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The Goderich Star, 1923-12-20, Page 15
IMR►r. lot. nil~, 192L 1• 1`m SOD STAR Wt J%" and rat have bus'OW bw '162Z"- ooavaboavias favorably at hot MMAX H0,raTESS Oft rami oeolat pr4►as on eth r BELL—Tt o twm*j ia* Mr. Mlai. • • so maeliksm to other ies brat have W. J. �. vnbo on the' 1Rs. L R VOkson wW hit" bDk•k•' « ac rn aa+s "hot offer. 16th bast , attmr a rewK wa of aw Farr tw#ax on a visit to 1*1%, bmltw VM" y" W"M mmom jjjW".0rear* a lrotlw from tbo Rural about a ,ywr'ld�iotow, took i� " br� " hank staati that the), do tsr.. a'ai'k altk TtlPlilbrl '. 1 Mr. Frank It. brievo, of tar*°a� DOMINION • CONFECTIONS '"k i j w protect otyr themselves xefti&lwe, hitt ks strw% w Maitland i �,.+' ,�[� h"rwi � w�iditif�tl. Via'. clic ra f'hri,�tetFs,r �i>+itvr iz b"wraaoe or to Incur iIny further ex- a'•ei"Wry. Mr. Hell wags burn aero• towns. CANADA'$ FCA � r p , IAOWA 144%1 a IM- i4 N lake" at t i mittau �r Ripley, at son of tr,s1 late Titatwltt R� 1310mit is caavneetiau rarith 1hiK tri r» � o { trier bay* )not aavrvel(a•otat the tlerii tAt+ady )aiautd and vvlaeai toair x Jana3 :lir,lt• in laiti6 iia! ivas truFrraod SATISFY arils strikiugly WAraactive We have had several inwirlw front to Miss Jo aan 14*11hatn. Site prr"da air t11aC�iRy, y pterkaU) aa►aI s< tat,alttin;; t ei- I the C. N. R. with referenoi tea, rail= "Used ber buaband by three yyuslro. � of la►eoata, xi+e U4 an oeatleHrtutaih tie ahoy sacs our latest way sidiaa¢ into the 7[sitisnd l3cad but as fsnaily of tk.o *,ass card air crisp baa tieeiwus, l.uvratarvs apd Lirsttts ilc,,evet. Plant and we too than daughter survive. ,lax. lakii. oat Torun, lvtullatr►r , a:p�lrt a•ltaw,tiusy at Let 1Xi+laif tr+t Hay ttaittir, ilf tltf, I'aa3tPF�aa > aur fat Gott. Reil, of ikatroit;. hire. J. Has• } la iien+ywil. P�#tet l'i� � CAM, S W Ne t 1 tow s in 1►e f=tupax=eX•ed to retain : C '1' IMitklrC> t4c i �" #eye and 7ltoata►r, Charles last! .Talar 'gran, t;am1�•>:+rt.uta�t44tlr of theFN" this audiing it deemedaflriaabt" b}• iiatt, of Caderacit lair,,. Sana iiltttlte,13X. "Wi"Utters,a,llentih.�fa+Flialrryatltix� di'ta VIiCRTaiRt,l»>tfk ymai• eoaaaaaittcte. of 1�4iaxhaw, sud 'W e. Mcgentrie, of hoXi'", aa; nwon uumad.,- A motion watt Ipattsed exCeneil,ig the , llitrr tbltilt ' � t•alit'oania, arra tiAterat. Mr. PA41 was #:rat. Fed« .Mason, of 1*troit, spe•tat Wig# Fres110 w tail c•exllactor'at #ia►it• for the aelic,:tian rrr� of taxies t0 Feb. bete a itxeinbPr of fire t . ti, F'< and A. t} Ilse holiday with htr�arents, 311x. a}rtcM *ti eRR LOt,�t I o ad sour catmt)aa sritla the ltf)ttal: fill,, iia 00 Yellow..lias for Mayor xxor"soa aia„ A He bead been omployed at tha� WeAtern l►lra. WtslfY Fishrvr, +3altford. Dox. depso4sblea reaultm, btalaatiattsFri plar+rriatle►ia ['mads Flour Milla'C'otilptny•x aleva- Mr. Murray, formerly erly in charge at ROLLED, OATS, 6 1640 for � „ Uf sf; F if Neat Ytsr torr* and among the moral tributox the Jackson factory here. was tap �: � �� �THE As this brought to a cla:so the rc..waa Osie! Iron) tial" company. Ile wax k 1froni London for the holiday. 