HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-11-29, Page 9__
THURMAY, NOV. U. 1=3 .
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ImWtant Events Which Have , 0 � .
Occurred Wrin the Week� e-,-,� �_ I , e�__ 1. I I . , ..
I SUFFERING AND. NEED. � , , 111�1. __*� fill vour pipe I
of I of ibe uuo worwe Ilalllwalugs� %'are- lil� �, .
I - . V
. � __;#W��, ?
. I
I I I � Ilao, �, 1--�� __ a , .
� fully ('ouitlg ,,,<- I ..
. Miss Macdonald, Daughter of I ate.1"eter Macdonald, of , A It , I �
� ��� . I H40A IINW)r oad Atti-Al-livo MAW Or ' , � __ . ,, r. " W ,
I&I , I Perusal b� ti'm Iteaders ot 4:ur Wingham, Tells of the Desalation Wrought �,f% N-1- - ] �4 . �
, I � I - 'I , - iiiii
I MW = . � . I t"aliqo , By the, Earthquake '. � I I
� ISDAlk d . I I � 9 1 1
11 r � 1
S -P,8. tc,,tu Ktwx� '"13-ts, 11.11 DautocU , i . � 'A
greelm A 'CUT I
Is 'the finest uncolorecl ' . , I .
Cnv,�arzxl. ' k .1 I I I 11 I i "
I "
. tea procurable In the world. t! 5 overmn eg 0;4aholi.-,,,.� ki r�.luwwd Only One Industrial District Left in Tolov, Where She . 1i I
k. oWee. � I . I I PLUS I
superior to the best Japons. . Tr7 Ito slewlins Juriltive tea peints en New k Has Secured Houge In Which t6 harry . I I ...
� "I I I I � I
Stock Vxclaango. ; . ..
, __ -.-.--- ___ �- __ � _____ - � . on Her IV, ork I I � I .
I *"%""Who-W*^0Wft I . . VT : .. I
�� - � PrInce, (of wales fa to vii3it ISOUth .� I . $# . � .
1-witi11,1:1�%iAN 414�a Iaoxt yluar. I �� I
ill g Governuicut ot ljtalg�jila �,ctn ata- - (From the Piesbyterian ltceor* Miss UAC&"Wil ,vent to Japan a. . I A. , I& . !! I �
. Of the writcr of- this picture of hout 1903, as National V. W. C. A. � tsa&9 J .
W . . vomy-nine n;,�rjolia ,qtjarp la car. rain, stiftering and need, Rev. A. E. Sicetetary for Japan. " - .
bw id I - . � It . . � I
W W Ldil"k,oxporm of flour. Armstrong, our Forpigu Mission Later, she had a remarkable exptr- I I I
w 'Atternoon "'"' In "c"'011 � .1 � ___$ i
'Su'nday N �J I
N I .. y . I Itoyal Nwiter rair or.caa witla ree.: ,,�'ccretary, writes.- ience, which changed ber 6rcer. and _____..,__.
Eli * , sitteo then she for F&Vral I i - -_ - 1.
Im W, O. -.d nuintler iii vatriva. A a. Toronto Val, !
IN W SABEL UARrI. TOM. Goiforich, W. W United Staw-s -itipronie (I 4' 11:11W101r,11r.4mong pris. � .1 I Ify ",
I w _%, I . onrt lip- v Was Macdonald Is , years. engaged , � %�,
to Vi IIQI(:R Valldi%.Vr ,j& i'lli.n lah, ersity graduate, wbose father ww% -overa and In other social _� - ou �
. I viN ,d JaVt,s. I . at one time iln. M. P" and has raorqo�work In Tokyo. settlement - I .
.11 � . lt%�paratlou Co:�,ullw5iou to JIMA` latterly been postmaster in London, She is a remarkable, woman and I - 4 I
Saviour, sprinkle many nations; "men (v. ,Qlquiait expm,ko uu ubility to Pay. rq1ting a few years ago, and dying 11 1. I r6bour � � .
Frulitfut let Thy sorrows be; -12). "And there was great Joy in Tracu rmora i.6 hroi;k-a for i,000 1,vecut as a wonderful hold upon Japapese p,,�,-,'.�Ot I . MI 11A. .
By Thy pains and consolations . that city-" Christ bad said "I alit Yards' AV44 .at ('eMazi Y.M.C.A., I ly in London, OnU , Government officials, because of lier t " .
� . I I ,
. . mee with pris ' . . . . . . X A. * . . -.1.1.
11 1. Draw thp Gentilea unto Thee;� COX44,to'send fire on the e4rtwl. and -Tuxuato. , � I . I , . :.. , . .. I .1 11 r 1. ,.- , great ,influl .. onpra, (,�ire.. . � . , 1--i,j;. , cllkior - - ;
.. . I
I 'Lim r death sefitence. . f. I 0 1 1
11I.I(Inch snliorzL � L14, those undc § I I ri, . " I I I
Of Thy cross the wondrous story. , the persecutors thought by scatter- .szra(ford ail(; Rcaf,row botil 4111- 4� t , �,
I Lot them. -see Thee in'Thy glory .1 fire, they �would put it out - but in- Olustries. . , � -1 rw I
Jae it to the nations told; v-wAs ti� *,<-uro Alew In- She is highly estrenied by all mis. I 0 .
-11ng those that -were kindled by that Prove og 1). I Qbz%rles Mim(nau. newr,paper man, sionarles and ler work Is supported WN al , 1. @_ 0 Ell_� F, 0
� Amaclated Boards of Trade rXQUE. dies at Strattord, to the extent of $2,500.00 by our IV. V,f 0), , ., 7I � , � _ !
