HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-12-20, Page 26�-_ , f , ,,, ��4 . � 0 TAOXfox ­ -- I . - 0 ; i H—t i � 0-0 D—Z R I —CH S -,T- -A-- R-- ­­- �� 1 41 � 11 ') : I I . ! 4 P I 0-0 . �,­. =- ". ­­, �-- �, i�. 1 4, THURSDAY, �JXN"- J10"I 4, , I 111M tUt #0 who waulil draw nLar unto W ------------------ —1 � - - vw &ANw- - - w0wholvRM" � .,1016-141k GW "it do it witill humility and X04. 1 i-�'�*l Pp'f %�.�, 1� A 0 - � W � , � 1-� - - I ­ ­ -------------- - � ly fcar. Ile was taugiii; that he inwit I .., I 1, tor Your I" I � I give an, Outward sign of his revereace. � r L selfttw Junew , ', � mown I'As * sm-milt expreswed'veilwt slid I R : � "Vi shwad bur the best. * �41­ J�,: VEATO"AB'E ` � Unoband I I , -P It submission to his amszer ty removili ! I , I . I -- (his shoe,3 so 510", was told to NIX 1 EMEDt I I . I ; hisoff. Theground,wk�lhojyllwause, I i I I - 4 - , ID - '�vrs." At this the *ttitude of a ser- I I � I � . I I � of the swclal $;jas v! fsoills presewle I �� I ay ". IRVING X1,1XV1. 1. to �� if there --- A k. ­ -, -- - � , I . I . �. . 11 I 0 �trve "ad's, Declaration r I - - I ­ . =� . 11 11 ....", - 11 , . I . � I - 1W � Uwe's h;44 b"u taught the faith of I Mr. and Mrs. Davison, sat in coa- � - . l �bls father.3 and so Uoa made Himself . ,� I I �'knovvu as "I aln ths 694 of thy fath- , . W 10rello over their danghter, Jose. I . 1. ­ mu . Tilley wore a couple %*II, aloor in I ..... I " vant, t.aken when he removed 143 sboc;� Years, Jane was their Youngest Filu.4 I vultmossma.23.31 W � ,4 %W = wmw� , HOW -itua x1te w;,a twelity-Ave. The f%et � I I t me - thtt of a f that Jetier W13S Up longer a child, and I � ` V1011t, afraid to 3001% into the IRCID . -1 TU I F, oft e covenant-inakingard covenant. herself a b"Abaud. bad dawned 004 I YOUR HUMAND " A OKE Is *0 pu"01 0kn4 XA00t 0,0100flike-4117 "'P 4 . tuat kit was high time she took, to mar WHO am I prepared **as sold t04147, — TX1r It* k ' God, We are not afraid when 1� -% 601 , '�� . �, . I � Jul110`*-' Hal "' -7] 0 1 44elft' build 1! " , ­ "("�', L., .11,1;1,0— _, ". I __ , 11 vwtit.4m. . 1 1 1, J� ,"oel'"" (W w4lilfested in "a. . I I'll her fathet Rod, mother rather sud. ­,­ -1 ­.- , - I . . I ­ . -I... . ­ 11 ,r,..-- I , � ­ � � - � � ­ ­ - ,, ,� I we loot Uwn . IN k donly. - 9 i . , ­­ - � ture, but tbe more we le3rn of III$ � I 5L"�io*ilovo and grace :Manifestoil in Jesus � . , Mr. Davison was partly. prosper- Yclit'll do it too w.beu your honsesvork has beell - '' � , - . . . . Ch I t th ore bumbly and revefibut. . I Out and Samoa"*. He dreir 103 rev. One to mudio. I , M * . eane from a neighboring brickya.rd, . . . I *1 I 1; 4,11;, �� 'a'14,n'1?01U Qh t he to Croy a eat. . . I W � � , gad big house was the largest and I : 41 verses -.5-Goirs Nonto #* �, � I had the'Wilusilt paint Arid tbs Of,conrlseihe hated to part -with the n1f) ' fof that X W f His, , . ,- I , 6"00** . Re I , . - . I Sunday Atternoon P"'ple's Allictiong I �� I I � est b"o4o at any In town. Mrs. NIctrol a, at the -time, but be h3lows. tb at he'IFI'Iot Ilave " � . a -�4' 04 1 I)XV40ou was portly I * While In this attitude Cod spoke -to ,11ke*lter bus - Alf W, . . to throw his hat in the door first to seeif it's .safe to ' . a Wy ISABEL 8301MR, GO&ifeb, W, 10 I Moses and gave liho. to understand 11 . �blsud, and an exceii4larly comfort- .� �... . !bad never loot night oft)te sorrows e ­ � I I able -looking matroo. " I 0 Of ­ I "Yom." said Papa D&VIson. "I inip- follow. I � I , . . the children of Israel, 'Xileir cry had 0 truly Is tbp nation blest . I --Jethro, lal�i father -In -1,4w, the prle5t I entered his. cars thouga apporently Valle YOU are right, Marla;* but it � All � �,Ow =0010 seems ,but yeittarday that jsge was "'Any Place Is Heaven If You Are Near Me" � .1 Whose Cod before the worltl'con- of Wlidinn. It wa!3 surely a poor oc- deaf to it all and Hu ilad even the # Mw 'r6v:3"W-.'ir,"oK-. in, Pinafores. Whom would you jgilr� I tow-, o a cupation for a man brought up and tyranny of their opprb. . must have been song of the Victrota. I I . 9sorr) kind now i , ii 1::iil::il I 11� III :1 : :1111110 � test., J)ow?ol . I I � I 3vilovall in alollo", rilmosted as he had beon but thus it the time had come for a speedy de. I . I *'Well," replied Mother Davison. I t . ". I I Anil blest the pcople is whom Ile �%,;z;stlio�,ptr.titsofcliaracteriverepcz-.,Jivcranee. The tinin Nvas ripe and the scholarship, ,myhtg: "It Christianity "therela Strain. Blake; he would raer. r.. I , . ---­­"� I -_1 -ft.