HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-11-08, Page 8. . 1. I - I— ­ � ­---_,__------_ — I. . �r __ " ­ � - -_ --- I a I , _�__��_ � NA11011:11111:111 III,=' .1 - �,_� I i I ­ �­%14 W4�trl [""(�Zl,, ;-Ca. * , , — ' ____ - I , �Vcarl- I t . - 1_ , ,�r ,7 4he AtlatiVe and northern border I � I E 'I W"T T� , , � V;r,m'6,rq` . I _ ., , States have eiven the impre3sion. to ; , "I" - 11 & 11 I , 9,��P' ,�,�In�Pg(,Irj?,,,.jt�,3 vc-Q .. 1%, I . "Roland Yorke"" "T 1`�s':"��'c-"y Is' wo A ­ . � r,�Cr cV_,rQ fi%;') 14",o, V=��-QU'Ww, M I * im "4 Ca M-dians -arul the rest Qf the world� Mak -� 02 an hourr aF,;0Zv, aod Mot) (3!,q" ilc= 1 1 1 1 � nding of the Vc.1stiad .. my MRS. HENRY WOOD , I THEIR SIGNIFICANCE. - that the re,sei �__ I - � tit) to T)") dh:,,=­�I; whit 11 evrcz'*'40Z)��* . # 4 � Act�the prohibitory law-­-Varmot to pmerve . I I . � I 4,xi,opi-A. n"T I . AJ " I . ILVab . - . C:;;� , 'ge,z�iii-ii�luk:a,ft(�t�a,v�,li�t, i'4 , � iy�an) hmul-. lonutT. Tal- , , Ir 0 ,I0r,9,tC4eIaYed, -It IS-,,jw-wvVk,'r,t4 yow- hewth - lot risLiTat de��,wt A%C,�� Aria gbisoyou V . ", ,V at competent United VP .1� � __ ___ _ N - ­­ I h � lamcwnim 4ovinion of we ; I ­­ . I : —your be*st . i I , have '" �spc�omcn 02 tho �00,rlcz:,G 09 /_1 .. States ob""ver3 that thi.j will never � . 0. ! ( 00 240rAs po., the point; Ce Irlad ala(jil bc-,2rt of LOW34 Gwcat,)VOX, . �� I . VraucO 1,44ing Money for War $up. - t!on & him on account of the thor- 1. be done., thou#4 a number are pre� y � 4r i , i ,ker his w0e, 10 would J�-ajouajy tave. Vat Mia has, bc= a disr/-14,51ea , *� . plies, but Is Not Paying Her toughness of his victorks ever the p4r",' to admit' that there maY be � . ; � Xuai`04 11"r fRgHaGo trota wt; lit; from Me niorrigug's buolacs,% and we \ . I � . 1, . i� I , Would 1100 d0nLCd,A ?lad bo biva fptca. I . ! Own War Debt,% 'Greeks, 8134 also, rio doubt, because some m0difle4tiou fn favor 4f wine Mind `ng life - �A : tloficd� that slao 16d any. 130 fcr 04�1 W U'A r-eturn to the larloboolid. Tile I , In rome quarters there !a a diopo- I opp9n( ,Nts of t h militaristic polic,v and beer. The interior States and successful. TOW21 via* vf_,�'y quact. laut"'ing to bo sition to defend the &c4sion, of in Turkey lla�o a way of disappear- JbO States Of the Eouth are repre� Grood digestion is Wl- '" I. . be was ablo 110 1yould icidulgo lieri, bcazd in It b, ut tho cer,�CcZaIU of rliroa . N � , Famous .4 : : Vraneo against beginning the liqui. Ing and nevvr coming back. Tile �sented as being determined for a I I ? WIllfils,ulid wiohus; but, Vwre WaR Gue V011s, AIV Brown`o, Nv. 11"zist,13, aad t a 1, . dation of her w.ar debt, on the ground fronting Kemal Fg,ha,jvarlety of rea,7oons to keep, probibi- importmt. The best I lot them; that lie could not alid did Mr. Jonncvlo. Thia rab,m was not oll- �1` tton on the s I tatute books. Britain way to .- . i� , , 'lot; 4114 that rclatcd to their place torcd Indlocriannatelav by Callers; t . il�:. chemis 'Ay � I , that she eannotdch so until Germany 'Who has another soldier, Ismet Pit. � insure it, is I - I , , . . mc','ts her reparation obligations. 511a, 83 Premier, and their govern- has agreed tathe right of search on - i Pf ('Iw('I0RG- W-40 had broucut ilia oVvonito door Inocribe(I ­4?lerus, og- 111111111 W A � � T1&,'wouId_.b an almost unanswer. ment, is tile restoration of Turkey the sea$ within a limit beyond the, I . I WAI`0 to 01f, bpail� troat had bwca his flee?." va!) on 14v niovinG vermtualiy. .... I I , � able aygume three-mile limit now ree T8&e qtrcos Ili Thlo room wau a vcry ucdato one: I . - , luezf,)Cr�a. to be il� 0010 mis � nVere it not for the , I , N within itself as a tradilic vountry.- A ornized by � , , , * � - �, I , I fact i 1100 has loaned some 'ry bad start ta the 4twilment of - * . VJIB� la10 "lot;'#-"*[] Place. it wa3 a no a mattor of eaurso so in the vro�,_ I vc rutorliational law, and will take oth I . i . three this essential of ,uqtIollial, life has er steps, to aid s F94 enthe . . I large. couvotaloliv. handoomo rpal. (lace 6f Mr. BiMe larcatorex; Una thq . in tile suppression of to a -number cand ten in"Hou'dollars bcon made by the deportation of such r =, running. She will t the e . h I _ . . f countries Ili Central a Sam Ive OrgansTil, nitt, � I . fell", rcPlct0 Wit -'a f,Vq3, comfort; fioad,of It In blr3 ib3ioneo, Ur. Vro,rni, . : , , Europe, and Proposes to add Rinct Arinoniano, Greeks, Syrians and oth- time take steps to. safeguard, her is interfered,'*ft- . : blit Qfte,'i a tIM0 AIM. 11odo, fir<,acores allo=4 no 4opportunity for g0sip. .... , P , 1!� �, /0 ; I . grow discontented. Sho %7,q.ntcd to be UP 'wari 40 ('111cleat a elorU " Grea- 1A � . , I million,dollara to that amount. k;UCK or Nationals who Kie survived the. three-mile limit rights,- so that any is tainted, nerves �, - cOuntri as - 0Z prohibition s and 1 141 -1 lCOW0 fusbionnble 4uarter. Aftor tores and Greatorex had ever ,po,3- A pure belbal eniollielit of gre,4 -9ystcmutiO Massacres. These were: Modifications to. aid, in . , t 1% echo -Slovak"" Jugo' tile workers and traders to whom. enforcement will not be a precedent I i� . . th-cir-marriago 1;(,(Io b4d taken beg p,co3cil; youna yet; a tall, slender, hepJaig power in ski Sl4via, Ouniallia, Poland, and a Turkey owes any prosperity which , 11 a diseases and number of, new Russian States have she hi, for like action in other instance$. Initior ailments multiply. f4road,* and they r0nlalucld,so, long $11but Man, dOV004 to h13 buolacco; injuries--thig isSbawn in aropo.-t all been b 9. r -The United States . 41_ , Z., . , . . .. . - ­ I.. I.Abero, that Air.,. V I ellefic � In turn will givo A reliable cleansing, ,teatorex..beigan te, p1y)! ro TZI . . . _It thrpLa $,eai,fl, Or., , t � faries.of the open ., I . I oldulgo , , , 11 the"i on l,zalli.l."Ok by that enaillion"t, P1Xr,6 which Fran" ". . ", ..- - _ *...4. * - - . ­­ i Britioll Vessels ther right to go into ,egrreetive a eat tbat acts. _..., � . "I k a prIv4lto OVIniosy that ]Bed@ now. Zo woro a wi.