. � 11 .1 I
And Thy mercy manifold. ,,VAtead they just helped -to ipread it Provincial MaVaterK to uro Fed- � " V-1,12 a G Z;W
11.r. .__-1_1 . . king; � great rejoic. ed ot bemg;qxrayt�.J Ity prJ%aw.powvr - pral aid for agrie%Iltit Al. S." th - 'k � �. -) n ,� . . I *'� , - I
es are wm and so give, occasion for ro.% . . Ough she Is not directly un . I I t . , . . �
. I Saviour, lo, the isl I - Ing. The spreading of the gospel in I InLereats. 1. der their control. � . . . . . , ...- i "(% 414 1, .
Stietched the hand and strablec' , King of Spain reporta *'highly sat- . " 1^ 0h 1
Prowhir Ilal,dwln 1P L,audon I Ik,fa(,tor3,vs, You mity have seen the remark. - . !_A . �
the sight; the world was prophesied of in thd lntvrvie%� ivith 11ope, 1. - - - . I �
SpPUCh klerClIti,i G0V(TTIJnf#t*5 policy I Preuch Canadian - cattle inalio - 112D�011 .
"'Old Testament as the diffusion of joy I able book -Which she Issued "A Gen. � ;
For Thy Spirit, new oreating, or prote0loo. ' tlenjan In Prison," which Or, John -- �_Alll . -
I aniong the nations. '10 lot the na- I good showing tit Iloyal winter FAIr. " __ - ,
Love's piil-o flarne and wisdom's light. I)raw is amiounted for flfth quall- , Intail, stated was more. fascinating t,
Give the word, and If the preacher tions be glad and'sing for joy; for Lake Yacht Racing ABsoclation ne . __ k
fyIng round of 11higlish 4moclation "Los Miseritbles.11' That is a . .11 . A ,
,. - thou shalt judge the) people light. , 101.14 regatta tuay be hold ;A Soduo. than 0 1 . . I 11 .
. ,
.9,peed the foot, and tguch the ton soccer Clip 13erles. true story of a desperate criminal, --- � . 1. I -_
gue, . cously, and govern the nations upon Dominion Gorernmont will got 11 .Nx. Y. � I . — -_ _ - - _ __.. - I . - I I I
Nventworth County Clyde stallion who, through reading of the Now 1. . I � V- 111111111111111 I � � _____ I . 111111110 . ,�
� 11 �
Till on,eavt1i by every creature, earth. ,(Pa. 67.4). The gospel of after 36,000 radlol,auz who base not Wins chailip .
Wary to the Lamb be a . Christ Is "glad tidings of great joy P, louslilli Alt Royal Winter Testament, given him by Alias Mac- .
. � I . (A - ue&x e . " to all people" (Loke g.10). aid license �et-& . I i Fair. . I � donAld, became an earnest Chriatia'a —�------e-�--��-'-"--�'��-'--�-----'-"-.-�-'-'-�----'--�----4"—.' 1
� I . . and do, much, ani
I : I I ) In his -nu,lt -Again4t his ,14cp-mothe-. l"askatelle-ivan (10,operative Meva. I before his exe0vt1on.11 etc., has motbing rentaining. Seven: to gather then% . .
' , PRAVUR Verses 14-7. Tho Particular Mission Itlefutril CraXcr, 4r_ loses in Ireland ;tuy reports n(at protito of Nlr. Macdonald, to whom, the, ,letter wards of the' City am, detiiolislied, with the whole flalmllly�aawcll. - . . i
rZ� � :, . ,of Peter and $ohn L but 04s in Now YorJ�.- . . tor Coulln . * 4
Alinighty God., who:'-tbrough the $442-1212. Is written, Is Mr. J, K. Xae4�;ald, three partially"tio. and five Unscathed .
.. Philip bad been wonderfully used W4.iitboond Scandinavian steam- I , . I . � 1.
Apostles of Thy Son Jesus Christ -, Big crop fit Wcst -will boost mixed of Toronto. . by fire, but of courso. no place escapi., rrison walls Nvem laid gat, but "a I
didst spread abroad the knowledge of by God as .in evangelist. There� had slilm v-411 dovit at Hallfa,x, N.S., On , farming, ilceittres Hou. W� X Mr. Armstrong further *rites:- 04 010-0arthq4tAke- .. I "prisoners attempted _'to eseane I alit I I .
',his death and resurrection, grant an- been a great in -gathering of con- aeeoma of tower rall fares' , . , Motherwell. ,1� I . 'Wr. J. K. Macdonald, president of * * O.: . I told. 1 -have already rccel4d 1"any . � 11
" - � verts, but there were soine speci.�11 .- Airs. Freda Dambsky. of Toronto, Aterril blaro, of Atontreal, - . '. 'letters from nie w n. ' � ,
. . - .16 us gr4ea that we may'follow their . was loat the; Confederation Life Association, The oulamity'la Incaloulable-scorea I �
. ,. Thou art entrusting unt a ve"'ted in the Apostlies and it . di" Of 4"'ift" "Iluds- and J0801ill In Nvilds for 1.4 da3�s. Nvat praetleally Is acting as treasure . and will be I anxiously,onquiring for nie. 1. am , i
m Power r, of thousands of people dend and I
. example Camhy will .race elnirgo'of murder, I 'wit'llout.tood. glad to receive funds to enable Miss wounded--hundretIs of thousands .- .
tas,tho work of Thy kingdom and for was for this reason Peter and -John .. ' gall to re -start my visiting i1ext I .
