HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-7-29, Page 7WU Will [EY DRAG ON.
Mediterranean May Become the
Scene Of Naval Activity,
Spuin's Own Internal Necessities May
Keep the War Dragging On -Don
Carlos and National Pride Stand
Against r cave -Nobody Can Tell What
might Happen in Europe if U.S. Fleet
Should Bombard Spanish Cities,
14011t1011, July 25. -The New or
Post's correspondent cables his paper as
follows.: Peace ruiners come front every
quarter, but there is -a send ;spielers,
especially in official quarters, that
Spain's owe internal necessities probably
will troop the war dragging ore••
Besides Don Carlos., national pride
stands in the way of peace; and. there is
also a (*eviction. that when things are At
tee worst dynastic' EuroPe will interferes
It is quite conceiveble that not a few
of those neer the throne are impatient
for the thunder of WatSOrt'S gees and
tee pews time he has occupied the
Canaries. Whether right or wrong, thit;
Is the view of tbe situation. taken in the
nulst weighty quarters here, and upon it
the British Government ere shaping their
immediete tool especially their naval
policy. In their eyes there is a Omer et
the globe whicb may, In otQW Weeks or
reoritbs henee, littO011AQ QvQu mote hellanw
=able than the fur east is at presentee
tlete corner is in the Mediterranean.
Nobody eau say weat will bappets in
Spain or Italy or Austria, before the year
ig out, especially if the American fleet
•should appear in the t fediterrauetirt.
ali Another disturbing element is the
'German Emperor's appreeobing Vielt to
Palestine, a visit whiet; nLentlen is
associated with the Kaisereeire to
find in Asia Minor laud which Germans
May colonize without ceasing to be
Germans. Tbese and other ceuses cows
bined make the Mediterranean 4 subjeab
•of the British Mirdstry's Most Watehtul
iust now.
This is the chief expleuation why the
Muttony has taken tho otherwise inex-
plicable deeision to strengthen Britisb,
squadrons 'Within easy noels of bome at
the eXpenso of the China squadron, by
replacing the MO powerful vessels
Narcissus and Inmertellto on the China
stollen by the second•olass exuisers
Charybdis and Cambrian.
I have tried to AScertain the probable
action of remitted in the event of the
European puwers attemptieg to take the
regulation of the future of the Philip-
pines out of the hands of the United
States. The reply made is that It depends
entirely upon the exact proposals of the
European powers. Tho expectation is
that Alliarica will show no desire for
more than a naval base in the Philip -
pipes, to enable bet to watch hot' com•
mere° in the east. and that this desire
probably Neill be found not incompatible
With the aims of Russia, Germany and
No trace Is discoverable of England's
desire for the Philippines herself or for
an .Angle -American protectorate. Lord
Salisbury is llrmly of the opiuion that
England has more then enough in the
'way of territory and spheres of interest
In the east.
FEEDING Tun ituzioitr.
4,000 Well and 1400 Sick Spaniards
Living on Ainerican Food.
Washington 1/0„ July 25, -The War
Department lifts received the following
from Gen. Shafter:
Santiago do Cuba, July 23, 1898, 125
le n. .Aelj utant•General, Washington :
Colonel of Engineers, Spanish army,
tuts just arrived from Guantanamo. He
beard from the French Consul there that
Santiago had surrendered and that they
bad been inaladed. Not crediting it, he
was sent here to verify the fact. They
will be very glad to accept the terms of
surrender. Very short of rations and I
shall have to begin feeding them at
once. He tells me there are 6,000 men at
that place. Ano now feeding 4,000 well
prisoners here, and 1,600 sick in hospital.
Expect 2.000 men in tomorrow from San
Luis and Palma. Will send an officer to-
snorrow or next day with one of Gen.
Toral's to recelee surrender at Guantan-
elMO, and then to Segue and Baracoa to
receive surrender ta ore. Think the
number of prisoners will be fully up to
the estimate, 22,000 or 23,000.-Shafter,
Major-General Commanding.
Spanish Company Not to Have the Trans-
portation Job Without a Fight.
New York. July 25. -The Journal
;stays: Although the contract for carrying
the Spanish prisoners back to Spain has
apparently been awarded to the Spanish
Trans -A Mantic Company, by Secretary
Alger, the other bidders are not disposed
to let it go without a fight. George
Osgood Lord, representing an English
-steamship company, one of the bidders,
has engaged lawyers to contest the
validity of the contract, and they have
notified Secretary Alger that proceedings
tvill be begun at once to dissolve the
contract. The contentions are:
1. That tbe contract is illegal.
2. That it is against public, policy.
3. It gives an enemy ships and naonar
to arm them.
