HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-11-01, Page 10-1 � I.. _'.. � - � -
. - __ - . � - — . 4.�_111__ � I — -100100410"
)I __ �, —
al at xjqiwau. shot . Now" -NRI, . . - -1.1, 11 11 111 -1 � IN
I kud _ ---'-- ' �_Iiy`_ L131 IN MUM OF
I WtWb I tRIU5 Ut Wtt& ly ac&iil�7
U!Mcd hzvn",29 as Le was abow
. wh�n EX to Air no st"oot do��; , I
I I 1, . I % 'Importarit Events Which Have JU31,cf�,Vll at Peterbora seateue- NPITAL AMMION W.. I us* I
� . . Pit luvroarld 1VaXk(;oU to f.wo mouth* I Is 10%
Occurred During the Week. �sap �, Wuntil)Wd from We 4) TV, 0111
t** 100*10 Its fl-foshavow awd fiftwor. r1soameut for ;iproaalng falao And 2__��_.__ _ men s and mitoses
I "I — 4arniful ftifisrulation. I
— � Wise Busy worldlo,"Risperdnx% C49* )DIrecto7a of 4tae vanadfau General 1141ansond, Mrs. Frank ....... 500
d toot $"to 1F.1c:0tric (�O. apfi�ove proposal of the awell, Mr. Wlvin ......... Goo
I - Handy awl Attrai tile 01010 for Ueuvral Elcctrlo Co. of Alacrica for gym. Mr. Heatgr ........... r, 00 COATS
ll A ,I I � - ---- rtrissial oy the Atta ourchase of tile Common stoet of tit* s$ Miss Doris............ 200
.. ".. . . . . - _der* of O" 6*ana4iaa coucova. Hunter, Dr. A. C .......... 5oo lil all wool Velotir, Jilled throughout, fur tri"Imed and
. V, I I . va"r. . FlUIDAV. Ifunw, Mr. J. F ............. sols silk stitched in the popular one'shled and straight line - of- I
. I I Ust9n, Mr. Robt ......
�` . . . TvCho"WX lEdwouten, eltizeas; honor Frank Holman, Mr ......... G 00 fcctS, Prim froin $146.50
'.. - ,�� I . ,,,,, ....... "I I . � � F313in V01111tY WQMaZ,r2e(,X tt.lal on Oliver. : ... *.:;, 5 W , to $1,,0.50,
0 � I murder Charge. I cattaila not .,,-c,t irivited to couter. Hardy, Rev. M 8 .... *... 200 Misses' Burberry Coats, ranging from $9.50 t,o $22.50
r X"% Jackson, Mr. ,C. L .......... 5 OQ - . ,
�� k *X=AL. Troopa from, Davaria may liavade enee of Uationo. Jackson, Mr. E. F ....... �. �
.. I I cotamuni!3 Saxom,. Methodist Missionary Society issaaa ... 200
1. , Johnston, Mrs. R G.'.s..... 209 ATC
I r*� thftt X10011101111i io 40vor sold Aft bulfte � fra'11't"14or roreariable az& reported 99th annual report. ...... � - C04-4 a 4� FOR THEKIDDIES
1� ouyik guld itelde. � Quebec Power Vompauy� to issue I ph ......... 500 �
I . I WUCISA!, ohipatcatu. from Head of $%540,000 300-y9ar 6 per tout. bonds. le'. r. Jim�..� ........... 5,00 I . New arrival of (,'oats in tile awtierry sty1c.atid. bloused' 1,
I -._____1_- _-1-- .1 . � L_ - - -1. __ I ,"�� cousetvative:1 at Plymouth convert KldO, Mr. Terry ............. 5 00 . .
� I Lal;o--� czeeied eatimates. ' - . back, all Sizes. Priced from $5.00 to fll.W. I
Bviciflu mai#anta, mish to the lion P=,$ woolutiou for reform of Ilorsk.n. Mr. Jim L...*..... soo , . - I
- Lorda, 1, elly, Mrs. J. 0 .......... *. 200 I .
I I I . I ';" ' Heur,v Woods, Xvwtoubroolc, #;er- ,wiss. Judge ...... * ........ Soo I I
I I :011
, a &1variv, Unally br(.448 wit .
i . ... I oral fimt-romeat at Oerlia. kously Injured in 9CCIdOAt near his I tie, Mr. Win 61 W I MSOV-S . I
� p
I 40, , . r3rL; bandits steal Gob tapes. home. � I arA '.
� , 'i . . Sunda Atternoon ra'tc"' . "'c'"' nov' oa* Plitt � under, Mr. 1. If...,........, 600 n'to L
lb� 01 I . y � I i trie;3 irom veroallies palace. I RumwisICIty wins pinetit; aud deeld- Ps-vue, M � r. V. V .......... 4 5 W Big - reductions on all Ca n Crepe, Crepe -de -Chine I
i '! - each; i and Silk' Dressds. ., I
i L � I Wch, 04t, , J ,,, Question P� c,xteft�ioa Of proiertnee -I*"; Gal," "I "141fafa, Worl4,8`,s0eXIes!, I mi. J#' H. ...... ..... I 200. - . " . . I . -� � ___ "I I
I i � . � M * IWAC HAN470A, � Vadt '. � I WL to be left to BVICISts'ele , front Baltimore. ", M I 200. . _� . I I
� I i . i . a ctora. ,
. I I wa Bakers, in Berlin, ref use to produed'. , Preuilcr Baldwin ritauds by isonar Lawrence, Mr. F. F ........ '64o .
I . ; , !. � . read owing to fluetigitious in prices. . Law's ducal pledge, but volpes III* Lawrence, Mr. F , . I I ,
, . 1. i .1 Is L , raul; ........ 2 0o . W I I . SKIRTS I
; � - 1. _ I . -.1. , Gw of =6�, Go(t of grace, the statutes and judgments given Movemont for separate rtpublic In � be` protection. LoTouzel, Miss 0 ...... O... 0 ., 2 00 I I . . 4
S 1 .
