HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-7-29, Page 4Eli Serateb, of Kingsville. one of the largest fruit growers in Western On- tario. had 800 peach. trees blown down x.et i Aburitatt, <kias. ZI. Sanders, Editor and Prop TEURSDA,Y, JTILY 28, 1898 icon' A N J) COltlt'RXT. .4. deputation from Clinton attended a meeting of the Tueterswitb Agricul- tural Society at Seaferth, and made owerture,e for the, holding of a Pint show in connection with the Huron Central, The proposition was that each Soeietyput up dollar for dollar toward the prize list, and evenly divide the proceeds after all expenses hay e been paid. At a mottoes,subse- quently held by the society the over -'1 tare of the .11uilett society was rejected, The protest against the return of Dr. Soon Barr, Conservative member elect for Duffe. in, has been withdrawn. Henry H. Wfianter, the petitioner, on , Tuesday, 26th, filed notice that he had been unable to procure evidence to sustain his petition. D. Ranee crus• petition agaiust %`'rn. Dynes, of course, also fails. A number of other with- drawals are looked for. The two Tor -11 onto petitions, it WOS stated, will he ]tressed, M: t'in:I i , ills, 6't'i.i\al. A French stat,stielau has calculated that a Paxson who gees through ane ordinary long dance," whimoW teiss ing, an item of the program, will have covered about fourtee;u mitis, most of it at runuiug speed. Aud yet there are plenty of Ririe who can do this "without turning a hair," while the men are considerably fatigued by their exertions; but the same men can cover great distances on their cycles, while the same girls " are not strong enough for long rides, se=. know. G,. A ai ,•..n:rictt , : z atusr.. Teta number 1.12,851 Bees not at first eight appear to have .•an; thing olid about lt, yet there ;a.e some st.rauge thing's about it. Let us multiniy it by the numbers 2 to 7, and Eco the result: 142,857 by `2 is 225.7IL 14'2,857 by 8 is 428,fa71. 14?,57 b 4 is 5X,428. 142,857 by 5 is 714,285. 14`x,857 by 6 is 557,14`x, 142,857 by 7 is O,ti+,G;lt!. The tirst five predttcts, you will ob- serve, are comp>rsxd not ouly ttf the saxue figures, but of the same figures in the same order, though begiuning with a different i gure each time. Aed the strangest part of it all is that 142, 857 multiplied by 7 is 9A19,009, but after that point the products lose their odds, ty. Alleged Embezzler Caught, by a cyclone. 1 A deaf a,nd dumb pedlar front, Yes 1, toe named Geo, .Ritgen was run dawn t by an express train near Boston Tues Being Made Near Ponce. day and killed. Mr. Q. L. Schmidt, wlao is knowsa. as One of Cha most sueGessfxtl Iliah School, 'TILES ,T PORTO RICOre".ra.. . ,.'1•kieLandingqfii 'f•gops Now o. teachers in the Provinee, died Tates. i # day at Strattord. Ur. Angus C• Stewart, Principal a' .i Talbot Street School, Loudon, died on Saturday from. hemorrhage ofthe stow- neh Arthur Ffarris, a young nate, employed, in the plough works at a Brtiut ord was drowned in the Grand Liver. On Thursday 11r. McKee killed in a berry patch en the ]alae shore near Dutton, a blaek snake measuring 4: feet 5 Welles. Two brothers, John and Fleury' Chaxn- hers, were upset in their sailboat on Shoal Lake near Winnipeg, Sunday and both perished. Tuberculosis has broken oat in a herd of cattle in Elgin Coanty, ,rind the milk has been used in the f xxn..ily and also sent to the factory. (. Boyd, the 13-vear-old son of W. W. Nibble. C.P. R. ticket agent at Calle- Piece, `:arl -Plece, was drowned while bathiueR +" stn the Miesissippi River. Judge.Mef ufre, wrating,fram Dan.t son City, says their may be a greater scarcity of i rovielous this wading wi l,- zer than there vcaS last year. If you super from saxes, pimples, or if your nerves are weak and your system run down, you should, take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Some miscreaut on Thureday cut both eyes out of a cove belonging to i Detective Miller (if Lawrence. The animal Was also slashed on the back. James Agnew, an unmarried titan. aged 30 years, of Tottenham, who re. • Cly bought a inns farm in Albion Township, committed suicide by bang - t iug, on Saturday. Little Mettle Smith, of Lynjsllle, was standing in the bare door the other day when the wind blew the door against the child, causing abrag'. els leg and a badly bruised arm. Monday evening, while i.an bething