4. It compels Uncle Sam to furnish
eonvoys to protect an enemy's shies
against himself. -
Steamship companies here will com-
bine to fight the ease.
Spaniards Driven out.
Madrid, July 25.-A telegram from
Havana reports that the insurgents
attacked Gibara, near Santiago de Cuba,
; and that the garrison, after a severe
fight, evaouted the place. Many of the
; insurgents were killed. The despatch
• also reports that a force of Americans
landed at Galamaltscoa (Tayabacoa) and
levested Tunas de Zara, and the .warships
abetted "Galarnalacoa."
, Senor Sagasta, the Premier, says that
:not atl the troops included in the cap-
itulation of Santiago agreed to surrender.
• Over 300 New Cases of Fever.
Washington, July 25.-A despatch
received Saturday night froxn General
Shatter by Adjutant -General Corbin says
that 336 new cases of fever of all °lasso
were reported in his camp before
i Santiago Friday.
Attack on manila Impending.
, London, July 25.-A special despatoh
from Madrid says that Gen. Augustin,
Captein -Gepertil at the PhiliPpines, iris
teleg embed to the Government as
.'"Xhe AMericans are about to attack
Grave events Are impending "
Lei' nether enstrected nee to nature,
Home. Rut Instead She Has Gone •
Peavetuak.hig; to etaeries
Madrid, July • 25, Via. Paris. -The •
. chiefs of the Carnet organization are,
leaving Spain..
Miss, Jessie Schley, _delegate front the
Peace Sooiettr of Perin, has arrived at
Madrid, with tbe inteetive it is Asserted,
Of interviewieg members of the Cabiuet
With a "Iummiltarlan object."
Miss Jessie Sohley referred to in the
foregoing despatch is the daughter of
Cisarles Sehlee of Udwoukee, who is 4,
, cousin of Commodore Soblet. She is a.;
member of the Detughters Of the IttiV014-
thin. It was aonounced from. Peris last
week that , the ' was About to stert for
Madrid to see the teueen Regent aud
Senor Sagesta, with a view of bringing
about peace, and then to proceed to
Wasbingtou to visit President tioKieley
it; thesemis interest. Lest Friday the
Milwanisee Sentinel announced that Miss
elehley's father, 411 learning cif his
daughter's intention, had instructed her
te return house immediately, disievoweng
tier mimeo And excusing it as the result
Of 4 . waxen, sympathetic petere and a
epeoiel erithesiesna fer phelautbreple and
pe405 llitiValliatitS. • - .
gauge of tee nupture Between the
American* and Cueent.
'Madrid, July O5. -The news of Motion
between Araeritems and hasurgents in
Cuba is received hero with great set's -
Victim, and those who hope for peatm
with honor regard it with joyful ;notion.
potion, Mims' DO Lome tleolered yester-
day that ne such opportunity far peeve
negotiations as the GiNrcia•Shatter split
bee veerred since the loss of Cervent's
The Situation Most Critimil,
London, July 25, -The Mrstirid correspondent of the Observer says the condi-
tion Of the Government is now most
critical, and that the authorities are
devoting all their attention to preventing;
twolution and safeguarding t
Throat:tomtit the Dominion -Four in :Mani-
toba Lakes Port Elgin Hoy
Winnipeg, Man., July 25. -Two boys
belonging to Winnipeg, named Jack and
Henry Chambers, WM drowned :emu'.
day' morning while boating at Stool
Two :iron Drowned.
Dauphin, July 25 -Word has Jive
been received ot the drowning on Lake
WinuipegosIs, Thursdny afternoon, of
John McNeill and .Tames Padfield of
Rigby. The parties had gone for a sail
with H. C. Ross, tool the boat capsized
In a squall. McNeill dung to the boat
until exbausted, when he slipped air and
never rose. ROSS and Padfield endeavored
to make the shore, but the latter's;
strength failed and he went down. Ross
managed to reaoh shore.
Port Elgin Boy Drowned.
Port Elgin, Ont., July 25.-A sed
drowning accident occurred Saturdey
afternoon In the Satigeon near
here, Young Edward Shiels, about 14
years of age, a sun of Mr. Andrew Shia's.
botelkeepor ben, was drowned. The
body was recovered Sunday morning
after dragging the river.
Drowned While Bathing.
Carleton Place, July 25. -Boyd
Ribble, the 18 -year-old son of W. 'W.
C.P.R. ticket agent here, was
drowned while bathing in the tlitsissippi
River at 1.30 Saturday afternoon. The
body was recovered after being in the
water about 20 minutes, but all efforts
to restore life proved futile.