- ot"rell4iou i)rowu, ce maintains _ , I 'Was never Coming book aguill. The � fol" War F inance, Corporation to Handle its ports with liquor, under s4l, for � Doctor of Science,'Mr. We them, but not for the Allies who. made . I . I . y and his vvhiouora and the bair-on Lis Atworth such , U, & Stir0lus Grain Production but the use Of Passengers an C W T with hisi-dy I � 104ourned $a. I'arls, in S;Vltzerjan Lascelleq-Scott. . li� ellormbus, sacrifices, on her be. 4 re on I . . . . 4, Chin were oantl.v- Bede Greattirex I 'tit I Canadian Flour Giving U.- Rf Flour r0turll voyages. The Unite IWUfictory results. is 11 � �n oermany: and though, Whell they obut some paporo lute hh� drPI14 with Zani-Billc b.14 , n the Great War, These loans Sharp Competition. , Senate bus to con states won world-wide are made in pursuance, of a policy ­ .­:. , firm this !agreement, . * * * I . ; . .. . . ­ - -9t length did 'retura, licile laugh. a eliclt- and bP941L PIK11101; another ropute for its reliability in troubles wbich France describes as "prepi;ring President hli United . . . I . Incly 04id be could not' F-�et I,ouloa pambill(Int. "I)ld you got Ull allarter hho ecZem . . Would bo- how Against. Canadian tI . ilenle, be had ill Point Of fact been Yeotorday from Gm-nett's people, �Njr. . ;it p(Asotied wound4, for the national defenca'.�dr, France States is, koping his eye on election I . , . ,­­- _- ­ OTE ready to linger away ffo, riagivorn), bad, legs, etc., now abroad.11, in o ji E;xp4rts Of Motor Cars . . , � la _It�asl Hurfit?" he ,suddenly aoked. ther words, France Possibilities- One of the greatest, I �� 11 : I Zile Was. Tito Dc"IfOrd Sqaaro house -"Wb, 01r. I could �not fjoe them.,' POIRCS Dr. Scott's evidence. '�%`!; The Proposition ill ' : , 1. 41 , 0�it�QOIC to these countries to lissist elements of di=tisfaction in ilia own at articles .14. 8014 eve - C. "bore In , I . ,14ad been done up beautiful) , and � Their eler.0 ,ime in jar I the event of her countrk-ia the agricultural popula,'mitted to Australia must contain 75 aa,144 � Y , , c. ,j ev"Iilg .becoming an. I � I far two Yeara $01080flo guellence. 94ged in another European war, In tIOn- The enormous wheat a a t, 9 British labor and 11 P I I uro. Ile& T'nund, no to oar we ohould, hear from toom to. #. . OP a -ad Per c R , f mater� . , MY o4au5tivo alialys"s proves. 'ry instance the loans have bteti-the low Priceslor the same have lead kals in ordir to enjoy t114 preference, � , .. . fault With it; She had tairva to do day-,'* Interposed Mr. Drown, looking 2 i-� possc"ised of Anti. evc to many proposals for tl�e t1dil . , �N . - liat ?at�-Put Plus � I I thal lately, Ulm It 0eemed to grow UP from ilia writint.; to speait. . , made Conditional 111191 the c6untries of Would be a ratifer hard blow against 04(clao In thowo" . . � . . upon her, like a alania. . I It W110 14 thepe InOT110113 - who 62ptiq and bacteviacidal Polvor Which � .named spending t I he I money Ili pur. the agricultu,4,9ts over a distu Ding Canadian exports ,of Motor cars, for I ,a PrOmPtlY allaviatc3 ,skin disoraor,j. ! I � . I .. I . ____ - Upiltal:a noir, nO17 .14 this very the clerhIn OYCei uxlexpeettdly met 4q i P chases from France, and for the period- The latest plan ig that all one thing, ,if it is pre 1i �Ir ...-1..11-.-.1-, . . I . C to parastes and athogertic ad, - CaAada . - . . o . 1� . I suorn"t, when he" 11110band Is porla; thOoc,, ot Mr. Wile Greatorex-that 6r001sols. Moreover its astringmt gre4tel' POTt the money bus. been. the exportable surplus of wheat $alit 17,700 motor carsolto Australia - � I .1 Over Ills law PuZzl(�J With bont brow, the, latter would fi,beil a kind of dis- SPont for war material, ,Nd should be handled by tile War Fin. in the Year ,endi - . . =4 balsamic comfifuents. rondp.r 11 verthe- , ng March la . � t " , , , I I I - . . 0110 is atudying tile advertisements ilgrepaltle Sensation shoot through Zani-Buk an lenioll,ent . of rarc less, French, military expe ance Corporation andshipped to Eux�. Pared with 4,000 I at' com- , '- UNUSUAL BES ACTIVITY. -,., � of d(lairable, houses in tho Times Over, and over again had it ating power. . - I & - I . rto are of ope without loss � �,colnpete with cars n 1921. These Clinton Rows gecbrd: �'Mr. W. Xr. � i , . . almost Illeilned to go out End � ,, him. lie Opinion that very few Of these coun. Of time, the f��rmers There - _ of -British make. taU , o , occurred; the first time when Alr� � 1,4kni-14UL's CO �X. tries and states will be ( being guaranteed .A fixed amount in are many angles to t f - '� , I , . one oil tier -owl) a , , listifnents aros me hundred . 110 .pre. Watts one of ClintQUIS well-known - r, . , Charming lit a any event withadditional giulus if the beemant reports A. curious happening, 14 ­ ­ I .1 I ellotint. A r Brown had :been Ill the 6flice b forence idea, - . . "' � 01M, (to Alda,o. by tilt), &-acl-Ilition) was 4ay.' Thoy werilk standing pri , cea realized overseas should ex_ . ­ --------.*- i ', . il - .1 1. . � clusively of berbal origin, it contains, per cent. efficient in a Tnilitqr.v 'Sense I I "I " It, bee world. OR one of the line, � . . I talki,1019 to- h6niOlthre fe6t"409 114#0,ral drss�s for 4 number of Yo and that ex. I '. � . . to be had 'in 11ark Lanot rent only gother on that occasion, viien, a'stid. 4"If'otlimatfats commonly found i Penc'Uturea must con"o ceed. that fixed aniount, Fear of the � 11 in the , : , 'k � � , 1. . 47, hundred a a I . tinule. WILL BOOK THE' LAST SPA0E gummer-lilce days of .last week 4IJ­.,. , . I 4 1 �. I I year.' iinfitralsholl, don ,faucy took Bodo that he Ilad ordin4rYointment5. . .... I. � I Canadfan,� Ax9entitle and R Vdii BR1TJSH,F4MP1itR attention was attracted by 4 sq.und , .. � . . . . I I I - ussian . 1, I I ., .1 . . Money was as Plentiful as $and .-Iix� seft tile man somewhe"e. . I I'la.ral opwonzaln.I�uic,is svell.