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The Goderich Star, 1923-11-29, Page 7
ND REVW * n tt await', tra'►vwif-a than Narubk: a Arid the Dll> iilkKl�il1Q' A Ihc, pastor of the vhurch, Jia►., ,F, Hurahers 1'oa>i,i tidy were not s,, t ir" p*�a•ataTilt volt DAVIS IN GODERIC111 F, Ilolnieii introduced the chairman frrfrkvfroai each other. anal swa i t -i7 12 the meetim, vol, tiraaha w. of 1,oti- tian peoi,Ies living wxkthcr in title CAMPBELL'S., (lbieeiiowa to c hm"k 1 nion AWAwte- J aon, who wiry with the 18th 'bacttalikm came countrys with the iiame ptv; - .t Valited (f kurch NOC&A tot oversea;, who in his 01e010 trpnmrk% News, found they were tiet so tl'ut"t W hereat tilt+ ,attack oft tlhe I_ 64ta�`*&J41 that he grad been is bitter rap- cnt froze.) 4'2rhk outer,DOMINION Limited >Eitistie, a ponent of church union before the 'What he hoped for in the Way of �� a 10th The Union Church ralty in iorth war, but denotlainationalisan wasn't union was a far bigger think ihsa:a CAN A S 1ARGE81l RETAIL GROCERS ANNwEneflv street Methodist .church last right . recognized at the front. The melt the union of Methodists, ('otit�eiCa_ �.�ez rvauteal to et to the source of power taonalititni and I'resb tcrrians, IIt} waLE s well attended'. The addx,. _ 5 poll- W E SELL L T O SATISFY T y S ,.r �r 1 :re of is high order ztnd the slrt4irsg iii the satrap eats most di ec't way believed f�aur�fifihs of the raticlacnco tiA! �'"' I FOR ONE WEEK " FRIDAY by the union choir was tine, Mrs. "sible, and in this tunas auto when a would hold up their hAnrls for union MacKay and MJss Belcher gave ca million and sa guartcr men lay on t;h,,, with the Anglican church, but it way beautiful duet and the choir aendcr- ground waitiaig,' to get into the big- a hard thing for the Anglicans to ma. NOW, IN THE TIME To RET" IN:YOUR CHRISTMAS NECESSITIES NOVEMBER 30th, tQ• DECEMBER 6th23 ed the Gloria from lltctzares Twelfth gest Battle in the world's history. its and they should bc� treated very �t i ;R Mass, and Jed in the einging of the when thing; meant what they slid sym�aathctzesiJJy, because their aiiEttlis N»W SICJF;DC�rSS� . -n. - -- •- mean and irleant it one hundred per ez° church in the Old land would not We hatic lisWd fin! a firm of the s .°tial bargains that a, 4 - ! LA t sent. realities stood out clearer, As recognizE the orders of the artyR-Al 1, �„'�l S- . _r i;'"I, ,rirrl *>(7)i '„ l NS - are beingoffered in this Mammoth Salsa. fair as the area. is concerned:' ' i with the radio the men at the tr©eat ciureh' and union of the Any;lieian � . �-- . _- Another golf . rofessional', Mr. E� p uveal, tuned ug rights all interference chtnrrh in Canada would 1aieAn Haat KBW µ SHREplifa�tr di nt. Brasier, of the Bayview Golf cut ,out, to receive (W's message. church a tI itself off from the CANIXE4 CHOMCE OE1ifl:JtTEO BARGAINS fluff WON'T RETURN club, R. R. r' 1, Eglinton, who veal I:rto Dr. 11leKinnon, head of the mother c� But last as the l+toeoal v!r c►�� a PRUNES i CALIFONNtiI . //++ /� recommended by 1MIr. Rickwood to Presbyterian Theological College, young people of rival ,homilies w at fi C r u V �,10A UT �, 35e, , . ' .. , lay out the course, was in Goderich ,Halifax, who was introduced by the tied and so brought tiro parents to. 6SC 2 lbs. ZSC , , �b C,aGwtuu%04 Ri!tarlfaQ, r , . , . ,21c as p tiITON..,,.u.....,.. recently? and to his report said, slaty- chairman as the padre of the 161att Bother, he believed the union in t°cin• An ake icy Powder, re35c. ..... . ....... a , r199c Ing tixamlmd your land I consider "overseas battalion, opened with a rte- ada of these churches would not only , A h Anaitgealc it rine regulate• S • , ...... • - • .. • .23t: 9t u suitable site for building of an tCerenc, to the war, ut said the tear be an effective union but would msake 8'RaKEni. '!