HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-09-27, Page 7III III 11M W. -W, T14URSDAY, SEPT. 27ik t923. - 7TM STAR PAGE FIPTBM OPINION aim- - Halt Itent Announced as a 1WWr Days Speciol is a Red V" and W# Vrge you to RoW Cardully the Swisis in this Page Ad. The Prices Quoted Ifere are far Dollar Dwl,i-, 001Y and in Many Caw the Quantities are Liwlte4 Room We tTrgt y4w to shoq **Early as Possible Every Itent Advertised Will lie on Display. No ?hW orks Im U Saks for Ca* Aem war pay Wish V. Or y" Make lba'slyk Doliar gay 0* Mar Day nv Bargaks j r Bargams I ` 1 7 104 At Rolf Pfice and That Wig Go 14ke 'A-� r �h 4 4,111.141431% s It Less Hot Cakes ;1, -1 PITRE WOOL 54 in. WOMEN'S SILK HOMESPUN STOCKINGS SDAY Oct. 2nd an 3rd i'l-in C It Pure Wool Women's Silk Stockings, TUESDAY a d WTV LrnUNE flonlespull. . This l.", a roal well made and fashioned. IT vaiNaln. Colors, girl. I Colors brown, black, grey, brown, aile and hen"2. -blu6 apol pink, Dollar Day Dollar Day price,. per �d. price 40c. $$C. FLANNELETTE. ORF488 GOODS BLANKETS YARD 39e. Large double , 6ed :�Ize �5 only patterris,in'Flaked Flandelette likets, - pink cotton 'Oress Goods. This or blue borders,,best quality Is, fine for girls' or womens -mom blankets. . Dollar Day price Dollar Day pri.c per pait $2.001. per yd. 39e. WOMEN'S ODD CHILDREN'S * EXTRAwwDre'ss Go'ods Crepe, Cotton hulard Ser wowEXTRA . ... I SKIRTS GARTERS BIt WINTER WEIGHT COTTON FOULARDS :"ChIldren, Black or White on� Women's Skirts, PLAIN. OR COLOREW ;OCADED CREPE 'is oil) . -C-14SPS, all A - made f6m,,�-silk jersey, Plain and Colored Brocaded Crepe, 38 inches wide. Cotton Foulards, a lovely quility. This I ftac Carter$, good tweed and Wool flannel, This'is a high 9pality.cotton material for jacquettes,. blouses iion of the regular price.. Colors navy, Copen; w te. atid, zes. Another bargain. Dol- g- leated and 'Plain, Dollar or'dresses.,Dolli-r Day sale price, 2 yds. for $1.00. grev, Dollar Day price, 2 y4s, for $I.OQ. tar Day prim Pair 10c. ay price, $1.0% FINGERING YARN. WOOL NAVY DRESS SURGE DRESS GOODS 4.2 In. PILLOW- CASES � '0 FLAKED VOILES COT -TON -xcel Fingering 36-inchNavy glue W6ol Serge. This is a real bargain, -YARDS 4 -ply C .1 *kgular dress goods, sold Yarn (similar to Bee Hive). 42 .!rich good cotton cir.' 4; YARDS The color Is good and splendid weight. ."Pollar Day price, Flaked Volles, heavy- wetgllt, at the..re- 61ar Pillow Cases, ready to, price. , Dofiar Day value, 1; yards, foi $1,00. Sol A splendid vaille 2, yards for $1.00. at twice the This Is a regular size. gular price.' Color�. pink, use.. I $ I no 0 .. Or blue. -red Doi,. Dollar Day price, each Soc. 5 PIECES ALL,WOOL AND, WOVEN WINTE RCOATING-2 YARDS FOR $1,04',, tar Day price, I oz. Sk KIMONA -VELOUR Ise. OUSR$1 0-95 5,o yards of splendid qua- TOWELLING -YARD 15c.. 36 -INCH CHINTZs 25c. LINGERIE SATIN VOILE BL BLOOMERS. 98c. BREAKFAST lity Kimona'Velour, in a. 16-Incit White Crash Towellingi, 36 -Inch, Chintz and Comforter 25 only*Wornen's Voila Blouses, trimmed, others with fancy collar NAPKIINS strip6 pattern., This will full wjdi1h and splendid washing. A- Co overing-, in fine floral patterns, , 3 Ling%rie Satin Bloomers for lace sleeves. DOI. - quick... -. Dollar � _Day', bout 75 yards. on sale.