HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-10-18, Page 10- I - .. r �. �� 7_-.-1!�­;77j,E7__-- ..W------ ------,T------T-- ___` T__ T---- - - -V_ _V7-- Z= -T- I ., l==:.y -_ __==,,,__ __Ai -_ W"wir . � , . I � - .,�-. `!, - :X. - -7.;- . Ar , - -- --; i - - - - I . , -. T 'I - __ -,- I ­ . -_ � �, . I �. 'I I i � 0) . 14 I . — . . . . 1?�,, ;;;�;�� - . , � � I I I—- _. .111 . I- .. . . NO i - i P . . !.:�, ,. �, i *051110"O"10011111100111111111" .. - 0, =r= - _� ­___ - , 1 _! !_ .- ­�__� I �­"­­ ­­­­--- �­ - ­ 11 - � I - 111. I I . ­ - - - - �- ­­ - - -.1-1. 1-1 - � , -, , - — I , -_� THE GODERICH STAR � I I *.. .. IFACAX Tax, ­ . I t - - - ...�, � I I � . . � . . - � . ,TUUXSV,AX VCT, U 1. I I ..1.1--l- 1. I - I ­ -11 . - - -111.1 I I 11 � �. i . I ! ! I ­_ , -,----- - . - ­_­ ___ ;_ � I - �t�­;;� _�;��,",;_ � i A I .. 11 "No"14"a � --­­-­'­- I - I W - Ir I 11 % � 4'. I , , ­... .111'.. -�Wrty of John (4rdner, a far$* ­­ I- *111 - - __ __ ­ I .11 ­.­--- __ __ - � - 1W �, . . � . � Pro x1var M gan AT I 1� - . _=:h I- I I I ': '.. 'e fcrrieva ard that of RfAort CORCH , - i AiFedal, 'N � � ,,, I .. . 4_-,------ ­- --- - - �ftjoff TEN Up - - r.liji,tt, fitolid ct jitfiit- ac i,wditl"W, and - X. Z We= MO 0 DIFFIPULTY ii� OW4 — 00____-_ ­­ 1111.1111i 11.1 . fierce dog NSK which taxed the. skill _� � is thq�sislr Ve � P, 1% . � hosforysar . ,, COLBORNE S STORM' - ,, I 't their respft.five OWN00 rharth W010 304a"fally an# Artisli. " '4�� , 1. your howss loWoro a4ator �9114 tact C - � 0 11 . .. t . ; saft'in with to the uftrio4t in an endeavor to "p. tally XW#r*tod for Thasksgiv- RMEWSWPARTY � 11 11 �. ­­­ - ­­­ 11 'L 1. !;;�r � PHON9 86, , ., ! I ; .1 Eventually Mr. Gardner , ,as boryim , . � . ,,�. .. " *"*,:�w I : . -, succ in Pulling bi# Conine friend Tbeffarrao Home serviceit I*Nottb For,the gooft� ' * I k a**y by gr"ping it forcibly by its S,tr,vos 14 f I . bobbed tail unit swinging him, around �'s , . � wero very 10fosedlog awl welistSwiloa, '. i . .: and round out of reach of its savoize the evieulag v"greg#t1ou being t*poci. . " ' I 310404114 V*Vveb JAVA )iUXd*Y u"Ifewovk. Fine linon llawl. .WALL Woralliefti or a daiuty cam1*011a Uress C*oods, Silks ana �j oves I i , . litile assailant on the offensive. Mr. Rily 141`94� TWO AltAr tail sild the V141A, loosell. I - . I . I � , IV 9% I Elliott finally sacceeded after re' V;rra of thechurob were bcaufifuHy*%4 These three departments havo the very smartest,styies and � 1 I t i n L peated endeavora And attackil in in- astist,cally 4mrstvid with &utuma For the gentlemau—Cards in �- designs, Never bas,our $ Ik _.,�-I.i . I P A flueneing his,dog to'beat it for --home flowers, VeR01414tossad fruit*, *ad mazy book form. Asfii-tiays with and dove Departwept bwa waar fawd io in"et the �jemand � ilk �(,­ . 09 X -A I— r.,K like the tivevelbial Brung. e s.Dfille'piibR�, . TAUX feluslks WON 110AT4 as to %be §W#416- Sports^figilrev, Cigarette bolders. I All Wool Serges, 54 UICTV�; Wide, in Pavy aW black, from $1.25 to I"."' in. yd. - 1 4 lord Weafou had nothing stronger plaved; It was wallwowth scaixg. Tbo , . The fiml of 1113 uew ratterf a than a psil of C014 water ready to el"1311411004 JAI cliarge of the decorations, Many amusing articlask for All NVO01 Tdcotina and Satin finished Poi ret Twills, 54 inches wide, frorn 0.50 to $4.50 ,, � i for 191.13 and Vul i aro slow on bring the ferocious combatants back were Xv. GAO. Lallibwalte, Mr. siad Xro, this alwoys popular booby prize. � � ' diaplay. . to their right senses, jock. Xr. AW Ut#. eat*. Nis# saffoy. � . Costurne. Velvets III bldck and seat brown, 30, inches wide, $3.00 a Y4, � ." I I �'.11 . I - slid lldls,� Mooney. 'Thew Were thanked 0sr4% Tallios, Va"ev Piano, $ $kIrting Velvets In grey and brown stripes, ,9 Inches widg, $2.2S y4 , . , . . I ,% All wide vil.h p3pora frum . ASHMID by rho Imtor at the ovoulag wriloo. . . 't ' , " . I 121.0 Up Xles Belle Tavlor, at Wow, lij%jalt. Tile 214,0 rellacro4fille music "WI, I La Velva Velvet in seat llrow% black., uax�,,, Wage and go.y. This is the 11test word in $ 1 1 . log her swer, U.m. soll Webou at* to the AUYI In $We Ausboms, tho toici MISS So, NOBLE Velvet. 01 I � . I .1 . . 111, V I I K1141411. � wo a$ and dtict Patois belug- toketi by miss . 4 1 Pucker Knit Silk, in brown, bla&, ivivy blage and silver grey, is -bine of t e I Iftewest I -�., I I folborne and Mr. Fred Holme I I- .. . , I 11 , � , T,ffE'40R1G1NAL`, 168, 1)"llean, VOLQuosit rot"fuV3 logli' N011a C , , . � At the mornJOIA 108tvIce, Rov. J**W, __,___ - - "' -_1 -1 novelty gooU . . I . . I week from 0i vNil; with fda'AS' to 014"i secirelary of the -B1410 $001001, - I � . � I flop Toronto I A 'US' , I Canton Crepes, and Flat Cropes, 1114ck, na,yy. blege, sand, silver g�ey and- white frorn I T� . G/If r S �, , I : Occupied the pulpit'so(fPresielotedtim � . I . � . . --p- I _10 - W _ mist Ann$, Naelcenzia spent the, elailps of the Bible F�ocleity. In the Yr. -and Mrs. Win. Paterson, of the $2.50 to $5.00. 