I I *, U& the brightilim of Thy face., tWugli X -the,keoping .h ' Ablueland- exteaft to aTaller tow's"s. L I�Ivoelnitlllilorkh County Cou stag. Lee, Mr. Chas'—...." 0 00, " � The IiMCA in all wool"Crepe and Flannel pleated �
"I . , ' qses, _,of wbk - I 1. noll .... t.
i� I � I AsPon us, Saviour, shine - ,' was x�oken ol'as "Your wisdom and L olftbia, Which Is to race Blue- Gered by bill for-bi0ways, built -by- M4eRwan- lira, Geor " '. L .2,00, . - -S,kirts;, ,Order& 'can be " takew front, -thesse, � in, all colors.-
_ In sight of the se,,** rock; is slightly damaged. 41, 0. Government. 200 1 Prices frf .
N Fill Thy Church with light d(visto" :si4l, ......
I I your underatauding tf.� McKay, i1r. 4ohn..::* .....
And Thy s4vint health extend: nations which shall bear an these UAlrersity of Toronto juidora 4e. AlcCluakey, Air. Ja I )ill $4-a ta,$6-50. Also Homespun Skirts friolil
. . , 11. 8'. ship owners; accept coin. I* ...... 4, 5100 ' .. .
. W I a Act feat Ontario Agwicuttural College in Alota M EdwArd.... 6oll � .
�,�(, . Unto eartwe remotest cid. statutes, and may, Surely this great .omioo under Lakes Navigat o . . ughlin, r. $2.2S to $345. "
I . nation is # wise and u I I
t , I Ut the people raise Thte, Lord; Wevstanding 11altimore Orioles, defext Kansas lutervoliog, late came, 26 to u. - ___ . .
- JJsh drUggifit I In L . McDersnJ4, The$ ............ 6()o I ____ - I I'll
C I . Earth shull tRert bdr fruits afrord, People, FOrwhat. nation is there he City and latter uow lead In spries, 11`0 Winnipeg may Mitchell, Mr, T ........ . I I � L . I . . I I . . I
I . tit Ills blessing - gi 0 1. 9%, $340,090-000 estate left by his Morrisisit, Mr. " 11 :
ji -God to mi give, Mat, Who h4th God 60 11411 unto 4 to 2, - " Rory....::::: 200
. I Man, to God devoted live— , them, as the Urd our God Is in all "'"ittists advocate total Prohibition grandfatner in Buffalo thiM
; t , I I . . - ^. years -MaeVicar, 1�TIos--..---'-' -L 5 00 I I . -C '�
L .: . All below and all above. )� ,� things that we vall upon him for?" and suppressfou of race-traoX � ago. , McLean, Air. A. D ........... rw oo . Royal Ladies' Read -to-Wear o4r, :
, I �Ono in joy and light and love. (Deut. 416o 7). The Psalmist loup gambling. L Ualtvd States Administration. ge- McLean, Mr. W., L .......... 5 00 I � - y . , . .
; - I . F5RA " S4"" , , - GOVERICH ,
Z � . . i � and Prays for 014 knowledge to be. Six ,hundred workers, be . cepts Invitation by Britain to partiol- Maestrit,_ Mi ...... . .
. . (Heitry Francis Lyte). _ gin cam- �
�., ''. .. .. I I 'fiii( ....... '.. - I 1) 11() . I I - . .
; W � I I � . PRAYER long to others than the Jews. (2), paign for Community *rvkce Pund pale In conference to 1 basis for Mabee'L X)r ................ 1. 5 00 : �w I, I ,, I I I
. . That they might know G04'o saving In Toronto, 1. reparation", I . I . acEwan, Mrs. P. i ......... I 5 00 Im. . . . L I . , . I I - I
. _.— - ..--.—:.— _ I L
� f. - . . I Alkafghty God, who bast command- health or salvation,. If tbeY would Orcritt future to., Vancouver as all-,- Board'.ot, Itallwar Commisslonera Mkftan, Mrs. H. J. A.....' 5 06, awii�-_. ---- � . -- . . . k
� ,� . . i ova the light to shine In darkness, and become obedient to the law and go% Fe,;r port predicted by requested by Government to reopen Munninga, Mr. B. C.. 5 00� ALJf. CONTRACTS - SHOU1,I) BE �
. �i I I I)eputy-Nials.
,� . . I bast sent Thy .404 to be the Light to, know What Othe Lord Out- God re, ter or Marine. 0 heakilig of BrItIsh Columbia appeal McKay, Mr. Robt.... '.... - Io,2 00 � , R*TAINSI) IN CANADA �
. 1.� . J i4 .1, I a 'wo a t ey f- 0 1 1 :"* I . NEWLAMPORNS
� . . i
.- I I low on to,see.: the salvation prowls. all team wins group by b6ating Do Gordon McKinnon of Unionville is. % . 11 11 .
, I , Morningstar, llr.� Simon....... 2 09 extguelvety 6vdpioje4';6s 13assibleftra .' . .., ..
-1 pure light of Thy divine knowledge I I I . . ,
: . nd Lifo'of the world, illumine, We quires of thenift then "I h ol_ University of Toronto Schools Xqot, -for rat s equalization, : 4 e0orb to. Reap Canadian labo
, � I � L I . � . . beseech 'Thee, our hearto with, the . b , Xael).o'nald, Mr. D,,._.-,. ' 5 00 . lua ,r a!; . L ...
I �* % , . I . oil, and thoLbeginning of that happy la Salle, 12 to 4. I killed,, Sirs. Stafford - Voreater and TvlacVicar, Mr, Goo .......... 2.00 Ing the coming winter, the CatIadian ��., I . _'. I .
' . I
1. " _1. --11 I.. � _ �Aad,o it, the eyei of o,qr understand' condl Ioa of. the Christian � ,- .� I .
4, � I .1 t . chu Oshawa children, while mother Is J- W- A81i critically iiiJured In level Matheson, Mise Mary,_-_ r, 00 Manute atur A,issoclatiou fiss, again . �
. , . . rob, 1 Oro!
