HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-11-29, Page 4-- - .---- -- - , , - , - - , � . ....... --,.--- -V ��- --w-, --V --- ---�-1!1;.Pigl."IplllllplllllIIW---.-�-�--.I - - I—— - T�F� � -
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PAGE FOUR T11F'o GODERIC11 S, . I I - - NOV.. A Pt
. I � I .- 1. - - � N ft i . i I . 11 i � I - . MI . - I 1- I ,. . .1. - 9. 1 . . --1 !TT-!�!T!T 7! -!!! 1! Ir �0 --- .- � I 1. .1 .1.9 - --�-.T!!--7!..- !! !� -4-- .
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f � � A t Study and Har,I �Taoy Chavles in Ow1wrAli ta,vvvt �; : .
. PULP WTV OOD V.Ap pow, a - pointro Out 'all'
I Week Are NectisarY for SWIRR-l' "PARCY of lor#Wrly 'he I
h � -4
xati4m- '. S%y BQSi1W*6QQ Fail for I M4%t 0439#W N*& %PY VOW Of ."
, . � -,-- 1-:-� I "I
- 1- I 11
.... �
r,v,try savrA t4wactr4c an -1 Natwal Reoson Danws& TMt Raw , J,sch. if Wedy of Raw Material RVV4104, , � - ---- , , . 9 I 9 ,
Muria* a Can$& He MAWA"t" ia VaM&I �1 0*4 mafkof� � I -a alditign to the fixing of the as, -.�-�T-'-' - : " -1
�--- ,
- �
� ,-,. 9
, � 11 - � - I -���
k�c-Irnw= of file Ettvator Company. �,i--- ---� I
�- .I � � , ,"I.-�.. . I . .. ,�
. 0 --�-- �- ,,. Tile addres;a by Mr. Kc-2th liubbani tbQ Q)wi. of Rc,�Lion dealt with tiff I -, - 9 ---- - - 1. I ,�
_ , -- - , - �1;z��-- --- -- . :�
�- �
- . d, 1W Mons Club 1"Wilcon last FL -1 . I .. - - , . � . . '0. r. A,
" folll,,�Wivg cwic : I , - �., -1 -, � ,.A,. , �- I
I -� I -- - ,� day waji a very � Interesting talk -'�� I �� .:.
'. � ,-11 . !7�
- - ----. � 011 Aln it. It Revell complained a� . �,�,- - . .. \9
- !� flZo CaUj(" f ubjw1, '*Speciahz�'.t`Xn " on oajn,�t, tv . " �, "..
� .ing a!--5cs.�;cd as a resident, � I �-11 . -. I
: '! l,i� '� I
I fim of runUr in Que6tv- wmcfi llz�. i�ikkbuyll llaz,-a nivAm Mc, 0 ... * . ; 1� - 81 , ,
! ., . . - -�
.. Tho PrOmt smwa SAW wo"t vestnw and was assevicd a(,� a lion re"'ident. , , :.$'�., 1
*ad NOW ommick in wwory of TIWOO Provinces. vievium wc��14 twinirt as A were, a ACr. Ilenj-y (;. ll t as - 4 t h .: - I'�'; -.. �, ,�'I- ,�
Un Ix 0 ave . . '1� 11 -.1 ��..Q,
, , ,�*�,�Q.1, 13
,A- ; .., � -, � ; . , I
, � computiation of 31r. lla,-ysl talk. 6 13. r2rt of lot 354 ag-'essed to himself . tl.s " ., *, � r - � " � t, , . ....
I � To the Editor of The St#n acrosa that ccunuw ustate-J, otba onl.v, spcclat;iaticn, Mr. Hubbard r--,aicl, an( Mabel Ifunt jointly as Owners, I . 11.1 -T 1� . �! � I I
� : I I 1 -::: . I
.1.. - : - I ,. �: �
, , -Alo ar- The amount per acre that Soule Of long 85c:61 aj,�J econovu!(. line: -Y. 11(4, '! ., , . 91 - ...... ,.
� , Sir:, -1 am very glad of tbe *For- visiblm. resource was duck sbooting-11 r;ao vc�*,93iwg ccr,�idwi Qhlc� 01'eught "' " la,Ac"d of to Mr. 11. 1. Watson. `�-, . I 1. . , . I
. tuuit�. Mat is frow tilne to tit ,� , 0. Jillel" appealed. "to 11,��, '. I , I . 1,
. lujroo4 timber Will ae-. Mr. LeAk I �: . . I I
I Avoca Ulu by some eorresp�ndvut. this small ri cl "poiwt,cd out some raistakes whicl; haw-, pavt of lo,. 1070utnoaacd to Min- im I �� .1 � 9 1 L .
0 of What to tually cut has cvn alarmingly small,, thera vm-t danger of fallinj irka. c ewell,
U110 ban little UnOwlOg � , elf in%tcad of to Mr. J. T. IN "I" � "
� writes, to further eirphs.size the a- dreciving some of Gur very boA for- One Wg I I 1 9 1 .
. ,11� apply himself exclu-,Ivcly, anil to have lot 184A assessed to Mr. I I
� larraing situation that is facing Cu' -I- cstera and lunibermev, as evidenced � to Ono linO Pr,d thus - bQv0 h:s gC1,21.7- Robt - Johnston as owner. and this I .- I � - - - I --- � �,- - ... .
*d,a wati; regard to Iti rapidly dim- by actual operations In this small eits too circumweibed. was done. lie als-o askcd to have pt.