------ ­ ­- - r Has made Ills beritarm to be. . fe0ed for which lie wos'niore notod.dcliverer was at hand ready pmpared is worth So UTUch to my, classmate, It ry, Jauo,lu a minute it given bait , . � . Aud chosen for Ilf� own. , than for ull Ills learning. milseTtaking, I can be worth no less to me. I will her a'e . . H* �. in peripturlu � for the v and this, was 'Ill 1 1 1. Not human ntrength or mighty hoats.J. per cot r wbi a as re ilqt- what God Was makilig plain to ikloaj�s, a Christlau," He also was baptised. ".111raux's got money, 11 taus I ed Papa I . I . . ,,;Ot chIllging gtecda, orwarlik-e bousi,,� t, scripture than for 11 Is Icarnin . When God bus .game special worii in ((Missionary Review) . Davison; 'he's got looney. but.bills . I Ev JENNER r I . 1. . 11 Clan save from overthrow; 05c's beld - communio with i d in hand He I., 5.aid to ocloc dov"i to do it. - forty-five It he'll 4 dar* and tog Aild ' - .1 1 I I , . -will save frout deatli, and the. desert more than t an t! a in "Oil that thou wouldst rend the heay. , REQ HIS FOR, WOKS and solemn for,larle, anyway. What . ­ W%0 W%ow W L, k0"%0%0 - - - - - - - 0%0%0% I . But Ood t r. AC %#W%#%0%0VV - - W . shame his prevIous life. So we le o that ens, that'Thou wouldst come dosvil, , ---­,�. 4,0 you think Of Caswell.,uiY bead I �- � � . r . - 1-1-1 11=01;1 All those wbo four and trust Ilis'namo desert .pIpces are iiot -necossiority that the MOUntaing =-'ght fIQWdOwn Thei Soon Disappeared After Using c ork at the ysriis? He,a oraart..4'r . . ­ I .. . ... r. 1. I - . , - And they no Want shall. know. v.a,Dte places but holy ground where at Thy'prosence." (Isa, 64. 1) Dr. Williams' Pink Pills bound to got shead'. and Just the AN r ,_ I ,((Ps..%) loan holds fellowship with God., Wia. Verse 10—Mos,gs, Commission right .age for Jane I I "' OUR CANADI , in life ate . I PRAYLP1. doni, physical endurance and meekness 110 wag not only sent as a I Every woman, at times, Ands the ran "Not it cant to 4ess. blull with, � � . 14 . I %yere all to be employed in the work . eader to thie of housework Irlisome. But how C.UOrt what you Day Wilt,", returneill I L -, Thit'Cowt 11 0 a 1 t h 0 Almiglity Oodwc ataud �rav off andl tile children of Israel but as an � .list 10.0k higher . : . QUIZ CO UMN . V �, am. much "Jorift difficult are the daily, tasks xile. mother. "Jane io � r' . JrWthand . �' '­' -4th brewed bead. listening to hearltvibre him. Ile'was busy about his bassador to Pharaoh's court, What *of the bowe to the ,%,Oman who Is -,-:— � r 1. � 4lUlAu1c worn wilen a vision ourst. it Ulan that. There's that Mr. Mallory,. r happiness. klealtA llrsll� I I . 0 Thee xalling un to coil nigb. We, prospect fo,c a bordsman! It struck nervous and rmidowwl, S�P, V'repares who is staying at the Beach Hotql. 0 1 . upon his sight, just as the shepliortiq I - " PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE -- I . Thee that the way is open, it "the Pirn as ail impossible thing,. meals, for the family, 'but list' no Be. has been. .yery- attentive to igge 9,­Whero� Prairle I " the others'1011m I-GOW : 1. I I, ; 11111M I . (tppetl _�. . � that great Deliverer baq brought ua! worck tonding� their flocks who � -food, Wtat �he­dooW env, . . did Portage x4a . I I � . f r . t plonv of the Lord shol round about I Verse 11 -1 --loses! Estimate of to for all aumwel% lfe'a' about . thirty, It' , I . I 1. . St . � ­ r . I . ­ � ­ ­ I - ---- dWremaslic4beallaelle-S40 ,dizziness- - got ­.­ ­...­-..­ . . .... ---..-- - - I �- -­ - d' iS M.0 ilWrtMt' . . . I .... ­ - ­­­ . r - - � . . ��,� . � . . out 0 darlaiess- Into, - light. aod-- tha . -them.0 - : W I r - -- '- I 1111"s,01f -- should judge, apparently g gelitle- -#a namet - ­­ -9 1� � � a now no condemnation to tho:;e I follow, there is a flattering or the'lleart, ' �A.—Portage La Prairlej Man" Is AtthelimtsiAOf dJz0Tdert*ki&l`l . . � i . _ thore I. - '!�The Strange A'ppear -ded.himself as quite unfit and the comple.-doubecom � � . t , who are in Christ. Jesus. Alay we I Verse . � once Ile regai . es pale. -man, and acts as It he had looney. I French for prairie portage.. ft is sit- P , I �. . . , � for and unequal t6 tbQ tasX 10 think, Jane, Is. more taken with bita r . I over ls"� in the Cross our redemption.1 '. Abrahnin saw a, burning laiiiii When How cases of debility of this kind buildipp tip ' uateil . neap . where the fur traders , Is , � - . I from sin with all itz.guilt and power., IsrAel'y bordage and deliverance were could be appear before Pharaoh�and the blood is gbnerally cff�cttve. By ini. than I over len6w her to be with a" crosae4fr4m the. Assitlibolne River to ,it * other young loan," � . � f . . demand that he lei tile tbildron of Moving the quality of and Increasing Lako Manitoba ao4, Is mentioned in BEECHAM I . , Thanks be wrta God Wild giveth, us tile. foretold to him by God, so now Moses its q 'Iftt we don't know anythla$ Verandrye's Journal for 17-39 as a I & soldev"Twbw# I ! % I St On 1-1 . I I vi,etory.. through Jisas Chri r',smw it flame of fire out of 'the mid.st Israel go I . (lantity. nourlsbaleab is carried to I � i I . I .1 . God S;Vered his,obje tile shattered nerveb. The a.ppetito in about Win, really," objected Pltph AZIrd-, a . . jac"Rd* � � I I : �i� Lord, Alliono. . of a bush which thougli.burnfug was . all ations by pro. hink Jane Is,% carrying place used by the .. . .1. � . I � � . I not consumed; 1� . I raising His �repence. and giving him a variably Improve$ anti gradually the elk -1 Davison., "Do you t . -boine Indiana. The site was also one I I . . . .