HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-09-20, Page 17T �rv­IURSDAY SEPT. 27th, 192i. THE GODERICH STAR PAOX 8%'VV� "01'"i tl":se two 'MSCOVEREIROFCANADA cgpes;a Ibis iauq-f;AlL otud thin writcr Expetiences of Civialitnia ExplolvIt' "to 110 besti"tioa m taking tilt, "Me View. 0*4 CAXUWX A NATIVE OW IAndirg In ris boats at several T110 antobsegi;i0v of John Ala Pember s Hwr,Goods SUMATIT. W, Cartier *a I1AVtre"*d gc)un, cx- riellne"s' 91111toe"Ely and 1111ty of the plorew and I "Ituraust. is wondcrIultv QrqJ%;jQn and 6vnioral 'Sailed trom W� woo witk Two lead. lie 4excrilied the COWT3� 44 ViCh, 8U. 41 W. gUIVrOst. Ves4ou of 00 wooi$ Each a beatalful a aks of tilt lot level lead Xt-TTO* fairest that it Tbo volumo throWboUt go rTr- 04 01 IS** way be Possible to, 00% M1 full Qf weated With the Indomitable lker- 0 PM"vd Witk RkIKU00 And Fier, Coodly trees U1114. UitgdOWC E('verauee of tho laubjcet Of the auto, tufty of The IAW. The explorer* lauded at several blogralft. tie 'Aas C Z)AU with Q, places, "woa$ others, at a ravez. fix4d titar which he tollcw4�d cons5st- Jacques Cartier. the 4I0Q6VQfer Of which they naluOd tile River Of 110at0- VntlY tbrOtIgIlcut hts, long and nootul Canada, was a usltlVo and rVildlDrAt a fair stream wbere thOY saw the life. Ho carIN, won rccogaltion 1)$ 11.1" 0. 86 port of boats Of B4LvAges crossing the stmam, botanist. lie fought his way or the town ot St. Mal through normal Behool. had amustnw Brittany, tile part ot France that ex. This may be IdelatlAcd with Hicht"Ond at NEWTON'S Ray and the eutraure to the Narrows. exporlencea as a teaetter and in 18�2 Ilug in from the sea. wait appointed to the abair of nat- teft4a farthest to the West Into tile The wind ban sea. St. Malo is due south of the Cartier made to the northeast, until Ural history In Albert Collc9c. DOW- oliautiol Islands, belouglag to Great next day oLt-sunrisP, when as It be- Ville, Out. sasoclatcd� wttla Just as last year we are off6ring extra values aritalu. Cartier was bom to- came foggy and stormy, be struck Iatitr on be was V w At at. U410 1 mail Ilutll 10 o,clock, when they saw Mr. Sandford Fleuting 14 the Out'll) to our Dollar -Day customers. It ill pay you to wards, the clootoot the Att"uth coal Cape O,!14.,ane, now Kildare (IIIII0. and Of the PrOP0150 route for th'0 C -P -R- -amine our list and our goods. J. B. KNIGHT tury. As a youth he Went to sta And further to the aorth another earc, Prairie#, and mountains WOUP tra- ex became one of the Wild seamen 01 0% whiek be naluctl Cape Savage, clearly verstA by him, suffering hunger. will le ai the district noted then &a now for IN the North Cape. Rounding this ca Special value Shirts, sizes 14-161--, $1.75 to lit'. thirst and privation such as would sikilled &ad hardy pallore. Proof of he noticed the loav and dangt-rom, h,%ve daunted the heaVtO 101 Most IS101a, $2.50 regular, for $1.00. no d this to that Ike earned tile rank of rect. This day (Ist July) Ile saili-d and expedition after expedition to Bedford "' 'ted, Go erich Map or tell I'laguVe I'D the coast 10- different parts of the dominion was Mastic Ribbed Underwear,.winter weight spe. I t X12tereZely something was k4own, Irk Wjf�jj 'th(, W(ES, v%pv. thinking to taken, each of which contributed to clal. -A garment, 75c. Wednesday, October 3rd ymnee of the Sew World beyond the Ond -a barbor. wa;e'- lie failed to 111' the'intituale knowledge Of Canada All lien's Atlantic, and the King authorl0d an w"s 11W. it j4 10.4tty. It way. safely. be paid; An -assortment of colors and sizes in showing latest sty'es in ox"ditiqu of discovery and vxplora� As Ile im',Ied kill tr.e coast., .1110 ItAlid that John Macourt, utore than any Work Hats, at.