HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-12-20, Page 25flit ki,J� . � , ><lr,"4. THE GO, . PFRIM 1 T,AH V.4" vivo
on4aa vas, Fn R in the sprung of the not; to z,lacae, the devil is not sic pet�atosa,'xeliitait° Statt't toile 11Kre. laerart
ygar +Oben the ice in the Maitland 1f the d. vin is. it person 110, i+e tic a colas+ hears, %Jk�"t t�3w here.
Jiver was breaking up, and 1, havinag placsx. Huwaver, s;utyy W. e admit;, Yo vlf was 1W is Nterll.
a o an abutinent thst hell is a state car condition and t Fiat Bete use be was rich, taut br
OW,,, YOU MAY BY T1 u,
A Gine 1&ute Falk gond for a un f and
I taf the bridge broken down, would [ a place, what have W w g'ainod by cause Yrs teas unkind. Ile 1110y havc�
�� you decal one usaltitnct or mcdldleser ac � doittl( sea . 2 would just as soon be in beesn kind to the ireitpretr who la at
if i went ltslelc and Sagged the traits, a hcrt of a motes sit the- hell it a stag his gate. 110 tansy hkVt fed 1tlm, i,
11 outd I not ba doing thU et uelYc. r ;' Changing the thought from a place to \Ve do not know° lirowever he tells
A could eno lu hmy rcrlo d into a .But rrha kind ot cf pix q is hent Aadhto 1 repent i� f his Sim. lie
About,p anc� lhrou la 9 Neil would not W such a ball place if knew that his brothers had not re.
the river. I !save g f� ° • .4
Coda land. I fund the bridge is down. • it tecta .not a Place Oaf sufferitsg. But pented of their sins. lie says I£ @
Diel ml aver st'olt tit reason %t,Jty veil feel h-kdI ; ct,t tulles:A 1 find there its a boll- I find there `s a fronhe tthaly taplace tells its of awful to
ea r er Ih iii none rcni, the come
I a
a -future uniehmout for Rin. I has A l' Get Ptd of '�h11t�: Tilt'fdt� Run -Down Tw0410 -V Bluff$
`i`i1a' tlierct1Q. certw:n lass nvllon eclat fe�eal svttti, cheerful and`Ot11"I U t Win Bek ""aulr 17�1�p,'�lxti�n,2'Yj°
"`full of Bola:' ° �'t�Lat;' at Other tinics you wtak0 els reeling dull colas to ring you warning #onigllC. flame " "I am
rtiroitmirot do ns this
amk"atetr�►f11 notice brut he lrreognitrs , * r
t. 'liberca is a hell; fit anew ,
tend tired and drotvsitg c&1at;tbq glt titan al.>y'm Cvorl�:' l If I could prove is you there is a lgood tu#heoriae whether this Is tical the jostles of his srntenro. "�%,�Rd ]Energy. +;><1tc
l'arkrsr s tela Yrcce wondered �cl v c O 1 uf¢0r ^ man in the jail beret 1p oodericlt I , lite o fir 11 of � �erh enspeech, ats this �ahlle�l �sron�i 1rr�itll ihst b�turhrc� y cl Ye �#^iltv �llll�*u' l�c��tt �x tllec ildv�� tcl��;
p 3 o dare tit s r many lar► It a i could prove tp YOU there is a pttsota a g pc p y 4 THERE 111 ale I ►t5 of p i?
