The Goderich Star, 1923-09-20, Page 12FA68TWO THE GODURICH 8,TAR T H U RSDAY, $LPT. Will, 19244- 7Lagm7ial�(,, Sao'" , IMAITLAND 109DERIGHTOWNSHIP Ilin, 11wrred flxw�,ub llockw -313,nr Rev. a. Y. Chao A Native of Korea, DV It'll 11)0i-� Mary Grigg, jacu 8,11LOd, R[two, 114k WPM Vvraivo 3U. vn ON ORATORT I The foarth sewl'sulaaal coofcreitce Of blaUlaud rsoctcw Was hela % 111pley On! Sept. the Rostra* in Oral COX. zinv, ww. nucgvc. jark 4;wj,�,rt. 'IMP ieWlwr Ift 1%,Itt.: ton Lai Want- , b. Xvs. 11azkQe6s, Prcsldent,� Eight $aiding Orators, Mounted, mwaitv, i*;iag. WO. ;. 11tesJ40; Velegatcs wero pmscut from Any llgrt-wm, Gardinpr. I'MINI Mid- , twenty or murcAnxillarles. position Contest at partees Hill sthool Fair Melon. Jal.4 Gardlfivr. 1". lfqr� -10 The va,=Iug. se!�Sfqn opcoca With de. ry U'liflamq, 0irva umpv"�Ojb. votio"11 tx0rciscs, Icci by mccobers of DIV OT A lllylll.�STIXIX Xiueavdluo Ausiliary, winates of last trion- Lam', TrmTartha, 01"' An% ddress prepared by Mrs. McCallum Was 1:04 by tho preshlout. 3fril. aes N. WAREWARIff toWNENTSONFAIRSIMPROVEMENT '41 conterejDco Ivero read and ammrovcd. 5.5. NO. 10 wins the SM014-much Improvemsent in Quality of Staff Ja . I. r Xq 41OX. iOveread reparte4 it branch Auxiliary oo ers Austla, Organized *t rorno, Mrs. Gollaa re. Showlt Since FA*W, Stort44. Ifainiltfw, 11award Hamillon. poited two new Ulssiou Bands. After I : . I .! Agd­ultaral 011t�Jaek Sterflu;t various Items of business were d1s, ownsUip bids fair tq large aud abowed the effeet of !in- IIdward 0'rigg. cussed the tioging of Ryinu 270 brought Extraord* Caderleb t That alt 1W inary Values pr&0 stock. DOMESTIC WITUNCH the sesslou to a close. An executivo bave the esinj generation t4ldng The prize vanners were *$1o1low$,* WhIte Wettingfollowcd. prominent pla�a in public affairs in The afternoon session opened by slng� VS to come, Judging 'by the ORAINk AND VORN Porls 11arrhion. Ins.4024 0.0. tite president leading the yea . ene ability Wheat, I quart -Everett Menwalu, Urabaw or Bran M11111114 - Vorotbv In. Prover after reading the first six Urge number 'and the 0 r4l Cox. Dora HarrMon, Jaek Nallield. An- verses of, the fourth Chop. OfZphe9I tool, part In the public Jimmie 11ov. t1layton TAalthwalto. We William!. Floroure ftworby. 113,41*x atil. Mrs, Carr, Aw 000y read the 120 pair Women's Sample Shoes, 120 pair -Men's Work $,hoes, ex- �f those who Wheat, Ipttkiiell, Wit. ut in Black Kid, Gun Metal and rt g contest at tb W. 1014utes of the loat annual in. Migo oreakilol 0 Porters 11ill lie Qrl;g, Atililpy 43 (ilOyton 0. 'Allildlefou. 01fire 114r- which were adopted after 41seasolou. Brown calf leathers, tra qualityL in Black and Brown icbeel fair on Saturday 'afternoon. Lalthwalio, Jimmie COV, Hugh 411011. Tarts-Vdlth with high gua it 1�nockfi fttts. I quart-Elght Porter, Robj�rt risen, Dora JfarrlKon, Norma Potter. Strogg support was given. to the and low It Is, sizes 4 to 6. Spe. 45 leathers sizes 6 to 11, Special $ X-atlilppu, Ifuller, Heh-it Davidson. Anotlaa that at the Soptembet meatin $ . 