� Dollar Days only pieces on, sale. Dollars Day omen an M, all colors, full size. cuffs long"or'short A lot of sinall, size Break. sell, w and ptice, per y4.: 25c. price, yd. 10c. :price, yd.,25o.. Dollars Day pr�icee,. pt. 96C. tar Days1price, fast Napkins and � It few D61-' I V lie$. You. may choose from TAFFETA SKIRT a ay. the,., lot:... on Doll, r Dt LUANGTHS Each Ilk. GirW All Kin , D. LAR' I IS .9 only Silk Taget!" skirt DOLLA' R DAYS Women s, .1 �t' 'S 0 n5ey, lengths of 2% yds. ;each. BABIEW BIBS These sold in. the regular PURE WOOL 9.ASH- BOYS'.GIRLS' STOCK- GIRLS' STOCKINGS WOMEN'S CASHIW-ER- BOYS, GOLF STOCKO I- -too Rables, Cotton 2 pairs 2rc,', ETTS STOCKINCSil9c, )0c. way tip to $7.5o.. Dollar MER9, Pair, 25c. INGS Pair 215c. NGS, Pair .all, kinds 'and sizes. :Well Day price, each $2.50. Children's Wool. Cashmere Ribbed Union 9tockings, St." Put e" Wool Coolf made And trimmed. Dol� �SIL H.6se, Sizes 4y2 to Sy, zes 9, 9 Y2, 10, a, great s&ol Girls' Cotion'$tockifigs'fift W o ni en Is -Cashrilerette go SI K BLOUSES Colors weight rib, -sizes. - 5Y2 Stockings, R cotton and wool Stockings, turn down colored lar'Day Price , and b own �. and tops, nearly all- sizes. - 'Day learn, black arid,whtte.. mi, BRASS PINS in the lot, biown,-white, black stocking . for. boys girls Crepe' de Chine, Geor- ailld ;pink, worth up to 754 cis. Black only, Dollar prG Colors C r Day �,p p ge T These Stockings art,less thaa. black... -in the 4ot. To;, tleax rice, per, air, Mk tt�. Blouses Do Ic6,­;2&,- per Pair 25C4 PL I in lovely qua- ­ I . llar Day pri ys, 2, quick Dollar Do f English Brass Iity"inaterlals.,�- Sold in the a pairr, half price. ' Dollar Do p Price, Best quality Pins, assorted sizes. Dollar regular ZP WOMEN'S. UNDER- pts. for 25c. pair, CORSETSv $1.00. to $11. To WOOL S Gtt 75c 11 . .. Day price, 3 papers for 10c clear, Dol6urp Day price loo yards of'Wool Serge In* W] 01AR, 49c. 1 PP 'All � styles, at I models are KIMONA. VELOURt i9c, FANCY DRESS RE $2,S0. a splendid qtiality. Colors. This is an assorted lot: of represented in ibis DQ`112� �Day �BOUDOIR CAPS LF NAPKINS brown, navy, grey and bur" WQmen's Underwear, " inchid- 50 y&, of Xfmorta Velour TAB special In Corsets for women Ladies' Net..'and� Netand.'� gundy. Dollar'. Days ..price, ments of fine even texture, light and widej fancy Dress and misses. . Dozens of pairs,., ing'some fleece lined gar :,Yard 'ap�' all �rlsh Damask Table Nap- per yd.. M. and winter.'Yests on Utdon. rose shades. Full 30 inches Repp, well printed. patterns., Dollat Days price, liomr $1.00, Lace Boudoir C kins in an assortment of si. wide. A. real snap. Dollar kinds and makes in the lot'. make, Dolla�'Day. price, � 4!* Colors brown, Copan and bur -w Dav --ach zes, all ready to 6�e.: Dot- Days price per.yd. 29c idy. This is,a lovely ma- Choose oil Dollar PULL OVER SWEAT, gul LEOHER PURSES, 98c tar. Day pricej. each 25c. -INCH FLANNEL. terial. ..25c.. ERS, $1.50 27. Dollar , DAYS Price,: inplete stock of I ea - WOMEN -PS Women's" and Misses' All ETTE, l9c. RUCK TOWELS 3 FOR per yd. $at. Our eo GIRL'S $1.00. ther Purses in sinall and I�rge CHAMOISETTE MIDEYES.' Wool Pull. 'Over Sweaters; full width 27.1rich Best Cat, C- shapes. Sold in. the regular GLOVES SCOTCH PLAIDSo 69 mkole ih several strides, � iiictud- adian Flannelette. Colors Cotton Huck Towels,' -good t $4, . Your choice' hite black itaturalt for ladies in silk. or oil Do tar Days each 98c ing King Tut #Ylles, long blue,and. pink ground, with Wool Scotch PWds in sev,- way u,f W Girls' and Women's Mid large- size, 17x35 inches, dies, c1lildrenys Rompers and sleeves. . 