HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-09-20, Page 18PACOX X1GXT THE GODERICH 8TAR THURSDAY, SEPT. 2701, 023.
TRIP THR017CVR foltrarim of the fam-gia's Royal Gorge, NQ-40titsina. Tho course of the Lv-& li EXETER FAM Dof�t forget that a divorce suit Wobably he who, never raa4e a when a an $tat lairmw
d town o., V'anon VIty. Angeles river i -i through the city. but; OD.sts move than a wedding twit, mistake never made a discovery. own praises ifs sure to b; 7 *—&
WESTERN 1-7. wMf outb of the Grarid it is Jry the greater opart. of the
"Is 'he ow"tr � � ! 1
h guards the w Rain, Interfor With Success of
Coxy-oll ot,the Akiiwr,323. Well cm, year. The city appears to be one
%4�df_VSS C,&ea J$y Miss X$W IWU# dQfjA frUit tjQ#W, bQVjF patCheg, Und #rgat Wk, Fet_bRtW*Qn tho P44ag
V.11 INNISSUMM wo"Wo 1100tatt gif*rto are everywhere. rArd the snow-capped moluntains.1 1110, onXties4ay ot last weck,warvid
C*non City, the train, beautified by a sevii-tropical, vegeta-
T'AaVing what promised to he one of the best,,[
ThW following Ill the 4JJMs given, winds Its way *Ion 0 the �fiion, including orange grovesp palm, fairs, go ttko histori of kAetcr- Thet
_ C tile river t ptus, banana a
b�,; 51iss. Ilailie'Att tile meeting ot the kritrance of the Royal Gorge, whwh U4 pepper trees, weather ou monilay was file and sk
J 'annoti Wenion's Institute, Sept. is a gigantic chasm in the beart, of Tuhlellleyity parks, with a conoined area gat er tegether a
the wountsia's, cut from the oummits of over 400, acres, represents a cow. grcat c%bibit was V
e tal P, Ace. glcEday, came In
'be r'6 Major at
of the lofty peaks to the very foun., billatiOn of landscape gardening nd 11ne t ralu devOoped, In the DOLLAR
7ho Burlirigton Route tbrough dgtim stones, At the bottom flow3 Its luxuriant, natural vezetqation. t f re a I kept up a drIzzliog
Wiv*tcrn America preeents to the tra- the Arkansaa River, "the mother of Griffith Park, of ever 0,009 acre:) Is Fbower Moto lesss;lday- 10814toot
viler C91110 of the WOM WAUtifill the ROral Gorge." Along this river - the second largest munlelpal pa -k inlital&rgoilumber cametotbotowrionj
rcenery of the continent from tiie the rai road. winds its Way. Further the United States. The autofflobill-l' I faund their way to tho gmus(13 between
a3 we penetrate, this canon. It be. boulevards of the city extenditbeaboucts.
lant corrif
20sus lelds of linois and
I Iowa -to the mountainous scenery of;comos narrow, and the njasgive walls tbrougbout the country, )),-Coming a . The exhibit at ladies, svoi k was never
become higher.. In the contre of the t of the excellent state System Of bettery the quality being tip to the usual NS
Colorado.. The Mississippi and 918- Gorgo it is 30 feet wide sit the tace, "a"V
ga'arl Rivers, vast bodies of water, standard. Rite exhibits of fruits,
ra #nd, veget4bjen W4C -Coll.
i ve,.y frequently chance tile .. ,I while the walls rise 2600 feet above. AmQng the city's greatest' attrac. to 0,1$0 o"I A
the state, The velvet-like green. of At this point there Is not sufficient tion"; are the beach fenort'j, which I out, The sbowJag by the schoul child.
froom for the river and the railroad include Sauta. Mpnica, Occa
t1w low-lyiug banks, In contrast with , n Park,,,,, was pst-ticulaily aztrutWo and to.