1�►s. t'41r - "N TO' AND ALL . rtcaalatr Business.aaf the session aiayar * anember of lineal ebareb, and the t�+�+ hallow took the opportunity to ex,. frtiierat asexvicea varetvt conducted by s t e?axliaua la�le:t, car f'oUaaurg, is - c T - : >, ENGLISH BREAKFAST T T ppee proms. his thanks to all the council Rev. It- C. McDeralid, The paall+bear» Ailsa Marion iui,lce. L,tlalatLoah k,tlub , filly US POR • lb 3 ._ ' the baxihiays wlth bra sono, d and the otlleisis for their assistance' era were Messrs. Wm. Walt#, Mat MPBELU S DRUG ]� E and loyal support during the year. thew *lad. Williaan Sproule, .dahzt Bell, piX`r - RAO, and two thiaa te" i T an and PROVISION� t odelrxc i, R'hile the council of 1024 did not Robert Hell ,and Robert CarrtXll a5a with >O ,M rel ttivett **slat #sienalat 9q l,owrstou Arad P 1�:4 The Square : claim to be the beat council the town 31ALCCc;,LUSOX.—The news -of the .1yr. Mayfield Bacon 3$C ., � Comfort i had bad, it could honestt claim to be :death on Christmas tnarni Siliil[ Vit' ' as .good as any. Man knottyail Trice Mies Wallis, of Toronto, is spend. Draft Choose 4Xei 31119i#t't. Fele NaptUs Par) White tions had come be#orn the ouanc l" received a C�iamauch 1,11ineaerdino was�inir tlwe* halida�* season at the hanxe of :. m prise in Calle rimr, and Hire. T R. `l'kallis, Victorizs Gre�atml Loaf SIC " a SSORTSD I3 BARS 1!O _.... Which had been handled intelligently- rich, This WAS Naar old home town.street. R l and to the best. intei gists of the town. and also• 0f his wife, formerly Miaa Frapsh Ch aese 29c r, __ �., THE TOWN t Ire did not know whaat Santa Claus Ratson, and hostas of friends learned 3VTor Calborna and Miss he forma, LUX 2 ' COUNCIL 'Might be ;going to put in the t`oun- with sorrow of bias deawth: only R e snotn► at"ei guests of the form. dC�Cil#Itlrt+r+ ` � millers"" .stockings but hoped they couple of weeks *brei Mr. lktailGolmmata f �' ,Mrs, J. LL. Cclbai�ne, St, Mountain in CrestGreeara► �' .. � At solicitation trE Mlatiy Friert49 M*Yo '4bw Will . � i Would• all get back to the couatcil of aattended the Dvicemb .x Aession of the Patrick street, dais weeelt. Peas,:Z Tens ��'� SHERIFF MARMALADE a� As+4an Rola Fax 1A„4 air, and Mrs, Thos, Nicoll A. ?O titrt 'trsitroa ak Citae# r 13rgco County' C01thell bsin clerk of Tor- M...- ...:, ,, .... j M * p t r As for hi)nself, ho land Said that the .county and alga coimt aaliCitor, ants, leave been spendintr the holiday + a,,t r one year was quite Orionlsh as nosy» stud at the conclusion 0f the. sessions week at the residence of :lir. and DELIVERIES TWICE DAILY ' �'RL MR., C. .. JACKSQII( PPQ�iIVTi*ia ' TOWN. ' A O TOtt soiaail dei lin a? i 0nsulted his Own 90.1`4 he hAd to take tq his. bed, Coni li= itirs. �1 aalCcr Ivaftel, ► pp g ae vvauld still sway t11G cations set in, which resulted £stall; , i►ir. ,and Aix, Brown And Mies lama„ but at 'the solicitation of msan 11e had been suffering xor > • ' he bad decided to allow his aan . y fi , a ronsafiax� i Brown, from Welland. werq liollday ,r,, A. lli ;li."a roan• Declitx,es •t11c ,A a it to able time with rhettniatis 'ana3 i Pp'a bincut-•May+4r, Coondiliors, ga before the e.lectors again.. tea -and had Visiko�rs with Mr. and Xrs, C. V, iltissea► I7arias Xlarrlx tauat'Ituby i,nacrl, : Mr. will , OiIF'ic sIs Make: Closing .6pee:t des The council had no$ ,always seem undergone, aiiiich treatment ua an cf- Cartwright, of Detroit. 1Flt illtalit, or ,I"osontaF. eye to eye on every thin brat the ' fort to• eliminate the t"Olible,. lea ads Ilii". And Mis. Fzank'Saimders vver�• :sir. l:reai. Statai)ino t1 Ur. Pat Parr. of Detrult. , --*-+ ,,._._.. ,,. n« of ttruwa, hlw lifih fih regular a cions had been 1; sec- dltion to being coua)ty SPiicitarr. $ir, guests of Mr, , 'and._Mrs.. Howe, ToroXa- 1lilat,aa, " r nit Itoid. of I)otre)it.- ; ;free front acrimonious :lViarlc01ani1an tic"ns also ' , o. - k.mtnztuaxd>iniax t aaXtl)beit, ur g _iia;' xe ting of the- toivia rllr. A. Al.Robertson Deblinews ilea the ladles be Toronto. - discussions. Hi Worship, cloyed by townships of I; lafaxrtj� son x� tlif� sisters.x t'liristanas, lad;• a a i1[a, i:inogt fpf�. at'xoraiitp. 'I' 411C. (the.i''last meeting. for. the" pointificut.as Auditor and Mr. C. inviting the council, otiiciaals an a Unroll.:1ilrX. rite d And was Cka'vn Attorney, i'"• #1,•, i hfl M . Allan Moore or staatttortl. sa ars rarsous, 0t Tmoaanto. :Id aa. Friday, night last. t' L. Jactation impliennterd' preys tor has iresidence. ; Coannt o Ames Hump from 1°en 7inrl<, �or Humber being the onlyab. I A letter ons .r ce v � The various rounci l y..f B ce, For a number of, and Mr, Donald �"Nkh G111% 11( iaciv, of Detroit. Air. Harold Nftrgioi•oY Detroit. n iti liunae, fraun Toronto N ^ll 1 s• a t ed iroall Mx A. 1 ors, bili+ rats years he vvai a catntain in the 3.fiad+were at Cha A i a ( tl'ard Johnston, of De+troit,: MIS's ttxdelanar Ma rise . of DeCr t .. ee, bein M. Robertson tle linau the ositian sad press; representatives present re Bruce A°E invent, p texnal.hoaato for Christ- a t g detained by the Christ-�oP'tfawit attditox.for 82 kw• spoX+ied briefly,,expressingthe> 1 all- lis wal u naoml)cr Iitss.. Mr.aunt'Urs.!tlllgou t)lae,ofY1'inils, i" t r,.FinaIt at�,pCI)Ctrail. Owing to . p e o f the 'L. Q. 4 F. and of the Sones ,of , o y c rush.oi business. other duties:: HIS resigaaation w e�. ore they had in sitting under the Mr. nttd Mrs, J Dl r. Arnold Brownlee, 1 • lUbses Eton.. of o as r S+otland.. 110 was six Anglican and } l•xtaser Spent t e, alk i t. 1 ilUana, y. Toronto. $1.Q6 Taros ColieGted in 1 $3' gretfully accepted,, an motion: of busy asr, their AeliE'ht to know he v, ng Christmas with their . - � • ale son.in late and rile. �taox MacT,coe],otllatrait: Ati:;s.luuttlPaartrle, of foi,iatkti, . •'Would' stand a was a vvau'deit to the Church .of the daughter, titer Air. t tor: Cainpbelt reported as` fol- :'Coum i110rs 1It►Imes and AiacEu a#. gain for another year; .Messiah. Mr, l:aal ► and Airs, Abrants i Ai sFF /1I Mr. and eRimst n was that .Toronto. , n i oy Ainot,eaid, at 1`oarotito, canal Mre, John t1 Xttker« oC t iiutt,.