$1.00. tiou. Cartier was given c0mmauil- apparontiv rlost# In on both. sitics. other man, brought to public notive u April 20. 1534 he sailed from Nvhei3O� he conewded lie NNas Ili a the groat value of the prairie tor Ladies' and Gents.-Rair Goods . 5 nd 1660, Bbys Sweater !Qoiftt.s, heavyweights, in three 0 t. UILIO With two small Nessels Ot large bay. oil July 2ad he Baw fund agriculture 'tietwOOR. 1�811-a 0 about 40 tons each, carrying 61 per. to the north. match field' Nvith thiti To his UvOwledge Of botany he different colorep $1.00. 0 Free saVice On Scull] Diseastis. Phone UnKnightforappointme0t. �oons,&jj told. On May $7 hal reached already shietc4. Nehlltb, sallsfiod Lh4i added ortilthip . logy. geology and me- -Belle Isle, and spent a _Hq N%um Sit teorOlOgt ikftd Udded stilt more to bit Men's Athletic Vnderwear. Regular $1.50 to that It wal, a la -go bay. month exploring the stritit.-snd the 129 Yonge St. TORONTO the Strait the wosl�rn ontrauve to the $tralti (-f uoefuluj�as Rail' value. He won 'the" $1.75, W W'. T. PEMB - ERI reuce, and ';borland, lint '*IlQd to BeV it, ouly.4real respect ol the great onto for $1. 5 pair for $1.00. $4ewfouudlaud Po"t. Its then PIL811641 Northuti 4%PW - "I ___ __ into the Quit of St. IAW He hud sailed along the w1iolt, itorth- of IS14 dq and wASt Ahe friend of Special Work Socks for men. 'Oam�s upon the Magdalen islands, now . Islund. and rouudnxt� leglolatorg and nariclers who IoArll shore of Ii. k, A John 74a0vul; We are now agents for Lowndes' 20th Centur part of the province of Qpebec. the North 103P.p, had sailed no lihie Ed totrust the*word of Tho.first lotoods sileu were what r, t ott ru without qiiestion. Made -to Measure, Clothing. We. -have our fa Klein pleaded with or tezi league6 Along the Wtst( "'A Rlderly Seaf9rth Lady. Outwits Thug, money. Mrs. aro now known an the Bird Rocks. t, to Ix tjlil His ureat euvry and devotion in him to let her go, stating. she would another 0441 Elg�ty-five'years old, but still able islanil, bin work )listed tip to the time of Ill. sai Five league* to the west w1L shore, withotit knowlilf; I tuples for suits and overe its in many shades and give him all the mouey,'ihero Wits, in Island, where water and ilulel wood _'t. death, and even when On If you have wo clothes tailored b to take care of herself, Mrs. Eliza the house. IniniodUtely the thUg's We first hear of -thie Island' of his death weights. rn Y John (tor thor�� were othe-a) 41 " 5 was surrounded by his sPeci- fection.. If Mein, who lives alone In the north grip had been released, Mrs. Klein were procured. w ion bed ht LowndesT you.. already know their pet e fact the stole quietly into an adjoining itiom. I And now let the discovery of the I the B.,..tiqlles seized one of ehaiii- Imieas lLud engaged In his work of not call a . nd let its Show YOU tlie. quality and variety end, of �eaforth, proved th .