� � .1 I . . . S. S. LtSSON FOR JAN. 0% 11924 � . � pledgeof RIs1fa1thJu%iAcgs--"c hausted system is touLd up and tile I love with hira?" . 1� Plus � .. . I � I . ,Origin, of the chief trading parts of the- � � . . . . Umou Tltlo­�'Moses Called to Dellvk I - Verse I wholo QuIlilolt of lite is brightened. Mr6. . "I rather think she is got , . - I il.l. I . .- I . , . �--Hls Curiosity :� , IY I will be with thee; and ng to be French -until the conquest, and IaWr ,4 ­ : , � . . . this Shall Geo. G,ani;4 R. It. No� 1. Blarkdale, OuL, At she Is -not already." answered the tbeAudson BA,y4Coiupdn'y established ir m4ll a. of Mai*- � - ,Tll� ' er Israel." . . 1. "I shall turfi aside anti see," It was be atokell'unto. -it I have sent tells for the benefit of ottlers the gteat fon-1 mother, "Suppose you look him 4 po�li. - . � : ii , . ,,, ; -3; 1.12, , a sight such ap In all his shepherd life th tbeei th, . Inin �ved the a i Lesson liassagcr-%�xod, near tile spot.,� . gro Carl cbeese.is L. ,(3 agsla a . \ I . I . .. . I 0 � , Ili the d0art he had riot come across t e people Ut 4 hast. brought forth billkelltDrw Williams' Plak Pills were to UP. Silfts.)� They o4avassed a teW 'WHF ' I I prime favorite, in the Bngli�h, market, . . I I Qo1den Tcxt�llpb� It., 24 25. h Q of ftypt ye shall serve bee in &.vun down, condition, She says: ­r other- - possible eV.didates for the . � . �n � . � .� . :" until now. Where had the fire come God upon this mountain," AVERAGE. EAT YIELD - ' I 1 , . . . yone can sttbogly recommend Dr,' Position of aqu-Itt-14w, and the coA- a , the average wheat. TH , OF THE � . I . In tile soccod chapter of ExOdull we from that had kindled the bush? He God is the fountAIA of power, and "If a" 01what i 1. E FOUNDING - ', ' . . read, alt the Bible tells of the birth decided to look Into it for whatever I I Williams"Tink Pills I feel I can. For feroacE ended by an agreement that yield in Canada, from 1913 to 192 . . TORONTO`GLORE . '. - . � the powers that be',are ordained of over four,yoav4 I had been troubled Mr.' Davis= should . h , ' I I - . I and early life of Moses.' lie was born the cause he ought to enquire the Him as Ile pleases, 44 "too)[ up" Mr. A —T a tin -When '�vasjbe Toronto Globe .. 7%:i . - I of the tribe of Levi, at the time when . The same hand with toy nerves, and foir woel4s at -a I Augustus 14allorr, and It lite ehar# year average whisat . I � . . 4that fetched a y1eld -in Canada, 1R)o 1913 to 1922 fOu%.TIV4 and by whom? � I I I the bondage, with which the Egyp . meahing of it. , . an tang we 6 f 4 p . 1 � � , � � -, . . t I I rt t be shepherd out -of a,deq- time I would suffer terribly with bead. acter d in r on 4 satisfac-, ,per ,a&e for, fult � A�The arrival of Georgellrowg hi * , , 1.1 I innsmade the lives of the childron of Verse 4-004's Call And Moses'. 0 tile aches. My blood was very thitt, I had tory lie should. be elected to fill the w I 4, aitC Planter of a Jewish ' 'X I 11 I I , I I � . Istuel bitter, was must severe and I . I Answer I . .. I V"hur� Vard fetched fishermen .wappotite. could bardlygo about. I kDat of i4ne'a husband. Such wiler- beat and 15�� bUshels. fqr spring, Torootbin 1844 resulted in the fasn& . I . , �- . - I . I . . . I from their ,9hips,,to,be the plan dit to stily alone in.tbabona(i s,s Iq us matter all the choice of husband wheat', it much higher. average than Ing early tAat year of the. Banzw by - I . � ... ... . .when an'order had gone but to destroy ' God's eye, wag upon Moses und, . ters. of was afA � I . � . . I the, Christian church; that the excell- I feared something would happen me. the."Unit.ed. States, where -fall w.heu4,,, him and his father,. Fe�er Brown. - I all the male children at birth. The when Ile saw that the burning bush ing of ,,, . L old not be left lo the Inexperienced . . I I I . - . L 3tQry of his deliveril-age shows pla the power might be of God." F tautly I doolded, to try Pro $Villiaws, " - on a four, year average was nearly 15 The Banner