� i I L , I Ing, trilat We may learn wlint is Thy when Jew and Gentile will U -united abg;04t vat laxative tabf4ts, and4one cro4slug...,.cident on Langstaffe sl4e.MeRa , S
t � . y Mr. A. J ............. -�q. 00 been direodug thq� attentiou. or govqr4.1
, . . I , . . I I eternal will for us and all men. May into one flock, (3), That. divin it es, v;bile other bus. narrow, escape.' . I . to federal, . L . � I , � - 1�� . .1. �, .
. . I , 0 I ,road, cast of'�the Jgil Frrm. '
; I ,� � . iho Ifts Thou bast bestowed. upon wonhip may be pot up among, them. V our Llblerals,6upportor , R. W, Clewlo, the Mayer of Toren- Middleton, - Mrs .............. 290 , I Provincial 'aud ranal. - A new oil lamplhat gives an amaz-.
. �` L i . . � . . FA of Tascile. -AloonQy, Mrs...,... i .......... 2 00 ip " and an large tinving. corporations, ingly brilliant, so t; wbIW light, even
L I I L Mi. d devoted to Thy .service in thfa "Let"the POOPIO praise thee, 0 God,- rea". Were turned Ju the tolsseermary,aud, W.N,Dugot Bar-
. ;.? . I to by-eler,- Murn6y, Mrs, W4 T-,-,.... 2 00 tot a Ira rtancooflie.6ping contracts .
.11 . . I up,building of Thy church; through lot all the People praise thee.". (v, 3), tions'at Abitibi, Yamaoli isme and 5 OQ IA 040 a and thus coaMbuting to tile been i te4ted.by the U. S., Ooverxiiiie'at '
I �,� ,, " ,' .. � ' L ' . I a, Ur tie,ardlvbosen active membe:-s of the better than, gas '6r electricity, has
I . 11 L � . . Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. . .1 The psalmlat's heart is so set upon Richmond. Supreme Council of the Scottish Itite, WeEwan,,.Mr. J.L J .......... L� v0lUWQ-* 'of employment. There bas
to L . . . McKay, Miss Aunle_.�,�;... ,(i OOL and 85 leading universities and found
; I # FOR NOV. 11th, 1923 this that he Topea and repeats this , French farmer ,attempts to burn Camerot of 41outreal -MeF�trlane, Mrs, Pcte�....... 2 00 !
,Ii . , '. . .3. S. L)RAON and J. W410'r beeamore immigration this yearthan
,� . .. I . Lesson Title--$01me Nis � Petition. (Verse 4, 5). When 4 na. 'Woman alive In order to remove what hecQmes s4vereign. Grau(I com Nairn, Mr. Chas ....... _... � 5 0(y lorw.veval years p4st, And tber to :be wperior to 10 ordinary oil L
'� . t "'� I slonary tion - acknowledg6s. God as Sovereign he believed toL be a.upell she bad L mandpr. I �. I I.. L KuyVott ........ a need for,. proildiug v , e will be lamps. It burts� without odor, smoke - �
Ilk I,: 0 - . Naftel, Mrs. 2 veric fora, larger ' ,�
,� L A I I I Tt,achiags of the Psalms. I 1. . $ATU1KDAX' L OQ utimberot People. it Will help matoki. or'moise—no � pumping up, to olmple,. .
I . L Lord, seeing His 'hand in all his I toot ovei, lils droqQ. of pigs. . LPorter, Mr, Andrew .......... . 15 101) . clean, safe. . Burn% 94 per cent air - ,,
I . I -
'I, 11 I J � ' L ' . righteous dealings, . then the ' Lady W4,6itik-to coutest.,by-elec�. Norway to,buy . any to stave off unemployniqnt, if a,11
I . Usson Passage—P& 67:1-7. , '. . . . People 40yiet'L L , grain from Russian Platt, Mr. J. S " i. � t'beae who Control Ia L . and 6 er cent common -kerosene 'i
L I . . L L . i - � .5 00
, I � . . � . Golden Text�Pd, 07:3. � shall be glad and'Sing, for joy. tion fit the.vaeant constituency for � I " Price -Mrs. Geo.......... roe. Wale, buying (coal 01 . , .1, 11 L
f . . . 1. I . I.... 4 �
I . To the two Pt�eedjng, psalms the., The 'ps4 ray ton divi- L Roy.. �,.L._., The inventor, F. N. Johnson. 246 . ..
. )mist concludes this p . the., Warwick .and Leami-ag Yield -of wheat lit.LAlbert.i much pstti;`rsonv Mr. 5 '00 Will talm V41US to see
i . , . � i8es God for His gisod,. or - 11'etand , . better than expected. I . �5 OD Made 0004S areepoelt, that 041tadlan- L i
11 , , i , ft#lmist prai Vith A Jovful prospect of 411* goo 9A.0f Warwickshire, E . i Porter, Mr. Einest ....... � I ed'*b�n orders Craigr St'4,:W., Montrest is offering to L
) � . I , L d, !�� I * Frank Chance is engaged as 5 00 are placed.. L I . , FRr
. . : . I steps to the children of Israel In hehr- *fion the nations shall be c lvul).%WISDAT� . . I I 'nan, Pridbam, M�. Walter ...... . 1 2.0.0 . I � I I send alamp on 10 a ,,fl Lt
I . . . . L onverted aged of the Wb10'sqx. . ' :� �1 141, .
L L 1. ; Ing their prayers, in pardoning their'and shall 6 britight to priise God� -World match trust Is, formed In � Dr. - Charles Ste , - 00 '. "VEMTX$E IN 'UP. SrAft fo� theLl'
L � , , L . � . I . � Pridbam, Mr. Fr or even, to gi�e one FREE first , .
