HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-01-17, Page 10I N- I I VAUS US . I ­­ 7 j0LfXsj)&T,,1AN- I I - "-%i� 41 , , , .. , ,.,4 . 4 . Z�,., I \" 1% -1 . I . I - - - � . ­ -- ­.- ­­ - --� ­­��­­ �- -1�1­ ­----­­---=-=.,;��: I ­ ­" ­�� ­ �— � W.. ---�� ,----.. � �-­ ---� �­ —71 ­­­ �--- �­--- — ­ - -- . ----. , -� , . . - . I - --- - ------- -- ­ .. . ­ ­ � , - �, ­ . - I . - I .­- -- ­ - --- - ­­­ ­­ ­­ ------ ­­ � ­ -,-- — -00001k. , . ­ ­ 1. I I.- I. PO#tT AIJWXr DUWAAMM � !1. ­ 1.11 ­ - - 1, �..* I I ..1. #� Tho r-m1l aro 1w1wavIAR0 Ro wo r,01 Miss X Vivain wos at her li,mik, - � 1%, . . �, I ; -­­- ' ' ' � ­­ ... ­ ­ I ­ . I , , P i" Tuod"coiatII04;11BV�,;?tbl;IL,.r.c-L'alI Mir, 11crb stoth A" b sporttivg a, - - F, I I - ­ I 'TORr" ­ I I cc, W.0 CAT3 Coco trxq� .,fta St, 11clens for tho wcek-end, ^I I Nvw Remember T6t wWORNE"S Z) r. , . I i . jwp�.., r.ew driver rece . PHONE 30 � . ( � . �!, ­ 1�7r;4 via -3 qt6to 0, cucccss. utly purchased from - PHONE 816 � � I Mrs, Mum:1 tai retwilca frorn *Iccs, Mr, Ir. pklimom� Good Resolution " ­ ; � - ­­­ I. . ­. ­­­ c 11� . I "woope 0 aftev a p.lv=�3w vi� at bcr Mr. Robb still continues to be very - � ' " ** � r,;tV1vr,r3 Iwmv. weak, and I'l Mking b.-Ot littvm, pro. I , .- - .1 - ---i . -as -ra czo ta"wird r0coirfry. To,,�t,,rb early 4m giftafor' rVIV . I f ------ I � Z —­­ , ­, .., mrN Jra. Iri&I gt has g .0 to 1Xt i I� f4111 rl(rib Ch4stirkaq, aud do it .. t I I -hll 1XV tklLr, tTtf) 15 to VIAOrt-,0 mi�3!i Iva Carr was confined ,'I I , 1% w113 -as apetata','11. k cufferinz frow a ca. 110w hl 010 tong wiatev - & . � . tO 1PU V ta 4m t I D'�' I T X I I WALL PAPER , lijmalastwce 20 DrR CENT. UN I Tbiq is dw 62neof the A MCI(, =u W5 cfmte to b:gghteu the Vero cold. 11or rch(s.91 was Q1050 ovewto'n r,ftor tho 1101i- I .. I "I I fwot.v 0 Oft. and Mco. Alb"t UcGre. jor tj,,L, WQL,L-. . . . I-0:,' 11 . year �vben tail -s,. 4 your iyo v;avna counratatatieug. � domB. " On t1w FoRowing Li� 1, malaha­ � I I I � � sto Fauls chw,ch. hold It% annual - . 1. I I - I I Tho aunual L-cof rlv�gl lakrt1PjV.-­W1!F1­vestry rkicoting on Tuvcday aft=opp. EMYTHHK ht FANCY WORK # SILIKS's MSS G"2101 Ss, COTA IL'ONS9 FLANNWTIS I . ., tituv is sput inecors. . ha Id on moullay. Uo,v ,rcliorz avery mezri. J. V. young and IV. mole 000 � . , . :: Pataiflcwry yjVp-r, 43MI inftntT to catty were To-c-lected aa wardmi fiDr the PMES I 0M 1�1 . Ate yoUr Tcams Iro Wit On too 1044. year 1924. . . . I . 4SETS I , - . I 11 'rho W. X. 0), of St. Apilrew'o chnrell The A, Y. A A. of st, Pacts churvit 40-00".0" I/ 1UV ll UNUDARKWEAR, GLOVES nd HOSE 1, ,,, �1[ I � ; I � 410 1101dou'l t4eir mobtilly ngrenva at ­­ I ' " � - . Me bmucs OV Xrts. 1�,'all Nievoll-ald this W111 present the play, "Deacon I t I 4 0 1, N , I I I audehef.*? "I'la,0YONX3 A I " in the bascuient 9f tbc A� - �, 9W Is the Time To Save Money and' Help - thr. Wke Room . � whuradl� otterlinall. DubW I . , I I C - - can church at Port Albert on 1,'44 4Y AfISS S, NOBLE � . For Oor Spring -poaftla . I , :; new sprinpapus are uow I 'jrb,0,#,0,1V5 1*00o cc 01juganuutt aVe 49! I � . I, 11 � I I . , =,q Gm . � ; . . s, 0, j),gy in gtjo b3!!emcut (j, avening, Jan. 26th, ­ � I � I ­ .1 I ... ­ .. I.. 1. I I M 00! I---- ­­ . - - " : I in stwk, aud lye are (der. chm-CU Olt V, X14ay e 0 co. Mrs. G. X. McKenzie and little,qon, ' -0 AN- i � I.b 10L ... I - L. ' . . . % � ­ - - � � " ­ -1-1 I'll . ­ - I ­ ­ ­ ". . - - 1. . - I 11 . L' I , tltkd ­Pcacoa Vadq%1I Ile"Ing : � . ellmo ouv, �jalcolm. left qu Saturday for Tor- -- . ( I I . onto. where tboy will enjoy, a U1011111 44 I . COATINGS - . - L i 4! %no a goo4 assortaleut of came all- and eaJoy a 990" tl "- 1090129. vocal And suritruipVotat Inuale � � . 1, , t� ur"To'seph Tig'brt had the 01161ortant. or Ev with the lady's parents, Air. 0.4d rr44li30-,v svlll ba tendered. Supper , A 4 wool heavy Velours and- ungusu coatings, 58 inches wi&�. Regular , '. �i � 's puds at re- t0`i%1I110`vac%.-l14ro0 156turday ovetlikia P-nd Mrs. W- J- W0011(190- tsorwd fron) 7.m) to 9 P in. � . I �j list yea. audirecolved 4111tra a"baldn't up. also Ouk shoo maker Is il very good soul. I ­ � $4-5o and $4.00 ClOths 10 $011 at $M50 a yard. I I . , , . � �j dqeed Prices. , I I come set ere cutH on hi.9 fam.,%vuloll ro. He repairs our shoes with a Vood OBITUARY ' . . . OVI ?I quireil nuine atltefio� Wo hope to bear , I . . 