HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-09-27, Page 1hft MERCHANT rho Ster's Job Dopwtment
tofu to Xw TA Am AareW" Fag ulp"d
a Acw to it
le Tit -icfi Sta r
d* all
(W liaw Boise"
W - ; 't
TW " I WANTO OW 41F AXY 1111111 TO Godes
WM, TU STAt CAX *W y" Mo TU Home of Good Priming
CQsT0*U% AKWY� AM kfMULL&%T .3
ao Pagosl�asotlon 2—fttos 9 to 20
GooMIC11, ONTAN10. CANADA. T*rA&Y* 3EPTINSE1 27, 1923 11 , 1% " 10. W1 14, , T
WO. W11014 st
Aud Every AdVertinant In The Shes 819 Dollar Day Edition ... The Goderich NenhentS #Ive IntIM009 NOWS fir You of Money-SaVing OPFCAUNItles-s-1001 Not in h1a 19
Su n L 1 fe Assurance G% of Cana d a NEXT WEEK'S BIG
All that 4n in life is %. fair chance to make good too
yont, gal, "or air ch ace;t.- For In. GODERICH MERCHANTS' DOLLAR DAY FESTIVAL
to live in demut conitort�$%t ove= 'I'LL'ba, W not 1, it . `4�oklgh
3tance 5t tb w doo ve 10 NEXT TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY
to and who makes no other trovl= OCTOBER 2nd ' Uld 3rd
thira. You c;au mike ceritAlu today that your lamus, Vill 0 1p
with a fair chance in 16, no matter. what may boppe)i by. taking a policy
in -tile STj Lip
,N Or Canada.
the merchants of Godorich are
A large number of
Day F�stlyal for
A I co-operatGg in another bi,g Dollar
If. R.'.. NO.Vioilict Agoilit T it-cdov , qnd Wednesday next October 2nd and 3rd,
or i
5 t1be large
up. or ci9sett in aor
as the Township
-to do %vbat they
1h4el"", 6110"
2,0,Ua0V,1 ti.etelry 18190op owners. J. F.
paid for
00try, MA& PANZER, Napier
POSITION-opea for girt as clock, one
1;�,4 P -4-i 1, 1,1.p
and when we- tell you 3�hat a number of 4tIr 11110tClIallts
AUfTION SALES 'say that, while they. may do a big business on those days:
they have marked goods so low that they do not expect
1OX SALE. OP rAAM, FARNI lie e ' lie assured
.&UOT to haveanytiling extra for t ,ffort, you may
. I t1wre are real bargains to be had for those dj_�s, bargahis
N111i JANIES'SN' that it will be worth while comfog manyvWiles, to get.
Lot 3, 0010, 0, W. D., 'Colborne, 01V When one merchant puts on a special sale by himself
,commencing at i Welock you only hay
,e the opportunity of buying that one parti-
The tarm contains 10D -acres'of good cular line at bargain prices, but when merchants in every
land well fenced and dmined. There Is -
a comfortable brick house with good line of business unite in announcing bargains for the
collar, cistern 4ud other eouvenienceq, same days, Coming to Goderich on Doll,ai Days,,Wjllj;e
good dMiled well with. an abundance � T.
# � f * i�;n=ll M. n.rn t. An liki% behiv turned loose in a det)art ent store wit i every
.10AN 19-23
THE BANK OF MONTREAL at all its Branches will accept
sub3ctiptions for th,,4 ne%V Dominion 0overnment'Boads, or effect the
exchanoe of Victory Loan Bonds due Ist Novernber, 1923, into bonds of, the
new i3sue.
Full.particularswill, be gladly. furnished at any b=6
r ;
stone foun tlRn W52. I Shed on ee-
Proprietress, Atictlb.n�e
deVartment: running bargain dounter,
er&vo, Page ........... _4
rufleld's Dollar Day Prites.
ment, %,all and other out bufld-
at I o'clock. JOHN NEW00 MR, pro,
�tfti,4. AW.1401%Y. Auctioneer_
commencing at o'cloolv,
I cow. 6 years old, due, In Nov.; I tow
$milos�n. Cjjuolgles�_Wjisou's Re- Robevi;�on- Page ........ slon., Page
lugs. Both barn and have, light-
n1g. rods and -are la -good repair.
ect oof.being,tho Mysterious, Miss DOW 1S 810,11ows:
Excuse the MISS
Last year much interest centred around4he, pursuit
staurant. Page ....... it N[LiLean Bros.' Dollar Day Bar- Alecting of Xn
Special hotographs Page R. X Cutt, choirnian �Pro, tsm.
