HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-7-29, Page 8Centrax
ST F.£TFQi: , ONT.
k -.-A Large, Influential, Commercial School.* e
None better in the Dominion. Write for
beautiful Catalogue. a
.. J. El>iott, T'rinoipal.
These summer days,
In In -truing haze
I rather wish
I were a fish;
Or, say a frog
In some wet bogt.
'With fraught to do
The hilum tl,gy through
Bart seek and croak,
And croak and soak.
lfason:c Lodge meets Monday even
Races et W ie asn yesterday and
to day.
Oild newspapers fer sale at the Ai
,<oeA E Olnce.
45 cents pays 'Est, the Al theta ta; to
Jan. Ase, A4tf9.
For pure i':rs Green. and Insect
Powder ;.a to C. >< utz.
Mr, W. J. Car..ae's new resid.enee
l ttron Street, is fast nearing com
n'etie th
lir. \V oa, Heron etreet, is hay
int a init fe it,w.ai,ka put under his
tiwe aliun.
Charles `I'rovetr.iek has opened out
groseey buoleess emuteetten wit
laic tieur atel f 4d et;3re.
The Work of e>xe.av ebur the cellar of
Wellirlgete Jobes new house on
Car;iaeg street has b; Bear cemineuee'd.
Coudue:or .'i...garatd, of Kincardine+
has bee aesigetet the rue on the L.
&.B. rei.eriet,- held by Mr. \ti amsley.
"'Mr. Fred as..ete b;aeksmith at J.
a +ittaneik s stain had the rnisfortuue to
severely burn his baud ou \Ioudtiy."--
S;. Marye Argue.
Tae world ; tea,° ,'s at a girl who is
anxious tea get a r rr,'a1and it laughs
if she he4:new.s esti old ]maid; So wheat
cart the peer girl do
Ani vela uteeers 'eta ee rued at the
time of the "'henna raid in 1S60 and
°. i0 are taw e• ititied to medals and
-dal make a * heatwou for the saute
at Mice.
A getee i;f l,a yeses between, the
Clintou and Eee;-er Junior teams will
be, played on the athletic grounds
ou Friday evening next, commencing
shortly atter six t+`clo€ l..
air Fuss, of Zurich, moved his family
to town on Friday list and will. occupy
the residence recently vacated by lir.
Fink. Mr. Fuss has aceepted the posh
tion as foreman in the Ilan will,
Mesita. Weekes 'Bros , marble and
granite dealers, have erected in the
Exeter cemetery a granites memorial
to the nletn'nry of the late Edward Lux-
ton, who met his death in the City Hall
disaster in London.
1fr, John Gillespie lost one of his
best 'bus horses on Friday last, one of
the other horses having kicked. it and
broke its le;;. It was thought possibly
the animal might be saved but when
trying to sling it it died.
A Mr.;Myer:, of Barrie, was in town..
Monday inspecting the promises re•
Gently vacated by Messrs. J. A. Straith
& Co, with a view. to opening out a
general store. We have not learned
whether he intends returning or not,
At a meeting of the Masonic Grand
Lodge, held in Toronto Last week, W.
J. Mooney, of Stratford, was elected
District Deputy -Grand Master, of South
Huron district, Mr.. Mooney is an able
and worthy brother and we congratu-
late him oa the appointment.
An acquaintance of oars, who is the
owner of property in a ruralmunieipal-
ity in this province, says the Blyth
Standard lately got the following notice
to pay his taxes: "Der sir; pay your
taxes by return and safe further trou-
ble at my house, yours etc Collector."
The Goderich Signal commenting on
a lecture held in Clinton says:—
There will be a lecture in the Baptist
Church, Clinton, Monday next, on
" Homely People." If the lecture was
to " Homely People " a big hall would
be wanted. One thing is certain, the
Mayor and Town Council should be
So far Judge Masson at Goderich
has received voters' lists from the
clerks of Stanley, McKillop, Stephen,
Turnberry, Grey, Exeter and Seaforth.