- I No Unemploymen wheat alirpluses his added to the !a- , :-�... EXHWITIM I of --buzzing� and on investigating . . , . �., I , the Idea of Airs. Bode (+yeatorex. You "UNve We over met befor'211 Wr adapted (or treatment of superacial � t 'n .Vrance 'fluences brought, to bear on 11 I , I .( I . I . e There is this much'to ,U. said in . found thilt.one'of'his hives of bees , I � .1 � , "IA 90 and'600 ber� Through ,the Bode Greatorez lia , the Ifaving covered Western Canada, the was' 1'swarniing.!' With a little trou. *­ . 0 . d questioned; bui luillrie�cLndpicialoniskindi54)rders..'I ; Washington administration iR favor Nairltime Provineen and Quebpo In the ble he was, able to secure and safely ' I �, , I ; . . . 'favor of the French Policy of making, . * , . tls('� Not -Into the dinlngo Rot say. A,hullOred Miles since then, house'the'restless swarm, which was I 'C - 4 VALM4908 End 01V Intorvenlug door to Mr, Brownallook his boad, and could � ,,Of� the farmers. It is a rather am,- Interco, to of the EmPlie, Zxhillition, TAr. � " . 'It . I I . I . tile other hD I loans to Central Euro call ' T. S. UcKinhou . , . I � . _. X0011r; there's no one in it, thero's no vb�% .t the stoa�ay gaze Of those � with the proviso that V nations Prising develOP'neilt., however, that ; director 4f the calia.. . . , I he nit tha heir'Cam.dian flour is givin a .400d thin . .. V110 In the:larise and be ' 11 . 1-111.1111.1.11.11 ......... ,..11.11..­�. Section, commences on � i I i I . , . I . Mitifut. draw. remarkably light gray eyez (Re"&-J,y th(v I at g, American diarl lnd�stllal, . � , 9 for .them, -no doubt, as � �_k��_ F4K. � - ,no )re Iskno url� flour all � 4 swarm 'Of beeq�,wlthout . . . Purchases in Frs, - .1, 'O , I I Air -room, of Omployment^ in 'the country. All Inan arp competition in the Ger- Monday, October 22. A. tour ot the . stores at . . I J lie", first ,Of 411, a. small alw4ya bent on theJr,wor4), had Bed , , . market. l#( quality � Indu4 the middle of "'. . . apartment on tile aide tjlxtt t, cy call .e ZscAus,erm the 1.0ndost C-qtjs#rya$aJ0,�,c00j6 " " . I - � I ablelbodied French .work(, . � and the qtria.1 centios of (satarlo, to ,put ,the October would stand a .* , � . I steAlthilyeontlilliod to study tile man - *`"o ""I 1 4 ��040190148iomf .. rs . have ,less axis " I or, vlikc , eting, arrangements for poor chance in 'this climate. It is - . ­ I . I M 0 f v to" plly� "Isbing touches to the arraug , eats , ,� , The study. f, . 10 P40010 something to d . am L, , , I .1 I At ill# table sat June but tile, puzzle wais allvays there, , . . P4, 4r. dir.� o. Natural . � . I : . . ­ ' r. I ly, any OP- nient, being responsible. for the big dIDpIayof,Cani(1&,s Indil. �said tobe extremely unusual for bees I � . . Grivatorex, growil into a danise, of I B�IsOlyllslllf ,*��404 and face were bent . Position -- or criticion, � of � to , I ­: 7 �c . I on . . Premier I 4, . �. I a favill, so late in the seasop, I � 11 A . . twlft, but exv.eedingly, jjttle� and ,� d, Rollicave's poll . I � ., , . atrjal� produots. Already a; jarge pot. . J I f , . ; childiMe I , Ili to -day.: ills master, � . I CY, either On German Bolivia N W Requireo Health Cortifi. , &IOP,Of the dMee In the Canadian Bu iti. -, .11­� I I . � . . n appearance,. she WAS liolding a'sheot of Parchment up be. 11 . I reparations or on the question of pay- . .. 0 _ . . I 1� I Walton Methodist Churi6h Celebrates � . � , ; . writing Fl-PlIch. dictation. B *4 E' I I luent of external 1'.3- t, ate for Marriilga� � hig hati been booked', slid Mr� McKinnon , . I ; : I . . .y her Ora Win, ;_U to fitIIa"1i�AV,1MJJg, � ; ddbt,� is clulled� , South American republics re expects to All the r0maln(116 spaoe:ln' , . Golden Jubilee ' ., ,. i ­ , . I stop'. speaking tile wor,46 ill �' 810W b(At('r, slt'Tervd 1114 gaze to wander - a been described as � ,the course fit the isoxt. two Weelts- Nearly 4400, was realized on the_ . ' ' � � I I- I , I * 11 I � : i � 4 Ill __k__=� Polncare� Who. ha . , . I I ­ � 4 single-track'naind man, Is obviou Alwaya, - regarded as ilio6llt �of pro.. From present -Indications and, the - ; , 1_ I . I I - ( � distinct tone, with U good and puro O$W, Ito top ,and fix itself on .Mr. �; I --- I I _. ;­ - __ sly , golden Jubilee anniveriiary*of Walton .9 I : ­ . Accent, sat a Young lady, .her face Brown. The cl(vh happening t I . . I I sincere.in hisibellef that France is, gress. Bolivia, however, has- just serious -ay In which 'Canadian mann, Methodist chq � . . . :. � . . .1. a I . rch on, Sunday. and .. I I one 00he Bweetest It w,AD ever plail'o glance tip unguardedl6r,caught it, R 4 00016'a X0* 1118trIfetions in a ObnCloo, pursuing the right policy* W ,passed a Is* Which has been long facturers are tsokling the pr6bos , 011day'. Oct� 28th land 29th. Rev.. * � ' . .. , 0 1 ith ,re. talked of by northern co A - , � I .1 lot ,to 166k Upon. .. . I W41 0116 OC the'luost observant men 4410t tftet And Itoland 'Yorke get to sPe6t to Germany. There Is little . there Is every ition. , ingal, .� " . . I .: The hazct I , . . .. I . . Ontrie4, . . A., an .1 � '. - ,,, . , . 1PIN1.1 were deep,, honest, , living quiet thouall lie G(�emed, and I I hope -that' the French Governr - 4dvancement n civillf. apnearance and contents *of the ­Tbdu.- old Walton boy-, was the'preaclip 4", i I I , . � Work . proud of their reason to exDeOt that, the A." MeMbbon, �-Bi of V . r for . . . � : . ­ steady; the -auburn ball. ja,, plant zation. This, enacti� that j rtkes to -,trial Section will be highly creditable the occasion., On Monday,evening, a _' "� I"': , i: � - ., " I . I I . .. lightly could IROt tall 40 be' owary that he "What, Ink ' d'ye call thl�?,, hog" 'Will be.persuaded to 4CCsPt Any Oth, intended marViages', must i pr4duce to . �i 4y, e � J I .� � awAy from . delicate, and WellZearved Ivas 04118 60C148101101Y nubl6cted Rolsvid, , . ., I.. ,: I er attitude than that it,bils now ad the rull1lufActutind lud.ustry-ol! the good old-fas'hioulod fow4supper was I I �_ , ­ I ., . to .. . . - cart, _,� �. . . I feiltur0a, tile. eQWPIeXIOu .was pure tha_,�scrutlny of Ilia maottil--b t I "It I$ the propet ink 11 . 