vi fiders Wanted -W - -V; n' 4 'V' business. The many frionds . � Thorne I I. I :
. I I . I _ .hICb*hag AVIS- It- R- NO -4, derJelf. 11 . .ill. Clare, R. Grand, Airs, Videan; L & Co. played snappy hockey artiale.9 at the 0 1
�, �A , - I I'D -43r reason ,a , early denciti; on -46- . . I I s- V. Grand, lovely of the remises. NQ i
- ,, � I lim". .. , RA!;6.*7. �Lucknow, page . I I Mrs, 'Youngbilit- Tnaido � Young bride in Go on -their. n1ato st.,
; , current A 1t-'---- '-- derich and Own Ice last Friday but they 410111mosteing a -Cloctc. LVON -
,,.:,,., . . I Accounts tratn'ttlile to time, and Which TICLES Folt .SA�FChlckemu Rens ..The Bank of I G- MrS, elsewhere tre nosed out by the *4.d goal, i� d P I
1, . . -44I, sprouted oalf Montreal -E. ., XII Shor' - .
� ,- 7"' . � I -Aikvii been- carried by the Town's b4nk. -They are'very valfl- � ii, Mutch; Outside d .Wish the young. couple ev. Wt e FWD
A, � � , , , and y .e. Ry, proprletor.* I
, ' .
�, . I 10 empower the Suitt CWTOrlition to pas,i. a able for Increasing the egg Production And LiI Local Mgr, e"Y haPPmeas and success in their nine. The Mitchell boys have to w1r. GUNDRY., auctioneer. � "I THOS.... I . I . 1.
I bylaw rQF,ihe hatch4bliflar or, e . -.1 Pr9teedings Against Mr- COX Likely Wedded life. here n Fri . . .�
. ,� . � . . 1, Purpose of raising ,said 99s- We will sell oneI Par,e ....... I I 0 --- --� . I I -A, - ,
I . ,money On the,. fir .. I day to be in the rurmill&*, .. . . I
. I ,:�.. - I ;:�---- �77- - i -is in vis. - . � . .
l. . � . m., , ,J)ERRS . ANTED Scager - .1.1. I
.W*,O,,t ,b,A,n,,edIt -or the said debenturilq. ol"rW Oat sproter. Trays are 19 in, jiy -TUNDE .. rn6y .
. I I . , Crown Atto I
I � t the coMsent of the*elee- 25 In-, Made Of valvalI iron and facab. . � .- . Literary Soclety'Electiona � for group horfors and .you can . BORN . I � I
I 1. lors. *1' 140 said To" of C This:, Won oxcellent machine in go I I 'ceipt of,manyi letters fftim:all over, . � . . bot . N, lcfaals Al. Aleit, D
.. I . 'Odorich'. to tile . . your ]"at oent�h6y will �
- I Passing.' said Bylaw ar observing ill but -must. be Sold, as it. is to Od order , RNDFRS,...WANTEr)`. .. work, their leb, oil 4aturilay 41111M lill.4tital. umor
1. . 11C.'t. Jtlhlb VICklirs'St, Patrick 9trept. .
, ! � 41 - 0 S .-- , niber fi, tit to do It. Goroux and On,% how. )Q1111- Pundla'-': a soft. . I
0. . � 141malith,011 in relation thereto 'out, Plant. We also it mail i6; T . . . the colm.try, 4uite *a fill The el6etion of officers %or the G, be I . Jill). vml. 194, in INIP. ana . "
,. ; �' I presarlbed ave One Baltic M. o. . Tenders 'wilt! D6 rdeo Points in the West, fro I rsong, who was held ever, need the gain ' . ".
", ; ,,�J- the ConsoildAteft V,lialclpal C"aul separator v0d until, 13ttx day It � in pe all' C. I. Literary Society, which a. and expect . IA'TT1,8..A9 GrIII 11,1spital, , , I . ��
'Act.'- to*.,. I t�Ldlsposa�or. R H. and orl.`ebruary, 1M, for tile ef*veiion or if LI ave on Thursday, Jan. 17y was attended to OutPlaY the visitorit front the aro , r(tay,
� . � . 1111.0 PrO0000 or 1; 1C. 114VE'LL, Aidgerest Farm, -. .! . brick.srhool in i % been reading the accounts in to to . .. windsoo . �
I � . - - 1116 SaW doienture,;,,to�bo � s. .q. N " V
'. 1��, I � - '1pj)lJ0d- solft't(i the Purpose of dkeliarjr- � .. ... . i ...... ... ., , . . I O� 9. Astilleld loweg. 1 "119-01L .%,JIU jan. l9th I �
'. � . . � � ' ft the 8014 11batirIg debt of $.-O. ��!!������!!�������������� . I . Or any tender not , 4ct,epte(l, the daily PaPerr. of #4 investigation with a marked degree of onilluslLism. of th k p ter. *.'. . . , .