Many of the lists are not in the form
called for by statute, that is almost in
book form, and it may be that those
municipalities that have sent forward
the old blanket forms will have to re-
print their lists,
Crown Attorney Lewis, of Huron
County, has completed returns of the
criminal business of the past six months
of 1898. Of the sixteen cases tried be-
fore the County Judge's:Criminal Court
and the General Sessions of the Peace,
only one prisoner was found not guilty.
The crimes comprised arson 2, burglar-
ly 3, theft 4, and aggravated assault 7,
the sentences ranging from 23 months
in the Central Prison to three months in
the common jail. Fines to the amount
of $175 were also imposed,
TheLondon Free Press of Saturday
says :—A very pleasant event took
at Mr. Wm- Eacrett's residence, Dun-
das street east, on Tuesday evening
last, being the marriage of his late re-
turned. brother, Albert, from Washing,
ton, to Miss Bella, youngest daughter
of Mr. Wm. Campbell, 2nd concession
of:Hay, north of Exeter. The' .happy
couple le€t the next day on the noon
train for the:Far West, where they Will
reside, accompanied by the bestwishes
Of their many friends for a happy fu-
Mr. R. B. Hungerford, of London,
well known to many iu Exeter, was
last week elected Deputy Grand Mas-
ter of the Masonic Grand Lodge. Broth
er Hungerford is recognized as one of
the best Masons in Ontario and his elec
tion to so honorable an omee will be
hailed by his many friends with pleas
The annual meeting of the Western
Ontario Veterinary Medical Association
wilt be held at Winghanr on Wedues-
dav and Thursday, July 27th and 25th.
1S9S, eommeueing at 7 o'clock p.
Weduesday and 9 a m Thursday. ,The
election of officers will be held aud pa-
pers read by Dr. Carr, of Kirkton, Dr.
Blackball, of Ciiut(n. Dr. 3lanser, of
Liuwaod, Dr. Wilson, of Wiugham and
Dr. Gibb, of Seaforth. Dr. Gibb, of St.
Marys is presideut.
A gang of ewiuidiers are travelling
thraueh the rural districts claiming
authority from the state to examine
wells. They examine the water through
ar mieroscope and find all binds of bac-
teria, cholera and typhoid germs, then
they permit the farmer and his wife to
loot: through a microscope, where, of
course, they see the menagerie that
always will be found in a drop of
water. The: frightened farmer is then
advised to apply certain remedies,
which the fakirs sell at a high priee
which proves to be a little[, plain scda.
Two -Cent Postage.
1two ria1 two.ceut postage w il, it is
;ip`-s ee . go into effc'et ou January 1st
ext, and eiunalatrtueously 1lea�,rlrltll a
reduction in Canadian inrl;lts;i pestnge
we cents per ounce,
has been discovered by seieutists
nothing so eii'ee;tually el'aus a
pair of speet:teles as a dollar hill,
.7'i coin a live. Our editoral spectacles
i+olnuwbat dim and we era ;t1AxiOuti
The Rate wee.
The prospects are for restoration of
railway passenger rates to the old fig-
ures shortly. A private despatch re
etivt'd frons. New York sacs the differ
euees are all ,arrauged, and that the
rates will be restored next week. It is
also likely that the aireemen; it which
the CPR. ran over the Greed Truffle
lilies to North Bay aid berenewttl,
winless change.
It will b' t a:ieed by en Advertisement
in another column that .lir. L ft.
Dickson, barrister, solicitor, etc, has
taken a p:rrtaier pito the bu pass in
the person of Mr, 1, R. Carling, who
re..eutly graduated at lisgotorin Hall,
Toronto, and the new firth henceforth
will be known as Dickson Carling.
Mr. Carling is a bright your,; lawyer,
and doutless they new firm will receive
liberal patronage.
t,ou.tteii Proceedings..
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment at the Town Ila 1, July 22od, All
present, except the Reeve and Mr
Christie. The Deputy Reeve presided,
Minutes of previous meeting read and
confirmed. Harding;. -Evans, orders as
foliowsc—Jas. Cre?eeh, charity to Mrs.
