HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-11-22, Page 1qw`�-41 - 71-- 1rV,.---'11- I'll, 11 -- - - I I- --- M!- 7- - -... 11 ,- ,�, ;i,.
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"I .. Get Your Full Share of the , it I 1. . 1�, WANS Greft. I CA
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4 , W f I... - th & Fokk"
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DE I " 11 - , . to th �
� ff ic 't .. I I I I I where at a disfatl-� ,3o I ", I
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;% I .1.. WERE AT � I jC,r 1) , j , I ,,,, I jl�,, I k;d1,C1,7">WCq -") I
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Sol wil(WENUMVER also, - �- -P. ��;L:7--:— - -'-- - " - .. - ? I Ow. I
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=;;;�=������ GOVERICK "TARIO., CANADA. �" � � ��=- -- �Z2��-�
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I 'NOVEMBER 22, 1923 - ,-- I ---"-."-.-��.--.�----'------.- I
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ThO LOP90 1100 00 H080181 BYPILRW Nondi'll MI— teS Genepal I- -:;;��
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�- I" r - I - I I I- -, . �at - ,�--��-
0 1 a the Hospital—OWAR111181, Statement of -6 NOV* 291hj Will ftow a 346--- -,, - ---,-
I r=== Z;�..��;---- �--- 1`00 !
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I . 111111111111111141111111111101111111M "- I cash 8818434 on. Hand
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- , - � -1 � . %�--YTOWN TOPICS � CIT -1; .�
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' Vo 110SPi At. snhw
� , Ilarter-14st aliku t 41 1
� , BANK I ., , 1111"111�01 1��- I *!
9.. TR NG I A 414ifetweddill; tWu PIEWO at Outado I , li rvico 09KAU0 -
. I stwoz rZir-i') . Ou C
. I XIQ�4i,. Ofilton, ell lvejucs. I cn tk;aiur. 11iijority l
I jr" . Of A I . I . of f
f W, �ALNA , . 1, 1 4.1130V a tvivo�n ! 11 ,91 Agoiu%t the ][l,vjaw
. NOV 14,411 111 a (�, or, I I
. Ittbw whe miss I" t 11toll, Tile , 11R,al t 11
--- , I a I , Ito a Lorge, Y'0110
I—- - Isabel 1,3s*., jiAll,.11tor ef , I co � Tito LvrvIC03 114 the Nfeto4a Strret T, I
. I I . .11 �jvll U11 - ral t -
. �1 Mrs. twill �Xllox we,'i3byterlan ,Q all to 310hodist vilurch nel.\t $UP
i, � . Itency E*ast. of Ifullett tou'ushl V,3b.V vr - .tja�y Will be, T ) Vt'AftTg Oil MC bylaw to, V,4,rxr�
I WitCe %ijel L,O.-
I kivai Mount PlefiNknt (T.RkVtPr$ on uts. oonduewij bp th;L,, �(I,j %of tjht, jjo:.11��iaj
l, , 6 � I Dulmt 111m4r,494vto'Ur.,liati.t. \,,rtor. oity liftt,moon, .
% �, . V P-Otstor. At tilk, . whot
1 ar -�Tey- 6th- ROV, A. 1). worning, z-t,r�jce, at ji DMIril, to the vvtont . f 8 4 to,
Gode"elch, fiollk 44 Ur, &lid Ural J. A. Reid had ellargp q tho aen*e' a,' . hP Will S-.',vak ii. I
vp , I Portbr, Of '000cri(j), build'a 1zew I`03�itiil On tho ('arnerou
I . Wor " &muse 0. I gratuiations, are toUliship. Volt. sisted by Dr. a. �V, S. on the subjcet uNnocking at tile rovvrt,N�. rosult"col in rkn aclvej
. I � . . � I . coklple,,, VxUadea to tb o Youtig T. T. R at,. Al A"llar and Ror. Dkwt�" A cordial Invitation tit 011. rity of j;," One gra "' 104-- .
. 0 v, L
� � . ., . - �. ... , Tilt, wiltvicts Ivill .te, I , tifying ieatu
. eik r. Rollide, it was IZII,,X Vtlirilh,, T�
I Who Matrifoi Zjr. a � M
. . . 1,17he Hospital vott . nil 5("- 81issOtt eoviducted by the mini, in Clio large V ,
. _ Tell Years Ago ,,ter. . %* ,
I .. ---j, , - �ikfkb�j,vts oto east W1101 chow",
Savina is the " "d was thelP first Pastor tit 1,�1odillQn. of nrluostl. t t of those.entitlM to 0 votq.
'to 110to th ton. Mr. -H- F -youvg ,,ind daugh or I Thvler,u I%ervitled thoje, - '
� di hancl . tbal; Men
. k � I � 9m, I" I f; is in0restifilt , at tell 1� a, Ill., "A .., franchLiv, �1
-years ago when a -bylaw to grant Mtiiilded & ioneraL , t (,'Oil and 4 Waitirg. pk,ojjje�-, - ,
I I , ,, 1). 3 o that now,
0 ,� g ". ,a fair vellmn Of pubill, opinion hat; . J� ,
on . I , . �
th faway- Pockabook. $15,000 foil remodelling tile t1aples Liong, Club "$hould I Join tj�o Church?" �a tQon Obtained. The total vote, vast , �
I . � � . . Into U 11108))it4l'Was *oted, oil the vote 1kall, U(,It.h Rubba bath 1!4elloill nond 111blp ("Inqoe'u nf� :1. on tho bylaw on 314%nday, %vall TICh k -
4 ,
. 11113' - hkc'a flambS arrow, wa,,, vers, nearly the same 'Is 31ork. 1410115, Club tomorrow , A . I . . The votp ;R thp ()r�varl ,,�,dcto S1 4
I �. I I'd �vlll addet"" tile O'clovk- C011111111111011 Rabbath llec.
I finds its mark in pr . Wrldpr)� , "Ind, 11, bylaw
I . I � � . .. . I F looperty dar l4st'S vote, 42G fWanoi, 307 4. the noon -time joknolliv . - . � , I
I . . . . I I , on NOV.. 1.110,12, Iva"I P540 arid tilt, Vote 04,
--- I I ... - 11 � . I that is unprotected. Wr gainst. That votc was taken join. 0. 1. Cl orattir,cal VoritesIs * .1. Servievi at thil filtratioll system j kj ,,,,
4�, :�!���!�,�!!��l!���!!!��!!I��!l���!!������� . . 1214 1911, 134lotiSt church wKilliday, V 1; ,,1411. 84 .1
..",,. � ".. I I � roore than a century the Hart. Nov. ."501, an follows: 10 11, in., 4,.' 0 . .
i , 7---- -1 ` !!!!!!�! . '4' ThO vote On Monday last � Tito G C, L Literary SoelfAy Is day school. It all, in., ulorning war- Moored a jaj�ge, .
-- , � , �. ---.— as Sold insurance against was 320 ,lin. that tho vot on Aloknda,%, may be eon. �,
� — . � -W i . -- � � for arid 300 agginst. , undertaking A IlOw but and �:: lunt P vote, It la true tbo -v
. I— I i I 08 for 4 , neceded i
Of S -fire. 'Unrik. Of oratorial contests.. And- tile � 1q..111011.11 7 �. In ........ I Aroll(la", last") voitc, los"'Aoui 100 but
. studeM'.7 ON 166 at � regular -alunlelpal ejee.
. I . lo, $8 i t Ii VurtuM in granting 'pri �
. . . . . �. . C�Qlktrlbokk[60118 Atknowlevigtoi . of vt'r,y, *01111Y shil), isiddeet. "The z,ast (!O veto' On the elevator bylaw e,
I usines'on the 11 err440 mt.. Geo. Millions, OfAbo I P worship, suhjc au, everlingr : "
I I Commerce, acknowk. os reepipt of "re' re's onding t4plervoiji vt. "I'lle U'videncen toll 11
I I dtiona: , I T . I . 3 P. Ill., service at tairlej. I :
Ile Hartford pays losses the following eo� 00,11. whell I lariv -
I ,triba evellin� of tit" I "'Mus," , kill, voto la alwaya �Ob, I ..
bl' life As" 80108000 Col. OfGanada fairly, -In addilion, and at . Japanese Relief Fund, .Xisi, X. surW. Tho� p6blie ". Oratory As .. Taylor's Vovrlje�s. Rev. 0. X. Dow0y, ion', Thrre of the- - ,�
. . � . no . k seWn; Embdivis,, I
. . . I ll I I Sharman. v"', Central $cbO this valuable As Or' '041 to give P-wtor, will conijact till Vervice.n. of tho town had It majority itt .