11� I � 4 1 half-sole, liNOX—Mr. Will. -A. J3. L XUOX. hVotbe; COATS AND DRESSES AT $10 -Ow EAM � . i . . . of a speoly recovery. Children's, ladies' and niej* boots e f 0o j4w me. olobo Raox. the last of - - - . �i =!!�--��-,,., �;-,!!!�!-* =�� . . WESTFIELD too, , . a "amily of ten, passed awav at AlexRo. COATS- FOR $10,00. Nowisagoo,4*6wetoget a good all wool Coatfor $io oo. , I I Nyben they a.re finjulled the -r, look ,,.tit k1uhimni. opoerich. on.Svililay last I I I � �� I Mr. Alvin Youngblutt is visiting like now, at tlle;sgo of 77 years and tell days. Mi. Alw two three-quarter Sealettes for fr5,eo -.001. - '. � . I . I . 11, �S with his :4.stcr, Mrs. Gordon Sliell. Knox wati boril in Torollto, and, role tile . f On Tuesday evening, Jan. 29th, the Twelve all w6ol Serge Dresses' iu dwk navy blue, very good style, f0C $211>,06 .. I! I PORTER i Owlng� to the severe, istorm tbel* -Belfast Dramatic Club will present .1groater part -of his life was connected L � I . � . . � -Were no services in our church Sun* th6 hunworouq play, "Always in Trou- With Ille 0. P. 1", , with which company each. Pou,rall wool, jerseys for Pow eacb. � . . r%ILP, � be teached the position of locomotive . I ... .. , -1-1 I ­ .A-- , , �! ­ 112^ STORE� I day last. . ble 11 in the Parish Hal -is Dungannon, 1. ju��ter mocbu.,416, Carlo4oll Place � beivg , Thosse Are Real Bugaim 4"'Will Save Molmej F�r ryou-� . � j13%j%j1%o . � I ill � :. . f Westfield Epworth League accept- Thi's play has been given tliroughoi�t his headquarters,". Subsequently he jiv, . I . . 14, , . � ­ -- ­ � - ­­- ..------ ,ed with pleasure the invitation for Canada and the, United States by di ailiber of years at Lon(lo". Mr. 1 ­ I 0 . . . .1 . I I � � I I I I ­ . I jJan. 25th, sent by Auburn Epwortb Crow -Seligman Co. and is not an ex- I cluo,OZ,wali� not vaarrled� flu vAlmd, fro As ­ . 1. ­ . . I :1 . . I I - I . -�, 1.140 �i: -­�,­- .;�-,�� � 7--�7 ­ M"!M — League. � poriment, but win.,; by Its RiplDliVII-V -active dutietiabou� ten yearo soot,o, and I . � . .. � . . I . . ,� I � � 11 -Ell% - I � � particulars next week. Dance Imme- I in. 1jullelt a -8 STORIE ,� . , � LASHVIMD . . Inchouse, of cleanliness and comedy. Watch fbr isincotbei2liadboeuliviagwiibrelativpn � . I C011jBORN." I I Goderich, havejeturned after spend- . a(I Godeplell townships. xc� -- . 41 9 . . . 1: . I � I 'Miss Elizabeth Mucuenzie has rc- I � parents, diately'after concert, Music by 11�Nfe. rwoll only F r1day night lost be took t$ " . 11 '.' TH144 �HOUISB, OF ARLICABILITY' � %urned to Toronto, I . Ing a -week witix the latter's lody'Orchestra 11 Luoknow. betwitlklan atU*k otbroachitis, and bt I � I I . Mr. and Mrs. Newton Campbell. I % . L I � � I , . . .21 �� I - . A Missi4n, Band was organized at , h, ti,d t&Ath M1.4e (1114CRAY 40:41�0 result ot A "W=="W"0N10� , ,. � .. - . - I I . - . I . -, ­­ ­ - - 11 . � . . , � I iytel-lan church oil Misses Mary Bell and Grace Red-' On Yriday evening,,Jan. jIllbeark fallnre. The deceased Avon isp I .1 1. 1. . . . � . � I I I I . . � . - , I . monor I � 1. ibe AsMold PrOst anniversary of Burns w I . .1,� 11 I 1:1:11-1 1111,11 . ­ I -� ­ . .. I - , . - 'L , Saturday, January, the 121th. The , o o e G. C. I. Presbyterian, And the ftnexas seroft on I :N � I " 11 . 1 I ill: . I I.. . I . .. � - .- - . � , . were after spending the Christmas bell- be celebrated by the non. . � . I I I I I r011oy'ving , officers -elected: T-desday wi4 lsdp6ted by Itev. R. (;..[ �. I., . days with their gn. ndmother, Mrs. J. bralwit of .the Wom , Is 1 e, 4&lcVej.mj,.j, P4(% NA UGURAL MEET* I GODERICHNAMOM - ... . It's,nice to hav*ttlipwoli.11iftea limme . I j;;si4Fht,MIqs Anna MackpAzle, fIrst � a bi, of 1(ls" church. A 1,6 . �� 'i .. 11 .. .:ror the hojida�v- okocgetw, to alloo . I Nift-pres., MISS Mary 11, McKenzie; Ac(lmond-,. "I ­ when a grand Scotch: -once i be, pall.beaxurs,k�j ' OF* .1924 COUKIL, ' . giverf in the parish h' 11, the r4m s. 0 r v.4tai, . vo,gesurs. C. A. Uoid, A. �­ - . Wheat, per bush.. ij��-�95 to $440, 1bree or -four m6G.,witli! awta. - - I � -- .1 ,likis. Connelly and- Dr- Clark.. - ­_ - - - --'L- - - - ­ ------ - * i ''. 