4 3-95 4,Tbe !best by long 044S 9 Dollar Day ..... . ..... . crything, else clean cold", was ac- llo!p, Jaek Sterling. to be talled the wini annual Presby- clat Dollar"Days... 3 - Oats, 6hPaf--;-.Tae4 Sterling, 11dwaril LiOlt VAIM-DOTOthy' fOT, RPrtila 4 Stotberg' C'Dolt"Cilt, at-. Grigg, T. 410%, Hazel 11110ard. James Rosq, presentativ olen Pickard. it a Mrs. Toucs, BeIgmvoi Convenor of ter the speakilar. Barley# I quart-D'Arey TtAthiviffl, DOrOthY 113thwell, VOr It rrisOlL Nowthating committee, asked the Trewarthat P. 11" Bill LaItInv4ite, Chirts Cox, 114ro)d Api*' Pie, -Arnold Porter� Eth(', Auxiliary tobAve the name of their 24 p I A I Ir Ladies' Btack. Kid 8 - als 36 pair' Men's Brown and Gun short address in the after. TPO, sterling, Margaret Steritug, EdIth nominee ha4da 41 to to her not latter 5 metal, , I calf* Sals. Goodyear welt Middleton, Bertha T. (40%. Ruth then Apr" 15t.' all Styles Of heels, Sizes 2 34, to 81 -9 J 11,00n after the junior OM"M antl ilarley. sbeaf-41111 The He . we helpers report wet Dollar Day . ................ $3 soleS,- sizes 0 to 11. Special DOI- ted an the wonderful VTO' Clare, (lox, D'Arry Ittkt)iwell, Lorne 0101141) - read by lar Day .......... $4,".95 'commetv Is 14 the to"" Elliott. Howard. X[4sball Homemade Vandy-Margaret 111g. Miss MeAther. A duet* by Mesdames jT�$s time fair had rup, - Gomm and Steel was touch appreel. It had been held, aid he 111*14 pleid 4,orn-Jesge - &e..er,, All(.e glufj� Helen David"u, Edith 11140 year$ 1 4 better citizens ilk the Videswell, Eva, Gilbert ton, Bertha T. Vox, Ddra Harrison, Encouraging reports. were mcelved .te looked for as the result of the Sweet. Vprii--Kennoth (1jambors, Vora TrPwartha. trom the Vesseuger, Forward Move, 60 pair Ladies' Patent, Srow;t#nd 'years to Come 'ho to -o Oration Chas, WOW, Clayton 1,1�4%v4rd, Buralli Fk-hool Lnnvb�Rertbtt T. Pox, 11PIP)a Black leather Oxfords and !a 60 pair Boys' Box calf lace Shoes, He hoped for t too Dovidson 110en XiaeMatb, Jaqk 8 -al- went, Y.W. Auxiliary, of Literature AS e'xtra good school Size$ shoes, siz .75. of air in the township SO t 4 e litiller, Elva Flllott�, Ada, Higging., secretaries. Mrs. 11%irliness kindly Slippers, all: styles of heelsi 0 1 prove from y ar k�ld Dorothy 11.11111vell. Othel,sterl- to 5, DollarDays ....... M11001 fair Would Ina TWOTS AND VrA1,,'-TABT,E$ Auxiliaries orgive them 23/2 to 7, Dollar Day, ... $3 $2 to Your. 11OW11 his OW" ' 101411 I'Obblem-Alfred Evans, Fred- Ing. t041WINO assistance to any way she cau. lei 31r. Tr0WaTtbR Was e by 4on- 'die Miller, Marion 041well, MlldrL4 Motion by Ueadmoci Hardy and rejesbookI interest in the fAIT Izo for. Oke, Vvelya Ut-Allister, Harold Cliskin-, - Patch :011 4rotton-Ndith. Middleton, Ooldem timat 8, heatty vote ot timan.ks be DorldMillor.-Norwit Potter, Dorothy. teooered Dr. and Mrs, Harkness and shield 30 pair Xsses' Gun Metal at d at , Ing a as the fitat to be bers. 15 pair Youths' Box calf la the school p1tradel the 81110 RatliNvell. Utbei P. Sterling, Mildred, 'ther members, OX Ripley Auxiliary for ace Shbes,"sizes it, 45 Shoes s! ce eo times . before becowni"g,,the 4;ree" Woods, r1arl' Oke their kindly, catertabament 10 1 the Box ci"' z4s, I I to 13, for Dollar -50 -won tbr any .80,001. 