- ',C�jUpk%4y of the D extra 1COSt,. J-he4 Har'ford's Venture tilvIr heartleSt ..
- - '
. The 1,oetoaax Life Assuro"Co omwou ,.I dren's Fund, %0.6o, total 41 Ol ell"' North 'St. Methodist chu'relt: to favor Of thO bYl;'%v,�110-4-, 4, 4 attot 0
. trained Fire Preventi,on -Ell- I'liv, . 9.0%. co-0110rUltioll and enolourngerojent. 11 , but nos, I anll 4, alta j; alld 7 iijlo� j
. I . " I . Awwaums � in forIze.. , - - - . - 4630,000,00 , . . � I .emmrssftkouthazards, T,bo N V I ,OH9120 of Coluivida, It Is expected thAt a suitulol l. Rill Altin's (101A. subjiet. 'clTo vo;
I .1 1, , which Collected by Capt,'d. r,.L norej�, $ torlurn may bit see4ed gal, t I' audl- �Sjloujd jj�,e, Iteekoll $DeQQ.5s?*, ,In W �dyerse rA,IJbHtfV�;, t1w advero vote �
, Awls .'. . . . . he earn. (�jasses. Ali, C 0 1
#'# - v $1 70,000,OW , ifluoteorfregted,ulaycaus�fire: Mis 88; lueneellient salon Bund. l I lTh in : 4
— -___3_�- -1 -: . . . I 41" dk�-illarugtjons will, be, given. Purth se, 4lTho, ehallc,ug 'It. Al., d
v # I '. 41 w .1 * . - . * . . I . . 711is uAll . . s W41tOn., P-10; AbuteeR ch exercises at which t6 ThMn. I and 2 being a Inege Orle, ' � I ',
I I - . . �� . I e protection that ter, 1. 0. D. Z, $204 total $61,60. . er 0 Of Life Service." 13 Iowa: Vinil"'. of tile Vote are Ils ;r,)I. 4
I 70ur property donionds, Died at Rdmonton'. ' .. . 4 4nuouticement -will , be. Aladi, ,next P- III-. Church School. 7 p m,, "Chris. 1 . , I ! . � .
1, ,
.Life Polidles have Many attfl.tctive featu .. .� � I Week, The da tiana's Journey," jilustrtaea � . I �
- ....;i, Still* I I .1 I 11
, res,. such as The X druanton journal of . Nov, tQ Is Pridav, J)Qe. or 'y tan. . For Against . A
Cash � and Loan Values, T otal JD . Get Hartford t�=ance and 10th records tbo,,oleflth ;Ind a .silver tC'rn VIOWS, 1114AEArited llyruu� will be $ubdivision No. L " . I . "'I
I . is011ity Betiefts, gpA.p uble,.,, $=,CC th� =�:� '- so"I`4tc onle, Attentjvj� ushers, free 44 4 - - - - .,,!" n, � , . � .
" . 0 lAgh � of Alts.,W. g. collection Will be tnk;1k nung, 8traligers and visitor 2; ......... NK . las, 1
� Indeinnity, A,�rjdeAt Benefits. I . I I .- -� Hartford to defray expenses. This ; ,
. ", �, , I . . I J, , WS, " � 1; Welt .4
� -11 -1 .: -`"-� from tile eiltertallunkint to b � field in . �,c �'. 1. I .. 11
I . I -�� 11 . . I.. agency. . : I 111 or "'I'miKs � the Gymnasium, D ( IAUA liSnAdfly Q`%,1;1njAj; ,after' � ats, 44 1 4 . - -'49 irl , : i 11
. . . , -",'� t,., P. " - �. O"o FS C . � I Xr� Alex, biaoGre . cc. 10 arid 14, al. Church 66 . ...... ; ..7111 50,
� . . . . . , gor and ratiany �vjsh "'flat' to the splendid progrikon of last $0 11 IT... I., � .
I Noolle I Is - , I . thorkh thele Diliolly Wo rVice a niectin - ....4141 I �
. - 'If. R. LONG, District Agent, 'Tillsoluil. noijob. year. . . 9 �Of the' ATIMIOnary 4* . 4. r, " 11�*X .;
, � - . -- I I I - I .- - -- , . . �� I - - � .. - � Oro for the itindooss, ,an(, IjvWl)afby St. I Association of Knox'-cliurch Wag ),old , .6. . 4i 71 -;-. 1; 71 � : I I I
1. - . I
.- . 1. I �-11 �� a own tl10 In thdit fttlont sad bel, Of. . . ,:, .
I- .: � , A
4i- - ffeleill's Rifle Club Shoot . at Which Air. Chas, Chapman, tile . 4 . 6 :1 - 311k I
, '.
I . 1. ;:�-;: . L - �� I—_ AREV SON reavervient � I - � The St.neleng Rifle Club, 0 - Aclelit' ttta,�Orer of the Alls , � -I.. �,
I I � 14 - - - , : "I , - . . . -� I .
. . . . ,� .. WArrm , — sionaij, Tot t
, ,. . . o .;.===-' - — , -� �
, VA(:ftn , � 1. BONDS Stocks, , 'ed tile -Colborne Rillo (,jDA t A*t4tA" funds of tile c . to ......
0, ��� '', l,#l,,—Aia9r—F I . � ..... ,,,"v - — , - '' . . , FIRE INSO imcf, 0 a filloot ongreirution, %win pre. I .... 3211 Soo I I
-�-,�-Ii, �;;:'', , � 8ented . o----&lll-"�-
-- ,
r Aill1illp ,Jr. � Z'�ll * I �FULIC NOTICS ' -and dinner -on Thankstlivino., Day. tit With a gold tioulitaill lien, und � 000ERICH TOW14SHIP , I . . .� 'It
.. . . ANTEDI,�.& rokIrried Couple or a feW .. ANO REAL ESTATE - � ; I i- Eversharp pencil by ,tile role �
. Ill 03rtearilst St. lropoes Church, ,London, and 901"llemon"boarders. can be accom., , , OTICE To (111U )i�F(j7jk,,47m.� the ranges, , St. -Helens. A regular the asqOefutlo- inberi of �, Asocial evenh - I
us dot blorector, London, onservilto or 4. . . .21itaffile Truble mill I X . I team $lkoot -- -�, a �1 i.
. . .
� Xtiste. 'Teacher or singing and plitrio,l I . Wi7i�XK I COMaDrluuLe house. AppW . - . . . no .... .. . . . A.ycO4rn&&AOU 0'r 111S of thj� -ft -1 -r Ifle auapice'I. . �
., .
� cittick'4 for I Opplos for address. I . Colborne was. sjXc`I e Ouvo 11"'rillell VAIIIAM0 Ilervic Goderiell. ,T.tkw,;I;jjjp'RO3pItaj 1, I � I
lillilled hurnboar ' r pu us, . . 11''''i �, � . IN Tile c.sTAT15 OP WJIN LASUA,81, IIE�. 'Point margin. tile session at
0001te I -, I':, i I I . Harris Pord, . I
. � 000191111110", 0 . I cessfill by a 10. 08- SOAIQ Alexubers"off Aid will be hold 4t the home Of
.. . . studio ?it Aft � QNTAR14> � . Ct,,k,;p . I .
11 - 0, 1 ArrIsouls" a . GE,NT WAXT,Iijj'117i� �aoderjvh��ror I - "'ll'll''I'l, i ,, . '11)� . " � 110 Were present And jaa, Mr.
. . - tord-8 � $Cbool,., Interviews oil esda $I ,. I ... ........ . � � '==--� . I I . I ffelons" was ' J01IM(TA, RUIVA road, on VA.
I , . high man, witc)";#07t O'Suki tile 1"SentatiOn Was Inade by .�ktrj jix;
� �-� j . INSWUNCE AND MAL -E40, = � I NOT1 71,Y -c , h oil. While most of' those, I Ay Ovelift. Nov, 23td. There will
I � -
I .1 . I -----""`— 0 Ing M T`Pokltlet,�, rilrect to Hokorild, CH Is iloll,63*p mr ,
. . � The c I ns "I,,Iii,lii,l��,11,,,��,�"I'�', �, A 1). Ilkill'all lifor,4UTIS .
