HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-11-22, Page 4_:_ ­ � -1 "­ -.."- � _�__.___� �� ­�­ 1� ­ �V­ — ��­­. ­­ _- �-­ . - - .- - - ­.. I _­­­ 7��___ ­. - _ - - � , � I I . . I - � �_i , , __ � - - I hi, - I _. __­­_­__--­_�� 40 I ____. � V!4ii!i !-_� 1 ! - `T=;!!Ti!�T�7-77__ 77_�_-_­�__ _ . I =_ . IF I P -M. 4 V01,114 , . '!�!*rr � d! ­ 0 ! , !-_!!!�!!!0" �_ a - _m!!i!_-_­E `��""!"!`� �­___ ­��_ , . ­ I __ ___ — P it - . I 11 .. ­ —­ . r - , r - I _ — — - - - . � - ­ . I I -)A- -, � LL -----I',- - THU GODER110111 SITAT011 , I THURSI i. N()V� nbid, W23- 1. ­ ... ­._­ T ! ! - 0 _0 - _ � _ __ .- r ­ ­� ... L , � . I - ----,- 0-'. - - , - - - __ - �_-�"_._ � __ -- L ­ - ' ­�-*_* "!iim!�" I!! T 0 �_ �!�=Ir !,��,_ _ �,!rM!!rt !rt!!���� % _:-: ' .�C�!�!:��­T'!!. --.,-. ­ _ --- _ ,�, r - - -_ _. - ", , 1 I I III 1, I _: ... = _ I . - - - ­ -r 'r I , r , ". , . r . - I I � 9==.r amcm 1, COURT OF REMION TelogeioiSp 4 ­_ ITIN UFETIME Gin "" t1JCW1iCC"SA6 Te"Wilis KWAA � W1,__4 11� I 111 4 � I Assesswolt 611 Uumeti-I V4 11 - � . I *11 11 9. I Hr Doubled, si75,900 on. the New : � �V'mn-asitccii for Rhenwatism, Fo! r Hayfowr, i r,-, r, C 1 � 'I a Nlevator Jkliog A460 r 1� T m,lt�, '0,106f�, Gazit, ,'-Mat- 0,-,hiz, As"Impa, Dronc 'i�� , y d N 11,,,,�k,.N I ­" m -ana—pin I 'P'l . i W ovits no Sitt�pps 02 the Court of U12- �, ica, Lmabaki ete� kx'ucr�,ntecil el;i� I I. omen, s and ChIM11pilit S C Q . , ,# 4 1 N __ V1S^,Cn of thr" asse�s mt roll for 1024 1 , � ))t 1 $1. 00 per Bottle 1, $1.00 per Bottle iv�wwpw i W . .� . I A 12 -were coneluiled oa Wcdrwz,4ay n5ght. L � I 11 � � . ..­."~� I many Very stylisl) new Samples just arrived at $250 POR My $50, ) Nov. 1446 I � I It I We or* local agents for � - a , rib, ,,,,,t important matter tQ be I , -, � . I I A : They, are of DuvetYus, Wiviasaud Matve)14'9' dealt with was the fixing of the As- . &S, etc- ses,iment of the goderieb Elevator . I I 'Ji r � . % A ,%, larly I vorapany, Ltd., whfch� was disposed If It . . DRECOr 4 � ,are- fur.tyimmed and tie at the side, browns, blac ' I -'ry practical, ranging la of by adding an wsvmS , ment of 4140t_ , L _ %!. . - 1 0 � A splendid remedy for all disorders arising from I Misses' Coatso from 6 to 14 year$# fur -trimmed and Ve OW gn the new buildings. *44 $35,000i, , L . inactivity of Stomach, Liver, Kictneys and Dowels. . busirteEs ar:.,!iessment, �makiug a total ,�, ,_ r I i , , $7 to $12. " :r $1.25 per Vottlia � r . r 9 6dilitional aawssluent of $17500 04 ir _ I . I (r,, 'I r 01, I.. I . I I ^Jrine DRESSES, L E2 the new eloviat9r. Tho asicas,mentou I A. 1- J f. A%1- 1'.AJ"J`fCA for tho ; - t!, 4. � ga "JMZt,;1P %X 11 the Lold elevator Wits the pame a. I I a I vy a air* now aur. or V 004i . ,, I . NU pure wool French crepl�s, in - Duchowt SM -8, Canton CrePcs, ,Ssliient has � 1. . I . , I I a famous k, .4� . 4 new single dress- mount, so that the aosL . I 11 . V0 . vi , � re just been 4oui � , brown$, navys, greys, fawn, black. 38, . C ,pa_de Chine a i - ._ _., i IWEN AND WOMEN ALME &0 I , f q i . es, 'Simple and Vei'a'utiful designs a. - I I MARTU JAN�E H04 MADE CANDI CUTT-HAYNES WEDDING : r - 0 1 1 .1 11 � I to 400 wide. vecial Per Yd ----$1-60 ice in blac VW . CHERISH A 0001) These areshipped direct io as from the makers � '.. . I I ,, styleso large choi 'k, sizes I � I � I I I I I � - .! . ., U . , % $25v $35-00 . (st. Marys Journa � . . every week, -,.-,k ,� -� , t'' R,UG-S to 4211, ea& .....$Is, $2 . . I I I.Arkus) , WATCH . . always fresh. " . , , � , . .1 . .I. I .1 One of the prettiest Of the Seasonts, 0 as one of t4vIr most vMin0d POS- I W k, I - 11 � - tterns � - H weddings was. sWintnized at noon sefisloqsi 011V line I)( Watches ` ,�_.. �'. ___ I I - . . I . Congoleum Rugs, new Pa . I H - I . '.Kouduy� Thanksgiving Day, in Zion � rug Store , I HOSIERY ,, contitluA many exquiaito examples _ . . , , � , - �2 Dualop's RexaU D 1. , . .., 4 . I 2,4!S, 2!4`0, W, 3,x3j,','13A yards. . � Extra heavy all Pure Wool -VOV$tcd fa Methodist church, Mitchell Roard, of the wMeto"0011'a fArt. Vor Phone No. I . Square, Goderich � I Redford Hlocu . ' _ ,*,,�J! � I 0 " i1i _- C . . I _<� :.la Ah hnoo. A to When Eva Fostella, daughter of Mr. workmanship, a b -i tellabilitY - . .1 �.. L- L. - 1. � - ,� I—- .....­ ­ . -r. , 1- I 11- 11 - I � I . . . .. � , I ­ � . .1 .. - A. K'A . , .. . 