The Goderich Star, 1923-09-20, Page 15T =1001 liiiiiiiiiimiw _�= , ;;A,-- - - . ­­ - to tipi= . THE IC14 STAR THURSDAY, SEPT. 27th, 192�. iwv iii rollowift oilly wo, J.Wll� *lob" 111140liavow 4. 4 tilt, 1,101dAbill 10w 104,; *D Pkft 1JU borm r jivilod uvf ro�liolo_ to IVIT� YOUS, be V. of *aa , ioxe awl Twatupwi, 017liv- " ut! 4" mrq, W, it, cow . rli� Note. L V it; "It slo jeavi sg�>, UZA C,*uao to, vivo for c1crigy falat tileir vro'I; suil 'A"Llo is %Ul iol, 41ravy liviax at flwj�wwolwl dikukhtl�r� jwleno AMOSWC4, ta jit the ot Seifortb� A Privilotc V111110011 '4W, All Nations March Tilt, gro'kit awl Plot heollwiLw w0initcu Whito of opvvl�e"" held ftellu bk-1 late hoine on "turLl Bit WS Word NAinalug of 1154 k0guipul of Ilay. whem MR jadwitky 1:40ts tv� gurcrulems being 10444D go 11 avil UI1r!Mwcrfr Wo OwWvm qq..'s TV U1 4-viabluo tot live, Whittlimill, 00t, tho walti4e ta talke and thrift fia�ued bkw &V atill"'le cowro 1� aftemcc F14at IlAt W11101 UP it wall Place this laoutb. of � 11""ll Vormetery. -,�.364 XIAU How Thv Al%r�,tiv 1101'r t4j�s 1h;3t � Xkols vra­ bo divpoo�a too il " 03C 2mv of Tke Late William 5101tollarid. cc!bli-h t"wal too S�gj "t that lilt, 4,11fort 1.10 tL Oro, refriA411g, a 'it licis tovro 4",�4 , za.k la �v'i arto ho e to Ing to Armageddon. g2on of all thil'ItS IN,11144 OL41" A w01 kuQw 4194 bli;klly reslitctOli k; 'kiticto 4v UU 1 11 'the ease with whteh corns at'd lorwouvert. flu, world vkstorA watts C*"_�q rcincoved by 11011QWa�',t -v has slwlivlt liv tjjl� &Uunth of ali llis'! teshicliv Qt se-atoTtli pasw;�d %w&1V At doAtb. 3laq. LAJJJ�h-j %I - 'i of uwd!� A buildi'vit ��Cart4 ago liwl .4" Viv woviii lwg tie' h4 bmis Q4 joho istrect, Crl Tjiurj��Av Xt_% 4 t 'Vol (!Ora Renjover is its StrOngest V� Won beathon'l 14tbC11�, Vol 4 "A in pcma of Mr ,CA" o,�,G, commendatiou, It eeldoal fail$, Ines In lbe world. lit Thu tho . The 'Rentmolly For t1iie III& of t1w Human 'Race Is the `vre "lit 'V.V-d`O�V. after t CU Uoinlo the 'Ut's-i3nit. Kinadow mcalts the IN,- KiTCaom of Messiah Declam T. Harboeck Wedno- -ilivilding of Iii ginning of tho q1toldvia Age fOr WhIch yc'and ThursdaY EveniW Of Last Week In t1w ext-reb-Ing A Irclut-11- (11ristiall-s 11AVIN hollvd. and prav4A for, * D YS $ S DOLLAU-1 $ $,'�'DAYS S $8 $ DOLLAR S, DAYS $ and mental 0corz. dWV little Masonic Hall. West Street arl.,11ow twive that nualix'r.- aniftlZat I!t!t Is tilt as' for tilt% tmp- at owing, It FAM 111c N 11ho wh-livil ruall UkraWth IWO' f"4val 4& ATIONAL IMBU MDENTS� LOURI pp,,tjujj that an that lie lukth cowntli- I A REPORT OF INTERN .-allcol-As Christian. 'It VA1101 1% lawful Ited, and qw-th 111. AVO III!' ft%f UW*geddint . and plight. lit, NhQI1 ?�- ill allv%. P C sles 41,rinageddon Is a II(1brcw word *49' lie AMA sUrel-V live, he'.4hall not dle"';A ManUind In Six Thowand Yeats Have Failed to cll"e� Ulf.vill- tile Hill of Mogiddo." Air OW (f.1ZQjkte-j It IR that tim Themselves referrvil when -He sAid'! R .Ajount of Des-truetion. Megiddo Ok'- tit Which J41SUS I loa* %Ition oull--if a mail lwvp illy sayllig. he sllall,4 Revi,.pl, Vqkrs!