HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-12-13, Page 8V%A 14%
�r�► «� �►,,�,,` 4 -10t Dal in the January blri.,w., I "What our girl*,, imtitutc3 arc in of a wouiw public vpiftion brn"iff 'Co •• r
• til i1 W �I+Insw a. -elYa ciet Marketing!' t'v-r� Ow x suit to ttxe <,owararawrat to compel tl 'lfNw rWt art +recto tairr owe • E
Re sac•caxrlrt it<rraa lily t4rvat:hip rt aakiinit-' Report* frrvna a�ar`,•s:raat of 1tat�alAtaaut thraagth tftse %r°aaula inttitaatt, abi+►a marketing aatleaanaa
t Hilt lalaritag rete taianuRaaetareraa Of waraolleta Soo& to tims Isar that of thy� iaaa ebbor or sim.
« +>.�, braatle crraarty read rias€ scam jaanior branches mere gitieli404 sh' '_ : wi► M local probleaw were studiiol, rcwds in starsge until a flood msfkit Aerie on their gcwcl, the pouceritast aployer.
ONCE 1, OR. a ia,ranxcrtwl dt-ain, we rr:t4tnsa,enrl eel that as splendid workis la;<ing ear•�tlarauagh the De nowntr Of Agricul•'ga+rwooat," itself. wart tcylayf to control of vu�iss wool rorletiod therein. _V. ;1 ...atla±tlt atavic tiyiaasi�r.. )ilii -
acs .... T -. �.._�� thraeae (i is
r n fiHaat these sacra Ata iaaart• meat on by these carttai�a.atioraa, whi�hatut ,front whir lettureraa were sent lila` atatrtrlaartar= She felt it woauenar in-
n �x�5 .�.,�� �,'cxr tc�r. asre tae�Yott Ulf �ai�
fa,,,;,, 1•a �;?.r: ^, a tass.Y c. Z23h; ray. a Rd Qlaiiri of Mr. AlcFwaan for $8 beoidesdonating to thu usual Ca )),I out and courses given, aatitutao would take up ro•oporsative several awloctiosas on the Paaaaao. it nee"saryr' (t) xs k fie' (_) IS )t .
cr%i (11371 da;t"a a ,` s)-,:'�s rusectauc+ i CO Sc 421aragcs s Tastgincal at by road we are' daring. mucic 'towards' tear social fir. 'ttadge Macklin, in her address, markNtiaaatf that it would move years,of Nomoka Junior Institute* ten coni.. carr, slot atnythiatt that has harr'as•
a, rat:c ,•rasa, a^ t• 0i a:;:ar at%av ice 'leer.+;aarucnd that the satnp.be•:psairl,' life of 9iae eotrrnautiita fVOintwl oast the treed" that the um.�atro tliaW to bring because ntandmannis:
n it about, ilia Thou shalt sqt roust thy
1>uu rvh:lb i¢ ria ti eciQ r Ro c-laim of P. J. Lnswor-th for tea tea ci'ening�Ali>aas Etraily' 'itaestiverAty filled by its lecturers, which it would be sure to come in time, as L Thorn shalt not make, dress thy neighbor's beau, tiaou "t not cop*
day, nwa to car We zecQi,a, reiad agar ace gave a taut on The essentials tin wear Hct onby source' Of inforaniation it was the only means by which the thief thought. "e neishbor's c•lo0ws, swr icor >:i�.=•
bs �on4, fn .as t.aa - faxvo'b ,zx alaan .tion, wotneu'a irt3tituto wrack;' able said but guiales for future vducat`o%n farirtor could swore sa fair -proportion 2. Thou shalt culticate� the' habit uree time, nor her Jey�y, twr• Lor
^a, -tae s,sa eara4a,ca aux ata, 1« %lea pro, Do clams cif Chao. W. 1151listaau fe, tbi6 brands institutes are not wotit-u Throuith education, she said, ` w'e of the,pricaaa "paid, by the consumer. of Punctuality. car, nor asyithirag that io laete.