I I L'.. C I Ititnetz, , f4mous ed ...... :1.. 5 . . I . I L user In each locality who will � help - ,
I . � I I sins, in pro�peylng iliesn In material OThen shat �sieth yield her in. : S YM&W. - Parsons, - Mr. Lie , L'
J, L L . I - �
" . . . L . L , I the net G. . ... 6.00 I
. : I I . . , 'things 4114 in f4vorlog- them His crease: and God,, even out- own Godi Federal German. troops keep Sax- electrical wisiArd, is dead. in, Mr. A.M......... . .. -him. introduce it. Write Itim today ,
. . ' � . r p1l'pirtlenlars. A]so ask
14... IV . )*cullstr Poo ov'o all the n3.4 - shall bless no, God shot our loyALI., I I SaraAess. defeats Happy Thoughts, Robertso Ir, 00 Child'en 10rf ii�* to.., ,, -
� I � � � , TO, ab , ons I ble,qs us ,, R6bertsoii,-�Rr. Claren . � : for f
A . . I , . � i i . . I Up'Lan in $16.060 match at Laurel. ce_.. ,5 00, , . I
I (' - IL , I I . . . In this 6 th psalm be gathers' d all, the ends of the earth, abouf - Polloh, Premier pre a UP, -OR explain 'how ,you can get the agency,
, . . - I , 'pa,res to ot I Ruston, Mr4'..i...,,..'._.... 5 0o . - r -FLETSHER's . � I
'I L' . � I . I L fear him" * -('Verse$ 6o 7), 'Tbe suo. -eighth Highlanders hold re- , -
;�� , . . *4 those blessings, p It were, � and dictittorslifis, � PortY rmorles, , -, ,. I - John...___ 5 0o . . and .-mcithoiA experience or monpy�,.. . .
�' ' . . attempt L t � vieW.drllt In Toronto A Roberts,'Mrs. . I I- I make $250 to ;500'per, month. - � .
�� 11.11 ,� � 11 . , POM out his soul in one grand song, Coss of the gospo ContakuniSte'L C� 4a C -Al= .'"ORIA
. � . I . 11 _Udoes bring out� pture Ten-sn'Illion-dollar ilinbpr limit de- Rothwell, Mr. T, 9, (Torotite) 6 00 .
l of longing 4ftor God, not � ulone for, ward mercies along w th � it -In Hamburg, but fall. . .,;.A I L 1 . L I I . L . : . . .
'�. L. � 11 --.----.
. 'i $t,04.Cross Society of Ott rA , a holds � I . 0': 11 I . . .
I I I I I __ 1, L . I Rhynits, Mrs. 0. (Brautfoi4) -2 00 - - ____ -,-,.-- :2��
. . I . . ,L himself, nor' it, � I veloptneat scheme planned in Que6ec.1 H 1� — . . . . .
L ; ,Yet for the Jows, but for that day shall the branch of Ih Lord France aq,,ees to British proposal ebertson, Mr. J, _ 0 � L I ___ -M" W L _1M.F.I.....11 .... �
" � � � 1. all peoples. L It Ia the Same the . . I ,,.. - -_.. 5 ID . i
1. � . longing I he fruitful and glorlouso and fruit selut-auttual. meeting. . ': _ obins, Mr. M... 0. � I . . . " � , _ . ... 1. 1. ;:
I .for Reparations Conference of 1@x, :.,!. I W. ... 15 00 . . . , _. I
. . I .
� L . In. the .Hug& block of native silver is fou. ad I . I .
9011nd Us the central thought i of the .,earth shall be excellent and 1 eynolds;'Mr. Rv- G ..',_.. - , 400 .
I I � Numbe . . I I,
I L L'. ,� I InL, I a Doris.. . I . . � ..
"� . � L . r$ O�- I I I
, � I - . lWe8t1y benediction comal.v for them that* are escaped of In. 0111108 limit at Cob M . _: L . Id, Mr. C. A ' ,.,*. * .
I 1. I . . - � ' jrati0o'a of . 1. ... I ,.�,. . . �
I I �� �L . L I 1 '1446. �, � . Teriel" (10a. 4;2)� � � . . Canadian ap United States con;mentS Lto'V . 6-00 - . .L 'A .. RAR 9 ..,,BARGAIN
.. I . I I .pies bring good prfees c - .
I '-� . � . I I I . ondition that cominibsioiC names a*,. Sale, Mrs, (Dr,) ...... ;...... 5.00 . . . I . i I . . I—. .11 �
.4 .. N I . .. L - "'The Uict bless, and keep thee, ' I The psalmist doconli - believe th .on Old Country markeu. perts., .1 ... 17 w I . - , - I I 1. � I I . . f,
,4 at . Saults, Mr� 33, J.,.... ... � ... 6 00 ,,. .
I 1� � . . . I . . I It I I ',By special arrangement: with the.�,,Faffiily Herald, .and ..
I . I � 'Tile Lord make, III ,tod's goodness Ila, le killed at Undo , Oat., by . I * L
I , , LL I . I L I .a face Lto. shine upoi% C s, been rostrl,t6d to, 11 I Men) Mrs, Ma I I L .1 I ..
lk .17" �1' . �11111191110101ktalnlng strychnine. , AyInter taxi-driver charged with Sw 91111S...._ a 00
I . - Israel, but be has the missionary d d\With Lm4n8laUghtek following . . J_..*.._".L., .2 V al, we, are 614
I I . I , i - : I _1 I 1. . �Tbp thee, and be gracious unto thee. a- , q Three Ottawa �doetw"15,6U;ligo Aftth of lit SaZa, Mrs. B . L, - Veekly Star oi Montm L tb offer that:gr6at L . I
.1, I . I �!. . . .'L. . Lord lift up'.1sis countenance up.,'sire strong; in Ilia soul andwoAo.d that tie glrl� . I ... ,-.. SauIts, Misgkjrene�. ......... . 2 ,'Do" ' faniily and far paper at a very.-att 611ve price. . . . I I -
L � . I . . . L III .
I . # I � I . I I . �� . . , I on thee,: and I give thee peace.". 1411migbt "Tasto,'aiiii see tri ' illegal issuo of narcotic drugs, . " .. L- . . . . .1 I 1 . Ya 1. .. . L . .
. .