*ou). villilvil a very Imilortalit 110 -ver Mr. T. Harbeek. Of 010 IQet1lW staff Vi ; J (kI Then will 114� fultilled God's oathbound tit(, southern border of the -11aill Of lit ver sev 410111" allid, **w 19�0% joj,,,jntv was the gpkl�lt t-th and hvllov�!tll In 31l. shall of the International Bible $tl1dQnt8* As- promise to kilraliam; x narotely. that Thlt3 'I sociation, addressing all 100'sk-lY "Ater' through his seed lie would bless'Al.), battlo groilud of Palestine. Thero the ill,,- fjoluk .11tes 6 FoUguillary battxs of tile Israt The dark !light that tit tills thme 1�;, V. estod audience In the Wasoll1c Hall, ti 11 , .le f.41,1111c, of tile earth, : rvo: in a j 1> look p1live. Thero Gideon fought 11W ulaill thO world, ollal W41ch 11 ' 1" ' b ;01 ,�Jitcmber 19th, lit r.k tit, wouderful blessillIP& seellis I Wednesday evening. s, Alan?s Work Weeli4 'Xidianites. There King Saul fowdit tbj,,e lot t.,J., 14& Che& offthe th part, 6aid: 'While .1ellovall set aside 1"(W .%ears tile 11.11111still"'. There 10w Jostall necrivary to turit, the heartS viol, Thp commission given by tilt, Lord to for mankind to prove to themselve.." was slaill. lit the Spelptuies tilt, Lord I 1"votile lo tile J�orfl. Thuse filling stv has ell(lplltly et t t a ' 1.1ti,; tIlo. will ill. restored to fit'nesq of health, tile (IllriStian lo -day Is. twofold; VIZ,, tileir absolutp, illability to Vie.; -i thpai- �11 It , o s-,Iov first, to conifort -all that mourn by pro- selves, 114LN biluself �vvlt kilt lit, out- naluo fit tills famous battle ground alul strength of bOdY ;%'Ill lilind, null Or. tv 151 : IS ) with the great eontrk)ver�Y between will dwell oil tljt� o.,laiming broadcast the news of tile Ili- come from the beginning (Arts 0 earthforever (Psalul 1� ,coming Kingdom of God 011L earth, Ili and provided a further period of 1,003 Truth aud RgiVr, Right anl! Wrong. 37.-rl). fas sh His other w0rds, preachilig "Good t1dingslyear-, when Re. would tabll � , U041 and 11ammon, with whio.-It the The 1111110, then shows that tilt% reta- I at jor which Shall be auto '.ill Kingdom In 'tile varth with HIS Son Gentile order will close and. the MQ8- Icily for tile Ills t;f the human rave 1,41 of gre Messiah whil.,11, kA I pcople',; and, second, to declare unto VhrI4 Jesus us King. ' Tills Ile ille- $Ionic Age be usherett Ill. tile Kingdom of hat tbelo is no other 4* Heavy Lihen"ToNvelling 4 yda. for $1 Several webs of Homespun, VOUI ong of the earth the judgments (I I abounds lit allusions to at be door and t I choice of colors. . i "V' As. for $1 tbe liad tured In tl)PL 1�'ollrtjl l' inman Axel t of -Tire tinto has come When tilt, g G 'wtItten In His Word reg ther Law given unta Israel, Zill, 1 .13-211). OuIr remedy. od Bath:Tow-els, over I yara, in wh'Al Law. A ma -.4411111011" jitev. 10 vo. Go 11jaking iods. Yarn for sweaters, reg. two them. paul states In Hebrews 10.1, ww4 "a Lord Joius (,filled it *10reat trIbula- people must know that Jehovah Is length .................. 4 for $1 aillel describeq God and that Jesus Christ to, tilt- Kill"- *4 i;keias for $1 God Not Yet Doftling With shadow of good, tblogs'to come," And f3jatt. �)4,21). 1), s. Tile Lord etierilL Peter tells us (pet. 4�8) that I*& day It as "a time of trouble"such 'as. W'.01 Of King,.; and Lord of Lord 109 Extra Large Bath Towels,1 pr. for $1 in 6 #,einS with tile Lord Is is a thousand years," 11j)t gjljet� Qiere was it nation," 011an. will now have a Ile.01)"e In tile earth, .1� Good all wool factory Yarn* 4 Mankind, '%i's - ''represented by Vatber in other wordsi Jehovah Is saying till- 12',1). Peter sileaks of t It 118 it thlic' 118 wItUpsRs for H . tin, that His pur-1 Good Curtain Seriln"4­4 yds. for $1 for $1.00 A(lam, rebelled against'the