a to run side by side. hence it was tic, Venice, Long, -Beach and Cat I na ceived Mach ta"roble comment,
clay -like appearance, malce a pleas, Q5
iait,� color combination. cessary to build tbo farnous barlZing Island. This island Is about 50 m'I 'A demonstration for candling and
I bri e. I south of San Pedro Harbor and pro- giadlilg eggs wag conducted by Mr. 0.
lorg plains, relieved *only by doU of cout-two miles wonder after _cents,a delightful resort for tOu'Uts. r Hooper and Inspector Morrison, Gt
I ,
wonderwof I ature's myDtorloua gran. The glass."tomed boat which von- 'BOOT SHOP
-ch. forth In lig
Xcbraska's prairien ]strc or t H ERN'S
atlael�s and nurnerou.9 stacks. ;-dour Is presented to the tourist, at- veYS tourists to the sub,,marino gar- There was a spleadcd allowing of
YOry suddenly upon our view tie. some
bu,�sts the beauty of the mountains. ways climbing, climbing, until an done gives a wouderful opportunity at very flue animals beingf,
aseent of 40,000 feet is made and we for seeing the sea life. among the lot. There was a-4-argol Where You Get Real Bargain$ Infootwear
Away in the distance and nestlin f
9 Ind ourselves in Tennessee Pass, a. San Diego, 4 city about 159 milej for baby beef,, the prize arklmal. In I
among the clouds, we see them ria. mid houso-like boulders that threaten soutli of Los Angeles, has the - first,
ing like a purple curtain. At times to =ass, being led in by 4' youngster. You have not forgotten the exceptional values you received at our Dollar
come crashing. angrily upon hit 51ission founded in California. The The- surprise at the afternoon came
the clouds seem to atrike the mourl` Invaders, ruins stand about three milen north �11' It. H.-113rawri carried off the red AM wearing the Footwear purchased
taina, scattering, their flimsy v�hlte. w h - Days Sale a year ago because you are i,
Thenthe descent down, down over of the modern city. Old Town, the ticliet (or best roadster foal itt �ow- then. We invite.you to take advantage of these again this y'ear;
n6l'q down (the side. Then the valleys, this wonderful road and we fina our. first settlement, stood west of the petiltion with the roadottr k0al that was
tsreadingthlie green carpets towards selves travelling throu Nevada Blission, near the present city. A tivq prize at Toronto and Lo We can only give you a partial li
rl - adog fairc, st of the great values we offer on Dollar
Ion alls, vanldh In that won and Utah, �Jilo a aigh
, ft4Qr mi e of do ort few of the old'adobe dwellings to- For ifi0speeding events thero was, qrl,
&eful purple haze. Here and there $ Days, Octobet 2nd and 3rd.
wt. see small. clunters of summer Plain, stretching as far. as the eye main, the best known of which is the extra, largo etitry but tile trials' Were'
one where Helen Hunt Jackson 'had sday 'r000n:
can reach. postponed until We4ue aftc
homes or a hotel cuddling at the side yo the Tbe gate receipts fell away eborc of the pa
u. who have travelled to her heroine, Ramond, married,
of the mountain, and inviting .*the Is the City of
tr4�oller to its retreat. . I Western Coast of'Amerlea coitIdn't Fast of Los Angeles mark. There wore a fe,.,r more tents 100 pair Women"s 13edi-oom Slippers, �5 olat r Youths' fine Black and Choc-
Tile cities in this part of the coun. . lielp but be deeply impressed by the Riverside, one at iho mostimporfant tbau usual art tuo Midway and all in felt and suede, for $ Days, $1.00 e Bals., reg. $335, and $4,- for
-alth- vast- open spaces of that romarkablo orange growing centres of the United reemed to be doing. pretty well.
try are beautiful sumindi and be contre of tittraction. is
country—the bigness, the or States, The 40 pair Women's Black Kid, High- - $ ]Days ...... .......... M75
iv�orti. Denver,, 120'mileL4 east of of the 'eternal �Ing out that t
the Rockies, is a beautiful and pro- Silence L of t 0 bills, Glenwood Inn. they heard hey laced Boots, high heels, reg. $8.50, 45 pair Boy's Black "and B-rown fifie
r 4ve city, the entrance to the the� mountains, the miles and miles of Always.there ure places of Interest feltrell, wh011 I . ... . . ..