. . ,� I 'ric Cfed4e� u , D" Banting wints Nobel honor. SaUlta., LMiSS Irene. .... 1 2 00, . . I . 1 112 00, . I , )�
, . � 3V . . L:&.. . . . t
. I .. . . . . V1086 1.1—"God be"'�merciful unto 9o0W'* !* 'Alexander MacLaron rilftuce.C6m rgea form;xtion ,of _.
. . d... . . 2 00 : . L I
: � . , - , 1. .. I I :. * , � lit Cod is ' ]Ls shared with Dr, Pes�, Ilia - tello SaUlta, Miss � Etta.:, .TLhe Fam' sti I
14 . . A", Ms; and bloss,us;,. strul,cause his Tace guy$ of this PsaIm--PThJS psalm 1 L mission In Britain, ', 1 SalloWS, 'AIrS.L Jfio ........... j.., I ily HOW and W Lekly Star Co. 0 . .
��,. . . . , L . . 1, ,L e , .
, " L a worker. , �. 5 00 I '.
, I . L L
'' - . 1 . to shine NOW Parliamentary crisis in Berlin , - � 00 . .. L . . �L
.. , 'This is a special it truly missionary psalm, in its cicaj - , Canada's exports lnc��age by nealt- 86ager, Mr. Chas.,_ ., I - I . ,� . . I .
-� P , , - . L. . open U * a." . I . I . I . It , I . . . . �.. ..
I I ",.� .(.� I , L prWr for the rosperit? of the J niay,ead Stresemanift Government, . I . , . I . -
I . 't . . . . I
I . . _W. anticipatiod of the Univirsal a0read - Jr.. Uunto WInSL MOMASte: . I ... -p �: I . . . . I . I ... ; __1
� ,1� , I -.1, 7 P05400,000 for tw ve -aoEth On& Sharman, Mr. Ileg.....:.,,.: 00 .e"ear L.� : .1 . I : _. I L
'I'' ' . . . 01 ; '.' , . . , . . .1 L L I . . I . 11
L . . . . . � Ish. church, Tgo Pstilmist In 41tio of the kno wleils"f- God, In - its UA'"" ing'.9-optoillb0z. , I . Saul*,xr. W W� "'. 5 00 fiL, �G ''de , L h Star , ... . 1. ..
. .11 .. . 'llm alty tr4ok. and dold championship. � $2.00 L . ' . . . . "
I � . I 0 1 ' and Welfare -Saunde . ........ /I e o ric , costs, . . . I
i- , I , praying gI ,usf of the, thoughtthat the Church �L Ottawa, to MAIL fans are 'lot "UP' Leigiso �Pli�nN irs, ur" AlW , , , 1; oo T . ; �
, j� � . . ... yes, bx re�ston- to a long- gi BrItubj, W010,91ne
J, I . . I I ing that was - ful y ans I t � . . � I I .. � . . . . per year I �. . . 4"
L � ? wered in the -halt to blessissiri In 6rdej to..the evurt. Porting"00i interprovincial team. headqxmrtero� " � $ �;i; la.-. ". _ � . . '.
I' I . ri ,.In Toronto Canadian !Swaffioldg - Miss. . L �.
1. . . . 2:00 . . I I
t ; sLo 1Z . . , I �'., " I I .: .. L
�. � � I . . comisig of the. ,Son of God, who him. ' U atioli of the world, and in its iti. " 1. I I . Sturdy, Miss� G u e ....... 111. . `Ne- 'now I ,. I . �,
I , ,�, . i , I I I Nar said, '1 * am the light *of the teosity of longing that from all the _ ,t. A, Redavaland. INI.P.P., makes Questlan of admIsslon of Can4dian $Pence, Mr. A 11.,'..'.. - '. 6 00 I . . . . L, ls�ffer . � . I 11
I .. I I I . � attack 00 O,T,A. And its enforcement. .... � 5 00 '. . . 0 L: � . -L
,� � It.. ! I 'b* . ' '
I . .; . . � I 1. world; 'he, that followath me shall not ends Or the vartIva shout of praise cattle into Britain discussed In Jut-' Sinclair, Mrs, * Ellen - - ', - � . 2 00- DQ ,F
I . I walk in darkness, but shall havothe Juny Re'lip to the God, who. has sent . Battlwin's, proposals. toi- tiscal, porial 4 I I .. Strang, Nin. H, 1'.._L ' .L . � .
. .1 l . I I
� I .' . . .� 10haagge may entail general olea ion bstferettep, . . . 2 04 08NOTH PAPEEMS R $3.5 , : - - L
, - I I . L -. L . . His light Into them all, � Liquor for "Mekleoll Via Wellau i , Ro,val'10rain, Comiq sits at L Sturdy, Mr. Fred. , ' * '. * '. I . . I
I .11 � , I L light of life,," (John 8 312) . , � .1saien I I I 1
_. , . I . Ti I some rays of n(A L P 2 00 . . I . - . . .
. Y"se 20.1,� tat, thy wtiy_ r L """*" ' '
" I )., � I . , , L nay be and,committed to Hisr p6ople.tho Wk � Cana) never geta beyo ott Col- AfOutreal, Where f4ilklin Greater St. Stewart, Mr. Fred ......... I . 1. I I 11 - I 1. . ;
., I . ; . . I known upork, earth# Ith Oro. carrying a brioter illumination borne. 0 . % . . . Layereucjo Water.ways CommissiOn is Taylor, Mrs. - - : 5 OQ -%. L YOU SAVE'50c.-. I I I I
"I : ,. �Zlnong all nations," 'T � -_ I . expreo8eit ' L, I . Win. ...*111.1 ' I L . . .
�- - I L I . I . his is a, spe. to every, 1"d, "God bath shined In- Schooner Columbia is repaired and . L Taylor, Dr. �ffarol� ........ L'. 5 00 L 1. .. . I . . I , , . .