h3rela. rachitae coughtng. darJ,ogcs7 to car on tile,.Dayiteld goad';• tin's Clubs but are something set np . tt;av enjoy not only the beauty of the "So. many things bean be done it the 0. Thou shalt not make fun of tbyr.
on tt«d fiat syr s of is edict or za encs i-c�cornmend car action. or pro i as scientific
nd suite ynfrc y the ��$: but they beauty of the presen�fzarm people are organized. At the club, for the club will not hold her ���i�Ai � CONSTIPATION
aot.Sh as a br:t9cataw lar.lYeel"s 14cz idarara claim
rafcominend no action, inali nx'anal community building, aandlor flat, chance for ttheAhapp ngreat.f ramming several resolutions were pas• h 4QzaMe itetnembermthe firs and t' aati obi
#� t seat third. oat rrato�l rase #areal ,rpt
way 1�en, fi rti�r ttsaa u, r. la0ry quickly w Be grlalnl of t peels k't+ley 'or assts- that it isi tt movement first is beam-? the individual, brut at the same time, ( A resolution iron, Lueknow branch Tueada3' to keaap there apart. All. relief thrcrrala the was of :ROy's Owls
done trawl+lea ti."all o°urala ~ar. ' n s to buggy or, Dunlap IIRII tt�a rc> nine to spread over the world. The alae greater is the resirnrtsibility to War* ,*sled requesting the Depart. Other nights shalt thou spend as thou: Taat►t�ets. Tho TaaMotar so a wild but
t first branch in the Diatiart of Landon xnezearie the happiness Ot' ethers. nient Of Education At Toronto to have desirest, but the #lRztt sued third Tues. thorough laaxa.irar rrltich aaarnar ,aril era
Tisa 4 a°et= tela a'«3a a:a�p l"baJ ?lrosalk, gcotniwrenel too abtiaia, .• was started in the 8014 and it has de- Thursda
�? za„ rrr3¢rs;r-11AVo havo r; ed Dr. no communication from the Village y morning Airs.: Q. J. selected portions ref the 'bible taken u days are the nights of thy club. .its seam elate th+t ba,rsrele safest lat�aaaoh, thus
. , , of Luclartow re roud south. of the vela veloped spbeudidiy. The institutes Ward
Presided. Airs. Stover in public and high schools as liters. it thou ,shalt stat pretend a headache,: drivlrtgo:ttco u" a anal iridtii�t#iama,
1fia�.J a Jllazrray i'irar9 Syrcria ar cry 1a e live rccomirend that tho on,�lrr* Oxbst by the art of i'arliament, and spoke for at few minutes on rile i'xP> tore and history: and that portions be tear make foolish exruaaee, for it takes tc!1a18 deet ata lexetrl. Colsanzlstta�
" ittetael to same. it is the n4ily organization of its, kind sent X#WFs� and Possibilities In miff-, mead ciaelr morning without nate or l►ut a fever hours and thou shalt surely thunr Urs. txaFpsrat DrKiatlo. ltenurtr,
minter Aoco wo cuane .o Cataad'a anal co thus does, and wps r uo,. rs. "Baby's .(Irirn TaaialaMw
*nd it the tar:�t, we eats it for cal As :a rlpim of Mr. McTai ga,rt of Mss Posted by meta bre- tote Work, rhe impressed the im comment. This �awras'Q, Prompted b be rewarded with what thou ahalt R
' aa2a3 €•ata ts, It •east sea?no to bbl thn b,aine township regarding damages fora: W0114ct, had the vote. The jtoxtatnc6 Of women exercising their 'than lamentable ignorance of the bible. get at tkY meetings. have bsedna of great. beriolit to my )two
it 1 branch institute bearsthe same rets. franchise. Not only was the Iron, as shown by tests airtong pupils and p. Honor the club members andItiousudiniligeptiou.boF, wito was sugoring two eorsalpa=
