The Goderich Star, 1923-12-20, Page 10a t JPA W
TUVMWAIr, OW, lftk bW
p4riW for t1w hard wimor that is U
Y yr "we lawr on. Ili
- -----
Mrs. Kenneth Cumplwil, of Detroit,
ur Goods
With,. in spending the holiday# wivb
leer father iod mother, Mr. and 31rc,.
John Menary, Crewe,
aiv PougZA at the 10%,"Qst
30M $her -WWI unit Me Gateley are vi#5sillfe
a lot of vow ready to cut Colbornes COLBOR
0 buzz saw. 'They have the
Thereforc, au allic to
S Colborne's
Island to the th Store
its Robl",nson III,! to volt u le
14n, 10.
day. Whero did they go on Sattird"y figore. alore
GODERICH TOWNSM, S"Cioll IN$ Wvek Where GoQ Goods Where. Good Go4s
lllfietnW AreiCheapest Are Cheapest
The township couneil, met in 11(4W- STORE
cnsvilJe on Saturday, last, all present. M1i115 and Bootces,
T Mr. Woolcombe, manager of the Un-
ion Bank, Godoricb, assisted 51r. Also a full Jim! of la.b2sl-
W"It'lly treasurer, and Mr. Jackson, Winter Volts.
Of the
Bank, did slilailar du-
ties for Mr. $turdy, collector. The e to���itmas
Come Earl t'o t�11councit just dispotnd of goneral. bu.31.M145. NOBLE', atore
nesa. The bylaw to Commute sta.
tute labor was left Over for the pro-
Sent. Under tbv� present system of
statute labor, computing the time at it by the bridle and baflt under con -
$1.0 per day, it is costing over ooc. The.r" a
per yard to deliver gravel in- this trol. 5� alOP Of I ���eand 'fts
township,- Thii matter will likely lie Mr. G. M. McKenzie, manager or
Chrishva.3 discussed at nomination on Monday, the Dungannon branch of the Steri.
IXQ 31st. n Bank, was in Walkerton last.
The following In the report of S. S. in connection with the trial of A
4 tmas Give Gloves
NO, 0, for the mwith of Decomber. Mr. Gamble, who was charged with
The standing is based on the written knowing something about a forged
examinations held: quo which was cashed at the local 'HandkerchiefS' NVC are showing a splen
Sr. IV.--�-Evolyn cheque Scarf
McAllister, Helen Davidson, Cafl bank here. The ease was postponed, did
Sowerby, Jr; TV. -Clayton Edwards, until Juno, "Beantiftil Swiss Embroidered choice Of beautiful Gloves in both
A woll 0,10een, boob 141111 Calwell, Idella-ftke. Sr. III.- Much excitement was caused on Very swagger Bilk Scarfs, in
Marlon Calwoll, Norman Fuller, Mil- Fridwy last when a steer, owned by,. Haudkerchivfs, 2 and 3 in a box, !tdns and PK. French Kid, iu.
60c to
and is dred Oke, r OX. $11ort aid ganutlet. length.,
werett Xellwain, Eleanor Mr, T. Sheppard, pf Nile, become in- ;kt.0 0 h b stripes and checks, 4tiished with
Johnston, Eunice Sowerby, Henson furiated 'when It, along with some
a pleasin-, awl lasting re- $owerby. Jr. III. -Esther Mollwain, other cattle, was being taken home fringe, $2,00 to"$S.00 ea'