1 � I . ; , . =:=!= week -olid with bar Irlead, Miss Tabiths evening she pastor took for his subject village, visited friends in Galt last . Y� " . . . � . . I I . I . . I 'Much Irvin, Little," fount , week I I I I I ev r - . .. . �. , . xloulpt6a, In Ripley. . . U4 upon th� - . 11 � GLOVES . I . ; �% . Misses M. . 11 . , sty jj� MaekoaZleatld arsea, passage In KingN 17, 14., Beteris4ces The saw inill; is running this week, -.� i I . , McLennan, of LaurloF; Dr. L. M. Mabee 'Were W to the bountiful hoirveo, closing up tl . I I I .. . 14 i he se4sowa business for Wasbable Capp '(4'jIQV0S, M64a Gr3es, Su4les, Chaniolse"and Kidi -or P. K., in sbort or - � . I W.- '. � I I � I I . I I I suit %' U. Robertson of Ooftrlob, Were gathered h. for willob, wo sbou.14 be another year. . gauntlet length, In all shades to =tch the ne* fall gooft. Prices from, $1 -So to V,00 1 1 1 -4� 1 . . 11 I I the,gaestis of Mr. and Mrs. RoyMaclCell. thankful. To the law of Increase Pro. Last week Mrs. John J. Wilson . I . ( . � I . I 11 , I 1 Pdo"of 111ploy, on Sunday. , valling In the harvest, to the mystery of And family spent a part of the week -1 1- I _ , ,. . .. - .. - I � 4 Urs, Win. .Uoeldngb&m, MISS jess,a life In every seed, su4 Ocills w1stobtal, I it. � I .1 . � . �­­ 11 -4. . _ _p�- , . f � r ing friends. in GpdeMcb, . ; . I . I I .. . I I k , I - : . . Buckingham. Mrs. J, N. MacKenzie MV o4yo ever all. Wily should we, Wom , at , I � . 1. . , 4 � , . . Nri ilea Si . I - il I . I � - I 11cary Mxcl(isazle and Art, Dan McLean uawlegolyi Vo who Increased the , ,. Chir raughan spent a � I � widow's b4rrvI Of socal au4 erase at oil few dAY0 the f9mer part of last . ir lr:30-R L '' '' 8 S.tORE . �� .... I 11. . motored to Ayr to attend the funeral of 1wlil not forgot its. may we never forget week visiting1riends in Goderich. . coi-jJ13111 _. _.- . . . . . . . e I - . . . . '- ­ I .... I'll I the late Ww. Black on Monday. 0.04 thin o. The I -, V ... I . I � . ti i 11 I I I ­ � _.,,991F__.1_ Mr.pancom Monaosof Laurier; A I tiss thoGiverovallithe"9 LASt '.Week Potatoes 9nd j"Angolds, " TRE HOV6E: OV RELTABlUTY" . I . ----! w_- 4i4l .. whole service was Of 0M 41SPIC1119 04- occupied the attention of the , farm. "M I I , , I I . . . , � . 1, � . Duella, ClOws", Of 'Ve"llOok CIO'; Pdlss turo,,4ad will act o0ou bo forgotten., , . I . � . .1 4. � . . . " '. _ � . . I I " ­ 11 13AYIPIELD Luella Flolayso". of Loolialqb" Miss , - I . Ing 'Community" -`, In another week 11 .1 I .1 I. .. � ­ I .. � . . I .1 ... 111111.1- . . I ­ 11, - . ­ . .....1-111-1111 � I - . ­ I ' I I V 1- a ffar,4arot Upbeod'i Of LAuess And Air, most of the threshing 'will be c9m. I I I I .... I . - ' ' I ,, � I -1 I � ­ I . I � ­ I . I I . L � ­ .. I I I , I I., I ­ 1. I . I I Service in Rayfleld church oil th DUNGANNON . Pleted. . '. . � . � . . , L - � I - 1A . I . .. - I I . 'T 11 — - - I I I �:11 . �. . Virthodist circuit will be, held here on Frank Washington, of Rintall, attend Ur. Win, Ballie, of Gooerlah, w4t Ju 'rat; Me — __ , , 't- , . ­ 11.111, I -.1 - 71 . - ­ . ad the Toachei s' Convention la Xxeto� I 'he upper par- - L I � . ' L - L Innoce q � � ­ ii -k- . . , . . � Is US- . . ., , N.StWL , . " I . I nee I , 11 � . . I .1 - Sunday, Oct. 21st, At I V, m. o # Clinelly -has t . �Ilshed armour., � .1 , . tion of his new steel barn completed. . L adorne,an s H ' P . . . . � )%it weelf, L Dongallooti on Wednesday COM I H . T.O.W � NILS a �'. � I uat, and the time table Will alternate , ---b ...... A"--* . L , C , , it d iend.5. , � � LL L I 'L, ' I i 'with Hethelappolatment,,whioll holds, � . SE"M04% . f , Ur and Ura. ,T. $. Ryan italted This Week he is ettilif the lumber Harvest Home and rowi Supper�j .Ail6I'Vbi#&ry'.SarvIce-Ek will be bbld at __ � 14 11. . . . I 11 1 . 1. . � pervice,* 10-30 every other Sunday., Mrf�, iVnds in Wingbaw on Sunday, caLfor Ills etabfilk, 'a . intends to On Sunday afterligou, Oct, 21st, at 8� the Kilo -ChOrch .0a: Suo4ays. Octobel! - 11 11 , I . . -t , I . . � . , , '. Rev. LT - r P. m., 4L harvest home'service will'be 280ij Two j!ervicas will be lie4d Of I . I .. . 11 I � - . I I . Miss Gertrude Gledhill aW alloot . ,4# 8a,wyer. of Milverton, ,gas have all completed.in a short time. I 11 I �, . I I I A Scands"O" yAs`ldeftt#--4Tha vll' Ray Moore have been spending AL few a At the varadnago ye0olitly, 'held in Union church, and the,vreach- which furtbo'r announcement will b&' . O.LV'L L . ' " "',vt 4 1. I � , Ailaiversary servicas were held In - R� mado neNt week. Xtev. Havola willbili, ' I 1. . I I . - ' . v L . I .. . . ; lage of Bqyfield finds, Itself now de. days with $rlond[4 at'StaiTor&iIle. Xuoh sympathy is felt for ROY.B. th or for th6,QcftoAon will be Rev � . l I rwrted of its scores and hundreds of � a Methodist church last Sunday, ,C ,�Xcb�ri�id. On the. f6jjQWLjpg. a former pastor will preach 0 both . � I - : . . I quaimer visitors and tourists who quite a number �rom this vicinity 110S in, tile loss at his fsthor,.,by desfil, both � Afternoon xad' evening, The , ' , services, , I . 