Most High - Ili wIll(lb. "the Plemelits will melt with' posej may lie, 4-4rrW out,' and Ile, your ChoL, to�imen through thc Pburtli Command I commands that 11111s. gosilet (good ice and, as a result, Ills children Taloldly ment, oSIX days (of a thousand years fervent heat", 3). Zopilaulat Sonie'good wide Flannelette, 4 Yds. Some good Velveteens, went Into sin and degradation. People each) t;)*It thou labor and do till that refers to it, as tile **day 4,)f qod's vell- newA to junke glad tht, sad Ones) of , P ..per yd. -$l in goileral )law locep mist4la-ulY tau,01t tholl ]last 1 to gain gentlVe"' tile Kingd4m shall be Preached, In till for $1 of color . . . . . . . . . . . . . )to do" Ili your �effol that the great Almighty, all -wise and life allart from me -,'go aheadaxid try The 'gregf battle of God Allulglits', tilt, world fell a witiless unto till lla-� vl� all -loving God has been hopelessly try- bixt vou will fall, Vierefore, I am pro- the lmtttjj.% lot Armageddon, tilt- )watt)" tjojj.�, and then $hall tile qj)d colue", Special in Corsets ....... per pair $1 Ladies"Fibre Silk Hose.. 2,py. for $1 Ing to bring the world back Into bar- ror, 3ustlee aild �Jet till k1hrititialls who lovp ie Lord �viding a severith (lay of line thuwkaud between Truth and Er ti Ith-Himself, but such Is 'lot till, YeArs In IvIllell 'e'. has not as Yet been. fought find 14)verighteonsitess, atid who have V_'? Ladies' Cotton Hose .... 4 pair for $1 Ladles' Pure Silk Hose.. 1.,pr, for $1 Mony %v bor fqy you will not lit os -, Iro � 0 sus CbrJ1mt.,' 'Saltiflook 46m, rilliv partlCilla s in elitiret.y. a-AYW for tbtk equillig of His King- e.' I f hitt day 11, oil the contrary,, wh-110 J010yalf i I Ife, -for my gift to you In t to In spreading tilt- ashwere H has -been cavrflAg out,htk,benovolen't .-eternal *l1fe through Je .1 appy Ladies' Q deslgn-i for the blessing of all mankind; I ' . Weill; 'and poworl as triall I lows glad tiolings that tilt- Lord Jesus Is. . . .. 0 1 , . . - 0 s Olken prosOnt'O lit trouble js lin d. tm both the Ilvini.and4he (lead,' In . the ! Looking back over the Dust 6110") been against his joloverful W, that the presto t Men's. Light Summer Underwear X6's Leather Gloves, e Immodlate future, he bas. been allowing of blessings; and tha' n race to learn a very'v;lllu�, of death; loo'aek, dark and oiulno tile forerunner 2 Pr.. for $1 the. Inivia year we belloid the.mighty effork I . le, I)legglug of. the I-K10pte per suit, 81 -11'ell to 90Tcril themselves, Great . lia- clolud." llroulld.dus.,ar It 1-4 rofr(-Ailng tile time for tt Z 4ble yqson,'ofrld one Ahat will endure! 'now and X a le tl�*ai behill'i d1l with liberty, life and, I halgrolue'R tts, lined 2 pr. for $1 j'rlous have come Leather Mi forever; to wit, thef'r absolute Inabli- I Into being, and.p4wed to k tile, here. Therefore, with Oon(1401(4% -It is Boys' iwa.T-J3abTlon,XPdo-Pcrs1a, Greece, 19,tlie hand of Ajml�lhty God, and .4 NOW I,IV- 61D� Ify'tq gain life, liberty and happluess close student of propilevy beholds tilt' announced that UILLION 11ameatill now we vgee ille last 111�131- W11j, NEVER DIP, ! Speaking apart frolw him. Vrom Eden down to our dai, t1le lwrN of tilt, Gentile order (relireqon�ed beautiful silver lining- hidden from. of these, God's pr6libet says.