i Pa to +eat; we lea°cainnrend no art"unti• ThoyquI01yra-
tt tenet edceeoalH, 1 He motion• cif' Mcssra• • Gaelger .and tion to ;the Deppartment of Agtfcult- ciilso a right aand a Privilege, but it as the bible its the foundaton for Its dertaaands .#hat-AllY days maay Aer
a lai"eku W C -0a a,lato t: sat sr4M It urs that the public schools do to the also entailed a serious y, ,n which Christian citizenship sand the :iehooI . Bass a vaalt ed and loved member. ; lior•ed L#rai and na v lin is to the bf st cc
Tipling Rear a grunt of $d,1 iii we re- , health. The Tablets are "Id by
t.ca:¢Cit3aly' is u 9M omforful modirixre." coal Q ad• that too action 'knee taken un. Department of Education and has cer• the women were ebarg w tit the re, is one of the chief ageocief in train- to d. Thou shalt not -use slang nor uealaa R r lav TUX11
. taro .duties to fulfill before it'receives s nsibilityr aif giving close attention in citizens and developing character. guage by inedicint« r o tit 1 rat.i5 oatsla
til thu tiiillarwa s Depcartnrent Acus Po murder the English lan cal box fro", the ivilliatius` liSetlicirast
price .tie, s bottle; loris family ✓ it's Government grant. The two big- to the political affairs of the Gauntry*,; itgrvas left that ,religious study should speaking improperly. Ca.Y Tfroel Ville. pat. .
CO.-.; nut rt only b The T. Ati1•
been 'cnnsnited, it ?. Thou shalt thaatilc beautiful `
p y S" :.our committeo recommend aortia gest things that the. Institute •was and then votin with the bleat judaa. have as mote important lace on the
__.. tulata._ g. I,imtiteal. �a'Oaanta C)nt<. imltr>a�ettactat"u1a retia no. 1:j, 1l K11- doing she felt to b tea 1i,11,roving� of ment of which they were dapsble.Curriculum. � thoughts, refuse to listen to a .thin Law kept, Is only law; law broken,
- lolls, at Orlovq sc bridge, the women themselves and the creast- Mrs. Glenn, of li'ensall, spoke ori ,f On F asked that a re_tdmmendation impure• uyl is both Taw and execration.
(0ontinue°d from Pine ill)
..-!Ninth Annual Meeting of womens 4t-•
s Institutes �f �trefitanrn t)ntaxio Dear " a=
.;ed tea aseertaiaa lila; wishes of
iso lastitute Addresses and Ask for .
Isalubton and hiiddlescm, with"a view t$sae or the aible in public and
to having the b+ridgo made passable., • Illgh Schools. a
Tile bridges an the, Middlesex-Step-
ht.n boundary everts examined sled it � �'ha fdllorvang is the report. of file ,'
,vas found that the'aippraa.•aehes to the, 1V'omeit`aa Irrsitituto coliventipn held in '
rcaud creek bridgo and the Aux Sou• London given liv bliss lleis bleA.l.
Tial lith'DA Y. DWI 181►, 18f1 .
blo bridge required to be widened. f Tistaz, of St: Augustine, at file lest ! �''�a jt
Small repairs were found neces. , meotins of ,iia Dungannon �Yatneia's' at'! . .
g '
r Colborne's,
teary' to same 'bridgr:s On the C,Tsbaa'na•*- institute.. i :. '
Hibbert boundary and on the Uat.. � The ninth annual convention'of theX.
17crrna-Tor fltierstitaitlt boundary. The ; wamen'sa Institutes of Zt'estea'n tan.
?ti" „
i.. torr sanitreanches to, illrtcis, n3 brirjga . stn the lurid ruse lucid in the lliasanic 'Tem- r � . "•, _ .