1 1 , L I,,,, ,, I . attended the fowl supper avid cater- in Bagliaid. . Friday, October 26th,.'a fowl sup- � 01'' .1 . � S -T E S. . �11 � gook annual) to their favorite and , Rev. Air*. Tifflul,of Blyth, had oh4rge. I ..a I I � � - . I I I I "I ,. � �. I ", L ?" � i . i ' , ful lake aborei, resort. toinvient given at Taylo?s Corners . 98tY 19 laying 10 & good There per will be served in the �school house, . LOYAL . I � , � .. . . Mr. '461m a fts. a largw number prosentat *fter whj�b I I ; . I ; . I I . ill l(ist Monday night and 411 report an supply of wood at present.' Xr.,Jlasby both scfvjces� " � - . I a concert will be given � widow$ and bathelom I . . . , miss Isabel Clark Is -visiting , - - , , I . 1��, I I I . .1 . - , tier ' * NEW STOVES. I . � I �. . I . 1- believes In being Prepared. . . , . - in, the church by the Godorich Con ti, , of SaItford. 1 I I - . I . S L I I .�,O I I atitir 1*04clQuisly to their old camp. excellent time. - . . NoXt Sondo3r theie Will be anal. ceit Co.# cotoposed of Miss Edrie, Tylp, . � . . L I ,_ � . . �_ . . Ing.grounds and indeed they are not :Mrs. UcXio, daughter of Mr.., and Mt. MelvllIO Colbert has A Aumbet of co4sin, Fiss Bueban4 . L L I � .- vevsat services W the Presbyterian 8,0101r"t;L Mrs. Oakley, violinist- . I Dr,441111 Young and -Urs. Young L VE , . I , , . 11 . to - be censured for that, for Indeed Alri� Wra. Straugh* who, With bar toaals, drawing Inaterl4l for barrel litiad- churcZ ip the village morning And M ,, Miss of L, .Njj. , AlaX, GOOD,$TO T — 11 I 'k , I � . . ooney, reader; Mr. TU . Blackstone, visited at the. home I f*U I L . . I I . . I tile landscape hereabout -is A Pleasant children, has been , visitia I'D .. I � I I I . . � �� I I 1. � - � V friends lago"t Luollinow this WOOk. I evening. The, Rev. 1. A. Ferguson, comedian and 44tist; Mr-'� Wilkinson, Young. " - . i - , , I � STOVES ... I .. .'' - , . '. ) . : . I environment, but rathor�*je they to and relatives In this vicinity, -has re- A-u0mb0rtk0mh0rO %ttelk0d the �w Of'MOKillOPo will 0111clate at both mor. ,acoompsoj8t. L There Will also W ad- as. /MQPbee and - " '01EAP �' ,., I . I .. MV. ,and: l% � J, � 1 4,� L' � � be censured (the $piasters and baqb. turned to. her, ham . a' in Toronto, nlyot$ory SeirViLoes At St. A44,ows, viceii. On Stonday 0�pidng thorewill. dresses by Rev. 11, C. X;ePermid, arid I I . I L I . I . I , i I L . _ . . I . - " I �, J - their lonely I I Mrs. X6rea, of Goderich, spent Soo* I � I L I : clors) for church, -Port Albert, oil Sunday. . .. "I L I I . gredicament, Two of Mrs. Stewart's daughters � be a social in the church. A jood Rev. J. W. Hadley, . Admissioni day With Mr. Win, Mephijo. 11 . About, Half' H'Wred, L I I ... , I .1. . ' I L. . i. 1. . 4 mely Mr. and ' ' I I r ,_ I ,, "I .1 9i . L �L 4111 However the, younger an livelier, po- and ,.their husbands, pa -Mt, 804 - Ur3- acib"thaa Pattisi"14 Of time Is expected.- . � ­ ­ I I . vulatIon of the villa wingham, visited th I adults 50ci chll!jr�n I "� .01 � go 4W there are .Nits. Andre ,a latter�s slater" . 'e.- C . . . . I . i� L L �, . L � d jil L i ... � — , � . . . I . A I I L ,-�TTLE ON THE SPROE . , , wo and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, It. A. MOX04olos 60 804V One L Of tho. citiZons 'of. tba� -befgh-, . . . 111�1 .. ,j I . . I some P Gray" visite -home last week, 010. L ... � Ito Iii Stock - . . ,,. I I � , , something -more i 'toWbehips had boo me so ab CPM� ;' "' ' sideats; OVA,' cortalir se4l6n 'of , . L '.. I I ."'� ;i i .1 I . iarried 00up os)o crave for a old , 11 A - . . . . I . I I d. ,� . I I I . . I I , .11 . eXolting than watch. The latter couple ,%veto. married just Mrs. B. a., oewwfor4, Mra..T. G'. AJ1011. orbe , ,Of his World G."b. Durato. was 14 0 derich L ) ';t Greenock- ITO, . vltqes" "rho I%t I aSt'LMOdole I Ir . L .. .. -1 I :.,. 11,� . I I ­;��' � 7 - L I -3 ' a W in, tire, - OWN t ! O 4 04 *. A strange I '. I I ''I . ,� . inr '016 11811 bouts come in, or twice reeontly. . I. and Mrs. B. 1146h; . . 1 4 �toVe�, L . L I.% 1.�� i � . I I , t thar, d We ' WCek 011 bUSIZ1069, . 1, .. allil interestiliSt porform%aco ba ,Sat� . � . , , , 1, I , . . No in Due] � , were guests ato that.he Xbrso .ay of the ok 'Bob. Nonary ­ .. 1. � 8 (OhL woot . , . L , I ,;'Islied friend L . urday .evening When 40 i4al $to es'- I I , .0 I I v", � - 11 Ij It costs only twenty cent Ild- . I . a aiini-. , . ,. i __ . I . .: . , daily atriftl of Brandon's stage at Anow on �Vcduos4gy. : sad io4togd, of 4tterlding th li Away 'hard at cows, - The( moO eo()noua f i. . . : I thaL''310W past 0111co, the building of renLtan cents), and- It takes onLv a- Rev. Bo 1. Hays. sad Mr. V. Barlow f L - owned by $6 farmer, or that township� . . . . � '11. '. I �.. ' . . the ,church tQ' from arle.we last Sunday. N 'I, L I ,"� L , . I L :� - Jilooliem XoWait's new obimiley Or- bout an hour, to go on a trip to New spent a day fishing'm Black"Horketwith -Iiic, uspilly, ljoes, "yis Observed, Ito a f0iw down - our -way went to came home drunk. It Is suppo : : �ALSO 5TOVE PIPES, - .. . I L . ' I ) � I I Mrs. Gtgen's swell aciv verandah, or fou � m I the aattlo- came ,soross a still oome-, . ; L i ; , I " What success . we will lik, the solves: whicli sad that I . I I This to 1or � ­ . . . , I . I . . . . . day takiog hi , , m, to. the 11 l5unO . Ding lixtt� , , . � I � � I Oland And Sabrador, I 1. last Sun, $L ere Z1900 , ; . I , $a Who L e .. . _ gy eve . , where to the awamp an& posAiniv - ! . Captain Ross's lee Wagon runa than ome to see thi lantern tell, ­ . 