� �� PATTEI�SCIN _ d now we r4:ere try, It easy and rassiblq and prActirable WALN, T 4►i► SOD BISCUITS 15c 1 18 -hole .golf course. Tho physical had been wan, an character of the property as excel- ring to win the pence by closing up. for the old churches in the old coun< w j �a Tablets lent, Tho: rolling contour and the our ranks and making ourselves bre- try to :conte together. � Aa��xite3 f+t' �#cs " Aatrtt* llextah COL TBS Vital 4 ablets Beautiful trees and open ditch ,will thren. - The English might be able . Ile believed there was no one or. ,!� Extra .S ectal. all lend character and interest to the to agree, but the Scotch claimed the'posed osed to union no one who did not Extracts S tic. 0455 °Allrotind Bath Soap it French Nervo and g _.•amon ... want union sotne.Unt but lata o . SNAPS , MOLASSES , hales. The sail is of two � Eii�'errnt__divino:,. privilege . ni: ditferirur p; e! they b„_ _ n Mpt,atre��•� lteggtar 2 ,.4;al�e Pi Blood TaMot brands. , pxaa ext... a saa�dy loani. themselves, but he believed in the jected to the Act, I a appealed to ' lmol>zve �; lbs 25c ONERRIEs I e titn c ,. ......_• ,._. c Regular 50c The other is a. very rich humus, which sweet reasonableness cif humanity any who might objea to the Act to " 3 for 33 ; Soap will be of a great help an the greens and If it was necessary to di9'ar they get it and read It through. '1 blit ^ D. S. F.. 1 2',C It is Possible to have the first nine could differ as friends. The present was needed was a little more light. Bakilig Cooking Flag$ 4 lb ti n ReKnlat',10C Calle holes in good shake by the 24th of uniting churches were made up of ria The bill was drastic, but as the ex- i 3 lbs for 2.SC t AVIEN11Y or � � �'. May and the other nano should be denominations; there had been eight premier of Nova Scotia once a Ill,, QWt P,1" '. r t;T51t'MOERRY l "orC ready! by the end of- September." unions of Presbyterians, seven of "Ali: legislation must be drastic to ETi $ .Alar 'White Pine Tooth Bl'!lD311eS Mr, Brazier laid out the course atld Atethadista and two of Congregation. , be effective. It would have been easy X lb ,kin 19C p � � r v has left details of the work neces- alists. After years of violent con. to draw up a bill that would not be sq 'Expectorant Qn Sale 10 to 12 Regular pr & SOc t drastic, but it would be tease jointed, . NEW C Sale sary to, get the course in she _- a__: • New Dates �fae7C' ` OR11E81aE Regular 250 Ss< a Prise - � .� EGGS _... BaC Moraang 0nly,. ' the ; encare at now gats that �tian.g The bill was mud© so'�deftilnite aCHEESE., tt ggra ARM!QVR s , ! . RgG a�►3C posed to construct a ditch throughModel''n"' p!� Q it would be impassible to have ;sin- p lea Con lint //��Q rho length of the ro arty to re us. t ey#AV 'l r� p CAIt•L,r,,,,F. C 'Tri/r; p P f;Je law' shat This was 'better .tliAn , lr+p C .gSNCi On o . Cnrtan I� ed for the golf course,. which will, p%o- , EKaving a legagy of litigation to our Da. �. -Menthol and Eucalyptus; 'Pastilles, reg. 25c.., .. , : ' 19c vele dt amaage and also furnish an e�- _ WE qE DEC.DIaC» 3rd to DEC. 8th I successors for -Which they would curve y I . ;Farr - Seward's and. Alberts Soap .:... ........ 2 for 19a first nen boles a follows: s• r - n Assorted Taalcuerl re 25c t • , .... 