near the raaihrcadbridge at Campbell. ford, Mr. Chas. Delirium merchaut, of h that place was drowned. The body, was recoveredabout an hour after wards. it James Cliff, of Hamilton, was thrown from a wagon while driving Tuesday. His head struck the curbing, and he was rendered ui'eoxmselous. flit, injinr les are of internal nature, and may prove fatal. At Ashley, Mich, great excitement exists over the striking of a vein of Mil four and a half feet thick mit a depth of 206 feet. The find wasmaden by men who are, drilling a well at the T.5 ,& M. water tank, Frauk Wilson, an employe in the , boiler department of the G. T. R shops 1 at Stratford, had his left leg badly crushed with a ponderous weight an Saturday. Only a few days previous he had two fingers badly smashed. At St. Thomas Tuesday the four men, charged with the robbery at Blackmore's store, came up for trial before Judge Hughes, Three were sentenced to seven years each in the Kingston Penitentiary, and the fourth got three months in the common jail, Samuel, the young son of Thos. Glo- ver, of Chatham, was drowned Monday. The child had been left by the mother in charge of an older sister, and in some unaccountable manner fell into the cistern. The child was not discov- ered until after it bad been in the wa- ter for two hours, A sad drowning accident occurred. Saturday afternoon in the Saageen River, near Port Elgin. Young Ed. Shields, about fourteen years of age a son of Mr, Andrew Shields, hotel keeper Port Elgin, was drowned. The body was recovered Sunday morning after dragging the riser. While Nathaniel Tunks of Lambeth, was making a change of stop block, and working on the support of a ladder, the rung broke, letting him fall suddenly to the barn floor, a die. tance of more than twenty feet, dis- locating his wrist and otherwise giving him a severe shaking up. A sad fatality occurred at Ganano- que, Saturday in the carriage, hard- ware and bolt works of George Gillis, when George Kelley, who was working the drop hammer, got caught in the belting, and was carried around in the shafting, being instantly killed. Mr. Kelley was a married man and about 40 years of age. Sunday, Annie the year and a half old daughter of Mr, George Williams, Brantford, was frightfully injured. She was playing out in the yard, when a hors8 that was tied to a clothes line kicked her, and would certainly have killed the child had not the mother rushed to the rescue. As it is the little one can hardly live. Her collar bone is broken, the spine fractured, and there is also serious internal in- juries, Winnipeg, Man., July 26. --• Supt. GreCn, of the Ontario ria polive, posed through the city this morning on route to Oxbow, to take charge of John Hamilton, who was the chief figure in a celebrated embezzlement and forgery case at Shelburne, Ont., and who is under arrest at Oxbow. Logan: C. Burroughs had his hand badly cut the other day while engaged in repairing a blee ole. Blanshard: While raking hay on Friday, the horse of Mr. James Crawford 10th con., ran away and died from his injuries subsequently. Clinton: On Thursday a young son of Mrs. Porter, who was enjoying the picnic at Goderich experienced a sun- stroke, and had to be brought home early in the day. He has recovered from its effects. Mitchell: John Parr, found guilty on Saturday of setting fire to a block in. Mitchell on which he possessed in- surance to the amount of 615,00 was Monday morning sentenced to five years in Kingston. Hibbert: During a heavy thunder storm onMonday morning Mr. Albert Colquhoun had his driving shed struck by lightning and burned to the ground. There was a high wind at the time, but fortunately blowing in an opposite di- rection to the other buildings. Brucefield: In the spring Peter Mc• Gregor imported from the Old Country three fine entire horses; one of the ani- mals died shortly after its arrival at Montreal, and on Wednesday he„ suffer ed the loss of another, a very fine two year-old colt. He has had a run of hard luck. St. Marys: Hugh Treanor, black- smith, while shoeing a horse. on Mon- day had the misfortune to break his ankle. He was worting under the horse when he stepped on a piece of hoof which twisted it and the horse moving twisted it the opposite way with the results stated. Zion: A little son of Thomas Annis Came very near being killed the other