0 , , 1. I . . I 2W v-sce pres�, bliss Tena, Rucldbg- toSebool reopened again buk OwIng - C(oWst of -rea In a dialo so s& Mo�&ENZIE;­4%,e of the old 'tea"- page 5) , I . I . � _ - ' � I . the- V - - -h t(F .1 � � . I—— - -- hm" ard vice pilig" Miss 14,0644 cow. VileopingL coug , with only lor . I .. , lilt so- . . . (1pontinued from,: age 5 Oats, per bush. . ' .­ 39 to' 40 1 . � I , duetts and - a 5, I Buckwheat, per busliA 70 to -175 , 1. . I ,An- sictotary, Miss Mabel b1cDolf. about one-balf In attend4nce. We I ' I I . Aenta. of the town. was called to his G."e. T* Board t6 Irobet coolicil I peas, per bush ....... . V-40 to ,. 1.50- TRIEND� WAN -T YOUR . . . I o . ' S an(f so ectio 8, e Treleaven - - ' I I Z; teeasurei., Jamie MeRael, SUP wish for a sp�eZ,\recovory aniong, 0 reward. ou Friday, Jan. 11th, in the. A qVe�t from tbee,4',- lQ". L boarcl, , . ., � , ply Orchestm. As tb o eds Are to W , Barley, per bush..... W f# 60 PHOTOGRAPH. 1� ' Margaret ,McKenzlo; Ales- I .. . rouj I , ,try, : . used. for leomm y put ses, we Ar.- . 11 its P- -Fanlily fl6ur per cwti. 8125� to� 'e-35 � txcrct. persom of Mr. Thomas MdX�A74e At,th retar�j. M�. X . I . 13eng our pupils, 'Olcj�ity, was very , See I ,and they will,prize a really good olia� :1 er secretary, Arthur Simpson. Our . Westfleid tjcipaw*a full h use;, Come and have his howo� on Victoria street, Mr. Me- Himle,, to .meet the couixeill Inf6=ually Patent flour p4r cvt.. 3.35 to 3 50 � I . Xeimlw.was bom O,t* Durafries, Onto. imL to lay before it plans for -Oka enimpo- . . we are !ready to show gon tb6 latest, ; . � . I . alive on Thursday lost (Jan. loth) a . good - trmq. dmission, adults 25 Bran,, per ton., �, ...... 2940 to 30.00 , ...... . . � � . 184% and -came to Goderich in 186EL. met2t 0,f.tljj� C lleplitq Was I styloa at price.8, that are most, reason. I % . , . .1 1, �Aitlkma Is Torture. -No one who by thO. best wlshes and taligratula. cents, 'Ohl en 6 t�nts,. 10 _ received, Shorts, per -ton �. . . . - al -00 too 912-00 . I I X ... I., I I Ugult gasped for breath In the power tions sent to our reeve, '10r. Robert . He tooU. part in tha- first qviebiatiou and Thursday evening- at .V ,89) wuo. de- "lay, or . ..., ­.. U0 to !1100 abl�-, . I U... . R.*� ftELOWS.1 � � . . _ colabr, I I L � I . . I �.. . Buchanan, .w)I6 he jtbd his j , . 13ENMILLM ­ � of Dominion, Day in Goderict6 05cccl- -cided an for *be meetifigw­ I ton. , . -- "I . I %.. I . , .st4,asibroll knows ,iiIiat Such sufferin, per cwt � ...... SXO� to 8.50 , - -1 . I I . 1. . . 4. . r, birthday. * Mr, Buchanan has, The wissionary d4yri planned 'for ling in Role v4ult'491 jumping and I The matter of purchhaw of fia* b3m � — * � I Jsx- Thousands do knoW, howeve" 70th 111.9-�" I 1. . . . wrestling, and he iwas. one of the orl-, vnw, jvferxvd�. to, th,e ilia committee, cattle * ellgice, per cwti. Aiso 1b � �-oo - ,---A pq A -01-o A . ­�­ I . I . I . I 4rara.experience how inmeasurable is fived practically all his lifc`�Oli the JAM Oth, and bps;tj)Qj0d.,Qn.7aceouut Cattle, medium, ,pev, 1 7 -,. . - - I , ­ I 1 I I . tM, relIR Provided by that marvell "UH Rif concession of-E-ast-'WaWallosh. bf .the .�, storm� . witl be held next, Sun, ginal ni�mbtrs of the- Goderich fire � -on the, motion of Councillor Hotmei . cwt .... ........... to 5"00111 17'. ­ .. � .. � I., . � I . I ( � 4100' . ­ . . . . .. �s, Tile c6pimunity all Join in srn company; when it *as ,organized by Iseconded by Councillor..'rurner. , S, per. ew . . ; I . .. � I vftparxtion, Dr. J. D. X6110ggls 1� ding. day, Jim. 2M. R*v. J. E. Hoh�es, Captain Dancey. prior to. th*t jlrcs� . ti. I.... WOO, to Is -00 . I . . I I . � I � � I. The X4or- W.erred to the bereave. 5 .Ve - . -. I : I t1itna Iftemedy. For years it,haq been their'best Wishes to him- BUY God of Goderich, wM- preach at the after- In Go4er1A were utteuded to BF those, ments' � the 'assistant assesior thcF, 8 r lb ­.­- OR to, 02 ; � I . I . I I , I . . irepvvinC,�, the -most severe cases. � him many more happy Yell�r$- noon 5ervice'to be ej - , i utter, per lb- 35 to 35 , - . , � 1. I .. I. I I � . , . 