2 far 2Gc c len he zard. xo nlength a ell hays f No Monday and. Tuc day' us sThe bill i no way interfered with } Mayfield Machina.. Sliced BACON CHOICE S5C ih �, s , 1, 400 yards; No. 2, 320; Tri• 3, 100; any potsoil s liberty. Ile could be., ` 1 No. 4, ti02+; No. ii, 260;. No. 6, .409 NORMA TALL D � fang to the United church, or the . YNE NtaYf THE 1"t?lii w GOOD, STRONG CVIE' OF T>�iA L� fNa, 'i, 416, No. 8, 135;. No. 0, x310, an her greatest achievemeiat The I I'tesbyterian church (that was going FINEST tEAil THE 1 The enterprise will be carried on by Drama Magnificent to continue), or' he would join the r YOU SHOULD . E B B � Q �A i PHONE a subsidiary company to the Gode- is ,� .Church of Englund, just its be plea;- T" THEM USE PECIAL L N T 1330 CAM! �LL•S DRUG STORE E'teirn$ F�$I1E' ed, iJrx. McKinnon also slaatred how, . qty SQtI,hRE rich Development Co„ which will -take over the front hundred acres of teas BOBBY "t'ERNON, In st congregation rauld vote by a tna-y ,�-���*"'�"'�"""""•• Isaac Salkeld property on the Bay-, oa ' c� fealty_ even of Dale to remain vat of - . _ - ... • _w•'.. _ . .__ _ Hold fiver #titin o field road from the Development Everything union And could take all congrega. didn't the ria it 1.00 years ago , ht- t t nturfes; was it, not to be believed 60DERI ,N GOLF AIYD - view. that. anyone gets of this pro-; Company, including. the large resi,,{ and Th, r tional property with them. Also sAdd, y tits,• the IltMl of the (11111vil was. �' party gives them an idea that the deuce, which will be converted. into a Wednesday 81111 Tl1ut':ldPly that any arrangement . as to division Some coin lained• that the 1'rec:b '• takinr We relns Cit lois own hand and 4; COUNTRY CLUB LTD. p ,. ground is flat and uninteresting, but. modern club house, with: afew- char- of church property, such as colleges,1 terian aliuretr court; did not, a+t+i,re- : lt�=rr•c!rint; thin prayer.- Our tlivf€i•- this is not true, To appreciate same, gas, There are two fare places: down- BETTY .COMPSON and .etc., had to bane •�ho approval of a sent the POP the new �lau.tlI .,.It:, weirs a sc metal to Christendo>ta. New Company Being Formed tb Tobe Von'- should walk over the property,., stairs and, by :ticking down a anti,n Artial committee o£ three union. would be moipe clentocratic, by hiving You never react an infidel bark but p CONWAYCUNWiY 'TBARLE p a but i env said lit effect, I.niil haw the rt t?hri:i» Over 100 Acres. from Goderich De- You will thenasee quite a lot of x01- tion two large 7c'ooms can be made, in theta Paramount ists, three' anti -unionists and, three the people mato voice, f ti 1 . e ' c , "' velopment Co. for IA -dole Course. ling and undulatlziK ground, "also with kitchen behind. Upstairs the un4 . « others appointed by these six. Could I con regation in the stew chureh want tiatals love one anothor:' Our riv- creeks that, could be made into water removal of soma partitions will pro- "The Rustle. Of Sink" anything be fairer? he asked. ' ed to• follow the old way it witty at alries head not much dignity about ° Plans for an 18 -hole golf course at hazards, and brought into play.#or :4ide for large locker rooms for ladies DtE M I But a good mar►y ware troubled lay � libea+# to dq sa, theist. The fact was wo needed sennet. -Blue Water Reach are developing and . the construction of many first-class and ,gentlemen; and. there : is already 12 A U CQhIIi,I)X bout the fa't l that al t I Yemen r into the union he did' other, vvu herded to tcilcri.' caunitci to- . a'large a of, and five teams holes, You are very fortunate in bath roam convenience• is '► i 1 h c no flown to us t n r i, a , gang y lUPOle Si> MOO from our fathers, ,fust to show how not wtant the