rvs� stretched-ovt land, and the hoverirg.. alld picturesque �mnery and we are WPrQ Romans- to $11.00, for $ Days, per pr, . $5.00 Bals., sizes 1 to 5, rek, $3.75 and
flayground of the American people, of the spirit of hope and op t rised that these cities,all re. 113% Aud they L came and besought Ph- $4,50, for. $ Da
and the gateway of the Rockies. Col- portuni.* no surp
eveFyw a wonderful increase of popuja� tbem, and brought them alit, una. de- 20:pair`.Wo mbn's Black Kid, Rig ............ $3.00
orado, Springs, at the'foot,of Filve's . hore,about. for truly the attractions are sired thent to depart out of the city,,"
Pealt, is the, source, of health to nfoay Time and tho j�cnlus of. man will rio,10 Bible" laced'.Boots, medium and high .12 pair Boy's heavy Bals., reg., $2.75
a digtressed patient. Q;rAdually fill those vast open spaces,, very great, Whereas the "Goodspeed.
3,$2.75 for $ Days .$2.00
heels, reg. $4 to $6, for $ Day 0
Turning, iron ore into steel has put until Vveli t - desert shall blossom
Pueblo on the map and, although it, is and Noom. I * 'A X4W TRANSLATION "The, 11011CMCU dcIjVQre(t this 1res- "20 pair" Wonien'g Black and Brown 25 - pall- Men's heavy Boots, sizes 10
tilled the Pittsburg of the West, it is .4alt'Lake City now greets the tra. sage, to the. magistrateo, and they were
a place of scenic beauty, veller,situated in tile beautiful V4110%. chleago Professor Prints Riblej troing 41111"Mcd 'Whell theV heard that thttv High-lace4 Boots, reg. $6 to $7, fo�'. and 11,.reg. $4,50. to $5, for $Days,
Another beautiful f the Wasatch Nountainsi and 12 were, Rowan eltlzens. They came and -
spot in this sec, 0 Every-Oax 1.4lignage $ Days ...... $3.76 per pair .................. $&75
tion is Palmer Lake, a iles east of the Great Solt Lake.', colwillated them, tool" them 011C lit.
11=1101c, IN"eur the Centre of �tho City. is the-, jull and I bvgg�d theI4 to If -are lown."
sheet of water 52 miles revorifed wortis of, -vhrj,Qt, 4 60 pair Women's Kid and Patent Ox-. A large assortment of Men's fine
Denver, vre Ara
'ToM 0-- Square, .4 jen-a tt -vautailled 14 tile King Jame-' version lYhere,Chrlst Is quoted In the -4oln- fords, with high and low heels,, ie;g. Boots,,, in Black and Tan calf, reg.
Nestlinsr in th� Pocket of' tilt; foot whicV contains the famous Norman 1 if flify Christian Blblo.aud other� parts titird vPrsImj'a4 exelabillug, '10.11',ve
hill's � of ibe Roeld�ls at the ea!deru Tomple . Tabernacle 'and Assembly: o., t1w New Testaluent; -have been ill- Of little faitij!" I)r, Good's $4 to $6 50, for $ Days,,,.