1TrlCilloli-1101iett bcttatdaay should bas: p1a, ,I.andpn, -oft Nov. t3tit, 7th, 8th: Good ' STORE. "
Eaidoacal and Balla bridge will t•e- ` Tuosday morning tite delegates
�'�lexe �„iiuod Goods
altaira to taew hoot? its lJM4< . rvhre.registered :end provided with bil- , Are Cheapest - .
Tlie Hohnesville bridge and the lets. Tuesday afternoon the meeting � " '
Are �h�aple
.�irmnterhill btddfire were rauininerj ' Opened, with life president, ;)ins• tea.
Land found to be, in goad repair, Vdwards, Rosmoka, in the chair, Af-
On July 27th 'thee committee • met: at, ter the singing of , the opening ode, ' a
Wiligham and examined the county ,Alrs. dortards ave nu chart address s
j D
bridges .in the town. • 1t ryas decideek; rafter which biles laurel Robson hath twn� heave ccrtar,i rawpa,;a�s tnaalesto the sante. intarrstiztg tltinjsto sa 'itboutx QEth» . 0e r
aarutlt srltltranrla to hivaI{enxie bxarlgc+; rate -payers Oita trustees, contrnencT»' "
r las or # .
Whi{ It have been tarried oat. by Mr. ,, hig those groups to . the aod-will '�
`T°i»ling• ' and eat}olrera'rtlon of the institutes. G*ftl
w'i'Ve examined county brid es, tan titae ,'"We have found the only wary 'to "h o Of our Bruee-Turnbaerry and: the Dr ce�7�lorv. funntiori in the peliaals is to win `the h .. d
ick boundary; but found then, to be co-p,parotion of the tr.'usteon.J$"'Tho
its good condition, teacher lea 'tile chief factax fn the �I I.Y., ...._ .. moi.., . I..r _--•r �.,..._._
Alirhel Acidic an the biawicle- furn- � school.y.l
..And ' every teacher must `
bciTy. boundaa.;f required a now :hook have lased a mother' so .it is ;"u to'"
s , a► •
� ;:, � ,: •
and fir« ,"alanttun rvaraa authorized' to �tho tnatitors to sec tbazt life taosstble. liana Haas darty. teachers of .the future aro filled with S, ►+ l '1 �S for la ,1� t C LtS Day'
Iaay's bridge at Wro' xeter and Day. noble" idents. i, r
tsar's on the I1'arrirlc-..'fSrulltaaea borai,drtr The reports from the ditRexcant as - .: ,:.. .. _ . ..... ... . ....:. ...�.,:... ..:... .... ; ._ .�...., , ....... .. .. ,, ; .
lvoro-firiind to bee In Mod ca d r .
.� t condition. filets rvra ;roil a on the .y,ror;ram. r,
i s ,lieinia.tlrey boundary sotncY:]te tivark included work from librsix-
Gott ttrer s .ill: dol ;
s°cpPauira rvarr+r found necessary to feet, leg;- cemeter$es, hospitals.' children's " `
oa►11en lovaes Pinto vers) a nd
zayrprqurhrs 'of live bridges aced tile. shelters, etc, Ili ' one brattish the
Cash mere Hose
Brussels bridgetvats in iietd.of tt ecru rnc,ribrx put ant eet,t: tt n bat ve Lean. itis Swe' aters
P g.e Childretlas All 4Vonl-Casllllere
i Scor, time it rained our s owed. .:Another s ;
c Xb eery bridges; were found, branch taxed a `'�T�ollen ` loves ,.T'lillocers and.Swearers 411 .001
i; und,neres zany x. are otic that was late ,. 46.8le,: in Black anil Crean, sires G and,ltiltts :for ,. , .