. The men seem streatly touch. � �
' ' is . . were sent, from 4orusalem. Word York. and Wentworth head county Afore at Wesioru crop now movIng. Macdonald to pity .the r6midning,botocleag. For days there vvroro ito wee I I
I � " the v1si6n of the harvest ieady' judging contest at Royal and Ontario. eastward by Canadian ports tbail. $20,000 on the mission property she I street cars or trains, no electiw 11,11t, ed by tile catastrophe, wondering ,,, . I
I All we bless Thee. We rejoice in had reached 1hein th4t Christ's , , -at College In
hout the world, in the laborers Ag,ricultai . � . has very fortunately Isecured- from watto
� . throu, words to his disciples as, he. tiat on , wins 4oilege I rokmor years. , why they wove left alive, � . I i
� ; Jacub's well oA the outsicirts of this CMItORT. - . .1 ' In lionor of Afayor of TorcintQ'S the English mission. - . .p or' gas, but with the ('"..""on I wonder too why I waq, ILift alive. - - . ;
I I �who �,ave answered Thy call and are Donald B.Alcllac, weil-known. r - of some regrettable panics, the"l-ew I '�, - I
� . sery Tog- city of'Samario, soniq four years pro- . esl vtoll. the Canadian, (msIgn'-,va6 flow" ' "Our Church t It Was certainly not to give up 'b" .
, Ing Thee.at home or In the dent of Q, Idon i ownstilp, died , as a from Detroit City tiall, � I to 1`0111'Xissiple bell4vod wondaifullya great. . :
� ions beyond and in all that Than, hast vious, had conic to � pass. "Lift up ,v-soll. of lu;lurles received When at" Macdonald in I.ohnah enteiptine, In (Irty has now fallen, but not its soul. causti I had no houle. but to try mo , . g, I �
, I � �1
� I enabled them to, accomplish . d look on- the fields; for � .1 , Five Ail fugitives from Guelph view of the. fact that again in a crucible of fire. - . . . I
- Inspire Your eyes a"" I (at -ked by a bull. . ShO Is virtually We have seen it proved once wore ' �
they are white already to harvest. . vlode purtuers. a114.promenade IoNin ,our missionary," . . You will be sorry to know that blr;4- ' , I
. 11 others to offer themselves for. -a. like And he th0; reaDeth receiveth w ., . Ludovico Longo . iitwrenders h,Iw- while Police scaur . country. I Ithat the spirit of mail Is utiquench- Itletnura lost his Chureh and Theolo. . . I
. . - be lab- ages, Fair to pollee and is eharged wiih . Mr. 'Armstrong makes appeal to Sbacks going -up again, thous-
.. . and gatbereth fruit unto life eternal, In _( tis ilea of Mir discov, each congregation that has not 410110 ands of people. living Ili parks in gical Seminavy. Tlw� fire swept ev. I �, �,
I corvice, that 'there mity evex able.
. ,orers Ili Thy harvest, iot the Name of that both he .tbat soweth and he that lualigauglitol, con-flipetion With, - '4' O. 11 "I"' ide, foi� curo, tit' lia-P I - erything, In tie neighborhood of his
,Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen. silooting of Frfalik Afaugal4rdo at , ('7110T "a M train genoral pareahl. Sol to a on In behalf shacks made Of buj,nt till sheets* 11 I
- of tli�k stricken people Of Japan and Tile Government is orecting barracka brave ' I
� � I A440ilipt by German Junitors to in
., 1 1921 reapeth way rejoice together" (John Toronto. tionts -!,!Ilifl-�in: house all() left it liftta& Ito is as . I
. S.. 1$. Ix SSON FOR. Dl�C. oth" , 4:36, 30). Peter and John were sent I , as over, and lost Sunday he I
I " Lesson Title,"Tho Outreach of th i . ivrasltl. � �, res0wise to the Moderator's re -'in the parks, to house those who have licit, services lweigbt different houles I
.1. : c ..a c,nfer on thQ. converts the gift of . sl)"ki. '.. force towiia lato auto-,,itreaetuan zt� It.,:. . I � ..
. . . � .4orly Church. I . I the. Holy,.GhoA.' This was evidently Xr, Weinge re-elected m;qor or� titude by stoppage of food causes in- quest.. , , . � no country place to go to, and are
� I � � I on Passage;i-Acts 8-f-8,1, 14" something that the . . I vasion of barons' doninins.'I)y starv- I Miss Macdonald's Letter I of his congroatition within one day. . I I.J
. . Leigs . . eye could see for n quIte homeless. It,will be a terrible Ito did It by unlng� my mbtor. The:
4 1 17., 2�.. , . . . . Simon saw that ibis was done by the I-10100ghorIVI Mac.d.ouilld - died at 1. Ing N-10 Ims. A,funy mansions of rich You will have seen ,till about tia, jn'wintei, and a wonderful chance to indomitablo'spirit R, itl'Oti,-God M04 I A
0 ,xt-Acts 1:8. - � . ,a anit,%. .
. - I * Aloutreal.* - I � IlP In it. . the Papers I have no doubt. The allow Tortli the spirit of Christ. .
. , , G iden Te liXyIng of hands (v. 18). The gift 41t . . " be within' Us -or we he,vor * could re. -
� I . ,
, I 1, . . � In the annals of "criid history we Of the Rely -Ghost meant -not merely Deals Barr�y, native of Cork, dies i . I.SATCROAT. � , horror and the lbas could not be Over,. I I . . . 'bouod .against such trifigedies - . I
� , � trotu hunger strike.. I I I . . , �
. ,hich those, spir Afft.Vor.:Faj�I,4vr rc-elrcted� IX,, nqli. estimated. One'* own experlene I Thereis only one industrial district I shall not be able. to writO, -la Ion,* ' . � . 'i
read how that the ground on * itual Influences which re- . , e , I I
: , , I I ,
I . I Uev. D�, John Cllfford� Baptist lit . I . .seems SO small beside the" gener �, I
. � the blood of� wartyrs has been spilled suited in G,he conversion of these Sa. . pog, .1 1 41 loft'in Tokyo, and I baVik iiuckeeded it letter; to* many, but ,YOU will III - . .
