HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-12-20, Page 27040�4W0MK0W9'4J. W^-. AV, 4WIPM. � _____ -_ - � I - No is 1:111111:0 -_ — 11111111-- .� 11111 WON 11 NZ011011:!M _. -
MI- I I - � __ JQNW�__.__ - � --- — — _t q I �!,!! llllllollll 1111,0111
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. "WOW waraoia welf it tio 1101, ,._-_-
W04 CK00111INIf big PRO At tU* *aQ)Aftt,
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4F www
Via 1111111raoi we lAill",
, 34r. 4JV#4VQV#X tow *A* tiloat tuo I
as it 40 w4k," to look traia tiolo, VA-
pistol! AXOM it
X*V01sull. 01fivor'A ot"d to Ilia opiu-
i I
tov� Falkey or aft
4 � tile ow*l? MW �
- —
1,411 " *trQfigl� ma li*t1vt ihd�', Was
� ""it, Gel rouiffit by the *Uw
to IAO plo=ual entrance, *Ad "
11to sarkweliffs 1#14ark 40C lolls olker; I
and �t 141ght be ORV Ilipto wait a
i -
on up the passage to 1114o, 06111440
ska4le, of complission W W4 tout,
x4m, Willett 14do OrtatorQz wetum- I
All. flost Vito **Nor f9w,440011,
( ` it has accurt#d to jut at tiXtea, b
� -
. .
04 to Ito 40 64W kim OV"d s4i"24
Isals. take our ,,.%�lrofuk:r tltolt Surilock
Moot jt I -wore a uwaiber at the 4a.
tim wall, 101114trAfatu 00, vow Qr I*41i
Ja a VittiffS *414 ,Vf&aft tilk* St"It'
te�f*# 901iCt, 01111OW44 with Oil tk*
sti � nitulate, Ae4,rsliou of Ilia 8411va
acut"a tar the diocavovy or VOW*
, ,�
"Vou Old ,wroust to weation. Mr.
. 1. I
:11d psttic juvce to Aacaitate 'Uses,
tkat tiasts oKupatioR all# two MAY
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Xurst to wr fathkr." MO* began. as
Am bolt
tiol, zessove twidity� pad wk'Pa tkis
suppffse) uatb�al aptituolo for It suilet.
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in (1ga#, vou c�lza rat czj:,$(1kiSj,vQ" h"
AWN2 I aliquid hilyle t#,toqgbt tka JAM-
� I!h'
I . I i
"Tbatla as It way b#.'* was the ort-
ildwit744.T ball *fmt agooO.
kq,W 19 light long &Igo. IM not think
I ou your IuQylAQ41 skill or
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4 7'� - :
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3*1444w, coal *,If urdal. -it
. tkorea
1401t 60=0 OtitIft Of $UX&JOR JtiVelft to
Mrs. 10. gtofi�* ,,,j Aotlealw* *A,,
a � go I 1194 &
Irgitili ._048axe Iii'le a
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, XV, Sir; ; P k gonota Y.
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Your tatloori, Itwill be JV*t thin, Mr.
*&A& "Va **+ u.511 �.%,. �&
'ror.Y *Orion$ olttuc* 4 flywpois, *44
-was ul troubled lowath Va " 'my
- jvutorbyp
014800t Jk-clit,1114- ".'Wp g's fill &It to
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I - I- . W . 99V igbowit. L"Atwokyi thavo my soloaack. I could korill't *at alay- victuro the !_9% 40141i WO 4 4.4'.
CHAPUR Xvir. , . A-1, A 1104tulug CISU40 tram $046.0 ouplolowl, Of VA4 very Often: had pains *for 40 In otbor folk's Alu#. !I � X` ,
-:4=1� Ago""', Ifigo dark 0PAUfsk OY44 1146111,014 Out 04 .. = I kad used (lifert'st ",J'. " it if strAgge thisr .V44 kave 46yor % I
. At "Alt. the detective. It Sold 44 plooluly 44 *4 100 It go. I dQU1 IWAist It to take 00#n Able to, 044 trail" or tho F444
, � 0 *Toctlou of my glorks.0's ,two, but t1fer didn't moom to do M �
slsac* Could 0*0419, 4tow 4sro IQ% 46 1 W4080 iiain* wlis 49torwar44 14110,4
It Wall, easier for, Mr- Bodo GrW proqWU4 to b4ttily 30Y 9944donizo?" Ito lays ths, blame 04 us: 404 . Say �. At last I kappetod to tun
torox to Say to the yofilco &goat ,. � go" 'k of 4ur4at,,iii DIOOd Bit. off In the aftir, 4400Y P41404-11 �s � I . I
S That gontloigan sat unmoved,, And We ore lax, or *Is* JAV&V0J*,: Alad Iga the Use, There yon art rislit, xip," i1sa4fly .
UO* tht Investigation", tkan, At Wo till, 0 'it fill Only uatur4l he should tm4x go. torS, asa attAr 1111liuS it fQr a *Ott " � . —
.. zodflod'^ sood,N40rulux wl no. OLVOwed Alis, olottip. 4*1 091114 114- . I .. - .
q tar tkeft to do It. Had Jit boon Ali* t,eUlfry oquguloolty. !b Aaywxy therals no harm dogis ^bouz floose, I iialt a lq� hotter $a I e4istluoAd
. XQI* person to Whom they wore Mi. . .. . Me the, Mr. Hurst; you made It rigut ,WSW its Not lostil now A lau QQ%aplottly 1410 cQmufouly Ilk* to oilmo Acro" tUt . I 0
Xr. Griontom--doluir V Pitman on Jay own. oear*
004able; the thin him ,thor*. I S#ttlog slide &UytbiUX ho Might bay ; . I
. N *QUId bayo, lain h6u9r to owl upon Mo to report pro,- ,)o you Suspect lJorst Mova X0W,-I am VO4Y to recaft. 00441re.
In N� afift-oboll; but their employer greas,,��- obsetred that ,he fully still. 4trill ' 11411111d it to, anyale, tvoilxuuix�l I'"W I I had to do With the late Mr. QUITera,ka , , 4 - L ,- . - . I I
WAS him father. And Mr. Gres, , "Yes. At le".t m9re than I do guy hy 1*0 T, -, --
. . torelt: thought it wp*.'.oue of the e4orks J* WaX. isailluftettolea Tab clsorayal4off quickly took lip thie —A , � Wpaw-wpwr-w�_
. ' ' , _�_ *__"`___,___ .