, b ere is, Aq)out Vacres of orchard
and all the land has beew.well farmed -
of. the Mysterious Miss �Dollar on tile first ,day of The Dol-
gains, ...... .
prices on P, .8
for Dollar Days at J. -T. Fell's. Reducing our stock on . Dollar Puge .,� ....... .......
and Is I lood shape..
lar Day Festival and of Mr.'b6llfar. on the se0ond day.
....... ei. 18 Days reparatory to movivir—W.
T8 M, n Farm. -Ill. per, cent of'
money to be. paid at tj of
3- ybung�eows -supposed to be
, i cow
cow due In November,
Thero. will be a Mysterious Dolillr about on Tuesday
WAS, 10 and Always Will Be- C. Pri ham. Page
sale, balance, in. 30 days or a porti On
may remain on morigap at a reasoD.
next, shopping in, and out of the Dollar Day Store s and
Tho (3-deru-11 � A%tor: is nfforin 'a nrl'zp Of !r"q M file first
Chas. Black. Page ...... ... 0 Orional Optical Sit A ftle k)t Cattle, hogs'.Doultry anti low),
Speeial Reductions on all Hats cqlo� R. 0, page.. balo -of catle.: hogs, Ppoultry and I
A plwyy 4$. V � , VjT�,, aple rat"f Jqtere,.� ssession, can - Z� . . r Dollar Daya--Universalluillia. ilere IT" are, Agalu,,� S oe PlArl. t hir.. J01111 T%0%VCOfl1VM* Win. Q 11.04em.
referred Apply PORTEIV$ 0) U 4.1 A "P. "A A I.A I
a � n I
EN whole or 'Part time. Tb sell I genera
Watking 150 Products. satisfaction old; I I
laranteed. Wp4e The J. R.'Watkins, Pising,3;
wompany"Dept. .00., Hamilton, out, f;
. __ .1 1 Atte In i
ABOAAMRS preferred. old; � 4, 1
1,00ation' near Parbor. All modern Yearling
con"Illoxices In 40,use. Apply.. at. STAR. sows, I
Plgs� 7
i mas,�
housework, Maw
WANTED Qtrl for
-wages. Apply At
NS,,was W good assey .
iin 10 new; I
vator;. I
W-64110111110115 men, Position$ ne4rly j
dped, ClOrks, ..Salesmen, Stenopra- mower;
Vh�rs, Book'.kee ers: - unlimited opportun. wagon,
Suite !�7-28 Page
1114111111 0c PA IONS." box,-, 1.
I .. �00ronlo, on.t.
of doubl
Wfor 019 dis- ness;. A-
, �NTED.
"Arlet to han.010.101110,4nd alrolat 1105 CA04.4
tribusion.afencies for Brooys. earn corn bu'
torS. Inves ipte this. new masterpiece
which Is now.,boititir showit at the Toronto pers; 1,
Exhibition. 610 r4foreac; in Youl, wply, oats on(
%PDTK 019016 oieroug
honet!x,04� � 1, 9r.; 76 , King St.. . TER�L,
ANTE -District Repre. OPtAtive Credit �N,
W 1) s
wanted. for , "00derich" . andl Proved
suftbundiAg tot per pen
P�R fo_C4,
A, Worldid 6 -fort 6 right
'A' j r gull in oinitLtibit *r1te STOW
%tELLINGTONO Toronto� &UCT14
&-x IMP
F()Jil -g?7*Lt 04- 'CO: LET
-- --------- win Boil
HOM, j FOR* SALEd & 7 Obom. 0e
ment, vencez,4,house� oii 'Britannia
road, niodern co7wtniOnces, On, the
For terms and
lot are G* fruit troose
grtimilm,cl Apply on" the , premises to
Pit SAM -L -Property on Eilln avenue,
(,,o or.bair acre or,land, With
6111t Q af kridS (grapes. plums, ap
On %. wCh IS a good 9 -storey fraine . Se.
�0 t0rMS and Particulars. apply to ED,
rARl, AEID, Elgin avenue.
88LE.-,-One and & half story trame
hoisse, iwlth electric lights, 'Water,
And good Nksemetit, 01A lot on Whleh 19 a
ChUcken -house and arage, Apply oil
N, premiqes; THO5. H GUTH corner bsy-
100 - t - 0
Proprietress, Atictlb.n�e
lic;1OV11 IV V y I V.1t %;0 a a -Va Q .11
The propor form in which to accost the person you Sus-
er&vo, Page ........... _4
rufleld's Dollar Day Prites.
$tore. Page ........ s, ......
at I o'clock. JOHN NEW00 MR, pro,
�tfti,4. AW.1401%Y. Auctioneer_
commencing at o'cloolv,
I cow. 6 years old, due, In Nov.; I tow
general puipose roan
urposo ,mare I more 6 yrs.