, I �. . � i6al prayer for the converslon of the to out hearts� that w 01ho H We Bank depositors' committee Tomp Mrs. 1. E. L I I - . �
1; . . I . Fsails for- Halifax' for,r0e *JtIt/the I � ...... In additkoll,,' each subscriber repei ' UL I
I L . . . orses aetiotta 6 00 �. � ves . a BEAU . TIF .
. I . I IV .1 . end 0 6T provincial liquiL Taylor, Mrs, j. W_ . .
� Gentiles. 'It is in other words the! light of the, kstowledol�1041ytflo glory Bluenose. . ........ 5 ,00 . : . . I
4 L . I . . . J - go ' , ! (11%tors, twaup4roves early realization Ulselaeker, Mr..... . ........ ., PICTLHRE. ENTITLED' I . I . ..
.. I . , . � . . I
. . il I ,g,rayer of the Saviour.. when ho�'OfGod * 11 . . UttriftobAL.leads Dominion ker birt . . I 5 00 : - ,. I -1 � . � � . . 1� . I
. i, . . � - , ' . I . . it 011, assetb. . .. Vanatter, -Mr. Jno ..... '00 ' . .. . 19 I .. ,
." will. L I - ---- L I I ., � .
- - -
' . ' . - I aught hisdisciples 'to pr ____ , rAte__UZ_,L)kA. ,�A11—e-1.)004- .100, . . Aterento Woolcombe; -LIVIr. F . , �, �� ------5,00 1 1 , "Th.e WO.Oderful lier0i " ,� . I
� ' �.'� J%., ,, . kin0iltim" 6me,, -thy � _ 11 11.1- UR1-,D;:-AfISSI0 !A& -'1L0_ WItteo of 12hporl " ____ . , �_
. , . . XS, .: L 2 .
. , a 'L at 4 . Pe
. 'L, . b ? I 0 ' done at,Ottawa; , . . - � I _ I a__ ___ _ L . ,
. -11 U* A very .. . I., � . work of ,grfi,fin'len C,Q or$, N 1 8 x, _�_4 , .. ,
, . 1, . I I 0' The 1'rogreas or ChAstianitk I , , L . ace"ta proposal -of Secretary Hughes : "T, . __��_Thii 'giatitifdIF I _
� , � . earth 64 it Is in heavei , Wigle, Mi% E. R...., ., ,.j,': - 5 -,bo Litt, , .
S 4 11412 One dt-ad; � s;�vi% hurt,. when aUto III regard to 12. Ile 11 It se rch for i
I litrorent spirit front that'that stj;'., For at least a4ven .. m m a Wit*, Mr. 'Choo.LL, * . . . . ,,�:. � . � L
. A , tot$ centuries Oftsho;1 .10to telegeaph , tole gear coutrabsUid liquor, . Wilson, Mrs. size,,.on. a. rich,, heavy paper, ready for frarning. 11
, � .
?_', - , I I Ired -the I psalmist prevailed in, Now 01tristlaulty has found a bome in Ia- Pembroke, . � w .: 1, . 0,00 . " . , .. �. I I .
. . I 1 I : I � .. h L W, . . � S. 0_..�_'. , ,2 00 " . . I . . . 11
, I * . �," . .- . Testament tinies, Here we so. how din. The .Syrian Chore .18 th6 � Wainwright -Park buffalo to be , -, Assessment Commissio4ce Forman Wallace, Mr. Win. . � . . , , , I . 1 2 00 i . Sep. the Pie'tuire on View io Th'; ' .17�
I ! � . , I . . . 011thpleco of ' L I ' I I I. . . . I .
I OPartment made lase of anti L Wood,
�L . I I abiitt ir I 8, .05L'that memb&s of Wiggins, I . .
_�,� . the Psalmist, us, the m first to gather converts, and it still slaughtered In 00yerlimont of Toronto doid I as Office
. . J liss E
� I . I t -be Israelites, longed to see the day oxbta as it Sep raw sect of a 0 1 it d _ ,dith ........ � . 2 00 . .. ,Orders for this Club nillst - I - . 1.
.. . I I 00 bl. 0. P orster un noutces. . Mr. Vrank.,�_,_ . 2 00
91 . .. . I , I . . 91 � .be sent. to .
, slumx I. I " ,
I , 7
7 1 1 1
1 1, �
I 1*
. . .
I I i I part. of tiala ar. _�
I - 1.
I . ,hes. trod's name Would be Icnowis, sov 11 -agmes off mijgle Whitely,L Dr. i B 15 00 I . . .. . � .
,. .: I %. . University of Toronto swimming propaganda to get . ' I . I
I �� I . . . I and revereneed ,4moiig the Gentiles,11101nan Catholicism, also,has had its relay- team may Compote tot Cattail' ' taxOrAl "titiou. � . . . - . . � rr*"F4 LtNr% I", L
. . . I Willis, Mrs. D' "
. I 1. 1, lan hismore ...... 0 but I . ,
I . .
. . 10 N. ul's day the' Jows were euraged siv centuries of struggles, and varied 0amplonshiv at Montreal, .� � NIOND.4y" Wilson, qXrS.L -Robe4t"L."..". r)'' OQ . I H GODER %-" STAR, .1 -
." � L 1 . at the: preaching of the Gospel to tile f6rtunes, and now vlaims, its 1,500,4' . Ilor -1tritili '.accused ot send Dutch Cabinet rosigus oftle(�. Wheeler, Mr, J. R .......... 5 00 I . . � . I I L
I - . UaX4 'Mal - . I .
�* Go"tiles.--I'Depart"for I *ill send 000 followers, It is over two ton- Ing false information to *'The Work- � To -onto 'man kined by..his olva Wartele, Mr. Chas.. � ...... � 100 00, I . I GOIDERICH,A)INT. I . ,
. d . * % shotgun.. I . , Mrs ............. .1 . I I 1. . - . . I . . ,
I . .. tltee fax, hentei unto'�'ths lGentileg..tUrles since the first Protestant mis- er" Is ou trial at Peterboro. Wiggins, I . �
. . . . Ii I I .. . And thoy gaNle him audlence unto sionaries landed and begun a work - Steamship Westmoreland, with .1 'FIN,-, ses loss of *20�000 at Wiggins,, Mrs. . .. 5 00 . . L � I I - . L'
.1 I I
. .. 'this word, und then lifted up their -which bas spread over the whole of orew of 80., has not been bf,ardof Wiarton. . I .......... 5 0 ��.P' t;;,�_ . ?