I ty ma.ritans but some, extraordinary in, divine, passf's at London. . Lawn bowlers play In Novi,nitper at ,loss, but.if bur individual losses, Are in"getting a house which . I h06 to some of our inutual friends 8(-.0. it, � I '. . .
� I I
. has broUght forth fruit some thir 0 .Wiu. ��collafi,'of 111chwond, killed I .. . I . not repaired, we cannot help with the. b*Y in order to carry on my work, a nd � beg thef� hel 0 . . . I
soine sixty and some an hundr6d fold. fluences such as the speaking with t, ,o de - ` * P. eston. * I �. . . . I : . . . I .
. . _ power of workina M *� W.10i one bullet. c IV - 1)41,110$V VQV littlb� . .. ..
I . � -it br, ated t Ice .gerieral reparation. . , it I 0 or, . . .
�. In the "se of the first martyr of the tongues' and tho Xontre. aii h. bank to . a. coating $25,000 (gold) anti our , - . I I .
. . iulracles� It w was , Ita,ly and Spain,-prep4ring .policy f within few Weeki;. - - .. The eartliquahe, finished my house settlement cordmittoo are "able to pay Nve, all feel it b . 1;
; � I Chrigtinn ,church I the blood of Stephen tor this Peter and an uolvor in Mediterranean. I I � . it stunned yet, but � -.
. cried from the grou-nd r6re eloqt%nt- .10 ir pray d and laid their hand Girl mortally wounded by . love. for further, habitation, I wa; in the only PiO00. However,,it fortuhate- we go on. If the thing. had to hap. I I
. City When . if 'It , , . .. . . ...
. - th64ro. Th? . a'On ' 811 woluen acted iis,patl-b(-arers at lorn- youth at London. suburbs of thp I the earth- ly %eli:ings to. the F.nglish Nplivoilat pen, I till). thankful to be hero, I Or
1 1 ly and ihore effectivel.k than his liv- Is Power was conferred evi* funeral of friend at Arthur I)r. Wilfr(,d Gr6nfell says Hlsklilio quakes began, and as teams stoplied, Mission, . and the - 01shOp will accept lio Other reallon than to ,vo What 'a . I .
�� Ing, tongue bad been. "To., lay down dently on the early Christians: in or- Tw6n'ty- ' I . .
� . the der to bear striking- tad.hnQrly to si* ItuEzian boys �rrive tit People art, like children. . and all piller'tonitnunication I *�Ia the' $5,000 anti let us pay the rest'wonderful thing human friendship - ,
. I his Ilk, for what ho considers, the 1,1011trulat for Canadian tarins. I I . . . . . I
,_ truth of the Chrlistian religion; to � . (,] . within a year, We cannot raiue - it Is. ail(] how one- is repaid a thoonarid I
truth. is the surest sign of his sih- 11anill-ton dair)nion figbt oompul- obligco to walk nearly two hours b(%�. � . . 11
� iinese are eatWg'flour. which; Is 1 SOrY Pa.4iteurizatibu by-law. . fore getting home. - , I .
I � cerlty� Which it ig possible for a pan I impress the peolile� and to will them ;grarluitll . y I taking place 'of. rice. . . there, and I am aoilealing to ,all ray'fold for what One Outs, into, the otli-. - -_ -7 . .
: to give.11 Tfie-'Pharlsaes ' . - to 11 ,ept the. gospel. o Thus was th West�ern farniers witat tarl]X rk- A,young i�oman and two ohildr(604. friends for help. 14*�, . . ors, lives,--Wheli it vriais comes and . .. . . - '6
. . . . were en Kin '!' ogl JL ' � e 1,,'xPo.rts of Canadian lruckr and ulw;cd on grade dairy eows.� - 4 and' 7 .%,ear$ of age, were at home -
� to find' that Stephen's - death d Of esus, Chr-.st spread and aulainoblies continve'to Increast., I I I .If I did not get this house. I might one needs he1w � 1i .
. '..=.ged . I Twenty-six tobacco . rm.101T 91"Is I and I was very anxious about I �'.. . . . . � ; .
I had not .suppressed the new religion, established in those. days. . � Ontario Hockey Assoclat4on likely leaNQ Rugland for Kingston, (')nt. them, just as'well return home for good, The first, Sundny after the firo, J . li 'i
� : Tboyi therefore, .,set. on foot a bitter Verse 25 --"And they, when - they to, lustitutp wAr ineniotial trophy. . I VieforIA defeats; University Col- I We - could not telephone; everythi . an . forsake another. great opportun. When We nietlin one of Our Chrirtitin's. : . I I .
- � 1, -and general persecution of the infant, ,.I.ifted - Geralall 'Chancellor . still heading legf" IV to I,. In .VJllQc1�'f!I1P had gone to anizish, �d. ho 0" ity. � I 1: I . botnes" we nang (lit Japanese) -_ ,I , . . . . I . I
had tc and preAched the word I arrive
. � church so that "they wete all scatter- of the Lord, retupried to Jerusalem, i0onstitutional Governmexit tti-Berlin. final, . .1 . . seull- 1,to find the whole neighborhood a We can not only dor immedliitv rp- 1*0h God out- belp in.agea past, � 4 � � I � I ,
' . �
ed abroad ,throughout the regions ,of and preachecL the gospel in many vil. Canadian walking -btars Nviii com. I . ..: my. little family,as well camped, It lief work, but wiW our foundatlon at.' "Our h6p�i Ill Yeat's - tt,comc, . I I
.. German r6paralion exi 131 � I : I . . , �
: Judaea and Samaria, except the Ap- Pete Ili nieets .at Buirivia and New . crt8 11 I A the middle of the street, � ready laid, and living. amongst thiiae "Our comfort it) tPMtormy blasr. - .