.. . . I � . I necessarily .into the 1 0 pue lo'n.,16 � �
OW.Wl - - WAINT60 - I spbLincotto - unusually large body of student- on .seeing 111r. - mil I. - it .
��-�- � .. " � ' . Tile exAting, It Ali. I The flallq,are. count' 11"'i AIP-4- 60"- X-Atle, a imucti,
I I I . ,. ror .plans and death of, Chilries Bulpitt the a' better ).'rOilt, Col *
,,,, ; . ,;. I elionture debt 4r,lhii s3id �. . .1 . . I �. . Ins lipply to , borbli. on - hionday, . I I
� utintolifility is . assembled- to enjoy their franchigo after the tell .conditioned town. it,,,, f4th, 114"M to 11 t'. 44111 31M 11. 7'. 1101). q ..
� , 1 $"8;M.42 oxelholve of Jos Phone $1, r 4 Dungannon R Home b63.r. These letters state 'that. ., -days' prile.tiae, und.. alsei %H '11111. pal"
, Nft. CLARE See",
. Alli. WANTED.-por general house. - ----., - --.1-1--- R I . �7, LuKuow there are 4
�. I . . ,ca Improvement Oebts s�curod. by speciAl X . : P44 JI,. I .
: �� t . I Act$. rates ,or .many cases find, under the a pervisig' Of j�rinci. Wider. , . A sOLI 0110% Alex . . .
. 45sessmI Wpereor Flo work, Ali ENDgRS WANTED. � of sintilar treat- �, U n hOP0 thut combination will . : , .b.1V . �
, I al'or" Jilterost is in arrear 44,1 the Good T �. , `�` a' I J. R Hume, tile procee be wory . . I
v`a&CS to Suitable person Apply. t� I ' I evitiptiti Ariy'lvalv a ."red hot" g; � 0 1 . .
AIRS. T.' � , : I -Pitt received here and Pat . arn, .
�,-, u,, ��. , , princip conveniences, electrical , went of Immigrant boys to what Bul- P dings- were
_ - _ . - N, DAVI I — I I I I
: I � , I .11110)ONA L11 '' 1'. - ... I ,
� � reasons for rcqwirin1i:n further. ssue or conducted in systematic order. Thp is fire to be served, UP and overi- alluary loth 10,11. E111,11; belove.41. Wife � , ,
. I . � I S, North st.- 24-1.1ioll AVATE11 IINTAkE g, CIO6E'* tit , %Vllorl Ifuloil., it" Same;.
I . I 46ber.oures are, asi* 4W . I I , I . I
I vII out, . . 4-10.,d . I -eloct such will bave�on.immigrntioin. I n is (I'vne,cted to d6 his duty �v ,'!roif J . .
I., . � . . G . RICII,.ONT. : � .Pip Oat the first office to be filled was thht�-Of hon� mal I
� , . �
I . . I . . . . '. X. Ill ' ' . . . . , I .
" . G. CAll(EIVON, .. . 1-i . I . 1'. 111,1,4. IllachotI I . - . . .
I . a , t1ale — . hiell the'students rooting the , I , IWARIlill'Ilk3t., tt (it'dol"I'll. Iiii Welinpa I � I . .
�edings w Ison to allow their tory. I
, 'D41 -d'.41 00derlell.thi$ al$t I)CCealber, j*t". P . a plainly LFIAMW. "Tenders ther probc at. fur, RQd find' White *tQ Vic I * I ,
" ' - ' - - - - - 8611citor ter the App,11,111 . Addile � 1� 707 �You-i Or * ' 'Mr.-Seager.is considering wh
.. ,:'Pehtraiiy local oraiy pregident, in w
- 1*1114?,1'11 I , , I t�d. 4 .it tender ' Ill be taken And . . I �
t� near , iteg . would � be ,,,, - for Intako. wiu be reeewea by the under- inti elected Ronald Wi I .1 .. I I . I ` * *1 Iz;,�`,,,.,I 1,1,11,1r1.T`,V,r'-'J- If)' -'I, AR1101 Q'I'Wffirdi biI . I ; ,
- ,�, -, , , � � -�--X-----�---,,--- .O,ne, PPIr foe � at TII I .Clock .p. La. pf)III)rIlAry . Mates that Some proeeediqgs will appreciation. for hii work in the past. . .� — I . . I
�.Ir , 'I'' . addi",s a signed up to one. 0,
� . . . I . E STA � Vc. 11. nul%hf)ldP
. W7A0;TXdAkDLR ANIATERIS V�46WCTIO`N AVr. 2f? . . 8th, 1921, Tor-.piepiacing and suppI3,1111t or I. ----- �— , . I'fill %in take Pisilli-Iront r. The fun � f