11 , 1-11 _..__­­_­.. � ,Z'. , - ­ ­ 'I "'1111,11 w4v , . � - - ---- ___ ­ ..... -and, aWflyt �XUJVAA, -6 - -and 31us. S. -1160nc's, Was unit ec Und t1l;;b; valillot your P11're"ASO - I I . � - . ­ .. I � 35.00 1 0, at per palr�._­­­- �"-_75C. in marriage to John Ha"ey Cutt, on- inaft bore, whii for gift, pur. .---"; _�__��­ , . � ., I . . I 1, - 2!�X% -s�ecial .." - , ­.­.. �_.­$, � ly son of Ur. and Mrs, John Cutt, pose or personal use, Ulit Aftcrd ., . �_ . 45.00' Women's S4xqny yarn tile citizens � . U3%2% special .­�-­ ... �.­­-* , plain all J Goderich. Rev. 1). Thomson perfopi tile greatest satisfaction 1101454ble. " hospital afr,ilra to go to, the poll, press. our indebtedness. , � . 1� . U4, special -,.* ­­­-­.­­­" 5$.00 wool imported .Cashmere 'hose.. clastip, 1. ed the ceremony. The bride, wearing We have joist received somo at. shows that oA 'aroused a Who bave Shown! I . . R - - To 5 _y publicity has . their confidence in the Presc!xt Board - , �, I I . - - fractive styles to . thtere t in this *Ork. sidervd to I . I , to 100 A cial._�_$1,25 ' 4 gown Of ivory satin with lace over I I the ladies who have worked io by supporting what We con I � - 4 , Jersey topp 8% PC dress and seed Pearl triminia W*Ith / , ,gs, also Harwiltons *a* hard, and to, whom th . �_. �11. � I I , I . e present eX- be the only Policy,, we woulil say 4. . I BLANKE TS customary veil andormige blossoms, . client financial position of the hos. ,,'Thank You 7� . i . f i) I I Zeldths Tovanots e N - _- � i I largest size Al pure Wool PILLOW COTTON I Carrying a shower bouquet of Opho- . Pital . is entirely duei we have no REV� J- E- �ORD,. 'T, G. CONNOX,o,- lla roses, entered the church on the in greeg. white and yellow.gold. - - Secretary, - � I I ;, I . ".."I'liatts" Whipped singly and with. V.vt,,a heavv Circular pillow e0ttOrl, I -0 16 If %. 41. We Invite You to Como and look. words whicib, ,Would adequately' ox I President ., , � . . I . . 44:111 %;w %;A:i,, "P 0 SEX"AnS 04 over these i4motive tuodele" 0==!wl, 11 � I 11, 11 I . ,- � . I rder, At ptr PAIrt op"iAl' - 4ON 42N 44# 46%,_,,,_--.50o to 6S.0 LoheugT*10 wedding irarch, , glayed I _.. . I I � . . � . . by Alias Edith Kirkby. The ride's . I ..P.-W� � a : � I I . 1�. . I . . . .. I .. ­ " rr k, . � I : .�� 46050 'k only ornament was a .string of pearls, 11 , a = =-=- _afo -Ir". - �_- - -t I I �-. � ' " � I i I . . : I I � ' TING - I - . 11 11 11 � . - wFirs THAT LAST . ; -CH White till Wool Dlaj,L.ets, ,pink or *SURE . . the gift of the groom. - Nips lUuiev, Aiii=���� . . RIS TMAS � � _. , % I , . i .1 .al � 81 N best twill or. plain sheeting; Haynes, sister of the bride; wh6 wore I 11 � ` I ' i t I . b1U.e borders, double bed � sizev� Spec, 1 $1,1 - it dress of coral crope wmaine, waSI . 7 . MORNING 11 .. . IAJ , , � , . . . �­,4­$7,26 bleacheJ� at PQr yd"Oplesial -..,-. I � 0 bridesmaid, and'eiii a bou . . I 111.1 -1 ? . . pet pai-r-­ . .... . _.__,-_.1.!, . . . . iiiii., I ig � I . I quet of -----k— ­ . . . . . . �;�, , � � . . —� � '. Richmond vases; while the g.room was I . � I � I - I . :Mpfta ii�� -; � � i; les almost here. And so . . ..., . . I . Ir .1 ­,.� 1;; " 'i; , MO.— I . I I I . .1 ably supported by his cousin, Mr. ' ' ROBERTSON, -- ieri& wiU espec , � - i . ,A� n. --"%SON "-In... K, -C* . � UAW, f t a "V Roy Graham, of Toronto. Little Miss , n ... . �;w . � I . " Jew . I . I .. �t . I made a dainty flower girl ,ellar . I .--,,,I' . Az' .. . Grei Card from yovi to .. I -iftwIl-W, . � i and strewed flowers in the path of. I �� 6'$quare 40MIUCH . , *AC . the �4e- The usbt,rs were '�Mr. make their Christmas Day , . Mae Sattai ,I - % T . V , Vu � , , SON� - � Ust Sid -11 ­ , � I I I . I I woom — k � fl'� i � � � , . 9MG8138 , Claudo 11, Armstrong, of IlanoverA I --M.M— I brishier'. - Pe 0"al I 11 �., ; . 1, 1= ==111 1I - coa== =.=.= ,,IN I= mft,6� And Mr. Arthur S. Haynes,' of Win . 11 =1 . � rp careet- � ) � . - - I 1 6 1 at= , . 'd . k ,�..; . . L ____ wo _,ft" �"� - -"1"r-q"--=-"F­7 —.--,:" . I 0--"- ­ I . � . . er a0er . mg Coxas moew filendship - 1"4,",..c�_ - I I ! 1 i�: 1i 1 "i . . , � I .. 