Sutton, es•t; :lo, 82 01 to Mt'. Mutart;
Jno. Gillespie, $a}, drawing; steamer to
river twice; The Municipal World, Sle.
supplies and the clerk $3 postage to
date.—Carried. Tenders for gravel
were examined as follows: Taos. Hart-
nol'1 $2.4.0 for unscreened and,$2.90 for
screened; and from Geo, Ford, 82 94 for
screened and $2.30 for unscreened.
llardieg—Evans, that Geo. Ford's ten-
der being the lowest be accepted.--Car-
rind. A tender for raising the wind-
mill derrick, was laid over for future
consideration. The clerk tendered his
resignation in the following words:
Exeter, nand July, ISO.
GENTLEMEN.—I hereby tender my resig-
nation as Clerk of the Village of Exeter.
In tendering such permit me to say that
the step which I am now taking causes Inc
sinceref sorrow, but circumstances uncon-
tralable makes this course to cue a plain
duty. 1 am glad to be able to look back
upcn twenty-five years of service as clerk of
the village, without being able to discover
anything but the most amicable relations
existing between myself and the representa-
tives of the public in the various councils.
In the discharge of my duties I have en-
deavored to be faithful and impartial to all,
and to observe and regard the rights of every
citizen as theirs and not my own. I think
I can rely that my services have been duly
appreciated by the people as a whole, as I
know they haye been by their representa-
tives. Again expressing my sincere regret
at having to sever my connection with you
and the people of Exeter, whom I must ever
regard as the people of my sincerest affec-
tion, I beg to remain
Your obedient servant,
Evans—Harding, that the Clerk's res-
ignation be accepted, to take effect on
Friday, August 5th,—Carried. The
Council adjourned to meet Saturday
evening at 7 o'clock.
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment at the Town Hall, July 23. All
present, Minutes of previous meeting
read and confirmed. Evans—Bissett,
that the Council be a committee of the
whole to prepare and present a suit-
able address to Mr. Eacrett on the occa-
sion of his retirement from the clerk-
ship.—Carried. Christie—Harding, that
the clerk's salary to date of his retire-
ment, $60 be paid.—Carried. Council
adjourned until Friday, 29th fust., at 8
o'clock p. m., for the purpose of receiv-
ing applications for the clerkship.
M. EACRETT, Clerk.
A very heavy rain storm, accompan-
ied by severe thunder and lightning,
passed over this section on Monday
morning last. The lightning made it-
self felt in several places but not a
great deal of damage was done. The
rod supporting the vane at the top of
the cupola on Gidley's Opera House
was struck and knocked off, and at
the same time Mr. W. H, Lewitt, who
was standing in front of the building,
received quite a severe shock and was
knocked down, while a large poplar
tree standing in front of Mr. M. Mea -
kin's, Huron street,WAS badly shattered,
together with a post near by.
The Exeter gri t midwhich was
shut down for repairs is again running
in full blast.
Miss.illary Heywood, of Exeter North
and Mr. Wade of Grand Bend, were re-
cently joined in wedlock at Stratford
by Rey. Wm, 11eDonagh of that city,
While we are going to press a most
successful band concert is being given
oa the Exeter Public School grounds,
under the auspices of the Epworth
League of Main Street Methodist
The following unique literary gem.
is a facsimile of a. bill written and
posted otr a telephone polein town, to
serve as a notice aunouruciug a game
of lacrosse between the Clinton and
Exeter Juniors next Friday ;---•
1S ARranted to be the fastest and most
exciting game of Lacrosse that has never
tai. n pi t e in Exeter.
1 NEWS of the Clinton team was received
next week, and the game will be played last
Frirtay, Don't come and see the game,
omebody will be kiflett sure, and it migbt
be you, 13)- older
Geo Slasher, .las. I nockhi,rrdown,
1lanager, Sec'y.-Treas.
' Shipments
Messrs, Prior & :'.rmstroug shipped
two carloads of hogs to Collin; wood
' lloiitlay. -Mr. W. II Levette snipped
ttvo carloads eggs to Montreal Tuesday.
Mr. A, Q. Bobier shipped a carload of
Wetter to Montreal 1Vcduesday,
vestal Ytteuges.