*Iguil that 1he French, called St. ejassjf�qng an�j cataloguing treasures To sets nitaxy years Intel, alid other day when a robber -entered her an I turned the keyN in the face Edward Island, be p1min,s',vt�r rg�rL 1jivy had rortlucd-% gathemd front mountain, lake and d quiet , now Pr took it w a -the ageJ door, Realizing 'that he had been of this range. honie. By a clever ruse told in the word# of the Hou. A.:'B. oa the isiaud lor their own neoount. plain. Ho died at Sidney, Vancouver lady outwitted the thug.and saved P. tricked " the . robber attempted to -Premier ly 18, 1920, lit nice sum of.inoney from his clutch.; break down the door. but,. knowing Warburton, D.C.L., X,C.. ex St. John the B;�ptllat seem& to have lgland, Ju tile age of 1�f 'Prince � Award Island, and now tedi the danger should the door. fail y caused imielk of tile c001161011 thut ad his memory will IlVe,&P long es. Awakened by nolses; she ligh 111,114ember of t1iii-Bonall. bas long exis"LA regarding the ourri as Canada lives. a lamp Rind investigated. The mar- withstand the attack of the robber. � .,During June 27 guil-the'following history � of J7,, 1�,. Rh was a No fees than fort,Y-Olght slieclulous auder, who had entered by a cellar the aged woman opened a window- Jay, Cartier sailed , long, the islands, favorite Sitaue, mid, it 11 14 folund In of fiowerlitir plants. mosses. lichono, 4 Hugh Wright, ), passing several I Cot G.''NEWTON window, jumped at her as she enter. and shouted for help. (Magdalen TARU40 it 4 Insects a neighbor, hearing the cries for many plact's, honce til" eon'wsloll, I hepatica", fislij luollusks an Ed the kitchen, struck her in the:Jace - sheriff till he reached a very high -pointed St. I have been named, after this groat Rat - and smothered her cries. with a pil- help, got in''Aliuch Wn There WkSo Wand, of low. -The lamp ell and - Was extia- Welc'h, and the. two entered the -One, which he called AllesAY. John, off the c -let coam cr (1 -ape Hrc� I urallet. . His b6okwas published on- ESTATE )use only to find that the robber On June 29 the wind changed to. ton; (;oiue.z% lalwid .of 'St. Joiln"L,'dor tbq.��.ilefilces Of the Ottawa F101d iiiished. Still re aining his hold on !to d disappeared.. .the southwest and they ran until meaning Cape brelton Itc I jAf. Oil �41- Naturalists Club, It will prove &in G�DERJCH. -Mrs. Klein, the marauder demanded ha Tuesday the 39th at sunrise. At sun- ahns are invaluable work to anyone who de- Aelquaie,. bastia CAbot's-:nwP the A149d -day, t� ktiowl- -set the previous allcd St. John; uj(*re are W_$ohu's. sires to secure a first hand I illy % ...... 0Z*====0=0=====0=0 _0X====0=0 like two Islands whii Nlewk�undland;. Sti John, New Drops- edge of Canada and Canadl W . eat-joutiiwest'alhe or *ten jeRgues. It. John and OtL(Ts ditions' Wick;,thk, 1, . , 13ageterassumes.,that be anchored on Q:Sr11er)4 dis.,overy­%vould�certalu- the night of 28th June near South. Mr. Horlide. Caphill, Woodwart *4 Cove" l4ve lin ly have confe:red IIPOII Fraftee tile. HAVE YOU ANY OF a:—"Thor ArEt. Inilloatioll' Y611 can gQtL theflo, pj1jF4 trom ally west Cape, first claim to the owlicimbill of the. . . ?