1 statiom Will I ; , I . . . � . I . ways they o Eti. . . , I . A'. - Y,, "". . . I . .across the park despite the notl .: Mr. 464'160� Zdgav Patterson, and the 'day, Raymond Finnigon ,and Cecil Make dmuk a. 06610table quarlisy 6t this . I . � I _ . I . I wurning of no trespitiSsing, a ces 'views at Benmillor,church-.Vriday ev ,family, at, NVIligh I hewas observed taking,all the, Ob_. jeft Tuesday, for Polkolt foi tha winte. W ,p u - T .animals acted In . I ­­ i " . L i I ,, %11, , . aning of this week.: Besides the Mr. *44 Mrs, Itobert. XoXotmla on Mill- . rO oum - . . .. I . , .. I I , "'o., - . I . I I , r JIM- tkW,L Waft guests of Set, ,Path -s 'on- hils �h . I r�. s amp rod ot. he ==77!:t . L I . I , I "', �,.L ". . . mie Jo, 'noon's speeding delivery Wa- views of Newfoundland and Labra� djjy� �L � .1 . . . . omo�j r its drunken m . I I I I . I I t I I � . I The fls.tt teddors. tire in , �, I I . I I 'L - .4- ,iib Xobn $be sanTO marine I ea� And K L' :j��Lj . I . I . goll from the * I I . - L , no.: of. thoso seencot which is th , Myer's thia lastwelok tod4ing.'bis iI%:K. when word was 11seb'ed L Oyer the rural 04'. , ... ,1141 � � . . I .1 . I . I Pl'ovislon­4 d graln-L dor, there will be vocal, nd! '* I . I HAROLD BLAB . . - L I I entl L . L mbers, a We are pleased to report that top of coft .Oriati6h for a 'while, , I)l telpikona 1111015 . � . - I . store. Neither. do the iort" no on pageant *tled "T 6% �, of Wh4t'hAd bapilened I , STONE .,,�: he Way"' and a A.Ve,Xpaxle 13 making gay gglag'spudsis tbt, order of, the day. a L ' i pe4od . I - I'll . I . ; _% , . . . . L _. Sunda 'in the. three churclies furnish got of lailteryi gw a Mrs , took Place O-A*rwednesday of this ArOil 0 Crewei-they Are good. big ones. ripsidgutp. of' the utirO neighborhood . kNGj L � WEST'ST. ��� LL .k. , . . _. L y slides on 1%ji. Wiggs � , is toward reco Om � FURNITURE 9)[C"i I � I All I I �. .;. . �. yetv, after ,week in the , Baptist church,' Which a . [shed seitho f'oeno to Wit'les's she per,,-. I'll . 1� . mfway ­ __ L 1. , Goo. MeQnOj4,Lj farmabCo�'L , . . � Ion the'Aro , I .� .1 -sufficient excitement to Ift3t the of the Cabbage Patch." . . wlsbap- . I I I ulonrleceit Mr. I . iif *hlieobarob, ru . . . Of)Goderioh . . ,;-- �: _0 I J, L - _t,...0 . . .11 was beautifully- decorated for the oc- was .down oar nesa L ,Is I I " L 11 . I IL 1. . . IL'��. , 1;, j L I . week out, office the opidemloof L. - . _ ' - , way- Oil bast sV Wil. . ­ _ 0 , — 'I- I . I : :1, �� k I . ' L, , I I �',j 4 ' . ' 1. Way Vobbery has� ,P L � 1 3ft. Wes. Treliavau, of Tor t OLSIOU, when , Mi6s, Ella ypungiit -, , L y are t 11 _., I L - 11 . �. . tbiovin . high . onto td, ., I . -.1 a , �__ . I I . I i . _ g and COLBORNE - � turned to his. hoMd Otter V181titlig -big JaUg or of Mr. W';*,C. RO "son, of we0c, , : , . I . ,roubles like babies? Be-; . I , "I . : ., . I abated considerably after the Weir . 11 - ."_­ - I ____ _1 . I , . L . I . I I . surardl 'Mr. Bob J)u Ing. � t — I , ,. �, . A box $jnfal ' bt, Trele4van And.other Cqlbo, I their got Llgg�r by norsi . - I � . . . WDI be held under mother, Xro. 9 � . .. I )A0, beftind-the: bride al Mr.'and'*rs� * itain. 14th Oon., cages , I L I I � �­­ I, ,�., , �1_00mm-Now ."010000� L . . . 1, . . I I . I .0. , � � . . I I . . I - . . . . I I . � �, ! t . . , , - 'r seasa'a' Neather has deRtjl the auspices of. u1n.iskillon Lodge rojitijoa here. 9: ' . D�Aaldio visited at Xr. Wino �uraius, Crewes lost . . . , I I I I . . 7 . I � I Avelino, down by, the r O�r L' Serviceal P" Of GoderiCh' jTlie� Riv. I .. I . . I I ,.,: '' : . . . I . . . 'I. . ! . . . . y 411111 I., I . a the Mothodlob ehurch'-wat Mr. Fal al, of.,WAIkerton, iied the 7 , : GZSON z" �"; � 1 . . . ed tiny very remarkable thrills. Monday., Nov, ftb� ' A &.64 program 'i . , , 'foR f L L I CARE .1 I . . � CAUS 1��rldtte No. 15' 3, U O. L�, -at Betimillerf 01111dr ei A. � �' Or ' O* Fo L I � , -pf, coup a thei homb of Mt Albert I � I . I - , . , . �11 , I � 1. I I . ­tashing.ofLBobbIa Spike, 'IS bewitb4r*vvjl on Sitincloy-next Owing nuptial knot."'The, hop ' I took � � . k � ' � : .� .. �+, , . , :, � � S T., 1 yal a Mrs, -Tasq Little visited 'at . , ,, i I since the e befnie� provided ' V, , I he Pros- the 4 o'clock traV, at '_ yth for LOTIL, I ,Ft . . man's truck through -and alluable, ori-, to thf-I anniver"ary services in t L . I L . ' . 