� , ood supply. Ullwood Wil- northern growth. I call refer to in I Specialization made possible m6d.1 , , . ...... I
�nbbilaj; W i� R, con. ,V. aspossed to himself instead 44 "I .1 .
� rxw, -one of Canada's fercraost forest- stauco after Instance where this has cr,n civilization and civilivatlou wan of to Mr. Robon Johnston, and this . - I I I
. Aers, says that this is not only thd occurre.d. The most weent case that making vpecialization ncee3sury. 4 1� - .1
�, . . ax4i * a 'a I was done. �.,� .i,� . -, - ';�' * 9 .
most �njpurtant ptnding questiqu be. has been brought to my attention � Sped4lization, r4and z. . io nd Mr. Clifford wobws assessment on, 1� I -, , , , X, .9
fore tbo- Dominion today, but Is one was At a hearing in Halifax, when I co-operation in rervive weTJ tor,etb. lot 20, Office Reserve, was loft ot $I,- 1 '. !I::: ,'�-' .
for Cunada alone to solve. the 'president of the company hold- I er. Back of all specialization was a 00. �, 11 . I
� -
� . I'ho figures pertaining to the A. Ing the Vig Lvase" In Vietoila alld'� -lot of hard, ,careful work, and study, I Lot 1187 %vao changed to Mr, B. 11. - I ... 'I` ,., ��a� , - .,., I L
9 -
mount of pulpwood now standing In Inverness counties, Cape Breton, Pub-; and only by means of such study - Townsend as owner, in pjaco of Mrs. 1 7�7,, 7, , , :; � '"', .... �."
,.�. . 1. . . .". ,;:;:�
- 1. %�
� v Robertson., - � .:::-,:- .�4.:;,%�... ,,-',:
Canada, as quot,C4 -by a correspon liely r4ated that the territory cover, � Mid anyone make a success of hIS9 Mar, I ��f::�::i' �,,,, .\ ,:.�
.. ,
:... .
- � ".'. �;-:�T , I . ., �'.,. I
11 �--7f;i:��:�'2,�, � .
dent in a recent issue of � a Canada ed. by this lease contained only tbreo own line, The engineering know. Toot 71, It. S., was assessed to Mr. .�:,',�7f:i-�::i,..,�,,-,,,
, ` * -
X. .1 1,
.. �- `-,-.:� .. ,,,:: .
newspaper; are, to say the least, very million cords Of pulpwood, while in ledge which made, posoilk the great J. Whitten as owner instead of to � , 1, I ,,�,�. �ip:. ., f-�
91 1,
- � , �.I� 9.::� ,.� I j:., ,�; ;%.,:-:;�::k � .,:�,
Vide of -the focts. The makers of the report of the Conservation COM- I bridge building feats was *11 the pro- Maud Steep. at $30(). . .1 '� I . ,
� . -
- �'. , dy Btat # . .
I 11. I , these- figures fkaul; o that. the; mission, it is aoted that this lease ,. duct of rareful study. The engineer Air, U. E,-Sandvrson, complained of I . . I. 1 , 1��.. .. �4 , . . . 6 , ,
-- .
a 4 11, - --.AV, ,
. . � . . "
are a mere guess at bosk In any, contains twelve million cords. This must know all about stress and strain over assessment on income n that . . I -
event, we in the Fast are only con- e3tilliatO Of twelve million COWS, i And the Strength Of WJ7crIals. Spe. pt. lot as should be ,assessed to him . . . . . . . "' �1,4-`�,-&.,- � .
,ld which was later Corroborated by some eialization twebemistry produced our instead of to Mr. Allan McDon . I I -� , .-- - I V . I I I. . I a I
corned with, the stand of spruce a, �ald !: . � ,�-,`::;i,7:� . �
jt� �; 1. �' . .
I of the best foresters and lumbUlnell dyesp anaesthetics, etc., In fact there h ill . '...., ..4 a
fir pulliwoo4jn the four provinces. of T� 0 inco e assessment was struck I " I �
I ff 4 :1 �', . ,112 ^
. . � C.�R.*'
%� , , ". I
Ontario. �QuvWc, Now Brunswick and of Main, was made by the late Dr. were very -few tbinfa which did not o nd the lot assessed as asked for.. ,.x,�. ,I
' ... , ,'��',Z-�: (a
Nova SeotWo In this connectiop I. go back . . - I '.. I
ernowi IV O a ro a y e mos ', to specialization In, chow Lot 127 ff. S., was assessed to igr, � . , �� ..7.- 9 .
� m
. . �.
noted, capable, ig ly UCA d and totry. . 1 1. . . I
will quote from this same Dominion , . I .:. ` . a, -
G. T. Mohr, and lots 126, 101 and 1Q0, '18". :,. " :, :: �
. � a , .
Forestry Branch document, retorted trained . rester of Is a . As it The industrial place of spedaliza� ff- S., were assessed to.-Allss Annie L . ., I � , I �� -, .
0 . P a
. I to ]by this tornspondent,'which.,etates was a o stated y this sa e witness tion had made possible. standariukion McKay at $400. I—— � f
. . 11tat these eastern provinces contain that there was no udwor OR this and cheapened machinery and stau& The Assessment on *. .Xr, Forbes �� . . .. 91 1 � . .
552,210,000 cords of all kinds of soft� tract, and that Only 4 matter Of One ardization had made it possible to Miller on part lot 324 was raised to. . � . . . ..