'and. threeluarteor Ismall ch�ck'pattern.- Dollar bleached white, about' 50 in eral good patterns. , 4 Pieces Gloves Suits. Choose from slieves. Dollar Day price, Day.price, yd. m. only of this dress gool's to chamoisette. tigarly all siz. this lot. Worth up -to $2. $1.50. the lot, ready t? use, Dollar - -GIRLS' -Dollar', Day price, Per HEATHER STOCKINGS Days price, 3 fcir $1.00. Clear on, Dollar Days, yd., 69c. WOOL GLOVES es. Dollar Day; 6ach 5.0c. 25.c. pair 66c.' TOWE 89c, 1.00 BOYS' JERSEY%. $1.23 25 VOILE. BWU SES -LINEN HAND ILS WOOL COATING9., - $ Girls,. Althd Misses". Wool CHILDREWS loc. Womens' Heather Stock- Pure- 'Wool Coatings, fine Boys, Pure Wool Pull Ovef Gloves, right .111 time for fall GLOVE$ r75 only Women's Volle Kitchen ht-gs a very fine 75 Linen Hand or 9 quality in for., Girls' Coats and' Sport :J�rseys, button on shoulder.. and winter wearing, All sizes Blooses, some lice trimmedi Towels ­allt pure linen, Size several shades of heather. Colors green and wine Colors white, navy, Cardinal. and colors, Dollar Days pric-e Children's Chamoisette. all -,sizes and -styles in the lot, 22x28 'Incirds, also a'few tea Nearly all: sizes in 'the lot. 5n ats* This coating sold for; Nearly all sl to clear Dollar pr. 25C Gloves,. colors brown, dark Reg; value up to $3.50. towels in good size. All one Your choice on Dollar Days, $ oly 2 pieces only.. Days a ze' grey and white. Nearly 2.7i a yard. t $1.23.# .Dollar Day,pric.e, each 75c. price. . Dollar Days price,. 19C P ir 89C.. Dollar Days. Price, yd. $1 00 GIRLS, WOOL TOQUES. all sizes, Dollar Day.price W6MENS SATEEN CORD V9VETSj 950. CRASH TOWE LLINGt MONARCH FLOSS 45c. pair 50c. 42 in. WOOL SERGE 98c. YARN, loc. UNDERSKIRTS '; Cord Velvets. just the thing 19C.. Girls' Wool To,ques, alt Col. BOY'S. UNDERWEAR for girls' school dresses, little Crash 'Toweling, full 16 in. 42. 1 h Pure Wool Serie; Ill We are golng out of this, or combillotions and styles, 0 Women's Sateen Under- � and bro tie to choose from- bUtr Boys, Wool Rib and Not! - boys' suits and many otherus- wide. Fine red borders writ garnet and blue. � This kind of yar tic ounce' Dozens 0 tkirts, with floral patterns ;�, �k:lll ad , hirts and Draw. I es. On spedial sale, all splendid washing About So is a good dress serge and splen- balls, about,,,, noze6 Sri, es I 'ft come early fof this,. bargain,.� ural Wool $ inq all slzes� This is a real bar. Your ers also some comb , tions gain. Dollar Day price, shades. Dollar Days, per yd. yards to be sold ai Dollar.Days did color rs. Dollar Days Spe- in the stock. Your hoice 00n. Your choice oil Dollar Days, i 45c. ass�rted sizes. Dollar J)ay each 98c. price, yd. 19c. dal, yd, 98c. Dollar Days, Wit 10c. price per garment W. CURTAIN SCRIM M t 'GOTIE12M LIN-OLEUMS CON. EN'S UNDERWEAR Curtain Scrhn� some -short OILCLOTHS 0 RUGS Young Men% "Ceeteeff lengths and Some larger leces, blain and fancy de;.. ,Best quality No. I These are all Gold Shirts and Drawers. sizes 14 p 'oqol- arid. 16 Only. 