The Goderich Star, 1923-12-20, Page 18TEUMATii
nday Asn.00n
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* ISA? Goderich,
coubta. Vaeb profili5o IS great Lutj
Xke up, 0 "on of Goat the, last is rho Crorx"ing onc-,Ire thee,
1"Ve dont With lesser thinga;
cu" bmf and lout and 1J,1jD(l Gna shall all families. of the earth be blci-
str*m* red,,, jequ% christ W here indioatedi
To WVe the King Of klagsy as ti"O greatest blcssipg, Of the World•
Verses 4-5.
'8i up. 4) y0en of 001
Tice Church for You doth wait; So Abram dePitcd, 05 the Urdt
it k r i;tinlirvf Lsel sfwqkeu unto hiva'. awl Lot wenn
n!rr suvriath A 444#R ATV" with biro; and Abram wai seventy I 3.
and five ycara old witen lie departed;oervice make Y resit. And Abramwith tiara
UVCVtt41U) Out Of 114fan' - AUt his
a! his wife, and
ubstaince tbia they bid
awl all their S
oh, 'Thou Xing of kings And Lord gathered, and the -OUTS that they had
of Jafda} Mar us Thy chI1404, When gotten in Ilaran; 0114 the -went forth
0 range",- AM
*e Ffty. At. Of$ the Winning of 14 to g0 into the land f
i** JW iove would Prese
at ours. -Ives into the land of 'CaUnau they cauic.
Utoto Tho` throne of grace for Abram set forth as the bead of a
eloiftl"And recousecrOlon. Vreavc laige body of tribesmen. This sueja us cGn hearts aud renow In us Imow because a few years later lie
tighi spirit$ Be that W`04112Y Walk 44 chose front among them VATO J1uA
by 'day in liewutss or Me- 'A"wum4r,
I Bred andeinbteoll trained men to Vur
josult arlstour Joo4. Amen. sue ched.orlaomer. ])can Stanley'.
Jvv Journey. "All their
LOSON Folt AN. ab, 1024 tbw pictures I
-a ibstauce that they had gotten is is
boaped high on 00 backs 01
TR4+-A Chose 00der and "' I
a Cut" 11,4110d. c.3lilela. The slaves that
they Kht in Haran run along
Liftisost 10.
had boo
by their aide."- Round them are their
flocks of sheep And goats, and the as-
�A moving beneath the towering
Tho to tribal life is some of the 0stlopuloW C"&I"or-9 1*110 010"49A 0116404tial Of Lend -�h4u,0""ROSY 01r; here seen at the Imayo of the late 4mairman of the CQ014180 'Pavifla Railway. 1CF,19
Pestis left to lix
94 camels. The chief it;' who agewila N 'hio failitta Hilo, ff. W. Utlinglerh. 1'. ti1tql;9tltUsV and It. C. Grout. lit Lbs, ar, left to rigitt.Sir Lowave 0'04in Ovith A*Ad r41044'Prower. W. A. 101mckonzia senator 06449OMd, X4 W. 4044«
found, in f�e migration ot Torah, the forms of the co
4 midst the stir 4f movement, Sir Uattiat agiltA W. X. Tilley. K.C., A, V�. XapTier, *04 V40tuir Akj;L44-
father lot Ab m" from III's native
moat his to"Te Vallis of 1 eso or resting At noon within his blackan 4v'
foro Abraboun, grew" . gild tent, marked out from the rest by his, or 110. Ilut the poluoiloa *r�rin, XU '#
gees I has reached the end of his journey being known, as the friend of God s wintered. on natural,=#Y
lived, =01 he VA$ sovelity-Avoyears cloak of brilliant scarlet, by the fillet and hears Qod16* voice again saying" as bi# descendants, 'the Arabs call THO BARKED -BY MICE strou4 lux-por s;�tht then bii"p the, 8041C t`we,'�4 as 4eavily As Viose wintIrl
lot a", sail old mail as r we today reek- of 'ropo which bindu the loose hand- "1300 thy s�ed will I give this bind."
oil *to. Idolatry acid hiorstition kerchief round his head, by the
him to thlo day "The Vrieild-11 you used for Stirring And scald thO 4ugar, Syruly.