I lages "of the Samaritans.,, On their I )led cominbislou %or ,long worit- . ,.
� ostles-11 They .vemalned-%t th# base, way from Jdktiaalem they went Clir*- York. I . . � . 1. . . The roof waa off the house, and Who have suffered must, we cuift do it "And 01 . I ,�
. torluni. , . � our oternal home. � I
faciz�g the peril of so doing. in order ect to Sychar, having before them the I't. Hop. W. S. Fielding recelves ' I . 'wbon. I went in to,examine it, and ex- 1 con0ructive work which will not pass And Mr. Viiniura read, tile ,16th I .. ,,,
... I one idea of reachi -0 I f 8irv, end son; compi.i.t. for cliani. tract so . .1
� I I that those who went,out might know. Ilk and *Iping Phi- 'dt'91 .L.D. froin M0,1110ter Unl- plonsbip honors.,at ttw lwyw winter mo papers from my desk. away when tli(i iteed for Immediate Rwilin. . We had - literally - pis?'i'd
. . -where'to find their teachers and coun- lip, but on -their return they tiok,tho versity. ! . I . . - Fall, . I 1: I I I � which was uPstitifs, the houso rockvd relief is over. . ... ,. through those . emperiences 'in At ,, I . . �
. I I sellors. ' We. read. in verse 14 'bow journey.nnore leisurely, preaching " , Ex-Prenifer Asquith 6acko Ito pfvo , wo'rkf.,!('n, at and the staim were hanging hN thel I The committee here will do what Psalm, anti yet "Be. still and know .� �'..
. . GrenoWe, . I .. r
. . . I � did their Masterin many villagesand Lloyd Georgv1a:.%ttdek on Tory chief- Frit),ek', wcro upper end. .
.. .ready they )vere to send helpers. , . . . � L -111M by �txploding I I they con, but they have all suffered that I an) (sod. I will heexalv,d it. . ,
. �
I . wns,41ving those as it were in the, , . - The earthquakes, Icept recurring, fearful losses tbemselv 'If mong the nations'. I ivilflie, ek I
I _41 "a ' 911014i, es,J not per- , alteil �
. Acts - 84;8�The Outward Expan. O�t,Qf_tho_way..PIiXces a sharp, !1111�s �Ivc- up Purpose of demand- Chancollor 8trv:,riu,,, f�d 111, althou .
.. ill, d(.
I of ,feat , gh of course. the first -three, sonally, in the. buab eng. with which in the vattli'lo I believe -th�ac ihingi - -
sloni of ,the Early Church. ing ,oll'o,'of (.'rown P,Ijncc by Germ- .101clistag, re-ul,"lls ollat, "lid slgna� which2sbectirmd within the ;Rrot, half - they. are equilected, Q I declared'to will vome out of this valajoity,.if wt. i . . I I
I , ' their good. things, The .oi.-J.reach of - . I I . . . � Xr. � ,
. - After the death of Stephen, Philip the gospel is such as to embrace '.he l"Llay- . , . I . tion aco-pted, . i .. I hour did the real damage, and when"ibein that,m�r Trienda at home would tontinue In faith to do what We bu. - 1. � ..
J: . - is:the only deacon of whose work we Ti�r and the far.._,'For thou -%vast Birkeitheild iind, Chamberlain give If. J. Daly, prcsident of, d(futict all,carthquake would come� we were not forsake me lit. this veatui�e. . tievil to be TIN will. ,- , , . I- , ..
� Ike5 - - -v . . . .
. I have any.inforinat4on. "Then PhiliP a ain and hait redeemed us to, God by ad 10111 to.. Baldwin's-, protection Hoole Bauk, ordered lo aPpe".11. lit obliged to run out of doors, not al- ,,,,,,!h(. house I speak of that we hit% . I * � � I I . I . . . . . .. ;
. . Ure .1 I I
. vent down to the Ci . CY Of Samaria, Thy blood, out of - -every kindred *a d pO1J,e-V* ., I .1. . . coUrt next Tutsday. , wayi; with cire�umspectjon. , , . -il I ,
I . . , and preached Christ unto them"- tongue and people, an n Waltor Itawnsley, ,or 6 . . I is just oil the edge of what � Proteet t1w Oilld front. the�'ravagpQ . . � ''
. . J Toronto, Priest saves. sacred 'vossels whon * * 0 1 Ilow in the 'only Industrial section tit %%�Urms by. using Xother Gravvsl I I I
". . I <v. 5). . The -Saithedrim had no power ; (Rev. 5,9.). , - .. . d nation". aged I 7, badly hijurvit irben.gun ex- Rontaii Catliolie ciitwel, iii. Arnos, I . - . left in thc. City, and in almost noxi Worin liNternilpawt. It -i�3 (I. TaTv"-,% � . 4, .
. .
. � . . . I- . . . . .
I .1 I � in Samaiia for the Jews had no syna- f I. . . filbdog. I I . About two houl-m ti;(ter the earth- door to a �ark where, thousands of ard remitily, and yeam (if use, ba%�o v . I ,� I
. I I U I "' St � . . , Abitibi, was burned. . quake .Occurred out- y- I I . .
. gag e14 in that country.� Security"., - WORLD MISSIONS - .) eamer Kronos sinks off .isle of Cot,, S. Woadq Free refugee are, and where the city In Aenhaneed its reputation. I - . . �
. oesel, IV tile Baltic S ' ., of tlip Irish. - oung working .