:grey Per�lieron
j. T Fe 111,
ect oof.being,tho Mysterious, Miss DOW 1S 810,11ows:
Excuse the MISS
will Save you big y. PAge-17
Extra sp,,,,,, Sano.ktief.r. Dollar
procoeds of bonds in the
B."�703` Hamilton for re-itivest..
Millorla Worm , Powders are 14
Chas. Blac k.
qLT'r grIdings.
Welo*, sharp, th(V rot -
me, ar.eyou Goderich,Star's Mysterious
Day -H. C. Dunlop. Page ........ 4
ment.-A. 47. maoxity. local Dian.
pronipt relief f n the attaeka of
3- ybung�eows -supposed to be
, i cow
cow due In November,
C.. G.�Newton Estate.,
:f)ollar?. The -Mysterious Miss -Dollar wheq�. first ad-
.-Where you Get,real bargains In,
footwoar�HoWa Boot Shop. Page 9
ager. P690 ........ *413
Ladieie i4nd. Gents' Rair Gootis-
WOMS In Children.' They are power.
I jul it, their action and, while leaving
Jas. -Campbell.
,eember. I steers rislut 3 Trs.
Week; r1sin 3 years old; It
betters an' isteers., 3 Prood
.1 farrow cow; 6 yearl.
ho calves. ,
in the prescribed form *ill report h6r capture
and the captor will be awarded the prize, The Mister.
Be Sure to visit our store and
luspeot our Stock---w-Paisons -Fair..
Pernbor's Hair Goods -Page.. 0 4 . .7
Now Lamp Burns 04 per tent air
nothl"Ir to be- desired as a Worin ex-,
'Pellant, have 44 Invigorating efrect
aV,6tage about Jrj tbs.
lue at 'time -of sale, 13 young
H. C.� Dunlop.
Jous Miss'Dollar. will be on the Square In and, out of the,
-F N. Johnson. Pago ....... s..-8
upon the youthful system, remedying
Parsons' Fair.
at -pigs.
)v'h1ador,.7 ft.. nearIv new: 11'
easy terms of VskylifteTit. See Aty
various Dollar Day stores during the followigg ho�rs on.
rity, Per. Cent.
Mall the Coupon.and Watch the
Mail--4emilluo Jhrvis & Co. Page 14
fever, billouslitess, loss of & 1potite,
hiceplossuess, and other a lotents
6atn,d 13 hoe drill uearh�
Ise drlT,ii hoe;. I man CUM.
Tuesday, Oct. 2nd - - 10 to. A I a. Ifi., 1.2 noog.to 1,. 2 to
- - - - - - - - - - -
People Never Tire . of CoWAWJS
�that follow disorders caused by
Shappless. cream spp��
lb o on Steel
bay rake; i manure spreatier,
Walkei's Furniture Store. Pags-18
3 and 4 to 6., Goderich Sign -at is offering a similar
Each Item Announced as a DOI-
Uaple 0uds-Pag
wornis in the stomach and bowel&.
lar Day Special Is a Real Value--
w , e ;t'6 It., Froqt & Nhlood
'a torl's
prize for the c4pture'of the'Mysterious Mr, Dqllar on, the
Notice Wag
A- saving of 43 0 on the Sedan
A Store teeming with bargainst
at K R011W. Page ............. 11
L steel roller I Adams .5 ton
tow; I farm wagon: I gravel
V all Opening, and Dollar Day sit
second day qf the-festi aj Wednesday, 'Oct. 3
v rd,
and $16Q - 6il the C Oupe now -mac.
Ewan and 'Tobbutt, Ford agento,
Generally 4 melvor Is appointed
when there is nothing left to rective..
uny; 4.set of, sleighs: 2 set
arriess; I set of single har-
i fanninir mill, I baN,
1 &-a�POULTRY AND VOWL.-Nfr. John
. 1� 1. � I . .1 . I I .
The p�oper. way to address, -Mr. Dollar is as follows
� . .. .
A. meetinlir of members and ad-
P .... .... I....
ali , li", , " X -Porter's
all pare
1 .
Ralph Graves and lUssle Love,
iziy. ragbl I onvir
'!You'hr� lbe. my. krimis Bill_Dollar, of, The Signal, Huron:
heronts of k ChUreh, 110do0leb,
'will-, be, hol& In the -Churph on
page. . .......... ........ .... 20
C1.11NIM.-Ift Id.
5th., la ren& "a"m
tr ad N
a J.
Improve ight by Cons.alti-ng the Best
n i Set of power elip-
County's Oldest Newspaper.?)
