HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-09-27, Page 34 THURSDAY, SEPT� 27th, 1921� low V .1 1 =71,11-Tw"Ji. 7 1A I I VAG4 HLE"M i�tvw00%t that tiw somber of 0 4� Q_; isvo h*A ~b" two 111016- 0 twelvot wo"00. and that it) 1-111V ill*t*0004 Pube"Ok"S'd J unfil y �*;fitcll--` t"Wauggiary without liftliw V 1 .4 ou Try a baw;i inpreventiork or Otorwards U,Inl toll 0 N talking U, IV steps to &Vre#t tho p#r. pottrator3, Politics aftut to bolo *ft- -1 L4, tored into the situation, W4 an 0 - tempt Was "lade to indict the elov. It % emor on v8rious eltalV66 of miiap- 0 ki propriation of funds and the diver- A A �) 4 a!, 4 n! "A "4 5iou of other funds. He Conte"-, -that these AC4 are part of the, Klu A r".1 gmpaignL in revenge. for his de. V M JK447 Klux el 4100,:oQ9 'A VV -1 &M 1; ok 11"74. termini lowed to rule the State, and he re, .,!,,moat V,z� t �a­, :l a,-!, - u i�e �h,% 4�kl�� GRZEN"TZA l� ktion that they $hall not be ski- FAINT *rmbsion for the Grand Jurs, It to sit. or the U4,1'.4lature, to m "t. NiIAB11 you have noit tasted the beat. has lv*u sffii�nt for some time Omar., �k Sillivir 11114olm%kn Fund. Irresh4raitraimt aad pure. Tr-jr-It. that drastic measures would have to -Vuna,mt�011 VERY *F OUP EVAOW woo )t the States t"A", 8.1il Tlo�� be takft in some ( iou!k t -- ' D L' I G`H T publ'o crolu E. rAtrit0S:03§1Ar"1d ZZ ba& awk. 0* i__! stop individuals, or org*nizatl -AL 00 Pu 4363.001b, Mat ,war, sc� It "406M lug the law into their own haudg. tho dwkea' WW" evoy " a; * V, 4104 ift dw idklt. oad Mme W tzroviuce eont:lbat("d i. f t"; W*ok* 0 of Nations T011 T S OAI�.�111 T11 Achievements of Ie*x* �o guild dnrillL; tht, Y,%% aqd the. wamit"If ow"W" "" b"ti" 4 p4lity; 04" 4 4:160AM4 UPAWY 44*d f904 04 WS A" A of Nations V0111161 Tho latter Va. - THEIR GNIF19I.-MMU. The League A* dw W&sn 0"dMt fow S1 which referred the dispute between Int; -.0.%U4 preporttons 01 MCIT Sal - 410%000 waspaiii the Council of, "rios- Tho $mu 0� Italy and Gxeece to out lkst yoar. During the year 27 Ambassador$ Ar9ft -70, Cr ft upporters that this action re- enlilloyea reaeuvo tke ago of P K thr4ugh its chief rn out reached, and hivulini 13 weto emp(%ranutiated ali3ag oA'WARE in Al- gulled -in the'settlem. with 29 others. who wor(� al:eady past SmP&4 Britain Not Likely t9 Trade Gilitalt- reVolutIOU whicb, tight, result jonsQ losing his t ronc. Queen Vic. is therefore to the credit of the Lea- elr nit Spanish Territory lit it al�o. coj�tends that sinco,the Wedding WIN, Will ring this week In ill 'M ago. Tho cast. of adulinistering I crewel the full lost senr was 42,000. Thr" 60A.".. Pearl wiliv. wo 0*ys of 0"4 Morocco *"**I w4k,and out, Diam.'"d Witte. 61is Leaguo declined to maintain silence ofty .1 A, rather atariling story has, come out of Spain. in connection with the revolutionary uJovement tberer 'which 'had as one excuse lack of vigor in This, I$ to tio, iioropean campaign the eeeot that secret negotiations warforalame yo*rsl. a av ralter for: the for the exohal)ge Of Gib Spanish territory In Morocco. A, mon$ other things the harbor of Tangier was to. 'have been ceded to.1 Britain. This plan does not please the revolutionists, who � are repre- ieut9d_As_ determined 'to restore',,., Spanish prestige in the- Mor6coan i arem It is difll�uli W reconcile 'the, stoly . with the situation, And lt-waal bardly -necessary to wait,4 Britishi, deu%L� For many yearsi spain.lias not been in a position -t0; any, part of her holdings In 'Moroebo for Any territory else Vh0re. As a, matter of kaot, she ha;! itever had wore than a precarious toe, on the Question and fully discussed neto Taciiallarry gold - 0. low gvnxt in �nitodof the objections of IWY, cattle last week to neg. XaGeot of rott A Record. matte ught blue *44 White owme WW" I.