6TONEWS- I I . I . . I I . I , I . : I 111 or 0 R 1, A,:, . . . , , � � L I 00010 : . :t last 11 ­ .i ! the railing I Uo()Uot� , J00ild"'004 , I . zes will be even for,tho best - bOX00. byietian ObiLrell. . . doo and, other.pli1le'o. We:W18 them SOAd4r. . L I . L . . . L L ' . . . I g � . I . ���, � - . i days 10 , not have the great bumps Eve , 0, A -S � 4. , stoth � fteolter; . I I . I I 'their L .1 xr� Thomas aguley St. And. Xis" = I ., � � � R --� . . I i!� I , . � - I ,r,vr tome, bring 'your bolo , - Mtn. W. 9. Long, With liti 0 , 1. I . I I ­ I .. and 10frao3 O e ra r LOAS $Ohn all 119011110008441 , L now relations i . I ... � - . , . . 'p�­' -1 , , . . I � . I W-16. 0auloy. of w,eirion, -visit -1 . . ... . . I . , , . � . and ave an onJoyable evening. and- Charles, of 3111vor0n,' wote, vocoot 'Of 100, I . I at _! I ". . " �L 0 �, &­ ­ �­ I .11. - - , . I ; L � 00 inally cars, But oil Xonqay A 1. I . . . I . 11 .will remo L I .. �, " .�, I . There will be no admission fee.. The visitors at the home of Mrs, tisnse� ' L Crewe vto�4 last, week. 9a6 day. .!� .. , - I I �. . . :,. : �elfrora the LBank of A � . vq,v "Citing ,sod thrilling Inc , 40 SAbb4f,11 'evening the quiet 1, .5t L Child L � -rig a . . tho,: - �L I . . ­ . X . , L 'K ,thali !your . ron's � Coiomer6a, , B411di I t ' � I I '. . I . . . I L rM. D&�.jd Glen Was csllod� to Well 0 4i6tu3!bW`hj,.h6rse racing L - ftasigbb la'g6od bofoeo " � offices in L tie , , I - I � .0, . took place on Midn street in front of Save the X g� . I M , _ a - . . . 1. lifent boXes 'Will be� sold by a0tion. God brother. ItQy' &A..j?e%Orff. ' - 4, ey and - . � hours wer' r, 444, Mrs, TOM Gaul I . I . " ­" I . . . I I * . ... I '. . . . jAvest6n's hatelz ---Perhaps, the p4rti.. . It I . . � nd the usual Waist 0604iiieted;, thbre,% daughtek, 1jazel, , at Goderich 'visitiKI . Sltart. j.QgL t lem . . I , . I , . The regularly monthly meeting 6f 4144 Owing to the $Orion$ Illness Of her with � on our Villago r streots. Wh , I Mr. and, Ur .. rsaaa Oaulay. Orewo, last I o � . � 1�1k, � - � ' ' - L " ­ 'Cja1Pjj#0n0t8 Were cellebrathig tile intstall FIL ere $ 1 . . I . , ff. to' sellool next , ' I , , . I I I . . ggllll,.L .. I .� " . L _ , I � 09. , .1". � of Landlord Weston's electric the Colborne towaship. council was daughter, Mrs, D.'G. Worh6pc were our L , WO1414- '00,11 -and 'bate. Noonic To* hilih . L hold in the; b, 9th, With to bear of A Apee4r lee vlIla*C ofadori, whose duty Sun4ay, . r I them L ' �, I . . 'jights, or what not--# any ill Qo OLet. L . , every. .. . It is to,lookLLAftft i� , n a . 11 I * . , . . U� . . kste th L Mr,L;r. such 4elinquentsi T116 thrashing acb1 i0 I ft Us Oil examiied..*' .,,Our, prices . are � . ,.4 . .. ' o I , 0 --_". L L . --- Councillors Fisher and Feagan pro. Nlsik4. 1101toozie, MeBachrou', Our Principal,', ' Saturday-, Mass at -the f4vinots are " , treat. recently occupied by . I - 1, I . L. - - r I . I , ­_', . . street forlas liart of ;ighl;..' . . . . . � I E.Culn & Col,r,�on October Ist.-. , �11 ,_ i ,� ,� I . I— . i , ,, sent and-Reove Robertson presiding, and brother, Mr. Kenneth MaZablitenj the, County "lligh through bitt someetillbave tbebuck- '. I IL 11 I �111 11 I � j :.' L . . 11 w0Y­sYstom. Does' . ­ � I , - . � � 1- : L, - I � I � �_ ­­ I . I . I tember g L or, NA. L. COLE � 11, .,�­ , I * The minutes Of tbc Sep at London, spout the week -end. ab she thefstreet - her _jg, to the villa - wheat to thrash. . .1 I 1. :... ,a 0 . I t0ai6trj8t_.O0Lj( ' I I - . I . . . I I .. , 1400K.1 I 11 botne of Div. and Kea. R. A MaXonzto. tha� ooanty�. oj: a ' - fit'lo filling has been going oil' aroullil eig - - 'L , " I . . meeting . Were adopted, as read, on . I � , I . L . . . . I.. motion o i nart to each? A. I 011 rL PIA PNj ­ - -;- % �� ---'- ­_ �' 1 lortet; -to - LgAIL-at .tho, .-g"--- C Mr. Fisher and Mr. Pea- Itey, W. D, Wxwell, of Leeturfi, gaino $tleh-Cofio�aj is�' 4'Viblation of here.. Vi A. 01131bert filled on Tuosdg:v , Ontorlo,. ,� : " . I . i - _. P, I ­­­­'. � Doll, N , ­ . � 1. 4 ­ _­_­ L. 'I, . ., . .Cioderich, I ... . I � . L . I . ­ . � I . L a I Oil slid Wto'. Crozier On Thursdi*V". Mr. I Ph L one 13 - L � I � )Vescbe4 very Accc`Pt4b1y--Ia­-Xt8klAli Jthq- fOArth- c*mAndliken ' r t r _­ 11 I I 1, . . I I ., 'L . ­ I I , I . , � .1 .. _'. . . . I . 4 1. . . wooft I . \ . . . I . I . I. Bylaw No.`4 0 19la'was amended church on Sabbath last. Ile Also. con- thafelh offi&j,k­d t-"�---'-'�---,r.t";iiiir,,i�_ I I L �L ,, , ' L, . NEWRED BARN' L 0 lalbbrt-filled,ta.qsilAinst.-a-ut,n-tec vvlth.��" 1111111111111111111111- ­ N (1, - � U y or' moo .- . - W . I - .; .. ... . . I . . I I -it viltli . 'L - -- . JL JW L I . . I � -114 - . . . I I I I I I . . � -5004,80. aoilerleb ilk overAtIon by'. CLA , L I - _., ,,,, �� to read as follows: - .. duo -led aullivoreary service.% at St. An, ter the I sweet clov& gild then refilled ...