0 We have a large and varied ch.
Illituler (11019 giver. Florence Sowerby, Lorne Porter. Sr. from the pasture farm on the 6th con- choice of Handkerchiefs from. 5c Ladies' (".ape and Mocha lined
11 -Marlon Oke, Evelyn Sowerby, cession, owned by Mrs. Samuel Pent- Gloves, $Z00and U925 a pair,
Earl McAllister, Arnold Porter, land. As it came to the village It be. to $1.35' e'lch. A Wool Shawl Scarfs and Silk'
Christie Harmer. Jr. 11 ---Marion iaame, frightened and on thd road Fixie Litieti Handkerchiefs Wii1i
p Porter, Olive Powell, Verna Edward, south became quite vicious, attacking Ladies' Fnir trinimed an rid Wool, $6 00 anA $7.0-0,
V111broidery atid' lace '.corners, d lined .-al
Emma Powell, Ross Sowerby. Sr. buggies and cars and everything In'
A Gloves. $6.00 and^
Pr, --Robert. Oke, Clara Harmer, Jr. its way. People. travelling the road 1 500 each. $7-00 a pair,
orter s
:,Pi.-4ohn Harmer, Herbert Powell. *vote warned of the danger some
Best In good conduct, Evelyn, MQAT. turning
O10K- S.TORIE lister: back rather -than Yace It,
Finally. after hark il Mr. Charles Ea- 1 - ----- -
gannoo) was Son
'R E, GliAIIAM, TeaQh0r,.*JIO#, of Dun t for and,
after some thne,. succeeded in shoot-, TAUBL%N ing It. Fortinaiely no serious injury wels
The Rev. Mr. and Airs.. Rintoul, of was done to any one.,
aB Dungannon, called at th6 Presbyter -The following, taken from the Tor. 36, air. All
Litii;n D onask towels, ;8,,. ' $1.80 a pair. _6 Linen bamask Table Sets, ►with NapPins
Jan manse In the village just wook,, onto Daily Globo,of Friday laSt, has Extra heavy Liue1*1, i8N.36, to Inatcli, x 0 r/.
Mrs. McBrion, after a long rqi- reference to the Rector of $t Paul's $12.50 to' $30. ' 001a set.
deuce in this locality, last week )oft church, Dungarmont The wedding $2.50 n pair, :Linen Dam.4sk.Table Square$:
for Whiteeburch, where she.intepag took plate at the Church of St. Mary Lar Ne Vuen Danias 6-2�x'4--,-$4,00 32X32, $2.50
to reside in future. the Virgin, Toronto, on Wednesday k Towels, �:zox3q,
g(! s
St. week the Rev, James Wilson, V�n ell, $3.00. a pair, x.6x -3,. 60c and 715C
evening, of Jessie Logan Car t
Dovercourt, Presbyterian church, 4t. Thomas, to Rev, Ernest Alayes, Linen Serviettes, embroidered and hetostitcli-
Oronto, 9110 on friends, bore. He purigAnnon, Rev. T. T..Robbin. officiat- ed, one dozen in a box 1 140.
returns to Toronto this week, ing. The bride, Wear,119 a gown of 6.00 and $
The grey with hot to match,
... canton crepe, wl Linen. Cluu with -Linen Centres' 111
gid.village'trustees have procufod y ,Lace, w .
a chemical supply of gre pro and corsage of Colur
OiA roses, enter- 'Os'. with colored borders, 0 runner style.
ed, the church with heir bitother, Mr, Heavv Turld-sh-Tou rival and
With regard to fires
•we have be'*n John -Spink. After y in'la i i8x36. $2.50 each' -
very fortiinate for a It vei der, blue, pitkk; and yellow, from $1.60
the ceremony a 2OX24, $3.50 each.
number S� years. ree6ption !for the immediate relative$
Mrs-Prgst, of the township of Eli� was hold at to $3.00 a pair.
ma, Is - visitt the home of the bride's
t at the bome Of her sister, Mr� BermanHeirtizingn, Cleth t 'Match). Parasols O$e
A in Tarhisb To%els.with Face
$1�50 a tF�t.
son4n-law, D1 George Dawson, and Parkwood avenue, Rev, and Mrs,
renewing old acquaintances in the vil. tit
ayes at yes will reside in Dungannon. What is Inore 9ccept-
present. Owing to a slip of the P0, in last With Ivory: flul�hed
Yterlan Sunda
Tile Pre,5b ? able thart a lovely pairof
Y school, yveek's. Paper, the date o the Fres
Silk Unde -ch th h d1l e Rose ia Silk" Silk and
LOYAL and congrpgation intend having a so, byterlan, .8. $- entettainme rwear tips to e an,
60 evening next nt and
A little baby. girl arrived at the Friday evening. Christinas tree iead* Dec. 31st Instead sof �Wo wool, Glove and.