1 wood, but as only two-thirds of this. huvdro4.*pd fifty thousand cords bad got parts almost an I where. ,Specla, $000. I ' . W ,." .1. I . . I * . . . 0 .. . h
wood, this would be reduced to 368,. made, it shows clearly that the a. for the discovery of insulin, . Mr- E. J, Pridbaw at,*1609 As owner , . is - I
% 000,000 cords and deducting 80,000,. 1110unt called for in this report fell- Nino,tenths of the failures in Call- and public school pup orter,- and w, - �
00 cords for inaocessibility, we got short just Beventy . lack of careful part of lot 1110.4 to, Mr . , 11 �(. A I
.. � -ilve per cent and Ada today,%vere due to � �� 3ome' 'Gi F I
. alucuut would he merchantable pill been cut 'since this estimate' was lization along wedica lines accouilt!ed F. part of lot JU W 11
p- 9 , 7 4
I . ..Chisholm: Hand!' ft urniture,
� . . � I .
� " � 288,000,000 cords of accessible, pulp. this Is only one Instance of several of study Combined with bard 'work at 090 as separate'school supporter. I" I I . . I I . 9 � . .
wood in these province$. Acco ting the SaWO'nature that have recently Too runny industries devoted their at-� Mr, Walter X I Buchanan wa . s as - . 0 1 .
. . these figures, which I shal enge. Peon 'brought W my attention, prov� tention only to the study of the pro- sessed for north part of lot 817 as . ' ' ' ' '
lat& (in, and allowing for an annual Ing conclusively that the estimates In cesses of manufacture, and failed to Owner, at $2ft . . . . .. .
. . for great this small growtit are almost invar- givo-proper study to the matter of Mr. Joseph , . 9 - . " �f6' Christmas. . 11 . I
ro ..
, , cut of 6,000,000 cords avid a � . . , I), Wilson was'a ses. I I � ,t r I I
� 9
� or depletion caused by Insects, fang' lably too high. I 1� raw ul*erlal tin' (I as s . . 9 9
.9 d to the market- Mr. se owner',Of. part lot 811 And part .
I . 9 I . .
� If Hubbard instanced the case of 9 a fac- 440 at *11000. , I I ,I I .
I . Are and wind, the situation is critical 16 their frantle endeavor to fool . I . � 12,
- . . -We hav,e' an exCe otibnaily. choice stock of individual piece
I Indeed, lit support of this, I need ,pe. the Canadian People, come of these torY built near PeterborO to maini. ' Mr. George Bradford, was assessed ,s aiid 0 ,
I .
. . I . f ' er only to, what has happened along American representatives, with their facture motor driven street sweepers as owner of lot 759 instead of miss V , 1 9 � , , 13 �
. . large figures, totally ignore the fact . � I sets, s�uitable for this Gift Giving d at values that w'e' feal 11
Just. 6lio line of railway .Ili - Capad-a, on a large scale..while there, wore on. Lydia Bec]14 - . . . season, an , a ,
. . I the Transcoutinental between LaTu. .that we have lost two hundred mll.� � ly 50 or 6.0 cities In Canada which .Lot 101 *4s as ' .. Al
que And Coebra -e,.by no ac.. lion cords of pulpwood t I sossed- to Urs.�iWrn. sure will interest you. You will find here the newest ideas in' ' , ...
� hrough the would be likely customers for ,such an H as owner instead of to I . -11 .
� � � ne, who% ravages of the budwo - Green, , , I I I . �� .
I � I . tUal cruise, it was found that 20,OM,. rui alone, while .article. costing $7,000 or $8,000 In Jessie Bedford. I . . I . . . . . 1� ' 41 .' I
. �
I . � . I I 000 Cords of st4udlug wood -were Ac. our forest fire loss is increasing from addition to giving 40'eution to, cut�. Part lot 804, Was assessed.to Mr, . * � . . .1 ' � � . � . .1 .. I
I stroyed by fire while the railroad re. vear to year, Ill present season b-lv- ting down' facto;7cbsia, a maoufac� . . Fern Stands � , . . Reed �C'h i a d Rockers- I . . .
''. . . I , Jag. Donaldson, as owner, instead of . I I airs n . . �
iod show 'that 1�g- shown tb greatest loss from tur,r 0,ust follow markei values and � I . . �
. . , - It . . I
P. Mrs Cuff.
01.11.y '30,0,000 cords 'of� .-tit kinds of this cause ix!A. ebee aza Now Bruas� the reasons for these fluctuationsi and , Lot. 165-.Was.assessod�at $1060 to . . -Stan . I ! I.. .!tl.
. 1. .� 4 Z Sin. okers'. ds, - Upholstere'd Chairs . � . �
, produets ,wore shipped, show� wick� that has been experienced in most look to the economic situation Mr. R. 0, Hetys, jr. - . k . - I . w . � � � .11 L .
I I ing 4 10,99 of twenty Cords by fire to the history of these. provinces, There back of i6 all. Many store,i went un, Part lot '724* was . tissc�sed 'to "Mr.-' -0 I :1 ! � . �
.. . onevord utilized.' This, with the loss is not a water power . or water JarSiniere Stands : - . - '- �Cedai- Chestg - - %I . . , . �'
6hcd der through lack -of study of the Goo. B, Wilson Its owner in , * ..� . I I , I
. I . . I . � I � �
I . . I itiffering -from a lack of forest cover; . Birnie. . I Floor Lam'ps . I . ;
Of -200,000,000 cords by the spruce Ili 'the Dominion that is �not already needs of the market. � I Mr. win .� . Medic -line Cabinets ... .
