The Goderich Star, 1923-09-20, Page 16A
PAM lux
8 R
THURSDAY, $1-7,PL 27th, 1933.
sind evoked m uch intere3t..
aftcr t N. dcatb of lier tw2a slswr. tue�,
The fadires weic i,5jrA0aljy attract, Nto mis,3 Egroy, awl S50co tbcu bwIll
ed by the do113' dresses of uurnvrow� b;�va majerly carca v)r at the bome of
and varied - sq -lea, awl itic quat 6ve 6romer pw, a c q
C C.%Rc wag a
blw�% made by Pupils fr6ol I jaughter of tho oate'robo Nel"'.1ro
�Y. and ill Aft
Rollo "'WILL BE ycirs fild to, those in the XV. grit 0. wikv-wwa, to Waterloo, Wheu three
WAS, IS and ALI"'
Not to be bellind. band In 40mebitie yCaV ot Age sbo Cim okywithilett f=. 11;��f
arts the boys bad it Ant showing of W WhillOPt VF CrO $110 rcsfacd U441
henitued her Marriage to 30. John Uargau
health waters , brought out somer Orl- five yea" after bw Marriage, god Qu 'AT
The Pti2es given bY Miss Robb for tbilty-five Ivan ago. Mr. 11argan died 0
girial idelkS. The first three We t to his death urs. Hargall came to scgv
tortli which bo'sSlocoteeli berbowq,
Glenn Garniov, Beatrice 110ruton rhe laceW *a% beld from St. Thomas -
and Doreen Eckmier.
The Clayton D4 church ont Moodav AINMO04. the
L ft special prize$ jor wrivI904 being couducte4 by the rector, WIALES
I collection Of wild flowers were won Itev. T. H. Brown and'uev"j, A. per.
by Olive Gavolva, Beatrice Thornton, gusop, of Uexillop, avol Interment waq
S SALIZ Vera Gamilett, and 3lay Nicholson. madclublaltWol coMetcry. Thopall-
The competition$ between the bearprowere thosameas officlatod at
schools Ale, 41WAYS More commented tbo funeral or her sister a few weeks,
'"Pon than 411Y Other festure. Tito ago.
'Children presented a pretty sight in . '
De"rotiou 1pay
'h � OnlY Fe' Of Ou'r WOrth While -Bargains
N_ the parade, with banners flying, NO. 400day weekwas decoration dav for
8, Morris, succeeded In gaining the the veterans, $be od(j r, ellows
and the CKORO TW.M 7
shield for the best appearance., with orangemen of 014ton and *'large turn.
52,21 No. 10, Morris, second. In the Aling. out of all three, tO90tJlCV With 11110417040 PASTE DIL BROWWSCOMPOUND SYRUP OF
Ing tontest No. 10 was'first and j3lue. of citizens of ClInton. and vicinity took
E-111, The name "ChIM" is indicative of tile ]HYPOPMSPHITES
v*10 01!0011de Four pupils made a part In or witnessed thaveremo4j. The PdOcipat contents of the P3ste, viz Potas. Dr. Brown's Compound Syrup of Hy -
very creditable, showing in public tbreO OtgADIZatfol,48 Met In their several,
speakinAr, rooms and zv*rebed to the postoffige alum Chlorate. This ubstance will stop POP110sphites, a real nerve ionic. full sij-
The only div ppolutment oil the SqV9110, beaded by th4o J�Jltle bAo4 III toot]) decay and pyorrhOCa. Three Pack -
'day was that a] teen -ounce bottle, Reg. $1.00, together
the carefully -arranged uniform- Attbe square they dividedf ages for $1,00.
list Of sports could not all be run off, logrolling in Single, A,le around the with your choice of any 25 cent article.
square, aud Meeting under tbe memor- ALL FOR $1.00
Owing to the intermittent' showers. Jai tablet 14 tbO IXOAbOf tbO VQStOfflce.
There, were s9me children's race% Col. Combo was in command -of the M14LEWS IRON MLL
0 alto
After the fair supper was served veterans, who were in ^�Ivllfaz, clothes,
WHA JA tug�of-viar at conclusion. The great Toni6._ Large bottle, $1.004 Miller's troll, Fills - efirich
in the basemPnt of 'the �Motho but wearing their decorations and All- the blood.
41st bons, Vere in advance. �aud when they 19c a box, A limited number,
Using comedy, "Mrs. Temple's Tele. pauled by Up. David Cautelou adv"c
t a _,the, tablet Col.'Coolbe. accom
gram as. presented fif the hall by the former bearing a handsome wreath For ladies or gentlemen. Assorted Col.