3W.Vilster, Margaret Evans, Russel . Homstltehed Handkereblef - r'dw, manse, was carried, Dol6r D $2 int . property - Of Day ... ......... rmalae it went to S,, S. No. 10 Qfaztor, Mar$. sterling. The Lord's Prayer, iopootbil In not. aly. - year Middleton. wo, closed business session, bytery then Wel and S. S.'s NOS, 6) 41 6, 9 and 8 fal- - DOOlQY­T*114 C41%v('11, Wiltle IWO' Pialn. Hand.,sewlng�-Edlth Middle- The members of the Pros lowed In 00 awards in that order. ger, Varman (,*rr1gg, Marlon Otte, Llud- ton, Oliva Lamprey, Normil 1, Joined Conference, Mr. )Otea yellow and ms, -4iternug, Jim Boss, Gollow r - No. 10 044 Dorothy )Ratbw(lll. Helen XReMA114 Ittqr, taking , charge. Aftet g .their colors and IoOked'VOVY Mangold*-Vbe9ter Grigg. Cbrltle 1green So of sashes and Harmer, ltt�va U111ott, ltlqlard, Evalm; Rota Beocom. Hymn 72, Dr. Harkness in a to dly Do not fail to see the Value on bur tables. Ther'e are Inany exceptional Values. Agtty In their utfitotm sample of Tatting -M44011 Calwell, remarks Introduced the It hoj Olive' Thompson, e colors. cap$ rm sash Ttirnlps--Marlon. Porter, n1to, Cox,. lidred nick, Oliva Umpi*Y, M. A..* native of Hambungolty, orea, No., 6 bad a UAifo UP- Norlua -NVQIAh,- Crochet Wo*--011va Lamproy..Ma- who has studled.la (jangft-for nine We, will, make 10, per%cent reduction on all Rubbe'r Footwear Dollar Day& Of tissue paper with maple leaves rion C41well, Erma. Ruegee, Mary Veara, a graduate of Halifax And Torun - Beets -Alex. GlQui Poris V rf" t on It, . * 111, Gilgig, gtllel R. 8 er1jugg, je$gle �I WUnIverattles. Keenest Interest,was ,ple, and white Harry Oudmore, Verim lilodwards, 'Milry. maintained by the audience throughout Np. 4 used Put iv -uniform and - had a very Grigg. Dressed Doll -Margaret GTOve,4. Xr. ObolsoAdress, TheUeynote, "What for the ItAt shaped bannerin purple . Varrolsm-�'Xnrlel 1101e, ' Mildretl ' the Gospel ham done for the country of pretty, F - Norma Welsh, Bertha T. Cox, Marlon 'an lltvkg, P.. 8turdy, Pmrl Elasoii, Hugh �alwell - F I I Xores611 Korea traosisted is "Moraing d johite asters. Ivelya UeA 11ster, 0 On, Geo., ''Mac V icar No,' 6 (port . ers Hill,) had AA Middleton. Lamprey. Calm�,, With au area of 82 thousand le Tides 0 SpeciiLt Peirsnips-IdellA Oke, Will Sample 6f 'kilitting squam nalleo, OAS Aftb the area of QntA-, affropriate banner but Im welk 'Helen Davidson, Cliff, McN�eil� AWR contains 20 millions of people. North Si46,of Spual form- Groves, Margaret Willimus,, Doris. M11* The history of the two dates back 4.256 Goderich Illott, Bela Ileaegm. 0, No, 9 (Tipporary)j reo, White, ler., Eva 011bort, Oliva LampreY, years. Where were p4glually 32 little And blue. 'Frailves Peft"911. Irlogdotasi altered Into 0 provinces, 6 of rimoll, Alice Wideswoll, Psther Ifell. Cnsblon Tof)­H. A. Noble, Muriel whichWq Coe, In (Holmoville) had seat walu,� Artbvir*. Hieks. . to luvade4by the CUIUM In capg of white, with colored borderl $terling. Margaret TAtitsing, Ufllira a larlet historical. review the speaker on, which was emblazoned the figure FLOWERS 0 r a Imaim. named the rulers and theit.descondants ANtPrs--V-gr1 dox, :-oavitt wash, whose rule extended over periods of art, and invention of the. yellow sail to studv� The speaker related Insts0008 Cho for his splendid address. The Ong - No. I adopted