- I budworm in, those same eastern -pro. � One : ", * co-operation. might b& Assessment to Mr, fsaa� Salkeld 0- � . . I I I I i'�
. . I I . vinecs, will enable the people. -to un. I many rivers having been lower 'the worked O& -witli advantage in. the is Part of lot 158 was reduced � .1 .. I ' . I � . . :
, . � I proseift se4son than over beforei And. speak own line .on h, I , F�ncy Tables - . - Chifia Cabinets. I . � .., .k
. I
I .. . . derstand" how rapi'(ft wo-are losingo of ,manufacture from $300 to $250� � Mr. Theo. Sehau� I P. . .9
. . . . s . . many wells and spflngs'having fail. 'Wou der's 0 . I . . ' I . . . I .. � . � . . I I
. , . I
. . I
. . 11 .The realon I challenge some of the ed for the first time, This- drying tip be if it w0e possible i44 get� was assessed fol, part of lot 911, in . . Fancy Chairs. . I . . .1 I . . ic ��
I , place of Mr. J. W. Craigle. 93 i - I . . � I
. . . ,figures that have been published in of the earth's ourfuccis accouniabIq ---'---- I . I Lot 142, 11, S., was I assessed to 'Ur. . . . 1. . I . . . - . I
I I Covernment, 'and Conservation Com- for the alarming increase in our few. No other solution, would be open to W. Revell us owher at $500 in place � and Ro*cke'rs I I I ,Mirrors . 0 I
.� . � , -oports, which, �as I stated (tat fire$, and this is a p t f�rlcoui newspap . . I I I . � I . . . . . . I
"I raission r o" whose of Mr. J. W. Ci-aigle. . I . . . � . . - . I �
I . I . . I - �
. . situation that our puny politicians At owners care not whether their' pulp Lot 12g, H. g I I
I . � . . befOrc# OVO4 the makel'a say arc , u9s. ., wa . a assesscV3 ,to �. 'i Livi 11
. I .. ts - so.�a compto.te.,stock,.of in,
:� larg6l Ottawa,will- he forced to, rew)gnize.' or paper is manufactured one side of Mrs. t. Jonni � Co ', Q. bs aind Cradles�.*.. al . - o- I— " I
� -11.11 . Y )no". guesses, is. because I f . . I . Y, g- , ,
. �. . . �
� i.. . . ... essment o . . � I I
I . proved to o,ver_ ptbui$tIC as t6 en by some AnieOchn pulpwood deal. call only be Lloyd was . increased to $565. . � room nRigroom, 136 room and K* che ' ' i I �
� � , some of these .Judging frout,the Itostimony" giv. the line or. the othero Provided they . Income dog f M4 S. lvlev� . . I ' . i
13 , by ali Actual cut, have ' � 91 ,
1) . c 0 assared of 'a sufficient Di i � d it n F urniture. I ,
. � .
. the supply, . I . I ers at these "hwulngs" one might bo supply. -, They must have the paper.. , � gr. , .. .. ,.. . I I . 1. I .� . . . I. I %
. . . : I � The exhaustive norini; I I lod to believe that with -the advent oX and it tbir 'cannot. be obt4ined sed a Wilfred Donaldson wa,q ames. � . I . I � I � . . , . . I . . I � . . . . . . � . . . . . I A"
I � . I.. . I I survey p do - . � le4st,onc.fiftll of .aff through the export of rd* Wood, then, s owne� -of Dart,. 9, Con. ;C�, in - " . ' � . . I � s
. . 91 Year :ago by the ont,,: 1. an embargo at I place df,ur.. iosi;ph btr6sg, A�d .111, , .
. . . 1% ,. . I �
I I I . Ment over the Jame's Day w4t � the Ilowspuper-s'itil'the United States they Will be ofily' too glad to take it Joseph koso,was ass"sed antenant " , I , � . I., , �
... I . Qrsh6d. would go out of businesa,-'-while aj injulp k'� paper. ' 11 . ,,AnEiectric W asher -or a Kitchen Ca6in'et , .. . . .. I . �.
11 I 1.s I I . . . Is It case Ill Point. "this territory has . Of part. 19t 1,24 in. place, of ,� My � . . I 1: . 1, . . I I .�.,
. . 1. . , that hue and - I - I - I I I . .
; ' U matter of faci, th& only Chan$ 11 this Cry by the Ameelm : . . . �.. ;
I . . 41WAY-1 been considered as .1 part of !let cord Allin and' Mr. Allin as ( rm � I I I I I . I . I I
.1 .... . . our future wood supply, while'this will be brought about will he the er- Can b.uIpwood dealers for the farm- of north part lot'8.9. wot�ld.make.an appropriateLift. .We 'have them. . - . . , . . .
I , t I . . � $111TOY tevockled the fact that the ectloh of at least sufficient now pulp ors' and settlers' rights 1$i pure � bull- Farr. . . � instead Of E, � J, a � � . . . I . � . . . . . . I . � . I I �� I I I . . . .. 1.11 . I . . I
I . . . I - I M 11 11 . I 1. I � . . ... .. 1. � I I . � . . � .1 . 1. .. .1, I I . I 1. I . . . : . i
. WOod'resources Of.that region were mift in -Canada .to make. good the ]w1u, Tbe farrier and settler wi . Xr. . . .�
. I , I . in the . unmanufactured be Very appreciably benefitted by an I : J, B. Mustard's I assessyn . cut . I : C all and s e what we have. W& will: be pleased to show our.�toc I .. . . . I .
� . winere riytb. as that Wilple area con. deficiency w4s, Aonfirmad��,� , - I I . � e .. .. . . ,k . . . . I
� 11 . . . . , � I 1. . .1
'r :1. . Hists of either, burns, 'muskeg, or wood that is now being exported. 71u, embargo, as he will rdt only Aave M. V I It - I . I .1 . 1. . I ,� � .. � . . . I I � I, , .