1. Ing Atills CO,;, T. U, In commenting 011the Matt I I . . . � I . ;6"� I- 1-11 ", Ooderich Maul "rihe church .Was very prettily do;, Ur, - Hays, concluded Mr, DouglAW' . e sti s ine as -noth- . I . j6d s0t, r . n h ;''!, I � I � . : . . ^^ Davist Robt. j. �Uoak and J. X. Tom. corated writh p4li s, ferns and 617- Brown pointed but that the loci ' I 11 - I �� , �,�, . I , � I �. - .1 UNCIL Tho cemetery ,and garks. -committee santherovi During. the ceremony t1ou of industry Which. Mr. Hays had ing else con do. . . . � ,, I., .. , ... W ITOWN. 4.0 V . 1. I . t, Robt. Doak A m �',L I . I I I � E . - England fot.eXa ples.' �, , ; I . , I . I recommended that , fro, Walter Hendrick, of Hanover, riferxed to in . . . . � I � � . 11 I . . '" I . L I ,o vai tree tousin of the brid - =ean . I 'ry which cen- . . . I �, L 6 nri vir. I be ,given, permission I . . .eo sang very -sweet t the Indust I . I.. A.. �, . :�'. I.. THE - AUJUW aco VV I . I . . . .% on, pict9h,ttreet In front of.:41S rest' lY "O ftorAlsiai Me" and "Because.') tred � round a certain town, did so on wom� $, _';111 I I I . TORIA—STREET IS BEIN. - 4A . A T "' ion was hei the bqme Qf account of special. s0itabilit'k for the . ! . Y., " . � . G , -4P donee, as requested, the "' t . � 1. . ' . I � � I 1. 1'4� ,� . . I I � . . I I . � ., : . ­ I . � I . � 11 'The .finance 'COMM1000 TcPortqd . bride's parents, where; luncheon, industry'.,, Following out this idea .. . I I I St$. T 4%�, t � � I I . nfoffi ind 'beat ' ' I rising out of 11 I ., I nis that a 0-hecfae, for $128SX39 -had been Was Served to.about'ninety, Rue , � should 1ook for it� growth --- , .. . I 1. L.0 A" - CHIJUM � received from ,the Toronto General 9 c Ir . I - HYDRO H , Amid showers of co ino2just.les a the devel� X , 4 I, . I I OF CitITICISM Or � I, . . . 11 i I . I . . . Trusts Corporation as the tOwn's. Pro wishes, the happy couple'left on the opirnent, of the Port and out of the dc- � .i 41. I " i . I.. . . I.. . . I . ., I � .. I . -1 rato ,share of November Ut interest afternoon, train for 1oronto and -Ot- voloptuen't of our salt deposits- We 1. f, I Show- $24,460-66 in- . I � , .1 , So . 1)eol 5 14i# 'Worship—Figures on. O,_ W. & R,. Victory Bonds, and t4wa, the bride wearing a . I Aire . . I suit of coui 'hope for the ,same success I . I I . . . . 1018 and'.4922 , .. I with sufocient ,of the funds on hand, taupe vei with b,eavii trimming, , in industries where we bad to bring in ' I , li:,, � 4 Orease io. Plaot Bet*060 1, . . . . � . the committee land. purchased ;1j60Q and hat to match, On their -return all thos, raw materW over a long . ! . I � I � I . ­ - I . . . . I . I . . ' haul and send � ig estintatest I o Messi thT will reside in G040 -.ch, Out I Qtxt the finishe O � . I I - t, I I . I I ,� Vic. regular meeting Of the town ir Co.' at a. price of telegraw extendi 4 pr - . . . I . -The following. table shown the ,es- Wood, Gundry and . . I . " . . . . I I !1d on'PrI&Y evening . ng congratula. duct over another long haul. I : I I . , . , � . . I I council Nvas he d operating report for 1923: - e bride rranging to. co oper- I I I I all -the councillor$ .present, [thua.te �. I� �. 1, $102.25; bonds to be fully registered tious to'fh - and groom Were re- The Club, Is a - . 4 . . � lost, Avid . name of the Tovm of exodevich ceived frovi friends in Detroit: �.The io in bav- . � 1� , . ,P h"tile, exception) ot aburse, of I . . eventie in the ate with the .1 . . . - I ., I I . .ard of -Trade I i - __ ..., "i . ., . I wi. tit Of town.. . � ", "� �5,000.00 Oni West Shore Railway account, Young couple were the recipients, of' Ing ad a(Wess from one of the, Wes- . � � � �, ' :' I I � (j6tn,L-JIlor )Ull, Who is 0 I Douies,tle lighting'.. 441 � , 1 4 . . � 1�, �, . , , erd -as f61- con . '. A napabor, of accounts, were yassed many, useful and beautiful gifts, torn University men 0 I 1. d ! � . 11 . pmervial .lighting , ­�. , 7,000.VQ ,n Dec. 7th, an t , ,� . '11:. . The; tax 0-0116ct and thoeollector's report filod� Steen) in which it was decided.to have this rew PH01 . . ,.. I � . , " � . I . , lowa:�. I have paia ­ the treasurer .power, ­...41� - ..*. ......, 180000,00 The -oonivaitteei the whol - showing th6 Wgh Q' � at the- I . . �,A - . ��,�'. I . since November to date $7,829.41, Of 'Street 1411ting.,..."... _ 4,037.60 . . e. coult- they are held., The'guests from a gulat noon-tiWe..6n that date. 9i ( � - " . � , . . I -. " � � I . . , Iscollancous . , - 86�.00 ell reported,as_f6ll ' � "McO . : . : � ,o,y . , , wore arrears- Over Al � . .., . � - o , . ". Ows I - I dist- Weis-, Mr, and. Afrs. John � , .