'if gloant . , hold in Belimiller who mj�ht oiTer their, a rvict& A thL -wn clerk ,gn I , , � , � i . : I -. .v sufferer do not delay a day . I 4hurch cQlummaing at 2.30, A beian. 1 it d Coulioillbir , . as per doz.­­.. 35 f.o. 35 . . . � . ... I . , . , k I , :jt40g=jng thin romeo . from your . . . BELFAST . � -1 time of a.fire, and it -was Capt. Dan- Aild s*Wned Arid expressQ the'sin . � . I tiful act of lahtetn. Slides will be� siik OtQgs ...--i-". �m ft . 50 .. "I �.. .. I . I ,. � . I . . . . . . Xrs. Vint.'Mary and Elsie, Were shown at Bethol at 7.30 O� �m. coY who - undortook to bring irt, lietter cere' and" heartfelt sympotligrof the , — . . �. I. . � I Orogelst, . . There' couditionss byi�brganivfhg � a eQZrP0=V omadl­. The special committee will ". I . . � I - I * I I iisitoro witli Mrs. Sara TholiMson 'will W no sex,gice im ?A6n.' Dwin I . 1�r � ., i - ., . I . . ­ - I . il. I I � I .1 .. 1. , � I ;, . .1 .� last. Saturday afternoon. . whose duty it Would be to attend to draft', revolutions of symp�hjt, � . . . 11 I, . I 11 .. . i ­ � I � I ."o"o"Wol- . ler Sunday school,will meet.at 1.3o. fires, ,NQ that�,� �.: MoNxiiiiia. has , I , , . " . . � 11 r .. I I . . , i I.. . . . . � Deputy� Reeve Munniligs gawe vdce I . . � . I q I I The Rev. Dr.- F. L*uls A serlou� 'alecideui cccuri*d . . ­ � . ­ . Barbor, buras . I hist passed on. tboV�Oxdy swAvitig nienl- t�o. il: rumor to. tbe,efiect tNar the, npm � APAMUM .1 : -1 , " I 1. . . , . . 11. . . 1. , I !. � F � . q ' . '. . . 11 .. : LOOKII . I sar of Victoria College, proachoer on F riday, night ov� the "rm 04 William ber.of tgv oldi,eumpuW is,. Mr. Ms- -61r, the Government dredge� operating . . � - -.�- �. . . � I .., . .. .# I . 0(fucti4ollar worlL Subscriptfous, Walters, wben. Mr. -Spragc. was.- im. Batesj -Mr: . � . � � � . I .. I - . . . . , ' .1 , . I . . . ootrt orget., to pall ,at the ,were received. ., .. I . I I . � ac I mcxersziil� toa, 01W, 001�, I liere the Pait year expettodl to go, ' , . - - . I - . I I � , . . . . . � I . , . ' . ,. , I the " t 4 backi;ig & tv4cAion engine tvted ,with the sof GQderich. dsewhere the coming season, and I I- HOPS!WARENT w � I . , . . ... .,. : I . . . . . . . . I, �. I . . . . . .. .. . * T� . , of' th� raw wheels I attivitio � . 1. 11 I . . I 1'. . . . "*W'RE0 BARN - - - �&; railk Murano of the 8th into a shed. One, I . 11 ­ . � I - I I �. . . c=;, . fr6i .early --days. Ile was foir tho,* thought the council and *tlie,.Bb=d or: � . ; .1 I I lo, 11 I I .. � I � �1.. rctmted to Detr it, to continue . I . , . . . . oi his ran up on the. sill and struck 4 post 11t �r ijitt of 1isl IWL- ekq&eor, 1. Trade shoul . FOR SAELT, ,. .. , I I . I. . . I ! , , 1, I'..- - South st� Goderich In opt -ration INY - - has retvrn� . - �d look into it, The- wa' . � , I I . . , � . . .1 :. . , . work there. Uiss Irene , X7 , , � '� �. ... 1. �. -1 . . " I . . I ; ed to 'Winglimn bust causing .the machine ,to ups4c. � the North American Chemical 4 %. Der. light and ,harbor oommitt�e will ; .. , 1. ' �� V �. . I - I I I I it. � A�. � I :J�X� Din'tila'all, . , ness 061legb, --�­. Spragg- jumped but.Nolas. clk*ht un� (how the-Goderioli �Shft rrmvvcgxte� . . . . . SQu)e very'attiomtiva-liviija%. , .. j .) . I 1 I � I., lo - . . C64 av,&W.,w, . I . 11 � - " .., K . .1, .. � I Amto An4 11diose Liviry- .'- Mr. Jus. der .the wheel- ThO7..nelghbors w�ere . ­ . .11, ­ � �,,� I . . � I � Culbolot and Mr. Isaac, ft,.. also engaged 'in th6 salt industry 1h in .view of the ,conditions- ay. t��'r -, . � , I I � 1 ' 1 . , iA 1 7, � I , � : , , . S;Oad $hloana E*.h * lk , th�rw. of - bought a aumtli6neif at once, .but,# .Was $01110 Saltfot& � It is'. onlY , ,ubollt, eighteen ivAter the Miyor said Ile iliought:the I : 1 . . . .� . . . hoee . 1wk 00� 9th can,,,. have - I . � I � �, . . . twelltY minutem Wke� t rok bx� We- cTred . . I . . . I -, , .1 " hey were years si lie tj I grobi t progrnin a e, , new ha I .are busk buy%g . ,ge'would have a large � � . . .. .�� I able to free the victim f ' . I ­,­ -- - I I 11 � , . . I r0n) tb(- rich. Firep Cbrapanyi. Zoing .at that Bere, '&. I i � I . 1 944 *eqmm�datwott in to Wn. ; Y : V%v and, nice? zo . J`% A � . hay, and If ;t C. pressing, soon. , . , 0 LARA . � I I . � ., ,*a e " ' I L' I ar 1. .t I I the, coming season.