Methodists to leave a 'i -r; we needed fellowship ill prat -. and at work layhig out the first nine 'having on this land abundance of On the occasion of a A' b Mr. the creed of the new church t i thin fiat not a Hallelujah, not all t{r; Nye needed the pivish it . anti .re holes, which it, is proposal to have good loam for the making of your Caster, engineer. of :the _ l'rlda and'.Sat Saturday, put t E1. , j .f sin. of the R iritual llte blood It - in B 8'ydro-Fisc y u y reference to the Bible he .read :Amen not an entotlanal cello;, pas t, ,n in readiness for next statins play greens.. It also appears that there trio Commissioii to Ggderich last Article 2; and. showed hoiv the old Connaa needed it;: the world was oy- . a real rarpgratenesm. BETTY BAL,FOUR ing, rile other nine to be laid out, fat- . is lots. of sand' for traps; etc.,: and week,- arrangements ware., made to � controversy .between . free will iinrl. ing fat: it, ::. .: Anutkiet acral of ra uniti"d rhia:rt°l.: . • . Or. those behind the venture have many good places for bunkers, To have, electric It htin extended to in the big London sensation.. f re-ord'n ti s ev r avis of Toronto,the e +was thiit for the flriit time in cert - g 8+. i; o a a an had been ;gat Duet in • Row. � a IJ , bad two golf professionals look over those who think the property is flat the Blue Writer Beach- pro ert the ' : tt �y Article 3 ""We believe the 1 etern• F other member of the delegationaitid tuy+Ias the, Christian ethic zviaa beim; the ,ground. The first was. -Mr, Fred and uninteresting, I could draw their firt;t'thing. in"s rite ; A property - Me +iatld My Vaal c , b t the t Presbyterians, or iittaeked• there tries today a revolt Rickwood .of the Summit Golf Club' , 1? t water syr al, wise, holy land loving purpasq of if he thought h4 Y attention to many other courses. As tem will be put m, the one system to BROWNIE .COMEDY Cad so 'ciitba!aeas all events that thq Methodists, had, started: the afrahlst the veru othic or the NoN Toronto, who in his report, wrote as an example take the Lakeview Provide water for the cotta e for. cc » . 'While the church union Iden, he would have 'r0Ottanai+nt,, It fill ht bc" he ;aid alit+ follows; , ' Course Toronto,a t g s' ° W h► Dois iLe Ve Nome c'Wh t freedom of man is :not tak- `ch. , h u io d , u + f r ? where the open be club house, and for the greens, , E+n away, not:. is, trod the author of nothing to do with it. But in every it.woWd.e6nae to'pas' Haat we would I inspected .the art tr ue m tau c a n T 1ILTT ANU dk 1'`, eat R s she a h , .. ,. . ,. , p ,. p.'k'4R .Y. oil' t _..a a. r, h .;nolo. hap. was ,held this e, water. ;yell, be.: um ed ,. •. ...:......_ , ..•: ,....:. ... ,. ,:_. • • ,:, , i +n 'a' , set!.tiom.e. t.tlle. ,rent soar: iti s, d., Water«Beach ;nil found it to be .ori year and .til c p P froth a cc ��. rein, yet. in his protidence:lie makew gauntly was this n ave nt t tq turd i q f. t e and., Y e coming Canadian chem wall by an electric pump., Court Platiteret� - all things wont together iaa .the fu1- .union, :and .that led :hitii to icay at was drrrritr�ia+s of iiPr. trampled undo toot. excellent location ,and .to have won pionsbip is to: be held. This course ! With the ..gown ahead' of the fin rel" :I r !f the t' 't'+ whiff �1a! aurae livitli� in iatt a n- of demo fi golf ..