* bore. XWas -,paid the'treasarer and 1vlr. C: L. Jackson was appointed that ai mayor -was usually in a: 11asi• second -son o£ the later � t ion to give better service the Seco Mr. ' DYtss Molly 1.1Q0r, at Ioatinto. )Clea :irtratli 1lniiilanon, of Detroit. *' 3 taxes to Nov. 30th, %73,.1 in his place. to act with Air, H. F. ... nd Malcotrtson, of Code Mrs. Norman Colc o Xicb, mai;ter Flt 1 Ugh and mhild 11Ci', tVtil ri1aUUtnlii, of P r 'ri t,. ,•F t • :lir. Rol:aual 1Va t l , December t0 date, $8,600. Long. Later. in the,;evefting•,.A bylaw your. cha)xcery, and the late, ren, of Goderich an A y t <. 1 i a , licca., if )Ch.ott. 82,203,16; and on.arrears o passed confer ' •n A vote of thanits tv then ,• ,e Mrs, 111a3colni d its. Alex, Aute- , . f WAS mi g Mr. Jackson',S fncm Q iif son. Besides his widow bar, of Port Alber sent r Ma. Win. i"lus,stop, ot` I orb Colum Flo. hi� .li±rsio Fo stoa., at l oaunstu. 1,172; total $103,381.816: } appointment, they •Epavn, to the a?seascir aaud coll •t- ,, h° is 'ia1X - k p . Ch Istinas et 'axed by one daughter.Alace with Mr.. and Airs.. Geo, husband of Nos. 1Viu, Met>rtMtb, of 1 *auto,. , ila.1 Ta errs Ila k111% of London. The .fbllowin or for the way he had oot in the tax Son ,and one , P Iinpraveiuetit Sistvmrs Gon-1'. & caivanittee reports es and t • � , . Sutherland, Mlltop. iii',oraloaa l)otti arra rf- fro ou + riClaa l.ranas kt ebl, r o': , o thr. clerk, th est clerk this are being l servrrea� l to, l to , li,n,lon. etracted in Year ware adopted., side a m Gang held in the C Air, an Ai ,. f London. Bn?lGnd was hunch of the d Mrs.- E. D. tVphbei is bit, laud Airs. \V. Stratton, of lovonto. Air, at,tl ►trs«,Tolin later. of De•trolt a moved Mess ah, 2�incardirae chil til 4htistou,'to�ii engineer, re- 'Victoi is : S'tree't SEorin Sewell test by Cf►una viler a f , today, the, fun Ares), Brace and Betty, o , ; , p Ai c..wan, to er . ne_ y,. of d;c. lteg. Nt n i. of I>etielt. t. htlasl ltaa ! ampbell, fXf iurcaaagfr; pox, t . sl. Proceeding., Godexich b motor; 'e r, spent Christmas vv ,+ I. part' as follows, 52,03 or l�eounc Reeve Manan,., a added ns'. Y, ith the lad s j o d the where ilio deceased wX *rents Afiss:l)oioiex l,altlitvta9tr., at Eltarattirtl. i.. Alien ("j,vaidino 0411 vile. or •Cotoutu, rer�with to' submit )tis r°port . The• public p vtrorks committee r treQ ,.nspertaar unci l5er 11 he burled in .. , Mr. and Mrs. , A. Cha en r e ireunt Reiss, Hartland ceraaete 'Elgin Ave, t ge : Diiss Bonn*,, �Volato aaail Mr. Joliii Atiasci,.1'eiwt! t►nal 1�1131caay 111c1Gasttn. of mover coot of Lnca1 Imprs;ve.!Ported as £Allows: Counciligr Holmes, us chairraaln of , We .!Ported the fi,e cotumitt McCL "' , wallatco:-of Toronto. 1)eAroit. constructed during file in the matter of tht� letter•, ,dated ee,, added the firemen, • . INTON•---•in the MISS"'. Blanche an scab: Dec, 0th from, t -• and the M n ,, t death on , d I'araxl boor , A . t he C, P. $, with re- h aver Said the ttubhc Sunday .last af. Mr. J. Frpm. 