Tpursaar. October ith. at 8 jp. m.,
The Best Values in style' and'
40 Ile Trot W (A (lauctitop..
I 10 eyl,
;otd collie dog; 1000 bushels
It atiantity of 'bay, and nu-
The list of.the merchants co-operating in this Dollar
to organize a branch or the Pros-
Ilkylerlan ObUrch Assoelation Tlie'
meeting wlU bi 5 addressed 11,� Rev
quality In millinery -Miss Maevim.
car. V4ge
%VIkt Iry 0,111m 4411
sid I under
pares young nien tatitt young wom
D ay Pestival� is''as follows
!. Perrio Rev.
Dr of Wir"Amawon
Mt. Gilmour.
ifts in Abundance for Fall
4 wit '"On 14,411am. widow or
'he 1pba Walter. avrd. 77 YeIrh
rer that amount 12 months,
be given on (rurnighing a
Gray and Cartwright, Dominion Stores Ltd,
0 d, and
A fulf attendance or all Interestod
Brides�-$mithsl Art, Store. Pago 20
To the Music Lovers of Goderich
and fli I
ClJFrOltD._.kt Auburn, 0 61 ow,
1141141125 Q=
not ount orp-11
D1 A dl_,c
011av, for castt On erpilm
, i "' ; ,
-4 -
5,teg starot_,z?.? A",
Tationo of tile.rresity-
. 11 .
re , U .0
and viciritty-H..E. Jon"er. Page 10
altd; Alvair
nhor IN3. is
1411t, lite late, lmwz rjurort g 0 '14,10
�$�. ". 41
T ou*rty.
, , il, _ "I �
Reg. Sharinati. red. Huhj�
it. If. CrTT.
soo. Pro Tonk. Chairman. Pro vrom.
8110 page. 13
(11011tDo1ii-xit ao�$,rteh id -83 d` two
-23rd. bisto Motto. be -
C. Pridham, Geo. Macv
W. icar.
S Your Water loved wife 'Of. Air!'is eA (1yr doll. ifled
Rat lit
N SALE OF 1`41151 M09 AN01,11
E, R. le,
Wesley WAlker. Wilt
. --- - - - - - - -
13teat Quality Spectseles and Eyieglasses from $3 up
As this 4pportunity is only for Dollar Days, October 2nd and 3rd
we would ask you to kindly, come early.
As' L FOLE.* R0, - 00
moon, Tem* 00�metr6t and Optician
West Street, Goderich, 011t. Thofte 13
x, x_,-,tn 13,5 �sonal alvcwmeats majo oil o83e Jaya will msivm �tm boAsfib of the SS16.
Poraitiion of V*ftdo. Refunding
Loan 5 per cent. bonds-0� F. Car-
.ey & Son, Page ... *.& ...... *.. # *0
Auction, SAje_Mrs. Adam Can.
telon, Proprietress. P 0 . 4 ...... 0
Cow for Sale -Mrs. 61ohn Webly.
fatit* "'L ..... ....................
J;Irl Wainted for Housework -
Star Ofilce, Page ............... 0
Boattlers Wanted-Stst 4ftee. ,
patte .......... .......... I.J. . A
Room to Let�Staa, OfAce. Page I
Dominion of CAttads Refunding
Loan -Wood , Gund 7 And Syndi-
r0e. Page ........ . 0 ....... I ... 4
Are You Going to vu. in a furn.
act, this faIll-C. C. Lee. Psxe..18
i, One W. It.
Tremblay. rAge ...... ....... V4.0
Whert Rest-otable P&ea Pre.
$Vail. Fred Ifunt. ftf..V. ... le
Make the Family Itappy �With
-V A MkII&Ws— . xatw, W *_m',
Public Subsoriptloft is invited. for
Dom'inion of' a...;
...Refunding Loan 1923
Dating a I ta. bearing inter . est from 16th October, 1023, , and, o - Itered. in
two: maturititle3 as f4llows;
2.0 year Bonds dtie 15th 00tober, 1943'
15 -year Bonds due. 15th Oetobert 1928'
Principal payable at the oOke of the Iteceiver-General at Ottawa or that of the 'Aa3lotant
Receivir-General at Hoilifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montre4l, Toronto, Winnipea,
Regina, Calgary or Victoria, Semi-annual interest (15th April and
15th October) payable sit any branch in Canada of any chartered bank.,
Denominations: $100, $50, $1,0W
All bonds,m#y be registered aq to rrincipal only, and bond3 ill denomination of $300
and authorized multip es thereof May be fully reglutOced-
These bonds are I authorized under Ait of tho'Parlitment of Canada, and both principal and intorost
are a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
To Cash Subscribers To Holders of 1923
Victory ]%04S
In addition to the bonda ottered for -cash it haa
Offering TermS been arranged -that all Ownera of Victory Bond3
This issue presents a most attractive Investment due November lat, 1,023, may , exchange their
The'security- is Incomparable and the income re- holdinga for the game amount of the 0sw Issuo.