WX4 pushing discovery to an IN ape ot-tuo otllorx.,# I Millourn ca,,,pimited, Tom% A*, Wqq#, I , ,� , _ , - 'i �4
� An* 40 y9ur room we, must took to, siri" . _ "Do you tiollifik he had guy- . 441 44R. ell�,N
li )AIR, half never pushed Anything let, ifiott Uuttorlw in. a slaw,callm tons. Mr. Buttorby put his lzanft an his I- __ , , Iforuill, 68*80t (144&400., �01014 " W%
. knees and bent allttl# tmvar . �_�-_ wltk tit 4fttblll MAKe went Aving, In seoreh of 4,your Aunt affool 414.
He' looked up details himself; he 411 told him your opinion was the . - 4. "it � -9 - F- . "' I 99 '" a �� if VOW to,
loroat bookwWo and fWW*rds t 'you,wfolz me to do you: may service 'lob. IV* 1100dult aw, OOK *oi
0 "me; and you had charged 140 to � XXIS bees, ta;:4 � AuJ1lAIV),'J�hgllllIU1;-,(o Imp%rt to )for
00t.1*44 Yard.* he, Was altollet,hor P"lly Mr. in this, $fr. you must vpt koop lsfs� tbuilistle, , Uolana.' 1,09"Aspoly's , 4 Or- ; child carelessly, "Aulot SO** 400 �
� - , � ., cumstancog 4tifild I trtlott, , lj4 the $*at "elf",% C011tc4loted in her ,
troublesome. A.S tit* toy$ went an, 11�011 (Aulto, -go much in tile do*. What I coming to LOU094; , _49%0.00 0114 , likely to have had. b "th ' ou.at. bet, Ilearly, ofs, Muth eyw ftw�'* I
and Xr. 04tterOY brought forth Ao uorst�01-ITIZ**"tlllrwl%tl*lel4nlllll:,"a lip In xugor� Want to got at, Mr. Badit Orestorex, $oft know, Nutterby.." o"04 the most to %�'s letter. ftc was not ln(tko, I I
Rode oreatore, bit . 'is tb* true roaxon of ya* pftclolax "Mr. 04110wQLY, Perhaps,"' 0 J01 ,t4qso who wore known to havo schooF100111, she Was llot to llfe� W . I
. result, only Presented himself once Bat the Communication might b&VO .
lit A way to NOT there was 1164e 'to been worst. upon, Hurst yourAgit-11 you #ire wrgug this tjifolok,P .A7 !* up 49fop f A *V0410N." diallo0oun ti , .
.1, $he wafA pot aVLV)XA%#v,-* (TO 101, allied)
" * I �#,#,� olaqA qqkO, ijm� If* 'turned � 4� 1. . , I
'No' I , I
bring, .*V. oriatorox grow angry. ?I* 111 cannot give it to you.,, A rat Owning 0 b1ol slyol. wf,,V' . .
I .tl - I � f �
. Slid )jail* urned lioliklad, not in the 1014t, . t9 ,de on'A Alit, h ,iq,% mizata mort) Willer's, Worm pol%*X4 blebw
"What In there tialuat Hurst . .. Prown 4414W 1� P*d$ � I)b , L . �
I *QrAIY Stick athlat was nover heard impatiently asked Mr. Groatorox. Promptly. "What I told Ion at our taken aback: though perhaps tkis do. I I � io 4111�-04 fte slowly .114,v lie Ntit gulao top, wh4u, demand everywheW, e,*A 1* CA at . 1.
,4*to.rox. %oy *or*' 0 �
I .of! l9r. Groatorox *vowed that th,p , "Nothilpfe At $kill" said Bode quietly. Arst Interview, I r6poot, niow,- that Native. to J11496 47 1111% 0191111110"t 0; wj;� k P JAUC vmQrex v-�Iue ranning frolu am chemist's or drug *be I
. tone, ateant that lie nbould be. 4110"01? , 44 of eager, ,",ra_- , Olt very I !
PDXIM Ought to be 11,0111med to 0011- ,,It 14mid tti Mr. Diltterby that ark* ,the ousilclou. 4g %a msp�' 4 M44 It JW 0-1 "
. atuat b*R is but r I .
- the faint oillo.', fitill It Is thw, - "Vou'd not see. me dressed up for eat - light. 44.jm '%* vttww"�, .small cost. T ey, are a retble not. .
' -
-that lit . 411 , 4m%e! 1 told yanyon wtre edy for worm KlWsof OvA can I
. .to$$ lt;,� that, In his P01410n, 4bey at my clerks lj�olgbt losve t0k4A ,o"r three. have told the tslll� 4 r4 be ful- I
must be 94sttillit Incapable of their cholqUe, It was only because aoc"r to Janitor Is open nud hou"t &% 1900 dai; 'him. Tbe. e, are two men tit Holston- .
. � Drown vgIu*bIS and trus , two*t1py; and leigh Vol pill, on shirt -sleeves to W01- 'Groatorox,had also doubts at iltman. not to down I* ky relied moollof to'04WI wovms Uoml .
. duties. , � 147. room was morp obtainable b , I k$. tbe But,thou. Bode Greatarex bad oz- Tito lee, QZlIng after the childo the qv*kra *V4 abiste the sufferluca . , . . I
- Mr. Yorke ratist. of ealway. be oz- come, rather Oita a good coo ' IV It ,e twen like Anitialkells but th.0 wwowo tause. There, *to mans �
On* tldtkt bad Stiack Mr. Grea- them tUa by anybody else I oz, till . , r - pr - oz. OUld I C. .
tOtOx 14 the, 34440-1-tbAt Jib $04 think at. one in old Gkiloway,, the othe Wil ov:= big belief In the millcide I king soand tit It, Ile, rivAhRis that, r - - I ) I
1 134.0 s"meduot to be e4 ,&ad, at the four, Hurst emy )rke. . 0=6 .0 It still. OU40 thing was qer� for thl-I I . oJo4ea that tb*y 19unt . . .
