HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-09-20, Page 14AWAWWO
PAGS FOUR THE WDERICH - 'STAR TfluRsmy, SEPT. '10171b, 1923.
Beis MvEwen, I Stanley; Grace MCF"Wen, I Stauley'. Ethel R0,18, I wmith; Maul Wright, I HuVett, Ir- 0*s?, 75V,9JIev0)n Ut plant dis. clasA FA--- *boQl Porade. 5 HUI,
I Stanley. Houtit., Grace Gibmufs. 6 Tucker: gue vikweb, 11 aa&rkh, Lases, ete'.. S. Dole, I H 12 0. And 11.1 % S. 8,
Wett; A. I
Class 3V�-Pullttt, B. P. R.,, Har- smitb; Iva Nott.. 6 Tacker Clasa 71—.-%'*t*r Oplor Crittenden, 12 G, and H.; ROY Elliott
old U-ndall, 2 Hallett; Bess N&w- Dorothy Innes, I Stanley; Norm* Gladys. Perdue, It Goderich; pearl I it 0,04trich, 2 We* Come:
*n, I Stanl#y; vroco YCEW*11, I snell, $ Hullett, 4 Tuckersmith" Irene Smitb,�' Clau %—Collection 20 Forest a Rod— 1. kullett; Robt. Tumr,-
stanley; Ed, wford� __ 5 JI01ktt; 41,#** W,--Pat4 'O"n Cotton: Eye, 11 God'er Hullett; L�aves,- F. Wnobt, I Hallett, Ivenci Ball, 12 G., and H.;
Swowthill School Roprowm6ac Pho"r We ia Owurio oo ic ; orma, SAO). 5 V, Clinton; elm
Imarg'artt mey.w*", I Stonloy" IsobelAyn Dale, I HUBEI# Vallou Forb�"J" Gordon ro "5 Hullvtt. leartwilght, A Hullett; G. Freeman, Harry Sue% 5 Hullett; Fergus
R .1wright, I Hullett INI! B.Alli Clinton.
PA" wkbios ilt Plow#*. 1jadsay, 11 Goderich, t U Hallett, Pesvi Crittenden, 12, Hul 04641 oction, 20 Weed lu e oy Elli9tts 11 09(lerich,
D. Free
10 t
Class 31—Pen of three X F. R,: Jett, Man, 1 Hallett; 8� Dale, I F. Fowler., 1 Hallett
I Shipley. I Stanley; Beosl* Me- Class 53--Sew;ng on 0 Buttons., Hul t - Claas 774-Gollection Native Anyway a girl never worries u
CLAMRAM.S.00.12, HUMAN CADWAYNATORiUmfl, I Stanley; w8wrook Wldtawvr Ofiv* Glow, 4 Tuckersmith; 51*4404 Vlasa�- 73—C011ection, 20 �Weed WQW** Herbert FisirNervice, 4 Hal- man for better or for worse nowa-
H Freem
6 Tacker#mith; Is" IA—',-- 11 0ow. 4 Twkersmitb; Edna *11, 1 Hullett; R. Jett; Fr*nk Vowlerl I Hallett; Uer- days—she marries hira for more or
Foir W, is 00"hie *U*4w for ToW* "d ftwal Schools, Oodorich; Horohl TyWall, UZ6 2 No0vtt; Rooe Reynolds, 2 Hallett; ORA", sht, 4 Rullett; B. Smith. 12 vin 041kin, 11 Goderich; Boy Elliott, less.
Hallett; Grace NcEw*n, I Stanley. ?4 1 And X; X Flynn, Stanley 2, Hal. 11 Godgr-Ich.
sirion Matheson, 4' Tuckersuilth;10
Class 02—WhIN LeSbarno., Erlin Jack -Stevens, 5 Hullett. lett; Geo. Potter, it Goderleb. Class 78—Public, Speakiog.,.Clar. Cliildreu Cry
Asother Yevy succesdal R11901 fair sluith'. 'HiZel Wittkins, 12 Goderleh,' I I Class 74—Collection 20, Insects; ence lioll, 12 10. and It.