�, , ; . , whiot $11-00 . 11 I We have had the engineer's report . I � �� . , I � taxes, have been Paid , Cutt, Mr� .14mes .Holland, Mr. a -ad .0, I . THANK5 FROM.' - - �; ;j if L� ". '� � I I . 00,000 of 102300 of arrears during � ,'Total ............ $45,000.00 on the'tonstruction,.of a.storm. Wdterl Mrs, Calvin Cutt.- Mr. and Alti. R,. H, - . THE 56�PITAL BOARD. . , I , 'L � 1�,:O � z, I . ,� and. over $20,0 . '. .1 . . � I I �, , . sewer on Victoria 'street, .from Min. Ciitt, Mr. and Mrs.. Jas, Cutt And . I I . � I . � . I 1% . � - 1 :. , � . 23. to date. . 1. . �.. Rkponi �- streeL This sewer,Misk I Tenn, Mr. nnd'�Mrs Jas, Me- � , , � I - I I . . . I Novi 2 " 1. ; I L 19 , , , - , av, -, to Nelson Goderich- , Oth' 1923,, 1 , � ; I � . 1. � 111L Te- enu 1. . . ., � l L . 11 ; , 1, This � report und 010 tr6asur6r b. 1. I..,. .. ..... somilail.,00 "'."Ide. cost approximately $2100. Ewan and Misfts, Pauline and Ger- To.The F,ditor of Goderich g . . � I . I I erro to the finance Power,!. , , I tar. . t�,,, . I I 'j. ­; o � . . . port 11i Te .. � .- Operatl6g and mainteful,hee 0,000-00 The county engineer asSuTes that this aldine, Miss Nellie and )I -chli , On behalf of the, Board o �' ovetn- -1. . I I . 1, �. I . . . " I ' Istr4tion,,billft, �`01- VeXeel� Mis. T, 510-3wen, Mr., Regin- . ors'of the -Alexandra I , 4 . committee. � 1. nditure'vould be refunded to the ', - r. . At le f 0 . � . I . A 6asn,cul Admin -, �., 2,760;Q0 eXP6 I , ­ , � i I A . conlriftint ,gainst asa� leetirg and general., towl aty, and we a Marine and I 1, k " . 11 -; I .. : . 1. for -ton wala - food . 1, fioin� the ,coui Wo.afd, Williams, all of Goderich-, Mr, General Hospital. we would take thi's 1. I .,. . " I d 011 as being "'corre .... Interest and sinking -Art Vlq! �'If� : , 111day ine'd thereforo, making arrangements to an(t,:Mrs. hur' S. Haynes, Wind. :opportunity of expressing our appre- , Mrs. Ada Ila I I � � I ,a work$ ,.colu.1 have this drain constructed at once. soi-'Mr. Samuel 0 14son, Pordwich; elation of your. attitude during the � , � . , , . , , to the pub,r , ort old -debentures. . -'i - 4.0 .06. 1. . a . . � I - Annual tharki: I Sl � * Theze-ri . . AT'. Harve ' -:-- 4 L� I !1s On $20,000 L q)01-ts were adopted'. W I . '60 :­TT;dcr the bead of unfinished bu-&, son, Wrqxeter; , V*n I . . � : . , , f ki. I � . . W . 110W.debeilture .Issue ... _ - , 1,74X. IMiss Muriel and y Robfil- campaign just closedi and of thauk� . I . . I . . I 1. The, folla'wino applications fet . .. .�-. Aliss.10 . and '.Nlr. Ing you for the liberal use *f space . . Its 1,vere r�ferrcd toil .. . �ness Reeve Xnigbt said tie Alllder-.Gordon Holt. Jamestown. Mr. and I paper. . 0-4 c#11P : , W . I , I I . . . 0 U ou� . � : ", �, I I building Peru) �h power to act . $40,44UO stood it was the -intention of the c0un- Mrs. Thos. Taylor, Blyth; Mrs;. Y.h over SeVen hundred . I the fire, committee wit Surplus for 'depreciation, � cit to amend the! restaurant bylaw., W. T e I �, that . ' . I . 'i . I his year? a took sufficiefit interest En � ) � es and to ropoivt Welt 11 Carnahau-and� Mr. Roy'Graham, eititeii ac ! ',j in .urgent cas . I reserve, eW.�... ..... 4,5544.4 Shoul(I .this not be ,done t � . fi �f . Elliott w I of- Toronto ' I I , I . . ;.x4*- , U � , , ` - � . M .,Argaret Tuidou, __ , . . . ----. I . . . ; . ' .) . ".1he disposal Of each cose: I "" ' � - , I I I It .Was stated in reply that the 'mat- Baltimore; Mrs. (Itev.) F. B. Malott I . I . . . . I 'f. -, * , - . . U1 . 0.11, e - In I , , 244% . I .1 , �- , I �, � ' natched 0-00 ter was in tile bands of tommittee of Belleville; Mr. - and Mrs.,; Haro' � ' hea 111C ", I �, . Drennan. to rcside *Itlt t I I , $45,00 1 . lumb,ep dwelling On the 8011th side Of I Vro 'tile above it- is seen that the whole coun . f 13 . M I , , . 1: I . . -Icto)l "Street, at Alt estiniated Cost sufflejen inAd.. Mrs. U. S, Arm. od.d �T .t . I t,revenue, will be obtained to -Chairwarr Munnitigs of the public' Bo ttge"" A .. I . . J I I .� � , 1, I V - Jue1c, to molle front carry. t , I atrong, Mr, (316de Armsfrong, Ur I ' ____ I , I . �-�--;W-pa,vt -IVM over -40-hf itljd-Tnf�-r- ­­­ -- --; "riU "h-i-.--AXI�ittFr-',7YdWftl-OR,-a-lr-:�l- UK- oFN0V-.-'Z611f UIDEC.- 3 ... . - , ,,*--.�J .: � , " I I of !