, gar. for the ,Spends the most money." I "Oh, of course, he xguxt,ll dry,ty ofc- Plain Yi � A alu'll lookiod it rd�aaw hor; saw hor.tak,e, �hy*ftable, so'�ffectivel a
� � I luvottigitiout it ho did not retard It. 11tviii.4 Ilan the most M(?Aey; to quioxced . the detective witbi, a Cousli. luattsi.il or * doing fli,ujibloif ,of the 14lu-114d 13040 chOleu to 0041640 It __ " - I TeMe4Y 10V I .
1` , � ' I I . _Iiii; 0j'g.tio- -that 004froy Pitman Was lit his luflalUed till tears. heard tht4q�A the relief of their 011drells . .
� "" a404AW 414,, no(pusb it PiprhaD� : s"lkd,,, o�5arv,oif )fr. Greatorex. He knew be, was Sure of 3tolu4 In, Sort, by which ,Perhaps I r than tke world of grief. t took Uoland e`4lk*I,0XiI:r , - _ - . .
, - # !v 'ClIton,le. I . . -
. �* � ". ___ _��� . .
the beskioV4 to ex - thts cone, but he t1odught Rode Gmt. slonal roeserve mlght,have been COOL ..4 . aback, e face dls4tpPeaVk%4 nwltt4 --1 - ----'- L I .
, pro$ 0004A an 1L." torel tutcht,not ha-ve, aVokon so cou- proull ed, .Vr. Butterby turudd big at- T014w- I
. . X Rode�s afate, "Of course ho'bas. I Maus 40 M#&*L 1. 11 - I
. of miud in rixgrA to It, AS It -appeared doubt Hurst Is,** 144 . a "ifow In it that yo pte ,or ly, And - stj Jail" julllpe(4 tokto Ilia 104 - 11
14dently bifd be been cogn , I . I as I
I 0
to Mr. Gregotox, wis ludIterence. Thid was very differeAt.-from xifs- _ 4 gant ot A� utition. .on ti,te, manaxer. Pursulug � 4 I ; nov artus If% ulaph. .
' -11
I- . , certain luatt/4r conneated with Itbe Ifix work-stvAdIlY, he hkil,tll(Pa 49 found �hltu" 109� - 11 %, �_, . i
- , I . -
I � Why *A* tb�%? Utdi ought to be go *poctluX Hurst, from 4olsirlax th4t he Past. . � . _ heed of Ur. Rutterby, beyond a civil- to RiAtterfliv - - ,4$en 11 4V WiQ' hv anked in a . . of V§ *"%I^ I . ____ __ ,
, ..
. , 4TWOUS AS ljoyo Mors SOL Shoal, - ftor. and L � "I don't U136W. We AV* 40t U14 1047 - , V whIsPor, At It luotiou or ftle I"
� ,. himself. .d be mpeoixlly looked a "I -would not much mind. answering saluto &L'Arst. "' ' 1-4)ly 4 = it
I . It'wal1rom big p perhaps Mr, Great9rex felt the two it this at'fealt for a, tithe at tit* time, Dfit *011 All y Aitruok out. of him. . . .
. assesslon and his , I world can- for -Teliffor myself'." �, remorked Mr. - ,'*You've, Act Ite4vil more,, c I I llwh4t. to jois, -WttI$MJa% (illanning?" I r. d"14. . . I
40"kttbat the chequo wa* taken., - Ur. � goantg the least In, the Butterby; 'Brown seems ail right my*erlous loss. I suppose" . tbo maul you Neel Was unifer fal" ugh &%tilt Rede. .9he 0 I NO I , Slat . .
r44 art,
I I I Z06410toli. A�o keen -sighted opsorv-� . ca, "It's tb is "Two
. ty , , 1* ,,lots, bin face and his again Wert
supposed that tile laxi I too,Pl '0�otblng more air," was Mr. , titill, I I . .
. ,. - to business affairs, which ,or.sittirig by, .apparerftlY sharlpealux k. alike changod.11 ' herself Ill jwsslolw I thought she'd , At"t, - . I
,.In regard � "Brown's, honesty hall 4een oufllei� Browulz answer, 161clair up full at I, have Itit I this morning. she tole. - � d"We 9 I . .
. aloP ,ared ,latterly tof have, been creep- the point I of his broken lio.d.peolell, putty proved. Very larse isums have, the ispeA h .You think to?" 10, - i.
t jU,�hl& NOU.,.,LmU ' . ite.r, Perhaps to show t? t a Rio
lug tim at be e4tendips 'did Uot.L "Titink so!"repeated Xr. Nutterby. I,- 8 not worth her s*lt.11
Uot4cod,that the eyes at Red* Orsoo� S)W)"�J, bier �he 04 1111 -1-1 r I . - I" �
I � .tore* an'tefiL ' olace went openly into passed through his 'hands :habltua,lly, from lutercourak ofth !IT at lungs at hair on his face was f%qs- syrow wbito wim ur. . I . 1�
L itself 4T*u to th" Stealijig of �ioney. 0 face Of his tither. I . and lie has never -wrong st, dett'etwe , rav Y* "It seems Ili -1 1111 " '�� - ___- , . I . I . �L ?
. bitli hardly likely to be rant. As to the, ____V`_ . .
WR* he more seirlouqly- 1,11 than -ho 0 , .ZlIg. I'lad I[fe ,%VJXl11eT tuo$ bhy,01101L strange, I houj, tillkt "we should uct," I I I -1 -_ . . �.
I — L - ----- -_
I It Was. my eggs,;" thought the S I .in 11 1- . . I ,- I. I—- I - -_ , .
altowid ivam to * knOw? � The rearil "it blibso1r, he *ould . have ne It be. ,*Illbleves,u,vo.61eveiv*.Iirhen they fro 11R e, Pitman, It WAS about Its Much . I I . . � . , - , . .
L this It might be am, crossed the mind L 00I.W, "I should toll b1m. ths1rutill. . flo potlaut- ivatensional ones; *,A� �,*e , got to. his as It wait MIA*. nowever, we . ! " � I . . � . .. . . 11 . I
of Mr-'Uroatorexo The solicitor 4 Out and Out, I No good going, About . I have not, tottad bim, and thero*s no L . L . .� . I .1
. I . I $oft 'ty"' ' . - tAink it was nQ loij a ,P'4u did the . . I � L.. I
I- .. on* moratag in his private roomo tho buals this wx�,. saying he suilfilati I "Then that lex*es ton - back at "I' , more to be made of It than that.,Mr. . . . ,:. . � . . tv . I I .