4 wa-3 1p�14 1whitmore, 0 Tuckersivith; Fletcher, Class 54�_UemstltchO Ilandker- TOR FLETCHErs
at r4inton on Tuesday at- Carl'114001% 5 lfulletL ? IVMtwore, 6 Tuckersudth,*',Au4reY chief; Asues Wright, I Hallett. R- M0311chgel. I Ifullett; IT. Buell, 5, Class 79�—School Chorust 12 a.-
umoon, Sept, l8th, The twelval Class 11—Dooler; 110901 H09- Carte 0 Tackersmitb; Elva, Smith. CIO$$ 5a—Darailag on Woollen Hallett; H, Fairservive, 4 Ifullett, and If., No, 1 StAuley, No. 4 Ifullett. I
in J)ar.: gert, 5 Hallett; Gladys Perdue, 11 , 2 G. "ad ILt Warren Whitmore, 6 J CASTORIA
sellools taking PVt drew up Uoderich; Lloyd Stewart, 4 Hallett; ia I Godst Norma Snell, rp Hullett,
Dorothy Innes, I Stanley; Margaretl---
ado form at the school UY4 marght.d Chas. Jule, I Hullett; Charles Mer. I Class - 33--WhIte WYA11dottes: Flynn, 2 Ifullett; Iva N9tt, 6 Tuck -11
to The town ball. rill, 12. 11, �and G.; Thelma Lovett 12 Dorothy Innes, I Stanley. trsmith,
—Rhode Island Red: Au- I
-clol mention might bo made of G d H Class 44 56—crocliet Work Viola;
drey Carter, 6 Tuckersmith. I I
* Ws Class
ip I 101husto
chool in the parade, rO� Marlony n, 12 a. and IT.; Berta Nott,
tnting pi neer life in Ontario, MeRiven, I Stanley; Aj�drew Fraser. 'lass ija_'ren Or a P. r. Aq name 6 Rullett; Hazel Freem, Hallett.
v Vast cloth:
of! $. S. a. 4 Hallett, Mrs. Said- 11 -Godcricb; Evelyn MeNlicliael, I flock; Marjory McEwen. I Stanley.;
als: P, class 57—Knitteil
er's school and -51iss 1. Draper's Hallett; Reginald Bull, 112 It. and D.; Harold Tyndall, 2 Hallett; Audrey Gladys Freeman, I Hallett; Hazel
room, which won 60 first P0203 In Harry Reynolds, 2 fluilett Mabel Carter, 0 Tuckersmith; Jai�es Nott, Vreemoup I Hallett. , �: � A a Lxtra,
Mx-_ parade, Wright, I Hallett. 1,'4 Tuckersmith; Bessie MoEwe", I Class 58—Any Model in Wood:
Mr. T*n. Weir was judKe of the Class 13 Turnips: Anila Stanley-, Grace '�IcEwen, I Stanley. Louis Freeman, I Hallett; 'Stuart
Tuckqrswith; Gordon Cant,
chons singing and AW4rued Class 36—White Igggst Audrey Ball, 4, uckeramith'. Hugh .4
school for the 0 Hallett; Frank Spence. 2 Hallett; Carter,, 6 al
prizeto Mrs. Snider's Geo. Radford, 5 Hullett; Harry Wat- tt ri th; Douglas Freeman, I
rural section and to bliss Draper's kin 12 Goderich; Clenignt Reynolds, 12 Hulle *, Raymond Cartwright, 4 Hallett; Robtert McMichael, I Hul. N
room of the public school. liullott; John Deeves, 11 Goderich. Hollatt, lett; Clement RbVnolds, 2 Hullott, -Specials 00000"A
Thero was only ono,colitOstalat for Class 81_Bro,,�a Eggs, Audrey Class _Ro�e,
-Class 14-13eets: Verna Layton, f Spllco;-, - Melviii"
Carter, 0 Tuckersmift Grant Lind- t Dale,' I Hullett; Walter.Dale, I 1101-�
the prize for 'public speaking, and 4 Tuckcrsmith� Margaret Fear,% 4
Clarence Hall of $I S, No. 10 nailet� Isay 11 Goderich; Frill Morrell, 5 lett,' Xa.gh Radford, 5 'Hallett; All—
.Tuckersmith;'Vercy S. Carter, 5 Hul- Hu�ett. ' ' I
A Goderich won the prize with his lett; Iobel Lindsay, It Goderich; drey iCarter, 6 Tuckeramitfi,
"Why,_1_$tjc.k to the Farm." Wher ug- class 60--Pat9h on Grain � Beg;
Fle Whitmore, 6 TuoReismith Class 88 --Agricultural Colt: Do at Du'n1op!'s,.Rcxa,11 Drug Stor
Durl � -;. las Matheson, 4*Tuelkerimlth, Audr4qy - Carter, 6 Tucker.smith;
ug the afternoon in enellentlGirant Snell, 51tullett. �
of sports was tarried out Class 89—D
program ed 'Calf. Marion Le. Stewart Dalq, I
with Dr. J. W. $hsw, -Mr. E, ROX010 Class 16—Carrots: Isabel Forbes, beau, I Hallett; Bob McMichael,. 1 5 HUllett;'Orville Haym, I StanlcyJ
Oliver Jervis -and Nelson Ball having 112 Hallett; Donald Smith, 19 - 0. and H"lletti, Graydon Neal, 12 G. and -Closs Ql—Bir(l Voils,4i Hagh
charge of'the events. 1H.; Andrew Fraser, it Godetleb; H.; George WrIghk 12 G. and IL 13*11, 4 Tuckerginith; Hugh 114dfaia, Guaranteed 2 Year%
Ho I . Class 40—Si Rob Roy Hot. Wofer.06ttles $Z.SO
The fair was a double header. one igh Radford, 5 Hallett; Norma pring Lamb: Audrey a Rullett. Regular $2.50, Special
iSnel), 5 Halfitt; IsAbell S*113140r- C4rter, 6 Tuckeramith4 Maxine Le.