I I . . r. , rne§ Jackson wa - . I I I . � .
I I Z . . . ticrub, wit] v I Oder to provide a market for what Ample home.0owpotitiou for his wood I s, assessed . I I .. . . . . . ..... I � 1. % �
-1 � . X merely narrow strips of as t0lignt'Of Part 938 instead-of.14r; IA I I I
. �
, � � . I . d along 1AWAms.-and in patche-11,2401 f4raiera or settlers wood,.Js through the advx-nt of, I am . id, Hector McFayden, and was 4-150� as. . - .. ,
� - woo . Afra I .,
1 ; " �. � . . . . remote to niakfl Cora. I . '$ntry -ire too an�ow mills� but be will have sessed $526 for business tax. � I I .:
too small and - "I now le4tving the Co ,, :40t ini � m,
I . ., - I I . �� I
. I
. I
� � . � ---- Inerclul OPOrationg possible. & one,than six ipills of a hundred tong,oa a*honi� .market for:1is farm pkoduc4 Miss Lily P. Hunter was assessed 01 I . J 'ROWHEELER I
. Irl " Af and fainfly its $800 fo� -income tax Purposes and is ,
S member of a. porty wilo recently fle PaciWeach would have to be bulk. and.44bor for himse
I . W . . I 0 1 b �
I . . . . . - ---- I well. . . . I � . I . . . . .11 . I.
4 -- "*" I The Govern I.. I .1 . I . . .. . I . .
I .1. I I . I I- I . Z-- - � . Miss Vabel Powell the same'dulount. � . . � I � . I . . . ., . I -- I : i
. , - . ---7,-- I m6t of Ontario has Al- . .1 . . . I to . � � I
I , I � . - Z -1 I � I � . I I � � Assessment on, E., part 781 to Mr. . . W ., � rooms:, Hamilton, tr. t \ , I . ' , , , I
. ;. I I � I I . . .. I I . ft� ready received. applications for loca- H. J- A4 MUPIMan was Increased,. to , ,,, are . � $ $�e , . I . ,Goderich, Ontario
l, I V . tions for � � ' I . � . I I . �
. . I
I I * . I ' .. . . . �. . ... �, K3 I . ..
. efficient Alinist.er of Landz Assessment to A - .. ;
I C11091's 'he "' no' which "2'0* ailmn - allu "a . I .. I
' 't 5'
�. : . t . � . . N' pulp mi" . .
V , I I . I .
.1 . I � I . I fr. Gilbert Plant
.,. y . . 'J . . .. I �. I I and Forests, the Ron. Jimes Lyons, an n, part, 841 was increased to �$I,-' imL 1201312, =313=1 rim . . I
. . I 11 to,-remakk that if all of these te- 000. . � � I .
. . . . �
., . . . I ." . I . . . -1 . . . I :, . quests are tranted, he does not know I � I I . ,. , I , . .. . . 11 I :�- . ,�
. � ., � . .1 . I
I I I � HER 1. , 1. what 40411 become of the pulpwood Lot "' was assessed to Judge' � 4 am . .1 �1
I I .1 . . .. . . . Dickson I. pla�e Of to the Susin WHATVTHERS SAY ,'. politan daily gives its readers�, a pie- gligibic value, The loc I merch to . .
I . pply o the province. . Several new Smith Estate. I . I . �- . ture.of world news at a glance. I who give time and attention W their . I I.. I
I . .1 . . are projected in the pro- ,W- ,Irt 418.was assessed to Mr. The Value 1. of TheVeekly Newspipe heard - Premier Mackenzie Xing say newspaper spa e, get'results that arc. I .
. . I . I - ew F . I (St Ararys - Joui*I-Argus) r � . �
L . IST 5 llesul1iflo Que Micha Flick instead of to Uri Al, - . t I
. I I I I �VM - - . �1,)`u!L bec, AN Prunow1ok I . . the -other day that the daily newspa- . not I rough any other classi , � �,
� . . . . and Nova Scotia, If the mere 491- bert Allen. I � I per is designed to -give to the hurried of medi . �
1. . . . ,�.CHR . As tatioll for aa* embargo has ,already IV. n,rt 188 jius . . In tin address by Rev. A. H. Moore, man of affairs a. glance at world ev. ia but such merchants arexiot � .
I assessed to I always in the, majority, . I
I . . Mr.. 31. A., -at the University of Toronto ellt� as an interlude between courses . .1 . I
. . I �. I �. I . . . produced such substantial, resultg. I jesse Gray as owner instead of to �
� I � .. . 1. 1% . . How often we hear it said; and still � :
41 I I I . � , will leave the, people to judge what Alex. Fraser' aqd D. R. Brern-josh., recently, on "The $.is,sion , of the at. the breakfast table, and is then I oftener feel it in the attitude of , , .
I .. Now is the tilue to, inaltea select"on for "Her" Weekly Newspaper," this significant ( �
I - the announebment of -the actual em. e asses- ... , "The raetro- dim t aside *as'b, rushes out to ,his small town folks, that there. is no , . (;
, Lots 191 -and part 192 wer Cas .
. . . � i " osi ,1,a,r',g w h for the -wol� sed to Miss� D ph was given: , .
. Cbristinas Grift--and this is the store.Vou re �ni orothy E. Little as -own. paragra . By duties. Not so the wiekly. It chance to do anything Worth while,in �-, I - .
. . .