- - ". , P11 i0=4 that it bus proved Its usefulness. It Albert. - I Family of thirtrou. which 13 be- tonts, pwv�k; is'also aralied that the --,League has, Mr. James, Russel, of Guelph. is visit- lieved to 'be a, record for United vilh R"I Bho U14 U4 &ell more re$ . poilsiblo thou any loth- lug his sister, Airs. W. U. Darilla, this States settlers, Was brought acrolit or influence in averting war between week. , the border at North Portfl. by W. J� Italy and Jugo-Slavia. The latter Boruto, Mr, slid Mrs. Islie Gaulpy on Robert$. ot Oake, N.D. O(Tuivinu heen, -, Ureatelling- _Bulgarla --of fieur- _.,uh, at a.c-ar-and q- t-90 trAIW14 011taliung - 7.1 wing to th of Bul- lations. their household goods. wvro Mr. llob� late, . o incursions Won Ilia reVORMW g4VC 03 thIS MOV11- WHO, 4'&U It"S me thaV8 "bla" 01 Ob"ditry on the JUNO-Slavla Mr. vgkil Mrs. Percy Finnigan and erta himaelf,-Ill$ wife, eight son$. two, fn't.so I Unew as littlo aboutthe ulatter a3 1%0 varia, iters and a nosphew. all thirteQn, qt was, indeed" the other woman does." border.' There has 'been more. talk family visite'd frlendg In Ituo4now last dft"gl of war bl�t the lnfluenm�e exerted dir- sunday,, en route to Edmonton district, where he hopes to Ate on a homestead. Two ectl,� by the League, � and indirectly Raymond Vivalgau thT06140d big ot the children Are twins. by ille. larger nations bavck so far sweet clover last week Atitt has A lot of avoided a now struggle in Vur0e- good geed, Authoritloi on 16rrW Life L 7S The League may Yet see its way John Curran Is builditiv a driving, clear to amend thor cftpulsory tetras shed for Mr. V. royne near xing Father O'Brien bad preached on ,abridge ,Married life and its duties." and an -of the famous article ten,.In accord- this weoU. Luck. old Irlshwoman $&ill to her friend as anee with the views expressed by the tir. sod Mrs. 'Will, UoDouald Canadian amendment. The ke,�11101 po%v, vialteds, triouds. near M,%,fe On they calue, out,."Sure it's x fine ser - of, this proposal Is that the Par 1.4- Satutday last. SPECI-A ment -of - each tountry most decide to up' -as4tattug Her'll 0 Wbut extent that country, should. hel oort Men 4 corn Currau with big threabilIg 40l de. rowsy ond Red cattingthI6 .to preserve another country's in Idlog Ahole, Brown I$ gDolldlug 3 few A Y' ,pendence, before anly action whatov* for DOLLAR D_ hold ou Moroccan iterTitory 14W a er is taken, dayewith horsieteV, MrS. S%W-Shoro lang,tinje. At the Same time tbO, KING ALF01480 00 SPAIN 1 woQd, this week. control of Tangier is a 04001? of sonle Advances of Science man Mt Pad Mrs. Fred, Barlow &,lid lanitly dispute between. the great powers.' ghter of' possibilities as to new. and rolat- of Dungannon, visitod ftt�-Atr.� Goo. Ffem Nis, LIVOr and is to be sattl6d by 6on:f0tencl 'Of S is v granddau ively cheap sources of energy to be Juvittalast Saudt%y,'­` pail Make the family happy France is,very jealous'qf her right, t� c!s`4p1ie!s' 6VM lAblent4d-VIctorla used for, practical purposes are op- 8SgW.# Sherwood attended the DistrIcO tkq 4 4,:.couain Of King on- every hand, . To the meeting , In B% there; Apart altogether"., from tfie Good" 'A" aning out yAold Irist week as a When Your liver becomes olurm with a 2 -lb bo-.< of sentimentil, historical and afrategic George, British Aasoclati6n 10,t�: the Advance- delegate from Crowe church- and inactive your whole heolt-h lou eve &Iue of Gibraltar, Britain' is not Mellt of Science re6iltly in session) trbethrealking m4elilue Is still - with 144- the 0111)�, way YOU 0" r Jnvoked in Oklahoma �..b back to de, likely. to involve herself. in any Military Law Klan Professor Alexauder� Rankine usaud ifthe weather kpops a 19 Vght iS *0 make Y.04T liver Tight, sch . " . Against the Not I.Klux tnonstrateU the transmission of . no this I foldir to 0 tho use of Mill. eme which,"lild mean the ehlalig- wflak raost ot the.