I Hamill I. ai "Wati, ,0ojnpakiy,j) 11,11"ll I, �� 1 l I ^,,`� . Of. a Possible 70, for, which be reociv. solit (I a its
. . , I ol'; Il',"'- "'PtMIC NOTIOR I , . . . ot.,C112p" MAIN" 1;, Al 114"Int cla"I"S Dinvinst the Estate -or Mlul' ed o' pait 'of dil6ks. After the team a Word to'say of good,wisreea leal PrOgralu, also ,tardg .
� . . � : , ton., Oils. - " , , , NID RE&T, ESTATE. - I f
. Ij .. WNCA4 � I - .i I , -- . . . — * �' IIIIIII, deceased, jj�jjo jiled oj � $hoot was stag I a', from B-30
. .1, ATEXTXING. ArrilrD.-Higboji prices Paid rdk� Pooki- �. 11 . '01111v or flkkriuv� ';'clitio' $hoot 4 duck Pdo four ha�'e
I 11 � A- I � . . Lasivan" ill 1110 I' 11 (or libout-the :, "I
I" M r'! ClInPulan arid his jaj�lly to, 10:30, After which re,l
. 011HOR -and lots in Wilprich -and t who fresh �,
!. .1 I � 1. — 1, .. I W try. AlA1( 'PANZ,$11, Napier. street, . for , arM5 13M (14' Of August, 192% are rettalred to .contestants to a duck at 20o. each. an,e i been of ver�lr valuable osds,k .-
"I'll, ...... ..... . , I ,� sale, See j,. ,�V. . Atti, will 1W �Qrved . Admis
. The allylud meeting or tilt polbolut, 1 k�VrA.RTII,� D. ARNST1101W, abova . IlWersiSfied eXITutrIx and 11 various sphere 'tl , idoku 136 C'�'Tlts- Eiverybody 'irelcolue. �
- Oliver to tho The man nearest tile Centre ,of the tit Is of, tilo at Vill i
I ' A"Armeft' MIT Will be held in t -Keolpev ana B1 Parsons! A�rafr, 00derich, I PUMITfor or tile. $0[d,404 i on,' ')I- betore bull',s eye, Won the. duck. .Joe Bow. . of the vongiigat � , I . �� '0- . - . I
. I atron (Illan and '... � . . 'i
I I avice Hall, Be he Temper- I , � U110 s
1 110111)0r. on - Thursday evert- WIre) to t4kc, ellaege 0 . `�`-�- Alloo ANT MIS' -Or ,becomber, iwo, a tull i
,, .. � � Us, DIC k�o the Huraq (j0Uj;eA_fiQU8 � I . . . � . I stat(Iftle . Tit or theft Claims ." together witif . . .--"q-fOu,,....,., V110 ON t . .
.. � 1. ftv� for the concitisloo. or till, 1. � trial', Of 00derich, proved t , , Do you want Your . �
., I County uOrkle and farm Coil ected there. 168 0 be the .
� � . . imow . I
I ., .. ~3 UsIness Roo Organization tot, next,. I with vicar goleou. , App I Ito . atton� personal . I . particutars itiereor, slid ,Ile liaturok, 01, tk,4� . best duck shooter, azipw, brought . WE hens to la$� bi;
. . y then,, All duij home Seafii�tb No winter? Peed Green (R,rojund .,Do
�, . referred, 10 be Made halt securities, it inly, field D, , ay he pf-OPLE,
44 Inelow0es Quit Others ,Interested are 9 to 1110 uAderAigoed ' 4,11 kinds for eal; at' about prujid by aill(laylt, � "nine, Eve . I
I , .orked to attend, , . . AT to,Dec, fird, In -4. No,aJoRlIcation neves what, it -woul I . . . Pleased With ,7body wag Well 6 odelich, ,ws: All., if. Watson, 5c. Per Pound, . at. D. 11100 I , 1.
1,P0 _Will Lbe t Our ,tit(! , , it the S oot, many saying " .
� at .
. .� , 1, I . EONVIN 1100,31AT'SM arov accepted, jolt-NA,011 AUR, 'Anspe,-- ol cost'jou to build. It vAhl) TAKIR ', . it wills, a t0wn.,,V�jitor. I lit. ODRIE .
. I � . . for �,oii . ,Q,Y , , NOTICF that, after tjjA �Sal , . .. MI% .,. �
� - . . �, ". lity Holyke, cat(g)"Out. - rest.,to seome be- last mentioned date, Via said exiockitri.,( and It 'Miss Dorothy R , , "AT MARKET. . I
. . . .. --:7��.,�--;�. fore buying. . Svioerikl properties,% on eXecUt ;,, WAIOS th I ooting they owil 19 visitillp her M H � I . � � : �
- � I 'ATorier- : - . I ve aid 0 beat day's ish I I
.. . #4-V 1 � . . k4NI'Me-Locill; Representative for Very easy ternfS of payinefait. cc irly Del.. 01' Will lorlii!eed III (114tritonte Ili -Great credit .is: duol + the sjster� .. �
sons elltItled Ai'L,
I Th. annual xvuiejj7hg'�t ali uj-embers�or �W,4 (ioderich and S estate of tilt% said fle('011504 41110UR.St lho.* t r � ' . .
. I � . la lejl� Mrs. Jack Taman, In D;Aralj. (- C-.'1.,ER IIAS 0.03t*1,ST1V Krilik " I
� � I (AISIVICt, '10 sell tile Ustl I . -f . I + relo, baving regapol 611- - ,carryin e � . . . .1
I . it Reliable Fonthill. , club fOl -
� . '1110, Hospital Association will be 11614111 Ole S0114 Nurseries." .4pring . I -W to suell, C141164 aq they shall have. a successfu ,9, out su h � Rxeter Advocate-. Air. jo,, a., BAW-, WAL - . .� . . � � I �
, Town Hall on Thursday, .NoVember a R $690t' 'low HUITI'118; lirge.9l; de-, . P. 11 ItYAW - . . �. I l4l. I shoat. I , . � den. of Goderich, spent Pridily 1:1st - 011014. (". L . I
�lktjl, , colved due 11013ce and irk OPPotdanet, tlipro. A N,Otgbl �Nj(.etjng - � � . � I
� . .1 ., . 1713nd ror stoLk sivire,.1he ivall,, ol oll 1, , ran I With. . I . 1. I QQ has Jusr roevived a . .
, free equip. . I I . ,.cll
o, As Mere VAJI be vtPY' IM . poiltanit I , , ce . . .. 1. . few carloads of freb.,burAlng Domes- 1.
I AM at 8 P. in, , territory, hilkiies; coni fons A us ve , . Real Estate arid Inso I + . 0 With relatly c here. ,� .. I
I . buStnes,; krop I .1 �!�� . Doubtless there -.vlll ITO a In, I (I. AT I,.,;. * - L a
. ,nz, ST.9,
to be tratimeted, ,IFN to bo, AT � ,Nt & WET&NOTO.N, Viovinita. bated at Clintoll till,% I " in of 0.1, ('r Nov. . rge attell I . rogford, of . Granton, njar I
i livero witj be a oped 11141 -- .6� .-- --. . I Von SAM 0a " LET (11111)(lr, A. f).. J92.,j. . . . . � . . 4110.0 tit th � . tie 1-1101P VOa)* Which . has been * ,
. .-- 11 ,,,,,ll;l I,i I ,flon tklik;�,m ulet3tilIg Londan,,has retUrned h screened OVer a 44neb seyeprI, thoire,�, . +
large toijkloUt. ' , - 0 oblivah In I �
;Bty, J. I k-,**rl*V--lr)dUsjrjoui;, capable man e3 ) ft�. T.- aral 1 I I I ork I I i it. HIlIZAIJIlTH X. MkYjl(fft, ' .�, In Notth, httee, 'buicli on Itinlir her +d4ugbtc,r, .Nirg, I
E."FORD, , , T, (I.-00N.N0-xl W I mia ;oonk. steant, . %Ve orneantinur. VIS. f re -'t 4I 111FIAllge clean-elinl' Price I
. *-�Osjdellrl 1. I 10 01" Yeats, In Ituroin County'. Ilan. F11R-Nill, God If 11101:11010 C .. .o
", I . I 80cretilrY. file local 1 . . heated, for. orkii QpWE�� W(Ill, Ont., and , divosday eypoini", Nov, '.Imt)), j4ppajc� $12.00 per ' I I
� � I I ,.*.�.11111 . I... � P;T(je d ladies. wall I
, .... 114011111111 ... . .. ,� .... ....... ...... . Mrs. V'. IV. I toll delivereti. -
I'l � , , . - -- . ollf,ft'rilig Ra%,l i 11's'66-64 VIVIROKe or dInInIr �room , and , fitteftell.. W., 1111yuOm", (t,jpiti)ll, 00011,ful Oro- 1106yo Ivaco '011119 hild-little dough- I .