' auAi;V immediately .ulthoua;ia; it, is ex• 5c. ,1Vailkertoii tai.rd their baichel•; - i1 ad z
Misses and Kiddies in blacl� re T e b Pen s for Misses :and
4 to .�, 2�� �. parr.-,• , � ,� � r �
k •s y • )sated that: a, small bridge-�►wi11 be ro„ i cars, Apron c+nntrst-�Datelt one tnAlte : ,,. r , .
rpurred in 1924 , on the Ltsbor an Apron, and ter n a t i ,.: Lthv an�3 �vtllte9c a Sir; . Ildd:tes, $2.49 each. ,y
y ne Ilib p d n o certain date , y r l?
r bayrt bounditry:.. the mer; were invited and were as1:- 3 , . f' . #
,ad reg C'natnotsette
C:aad;Rasdra C'omtuisarlatt '` Ysed to Judge the aprons, aind which �+ T r Ladies A Q v a
t • k ever' one tlieyy .tlzaugltt the best thea* a7 L' ai : L � _ .
» ov yt
1, es
:lee Grad ltocnds f'otratrilssion re .vete to put 1r)c.in the packet. ,
.4rttcles youcan Ata f : r ; Cfl�sItifi'[e re, hose
-, f I i•rted. :, t After this session the' delog6tes v.. , Y 'Van
an y u $OZ.
Ito motion of Dr. U. ,t, Milne, sand were entertained set Sillallmaan & 1n• Ladles Chanitazsette Glosses. ln, 'l�rpa71'Scarf
s. Fancy Linresl Centres. Ladies ' All Wool. Cashtnera4 .:
abS,`. D. etyrinr,. re dangerous point oil ' l;rarti'ri• During the . banquet' aiand ov , , s I
a 7EMraaa : , Y, , Gauntlet style, Colors. anode Fancy Collars F' iso-,
r 3 �..:„
3 d i ii. fl,,+ve retomntend ,}tat ire-.ening• session tile. "London Ladles }.,. a . able Inti Hose, grey, black, browq and
re.ssnry repairs be. mndaY . � , i t7rehrstrtt...plsay'ed. brotv'tt and'grey, Regular fix,-• � r Hers. Hair Ribbons,' _ - ,. .
r y g 5 5, R. ons, STIR Middy biege, These are wonderful pal,
rn iiia>tinn of rilessila. s tttta'n an 11r. Puttnun ,ryas; the first s ealtci t
nirlis Te road ae , a tit h Y, i► fox, $ .39. Ties, j3oiudosr Ca .s: 1 s_f he
the 1§linr� I,alze, �6e= t e eveninr; srsoron. The snare. �. �. t e tic t nlaney, 7JsM �a pair, � ,•�: . :
W(lowift =nd that the roitd be'improv. s oitjcrt of ,lie InNtitutes is to brines to ,,,, „
cd at-onve, arta that the roar; be rids••. the rural distriatx the advauta,es-�-�—�--�- --- -�• �-"-"� .
�.: Cal ,n tiler ti,erintinte wisesever it Is inn t that makes for • thedevelopment, of A
A danacrxons condi( � ----
. A . • - 1 - +;;
tion, ( strong citizenship rand -to rotect the ' !' "+
lice tnadt'idn of Alrssr s. Miller and .youth. of tite rural sections from the r ... 'Put.
}}p e
ll.anlcy f•a;r a rant of destr tive Dont Lose Th"s 'Price .List i ut.. l �n h P --. < ] t1a
g tii1GG,G7 rn lite . >ir Prartires which 'tun cont- , . U 'Se will Sive Y .." ��
taRvtt `ref Clinton for who 'coittpletio'n •.utatily ttsstafn 'ta larger Centres, but s
gree sat' lite tdnnecting link ire t•rrornntend vvlticlt are now:lug .into rurale •<-----,—.— ,. '
a , theft th* ' p
dant be madea_.und;th4t za it�Y•,. ltfr', The WanYen's institute is' ttia .• '" Y
naw be Passed iteder the. nighwo Itit„ 1,reat itniversit far' rvoirreii. a /' �►)
ltsnttratrent Act to that r !fact. an education ill food andclothing,,H re i& y ld:riStMas , V 401 5
Pea ttiotion of Messrs. ulcer and 11OU81itg .unci health, #n home eilitien-
' Handkerchiefs r r. a�CC> rfi
:ale C uatd that a supplementary grant ;Vin,, ruff h methods and equipment tends
We are „ howin;g a splendid . ,
Ire made to the villages of Brussels, + award community betterment.
j : , r..• . rwar recommend that the It is .;a, school for, - • .