o"tion, �elng for the town schools. Class 62—Mgp of 4 Townships:
tock,' I Stanley. f
and the other for the country beau, I Hallett. Geo. Radford, 5 Hallett; Carl Bid -
schools. ThtIfollowing prlx:o list is I' Class 16--PArsilips: Gordon Ven- CIjSSL 41—Bacon Hogs: Audrey, ford, 5 Hallett, Melburn Bell, � 4' Lone Physician'sitna Palm Olive Soap
wier, 12 Hallett; Geo, E. Potter, I I Carter, 6 Tuckersmith, Tuckersmith; i6himy
for the rural schoolm- Jas. Nott, 4 Tackersmith; Deaves, 11 Urgeon'SL Pore So
' I Goderich, Class 42—Malter Broken Colt: Godeileb. S aP 3 1pr ZSC
Closs, I—Wheat, I quart; Her.
I Margaret 'Rose, I Hallett; Harry Walter Date, I Hallett; Douglas Mo.
L bert,F41rservlee, No. 4, Hallett. Class 63—Map of New Ontario- =s, Lugo ovsl cakes, regular 15a, Spe I I
—Wheat, ahejf. Snell) 5 Hallett; Berta Nott, 6 Hut- theson, 4 Tuckersinith. Gordon Snell# 5 Hullett; Edwin Rod,- 3 for 3Sc, 9 for f.1.00 K�enzo. Tar Shampoo So
I ROYL Ap* ctt,- Am- f a ap
Claso 2 Joh". L Class 48—Colicetion 'Apples. ord,, r, Hallett; Wilfred Freeman, I =a,
ilvby. _Iqo� Jr- Viol&
Huliett; Herbert FAJ Class 17—Onlonst drey.CArter, 6 Tuckersm1tb;.LMeJ
Roy L Iffaim.
Iffullett I EMulSifieAl Co L
iervice, No. 4 burit Hallett; Iva -Ngtt,' 6 Tuckersmith; Regiflar 25c, Spechtl 19C
ston, la Gaderich -and Hallett: Olive Ball, 4 Tuckorsnilth;L Hugh. Ball, 4 Tudkerginith.
Class Q;j��Jap Lot
Class $__Oat$, L I quart- Grace Glen, 4 Tuckerstoith,' Edith Josling,.1HuI1ctt,, Lloyd Bodkin, 11'I Maritime Pio- coan
'McEwaa,-No. I Stanley-, Stuart Me.` 4 Hallett; Marion, Snell, 5 Ifull0t; Roy Elliott, 11 Ooderich; Ea., ,,r�lvinces-.. Stuart Ball, 4 Tuckersmith;
Ewan, No. 1, Stanley., Marion Pickett, 3'Hullett. Wright, A Hallett. Gladva Freeman, - I Uuliett; Norma Shampoo. Rexall Shaving Cr.eam
Class - A -m -Oats, shimt. aordon , Class 194stors: Reynolds, 2 Class - 40--fteavy, Drought Colt,. Snelf, 5 Hallett; Agnes Wiight, I .20c, 4 for $1,00 1�ogular 85c, Speoio,! 25c
Hullettt Isabel Lindsay, It Goderich; Allan Dole, I Tuckersinitb.
Lyon, No. 5, Hallett; Willie Uktkin, Hallett; Havel Freeman,, 1 Hulleft;
No. 11�'Go&rfqb. Jean Forbes, 12 �Hullett; Frank 1 Class 44----Wh - fte Vread; Hazel Willie ItegerSon.L 4
Spence, G. and H,;, Isabel Nott,. 5 Freeman, I Hallett.