* -kholl PECIAL' S. of the Image as seen In all O.'YQS except tbose�of falth. We HN God Is gyaclons unto mail and says, G ;10 d" of Heaven hits not I)N,n -by the t0eft the qiwis promised 04 Ion by, Nehildhadnevzar7--Dan, 2:4.1) 'In lmsnlll� events ea in tile Ill of mankind Ili vi -14 Deliver him from going 'low" Into illt* 'p,10 -nt being brOken to pieces. to precede a "second birth,", evell thO His fle-ill 4�;hall become fresher .16 IN f,6r $1 9 sinall tins, Good Salmlo In 8 tills, $1 �4 11 Good Loose Cocoa genera, bill 114A., . it, at differt lew Age, a N.Tew World, PUT, erent wayo,. with - Not Olfly Ikavo' men put forth stupen- birth of a N y - sludi return W�rlbds and ln� , 11, t)jaa it ebl)d's, alid. lie � 1. d tins Sardilnes. 12, tins for $1, of tiler : rf4t, with a few in- doxis etTortm to govern -themSelves, blA Yea, thO Kingdom of' GQd, which N , 3 *2 -270, McEwen's Brand Baking. PoNvOeil, , oz cortain, j, the da,*s of hi's YOuth" (3ob 3. 4 they have also put f�rth ireat effOrt bless all buw�qklnd and even the vin. "Go d 1,i'Wmon- - dIviduaig Ili Vie ppriod from . Allam y.ej thotW N'�bo'ar(i sail of heart look 5 tins for $1''._ 5 lar eTins 0 tile to rdime themselves up ',ipirltually�as. earth Itself. I - - 1 11 . Ile. dark night (of ..9 -to illcob; theh.exclusIvely with eliglouis orglliuiza� This ha,)py solut1011 is- l.ndleated bY ull and rejolve, T McDonalds Chewing. and SinoRinq 5 tins $I Jewish nation -until. that, nation, fqr witness 'tile great V lg prophet � trouble Nvilt..,Aooll Ile pa,4t; and shortly s of Mohammed and Confuetas, the tile Lord's Word through H ..2 doz. for $1 It season, was cait off from Divine tioll .01111c(i all gations. and thol; tile peoples of earth, under tile rlgbti-� Tobacco'. 2 ft PlUp 6 Plugs. for $1 G00 Oranges. �l ohlan Catholic Vhurch, the "I ice favor ; and, since theh,_ with tile ChAs- U114 Ity R 40 nations ',$halt flil$ Telgil Of UPS41011" wIll elljoy peace McDonald's Ch and - Slyiokitig 1' doz. Cups and. Saucers. you- cliox tian alone -a ,little. jft6ck,,, all t0ld_,'varloui Protestant Churches, ang, al liberty, pro4ilerity aild life overlamthig ewing -and come."-flaggill. 21:7. White or'white 40d gold, for we read, 'iYou waly have, Lite Chrlathin Sclence "Falth.". Won- , Jesus Tobacco 156 plu' Concerning the time God dealt w1th the linatir .4pirituallst movements i;peaking, of tIlI,,-r great ttille of go 8 plugs for .$I, tile Xewe, fteept those days DISTMCT GUANINGS fan�y China known 'of all. the. 'families of the.1 (teTful indeed has i�eeu their effort to troub'p, says *. -1 'Good Laundry So P.,,.25 barsJor $1 ol bP.'sJjj)rtcued,, there. Mould n4o A � go.od assortment. 'Of earth (Amos 3,2) -arld Paul declared C011vert the world to. their luitticular shOul cleet's nnounced b' choice, each $1 lie I but for the Sagagements A .,,...25 bars for sl-­�,salad owls.. Your he theory or creed. As Ahe Mlkstolr fOl-0- flesh , , stivel! ed.1, I ­ . . 0.4 Ca'stile SoAp. that during their time of favor � f :.those days $ball be ishorten Mr, and Mpg. jTohn Smith, 'Exeter Gentiles. W�ie aliens from - (,.ad an*d told; they have Pcompagged sea �hnd. sake inu:4 be -draw announce' the tbetr y�fthojtt hope In the world,(F ke one pfaelyte" and -when: Tile conclusion. it, . then, engagement of ph. 2.12), land, to ma lillard 0. wre 1aljy lintroali being& will be stAx-ed daughter. Beulah, to. Tdr. In a very jimited deiiee, --been. deal. witated by the prophet &x-ftar- take piece the latter part b1silloath. ing with the G. :caQed conversion. While