,. gratnt be . o {",,iorvr► ape, the Beautiful Swiss h a.l1a)tca3 of beautiful Gloves . in llrath •'. r� �,
itnzado ander an: agreement to -be on; a forcefulness and eilicione t S s m rCi2 e3 e(1 Very awagger
i r of .which K Xid, Silk Scarfs in
tcr+ed into between the corporation s not •gen�xallyr appreciated, and stir Hancl> erGillefs, and a n ' a 170N, ,Skin; and P.K. F.rench, Xid, in �:
' a a +oaf tite village and the you p students, tare batt i earning � t ' s'
cetyl. # , 1 l a meg and Te4rit 60c tea $2.00 a lsox.. short oncl gauntlet length. • s ripe and, cheeks,; fitlisl z d with „�.r.
Ito %notion of Alesniv. of
and:; Ong' these things that are of value in r,
frin e, $2,Op to 5.0U°each. .
al:txalial that is grant nF $giJ4U betcrcry*daa respansibil,tiaa, The xi,str Have a large and: vrared ring
e, ice tiara town of eztfortlt for hitt- tato work is constructive building to. Ld iie5 t -ape and. ^ 111 ' a l i n eci a
choice -of Handkerchiefs frosts �� � r
pacaiveintent of eonnovting litnk we re. � wards the lrotterment. of the coin- - ,
eaaa"nmend that as thio work. is to be lniintty, Every communit. lists a to $I.3N each,. Gloves, . *2.00_anti $2.25 a pair. All Wool .S"caxfs and Silk s �:
t� * done' ziext y`ent', the matter, be left Problem and a need which no one Van .
Fine Linesia- Hasldkerchiefs tvi.c}1
carc�i for file January srssinn, 41041 with lbut the people of that dis Ladies' l�{ir trilnme3 anti tined and.Wool, $6 00 mall $7:00. l
y 1aa nnntton oi' 11x.': 'iililne fled lift. tries, and there is nerd' there of un. £tlliirtalda?ry . and `aaa c rornerS .at
Gloves, $6.00 az�d $`7.O1 a pair, a
lrnuglas, Haat tide council tttetnorirtl- a Paganis;atlan Hat to sttsatrg baisis. By» SOC S;iClx. •„�,,,` ,
ice the provincial government to an..6.1! rural hoille should be ecnnnnni»
.�yane the rvhnfla crest of I"rnvinciai c O:ally satinrl, ahysirtlly, heal#ltfnl sled ,
Highwayv; Te recommend iso action. g Mortally* Who�esorne. i
Ra Motion of 31esasr r, Coatis Rand Rev. A. ,t, Vining, general scare* +.
?ala•C�unid that the position of road era tars• of the Armenian belief Fund, Towels ` Linens
then gave us a talk oat how the Ar- ~
'�.b�e rye s
,s lila= title conressinrn of 'Lt:ibarnaY. north i a pl..
of the "lthames Road to rho north ,auenians had been ased.and how titase '►'
lttt:iidaxy of life L tutvnshi t etas b rtrph4na ileus* been iseurri arta
1 be Ona alar , . p ' All linen" Tsir�aask ZYolle Sets, with Napkins
f, nen l aslislsl. Tatcrels; 1hx�Fi, $1:311 hair. ro match, 2x.21 12.50 to 30, a seta
rd as nx rotttttry road, rya i°ccainrirrnd ° ed on filo Cedar 'trtula farm, near , ti (�� ,
r GeorgetOW14 During the afternoon ,
k elm* this road be 4ssaanr d as a County � Xtra heaV}. lu.i#la�n iiaxl]aslt Toeiels, xh v yrax lr,iiaen Damask. Table Sclrlaies:
cured and' flour; si by�lary be passed in ,,,nal avrning yule lead solos and read.