-buckwhbat will be This. YOU 014A C, j!@� of sometWg- tangible for sonF" , military a, Ali liver, oleah'away all, 'Chuckles I �s pre�affa much bearr speech by rayg --6f light. It is not out.' burn's L%xi-Liver'Pllli as , hey will slim- Smil thing else that would involve her in ei home 1ban $pain just now. Tbe� improbable that' in the future long es w ; Ith t of OW$Lhoma in. tliq Vtk!tQd distance voice transmission -will be Bata. Sherwood and Ike G;;uley de, 11100 the 81464 A big war wl -tribesnieno and, in. a State. livere Cattle to vmte sod poi.04ous matter from the new crisis with, France. States, 1a, un-dqrg:qing'exp64enft Qf­corried on quite easily by natural or , a a fine bunch ot YOU I extem, And prevent, 04 welt As relieve. 16vai-fior Bob Duntin "d Alex Xle Olson, of oon�plioationx sirising from A liver' - w 4!. w2kiton, , who artificial light and with only st talk - the 4ame. Luouliow, last week, Alfonso Recognizes Military �Wi$ , elected by the Fatmiei-Lah6r Ing instrument and�.0 receiver . at that has become itinctivo. Cand K . I . I . either nN%04tion. The -returned h,,Me to 'He ing C called out ` s6tife thous-, end of the co Was Jean Gibson Mr. S. Rximll PMt F14oncevi : .groups, has.,,. Stratford last FriftY after a, pleasant N.B." vrritod:-7�4f bten tro�blw it is probable.Abit. 1(ing Alforido andg of -the State -aptaiery -gild is w.orld is beeg.ming, 'used to thqse visit with her 4liat in4unelo, Xr.*&W ZoaWnsiblk Klu startling , discoveries and Accepts with OW liver and 164 -ilmwgy and tired of 5pain realized that he luca, no making w4r as w I ell as upon all who m any of them as a matfer'of course. MM H. J� Blake, no4r Crewe. all the time, and WDAI Ainable to. do my choice between 'recognitiou 'of the, Xlux'Klan, q part In the reign of But to those who are willin to give The -Crowe. Methodist church will wo& with &-oy pomfort. I took your military coup. and the loss a his have had ar 9 hold there anniversary services on Oct, �'Milbum'i LixeUver Pill$ *nd to -day T nON$S av e $tat ' The decision: tl�e ma te -a UttI4 thought they in disorder in th e. r be 'church servions 1, am * difrerent man- jM4X *ould.uot ho H e Them throne. Therofore� he acquiesced 2tith. -Their will WILUD P sL - oacbed after a lead to new truing of mentaU-speep.; 'Use the suspension of, the'constlilgtion, to lase troo a w a morning �Xld evening,epecial music by _*Ithoqt,theVj Jig the WO 1 4 � 4. 1 Ik- 4-1,. �A;);_ dismal failure on the part of tli� po. lation. as to the.possibilities of wrest"! &U AlkJ. daa fter. dond Atreild rolOnS, AL' . T--,Li--t- Pi'Is are 25c A N We rul V 1 0 Pl,;A� C U" A Jr Jl . , - of 4ok- ling more seerbts from nature and taiy powers, And the PrOpo-s;Od &w lice to � topo virlth the otg! freel will ofterixig witl be takeu up. via aj kill (Ie4lerap or inalled',dircot on igo , rous , P . rosed and tiliz man- o rice y hrdb in asures lor­i�­v utioll gillg8 . damage to propdrty to u ing them to the benefit of receipt. ff i b The T., urn Co, any parts; of the Stater have � I- . . . .. I . of the war, agalitat 64 Mom6* Thglwhiebr�m� kind.. Buy advertised.things. Limited, alrouto, Out. -during the past year. any, - dangers, situutJ(k4.. I�as -.,in the been, 2jeeted Most. of which is a� eountirIt is aftlied *by those'who, support WOA_George to visit Canada tarly a MAN Abo: NAM MiN Next -Month "M Barring unforeseen* accidents, 4 XV MAV X WX Mg.gl --G4�oyge will, arrivb lit Canada. _2 earlv filext morth and make a7 -short