. I .XL L ,a � . job for Mr. Greatore;r - the.
- . u. ' Where U.3rour objee� by,- In 4ulte a fai ' -0 .
peels another, . when, he ,,, Loatill )rlatt,lif .
. � Nede Great9rex asked me ,About I 0
L I 04" utierby,oppoatte to Mot. The 'one and ousi � Tfutit agal thorly t6u�*of,e4u, - 44. .
.. datootift was there In affeweil to. a Aces uot.suflipeet 'eat:. far bitter that 'fibik, Xir. tO . -.11. &*A the other olay. whether I didn't . .. . . , . .. . .
. I the 41pubt at him being delme.. ,!*There.bas bi . A% - ,
40 �en a y,01 �.Isr . . L .
by I -tu L
mau4spe Sent Mr.. -Greatorez. old GteatoT= should hear the whole mentioned. to your,fithor?" , he lulght have gone at 0310,4 . I . �
to Scotland Yard the . brevtous day, I * � blind of lint At work lately I)A' V 'O"Itbocountry. Ithapponstobe I . �
d L and saw or himoolf that It can't be - *;' O.Pt I le, Pfidm .Bak.. . I . -
I t I 4A look of fear crossed Sedels.14r* -don; wid In spite of OlAnlons wk0ii I I . I . . . . 4A . I ..
Whether Mr. Butterby was respous- Acne into. I Hq don t cAre to w9nit; eand hs spoke hastily. - . WAX here last, I say they might hav*.. 11%le thought, all along." . . I I � . . . . I . . I., .. L
. .
. . . .
I � Ible tLo himmotilt alone for the, progress I the old gentleman; that's what It Is.#' ZRave you forgotten what arisag otrafigi *1� 114 n4t Aee what be Could has* I I . . . . . . I . . I L I . .
I?Mod? gone 'I'L"throush the P 0 . I .. . <, I
or flou-progross QfAbe Investigation; , That IN Just what It was. B�t 3(r, That the fill _ hAd axaluit.%my -Ppother, tb;&t ,be . . , � Q,
.. . I
L imparted ett of Mr. Hurst' kno*lug AgA bold, and. done the job easy, and if I ei I I & "#I --L .
., Ilutterby -was ,not right In 411 his like was suspected . .Vau uuspuspjdloulild�youllg luell, shut , a ore I . " ` read, . . . . 10
I - 1 . � . 4 _`fq, y I I
or, If ,not, wbethipli'lle bad (assumu he J* shoul )fill), OV9#4't.4t pler � I aute Pride a
. a hillt'Lat headquarters of Bede Gres, premises. . r'e Arst'roowi never baysI man." '*8Oftras-c'nbekjiw11, 41f; . . . iv I . . I
r tor&V$ prl.*at# Communicatlan to � III *&ill fully PLbrousded that every 40V) Would- be Atteadod WIVA daull- VP.Jaxhia he were strangers," . I .. .,, I .1 I I 1 Cakes qn - , , . . L L . . I I .1
. 'him * was. look , owli, ,Oleik ou ray side at the house to., as or. lit Awful danger, too. Ir it were qjeooird.� sound -of what was golur on." , ",Now, a . 1r, doWt you run your head . . � I -1 _'d Pastry I � ��
One thing appiloireilL my ather, L p 'i . . .. . I I
eA tip Within his Voli We to discloseall to V-1 ,W -18 how It laust Itskyo, . . . . I I
. . .
. . ' clear-, ,Innocent as I . . nit t1fat all. Nobody says he . . . . � . . I . . . : I
. bre�si. _ L' fire those oil yours, Sir," he would forfeit Jg groat 4W ,that beofLa; 4&IIing the other thought- Against a #tone W . . . L' % . . . . .
. .. � that ,he was At liberty Ito do as he I Spoke Bode Greatorez, a kind at tro- L&O holds 4ear In I f* , rAtAer than. In- that 1W, Ae(le 'Greatorex took the did Injure him, Only that. ItI4 Within I . :� , I I I 1. I
. - I L I I I . . . . . .- i . . I L I I .
L Pleased, - - - 1. 11 L moi In his,toue; which, tremor didt Vur It" I .. � 4e the range -of posalbilit heoduldh*0 � I I . . . I
.. . I . . .#eqke.S,b,rq14.R4d dropped it," Said W I . . I .
I ;-. not.escape the ollicer's uotic , . 'r , whev, -Ou q,-WA,00 it, tuore
,; I � "It Is not the IONS of the ideney ,affjaoUSLe, or that 'Well It seems to me that 1 Can be the m*n"0X,, 'VAt� ioulet doelsion. i dousilt. As .to belair stranger, he . ly billio 1, ,lit ca,ke, I
. L , I . I .
I I WIN not that thesuon, or rorty4bur .It "a ,C46.46d by A vaintid of little use In t1ilwinatter," g4d, But- , t,of toli.rite, Xjid ,unless I'm mis-. might have turned out to be out Of L . . 4f DIM., fty, I . �
. . t to mo, eageraeog:'kad that Astute man, kA Counsellor 011ivero4lx dearest frl*nds, I - 01�iftlade,attho TAIM11111 RUM .
� . L voliii4a Is of so,mueb, 111111111111011 orw, terby turninc Ito 1 hat cru*y. 61 taken, Mr. 00.4iAW1013 the same. I I y P. . . .
. . .� � ,Once hJfSL diMlliolles'Wert took ott," � � I . .L . � I
, . that I must needs trace it out' anAlf , in so, moment that old Greatores musi have *,bad dillingereaule$14111crotf confide& Ailiould Ilk L . . . , L (].�ftvo your -40 . .
I , I , ' o t have big suspiclois turned ls�tf*e-, ,to ,iuc W my 6 t We three minutes' I. It the tr,0011Q., .
_ o lia,
L96osible regain lt.tl Mr, Greatores: " no 0 Lit Ilfg-timo, $1 and the. chat wili,i you. A ing; Mr; Have you tikell, care, of - th* . . . I . J
I urged..-bls Ane, fresh, boriest face 1Y On I$ed6'X,4MVI0YGA. "I .o,%e eyell I ' 011ivers, refer- . . � . I . I
. boliii �Dkrties * they were told oPate nano Brown. all � oy o,.w tW I I'll resumed Mr. . . . .L:' . I !