pear promipes. are sure and satisk.- re Wt SIX Mven Strong Oulonles wil'.1
So 8
which he holds in his, Hand guff: *AtO Boas. stores, there IS yet 0 Ulte 1�
in to those who hear And oW.1ils MISSIOX8 Preventiog inforytefrtilt Trees d
were firmly established In, this coun march and to fli tile encamp Placothe P41soueti. b"JI1. perfect wintering 04,
jX. try eh Terah and life family the mar precepts. ")?Avery one that hath for- The Week of prayer" NI'llore. to
Abraham moat. And thus "They went. forth 41 L r I . by Hold
rulgrAted, but this life of Abr Oaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, 't The polsto4ed grain call be PlAce4 i,1ptk41lv,,' a cellar u d
nnual week.of. prayer. -for, the
to go into.. the lan4 of Canaan, And The a T) ra�
was being specitilly- trained for ;$I spo* or father? or Cher -or or Avifei or chit-, fir goutaiuera.��f some sort Such A& used und It -the tQMP I
086and. so one ViAter says Into the land Of Caninan tll6y came"' dron, or lands, for my names sake �burclles is' set for January 6 to 12 pc og�,
pPrP Aria - Inelpsive. The Federal Council of the rolOolked avain'tho,ellea"st met�od tin, -u-necked bottleii, doeii not run below 36�,
ttout, fontui;ibeli 415 a Mov. J. Naughan In r A_SorMon Says Of and each like. above 4s degrees IN,-aOd it 41.1
of him 'his Shall receive au'buridredfold,, of Christ in,Auleric4 asks tbe � B"tt_'1101V r to small drWil � tiles 4aUlp not,, too, diN gqo, 4
churches containers can 'then bia'plaeed tQOr ,
'white Illy in- %4444Y WOtefil," - no this verse'— shall inherit everlasting life-,, to observe this week At J"Jaeo it—Bee "Colony Winter ftp- These contain Wiere iiiere. is. aj�o� Plenty WA V�
This. is one of 010 niost,comforting r4s la2s�, ai Any likely place
M i;4ause there was, *gt, in all Qh I t* PbUinaill
was elloist (Matt. 19,29)' -' , L temporal p ng Vacts—A Itif4g
b�Vonqjng that viblob verses in the Hible, It it; 40 alyil* time Q eat 1. lles—F"41, protection or near the trunk of the Will rolive, elther an excio
•-him 000—blo- of ztrr -nelo,
F I em With the �Olsu"ued grain In U.' tue or 'ka me of
m, - in And yet Do r, It tells vi that the When Abraham entered the Prou - and spiritila � wisdom. and for the
Cod purposed 'to, wake, of III 'is certitin if the boginningr is iced land it was and h t liest 0 tor NVItbout lee..
Uno, of end 0 11 man Ati n, of God!s, power in all container so.PiaqO be protected ki"itiont,, the part of We eetl
Abrtham',* call Wi See th" outl Once showed his allegiance to the God. - too A bit Or, -arid Vellkrtment Pt, beres inUat,'bo 11 lWay'
tbe� irelIt PrOAdiltitistl System Which right. parts of the world. Wayfor the put astribute ron Prow ratan or standing Water, It *111 iierved'for
eoun� ity, unity.. and peace of the Church of Agrloultlilto, Vo t0J -be*subjoct to
guides *,Ad r416 the lives of mom she
'The text Is written from hop ad brought him into their c should a hungrY. and must IlAvex
wen"s ' who h Ways L be 61t duty
side of the questio, try by * erecting an alter. . -This has Christ, got the, regolieratiou of indivl.�, the parssing of snow each li4rk-eating mousa OPPrOacit a We- such d stur augo.p.
I ". it is jilstoiy w1w
it men chosen •duals, and the ieformation of t kawiug The container with.any -out in short -'-of all the saints who been'd9ne by other gre; Soole y, ny 11DUS04 pois-
Nowthe tord'had said 411to A of God in modern times sjicb'4h� Chris- :for more ovido ke love 811tillgo,tho destruetive bark gr
brark, ever woutto glory. They took a loogr uee�of Clivisti'll, oned grain should be. t, ken and ..The. age of discretion �nil
-who, oboyinK-410ice m6ie 6466 't6- 'Or 150"wMeAcq WOO put out of llarmisway. as aooniis; ti)o efleial jo.all of us it we d,
cot tb�. -out. of thIr "O'Untry And from journey, and at, last they -got SAfVIyr 'fophor Columbus -stiq) icing ev
of d!6-. the cause of Christ throughoxit'the, many orclaards.. cause danger IS aver in the early fore we re4obed it.