. . 0 . . . — -_ - �
I I � . Airalker, Mr.. W�;I, 11. 2 00
�C, I . . I . � ey..... 1. . - I
� . .
I � . . . V010014, � llvu-' Sala, Away with sych a Andia, out the niamberlof peoplo that
I . I I I om ; for it is. not have bepn brought to Christ are, in-
since distress algbAls were rocolved
by Danish ateamor'Phoonix. L
V, ;N. U. rolln'411011sa our4lea ar.
Strattord. . I
Whitehouse, Mrs. H_ , 5 a
Williams, Mrs. :,,� , *,,* '2
... I I fit that lie shouldi live" -. deed� far fewer than might have boon
'I) (Act, 92.
. .
. �
. LOghorns Olead in tilt., laying tests
,Henry.. 0
Youngi Mrs. Irarold...._.., 5 o
I . I . I
I � 21#.22 - This. was tile reception Paul expected; but it took many years to
Grain loadings nt Wh)n1pef; are In
at Ottawa. . �
'Young, Mpg, T..;.*, 20
. I : I I I - I receivc-A ,when he publiclyL PrOcIA101- 14Y 000111Y the 161111d4tiOn of Our MIS-
, I
excPas OE last 34ear.
Farme�lo ,svite cleaning her stove'
, '. .......
. .
. � � 11 ed ibig' allegiance to Jesus and told Mon organistatien. ,But , the 1 r6ore
L .k 144 LbeC
I I how be I 'It commiggioued to hidden and indirect ,results of Pro-
. .Ia
oommunist upriting Ia Hamburg
bas been supprt%sed. L
burAcd to death. , I
Argonauts and Himilton win Inter-
. . .
pre-Ach the gospel to the Gentiles, festaut Christian efforts In this land
I I L The Psalmist prays forthree dis. opeourage the Christian worker mqre
Toronto coal dealers, report fall, L
supply of Albort,J coal.
provincial Union gamc%
Plundering of shops in r.t,*hr*aro
The.fixilowing Is n llc.,t ,It ut�%v -�
in tlu,LpUIJI I0 Ilkal�. - ,
1 L I .
I.L tinet things in ,Connection with the than all the direct -results. The'n6w
Cobalt sees vision''ot .tn'Other big,
continuing Uftinyerrtipt�dlyn . .
,Toronio Irlsh and Oslja�va tie, I to',
. w ,__ .
Tho Trial or"the aolflen Horn
� .� . . volivevalon of' the, Gentiles, (1) spirit which Ills tAktn Possession of
. I That they might know Godli� law-, tile Classes In India is iflatriking con-
boon' on s6uthosa lluuts.
Axitolvt killed near Simeoe ,after
1. In Robe."tson CUP, selul-fibitt. .
, .
11. A. Vot�
fronhoart .W.
1. . 11 . � ...- - I �1 , i , ! I . ...,...,...W
� I l I I . L -
0014ing Collision with buggy,
� " It % Ike
L Heldup man, waito In HamiltozL ga-
rage for buttlior ,with big bankroll.
....... A ... i.. X nalb
Spirit 1.31,t . ..... .,.. Artbur.fleinin:
1. 0 0.1 aciallian, "lly ylpa;s on
staff Of. OttaW� Colle!;Mto, Is dvad.
Poln�are agtalu Inpistg that France
Penny 1-4-4411 ............ 4 09 DOUgIA
Mlw 811on,�
� I
I ,Ontario ehOese, f9gs and honey
will not agree to reduction of repar-
ations. � I
.,,..�� ....... 0, Douglal
ItUfu4 .... _.... (;r1t,vp Itliqlatoll,
,lead At British Purtners' Dairy Slid*,
. Uoyat Grain Commissidet told '09
'. . �
Prtstdout Ebert 0111powors Strese-
maun 1.6'rNitove Ited GOVeinment of
T110 WhIre �lag (knit, '4trattou Portty
The SOUP with tilt- trou Door -.
lkegl6t of Tr#nseontfn(-utaI Hallway.
� , Attempt by Separatists to set lip
Saxony. � . I
I ................ 11,1rold Bell Wrigh
ropubllo� Ih Rhineland,not MaRIng
Both Political lsartll�s lit United
Wat" oppose4 to uharing Europe**
Tbo'Ala<;Ran ........ .. 1. A.-J!nr%vonj
:The Uatnt, all4i thp (,11U(II(w
headwal", .
lalpl�,rlal CouRrenei, illuenused
queation of taxatlith of State-owned
troublev. . .
n6v. or. 8. D,-0I1QVvA Preaches at
. .....
-�..., ........ I ...... . loseph IT(K-kful
R'nebanted'April .. .......... ; Auqj
enterprises. .
of now Gerrard Nlethodlat
Church, Torouto. i, I
Pilot unit t'teat)ipr .*. Patillue Johns,01
Judde Choquette. just back from,
r, 11911ad, says Promfer King ranks
. L ' .
. N-(�
� ,W at. 1)"UstAu's llutdab Catho-
Over the Footlights t,;tPpl1(,U f&neoel
The pasqIng- Throng � ... Vdgar Out-,
with Laurier. I
lie (!batch, Toronto, Is dedieated by
AtChbi2PACIP MC.Neil. .
X,ater I'looms .......... Illiss ilarmal
I Too rapid deflation the eauso ot
W. J. 8011thant, Hamilton Publish-
(it ir Canadian Literatuiri, ... � ........
�"ousvloyineat In Britain, 046 Itt'g-
Inald McKenna.
Vr, InJUre4 When thrown front horse
- 4
... Watson & Pler(.4
i�111�;Ii;.�; , ii",�.4i4*1; �
. ,(
St. Niell"tel's defcat Wclstti 'to lont-
at annual grailtbana.