Drowned in the lolith.
Drumbo, July 25. -Mr. William
jamieson, a well-known farmer and a
prominent number of the Prosbyterien
Church of Druntho, was drowned at
Wolverton in the River Nith Saturday
night while bathing. He resided with his
aged mother, for whom much sympathy
Is felt.
His Western Visit Had No Connection
With Rate War.
Montreal, July 25. -The rumor has
been very active and persistent for the
past three days that the trip of Sir
William Van Horne, president of the
C.P.R., to the western railway centres,
had something to do with the rate war,
but that gentleman says it is not so. The
story went on to say that the highest
official of the big Canadian road has gone
so far as to settle the matter with Mr.
J. J. Hill, the leading man of the great
western railway interests. 16 was a state-
ment of that nature which was banded
to Sir William On his arrival here in bis
private oar at Windsor street station.
The President bad just arrived from the
west, the Saskatehewan being attached to
the Chicago train.
"I don't know anything about the rate
war, and my trip to the west was on
entirely different business," was the reply
which Sir William gave. That was all
he had to say on the matter, and ought
to be explicit enough to settle the reports
which have been active for some days.
Earthquake in Chili.
Valparaiso, Mill, .7ply 25.-A. violent
shook of earthquake lasting a minute
was felt last niglit at Concepcion, capital
of the Chilian province of that name, and
at• Taloanuane, on the Bay of Conoepoion
and eight miles distant from Concepcion
City. Many houses were destroyed and
the telegraph and &exert(' wires were
evered. The inhabitants were terrified
and fled from their homes, spending the
night in the open air. Another severe
shook was experienced to -day. ,
Peterboro Lady sunstreek.,
Peterboro, July 25. -Mrs. John L.
Irwin was prostrated by excessive heat
here Saturday morning. She was taken
into the office of • the Toronto Bank,
where she soon recovered auffiolently to
be taken home in a cab.
ffalleto Wrought In Battle, la Modern Ititio,
Lieutenant Colonel Forwood, deputy'
surgeon general of the Army at Washing-
ton, says; that the wounded in the War
with Spain will surpass all previous_ rec-
ords because moOero ritle bullets are aiss
charged with such teemeedous rapidity,
their trajectory is eq. dee and their ve1o:4y
SQ greet.
Colonel Vorwood expresses an opinion
Shot a great proportiou ef .those hit by
projectiles in the present conflict will be
killed, The modern rifle bullet cuts oiean-
ly the tissues, seeering blood vest
sets and is apt to produce fatal tremors
rhages, On the other baud, those wlio
vivo the first .efrects of their injuries axe
likely to recover, inasmuch as the wounds
WV SO eleato out and their openings so
small as to cease and heal readily. The
percentage of .t/sose permanently crippled
will be greatly reduced. The up to date
.projectile is not affected as to shape even
by encouutering bone, and i5 solemn, res
Mains in tee body.
01)0 thing of which there 13 50 Apparent
doubt is the fact that the new style rifle,
bullet at near ranges. within 1,000 yards,
has a quasi explosive _effect, smashing
bones te splieters and hopelessly domag-
ing intereal organs. This effect Is due to
the opal revolution of the projectile.
There will be, then, an enormous:DAM,
leer of wounded in a modern battle, Seth
tee is sere to take place in the fight for the
beighte io the neighborhood of RaTilliao
15 Will QC lleCeSSill7 to remove, the injured
MU of the ftring line. This is thebusluetel
et the mediol carps. n the height of the
engagement this cannot be accompiltbed,
and the wouuded most remain ort the field
until a Siselielling of fire permits the hoe,
pied men to epproacia One emhernsee-
went Oa operations of thie sort is likely te,
Vise from tbo extraortinuoy ireuge of
modernguns, whicharo eve to kiU ate
Oolisiderablo pereentego of the Silrge0iiii
Mid 'their assistants. A position in the,
rent' of the fighting lino is no longer eqUiv-
;dent 50 proteetion.
.th the rear of each division of the Amer -
JOU . army there will be three first areas-
ing pintos far emergency Work. .At
considerable distance farther to tbe rear.
will be an toubultericeetation ceusittiem of
group at .three rents -one for the recce -
Un ot Wouteled men, another far dressieg
end .4 third for operative work. Still
farther again to the rear will be .threo field
hospitals, one orrespondlim toeaeh of the
three brigades eoutpotleg the division.
Koch field hoSpital will be ao tent in -three
sections, effording aceommodutlen. for 400
or orate wounded, who will be Irrid on
-Kruger Proposed After Me Sweetheart's
Leap Isor We.