I . . --�-� 51111 Ilt"Ifat"Ity hanw, 1, �
. . 4 - I I . ENT!� I er's Worm Powderit act 4,j tha, (411dirldirt, Atreet, Am Frid4y January 25th ; I '�,�,, J,
I . TIMAETO. � ANTED -Ifilrifest rici)$ ' " I Ift ,feet or 24"inct caft Ifft, and i3w veer Mr. C-�ok. , - ,-` . I I . sjj- . All who Intend to enjoy tbe I'Lits" 't , , tit 3 o "Irpi .w Slaitt"Ind vometilry. Nor
� H; 9, C -i CRAP. 115, AND ANExInt ill all Probablllty,,.,� taken, again of . '11, ,
. . �
i ..' - , , � � W P `p�a I -d t-.7;1--Ose, of steel intake PIPYj with intake wel .will I V., . the ,90miuir, t0rr,ft May feel lisspred Ou9bly that stomachic and if, .VIP,, � ,
. I .� � . '. . -1 anti �uck feathers.. Imviv BROWN . crib. I . � � . . e0tinul, atmit, 'hou,it, at 2,�-o o.,IOeN. I.ri,,A(t, . "tt f
. . I -ThO Corporatio —1 ' I . ' �. Mr. G. Rogue swait,Supervi that .W go6d Ptogrim willbe furnish-- warms, Pang from t�he ' . I Win I . - . I
. � � if or 4110 TQMi Z I Plans anti .4 ' so.,, of II -mihotit W�'! If . k
PeClIfIcatlIORS 11I be 5eill at British' 1. . . 4' AVI-ept t itf tatlalutiqu, � " .
. . r� epodo- I'111M .� ,-LOCal e g noticed a . . , . ,,
vlczl� in 'the 'County or Huron, in I I W�, R I, D � I
. . Ropresontative �ror the oulce or ill Immigrant - Ch-ildrin � and 'R, 0d, sinc * the presidency rosts in b0in ild without. inconven. I , I i I
. I
, � -V-nco'or Ontario, hereby trives no 0 Town 'Clerk, Fifidericy . ience to the lil . .is 111z"09MV. .- . I .
I 1. ''. Me that c- the energetic hands of Tom Cutt, with iffero. They are puin- :1 1f,;;ItI.L1I [it - lovillf; "lefflory fir, Edlib. .
� , � , I � W., big two capable assis less and perf( 11
, � . I . I ";aSltc4'%'ItIl the Atinister Or Public WO d. ,l WINi'll. lit'llis'ed wiro ()r John �%.,Ntlllec.
said Act, de. (1111A Blulk 11�il " onizutiQn, and Iminigrationi Otta '.
:1 'it Ass, under 50tion 7 of tile H. paritutf, hi g' celving B91nest, Department ..of CGI- .
� , LkS, tants, . Willip I vt lit 4etioni, arid at all ii,A..I;.,,t,c,(t 4%vay ,1411. ..Pill. �
. , t May be ob. , Baker " .
. .ur,v oifire, or on.a. was In tovm.on Tuesday interviewing and Tom Anderson, acting �jls times will'be fatifid 4.1healthy me(li. 'I'lli'"gh your leovitisr �-Weo'14."[Ifqlff. . .
� Ottawa, am in tile ReSn silt I I two. - .
I . . . The Registry Division at, tile County of f1cpOsIt or the � C I , nd, ' Ag- O'ne, st"119theliffig the infuhtile Own- 11141 ��4.11i- tl � I I .1 I
il 1. i Huron, at Goderich, a de, 00) 44i - guarantee rown Attorney in first a second vice presidents. .111,111
.- . - site and plans for ,cription or the, connection, , .. Yvt Nve IT0,44 -.111 ve4sc tu btlift,
V , a the case, and was in atten ach and maintain6ig it * � , "'Ili Il."ll kylf)%Nllr ftftlt .-�t4�jjq . . I
. . with dance nos Fraser wah' elected secretary J in -vigorous op-- 1114,1114.1avol. Wo. wipit III, AI . I �
� .00909'10 IND lilid in Lake * ,. at the closing session while Rob�rt MacrAod 'will ri' P orations, so, that 4 ill mill 114 -ill, -;
I. � . � ,take PIP(It Pl rtWenty,four inch In- anted by it nlar� i
� . :� ,b- ana b i "' ) or Ili . of the inquest pe arm ir tI. , besido being t VOUI rut'"lory 1111gerl , .
. -1 , Huron. fit Qoocrfp I , . � -
Town of Goderich day I'll .1. Wild Awl truo, k, .