Owing"to the whooping cougar to the of DO lulcoverin o 0 1
21st. Kindly,note Heavy S9uri Silk Gowns, Ste -ins Carni. �Ue. 'Botany Cashniere.
41fonday last# to,b� e Plans for the F-41d4y of this week,"in,the Parish. in, w1lite, I
r S.arr
home of Mr, And Mrs.:Nookold, evening had 'L C I Scl.ts to inatch', Glor'ia Cloth and all Silk
rielgliborhood, -all the the date,
Mr. Duvid:Cantwell, who 1M been' M Silk.
angred,t' Hall. A Playlet, "The. Rummage:. avender, flesh. A wonderftil'. variety of
v I
1►w-orking at Goderieh elovato Heavy -weig re - e in �ts, 0 the shAdes.'-and ver�
bo r. Wilmer Howatt, who hus.�eeh. pale�, is being staged- by a -dozen or li;, C 'pe'de-clitu , i ' s . . ". . T re rig it iip,t
r,. 4 resident of Tackersmith 'for the more characters,:- We h, ren n white hese' a Smart
i given up his job, .children -will
Cars, took unto present r "A Christmas. Fantasy," in•patterns ao to $0.00 pair'.
post three or four y :.a' d 4�-Sh- mitilit . e. and the price
7" E-PPARDTON himself apartner in. life in -the person addition there will musical num-
Ot Ili t Of
�Xo'fty. of our Children g 'Aliss.'Christena Gardner, Of that hers by a quartette,. readings and in H vy 'Silk Habutai BlOQn1ers a. varl*ety"of Here is where ylbii.
0 0 get
$3- 0.
towashiP,' Last Saturday saw the struniental music -b sbadvs, P.00 a pail-, . 00 to"410-0.,
Santa Saturday and are hoping to see toMatlon y. an orchestra, a largb choice,
consu of t heir hopes. They Solos, etc. But, best of all, Santa,
A soonf;
311s- NV- YrOOMOn 140d her brother, the farm he 1061k purchased from ).ilk gifts, to the'childroo
Ill be there, distribut-!
him akal intend makifig1heir future home on Claus himself w?
Hawking, have gone to visit .
31r� , Anglicans
Xr.. Goo. Crawford, on the Isth'
their sisters. in Detroit, Con- and Presbyterians alike. So it YOU
SIOA Of Hullett. an evenings enjoyment come and
J Mr. and Mrs., W.' McConnell and The all important question, Church bring "Our fh�il . Admission, 25, statics fax which it m withheld gliall, $10; Ward �Lllin,'kmvot and resur- Ing, $49; Harold Waherss resuilac- Watson,. resurfacing, $20,'.
�Roth, of Crewe, visited friends in the Union, Is beginning ?01 adults, k S. children free. I be rem,qve1�
neighborhood lost Sunday,:— to be debated Cents Ar facing., $30.65;, Ed. Good, cleaning ing, *19;..Geo. Baxter, resurfacing, Treasurer reported receiving *20
go once Wlaw, was t passed fixing the ditch, $1; C. Allen, work on ditch
here by Some, , -�Wbut is it 9 A Jar S, C,and $14.50.; Stanley Vangto�e, road w6rk, from the clerk f
ore the great chitstmas in on r or cemetery 4ots,
A Christmas tree' and program feir saving by unititig congreg�tlons,, dis I 6f :the year Is fast ap roaoh� time of nomination on Dec. SlSt at 1 ditch 1 $16-60; Edgar Vanstone, resurfac- Judge Dickson's sun)morY tij?
feqtiva P culvert, $6.05; Ben Mt1imin
the Children will be given Friday of- Posing of some of the colleges and ltig, and the thought Ig
o'clock P. m.r; and if an election be dei in` d $11.25; Ambrose Vanstone, Ing, *8.50;
s of Yuletide $gr.