0 Ificajes showing them to be in Dominion. ' - " , � . ' . . . I . u he. A naId Mr.. pted. Therefore, - th.Ci Inter -allied good health. . hold, .followed .by� -a Program. Rev ', , i �,.r� . � ---- - - and bright. A 40nder girl of middle 'never- appei%red to uet!- It, . . I I . I �� 'u6nf6rence'r idea It also provides ,ponall� I . . * ; � ' - . .;Brown , will not -start I ,�. . .1 .. I . I sit, ommon b9d . .11' " ' with . . . I . ;�O 1;�$��?- - R- V, rrwill, of Seafdrth, was chair- � - ' , i I . . U . - I . out tiai'f'Oi eirasion of prollibito HE?. . � , I : � ' 'eight, and gentle, WilkniftWulanner, D d You 900Z�-*slr?" he asked t'O line . I . . rosY prospects for any iiqttla.� ry Claus- � .. . M411, and Mr. W, H, Xerr, of Brus- J ,,4 , . I � � .1 Whose SIMPIQ Morning dress or. liglit as It 1e ha:d looked up to� ask the' "Have y as against the marriages of perso . .� .. . . . ,� ­ s I.. I . tushmere sat­Wpjj upon, her,, Sul.(Ajy queotloo.�.. ' on ever been used to the ment'which would s ,ns , Wideopread.interest and Comment selisi gave a V60 Interesting hisio�iaj 1, N � . � � kind *of * how ,to, Germany suNering1rom. tuberculosis and other I . � � �:, .. . .. 11� - , ...., , ,. that nl�dest, 60d. t � 1. . . . . I 1. orki Mr. Yorke?,, inquired that the' other Powers are United . In ,,nta . . 19­lioing caused throughout Canada sketch.. of the church. r. i . � I I.: . I . .- ­­. 11008111fill Young ne I. was aboitt to. opeak."'said Mr. the manager, wondering who,ther-thil bolicy, both As to the " rep4rati . glous 'diseases. ja-�.thi I I Uther- . � I I � . . '*Oman could not be Mrs. Bode a, as in fir the amazing . life stoty'of "'The land, of Soliforth h d t t ,.. 4 1 . . ,4. 1 , . I I ­ Oroa. do Greatorex. "Therelo a new Clark' nOw-coraer Might be a quajiApd soll. -which Germ t mbst. ay,� A 0118 other matters, there,14, alwil IN -on raot 4 �, . ..... I I a Y. . - - buil 11 C"ge.y I . 1. . i I I tOtoXI NO' 7011. must Wa I oltGr*.,brought. to r P nd 9 room Wonderful Xrerofxia" in the Family for,, the. Ainj oi,, th, rch 4 , :�. _ _._ Al-, ­ r.:� _11� It yet an� n4ou, - ., geatleo 1. � coming Ili to replace Parki .Irlef. 'or, A i which.- * " I . 1. - 16.1. ­ 11 I -,:, at --their ­ �r I ­ I' ` " , " , no . oil Horn, -ppened -and, dedid ted -fifty years , t . . I . . - I a io I zed, and a 44 Interest in, her does,not mean th 0 egis ation is the best 0 h tai. -of Montl�aaj� - was .. l . . � � .. . lit only Miss us . I . . at . olic, . *th.a . i 11 -Past teh.�_ 'It this Is 0. '11=tely-i "Illfl, * 6016"ns pursued.* But it is lateres ' . I , � , .,,.-,­--JAst%k I;" Wroilucuoletb �. rues4; a how It - it' "th"'I . , I " . �911yincii* ,4- that nation:4h ' ' the for-,de�,atp as. to, whether % P be The'lipiolne Of the a ory1s'a rentark- j . �, I ly,ii"�­ I . ; I . 10 I fab Iland Weakly S .Jallels g,6ve . Tji4t, ­xllte- 61 �IOIW !". 6 . . t I i-'. , Is ha ,u , � ago. on new0yoar% Smidg4 wf * . I I -, � . . . 1. . . of.1 44 Ob , . she is to be allowed to escape , . ..o, d i woms, monster tea meetingL.on-_!-Tew )r4li�.Os�- _. ' . , the pen. � increasing. evidences of, a ir 01 . I I ,yOung )Qdy U110 has but recently on- 3peelmen ils habits of ounattialit York. ,. haven't , I It$ returned Uri ally - ,ably,beautiful youb .. i,. . I �-,� . . .. . .. . Y, a; 111 was. . I of her sins. it is ificreasi !� 0 mantic and tragic history, �whlfto'soefj;rot' Right� ROY. A.! 0. 'TO I P) , � .. . . . tored..on her dutles'40 such, a -ad As X fear lle�ll not do much goQ& You In a prbet France might ROY .build up healthy. � . An$ of- Slythi .1, .... , � , . I tmry. , - . �, 9 Is desk., - . *, ,* * I ture in colors is being given free to of existence'of the. church nearly in I ��-, . , whose pastorate cut tb�!llajf can ' I � . Striving to 0000ral 1110111 couselen.' 'Will Place him at Mr. Hilt t ., Once, where I was worked �or','d'4012h!"-' evident that while. .an-, nationditi,ps, , - I . , good'JuVe''. � . I � . rAIA and the middle, had 'many interesti -1. -� , I !, � � Jay the spectacle of a bro'ken Gepa - Bohai Law Was Dear. to , Canadilaxis Wee IY Star4 When one . A ' J .� , i'� , . '. 2101"W; SbA Is very patient, althougli ..Very good, alt, replied Mr. Brown, . '!Then You'll'. 116O)i And that. to b ,subscribers of the.Family He � I , : A � , �,�. I- - 4110 little girl is excessively tj�esomo, in I I . ,Q mililyi. the riist of the world I # , 1, aking no, -coulln,04t, , The oil t�golngt . I . f � Wouldi - ' k ng . I ; . ,41 * . . � I suffer materially. . . . , : i as a Native. OUThis Country, , � that 'dets, ci4qnta to relate. I . . . . I I � . 1�. 1, �­. . .* With a stronn, will of her ' Own I and a, elorki rarkin6alf, bad been - 'T had all the care of the . . cOns' . ­ . I . . . . . I . I - obtulders," resuin land, Turkish NatJoilal Assembly Ha Vuot the death of Bonar Law th ' 72 page, f4milY and farm journal is . , stluua,�-To be rel � i0yed , . f ­ . , �. � . ­ 4oilided objectIOR& to I . . .. at. Jon., my 01110 Ott . . I �. .r ., I .1 When the ' despatches a the subscription price of this big ­ I . I '. . I � essona ot all ner"s 4esk, - . � IMOUnced . ' , * .11 I . -"I am going Oyer to Westminster," r, .and sit -4 ad to Establish Republic . Doe w a is amaz ,from the terrible suffering d . , I E'facturp; it ig ContlMied Mr. Bede Greatorex, gatil- I ­ , ng. h; had ad by, lie to ao- , , t � ,. �.� . . "*NO Jane - - It Is no he poll in th"I ' a ' knew ,of the intense sufferi 00 only $2.00 Par year, on' I - � 4f,4 , ., I . . Ainds. . . .. . I holain _�f - ed. no I , Conquers'A i � : �� � � , I ring the past two gllfi I thina Is. a krea " I .