evening. He was waiting in a buggy outside the house for his father, when the horse ran away, injuring him to, such an extent that sixteen stitches were required to bring the cuts to- gether on his head. Logan: Mrs. Christian Rock, gave birth to a child about three weeks ago, while in bed she took the measles ,and< h ea w o which settled on and. a bad cold d her lungs. With these complications she died on Sunday, 24th inst., at the age 30 years and some months. She leaves a husband and two small children. Geo. McCullough, aged 65, of Strat• ford, had his life crushed out at the yards, Monday afternoon: Hp was driv- inga one-horse` wagon loaded with wood, when he happened to fall in front sof the "wagon, the front and hind wheels passing over his chest, crushing it in. and his life out at the same time. Death was almost instantaneous, On Monday, a 20 year old boy,who his nameas Joe Brown, of v gavew Net. York city, was arrested by Constable Wheatley, charged with vagrancy and fraud. He had his right arm neatly bound up in splints and carried in a sling:, and was soliciting charity on the plea that his arm was broken. Inves- tigation revealed the fact that the arm was perfectly sound, and that his pleas for sympathy were fraudulent He pleaded to be let off, as this was the first olfence, but the Mayor thought he should be taught a lesson, and as a warning to others, finded him $10 and costs, or 30 days in jail. He took the. latter.—Clinton New Era. SPANIARDS REPULSE THE PARTY The L,'eet Launcked lie the Anierncan. Landing nerd was, According to the Spanish Story. Sunk by the Eire From the Sltox•e Lies?tenant and Four Mee flied, Madrid, July ' ;. --_ despateh from $ 313 says ttatCo n ant er anau 1. yesterday Drew-uma the landing of a belly of Americans near Bahia Honda. The Americans were protected by a warship, The landing; pay launched a boat, which was sunt by the lire from the shore, ,A lieutenant and our naeu were hilted. The Spanish artillery also 1illeal several men len on board the trarrsbip. The Spanish loss was only three peen slightly hounded. • Conacnieci lay Pzivate ]lire. '! edrld, Jtxly 25.—A private despatch from San Juan de Puerto thea says a strong American squadron bas appeared before Rabin Honda, but that the Mnueri.- eat: attempt to di -embark was >cepuIe4 with conslderat+le losses. Silica at 31/4030, Rice. Thomas, 1).1- .I., Ails - Val rillVAited States troops aro landing to -day on tlmc Tenet] of Porto Elco, neat' Ponce, ,Sonde coast. Spain Prot,ozef, A+tuistie Loudon, July cit;, --.A sperinl neap;atelt from Madrid says the Spanish Govern latent has drawn up a news ago far lti esh- in,ran prep:u:Mary to dmlaenseing the terms of peace. An armistice as pro pasod. PiTY THE QUEEN. Nntim Sympathy WIth Iger Majesty of Spain as Her Wronhles Increase --tier Dey Is Sick„ Paras, ,Tater eo.•—A smell despatch trent Madrid gives the fo,`lowing ae enc% 'af the Qtaren Regent's daily life during the i3rc enc: crlsls: "1004 Queen," Ibis le the exclamation so often heart] et kite, day after cl„my. as matters grow worse and worse, as the Spanish dleastere meat themselves and as the throne of the little King slipping from her hands, into whlvb it was given in trust, ilea etalcttor is louking careworn and anrloue. Even her drives are beaamuine fewer and tower. 1t wonid surely appeal to any mother in the world w.'ro tthc► to see the seas this Queen mother each dal* semis to cling closer and closer to her little bar, as thc,u;;h to shield him from elle dangers clueing about hein. with almost fatal f"nee, It was vary tnana•hing to wit - nese it. Her worst unemles recognize is the Queen personal qualities worthy of rhe highest admiration. Thu Queen used every means at her disposal to prevent war. Iler great hope lay in Senor ]]tont, the former Minister of the Colonies, and he would have carried his point but for Senor Cullen, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs. Today, and over sitxce The war began, tats gnat prs aoc'sp:ttic,II• of the Queen is to find the quickest way for its termination. At many of the councils of ]ata hold at the palace, the Queen bas burst into tears, begging and urging her ]Ministers to find a solution for the terms of peace, which they sewn incapable of materializing, Since tho commencement of the war, palace lifo has altered considerably, and still more since the illness of the little King. Now the Queen takes dinner in her private. apartments with the boy ling at 7.50 p.m. There is a reason for this, as the Queen Imagines the illness of the King is due to poison. The Queen is very tar from well and is very nervous. Don Carlos in Switzerland. Lucerne, Switzerland. July 20.