Ilegiuning on the first day of July
eeverai changes we're inaugurated it]
the Pest Ofliee Department, among
theta being the introduction of a new
money order system, the sale of postal
cotes to be used iu traustnittiog 5111811
amounts instead of usiug postage
stamps. The system is the same as the
English system and is much less com-
plicated than our former system All
towns of certain size are required to
make deify return of all money re
ceived and paid, instead of weekly as
t formerly.
st. )Eai'ys vs. Exeter.
The Exeter Laerasse team suffered
defeat by the St. Marys team in a
league match here on Thursday after.
noon last. As usual the number iu at.
teudanee was only; moderate, but the,
game was pretty evenly contested,
notwithstaudiing the score stood 5.2 at
the finish, in favor of St. Marys, Both
teams were closely checked, and on
the whole it was a fair exhibition of
the tiaine. Stewart, for Exeter, scored
the first goal in 3 miuuutest Farr for
Marys, in 11: Spicer for St. Marys
in 10; Whitely for Exeter in 19; ,Spicer
for St. Marys in ID ; Farr for St. Marys
in l33, and another in 20.
Rttleet Out.
The protest entered by the Exeter
Lacrosse team against the Parkhill
team for playing mon under assumed
names, has been sustained, together
with that entered by the St. Marys
team, and Parkhill has been ruled out
of the league entirely, The Globe com-
menting on the matter says:—" At a
meeting of the C, L. A. Judiciary held
Tuesday at the Bassin House the Park-
hill anti 1) udeel% L;ecrossu Ch.,bs wore
suspended from the association for the
remeiuder of the season for playing a
number of Brampton players under as-
sumed names in direct violation of the
rules. The Secretary was directed to
notify the six Brampton players who
took part in these matches to attend be•
fore the Judiciary to show cause why
a recommendation should not be made
to the Canadian Amateur Athletic As-
sociation, but it was finally decided to
adopt the course above indicated. If
the C. A. A. A, find these players gull•
ty of professionalism they will be for-
ever debarred from playing any more
lacrosse in this Province, The dispute
between Barrie and Orilla was settled
by the match being ordered to be play-
ed at Barrie and the expenses of the
Orillia team to be paid by Barrie. The
members of the Judiciary expressed
their regret to find that a number of
the Brampton players had been guilty
of playing under assumed names in di•
rect violation of the constitution dur-
ing the season, and were very much
surprised that such should be the case
particularly in face of the fact that
these same players refused to join the
C. L. A. this season because of its al-
leged corruptness in the past. It would
under these circumstances have been
expected that these " gentleman "
would be the last to corrupt and bring
into disrepute the association.
Personal Mention
Miss Doan, of Zurich, is visiting
friends in town.
Clyde White, of Windsor, is visiting
friends in town.
Miss Amy Steinbach visited at A. G.
Dyer's this week.
Mrs. Elliott, of London, is the guest
of Mrs. D. Spicer.
Miss Eurith Myers returned from
Loudon Tuesday.
Miss Jennie Pickard left Monday to
visit in Brantford.
Miss Lily May Acheson is visiting
friends at Ilderton.
Mr. W. McNevin, visited friends in
Goderich last week.
Mr. F. J. Knight spent a few days in
St. Thomas last week.
Miss Janet Taylor, of Chicago, is vis•
iting under the parental roof.
Dr. H. Kinsman, of Sarnia, spent.
Sunday with his parents here.
Miss May Armstrong is visiting
friends and relatives in London.
Mr. Alex. McNeyin is visiting in
Goderich and Wingham this week.
Mr. John Crooks, of London, is spend.
ing a few days with friends in town.
Mrs. Dan'l Dyer and son, Ashton, re-
turned home from London this week. .
Mrs. Isaac Bawden, of Strathroy,
spent a few days here during the week;
Mise Hannah Parsons, after a few
weeks' visit with friends and relatives.
here, returns to London this morning.
Miss Bertha Gilbert, of Duucrief, is
visiting friends in and around Exeter.