� i I , I " . I To Ill Ilia )land, ,,if tint �aok on his stool while hd The expected, has taken Place in . t thing, but to be oa&� ." �.: . , � I .1atteuL ,� undergone du ' the value received, but with a ma .. �, -f I � . � W are speaking of a vogt� erlay. some Pape 'addressed -Mr. Brown� 9Tbere were breathed a pr fieent *picture thrown in� the is.guarOO foil th6'future is even greAto- , � I . Allan, You know. Tile two WOMB aria Garn C01110- Ili, they must three 0 1 f us in. the Place :Qdgether, Turkey where the National Assem� or so, 9yer of thankful. indeed superlative, ,,, . x,,k,- . . . v;alue , k; . I ,It'a People bly ness. Death,. is often more merciful D., L . ,, . . � 040atlally dfilterolit; (Ilth4ent , ill wait for Ole. Vy tile WAY. what abou"t ,not Counting the old Proctor hliqself, has voted for the establishment' than life. Mr. � � or. . Not only does D,r, J'. Xel. , " - ', L .� I I �' I I 100allilig, In. spellIng.'and in Doulld. 'ttk,%t deed � . I and We had enough work Of 4 republic, With 1099's Asthma Remedy bring prompt � � , � '' ., I , 1�1, for six Law, the first man ABOLIStir 'THE - � I .1 I 0, . � . .. I explained Komal Pasha is from tile overseall Dominions or.pos­ . . WORD 11XmAS,9 relief, but it introduce � . , 0 .. I I this to YOU Yesterday.,, - The, words were' clit Rhort by . Well, dircum t4nees occurred t( .. It president. � � I I ­ a a new era.af '� . , i � " .� I I I "I don't Ike doing dicta , , tak; the Ars His election was sessions to be F'renlier of Britain "It Is a good Idea,!, ,6bgervle� E M life for the afflicted. -Systomatid in. , d � . I �, the Other t a unanimous. Ili any 11 � , � . tion, Isliss clatter. ,A clatter and bustle of to( wo out of the oflIce� alld 1, event there Was de �# Trow,brn, seovetary 'of ti ' I . I .1 I .. ellaftnihm" pau�e the tinswering .and doors; some One wa * WUOV410110ft, had to do: It all,' ,� hat would have boon �o­ n+,o-'. _____j I . ar to Canadians beeause h . be, DolnQo� baling of. gm.okd or funies.from the . . I � . . I s dashing in, . . ; . � W ,Was a native Of their country though Executive �Councii of the., Retail M61!ch� remedy prevelitj re -attacks ara oft . .1 . ., �� . rf.aponoo.. - - . fror4 the street Ili a desperate h do You think of that?" , I $into of, Cans; I I en . . I � . J . . . I i � "Go On, Pi0ase. Le, facteur qui -op ,-. urry. - I � - Most of his life ha4. boen� spentO in thoug the effort of the Detroit =1 . _. I , � , _ . * Mr. Brown did not say- � . E hgland�- Set - " �. da� when asked What he effects a permanent cure, I , .. � !i - � . sd to death. I jt�ow I,V,o ivith a vast deal of unnecessary nolve. thought,' He. was writin'g W00h- the fall . � f � . . "I'm tire what he mooltz As likely as that Porf 11atal and lit of — __ — . -...-..I- __ __ ___ - -_ steadily, I � . 1. - I . I . �.., ; -don"-wilble pavo." -- ---- -.-.- - First the swink-door - l;uve a bang, giving no on'courd I Ireland should join blinds stud spin il Lloyd Georgd of m6roblilitil to' abolish thtF Abbreviat i � .. i . I gement for the con. and the aceosjion of &%m Christmas from th oil vitli,,,iiii'lllmllnlililillilloolli,�iLf,[,i.11![":r"4""�i�'i.q!llimil,10ilillum air . . gin".. 1:4 � - , . then W. Premier Raldwin, his term 'of Prom- stereos'" foi. , , 11 l I . . "Yon have done throe lifLe.g. - 0110 tlxb� Cleik's door 'bpene4. 4n4 tiallance, -of the Iltz with each other -I'll tako care t . I i . . i . . convertiatjoi- Mr.' � 11 . . I arid A4veittafilig, ,.,The, - I ), b y w, 1� . ')I thQQ0 dixYll I will give �- anged. now this one was sent of It.4 1, . . iiarship, lasting only seven M overyoneto Una . . out I ... I V I . I . . I I . � Olt QL-801016 back Hurst, his elbow on 'the desk,.h&4, ontild, ' ­ I � .1 � , .1 . . L . * . ; . . his face tura ' erstslad what the word . . I . Vage, to do, i�,nd then yon wilt ,know with A� breeze; and It tall fillo-lookilig Thinking that idleness W,aseertallr� , vas filled with ability. an , . . , .1 r . �! . . ad to. the speaker, Allr­ - I . ­ d dignItY 'yabbi4eviatiou, We I �� . A . . I . , . Alrive-11 . to acquire a - refor lhat'peovle nuclerstand .. 1. I � I . I ,.!. I . . I � . t . I . - I I Should havo its . big stood oil f the .'throat 11 ": " P I . . . . i 1. . what a whole Page U. Le' facteitr, "Ill Young mail came bustling In, head YoV1119 him at leisure. ­ Jy no the, -best Way though �all tile time he:,wag dying I I � uAt . . I for.emost-Ur, Itolaud Yorke. "I Couldn't Blind It; fort e, Roland tilted i With cancer 'a"t.'Y's, Means., partipulary foreigners I . I ; I � I . . . . . Miss Jane dreaWrex nu4de Not 80 verY YOIJAX either. For more been in my grave in no. time; and 00 , even iego,: and b0gan to work Ili- fought',the hi4jady bravely, and* Wit a and others," , , I . I I . . � ), �.4 . . � ! , . ! . . . . .. My i0ok . h . . I 19 . I . � I . i �: . �. .. � A laric P011ful OE Ink, and shook, it . than soven years have elapsed mlllft I thought I'd. ,try a Part Of the 'World earliest. When hebad acoomplished iliet,ailent doggedness that was Char- , "I think it Ils a 'great -pity, to. leave .4 I I � , , - ____ - the . 1. 11 . I 11 Olt IIL� wag of age, and.. Wolit. careolng that Might be- more dealrable-11ort two lines, he took It 16-1ho inanager.'. acteriatic. Ife knew for,a long,time w0rd'01146fo out Of, Christmas" said I I � � .i , 11hoeAtely Oil the, CODYbook, Leaving Off . . 1, .. I I 'i, �� � Aliftil to the eoutest� In whieb: be yo 04 a cortain hopeful voyage of Natal. I say, what are. "Will this do '-9r; Brown? 1,m that there was. no, possible hope of 'Rov'* DY804 . ;,!. I 1( � vtry sure. the.governp " You. starlu, I Hague ot Toronto 0XII Is. -_ , I , I . . 11 - .88 would cob, his to Port X" told ot in history. at?'! I . I rather out of Practice," . . I recovery; Yet -he carried on in a time merely a Cipher and forthe great mass ___ , � ­ : : . " - ��* F��* � i. . I . Quer. for sho Nvau Calm He Is changed tuailapee then.. Th6 over. This wa Mr..Hurst. The latter Mr. grown signified that it Would. of'great political and international Of PDOPIO It Would be 4 pity to have Ito � � I . �.. ! ; . , ., k Ind, ao,j , sJo - � j.] . . U . Use become . ; �, : 1k I 14rill. we will go to .an oppag(twroblu, grown young fellow of twenty�oue, dropped* his ellift'as he answered. Relknew his business better than to- stress believing it be his d ty to d more common, what is I! I � : I . I 1 4: . I .