Swingi»g in Midair, In full view of
curious thousands, Charles Kruger wooed
and won bis wife. Ile was a performer on
the topaz° and she was bis professional
partner. He tells the story as follows; •
"I bad boon doing a trapeze act for
sone) weeks witivthe elms when the pro-
prietor said to me; 'Why don't you double
up? There's more MOnoy in it, and I'VO
got just tbe kind of a partner for you. She
was born in a circus, liko yourself, and
bas been tieing a turn with her brother.
Ho was killed at Scranton last woolt, and
you two will double, up all right'
"I thought the owner's advice was good.
The next day he introduced me to zny
partner. Her name was then Clara Den-
nison. Sho was beautiful. She had splen-
did black hair, flashing eyes and a superb
figures We talked about our partnership
and. soon came to terms. She was full of
Ideas and daring. She proposed the leap
for life act, and 1 agreed to work with
Itrugerand his partner shortly appeared
in public. Their act became the most sue-
cessful feature of the show. He was strong
and handsome and she was lithe and beau-
"I was beside myself with love," con-
tinued Kruger, "We rehearsed every day
and did our act every afternoon and night,
but those times were the only moments I
saw her.
"Her mother was always with her while
WO practised, and she waited in the chess -
Ing room for her during the performance.
I had no opportunity to see her alone save
when we were in midair. Never did bash-
ful lover suffer so much as L
"I made up my mind that I must speak
without delay. The opportunity came to
me by intuition.
"One night she leaped, and I caught
her. The clasp of her dear hands seemed
to encouraeo noe to speak. There swing-
ing in micrair I told her that I loved her.
She, hanging below me, looked up to me
and, blushing, whispered that she would
be mine. .A tightened grasp of the hands
was the best answer I could make.
"From that time she always whispered
something to me as I raised her up to
catch her own trapeze on its return. I
carried on iny courtship in midair, obliv-
ious of all whosaw us.
"Then I mustered up courage to speak
to her mother. It was hard work. At
first she opposed my marrying her daugh-
ter, but we both pressed her so hard that
she consented. No marriage could have
been happier than mine. I have had a bad
accident, but even in misfortune my wife
makes me happy."
Kruger is now a watchman in the St.
Louis Female hospital. He broke his leg
recently, and, although he has recovered
from the accident, it will probably prevent
him from ever being a circus performer
His beautiful wife is still appearing in
public to help support her husband and
their child. She does nightly "the leap
for life" act, in which the dives front a
platform 60 feet high and is caught by a
man swinging head downward from a
- --
Life, newel; the are of a centary.
Cronies two we have faced the road,
Cheek by lowl, sive the firet young day
Mho the primrose path before us glowed.
Mind you the wonders the vista sliewea?
Cloth of gold \there the sunlight lay?
Mind you the cowslip bails we elowed?
Gliuting geerdous of Prinnvee way.
Iefe, you're a faithful votary.
Years and a day to keep the code.
Yours was a rare knieht errantry.
For ho l bio -de -hey ley faucy rode,
But then the cowslip crop we snowed.
Crowfoot furrows we reap teday.
Carols have changed to a milinode,
Asad loet forever is Peintrese way.
le see vol.
Youth of the suornieg sandal's Abed*
List to a graybeard elegy --
Men bat once- is a deneeed.
EartiVe Olyntpus i'reureee wee.
• -Rose.. Bette 1iI1s m Clumboo
But 4.3 Jury ne nroved a Monumental
Ex -Judge Dillon delights in telling
anecdotes of the days when he was on the
treitee States circuit bench and held
court to Kansas, He lately told the store
to some New York friends of a jitter in his
court at Leesenworth which tried a Drowx
county woman who was eharged with sell
Jug whisky without a, government 'leaflet
Ie was shotsle by the teselmouy that the
woman was in tbe eabit of concoeting a
medicine from whisky and herbs, whicb
the sold to neighboring fermere. Tbie
was the jury's verdietx "We do hereby find
the defendant not milky, but we warn her
that if she does not cog) the practice she
is likely to go to jail."