frool Inclikestion, Nervoutnness, Aid Condition of the Skonl:nxeh and °in Gtklernch• 'i"en.ver you prot:e figure to give us a just coiweption of meet. It is true tilat be plats that
ll ood Rheumatism. Boils con t"t ' " • a T to i $allow ratan in hell You Love there the •horrors of he", what must the if brad's requirement had conte to ' nil Q , tre;lttll�llt� � and Inavt failed tC1 �4t ne Senli�. `C`h�G °> discrotll -
,d c tl A and 1, caste 1 Ia b to" h three is xt p
Cwnplpaitrn. t�ottls, ,caiclt 1laaciatclaQs ttacl atnncak inW syualata7ttts tliztt pis tt hell. There could not be s1 man reality Yeo? flint with greater emphasis, if it had ,ngwd "said ltlueatr,tnd stn f;ll<o tile; advert: ev�nn sett `tlnwil' fail°rlsa
tocsin them froths altrYn or feeling their hest. in 'hell if there wero no bell. Here Suffering can Gnciur udsng ftisaut detad, Y settii lit kava messenger
StonlYaht"sItabiCi;llx. w want Iter lecoateo sante ttao;,t cattl►ulc�9tie praiaa'
Jesus tells us of a Ulan in bell, The g g These are the people, o m
There is a cause 1 .'fuel your trouble tatty hat cOr rected,' . word ,lie user, is "Hades," the deacrip• for a moment of it we aro assurt'c# reminded that he had all the light he TYaaehrr's to be 1) lV a want thein to. ers Vitt*1t Clary gain quiclr reDlef ztz:e :
often cluiekly, H yogi hta,rt; the rig ht trotel mvnt iu tiinp. siva term in tortnrnt. Ilades corre� that it will cme to -an endsome timet needed a flit a ne is brothers had all reel fine again.
sponds to the Hebrew word Sheol,: The doctrineof purgatory is o g y needed. They were test this Wholesome, vegetable tonic USE THE cot,1E10N, Art at Once,,
t meaning the place of departed ,spite. found in the Bible, nor any other Jews and they had the Old Testament In their own Isotones at sort e?ttlacnsr fns this offer Is limited. :,tart bund-
u�j �i N its. According to Jesus Hades is* as doctrine that teaches that this suffer- serlpturTs to guide them. For Ave know what It has done in ing yourcrit' up today. know what
DR. THACHE S LIVER AND it avers n lace of two compartments, ing is temporary, The great gulf • is' In this wonderful story Jesus lays countless aauntbers of rttscs o£ 3rdYa ft sattin�, to enjoy and digest tastl.
Paradise, he abode, of the blest, and then, No one passes from one side the emphasis just where he lays It gestion, constipation, impoverished food, to have steady; nerves and dela.
Gehenna the abode, of the lost. The to the other after death. Destiny is elsewhere. When he began his nein- and impure blood, rheumatism atnd healthy blood rourainri through yotar
BLOOD SYRUP qualifying words "!it torment" helps fixed at death. ..It is then everlasting istry lea said "`Repont for the Ring. the many upoplcas", symptoms of at vrlrts oto nleep sound and taker tnq
us to understand into which depart. life or everlasting punishment. Hea• dont of Heaven is at hand. The eon, terpid liver and stomach trouble, feeling frehh-to havo strength, cn•
This colalarated Vegetable Tonics will help rtau 'feet your best, went of the unseen world the rich von and hell aro eternally separated. ditlOn of entrance Into the Kingdom lye know that tlwie suffer"" will orgy tend vigor for a hard, day's worik".
'We tiro authorizea3 agents for this reinedy in ooderielt,' A rutin had gone. 11. There are people to hell. of Heaven is repentance. There is _
money back .guorautee goes with the first 'bottio it you anis not The word properly translated, "hell" The rich man went to bell. Men (Continue([ on page. lQ) This Coupon -i's Good for One Sttnrniple Bottler of
sceGistiecl. is found twelve times m the New go to heli however ugesirable that
- K Testament. Bleven ,.times it is used nma be, Here is a man in bell, for "' ". ° DR. THAClf1.ER�'S LIVER & BLOOD SYRUP
by Jesus himself. Hell is also men. Jesus says so, Tltis destroys forever
- - • - ~ - - .- •~ �-� `'-" - boned in man other passages whZre the doctrine of universal salvation
the actual told is not used but simply and the doctrine of aritilhilation• Of
Model Teat if presented before the supply for free distribution is exhaust-.