,� . from persecUtion may not have been � Hwal King Induskrial School � - ea; r, bodies State arink, has been interned by men friends began to arrive (they rapidly sbuilding, barracks. There are , . . . .1-0
. - I . . ,wili,4. vw4hed asbore. . � , I . . t1w Uster const;&hulary.,' � had had to walk from their factories, � .� I
a son for going there; ; $1 did, iiat otail; it. It growed.11 I , - manv children, aniong them wb
I .
, . . . e likely N�as lie� Influenced by the WItb. this original statement Mrs; 4,Stpatucr G-lenburnle �,� da go which were milest. awat - from- my .o will , Wonwit are gimerally In queit isr .� .. .
" : Mor, Nulley, X.J., ,xv.-oninn, aged. 861 liouse) -and: they begA to probably no schooling 1--omothill1r. Confluest seemn to, zoult I I
, .. . . knowledge tbat"the neople being free Mo,watt, began' "' mtks of W01and Canali and. 11plAk: wrapped * iww,ip� suggest god' little care, . I I
I . a' most. fascinating . atic"'s llrollucl bee that we get our things ,of the 'an 1030 discipline. We nhall be able. them about im well fig anytbing. ' ,:'il , I . �
from.the prejudices m tion was lield up.wr 12.1iours. t out . I 11 .� . � I I . . ,� . . .
ul't -story of industrial work a4liong the ... . body, lioakpit t1win with* kerosene, house as by- this time a largt! part of !!��__. ilt�' .
�L.".:f�, be more re4dy tb'listen to his teach- Chinese women in , 1. , . . THURSDAY�, . \ - and applied a flitmo. . I I . . __ 11. . . .
� , , ,
�. . 1. I , ,Hwai King. ,81gh. . , I the town was in flames. $ � I � I .1 I I I I . 1, . �
�., ing. Some ieara before Jesus, bad teen and a half -years ago Mrs. Mow- AlaYor WeXilge advocates new-'ejo, S.P.S. defeat Vieds. In V. -of T. In- One. fire was behind - us,. bit; i . . . . . I . .
� � visited Samaria and in that very city att went !:a China. She was not spe, Hall. ror London. .. ttrfacultY Water Polor League Prac- t below I . . . . � . � . . . . . � . . .
. ... . � of Sychar, the chief city of Samaria, cially trained for missionary wo I I lfAUIiItQn ,Council approves $9,00r,- It - ically giving Sonlor Vnil'orsity Cal- the hill, so we dIdWt fear that sPe- I . I
he had proclaimed himself to be th% and the first two years were spent in , scli�me. � or", - . .
. ,rk, 000 seiverage � I lege the chatuPlonship, cially; another wag at each sid e'
I � . Giv(,, and take spirit proves �salva- . Horses ontered by ltoydf'Canadlan a distance away, and the other =Rood I . � .
. 0 expected Messiah (John 4.2C). No studying the language and perform- .4 � earry� - deal closer, which ,ebt, Ofr one of tile ARE." YOU, GOING"� lu - PDT I .... . .
doubf there were many still' there ing)-hinor missionary duties. tion of 'Untentz cordlale. I Dragoons and Toronto police ' . I I ... . . . 0
r who reilitembered that visit, for at One day, a .Qh . . Dr. Groule,Wdeplores official Ig- off firsto sucond and (bird prizvo in onlY two bridges ovei- ,which oseapp, � � I . I � ,
_Inese Woman, pathe- noranee regarding Labrador. Remount clstis at Royal Winter Fair. wah possible. . . ,� . ' .. . ,� ,
. . that time "Illaby of the Samaritans tically poor; and of very low degreel I Opeving semlon of Natlonzl.C�Uu. Yen. Archdeacon May, Is lying crit- The imniediate fire slowly camt,. t � .
.. WWS . bon I
.,. jej c (r" . .
. .,it of Women al -Georgetown Ill at North Ilattleford, He w4rds us,, and by, Ilve in tW afte
. � g of the woman, which testi� throw herself at her feet'and Implor- ha's 1�een associated with the North. noon we saw that we might be burnt' . . . F 'A' L L 1. I I
of that city believed �on him for the rushed into MrR. Mow leally
"a British- ColumblA rialln _0� . IN A FURNACE THIS - a - . I'll
. fieV,"He told me all that ever I did. ed her to_.;�scue _s cQ,pio 1, I .
41 . bar mother-in-law, �xhip for buniper inan el crop, Westsince 1838. lie trauslattit the 'Out. Young working men and a . . . ..
� . I . �
I , And many more believedf because Of who "was dying .of starvation. She Hou. jaequt.x .9 I 11 . .... �. 11 � '.., . I . . �. I, I ... 1. I I . I ... �� .
.1 � . .
. ' ril . A suni (it 4500 000 will be paid by up, and they cairied my atuff on . . . . I . � , I I
"his.own Word-" . (John 4:39-41). ' besought' Mrs. Mowatt to lend her -BoyeALU says x1iZ- Rible Into Cree. t . number Of 'my ex -prisoners tur ed
� nuhig tratile Is not neglected. . . . .. - . � ... .
. Verses 6-Ii-PhIlip's SutdeAs . , money, to .take heir into her family as Sir Adain Beek ))as plan to prowide 'Ont2TIO aovorn�ent� to Chippawa their shoulders up to the open apnee, . . I . I � . - 11 . . .
"d Ulaxlexauga Indians - At little WAYS Off. One had a bicycle , I -Furnace ill It- , . . .
. . for Fort William'A Power needia.' , In mallsfac . We hand1b the Gillson PlIvIess ,an
"And the people with one accord kind. Mrs. Mowatt had consented to Chicago firm will launkh 600 Yti- 'tion of their clalmwfor eomppnsatto� and he did Yeoman'work. I .