OncellpOn a time there Wee a happening
in Judge Dillon's court at Leavenworth
which 30 tar be bias oevertenbodiest 50 assy
of hie aeocciates, A men had beell 1414104
ea for stealing gm-even:eV moles from;
Fort Ilays. Judge 1I.nzu Was then 'Unit-
ed States district attorney, teed Tom Fen.
lou, the well known Leavenworth lawyer,
appeared for the defense. It happened
when the case was reached on the docket
that two juries were alreadsr out, and
Judge Dillon remarked that the O350 Would
have to be postponed until ono of theta
came in. Air. Fenlon stated that the de-
fendant was ready to go to trial before tile
court without a jury. and with this walvee
the ease went to teial, The government
officers testified to the prisoner's guilt In
Ptenner that apptcred 50 be conelusive
but in reblattai the prlsoPer produced
grtat gong 05 pals who eleerly posed an
When Judge Dillon came to deliver
bis verdict, he said, -While the preponder-
anee of testimony appears to be grotty in
favor of the fleCtimA. 1 ani nevertheless
convineed of his guilt, and will 60 de-
Tom Fenien VAS divided between aston-
Islip tent and anger. Ile saki nothing, how-
ever, until he met the judge at the dinner
table that day in the Planters' hotel, when
he walked up to the table where Iris honor
Was Sitting and saitl:
".Tudge Dillon, I regard you as the best
equity judge in the thiited States, but as
a jury you aro the cl-dest failure I over
heard of1"-Kansas City Journal.
Pinging the Fiona.
"It is a Wainer feet," said Mr. Omelet -
by, "or it is a faet familiar at least to all
10134 parents, that children without excel).
tion like to play the piano with the hard
pedal on all the time. All children like to
make all the noise tbey cete In playing
tbe piano as in everything else. Playing
upon the piano without the heavy pedal
does not disturb me at all, but the minute
the heavy pedal is put on I am greatly
distnrbed, and the continued resounding
of the notes fairly reeks me,
"Of course I can't be forever saying
'don't,' and it's unet'ntelous to say 10 at
I suppose, for why shouldn't the chil-
dren have their fun, and so I hit upon the
desperate expedient of blocking the heavy
pedal. I have whittled out a nice little
piece of soft white pine into a plug that
just fits into the space ituder the pedal in
the opening in which it works, so that the
pedal eanuot be depressed.
"It bas only been there two days now,
but it has been two days of blessed relief.
It can't last much longer, because the chil-
dren are liable to ask ono any minute
what's the matter -I wonder they haven't
asked nie long ago -and of course I'll have
to tell 'em, but I am grateful for the rest
I have had, and tho respite has given me
strength the better to withstand, for a
time at least, the uproar that will surely
come when the children discover the
plug." -New York ,Sun.
An Old acne.
My Lord Craven, in King James First's
Reign, was 1%17 desirous to see Ben .Ton -
son, which being told to Ben, he went to
my Lord's House; but, being in a very
tatter'd Condition as Poets sometimes are,
the Porter refusei Ilion Admittance, with
some saucy Language, which the other
did not fail to return: My Lord, happen-
ing to come out while they were wran-
gling, asked the occasion of it: Ben, who
stood in need of no-bocly to speak for him,
said, he understood his Lordship desired to
see him; you, Friend, said my Lord, who
are you? Bon Jenson, reply'd the other:
No, no, quoth my Lord, you cannot be
Ben Jonson wbo wrote the Silent Wom-
an, you look as if you could not say Bo to
e Goose: Bo oryrd Ben, very well, said
my Lord, who was better pleas'd at the
Joke than offended at the Affront, I am
now convinced by your Wit, you are Ben
Jonson. -"Joe Miller's Jest Book," 1789.
An Olympian Joke.
"Jupiter," said Mercury in a low whis-
per as he dusted off the wing on his left
foot. "There's a man over in the south-
west corner of Olympus carrying on
'Illthat is he doing?" said Jupiter,
scratching his head with a new model
"Frothing at the mouth and writhing
about. It's not proper for such a mortal
to be here."
"Perhaps not, tont, on the other hand,
mayhap he is an epileptic fit for the gods."
Forgetting to make his usual kick about
the quality of tho an brosia, Jupiter hur-
ried way. -Buffalo Enquirer.
An Air of Probability.
"I have just read a story in which the
heroine's hair turned white in a single
night," said one girl "1 don't believe it."
"I don't know," Lzili a the other. "There
is no telling what queer tricks some of
these new bleaches will play." -Detroit
Free Press.
It is not generally known that washing
She hair in rainwater and soft soap and
rinsing in cold ordinate, water makes the
hair soft and silev.
The largest printing office in the world
is in Washington. It is for printing gov-
ernment documents.
Work of a Western Illarksnum at the
Bettie of Corinth.