gre I en I gnd_ white, Norwan Puller,� Margaret 8terling, from 500 4to 1.000 years. T46. question White race& was briefly compared. of wOman learning to readstseventy log of bymu.3$6 biobqbb the meeting to 314114-40* Salkeld� Hector All�, naturally presents Iteelf9 t!Wby should liqueethe ores of all the difference? years and over, and of *hole cla$1368 01 a close, No. 2 purple and orange, No. 8 701- UNUM C4x, 'Lepa Calwell. prvlll tly, Af6l0v Gilbert, Alfr ti Evans, or- es�taritgoubtrles, Whose history and a . 4 substantial proof was given "notes, ranging from forty low, 0ee Werling, 0 Tille Rodges, Emily e Philosophy daters 2,00 ys%rsB;0..be. that[ 11 hriatianfly was and is, the uplift fifty,11veyears'of age. Ofallbook..'­1 FALL WEATHER HARD oke. Thompson. of the -Worl4.'.t R%ees who know not scriptures are rem fol Brma ' Autger (S.; S. No. 4) Was St, Wrea llol"e�-Afdile�. 011bort, V:nr. so, far behind western civilization with the love -of G04 know not.t4e liberty of historic most Intenoely warded the p&1ui7 for public speak- Thlc4, Jack Salkeld,'Alox Aw,4­ L500 years of history.". The batelleeb, & 'I knowledge, as'well as luspir- ON LITTLE ONES Aug, bet rju'oject Uclllg�,"Makirig Farm Sterling, Dorothy Rathwell, Erma Ruti- elace man, Christianity equalized all classes. AtIou.. Xr, Cho compared the time Can, 'Life . plgogtot,'� Or, Mildred -Hicys. this Alan McAllister, eliminated sit diRtinotions. The,call- sumed in crossin 9 the Oceau 16 ploueeto, ely --Mary Welsh. woodwork Model-Birrie, Wa 'r, Sehool tep ots! race -Miss Laus reacbe+.Paul from the Macedon" timet to the modern methods emplaved Canadian fall. weatier,is extrem Charles Williams, . also of No. 4� Afrleau 31arlitildi Jan. It4s% Ashley. Oilbert, ,Tack., Sal- cc ed..L$6udIIkaued.II;to' the develop- bard on little ones'. one day It is,, 0 a nice talk ('70reopOls--11111 Lalthwalte, Marlon onelly Of tons. �Thesamo call prompted St, ment of.ortental'otties that at ovin' warm and bright and the next wet and He gavi help us.' 6 MJ Calwoll, Clare keld. Chas, Williams, Alfred Even.4. Ing, of - No. 100 and Miss J "Cowe'o*er into Ma donlo, and � for spe an the nce Thiel., I tile only two A-Ugustine to bw rn In 9 cold. These sadden, changes b6ng farm. Caleudola-�'Ired WaIlls, 4nd Miss Lansing eawe.in abead, . the'tions. In this day.of national u yon. 51 n; iiaek'04rdiner. Russel Glazier. Norman 1119 the froutl6rs of Europe to crest, a on colds, cramps and oblio* abd vn'es i., Iddletob, thro4Wg _?d . babylb little stomach Is kept right the Reginald McMichael, No, 10, Was messaite to the jand of our forefatti6ts,. challenge wasgiVi young, 6t.cnr resnlb ordvantaps of living on the Tray-Alox. Austin, Maurice Aus�- No, 4, were to enter, Ave, tho'dangers in cross�'%st in the Adoption of 6Ae Ironeli V 901 NATCRE (14)TTX#CT1ON Pull& And Urno irorter.., m, to the may be serious. Therels. o)th- awarded -third, his, talk bol"Jg:'Q" I art ds-ModsayStorling�'. In obedience to the, olvine commaud. land to send the gospel of Jegus Christ Ing to equal Baby'$ Own Tablets 'iu "What . is Is Floems Iteoule williaw, Pgrothy COX, Wur� V011oetfou Oia4riq Weeds-4ack Girls' tbree-leggod rat#_ -L,' Sow- !Qo ye Into all the world i%nd preach, to the WJ1t1ngL 449 millioug of Inft, keeping,. the ,tile Jel L Itath,vell, 1.0 JSL no$ 7WO11. They ton Edwardg, No. 6, On "In, Wrtba.Vox. Salkeld, Doris Altiler. Clarence Thiel, erby and Mildred Oke. -1-i kerrelofe&many China, and Xgrea, Th isthedayof _10tAel Ster,111g, Atj� W, sweeten the stomachoregulate tho'bow. umtolft Hamilton, Uargaret-GrOves. Wheeftrrow raee.