.50; Ben, Cox,,`resurfacing, Mil'hee case read, the cajsb naw
-Sheppardtou School. dispensing, with Professors. Oh,,no, bring with tbemj.'n C. 'Allin, work $14.50; Win. . Whitely, road. work, being dismis4ed.
lernoon, in manded it Shall be held on *Jan. Ith c eaning ditch,
oAIY'tbe feeling at'the following Poll Places and the on culvert, $IM; Jag. Stewart,• grad, $2.50; -Chas. Herr, work and butts,• The business of the year 1993 being
MisS Lizzie Fester r has returned there must not be intorforenC6 with Of Dad 11 towards menp but 'the following r olticers in charge, return
1 lr home- to. Port Albert after 6penditq ing, $5,-, E. Pfrimmer, gra4ing,. $2.50; $19-60; Wrp.:,Long, •resurfacing, $17;, concluded the council- meeting WU_4
V 4t vested rights, A creed? the Bible desire to give expression io it by the ing officer, P. M. Young: • L. Maskell* resurfacing, $10; J. Zen- Amb; Vanst6ne, resurfacing, $39- dissolved.
few -weeks with'Mrs. Bert foster. left to each Individual's own ifiterOre--� giving of gifts to others. No season
e Hall, Benmil- king, resurfacing, �$22.50;
Last Wednesday. evening Ur Herpsy no more; Ro. I-TomperaneThom� TP.
and tati011 of the Same. of the year is looked forward to 'Wilfrid Jos. pson, grading, HK
with ter, . D. R. 0., Verne Gledhill., P. C.' Graham, �xesurfaciiig,MRS. HE THERINGTON,
'Wrs�. Edgar 04ughorty gave a supper I'Olcgated to the -by' pust ages who such joy as Christmas., Esp6eially is P. Cj. Walters. $12; R. Me- Brindley,,discing and shovellihg,.-$%
had tile light of our modern 'Cabe, resurfacing, $6; W,. G. Robert- is; C. Robertson, Salary as' reeve,
to a few friends, it being the sixth in ern times, this J-46 with regard to the young No. 2 -Temperance Hall, SaItford. son, sheep' valuating, $6; E. Holtz- $50; Jno.- Feagan, Salary as council-
of -their 'wedding. (Prom another cornspondmt) , It is certainly the greatest D., R. 0 IV. r Syraond - P. C. Geo. haUSOa,
Our neighborhood, too, will soon be ra;pli resurfacing, $6, Win. Jewell, for, Mr. 0- F5. Etratt has bee the year for 'men; and r
unable to rightly: pulford. $50; Jno. Graham, salary as
Morate the No. 3--T , ow resurfacing,. ifig,;10; Win. Uppit, resur. Councillor, $50;,A4ron Fisher, solar
entering, the excit mont of horse iioe-� attend Sunday s600l fo go, for does it -faci
C r a few week% not comme nship Hall Carlow. D, facing, $0,50; Ed. Maskell, resurfacy as councillor, $50; Hugh Hill, salary
Ing, Mr... Thomas Daugherty: having owing to, illness. birth of One whose life and example
We -tire. glad he Is, R.. 0., R.
)urchased Daisy Hal and Yhe'i colt, able tj be around Again, were to the greatest uplifting Wilson." son._ X Young. P. C., Frank as councillor, $50;,R. M, Young, Sol -
rove . big Over known? it NO." 4
liet patch. force and stamps, $170; Xrk. Obther
xe,ehoolho&e IngtA
)�i,, balance salary, postage late
te telephone exchange, $70; Fred. Mug -
The MOthodist. Sunday School in. i$ also the great day of the Yeor for 0., Edward. Shaw. 'I
tend holding their entertainment on the Uniting of the fa aw. C., Hugh,Chis-
the 28th zest an the family, which of.. holm. 1 1. 1 .. .