$tetq, from i ___he annual ,charges. on the new �'Worjka committee said it_� the - . I I I , ..,. , . . ,r ., I I part of dwelliff J�Sj I � � sl. . I 1. . " . .. Intentioni to put on a thin coat - work ­ I .. I I ;i . � !Q-VmOuv Surve1s and - , "Tito following table show or gra' - I-TanoverY and Mrs. A%. J. Bailoyl of � -_ - ,. . I i - . ; ,160 L14 aUd. 25, - I S a COM- vel en, the harbor hill. Some . � I � . I- I fbundatioiii,- at esti- � � I . . . . I , . �� . 11 1 I . place-4r�_�_e ient,00 . .. .. parlson between thO. $04r$. 1929 and bad silready been dope, The ap. ,Saskatoon' I Wuday,aud Tuesday . ; r .�� I .;.—:.-- ' ' . I I � I I I I mat.ed 'Oost of $5 . I I . 1916 in th6 operating report of the proaches to ,the.C. P. 11. bridge were . ' I . . I .. � ; I 1;� - , � . A Zom"Unication from the luniold system*, - . . .. .:SPECIALI',','ATI0N, - , JACKIE COOGAN. : I 1.1� ., 't .. , . . I , voligit- . in poor. condition. .Jt. was decided to . I , � ­ I I . I IV I 11 � � of iChuadian UuT11cIP4IIt10 .. 1929 * 1918 Increase call the attention 'of the C. P. & to 0 �� . in his First National Special I �, � . . , t . ; I I Ing T-tyment of membership fee Of Toial plant value I this, also that their roa.d.to tbq� sta. Hou, It Operates I'll V,velutidift of. 0 , , tt I I I 1. � I . _s . $15 an, I cipal Ito- . Social Yabric Shown by Lion � . : :w 44 y , , f. , . ,I ; :b'' I I . . . � I A one from Tito Muni, � $109AQU7 $85,346.21 $24A00-66 tion. might be Improved. . ,. . I 1. . . . M say � - j I � VIONV soli6tinft subscription to the . Cockburn Rays, LLOYO-tRAMILTON, in I 1. J 1; I . publ;ctition were referred to, tile ji., otal debentui issued - , . ., . Councillor Woisell called ottoiltion . Iii an age Of' r*' I , . 1* 56.088Z� , . I �_� e . I m561088100 . to the dangerous corner at the single The present age 1 1 11 1. ". I U1100 committee. . " Undebentured plant .. in the dock face, West of � the eleva- eialization, Liou,'Cockburn,HaY.; thid . I T et.�"ist. I I .JN � � I � . 1. 11 . I . . I A garnighee On an aecount pay ,. -i I . I .1 . � . i 15.3,118.82 29,958,16., 204�400.60 toi. - Ito asked if there ,was a road- the Cluj) at their,weekly luncheon In, , .. . � . . able to D- Brown ,%6..q,-r0ferred_ to� tho it . I l way provided and so te4 that ev- Friday, e, said. Wedintsday and....-Thursdaly . ,� i o jin4nee committee with power to aet4 I'vill'u" 3 _gggs Our grandparents, It I ). . I - I . 41,33241.1 23,135.404. lgi,196.90 en a low curb would be a protection, used to spin their o" yarny..mstko . � , i , I , Ount was to be tipplied. on . , POLA, NEGRI and . . . , , , This ifcc Expenses - to. .some extent. Crotincillor Humbet their own clothes and g�riud their OWU i 1� I I . equest of Mr. Brown, developed into ,. I 0 . . taxes at the r, 47i(197-93 � 18,800.15 18,1201.78 though there should; be a rail. It flour. As society JACK HOLTI , m I " , � . � A letter froi Mr. Caster, of tile , . I . -operation 1*ca*O in- . action ... MA -W , ! 14 . *aram6unt Att,. � � it . urplus � was pointed out that two additional specialization co � -trie 0091ACOTIU9 Si . . I :, � I � I . . Ilydro Elec, 4,1234X-39, 41,023927 . lights had been installed. . --, creasinglY neeessary, for if a inim ,I - i I x . th � e big I . . - � � , 1� � , . I . I . furnished 0atistics liecessaty to SO-, "Front the above it' is Seel% ,.that Who matter was referreii to the wag to be free to CaVrY oft his own . I 14T -he Cheat" . - 4 ,, . . 1. , � I n of 00 'bylaw to there has been $24,460.60 expended harbor committee to look Into. I e others _ . I. t '. . I for vapital V\Peft* particular lin� he must h4v -need,ift I TUXEDO, COMED . I . � . 1. . I issue debentures on plant, which has 'Chairman Munnings of the public to ,depend on. to supply his I C414O.LovAngot . . .. .. . the by.dro system in can be assumed might be I . I I dItUT03 for produced au'aunual revonue of $18,�� works committee also called attention other lines, in Snet, socie . I I the .railway board. Ast . '01 =18lists RV- �T , . G10443100111 by . 190-W-4 � to the. dangerous condition of the defineit as a ou' div - , , . , the figums show r d a J , that the aluount of lOr Elk idual gait, an Fei sy avA Stiarday' , ItA commenting on the statement of platform ,,round the life-saving. sta- Ing together � I " .1 �: _� i I laced in the byUW hydro firksuies as given in Mr. Csst. t1on at the harbor and the - attention for the good of all. . I , I .. I - I I . 