* � . one that Mrs. Retle called hor bou. angular and awlt*4rd. has become `1 Was looking w give anything of much cousequoilee so until. the man to succeed him a 0 back of these -things one can iievqr -tell. , .. . . .. �, i i . I 016 bother ;Pou were I I . Ir. A beautiful I'OOM, Its Paper Q1111:0 a 00ble-looking m In , much altered. You are: and yet I Lox unknown and: untried Clark. erged. When Stanl�y Bald In- There are ui,4ny people wbo do not ijk6 I I., . i . . man I ;hr . . � t . The' , you related to Sir Itlehilrd. W10" was to seelthe? word � "Christ" ased. On: � . .1 I and vaut'll(lic Of AvIlitc' Will -gold, JtA stroftth and height, fale"11411all"a think I should have know , -accepted In. inner circles as the logi. �aecouat _ - � 1 4 4 . � fine ,0110,, good -nature the Vredbuil- a bit, for Roland 11 You, after Yorke'- he asked of Roland. , _--m- 1, � .1 I TelvOt taroet of delicate tints, Itx silk � � Yorke. .NVhen the � ,.Ye I 'Cal successor, Mr. ,Law, who h I of Ito historical asD , - I � �� -­ 11 - . . . I i ; � . '. I . . . nant ClAilression of tile I name Wa an ;0 I am; and Vm ashamed, of a ad urg. aIsQ4 It Would be much better oclations , .;.. ­. , I . _. . I I . ­­ . . : . I I Curtains of a soft roso-color. hut rough featur . someWha lentioned I might havo, Ill, d him to assuirai the task, . to,always - . . . ;i I . in.. Old Dick's my uncle, my late Out Of Public! life. Ilia wa dropped Use the uldabbreViated word." ­ I I A . . . I Zolther Mrs. Bodo Greatores; who sat es, which are pate and bc�oa aefault butfor Your speakinw a a liteof I .1.1 I . I '. . . ' . . 9, 1here. nor her attire was In aeeora- clear and Ilk-althy; tile -indecision that of Lord Carrick.,, . father's brother, and his ion and heir, usefuln _%_0-_ - � . I . I . Might once have been ,detected in . '!He,[) my . Dick, ls-W� cousin. old ess,,4ud honor. I_ � Nd an. 1!kn .1 I onelooll said Roland. young . Dick I I . - * . *, .,� Doetor-IlWall, how are y�u fee 0 - ---,, ense, AL1100 with tile room. And. to gity I, e I I I . . 1ruib, she Lad only come d . Ills e011utellancO, have gIven. place t* "Who aro You?". , . ! . Is the greatest -screw Altvq he'd Rut Abysianian Slave Raiders Operating ink tills-m6riling?n . I I ��,� I . . � . . � . I Own from earnestness no%,. of- . ". Invalid-1113etter, thanks, doctor- 'Tor evel- ' - . . � .,I,er chamber to pot 13onlething left In In I'll, -fr help a fellow td a LOJIV, Di. ent I spend . � , - . .. . � ... I .Ce 'as regular beauty #1�1`oa- Hurst, from ,Relstonlaygh. Ing He,s . aye him ffolil I hang -1, In London and Somaliland ' thp only thing that troubles me is my I � . . . 1. it tho ulgbt before: It -was 1wr fa , Many people count HaVO Yowl forgotten me? Iwas. at t As poor as Carrick.," i � Oil tarice, *j6 Sell - . . I . . 1rite morujog room. but Mrs. Bede searcely. , with yourj�roth no that an eXause for him; .� . , *. Y' beauty. there is none; but you would college school Mlt call blIt 1 1 For several years ,slave raiders breathing." ' goods,' I 6xPect. to re� . . P __ .1 I . IlMs him lit the , eris. his estate Is 'mortgaged up to the from Allysinnia. have been reaping 4 Doctor-I'Ah, yes' - 01 . � R41 not wont to talw all bor Position Street with- GerAld and Tod." I . ned-le 14 � I I . . harvest in I Iva Must,. see, , ' I , I Out turning to look at. him. in man. Poland stared, the British Soudan 'and il� wa,cun, stop that!" - celve one dollar in re. . I . ,.1 . i It It until mailt UP for the day. And her he is ne He bad not- for. � ­ 11i0W I 130tish Somaliland. These Are ,not - . I . � Mr. n needed not the addi. I . I i . � � . tM11, alncl I am rarely I V i ) Y cases I dlftpp�inted", says an I . . . an a grown matt .pan be, Just cis be "t And very broad young. MiLl, by tionial Information, 'Which Roland they are Arabs from various parts of . . � � It , 414rk hair Was unlidy. her face pale 1111M . that was not Yet aceol%plished. Her ilrbtyAs much of a boy 90tte,11 J0314th Hurst; but the 'rather always Aby8inniayls. In roan . I , .1 ­` Impu Dive. I not chanted a whit. . .1 alit. , �� . . . Aind pasty# her drCsolug-ROW11, of a ovell I was, lillsty, thOulghtlesU, and his ,8140.as broad us he was high, bore PrOffered, so candidly. His nature had the World wh Do You'Suffer Ontario merch . . . I I tull red with gold Sprigs 0a, it, ut . . . no. resemblance to, the once Says Perhaps 0 have taken advantage . I . - . . . I 1; . . I . "ItOw 100 boy. 'Roland Aever doubted; U6 the free x1ld "BY life at )?ort Natal, Allyishuga to establish themselves at I - , I I . . . f � 1, %��, I )Dole. ScOng the Tifixes oh I Ile table, d' "I'know I'm jilte,,, Ile 0 began . slim Col. Of soblevAal; chaotic conditions - in From"— Headaches ? .,, .. 9110 had caught It UP, and thrown YO do. Xr. Groatorex,.P, � . got Off AN stool, upsetting It In tllf� ahOlit Which We may hear somewhat . The telephone.has made � !I border Points and defy both British Headaches . I I - kerselt back in it reclining chair of ilg`6 late. Mr.' Yorke." Proces% to shake litouly the out. later, had only, tended to render him, I se6m to b6 habitual vith Suecesg demoQ*1d. it, fi; I ;,111 "Yes You ' of Mr. ]Bede Grea less tetlaw, It that were possible. I Abygin AbYsinnian Alany-people and ninko life pilsorabit, . I I .41 . . I V* I k4tift-Wood and Pink velvot, whilo all* 80 . stretched hand. Ur,' Brown began, Greittorex and Greartorez were the and authority alike. .1 I. look4til ever the advertlaiDinblits. Mrs. was th4 re A to the hearty ha,nd- to think q :&r the suffezer. in fact, the aeative f6loce that 8pol � I tOPDX. subm. lig ilia, however, is re , .. e quip't of the offide.would, sponsible . a luillion .