­ N.B., whii may kilall at 50 couta, it Cre a'"M 0 Cartler's Landfall has. been the lit it WtiffLIong fyverlooked. or Y that my general health. Was not good wedialne dealer Or by 4 ISO rot hru of the old trout f Bait ky THESE S MPTOMS Medicine ., . . ! sub weray. This islandilb Ito I)r� NVIllialug. a AbaCkage, i*OW fect of much contrt a y ch my 'appetite Co., Brookville, ()nt. r prob the Froholl %bre too ran was a sbortness of breatft after the box from T Regula 3";�C question. in the writers' opinion. has ex�grossed with affairs at.home, Where least exertion. L Tbed -b effectually disposed of by. the it You Have, You Are lit i4eed of 4 began to fall, and titter eating It E-2000 retailin 300ceilts. son Tldmarih of they had plenty of troubles, to.give 9 6 � . . exertions of.Mr. W. F. .1 . Tonic Medicine as ft there was it jump in iu� stomach, 11 No blot r thought to their North American pon-L e Than Ito Asked OOMS LEF1 Charlottetown. To settle It, Mr Tilt- and Weak.Lea$lly tired I grow so weak that I could IS FEW OF THOSE SOL CENT BR ions, Are you Palo Ot walk a A uaiiei� in,& zen ting. Then One day, as little Jimmy wal warsh, some years ago sligbt exertion'? hundrodyards Without ME Learn- one thing o Mice ad out.of breath on jeep djs� I was taken with a manbaiml,"_J�qkpvei on -the "stelfg, a man calne over schooner In the closingdayi bf June, very day Are you nervons? is your a tNe: Market' from the Magdalins for P. E. Island, can be killed by hitting:therft tHe , my body and WaR W A Had Plight- I tQ,Lhlm and asked: er tallied? Do Von Wake up In the morn. EV ything on possible the ing YoUrWelitto in your mother home?" taking an nwrly head -with a, brick. feeling so-Oredas when WaFi uniter a doctor'$ care. bub as; I 'Little boy, Fr not getting betteri I'dockled to try "Yes 11 was the rep Y. sh ait and courses taken by Carti.,Or.r Like Car-. 4eiT? Is your alivetite poor, YO was I A PURE in. --The pains tion weak, and do yonhave pRov 1111o"; luk Pills. The.f1rat few *u 'the bell, but no one tier, lie saw lgmd in �ths distance For Rheumatic Pains.� as a 0 Dr, Williams, P The 'Man 1, )SIC HARD Vigetq4les boxes did not scOUS to help me but Say but At!" at o small Islands. and aches of Scititiga and Ahemnii eating? use and answered, He rang agilitf, ppeared. like tw -should -be - treated , with Dr. If .Von hav Vito urged me to nciotinue their no one answeied. After ringing a On nearer ap - Proch they Were. soon to t'SM ioothing, e any ofthege Symptoms th be fir fact,'Carapb6tt'S Point and Cape Thomas" Eclatric - 011. The r I you need a toriVi',a1yd In tbrd� rVitim-01 guld-- ']Lfttle boy, I One wera gone 4 could. cat vi fair I eitl* rho lodit wbile. he:1,turned to Ammy, do Sylv4ster,. -on the north 'shore of the and healing properties of this fam. M,410ine there Is - no better t I I spairlhgly, and .Vaq W �uumbncm Was lehvivg 1120 atill I was mother Island, about four or five =11% west 'bus reitedy have been tlemonstrated than Dr. Williams' pluk pills, - which thou h fifty feeling much bettor In every WILY, you said Your enrioh shattered J.. His UEACH ,of East. Point, This would seem 'to' for Years. Use it also for in the blood, reAtore while longt.r, nnd in of. 0 grand bring the 91OW Of! health to took the pills for a wit'; (RICH 0 dispose of artler's Cuts, scratches, nerve 'Willi. felt.thfitr I WaS ag I s, but I'don't 114 here,!