Judas Jesus said it were better for ed -
'f Read Ertll cktailr aborre� then act at onto Prove to
'Phone (�! p �i The descriptive terms, Jesus had more toQM B1.rLla S DRt say of hell than he had to say of hea- hint if he had hover been born, if WEEK of ,jA1V. 4th to JAN. 19tH ypurse:lf that you can quickly beet your best r gain• Present
90 5 stare '
hell than act he tells
u John, about Y he same condition he R�,1% Coupon to J. A, Campbell in Croderich and to leading
� he had •tnnthilated h would have,
Paul,been in exact! t "
and Jude put together. would have been in if, never born, Monday and Tuesday ilruggi><ts in cath city and town.
Tho on1 -4.+.. t. aft t death n ars
.--....._. It does not make ,any dttperence by y e °
.. A MBSS�GE �RQK HELL y �cast......
way to hell. It is not only an un*ties-' whist name hell .goes. Calling it Ila-, than non-existence is an existence of
suffering, An in suffering
with a super -excellent cast in Vita.
, . , ..,,_��. .. "----
"` ;;,�:�;,;,:;' '
A fide pure wool French' S-4 inch-, All *oast nav}° , lleash-•twine Rciire t "llctll
Crepe, full 54 inclies wide; 6..erge. A. fine .qualit` Dress far presses and Suits, itnad4
- • .. :. sant subject but a disturbing subject. des , does not change the torment. ,existence
T� • TROSE ON THE WAY Yet it is far better to be disturbed In You might call it heaven and the manafter death is hell. Evidently thbil
---- one's sins than to be dvimed, for would be in torment just the same.. there are two people in hell. But this
° is not all. One of the saddest state -
graph's Great Special
(4"�he Ninety Rlt1d Nine"
clearance price; r�'n. at.;tey only,
Sermon Last Sunday Evening by, ones sites. I:Changing. the name does not change
'ail Jesus
$1. 95 YARD 98c.
Rev, Aft. Hedley. In Opening, Week's: e a article zt ' e red the :fact. A man in might call it ments ever made was tiytt-the, ,
Some time ago an s c e .pia a way to perdition is broad and many
Series of Evslnselistic�:lervices, . in one of our religious journals enttt- a palace but it is a prison neYetthe- ?
s'The Counter Juniper'"
Lovely !trench Allaire and L:nglish pure wool `t'ricu-
(re t_ Dress Material, sev S 4• inch -=All wool Gress tine in a apleilci'titt Nveight,
_ „,�
- - --
^" - ' `
feet for the slu)WIV
- ---- ---led ,. _ ,l _ ... ,-. _, •:ga in thkteat----
_ led Hell 'Fading Out: The wetter, less. The pith man was fat tatmrttt,
Cons darablo. interest and good at- who claimed to be a Christian, was Nor,does refusing to be in a ,, There are people on their way
- _ ---
iVednesday find .Thursday.
Special salt price,
clearance, Suits. Special,
b;trg ta�i, prikt•ti %:, ' 65c•
tendances are being recorded at 'the rejoicing in the fact that peopl0 no fact alter, all fact. .You may say you to.helL
series of evangelistic services con- longer. believed in 'hell. life claimed do not believe in hell, but your untie- This man in hell had, five brothers.
GLORIA S�%AN�kj'(,�1�, .
hlagte.-rinr collifcrrtable
SCinSQ1n Ila a )din° of t)tet
5.4inch-All wool Blanket Velour Coaling, shades navy, brown, taupe. 'Phis is one of
ducted by Rev. J. 111V. Hdley at the p p The ,% ere Lavin t
'Victoria street Methodist *church this that if teachers reached on hell to- lief does not .abolish hell. Hell is a Y fi he some kind of
day, nobody would go to hear them. fact, whether you believe in .it or. not. life as he had lived while on earth.