I . of Canada. As soon. as the era- or instead of. to Air. '(,,. w. ... - Is a visitor to the -home.. It is kept the rural community. It you th lik, ., I . .1
. . ' we!�e the thing - bargo goes into, -force, it will th , I , I . , � . �i
; apt to find it in, Wonian. or Girl, I , I - I , ,
� . . I p Assessment On l0t�513 to- Mr. ward J. Tighe as 'owner.of 1�,t 70 until time for leisurie, re'ading I$ so Mr. Man, it is tr.u_e so for as you . !
suitable for "Her" Chridnias. - - - become Immediately . necessary. �`tq (;eOffrey Holt was reduced to p5o. R, Sj . nto homes where it Y�6rself ave concernbd. . .1
� . -- I . found, It.goes I The state -4 - .
I . I . . . . . I .. take up'Wo 4tiestion ofa reduction B. part of 235 Was . W . . Te from first to.last. It comes ment is usually made from the stand.. I
� 2 � - � I in the cut, .better 6 , assessed to Mr. NV. B. Tebbuti as as,,�es6ed is. ad .
. . � . . "%P E ' 0 re protective XUrgaret Kerr as 'owner, instead Of as owner of lot- 1372, G� $., insteat into intimate contact with the people point of dollars aud cents'. Froni m I i
. .11 I . AVISE .Cn'ftlC . ,' . measures and � a real forest conservu� to Stewart Xerr. . I , I and can therefore deal for more in, financial standpoint then, . .. /i
. . . I 1. .. . � : Qf Mr� Geo. Kenyon. are monoy�, .
.. . . !on program. I . . Income Assessment of Alk. 'Thos. Mr. Win. Taylor was assessed .$200 ' tinuttoly with perfr6iial and conimun� raiiking Opportunities lacking in the . I .
I Wbat could be a wiser selection than one of. t With toferenee to the embargo, it, LeLv&, wag struck off the roll. I as owner . of lot -667 and Mrs. Worsell ity afrairs. Because he realizes this country -town? We have in mind a �. . .
our Coats, Messes, or eventa Skirt�or Sweater? is with much pleasure that I quote .Mr. Allan McDonald wag asses- as owner of lot 050 At $1800- , I and appreciates the importance ,of couple ot. brothers who graduated .
� . . I I . � I .. what Sir John WillisOne 89 President sett as Owner of W, Part S86 Instead Messrs. Jervis Wiles. and John small Incidents as well as great ev- froiii Toronto Viniversity at tlie same . . . I ,.
� of the Canadian Reconstruction As- of Clarence Pennington. cuts, the' editor of the weekly papet time, -
� , � - so' I They were bright and t
A WONDE Wiles were assessed as joint owners one in law and the other in en
RF UL SALE. -OF. COATS ' !iatlon says, as follows� Part lot 190. was iisessed to Mr. ,of part 19, Con., A., go public school is not impatient of those details,per, gineering. ' .. .
"We must either manufacture the John Johnston. as Owner instead of sm2al 'items and local news. of every - far-seeing chaps. They deciided. to ,
� -4 . . . , . That offers a ,splendid opp;irtunitv .for raw material§ -of Canada within the to D. 0111rierk � . . . supporter, instead of Mary Martin. do,tcription and character. He knows. emb 1. .
. .
women and inisses, to -save inoney on ,r winter coun.try-thus employing labor, rear- Bo part 004 wag assess '"I, Mr. Jas Yates' business assess- thtt somewhere he is cheering sortie ap ark in business and took what .
stru .
e llclZt that feels its loneliness and iso- go ng back to their old home town. a, .
. I jug tow communities, providing local Andrew Vorter L as own r ed to Mr. ment was ' ek off the roll. - eared to be the suicidal stop of . .- .
� ., instead Of Mrs. Catherine Dean was assessed fr
. I I � needs. These special price. groups for next N%"eek . markets for merchants and produc- Mr._ George McCreath, . as owner of w. part,563 instead of lat.on, that he is enabling some neigh. place only half the size of Wolkertc,n . . . . I
. $17,00s $20.50* $34.50. . � I � era, strengthening the n6tiOnAl Arlie- LO6 16 and 01 were Assess'ed 'to Mr. .1olm Dean t%,nd Mr. Albert, Mero bo,rhood to exbress its corporate life, . to make a humble start.', Ili losa� than, . ,
� . I I . 6i . ture, making, the back of Canada. Miss Mabel Rutson. . .. to realize its existence, and to feel twenty Years th have develo ed
. W as tonant of w. part 503 and as sep. cy
! . W.Av I strong to bear its aceumulatikg: bui- Mrs.,, Rhynas that it, too is an integral part of the step p e nZ - �
. Mannish Tvpe Coats, Alarvellas, C lt" ' dena--or tbe� sons of Canada will to,_ SeAsmoot on lo P6 appeal against us- nrate school supgorter, instead of Mr. greft,'. ,worl of atairo.,# . by ste on of the largest I s.
I a . tridh in the Dominion of Canada, eirk. #
, : I � Collar and Out'& of Beaverine and Opossum., low. these raw Tnaterials out of tile dig t ()80 as too high was Robert 110re, an,. Mr. 3ohn M. Sproul I . .
I lowed. . as tenant and public, school support. ploying many hundreds of men. - I
I eign Industrial c*ntre% stnil. ;me . - Sheh6n's appeal against er, of part 482. Instead of Mr. Nero. ')des thL Small Town Offer 0000to They are the makers of the famouS .,.