420,00. to be 01 other r TON MIX - " I I I i hog been: expended and that sumcivot -4 st not exploit .... � , � . i� �, Ing ees. letter above His Worship said of tho Government will be ea, Ile& to I (line trade I U ra I � earned on this capi- a re I I , I "Ve"00 is bel that a lot of the criticism oil �tlle ny. this; tra&s; we must have co-OPe UOTI th6 o1human tornado" In n picture , �� , , ", , 1 I � he bylaw . it 'suggested without exploitation. tbit exteeds the s#eed limit . , I I ; I .,�, U1 to pay the ebargest t - ,b dro was childish. Coufteillo MacEwan , � � � I ; I �. 1, doe3 not KOITO to be VOte'd rim. . i On y The following mo -was earriedz that anything the 'town could do in I ter might be possible in a P i I , " . , . �. I ; � I , . tiolt Bar . I I'Aiitbia". . . I �, ; i . , � � the - tax 'payers, and as a mattcy of That the finanee committee be em� helping -to, establish the Government's itive, state of societyp but the growth I .. * : . 1: . . loa, as Councillor UseNwan, pointed . , I ,t of the bylaw .X; money wag the by I � I �­ will' be powere4 to take all procedure requir. right to the land between the n9rth Of $pecializa,tion made money Ueee$_ � . AL ST. JOHN, i1ft 4 , ., . out, the office ed to have. bylaw No. 38 of 191�%3 vali. pier and the rb,i breakwater ,should 841 _ medium ,,,Tl* Author" �,, . I to save front $1.0 their ser - 1 I i I 4 l, I 10 to $400 annually date& by the Ontario -Railway and be done and Collector Camlibell said, Which SpeelalistsoXCha"ed-L ,,pox,News Iteal N�. 93" . ,_'i 'i - � , I Intel-cst, the dlifterence between Atuairipal -Board, also that the fin. that people went and lived there and vices. I 'alit . . ­� . : . . I I . the rate tho'bauk has been ebarging ation I . � . 411 � ance committeo bavo debentures claimed theY were neither In the town I The first Stag, 1 . oi In Spec, gai,Aton. and Wed. at 4.15*., � I I . .for .tbo loan and the rate the dekn- printed ulso he empowered to tall for of Godeilch nor the- towaship, of Col- 'wj� the ,division Into trades, but'as $at. at -3.00. - , �, ! � . tufts ,wilt, bear. A differeaeo of 1,11 . � � � , to-nders for sale of bonds. borne. The township of Colborne . time Went,oil eaelt trade became 910- ." I . . i ,, rwr CV11% ,on 120,00 would be $400, The Xublie work� committee recom- had been trying to have their matter divided into many lines and sui ma. , Talmadge. IT' , I ; , I It viiis too bad that *his bylaw WaS luende that Six eatch Win tops be settled for sonie years. . ,islon, wah aided by Machin L e*- Mtn 'C"t'"g-Nor I , . 1� I ycats ago. ' ordered and reported hilving looked Co *11 Holmes Pointed out that lost big status as an artisan and be. 4The ateivol FlArAft" . - I . . I I ; ,not piii two or three . , nell or �� t�!!nrftv!��"t!! 7;----.. -i I -_ . . I �Xfr. castoes letter. Which will be ever I _ u hile in many r � WWAWNW." A— t!!"!_ I locations for open air skating, the Elevator CoMpany had had to ealue a feeder of a mitchl -- - '- I - . used -in the support of the applIe8i tinks and reeornmendod that the com Pay ,%Jr. W Y I � I a 1 lm� 1*0=6 I .1 . � I I . lelps - Flobing for, gravel taken east%, but, the benefits in the a of a I . I L I., . tion to the railway and mun 1 py. On the other expertness and efficiency outwOlkhcd , li � - . I inittee be cuipowered to make Anks I L . !, � '. , � -X board states,. side of the Argument it Was L � I ,. Alp in. ou Victoria, I'ark and on lot ou Bay- t pointed these disadvatktalKeN. 0000 0 Li .�i . � , - L I I I "That tLe additimiq are in , lield read on sanie locations. as last out that the � verninent - had been - SPee1AljZstIQ3%L demanded , the lovali. I 1. .1 ., " � terests of tho municipality", are pru. 0 c, C ft . . I .. I I 1. - w-, - P. IL for some tationof industry, so that one locality i . I 1. ­ . ,de-ot and proptr and that tbo.64di. year I o eture of L The, fire voinwittte reporte& having � time, .Whieh uld be in the same become known fq It& MIA'duf . Po. . & . R .. , tioltal revenue retelvej haq bcm. riuf- , e, With certain lint,g and subsidiary I us. . ,; � I i J I e;tions :for sition. Sim this land. Of cou r9a . 