Rev. Hedley's Nor will it do -tiny to ae- As far as. he could see they Vero fol-
in Paramount's Production Ile Luxe
e t t
Blue earl S Eighth Wile"
� �B�i�S' �`%������+�� ��L��H�,S
week. ,Mr. opening On the other hand Dr. Torrey, the i you good
' sermon Sunday evening was on the. worid-famed- evangelist, declares that sept , pastor Russell's teaching: He lowing him. For one in hell there
(:1iARLhS -:f1001:41 in
wool and fast calors, .all marked for quick clearance at cine price. Ver}:.special sale pr•.ce
YARD $2.98.
Wool Blankets -Flannelette _ilankets--- Coxnf )rters
subject, "A . Nessage from 'hell to one of the greatest steeds of the day would have you believe that the -word wore five on the way. No"� wonder
those. on the way," and his text was a of real faith in the hell always means the grave: ;. k mi Jesus said in another place 'Vide is
"Pearle:ssts Flannigan"
le* p 39c.islt
lint;, salt* priiec�, yard 390.
'11 tl ^d C imt'ar,
ria restoration
Luke 16:27, 28. He said: teaching of Jesus Christ concerning must remember that Russell never the gate and broad is the way that
This is a message from heli to teaching readthe original Greek Testament. leadeth to destruction and many there
Erid�y and Saturday
�ii "' BOOTSr,
hell. He clainig that such
those who were on these away to hell. would do more than anything, else to He knew absolutely nothing about 'the be which go in thereat" Witen a
broth-.. turn life he no-
The rich man in hell had live, r people from vice find sin and Greek . language and,, he would Haan 'drifts along through
era who were•living the same' kind of, crime to real faith in Jesus Christ as have you believe he Was an authority ver drifts :heavenward.. The. current
In his sura -tier hard riding western
Are noW in stti.k ninon vve Are ready scat'' the -
it u .: he had lived thea; on. earth. their Saviour And Lord. 1t is for us in translation: The man who pre- of sin bears us the other way. You
- have all seen the card with the ues«
As far its he could see they were tra- to disrover freta our own study of the tends to know something about which "" a
is yt
Don QtYMckshot a tI1C :RiQ Grande .
�ltidttne SC:aae�u.
velling the same way tion oft the one Side What tlivat I
y �s, ho had tra_ Bible which view is correct:. a he knows absolutely nothing is aim- do' to be lost? The naw.r that
yelled. .He wanted- to staid theins a For my own-part•I wish that every- ply'. an impostor. The preacher mho ,"
message, And the message he want- one would repent of their sins, accept declares that there is no hell' heteaf- follows is significant, Nothing.
ed to send Was :this that they "Come Christ as their Saviour, .and, there- ter or no ver awful ,or long enduring 1V. The Message from hell.
y �
not into this placd of torinenr." I fore, make hell unnecessary$:.' But hell is the,:most• us€�fui servant the Now : we come to our subject
preacher likes to reach ab ut t i iq thin All inthe ast devil as. ' What message did the rich man want
ti The .Kid Reporter"
1F><UxT. AND J'11±b', in
ti c sty
Fallen Ar Ilett
Ge 0'
.:bell. It is an unpleasant subj� t,' have not done. Therefore it is our There are those nNo who tell- u;, to send to his brothers? -In brief it
And because it is an unpleasant sub: dot in these da s to reach the that hell is it state or condition aM %%'as Just this, ."Don't come - here,
Nintinces--Mon. and Wed. tit 4.1a. ,
N h S d f S are: f jcQj Ej lC
here." And this is his Sat. at 3.00. " t)rt
•were mentioned more frequently there' of, their danger. have in making a statement like that .piessage to all who are travelling the ' -
t same wa tat his brothers were tra comhi--•"1�ep 'w oat!:'• ,�,,. ir�r+�..+t���� ■ ,mrn�Mlnr,w��ww��,i �'
. ,would. not till astx• tnatny people ori their I•' If you ~vete comfit; home front Tor- is. to. get ;rid 4f .the.devii.. If; bell is... . Y „ h _ .. g ... y.