Forresterst Halt. ten scattered during the rest of the Do. Yiur f bris
51r. and Mrss. Shackleton were In Keep that datL, 1 aS -ford; teaming, *2,50,* Rich'. Mitchell
t n mind. ' Everybody Year, Cbristmas-m-wliat hallowed The following accounts were Pus- the drain rind Work, $15.90; Willia
Goderich ene day las weekk welcome. % 1. in
nd Finnigan was in Goderich memories Sed and' ordered paid: Win, Them, • Young, discffig,� $3; Ezra' Viehqr,
S rd The beautiful mild weather is vory. morles Of a time when, perhaps, the and gravel, .$6.35; Win. ere sheep killed by dogs, $9,50;
utu ay Ovening lust to See SftfitW much appreciated by all. Fowler, road work and gravel, shopping H William
Raymond Me a cluster about that, day, me. road work a
It is hoped fllmiLy circle w ol, $IA.- Craig, drawing
Claus. as as yet unbroken- forms 2.60• R. M.
mother, sister, brother al $5" Wm,' $allows, discing and grad- 'NOW 83 'Y'in -45;� Allan
that the. sl�knoss which has been pre�, father, Young, yds!
'Mr. and Atrs�r Sam Sherwood viq1t. valent in this vicinity .vin soon abate gathered ing; $7.50; Lee Potter, grading, �5; AND gravel, $12
about the Yule -log, the very
on., Sinx Goo. Horne, gravelfor W. W. boun- We liare a, eiiolco_,vtc1cty of nbe..
0 friends up north of here and ther Children. and their parents be Atmosphere seemed. to breath kindly
day last, dory, $95-20,; Hill's Hardware, sup- All Gifts lit
able to enjoy their Christmas. thought. and good cheer, Now, may- That Jolly. Old
There seonts to, be quiio, a lot Of SeverA from Aubuirnl�attended the hap, father and plies, Star,,rprinti
mother sleep in the ng
land and st%res changing hands "White Gift" chdrelt-yard beneath the sod; brother ads. and statement, $47.50; MuniX, Peautiful trameA Art Pictures H
fall, by the t lk of t "P4!"OwWi"94-Al1,
-lie people. Methodist church Sunday night. ties "TO Flander's Flolde, whore ijo pat World, $7.41; Thomas Sultuary, Nitery . . I
Miss Alma Blake returned home A similar service will be held in the 'Pies grow, Yet we, at' this season, Wilson, selec ing"jurors, $3; William Smiles In Chuckles
JaSt week from visiting friends at Methodist Sunday School here next trwure the association of those fiap.'Straughan, b9leep Valuating, $3, Jag. camile Stick$, vages TO RENT or
This Ch
Kitchener, . Stratford, Parts -and 5landay morning at 9.80. This Is a PY days long since -passed and gone. Jewell, repairs to grader and Scraper,,
Btantford. special Offering toward the $2; 'Howard Feagani gravelling and FOR. SALE get Tben Atoh
Aflision. 11*0 should not ferget at this se SeA45"Bl$g, Fancy Spx*!At� At
Quite a lot getting wood cut this ary Objectivo cr the S. S. those homes"hundreds, nay thous.. grading, W. Wawanosh boundary
$300Varner Walter, r,
of r JJ1OM_JrOra which the Strong 1^k Some very it
$car around Greve. They ore pre, rands resurfacing an ttraetive priepr4.