- , . 114010% Itpoiluel-41reet, to � ITITM6 -Largest. ' - rxej,llrrr� c ter, Ardis, of Detroit, nee '--,-- .� ..� � I
2.tM X11W.Wv- COUXOM iien, � rai, 10 ,tvq-,I)r#lcrjoO,�'T41p.i)b,o)3,o � .4jilt., .. and., Expeotor, %4k7,jh,- 1.,,,Jtaj� of repiltation "Ifid be.�Ond. Vorda to G. (, 'p .
I . , U �'6,017 Art 110, I L\ , secured of contillen" wid
. ., 1: ReAt ��Ilinr 1410. Productj oil pja,no. . .. I 1. ,. vialtill ,. I. . E.tertainme"t � I
— 'k . Naeliftionou, pr , Park Dec. 13 and W. .
T114 C�kknolli O . tillIt', lowest W1101*831P. no- Advance in.prill "llonts. i - I- lIADYNOLDS, (10D)OP110, Apart. , ll"44)j 4A'AWlA1fio-PW,- , 7 , ;, , Ili'- ChWelice �the home of Alr,4. AV T �Iat
. r %6 Corporation bf the 1144. Sell, . InctiiAl of. -vivo flill jitipet. + .111, . young, I � I
, I . County or Hui -on will melot JA the Coun I eeS. No- rxperfoltire,. Israrpeally .. � wo -- , , . . �� I . I .
or, AUC ..... T .. . ..... I .............. .. ... ...... "" .... " -7 --`l`ll . .
I .
I DO capital . I 1 7 t=— C llege, 114liza," 14 well kvwvu. to ., . . "'. #*.AAWl�04-""l* " ,, I
oderioll, as 2. to,olocr, in tel atleded. We teacli YOU - ON F&L11j" � -- " ;
Of, IT do he - to 101111RO your 01*$1, To AFNT,�.Nieok 8-roonved torto-it *— ,��-_-;-v� . 111:111P Of tile boys �411- POirlaing (Intl 11ttlo. daughtel. hbb% tc
0 00 ,3r, tile All% day or Ile- . OWU porroakienT, pronlablo business, H . or tile Mist. R6 lt� NlikledOWIld (i mcWr k)f piano
1,4rgest, ,stponecit Cum 111ollse oil W on OV01seaq, MI)(] beloved . A I
ollinilton street, all -C ' � was theft, padre * , Ruth- I'M 0 M111344 tu Tcjt-o.ntQ,, atte,r 4 11,8414! .
cc 'puny, gives most vj,j)jpl)f,e,, at Pj.P,z nt (Pole - I
MI; t Counts against tile Pted by .%11,,�. "'MITI. ,4 .. ISIT'l,U)mm's. , er, I)r. Trevol. Il. in. to noon, and ." too, rj+ p. ill + .
. e Ali t 11 5 -�'�l ' - r" 4 i0g; At Xbo-% Church. satur. . .
:0 IT .J.4 ( ' to" ""'%1'F' � Ok '"�N�'��O(�R -AN3; bY 11, Tile other speAst spendfug t%I-o M'"11.4, **�'Itb tile raftne
Coil $V CO�operatjivn. Vyrlte age, oce.upation. re. %VIj.q(0u. poor j(,lm . ete, � � ,r*f4 days I 0
1114 lilt 4 IT an Of the die"It Iference. , �$l T. Ij.A,+Vj,E ,GH Co 1,TD., " AI)pfy to 3, 11. � . . . Davies. IV , parent45 r. arld ,� I I .
4" Albuilti receding the meet- I 1 14 KATIM11. . at . . -., , . , . al. tip -to finite ree(ndy, pasto- . Airs. J, s. Plan.' . ...
IT)$! of uncM . .1. . I )Ppr. 65, Loation, Ont. I), I Tho,ifullpilsigned aurtiollepl, 1144 roCeeived at tile metroriolitau chkivoli ,Ill "t-Orouto. Wiligh-liom Advance, . Don't rorget +thV Lailicilt' Aid Ra. �
. . . .� . �ALL'.- -GaIld's .� � Instructions it# fiell by litiblit" olucti(in al H e is 1 Novin, + Ural, AlcGo1%., Ul. Atox. INC. `lZan in Worth ft Nie jjodi(.,�t (.h , relf., ?:
e 11111jet Ist"Ind""Ited 01riferell;, BayVeld Road. on � I . I Irman 00110-MIdeil for find- Mrs. '(*, Kerry visited with Mr. . i . � U I . . ..
Ignt nolir for big fillodo, Ot 4o, On. 6, GO&I'lelt TP., Pornee + or Cit'lich, Tile oba - Of Goderleh� .,tr t .
t QEO, W, HOLVA's, W)g NVANT 900'j%IE � Foil red'tfl-lik-8* 110" L Dow pastor of Ettoll, Aje�ftjukljal
tsov. 1-,tb, %.Az. . InceIIIIIII(loilly JoiOlned .1 . . I I . : 11
I . 14. 111101,11v 111rds mile of tilt, . 0
1 . oderfell, , County L'Ittrk P03111K Ine0livokletil job.4. If you or ""'"' urday Nov* If4th.
"I'll a',,,, .1, � . . ,
. l','''I'll''. . � I .. Did like wollotil .,�. br,ez�� finuenrablov, aliq %Vill be sold at, 'I,I*1.,S1)A`k*.;, NOV 17113 t1le' ev"'"1119 Othedlig Iq 04. ( , M. 1�, and Airs, Itobt. D6 ell all Sol da �, . ---`1l0--`ll0— . I
,n--� allotind automobiles and I tractor t, Idle! (1, priee klevoriling to qualit3 Orahall .
I 1. , , '', . s, don" ORAM ( W . r.at or) (,,�Qqtqc ,4niopp. tIj#j rjol_ L f0vulcelY Colkinfaritl(-l"01- the y n X The Ulst'stivid t6 Gist of Now '
. . 11ITY, t;eV`rI` W45 Ifler() 8,401 a demand foil 11 r t H. it., No. �, (*I fluill'. 0, ill - ' ., The. old friends of jqr. lVetil I . . A*.� - .
� wilIVII441113(b)', PIT I I.'
., (%ritl't� I I 1 1,12fill Itt.glilak,svit. 11
. . "vest it PIK"111 ill, V. . . I I 11 I)wInjil", . I � . � too, ths" (!hit � I� IN DOW Secretary 41`� very Iiorry to bt,ar ,,at beerelt in, This Week's . :
jilow will give you a traft"that will roe IT I 1. Ifor'les'-Isav Ilmo.4p tell Vniou ("otiallitteo (* . I I . I
. Earn- 'Imlin,ey,at Home ""'Ined Allen' '%: to%' "veess' time " I 'Ind All Taxe,� Stig Star /
Indepenfleace r , . It pe paid by ,
Earn upwards or , I Sheep Milli. - -' 1.4' � Or his 900d MA, are leaving town, � �
01" life- 1,0arn atitorkiolvile � '� 'Y('41' - ba,v "'art' 8 %VeSteru Ontario. These,alre tye Door",
� . . Mini weekly giowlylpr and. tractor opertutroo and repairing., it F",'oti,'-'A,';A,9l 0---7o'fn1ot)tronkh1)i1 oxfo'rol — V . "lily noteol What .a gity it is to kt�e good 01(i loth, IN"In. Campbell, vollector.:- �- ----- --- -�
. to year-tqjj paill. Sired by Ckkl'lo`�-HPI'10141 4'QW, 6 A-Alarlt frf'.4hilp U1611 and W4011 tS'orth Seellig.futl jaj!arhag. I -
. a5ant vIlleftnizin nir and Oxy -nee- toll, Wall(PrIon, � lftkkl� of sale; Herprol,11 ef)%�* - . . . pel, Patrol . � . I . I I I �
Iolushroopis, toll U.4, MI Wititer' Ple sr, totittotry billion coil '. a%va;r, . . I
WOrlt for either sex. �p I . r also Tkvo 1111INI to jilci!`. t on) Illoviim .1 . .. ... ....... . . I .
all of frfost. P -0 -off, tSlr6no, Nvejollng, , by the lieptiplull practical lk,lib,,o Aoply j,'IkjjkNA; Ill ��I)I,.N(j 11 It ;� 7' rfitr� too, 00I.Gr4harulm chief at tile Lforin for ...I ,
. Outbuilding: neoles5kiM,. � Ru, . , rrol4holn All k,ebruary; burbank, eol,�,. V ,�N,�vx., 8V . Youl. , all . ghter, f, i-�.i ....