—Don Carlos, tho pretender to the Spanish throne, has arrived horn with his wife and one aide-do•enmp. The Pope and Petite. London, July 26.—A special despatch from Rome says the Popo has communi• cated to the powers peace proposals that he considers acceptable to both tho United States and Spain, namely: American annexation of Cuba and Porto ,Rico, the restitution of the Philippine. Islands to Spain and a commercial treaty giving Spain erco tionat advantages in the colonies surrendered. LABE STF.AatEl1S COLLIDE. The Edward Snaith Strikes the Aurania and Sinks. Detriot, Mich., July 26.--A collision in which a steamer was sunk and another vessel badly damaged occurred last even • mg a half mile below the St. Clair Canal. The steamer Aurora, having in tow the steel tow barge Aurania; was bound down with ore. The steamer Edward Smith, No. 2, was up bound, loaded deep with coal. The latter in trying to dodge another craft ran aoross the bows of the Aurania. The Smith wasnaught squarely abreast of her boiler house and a big hole driven in her quarter. She was knooked near the west shore of the channel where she quickly sank. No one was hurt, and the crow and a number of passengers were taken to the old Club House at the Flats. Tho Aurania was badly damaged about the bows, but continued down, her pumps working. The wrecker Saginaw has gone to the Smith and it is thought she can be saved. The Smith is owned by John Mitchell of Cleveland, and was built at West Bay City nine years ago. She was worth $65,000. The Aurania belongs to Corrigan of Cleveland, and is valued at $150,000. Demented Woman Gone Astray, Bem tville, Ont. July26.—Miss_ Mist Martha Marshall of, Osgoode Township left her home on Wednesday afternoon in her working clothes and a pail in her band, as if to pink berries, and has not been scan since. Fully 100 men have been searching the woods in the section daily, but without success. She was about 28 years of age and somewhat demented. Amherst Scorched. Halifax, N •S., July 26: A special from Atnherest says a terrific fire is raging there and threatens to destroy the entire town. A number of stores and residences have already been consumed. 1 1 4 4 4 oriii.Sftapef New '9 Gilain r jester. AND x xr" The E1.0 accompanying illustration shows two of the many important features of the well Red BirdSpecia1, the '98 Chain Adjuster by means of which it is inoasiblo to ad- just the slackness of the chain to 1y'64 of an inch: together with the very handsome Diamond Shaped Pedal. The Diamond Shaped Pedal is not only particularly handsome. addin • much to the general appearance of the wheel, but it is exceptionally ;11\ stron •. If you would have the latest and beat there is in bicycles your ]mount must Le ht Red Bird. You will f and ample wheels at your nettresr Brantford A ;envy, Bicycie The Gould a,,rtarForoD, • PERKINS:MARTIN, Agents, x V rierre jcene ete iii, "t/"'i,F' 't/"7idc "tii” eneete7r' ' ' At Gleu .Becker, near Cornwall the ' other day, an Syear•old-sot. of Sine ii xx 13arkley got in front of a mowing.ma-'T 1. 11 ER U. 111111110 0' chine, sand before the team couldbo y stopped the knives had struck him and , -• SI.'COE SOItti TO TRE m completely severed the right foot above the ankle. Rays of Hope for Suffering Men. 1T IS NEVER TOO LATE After all other fail, consult Da "HERTZ s 252 Woodward Ave. Detroit, Mich. HE CURES WHiLE OTHERS EXPERIMENT. Don't lose ltope ; you can be cured if you get the proper treatment—and Da. Bor.CRTz, is the phy. Mian who can effect that cure. You are probably suffering from the effects of Tlouthfnl Folly. Excesses, overwork or int - prudence --or perhaps it is your Blood or the Nervous System that needs building up. 1f so, don't waste tante and money, but consult DR. BoIn.nrz, at once and be cured. Valuable Book, references and proofs of success nailed free, sealeo. Treatment forwarded to Cana- dian points free of duty. Should your case be a serious one or if you wish to avoid delay, send a small remittance by Registered Letter, together