]DUNGANNON right arni of husband and father was gravel,. $10.35; L. Christlow, �Zravel- tie. WILSON'
ling, $8; Rom Taylor, 9 loads gravel Holly 2XJ Mistletoe CAM&S
The court of revision will be held snatched in fighting for your.froo,,iom on W.. IV. r 1 10 4W
'a �kglislt blamer Sets
in Dungannon on Saturday, and Inine- So many homes 'bounds $18" GOO. Pea. Now Iltsigm a eONFECTIONE
I Who ratepayers are reminded of loss that cannot be forgotten at this•gun, '16 loads gravel Ott IV. Wawa- 'Prices I just right for . you -The O. F. CAREY&SON
'the Annual school meeting to be h6ld dving our gifts nosh boundary, $34; Goo. 'Currey, 13
festive season. In &
lit the school on Wednesday, lot its not le unmindful loads gravel on W. NV. boundary, . $26; 1 shop where gifts 0ound, Phone 290 114senle Temple Wig,
Perh4ps, in this time of Such$ who A Good, road superintendont,*$104;4
stress 126th# at 10 0. tn. Lot oVeryone.t%tra and
out and make it an interesting meet. sttain to make ends. meet, are denied Goo. Ryap, gravelling, $8,i Jag. Fen-
ing. even the very thing.,; to keep Dan, gravelling, $14; Jna. Smifh's
out and ttk�
Mrs. Win. Shackleton 'left, tome gravelling, $10; Ed. Itardy, grading,
time ago to ell Oya,80 page
10 $6; Jag. .140lKni'tht, gravelling, $30; Art and nast Street -
Joy a short visit with
C. Allin, driswing gravel and tile, ift Store ph
Iter son in Toronto# after which she COLBORNE $19; Henry Matthews. gravelling,
Will Proceed to Druce Mines to spend Ang TA Some time with her sister, Mrs. Me. The following is the report for the V4; Chester McPhee, resurfacWhinnoy. 11 term, f the, pupk of S. S.No.fa and gradin&`$17.60; Ross McPhee T Hn.USEFUL GIFT
Tha �services of Miss X Durtiln, of A. Colborne. Those marked * were resurfacing *pd grading, $18.50;
St- Helens, have be -en, secured to fill absent for some exams: Sr. IV.- Charlie Moore, gravel and resurfae- is USUally the gift iftost appreciated, whht more useful
the vacancy caused by the resignation Lucy Hardy.. 70; Alargarot Allin, 78; ing, V2.90;, Oho. It'lowler, gravel and
66r. Jr. IV.__W11JnJe present can you thinly I e
Of Aliqu 0. M. Tichborno, who bita Willie Treble, I ro-surfacing, 19.65; Geo. Million, re- ink of for Mother. SiSte t! W'f
hQt1n teacher in the junior room of Millim, 66; Wilmer Hardy, 65. surfacing. $11; Tom Gilders, requr. then a pair of nice, cosy sllpf)ers, or spats; or if lie has
Dungannon public school for nearly Sr. lit -Peru Theta, 83,- Douglas Pea- facing, *7; X; MeLarty, resurfacing,
four years. 31tiss Durnin's dutios quit, 74, Arnold, Allin,'65. Jr. 11r.- $22,!50; Goo. Feagan, resurfacing, these, what about,a, pair of Goloshes?
COMMOrwo Jan. Ord, 192A. *Christine Rolicirtson, 18; Frank Al. $22.50; L. Walters, gravel, V3.55; C.
DV A%,J w6rk on Culvert, $2.54); Robt.
A series of runaways has been tale. 1111, 17, *Rog. Allin, -01. it. IT:_--�thr. Me Ij Father always likes to get into his slippers at
MILI Eja,,, Ing PI3eO recout!p One morning 4:13ret Mitchell,' 60 Mildred Million, lian, tile 6 it 11.5 in.,
J With chlistmrO not far. last Wfel, Mr. t Rivars, horse broCe GG; Lillian Ryan, GO; *Roy Allin, 11; 11obt. Hetherington (culvert tile), night, and will think of you eveey time lie puts Ott the
%*sy to "tear n"lagestZens May front the at the post vCharli6'Thotn, C)a;r (%arlie Niftholl, $24.75;-Jno. Tabb,*oik on eahroild. pair y a Will give hint tills Christmas.
0111Ce and took a run around Dr. 51. L-Ev'01341 Million, 81,-, Vora $7-, Goo. Ua*,ttet,,,:,rt!sdiftiellilt.,$7.00;
Vao% block. Air. Rivett succeedid Clark, T& Sr. Primei-Blurray Har. Alex. Bogie, resurficing, $�G; Win.