-Cart 2 Sowerby work of those westem opportunity to. Meet the otlelat jurIons Weeds" took, next stAn4ling- garet Illggl&4. Violet POOR, 0 L�goSpel tiLther than a future 61s, break up colds and make 4A 4jggina, No.. 4# spoke nicely Vopl, Pthel R. Sterittag. and Benson Sowirby. engaged (it -the 88 yoats_of missionary With th by -A" I elift-CharlIe WAYIN, Mari, Relay Race -18t, Ethel Sterlipt, cndeavor�W Korea.. To the women the &ners6don in R;4h America be met by thrive. The Tablets are, sold by medi- "'WRy Shdold Young Canadia�s, Collection 12 Xative, NVOods--4*ortlon cini) dealers Or.hy Wall -at . 25 cents it, badaill and cayoJe next in ltatbw0l, Marlon Valw0l, JaZ ,qul- Chas. Walters and Lindsay Sterling speaker asked, "Whatatatus would the themwIL$ft&8W0td' Ills -closing words uAve CA Posmos,-4aelc Welsh, Idella ft', kedi Emily Thompson, rldward (,*.A�g. (No- 8�, 2ad, Norman Fuller, Sett women of America. who are. the equal box frotaThaDr, Williams, Medicine the stundin . . , I Were Pie$ to Christians to do their 00 R, ckville. Ont. No. 10, M,ado 'a M4rPreC(;rov(­, Jai -k 185alkeld. Sowerby and Carl Sowerby (No. 0. of woo, have, If It were not for the gos. daty, and make the world pegoettil. A to '110pu I1OU(J0et-_Jameg Rose, ro "D. Teddy McMichael, Home G Alexi Au,;tht� TruoteW Rae,, --lot, MOWattL Me� PelofChrhit-ll Whata vrouderfal trait- pleasing oolo, was - rendered by Airg. - of charae short f4ki closing with..calling for lle<-tion 12 Forest LeaN*e4--He1e11 all, Porters Hill. L. Qrt Sftloo�­ The gospel of the graoQL of �Tesas 31 Strefigth ter consists of 2iid Alb be"It of the two things -power of will and power -tbree cheers for 06 school fair and Charlie WAIJIN 04�ton Laithwalte. Doug Unit., Dr. Harkness, ' 011 )a *-day Christladuoed those women c6the east a4dience, expreo 1; Davidson, Norina Welsh Lei Orville 01m, Xiirtot Rathwell, Untold (I Bond, Porter's Ifill. od their "OkS to Mr. ;f Self -re tailing on Mr. Trewartha. to follow alwell, nuuleo gowerby,. lack, SO- )keld Clarence Thiel. with on #ddress., rite wullts, Cloytou s, � No.. 2, spbke. Olt MfIrlon Volleetion six Injurious Insects OrVilleL. Rodeo. *Vid 11olland, Xo�'S. 'NJ y M,Dlllolllllllll JIM %Iviog" and ADH We". It"' Doroth sterling, Jack. S"Okeld, Jack .1 Laithwalte, Itobert `011 "Consolidated Schools," and both Groves, Violet Biggins. Vooke. wt*ke well. 