Class f;rp-Wrjting. -iThe Quick Regular 3.5
Klenza Dentat C reme !Conft
41 Class &43arley, I iluart: MarvyLo Hullctt;, Winona -Reck, 4 Hallett. Class 45—Bran. MUffins: Irene Dogs:" Margaret Itoss,
Batk(n No. 12 Goderich; Lloyd Add cli", 19—Swoet, pelt Vodden -11 Coderich; T,6riia 1 Hullett;. a Special
. I Bills, 12 Isabel Lindsay,'11 Goderich; Evelyn
aniog, �04 5f i1allett;: Ruth- Venfter� -johnstan,_12 G. and 1.1. a' Viola G. and Isabel Lindsay, 11 Gode- B. X6tt, -0 Tuckersmith; Lloyd Ad.
No. 1% llalleW #M3, 5 IJUJJ�tC..Maron Roep liquid hot or cold for $1.00 Each
Class 20—Phlox: -Blya Smith, 12 rich; Margaret Ross, I Ha Pearl Snell, 5 Hot -
Class 6—Barloy, sheaf thVen- Ia. . Ilett, L A Vacuum Battles 24 hours. Speoial
and It.; Bennie McEw4n, 1, Start. Crittenden,, LIZ Hallett; Rita Fear 4 lett�
]nor, No. 12, Ifullett. 'ley; Marlon Beadlo, 9 Hallett, Tuckersmith,
Class 7—Field Corn- WilltO Sat- � Cla", 21—Zlimix: Edna Cook, 4 Class 46.—Oatmeal Cookies: . Ver& Class 80--"Thdfan Summer$fi Oar- \S Lord Baltimore* Regular 00 cents, 8pecial 35c pisr box
dola M4 1 4 Tuckersmith,- Mahel
Mn� No. 11, Goderlebt, Graydon Neil, Tuckersmith.- -Dorothy -Innes, I Stan. Saundorcock, I Stanley;_ tationery
)l4rion Wrighill nUett; Roy Elliott, it wat Regal�Lr 75 cents, Special 50a per box
No. 12, Hallett Union; Grand Lina. ley; Gladya Pardue, 1.1 Godericb; Au, Forbes, 12 Hallett; C#0 Radford, 5 Goderich;. Verna La.
sA.Y. N9. 11, Goderich, )-ditY Carter, 6, Tuckeramith; PfAe 11-alletL yton, 4 Tucker,.
class &—sweet C Class ardith; Evelyn McMichael I Hallett; W.�
0111' M914101011 Fairservicei 4 Hallett- Anna Beadle, 48--Tafts: Eth See indow.La spl Listed Here.
Glen, No, 4 Tiiekeramith; Andrew t) el Ross,. , I 'Isabel Nott, 5 Hallett. ud Stoie,D! sy for. Many Othei.Bar.gains Nob
I Ilullett" U'A.,Xott, 6 G" and a.; Mar. Class 67-LJ'Crossing itbe Bar-" we are sole agen'ts in Goaerich far,Djeeo�__Also for Mart
Fraser& No. 11, Goderich- Dorothy An4frew I . hit. Ane famous H6r4e A -lads Canilies.
Class, - 2,11� Ion Mason, 12 Hallett; Agnes EthelL�R6$s, 1,Hallett;' Wilfrld pre;.
Watts, No. 4, Clinton; Siale Batkin, Fraser, 11 Goderich. Wright, :1 Hallett; Edith Gibbitigs, 6 man, I � Hallett; Grace , Gibbings, 6
Goderift, Bessie McBwon, I, Class 24—Calendulw Leslie. Pep. TuckOrslhi.th; Ruth Hugill, I HUI- Tuelteramith; Edna Flynn, 2 1
No. 1, Stanley; Ifsii0A Forbes, 140, per, 4 Tuckerstrilth Va
146. 11,
Almoda ChittSit. lett. Irene
4 . *4 Notto 0 Tu6kersmith;
d'en-42 1101lott. . Class 40-41omemade Candy: Et- Smith, 11 Gad H C'
1'. LCI"$ 25_Froneh Marigolds_ erie%, . L . I.. I
Class 9—trisb Cobblers: Gordon Jean Vic Smith, .12 G, and H.;- Reta Fear, Class
SneM. No, SLffullett; Isabel Nott; 5 4 Tockorsuilth; Margaret Ross, I Wright, I H
Hallett* 113all, 12.,RUIlett;
Ray, Vaddon, t Grant Lindsay, Ii NLOP
Hallett- ullett; Itagel Freeman, DU
An- 'Ooderich; Gordon 'Cool, L 5 Hallett_ H61le Ag�es Wright, 1, Ifullett; I Hallett; Rose Reyrioldo,'2 Hallett;
drOW FrAber, 11 Goderich; ltussoil_ Class
Vodden, Teni: 170% 2 Hullett': Margaret Gladys Freeman, 1 Hallett; DbiLotby e �DrUg Store
Jervio" 11 'Union 0 and If.; Willio 11 Goderich; Carl' Itadford 5L HUI- CiLrbert, 2 Hullet
Poworion, 4 Tucker0mith., t- Innes, I Stanley; Elva Smith., to 'a. Th
lett:- Marlon M4800,12 Truliett. 01408 60�-School Luilch: Isabelle And H.