B.-Itish Judges at eibibl[tion declare
,� ........ ........ I
*.. � ......... I'Voliell & .Xirkpatrlel
werSitY at intereolleg"fate JAWria0ill-
Canada's Itc-d Meintoals, - apple -4pat.
bz it) Laugh ... ;..... . L,dna 001stel
:at(, -aprloa by 2.8 to 0. .
dessert apple in rutpire.
. 14
140WO FOIL 1111Y14 ANI) GIRLS 1
Duteh Govornmeut elwply watch-
Montreal millera beforo Grain
The 1,011(kNOMPSt' 0011 ... A. li' Drowt
lug 4etiVitiva of ex-Italser at Doorn
Commisilon, charge wheat Ia nifled in
Tali- of 1,elpr lZ8l)l)Itt ...... 1�. 1-,otiel
��bj has doubled guard.
transit via 111110d Stater,.
Tho Dati-It 1r%vlU4 .. L, F. Perkhti
"premo, Conticit of Scottish 11itc,
Cotdiflons In Europe graphleally
A Vhilil',�, (;�Irdpjj 96orst, ..........
torcanada, Naso.js Uolds ani.t-al r,,,,,U-
all'a and confers "dvrd dk=e.
jaosez`�cl by Dr. 0. ,',4141rcvood 1'ddy
- * , , - - - - * It. L. 114twi'll.;0%.
Total of first two dayEV 4eisatribu-
-it 0��Vaeatlork Hall, Toronto.
"P11111, Granvillp or Halailtua
1111-1111 ................ Jobanin 1.4pyrl
111i.v Tolmall, 51.11 . ...... I
Nono to Toronto ,**c4prition for Com-
munity Service roae,ho8 $143.448.87.
. . . . .
cinadi'a %vall"iall" ebanipioa. %V1110
V, q,. (�f-;�c,n-ntil(,,Pllat,�l,-Ii.oar.1hill.
* ........... I ....... . VOrnian I)II110al
A 4141 of Tivat .......... It. Ilarrl!vIl
. i
Wat(-r saftly of Canadian ejttol�
bNag SONOUSIS turtalled"'throug'A -ffi-
qac�ws T_-1%b-()r0Y,V - VDlors scora,
MOIr Wlrd MKV043�,5%fl Whi in tho In.
Valitallia 41ourageou" ........ It fills'.11s;p
The Prillet, and'ilw llaulwr
'Ver -6101% N'Urvat takes supply by
tertollPxiato rokifimll I'Mon whon,
...................... *. Slarh T%vabi
tbvz� twat McGill, IZI to 31.
VrklirO of thf, 4",leb'd6h T� T. 1.1ullev
, .
�_ __ __
llhe t4ton, of a I'Lid. Roy 11'. 1'.. Aldritil
tMt 'With.' the spirit of the psst�
'.� , � I
A NOW0 nisasttr
llie Organ Trail ... Ptaia+q 1�-IrLaj '110
The Ring of Mw (40141(�u Ith'ier
Th6 spir-It and priticiles of C,firis-
Ttvq gfttlemen wt,te once travel.
1, isind.
ianity'will prevsil a dominate the ling toother through the moulitains.
T)* educational vAtem. ,0161ch � Arrived xt,an itm, ont', nayned Black-
........................ . Tollu Ituchi
11140 , fl�ra,on.t Oea%�R I'll 121c,allor It. Porter
now Prevails. "Itild which im.� gtowing
burnt went itkto tm SMOkift r00W#
Xaj�;MS�la ,sh*y. l)J.1M1,r,11 3r.tw-l...
power. N disti6cfly a promoter of
and returnM in A few Thinutes" look-
***. It *'K Huntington
chvistiml thooght and priociple.
,A 1
Chrot ItIcAl of Life i 'Re4itiring
ing so d6pr�ised t1titt At oth*j amk.,- 45&rry
t y . ........... l,,tl1f.I llup�qjjn
113u�tvr"4 of dki,� ,Rilolcp ............
� i�v�r
� tp
illerrasin 9 aftrstctisn and mw-�,
hi the �; land. chri.1tianity 'Will
,"What's the iftlattert tT4*,V0
(*� 0. 1% Itolwrt.�4
il'e, i�nilvr Im"i ....... . N 11awfl.ornp
gtow in itifluence and ift(rft-,* in ibk I
41why� 1%
mo, lost thm betttr part 01tTan4lowittiAl
Tdlet� ....N. Ittlwahotilp
pr6valem* XMfil wl� all t*" my with
We ClItunder $on.
ray %W
, owl." "Ia sllirkbtirfis It,
h6Jkrt4irA,0Vt tftet., I
ITIAt. 110,vn' T 'lie Olt Mll.,,,en ..........
, ewlowc
IV. m 'rafT
11 , and with muelb
MOVY 89"XAnCe, tblin he. "fttit bUtll
Wa9k it stoleb, or di'a IOU 10%,re it
, � Lord llolwrt .. ..........
P� worthy to Wear the diader "
behindl* I
It. T. U Wht4,lve
4 1p�ift.
Qnd Ito '44mll Uve it." I
,,Worse thisft elfliff—the Cott
Vanflollgail ......... ET-m-,zt 'Jr. %foll
IM6- r9
4 'ft� 1*,.q,*n SLA� .4,�-,%
W, � I I I � t ""=,7y. came 1011T4 �, 41 15 k1a .... .-. 4.10:(T
��111" I I , " ,A� '.. .4, Idlip- � I - 6 I
4 Vol " � ,jp , - - '�:, - "I—, _ - � .- �
_ ___ — - �_ - - - r�_ = --=
- . — � .- F� - - _. UP41--qw-6.1.4 I I T . — , I �_ __1 - 41W,R. . ._ �, �
-, -.0— ,_ - - - . - . ---.-. _= _____, � , - _ _.. _. �_ -::� --C�111110111mwa I ZILZR=_��
- - __ __ __ — = __ _______. __ , __ ______,