"It was in the battle of Corinth,"
writes an army officer, that I first saw
an effective shot by one of she Illinois
sharp-lioseers. It was just before the final
deseerate and unavailing assault oo Bat
tert- le:billet- While waiting for the move
moot a Confederate sharpsheoter in our
front moused himself by shooting at cou-
spieuous mounted men, such as aids and
orderlies, who c,anut riding op the hill lie
was a very uncommon nierltsmare The
distance seemed tou great for effective
shooting, yet he had wounded two oineers,
Ishot the tome of an aid ands sent his bun
let; w:aistling so close to the ears 4 4 two
other officers that they dtsetteuerest in
baste, though they must have known that'
would be cliaired by the idle soldiers, as
they were.
"An infantry officer who sat on a crach-
er boss, with his beets againse the earth-
work:, smoking hie pipe uedertook t
Warn mounted officers who came that way.
Soon ite called woe of his xnen and in-
etrueted bine to go to the nese regiment,
the siety-sixth Unmet I think, for a
• creels shot. The soidier returned With a
map whose stooped ;shoulders made hint
• oppcar anything but seldierly. This elaturp-
shoeter carried his Witte, not a 11111Sillet, in
bis hand, like a careful bunter, instead of
ota his el:Gulden As Ian stopped te eal
With tinfolficer, who now sunk and prLint-
ed with his pipe toward a clumpof til*ttult
trees. he took out a piece of chamois and
slowly rubbed his gun nIgItts like a man
• about to shoot for a pliZO.
"While the officer and the sharpshooter
were talhing an Ortlett; lalOntitoZ os a
big horse, came toring VM. -11Z0,4
Obviously ha hod OP -forsage, was .z A -woe
and otos lineertein where to go. Ile neat
oteoppee below to ask a queottolt. then Oa..
a alit,,n7 Mexican Jinn* hero hie heneas
which almost leaptel awake elope- The
RIK' fr'topped him with a Jere en spot; to
the ofixer with the Pita, but his tinstrcion
was never asked. Ile retied his 'tettia tee A
salute, gave a gasp. clutched at the air
and feil erre, to be dragged with oue foot
in the stirrup down the elope by the
frightened. horse.
'Alter a single glance at the body of the
orderly bounding away over the rougla
ground the sharpshooter adjusted 1119 sighte
with deliberation, nosed bis gun en the
arthworks and find at a spot where a puff
f SIM 140 indleated t he 111314iS111:4111WhO had
hot the orderly. It was a long shot, and
She ch4nces seemed all against its toeing
offeetlee, at least at a Ilret attempt. After
shot a cheer went up along the line
Welt t'S him. the men rising in diserticr. ;
Seetteteing had rolled out ot a true elereee
the open spaee.
"A 1110=1.14.e officer in brilliant trap-
pings came up and stopped, but no shot
disturbed him. Them was no doubt that
the something that bad rolled out of the
tree was the Confederate sharpshooter."
leprising Against a Derbaroui Custom In
Northwestern Ilungary.
Throughout the northwest at Hungary
the noble landowners aro in the habit of
denutuding 50 days' work in the yem. from
each laborer or peasant on the estate with-
out any remuneration whatsoever. To
such an extent is this tyranny carried that
many of the lamlowners are accustomed.
to use their peasants as beasts of burden,
harnessing four nien to a plow instead of
a pair of horses or a yoke of oxen. When
the landlord has any work to be done, he
sends a dreramer through the Vilinge, and
every male inhabitant is compelled by law
to obey the summons The lord then se-
lects as many inen as he requires and sends
the rest home.
The spread of education among the
masses bas ended byawakening them to a
sense of the indignity and injustice of this
San m of servitude, and accordingly in the
district of Nyiregihanza the peasants
bave organized a movement to abolish
these ancient usages and rights of the
landowners, and have, moreover, refused
obedience to the latter. The landowners
In consequence appealed to the govern-
ment, which responded to the application
by sending troops to the disaffected dis-
tricts. The movement has been suppressed
with no little bloodshed, the leaders have
been either lodged in prison or expelled
from the kingdom, while those who re-
main are forced to comply with every de-
mand made upon their labor by the land-
Large Versus Small Warships.