was tin organ, of the. ex- L � � . I I Jane hersel of course. . - . L I L I . . Iuly bad arrested his Attention even to.his (Matthew. onry) . Pink Rills and they have made west At his oflice that day. Davison- rath- bushels. per acro and, spring Wheat treme left of Scottish Presbyterianism . .1 . I 11) C I I tho bandL Of leaving his Work to gl� L H 'L . . . . L I "'t" �! L � ,God Aretched out toward . I nearer to see , This deliverance of the children of ue%v woulan; WA I ara abw the picture, ot er regretted the, -compact be, b" was IM '' . . . but from, it emerged the Globe, which I I.. I.. I L . I I I �., 4he pefseouted people. This deliver. .what it, actually was, Ile called to hi health. I have increased In I - . .. bus continued its development a0d et� - 1. 1. 1. t m, Israel from the hand of their' * WOIgbt3,-1.ivade with,bir. wife. His clerX Cox- HISTORY: ()F-, SA -ULT STE. ,-MARIE. pansionL to L p L . I! � I : wite and his training at the Court of Inv$_,$ 0 , press- . the present day. The. Caa�, . . I' L tl' or by the L hand of MOSCS andLthe well was such an efficient, 'follow; � I : Mad Moses shown no. desire to the headaches come no more, and my I '' : . Pharaoh Were providential . propara- 94te this Arange appearance as. some� ging . of . them nerves aretm. good aF; ovorthey Were. allL Q --:-What Are the chi a �� . Work, "And Wo 4 of d, inapite of b'SLPOMP q1ty' and to.. ef hl�tOrk ada Farmer, founded in �1848 by W - . . . �� " tiorls for his �futu're 1 into the Ian . L .0, . , M. L I ' ' . ��'�. L . ses. thing of no w6niollt� he; Would -most pro a � Before I 4 Dr,`%VIlII4ms'- tundity, old Davison L . dates of Sault Ste.'Xilirle? . ,I I McDo*n1l, -was aft0wards aiiialga . - � i I . I was learned in all tbe'wisdoill, of the pro bly have lo.t ill g6ldenLoppar'; e was typical of our emp. 1,jolt Pills life Avas a liurdem. now I had a lurking I . . I . . ­ 'j�sl I L ' ' � . I . .� . .: ASL mighty Jol ' ba � c - by Christi whoot , .-'n �S . . tion ritreak'of romance irt'him. -He began A. A series of tablets ault Ate . mated With the Globe,' I of its Itiatory as follows: L . . L ­ .. I � F � . tunItY of a. talk with God.), "Draw God by HIS enjoy IlVing' illid I hope SoweL raustilg)qut a UtUe Dick Whittington, Marle tell . . 'I �' �,, . I ,*7pti4nz,'ilfid w ,- L , I . i . other , . . . %race de"vOrs Out of'a spiritual Eli t woman will.ta,kii eouragelroin "my ex- O- L I I und in deeds." (Acts 6 . . 7- 22) All this nigh. to God and Rewill draw nigh to Will bring to a heaVenly Cannan. L at %Vbat t.hJS story -the enterprising clerk,. Cis� To the Tbviny$ 'Of Pawlting, firat;in- /, ORTENTOS IN CANAD4k, I I I - ��. � we at court with its advantages came you" was bla experience that day. I . pett6fice, for rfeel so th L yL Or 6ntLaIS L * . . '� � 4i . L . A I . . � . . I re� well, marrying his employees daugh- habitants of -the Sault, legend -,says. Q. -How inan .I I have 04- . . ' . , I . 'to a sudden and, somingly inglorious, There iv4s no ,mistak-Ing the --call f6i. ( I weillave 4t4 for file t ena do for ey Came froal the n tered Callids I , , . . .t � �, - . I It,WaShis o%yn I 'IVORL14 L � . � , A ter and carryingL do the businds,atter th orth-east Worel � . . L ..I. . I " 't..%, ; � vuO. He murdei�d an ftyption fi.lsk-Lk name he licardi There - . D MISgIONS. . others.*., � :. . - I . him., iDavisou: loved that: business, and 1600. 162-0 Etiefine' Brule und cam- .A-, 711 Xhineie entered danaila, in L . . � '. L coAld W no mistaking It ,for another 1. I I lue ilf gig Faith I You can geb. these Pills from any . nelle, first orbite �men to 1922-28. 662 �aying head, tax, and, 59, ' L . . " ' , I ' 'L - Master Which forced him to fleo to TheNa I medicine dealer or by, mail at 56o m bo4 ,to ,,,,, 'was wore competent to con- panion, Ore I L . , . , M141an to escape the wrath 4)f Phar. 1 for It Iwas emphasized In being repeat. 1 . . exerapt. The amount L I . I � I . i0h, . done It than'Caawell.' There' Came a sep, th'OL L I J, I I - . t 1 A story told of the M06.oillst vV6ik fr6ra The Pr.�Ullllsmsll Medicine Co., St. Mary's rapids arid Lal;e �§l � received b7L 1. � I L. ., �. I I I . . . I ed-'Illloses, Moses." - Surprised,. at in Siagapore Is so striking that it �as 111ro I knock tit the door of his privato ottive. periol-� 1634 Jean Nkholet,. the cx� I govornmelit in the same L :1 I I . - .'Come in.,,, it was Caswell. - by Sieur, de Champlain, $11,6318,601. In the Is t '11, si , .t I , as dlvlde� into . elkvole, Ont, . period wo " �. Tho� lite of -Mosen W, , the �slghi of' a bush burnizig Without . � I g. , ,. I L L I I ", , ­ I Lv..k I L : . pfori6r sent s -year .. ., ..�, th" .. 