Others without lur trimmings. Women Who country, establish themselves in for. Mr. X S . $ n a 0 turbib-a for successf , I �
re assessment as too big), was dismis. Mr. Alex� Render 0 w s asses,, d 1 B. T. products. Is this case an ex..
t,ahm advantage of this sale of Dresses will secure and more from Yeal"to.year, the ua- sed. , 1� I .p I
I flonalburden wi as owner of n.' part 495 instead of (Walkertuln Telescope) ception? Well statistics sh& that
� . . values which ary absolutely the best offered for the issue of t It become heavier and, Lot IUS, G. S., wagassessed to Mr. Mr. 13. C. Munnings. . . A common subject -of complaint, t le average uliflionairein the United
. � . . .. . he great Political ex- J. IV. Craigle as 1)wner instead. of to among small town merch 'uts ever ; �o tea today lives inu, town,about the ,
8011le tillie. 1� , . . Asiessment ofy$600 on part lot 220 a .
� . � 1`01iment in which WO tre engaged �Mr. 1, B. Swafflold, ' . I '�i( ...
� to Nellie Allen. where is that a large part of t_._ e of Walkerton. The country ah6 �.
, I I bkoule more difficult omd uncertain. Mr. Alex. Saunders was assessed The hp al of Alich tl,44-of their community goes tr, ex. furnishes mark conspicuous
I . pe I M. Andrews exqui. �
FLANNEL DRESSES . Every 2100nd economic, and natural as oivner of part 999 and part 963. against assessment on 11 .W. part 2g elusive city shops and catalogue hou. 'Of Mall-tOWn merchants WhN I
I . . I � . � reasout therefore, deniaMs that the pli" I
. I Alr- flectOr Rays was asse.tsed as was distoisied. I sea. These merchants WiIU7tell you w th seorningly small OpP`0ktunitic-:, I
I � F lannot Dresses, in tile jacquett Style w* h raw Materials of Canada shall be owner of lot 269 * Chas. I Appeal of , Mary 01 Beattie was that the departmental trader$ could have been able, in spite of the depart.,
1� e it 'manufactured in Canada# and the Symonds. Instead of Mr. I sustair
. . pleated skirts. Reg.,$12.50 for $7.95. ,u, Canadian people protected in tile pt:s- ted and her assessment on part do better by buying at home and this ment story bOgcy,' to will substantial
I . - Air- Win. Jones was asgeSsed A q I is in most cases true. The trjj� success by measuring UP in some de. -,
� * ses, ,184A. was reduced from $600 to $550,
Aen and control of their natural owner of Part 182 and 783 instead of that applies here is that the average gree to their 'opportunities, Tile I
' " �: inhoritano." . 14 Tile following ,appeals against in-
- obert .-Aelgrove, r nc
I I SKIRTS , Air. it "come astessmont were dismissed- mdn is blind to -the opportunitieg that same truth holds good in othe li %a
, . I I . ' Pleated Sldrt�, *111 on The opinion and � corroboration of . Miss, stillwellps Income assOssw,ont Messrs. '%V. A. Coulthurst, ,It. C. surround him, The werchant who of endeavor where success canpot be I I
I . The latest Wool Crepe ch outstanding loyal Canadians and 'Was struck off the roll. Hays, C. Moreau avid C. $eager, and sees trade that should be his, going gauged by moncy-making standards. . . e
' * ,
. �, * ' � ' ' . high authorities , as those dwhose Mr. Jas. Lav ry ,was asses,�ed ag M6. 4SLne McFarlane � .. I . to tho'elty.-tieglects the means &eZ,his In toot We edulftoint out a�, o* 6x. .i,i , ,"
.1 bkown sand and'9ken At'$9.30. -' names I have the honor of referring owner of 1, a 7 A., as Mr. Nell D. Reia was assessed disposal of combating that opposi- alnPles in the town of Walkeit. - A .
1 *:, ,,� I . to below will carry greater weigbt public school Supporter and Mri W1. $400 for income, tion. In making this statemeit w4 man who Woul# make the ludSt Of - .
with tile People of Canada than the I. . - , I Income assessment against Air. 1. .It,!. . I
. OR IME K IDDIES will take the precaution, to stick to himself can fin& opporturitic, , I
'� , Mote rhetoric of a ullm engagtd,ill whAre.
. I 0 the foreign export of his codlAtpy,s early in the year'. trolo the varions X. Abrams was struck off the roll as facts that we know first.ha)4. F,v�
i � N ew shipment of Coats for the kiddies with Most vital natural resource. - counties, a tVatentent of the rotd he bait lidft town. � cry publisher of an average rural W-9sel H. Conwell, the git,int JeC. -
� - --�* and without fur eollars. Specialiv priced ,&I.'50, , J T' he Right HOI]OtAble Robert LiLird wo*- likely to. 1* Aont daring the The appeal of the Canadian Na. newspaper has had the offer at some turer, dl;ivc,q this point home well in ....
, I , S"iMt $6.54, $10.50. I I 1 "41 I Itorden, Sir lionior iGqujn� Sir Wil. year, then find ont:wbat machin"y tiollal Itialwayg against business tax - time or other of large ,,,4v,�rth,1,,,.g his book "Acres U Diaiaonj�,,*P aptly . ..
c ty t
� I �. . . � ham WIM, Sir John Willison, J. R. would be needed t6 carry on this on express -department was tustabied--tOnt'rAct, front the big see 'Jt� 's. illustrating it from -the experienee of
� . R 11 'PaTtWent*I moguls .he Va.