Harbor street , % J" 7
. e ex an n'l�"%row,d bhel oil Tuesday righi. the.duties of treasurer., Ethel White .", 1,1
� r � .. � An ar I %u. POVIOn Of � , r Provincial .In. I . Q ec ive vorinifuge, tile -'.1 1.11 1-11111 I ,
, 1,119 . .. .. DO it. he - Y are tonil-Ill I 1',111,1.',1',, I
.,�. , I P* " 'in liald � ., , . . , I li ION S or I . I lot U ifity lo"10 011til I �
r� . . ,end Portl . ne 043sar . I . I t. 'and health.givilig, in th . 61 llo� thirtit, R I . �.
, � i of the Lake . lly bo I i0nder will "lot s0ector.A. B. 136�d, Of'Toronto, waq Y. acting ln'tbe capacity of plant . eir effects. NVI I Y� u. .. 1%.
. �
. , . . I , Front 1-06eme(l b the ,it, ' ($1grip(l) W. T. AII:EINEy, Ch .. I I . Will, furni 1 a '...:�- ., I. I I .1 . I ) : � ". .
, I , - vamne"t a Pub Ic works De- here also and attended tbalinquest a ' all the'muilic. Such an im'. . it And lit-11111on ruiI
- l *. nd now In Part tile -proporty of. $8: W $10. PER DAY airman n portant Ofil " . �. . alm:ijb�m . ..
I .. U . es ay* n 9 , . I Ice as journalist cn�nnot be 111FIX14"It')* of tia-1, . .
.. 'rho Conagion P . . I . 1. Wilterworks & EleCtLid'Light CbM IT III . I ht� - .� I I CARDS OF THANKS I AIrN'filAPx,,'1ft IoNiing . . . � ....
I �
. I ' atInc ]Railway Coriiiiany. at- we want loo,mefi,quick, wbo are me. . it, Gotterich, oni: . omitted. Appreciative , *.-tudiences, fUrs. John Kelly and family %ish t', 'llson. IX, 'i -
I SO Plift Or the .1farbor and Lake ' I Iled, 11111ifflit0l, 1"Id I
� 11 .: Vest0d Bottont, I . I Horticultural Society . . . I I '51,441fl. II NN, �
I .. In - the', sold Public .%* a d A to bold I I ., I who have enjoy li,�,(-q A& ire e,r John mi,.Nf Ini,ii. A�hf) departeil
�.. . ."pits Depart- 0114ulcully 113cli c I to (Ili MY I E OF . � I express their sincere thanks -for the flifq 11re, January ir, toil# I . . .
. . . knOnt And 1h part rovered by the Canadian POSMODS at aLove wage, as auto njo- . NOTIC 'ME TIN I :- Tile annual meeting of the.0f d I oil the, humor of Char- many kindn6sues 1411own themin'thoir . � , .
. 11 imrtment and wl - - . . A "" . IWI11111111)1`411100 ,
I P&I ltaliway,s Water L6t, from lit 1,je, bbanics, eliginp -k .o e� tea Humber and.'Dorothy.Browli; wilt recent berea
. "a I . 14 a Irofflon rjl�fhl I
; ,erg. olectrinal experts Ach Iforticultura,l .5ociety Wils, held receive it Ila w6l* . . I vement hA the doilt), t)f I,.Ath 11,11"I to 11reali. but -all 11) stan.
Ile), SII Parepi ,may 1), . truck drivers, challfroli , j�ZITG,1701` l10.--W().NFV1`,NT- ; '. on Friday evening, Jan. jith, ' I ,
rs, Salesmen, tire oo.-Ivolled Fir - Iv.hen that they have. come news to leu'f' husband and fathe", the latv,'Johit 1 ," t'"". r'i' I(" '""" the" 4 Part ' I
e -elected. To Kell.v., - . tho.vill"41fuit ,%I)fIj.W 4,1 I'll,.-,
. I iliz, 4t a Were apnointed.-. Reg. Munroe is glVen th oppol-tuffliv I � . 11 � 'I liplyrt, �.
.. . ""o went DifyinrtlijoUt place, .e - . N-6'31`4 1113Y UIrP out Fninv filing,,. " I I I
Ontre line, Said 14 too to train 3�citl until Ili(. lhoolife Temly1f. Assoelatloll wii III, President, J. p. Hume, R. A.; vj(�C' to redeent. his.f(.jlo 'NIP, DI'vid Wilson and fiiiiiily (lit 11% thig illf" I �
01thOr Side of, a c I bt�eil r
$trip Of land W reet wide., lyiLlf; 15 feet 1), . I battery filou., NVO gu� the follm I
i - - better known And deScribed 118 17011OWS; A Welders, anc Tho il�
� ran- ilvfal goller-li 4AP"t, I. wing offiver , I I
. �. -cing at a point in I ommen- I w countrymen find � I , N %%110 4,ut Iffivpt" . I 1, .
. nnC beltig described as follows. C ci` a""* ""'Cc 1""`PlO%` lit','(( (ill Nlfindai';Afs. ,,,AIh, 19,j,j, lit 8 0*0hiek President, J. T. Fellj� secretar - I lit' UMMO;T of thoso 1,31 11) da� � � .. 1, .