­T.r1%PL-'E­ RK � I F I . .. . - -: r1l to the Ukd's Day Alliance. dorn thij.fall.., I I I I . � . � I . i � : ., � . . Whereas It is considered eXpedient drovvti�church, Port Albert,'. Or 'the "111660s, oducation council. . . , I . - I � . V 0 7i I . 1, I I . � T� U' Derain go r � L ,A .., I � . 1' ' ' � � . . . to Prohibit 411 Animals from running Mrs. NVol, Stewart and little daughter Perhaps it is to the lindral social *and 0 L, I if 'I L L,* "� : : I 'k . �' i L I _j , I . . I I On MondAy evolillig'. Oct. 29th. ther I � . . . . ' `-� L _ MERCHOTTAILOR, �,.,, I �_ I I . .e at large Oft the. Colborne township arrived home a Couple,, Of Wo6ka, ago, reform orgavir.ation we will Ila I a L .. 8, .. ... I . �;, . I.. . ,; � � Auto and Nors' Livery ,ve to will be given pailer the auspices of tb I I 11, . 14f!, L Crowe Ladlohl Ald, a iedilial eutiled "A � � � . i � . .� I , 1 4", L 91, � I . . . roads, be It therefore enacted by the after spending atimenjouthS atL bor-ft- look for rMre*& If of -tender years . 'a . ' I r I , � � F4411k 0*6 AQ ZX*6094 13*rn I MulliciPal council' of the town I we Will look'. to the Sabbath School I 0 � � � Ap"tw I ship of wer home in cannington, owing - to the Volon. of Iteaven" by Rev. Mr. Cosens, , , . . eatiover L4ch's To -1-1 . . , ... . ut death L of be, t of tbe'Asbfielil circuit.: .You don't want � I . , ,; aut � I I . . . I � . . . �, I " I ... I .; . .1 It .. 110t ACCOM111044040. lit town. Colborne that, from and after this Illness -and subs6lue her organization, Which would , , I � , ­( r"eiry . � . I.L. . . . , * � I . ... I -q I . I . � I . . I date, It shall not be lawful for motbeIr We mtteaasymp&�.hy.- : hebtt- to X-1168 this event as ther4- will, be 4 IL , , 11 . ter .local 4enominatiatIgI or f piovin- large timp for,OV�oky,bodyL I - , . L , ' _! , , . R . old-fashioned masquerade j?romo. Clal to ap I . . - � I ''I 4 - , , � . � AjrL �, . . ; tj,bt ? � Reforni the 11ome and ' . L Has'. cor., 641414L 404 No' , '*I St. . L: �,,,S, for .borneL township roads In this maul. nade'will be hold 10 tbO PArIAL lf4ll, More won d be 4deomplished th be)d At - � : , 11 I r . I . , .. . I . a al Nock Ou . � '�. I � Rmos. oii$644144 animal wrun, at Urge, at the C4914 An , I . I Good reliable i1riving hors AnIversary � service4ftill b . 0'ad I . 11' $310 at all iltas ..j, elpality, and the owner or keeper of Doligannoo; on Rallowe'en ni4ht, Oat. these organjjati;611&� , I f Crewe 6hoich on Oft 2$t 0 seivloi6i . 11 I ,. I .1 h L I . I . 0 I L .11 . . . any such animal allowing any such 31st, tit aid at the, PtIblic, Library. The . I . eboruing, Land, evening. A ;ee ,�wfll I . I . . . GODERIC I ONT. T 7 . . I L . � ­_ . . n all the now jPall colOgs of 7, , . . ., . . Winter drivers a 1, offering Is being.r6eked for &V both ser. I . k I . I - sult6ble IOV dOOtOr8l, animal or ,animals to run at large on Princes Pat9 Orchestra, of Luelmow, (From 41110ther correspondent) . t chrystal; jall''O., L "��j, .#C&tj I . I., .. I I : ?", . I � '. -al knili 'township roads ill -this will furnish 0,0510 for the evening. M $150.00 . I I ., � a . farmers eto.6 for sale . the C vice$ : they are only asking for it, I , 1.�_ - - --- _qF0 IR A P1 $1 L� q . I ":, . I . . . muniel a�i iss Lauri Robills"30, of Donny- Collie on Out &11d'sfie Ali y roll"to RAY, Hea : 11141111VOUT Cie: . . ,. ( . . fly# shall be HOW to Further partlealars- will bid Announced 0 mono as, Jel - - - - - - - . '. . L "A"o-ft" - . I I brook, is V-131ting in tha :villaga f6i !ft��m"______ ___ . * . I I I I'll . . I ally u! spon . . I .1 a There will be good music, good sermons just the toliefl, t6 enhance your . 1. . i. . I .4, ., . )'�' .1 � == not less, than, one dollar nor A - � If ext week. - " , , , 0 P 0 10 L I . day air. two. , '. L . . I and, a good time for all. , I . � . � . 1, . �; , . .., . - ____ I _. more than tW61ity -dollars.for each . The regular - mouthl in c Ing of the , I I . . L I Aututbn gowt� . . . ., � - I . - I I d _j�wjLAninl4_or_#hjmsbj_.are Miss � Alieg ,C1 _k _k — - I , e ev : _­ - , _ . - - - - - — -al., Xwugaan0n__Br&uC-b_ wornon, _or, f_1 .A-1-_ I I . . L - -.-.-.--. ­ I .- v �v -_ -_My � i.'L Vj-s1te­d-1T&--br-6'tfiers, J .. _108-IMINTING-AT THE STAku-1 I Live . r0lit a 2. , ..A#* -Sort$ eubaridents I . . lowed to go at large, said penalty re- Institute will meet at tho home of Mo. C, I � I 0 - ..; I , I I .L " - I "I eoverable, only with costs by Mose. P. Ross on Thursday Afternoon I . . . . T6 is, ,,, ' . . � �� I . I Oct. A few day&, . I I . . " 10-- . AR I &�t wc!ei: . I . ew isis, s sod �, Planed, . . . I I 3. cation before any of I Ztb'st3p.m. The Weetlng,wIHboiu Wr$.� Baneh_anterta. L 0 Wo . I . , . . � , %OILU . I , . a4votiftes. thei3Opentag at an IVI tis Majesty's load her sister, - ** Barratist, in ratt ,1 'dety. . . � I . . . . - . I . � Justices, at th obargootthe 9tandmothers. The toll Dr, E. Bag . ta#th()dr . I � to�fto # a Peace, bavlait judo. call suggestiorls for home parties Itild Hamilton, oshow, and friondsi from - .. � I L . ­ .. I . Ito .the nlosli'moproved .4. 