'k ' , been widely quoted: A Chinese boy in .. — . I i . . . period$ of for4, years each. Uing, consumed he loust hay "Please, Mr. oil, I Ja . �: � , fort4V Were. I L 0 bOen - Singapore had arranged to be baptis OVED TRAIN SERVICE BE. Davis could I have visited the Sault,, 1632 Champlain's A Arri , vs I ... j . L I �' , , . - The I first _ spoilt tit the moire than ever surprised at the so4nd � � . - 0IPR thr" w�eka off ?"L * I I *8 , - L � .. I . Court of Phni6h; tile meoild, at; a .of a voice in that lonely ,place. In ed shottly after his graduation, but to . TWEEN. �TORZNT,2r AND. . . map shi5wg seven Ojibway cabins on. ) n , 0 ext, pt.'. 4pan e arrival.lt I .1 I � . �,, ' I . I . . " . "What, for.?', . . in I . L " , L : . his surprise he Won 4 schola . " WINNIPU0 L . I L the site of this city� - . . 43, 9: avera 0 or 11 years I . . I herdsma in Midlan aud the third g days.sto colne Moses was to realize � . I. -To the �Voy gour.9, coureurs des bois lin 11 ye L US, anivet". L'. . I - t Of . ii L a, $560 a Year, for -four years in the III -I am going to be mall to a proc ' ' I . I 11 . � I ar�$, 1 . �.. I I . head' God's chosen people., He had more fully that be,hadfound grace ill ­ , I Tho Canadian National' Railways _girl tit Boston." L", ' .,, 706. :138 , and other ga lant sons Of Old � Franc . - '. , .: . � � T #� ' L'. . . ­ . I � . Honir'Koog University. One of the announce that eftec I y', take tbTeO who since 1622 have passed . I . . . *. I I ... I I Zow finialled his secend forty wholl he God's sight and that Ile knew hin� by tive Saturday rl this way L � I �,J� 'Was commissioned to return to Egypt. name. (Ex. 39:. 12.,17) , .­ I conditions I was� the Whiner must be a I January 5th, 1924,. improved train weeks off." 'He* spoke rather testily, an . FOP,T GEORGE, $WL Longlac Moute will . . I . . I i L . Cillifuclunist. 0 a poor student th -4, 1 d made the � I I . . ­. i� L . HO was born, for this very purpose yet To thi,q remarkable t,a2I Mo'gea gave I a service via z ( When old, men build romances they -Sault known to the e L history of Port L L L I I . temptation to d ter bapitisigwas very L 11 L . L world, . 1671 Simon Francis. Dalimant C,edrge?, . . I I heard lever a whisper of, it until h 11 Q.-Wh4t is th �% !'i 0 a read3r veply '11ere an; t" I i be put in operation. � don't like to. have them pulled dowlt � . � *AS eight, I V years of. OL L %" ,,e I . I I , ,,� �0. . . at, but he,roslated and stood before The National,` the Toronto, Win. illbout their L- ear Sieur St. � Lusson took f6rotal pas, " I � . -.:� , S. Davison walked I of L I ", . . . . 1'er�es 5 'on N' altar tof baptism at the appointed . oi�eg and Westirri Canada train 'Vill over d looked oUtLof big offiffe.will -sea ion of the Orea ' . � ?� Veme 1-4110�es` M-cuinition When � -6 '*"ad'$ Conti L I t Lakes andbeyolid- 4 -The wording the following , ­ . I 8 . L I . , _ . I an 10. , L ­ L There was a roady response but time. A ir end, a Confocia .1fter ron for -LLouis.XIV of, France tit the, Sault, tablet a-fiswers. the � qqueaion: It. wal. , , � . � � . I . I Called ,� L.411�re , .text in L illsti4tood here. by this route arid Via dow spon'the road leading front the Gastont'Loam I . recently placed in.-positi6o by tbe.Uis� L " . , L ! . must . be' no iallilliarity - on line for Ills scholarship but e 11 the 11 1622 .Sault do .­ . . . . Re ivhs tondinvi anothev olarll� '. .11 Alland,41e, )3artle, Oxillia - zt;�4 Wash- 'Beach Hotel tb , town . e. given. to ; I . ­ , flooL-.;Aloses� part. H' loprels . ,Down the - ar .. � � � �� L ­ . 0 Was here taught.%Yas so .1 8 ed t1lat he rofi.la6d the 89�,,fiistead of via Beaverton, 10av, road came two persons on horseback, 'R -n .. , I the rapids by Etienne. BruI6 in hilifor I . -i! :L I . .. . . � . :1.. . ­~--1'1*1�-�-�,-�,�--- -��­...'�­11.1­1 � . , Id , eorge, . 27th. - . . I , ­­­ A ­­�­ ­ -��­­'.­"­-, of ,a brother of Louis XIII, King of 'Ba 0 o, t I .� I . . Ing Toronto, 10.45.p. m. daily,, ar,riv. One'wals a young lady, riftber large 'France., 1813, Ili . L ' � I L . . ,-.,r ,V�j , , ' . May, place Of invad- . . . . , 0 �I . '" L* ' 1101 � of L R ' iliff Sudbury at E-9 a. m. and Win- of figure but utriking!y symmetrical � . ,. � I -A nipeft 4.10 p. mi following day. of form, witha face round and worry . BEHRIAG: SEA � ,� ing troops. Here' as fou t the at- . I I.. . , . - I I J. I , 001 .!,An In'terosting ,Nt aidw'ay nista*0 I Q. -Where did Behi-ing Scit'get its tion on that do , 0 t " Ili me- . , , .11 . . . I 1. . . :-LL, ­ . "The National" *ill cam !tourist land bl00%ntng..wl,W health, Her red.. L , � t . L I I L ,--A-- --- - � I . IZ ' 9 Car, Toronto and Wina4mg, dish - . a � , , L . N I — Sleepm, -brown hair shone Ili the sunlight name? I . I mory of Licut. 