- 0 ' F. I REY I . . � . --.L i " L . . � � I � . � -# I - ) . . . , t Aftt#60111*4. - TO -6 W. X �S' of the ,Methodist er.41shing weight. of a seven -ton on- ,time sevewil yearal�over thea e lall � Mroputy- Reeve Munui�gs; suggested . . ­ � . I I .1 I . . r`71 F , : . . . I of. . ... .1 . � . 109' bor5c.o. '. cuit will be I;* , cir..gine. They vore 'h**d1c*Vwd At Mr. XcX6jnjoa,W,awax1iiem.betF Rur, that It the I-0. C. I. Were,going to do : Flowo. 230. VawnktT�wplb Illift. I. I I I I ; 'Good a6lioble iffrIv lor - Id in Ruck-Otts-4 church first,by the -steam that filled toe shod on Zodgo� N`b� 62; 4. OP., % Jr, and of ext 64 tliv earth, mikHt rue, nse,d � I . . 11 , . I I .- I 11 � ,),. � , , .on Thursdav afternoon; Jan. 17th. due,,.to the whistj h$m, � . . � r� ''..'' ; : 'A. ­ I., CL � UM I I I . 00. THROU604 Ime � - I , . I . . . '. * ._ beft knock- the. Canadian Or4 at" the-, agKC Itural Rroundh or . I � jXF1 . ealoo3oftitim's..'. , :. 14i or 16404.3- ard 'Iva if I 11oloo 11 NMI I I 11 I W.0000M.M.. I I I 4 . � I Mr. R. D. diull6ronvill give an Act- ' �M - - I ' " . � I., ��,, , ..%A,*or4rtvovet;iiit�.xl)*Ipr*lmtwo', &"., I ..'' . , . I 1, . ed ,,Dff;, and it was diMcult to make sung oj.Scutlapd,� - V;*s W momber t?m*'.;rvm g= it m1grit be taic- . . .1 � i I I " . . I � sand .1 . � .,'� . ", � . . . I . roalm to work. liecause of the other ,. . gm - " - . WARPROOE I ' . I �. ­ bouOt jary... It is nothing abort of, a Conservative,'but neither in church, orr Vf6 roads. I � . . I I I i . , 'to . ACT. Angim. Nfehols6p, has of Knox church SAO ill. politi�s- 10, vmw - ar'tojhe rearoY the iovm,41911! for qS0 APRAM-N�WM�6�F I I . . , ,o I. -:. � iftva�wrn 0-0.. � V ?AT0 . . .machif � , I , � .. 1. . I .- . . � . 1. , i�. I � , . ",property formerly owno& by Mrs.: miraculous that xv� soam bag es, � I . ,I . t � 1" ­ tbf . lodsre or Political orgatli . tit i The' . and have :Xily soiliiaj cWthing - I I\ : 11 ,� 000idowwai�e.t��,�,# 4 "" Jas' ITorland. He 716W owns nearly, I 'iii0cial committee whi& has , Before You Giv&Ybut Next , , , � . , 11 . 11 � I —� ­­- -- caped with only a sore leg. No bones . 4 fill 1872 beev.46i .... cleaned � the W004`00�UAC . .1 �1 ,� I all � the bustovas, - part of the, . seek offikol...7"'He. ding with tho National Shjp�; 1�aity�, See'Tbe-Dhinhy � I waifp . � 11 , XcIft e e hui the wound., tholigIt to Miss$ Anir'y, 1. . � I I . . 1. , : , . �. . . I .. . . � ­�. " bi 'Td* � . .1 �. � '', . =rQX4===GN=r).� street, : - I . . , ab*, of o , , an4: n WIlffairs Was c0litiflued, Reeve . wathods. -� - . t ­ ­ � .. ,. . . � ­ �, . I . 0 . 1, I I small, is extrei*Oj�p psediii.. I I I besides his widow -he es o, MacVwan' taking the pjhVe I ­ I . I t I �. � . I A few' of OUI'� 11oling Orang.emen, ­-­— - ­ �Ih eir � n. TALLY CARDS, ? tin . . . . . �. . .,� I - . daug ten, Mrs, Whiter Sucbman, of' CVtt. lats of, I - -*^----."-1 I -AM I . i .1. . � .. . t A--;, - . a 11. The committee now calls . I ESE. . I UU14410 " I . I . ­ � . I I Torolito, and'Mrn'lr, Z. Fqw.,�rds,. of . the Mayor, the Reeve and'the Deputy I 1. . ttgrant for a ,,box socisil, Therels"ll3etalikesspIxylo.b. I d ricih 0 $I Ora, . . . .. 1, 'I', : , . :1 I � L%jroftoy. " , No. 499., am very busy prep, ring ,an .. . CREWE s, 34C j . k � GO e TW at Mrs. Stvwarr­ Reeve �- 8POGE-an -00)8M , oR ,w ' me I I - , eileelivilt p _ _ L- , . ,� I . . 0.1 b . � which will beheld in their hall Friday at Orewe some time soo.a.- . 11 i . .. , d 5 y RO * * . T . I ,4 1 11 I I - I of Belkrave. and UrS4. S6memlle, of I . 69wncurarpi , , If* it Waa�, the ; . � . ANIN' I �) I I.. , I I . eveniusro. the! 118th. Could a , . Att asked' I I ' ' . - I J. 01I I . . ; -�`�, - � � I., -.11 �, "..'I" 114 01lJoy Jobil Curran am) Re -ct en�. brother, Richard I int ti of the t to e.t . . FAVOW I I I . . , , bej t Meamy visit- Woodstock, an �. . y"W", . I . I ,: I . 'Yourselve�, . .1 . I on oh 6wn prai, , ho'. . . . I . . �� . 'i .. I I . I . . I .� . I � fiql. friend% oil tU fth last;Saxday� � I of,liurford, 4U"t'Ve'L' The� funordE I dead men at the far sidk of t4e� liar.. ­ A ... 0"'Po'b"" -: I,.. , M006 129 . . Wet Strait . I I � ­ �4'..�.. 1 Ron A great many people'llre takipr I bor. and the M43�*;! -$4i& he did not . AlsDprettybits-of oddobinno I ,� . , �. .. . . ,� - . . I. .. , John Xenary Ito& k*oghs & lot of,big� Was- Wd'- On Mdltftr� RM R. C. . 