'We L I 11 ve# u d L . � Sust whab you watit. . ! I . L . ,� I . � diction lit. this municipality. . I � S 4 &y. I Do ITH I . � I I are equioped, for all olas.joa of work , 1 .,71 I I I The f6ilowin evenings withour-friends. . . r. W. It. f . 1. .. L. .. 11 .1 : . .. I lal ,is to, .1 . . . I I 1, �� I . g Accounts were paid: ' Mosois X A., Of Bew- . I I ;Y6 Spec' W Rus6piii , :He 1, I - �.,% '0 : . I . . GARAGE Goderich Signal IN -111t109 Co., Ltd., Remember the anniversary of9tskine : Rev Will show some Interesting : I . I I . . � I . I.. I rhe 4 � . . L . . . 11 ­ I . . h I I , . This Wtek , . Printing voters, list$, etc., $78,95; church ad Sunday next. when Rev, 0. in"lor" 9 in tb I'L I . I I . ,A Fre I , AND r. picture I 0 Methodist churaij oil . , I I I . . L , - . I I I I � . ­ .. I " I - I , L A - . - . ill � L X I Goderich Manufacturing Co., linaber, Goina), Of l'ine JUverf Will conduct tie Thursday evening. Evelybody, wel. I I 11 I . 66derlic j2ch. - � $V.38; Godorich Platink. Mill ,Co., vice% At 11 A- In-, slid at 7- P- m- A, come. . 1 4 I .. 7 .' special Thanksgiving offeiting will be ro, � I *W' 16 I a I . . � . I .. .. I I .1 I I - -4j% Ltd., lumber, $90.35; T. 11. Patterson, OVOW991ast Ur. and, I 0 I— . Dry Clean* L I n UR SHOP 0A Thurado 0 1 L L RE � . ; I . I , 11 . L survI Of tellietery, etc., . $66. celveil. Q%TWR'to the fact that no supper 0. "Ital, - ­ $, L .1 Ing L I I , i . I I Mrs. I , r �1� S ni k � � ; i � , at his reswoct, iWit ive. I is being given,on. the, ovftlag followlagil Mrs- X C- Clark held Ion of 40. it L W - ' ' . , - Hetherington, part salarf, old friends aa A � I . . . , ork L , i '' ; " . mo6ic will be futulgwd by the d neighbors at their . . S . �A . I " ''. . . Can OVCtbAUi0d Aad R*pkired it $100; Win. Mitchell', work. in creek, 11 . I 11 .. 1 I home In honot; of his brothar,: James, I I Ar ' Coat stril*t I "" I . � , . reatiouable rates. $12-75; Ayltaworth,and Weight law ch=r�l . . ­ . t and phowi istl L, H. VROtWAN � I . . I .. . . Mr.J. Z. Tom, I. P, S., visited Dan. who, with his'wife, has been spend. Gift Store" I I .�.L , tosts. $7.60; Win. ,Ctargi, wol ou gannou, School on Tuesasy. Just a sug� A week visiting in Auburn and vl- -.10 '. 11 . _7,_. * - . I . Phorie 122 . .1 West St., , ;' � I �1 WORK OVAUANTEED bridge ($176 less $12",10. rebate on *1 "I .. 119 11 I I I I . . I .1 . ... ., gestion here might notbe oui of place. cloity. A.,ytrypleassint social even. _; I . . ... - . I L & - , I I . . . . I . . - . 1, L 11hove 392 cement and sacks), $40�90; Aaron, --*WouI4 It not be advisable to hivro the Ing W, . I 11111 1111 I I . - I I , 11 . : . as spent. - . .. L 2! 1� I -_ ___ ___ - _!_____.____!!�!r!!�"_, I .. _­ ___ her, I sheep killed by dogm,,$10; school board Informed wben.46 visit from A very .Is,, I .0 -1 I �L . ... . L I .1 11 ) '�;, - - - - - - A -A -i 0-im-m- '- LL #10' humber -of * . � ­ .1 . 111111111111111111 I I IFI! � IN 01 A'A *11 q W.. � nicivill. World, bylaw InteL rpreta. the Public -School In$Peetor IS to take neighbors frilendsi 11 _ I . L I I . I r r I . Al , --I- � , 11 1. - - 1 1 r . r I I.. ­ I —_ ___ . . . I , Ion- 506; C. A1110, work on road, $5 1 and 401114intaneeg gather. I I I - . . . I . _-1 . I - ­ f 1) 4cc- In Order that at 10986 80me 'Of Its od to the filher,al, of the -late Alex. 0CZ====0=0r_ . - . ' I .. I I I atry Jenkins, ,work on ditch, $3 75! members Wirt also pay a visit to, the a' y0inW, thir . I . % I "h . litch, r$ .. L 1", . XeCabe. work on � *iO" school At the ame time. In this way - I I I ow.- 12, - a 4 son of Mr. and Mrs. I . I . 'I ' . I Voyd Wialters, re'surfiii0ing, 45: the teachers, Inspector, and trustees GOrdOn Youft, Of tho Ith con "" � . r � $ Ion, . . . I L ; . Sam Gardner. re-surfacitig. SS; Chas. 0611"o better keep In totleh With each 001bOrhei On 11611diii;V A&rnoo"s The AL WOM . L . SHOB 11 1- .. , ��, L. . I . .. .. �f I . tile, otheri and with the requitealtnts of tho re com- ,* fl, . � � TRIMMED rr. I" 6 inch flo,'IL 7 inch sincere sYm"thy of the entj n* 3 r, ' I - . � . L � _. h . I .. &58; A.'Good. road saperinteading, sellool, *Oil a touch grestor lutearesti be Inanity Is with Me sorrowing pdrl*lltsL T ."_� ' . ,_,.;, . . . I? e . , I . . i! $162; -A. Good, to ray labor on Orefitltd- and family irl'theIr sad bereavement. � 14 _ . , T.r � I - , . . bridge, $262.05. teifinint for bridge Adtivotbrous:h the country, or the Large COflXr(**tioh,q gathero(I in ,. I I I I . � . -.1 I � �H SA TISFY. - .1 .. t SWEATER I . �A -11 .... . _... .1 . 1 $ ""75, ba#_[i *fad r,ip* L;;10.60- Alec. w6odss At We present time 16 *ell worth i tht MfthOdist chureli lost Son4ak af- I .. . I .. I I . - . o, i . . ... I . .