thi father's houso,. unto. a ladd that I The rest—bow It was, why. it witbill, set out On a voyage
will show thee, In thISvortie W home. makes up the interval -1coveryeand on. landing plauted'the world. poisonthe uesvan4.,cboApeA Metbool. spring., Put a polsoa -label,,, largo
all tliqt ather6 p IT A sic,
11 , . 0 0 1 OIL all
ti that the call Cama sudden 1,51 the Likewise the Pilgrim F� the boot iinq 4�hea enough for all hitmau$ to SOL,
:k . . ,, r ,,' g 1"4etS.'. . S
grace.of, God, There were CrOss, Polson, alrers, NEW LAM
IdOet thee out. It CaThe soun 119 dialculties by the way; Why are we on la�dlug - on, the shores � of' NOW 11 est method of voreattag moust., in- Polson Sr"14. sacks. when the r all
thfough his ioul—a trumpet call to En�land raised their Elionexer. . - le ' ' are empty r hUrAk thonl,,� I(eepr
not of them ? , Because from the Silage is itidisponsable, for ell 41)
ilk •P�odJJLLJt)a; it Is A: succalftit ju; ry.:. Should tv�re be any. evidence, pblsons� 0,,It of tile roach ot childrea
follow where God wouldleitd. It ca mountain top the way by which we Chap- 18�1I7_1R__Ve.1IOWship.
led bh� to break with his P
en oil, 0. A. C.,#
ast, to
t of mlee 'before freeze-up! or should and aaima1s--L..5tev. s
have travelled looks level Aild 089y' And the Lord said, ShAll I 144p 11, 4 i� hay SWuld there be ai� 'a4undanc
loa�vo his country. and . his kindred be'a logilmvt such. Quelph.
Things that were great at the from Abraham that ibing which I e of. t"d 444
With ao mention ot'a hope of return seem 0 sin frOIll that height that do -P.. seolnir that Abriliam shou Sure- clot or alfalfa. for mice in. the young jo1vehard DRATS r. LPIC
81 silage and altalfa or clover Inv ar(J Shelter Ightlito
in same day.; it writ him ' far from we do not care to see therm ly -Weeds, seed' Bee Colony 1�equires. 40 Volt 1 lads, Of "A new oil Ihmil
becomiA greu
t s� 1,Qugjlt1g(- -ngl3( Soft;'
cones into. L lin unknown t And int ht nation. be ,bes. and t.1i,,aDe, ts, s. ti:iroakh the pr�seuge of I brilliant,
What Is it really to set out? 1 t is Stotts,
an ext �rlug bees: depends better -th4n .,gas or
d answer Gods call', be blessed in him, wiiite oveminq
country three. hundred miles away, and Ali th4_Aqt1Ouq,bf the earth shall reed alI We roughage *�-coly will, a fail fruit, It: I advisabio'to'- . t ,city,.
It ta&4 him loW fellowship with to recogoilze All binlj� 'For I.RnOW. clean ul)' ng campaign suedss ill been tested by` the- -
institute a mouse-PoISON upon.('1yr thi-, strength,ot'tile coloi0r, and top
that he will commhud his children 0,housp grain mixtare to, balance and, qualitY of WIA and 35, leadin
Clod. The great secret of life is to have A 7 'before snow An _(0) tbequantltY rdjuUy',
strong aim. All through his life Ab. eov�ws the ground r t
2 i., raham. had one single object lfi view. they IleAt icon Wt can be prorp�Lred. ter stores, and (3) the temporal; lamps. or, Sol(
and his household, After him,, and J,,sir oi rou,%Viage availal)le. u.-er to be "Oe
shall keep the Nvziy of, 'the F e e d gralli lu avqordatwo to milk �exo-o humidity o -1116 air In the cellar:' or . ',XtL bb ns�
I WIIIJ440 of th'00 .1 greult nation- It was Cannin. "They wont forth'to Lord to- Ile justice And 'Judgment; yield or each Caw. gs. follows-,, Make a - clear starch OL14d Cilia P, is, "4im%
n per. c-irit
].vet., colony must POSSOM 'a' ,bund