.�,,�, the South Westerly . .4 yr),., in 6 pa�j P. in. ,,,)r tile tl'allsat'll"n or preal,ral 1)(l,qv- . . � .
[ � � at runni . limit tion. NVI-3a quicic for loren Cataitiguti. hC4.4,. thp urer, IV. S. B Y-tre" I show that a Sc.otchniali can be resp If- wish t�PXPI'Qss tfleir thank, WiffWAI. 111pre all logf-tiler. . I .
n'r "6t NO, t041 Or thP said Towa �1. ""if" Or (Alleel'i anti direeto4s � 0 "' . I
. * 4I 130dorich, owden. The toil . . , .- �, I), T�
N'D - - owing sible,for more.thart One laugh. T� - .,IqtK shown thi., � . I . . . �
I T R.& ('T 0 7 I ' -t"'� ('41 I inny kindap. It ,-44111% "B14 -ed Ir In"thol., 'rithpi" .. �� I
UPHILL AUTO A ' r"" " "'I'D'; year' �'"" "I 0"'Or Mat- were. ;tpp' inted d their - lid lillisth.1111 . ",
. , � Canada Carnpanyi 111�'-, for�.51C,%
i I qWd DOIA1 balnir distant Ss rL a I Survey. . . -. 11100TI.I.; %: 11(11" that `1xay tlroll"�:y c0tne berore 6 ll.b 'jean W . -1�tvl < ,I .1 . . .
I I I ]rectors for 199A and press editor,% c Woment in . - � ,�, ti
v notes will I 1 , ,
e ". pald Lfit No. 1014. thence .1 I I � 80 . t"etI114 I 8Sr$- B- H. Taylor, -intor it . ,IFI in 'Treat find beret :� !�
409"003 U, Of t110 14.034 westerly .. , 1, 'tile 25; Me I . � �
� 4. 70 d .... 45'u 'It I . I . L. PAIM.Nl; - .. 'G,eo. Frank McCarthy " 04 the death of wife and mothor, ani .A!- I it El mt wis#, *Oman. ,�,
, 11 N. 1 163 King.Strftty West, Toronto I 1 G*11-rosill"ift. , '' J., AV. %',iN.i1,rEu , Stewart, C4 Cooke, E. R.'Wigle, N1. P. appear i the ,,. wh o who, ad' _ that will both . .. . I . ,
Millure's NV.i -36 ri. II 40 I . . ! 'I I
o Inches, thence . " I
i, . degree" '%', '-N*z ft-, 0 Inches. thence 13 . . . . , -, I � Seerelft;Y- P., and T. G. Cannon n ;od#r1ch Signal ,v d so to thosc tit florul tribute;,. I Nice I" comPlitritint and forget it. .. �, �, ."
. . . . I
' -.--. � I I ... . 1. ; � . I . �
I . - = —=4�. 1 �,.X! -11'."': lrl:�: ,�;f�ll . , , f*,,
d0geeeS W. W S, 70 ==�� - , --- - - I and the foIIII Star. A capable executive It " ===-11 �z I
i I V ft. 0 inches. IINSURANCF, A I 1. V, - =�==—,= P Ave been � . . I � I .. .1�4� . -.":��-.�:-,.;,.,�'�l-.'--..ZZ�;-;-;.=%��.�— '.
, ' AND TAKE IVOTICE that aftor the � ing 4P iIinted last ;ear*continliI to formed, Ili which thc. follo i I . �
I. � I exP44'.1 I — eorg( I winx.,itti- � , 171 ILS r I . . I 11 � .1
e or tile, HoUse$ . . . . I . I Il-
e (*Par- 01 T 'NED Laithw : - IA. Of th,e S �
. gon or 1I month from the dat � ,�� ! i hold office for'102.1.- Messrs. G dents will represent their form,;' I
� . Orst Publication or this notlee. ill HoUses , , I .THE ADJ Aite, -If. T. Edwards, - . cries ' . 011
� , Geo. and 113., Delight Mutch; Form If. ng with . I
I A'4011 Or the Town of Godorich, I 1 1 ANNUAL MEE ING OF Gould, and Jeali . ab -hrnrnt or%6 . 1.
. . ,,;eetion. 7 or ttI said A,t,.,p,,, will under , -- . J. - E. Tom; A. 1). McLean Commercial, Harald Qua BANK t6 est I -, �
the Min- I . I I I
')Ster Of Public W&M, at. his 6 ce in ill(,. Ifluds for sale at about halt 9 1 id-, IlIB.. 'OF M014TREAL at repretentative 00111%5 in 0,"AX.AII �
- . V IkIl Messrs. A. J. XcXifY and k6y Sttinc* a Nairn; urA., MiI - . �'. I
. , .. .. aty of Ottawa, for approvat or the vould eoqt you to litilld. It - Dougla. 4tet 'Wil� .- I . anel, el�evvhere, - - . - - , - I ,
. .. - sit said ,what it % , Qwlefich bdusbial and "Ou-so Wore, APpointed'.audiror';i for son; Form IV .