0 . . . . .3 j I -1�O sovantaie, of the good sleigbing 'the 0u) from NV. Vt� Moziev it) iske out thim WeDermid, pastom.of -Xnor ,church, think ,-*; the far side, of'the -harbor I -------- 111. I . . , , , ana X I * -plizose. �, U 11 I .---- ­ 11 I .GASHROUM % m-st week. M . . I � � conduete(�- tbe, servt0si and the poll-' was oUtside the town§ jillisdiletioo, . I .0ve ties for. 11 ­ I I 11 I I I : , . I , . . I I r. John Joylit, AT. r.p., -,vinjer. , .1 . � . � . . 11 . X ,� I . - . . , 1� I has his trallis Arawin a from the p,erey -jpjjj�� bearers were Dr. -Clark ard-Xessrv. Reeve Macryan wondered - . I I I �. , g log, �1' . , I . . I ­ -­ kas biooti ,busy tl Is it the . . . I I I . . .1 z)) �. 1. . .. I r'��, ., I 1. iarm. fermetl�- owned by John and ,461ska. ffejplksok..t�wo -.'X-. * 3ftt- CARDS FOR EVEW OW" '� .. . � . . I , . . u,juter bujldji4 J. Sgrithageouri A, %o"rj town c0t0d put thtse irr and . I . � 11 � . . . I � I . . . � .g�t ke� . . . ' � . . . . . � . Non bsexill.4n, to his saw mill IED St. last WV04., . . . � I.. I thevr Uhtesi. r� 47;- XWeher and John imbursed f6m - the' Gbver ment mod I . . . I lio .1.1b . 0 . I . .. . � � ;�_ Huron L i . � S cit,L1 A -pats or d'hay stits I . Stor odg*­ I attehaed ,tthe� panted out that there We n ­ 11, � �' . 11 : I , , 11014lis; others are drawing woo I = I 1,� . � � . � � Re , V Bruce Hr#w%eUlot0"'was,. ilotAfs ovft , , rAten boata . . . . . I . , L I ... . . . . and grain.to.LacknoW. - I an f ill I . . I I I WhimlWyIng - . I" 11 � . . , � f4jjuda�. Ij*haCj 11 ,l uners irt a bA�r. Out of town I on the far si& of the,'Jjiitbor� . . P I . . . -0 � � - . I I . I I t I I . . I . . I t I ­ I . . I . . I . '" � . . . . . . beekk away a.)l U . , � I " Admd t . . , . �� I . . , w1utrit 0r(%4.ng hity. . friends liere, for tfi�, forleral were DO% The Mavor said that the Elevator 4, I . . , . . I " � . . . I '40 . , ­ I . AUB1jRN . � Mr. and 3M;F1slvV"i T"Ittyn ,ft,()nl V( ar J`: StewaK of Velkn�vq Nesors, Vrit. Company bad put -in onefor a boat to . � I ... ... I I . � � i I , �1 '4 . .. . . � . � . APEX.' ORA (vmm another correspondeA) Mkitall, VIWAttl at the Mr6e, of ,All,. alld H. Rusfi�, 'Netsom, 1�kwh afid Tsilue tio;, to and now funio-vem tie'd to it, ,EA3t Street, . � I I . I ... 1� I, ­­�. ... I � R�- - ' . " , GA&U,", 8000S Mr. V M. Lawson jA kittlizIng the sleigh, blrr4., A� Rusk of Ratebly, �Ont.; Richard Me. The council shbul([' ask thq Govern . . .0! . I . UaQ ,luW4. last $r, a lay. � , . I . --. - --- . I . . . I I - I I t 1� .,-t.'16� . ; IRINIM I tug those da3ts to got idgos jilawa for 41,rg U11frid Dveftv&o. tibipped Xonxie, of Burfori.- Xrk Alex. .Xc�- molit, to putin morft . -- . . ­ ­ ­ . �. I I . . . . -three head - W004stock; M - ­ �. . . I . I I 1; k ;.1 ,... . 1, , �, , � , saw -1001 . . of tat V .%t00 U14 Wftl� 11. F. L% to Tor- .Volizie, of 06srs. John BvIaws, Nos. U1, %4 alta 6, ton- . . I I -- -.— , ,.,New,Q�Ma�i,rememl?er ., I .1 I . . . . I . . V;O-*4n- F � I . I - I . . . 'Ayr. aud him and Robt.. McVeWe, of New Por- firr - � P1 W i �, ." ,,, i 4 � i Amos Andrew spent a onto. am) expeotggome bfgp�jcc.4. I . nilig , appointratnts *no' two . 0%,Ob I . I � . I , � I .111 I . b-18, TOM 008, tow daY, vloltlog friends to Codetich - . ftm;-Mro. Zolln.14fts. of Torollus; for borrowing money to pay the West P41r01Ai18h*k*Me"X ruvili- I . " - I., , . ,� -Corot, re at I Ito'.popud rinulgall ban ordered a Mr. I � �* . . . . last woek� . � Xr. Thoa. Vdwarft, ot Loridoti�, and Shore bond itterott. ,w agged and DUNGANNO SWE STOR Wre Faa%PL* ** the Broad- i . 11 � . . � . 0s,t 110yaw. alid 411yoffic '"Ishlug to get Mr. Oliver Ofdte7. oil L e!," , . I ;� . . . . -ondon, 1,1he council add6u*oe& I ., , "I , � . . . . string Beans : UP. T;`red 11alower left oil Tilemilay of Oats rowil will do Well i� twfl. 111111. ­ ----. ­­­­ ­ � 0.--- I 0 . !11 I I � W,Ry)oCC4&" U "^Pla�* .� " ! I I . I I last w(vig to Work in tile .Woods near jag. ef)jbi-irt Ith(I 11i'lao h ............. � . I . . I .1 . . I . �. � I I - ­ I.. 1. , . . . . , I , . . . . . . . tothers %Vero, - am 8: . .. -1 .- ­ . . I I I rorb� ENOV. . . � It . ­­. � , - I I . . . . . I .1 . . 