* ot) the question . flamniatory pains, ain a wel WL, Holiday. CIO I- The distance westward bruises and sprains, either in.hurnan P&jor cheeks. The value, of Dr. % but tb Store sea 12:80 land-fal of still titke tho,--pill"CaBloually, o prompt ronlY, editiesday'Ralf Don't Forget. from th 40 als. n ese two p to lower anim 'Pink Pills 113 Show. by th6 gal beings or the 0M r es an . we es ayLl 4y 010111 10 0 0 0 0 0 ar ain 'Days Y' Are B 7 ­ St e Town d e.c.ure e ce Com .70 y An S,; B LINEN TOWELLING .15c 300 yds., heavy . all pure Linen. Crash Towelling with'f"t red borders, , For roller or hand or tea towel$, -about 17 in. wide. Reg. 25c. -Pei yd. 15e. CURTAIN SCRIM Full'36rinchesyide, in cream and ivory with heavyimitation hemstitch border and drawn w I �'rk!- Suitable for any room. Will wash and wear well. Reg. 21RA per yd. 1,5c. DRESS GOODS 56 inch Flannels and All 'Wool Home spuns, in a splendid choice of colors and fan- cies for dresses or suits. Regular $Z50, at per yd. $1.50. TWEED FOR BOYS 27 itich AllWool Fancy, Scoteh Tweed 'for, niell:`s or boy$$ suits� or tS, r One on of 50 yards, worth $1.25. At. per yr6eece- ..lY TOWELS 10 extra large Fancy Bath Towels)* in beautiful stripe patterns. Reg. $1.50, at per pair -0,00, GUEST TOWELS Fancy Hemstitched. Pure, Linen, size, 15x24. Reg. $1.50. Per pair Q0c. TABLE DAMASK Warranted Double Damask Irish Finest Pure Linen, 72 in. wide, in beautiful. patterns. Reg. $3.50, at per yd. $Z25. 1 70 inch Bleached Puke All', Linen Table D"n,as in select patterns. - Reg. $1.75, at per yd�jl.25. T D am " 60 inch.Mercerized Cotton able ask,heavy. Reg. 75c per. yard, at 55c - COATS Coats in Duvetyns, MarVellas, 6te. Silk .and satin lined. Fur trimmed. Spetial for Dollar DaySL$25 to $40. WOMEN'S COATS 10 only Women's Chinchilla Cloth Coats large colliys, � good style, in black or dari brown. Lined throughout with farmer's sa- tin, some L with removable belt, some plain full styles. Sizes 84 to 42. Biggest bargain we ever advertised in ready-to-wear garment -4, at each $5.00. -COTTON BLANKETS TAPESTRY SAMPLES. 25 pairs largest I double bed size Heaviest about $3.50. .Rugs 27x54, worth 'n value , White Blankets, bink or blue borders. Bar- They are samples of rugs with.border- at on.e gain price, paik. $2,65. end.; -Choice, $.11,25., DRESSES., RTIGS 10. only All . Wool - Serge, Tricotine or Poiret. Twill Dresses, in navys and black, English Wiltons and Axminster, 3x3l/. neatl trimmed, all this season -s. . Sizes 16 to Un.ging $14 to $20, each $10. yds. $47.50. 3x4 yds. $550. .38. PILLOW COTTON CARPET 40 in. wide, extra heavy, free from fil- British- Tapestry Stair or Hall Carpet, -1 ard 30c. llngi:� 1.]DgliSh make.'' Reg. 45e. Y. incbes wide, witlil new fancy color border with cent�� of ar'nall, pattern, very heavy pile. D Will go beside any rug or paper. Reg. $1.50 COCOA, MATTINKI'l Two days' price, $1.20. txti -a beavy double warp, for ehurehe�% verandah.st halls, etc. 36 in. wide. Regular., RUGS $1.25 ), atper yd..78c. 3 onl 3x3l/., yds. wove !tvote-h Rugs, in y browns, gi -een and kose. Fxtra'be4v Reg.. FCR COATS -Y $16.00. Each $9.00. Women's Nluskrat Coats, 40 and 42 in. 'on�, of select dark skins, very deep convert - RUGS ible sbawl collar. Made 1"n latest full style, Reversible Smyrna, wool, :41ze 24x5550, in Beautifully silk lined, with guaranteed qua - 38 42. Persian patterns, beautiful for bedrooms bathrooms. Reg. $5.00. Each $2.95. lity, Aorni cuff in sleeves. �1.3'zes to Special- vallue $160. 2 days' sale, $132.00. or GODERICH,'ONT,., SIDE SQUAREP NOR'" I &. . I.- - . ah" 00,