the t1rort I , � I IS& . . E .oil has 110 Is made, he Ili In' twice its R-hed till' t - iage to Shiqe.the Jews were eqat off V the trouble. This Sparbug. ot. Walkerton, the man VID, -InA from a condition a& h6 was . before - Ills so� 'and plims tbrOilgh c W E, N . s corrol Oft entlles,' gather Xrjq.,. Geo, E. Thomaou M c 4ays that Many will be mr, and -people for Him Name " has been,'great Indeed. ad thinking lah, who A among them 1�a elillglitened -age roalive brought thr011gh t)le trouble. and par� kippea, announce the enoagemerit Ot 6r.4 - .the bride of Christ. When tbit 11's,, pmplo In thl, 'Ili 1he blessings that tilt' Lord their daughter, Elizabeth Agnes, to Mr." Well, accomplished he..Ilhoinly t011s* ill of God -that ticipate $ $5 that it liko not been In siore for tie Obedient AWS.. ',%Ibert GeOV96 Alexktitter, sinj ot Mr. $ KIJOLLAR $ $ $ DAY97 -7 TU1.1.`oWLLAR DA� he...will de.al with -ill lnankjudj'� both -theRe great rMililus Institutions, pre baq . tjj.(� ljVjjjg�iLjjd file det(f. �(Acts .15;14- not of G a... but of ma to alone, with t. Paul. ;t.,ttjs that the purpose of. Mrs. jT0h . to Aje,xgroder, Sr._thc, marriage A Z ol 0 -7 ra Pro) A FO 'D gains re oe W� e�,Agai n, S Bar H 'ere e 0 4 al U �h a, XyA f%no oT nistory. t" 1k V V1 11%v. I VV%o' 6 N ord r to make this one of the.Loutstanding events e TTOM ds and einds and. broken lines for-, quick Clearance, at* RnCK 130 -through our entire stock:and selected all our od $ $ $ stire to se something you need, nd which you make $,$ items, you are e PRICES, Look over the following by purchasing on these:da ys. 35 PAIRS LOOK HERE: 125 PAIRS' 75 PAIRS TUESDAY 100 PAIRS 'Men's 'Black and Brown .LADIE DUNUULA KIU Ladieg Drown an A14U LACED BOOTS Calf Boots Spool heels. Sizes N, to 7 in lob. Regular Straight heels. , Reguliv $4,50 to $7..510 WEDNESDAY. $4.00 to $6.06. DOLLARDAYSt -$3.45 DOLLAR DAY9 $1.95. 2nd do 40 PAIRS Oct .3r 75'PAIRS Ladies' Brown' Kid1aced, Ladies"Fine Kid Laced Boots Boots ALL GOODS Goodyear Wait soles. Regular $7.00 to.$9.00 Strictly Regular $5.00 values, DOLLAR. DAYo $3.95 DOLLAR DAYSv $1.95 60 PAIRS 50 PAIRS Ladies' Kid and Calf Ladies' Brown Oxfords and Laced Boots Strap Slippers StrMighb htej& Regular $5.00- and $6.00 Regular $4.50 and $5.50 DOLLAR,DAYS $3.45 DOLLAR DAYSo $2.905 . oxfords, Pumps and btvips Regulmr $3.75 to $7.00-�, DOLLAR DAYS, 'b PAIRS Boys'. Box Calf Boots Alake good school alloeq. SiZ08 I to 5 L Regular $3 50 DOLLAR DAYS.,� $L95 430 PAIRS Misses Shoes ,eq I I to in lot, goine laced. othem in bouttolm. DOLLAR DAYSt $1.50 Oxfords Solna worth dbubla tile price, DOLLAR DAYS, $3.95 40 PAIRS Mens Black Calf Boots Goodyear Welt fiolea. Pointed toos. DOLLAR DAYS11-12.25. 20 PAIRS' Men's B" Kip Boots Sizen (l. 7, so 10, 11. Regular $4.50. DOLLAR DAYS, $2.95 Eve Satisfied, so make up your mind to ollcy is ryb6dy I This of course., i's o My a partial list -of the many wonderful bargains we have, to -offer, but our p is we will. give for two 11 s all loaded with dollar savers# In addition to these, specia come here for your family s needs in footwear. Bargain tables and boxe I r I" es of SHOES and RUBBBERS. Stock u for the Winter- now. Our loss will he your gain. days onlyi a di.5countof 10 per cent, off all our regula in p No Goods Excihakoged After sale closes I 7- HOE� STORE C derich SHARMAN'S S On= I i _: UI 4. ut V.:" 3:7 �3. Z ! 3: 1 M J, X, 7'-': 7�4 _4 k4