A fide pure wool French' S-4 inch-, All *oast nav}° , lleash-•twine Rciire t "llctll
Crepe, full 54 inclies wide; 6..erge. A. fine .qualit` Dress far presses and Suits, itnad4
. ,
all Shades. . VerV special Serge ' for. hllrtses :ttid (,hilts. froti j all team, fast color,
clearance price; r�'n. at.;tey only,
$1. 95 YARD 98c.
Lovely !trench Allaire and L:nglish pure wool `t'ricu-
(re t_ Dress Material, sev S 4• inch -=All wool Gress tine in a apleilci'titt Nveight,
t c,�J? inch hea+�• 'Hiatt rn, 'I'cttir4l .
eral good shades. Special Serge. in extra heavy. weight fast color, for:presses :tali
fancy etticrrc'd. stri}?e patt�'rn, .> re ►t
Special salt price,
clearance, Suits. Special,
b;trg ta�i, prikt•ti %:, ' 65c•
51.50 YARD $1.39 YARD $2.85
Pure white '1'urkisli Bath 'Towel ill
large size, pink .or Nue liordcrs, a Jan -
nary clearance, uacle 49c.
5.4inch-All wool Blanket Velour Coaling, shades navy, brown, taupe. 'Phis is one of
White ("ottun Buck Towels, a k"nud
rapid drybig towrel, liberal Mze :
tic best Velour Goa iinn s mi the market slid very satisfactory for Misses' and Children's use,
at each 29c:
Very special sale price, YARD $1.89.
54 inch --:411 wool Bolivia Coating, Sport Check (. oating and Marvella Coating, .ltn
navy, black, brown, but. not all colors in all cloths, these are front our regular shacks, pure
rime L,iitetT hleaclied fluck i live.*l,. .
good Size and exceptionally title )'ittish
wool and fast calors, .all marked for quick clearance at cine price. Ver}:.special sale pr•.ce
Sale price each, 49C•:
YARD $2.98.
Wool Blankets -Flannelette _ilankets--- Coxnf )rters
Turkish To' veiling, by, the card, to
heavy ht finish, `'reicvt 1.
le* p 39c.islt
lint;, salt* priiec�, yard 390.
'11 tl ^d C imt'ar,
larrge size, pure wool Large doubts [ICU Size, t'.uttutr it e c ,s
r tees :ere inciudaj in°the Mitt• 5utt g,trdS ut' Iiure C: rDcrl, Flea t,l
Mar lsette i urWas Curtain Net Yd 39c Wool Flour Mats' (,atnadian Biankets, whipped Flanne 1ett� Sbec ts, mad(
Winter Sale clearance, made* .1'c;t 1'a�tvcliiMk, int inches �aitl`:, a real
singly, bide car pink borders, front soft finish, pure clean frena acrd unlit cutiott ttars;ain; s;trd 210.
"t°. oil pairsof this sea- Scotch (;attain Net 4u to Wool Floor Mats, size, quality '
y have tvarrn, soft fleecy nap cotton, have blue. or punk filling, coverings of tical'
sons Marquisette Curtains in 42 inches wide in ivory 27x54 in Velvet, in several and guaranteed unshrink- borders, Special salt price, tlorai chintz; Spacial s:tic•
ivory shade, very tine lace s}nade only, the patterns etre (rood patterns, also Bedroom able, Very special sale price Clearance.
frons our regular stock in the Mats and Batli Mats in, blues, pplR $8.75 PAIR , $2'98 $5.50 , fir
edge and insertion in several better grade• Special sale pinks and all over patterns.
patterns'. Special sale price Pure Linen Tabling
p price,..