trN speaking tour in , this coun .1. X Thou, .4ands of people will hear him and he will, no ­doubt, regret W--Ith. them that many thousandb more will not have that, Qppo�tuuity. Cable despatches during tfie past few i weeks have given several intimations of a growing demand in Britain for the return of Lloyd George to Us& i ership in. the,,, government . raylks. This is not probable at an early� datei jinl6ss a crisis sholild sweep the gov- ernment out of power aud�glve,Lloyd U George a chance to test the streogth of. popular feeling for or against 16, him. It is just about a year since he the resigned the , premiership and era of 11trpliquility" was ushered i It,b4s, been a very storffly 'Itts as, a matter of fact, and, somi respects it is not oertain that Britain has had any better leadership than in the' days of Lloyd George, wtay'. Better.and Better in Everru IVY AV M. OCTOBEK 2'n'd.AND 3rd If Actedty W C timro is anyone i's Goderich, or the 1 6 noods �lothiog, Boots and Shoes, Nook Work Shirts, T-rouseti Od (�vt'$ 14ft lishisis, and wanti, to buy it at enormous silvibs-0, tkoo . take a4vantage of the War Da s aid come, e,arly because they"ll go: ibyry, 'All ckl�. If you value 4e power of your 14011ar act now 10 Men's Tweed Suits, in dark broun So doz. Men's liandkerchi4ll' red, $14600 atid gray. Sizes 36, 38.. A DOW blue, khaki and white. Per doz... Day, each .................... $100 5 doz, Men's-Fille Shirt% all Colo, " io doz. Men's fleece lined $hirts oil- and patterns, vvith soft Z�Ufr& - All sizes. 0 lyAll sizes. 2 for .......... *ach .......... ............... Men's Balbrigkan 'Shirti and Drawers, Sizes 7 ta 11!'. $1000 Boys' 111h Socks. $1000 All sizes. Per .5 pairs * for, Men's Balbriggan Com. and B, V, D. $1.00 - Bovs, Sweater Coats. ill dark gra.y on. All sizes.. Per tull .............. TV., Size 26 olity.- 3 for ....... $;l *00 Men's 'Gray Work Sock.;. Extra quality. 4 pairs for - - ----- Melt's Work SWtris,- Mad,. aild white stripe, little, dark gray. All 51 All Wool Worsted ''Hose, blacL and W� . $1*00 brown, 2 pairs for ............ $1,00 Each ........ .............. Men's Cotton Socks. � 5 pairs ff;r $1 Men's Sinock., black and Illue striPe $1400 Sizes .16 and .18. Bach ......... Men's, Hea y Ribbed, Unshrinkable v $L00 Shirts. All sizes. Per garinent. Here 1,; . a wonder Special. mett"', Police Braces. 4 pairg for ...... !'. $1 1'w&�d Odd Vest& Sizes 34, 36, 37. Z $1*00. 3 doz, Me�la 131ack Deffim Pants. $1*00 for ........ ..................... . . All sizes. P& pait ............... yes. vie have 4.5 paivi Bb"k 'If, All gizes. 1) 1. $3*65 Men's Heavy Police Braces. 2 P", anj Brown Work Shoe�,. lk for ............ ... ...... $ 1 0 rumv lar Day, per P3if ............... V - Bear itt atitid every article in the store i-; rediteed for this event Sliop early becaose the quantitie,; it, some litlet qre limite(L $to *nc tvindow for Dollar Day Prices. IN Mdean's Block M9 ROB S' GODERICH t though of course there are many who will argtiq the other way. In any event the otitstanding, atatosma1% of lea Is C n, the war period is assured of a great reception in this country., foe Imperial Conference Approaching Oartuents or.. Wterittis With the sailing of Canaoals'dele- gation for the Imperial Clinforence wit� RP comments as to their prospective at - titude on the various questions dk- $1. soft , V leussed will be more lively, Regard - leg$ of the views expressed by Pre - thi tmly I any one else, - OPP-am 'on that the rlph �4�4*01*-01*#Aiag -to gotZillt'.1,10r, raents of this'or Any othir Domiftion ,Ho* k6em!". of the Ampire, nuist have the decis- ive vo, ice As representing the -people. -Of course decisions of the Parlia. mouN voill be largely