-'ucli A
-1t,nqJt tant oa,-Mafa at-4tv, '.5 suriv - Trr tieLy. pf pra
t; 'Clifford At. ; , - , 0 '.. ., I
4rj �,cqwid -rX7,"antald Allin Cook, - rp- 1w $5, !6g, Hna;� 44�
• Then 0. .0. Jr. Primer -Georgina, Ryan. Ave in Stock, Ilocke�'Shoest "and, Slippers -for
seawn. Comgo 110tvers Ilf"In horoo - becaute frightened by in. 48 U. It. NtaeQUADRIni, Teacher. ter, resurfacing, $10; Terence Hunt- all, youvg and old, Moccasins, Shoe Trees, etc. Call in
I a Tuerday. 51r. "t resurfacing. $10,, Alex. Horton
vellso Dag�-, all Pb6wiqe,, the
�hqftq droploing, re-%urfoeing, $10; Andpow Bogio, gr1io'
Air. D do'*'u onto it' The tnunicipal council met 0,10 vel. avid resurfactog, $11; Fred Mug -
hit however, soon had
HATS FOR THE YOU ate sure to find something here to help solve the
a.; In. Dee. 14th, au per Ptatule, all the foid, cleaning ditch, $18.25; O. R. problem of
GO,), Taiwi Ili bfl,�,bt members present. On motion of Mr. Forrester, posts and resurfacing,
color4, wadcratelv unlecd Hill and Mr. Graham, the ininute% of $27; Bruee Grigg, resurfacilig, $14- HOLIDAY SEASON:
Ooveniber meeting wcxo adoptM as 50; Earl 'Blake, resurtheing, $14;
041164TWa 114t% ama IMA All VC11%:0 fiats S6110 Ireduc-61 and WHAT TO GI VWAPW
Joshua Allin. building fence and re- -se' have 0, vatioty to chow'C' Vow. 13cunt-ts at. 16(tedt On motion of Mr. Fe3gan and hit. flurfuelnq, $20; Harvev Snyder, to-
r U R IDIal R I S T M A 'a
IrAham, the five per cent. additional aurfacint, $14; Levi Snyder, rester - NEW via -WINTER NAU IN
On 00%0 'UnPA141 WaS suspended for facing, $�5.50, Harry Sweet, 11.15 yd_
a SILVER AND 1101101
Y4K INSPEMON i's PHOTO FRANES the 15th. A. Atrauglzan, rpsur-
.110yed by Air. Graham, nee-onded by facing. $11.1 Aj�,o a SCICCAIOU Of ChTIMM34
�W � �f ?I 1 15., Will. McPhee, fixing
4 CMAUY INTO Mr.. Fesq&n. that 111slaNt No, 10, IOU, Culvert. #3. Flotcher Molter, rosur- Gv,41,11%
ad L*r0i0s. llo�(, HARMAN'S SHOE S" E
24. vmrfae "g. jabfyca4. 11
till Jan. let, 210 The facing. Sqo.�,#5, JVm. Hill, r I
$4,50., Will. Vilesloy, requrfseing and
SMAP SKOT CALUDARS "Y""v w t,4. .1littE wq and Ci1q.
Nits Ifievicar. On Of Mr- Hill and N11' Rradil*, $21,25, A. Nu*ford, work sl�pp V'SE4 - ublit, %0;� have a W. REi;. SAq"MAN
lipjottA $1. 0 1"isllev- the in5ttuetNI cn read, 4145,N),'J03. Hugford. rcsur- �C7(CtEua to 01M�e troth,
1110 . b) -put "in ttem" all blotio-isi ho irv:� facit�q. $10,, David llithl*do, resur.
J. T. ML cehto�!, intended for the D. c, 8., •but. fAcing. tla.tyo. B11MI MOOVI, Goderiell, Wilt.
-a lazclt oats rsir-nt are mderki 'tWith� facing, 410,; Harrp Walters UNIVERSAL VILLINERY
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