� , , IUTS "I . . I . � 1� � I Watson# gravelling, $1.10; cjjtefl�e tAklagi, &!I the tte-es Are clothed In sat ternoon and oirening on the otession I � 't r 1�. Ditystow,'grav*11ing, $20. . thelrautumn glory, The mupleS sad Of their antliersar.y servicei, 11tv. %OqJL tr YOU walit S YoUr L I 1� I Out of the ordinary in X"fitilt Adjourned tkt NOV. latli at 9 At A perfitet. riot of color. A. 0. LTiffin, of IDlyth, preached OUL%I. " , ) . . � . . ' ' I � �� 2 1)4 W igW vith the yellows of lent and prattleallat "'ATS r Wheth ' hois for yourself or for I � � ft. ell lutettfill . rmong. The r4U. f amily, yott will find sad adion here. . I . L I'm, f ..", � 'their MRS. HIETHEMNOTON, 01erk. the im suit h, gild the 4460p, green sic furniihed br. the Westfield groth. . 11 I . "-­*� of t a plue " glvft us a mantevolfte erhood and -the local chair was, moth - I . 11, .1 I rsi& in children, if they be tot WbI jao rialft AtIl"t tsu vifth APPrftfated. I churell W*5 very $4.63 and $5.25 0111111,411 . I I . L RIGINESS if TRINVINO attwel'i'd'"od" to. cause convulojons, and This plct%* Of bftuty 19 somewhat lAt' WhtefullV dft , ed *Ith flowers Mind .Iuqt voce:,tal a shipment ot . __1W I W_ -rh A '* ny eiio,ss I ere reMa Rle"I oft I . stAL loftell desith. Xdtbor Graveso NVOrm et than usual this year, owing to the alltYAMU ie*V*M1- Tht oftering ifoir the . . � . I . Exterminator will prot"t the, child. feet that the fmts have emo, talitt- day exceWed $70, - Wool Sweaters mad" from the . I . I J` 0,01$rl"AWAVE ren from thtft_di%t!t!sif* amittiont. Truly It *0 160k about vit we hsVe The &oolv#"Ary fAerv,ees of XnOX fin"l; 0,11 V601 VATUS. NVith fior buying here, but the fortmost is that we Ake not . I . L' ) KFASING voll _11-_._-- M ­ -L 1. ­ L " . , - 0 04 A M IN N. . I 1. N M -00-14-04-04-011i "Api 0 jMW0Stsb1yj`l(0b*ftd!ufrVb. In n&tu" that is of Ant. PMbYtOrISIA thUrch, Auburn, will her � shawl .eollar and tive rookets, soisfied L UtfleSS Yolt' are, ,%U(I to thiS end We'g�ft yott ,r STVLE TOME$ . WORTH A, ULLION DOLL.08 Marked by sj*dal services or, Suyl. in, ill, shades, Brown ilina NOV, flit best posetblp viduelor " r vto " I I " ' vrd day, Oetober 21st, srA a me#rt ,,*Ill .131ack ancl 11,05741, Myrtle and . you ney. . ,L, shist a Mrou"rd.. � TboUilsid thM wits, this tadlioitsto. be held in th#. ch,srch on X#nday, ey. � Prown, Maroon and Melt, and . I I 1, . For *#I atre on" again near. A 3"Mm will plain Btown, Gt*y, SuMe. L A visit to our show Word 111141111011111 Ift WOV* *411*1 00 into ()elob", nr .11 . 11V 006 1he 1*44, saddo" Ilia No*, Is b"e tond*Q sift $JJ#W&y at 11 oi. ,ft. Inlf thoL treat Gift Seaton Repairing, t'D0hdNj0fjiiJijR ' beIrS ' r , jjAj4 & ple4MAS SMW' 'r room will tonvince you . & Mfille, oat bob. Sind L 7 P� lit% Rev. .T. A,. F,er ,Tiugt t1lb right allhaft fuld right 1. Ub . If . of our -""n, -, ji r **d .vou will be coutemplhAt. bl" from 9* Iliiftft that lovft Ik fel- X A,. f 110P. ft Mtsn&y ty. Prie". I � .1 W ,. 1 � L ­­_­­­­ "r,". I I- .. -1 -1 ­ I 1. N 1111ii-I - WII 11 : % I I ir* ftwlitmlletift YOur 16W 100% 'Will drive away the Cloud of oping a 0- - ,110M *"a C L1_ i 1 ,4. .",_C %be aft aifafa, I I ... - ftknd* and mftbers of 'you , IM fall fif "M42t will be *lv*ri in th# Uso *.,!,.. UL L � L I irAmmiato 14"11r, rth b t1W 4 ( r I ENE"WL VALUES ' tl$ woft "a 00"Itlefli 00, with 111mly . HOW40 Q"defte A*d hyn $* . . 1 6 . jft@t to #"ft to U*jlj to Cal. Illsidisftig Vaiit�146 Worth 'a XMIlljois I I 'Cook, elocutionis-.. - ,1L S r I rulat*, expoially it tome of "latsi 0a It d"n't "� 1; & ft*t. 1"10ft itte Of M AU for & V" a W Tkw I ) I 11'111IL1111 I I . - . I I 4 ft ,!�tl d. A� � I ':�'L 111111111111111 11111 --110 _­ r tweft are aerm the Water, I r 43 kX ,a it for thildreft will be r " SHARMAN � i 11 0"r tko We � t, listwed. ,,, , 411-11-0-1111-114-11111- 01111011110`1111011110~ � . r . i , % . a Put,600ph Olt: 11,45f, will ye marry me?", *"*"11ft­0--o**NA�. � � r ­ I 0 , TillW "Ysaitr., 0101 "O Ahomoth —lfg &ft tow, ially d"frable THE LEADING $RON S11099 XT611'A rerolrAso Aim is *"ft "When I i"kod *A 6 ? I A low dtail"Itw Ailenciii fslll� r t1w windowt , I � . L I Irr i 111 ,I. i I- r I i I . L I . I I L �� I I i. I � 1; I . . I I I I I L . I . I �' I i �_ i r I 11 I - I . � I I �1 . I N�6,r9l � i .1, , .1 i i I 'I. I ] I i -"I I I 1� I 'I 'I, I MOM 11 � I., " Ill I 1-1 - 1-hoosa-11 IL' I - .1 I 11 11 - .1, I 11 I. liaINVICA? mAt* Twelve Gift p lFiNaly, It N *A"� a6hany, I WON *W to ow Y" PUY�- ROBINS- . f , . roww. � Mo I �� to- It* vhittws vith amy Mfflj*ln.!t " . I I . 706! ,Ilvy don't Son L ly soffte- � "We- wolowt play � ,Phone 1 58 , - IV. Reg. ShlAtInan (I'(4erjeb, oat. � shlow SL trimf I bw MrW9, M*� I"" , GNU" J. T. (101011, , - 0 el t We *t 1K 3"0% 1_� -1 I r I � _. I— ... � 'Vell, I took Ay esy loo jp V I . ­ I - 1-111- - I - -1 I .. - ___ 1. 11 'S �jM P * Of A #*k, ar4 I wat bet . I— � ­­ 1-11-11---l. - ���� .. . ­­­­ 1. . - - . ­­­ on am I - ___ A -111 -111 -M -111 -0 -A -M-011-0 0 !A A -A -0-i I'luthe almmyll, I ick up hIs't#ttjk,11 I - __,__--r--._ � ... r 1. ­ ­ ­�_ _-, 11 . . . �, I . I . I L 1��, 1. ., I 1�1 � I - .L- 1C - __ --I � ---.---- - .- .- — __ _ I L - , .' .. - ­­ ­_!%�. - - - - �.V-60,0--A-�- __- ?--,- - - ___ - - - ---,--,,-- _. -- L' — - —'-- . -