poe(I Olftugt�s $7.50 to $9, for $ Days ....... $5.00..,
1141. The Temple is it massive gFan j te.red, lit a ji,�w Americau translation thp words to ol it v - ..-o jittjt�
r, I. a 1, harre assortment, -of Men's fine
and In it the sacred rites from the -origlual Greek. for the use faithy*
ite structure 85 pair Women's Patent, and, Kid
of the ebureh are perforreea. oT th-.- Inart 411 the street.", Pumps, without straps, high And' Boots, in Black and -Tan, reg. $5.to
The prevaillug notion that -tile New
trast *,to all -tW, i)v. Edward (loodspeed, boad.of the TA�Staluout wa.4 writtell In t4olemn. reg. $4.50 to $ $6.50, fol' $ Days. . .... $4,00
.4619EW LAMP BURNS. it, pteashig w"n, low heels, 8, for s
santi, appear the, luxuriant grov4s of; 1,11blh-al Greek Department of the T'ui- pompous and suitea Greelc 14, ail
760 rollers In length and, v, ksity of Chloillgo, '114,4 eitraln"tted wron
94% AIR I Callfortil, g, aceording to Dr, Gootbsptx�il, Days, per pair .......... $2.75 Up to the minute Black and Tan Ox -
250 miles in widthi To manil who , M(� llthws" and 1101011W., , of the u'llo mys , it was ro.011, �Alnple, I
1 30 pair Wonler2s Patent Black Kid. fo�d reg. $6, to $7, for $, Days, per
119ATS 13LECtRIC OR GAS' have, nevor visited it, 0a fornia,xitlallit old Raiglisli wordap.Afid sub. easy And 1 SI
I and $4.50
stands as the romance State 'of the gtituted common . ev6rF-day 4uglish. :mo�qt tolloquial—till, $j)0keXr'--1aIiguAgv- Brown . Kid Oxfords and Palr ,
...... ....
..... .....
West�—the land 'flowing with milk lif, finuounced completion of tile vol- of the 1�00PW of, that time.11 Straps,.low heels, reg $4.50 to:$6, I pair Men's Patent Oxfoids, sizes 6,
A now oil lamp that gives all amaz. and honey' -toward which their desires
Thursday at the eud ot,thrpp
11111."age,4 �ometfmvs regardoj xl,�4 not
tnly brlll'llot� s*t1 white 1'gb�, eve" tend ; while -to those who lWe there "I I it half y4als" of labor. It is ad. cleqr ars discarded. In their plaei� for $ Days ........ .......... $3.1213 .81 8141 9j 91/.,,' reg. $5; for $.Days,
ter than gas or. olectricity, has it is indeed the EI Dor4do or golden
pe, / ........ $.3.90
been tested by the U. S. Government mitted that It m3y muw% lulloh. (Ils- appt�itr lexpremlon.4 of the stri t." [ . ' 'I ' '
land, by reason of its climate; its r pair
and 85 1�.iding univ �-usslou wid 41 conshirrablo amottia of (Ibildren artY "born" Im, -ing Ir. Women's medium.heavy Work
ersities and found 4tead (if W
wonderful scenery, ffs onrivall2d fer-
-to. be. superior to 10 .,ordinary oil bItt#;r oppositivil.
oots,.'reg., $4, for $ D llfiller-BoSttoni Baga,
"begat": Y, a pollwwair urmsts 1 ays. . . .$2.90 IiiblacX- 4nd'tan
lamps. It burbs without odo, smoke tility and its mineral wealth. The stead of tht� old verse arrauge- -6 as It 1";
popular name of the stMe, the torm. A..Wflft or'210ilan Is told will
-isses'�, Patent Oxfordg, 0ne- 14�ather, r6g. �1.5% $4 ays, 2.25.
or noise�-no,pumpjog up, -As simple, finee.- aletit. IA'. fl,60tLSj)0P(j hast jjt�Q(j n1oderu rojiltotl 111 tIlf, 1wesent'llay Ill the, p1,(.,4V 30 Pali IVI
10 per ce
1 c air Golden Gate, applied to Ats 'pun( 1P,
cleall, Rai, Uurns 94 per -int , paragr,iplavg, -tuation ana quo- Probably the ni"t strikimr of �il I strap, Punipstand high -laced Boots, oh RabberGoods.
harbor, the golden pop Y, which is its g ot off 411
And 0 or cent, common. kerosene 11) irks, 61 o(julal tqpee(41 IM� I translatious is. tile -Drofessor's ver -Alm' reg. �$-2.25 to $4, for Day�. ..$1.75
state flower, the oa�mell Dorado-giv- ratio.
coAl 0113 valls throuzhout, -.-Vollikl7gir" "Velitig." of,the Lord'q-Pra*,ver, lt xoadcr: 40 per%tent off all T villi 1,604.q
Oil f6�bpe of Its countlos� all point to ra ug.