I . ru BOOM Dr. C- 1). Howe, FAwskrd . I work. Then they could eftimate and tW 4W business amsesstuept'The dc the, Aarb farmer whok became obses- 11
I , �, G. C. lViche. F lv�q 4, wAs charged against Messrs., F. V.1 lue of the weekly press as ,ldvertin. Se'd with the ambition. to Acquire dia,,, ,, �
I . DRESSES FO T . what proportion of this bminess they ,A � I—. I I . .1 � , , ,,
,RE 1k. d' I ,wor.*10-,- gU .
, ';
R MILOR I , 'Wilst M *,Z,50, UO ufkt A16*19-' Ift' qf0r'to iafs6 illoney to
� I 1. d. ., PIM , ,I" I—, ,� I on., 'Rown Witlit'1601to *.gelf and theu'nian6ftic. Wr e Ing 2= ra am .
. hie.lud � 'i I
I � F%fack ihd'himilreds'of oiherft, I - -
. In All Wool 110 -any Serges, hand ellibroid; � int tw tdito ture to mett the dmoa;d. Mr. H. E. Jenner was Charged with them if tbOy Mi& How mary Small. Stxrt. i .70rld.wide search for tile I
� , rx of *11 Canada's jWg * own merchants take full advantagq PreciOus,StOnes, he sold his fine faru-1,
. Mr. Hubbard clo3od with a few gfit. $100 business assessment on lot,part t
; I . c .�var,& -t At $1235, $3.50t '. '",VaPO", who have giv#u thaquo,3. . I . of the opportunity that is dehied t!ie, The day After be bad given posse,-.
; . tiffik'SCV10113 stWy. . cr4l word -t. Tito betterment of the 965- ��Cosulent of $1.,50 a- depayt
, $3.75o $1.00. . . I If the 66vernrmiit at 0k4,AW& do,�,3 Community ivaz the Oject of the I Business 8! moot store? F,ablo do not ad. don, the new owner wall attratted by .
� Liens Club. The club horok was poll. j gainst Messrs. 0. F. Chrei 'and 48on verti3c At alL Other* seldom obange a brilliant mtone he found in tho, bt-d
� . . - - --1111- -11. I .1 I � 1. .1 . 1. I not rovkcss a isuffleient atnFe of pro�
. I %r tetntrafthp On playttroulids for elkild. Oo Part 965 was struck off and $-Ir,o their ad-%, the same Unouncemopt Of tile i,ftek where the cattle watp.-.
. trietv to now itsue sal orik dis. cut ,*11,,4 chaiged running month after muNlinth fit the lo. ed. It proved to be a, valuable dia.
. . 11 � Audiag the worse than usele,� 'on, but# he Advised, dotet lot us jcj,, busifteSs 11-45cssrel
. ; , - �,t %Vgmt,e - r stead of Cal press ---A r,ort of m6mintent to tho mond and tbi-5 led to the opening ,)f - �
1. . I 4 the PCOP16'8 1110ne& the " Royal -t 25, in � , , .1
_ nore ,what olte wib tan do for the Against them On VA( . non-progre-gsiveness of the Advertis. the WOrld-fill'Ous Golconda minp.
I All to I ad at the community. Usell, one was in touch to Mr. t� Z Itill. . I
I Ill I I
� - �� 1�� I
I' .
;�� W-- .-
. R 1,
1�. 1. � l"flipwood cordt"Ission then the mem. T,ot 1324 was *assesseJ to Mr. Robt. �� or. Otlievq change their -copy every The lea -ton wO need 'to lehru iA that
. � . bor,n of this (I ith a AE-ghtly difterqt phase of life, � week but givP it only Superficial at. .
I , �ll ,Olomis_4ioll� out ,of e,.%, IV J. McFarlane As owne.� 111#ead of to onr mine of opportunities lioq at
I I � IMPCO. Abould hand in their rv,i' in tho, tommunity. Thore wete 101 � ftntion. NVOrY Weekly ausio knows home. Our pot of, gO14
� to any 102��,op C-()h� pc�--ibilffio,q in the, coulallunity for ifil. 1� Mr. Joseph F,0116vs- -is, in out. own
, . -' -' -0 the cls!s Of n0J1-9dV0rti,.;CV w 0 CIV fr �
t%ni and decline . � Mr. L. Tovell wa,g Aoq cstc-d $35 S � h n C, back yard, not at the 4eod of the raitj.
, Royal Ladies' Readpto-Wear Co. s. Par-Wipating in thcs,e' eav�lcal PTilvc-11101t. It wa,i up� to each Moo, .
11 . - -1t T 'or ineome, part lot 965. � in';COS any 1216110V In Meal nc,wapa- how- If wtj dig, w# will win suC1(-'(1S1q.
� tnklvc�cdivg,*.� to eim ibuto his sbare so 1,hat idewt'f
� E*A S& 3"Ore 0 CODFAWN migho, be evolved oil which the Lions' � The income assossmelit against the W19 of proved worth but is always A 8imil*r truthwts uttered by otouv- I
1 I .. I FRANK J. 0. DARNR11. 'I I'lub v.ould npccialbte for the beftefit 'Matiton Estate W*.q s' muck efT the TOW to throw M&Y $31, Or $1 ? 0 in dir. Ctssful farmer ivhctn lie jo,aid; ,,Tht1V
I .
. 1� , pd. 192;�o Z I
� AlonucaL I cctol!y C? t�r'),��,ram pteN1,:;,4"0 (1 rc�. !�' a bWor faIN11 MAU (Yvc�ry fajju�fl
� P . I , . vot. 121Z ef Gcky�,Jl. I -01L vt
.1 .1
! ,-')
1�-- - � . � . � .
11 . .
M&�.� ,-
'alk --MA-dk&'. --Ab---�- - - -- - At . I - -- - -- - � -- - � - - - - �