They will receive in cash the difference b3twean
turn high., � The bond3 will occupy an InveAment, the face value of their. maturing boruhb ani tlio
position equal to that of Canada's Victory, Bonds. purchase price of the tim: 'security, namely: at
Th4 bonds are offereil for cash at the following the rate of $1.15 per $100 for 20'yearbonda and
.5 year Wnd.ri-
prices $1.00 for Special Prvilege
94 YEAR BONDS Interest coupons on bond.,j exelianged are tip b,�
98.25 and interest retainod.by the Owner and easlued on Novemher
lqt. - As the new bond3 will be dated Octob,,7r
yielding 544 per icent. 15th, holders who exchange will thus reeei�e tin
extra half month's Interega.-thereby roducin4
V froM 98.2,3, tind, _S_L
eo*.gt of' 2Q year bondq
5 YnAR BONDS )TOHS from, I* to thO f01IOWiu60:
99 and interest 20 YFAn BONDS
94.02 and lattrest yielding 0.1a per cent.
yielding 5.23 per cent. D YEAR BONDS.-,
08.17 and interest yitldinz 5-23 per cent
This offer Is made nubject to prior nole and to ad. HO'dorOLare Urged to "t promptly %a trliq priti.
vance In price. i,4 sa�f4
eet to withdrawal.
Dominion of Csaada bonds,are the mo3t attractive invetstinent obtainable in
orders or instruction!) for exchange may be telephonc-d or telegraphed at our expelvie�
Tito right 13 reaerved to allot ft 10W 311 ount of bondo tijan appliel tor., anj to cell tor c*3% mora thaa
Thege Wtidq are offered for delivery in interin, fortu on 0? a5out 000�or 156z. 100", %*nt, 3) wti E
rasued and delivered to 03, WOOL W~
0* Fo C .1 DEY &
Masonle Ttm *`0, West Str"t Nt.
Proprietress, Atictlb.n�e
W. Acheson & Son.
J. J. *Eweil.
4 04
a allCIIOR on Lot 21.11, Con.
commencing at o'cloolv,
I cow. 6 years old, due, In Nov.; I tow
Calborrie's Store.
j. T Fe 111,
.01-tranist St. SOM69 Churth, Loodon, and
Musical Director. London Conservatory or
Music. Teafter of singing and piano. Va-
)`AA1W' 608T, 3ra,
7 years old, due In January;i cow Co
years old. due in January;l cow.0 years
A� Cornfield.
Chas. Blac k.
Welo*, sharp, th(V rot -
Royal Ladiei' Ready -to -W 0. Universal Millinery.
41% %Atte vle.
Soria, Scowl. interviews. on odaesdity&
e, aged team,,
McLean Bros. 1
C.. G.�Newton Estate.,
2% Off it paid by Oct. I a
ild".2d reliable.
= wrade cows, due �to
Hoots, Shoes and Ru6bers, that
are extrAordinury. val%tes-Geo.
M. Robirls.
Jas. -Campbell.
1100,Ibs.: 3 geese� 13 young geese,
votins ducks. 50 year -old liphs. Every.'
.1 farrow cow; 6 yearl.
ho calves. ,
MaqVio4r. Page ........ ..o#4.o2
: Walter Hern.
Dr. Cole.
thing advertIsed Is of flrht class quality
and will be sold NVIthoUt reserve as
aV,6tage about Jrj tbs.
All kinds for sale st about balJ
Vilat it would Cost you to build. It
H. C.� Dunlop.
Miss Noble.
Specials for Dollar Days, Check
oly the things need -4. J. Me -
XWel binder, 6 ft. cut,
Deering horse rake;
P. nearly new; dise P.
After Jim, list,90/4 added
Artbakis must be at ones.
Parsons' Fair.
Mrs..& Wilson.
easy terms of VskylifteTit. See Aty
set of harrows; stairle,
I proved Joint notes. A digeoutil of 6 pop
tent. Qljowod. for cash on credit
Only a few of our worth He
bargains -'E. It., � 7fle. rage....,G
Real 'EstattL and Insurance.
Va�611: hay raM;
Plow; seed'dr
i lmotlw 110;
& QuaHtltY
4-4 acres or corn: suiar
with a big special in mattresj�es,
rugs, rockers and arm 6airs_
Shappless. cream spp��
lb o on Steel
Walkei's Furniture Store. Pags-18
'b"g loa 'W
qt 8 ni� o WnZ,
Each Item Announced as a DOI-
Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Ov1-
lar Day Special Is a Real Value--
eralls, Work Shirts and Gouts'
'a torl's
Gray and Cartwright. Page.