. row to estern Ontario. special AgInfe Is to Mr. 'and Mrs. AlWit itutit,,tige, Oj , , 'hrjstukDkS--j. , ' ,. - , .
. - sYstem. Frell - emplaSqokent r le A at it,. ,rlvmn�� �,.,o,o� . carjmv. , , , Ito rivibell in Fe4rual'y'. litit'llsoll Ile. rel , T, Fell., page, � �
V111111" 11101 r, s Goderi, . 6
. 4 Yet, itamp, your disposal. Vrcol� catalogue, .Oct big --,-- Yesi's, '11) rilefibell ,In F(Ijiluary. adertc, uUtIC11411rectlon of 1).H. Londcu, spent ,,j:jjaui�(;gjt.IAvg ji,, .
, . led b oklet and partieular. so v e a T
... Addre." and steady NN-orj:jTj) It no,vy. HEj 0 IRENT.-Hougo ill , I ............. to , . 1.
Dept , . plaffilY, Canada Mu.4lift . 1p, Oil pictoll streflil, e(Ar, 4 Ilears, to'frol.shen it, $kjnp; ,l), u,, ,',", 3, a. R. 11 � %V0401), 1,, L. (;.'�711 I If ** . I
I 2I, ." (jarolen AVe., To IfillyLL AUTO TRACTOR '!;Cjjf)0l,, jr,a jCtn- T Modern rmiyenjcjjep�,;. 1114,111djul; , V- t '. At. GO(jerfeb, is Itut)(IdWs Wher anij ljjotjI(_.r an'til Ur- -'The la etime Gif t-,-4% . C. 11.4b. I I I I
I J'ArPOIV COU', in 900d OPoler ,11 I ortilliato in I. , 1, f I d filst011 # � r) - . . �
. �, age ., "...I ........... 4 .
1 — - � 114, Avol-l'Iriling, ff'of1l; INKI To SON 6 I'leIrM and as Included in ffie ItInar3,. Thene Iturledgill'. Me, and Neh. -I %i' Ila" ( idea-Shlith's Art �
��- � ., St, West, Toralft, . ate, I'llotio -11NU for 111rorzilation. 11 N0,1119 (at- . .S holcit a (lopilta,tjoil 0 - IQ XIOIUF,l of 1�jkl, jklati h1l, .Wt� .
-- . . I I 13 N9P0j',R;�3.j1j)Ije(l.A,k;ivj, more Nevv
- -- r�= ... � - -&- �4 ,%IVk,% V. J. Little I . . I
, I —::� nENiTSPvvl.aI tka%j-';-1--' , . -spoikers am. autionfice.a toll tilat week at l'atakdow, nlw � I
- . led 1'06111�. All 111seelloloilovilml-Ko bilsll, bui'lavIleat, 30 ,%I,e aq %$, ., . HIMut Thailliquivin� and Gift Stikre,-Page ............. 10 . .
.1 TO . g' -entrally to. bustIOIX 11011111,14 tn(lse arp m efulkilt.y, , follo r, l-1l1ohdaYnI9bt,Tor6Atov %%ltb He. Alld Atrs� ittitielige,., . xte�organiilltion $ . I I
, CO"Ventell"' M . � . I � nit-. -Nil 11 b. I .
I . mm""PTOW - I jokfulf I'll . Allake, good s6a; T4 pigs -k ru(intri 'wQ414, TIT � it y '04(ir . 1 16 ' .
� ClIted, ,Terinl; reastirkpie, r 1�(or address ., � 0 a . London �, - NV IT
.. , aDVISl at'�'57'Alt OPFIM . . I-Y(larltlld hens. . "' P t" " -"" tell': Tbur (soliku"(18y, t' - "IlIttin NOws-Ftecord, h1j, (- r I 1) o�. PtIgO . ..... 4 1
. I -1. - � � -",.. Antilisnients.-sT, 11. bill ftday. ('114thatol , Friday, Phipps, of GOdoile.b, -,va.q in La�eo Re . A Sovefoll in ' ' * ' ' - � ....... I .
. P � - ., . dep. T-tti cut, johlo lfalultlivli.� . . � '. . I floys' Overroklts-A� : ' : . . 11
A1V-k`rk' �--411E OF (100111' 1101'IALHOLD 111WR; l"Nilot & 1100d 1110%,4'r, F, ft. (tilt, 11,1%.; I Tuesday., . , Xiojg.N*joja �I,i W11 on ('01,11field. rago ........ 9 . .
FURNITI'All, eoll'XI"itinpr or sideboard, HPO4 drill: illge jukrj,fp%r; At tile Harbor � . � 1�
I 11111. I I , steel P()jjpr. I I the week -end s (,* , 41 11 c, A t vtldcm�oar, 110,3C."Curow-i ... 4 - ."� .
Notrat coolt-to�'#N; JI-olt bed.4tead, 's Illig CultiVati)l.; 03.NPrrj()jX Aokrr(,TVq. , : .
I I hav, Ill -, , at her home'jil Godo. "Col. . I I �
� mlttress� wol,419tand, arp4sor, t Wafkgon; The �top, surfacing of the floor Of rich. . . , jqii;o, 1101116'i; Store. Page .
I . De- 'I'll, gravpl boy. Set bff�sfelwfkq; get ( -, ....... to
l . v S---.. I . . . , ". .SASH, ' . bill) livater, entil, Iq,p,�olF,j.pd till it, 14 bank4; Putt . -. elew ltudd noll"' Mi�'I` A 111,9toplo, Gath��r`i;WVnfou ; I
M the new stor szorage bootie is Mark ,spent thetveek.end njill holiday .
, V" P ties. ('t" toll' ')U;tgy WrIlt )VZIP- being,,laid With 4, nfe(Y'sMoOth sue. i4rith Oodkrich Church ('0mmi . .
. COW, hens. and roother atfirleq. I sell Ow; flelfiller.. ravollitifil volill. f fri&id ttee-Pag ; ....... 10 I
0 -- . '' -. � I 0 %X . 11 iron: walking. pi e .
� . - - -- chpap. Lo-avillp toltv. C. Ail. . k'R � wholelbarrmi" sf,�t fjohDI)JA harnplig; Net 111rhi iace and the malchipo,ry for conveyo W, if. Jervis 8, - . - , Mrs. . Wolknen's and ,!lo Rea, � Voats- . I I I
� , �� 11 - ---- � I r and Afis.i LAM: apent fis * . I
.. JI.T. Is.11110411(i 11('all. 11111,110.4": "t ly'n's" hl'i"I'VV4 )MP 4,44111P tflf)oo, belts Is beirig placed, The SI.ctio R,Oyal Ladieql R I r
I - "u -P kettlo, rorh', sbovo,N, (,fill . With Gode. ptike 040 to Wear CO.
You " 60not Doo without STORM SA 'Sli haVe - - � � -.. - --- ., - ms thl-* Week -end arid. hotid4y -.., ., ..A.X . .. s.
� . I , ARTICLIFS-FOR SALE kverithing is j() jp. �0111, a,; I1r1)I,rjrj,,r,z A0vfhjthe%vJ,aw0r W11115, below the. liffig, rich retahveo. . - . - 11119apa Shop, ...... ... ...
I . ^--��'----� Ul'fl giving ill) r4i'ming, � I . to left Open arc now being Pard and Clemeaj,,()f RubbemL-Shatintift'if Shoe ,44tore. I I
ThM This Winter and PrOVttj to be the on. (ill -%*.j.t,EA 11-11.4p.burnoor )ZAA11t,�,en All,,, 25 aerps ol., jand, swidy 11,3111, I,, filled In and windovits IT14 Goderich, wej,e , I .
. Be comfortame. ly, real, f Uel �Saver' F 4010d -M; tiew. Will sell- ell.-ap, 11P.1`41,; Uoodg; billaupp piptil., , teed Xt -tovill M-elt-end guest.q of pot,isstg jVaj.d -n4kji Page ......... ................... 10. I I . '..
;eancl . I'lione iiq tir rall at �Njjj.i4. . $10(lated till not be long before the jlokjs�� will be Stone. . . - I I 1*1111ifier..'-Alis , - . I
I.Ves Z. ,jjj,j.E(*At,,,4: the IlaN11PI(I Road. .1 IWIP4 friftil 111A,fteld, I . 13 h1lieVicar. Page 1#7' � . 1.