40100M.M. . I 1 . �, . . ficient to take eare of ad4itional CIX- "'i"04 the follow.lug RPP" th,� plers in the, position th " I . � � . ' 1! i I I ed thargev- iiii nilown by the tallow. `)�Iildift ptrulft. W. J. uchtman, be in years ago, t ey used to trieg to PVO�Ide the rfteds� o"hese . I , _ t : : : nowlw L ! I *J, ... j,� . I.., __ ­­ 4nollift his pro Iii * I ­___.__.__ _ Wag the - IP!, i!!! " Ut * ouol d lines sprang up stround the Centre, a 4 I .. I -_ I _1 - 9 Z"ZZ:Z, � I be to tht north of the o a 0 lot t _ ttrb,Wth of . I :; - . rd . � , ! NO%OW%0%0 Another result , � . the river. lorge SIVg16 industries and industries � The collcetor pointed out that %vhich went in for quantity produe, i ion a e � � � J I ANOTHER SNIFIENT OF THE LATEST PUTIM AWIESUS IN TNE yea the town used to 4sSe,qq L tion, the shipbuilding industry being' zat'k 8 I � .� , A_ tha"Iuv*�Cr dealers who earried on quoted as an exiii of large scalo- ­ ­ � . _; 1, !L - . _!t��, I business on the north side of the Ur. industrY and the POW Plant as 'Ala I . - Wro RO Johnston bor. 'With tho Jurisdiction of this example of quantitY ptoductio"* � .11 1WW .. . �Ould L . L't ( �, land in question it man like Mr. por. And .the large scale J11dustrY C. , .11, I L eVeryWbL 11 , I 1, � est would not 1* assessed .re. aiy#$rd to pay hiSher wW3 than the' L � - � . - , - I The� Mayor stated that the, harlAy'"51 , d&11.srA1eJiAVstyy.,A ,-41, li, '! . _ It. YOU ,� " ­ T' " .. .0 . , .1 I + the $MS11 ii , 69id _dd, I I 11 ., �� � I *1 H,onest Made" � committ" had the matter up and Net u 61, III I I I , AOV I * w*,,q advancing the Alatte.r. Ithings the big industry could not. Value mosey , j�i " His NVOTSMP called attention to the The �bperlitor Us$ very often the . � � I &,ratings, around thi square, mar I , �1 �! tj of owntr;, he %*d 'Aot the 84" Over' � ,! .� G othing I whieh were in such a t ore"head, did tt Pay as bigh V*Ses and � , I � - - hitI,iitive, than the or r , *' Space r I L might cliiisil,V be, All W-Zident, This had rdore� . , , f * S . I I , Watch Thi . I 1 "i, � was referred to the p0lle works. c.ont� I �b plimt. While many 4 : a i 41'� ,, "A W) ti"Mta of the labnt tbWgi in Mitlee to took into" I ter in a srs, a '"11 COU"Vto it � I li , I , I A W5 hatc, Owl� , I leould manage . V �'! h . I t�__­­,­. i I 1. I . 4 the *bilitY to 11111' " � I I I � Health I was few who Ito Next Week I , , 'S SMART WEAR cannot bo looked for in tite dle the large c.oni I I , � I MEN � child GA i'4 subject to Worms, lflL One h&d 15AI,V t& take bis"A par - I �:, � . BORSAUNO and, BROCK HArS 0-0i warnis dct,troy health by creat. tieular Hite to oft how tuuPh more !!!!!!!!��!�� L ­­ ­­ . i : f I I , ling intornal disturbance!% that rturd , Ape(:IalitW an lWs were 7IM91i 77_�_-!-�= ,� I I. levelopmt,nit and Cause ecrious Weak. In large ceatrellt lawyers to I -Inger, C, I 4REW TAILIOMING IS OUR SPECIALTY 1�' , . I ) Millet's WOTIA P,Wder,A eXPet cotifte-ttd, A gc�fttrokl praetlee but 0t, ouR HomE int"� _,­ WOrt"i 'P L - ,Z� ,�:4,11,4,.�,I� ..... � �jd� . ­ _LL L_ -11 ­­­ anil art% NO bc*neacial in their r-,[.iJdlZ&1 in. one Particular departwtelkt . � ,. &'I _ , I I ­­_W�__ . .=,. i 11 . �Itefion, 47 1 � I , ­ i that the' sy.ltfrds of t1t6 little I of legal WO.Tic. and ao With kill lifift I i f, . eluffer(," art %"term: tt) � ,+ l,' .ealthjul. 0 so thftt� an 4 _qUId give thougbt to i KROBINS I ." IL I - 4, .1 I I i I; I I IL I I 1, I 11� " I — � , , , I e, I - I I �,, " I � 'I =14 "1140 11 'I a I i .01 L ,I- I is . � M 16* � 0 4 , . B3114A (03IL' I W'St�, 1111 the (111scoulforts mind dorgerA 11 t'�t, .,jay their' own lines WiMM bKom. �; i� , CHAS* It Of WIM" infeoion Ate remowxl, .and ing "OM�*41ited 01W go *hat fhe� . Worth While$# �, , n, � J go 11LqA6qa,Jof,V gro'"th fm� amurtq. Fr tbo, too" w0ant for him ;,ii i4 SOA swe swat, own � I .�- � I TA* Mon's and BOYS' StOr# - liIii iiii meiii, if we evold rnt "- : . GODERICH 1�' low" . ftd14*r and mo_0 I ,,,�, Phone 219 ____� . Itm!"Mt-ty, tl�, C. L . Entelb0nment"'operat'" With 0"0 A, I #10" "00001,10 . I I I'm 11 4 " A A 1A _�_ Ptc 13 &'Ad 14, 1, - - imte ty,,od fet *R. , -,* � - - - - - - - V V - - - - -evvvViiiii0iiiii0i" . . � I 11 I . I 1 i " ., 11 I . 11 . � � . ___. M � _:�. I - - - - 111 I I I ~ I � -_ a- � A u CI . , N -r - I � - __ — .