Wed (in the actions of their respective delegates to the conference, and actions will mean. more than speeches before or after the conference. Zonadd0AII Right Financially There ig. nothink th6 matter with Canada finandiallY A Canadian purLsed syndicate has $50,000,000 East Str ik'et. Garage five per cent government bonds, the principal and interest of which are to be, paid in this country. This.is the largest operation of its kind car-,, Tied out solely in Canada and f6l. U114or. Now Ma!ta' C60 Iowa now a $22,500,000 transaction of a few filonills ago. which consti. tuted, the then record for financing, In our own country. Thct n6w iftnt, Hh-ving bouaht out -the business of the Fast Is intended to meet part of the *112e 000,000 of obligatious'loaturing No-� 'Street Gavage and taken possession , I am vember Ist. Transactions of this kind show that the Dominion has pFepawd for.A.11 Sorts of Repair Work, passed the infant stage in finance, have and should an excellent effect in Attracting the attention of inves. Sex -vice and Supplies for all makes of tora to -Canida, and in enhancing the value of out tecurittei at home and Cars, Gas, Oils, E te., abroad. Warning the Women Expert Mechanic for gepair Work At supper Ame. IfusbAnd (irrit- -ably): "Can't you remember wbore I said I left mv glasses atbreaLffast BATTERIES RECHARGED this morning?" Wife: "I'm sorry, d�ar, I really s3arrico our Motto c4ttlt ft 1&band shows the forgetfulness of you w6m. Our liveA rdust be, either for the MAITLAND BELL Story, of"God or for the gratifiestion 5f 10f. mlycann ot, I* both. CIF . 0-&*.%ZVft;W wtay'. Better.and Better in Everru IVY AV M. OCTOBEK 2'n'd.AND 3rd If Actedty W C timro is anyone i's Goderich, or the 1 6 noods �lothiog, Boots and Shoes, Nook Work Shirts, T-rouseti Od (�vt'$ 14ft lishisis, and wanti, to buy it at enormous silvibs-0, tkoo . take a4vantage of the War Da s aid come, e,arly because they"ll go: ibyry, 'All ckl�. If you value 4e power of your 14011ar act now 10 Men's Tweed Suits, in dark broun So doz. Men's liandkerchi4ll' red, $14600 atid gray. Sizes 36, 38.. A DOW blue, khaki and white. Per doz... Day, each .................... $100 5 doz, Men's-Fille Shirt% all Colo, " io doz. Men's fleece lined $hirts oil- and patterns, vvith soft Z�Ufr& - All sizes. 0 lyAll sizes. 2 for .......... *ach .......... ............... Men's Balbrigkan 'Shirti and Drawers, Sizes 7 ta 11!'. $1000 Boys' 111h Socks. $1000 All sizes. Per .5 pairs * for, Men's Balbriggan Com. and B, V, D. $1.00 - Bovs, Sweater Coats. ill dark gra.y on. All sizes.. Per tull .............. TV., Size 26 olity.- 3 for ....... $;l *00 Men's 'Gray Work Sock.;. Extra quality. 4 pairs for - - ----- Melt's Work SWtris,- Mad,. aild white stripe, little, dark gray. All 51 All Wool Worsted ''Hose, blacL and W� . $1*00 brown, 2 pairs for ............ $1,00 Each ........ .............. Men's Cotton Socks. � 5 pairs ff;r $1 Men's Sinock., black and Illue striPe $1400 Sizes .16 and .18. Bach ......... Men's, Hea y Ribbed, Unshrinkable v $L00 Shirts. All sizes. Per garinent. Here 1,; . a wonder Special. mett"', Police Braces. 4 pairg for ...... !'. $1 1'w&�d Odd Vest& Sizes 34, 36, 37. Z $1*00. 3 doz, Me�la 131ack Deffim Pants. $1*00 for ........ ..................... . . All sizes. P& pait ............... yes. vie have 4.5 paivi Bb"k 'If, All gizes. 1) 1. $3*65 Men's Heavy Police Braces. 2 P", anj Brown Work Shoe�,. lk for ............ ... ...... $ 1 0 rumv lar Day, per P3if ............... V - Bear itt atitid every article in the store i-; rediteed for this event Sliop early becaose the quantitie,; it, some litlet qre limite(L $to *nc tvindow for Dollar Day Prices. IN Mdean's Block M9 ROB S' GODERICH t