L . a ,seIV,e*,'. Ybia. paper. . . I . I . � . . t I
.. , . I I . I L I I
. I
. atlduedl thO wiser or the worse for it.yet.?? . are xf�aturally ajWa,tL# fop'discoy'o .Uluive," vallIM thor � . L,
beatfull, pa Wo dete0tive,,.%taruuexs -was gutterby who first- me I rlug,tOttheletter No atto.111 mentioned,
, ,
I L' . - ,
I I 4 i ., a - i
I . -lit Its orbry line. , "It, -Ii the ,4.n:-. tilem. that, I ran thelia'ayer "And I wish I could cOWe 016 to so Am i: ther6la A9. Xpo Z I r. Butttrbr. ra
"'0011 , . h*s
� L . wila, and *emembered that I 11 1R.(L q 180 I
. 0144afolitness bt- knowing that We in MY Toll," said Bede, liteadily flad candid- wfLak noinethlog or 'atUe.r ,ma)r .qq,j�o mbhlaticall�. "And I mean to do it, . . " em. and Wedd` C
L I thief abotit-.,us, .it In the 661- 11urst, was the only one Spending ,_ . befug.perfloitted. This house wrote ., , ,h 4. IT -6F .
I .
I I . I have a . . . 1Y. "I'd be glad enoilgh.to, get it if, out between its." .� . f '1� gloje Mr. � 11 , �. I . L i�
. lair. of inaegurit . � . I
�y; the fear, that the :much dioney-he lives to fashionable I Could disclose it to yon'without the er,Le$aVffi,4t 'IS . or my:t4aidufi�for-wisbiug to . . I ,L r I . �� I
I . , . .
, night Is, aft a xentle Perhaps,to Aiii� ,;he �y _&h . It ,t,to. b4�f igent VV,L but . . .
I ot "I
L �. ION# wal, 'not stop bere, ,Every I 164giag. anap. Will* it 3,Mil xisk of Injurlhe others, 70% should fill one of a pollee_00�r, )Ae'044(t Orekt 'ChXetedr -ine not t,(L,Jef� , . a. Spec.*alty L-
. I of*iarlife, when the omces clove, I ,.so. Mr. Rulfterby'P'.'. . neXt Minute L L , leeep it, kud-he' _. __ � . . . ,��
. . - Seem to prepare myself for the dis- The dotective Was p4,0(esMonally .boar it,this Fbr their hopitation before replyJug- Might liv,'va It to, it' -ever the thue comes that I . � . . . I I . : .1
� . sakes, Mi. Buttertir, my. Ail* are tied. p4iisOd unnoticed. ., )Ar. l3r6wia, ..6.itif . I . .. . I I I L
. I
4 1 COY017 that some other ona has raken' ,)r�pare(L for. toost Acoidents .There. ,I of I . 'ihkt,dookement to ay be at xise,: ANY- . � L
. I I , . are not speak.",' I .
. . 4.9 particular wish to.be ,questloA04; - it *111 be forthconling." .. .. .. .. .
. Pleas during the day." I L . , ':tore when Bedo, Oreatoret turned. up- "Do6z'be mean hiriwits,, Or "I"n't ItLWXS no affair of lits, and lie thdUA;b.t eieu4 Sir, . I I .
' , ..
I . I " 4# the oftbr -went out, Mr. 0111- .
. . . .�
. "Not st all an uillikOly 'thing to ,on him with xtartling'rapidity., a so- -hO?" 'thought butterbY. - #'rg look the detectiveatlit Mr. Bede. Greatorox .� .� . A.4 T 11
L . . Upp".11 acksiowledsed :Ur.; Butw '.tend flashL,41trtlng forth. from his stter Iturot a bit," be aild. Aeud. qtfite enough to inatiage the niatter . 104 lueru ,ppoikillit to Bode in a I .... He S.. STIZVENS ` I . .. I,-
, �
. , b1s.couvot I I t .. � . .
. torbr.' - . all t Xf t . . ,;
"TJ&t tits Cbr 11 I Aark eyes, he never. movel a muscle. ""Viruth, to toll, I donsiderod him Ithe w1thbut him. .Uut, when Iiis Answer mi .%bn ,loble � I .
'6k �VO . , -I ... Ll . . I L . 1 1,;
eque must ,likya been :'You are right, sir." . . Safest of them all'.11f, spltd of X'"r -eadily. rmlauto I, � ever, 7 � do � � FinYS , . . I L West street . . ; �
- , artachod � . * c*me, it was spoken A to' the O'thor, 64.%..' ,,- I .. okno - . . I . . I I . I
- -0 Ion, Mr. Bede , . * . . I �
. . I - . .. I
taken by one of the -clerks Pin GreatoAOW, �,axft; -.,Whenever you*pleitse, ,,I gill ten- ,retiring t.. am . . (I . * - 1 . . . L i
I %ede," mild Air. Greatores, with . ("b*auJA$L I# ' 'r . .
. 4 . : _ ,Q* F, � . I . . I j �
to mW Son's room,; I thin]; there can . "Arthur , . . I— L
. . be, little' doubt of'It The difficulty Intaului:. "It. the � sotme facility for 3iL*e lei him be. He shall g1t OL little er4L.Ily at lloille by, eigb1i 0*01OLelt", Undon, Mr. 011tirom ' . . . I . 6 . . . . I . . I .. . . I A � I
settlum seess, to your room attached � -Of Any Pri'Vate 'att"tiou zoW� And . rX . I � . ,� 1, _ yp .
le Fl, L I I ,hl . 'to the clerks on my L . . lie gave blip new address -'--Airs. That the Interrupt . I . . — -_ ., . 4
L . -the � J, - Jol2gs$s,. At 4hich the crafty det C. , ton, assis train - ,
. .. . side house, 190 Xhall. one of the, others t5e !detllt e I . — - — , , . I
I . "Mr. Bode thinks, no maelf," In- I Should not may to you. so Positively tive mentally added., . live ' expressed surprise; Inwardly nobody but Roland need not be. atm L LLLLL . I . WiAI0lil0llllFllllllNNl . . I
tiifrruptedly Autterby. "lie charged ,that they wore. not guilty, you st;e1i ' "Unsuipected by Hurst blinflooplf 10 . —.---" — _ . -.1 _ V L I L.