Winglollm Players. A large crowd of purple and 'wW-te asters, This -he ors. JSach $1.00. Floral Bath Tablet, large size. 10 cal-, -S
assembled to, see it Obd evidenced handed to Mr. Cauteloo. whose two sobs for $1.00.
B-Cst Va I Lt, is the I I
it appreciation -of the cleverness are represented on the tablet, Who
''of the Performers. The total pro- ed At below th6 tablet, and while all Uum PEWMIE QAN410bjN1G!!S OR 'HUYLER
afThe Men's and i%oys' Store '�eed% of the da� amounted to $12(; heads were bowed or baredo F. Uutob
and wilt be Us6d to pay pfizes. sounaed the "Last. Post." Col. Combe Houbigant or Rigaud Petite or hali CHOCOIATES
Worth While then spoke lirtotly., He spo,Re of the ounce Djerkiss or Mary Garden, -for $1.0.0 Huyter's special assortment
t)ISTRICT.� CLEANfN,(;S splendid freedom In Which Canadians Cherry and
0451 and $Aid that the Young men repro. cream Centres, or one of Ganoug's best
sented by the names on the tablet Just assortment Sweet. Briar�- for $1,00
Yer, We'Are In It To Give Service A Fortunate Escape PIPES
revoreatly decorated,'bad died t1i4t this
A.wqek ago Sunday. when Me. James, freedom Might be retAlned. He recalled Referee French 'Briar, all shapes for -a Col:TibitfVion of Three Flowers Talcum,.,
the.words, of the 1-tomau Couturlan to St. D
Kendall and Mr, Alfred Towj%r� of bloa-� ollar, ppackage of tobacco free Corson's 1100ih Paste, Dr. West's Tooth
treall who are at ClIntoo.14 004"Cotlop Paul e plalixied RomaA oltizon-
with the Government F,,xperlt4ebt%I ship, ;!wiltnh i4great sum, obtained I this Brush fbr�i Dollar.
Vlax Station, were driving to T.,,)udou, freedom." "At a great price," declared 'nd a combidation to Suit yo
tbev lilt I now gravel at the ttlM near Col, Combe; "the citizens of Should you not fi ur wants, spend a Dollar and receive f ree
-clinwn I stick of Albert's Shaving Soap or:can of Orange Blossom Tal
Contrails, vVhIIA OY109 to 111158 two bad 'have their frecdOM today, the 15rice of
curn, or a bottle of-Perfump.
water holes, And tbQ car almt turned �be lives Of mall -V Oft!130 best men Ill the
over, but righted itself and fAced.41ght laud." rot' tills reason, --the spealxer
Chas,.* Black
around. Wif. J�eodall who was, driviag, thought, we should prize out privileges
received a blow which oracketl a couple, andbollor the memory of those whose 0-
P"W9 219 otviba,begidesbadlybruisine him. 1%jr. lives had been'laid down In defence of E Rol WIGL9 Dr*uggist
N07111 610it SQUARS Towler jumped, and "Lizzici, hit 'him thoad things we hold. dear. Aftier a se.'
andabased him into the fence' corner, lecti.on from the hand, the procession
but -he, egesped,'uninjured.- k paRsIng marched $to th6cenietery. followed by
car brought tile two roell, to SX(ter, hmT&ed6 of People It, eat$, vehicles and
afoot Arrived there, the Rev. A. Mae.
where medical:. attention waa gtv-d to
1.� 0 tbeinjareolmsti, Nr,P&xm&u,ofCIIb. Farlwne., of Bicyfleld, read, a scriptolre
went down'lor ohen:� and took them lessoo, and led In 'player. Hymns INFORMATIO14 FOR SPORTSr4UN Northwest. Territories. oluritif the to,
ALUEVALE spectators was present to see the. �gck to Clinton and Mr- Kendoill was were I suug� and an address was given or, Black-bollied and
ibits and the conte�I;B among the taken to the hospital. *,where he Is -re. 4Y the Rev. A. A. Hollbesi pastor of Golden Ploiers and the Greater
gUlar open �s#asbi. provided or ducks
SCHOOL IFAIR exh Changes in the R`6gulations under in those localities,, 'and Lesser Yellowlegs.