'Itoronto and Alr,. i,)0nc1 Alartclni, of Tnroatb, liie,s f)livei iltddtlaorpr, frf 1'oaonto., I street ]en ference c staff works • H. McClinton, ► rt tte)tr. and Airs. lfil� 1 tota a gth .8ii0: fest C Stairway leading from o, , ff vvaazx,.the best, .Fri 'Vitae a ]i;fe-Ion liiothod• Patrick iar►d M ?pias l>sastcl ltagtnson. of 11etroit, rite°: twpel �fre. Frank xua,;nseut` a 1re'*; 1 ,±o El?6.1.1.,.. ' boor street. C stern On- i fi ist, a ;sts}unch, COn- Miss Margaret, from : i ,, l.. a ; facie; and the servatnvo, a w Thainegfo lilmse ,lMa • a , two t:htlalrnn. of Tomato. Quelle` t . • rec g rget•to the C, P. Ii, depot we polis° had handled ev- •. o7;'tlty citix ; .wino took id, were Christmas visitors s ' i u l'twrc ' anal .:tiaakaact e , length 858. feet, to. oanmend that the company be erpthin>r. that came their v a has part in. Publics ' • • NA at the old o Kelly. of Detroit. * Mr. G. t`.'T'ta" a +. I coat ,1,2. afied the the Ii . y not- .ores v y. Thee p a Flus and a devot- h. me ln,00derieb. y labs* aa.. 0t .l�nliasa:elllar. 1 t !i town will abide. b an s, the cpunral 1~ad Tamen able ed husband and fat lair . ltlr a cl :V , ' , ^, , Cay ey y y a to er was eille. t0 s • S•.B+aokman, and class Qit°r, n irA. I,d; (xtitg. of Imtrolt, 1t. and Dia"a. I-Fltta.A tic Il ler" Xerav Cal cost- .length 330 feet• To- Fortner arrant fementr made bit connec • .take Frits; their confido•,cP and a,P,a, has zewa�d, The deceit' d Aeon, ar a i' u i i Th $ tim with ;the• maintenance of these with them for the good of h sed was; born 13 ockvitle, And MIR14 Mary Air, Joe l lou„ of Ile trtiit. ,r The wore . >; t c tri near Hamilton in:1852. lie later be- Niabols0% or Toronto, IXavei veru < � . tlnderia>ten at steps«; � '*turned to Mr. and Mrs. 1.ril"t ltia.tlaottnaa . >y season a good Town} Making I'ro came a resident of t is : their Homes After , e .a lw rr Faso • e of t That e , grecs .Fin( ncialiy . h • county, his f snenilini, obiiatruas Port+Coltorn , z brew h of Promise staits,: . to sa a r sill pleased . th tQtvta water draixi an Vie M • ; : father moving. to. th with .theta > parents. j` Y that o t torfa s e • r, .1, . L lt:nox, town : cleric a e vicinity of Lott i. . Na. *Foci Airs, Jna. r A decitaiataon erf. lava Ili a -iaonx Bair. nd desboro. r where he au D7ioiaolsou. 4luebeo street Air. Bart Gaut, at (3ulr. +o nis c. S are the most et hos been completed from treasures, :said tbo town had i Eclat fora cried. , pi i 0 of a meal ticket. • favorable sial, War lrices, revailed.. Elgin avenue'to Hamilton str made Pf ,.leve tee P Misses iOUI and i c e An appllcat p pp cost ,a eet.at a great progress the past ear`and the n n years, p'orty-eight Miss Strang, from. r ingsvillo• Miss' B btu b ltuo�c, of ' tont 11i1t. C• .A. Reid s per, engineer's statement of final) 1 . t y •0 yeatrs ago Mr. McClinton : • Helen' Strang, .; Toronto. � r, for a ars e, o $2;036.00 and' t