'A nes Clogs 70 --Pencil Drawing. �CH
"Y 'Arter, 6 TaCkekXWJth'L Earl tit 9
Class 1"reirt Mountain -. Atid. Cia$$. 29_Cookorel .8 B. Saundercock I - Stanley; I ma.;, Bgj)FORD GOD
�fargxret 3(CrWeln, I Aley; n4r. Wright, I Hallett; Bessie XcE.wen, I
delon Glow, 4 Tuckerswith;
McMichael, I 11,11�tt, RoVLgIllEvelyn
Itky4olds, 2 Hullett; Gordon Fant, Ifullett; Ed. Radford, Staple att
'pm. , vuln. 12.',old Tyndal, 2 1. _ 11. 1 = ---------
0 1140 lu -Cities Cake: Bessie Goderich; Melbura Bell,, 4, Tac�er.�
. ..... Hollett; Isabel LindlAy, It Godeq�
W 11 111.0m I -I I I I
T rankl1v r Vur- -.1,1ese T Voila. e e, i
OMS lug r W Ar' Go,* 'to Gi You the B g
Ep Vic I Sot
P4Y 119
U ec. Olur Sto
11,00 Yo- -Have, Y'd tivej- at
For this reason the present management of our Canadian Stores -have changed the policy that we 61perate 5c to $1.00 $tor S only. During Dollar D all. merehandise that form�rl old
e y 80 d
Over $1,40, IrreSPWive of cost, will be. put on, s' ays
ale at $1.00.,, Nak ing real Dollar DaS, Values that -you -will remember.
We- are,giving You a little idea bilow iihat is in itore for you during these two great money -saving days. Please note some 'd d . isappointin
of the lineSi are very limited, to avoi 'ntl' doubt-
ent,, doubt-
edly you will have to shop early.,
SILK MOSIERYo 8 or. for $1 IRONING BOARDS* $1,40 -each NVOOL SOCKS, 4 pr. for $1.00 1 ELEC.Talc larms.,t T,
for :91.00 A AYT*TNTTM AP /.0.1trAT,
;V - __1__-__-_ -3 . 1_._-_--.-.-_ ---- .4.- *_ .".4 lr�vcay. Oulu kubtuti uclure it:
regulir stock that sell tip to $i.00 a p.,dr, throughout, from clear ard wood, regu. anO-winter weather, just think, does it This is the '
season, when you r
all lirsts, a very unusual price, for this tar selling price $4.50 eaCh' YOU WillL pay to knit socks by hand when. you call supgly. Let ps save you moi
grade of Hosiery. alw�ys remember this Doliar Day on buy them at 4 ps& foor *1.00.
ironing day. _4 i _mm_ ELECTRIC TOASTERI
KIMONASt 50c each. CUPS and SAUCERS, 150 6 only, Canadian General El
CHILI)REYS DRESSUSt 50c Clover Leaf Cups a . nd Saucers, of fine ers. This is tb6ir standard
Ladi ' es' long, beautifully colored Min- 12 only, children's light and dark Ging. quality and good color, 15c oorapltto. er toasting two slices at o
netette Kinionas, with elastic at waist. hall$ Dresses, your choice of tile lot f6r Cups only lot aseh. 4 sellipg Erl& $4.25 each.
lRegular selling, price st.98, a. very liml ' t- only 50C each.