13 , Jel St., . , It, L , I . " . 11 I L � 1. I . I . . . I � L I apt L L I L � I . . .. I I L I . Standard Sleeping Car, Toronto and and an unruly strand at two had I A*. -On All regiment, U. - Andre I an 1, I . . . 4 1 . I L . I ., . ,� L g. 12 1128'Vitu%; 96hrfiig Ensign Win, ,Iie 6an, 0. arry , it 4 L . I ­.". :� E dwonton, Compartment Obgerva- broken loose to the wind. Her escort a Dane, in. the service of Peter the 111n!�o ; d e ' o ,c - is I . . : I -Wft.- I .. I I . I I L . I � ' tion Library Car', Toronto and Win- Was a Young loan whose bearing was try an zi n I , ,&" . . . . - . . . . . ,.I Great carried the, Russian flag 0. qe and men of1he Royal Artil. ' � . . . . . L . . . .. � . nipeg, Standard Sleeping Car, Toron- covered by the word. "distinguished tbrou�h the Bebring Strait�,,Whieib he ler ; sih R t, 49th Rogt., GI . I I ' en- . . I L . . . .. . . . . . . t and Sudbury; .Dinij4 Citr serving and he sat on his horse like a g was the first to discover and explore. ight Infant , Re engarry . I . ..... . . . I I rw me . tlemito., -The pair was Augustus lMal, L . . . ­ . a ills, - Yal Newfoundland L 1. I I Also he ann"ed Alaska for Russia, Regt, and 'neoln in . I . . I For tickets$ reser4tions and full lort and Jane Davison. They were and, in 1741 Was wrecke&there . Militia, killed . L. V, . . I - - 11 . ... .. inform both clad In #4ty Isles and it -his ttle.� . I .. L . . . . I . . : . ation: aiply to -any Canadian , taldlog tog- died of starvation.. Dehring So; was . . � I . , . I I k . - —1 .. . . � National Ag!�n d ffladd'�n attractive eouple. ndmed after him. 1. ­ . I -1- - 'L , ­! , � . gery an . . . .. � I I .. They had taken to riding tagethor I I � For Frost Bites and Chilblains, I . . A Fo& to Asthron.-Give Asthmn much of late. I . . L "I ONTARIO'S MINERAL WEALTH Chilblains come from undue expos. � . . L . .. half a ohnfice, and it gains. &#round "Hutill sald .P& DIVIOOn- "I Q, -'%That ig the extent of Ontario's lure to slush and cold and fro4-bfte . I . rapidly. But give it repeated troat-a guess I'll look tip Mallory," ;anti lie undeveloped mineral wealth? 46in the loy winds of. winter. in the . I .. I ,ments of Dr. J. D. Xellogg's Asthma oceeded to v,rite several letters of I treatnielit of, either an exe en . A. -Prof. Corless, an, acknowledged PaVation is Dr. Thomas, E ell t pro' . Xentedy. and it will - fall back even quiry'to Neiv York. The letters tly Writ. a. . . mining authority$'lifts recon q it Coun cle ' L as* Ished, lie had a caller � ­ Hiraill' ten .- "hong 'residene teracts the iafla=ato�d , .: fastor. * There Is no halt wse$, nie a . _ . . . . I I I . I � . 1 1 1 . � I . . I I'll L I � ore about this remedy. Jt goes right Blake,. Come to- seL� about contracting - . e in Northerfi and relieve$ the paill. The action of If , I L. I . I . . . - . . . Ontario and an intiftitite knowl6dge of the oil is prompt and Its applicati6in . I . I . � . . to`work and drives asthroa out. It for bricks for a building lie pro- the eduditions in the Pre-Cambirian, is extremely si . I .. .. 0 1 1 . . 1 L I I . . reathes the Inmost breathing pas. Posed erecting in the town. Air.- . lople. I - � I . . L I . I � . sages arid leaves no place for the Illake had 4� large. "Model rpLrol,. 0 48 far as these are it present known L I -- 11 . . . . L r . Lq . . I I , , ,t ­, . � I � trouble to' lurk. Have it by'you fo,r L,;,u and have C9nVjnVe.d Ite at I . . L - " I . about four miles from qhe to� Me tb4t, til spi 'tion, , I I . � L I Desire must be followed by L . . r .- I . I . I . . I . -- .. ready u3c. . � I I bad mauy othor profitable lnv,�qk. I t,�e te,fttiant mining d6volopmentg if you wish to get aayw�or,e. 8 lsh� 1 1 .1', 11 I I I .1 Ill !111,11N1'111W,1z!!!1 I I I ,Ments. reoult. called Win "t, a e Past twenty years, we have I W, I - � I . I I ---- -- , * 101 " Aild Ing alone will not, bring suecess. �. . � .e I . 1 WOlAdOred R had ne.%4r 'alif,10(l. He scarcely glimpsedLthe mineral wp;il�h I willmoillill 11 i I I 1, � , L I I 1 . 4 " I I . I L . - Wail A little 01-0 forte, raW� " of this vast'area, Forty, y�ar.� b4gt . I ­ :2 :­­ , ­--!�,�-= L . . served, r13- falmost certainly not suillcod to find .. -z­.­.I--;-­:-­- , - ."* - L � I good, looking in a common- -1 . , ... . L I . place morl Vf IVAI'lioll; had ail air all the ore deposits even in 50 limited I L � . 11, , I IrlifeWsal "solid and substanuar, as an area us the Sudburl capper-oickel . ' . 1. I 11 %:.!� r'. I Vainly as # the,words had bcon On. , gi5trict, ()nly ft MW 0 ihom h4ve et L I - ­ ''. �;;­. y ­ . . L I - .r., Iplaeard On big breast D.,Ivlv,on een c*xploreiti by drilling, t - . . 