atement would compare i n was nrar- r ng, from Now Yon 1., Miss More than one-half of the tole , of Eastnand garage n corner.. he amount has been re -,•very -favorably p vied to Phoebe Bell, wh a Margaret • Strang, Ailss l)avotliy Smith, of. Toronto, marketed 'every e • . stteets; was re- � funded tp:, the toti+n f . y . with other years. hi Q Pr dmceased ug, from Toronto, ,,,,, e y y ax Fri •px oduc�eat. fetrefl to the , rem the county ,The town vas hold m About nine months. For Mists Grace Stra Mr. tuft Airs. Martin Vv . X ar : within the boons f the, Y c ung its own and P fifteen ng, from Guelpl4, t ict nail son, of d .o h4 ritl.3h Fant ' A bill froitr. A oiitmitted, out of our county highways credit, i was coming back from years Mr. McClinton wtas •colle •and Air. Preston. Strap ,Detroit. Aire. in l atverp for expense That a carload .of 15 inch the depression for East Wa ctoi g, frons Tor wanosh. Iii:; 10X0 onto, were oil home for, Christmas, Aiiey.Zle+rtbia 1)ovti ns, of Toronto. aocat ng sewer as quickly l tt as any other place, per- he aha ugh-misdirec» pipe has. been returned :to the hap$ a moved to Coderic Toinorroty will be a. r0 bion:, eras r ," Clay p little.quiclter. •Tl1 Ma or h. Lia :was in the Mi•• Roland ,lacks Atr,•l±t•eal "• POO, flay, rvrr to fiOunce coin- 'Prdducts Agency and we recomme bee n e had •'s"hot business fox; an Walker, of I"ila.e, of l>otaoiC. matter hate rartsisin unl t mitge, that the funds r recommend n. i inns office, every day. to attend a seven years in town Detroit,: spent Christmas' Ila i . Air« and rlt � p 6f mss you .:. h eeeived be ,credited to to,:totvn bminess.. ltd for. a period•of'throw . y w th Uro, ?tiaeiviii SahOrnaly, of bring, au lntereated mind to Treace was as hip .parents, Mr, and Mrs: with Cllntou. the Locnl Improvement 'Sewer acc0unti' . ! .;iaiet»ber oi.the tovVn coliiEat7l. Hti was W*11tbr. fi%a Or R. y o1C©t's. :out of -which this pipe was first ` A,Moa1t,-iLarmonious CoainrwI; chaarman.of rho i R. Sloan and Airs. - Vault paid, Collectors Cavi bell said -he .: Pat ibtic ASsgei4tton Sloan and Mrs..Berme Gf GOderic eaty� . ault Site Question heft to Next to do with amps ll sal he had had during the early „years of the war, township, had their Christmas' dinner L a 'Year's Council is than any it had been secretary of the poultry at the home of Mr. and. Afro. Wesley The cemete p one else, and was not aware of a Aiisociiition, Mrs. Will. Helps, of WAlker, Waterloo street. . 4 ,r a rY and. arks committee more harmonious council he had had Dehver: Colorado; Mrs,Henry ocrous and reportedJ. with reference to appl ca"�tto,40 with in all that time. He. did risk, of Toronto* Mrs, ienr 11iai- Miss DorisDBarris, Miss It Sna_ the cemetery et 8. Cox fora vault site at not entirely favor then idea that mem- and Airs. Robe ' Robert Henry bel and.Mr. Thomas Hoggarth motor- the cerrtetery that the matter be laid hers of 'the council. 