0 and Plans slid for leave 6 construct Will be to your Intel . I . 4� I
140 Bald Intake pippi 48 'est tosce me be- 1924� . . . L. A. liobinI Arid . , ;
. I I
-1 I deding Paragrapil, be.ror, � . Several properties. on . . . . . .1 now .tit " . . #A, �
."t out In The PJI fore buying. . e officers Wish to talc(� thil; op- *t � Ar I
I I I . Dated at ubaepleb ibis loth very easy' tOrms of payment. See my *cultural Sodety A movement that, should prove of portunity to thank. their cleetbra find I . Tq I , :�
o I I 'Itairy, 192i. . � day or jair. i list, . . I beaefit to members was .the aplf,jint. invite the co JN*� � I �
I t ! � . �, I I I 11 'Vill 1)8. 1161(lrin file Town 111111, ment of a -Operation of their fellow . I . ONTRY � I ;�
. hr. 6. CAV9R0,,f . P. J. .RYAN,# visiting committe 0 con. students, so that they may maintain I I I . � 4i . I , I
, I !.- , �014rltor toll tile 1704;oration . . Goderieli, rill slating of Messrs, J. Juck, Gone I I I -o, * . .AL 1 .,�
Of 00 Town of Goderipll. -� Real Estate and 11131trance. i Gould �the high standard that has been en- I � 4, .""', I I . .
. = - ".-1. .. - �- . . ft I arid J. T. Fell, who will 6o, available . - . . 11�, �, 11�,,�.., �v 11 . , � 14 I 0
,. f. . "
. � � W � k I , . . � 1*
. .. where a inember has difficulty in the one of outstanding intere.st in th . ,�, . ,� , 7 1 1
-;,� tt=" IN'SURANC1.1 AN11 11*111". LSTAT111. , I Monday, Jan. 28t . tablished and malte the -cominir terit, I I. ,
To C�
E J�
Tons, . I h, .� 4 � . I'll,
11111111111� ... 11� 1� 1.11 111'�,10'11:1'1', ''', "':11,; . . . . . . . . . . " a . !,tiI (Sull LI AtIcideat, and Auto itt 1.3() 1) ill. for election f culture Of any variety of pla . e an- � I . � " *0 .I!, . . I .
N1113,1110E: TO CREDI . . �!�/�z -, . d" 1. I I , . I
I . I -
� () at to in. nals of the G. V. 1. - . � 7, I, . : I , .
, (.1119. I � 11110)'11—. -r8 A -(1c " I . . . . � ,sn � " , , f )
.,... . I , . . OffiCeM fOr tile I.e. v6stigilte and give advice as to the . � . . . . .. . ".. '! r . I ,�,
I — I Illikism And I,ots Goderleh. A . . . . Year 1924 : ---- 1� . 0-,�,, if, . .ar . . . 11�
. . AN Till, E8TATXOJ,1 JOJJ.N 11, �Icalj I . 1`1101 Sale . lid II cel.vin;j , trensitrer's cause ot the difficulty. R . .g/,,11�,,,��,/, I -��` .1 uk . . . � 11
� 1- ... .1k. .
. financial I , D IEF TOWN TOPIC ,kS I., *i N : -: . I . . . . � I �
� IMCEASI11). I � The Goderich branch of � . - . I q es .. , . .1 .. I . - " .
I . the Horti , . . . .t . .