� _ , lent of his design and the mane the, g• it Rea 1 c t ha rib 1. deiful possibilities for the. making of is flatter than Blue Water Beach, and . course it is:ex octed the delaia for 5 f . -." -."' • .watt dol this i Tile ch icb. P nd o Alatinces;: ltlon.: and 'iVed;.. at 4.1�, , e5tatan of his glory. I filial. ng th lig i► u , a' first-class golf •course. The. first you Gould set it right in. the centre as' cottage. locations will •be stimulated, l Sat:. at 3.00, that 4f; beautifully'. expressed. Wil had been praying :tar, this. thitig,, Yor` (Conti tueal un page 1:;) .. .. Y p y - q , i .. S pecla Show�in of Dresses Next. Thu,.A y rsda December th 6 'Mr. Alsop of the H. C. Boultr r Dross Co., will make a display in our.iip-stairs steins on Thursday n"t, December ; 001, of the latest models iiiafternoon and evening frocks for Christnias .and the winter season. You are S eCtally in ° vited to come and inspect this *showing, even; if you have: it intention of purchasing. p > -EMBER MONSTRION..LBT WEEK QF NBU# ' WOMEN S COMBINATIONS. $3,95 j VESTS- and, DRAWERS , VESTS ONLY 956 FINAL CLEAR ANNE ALL WOOL CC;ATlNGS • . CREPE=SE•CHINE Is .$1.25 Heavy weight, beautiful. ..:• Swiss Canton .and Crepe Woipen Pure Wucil Sweaters, in • fancy stitch. DNS' Vests op Drawers at 50c and Up- -Turnbull's Pin Wool. at 95C' and `Up. . Colors liriiwn, henna, navy; !open, tan. 'I'uxedu style. JUST IN THE NICK OF TIME 6OR MAKIkO UP BE ORE CHOIOTMAS COMES nests Drawers ' womt3n s nests Pule Wool Children s Pure wool , Wamol►1l Vests 5i•5•Girls' THIS CLEARANCE: OF COA��OGS Shown ill white from and Drawers. Your choice of Pure. wool,. Tum -I ' hull's make Vests r,.,.. C hildren s Pwe Wool Vesfs Women's .Vests, i�l natural shade on- , liarvtlllas BaUvias Vislours All Wool M:trvitl- All. ' only, made a it'll i o n in atcrial, Vests or Drawers, int all white only, good and Drawers, These are in a flat knit cit Drawers, in white tar; 1 .' tura a few y of a clearing . left line: wont 13'Oliviit J." n 1kh k•.r:loilr ]a t-uat}t1g. Plic . � •.. t<'lritlts in navy" iii -' t.u,tt►n.y i11 s�'vwratl Choice of the sell , g 1, Vests and. Drawers, all sizes, $1«2S. quality yarn, per garment, 85c.:. gu:ality, . unshrink- aW. • Per garment, natural shade.: A. $pl,i i d tiyarm gar-. Regular value selling at per 75c, far-.. sr�n,' lirown citify. ger brawn acid Mark good shmtick, made l his. come ` in ccl:tt in creat li ngtits Ret. frutit all tvnol, to atilt $3.504 SALE OF "PARISIAN" CORSRTS, DEMONSTRATING NOVEMBER VALUES $1.95. n entd , 95c to $1.25. meat, 49c. i',tr ,iatt Yirialrl f,+irsety. • lengths of 3 1 x .yds." 3 �:r yaks. ready, spe- e#t ar 15k, .per cc1, only, :ill. styles. Our best Parisian Corsets, regillar, va- ;ill 8izeh, high and Itity i11151s. del. all, sizes.- Per pr, 95c. selling" nuinlier, ° Per Pair - $1.35. = Special $4.75. Ciel a $3.95. $2.25. t November Sale Pure -.�-.. Girls' Winter Coats, Ades 4 to 14 " Lar�*e double had Kure Silk and Wool Hosed .� , •.. k • SILK VALUES---OUCHESSE 1 .. SATIN $2.45 ; SILK CREPE � 1.95 ' Woven s Va.'rm All Waol Waters Se omen s 5i1 an Woo Stockings in Black and white, a splendid wearing, stocking, Pr. $1.85. Women's Stockings Women's Black trash merette Stockings, sizes 9, h r4, 10only, This is ex- traordinary, Pair 59c. . Chamoisette.Gloves P e r r i ft`s C:ha,moisette Gloves; in brown, grey, slack, covet, welt made and good fitting. • Pair 75c. Boys' Wool Jerseys ,.Boy's pure Wool Jerseys, button at the, neck. r Colors avhite, brown, navy. Each 51.25. Children's Gloves! C h ii d e e n's Woollen Gloves. inyall colors and si- zes, These are marked for quick clearance at per pair 25c. Merle Mins Lingerie Satins in high finish quality. -Colors pink. blue, ,grey, tan, lilack. navy. Ward 650. YOUR CHOICE `Ot COLOR THIS WEEK ONLY Bath Tawds ''V "4M N' � 1V SSES'W�-0�AUTIFUL.L'Y" FUR TRIMMED BOATS" SPECIALLY PRICED Women's Sweaters Black. Sweaters BLACK OUCHE$SE . CREPE=SE•CHINE Is aces, have soft fiai54J drying, Pair $.i.