. gave heed unto those things wbidil* �aslist her when a Chinese' Inds, who low. taxicabs on London street.ii, 16r the loss of hunting, and fishing - By nine the Are won within X, block factured at Gue�pk Ontario. Tho F urnace with �
... Philip Apake, hearing and seeing the was Present intervened. . .'
miracles which he did. For unclean Liberal and Labor ro-eperation ;r, grounds. 1 - of us, and the policemen said the fire the cast iron radiator which does not burn out -like � � I . I .
with loud voice, -came "You do not," she said, "under- British election grows more unlikely, IlUAMDAY. I would come to us. I sent my woman .t the -steel radiator o*r rust otit diu-Ing ihe summer . .
I ,�. I . stand Chinese women, if you help"her Two boys who stole a canoe AL,t xolui�islons'lll BrI(Illsh elcetions to 'and two children off Ili the motor to . I
out of many that were possessed today and stop tomai-row, -she Will Peterboro are muming; ".noe found. taj;e, pjaee IV -day. . . Miss Kaufman's house, which wan . months. Let its figure up the SiZe of YoUr house .
I - dic. She will live jukf. as long as you Shareholders of Bank of com- Sterling Ill Toronjo, $4.46%;"at !habitable, but I would not go until f
with therA; aW many taken with pal- "
.1 � I . . I
. .
. sles, and that were lame, were beat- help her, Wait until her mother.ift. merce ratify purchame of bank of New York, $4,36 . and give you a lVice. for a good job. If you want .
. . ed. And there was great joy in tHot 14w'dies�and then. help,with the'fun. Hamilton. . . � U. ILIAW that all was done, and that none I ;
. city -I) . I I , - London Woman enveloped In fialop Olt the men, who were doing a really . your furnace,or'hot water i0l) overlittuled, We.have . I
. � eral expenses." . United Grain Urowera (Crerar* from bursting. lallill. great labor of love for me, met with I . . I
. 99 They gave good heed e This was no . competent men to do it.for you, . . .1. .
eached Christ untd* them!' . and � t Mrs. Mowatt's idea cOmPally) rePorts profits exceeding Dr. Albert ronAdiiis 4o forto cabluet any accidenC on account of Inc. 1. . I . I
I .
halt Wilton. �� . .
I .or deeply impres�ed� of real help, so she took the woman ,, In. Berlin at Eberi's request. .
very many were so .9 11 They were bound they would take . I
irl.o her sewing Moot and Att*ted her . Lloyd Geot c makes slashing at- Vile bea,to Harvard, Ilo- 0, Ili out the piano. (a rented ono), but I Have you- enough Milder Twine to bind your . . I . .
by thel-tdoctrine'which he taught and to work on a centrepiece. From this t4ck,on Government's polio), In cam- United States tootball�clapsle. : almost forcibly restrained them, . in stock. 650 . ib- I
by th(Tlwonderfut miracles of healing an Corn? NV6 have some I ft* Vile R
. . :
whereby. th6 distress 44, inaby was small and seemingly accidental begin- paign speech, I BrIllbli coal-lad(n steamer tOtal J was sure aomeone would be hurt. 1)on Twine at 13 V ). . I . I
, Dr. Fred A. Cook. former Polar Avrtwk off Nova Heollau coazt. I About,11 ,p, mi. I left the scene of ae- 'r 0 .
relieved that they, openly, declarea mng the present industry giew. .4, ets pel' It
- . Next- day the woman returned with explorer,, found gUty of using mails I IV. -Ilea' Scott Xaclira)ne.. promi- 0011, with -the fire half a block away . I)r -
their acceptance of Christ,,by being t,, ., . �
. . � I-. - Ir. m more women, the third day the to defraud public. lifInt hm'141r. di#�; III Ilatifflion. , from our house, comina on %vith tj 14C ,�
.� . I i - �Wu brought four uni;il thirty Women Jackie Afarr. elmen.)Par-old d Coininistioll. In Viillf�d Atalpe to In. great wide front. The next morning . , , . Iles, . .'s Stock Food at cut prices. ' . . .
. 'r, wins two evenim at firstTor. I QL-11'e 1110 tual o� producing whoat. we found the boune standint- . Shenvin W ia .
iwere coming �o,Mrs. Mowates home gUalc . ,, ill' Ills, Paint atellt plices, ,
every day to be taught embroidery. onto "leet of season. . Close to 111,00#1 1)(10111t. Ivillivog . . I . .
I As a Prolest- agalimi, profilasional- hor�e chow #.vt' I ., . .
. Mr.,;. MOWAtt realized that something . ,,, ,air. at'WhIler Val". , * 0 .* .
had to be.done. She bad�not the re -in inteiloational briort Denmark Dulj)tjps dffuc� Tw,onto Irim."." �hc I Liquid Venee� and other Furniture 114161 s t, i
- tell I � naturally have : I I
. . firc that Would I ie a
I FA .motco: Idea of starting an institu. fuses to eater a soecer -if-ain Ili 1-4). in fli-at of Robt rt-_,ov Cillf 19 cut, prices, ",'' I
I . 1094 Olyniplad. I serics. , . ;�13 taken MY house wari stayed by a I
I . 11 . �. . I .tion. she had no training for such Allies sf-nd two wotps to Berlin, In- Dr. W.Aiur ts,. Votralt, �. Auperlott ri- three, ntorey retttaurant, which did not .I I I .