!. . will pay -for thern CAMI)MI Road. %old ,4ufjje(.t U "Nel'Te .11111. Terflin. Made fully equ!Pped� The new Ainrille 1(,g Clinton New :1,.* - I I " ' . . ,�
I I hi sa4ing on fuel in -one 1101011 n(A'r '()It SALK21 filet Iiij1p, I (;'V(�.irt(I'll!eal 1�dat Salea-Gray . . "
� ri , .
*i�".=- k110%vil oil (11\1 was used last Thursday Ili I I . , .
. F 'N' ior Palo. unloading Thompson, of Load ra. Rev, 1�1, At. nA ght. - P.119111, 'I ........... a , 1�
, oil, Ivan Calling on , -, - ,, ,��.
I 'ette .
I j ThnIls, jif � glInp; I, a boat and it; 11OW In romrikission friends on Ivednend , 1�
. . 1p filet. 6 liteheq beano, U 11, IT.1con. foig h, .. - O r all, and 111140r, Allb,,,on'.9 for V ,j QUality f400(I
Oider Y#111ft Now and Get settson. They JaSC for "I-I'll�Oldliltaill"".Iitltf)l'I bloat fully P111110ped, Froarl ,)i "r "'at tuniount lit Inflothil' 0110dit .when desire(]. The, week -0 arrivals up'to AY-' Ile had been fkuiTt; at a Lower Vrj�p�(% R'. Al. - . , I I I . . . . . .
. the F1111 Btlefit of AVELI'Sk. G 01011 1`41' Cri-All, Aliply An if. ,,,,,. aptirovomt joint n(,I(,,, 1,1, TIf-Wil's itf 4 of grain cilrgoesi at the Trark , Goderith to f3eP his Mother who jigo". paj.,.� ....... ......... lo .1 . .:,.,...
. ycars# so what they oderlell. I . rom. ror cash. :� . v4tor h4ve been as foil sit E'le. in In, Ill.health. . . - bit- RObt- "Alit, lolode) Theatre, Proirrijin'jol, ,Nov I I �
Tiew Dogint tie "Oil SA1,9.0jPIcerPIs, stultIp v,forooll .k", - ERNEST T0I*Nl4jf*,,N,jj. . . own: - - �'Tbe of Goderfeb,
ave this year pays for 4 HICIIA111 , , 1 ww'; a. visitor in, tolvh oil weelti; Page ,,t, .
� s I f 5*tftf,'�W%. llrflilf.�Ij� 14'. NVneondall, on. the I .
Putla.. Riverdale strack, barred ply: It Pi 401, With S8,000 Friday just, , ............ 04
. comiat Mouths, 11101111t Rof-log. Atelkt)TIald, (j)IIjl;rp Milt ,�'. . - . Air. and 11m, Gilell To R(,nt.--A* ....... %- . I ,,�
I � - . � voln, 01 it, I'll , I . 1. builiels of 'ovileat and a`Itf4- till' MT- Jenkins, of Goderiek, �vere calling.on I
them, what' tbeysava . A 10 rr, ,�Urflojlt,pr. . L Reynolds,
. Aln$rlO eoftlb While Leftlitirug, Perpla uIrec - � Annual Afectintr--flagpital . ..
In Year$ to cOrne will flundred-it;rp strain, st,w pailly, .A rp,ke, UNIUNERMW NICTIOV., 4AIP" ielativeg and friend,; over, the weelf. t'jiltion. Page ... ... Pa � .
-===14031!=.�� . I `na, On the 15ths with 53405 bushell; Aos'o'!'
. White Vi-anolotteR, 314111JI118 114PRII.Vae, . I*AIIX -vtot'ji, nIj1IlEII1l.%1I.�4.hI'I0F Wheat; the Brooktog, on tht, loth, I VOL Dunlap, of GO( ........ *.I �
"al"4, f-1-00, lmtkwov�P ynin, neyt vpaplm . '. With 141,000 bushels. wheat ' ""' [Q. Of"ef'll Gfouhd Done -1)., ,,�t. 01, �
make a 'substantial in. 0111- ;arid oats: riet, ;,win'toWn on Friduy Prien. Page ..., . - �. I ,�
lotg by having youp ppol ,%ith-iijilp', fro,,, . lilt, if. Y.'-1iP1IlL1.VN I � the McKee, On uie 17th'. with '18,000 Aft. li,*. it, w1gle, 51, li': P.*'(?t' (,*'o*d(,, - A Af6tt 1, I ..........1 * I .
Make that Cold VreaSe in the farn"ily Atil.114w; tnat arp P1141-11, 11ASTIN' Tilt- rnalf, 1134 ilibli-fieti-d sit,. 1,111,l,. jilifitiv., I bushels barley an(l ,,o,000 buq 'ich , wwa in town ('11 I �j`evar� ,V'rvlou "", �
bird bt mi)re than Avalp j)r' V 31jej nu. � bel',j ot I We -
bank toll, .Vjl�jj, ,,oV,,. jp(,P. t,, me,, bY 11011C alwwal Ill Ill. jjjig-j; Wheat; the Kanfar � iq, I . lVellnenday. I and N.-ment -vto�v"411 llid .
rafty'Room or � I;E0R1;F 4. 6REEN141,AhC,' Ila' . with I '4,000 bill. .(4earorth J."XPOsitol". %', of
,oletol, ()nt, I F', i,,eilt. ,, jj# I . I end, P
; 1`110110 sip,) Il. 12, V,fo(tfy . I ,�'(I, fill ave.....11'
11 11,11. 1,40"tPAI, IoWl ur(t shelP Of Wheat; thv nil Mrs, Darnall and Tea..%1jvto,ria 1jejp.., ,
I . � - .-�-=�� I - li 1fOhl e Suilt)), PUblert Snilth� Of M01ev, culd 51n. ers' Clans, parre '... ............;.to . .-
V , a it Wrfowb, 111#1 Politomn;r ,loatq und ,39,434 flax, �vjlilh WAq Oil. i , . , . For .
. ,� 1'5,000 bilsh0h; scieenings, Z.11,000 J. G'. Vaineran, .of .M;61,104 W(TV
It h True Economy to . I IM 'I"J'A'.1y. . .1; a
Hall Comfy and I 11"all't'lililli:!"I't It- - -.31i'Ll. fl. . McLeod. .
. - -----� I loaded oil Tuesday, ant; .the Vj,l(-jIrf1,.j vlflfl.' guest'. at ill(, home or Tains ....... . 1.
Have" House L'-*vLjed, CLEIMS' -.i0TI(% (,I' 1,111141 Pinll'am" Trll��1!111.111.9 . ,* "....,..,V..*..T I �!;
a rn VOTERS, 111ST. ,,o1,0,r1'3'Z;' I ble.ar"' til'aft 'na' '"I'M -', (298,000 low,; 11atteisork. . . , . Wr .
(W Pa%Y� draft suare, . and Notive to) I re4ft,11,4 Ill E .;f
. E*sy to He . st it . . . h0l-q *hf'at), the ('arid- Mr. arid Jjr�;. Langford t�,hjjpftIab, (If � "Itate .of I . .11
W . ". uAl 4 fol(j. .,mre guestt, .
1"ar-A FAII; 1 114p,lv$ Ott II,1r-: ik,ing Ito 'an 80tvef (76.615 busheN oatIo akill. 61AWrich, , -hohn, L,z,4jw.jAj. %,. Ilry ric
(11, "4111'r k' di . Ilu �.
VIF 10 h storm &Sh Vatilil.I brIMIlp vootv wheat), and tilt, (�,jtj,, the ,,()in(. oll `J-14 %�(T'h Ill ft'KIIAPIN Wanro! -'Mar ckffj�. .
......... ......... "I'll, . W-1 jrrCIt:- I.NT. ljs�n. AjI,%Ij-.Ij,.%j I,r� jjI. 45,540 buqhela I Parn, %
. - , -- . ., I .�Iljl, , rjllffiv� It, )-eal'. I , I . I I -1
-. , . .. eft 1.1 A i ("', (111.000 buqll(ll, man. , , , , Mr. alid Wr�,. John j)a. Fill.. .,,-4; '', ""'" ............. I
- I -- - -.1 - ASHVIELI) 'rowv . cormi, ()I- ollfl� title fit flAQ1102t 1131 . I adinn sqg1jall #T'.'%. W. V4. Vikall. Pain . ......