�a. Heavy weight, beautiful. ..:• Swiss Canton .and Crepe Woipen Pure Wucil Sweaters, in • fancy stitch. Women's black atilt �s°liite ;with white trim, All Wool, full silk'•tinish, yard .wide, This is extra value, black. weatve, Crepe de Chine,, in. a lovely finish, +9 to 40 in. . Colors liriiwn, henna, navy; !open, tan. 'I'uxedu style. Sweaters, warm and verb ecrmfj►rtahle. Batch $5,5q. only. Yd. $2.45. tvi$d. Special: per yd. Each $7.50. t 5i•5•Girls' coat Style y CANTON CREPE NATURALPoIIGE Girls' Sweaters Silk Canton Crepe ,heavy Natural Pongee Silk, for • Girls' Sweaters in pull- Girls' Sweaters, in Coat Steles, made froin all wool weight material, • 40 inches dresses, trimmings, curtain Over :;tyles, good full.. sizes, yiirns. Golairs C,open, hrowil, wide, taken from our regu• , drapes, and many rather us- falney stitch. Insearlet. ew poppy, sand. latch $2.45 tar stack. Per yd, $195. es, 'Yd. wide. ..Special 98c pen, henna, Mach $2.39. atilt $3.504 SALE OF "PARISIAN" CORSRTS, DEMONSTRATING NOVEMBER VALUES , Misses' `'Vfiitr or %ink These are our regular q2 value Corsets, In white, d$, (ltilcit's Iti�it iluelity, i',tr ,iatt Yirialrl f,+irsety. Coutil Corsets, low I+ust mo, only, :ill. styles. Our best Parisian Corsets, regillar, va- ;ill 8izeh, high and Itity i11151s. del. all, sizes.- Per pr, 95c. selling" nuinlier, ° Per Pair - $1.35. lues .up to S3.5o_ Special sale., price $2.25. . i:ldatrinkNa� bale Iiri�4+�'$i,9� November Sale Pure Wool Blankets Girls' Winter Coats, Ades 4 to 14 " Lar�*e double had Kure Double lied alio. tlunit ' 'fool Blankets, whipped 2x2:1 yards, Pure Wool girls' buritern salmi filar.- I.;)rger (:rials in Burllor'r� singly • wxz yds. `These Blankets cif Canadian nianti- kct (11th4.Oats, ramie vert' . yttlt+�7. hiade trc►taa . ,griftaf ;are particuiarljr fine islank• facture, and unshrinkable, warm and .coinfortable. Ai- vv�ighl cloths and well trini- ets. Pair $9.'75,Pair'$t3«7S« most all sire;. $8.95. imed arta Pini bed. at $10.75 UPSTAIRS-•Llnoleums, Oilcloths- Colmforters and Comforter Coreriks The liest product ref the Floor oilcloths, in a Nx Canadian factories, Well ;g , • ,• , r,ti �r Of li:ttta r strain Cotton filled Gitintorters; t:)tnforter (,rtt,i'riai;,�, in printed patterns and, choice �ew, and dttralilc. Por r,l. Cct. gored quality ellintz cover- Prat",chintz floraki pattterm , of 3 car 4 yds, t=ridgy°, Per 5 hilts, zith 6nitrsn,411,g plain in all Ala deli, Yard L hk) stla➢are vd $1 10 t'ti °t f=a It Co. 50 ni<ft °r" tJ "Yat 39 a t, �,. c. Linear Towelling Bath Tawds ''V "4M N' � 1V SSES'W�-0�AUTIFUL.L'Y" FUR TRIMMED BOATS" SPECIALLY PRICED Lineta `rm cwngs, for lasitd or roller use, all prate li➢➢eat. This is rine",: of our ,lath Towels in browi$ Turkish, with colored bord• Mi55)0s'sa➢a;l WOWW6 Velour Coats, -with heay. eel➢le fair collars, lined to tire, bottom �sith line sa• g4a i,➢ill, i�'r,nae�➢1°;� and Nlisces' (,'alit , in the lhi, priie it I imdlude', aIl➢atter art flat, lea 1Dwa' L Brae quality and f,nglish velaaaar,c, all riJil�+, OvaN !t3 l 'ta ylfe4°iaf vn6ue�:. pyr yd. 21+e. aces, have soft fiai54J drying, Pair $.i.�a. t("41D' li➢Ilial ➢D retry floral � 9fi<t a`I. fe' v � p ` y itiattertl,. left. pt"sheaf vc�liiur taa,t rtlitz6,t tDiptBa, tu� trhunlCM an'l lined tet the NdttDm will • hig,11 uat- Abaci reindeer llaaEl� , t:ht1w e i !t 16'l� q �. trapna tG➢ice• r,aaa�;�} at surface. Your Choice at $17.50. lity sateen eft plain or culpr6, each $27„ , $34.50. n ALI " F t