. .her. b , on operatiol burn Thd other part of, ths: x,xv '.I I
.1 work, nor had ghe acconlaiodation in alstitir Prepared �Wall Plaster, Lim and Cement al- I . . ;
e for so la l Of aIIIQd I Ill ItarY deni, orwol-n; - .!-1,:�V1i,: illoes A� I ..
rge a class. so she 1111131011 of Pontrol and oil v,zwrown lintilipl()II. I swop a est of. the . I I . I .
� � askeftihe ladies of the compound to Prliie'Wi; rettirn. I Urcc .Newio. i % I 1;_.. qoe ls.�,!Iy I street clear dolva to the palace moat; ways, in stock. ,.'.1 . I . . I
. ,. be allowed to use their guest room, 11 then turned a blork or two and m�ept . . , , .
I The day they. moved was the real b Ai8s Arni-tien. forincr Hs,ek alit*, jur(.d tvio'n lliff::)l lar Is osq-11gra, d We bave .soine ranges of Quebee fleatero .
. I i,oinning of 0�- sLoWn thin s,ear by, Auterican cavalry t by rVillitl car, at irighi aliffleg. burnt the ,,�chool I 11
. , I School. .� -Iltvai . Xing lodualial I Cantia 0111�,s fhtrl� )t�ars' ,,,,,,,,,,, 'have been teat,bing !it, and.swept on whichwe are offering at etmt,,alswsome good valtles' . .
. I I JlVord,; 'c . unit, catries ON firist honors at V"n- 'it *4t, MA -1117 (lhw�lj usauh., J 1)� mi- again. in second hand Stoves.. . r -.7 I. ;
� . . annot 'describe what it fer Fair open Jumping atakes. V(Affi,; (st, zflltitms, , I There wasino water of coarne. It I I I I t_� �
meant 0611MO NvOnlen, to,rome from Britisli Columbia wins apple Vic- 6-lev'er went its own sweet way, and the i
,, 'a One-rool,ncld smoke -laden land hut, tory ovor Ontario. and Nova Sea 1,01,41 Lm,�rillllwm tells i'llor YoU4 will save wonev oil nything yoq Ivant in 1
. tilt tiii1t, ,;I..1j 11rit.,ill %,i?III aot' 0c,,#,1,t. whole town vvwi ablaze for two dava . il - � 1.
I � to a large fur"Ace.heated, well_ljght�. does remarkably well with Jolmkya L"�)I.ey. of I-VoQeflon. and two ninht.,j. My section of the Hardware by buying—at I.C10"s 11a6d%v,are-,-at the . 2�
, � . rd building. It hag a well.equipped and Guernseys at Winter Fair. ORY Was only partiaUsr Aburncd, but I �
.1 � 'Arp.00,01"lif'ol'y 701,110105 woo'col to Wharf. Phone 22. � " " �
. . Office and a day nursery downstairs Oldney' Gogo and rraucisco di. r., . , i, t,p,�!,, i1juir it-ji,g,111s rjir firt,t t1luo the, whole lower part of thp . cit , . I
- There 13 also a VIA,tro lined $1,490 and Posts for tak- Ut (.01-AM"4 Dinah ip,4 0.4 ljwsq. w4re over a million lirople livrol, vva,l I .
for 010 children y .
. . �. � . I . - � �
. - .
ilu � ,Prim0Y cebool roomo with a -hired 199 Part In rum -running eXpeditioa In Tureplao Canoe ChIh Juniol's r0lfi litorally swept out of exfiqtpnc,� . 11 No
, tftdiel, for all the daugbtc�rj of the which 009o!o Aon was shot and kill- li-4,1 jg 4#1 Vointo 01#,1, ol. ,flionlas in I The ward in which I wanip,d to
L HT .10iiiM ill attendance are taught lace ed by Toronto police. I , have a cettlemont, and in ttehich a.
I 1.1st of holup-,4114-hoult, L111145. '
� I - I Oft .
Rit ALT,� 1 -40,00
M1,B,AN �1'
.1 4��--*
'I .1
I. 1 411,
I 11 I 0
1 I.
N i I
� � ; making, one half of f -bo day and edit. �7 R1110AY. Oatariq firvOilffs r1in ,pe%(.0 Init,101 lone'there wt -re 270,600, hwq one tem. I " .
� futiOli tho other Judi.' The great aini Dalry.eonference called at Ottawa. m,*.o 11V-:,.1 PI4BMr1 In Shortborn CHAMit Co L lot" E -
fie 4tanding, Me only habitnblv plave. . I
how'e'vOr I% to ttuh every woman to Issue on 11011pazollerlis Is droppe.1 If 13w,�v cla.'�Qt, at ls..*"l Winicr Fair. oft. The threp adStsoining w,,1g,& �
� love Christ- V Or thi-9 Purpose they .by allies. I �Qlac�41!�*s Vri,,�triay 1.0n1mg W;u Awopt deall. .1 are '.
� T01MT SOAP _ .1phela .0 ,"" � 1�
� bavo, a Bible Woman to go iA and out protalee mackcialle King 8alls for V,P�11(11 Canada football titip b,.V do- The two eceflori-q of the city wbero I $101#g 112 . I . I I.
! .11 .. 11 .. . . � .. 1 45 and talk to thcj�j. Tbpy all atteitd Canada to -day. I feallor, RuwMion TOP,' to, UtQrfra- big litizinmi; wxj, nuell wq tho Steek I 11 I 11 � . I . I . I
. D _-, - , " a , provc�r nletmllu ond ehut-(-b- � -1 zebrp- uz�_,ar w4i be 01% Mena at y1lacial chalot,!Oovo, 13-4. Eschance, B3211cs, Dept. Storo:71 tteq. I ----- -1 - - I _-I
� .9 ____ - __ -, - - - I I
� . . . �~Ww*�Wp,
: . ; % . . . . I