I will 'bless thq&- too into the land of--Carloa%.and into 'th6 Lord may bring C)r' Ay',nillixes f e, t 4 pAsto by mixing one tablespoon fullof YOUIIO bees. clean$ �afe. rosi
-mike th� name grerkt.r El
iho )an that upon Abra 1,1ot�If, some have ton kL
land Canaan eA hum that which he hiih ,spoken of Otto pound.graill for etiai. four pounds; ance And 6 or -c m
Thou Shot rbe a Vessitig. - hr i of gloss Starch: In one-half, oup of rto rear siifft�jefjt bees In the
VerseS, 64�—T I him. When Abrabana left Ur of 'the ujilk. f lilled (coal oil
o Promise Fullit 1� ,r 0
cold And stir this InIxtute: into fail they Should be united, with ,each ;
11011 b1tas them that bless her. V or aerseY4 feed one I The iiive tQ 1, jar',)Ir
pam 01141dees be,' WAS 4 Young, iOexier4 nso, ng -water; then mix One other :until colonies �ot th reQUI If _r,4r0&
A7id Abram used through is Put', a El 0 ..0
will curse him that cursetb, thee. I r 4 a pint of bollt taig St, on he had ounQ -gr';j' for V' 11 411* paundi;
In thee shall all fomlliog.of the land unto the place of SJ�hem, unt6, ionced mains: but singe then 1) ounce of Strychnine sulphate strongtli are obtalaed. It is Sit MS.." tri
the plain of Morels. And the Can. passed through ;various phases of life, illIM. With away I weak col I QuieG Send 4, lamp on fi
eartiiU bloated, one ounce of baking Soda, �and, stir igi ut In the fall or even, r to give
n a G! I-V 0 ai!iw,1q to Salt dally. worth'
-then in 06 land, And the 'meeting with and Ovetwml 9 orals 0 an expect to *take out worth While in eale
I.When Obd reveal$ Hims naulte wasL Into the until,a Smooth mass user h lot Who Will if because ,rep 1 . ' *�or b
Coiiiiinaltider'bo makes 11imie f,kio%va Lord appeared unto Abrarm, and zild, and temptations b Use of his faith r�ie(l :4p formed�.then stir in 6fie-half cup colonies in the spring it. , im
�;.. 'aa Is him introduce S6,a3JC
And pro. Unto thy seed 'Will. 1, giVerthist la d'- in things unseeen. This faith in God. ,,apiill I a table- for foil articular
gbj�: ugon
ness. Nv;.uir t"t "ll tit I*V' 0 r . 3 t'il an' ty
iklso�' as ii Rewarder,," Great budded
be an altar
Unto. gave h, f h6avy oQrn •syrup ali� JR;qually Important 11
�o rand there m. courage andTo 0,ioa t'4�
lain ho.
Vidus are His oromks. * 110rC Al spoonful of serine, Apply this mix- and quality'af BtOrft Ox
told the great things Abraham WAS the Lord, who appored unto him. , to go out, 'not knowing whithel. he %Vbeat $Site, e every 'colon should have or 1401
,ed Lure y .. .. M.
49 pounds storftl'tfl
Abraham left the 10jid of his nlitiv,� went. It was the rock on �vhjch big if you want responsibilities plao coat each ker- Kith Uth
hip oft. I and thoroughly F_ e
prombW1 Inteturn for lost
h kjAdrk4_And his Ity aft. ,Gods commatid and now he charactOr Was built and ended In his on your Shoulders, take the
tbees house, is
i Marna kuntstroo pempibuiolm at tho l'on.
410n, Zoo.
0'. 9
spirit of is
RM -we- r 'll
k"10" (Nor-
-1160, MW
craft ILL, rkI
giiatek ilk *4
flirts via hive dale lorlitlit and tMothat lialaiall
tile worokk rat Cattle 11MO.
'of the tam:* In Ontario where Ilia -the men
eat thoolishils at the six milli*n tift 144d alinasilly lor
canadfan Patifle X411way.
Thit is ant at a atke of to* **ft go
47 Alie, larsed in C*0*91a,
Laity Otago
V" tho, raro
7111"TooVM*000 OW
l0st Atotewas tei,aa.f
at 04w, woomi, 0* too *fgitl
*#Aoft tiff A" b
aj WL Not #4000* tootm Ni
grere tiowitoll Mel "0�104, tel "o o0vaW dwie;Z