One argument that, has been made in
favor of building a comparatively large
number of small warships rather than a
smaller number of large vessels, with
largo crews, is that the smaller ones afford
the greater number of independent com-
mands and opportunities of training for
emanoand. Between 1872 and 1888, 76 sea-
going fighting ships were launched for the
British navy, varying in displacement be-
tween 430 and 2,000 tons, and the number
of men and officers in these ships ranged
from 59 in the snaadlest to 220 in the las-
gest These ships wore to be found all
over the world. Admirals, captains and
leading officers of today were all trained
in them, and splendidly trained. These
ships, however, have been displaced dur-
ing recent years by larger vessels, with
larger crews, makieg, for each command,
larger claims on naval estimates and on
the reserve of men. Some of the foremost
authorities now lean to the opinion that
too much trust is placed in big ships and
gues and too little in the skill, enterprise
and valor which may be had in the three -
ton and naanag,ement of a ship of moder-
ate size. To xnultiply such smaller ships
is to multiply the cbanoes of getting good
onen in command. Piling up armor and
guns condemns many such men to sub-
ordination to their inferiors.-Cassier's
$00 f:xoress foto on Excursion,
SPecial-No XoosS et Life and
Not noels. Injure-
Perabroke, Ont., July 21 -Between 1
and 2 o'clock se se May Morning two
C.P.R. puesenger uains eollidee One
mile ease of the tuwee 'the So Q Express,
going east, ran int* an excursion special
Mtn Ottawa, No one was J,iuied, Omagh
several were slightly injured. Full
partienlars are not ()laminable at present,
Whose Rowdy Yankee Volunteers.
Saute Ste, Mere). Mich, July 2
The actions et tbe Peunsylonia Palen-
teers wlule guarding the leeks bevel
elsoretrebly disgusted she canal officials,
Charges embodying their ontratteduS
preteedings en the streets and locks have
been forwarded to Col. Lydocker by'
Geuerel Supt. Ripley, aecomeanied by a
requesr for the removal of the t000ps
from the canal it not from, Fort Brady.
Is will be strange if :several rourtenartiale
are not iiiStitlited when fltattere are
thoroughly aired.
Mary Of the Wheat Alarket Flactuer,
tiotos for the rab; Week.-'elte
1.ateee fettotations,
Saturday Eweeetag.
T41$ week's t2e1c4ere weeee eueeeee bait
bee..marlg,e4 by goustolet4b:e leseeeieritee
ler it
tise brea o:cialaClei.44eil 07
en adIalire oftoeii;V e. per ansael 18Veit
inlee zee guesathesse
on Ulu lieto:enAnce Wait Pezetaber cafaexes
emy ijaar;er of a vein itc thee 01.
Zintomt.y. 'Xape reason tor tat.i
it:Qti of Wings ico• eit,$4 gntexa as. Tha
-ayn. 05uv matter is Mit inc skscof ebi
11.4!:41tw IfOe iik*t ate Ut wore iow veto
weive eas eivee rite to a *smug dozen%
va-s weeat and the uor 44.4eiorerit
444 it, for tee leiter °peww
ee ee 4443Piit
44t4 thx.luou, ca 50 1,iew 05 tuo great erop
presteeeeee ts wee et/pees:A tary weeitts
tee whylere tat tied, ra diet ealpetrets.
new weeeetee %tee; etrerles; tieve eto.
yet lessee eetepeted wax; tato 64,:ine Unlit
z year. in eneelderettou uf the lerettea.
6aat italt:Atfaa rt:`,eriCea 0/0 :40 0447
e4::4 1; Is aueeeas ey no:ae that the
- may ho.ti Welt steer greet 'le gem*
ur e nue neves se
tete .feltersee Use Seel 05
ace ;set% Ja:y ilY:iV:10 aZ,Veg apt.
;01.;,.etatug., nee oa pe:;.; yoga: dilzgaili Ina
31.e 44; Urt_AZO..r".4:0 4VU444' 4; 84A11.5
tit; itir44.$ 111.W -
Leading Wheat ellarlketse
leegenewe et • atte et,seue pee, ea tereey at
laleeriatie vete ri*
3513. Jebe
Celeep 76
New iore. • • • . • . • Seer • • • •
Uevrateiess 0 te
Tt.;:c61.t.t, Ti3.;4,
Iner NZ, ,.t.t.t 0 74.4
Intli.zda. No. 2
Xorinern aya
Stara 060 .,
Iiiint0 atlas .... 6
hard 1 02 •
Toronto. no.. 0 it% • • • • • ,11,
o TN R.§ 43
147t4 Vela'
** • 01,
Toronto (train and Peselnee•
Straliebt rohere, 131turret%
middle freight% are trained et e;eete te_some
Wheateetaew Ontate; Wl.riti, ticitt at Too
and over at merle am! wee'. watt*, with
buyers Meeting avowed epee. Oa rod Win-
ter 75e to 7s leek freighte and No• 2.
bard littultola %le to We, athat. at Fork
(Jute -White quoted at .20f,1 west,
liarley-Nothing dolug and prices norale
Beet:wheat-Pekes ruellinal.
Brau-Selet at Wet) to e9 west and short*
at 414 west.
Coru-Cateullau, ale 'west and 41e ea
track here.
Peas -Quoted around 52e, high freights,
oatmeal -car lot.. of relied eats 113 bags
en track at Toronto. 33.1111: hz bhlee $3-70.