'should drop nosh are rt McDowell, of Wawa. ed. up from Detroit for C ri e�+ h stmbs, 11M E ' J, A N� (`'jr MM /� a over: to be dealt with by next ear's'' after one r p out , r Sisters, .and his i`atnily con» S0 great was rho traftIc across t ��"�►a � a7► v. V �' 1`►����TTi� Yst ti>f ,AN, 5t6 council, after some y year ozF .two years in the , silts of Mrs. RObert Taiylmr, of. Au ferries that their car. he 1� l { Adopted: policy has ,been t ofte Ciiw 'In dormer Yeats members barn; ffiiss McClinton, at home`• Mr , e r hecto wait• in n remained in the ..council for Itohert Craigie, of Brockville s line four hours before lt*Uld get 11EStI$ Flinunce Committee man , and its turrf on the ferry »� ] y Years. ..Sheriff Gibbons; Mr. .James AicClinton, TOronto> y at Port Horan. + 5 r vR THEIR BUSI- Hora�e . , . x� The finance, tter fro ee reconxXmend Horton and others remained ilY vera all here for the fun ee fcam 11ir.:and fibra. Horace lt0bertson and. T L Sed that the' letter from Itfessrs. l;ob an ollice rniiriY years. Mr. Cam bel cludinR the si. funeral, in. daughter, Miss. Jean, were up frons N�PAST r( >r Natioh$� Special F ersan, Robertson and Armstrong with complimented the council p .tie grecs (with the creep- London spendnn-f'hrist a """ HE EAR 7 h maas vith .Nfi•:a. 'DD $reference to a �sfng some ability He epxPres- and Mr. CraiHeps)• and Mr. Morrish McN`ittie, of town. be tabled. ppointment as ,auditors i; Rev. J. E. Holmes. *� ATI N.A.F. CI)M'RDy ' . sed his appreciation of the assistance pastor of Nerth strtlef Ai x1, that council had AND WISH IS + MEM AVERY'' re �' Reported' a cheque for $14 Hospital giren him in his of- church, assisted 'by Rev. J. E t Vord the ong:holtclay viaitnrH art, nuticP,l ficc. �� HQYi1sB a tied been received from the Hos itai 6 . p ) conA acted the funeral services and the Dir. George Board as payment of cost of °submit ' "Assistant Collector, l Awards also pall -bearers were Noble g Noble, anti 1Cc. ,loralun f .. IC uitti TLUrsaluy A.tink their bylaw to the electors. SPOke and said in gob Messrs. 1Vm. and ?\elate of Toronto, NPROFITABLE i C 0� i j With reference td communication n8 about town Mervyn Aicl)oW°ll, of Wawanosh, anci ,11ir, I3iil T,ace uC l) " r HAPPY, Y,. P R 0 F + T A B L E he had dune something to help the i Messrs.. Maitland Bell and •B.- H. Tay- . a NOYAK. ` 0f Mrs. Robb hbout taxes against 1✓ y were assessed lot, of town. The d a y f t oit. ramattit ,Salt cess part 152, recommended that $160 be People'. to realize the ece sed twits lirond Dle. atniter, tiauniteru of tt!aihe"rtoia. very low and not ovOtaxed, and this in his syanpathies and was a strong Wien *gait [',00ger of Toronto, n y ►> I accepted as payment np' to and. Fri feeling was generally understood. I advocate 0f church union. His .h Mr. rrPd t' � � � P � V � F L R ar alw. C R CQMEDY eluding 1023 taxes if paid before the After some remaarlts frppm the press had. been visited by practically all the . Dttss tiiarion "tete oil Toronto. to, F fe 'end of this year re"resentatives, the meeting adiourr. Methodist pastors in the London Con-' tie Fire Committee Con- ed. Ference at one time.'or another. The , fis,1 i3eawy ltaarplly or Strtatt0ril, The Are committee reported hay= large attendance at the funeral sect- MEM 9°ale Holman of tCitche trf!r, rit'ty t Ing examined the firemen's annaal. The world is divided among people erday was eWidence bf the esteem in Dir. nail Dfrii. Bert iimttit.ttrid hi t NEW' Y �t* .