Underwear Corsets � Flannelette Gowns
PAIR $3.45. YARD 39c SALE PRICE $3•75
Gleaning lines in t'arisiatt Serviceable, goad hgguhlitoy y �i'Lir�e t itien 'fabler Napkins, size about
'"vet. 20(1 Turnbull's Vests (;orsets, thstt sold in the re- 1'lalnnelette Gowhs, ii
r mdXn inches, the quality is extra and
36 in. Eag6sh Chintz IClmoaa 1�elours Plaud Dress Goods runt, 1)ratvers, aisle frim a guise vaay up tt> S3.titt pair. lolly neck, long or tlnree quer- a dozen patterns to.. ehuuse Cretan, your
A lovely Chintz in brigln# V ery special stile price, ter sleeves, w, while only,. „ ,
Scotch ! laid Dress Gouai• , ill oicr: hal at zell, 55C...Sarlti c►ttly
Soft,_ fleecy, warlu Minn- � � fifes urniotn yarns with a soft $1.75 tteed tiviiln lace 'ter rnl<rbcrn' ire lots cart halt dc,zert•
floral patternes, v iy suitable Ona Velour in ver prett 4 Very special sale: price,
rfor hangings and coverings r y y in real Scotch tartan colors, warm finish, ;cots lsay.c high women's white Flannel• $1•�s •C'ure linen Table Cloths, size 2x2to
fi is patterns, all �7 inches wide,
full and wide and of excel- suitable for making Ladies' in blues, greens, rands, brown. or low °neck, regular style este (iotvins, made frerm Parisian Corset, Style i•411, yards, . iadein a;oct"1 quality all litien
�' acrd c uatit pnatevial, ill this is a stylish, comfortable " ani:ick, Pretty tlttr;ll patterns. Very
lent quality. Special sale and C liliftenn's garneetlts. widths 5o to 5 4 inches. 7 y i' , p , ,
Salt price, lirawers• Special sale price round neck and short sleeves tvilite coutrl Corset, regular, 4 to hd vale ilee'. yard $5.5o•
price, Special sale price. 1 - fi
YARD 75c. GARMENT` 98c. tritnntnntcd, Safe price, sz'5- Clearance sate price
YARD 87c YARD 520. $1.75 $1.35
� .. ..
S .. I■� I Ill�gli�/�I,IIIIYrI1.Y-1�1/,�YbII���.Y �I�I�MAI�wI,�il�ilwi..�.�..�llr� ... .. _..
White bleach fafnilt FLANNELETTE Bleached S3nt't�titn9 42 111011 , Menn'S Sbirtin ;, in High egtl:�iitW, extra t)tlbgeaaelled �lnt'�'ttnn light and: naris 4tripe Ise htalt t'illtm i>°tat-
Softquality ulnitla sell '� inch White Sax• wallasso, 4.. Drn�ln �;everal good p.tt• Linc thread, gturt � ,• Flannel- a ,
a nsjti (nttritt, bele thread enlb ° Flannelette, a full %ares %vide 1'rltaty (ottufn,. a 4 feel! L yarl wide,
•k;an:a�liari ton itn,,,n pure tvinit4.
4,a Colton, g , y closely woven anti • tsrrn�, cleat stripes white !leached (dart- this is a splendid tate', full yard vAde', l�eache�d. lime" thread
�loseid a O%?Cll, am X61 good Equality. a pure ta'hite ltleaelleset t:it}t aiaak s;rcrnttncl, tali, full yard tdrde°• c eigint and tve�arirng a very special bar- e,arttcln, JrD4attG c�irou-
quality sand Freight, fine dire.ad• d fine.° quality.
1 "'r e.xtr;l. good cottotl. *soft finish. ;ern , Cotton. 6'aitl• lay.
Sale►, Prue, Yari 16a Sale Brice, Yd 24C Sale Pike, Yi 19c Sale Price, Yd 39C Sale prise, Yi �l9c Hale Pr1te, Yd 29c Sale pence, Yd 53c Sale Price, YJ 69c. Sale Price, Yd 25c Safe Price, Yd 59c
TAR]t"S FRID,\ s
.. .. .. ,T
P 1
ject few preachers, mention it. If it whole counsel. 'of God and warn melt not a place, The only object Otte can Don't come.