Toronto St. Lewrenee tlerreet.
Receipts of fawn reduce were larger air
Is usuai 00 ealtirday.
Two loads of while wheat sold at 703
per Intehel.
_Oats steady: 200 buseels sold at 3043 to
nay plentiful; 25 leads sold at $7 to $0
tor ton for old, and $5 to et; per ton for
Strew eted at $5 to $6 per ton.
Dressed hogs sold et $4.50 to $7 per owt.
Xlutter firmer at 130 te 12e. and stme few
lots at 18a, the bulk gelug at Lie to 170 pee
Ib. rolls.
Eggs, strietly taw laid, at 15e to 10e per
dozen, and ease lots at .abunt 13e per
Chlekens sold from 4ee free, per pair.
Duelte sold at 300 to 73e. per pair.
Potatoes, new, were plentiful and cheap-
er at teie to 70e per bushel.
East Buffalo Cattle Market.
Bast Buffalo, N.Y., July 23.--Cattle-Re-
celpts all censigntel through well the ex-
ception of two loads of Canada stockers,
which were held over for the eloudare
trade. Veals and caives-011ering,s
Market ruled slow, with prices generally
easy to lower and the demand very limited.
Hogs-Ileeelpts very mederate. Market
ruled !ewer from the start, but et the de-
cline there was a fairly active demand.
Good to ceolee yorkess, 34.05 to $4.07;
prime light, do., e5.02 to 34.05; mixed pack-
ers, 34.07 to 34.10; mediums, 34.10 to 34.32;
heavy, $4.12; roughs, 33.e0 to 33.75; stag&
e2.75 to 33; pigs. e3.75 to 34,
Sheep and Lambs -supply very ligbt and
but few held over. Market ruled slow and
priess for both lambs and yearlings were
full easy to lower, while sbeep sold at about
steady, former priees. Spring Iambs. choice
50 extra and wethers. $5.S5 to 36.15; buck-
eyes, fair, 35.25 to e5.7e; cull% fair to good,
34 to 35; common to choke yearlings, $4.26
to $5.
Native clipped sheep-tkolee to selected
wetbers. 34.60 tn e4.75; fair to eholee mixed
sheep, $4.e5 to 34.601 cults and emximon ewe
sheep, 32.25 to 33.73.
Cheese Markets,
Watertown, N.Y, July 23. -Sales large,
white 6000, at Thee and 7eee; bulk selling itt
Thee; 300 small white, at Teee; SO smali col-
ored, at Thee.
Cornwall, July 23. --The day pasture and
extreme heat begin to show roseate on quan-
tity of cheese made; 20 factories boarded
1150 white chesee, of which 42 was Ameri-
can; all sold except two factories. Tthe
prIce paid was Thee: McGoegor, 492; Wood,
445; McNeil, 173. A breed market Corn-
wall district will be applied for this sec-
tion, as the buyers all ackerowipege the
superior cmailty bearded. here, and only fac-
tories making the beet will be allowed to
0owansvillie, July 23. --At the meeting at
the district of Bedford dairymen to-dar
here, 3429 boxes cheeee were boarded and
50 tubs hatter; 15 13•16e was offered for
butter, net accepted; 49 boxes cheese sold
to James Burnett, jr., for 7te,e; ele boxe9
sold to James Burnett for 7 7-16e; 397 boxes
sold to G. W. Brock foe 7 7-16e; 2.53 boxes
sold to A. J. Bryce for 734c. TbIt.na boxes
soald. 1348. Bowed adjourned to Tilly 30,
Canton, N.Y., July 23. -Five 'hundret
small cheese sold at Thee to Mc; 1800 large
bellutteesre rtldmill:r0141.ti7Cs;hMa300atrieits.
7c3-l6c; 1100 tubes
Liverpool, Jule 23. -Spring wheat is quiet.
ceda t6s681188eitdo; 68rolly,woi:n eorr,na3ts61qty4.51,d‘;dp; peas,
0345; pork, 51s 3d; lard, 2Ss; tallow, tes 68es
le eon, heaey, 1.c., 31s tee; light, 31s 6d: do..
short cut, 31s; cheese, white and colored,
37stele6edrp. eol-Ciose---Spot wheat dull, witb
aretd6sW8ill idYee;r finittn6rses8eVetatiadt 6Nsol%id Nfoorett13),
Ss ileed for Sept. end 55 7445 for Deo.
Spot maize 3s 28; futures, 3s25 for July, Is
itted tor Sept. and Bs 4ee5 for Oct. Mom
23s 6d.