Furnishings at enorniops savings
5 too 0.6eou a io I In'M.
A Store teeming with bargainst
at K R011W. Page ............. 11
of household furniture.
V all Opening, and Dollar Day sit
Ims or $,to and undejr.
N, tv
the Royal Ladies lten4y-lv*�Wear
Co. 'Page
nnount to, montliso credit
tUrnlsbln.v approved joint
1 &-a�POULTRY AND VOWL.-Nfr. John
It will Pay YOU to examine out.
ftt Of 5 Per cent. for cash
IELON r, I yr—
Newcombb will,sell by gublic auction
athisfarm.3mliessout ofGoderiell.ilkptate�
list and oar goo4s- -C.'G. Newton
13teat Quality Spectseles and Eyieglasses from $3 up
As this 4pportunity is only for Dollar Days, October 2nd and 3rd
we would ask you to kindly, come early.
As' L FOLE.* R0, - 00
moon, Tem* 00�metr6t and Optician
West Street, Goderich, 011t. Thofte 13
x, x_,-,tn 13,5 �sonal alvcwmeats majo oil o83e Jaya will msivm �tm boAsfib of the SS16.
Poraitiion of V*ftdo. Refunding
Loan 5 per cent. bonds-0� F. Car-
.ey & Son, Page ... *.& ...... *.. # *0
Auction, SAje_Mrs. Adam Can.
telon, Proprietress. P 0 . 4 ...... 0
Cow for Sale -Mrs. 61ohn Webly.
fatit* "'L ..... ....................
J;Irl Wainted for Housework -
Star Ofilce, Page ............... 0
Boattlers Wanted-Stst 4ftee. ,
patte .......... .......... I.J. . A
Room to Let�Staa, OfAce. Page I
Dominion of CAttads Refunding
Loan -Wood , Gund 7 And Syndi-
r0e. Page ........ . 0 ....... I ... 4
Are You Going to vu. in a furn.
act, this faIll-C. C. Lee. Psxe..18
i, One W. It.
Tremblay. rAge ...... ....... V4.0
Whert Rest-otable P&ea Pre.
$Vail. Fred Ifunt. ftf..V. ... le
Make the Family Itappy �With
-V A MkII&Ws— . xatw, W *_m',
Public Subsoriptloft is invited. for
Dom'inion of' a...;
...Refunding Loan 1923
Dating a I ta. bearing inter . est from 16th October, 1023, , and, o - Itered. in
two: maturititle3 as f4llows;
2.0 year Bonds dtie 15th 00tober, 1943'
15 -year Bonds due. 15th Oetobert 1928'
Principal payable at the oOke of the Iteceiver-General at Ottawa or that of the 'Aa3lotant
Receivir-General at Hoilifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montre4l, Toronto, Winnipea,
Regina, Calgary or Victoria, Semi-annual interest (15th April and
15th October) payable sit any branch in Canada of any chartered bank.,
Denominations: $100, $50, $1,0W
All bonds,m#y be registered aq to rrincipal only, and bond3 ill denomination of $300
and authorized multip es thereof May be fully reglutOced-
These bonds are I authorized under Ait of tho'Parlitment of Canada, and both principal and intorost
are a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
To Cash Subscribers To Holders of 1923
Victory ]%04S
In addition to the bonda ottered for -cash it haa
Offering TermS been arranged -that all Ownera of Victory Bond3
This issue presents a most attractive Investment due November lat, 1,023, may , exchange their
The'security- is Incomparable and the income re- holdinga for the game amount of the 0sw Issuo.
They will receive in cash the difference b3twean
turn high., � The bond3 will occupy an InveAment, the face value of their. maturing boruhb ani tlio
position equal to that of Canada's Victory, Bonds. purchase price of the tim: 'security, namely: at
Th4 bonds are offereil for cash at the following the rate of $1.15 per $100 for 20'yearbonda and
.5 year Wnd.ri-
prices $1.00 for Special Prvilege
94 YEAR BONDS Interest coupons on bond.,j exelianged are tip b,�
98.25 and interest retainod.by the Owner and easlued on Novemher
lqt. - As the new bond3 will be dated Octob,,7r
yielding 544 per icent. 15th, holders who exchange will thus reeei�e tin
extra half month's Interega.-thereby roducin4
V froM 98.2,3, tind, _S_L
eo*.gt of' 2Q year bondq
5 YnAR BONDS )TOHS from, I* to thO f01IOWiu60:
99 and interest 20 YFAn BONDS
94.02 and lattrest yielding 0.1a per cent.
yielding 5.23 per cent. D YEAR BONDS.-,
08.17 and interest yitldinz 5-23 per cent
This offer Is made nubject to prior nole and to ad. HO'dorOLare Urged to "t promptly %a trliq priti.
vance In price. i,4 sa�f4
eet to withdrawal.