� 306de Greatgrex was tall an4 nhoWy, shake Ofre IT Nine W1%S the hour not Iie*mucli C"Itlaubetl thr6ogh Ift them to remain In her o suffer- enables business. to jisei .!�, ,, . red couddential solicitors to Sir Roland -for allowinR needles, could not proctuF,o th I' I Uamed." . now Inmate. I Yorke, and Mr. Brown Was better territory, Th ing ,nd torture that tllo�, , � aftioted uu� W tht1te her beauty ende- $ '� . eY have iceently con. I superior to ell-etini- � � ul#& ro I - An 11; was the boat's faulto roturned than ROI&nd',wltlx the Ww- reatest taid of dergo. . � �J � J 11 a 'it "My soodnesa! you are the first Ot 4011nainted, ducted the g , . . 1�� I 1, , I ! � ffe, She bad exercised a . their Car- I stane,,es and competition I '. 1, .tharm of M11,11114DI! th4t4alicinited, Oland- SPeAklug *1th loud fftOoeftd- :the old fellows 11,vu aj�pft. And w.h%t ollet's, 1kilances. eer into the Soudan, driving air bull- There iA onIV fto wav to oet rid � I I . �� � . I . I IMSHYs but Mho kept It for rare U he might had 10 been are You, Hurst Of tile lIcA4846. 'and that i't.) &o � i � I once, Just as -,,I jawyorf,,, . " I thought It must be sor,"remark- I dreds of people and doing consider. I ky - 421*401119, ' opportUni- 1 I ece', . W, " i ! . Cout now. She had. no Childrell.'al.fid A - ten thousand �a year client of the "Yos; It" PUMd. But the old ed Mr. brown. "I knew there *to able,damage. rn Past days a British Tight tor thv ,,%.at of the troabje� ties. , I I , 1. ; btr *hole 1 46030- "r went down to tice earriek doetor (at home, yo some conneetlon between Sir Richard, . I Burdock Bload'Bittero will 410 Mill . i� lie and being w"o wrstpt u kno;�) wOupt . Punitive expedition would have dealt 1� �f . . $4 fashion, frivolity, slud heslrtleys- 1, Oft at 'eight O'dlock, stud if you,11 be. buy mt a, practice. or let, me set iiii, and LoidVarrick. Aro you Ilksir to with them. NOW it is rather a fflat� by removing the c.%uso,ofthe ttoubleP , , I . . :ncgs- 11111d she chosen to seareh tier self. or anything, ub , ' 8 ""Ve 4"' the vessel never got away for my In our OMee long?" ho questl6it- -,terl foi the League of Nations, Absr� through its cloansingi, strengthening . tatioil-to-stai0ft r4tes . . i . tit I've had. ,. � . f 4 . btforts te�. They W('re putting hor-scs� tome 6XDi?rf0U0#' and)so I have eome Zd'!'Irlwardly vondibring that Roland .shmi4 baving recently been admitted and tonic urtiou on the WhOlo syment. , save about 20f,lo and � � " � IftemOM it C011fil not h1ve returned 013 board. Carrick mays they,11 With two budles So Pulssaft should to that organization. tt is not im. Mr. X If4eltustucst, , Mooneliora. Often give - perfodt ShtlS. , Il � 10 31C� thO 8UN(Ution Of having ever lose . to GreUtOte% and Groatorex to 'get . 'forined a kidd a0lon., One IjttI& . tll(%Ir 040 OVer..Yond6r; be there, at sill. � - that R Joint 0*1vilition of : Alan.. writes.--JIr hall lipaduebes, . I _�% 111 f . jK, , bat hA didn't it." concluded Air. Iturst ruefully. I I WobablL . I � ; Complain, hot "11m.likely to stay for oyor, for tit .Abk8ifinian and British ;Will faction. . P i� ) . I They are going to give wo xully deal . . . 1 4� i - I . firctimen of her gellislinen, Lot Ilttcr 8 119 easY As an old shoe. "And Who*8 -ho?" cohilaut!d ,no* I know. event.. over,v speonil day"and they wero 'go. � . 41w9ard for the elolma andltelilirg% , Since thca I've 'had AL piteh Out of A land* Pointing to Jenlit'r. "Greatotex, -with the t;javera, and stump bad'i would 110,110 to stay in beft all . 11 . . hansom. eawo .,1.44 riothiag about him.r. I twenty Shillilip a 'Week. I say, Mr.'theal out &V long, in faet, froul 6 '010lock in ... . . I'll ! � of others' 3ball -be &'Von' to" it ee- ' I told thO k0216w to drive 111,o 13town. why do yon Wear a wICT11 '. . . I � . . ., I . � torprd 00bOrta6ely., As SbIN sat. 116 was one of.tht Ifitat men eyt,r th;. morning top la -ol'eloelz at night. 4 1 ZOWSPalwr in band, a y6tifig vorlitt*t r3ad. Whim im) did. and down Ivellt seen. but he had -a vast stmount ot Doubtle,,ox Mr. DjoWn thought thj�ill Prohibiti * * * � . , , � i 1� Oft 96 a V90for la Next I could liardly, boar -'W sufforhig, but . I �� I I . ort'licil'the door. vold askcd lc,avo to the horso. atid I out a.top of him, queation a tolerably pointed one up6tL , , I 'W", in town I Wa5 I . . I Work In him. Mr. Hur�t explained ao brief aw aequalutatict,,, .110 $bttled One day'wh�ft I I . . � and th" Mall a-tOP of Rie. Thero was that Jonner wall Only a elerk. but a . It is frequently aggerted that Pro. ad'Osed to 'Do SardoL�k Blood Bittora I . I L � I � I �11 Wak to lit"" She wa$ the 1�dy'x� no dawage, only it &II selvc�d to hin. ,Very tMelent 040. � I to bis work again withdut'answorjng�.hibition will not bo $1 fft-tor in the rl"(1 it sufti did r0iove 11116 of,all , � r,aid. � I I LL � "Could yon IlXascl let Wo W) outl dt'r- But 1"R ,TeadY for work now. . `110.1 do twlee tht amom)t ot work, it. A, hfilt that tho eterk, Just com6 next 1jilited lit-adaelies".* 0 MY I CA ; .. ) I , Madam? ,& Ines Mr. Greatorox, which IS J() I)t� W.y der hia wing. might return suld'parfleg Will ,8tAtes Olection, as both . I srager has tome to Plato,- . that 1 could, Yorke. I'm alow atid, "'I f bO anxious to eliminate DUrdoel'. Blood 131tf�r.4 lta,4 Won 6a . .. 1 4 ,0, I U To witnc,lis a nuw elerk aurl, isura; Jouner Is sure and quiek. 11ow "My 'hair S8 �s PleQWdI sts E-y'vell rerehone & a . i I 13Y t1lat MY tnoth(,r Is tak .1 sud' settle to Ats. Which was not. takon, I it frant controversy. Time alone will the ritirket for fbc% past 45 ) vear3 0d 1� ef'"k worse: t4fly think she is dying." himself 113 this loud, fil OUaft long 110TV YOU bven, h6ine from,ro evor It, wove the truth of thilt c6litention. is mallufailtured only'by The T. Uil. Zoito Nsfm : a$, stwi0ft - I _ "n can go, whop I am ilres�,oj,111 WAY. to ar , 04 rt� �Wa%'& said Itoland, giving his d r1k — I . . ! '0 111M granp Millar kind, of ,,Vaw 2 1 In, the inttrim, Governer Pinehot t)i Imm CO., Limiteil. Toronto, Out. _ ­ ­ � �� I , : - � � _.