I , - I I � . rrr ft 1,P%jA gild, auk, 11, fl,"'Ifor'li % 4, Qvt# F'. Grt enqlade. I
. 111,11as. it., e#1 P11"'k v4leAtL in port awaiting, thoir tuni'vin r,jnjj family, of Goderivii, are viti . 111irl. .
I I ;3roll
. �.. itil' A 111116 blartl tnity. rioujil i� vrijr.; ,jit at the elevniol,, . I i. I . . I
I - I-"- . . it
' 'Notipe 1-4-11pi,pbY 'Alvell that I liall. IVA!1.4 f, too to'c4iff-11 APrIl 1; 11 r"I 6'PUI liqn, . 1. lint,., at tho holne of Mr. Frof 11.1, Al * " , 'i---- ----..j
14 - NVa Manufacture S U The Labotox I 1.1obi , titell, Roat ,or .s,111l' .
You Save -Money � aall Illittf1d for deilvf,rpli its uw lier,11011,; Ilo,,A. 1 "s ('*'i't`d Tut' -q- P0,114 in Vaniandville. . . . -'51r, A , Pw,�e �
- I . ., - � 1� �i4o � . I M X(1314, flue too rji�Allpvl %pnl Ili, I 110,1. , .i. .., . � - If. Well.a. I
' I 'of Wined Ill ,Sr.�tlmj It for .1110, 0111taTIPA V,jt4.PQ1 44-111 114111ir 4 daY With ,a eargo for the 111r. ,%till. I it. (q , �6....L I .
� only o,,t , e st 1,15t4 Art, tile iwi;jjip,A kj.jp-rj,jI bv -,aur i,,,�. mt% ii%trj, j; ,, �,'"'41'4' 11up ' I 11" " �!" " 10"I The pan tot. the nv%- c�.jjt r�jjjj jla�,, jjrjdf,I0PIIlrI1I unit 11h bride. fromi ke, ti, ; "
, , Olaf--. flu'. Ilagelt '� A it'll - flurion 6 I;t,��: un- , �
. Vow tit jw ,zo tPoli.&I"ItIP41 'IF, delitill'(4 or Wool INhiti, poni- 11"Ing, . I ,ctkura, ,,�Ppit Thanl.o,rt , at ? if - (A. W
. and Have. Much . I lF ,�0114. flolo 1jap'll brell hoisted ull to) ' Pto,litio I Ifor jlaag� 4 . . t
stlitable w 0 Od a and thil ll%t. mails parsuant too. �abi zjt-t. tjr 431, V; I blary vtsw I i'llm 5 yval,, itf� U. Anti, Ur ('hapA7an-tsho,rni,b(�Ik,. ,ltltlr 0 k; '
. 611. calf at bt,evs rf'of, rhoy 14M A U! tz .�,' '401v , 14 ��
'Po"`90114 4I)PPaPing loy Ow last nw.,,,j 0,- M A blach ;%, 1, ,j4,,,j,, 1,111, frp'll"' 51"fll 'he adki't'on to t140 b0ile" hou,x., Ila-, hi,re Tuko.-Aay 11joirAing b� ruji),.' - . .1 - � McMillan. . . ... l
""t. .41 ovc,r all(] in A or for, var.v . � � , . . - . z4�� ...... I , I
Afore Comfort 'glaze them witil hea,vy I bq�,��i,-1,lm,,(i"tll,e,,",,�,,A 'i", tit, ,Md MV III, "ra" f-,� i -I , , I iflkioadld 11441flif 41spH4 blill. 0 enritia usmi. Ivir'Whan), Godcrich wid .14t. Thfpl�la,%' I
I I a it 1111191-111,illj�, "'31"a told �, —1 -lb-" I
I - glass and pure I e at plo,etto#114 r(ye'rglembpru (It lilt, LP"l-1011ve PhIC4.96,14 Pato Pio�tlt`n, the AM boilel" bVing it) !wv, ". . . . Ntiq 4 Rum 0, .
t8lolPflibis aian a% munivipal plot-,tigil, all,, ' jur, I lri,--, fr.iza VT %�Iqh. ..Ill ViCe. I 0 " , amiltoyl, of � MARRIBI) .1 � ;
1. inse a "" A ""' q i 1 �'f " 19-11'. 4 , 0,44elit'll, It. , 'A �� I 1; � s. V, %fillf, %C. r; to p,�,, J-�,Ijj
-=0.e---*--.-�- oil putty. , .1 that MO. qata If.4 %4,; firpt pti,14,11 lip of IJSY forifiteilillatq.-I UaqqP�,,II.-jj?,,, joplodov il Mr. V. (I. I,ep i14 having hi,i walp� , tho, 144114,iV. WrM A, Wco-II-end tow"A' X:t ! -t Vto, It !,I, ;1f1.0,Vt,,. ,.,j %st-ln."Ij . C, . .
. . t(,fN,e In ulp umliql1ilf tot A,1111o'll ,off 11, twit itIt A ,qu,,� house at tile 11 Vo Nf,;,� . 0 .
� I . 17411 dav tit coPtobol, , 4, tivot 1j,t* A " 113111.,, h1l& la"t, I#— arbi.or nitled ��,jtjj jil � .. . 1 �,�I 4 0,- p", 1�,� 3 %%' I,v�jtp* 1, t'� 4
. ) , Ito!.. lit's';Ing lipm-i'l F,`r,,,,I ,,�t 'I Naveting,. . (,tat T, 3� V is
. '. jil't P,!161,64��,31MIR *pDo . � V, , t �; �j l -I `i;. i "IL4 ,,,w.�j. - S', t F 916 ps. .
. ; ili"r., tpil i"'Ji"'443% F�-%. I 'if-$ .,r jj'fort'lial.#-.��' t Tile (;rajItLAj pqhijjj�, j)v)at 11 . - , � 11, a:, I �J, - 11iij, war
'010ne, Wllitcl or call on ,�� -=X.e�4*�-Oel-n��- ', Anif I Ivor P j� - ,,.. u. t,� to,,,. I It 1117141, . I RRIEF TOWN TOPICS 1,16� f?j � el:, , ,
I I � ,,, 1,01t jillsjIl all , , A.' m I I,` 104h .14,uml.. I 'Ailaut- ed, itq troput ljc.t�j ji.i. ijj(. ,lIc� lift. (Addifitoval 1pi,ip? " 4-4 ." #,,,� , I ".
, I fivaill('412ato jori;s,(1F41aqn1 If# flat -� (Aid.; v.; 4jol " � Iv,ot"% %l'IjUlul,,O: I #fill,& VkWII t0jn zi mt , 1�".kjl J- .t #jqj,fj
I ,
Wo Show nt'the wind. , "Y' 01110-41,014 '' 1, I 01%... ,�*490.3-j MI% i,; continu!ncr () l-'i'a"On bu" pavo. I (I 1. - f,110, ,J�.,, ,v I ,,+�; 0
# VAPtPaport recc."fils'! t. ?a,% I F;04"1 jrj,�. I 11"folt'll vlo,1141 qe�v I
. , , , 10-1ration,* 1:�jtjj , 11 i W 0, IA tp h ioa tV,"', 1;"#-,�� U4111jol.
I I satm toct, ful, oli'. * ;1�11(0-il No. I.-), f ,"i ,or 14,11fiflill -valf,q Illpall netq. v 0111allor will I I G., (".
. � 0,0014 "Pive# 1(j,"11111, V , r. Pylelmnaill ha(l 4. lift � I �ll "4 %�,
I r1ces 4". E. 1101Mv,11 I 1+fra bu;rajo-1, 0,;,,� (if 709,lb�j� fell talrament; P t " WF t�o f,;, '1ii:,.,-, I
OWS YOU Want GOM on. 04 r P Portsurnflw, W, 1. 1,1, , , -, �, 41 , 4d,� %,�� �,11"el t1k,4"
That I's all Y,ou have to I .1 , I 11":31 Iv 1 41,31p. - at iii -q LaStlift and take it f !'...q % ,,,,I 11, � C;!al L. N,h,4 dal��!!tc�r ......
-- Thwljqll�j, 0 ; `i'. � klypfr;jj� t"t" I 1 t441# -f% I 109 Is'Urtiviv; , -phol 11"Idetq hu�e viltuTlic,41 fj7ohl . %% 11, kv.1 let j,"114 N or" '.ritil
, I . z PC# ;.1llj.,jtq'. I (I,.rIIj;671vdL %vag oil r6und, thp flotIrlsim lf,'J", h,nwl wily the� .1 1 ,14,-,-, ,'y I
----- 1, llt9(,fj4'(+ I itn't p(jjj,fi Wool. Tht- We ,r-)jjd ij,oy�j, yran t W,U4461 I, %%.H0,?1f1 .U'All I.