stateiment, and OthOr buaineqs.. ill 6. '. . , I .1 I . . . . . . . . � . � 1.4
. NOTICE Is hereby. given pursuant to tbi, I SPECIAL 14011 S"ALF AT (p.N(,1, . 61tural -10eiety decided to beconjeort I(' """(POLURI 1111cWtilig of the Ah. ... ... �*.� I .. I 41 - �
lhiatfltC in that XV1101r, that all pepsqll, A house anil two lots, well located if) All weinhers are requested memb 111001f (%upter r. (), 1) E. %till be held in , IT" - # . J� , ." I
h4vinir elslmg against 'be estate or in,, WV,st side, of town, house line anti it hair . to Or Of the Ontario Horticultural tile 11 kill of Trade looms, oil .vanday. , I.- I I ji h, �
. Above "Ami'd 401111 It- bleClintOn, who illed Stars', :)raetle.ally Flety, at , . 11r, , .# . 1� . -
I In Meolient rondi- . . terld. Association and wilt'send the fiect-g- Jailliall I --- 10. -, IF ,
. ry,.)mt j. at I weliI ') .4
I fia thu lord of pecomiter, 1", Am reivilred tion, on 11iii- foundation, tilrep collipart- sary fee. , . 2 . "' ,� ... � I., .1 � -
� 1-1,y, . ,
; ,OA Or before tho Gin, or rebruary Iftli, i 111I e('1131', full Me OT house Win) M11141,09 NV T. UVRN Preqi,.eint �, I The VW 1141a lloine and kliell(fol (*full F il . mI I-,C,f 07; 1 i I
. to W. F. CLARK, blaitland Golf Cl I � $ � A I I , . 11 '00W.: ,
I "a'
I servire. whare, flou." )11 - ,2IM-111 � -W 4,',Vny..1 1; . Z . I
=008igned solicitors for The Executors � I I I �. ..k -f..'-7: �
rAnd Ilk 1120 Battle, (July, Verified. to tit(. 110 e.g. Bath room. toilet, layaor.v, sink, DR. ub Annual Meeting 1vill Ill"Pt On Ffl(tm* arternoott. F.11 -7-� 1 R . 4
. � �fff'thc Will Or Bala Deceased, and that ar-o Hat find cold watei I , � I - . Sec.-Treas, e annual meeting of the 11faitland , Olara. ,h I tniiart� , , , I .., =32 ,i:*--�.. - (C/
OleftPle 1191ited amwelmoll Th 2.1th.ar A o'clock
� �, I "
' ter 11he 8314 Oil' or February, iou, the exe- EntilliI IRI can bA heated Willi olin - I G- At the wPQkIY' luncheoh- (if thv � I a 1% ,I .I. ,
CWOPS Will distribute -me aq . jt� I - -� t
'. , qgg Or Said stiI ilrieo roasonahip � � -- �� — — -10, Ltd., was held.on - Thursday -, -, , 1) .. �� ,;', 11 I ,�
- �
. TERNIII.-Small Amount N1111 lit, WALF, 0 evenhig, Jan. 17th, in tht,' Board of G(AcrEeh LiOnS ('Iub last Frida. , ,; ", - -..." 1. I � . .
Oficessed Among the persons entitim thpro. areopleff .. r aiO:��X� . y, Di. 11 I , i -.. - . I
to down payment in ea�h it) rpllal)lp Ij(.l,q 11. ) 11.�, - . 11 . � - :1
'to and 1110 sold Exeguttirs will notbo liab balance annual. qeiiii-annuta . ,),,.I ---�— -�,�- Trade rounis, West street. Graham frave an int4vresting- and in-, - , '41 � - � - '- --; -,, I / �
� . . i
� . I% '.
. --�� - - � ... � �. 1#1,
1. --
ot then, Dave beelf, re . . - � - 4t�- -
11 'for tile Said assets to any Porgan or -vniose payment,; to suit. rllll,(.hp ,. for trionmiq, I M10 � %,,,. IMAP Ilk, rfsW,-4 The financial lqtatornent .qhowell -.t Structive addrc,4,; oil Pyorrhocti; I ()
. el,., lot _ _ . . "; 1,; � � . I - I ,
. - I llos.,4~11,1 I at Qc . k A.-Nii lormi (;kIlIrl.k. "s -hat , � ,- - ,�-�, . �
mXv6d. . I . ..
� i. 1 4, it is and what to Alu for it. - � ,��- - ,�, � --- " .1
. Prolit for the yenr of $97.92, afte - I � ... - - '-�-
vate4 at Gotleriell 13th January, w2i. . � � t — r . -- - -- -... - . --- ( I
ial I I�or ill Particulars see T - . �. I �1� , A,
� .. 4`1161WI-00T. Kljj.Oli,%N� & jtoi,� � 1. W. ARAISTROXG; %%Ili 'All. ,A. 1: �RVN-rsl, writing off $100.88 for building de 'I hP 14- 0- 11. A. ravnI helil a A.lwl I - -.. - . I 1, �
. . � jE�% .4 ' .1 , � .- f I -,
� (;Pit by "111)"" "I"11131 3t ( AiII elation and $348.7o for equipment Pre P%f-"Il% ,,a Tnei4day..IuLf.,,!.,;1Il,. fill, Ill(.,,, I I I . I
P. 0. ,or All vanis' - .
.q0lieltori j6p ;l1e EXeeUtul,.q. I , 80ove Parsonw fair . clinton, on and �.ut,,I.tllff, it"(, 1aInJlIf.q In tlIf,lr It_ - � I � . . "
� . . I . �tlgf. . � I � � � ;
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� --- . -1. Goderien. 0111, TIII j,�Nl kill .,.I, If,,, machinery depreciation. The teceipt,n. rootlt,i, 'I'livro %van it gond attutfdanee. , I I
� - .",= - . -
11 . =�� ,.