" Miss Amy Johns, of Exeter, is the
guest of Mrs. Andrews,"—Clintou New
Miss Eunice Eaerett, of Sarnia, is
spending a few days with relatives in
Miss Ada Redden, who has been vis-
iting in Loudon, returned home this
Mrs. W. J. McKay and ehildren, of
Hensel', is the guest of the Misses West
Mrs, P. S. Armstrong, of St. Marys,
is the guest of Mrs. A, Holland, Exeter
Alf. Davidson, w ho has been working
in Dresden as tailor, returned home
James Beattie and William Willard,
of St. Marys, was in town Saturday on
Miss Ella IIoward, of London, arrived
home Monday to spend a few weeks'
Wm. Redden, who was on the sick
list last week, has resumed work with
Mr. Christie.
Mrs, Wen. Cudmore and daughter,
Lou, et Rippe%, spent. Saturday with
friends here.
The Misses Hurdon, ot Fort William,
are visiting their uncle, Mr. N. D, Hur-
don at the Bail:,
Misses Mabel and Lula, Smith, are
visiting friends iu Loudon, the guests
Of Mrs Wm. Wyatt.
Mrs. R. J. F uke and two daughters,
of Chicago, Ill., are here visiting rol4a-
tives fora few weeks.
Miss Louise Eacrett, who has been
visiting' in London for some time, re-
turned home Saturday..
Miss Walters Mabel l� t r from
e returned ed
London Monday, owing to blood poison-
ing in one of her fingers.
Mrs. II. Buckingham who has been
visiting in St. Thomas and elsewhere
returned home Wednesday.
'firs. Thos. Norther, of Fort Gratiot
Mich., is visiting her parents, Mr, and
Mrs John Prout itt l'sbortle,
Mrs. S. Powell and two ehildren loft
Tuesday for Baylield, where they will
spend a few days eaurpiug
Mrs. (Dr.). Gill, of Gibsonburg, 011ie.,
is spending a few weeks with her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. T. Gregory.
Mr. Frank Oke, who has been spend
rug a few days with friends here, re-
turued to Ton'auto W'eduesday.
Miss Emma Penlualc, who has been
visiting her sister in Highgate for some
dune, returned home Saturday.
Miss Mabel Newton, after a yisit of
several weeks with, friends hero, has
returned to her home in London.
Mrs. D. Tait, who has been visiting'.
frienclssand relatives here for some
time, left Wednesday for St. Marys.
\Irs. Edwin Brewed, accompanied by
her two children, of Brantford, is yisit-
ing her parents, llir. and Mrs. D. Spicer.
Mrs. Hugh Murdock, o€ Liman, and
her mother, Mrs. \Vest, of Kincardine,
visited at the Commercial on Sunday.
Miss Ada McLaughlin, after a pleas
ant visit with friends in London and
Woodstock, returned home on Saturday,
"Mrs, R. H, Collins and Miss Bonthron,
of Exeter, are visiting at Mr. A.
Young's this week." Seaforth Expositor
Mrs. A. Q, Bobier and family, who
have been on an extended pleasure
trip to Omaha, Nebraska, returned
home Friday.
Miss Woollatt, of Barrie, accompan-
ied by a little nephew and niece, is vis-
iting friends in town, the guest of Miss
Edith Hyndman.
Mr. John Snell, after spending a few
weeks with his mother, returned to St..
Thomas Wednesday to resume his
position as tailor.
Mr. Geo. Southcott and wife, of To-
ronto, Mrs. Geo Ranton and Miss Ger
tie Ramsay, of Brantford are visiting
relatives in town.
Rev. John Ball, of Kirkton, attended
an executive meeting of the Epworth
League in the Main Street Methodist
church Friday.
Miss Jessie Gannett, who has been
visiting friends in town, the guest of
Mrs. A. McNevin, returned to her home
in Wingham this week.
Miss Lockyer has returned to her
home in London accompanied by her
friend, Miss Frankie Davis, who will
visit there for a short time.
Miss Annie Snell, who has been en-
gaged as dining -room girl at the Com-
mercial House for some time, left for
her home in Zurich, Saturday,
The Misses Lena and Ethel Griffin,
of London East, are visiting friends in
town, the guests of Miss Vera Snell and
Miss Maud Christie respectively.