7 ,I - :, an , , �, � . around our way-loolang toe lla� to prosm . � .. . � to �Sp. ��,� I I . � ­ 11 ­ ­ .1 ­ ­ .­ �­ ­ . � I . $01040ho flnetarplv� . Mr. Cotoelitia Ilo-tre, otijivatford, was They have bought i% iteiv lotera4tjor,M� -. . 1. . . . . . I_ ,. T*Athev ltop'. Ttubbor.q mado to, I � . 11.- I . . m . 4 vialtor with relatives ant) friends Over USY 1'regs, and WiJA,W In the Inataot . 1 order, Now bottons4 sewed Wit6w, a Stove you went We; 1 11 . I . . . 1. . . - 1. . * on. T-06het-Boom-to-soled. . Uft it. I . : I :1 .. I � the wcovend. . I - I I , ,, , , , .. . � . . � for,good hay.' ,. � 11 ro',�� . � $Ix pal". ot Leggjag% to :cjoax! I � , ", I 1. � , ; , , : . 'If .)*3 llavfa�aot triott them 111m, lfuille.� and Woo soil lett; bn %*-� Davo liewhillney returned Woula ,ift � . . 11 - 4 (, � . , - I � � . . . % . I . I � 4., �' . 11 * .. . � WetInesday last fo an extendild visit last ve4-k 110111 visitiog Ilia, bmthee. . Fr-uit.,,G 46WIP& ,*1. I atcc*tt. ! � ,; : I I ..'010m%0 Inis'.30 130toothlug. aniong, rolatives in L"lialalid; . Ubli, at 11toce milies.'and his 81ster , . I VV A 40 ,,.�`, , , 1: I . .. . .­ I . i - . . � i %$is To* &ive- -Use Ift , . . I .. . . . I ... q . . .. Xv.'Tholl. Clark, of 111ch-oring, %1,astt a U011%, tit the See, 4bd veports & gQoi ,, . I.... — ....7.1.. 1. I � . .. . MRSICLASS REPAIRING ==- - ­ .. 11 11to. � . I , ,� i -n==!!=o!�,'=t�!�=-"'�- visit0i WIM his llephPw wad alsece. J. 0. time spent. very cold weather int th(i'� I . .., Our Weds anti. work are ,�Iuttrali. I . . . I . I . I ­- I ". . I ,I HURD BLACKSTONE$ � , I 11 " 4, , . . I I I .. I � . I Clark And -Ain. W. J. Thompwil - last UOK-th 311d lots Of $now- Meetings i� arest of the Fruit Fa . dit§fry ir. Huron teed. I 1 2 4 � . . . I I I ,i the. int . I .: - . . to "Ilkili 81W fop . ,week. 'I%e Crewe Nv.'sr. S. held th6v 104th - . . OtIf *A*19014y. &rvke *W Roglit Prite . , . 1*4' I �--.,. I *1 I I f I WO IV901 to XeVott the Aenatitlued ilt, ly iliceting at the church laq utekon, I . . County- will be lielld as fi,411o%m. .- . %ko Ska tw satish I U110 . I , 0% . 0 u0s -09 USS Vic-rce &all Ur. -;ohil Thom. aerount or the bail ymther, It Was to . I . . � . . � . d:!��, 1, rASHITURE EXCHIRME . . . I Tki TOW . *Oil- Their Inalayfrieluls Wish them a have been at-Ahe'llame 61 Ats". 116y I I FIFIR111 . : � � 1� I I stKctly recovery. . . Malze,At1%eo%' Therewa3uotaiolArgo . �. I Wtdaes&y, Ja�. 23td, C1440a, 2 p. w., , wo BAREW, Do I I , � . . I , 091ftwo. � On tf* 13rowway of GodetiAlk, . . � . AWD " . L ... .... A, 01,11111 1111 11111 N . Tile Y. 11. rA. of the Uethodi wd as if At baol beell t1no, wo,%tber. � I . - i . - nq-ri- , I = 9*0 6t ellurvil a ere . Deparhftnt of ArrAxIo", , . - - - - - � . � . I.. . . .11 . � � I . w . -."..6�4. . ­ i . mt �W%0%0%01#40 I I I I , - 100 1040140 � . 113ve 1XV1tW the .Lva,etues of WestIleld I I . h1i " � 010�. ill I I I ". I mw- oloo-000,16M.N.W1 I I , I � j.A.- " , I � 1. ­ I -- � . ! �� I kk - -- and Donnybrook to 4 social evening tu I . . I MILE. . 'Murs&y, Jan. 24th, 1Q*4&h* 2 P'. W.V 1111,11"111-1 1,111111 11 . � — --.- . � I - . . ­­ ­ - 1-1 11, .. � 11.1. . . . ­ * . .. the Forestorw Hall on the 23h Inst. , ,Iti&,*JenliipAlctr(lU141$LNI%Itibf.,kfl�it.,Utls I . . .. . Town. HA I I =01010 -, - I I I i � The annual vestry lueetine, 4,f St. at 'Clintlitl anti vielfil!Y- , I . . . '' . , : I '.. ' , Murk!s elluivh, Auburn. will be ht1d 4r. 110bott 1:0110 bag gone to Llsto� FrWay, Jan. 266, Dwpotihoo, 2. p. m., ' I % A In the chorch, on Tuesday enc,pirig, wel to V1.61t; his uncle, x1r, IV. Itlebeiril- . , 0 . .. .1 . . . I 151% Jan. I'land, at 8 o'clozk. . Evil., . .. I I . �. Alksesl Hal ., HOCKEY ' ' I � 1. I . and.SK ATING., . I'll, "MILL NrDY On Tuesday aftomoon of last Iveell The '%'V. M. 1-4- bold their wslular mon. . ­ . . I 11-t W. N. $- I'Act At thollome thly theetiolq on Thuruhy� at the Pat, These Meetings will tie add. . . � I I =�iod h�-T. L Gall)e,. Hamil- frO , , I 11 A of mis. Oo Il. Urratt. Theto ,v6s a 80040- . frrUlt 1ljSPeCt0r_ I ., � . . 11 - Winu atteliftnee And an Intere.,4king Xls% X J. Shepm%vd. *bo has been ton, Oistriet , F. J. Care�, Tortinto, De. j B0011a I BOOTS � � vl,.