. . 4 1 firmed. . � . . _
_ I Ile very day and, hour when ,, - - ..
h a Jt;&W4*y ILI . knowiugj I
. .� me especially -to look* &,fbir. them -o toireaent t e v ry thought that. aus- teilJolued. Bede, a Shade L r I I Mr. larow.p bad moved. in. . L You Will have the 0"OttuAlty of I � L � - - - - - - - - - - _ _ . I I
I after One of leni in particular,b! VICion C&U,attach to thiM."' L' - :his VoJeS.L I . I Therej. .. , . P , it . making bin -better co, Mr. . r _. . I I .L . . . .
. I . .. yo , live there? -*J,ife . ge"ton'llf I
�. - "Which Wa It'.- � I . 'Not at al'ri father. Perhaps I felt "I'll just take a look In upoif t - O 011ivera, He is the noblest rd grand- .
. . "Ifoorst.,, . h4vi ,To%es and Vusqd to be old ac- eat =Ln tile World over a . aw. I don't YOU . I DER1 CH .
� . 'YOXed thAt Jiurstlx naine should havaL mow," he'remarked. "And let * ad- qua tances; , kneiv �gi: wheill � ?ZOPLE OF "GO ... . �
� . "Hurst!" repeated Mr. Oreatorox, 'been taftlionpil to. you W1 'rise You, air, to got y It It .p .,well Wean In looks -though he might I t I., _
I I , �. . 'thout our , a berk UtO they were -at Uels,jtal�,-fkh- Knew compete for a prlxv on that. Uoro- J Splecial A . � I . .
,. L are you tj kftW&*0ft adelliflidd*0, L
i I I I MU -antago of 010 L " ,
L a surprise, grounos." . A more reasonable, frantep of mb*k if tnekyL St be malking 4, iiiese of it .. � . . R I
- I . � i'But Mr. Bede In mistaken, 41r. It �"Utldftationd mi.. 4r. Butterb,Y.." ipossible. 'It be calls In tresh Mit, long befure the smilall 44n�oi., , V4,11 but for goodness Aud greatness. gam- . given hy.t 14, 9 I ,Id� ,� . . .. I . . I . . 1.
. L
. I Ira, lob to at -tile top., of the tree, but . L I . it 1h.t . . . .
. . . . Inctincts Are subtle. And . L If*- "I expect to have this matter better odickeffs to par." . . first bwe I it . lugg", . I .. .. - .1. . ..... . . . ... , . J
Came utibiddeff Jut& ttke minds of'7 . 'COMM _ , . . �
- 1. was ' more.Hurst than it wito file." Spoke the elderly gentleman sharply, Xe WrOatens, there might be -,tA"e ge,e 11w theii, Mr, Browit., -, _� I I I
. -,,--:- - I A,tthurl calls him." : SCHOA ' . ERCL MWO 0 .. .
. the -attended to than it has been. - Bede Oreatorer cromeA.tbo r9orA *,Don't be ill A bti;,r,r,. piltlerOY, Actllll�r 0.111"lug and hJ& quallutiq : OF I . . I .
, .
r I detective olice: As lie sDoke-that he r r6poat.ta, yet, that I think the clerks 2"latil.ro 10 . though to meant. to guard spoke RO)and,)vhO had been aujilisi.pl; did not'bearluterist- f6r 'Wr2 oluvers. to Accomra) or I wh a *1 ly .r� . . . .
. � had made a mistake in repeating this in -my San's room should b. I do the middle deal-, and spoke in a low � . JI(st th4'n;'hb'bad"-u0 time to att.*AM by train- it,4(lontq from 016(106071, %ViWftg tO CO rolt" I L . �
, �, hJulse . rying'how tat, liv Ould, toLt600n.'. SayJWl ses 2:40 to 0-40 A Ml, Stoan9VAI'ller, COMMer' . 4 1 1
. . I to Mr. Greatorex. Tito tintn'was- .not -may, sutpeeted, but' 4 clently 'L'Oue. �, , . tilt, I .. 8 stool ackwards wilhoui call- I . . I , .. r Aj Pleasant word lost cial, S�cretan . . . .. L I . 1 �
' -
. . .I " �.
carrying within him his private 14- thought of. ,It to moustrous* to know "I do 60 care that they abould X, while L itat0000d, "It's not' qr, .he gepnr . tod, t Altaost, olosJ I - . I and Specittl Cours0s - . I., ' . I �
11 sfitletions, and the consciousness that float a, theft like. this can have,been ,'*no* yoil have been with me. Not 'N � .
1, 4 Oalloway, It - - hu - 111analus.11.1 A" Ilitt, �Slr Richard Yorke coalle I WED. JAN. 2 ;P24 , I
they atuat be kept prIvate--no found pponly committed tit a professio4sof I lor tile. world would I let It come to, (1,011 , ef� I., R TAIF RM $I I . L
these ititerviews with the hbad of waaPs holope and Ybu, officers shogtJ ,14fs th . ere anything SO remaikabie (), R I - , It into the private room. . St . udentiq timl, +)i . I . .1
I (JutSt it I - I �, , ,,gluestlotied ilutterby. . . .. q . .11 I ntnr� at (Lay . � . .. . :
the firm slightly elfibarraoSing'L avow yourxeives at tRult. We ufa�r bt ,of them." I 0, r ,
[their itiowledge tbat I doubted sit i A,xtJxlil* (Ilisunlux'tj coininAL to Lon- 1 U6 * 9, saluetiling has turned ulo time, -'itiformation'MitO OrPhODO 194
I . lf�u ahwiz J iT�Jo'J41df(q�; 'ah4'41pls **Mo to �
ob, ,
,I%V1jy should Ile 'JSlfXPJL"t loillig 'Some of our Clients' deeds 1`0 , t. .P ka1e_,W4Jku,(J. � ..1 filly, I M. .A. STON . L � . .