Mr. A. Hastings, accompanied by
his wife and child, is visiting relatives
at Crosshill. Mr. E. Pront has charge
of his barbering business during his
absence, -
Mr. King, of London, has accepted a
position as moulder at the Exeter
foundry. He is a first class cornet
player and has enrolled his name as a
member of the Exeter Band.
N. McMurchy, R. A., Principal Col-
legiate Institute, Elora, gave the ADVO-
CATE a pleasant call Monday. He had
wheeled from Elora to St. Thomas and
from, that place here and was on his
way to Dungannon.
Dr. Amos, who has been in a low
state of health for some .weeks at his
brother's residence. in McGillivray,, is
rapidly recovering, and his many.
friends will be pleased to hear that be
will resume 'practice shortly.
Mr. Thos. Russell, of l sborne, who
has been in Manitoba for the past three
weeks acting in the capacity of judge
at the Winnipeg and Brandon stock
shows, returned home Monday last. He
reports a pleasant trip but says the
crops of the proyince will not be an
average yield.
Just Received Three Orates of Crockery
which will be sold at very Close prices.
25 Toilet Setts 10 pieces Green, Brown, and
Blue, gold decorated, very fine goods,
Extra Special $3.15.
50 Doz. best quality white ironstone china
Cups and Saucers,
Special Value 65c. doz.
50 Doz.. best quality white ironstone china
Dinner Plates,
Snap, 65c, doz.
We aro showing a big range of all kinds of
Crockery e,.t Very Close Prices.
Vinegar for Pickles
We keep XXX White Wine, Government
Proof and English Malt. .
Stores close 6:30 except R'eduesday and Saturday,
New roes Goo : s,
New Dress Goods in the new make, Vigoure-
aux, at 50c. a yd. .
All wool Bengaline at 50c. a yd.
New Zephyr Plaids at 121,2c. a yd.
See our Jobs in Cottons, beautiful patterns,
16 yds. for Si .00.
These are Bargains, Piot impositions.
We advertise facts only, and facts tell no stories,
-'The Great Read,-to-ausctr Clothier.".
NOBBY. -��►
"The Hang -dog Expression"
looks of a " ready made,"" band -
me -down " suit of clothes Is
enough to disgust the Prince of
A tailor-made suit, cut. made
and fitted to the contour of your
form is certain to look right.
AND WEAR`--6,6241).-
Parts of machinery which
accurately fits withstand se-
vere service and parts that do
not fit wear out quickest.
Sante with clothes, Choose
your cloth and we do the rest.
Prices small as stitches.
Bert. Knight.
Having opened out a well equipped
Shop, I am now prepared to do all kinds
of repairing such as
In fact everything and anything. We
make a specialty of remodelling Bicy-
cles and sharpening Lawn Mowers at
this time of the year.
One door north Mr. Stewart's store.
First-class Rigs and Horses
Orders left atHawkshaw's
Hotel, or at the - Livery
Stable, Christie's old Stand
will receiveP P rom pt at.
Terms erms Reasonable
1 Conneotaoa
If You Want
Call at the Family Butcher Shop.
One Door South of CENTRAL HOTEL,
Also Dealer in Hates Sheep and
Calf Skins.
The War is on !
The Spaniards are
Doomed to Defeat.
Yes, the War is on, and the Span-
iards are getting the worst of it,
but it is not so with those who
purchase at our Furniture Store—
They, like the Americans, will get
the best of
Another Carload,
We have just Received Another
Carload of Furniture ;'and now we
have a Complete Stock.
We couldn't buy anywhere near as
low as we are selling. You
never bought so good, so cheap
before. See the Stock and be
rt. N. RoWE.
The Maisons Bank. '
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855,)
Paid up Capital .... $2,000,000
gest Fund ...... 1,500,000
Head office Montreal. '
Money advanced to euod Farmer's on their
iwn notes wit[ one or more endorsers at 7
oereent per annum.
Exeter Branch,
/pen every lawful day from I0 a. m -:to 3 p
m., Saturdays 10 a. m. to 1 p.m
general banking business transacted
CURRENT RATES allowed for mon-
,y on Deposit Receipts. Savings Dank at 9
per cent,