with a full and plain description of your condition and your case will receive my uumediate and careful personal attention. A young man named Chas. F. Baker was killed in a street car accident at Springbank on Tuesday. He was try- ing to board the car which was going at full speed, and in some manner was hurled underneath and was so badly injured that he died shortly afterwards, The barns owned and occupied by Judson Pugh one mile east of White Vale, were struck by lightning Mon- day and totally destroyed, together with a large quantity of hay and bar- ley and a thousand bushels of last year's grain and some farm implements. Loss $2,000; insured. The barns of Thos. Swales, 6th con., Mersea, near Leamington, were struck by lightning and destroyed by fire Monday morning, with the following contents:—Thirty tons of hay, part of his crop of wheat, binder and other im- plements, several fat hogs and about 100 chickens. Loss, about 81,500. There was a small amount of insurance on the barn. Mrs., Lamb, of St. Thomas, was the victimpainful of a a nd unusual ac- cident Friday. She was running a sewing machine, when the needle pass ed through the thumb, nail and all, struck, some obstruction, and turning and breaking, again passed through the thumb. Mrs. Lamb was held fast, and could not release herself. Her cries brought neighbors to her assist- ance. A doctor was summoned, but being a surgeon and not a machinist, had to have assistance before' be could be of any service. A machinist was sent for and took the machine partly to pieces before Mrs. Lamb was released. ROLLIIIS & WILLIAMS MILLING C0.1 OF EXETER, Are uow ready* to do business with the Public geueralli . All kinds of Flour, Feed and mill stuff for sale at CLOSI PRICES, Leave your orders at the mill. We delivery every day to any part of the town free. We hope you will help us' 1 in1rt means a success for the town. °rltl! l. nr1 to make a success of talo business which 1 1. lligltest Prices nate tor Wheat at all times, ON SENTRY DUTY rS"=, ,= `x o"...`r= zTo, Co STEWART BROS, & WILLIAMS. Bruce Coatesworth,of lHuffman's Cor- ners, met with a painful accident which might have meant instant death, while drawing off hay, with the hay fork. The clip came off, allowing the single- { tree to hit him a heavy blow in the faee, breaking thirteen teeth and cut- ting his face so badly that five stitches were necessary. , Monday morning as a young man named Burr, who lived about four miles from Thamesville, was standing close to the G. T. R. track, apparently watching a west -bound freight, he was struck by the G. T. R. east•bound PT - press running at a high rate of speed and instantly killed. His body was horribly mangled. 'Just s G od as Scott's and we sell it much cheaper," is a statement sometimes made by the druggist when Scott's Emulsion is called for. This shows that the druggists themselves regard &C® '.s of. Cod -Liver Oil with Hypophos- phites of Lime and Soda as the. standard, and the purchaser who desires to procure the "standard" because hebeen knows it has of untold, benefit, should not for one, instant think of taking the risk of. using some untried prepa-. ration. The substitution of something said to be g "just as ood" for a stand- ard preparation twenty-,. five years on the market, should not be permitted by the intelligent purchaser. Be sure you get. SCOTT'S Emulsion. See"' that the man and fish are on the wrapper. Sac, and :$t.00, all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Cheiniatsi'lerosto We are well fortified for the advance which we expect to be made on ole store for the next few -weeks. We supply every- thing the farmer needs dur- ing the harvesting season, together with many good things that the housewife tivi11 hail with delight. , . 11e12 are a Few: Harvest Mitts, Machine Oil, Plymouth Binder Twine, Coal Oil Stoves, Preserving Kettles, Etc. 'hook in and examine our L[ Stock .before you buy elsewhere. tet■" - 11. flisfloji & SOq. • EXETER" While Michael Little, of Elnia, was engaged unloading hay with a fork, his little three-year old daughter, Han- nah, who Was ' playing on the barn floor, gotcaughtin the rope drawn by the horses, with the result that her hands were fearfully' lacerated. The two first fingers of the right hand were torn off at the second joint, and the left hand scraped co the hone.