I . -�i—,=_-T ---.- it tol cojnnlellvfn� at t Wdovli� 4harii from fees for playing, eta., amounted A ,iiiIIIII(lid Itinell wat; q
I 0=0,I,k -===01=0 III f4J)rJnRel1% alill *Q, ,*I(,,,rq ,(,1VI(t I)%. tile � 4 �
I VAI 114-0-4. wflabinir fit -tit ,,,ju t,, Ilosi 1114.. au -1 to $2,199-00. The Capital Stock sub. ladle,4. mall atk enjo�;rtble time %V p EF01th' any stea cr6�,,Cd thelNean. and k-4
I 0 TEIVINI.Q., 8 "Jontils'. ert scribed and paid in amounts to $. aqk; I It. . ttisilip ),A 1 1 I - I % �, ,
,dit (w alillioli'd , . L
,,� ... WE 0 1 1 ),00(j The regular il I fore efther the locomotive or t t I
"I I I I FFER-,*01 . . Isillit lllow�,;. Or I pf-r elit. fil-ie-Ifillit a a lolithly ifivetillp ,if . �
I I , Iona " ' for ea.411. . . I ,
"I " III,- I 3 d thO Teseklie funds for depreciatioll . he telegraph had been mvented, :
. . 1101V amount to $1,083,58. 0 Wo en's Hospital jkuxiliary %,,111 . -Ant merchants of Montreal signed articIC5 for I
.. � I At An E*cept Illy Attract.ive Pike 6, It. EtAXITT. A. Ll 1111WIN"IRNIf. held it ti tile rortilato",
.,. I " I Auctifillf".1, The reqult,4 of tile eleetio, h(, Board of Trade ;oorn-i.1 it . �
� ,. Pli-PrItIt", I of ,dirpe. f -
, .. � ---- , I X('11 aY, J1111- '-Wth, tit 4 P. ni. A .1 of d -e Montreal Bank," now tile Bank of Montreal. 1JU .. I
A - l . I _- torn waa tis follows. Messrs. J. L. ill atfe"danef ,t I 00 �.
..4% UtTION NAIA; OP ligif . - (if member. i,i r(4.
II ANh (I k11"rlJt;11(71--T! I" 'tN'- "'Orall, J- D011ald.101i, A. 1, 51ac, /-Incitc thall lob years ago. - "I �, 0 -
. t Alli ,Is. Kay, C. U. Lee. C' IV, Ellis, Itoy Pat. ested I 4;�; - 011�
44" , . 0 DD01VINCE OF ALBERTA %Vag On June 23, t8l- 1 $ 1 .1
#, , *
. � .
�� . 11% . . I 'ON 1101kIt'Dily - torson, D. 1), Mooney alld Rev, S. s. Toronto MOW: Minn l"'ilren COOL,. Since that titne Montmi ha ��n of Teog .� "
� � , ,
, Mt. Cf. , 'grow,, fron, a t,)
I � I , . ��Jr 1 �� I will relt by public aucilvin a,t till. lippIkIl,404. Ik .
, � �,.� - ,-,,�11--�l-C�IZ-NT�*,,BON-J)S."",,.��'. 1,15U.1tics, On 1 11 . ,rd�.,, , � '' .., .. . ;, '� ,
I .-I -1 I I 11 uBwffmo � - " 14uC010; Parh� rJave ti,,9. o*e10'rlz ti�� 'thaft 10,wo to,j city ohli6r6 dia$11 800,44 46t: " " , , " ", , , ` , ,
11 943., Si,TVntfjj�y, SAN. Q"Ctli, 1(�., Sunday evening on behalf of tile I P*r, on, 1.',� ,� . - 1�1 I I
I I i � I year were announced ,0.4 Mr. 51onti, Ir fkan Student *-f Rack J -v, � r
. I . .. . I V rilli'm 04W.4. . # 6 "a
I I .. . ^1evAlt'Alf i *4v i W"I#T` "41 0 Getrow tirop,hy. I
11 0"asi.000 . - tK1. E! A rbugh its Head Me aAd rnore than t ,
or) 10flin -1 steaddy p�tfneerej I , ,
I Tile Ba* in coutfiltioll".md.,,tiae�..q�1 oper,ltioll 1,ron., ill -
. AOL The winner. -3 of the trophien for tile
. 1 1: a- W. & J2 ... jaiVudry and 3ttly 10. C01MMP11I at $.'?A Ao'(�Tork 11. Fli. tl',P 1(0 II lVilivief"Afty Branch of tit(. I
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. � I 4 N, *M�W"� 0i thp � I'loyd' tiI Mr t . C, Pi'eftnt were:- AJJ.q,,K*,A * I jI Today, th ' , ts %,ay JC105, th, I .0
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. I I � ,� I—, I — I . . ----,-3-- — ft f 40*18*r SRFI now,, I 1ral tillation III xli�,Aerg, at tht cluk, . I.. 1. to.00"..W*4,-.0-0� I 11 �, . .
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