dauuary canlil"W119 this arthro. l ititn s: iYednrstia v ntnriiinr~ Axis $2.50 pair's $
'' 62x., 4.00 3'x2, $2.5r0
f _ lice ine�tioai of lliessa . �a*rb afetal Chapman met with tine girl$, of tile: , . T6 ' 6i C aril%' 7 c I
I1:uyea that tflant read iratna C'ntrull4 junior institute and Mr. I>atnarnl i,arge s{ta; 1".'lueu IDastlaslay_tv.eS, 2a:13c, . 3..
PtOtion cant01'1Y to the London. taraael' syrdlae to tflra outer deleg4tes rvito $3%X
.� .00 air. Lislen Serviettes, e broidered and, hesnstitcll•
j' Le» ttsattnted res n county costa, rd0 raw,r,ete there. ij . a (gone dozeu in <
bCa7! $6.00 al1C $7.20. «
caaianraaeand that lisp road be ztisryn,oil Tia flee 'rifterttctoaa 111; s Chapman Linen Cluny Lace, with Lined Centres in
C i u nu u cOutray read 'toad that•it bs, iii.. pre -Tided. and the, tin,0 t�a•as sltasnt aril y
.. a ax h "" vets oval and runner style.
�`. "Table .P`irrde ..Bal�ery"
Say "Table Pride*" Dreird-
akes and Pastry,
., �4�ry a ._�^, .3.t7I�, rr�. Eq.��c�-yi yq�a.. R-� t'�♦: t--!!a:��Iuiaa�-... .�•
Birth ay lead Wedding,gCakes
a a,31patialty
LiA'>x O Stood W"t s t*et
%3x16. li2.50 each
2OX24Y $3.50 each. ,
... .•II.
heavy Turld8hTowels, with colored borders,
in JaVers der, blue, pink autl yellow,, fro; i ,$JXO
Py r Necklaces
�[ �r�ii lrCiG�I�.�
I.b11Y. Mlrl-i�ii�l
to $3.00 a pair.
__ Beautiful Pearl '14eel •
Turkish '�`t��sois''�t tl k`ae lstis to suatayit
$1.50 a set. �
°lets iudestructible,Pearls,..
IS and 24 inches 1011 , in
��z�1Rl 15 111tYr t flu",ca�pt� �
u "{very attractive litwl, box
.Aisle than 'a lovely pair of
Silk k Underweta r
$5.00 araltd $7.05
I-lo5e, in Silk, Silk and
`luteol, Glove Silh, and
Botany Cashmere,
ite." '4 re". ouri Shin", GClt'a'ns, Step-ins -ins :1ud C`ani?aY-
With Ivory , fluished,
k�l. rnontlerfttl vrarset Of
<_ solos to Inat� h� in � 2xit >, lay fir; l r, a kt.<. <,
tsps to inatch base lxaudle.
. axil
s.rY . <.,. z , 'Smart
�>sbC��� `A "#..� ve'r� Sma<t
a Heavy weig i Cpope-de-ehine, i21sos, ill t' hitC
Gloria loth hand all Silk.
patterns up bd?'�5.00 pAir.
Heavy Silk llab frau Bloomers in ria v at'ia t , of
These are right tip to the
illinute and elle 'price
Here is 'l were volt got
shades, $3.00 a pair.
$3.50 to $liom
a large choice:.
This Store W 1*11 aOpenEV'4&orYL
rro l the 1a t ° to "''nthDec* �
Z +baa ra v_
Sa` ^ w C