ed quantity to go at. this low price. BOUDOIR 'LAWS,
CUPS and SAUCER,..% 15C
China Cups and Saucers, Ovido' 3 Only,. 12 in. high, Ivory I
LEGGINGS, 25c pair;, doir Limps, with mottled . �
SUPPER% $1.00 pair . hea shape) Of fine Nippon China, with belu- complete with attachment c
Children's long, vy, black Jersey fiful florat decofutioils. These Usually
Ladles' Boudoir, and House Slip, rs, cloth Leggings, fleece lined, . These ate Sell from 25C to 35c per cup and wiucer. .1 selling grice $6.89,
with soft padded soles, with and wit liout inuch, appreciated by tile school children 'We have 30 doz. of these for Doliar Dkys it
lieels� Made -of g"entiiini leather, " witli who bavi_* a long w4y to walk on thi cold MAI NETSt 1.5 fb�
beaded toes, and fur trimmed tops, reg. winter days, eg. $1.00 pair. Just �4' Duri6elle Hair Nets, cap
ular prices. up to$ 3.00 pair (15 pr.only.) this regular price on sale days. out elastic, madp of real I
I i I _ MMLININRY SPECIAL ran "M fidest, quality, I
10111a lmaklm MW - - During Dollar Days we. wilt have a gua '
1901JSE 1ACKET8,4 25c each size Net. Made in single or d
TOWE LSO 5 for, $1.00 special assortment of Mittlnery, including, in all shades except white ot
Ladies' Crepe House Jackets, faced Felt Sport Models" and Velvets that usual- strongly recommend this to, b,
Fine Turkish Towels, colored borders, with satin.1a several colors. Reg. St*00 ly sell in the regular millinery stores from any higher priced Net. , DOM
Aze 15x34, regular 35e'oach, This is each. Some of these have become slight. $3 to $5. Your choice aUthe lot for fS for $11.00. This should
yi6ur Opportunity to stoA up with a tine ly counter and window soiled.. Hence $1.00 each. pealto quantity users as it is
guest Tlwwl, a rXW $1.00 or 260 oath* 1� the big reduction. Do mA ro4s *A thoy w* R*4 VA*. cal.
-I M 10 1-01-10 W -1 1 1 1
The original Dollar Day wasto annual event when a feiv merchantsi co-operated together, and gave their customers 46verything "sib
widely d varied that many good values tome a great deal over and under the Nflor.�
19,re.4blian iteuis are only a portion of the law eutedfil 9 good values wt have for the shopping Pub6c during these two days.
No Phone. Orders
S T1
Lo Rio
AI 0.
12 Stores in Canada GODERICH No %oftain atores, Se to $1*00 ONTAI
ig store.
an extra
We have approx�hmaily 5 doz. pieces
toc a
of our regular stock at sells at $i,00
On these.
each, that, has bee
bee e
e * slighly counter
scratchedand di,
I g d, t�j
/Inged th
) e majority being
1c, Pa s
C, �
4 and 6, qt. Sau ans, Your choice of
Ic Toast-
the selection Do at Daysat 2 Pts. for $1.
ht toast -
FER! I�O,TSo $1.00 each
I nly, m ine cut ''glass, of high qua-
tric Son.
6 oril t $1.00 each.
T0A9T SO", 10, c;ke; 16'r
ig store.
an extra
We have approx�hmaily 5 doz. pieces
toc a
of our regular stock at sells at $i,00
On these.
each, that, has bee
bee e
e * slighly counter
scratchedand di,
I g d, t�j
/Inged th
) e majority being
1c, Pa s
C, �
4 and 6, qt. Sau ans, Your choice of
Ic Toast-
the selection Do at Daysat 2 Pts. for $1.
ht toast -
FER! I�O,TSo $1.00 each
I nly, m ine cut ''glass, of high qua-
lityi erm ots, with, silver plated inset.
This w! make I an ideal gift) remember
tric Son.
6 oril t $1.00 each.
T0A9T SO", 10, c;ke; 16'r
Old Colony Toilet Soap regular i0c
cakes. AsA Special in our Toilet Arfi-
�cie department for Dollar Days, only.
)e, with --
all air,
SILYERWARE.- 29c each
is a fu
StamP4 909m* Mverw4m. A large
le m 1,
assortment of Forks, Knives, Spoons, Su-
gat Shells, etc. This is our regular stock
, a,
o d as
but through continuous handling has be -
0 on !
come slightly scratched'and marred and
ftgly, ap
same patterns incomplete. your choice
Dollar Day at 29a each. A wonderful
for $1.00, The old eustom has become so
EverYthing Advertised Will&
On Sale Tuesday Morning
Our Motto:
SerVic'e, Value, Satisfaction