Dominion of Csaada bonds,are the mo3t attractive invetstinent obtainable in
orders or instruction!) for exchange may be telephonc-d or telegraphed at our expelvie�
Tito right 13 reaerved to allot ft 10W 311 ount of bondo tijan appliel tor., anj to cell tor c*3% mora thaa
Thege Wtidq are offered for delivery in interin, fortu on 0? a5out 000�or 156z. 100", %*nt, 3) wti E
rasued and delivered to 03, WOOL W~
0* Fo C .1 DEY &
Masonle Ttm *`0, West Str"t Nt.
Proprietress, Atictlb.n�e
ollbe Bayfleld Road, on Thursday. Oct.
4t * I sharp-
Ttitsd4y and Wednesday are bar�,
4 04
commencing at o'cloolv,
I cow. 6 years old, due, In Nov.; I tow
, come to town early ana
gairk days.
.01-tranist St. SOM69 Churth, Loodon, and
Musical Director. London Conservatory or
Music. Teafter of singing and piano. Va-
7 years old, due In January;i cow Co
years old. due in January;l cow.0 years
secure the choice -W. Ache -
son &, Son. ....... I
cancles rot- limited number of puplis.
Studio, Mrs., Harlson's.
614 due In -51arch; I cow It years old.
Just a few of o;sr special bar.
41% %Atte vle.
Soria, Scowl. interviews. on odaesdity&
due In June,, I heifer 2 years old, agnoil
itillkerA heifer I year old, 2 youn Ir
gains In drugs and. sundries -
Campliell's Drug Store. Page...14
2% Off it paid by Oct. I a
covurs. good . NvInter milkers; 4 goo
brood sws,30 young pigs, from 60, -tit
Hoots, Shoes and Ru6bers, that
are extrAordinury. val%tes-Geo.
14%'off if otid;4yOct. 15
1100,Ibs.: 3 geese� 13 young geese,
votins ducks. 50 year -old liphs. Every.'
MaqVio4r. Page ........ ..o#4.o2
1% off if paid by, NOV. is
thing advertIsed Is of flrht class quality
and will be sold NVIthoUt reserve as
Where Your Dollar Goes Farth-
est-Dorainion Stores, Ltd. Page. -2
All kinds for sale st about balJ
Vilat it would Cost you to build. It
After Dec. 15th2%- added-
t1te, 'farm is solid.
TERNTS-All sumet of N0.00 and under
Specials for Dollar Days, Check
oly the things need -4. J. Me -
will be to your interest to'see me be-
fort buying. Several pr perties on
After Jim, list,90/4 added
Artbakis must be at ones.
eash,,- over that amount 12 months
or -edit will be given on furnishing. ap.
Z*en,. Page
easy terms of VskylifteTit. See Aty
I proved Joint notes. A digeoutil of 6 pop
tent. Qljowod. for cash on credit
Only a few of our worth He
bargains -'E. It., � 7fle. rage....,G
Real 'EstattL and Insurance.
, N *DRY.
Prop. Auetlonee*
IL or Dollar Doy
-;-ColboriTe's Store. 'Page
Frankly, Folks, we are going to
give you thtj biggest yalo" Von
a D
have yet rece ved in our' stoiiil-
L. R. Steel Store,- Pageo......-A
I N A P'' L E
Our.. Window to Full of Dollar
Do 4argaInK-510s. $- Noble.
0 T I CA Z3 A L
page ....... ...
Ralph Graves and lUssle Love,
Mary Miles Minter, S M*_
son, next week at tbo� Me'llyTbest.
tre. Page ........ . w. . a. "... —.20
Improve ight by Cons.alti-ng the Best
East Street Garage under new
Central Butinegs_ Cofte pre-
pares young nien tatitt young wom
On -Dollar Days *6 will, not only allow you DOLLARS below our
en for - business. Pooe ......
Du MaWs cooked ham, sliced,
retular pHees on all Spectacles and Eyeglasses, but we will give
and other speclaI5 it All1jon's
Page 11)
you a FREE EXAMINATION with the beat and inost coniplete
meat toarket. .... * .......
Ovetcostings and Fall Sultings
-Temple Clark, Page ..,10
Public Subteriotion Is invited for
13teat Quality Spectseles and Eyieglasses from $3 up
As this 4pportunity is only for Dollar Days, October 2nd and 3rd
we would ask you to kindly, come early.