Pupl $4 001vicg medical attention. *T(n Lizz(W Wesley church.' who spoke of the debt,
the Migratory,Birds Convention Act,
!"o, 8 Morris.Won Shl . old an pod with a broken w1bolAllielki, And. g, WO Owe to those who went overseas to 'In Quebec: September, 1 to Dec-'
Roots d vegetables formed a escs, The Open seltions provided by the
—Rain In- ffectirig the. shootirig of Migratory gegulations,
small Oxhibit,.but in all other - lines, slightly damaged too. -stem.tbe Oowerof thoenemy:Andoftbe a -under the Mgriitory ember,14, both dates inclusive.
game birds in certain PFovinees -have Birds, donventiozi Actfor the season
0 ter0ted. With Sports... benefit to the living of a Ireve eg fir Ontario: September, I to Dec.
including live stock, the show was D�ath� of Mrs. Jo 1928-1924 for Ontario
Not re* -recently been authoriz by Or er in
be roembrauco of the 4eaa,.aa. shown, by the Couneil. and Quebec ember 16th, both -dat-ps, inclusive, ex-
-Afrs. John HaIrgin, a highly e-teauled gathering of tbb day.. At the conclusion are as follows cc
t lin
Bluevale school fair ob the 12th las tarried off the sit- Under the Order a further n Sea-
Tt'that on Woodco6k the.ope'
thl's at r"ld""� '9'(L'1$0Q01oX01_ fok", lll:t�py. clvs�d Ducks, , Qees
inst Adhieved Another � Fici -a MGOiait'tt I b f h' n "' "k 't diyiji. of, thoo. was given . fqr� �hq Qo Brant 804 Rails son shall be from September 15 to
vert p onate y e an o paAsed away at &be howe of her, ason. thr9ughQUt Ltbe Dominion
Year, though the Ve4ther,threat6ned difterono:societtes-to decorate the graTes eii- provided to .1w -all. D- k.. Quebec; Se)?,tember l'tot Deg-tOctober �5,.both dates inclusive.
4 Merce for 66 best pair Of bacon r 00 . ue , ex- embel, 14' b6th.'da.f�isAno:'Iusjve.,
to turn It into failure. However, the hogs, knother, Mr, Thomas cqu- of th6jr delld,f4fter wfi,06 they formed t6nding until January 81st, 1924, A I The eyes of 'the world, never. need
eiession of —, %V,', Sept, in procession and marobed back . to similar, clos�ed season has been prd- In O�tUilb' September I to �Dec. glasses,
Vue sky begayi to smile Again after The sewing, art collections and Uli,lubOr7frA36sx. Xr6,R%jVganSu,.
showers,. and almost the usual crowid owors formed a beautiful display, �ered 0. stroke t)wn. vided for Bide enibei 15, both dates inclusive,
r ducks,- except that Shorebirds or Waders, including only. Don't throw mod
INTINC Vider njay be shot in the Yukon and I the 'It will - beconle
following: Wo6deock,. Wilson�, dust and
blow back to you.
"*V'V T
EILING, MARTIN MEMO AIAL -----------------
20 Pot, Cedu.'Off� 20 P e*r'' Ce'n'ta Off
j on
Watches Ladies'Wrist Watches
e 's Pocket Watches
Brooches,' Bar Pis, Tie Pm"s
Cutf Links Diamoni Rffij2s
Ab"o, at &"Wjk" "W'" bit co"". V461'. 0. 1. W*M*ol *1 t" 0600.
WOO. was Abraham Martial, Had that qVesti0A 001A Whom hi'Ve C01106 111 Valli n0bolft Of &Sftboh
been asked Wke Year ago probilbly not One Cana� AVA609 whom Are ftftbered� of I
agme Q%Wbees
AiAn in a -hundred thousand would hove been able to families and leading citizens, Bishop Tatb* Of
Ainswer It. Today it to 4ifferent Most Canadians 1101104" Is On@ Of his de"Adants in direct I
*Ow Champlain gave Martin a olood to the farm land
Itnow he wot first King,,, pilot �m th# at, Lswjr#mt the PIA106 of Abraham;' and 46eumtrits 4114 of
tiv#rs. and the, first knowA Cauadlxn of Scottialt e*. living there still itiat. It# up arontly tr*vWW 0*
trAttlOft—fWa clAlms to distinctiort either on# of which u And 46*n the rivor for tap# Martin in tj�e <
might'have Y484 him famoug. Latterly- other things Of SL IA""" Is alft MWAA after him.