Tbb - inventor, X. Johns'ont% 240 IiPatbef'in
'N the' po�itioo which it holds in the.
-alg'St. W., ontrealo, is ofrcring to
6 - N koo s exchanged after Dollarbav
4ond a 1814 on 10 daW FREF, trial, pyes ofits� admirers. Pill'iti-al � If tilt. of molx�y ralm"wel2�'J't ilojo poiile�- (.live Ila toclov bre�ld for! o goods sent on Pap�rbval aifd no �J d
7a E,
nud dlsmuct-, whilt, "guard" bci�oalesr tho dav, ,%Ild forNive wt our dc�brs!'
OX.OvOn to give one FREE to the first Los Angeles one of the Impohant
ill -each locoll who will help ,cities of the West, Is at the present RS WP lumv.forgIven, but & )tors.. 11114 1 Term
today bolding an ut position1n We 006.
bint introduce it. I rite hjiu tod V histanve the Hing James ver. do uot,,ujtbje(-t tt-sv atioll.1 but, Next T;e
_4v. importa to tem_�ot.
Nvt�, 11' C
lon lit :1 kipR it this �.Qave us frolu,the, evil one." ash HERN o'
for full particulars- Also a& him to eyes of the world. R is'situated, in ffice
evpl4in how, you can. get thd agenor. Southern fornia, ' fifteen miles
1, 0 051 d And the, `vergvaots told fitose Diflivaifies strengthen tbil m�
and 'without. exkrience or money' irectlx ons; the Pacific ocean an
ten rV�los south. of the Sierra Madre, [Ivord.-t 1111to the luagiNtrates';"Ind till exercise does 'e- bo — — — — — — — —
'make $250. to $500 pet month. '15 P
..... .....
14 "s Uted S its Med's Fine Dress Shirts Haq ..ITT
o Ul Rib Pdri U1061 Underwear �ea S Raincoats
10 Maly, Regular -Ptice $40,00 Silits $ NY ]Utra Special Regitlar D-a.y Sizes 36 tO 44'81lirts and Drawerb $ Day
for $ . I . . : 'I .. . 2� ottly, -wer6 $ x.5 oo vo $30,00
for $15.00 1.39 Price $1.25�epieh to Clear at $iO,00 each
H ostery
Merk"s, Suits Worsted and Tweed 5 Dozen' Men'slweed'QP3 Ladies" 016proof Silk R 24 Pair of C
ottoji Tweed Pants
20 0111y Rtgular Price $5( ) M, DaV Fall Weight were $2.co to $3.00 Regotilar $T.75 OLUd $2.60 $ DAY onlyt
for $20.00 for $1.4 in black atid colors Regular $2 50. for $1,98.
for $1.00
ilk Ties
SAS' --Mon" 0 *_U's silk-Broadeloth Shirts 10 Oozen Men's. S
a vercoat&:
my$-.. Bloomer
Regitlar $5.00 Day for $3.98 Regular Price $x.00 to clear at 2 for $1.00
lal `ewes
I., -.o only Regulat $io.co to $t6 5a, $ Day INtra Sj)ec N. st Shades $3Q) oo for
Wu -ashmere
for $6.75, Ai $22.50 f vs oo jerseys
ges for c) to t6 years 04d Lot o' Bo 10 Dozen Men's Black C
for $1.19
Kid4iies' 15ah's Only 10 Overcoats , 4 Hose
-i Day P 'Wool uloomerhats
Ages :a. to 6 Regidir $6 qv Si4es 110 -,6 Regul ar 'S Day Btkvs Ure R�d H o -el and "roes Regalir 65
for $3 00 for S5.00 Regitlar $z'5o Pay $1.69 Day a pair for $1.00
..... .....
Hundreds of Bar.4aint.,nott-4 I lsted—NeVOP bbfore,,and maybe. neverli again will youp D011'ap
I loft,
tauy so onuch.
�,M,c AN GOP Ic
.1� f