�", Ainbitfoug t0 pass ainother lavas or' an. 'Which th'e deceased v c ldreii , �►1►A l oN coy roll amounting •to $b10 and re- vas held. of Guelph. � commended •that. it be passed- also; other car. � - Duna t�ea•tlo tlei;tey nt i�etrolt, a of Shooks and. Love :reported having passed all �re'uests lace is PEOPLE W .K1VaW , SC'tiey say the best Way to bra . Miss Lola- McDonald of Dotrolt. " for building $ 4 to eat apples. '" > C01 9,iti�lii�' g lfermnt5 re£erretl to it. Pp es. Adam was is domed Dir, Frnoet viaean spent f Ilristmsq VISA lleleu Thompson or Toronto. ! • Y COAtEF)Y t Report re National ShipbuiIdinng Co, rapidly that way, with friends in Detrolt. Enough" N The committee. dealing. with the We dont know the avteraipe iife,oif a Miss Agnea Snakel wag u from MISS Norma MacDonald of Torouto, Geo Ave dollar ,bill but it doesn't spend Stratford for the p Miss Isabel i Dater of Toronto. tl Ma(- icar JET~ l~'' CARTOON ; ational Shipbuilding ,Co. affaiirs re- . e• holid>3 ported' much o£ it with us. Y• Mr. bon, Graham, of Detroit. Aft. 'and Airs. Joe, ,Tetirry acct visiting , j Your committee appointed in con+- If one can listen, without' yawning; } frientls and. relatives in Windsor, Air, Donald Murray, of Detroit. Horth Side of squgrb �;daeri laF• m.•~+-Taea., Wed. neetioit with `Clte National Ship build. 'white he discusses himself for two Dr. Mary Tom, of; Toronto, is vlsitillg Dir. Arnold Laithsvalte, at Detroit. . and Sat. : ing Company beg to repast that Mr. hours it is a case of tree 1ovN ber•pa,reaats, Air, and Mrs, J', kilgin Tope. Mr. Allan Brioloy, of Detroit. I Thos. Sandy' iris 'u31'ered $1,175 cash Fear is the quality.tbat enablorr, us Virg. (Dr.) J. Il. Whitely, who has Me. ant] Mrq. Alt:crt Diat C)oa.ald, ut Jutiuls Caesar;' for raidal drill with vise and small r go ahead and .be heroic because the been a patient at St. J0>iGph'g Liotspi» fort Huron, , loner tvith.s'b1oGk at the Maitland 'are afraid of tieing called yellofv. , tal, .London, for the past four weeks, Dir. Reg. Pinder, at ('slFiton. & CARTWRILGI =-En"S ANNOUNC MENT • Gray cGuil. �.opht, ' - .1ment. to the readers of Thea no ne toVV J.1 e ear an11UU- ar this —Wvk ani. haveasked Ponotlr^y to hepeople of Gode'richi + ar uielt an contiguousterritory their. . pr o���on of .• thecane acorea them - during the y+ t c�,o gin , and.plaurticularlyfor t�dendid :� P once to their :r ..+ n. « . du ung -the present month, No effort has been sDared by them to (VI Pe ,-,.ve aloe an service to the My.�\ �(,•�i�ja'y�( y,■■ (NF1Prosperous,yec-UL 1■ya Yo�y■//.�■■.ople. iou all a ��` ".�Y�,1Li,M..... .�Mr.W W 4 1924- JjqTE-O-ME; ALUES F"' HOLIDA "%r Ho PE" ALL THIS' W_ EmE