As' L FOLE.* R0, - 00
moon, Tem* 00�metr6t and Optician
West Street, Goderich, 011t. Thofte 13
x, x_,-,tn 13,5 �sonal alvcwmeats majo oil o83e Jaya will msivm �tm boAsfib of the SS16.
Poraitiion of V*ftdo. Refunding
Loan 5 per cent. bonds-0� F. Car-
.ey & Son, Page ... *.& ...... *.. # *0
Auction, SAje_Mrs. Adam Can.
telon, Proprietress. P 0 . 4 ...... 0
Cow for Sale -Mrs. 61ohn Webly.
fatit* "'L ..... ....................
J;Irl Wainted for Housework -
Star Ofilce, Page ............... 0
Boattlers Wanted-Stst 4ftee. ,
patte .......... .......... I.J. . A
Room to Let�Staa, OfAce. Page I
Dominion of CAttads Refunding
Loan -Wood , Gund 7 And Syndi-
r0e. Page ........ . 0 ....... I ... 4
Are You Going to vu. in a furn.
act, this faIll-C. C. Lee. Psxe..18
i, One W. It.
Tremblay. rAge ...... ....... V4.0
Whert Rest-otable P&ea Pre.
$Vail. Fred Ifunt. ftf..V. ... le
Make the Family Itappy �With
-V A MkII&Ws— . xatw, W *_m',
Public Subsoriptloft is invited. for
Dom'inion of' a...;
...Refunding Loan 1923
Dating a I ta. bearing inter . est from 16th October, 1023, , and, o - Itered. in
two: maturititle3 as f4llows;
2.0 year Bonds dtie 15th 00tober, 1943'
15 -year Bonds due. 15th Oetobert 1928'
Principal payable at the oOke of the Iteceiver-General at Ottawa or that of the 'Aa3lotant
Receivir-General at Hoilifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montre4l, Toronto, Winnipea,
Regina, Calgary or Victoria, Semi-annual interest (15th April and
15th October) payable sit any branch in Canada of any chartered bank.,
Denominations: $100, $50, $1,0W
All bonds,m#y be registered aq to rrincipal only, and bond3 ill denomination of $300
and authorized multip es thereof May be fully reglutOced-
These bonds are I authorized under Ait of tho'Parlitment of Canada, and both principal and intorost
are a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
To Cash Subscribers To Holders of 1923
Victory ]%04S
In addition to the bonda ottered for -cash it haa
Offering TermS been arranged -that all Ownera of Victory Bond3
This issue presents a most attractive Investment due November lat, 1,023, may , exchange their
The'security- is Incomparable and the income re- holdinga for the game amount of the 0sw Issuo.
They will receive in cash the difference b3twean
turn high., � The bond3 will occupy an InveAment, the face value of their. maturing boruhb ani tlio
position equal to that of Canada's Victory, Bonds. purchase price of the tim: 'security, namely: at
Th4 bonds are offereil for cash at the following the rate of $1.15 per $100 for 20'yearbonda and
.5 year Wnd.ri-
prices $1.00 for Special Prvilege
94 YEAR BONDS Interest coupons on bond.,j exelianged are tip b,�
98.25 and interest retainod.by the Owner and easlued on Novemher
lqt. - As the new bond3 will be dated Octob,,7r
yielding 544 per icent. 15th, holders who exchange will thus reeei�e tin
extra half month's Interega.-thereby roducin4
V froM 98.2,3, tind, _S_L
eo*.gt of' 2Q year bondq
5 YnAR BONDS )TOHS from, I* to thO f01IOWiu60:
99 and interest 20 YFAn BONDS
94.02 and lattrest yielding 0.1a per cent.
yielding 5.23 per cent. D YEAR BONDS.-,
08.17 and interest yitldinz 5-23 per cent
This offer Is made nubject to prior nole and to ad. HO'dorOLare Urged to "t promptly %a trliq priti.
vance In price. i,4 sa�f4
eet to withdrawal.
Dominion of Csaada bonds,are the mo3t attractive invetstinent obtainable in
orders or instruction!) for exchange may be telephonc-d or telegraphed at our expelvie�
Tito right 13 reaerved to allot ft 10W 311 ount of bondo tijan appliel tor., anj to cell tor c*3% mora thaa
Thege Wtidq are offered for delivery in interin, fortu on 0? a5out 000�or 156z. 100", %*nt, 3) wti E
rasued and delivered to 03, WOOL W~
0* Fo C .1 DEY &
Masonle Ttm *`0, West Str"t Nt.
. �1 iw I -06de
a D
. �1 iw I -06de