� W004 Mrs. Bede Uicatorvr� I Land of and. ahako t o ".00111 bother about that now." hair a lVashr baekwards. *1 don*i W � ant ­ I __.__ . I I - . � I -.0h. *%d % Wit; ftl�d you, ctIl't bo s [ ". . !;I , � ". . ", Mr. llcjl� Gr(A 11 . .1. �. ., I'll 31 . 0,,r�ey,E.iau�k, pem"Wivauts, ;V116 is ft pw5sibility A$ � --------------------=m,,z-m,i7!M!771!!=",T,Z I I .1 , . " . ,,qf, taLtiDZA!JJ,,*lesjqb g1l to''h ­ $11M I Rell-rRIA " tho Ro,publi't-.M-.eaiYdidate-,fi),t the pre- .. , , �� I I . I I . . "Aft* Iketion I I i i 44!g if ttao "What a menselpow quest "And I am thre-8 and thirty, i1r. for the , DrAngo, Lily IS k 4tertilin re'llef Ur all divarders of women. It is #;jpjj I I � J the bobse's noble ellentm. . " Dllorden-,10 gays' twtoo 16 ** go at once. MAY not be jously ,of the E , sidtapy, is urging , - I "I 11 fft C0 h4ta ap,6111,9 utleevemod. * 1P 'in AC,Riof"�`slx di st'vell years, per- � � pt . � � 11 I , . "Did you makit your fortunt olit, h lay,19. Val-vight and twelity.' Upon 7 Preslititnt k"'Son Rallit for Wo I I 16 IlLuP to itto her. Hilta says %711a arl of Carrick, one of tht,nt_ loblidge aggi Min a IN111 take ray Place this luoraing, It two were hall-fellow-w#11,Ms toll, It I'd * halt tamp off in a toyer a few 'I 'rnforc#ftent of theJAW, some 6f , at fill i I �*Celj will Allow b(r.11 ,t, t&ug,od inadt it for e Ineally atid Is abso ed � , I., I I tu" there- lt staud's to' Yftrs back, ,and, it does 'not. SIVOW ­­­. I -I*--."----- rbed Iffla the 1s, , I � . .. � � expelled. it � f 'W,21 the teftf-rated. cold, and &61ve I agAl". Ille so good as to et an *Ith � . .... .. 11 il "You can go When, I arli�dro--Dr,1111 tlaO W11010 OM0 to look up, v�verl W.erk r#amon I, should not bilve to Como Iftft Ili the congeow 110fring tissue. ,me &ad wkst6 Skitter i I 1st'30VbCd &�� Brown� Belo Gzzt�ato� 9 I - � __ _!!10" In I I 91 Immedlatt mental and phytiffski I , . 0 �_ - _ - - -_ remet. I �- " XnnWCr. "You beat me, Tallct. 1��hut TOX Indleatcd the apDoirited dCs1,,. 414 011litf) hfre," _ "This is whoto Son W-ga be, k- "Irow was I t6 know� Tott lulght what Yoti hitve tor do, Ur. York#." � I— - . " . HID blood ves!ttjs iliild tho dear." And tbe in,11d withdrew. ,, �tt, . rlervt$ aTO tailed wid strLwn i 1 � ,,s ,6 h %bits aftionisXxo%d. ROlarill QbOdl- 8911. 1 A I I %Ve MadO ^011`tune tail ditsit)ated ently 110119it hix' Val!Lk� AUd wliltt I I I I oned; and, tile r1realition Is rft. 4 � 1 )V'r J!AeO. VaXng with �!s va9n I 6i'l(' Of Mi" Unrat, a gentItman ,31)o ItIts : I I ; i. I . . JeAraing. I ;,t with Its for Improvement, Mr With ftneWed 4lieltions to Mr. l3rawit I dered 19 110rulal. As this I : nr3W'b "Di"Mated it hi'ViAtV, ex,leA Ito-, -that eatue r,aging 14ut at t 0 t"At. .. � I _t '_ rnmt ij ba�cfl on sirictly ftleft� L I `81le!S gl1w,458 Wanting to . tto n4anilgcr in this r-com, hf3 W V I POW411hif 11�� I I t . F10 073t wtin ae3lgn 3�,( I likAd, with WI&401*11 v�Q�, And to Unexpected momentii -,what with 0, I , . � I bly Fooke Nmi � �� � � I 'G'r, Nit'. Holand Torko." who hi(d gained Some few &0fq!dOtrX of lif,* At jrojt-t Natal ftokwft" 4004*w iiaas' "OOM04. 10 hlp,� trotber." hara ' Al your werk. Ur. IturAl. Mr. 1111tAt, fific 0tinciPIC8. and acts on,ilij I , i Xedt eaforcx, e9 0ho scWtId tier- .1 knowledge of witat Ig railed lito *W" *040* VWA*%W Vi "If VOAT I ? ActuAl 1006011 Of tile -diseAft It J � ' ; Nest VA O'ho arwxpaljo� agngn. 1101and Mali his Bc,at at ,ol,.ev, and .'ith Willett h0% re9*1014 Nr. Itur t, "O"WWAV &$me t do good Ili all i , tl](j W a - ('311409 httlp bu . . ok *rd Me 41 that #V* "69*0064 r fritfird tip llfg C 1"!Ift showcd what With 111aking tho Aequaintarce ""My .1 , forr"!g Of 10MA111' UO"blP9, Iftelud. � 1WA*0 1111111111 - I I Zu 'I I I � . r I I I I I 13eechaild ft ivst U41oll blood I ff 11 I BUM* , 'S � I I I " .k, I - 1, I IY 1W t .1 I des , I I I !I il I I. 11 617% (I '10 I `040, two, HArce, fear; five. Five Etlary at#.L -a%t zvrft as a V1011m. land r k", in arifo% or his travel. of littl() Jenapr.-' Itplkiell ItIolano xc� .. I , I , ; hollo"Iii IhAt af-em dcssrablo. Rede May P to Indu8try. ,Nit. AL*df' 9 e%Perit%%CCS� Was not mt1e1% ftlt�te,j taWpag,gt�jd NVitlk , ellt - � . . I ., f" delared aftd raFnful nlellgru. � � Greatorti, ;%Ayihg Be Q . , � �. W at rhoca, fallin!r or Jkli I loall WIA0 he �hoosoa: in this mile throu morea r"Et'd thft world avid its vjy,�, -fability, P-114 a *6 , atiout Temb. I � SO" % igh to hi!1 orivatol toorn, *nd attor "Oh, In mans, thing -what Tvitt'l d�b�bt IrttITIU&S of WrPt Ole 0 . A- � ... I . v�'0112), cte. Witt V -M per k", _ ablo ow hou-st, ft Its prore"Ic"Aal a "lintl 1'!!� Heise r4eltig" int -r. a 19no heto L�nj a T�a,� sr�ej,�, tko ...._.".'".... — - 1 VVI4,1042 if, 1*ritt� sit � I Tm"'.01i we don't stay. 111t �te was btard to go 'OL%t� for Insta"ef%al . month's WatmeriL A ftft Trial Riffieleat for 004 I go* "Whit'll to 40VO asked Rnls1,q& olln4n,j� wo,a a*ay a6�cov0y. . tnelit, "'Ougg'A fOr 10 46*10, uotth 7�e, Awo� fit;, pm0r,­,iaTa.11 nt)() addef), , R61*114 tbt'�W back his heitil, in thel 1�1 vVilt U sent r1*6 to *Ay "ftrltw wo tr 161v'SA. I *taa� MW growu WA -41 alrftdy CIVIJMC blirl --11111 ..... . �, __ 0 W . , MAR Uh& IMM send Ole, jJL � I ,�- wrlfllnr� taMo. a fe""N'try'rItte W3144INP. a aertl to, b"N efh F [014 'i'mohatic 6"fter, "'It OW0,11 I +5 Tifterov-6 2 Atim" 111114 awwrow, MA. , L'vl)l-*. w. I'liplD, ,%Vji"4", , - � I � _Med. 10 get a follulle. Je's ­ wbtrh ant, 4�s . 11 I & I (11 (1011*0 . ,� (To be continvei) jww��ft I ______ i�4" 8y I119"ING DAVGfilgr8 EXT'ITWTIVIF, I 10 r . __1. ­ - .. _. � .1 1._:* - - _�k Ad&� mhr�L- l , - _- I ­m_m.ffi�_ - , - _ �:= -6___.41ft�._.o_ __ - __ —_ - - - _.-Npvlp� ____ ­ � . .. - I . .- - . . - _­ 11 - - ­- ____ � w, - - --- �;-r.:� - - ­ --_._._1__._ _A:�_____A=1=_____ __= T "2- I - ­_ -------. - .�i - . - I I. . .. � . . . - .1 . ­464A*"­��;. ..W- - __ __ _­ I I - - -4 _�- 11 _. _- ­ - - - - - � 11111111111111