0 his frtait hays come to he they will,b# � AD this wits distinctive quough to justur 46;
3-veorded In their doe place. M0041 which hil-beon raised to Martin ift. tu gut
In, the ittikio is it iftot remarkable how little Nuart at Quebec. 'Th6 bsotdoomoo thaft of gm
CA"Adighs know of Carka4as history --As rich a bit, of dealped by Ifeurl Hoibert and T. Roxborg jio
AA60h history so tyer was trowded Into a space of was uovtilid ear in May, hy Ron, Athiinsse me,
lbreo hundred odd year*. The high points ot, the Quebeq'# Provinyal Treasurer' and the s t i
opleadid story wn#s of not know fattly *#It, but the marked by a jothtring of jk4t%bleg inel*NA T"
0 -be , Sir rt F Matdck. Avo
C tie G
1ttl0hyw*y* A%nd'&Id#4igkts,. to full of burpsn interest, Otzbt of Q e k- Chs, to I
ther lie in a 4"p "urity from. which they Are b,6jnX those who spoke wtr* P. L Wank yn, T#ptoftt
Vescued 041 bY 01W, at the patient digging of this or this Canadian Pacific Railway Conspatly by whoos
that Perom or iflotitution Actuated by a love of tho memorial WAS eretted. Litut.-Col. Ali%.
A.D.C. to the Uolouttriant Governor -of Oatstjo� JA
of, I'm "kat" 'A bV4141W rtnto Our -re
the VAU04il life Of the Witte. _.-, V"ajisin Histae
Abftko* Martin *** aosw t4*1* Oft 84010Y and Xon"Ithour Laftintao, Curj Ot
to a
oxy Alth000gil soost of his just etaffts a Zft ift his BagWo� The Igiter SpOke 118 the afteesoot at
0604 io firiA Cup& %# glw..L�
1pn:� Ar"M 4 _R
1mV* men vRruw V00h Alm- It was hardif *W4 *AS WK Wbo Viis atttrwarik weartyroA I t—im-1.01
A I#Att*r Of A"IdeUt that the "Plain% 0 AbrahaWl py clow Porn
"OSM 00W 44 be A***& After bim, And yet that Wg* He 3r*4d the baptimmat eftlificato of AbiAhaft
tint t1kild who was Also the fitst Xhito thilit bo to W
#14*tY to "t All 904 Canadians Wondering who he Canada. It* r I
also read tht )!oPtit"Al mtt&af* Of
Was A0kd what 1011itkner Of life be led. Much digging Martin'# third itkild upon *kkk Appeared,
In iWarthires Of Quebec. and thore are rono radto the as"
of Samuel dit �Ohaftlplafft to fatmi� Th4 Vat Hex
btoMtaTW or *or* "'thfullY k0t, has brtodtht Out has been set up by the C..acla 11A.M. In h6vtor, hot
Inuck iftf**014% about the mail A%4 blot timeiI, 116 only of Abraham Martin list of UK atout.heirtot
Vao b*ri% in Frx*te, his father being A, seat, which fo Pilots who for over -throes jisia" "A" ha" 4oft
rAkWy why jesoit wtitill" of the times V#f@r to ft
I* as OAbrahavt Martin, called, the geoti, Ilia fath r 100eh t6 make t)* St. TA*t"(* Xj,* A. We *n4i
VrabaVy tat* from Perthshiro And was on@ of e 60"dY to%ktt to 4not ftea Zur6po., ,r,,, ..
SmWoh Guar4k of IAouj% X1. In 2614 Abraham brought uses tht 1`6011 Oi4# thk1k *fly 6th
at queb" of the tit it r or, and tho arrivAt
"Emote" of ScOtItud"
'Shado. And that he V-sw the actual On her first trip of the so*$on with 731 ratee"go
V41rreaeb mite 1.6 (; gr 0
fev"olilke of Now Irtanto r4ay lit'gathtrtd. from the fatet frm raro" I*t*t jo tk,* day of tbg un rk
that hit PA*#, was f* the list of the 31 White, "ili"R tmpha.
erafts, 8�feg what ha* k -on I the Malt 014 t
who 11W4 in ir-aftoto from 100M to.) jt�31. and to was th!� St. 4*rer(e no*e a great it tI C�
t iglkw*Y for �Ximrx
'Oes kft*h 64 % POOL Ile later LIA tert ChWrero balita mmmene�
%J.LLYJL niugs rearl noings
Vancy Rings and Signets X'
Silverware Cut Glal ss Clocks
Umbrellas Ivory and Ebqny
1;4* mit win&(vs, Aw spftW bavai-as.
0 --Wow
E*,__Co._jR , 00 , ER. I , SON
Jeweller 0
East S"de Square Goderich
M, M