__ & - ­ " � ­ ' ' "W� - - I L __ - ­ _A ­:120111i ­ — _ - �_ — ___ — V __ — -1 �, ; �_ 'I I I I - I , . .. � . I . : I . I BETTY I *�11 - , 11 . I I : BROWN, ,;., . . Old 3tyloHome-Made Candies � . I ' � -.we -h;tve setwed a sPe" I . . I � I agency'for hai 1, 4911 , - . I.these farii,pin candies. L 2 ' , L . 1. ! . Through Or efforts wet , ' ha�Ve �, L t W r rough It C*Udy to . I , . L- I . . c,o,aerich, "J -A* be L v1*4 . I '. � I I time I - . L to Ser" , YOU at oft 4 . . _. y L 0 1 I . i . . AIWAYS in stiack. . .1 . . . . . I __ . f. . 0. - . � . . . . . - — .L. I ' , I . � . I I .1 . . I I . - 0. L . I . :�' , L - .^ ' , .. . �. . 1. i�,.;, I L I 11 .. , L I . � I . I I I I . I _.���� . . L . It 4 1 . � . " � .. It is Pleasure to. show'Chvistmas Goods - :1 , - I ' .� "' . . . * "' ii ' I I " 11 and we will . ap�reciate your acceptiog this -, . 1, - I. , . L _ _ . ,V io ' 11 () ju P� t . of . I _� InVitatio, tQ Juspedt .our Ug,twisive Line I U . L. " I.: . . � I . , . L . I I L I I � L . . I I . I � eiitr . . L.. . 1. . I � L x '. 0ifts'. .1 i. . I .� .��. 11 . . . . I I I I � . . . I . . ­ . . . .. LL . . L I I ����� � . . . I . I . I � . . L . I ,� L I .. . I . .L wkww� I � I I.. I I . . ­----­-�- I , I . I . . ... I . 11 . . 11 .... � . . I . I . , * .. . I L f L . . � ­ * "' . . . . . E�L I I I tHE , , TORE L , . I . AMPBELL � . IL '' 1. I LC . 'S.DRUG . . : SQUARE '. I eL I I .. I .I . . I I I . I . . I .. . . L I ; . � 4 11 CRIMONS CAREFULL y COMPOUNDED I � ,.� _. L I !1?g-S . ' ' L . V ," " .., . I . . 1. ­ 1, . L' .. L . ...�. - L . . . . � I I . - -, - 11"_N I 1111- . .. __ , I 1.� __ , . :III __ _ , I . _- . . . -, - - � . I . - ­ ­ L I ' - _. I I ­ I . . I . . I . . . . � � 11 . . . I � I . " I . . . � . I "I . L � . . T�s ,op L.�. , 'L. . . :ff EV , I L _1.r_4RM$ ...,R00 . L, � , H I .. : ,� -, . .L" . 11, - . 1. . I .. " ­ I .. I I ­ . I . . I . . L . . I ,L . . . . , . .. I . 1. I . ­ woxt_ . . . � ; ,L� . I . . . . I L . 11, I L � . ... , I , I � - .1 I 11 I .1 I I I . L ­ I . . . I . L' . I . ; ei - Foo wear L ' I � . . Ubb ia � t I I .. . ­ I � . . . ,% 11 .. I . .1 I.. I I . . . ' i .. � I Out stock. is complete jil�ith the farrious ' . . ! : , , . .1 . MINER BRAND$ "PRESSURE CURt., -1. . ' 1. ' . . I I . - ­­­ I. .. .: � Z., , B -A -Y. -JR. - F 0 0 T W E A R L . _�_, __U_ �;_-. �_. . 'R I , I - 111. I . . 0 I. - . . '. . . . I . I .. -.1 . , � . T G UrTTER,, - , - . UE�Rrj$ INOTHIN Of;' L I . � .. ; L 11.1 . .. . .... I I:— L' �_ I . , . � I I .L . I I I I I I . : ; If8boes top . Children$ Wlsseso WWen. and Min' I.. I . . I . .- I I I . . ­ . . I . . 4� .. . . I .Arl A . � I I S qj-AITERS. - i L' 'WOMEN' . .. I . ; I . . . A LARGEVARIETY OF smw)Es. & wwws :� ., �. . . . , .. . I . . f L I � . . I .� I . . � I L. =Mw � . ''L I I' I L . "W" 3W L . . one 43'w , I . � � I .. I I THE SQUARE ' � � , � L I I __ - . L�t'­ .;. ­ 4 — . IM, I I FIER I � ,�;i­, I � . " � . � . i . � I AS the different isgues iof -L)O', I � � V I . , Won IgLda Victory Lowl Ili, I bf -Gai . Bonds initure, remember that I 1, I . is I 19' ', off I - _. t1lis molley,shoOd be retained as - .. - - ,,-- I I a permag6lit inves , ttneUt,, We : . I would suggest that you deposit .:, . I the proceeds in your savings. ac- 3 1 'count in the Pank of Haihilton I .� - - . unril t.einvested. in another issue .r-.- � � of Governm&nt Bonds or similari f I i . I " -1 ... ­ ­_ ______�� - . , .Issured seepelfies- . I , . . ; I : -, . . . I . BANK I . . ­.-, . . . . . , . ' .. . I . I � - . . OF HAMILTON. ;­ - I 1. . I r,ouggle'n 4lt&,%'U&- A, 4. McKay, Xanawz � f . I � I I I ­ . ­ � , 11 11 . .. . .. . ___ , � I ' R` UBB E,-.,. R,,'S - ;Ili � ** fe-lluoy ItubbeT8 . Prer'sure eured, leave lmpres3l.ong t . hat others, to 10110% I,_VrA, early ilbv*rm Mke,�Wow tow.*. �.qomfbrb, 116alth And I, _ ­ ''j.", , '' aippinesg. Asapatiorquailitylhietf)%t will give YOU M!609%tis- 11 ' wtion in fit, style, � uorkmansilip txua honest weaxing resultg. If , on h%vo noit triear;W-13uoys -.von Should MWOY do 90 t1lis 7bar, ' ,ell will I)e 010rIj than st1xVfi;ed &t.tho- mtisfying awl Profiti,610 re- , . Ults through the vepw. Prices ave 1110st reasonable. � I . , 6010sheg aro now in stoel; to, fit all style-, of Shoes . 3RING US YOUR SHOE RErAMNG and HAVE IT DONE RIGHT � . . ago, maevl^ I R ­ - %..Ift � "triefi " " of sqlAft JW -- —.1111111ii - ­ -_i --I. - =_—­ ____ � I . r. V47, ci ", -I- -- —A __ ___ - - . __ _ � .