be—op 121ext.11 . I . . "Now do you suppose I am a yflunit lr-,I,�'Aoa tile �s. I tell yoll It is. toll jj,"* . $ com. Specialist . .. . B. F. WARD. 11- A.,. . I
L The Oteatl ,liroxiine." demanded Buttlerby. "You, '�Ojf"Wkllt lx$* 110'I't, . I., L I . . indloa.l. . . . I
11 The d,Qor ope,.ed, and tUr person AMY a rkt-lettq' dAY Ill. MY life, and I've Mr, Bromi, 41d vico.principal. � Ivill 11
, Ve glanced at .Air. gede e d6no me the honor to Confide,, liaj.[4id ituvx� snch shice I sailed they all kefp tilt the V-�kl' #0ift-thtti . . I- - - ____ I I
I . I In question. apfleared at it - - llude ,Greatorex, and was ausivered, ais Ito Ults prWate businesS to my hand .UFA. J., ,V4,114.1 11 - .. - - _____ . L� $
bs, " mr frota Oott 141ul- if I were not in Godfrey Pltmali?. . L .- �
I . %1 I Gr*gtor(. gf,l - .: _-_ - � - - �i I I __ . r', .
catcolng a glillipse of -thought, by the fa(utes't signs In re- Mr. Bede .'Great6rex, and you may thIN coorqou,04 old office, with one 001*111WK him to Ine the, 96her* PIS �!--v-.11. . . I t-_ . � -_ - � I � - I P 1,
.. the detectivols_llead, lit was going turn. It was not'the drat time 1146 mately, lf!&V6 It in kem. After belar - 1, i . - I -, 1. . '. . .
. . out 46t' it a Vast deal' quicker tban, had been coneeriled to cases Whor6 mast*r In the 40�, roam and avother $lie And Miss A1101lis C41110 (O 04 P- I wmw� �1. . 1.i: f,�,
. ,zat the Work no luxily yfilars, there's ther4?,_fifngIng A,. ball of Paper At site al)oUt htlt I)erg011ool elig.rnis, the . - . " . �,
. I ke hold entered;, .but Oils father sous Wished things kopt front knowl- ,,at muchIeft for me to b6 taught" the nlaaager-"t ,e$,ould sing and one sayink Ilia P_ I . I t I . . �.
stoppe6 him. edge of fathers. . . .. I . yen were blue, tho. �,
0, Lt,de! Caine lit, 'Of . memblering the table 0 . I
. "Bed yme In Ii ft shall expect You 'tc, do so.' ro. -- I
Aug lightly. and balted whan he eam* I INATURE'S . *
. He dep4rted by the pawaige, tread- dance and lesp rarAgy off. Three ofhev brown. 110
� And sbut the door. Here's a, flue iturbed Mr. GroatoreX.with; sufficient ,:,o lbe clerks' door. copies have I be,gus jti� takf, of' a or tll�� ,chafitole6u, I decided they I I . !, I s
thing I haVe J118t b0Strd_th0,C YOU oulphloolln, He Will, In deep atusty old will, and NPOV, fla fill. illuot have boon green. I'd ,not Ilk* I . . . I
I I And the'odicer rose to thought. Bode Ordazorex, puzzled Wil says I'DI'L to) joke about Jilin, tboagh'l-drop- I . I .
argsuspactiff,r oup persoo I i particti ' it his pre(jeffee. Out Of Al1Y .8ellzE13; . W" . . .
, * I
lair of having taken 'tile ehelq1110 Ver I QU.I.GOL round by the other door to Ion; his ambiguous words. puzzled Itivr h I k �!, 1. L - . piligs his light toue-Illf boA: r#ailly I I 0 I.- - I I . ,
I . id' tim; the thing itself pazzled him. lik "Uts.0vOr ,W va I " )lad a hand lit John 011iverx!s death. I � . .
and over agalft. you have my room, and wait., � I .Most taises Mr. Butterby oould at or W141AG 04 11011 : I . . I
. there Walt nobody lit purt,tilil Surely Move words -were breatliod least see where he -was; In this he I&C copies -or (0�V20Tx?Al�*X,,Ifl- ,*t,at do �od think?" E OF THE HILLS - ' . . L i '_ "I
Mr. P I Italfty"eltivir. you know. U.s., Yorke." "..-Wbat I think Is this, Uri Yorke. . L
Atiopseted.11 . I UlterbYls ear! Uvde Greaterox *stood in a fog,, not ituderintabding I THE PRID .
I- L. L 1 . Th'. Irejo. A#.t4i�,Ijptdon In Question halt nothing
- _ . , . . . , . . � ... I I _ i where lit was goinic, or what Ile 'was uda., ral ll('r 116"J" It(l. Li(9,40 'W.01 ,tijy wo-k or yours, 1 4m AND VALLEYS
I . . ls I . I . . I I land. -I'd rill.lo! L,e ranious for ieoi�teiptlto lotLitiLft �Jollo. ..
I 11, . I I L- L . - . . 1, I . I . � ': in seargh U. (living the nwlug-door Y�otlffiir. tb,an, V. whal ., oll'are . falued . . I 1, *bOuld be I . L. . . I �
lill- __ . . a dask"IsLekwards, an though he had - I 14"yolf to get that
� nn.v41gh, Joliterby--tak- AVRe agi)� �qpwrt, ,,, .� '. . N li, ..Voridee ,Lit jll,�pxratiolf, wiliell
L . .j._ jd" L . k Just entered, lie Weat into the room. ,.for In NoIld' 99P oat ,rqf.la4,. . . fill 111;6.
Rolgiod lug; up tilt ,wro. It walt. It W - " 11.
so aAa I ,1,4 ,lee,, ,� llijtlell %e(:l,0t f(Ir lilai3y yezO, but is -
Mr. Brown was at Bit dank, I Ill g1t � -it 'dolts," sold ready , . I . /
A RAIR h -., - BARGAI N your fault Wat Arlittir (!haa0IQg. a to lielp tile Weak, Mok 0,911 . It
, t. � . I 'Yorke at his. but the other two wore sunplisited.11 . 40. - 'Thze 04,sub 'Jutirtthp- comiiiifbaek .
. So it the visit YAd been lix- 4 -didn't get o:1 11 "'.. I ....
I � I-oobsout. .,Nor yours,41 ep 00110 10 Chill 0 0,'�Ofi k#*" "I" wito call be found.fil almaqt evory I
. tended as a special 006 to j6ilisk M lietly retorted 4r. '.. sailfnerilia.