% 4161 . I ,�k group of awart *% . . � lo,k�'&dotint�71titkelt%vs,,ilgt,tvetlby W for 01A last t1sroe Weeks, Isgriaolaally I �� I a . rdonstrator afid Jolln Lmvtkir, SunAinertaild, B. Q, Expert I . I I .. fla% it . . . I tile - ho"Arls tit the conclusion of the IMPOVIU94 1 1 Apple Packer. I FOR 1 D -CHILDREN I . . . VIVI r .: I . s mtetin4. The Hext taceting %all be held quite 4 nambee of tbo -koutig people . 'I : 11 . �4t the r'IM11490. . 11 from Nile altebtl0l the boX sotial at Prult Grow4rs I.re invih%6d to attend theSa'Meeffil-S aud. V I - I HALF PRICE ; The Taterdenolainaticual wcc-h cc Zion north ho will'. I tilke patt ,,,A tile discilwoll. , I � Are now in stocL ' �70 . st. wilesilay eve r Come in and look over out Ng , , I . " I � I � 016, XV0 Ill Auburn 1) XrR. Do 70(iratten alul Mrs. J. Mliottl N , ,�Cr wos olm 1: "i boiding three- aervices rallgre'd swmnable Winter Goad:*, - . IJ 1rhey hAV6,% thams 0 tht r 11st, week. a -, . � a 1%ro 6$ present 011. tile sielz list. We hope 4 1 moutuy ovealn'!j In the roesb"'tcrian they In'ty Boon, Im -up %hil sround M ONTARIO DEPARThOW OF AGRICULTURE. . . own, iu brown, blaet,%nd beiifht ithaAeb. Dev. P. 14. Rauc3 geme jile. ad. Jao�Vg of iklke'ar , &bi. . . Tho (laden death of" miss . CaAott . FEIRLAT SHOES , , I 0016M dre?s " on Avednc,;day evoning in thl) 'L%Iary Snyder, Of Godetleh, Wks Melted � I �11 f I UethNIlst ("harell. IR& rAlker gave the ,with: mgmt by her wany aeiltiallitaistes S. 9. 115TOTHERS, - I I I . MOCCASINS I I I , - r rtv *darv-%. on Frklav tvail"a in the 113p- iacre. . . " I I ' . GIRIS� TAM& tist thnich'Rev. AV. U. W ,f) tLe aX, 6 I ,;l.J0pv4wnb&0 . I.." , I I 1, -1 11. "',­ , ,", '. I I.- � ­ I I . � .. I I . �� p gav I �'. . � , ­ . %gripultmr. ,, .,­ ­ ,A .. ­ . slrltis� thepastor 000 C4001 prt,&K,�� Mr. S'soluel'tiowls, 44 ,,,4lVtAl4­kr­! ., � , W18,81M *� - ­fhirb's� . � �,­­��, 1; � , ,e6*1.00 cwd'42-54 -111 � I l0q, in Cheri C1046 "'lle- I�Mfibgs WCU, 6&1� bt iond vencesslon of Ash- . - . � IN i'm h 0 -_"* owwom -­ % hisriting alld hrlptot lftelkl. hs -'s 6cen V1,4069 t lends 140d, M. - - r ...7-.. 7-1-1. ­ I . �. '. 1. ­ 1. 1. I.. 11.1 I .. . � � GOLOSHES 0 . . ­ . .11-11 r..-,���liicxvllD,golkAae(lnaiutafiectitiButis,nefgu- --- -1 I ­ —­- ­ -- , ­ - . 0 - 01 01 A 04 ro 4 --- ­- -- - I bothmI. lie 1% amomijAultd. by his' I — SPATS; --E PCO � - ----- --- .... ­­ I. 1-1 CHILDRENO I two xtiod"ns. Mr. U -W -Is has to Maktket, 1, N,0W40%0%0W40%A -- , I . .. ­ I I . � I I � A* , Oki-t1cll of *boat five, aerc-,�, wbith he . dt,t' ­ - HATS N&A I leulaww-3, 801hog the PmAnec to the I Our priot�i m4,� ,%i low ;1-4 wp- oa,,iv r,A,.�',,�,n t%enj vojjo,� .nr�g 11 tile high quiklity of our t%=h,,. I Afflasu for Oty. I I I , " r L "lle f-'adic!k! Ai4beld their r, I , ALLISOffS ' ���— =­ 1- - ­­­ 0 � 610"ring at, $1.00 and $1.50 A , 'r Fgalar "KE T - I M(It"ag at! the Mwo !of Mt& TAWIS THE SAN17*AAVY MEAT Af .� I . vr�!!!!�-!1711 11111111111!111 Grelp f6re T^goli on 111%angay. At Itle It"flag WEST SIDE 3QUAKE * I 0 L atirtkyagelliclitswrie w*do to hold it **I, , -�, ­., � I I rUtI96 secial 0%d b&;At%r In, the thurth .,�-'-" - . . .--7---- ­=­ ­­­­ —­­­ �- ­­�-- I 111 whi1c. the Family ate bmcweht on ThurmKUY eveninp. Feb. ­-�-­­� I I . SNA RMAN'S' HOMe for dw Holidays. 14th. !rbe *)(-Ia will Nut tbo RUM Of 300 Pails'of Lotd to Sell at 18 cents a 1h. � Miss NWICAR � a jaa*ke i49W. r. wilm neakv% arA , I , I � . I ­�­ C I I I I . 'I =10) I 1, 9 ERE,ri, I I e, I I I I 11 I I I 1, �m fl, i1eliclot's C ice Dairy Butttr and r -owl THEMADINC.StWSTORF. 1111,140 stvrnr� *it well &% X watited, Wo � I . �j , filth". **ill 1Wftftft1,, MWtt,%%1II1W% 'r I �' 9 A161 St $WIN ?" 1#7 J. T. MLI. 1*r"r,,whrn,,tm%&y tit*fol 4*1 UYKVI so Freth E*gs noft If" I I W. M& stmh" ,­ . -2 � ­­­ ­ ­­­­-­� 161tirl" fsAij, botw-ii,A* ffttwt ,wal );�l ­ . � . .1 I . 10=411.111,.Owli, 1, , I I ''I' ill r I 1- --- 0 1 - - - - 04, PIWWA A-^ A A a 1. #%*)a� Aoinit"­ fj1#*t.#m!q041I# - ­ ---- --- VWW4%0k0W1qW%" a 1 1 A*9=4=09% � ­­­ ­ ­ ,-- Ill-, . - ----r-----. . I—— . � - I I . � � . 4 'r 0o I �, ) r . � I . � V I 0 � A 4 , . I - I i - T060-10-il - 011- rrr - -Oww- - I -1= Z� I ., ­ - tw,,­.V.WW --- ­ - 11-711 �4 .41W iml. � ­. . �- �� - ­ � 4 I* _ft . r . I