'JOV I DRAWIXG, ART ANUNVAITIN, The olf udging, poultry Judeing I LTRY map and rape 4plicing eontests were very Cockerel, Barred Aymoulb Rock- of 1jurou-Iternifice Bond, Olt we Canada's interesting. Jack Wkeld, Orville Roger, Maurice AnAto; g4h Ulddle.toa, Allet . it Burke, Them,wts a Very One Showing of Hicks, Clayton Lalthwitite, DorN mil. A mer Woods. potatoes and in fac6 %LICOPX101111 ontvrlim�-.N�or a Welsh. Sell Largest a in all the indoor ter., In 4asses. The txhlbit Hazel Piekard, Vlm& � Lintopmy, Jack of poultry was Pullet, Ilarred Plymouth Roek­m4)r- clardineri. Maurice" Austin, Walter TO Remil Lindsay. fy no Map of'South Amerlea-901a.1114- 'Safis Gkocers dieton, Dorothea sterling, Xvit Oil- bert, Whin1fred Ilarallton, 'R�tti Bea - COM, TA111s, 01)Well. -T writing J'Alorulng Hymn" - 91met Lee, lion 01hurthill, Clarenct, Thiel. vmia Heeler Awflu, Henry Andremst, Doti - SP aid Austin. Do tinion to' res, Lt it e -d. "Indian Summer"t--Hugh Middleton, 0 R , ey COX, IPAbel U.00011401, Part Mt'- Aillster, Berplee Moo . to, Evelyn 9.ow- D' 11d Thle F("rthes"t Reduction erby. Where Your o r Goes "Todayll-Itogtnald uk-ulebael. Nor- ma Welsh, Margaret Evau-4. Murlel Hu4je, Bertha Cov, Hazel PRIkard. otl Am AM "To the Lami)- -arl a d o b " Castile BAIMO' 100 roy, Lilliall (Jalp, Ethel Sterling. Rena SOAP.' -10 �Bars P. & G., Conifort,'Surprise, sti, 20 Elliott, Cbesttlr Origg, Mtkrgaret lijl�t br Pe 11 1 ars ry AVIlliani-q, Memory Gem"-]Rar A.TS Havold, 'Yeo, Evelyn Wise, Mabel H Churchill, lack (Albert, Itesslo Welsh, OATS 4 LARGE PACKUS, $1.00 Cra$,on Drawing-Xornra Welsh. QUAKER 8 SMALL PACKETS, $1.0 Y Mary IlUteblngs. Bert Widdletop, Our - for$ DA Y, don Rathw(41, Robert Vole. Maurice Au.9tIu. C"PIOEUL S F4RESH MILISD WAtCh Window Display for I Water Oolor Drawing-4',dith lb.. ARICHMELLO I . I I . 'dleton, uettt Beao6m, Eva (1111bort, Er- , I I ri1v co prices. ma Rupgor. Margaret Gxrovv�*t Poroth- TEA., 75c and SOUP ROLLEO OA 1 13� or TOMATO C Y2 lb, select Coff ee ORNMEAL oval vompostilon--urma llumiev. luemay NO* 4"ha__ L V;1l11a1m1q' 'Reg' 0 for $1'00 8 Tins $1.00 24 lbs* $1,0 'toll- EdWat'd-% ..Xda %�4pl1vlug__()rv1lIp IttAges. liar- AOURE-., WiLK TIGXR or EAGIX ry Proetoe, Varman Grigg, Jack Sal- "Cuo NOWNg Imid, Edward (;rIxg. C* JudgIng Aret Valves SWL* Iffed. Aftemon (,*rigg. 1,11111vay 81014ing, Orville Rod- kc&I'LIMON gm clifford MeNA1, Varman 0099. COCOA _W� aretWorling. Judgtng 11oultry--vafg, IN Hatel Piekard, Uorothv t0orling. sfary _#$160 8 IbS, $1.00 A*# 49 1/2 terlhm Itelm rAllott. 's -1 1 101W 1 0, 1 W Ilet lniqs the opportunity to g, x0. 10, shield, KI �q NO.5 S. NO, t4. $. NO. 40 8'... 24 1�. It PAQ1r aUd I Tit Vo Ito purchase yow Pall Hat as our g. �4, N�*O. 9, 1& 8� No. 1 &* ov -gular $1,000 OXUA rLOU BA NG PO W"NAMIL pri-ces -are exceptional and for Xt*lft irittrest wAs taken in tht' Arvw Satin &S.L. $1.08 8"d& We started out bravely to Days, Only. Itet t1it "am*$ of the Winners but, As -f . ho ram Wit!* run in such quick aft- C"Mon so" beat"t itoposible tol Granulated 91 oftUt"o t the, winii"$, I SUGAR lbso $1*00 4461121, and or Yellow 4 as our list is incompletk gilt btlow only tht vinner of first in eh W04 00*4" 4 "-ack Storlive. A?% I A Afackno Sticod 4 1b Tinkasp&orry 4YLES *0 I 0 ST ts Sh- R bb w kin El LL LL Boys 10 to 12�Z MeNfIll. M440 or StramfUrry UNIVERSAL M, A nf*0t1P 0 ACON GOWEN (Title 10 to ft�Vargohrtt rroutc�- Bars JAM NY$ over 22-14iymorA Viddeo. 96oA% 10 - A �0^ S YR UP Sq Girls ovet, 12�A 41e IAW"-ft Xl_q Cor. East Street and aare, CODE 'StovINg and XLem rially, X41119ter 6 for 2se 4 for $1.00 asle 1b. 73C 2 14 Tin 2.4c - ---------- ------ - — Z 'L , — AAK