By special apanpment witli the Family Herald and . I . He WAS wos�klpir *ymY foli's, stosm- , L
Mo L j., Hurst, it wall; a decided failure. Whox of tterby. e. �� . ... 110mv. I �
I Weekly Star of ntreal, we are able to offer that great ., �� PAft, Whea Sip'-ItIch rd�,Yoft*o
- -_ -
Was the great Ilutterby at fault? H* There! Go oil. Bring it all out. Ing gain, t -A I gh Me "s, � . � .1
. m very attractive price. I to (to Ilt, do It, Duttermi Came tOt�h ct I ILATTIRT., 11 �
I family and farm paper at Itf you've come % 1q. .1. I * " �11 preparation, 113 lulde entirely
1* Or6stortx. Roland silop 01 .
v in 1. I , had Just looked In upon them In 1�y. I told you to *1e other n1511t. With 0 -go, Bat ,4 beial, all Indi. , ..
"02 i .passIA&I he said, to glV* the good- sLoolp and brought his tall solf la . ,P,O, , i7 and Iferbo, and it, . A I
�i A.ad when Arthur MakfilliAg. Is Ill tit )y ;q' $ Q11 to Ile our ForeNther'ligrear, .
,� . i Ile Faluilly'Herala and Wokly Star Costs $2.00 4 .xforro,�r, and Inquire how 06y r0ah- zoludou, you put up .0, ,P"Yer elvery Undo's path. lfi,., f 111aes!j or SiAtlelaS th%t W011141 hill iU the � 11
L I 1. � - Home. and L 0'." C01,16 0
_1� at th6 present State at the that**** "How are you, Sir Richard!" e of INATIMEN OWN 11013 tAlla .i I
I 11 ..t*r, which to Sill marning not to meet bla�,p,t Obartug etitg and Virtu
. ould provioduct.luelt- 11
� . I I Sir RichareLls little eli,ft W*At 'Tried, %t4d au Ile the 11001t Nilturst for I
� per year Ing. How did Mr. Yorke like It? Mr. 4C�rass. The sight of bim got�lflnit be blinking out, and he condescended to I)roven ill AGUIS Vaqb tO ut Failure$ An".
, - Yorke, undor the oltoumstances 09 ;plctsant to you., mind, aud�passtr$-IIY recognist Roland, L , ( )y ill its 041me"N guell aq 110 BlAder Ttouble, I , I �
11 The Goiheich Star Costs $2.00 -per year' i .not knowing ,whother he stood on his imIght see your brow rei:10;111 wblCh 610b all, to be sure. YOU are ft* I tolia. Ittieumatioll 1,iver Complaint, J�idnoy alld
, t4 1 9 S .
Used or his heols, had not thoug fow,,9, bold, tvar-notbing polke,de- # Couglig, Cold,;, S 111,6olthiti,i. A411111a, M0001111 CbUAIII �
, �1 ecto - - � ,, " . '0 , o Thmat, i
ht .tho, elorks here. nooA, you keep
. " -'Ito., and NANTM . �
. W6 now offer ! -about the thOrmometer. 86.. tu� oxt. of debt, young man. I I i L�f
. "
, racelpt of a, letter this hIlOT1111111C, COU- -Is Mr. Bede (;reatorpl In?" vm OWN Healing Oil, uhich worU wo;derful1v .
rb^"1%tA1 'rho 4luestioner was tho Iteverand Ill try to," Said Roland. "I get & in conjulletion %v I ' , L,._
,' tafroft" the news that one, wham, he It NATURBYS ()W'-4 1"Kef��U`t'0'01 aq it '� M"a '
V" A. K � I 'PAA-VEM Jr.'OR $3.50 111cared for were th*u a, brother, might Menry W11111111 011ivern, As Ito ell- V0ulld, A, wee4 S'n . f3(yo, upon It. It from ()j1q, 'Ninei r i, 111(tun and of Animals. This I I
004�l'OlIll,lWil * . - Ailred, The drift man his (1170 fell Oil " 16 not MUCh for - ! W*#! 0'* bat Tre:ommit iq r)1,1 0 t ..
I . I . ft _ I probably b6 coming ta London short %#�Aa Butterby. It Was a mlltilul reC- tO *NOY ehampagroo, **4 IP441 �" to le , 'a 110 11014 blit alw%yq new, 1"agy to Au�� bab 1196rd I
111YOU SAVE Sw ly on & visit, Roland hat been three Coition; z4M. they had uot met sitict thtOugh the ShOP-Wilsolo'NO." , , L I ,,,it, I
part* mad With joy. He was *Von '01 A ^ .
I . *M011011 � ", Itkat 07ening .311 ihmethy's TOO= on "Ali," said Sir Richarill sJoWW, h0l VP, , . rae atment For $10-00 -b ,
� .goalsl to the Intruder, lifs'botd, abir4. the (,lergyman,s visit rulibiar Ids bands together to It he I Tre I
Ili addition, eftCh, SUbSCrIbOr teCeives I BEAUTIM1. "How are You igettling on, Ifutter. tho oceasion Qf _ wft* washifilt them of vadostralillil Plot till alid ii614"W's ,I I
PICTURV UNTITLP0 1, by? Take a stool it you like." tit Holstonleigh, Before a allnute coaaft,ilons, ,,ohis eoAl of bolse a I V , by
I � .
I I' "COA1,StOP,"' laid 04terbY. "Just 1ad viell olaosed, as It seemeil to the .
ill -spectators, tlipy,verc deep In that rover. Yea shatilog do As Gerald I .
ful, Hero* m4allit to si** a nod rount Alit go z1va, he Va it o
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Orders for �this C1011 IlluSt be S-Vilt to l You have board ot vowloottlor .116yo, "I fell you, 1dr. Wer, my fisith L, * kepf It Jtfi: It wax rare lhde*d that ,trill lrutfalrav Stirle �oln Mv ,I
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THE GODERICH STAR, on's sloo"14 tat sw on OWS ,dro,rJr- iebstisM.." Mo clerNiVal'a waa SAY1139 vit"leon'tinu4s askq. , , Phone ,. 319 I ,
� ' 1016Y 00st OIL IttCh AWASWUNt" .Wilill Ofil4otioil, S(afeAV i0t,"TLZJItgag�l vinc4at wAs very -well, Sir it # I It, , , � I
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