4 1 1 1 1 , I%-+'. � . ��, L:, I it I ,J I - - . '­­ . 0 more � I �*­�­,��, -"7 -:, . . �. 11 L, SS � , ,­ - � .L . 1, . sinfled: an Ike thought of this ata,ta ,tban,1!!00 feet depth. The work ofJ L I , r.h. I � . r . .. " and solemn Person al a husband for developalent and mining in a district I Alw,*. ,no Vwth**!*l,.% L�trt -­W-ft-ftl I ,� ,", his lively and dashing daughter and. ,wxlxvll, 11 xeeMY observed and assidu. . I . I I tht *18* . %voi"'" 1knothtr fttly Ivall. 004 0 Alv6fk Allaft, dillWkelt k*L h# 0� fifit UC,5. I . contrasted him with the young man . r I **llft 40ta in Awerlc*, liltht. *e* 4i tim 044 0044ra st beo"sovkA. vi %%es *Jr th% C.Alw"d , ... . OUSIY followed Upi may lead to further . ) I ta*kt. . . � 144 114011k 10hik'417 I* 03mcit!r 11 ,:., 4 front New York he had Just before discoveries, not only in the mine, itself, I , 0 P,VUL, has 'cA oolls'detAble '"egliliitlUn AS tO th3 13AIAMO lot VIC o"00 p2rSo�* I 10, � ,Fi ;:... . aeart riding at Janwm bridle r0lu.'No but in the locality. . I . . bt nq Via') riar,tsaillated in -. I;, , - �, � the compact with his wife held- . Oxo and mflk ' , What thO fivr,t VA11WAY UA14 to fe run in CmAds thp functlo.% wero transported from Laprairlit to St. L I it the result of Ilia -looking CANADA'S cHEESE INIXISiRY PAS '"1111, ti a . 14 11 , , . . i � V 100ked like. People bAvt exerelsed their imito job 3 I. cArs drawn by horse3. The rate of'apee4 '' . , . ,1,11,0,712,11 Mallory was satisfactoryAn Q. -What is the present tondition . bone. and body . . 1, L . ftliob Masidetably in dtawlog what t1g!',f, thtlutht'was'low, but did Plot dim"poInt tbe�-o who lisd Ar--- W. s results. A week Passed. Jane and Of' Canadait eheeae industry in the * . . . . 10#kfJ 116 but the most tluthettio and reAMIto pie. pended upon the, ftwmv of i& 'Prospeetus Of the rail* : Mallory rode together more and mutter of exports? . 11 into ch9dren , it - to PreSetvtd U tbo ofte rproduced war which promised to transport passe.,%,p�rs at ,st)13 I I ml The looking up of the young I 0 1 vc The ong4tal Is the prooert , NO Saved I hian showed him to be a luost elig. rapidly increasing, the Saks in Eng. .. . Cube to a Slaw I I I Of XV$. A, J. UbPrecedtnted speed of 10i W and even 15 milt,,k V�sr, I it , A-Cariada's exports Of Cheese arc, . 'itht, of 6L Johm qde., who fills � ladly permitted hour." On the day following 41te olitniing tho efigino A , � I Ible, Person. Mr. Ind Mrs. Davison. land di4ring 102,.,Jf exceeding those of .1 and reptoduced. It vsls� drawn ftvered tN,b dljtitn�.:t! betWeen its two terminal pointl In 4 Dags * Went I'AtO ftnfft"CO A9413 and Mal -i July Previous -year by over 100 000 fivin eltreful sketehe3 of ttis original tlig:nLt and carg, 2tk thirty mi.etatt.s. . I 4mil calk btilevended upon as Sivingo in e,tact W4t,tItl# lory lipeitme son -In -law -elect. ) . ro " NOthillt butc,atal couhl b:6va "Well," skid. Molitor Davison. than what it was ten years ago, there I *r Icanaft's first trgin. Ad b8d a 01rd fcnt tix inch gaugt'L. the, rsiJ3 1 hotadi& The 17 boxes- Although thig.atdount is lesa . %Vfto Of Wood Witit Iron strIP3 laid on top of,tbemf ` dbae"t"' lays Mf` A- DerilJatan- 190, "that's sottled. Now, we ty'llst tell is An upward trend at the pro ent I . L lill tertres In the engtj,a whitil W4S Iftamed and the talUng stec�- of the vajl*lly c3agsted of G_to *orth. Ilatailtetl.-in . Jane. 1,*O-� $ - . John Street. ,�N *IU Dotehtster." It is deserl)*d ais JoUWt4 in! eap.6re, four T,1t.,;5ei,.X,tr tar�; %ni ttv,en,6,�, f"ISCIlt pAr descrgbialt Tkow her right loot. cIlle I ,% I � f!d - once younU love wilt ll*vc time that is enotolraging due chiefly it 1wi%baw's "Railwa Mipf Gre3t Britain and trellir, byawaggoattelleet.w4-.;�he.tlej,, ,,The Its WAY." , . - --------- I I 11 &�h "&,,, te'tribiV '-�dJ',i'%'#` with It cii0eity Of about ten f0nq,eae1 Tka cost'*-,; I I I _U,Sf!d. b1AC.1 I$ el i d I ',C 9 f3l. 9 . "Suat 35 it did whell -.�011, and I ..,palme , to the filet that Canadian : 4 Mlinders, dillm(Atki 14 In. strotm. each rllmlengtlt kat W0 about 11,000 Al"d, tua cc�,t 0.1, II br 'entd liad Yale" ,111(1 VXPOrfOrs 'have greatly %." *4 '6 two V%* coupled 49 163 divoter. Ullgth of 0A road itse"t '(,'A$ e , itkilamed, and I fainted smay witli pa7 V00 married. Marla." sald 1,11..� - "', L I "fimated at 93.W. ,). L. in- %,V1300. , .. -- - - ­ : -=-7 ­ ­"" � - ­ ­ . -11 � a it was tinite i'llPossilile for m8 to _ . I—— I Whtt , "" 0"Waft""N" . %Q04 " ill#�; And 47 ltl% $n '&Mtter. Ungth of � commeliting all th* S!