& W6 Meastire, Man. Are Right - --- �-=_-_:_ A jw% a #to. Q�,w L I loutillf" in thp 21WIll 5nd I cris.:rt 1",L � .� 0;�,,lq "'.1 ,.f , , . I
, IL 111, i ! tl�. J,)kn
4 ("! - A f"Iltma. I Wzy- dck,r very Nentiful. I be full (julott4 M b 1, vl'� I I" .. l L,�i � ',� o,"i ".. fq .
� 12,*% I 4� aw;w� nim "t 41 "r n0d. and 641itu, � at the "U'iiel;W, t.jf'rc, ret-firvil Tly tj]o, htu)N-M without DIED , - , , ,.
I ly . Ott A cill LIV641,4, , up
Ufactute,fit, paint, glaz,e � # 1�14*� o�. -1 ,-I,-"., 4, 1 1pluo't, ni,ol. Thio. iq off hirjt�jil ar .. .
AW 14%1, a lV3%,I " L, �fj
material o,!131 1 ., I 1. 6 it Wuq 41RIoldiy ,
I � CoMparing the ALL I AXESOF " "" '"" ""i')'P`oWl Alp"at'1`1" in thiq re"'itoll nult 51011#v�,Jjj h,aq I 1� ;;,14#%,,P,,0,,, I" "A, 2 " i) w� if 4 �Ajv.
1 and put thtin in place . I Uffif-Mbonotitt-.1 or"=&.V� -�T scliok, . � I . . ' . ,
! " 1 .449 4 awl bi-ill �,', I rtil&c v t%l- , . th cont'. cof 0,10,;3k, " %'4j, --",11;I" �"'�"l A "; ! �i'q�' � V' .: �'� "4 1
� , usid, our pric,e,o ,are VM o LWC4 toperifill .A fine of f)u,3. via t"'14 V'j
l, "c", 114, ;W'!jt4 -4- Q:ji ,! -4i Nj 1DI'l
IP� 01:�Dajl (.114zin 4. jWlt, 10, :04.1 a ('aOlf- MMV441t, Of ",11folitft wr1r, wa Ttiontlay j�js)rahw iMj-,&x'(1 "j, a If,,, f';�
. ."', '4Vru t.14, i""'I �'
. 'a, I
. tompletc, 1 9123 �, i , VU9jA;r4,. Wpoat v:, 1%,, bc,*11 Igpre r6irlf" to t�jo- ja�'j a,, ht", P"icy foliewn fe'r tho offenco on wt Lego.,' 1V`,.0*P,
: lower than 'any, #4 RoPyll tonlivel4t " . - V!4.�l t..p
ql� - � ('� 11, P. � " � 1� 4 0 Ili j,"",
� "-"of, #P7 s6v3,, (-,, �ia6 ba,?,) 010i I V. Which &Io-ki"�, f, 11 �� I I
— � , ARREARS � C"'i b, 1�3,,, " b (namil" ,�r ,ltmt� f;10 Turpt I ('row . 00,1aulting, Clarc"pep &jjDrA,jF:"T C. -03. (16 121.11A #� 6 r,c. V� tj
I . As well as ALL - "I3, 111"GE imm of a 4!,. t,,0114, �
- .. - 1. - - '. �, . of TA�Ms . �:Ivkq, I nioloku:114, I h��", 401,1,4,� I IfIld "I". tfwrt, anot jw, Till,", ur� I' , , , and infliefinp 0 18. illllv. 1:tIrt'rol,�
. ., C
-, :r-ie74,p"'; h61141, E, �
41y V .av 00 L'. % '2'.,
86�nv- %,';Ak�( MV4. nt� . I ill ftk�I,VX�t V, io.
taust If'& paid ion � fri'l, , � '. , , .
. 10'�� ��ia, , ,j �,,,4 - to azt4f,q. I # , "ICW4 1�&� -,,, %�O, '1-4 "
" ��i,_1,1, O.'t-. ,..: . OW�1. W19). Rar. IR.:4 '43r,ll ;0, � �
-- ' ' . . or beforo December loth. ";a,"o A pc�al -to ii -I Z1111,�, r(kif"A , tendcol to, on NIM jo'jin 1"ell � , "., � , �, f" 3
P. � '' �-- �,�- �— ,
� �%Iov�,,;� T1PqA1"1;0-. nf)�', wietc, jolan jt�jyey.,Mul 1�'Q,tll f- tn A1141"rt t,,ouWf),D 1p 61n C�Qlav �
up Ot6mild iwu*diate ffkt;�ps �140Y 01 . l3r,VOP" loapi!) ();;,I Thip Oil 0 Davwi� 1% r c . , A
W N�q I . r 1.00w,or-It Iq 124-1f; t-lairn, W, 149 tvtlie PIM0911, 1161A typro t ha2-zt'll � (11 , .'�4' ov, l7rif. 9 tl�,,. 'k-aefga"o D 0'!('. n 'Cif
WM 1* taken to collftt by 11,01,1- tit . �jUo t,7 lg�l 0%01 fj"�, (41 for Dr. Thoj�zcal j-,,4.E,�;etl,iv (jkjj tilat
j,""l it with a0ing, ana 01;ptlij�C 4n th ,
GODERICH PLANIM, MILLS, LIMIND I , c, L,,;.,�, v,�'.4,�, �,
V . .
Itol weam, - ,1,046, 4IW4,�, ufal al.-oc,C)t j%1rjVr1 hi,.,jt?g�'� will Eenzcdy cvor, �.rc '. IIN,najj;) r4n4t t A altl" '.
I 10,(-,�Nls t�df f", G�r f.. I V� � , ill- L'Ut IM WC,l -q0*1 V;0AXk 99RA 41'74j. J�"�, 1,�,Jrwj
. .1 rum"t1ill'? al 4-4, ,. or(' Do v,049"s tjOt it slay L't� JfIf)r�c.d 615 avid co.-%f� IN MEMORIAM
TXL*004041t 47w J 13,2fis 1� "D 4� I fly�� , , .I and M4, othel'A �'10 an"g " ;P,,wr1 I, T.ut�egq 1,,-jh% , , *�'14,1,6-�
—.'...".. —... WX CAMPHfu �01 ,l,�"r sls QVQ r��r f4�4 *841 C1 a jr,Ctteraj Paill Wfor. It hrr� V051o,:% .
. . � --- .. - 4 I .
0 ro-Z-42 El"r ca.,,3, jr�;.,l;, f""'lal')'I' 4 Ir -1111t L�n aeo WiA ZL�16 � � bq%, � t% I . .�
- �-- , I f�(� ,��, "'t I t� 4 . ,2:1,5?� " ?� � In - 1" r * ,,,aV,
I Collector �.Val� W3 tzraln., �ICV01 tbat gorc-32rLc'-fi j -4--- ��- I �, � k j� � 41 u, t - � f 4", 4 jj;;j �,
, --- or fvxlff and 0 — " , �L '�
,,W,' 0*,u.;AJ1o1(0 f'T Imov"n to 011 'ah M,rp I , nil .&I icolu"Jui.1 hlqrcdio� * , ,
— Irl j"Uir-141914% ,�� � ,4 IV, 't"I V,, ig �Z,0,, V" F0 43,
� � . ill 4v3 %V,j1V .. , t�, IM�.. i
^0%- - ,�-�.,,,:'Icj'�,.� , , . have to q �,�rtL C 13 " %tn t1,41 4i �0 , tllo ft,f �
I 6 ,n&,,4 it ,C,j ,ft , � l�
;�(j 1�ak�d 11111107my,fl 0"711 jzt"n, 0�,C. r'l� Coto.
. . . . AM-ft;,%,,C,�, 41 Pv, ar'd ifIt (lavi P',�,;�j I.Arj�'§rr� ft�j 413%at, I
� ospc'rivn(.()� t* 0-:C-d,V"AM'(sUt dar"amir wo inju*- I FtillilL, .1j0#L41&9,.. �J'-4t:v, j1zf%rjUt'&j�,^, .;, j
. .
� � -1 ''
I I �
.. . 4:
, -
la A**�,�,-.4 -.:,6-.- . Am�� ... .obj"aboa #At 4"M,,W,�s;.ioi,*"`AC* o- - 4'-,JL1NkL- "j, '
.---.-- � --- I -- -- .01 ,- — .— - - - --- , � , �.Xj,