'rills is a signs. To clear, Dolla o6r Lmoliums, all Seat quality' C pure woot underwear "that. Day price, per yd. 2So. new patterns this sea. eums and these prices sold 'for 84.50 a qatillept. son. Your choire of 3 are for Doliar Days Dollar Day pricet$1.50. .HOUSE DRESS104 S Ide. Doi. only. Sizes Ift% at ,or 4, yds. wi Indigo Blue House Dres- tar Days price, s4rare 4 8; 3 6x 16 ,it 98; Qx 12 COLLAR9 CUFF SETS ses, 60 only. in the lot, all, yd. 95 feet $IS.05; Qxlo�� oat Full it Women's C oflar and Cuff 'well Ladies' and Misses' Fine Velour Coats, with No. I Beaverine Collars, each C Sets and soiljo...odd Collar; izes and well made, each Best quality 14.95; 90 feet oite trimmed. Dollai Day printed pattern Floor Lined and Interlined -Each Coat an 1 27.50 ft. ndividual 'Model --Dollar Days, price,,..,..... 4P $11.90. pricq, each 98c. Oilcloth. Dollar Days in alillbst every kind and KIMONA VEL01qu only, sale price square 4 ONLY TWEED WOOL BLANKETS $8.7.5 3 SHAWLETTES $2.45 COLORED MAINVIS, shape. Yoo can dooqe yd. 49c. from this lot it Dollar Day COATS. $5.00 ETTE# 39c, price, 5&,, 3 only pieces . of good Inest Wool .3 only pure Woot Shawlei These are thd f quality Kimono, Velour, full VOILE BLOVS98t $2-9-5 These are age in a good Wide style, Colored Marquisette for oV. qVAFFETA. RIBBONS I �6od warm Blankets, made in large double test In: I *iathf and lovely floral pat. Women's- finest Volle Blou- Tweed Coats, without fut Col- bed size. Have blue or pink with girdle, several" patterns. er drapes and Curtains. Col.' Silk Taffeta Ribbons.' Ill terns. Dollar Day price, ses -in overbl use styles and lots, made up in -good styles, borders. Finished singly To clear quick, -reg. $5.75. or,( plain green and plain rose,- almost every color and up y d. 3 7 11t, c. tuck -in. , The are new this Just the thing for motoring Dollars Days -only, Pr. $8.7g. Dolli� Days price $2.45. Have hernstitchtd borders. and driving. Convertible col- Dollar Days price, yd. 39c. to 5 inches wide. Your FANCY CREPE season and a wide -up In lars, Dollar Dayg price, $5. CHILDREN'S COATS, choice on Dollar Day. per good ni Dollar Days CURTAIN NETS, 3.5c# $5.45 15 ONLY DRESSE.44' vd. I 5c. Fancy Cotton Crepe and $2.95. GIRLS' COATSt $7.15 Cotton Tussa, plain and (an Dollar. Days, $9.75 LINEN TOWELLINGeS Cy weaves, 3 pieces only, ta Girls' Burberry Coats, new Curtain Nets, full width, Children's Winter Coats, Clear on Dollar Day'at per COAT SPECIAL this season. A speclAt for. ..several splendid - patternso afid ` this season . "1-5 Burberry Style, $16.56 dollar days only. Good shades a first quality MA This -warm garments. Sizes 5, 6� made front fine serge, geor. Toweling. full 18 inches yd. 29C.. tee'll; Ade. , d of heather and lovat Sizes Is 9; dollar day . only. 7. This is a special Price. gette, taffeta and Crepe. Col. Fine re borders. GIRL'So WOMEN*S Another special for Dollar 7 and q. Special, $7.45. Special price, yd. 35c. Dollar Days only $6.45. ors are sand, black. navy. 'Will wash �vqll. - Doll'ir WOOL SCARFS Days only, migsee and wont. , <�� Copen, the styles, ara, in good Dry price, per yd. 21c. en's Burberry Coats, in nearly HUNDREDS OF REMNANTS�ALL KINDS -45C AND UP effect. Thig Is a real dollar 75L only Women's Wool all. sizes. New this 'Week. day snap. Sold up to $30 WOMEN0,88ATHEN Scarfs, just the, thing for Dollar Days only, $16.50. cielt. Dollar Days price, SLIPIS11 school girls and women. $0,.75. Wonjon's Black Sateen Dozens of colors and kinds Slips, mad6 ftorn best qua - Worth up to $2.50. Ali A Store Full of ReAl Full Stock of McCall lity black srateea, full siw, ond price oil, Dollar Day. Mar Day Values ,GRAY,'...&. CARTwTIURIGHT, Printed PatternS piket each 9&. teach 75c. 4 "T,