�njfjcxme a tht. or�onlag "Precisely", replied Xolltcr IUVI- � I ­ ­— . � Xh*b#% 1814 In$., Width 4L3L Ir �', 6 01476 AbOnt, Me husimad's raotber got 7 . I .J�,,ftth 2S lnl� Total Of thi Valildism railway., ttze,"Nontrtal Cour!or," og, I M101INZAM-113k, Itwassurp(WAgI A,U. "antl It'a tllf% Leat way afie"'111.1* A bre "Ah TOP WC79ht Of Whtbiftk ill w0tking,ordti. lt.�11 lbx. 'Tke 401y 23g 1838, a eop,V of whij�h, is prMrve,4 amilp 403 of tba, entire WAS 91,50, .X . " Wift, TWO D.,kTS *11 9-Nelling Wt'.6 door f*eaol orla in ea,�!w &,Io. , Relief A - - WOM10*8 0116riors-41 ap" fratind hot tht tilts Of 11tet N22har�i& 43itato of 4Vontrez1,, I Th6,D0rtb03ttr fts built in Slephe-jrf)res work*, flaid.1- and divolo-rationt h1l di�A" '� of women. it Is 00114d . , v&I an,t ill it"shil frout a rMa ,�iilitt NXatav- I ON110 Lily Is a eerWa t6jet t6t, all 4j�nr,l�.�,, vii rw , 0. %V" Nwithed. ft votilt IXVVS. 'lob. , daddy." vy4be orled. llwerfi;- IOC&Ilr Ill Is &b86fbtd Into the suftering lis3lie. "e�, delil 'Wistb mutter � '1CVwW&t)*-6n!Tyne, &W otas, to W 4j1pgt�I%At,1#n I, 44110 0"ApteVon of tbl�i r,c" a"lil ,%diJ1jrA)1,% wnd3 through tbil titatly U!* of ", 1131r, I -1� ont trl the, toill region 18 eX0011M. giving It-tro,ld.,,3tte ,Xt'W YO*L C'ity, the Utlaxon alv*r, TAke Champ!ain of communiratioll boktw"n tht A�O" water (th 9t. r,ant, k�ll st:ru a smiy vidt)'. wo rod, � —! mental &*4 ph,pk.01, . T Illod tho Rklielien Rivor, bola tritrollotted bvk a bit "Awmes and I Mithelie'") 1,� Ill, , ,t* ,b , "aid ot about " lv,uxl� ,tile inized *4 Mr. Blako's farra. It's a woa&rw I - .: ===t-.44 remer; the blod vessels &*it , **. AL -4 fkf�. eyont. a? 106t WAS thOYOUS111V 11ftled. " I �' L I .vm-�-. b titit YWN itbi& *a!& r4l,looif, I fitt" out with 4 ft* the Cad that toillit ta N recol" in tN I W-Tve,4 are toned and �stre t , e #nt*! jllatoljto� AtIgushis -aayS,zl(-*s J�'olqs. I �­ - . . * 0i .AM.B"k is thi pottef"I A!�ttit:.P,tic to Ulln Just lik�- it,$ .. I *00 a tak a , Z lavo " i 1 14th y trftk *" a t*w#tatollir. she All* this pftviiiee. ,and �njgiax 1-.O% th� oft*.%rd mair,�11 hWLwr wtt-i-h qrj: . 11 �'! pnod. antJ t1ge ivireuNtion Is reft. "or � rMly firt--t the Ailit of � %biw PPS it tht OtWlft tif OW Iillftte6 alld lift** "JAfte." Said %,& Drlvison Imrros* I " I � *,k &rol ?�) n')rM3[l. . J"ft first af* ftrzes, of rallvraya th*t Will be T,hi,% lj�ce:�. ; ,ind I IvAve b,,,on � ,. .". ltulozrl� i* ha5c!d Ott swelly, Imfo*I. I 4"t* RA, ftfillift,f bet*##,,% IAWWMI# ani 's-'- tM Wfit 41M61W Q!�e it WAY be �M,,A`Jefed onbt tb,� coilartion aid ll vid Atmra cltw ,3i"Jy� "Yolir fat%e�r , As thl!; treat. 'L, ' U= liAt Wks wo nilft". W 13"ar". N6 Common 0,Pt,.,f.§P%1 tilki-4:, (Y.or 3tv. ,U,tglur,�. &U4, ,vs , I I , I �, . .A. , AA tbft*td 4W A"UWt $01rY Auxillklift to alit noU.'t Wces ati 114�fr% Ill, t1.*r1`!.1X1t41 ca*4 P,�,zl-,I.r CAM-1wwq ".,Ih 11AVo &,,:&I 0w a tj(,� t)1,,)pS . I � tt�o fr,,'nciplle�% an& acf$ On tll,� W tw WAS Tutbl"Wly br" % ttlip. foottrift tht vat'. eetaft�rte 4 which * .av,c-z�, Zma WAt (i#1 a ii6i M-4y,%�, �, rAk� �111 S�11 U 411, I , Utzza 'Catiq .1 I 11 �� . �,L ! � F) M Of lrl�l distiso it yp tot* -4 f ,h,!* r� -141 . I I&A 14,!111, but da %stilw I Uon to &'Gut . With 415 #"in* thelint t.MIWAJ Ill, fAA&4k4 t1ft is dt , , Non WS havc n"t nf)lcml , to be 11* Lteat�" 4W,�� . or I � * 'r U 41U01110-4141 41%d St. TAWftk* Raglj*y, As on# "ads f1hii,il V1rolk'h!.j% I!!01,j ltkQ;,t -w� s %mj,; v� t.jr 1C. .C�.20na�nQ tJJJ.!J," ,I I I u lt;, , gilm in *,% � UllL%. 0-1 itOM ililullGo"; ito . 16"'Ito 6-q I I I 1� , - 10 roffift I*- .1 ,!,Itk rr,.-"!,� � L y A-"r`�-l'-a tl-' t'14413tc' IrOU14-:1. inelatf� " JWW# *44 4,P1%'-,'r�l@,, 2".,% distaft *( traift pletav*1l 41"ove, ikfk# tbfil rall%illfrik 0% ,nil,,�, i I 0 bal rw Fj:),­� L)Lv;pr�spa, an(J. I 'r, U, I A I 11 I � 13-2.1 fJz11,J�,0,',J ,�Jjjl- P,J!nruf rileasitil. , , . "Ill t. *l - , I 14,400-04.11low"O"woNswiJ r1r1*1%t.18WW%0 ft*ll I- firwy ".d ro Z,'Qvk� y1k"14�!4 ',')'�`L%` 41T,rd Jano, , Mat I a� , On ,,, TaMlx; ot th, INver0enct, ,ft'! ts',*�.fy , ,4� - I -ueo.�:Aopj. , I , U W" ft"Aft"T "6144 by His, Wd"llawy t" &A Mat 0"I Covolda'A byty, th" I iVraal�" (1:C&LWIL11rd fazhep will I . , 206 i16 bio, . , rao" §*�4­,. � , . �­ . t� kl� ��111i* (11". lk,'vo t .c , . i'llild mll!Ik 00. ral'. slo,r to')�e,ftjvr, , .1 ­ - ­..­ -- 'L of 408ft4& , 0WOW 1* aft seelaost t4 of �*­ a war t* 0 1 � �,­----- ­ ­ u.) 4 E �,'! � - 4lar �w r"Urf­ wl!h wut rama lltrw laph I .1 . .. � 1-1 ,,,UMe:0l1i for , r4o *0*1& it Wall OW041% miewt way *" , ho"'Itt �6 cAwl'ift bavok pV-o,J#*, i tQl & .. TrINA Tz%la,��jj,,. (�tj3g -t ' Opw 4byw Woe to tho Or - -k , J ail. "W!�." said jauo. dl:�,4wrek�% ,111* 11A, I It n *lky ftrl" -211W T I, rev X Tuo to days, v�orlh Ze­ W Sumb ��%Wz fal t*., it for t" mr, no. 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