HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-09-20, Page 7-
4_ _��___ 1_�.m, __ � � �_1.1_1�4_ 46"� J"_Vftw_� V. - NFWWV--^w
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THURSDAY, SM 27, 190
Your Guarantee'', - -1
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in I ral thaa,ot be 'W";
M i= them 'to say who
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bmwht kiln %0 b#- I%t*r,
C for them Oil- dwigy" U# 0
i. r1paia this PW#d,
their in vai Ito s"
I'Evropo, N*d hewetorik the tritail
%At *#*tw*rd f*jjwr xb*vk kastw*rd-
sopt� 23(4�_%Nwlsy. a U"d NOW -
lot ot-' J06144 CkTiAt-A914 11*:141
.1i'lls 3�
Ishil. 2tis-23" 2 11110� 1. .14.15
.11._T� - Oil
wally, Nvins 1won well spo
T-of-bi, the KlAurches at L)�*XFA and &-
� ter it w" ILIP04 him *6 vw- "" 't, ooium, was chosen by PwAl as his Co- I . I .. j If- -.
VjiQ his church. After this he 1AWyer and fellow traveller. He W
I . in thia 1%wao tbtm into his califidet" 4114 sk**Od . the scriptures by his .
, I thels whatwould happ4_0 tv him . at beet% trained in andmother **A UTWVV
Jerusalem. Ilapulsive Peter cbW04 mother and at ot p4gul, ho became A . -
. I
. hint for awls a thoughts 'Whereuvos the, teaderahip, 1 lainister of the I 11� .
Jesus spoke to him more sevitioly faithful and tseitat joys of � . �
I if 90mpel, lit shaved in the
. 11. I � than any man was ever address". _ wye is no record of ...
. I # 34*10 saying, ,-Get thee behind last. IS-AtOvk:" I vervice, but 0 seen ilkIP64-JuNd . . -
up, on xt later occa"1011, after these . � 11 I . Tintaft's b*vil* I
��, I . Jog had actually happened, he with "Aul, though it is quite possible
. thilip he 0"Ay have k .
M I 'Commissimsea Peter to care for Ir* *#n* Paul "I't for
L 9 1114 .
- . him to 4feed *Y = u� him toi calk's tot him and brin
I church, telling and books the second timis he �
lit 13%sures 930 ' laullm, few my' 'Roc"' _ison in Ramos stud it he did . . of w
- too that It fre*2— W A"M10; U,pv I VERY - P SUVA"
... July 3*0"Okw 0 three *Vr_ ImIr 'ei:1046#'likely he witnesg" tht maTtyr- I " *1" *66 MUL U
. grajmA *and pure — Try h4s" in this lesson there are D dont of P'401- I I
fra - itg Ife, E wr;os MUM=
- - ___!�M_ j! L �____ - , T"anlrested in the wovd.3 and . � ""W.*W-__-0"� *0 *Akoot SAW* emy " It
..""Mm"Notm__1 -_ __,-. - I - I f John. lie complained to. JeSU4 I I d" Vol%* ik 00 Oki*. OVA " Un . .
I iWreawmisla 0 . "M W
wt that one outside of their cOmP4uY 'St. BOOK AM *d,*
. . . MM qW4 Laisbam of
. o * llraele* !ft Je*ue " 0 Vale itoolf vm* �
. I W�Ls WorklulK V . - -
rtayhe; lie � wanted, to p,4nIgb thorat I SW cohm %so. ran pukiinswolewaiiis.0"arviow 40AIS"
I Aft 0 who Vero rode to jesuN even by � Wow. AA 04 ww*ow *wU* W
a* miraculous 1311040%, As Ella* had done. , ,i I- - , --,-- %a- 1, .... �, 0)
1 sund"y'Atternoon see that .11, � I Vontiii,u 4 from page - .
� � . ,w je,�.us showed them in both .0* - e,
1� I � oil- —;;;� - . -_ - I _�� ''.. _ , �___ 1%.je- � .0 Afte
� w big followers Must mu'llest % tho I—- - ---I- I F � -
61 'Z t MA 0040041 041- . ,und In � - WARE
. I *, 1W4 UA411. * farent spirit from that, & "vj tertailled in Marthes home. She Tholliall 1AWlor. Uktry 410*41- ("Outt S M irgip"W""""",
21 111*0600AW .r A0q Qav, O& "034 .
mmoI w1o'ho to make the feast we 'Ithlado. 1140bel Itoll. I
� . 444100111110 rosti- Uqb lid in exper- the rthy of iond Kerr, Frett lits.'*4 MYrtl`* "ood" I _*
� � . tired And myrots.-Jit"Ott T Thm fioislsowt Pont wom two 40W of 00
? , We thank 'Thee for all they were able grown in knowledge a guest but becomes *, xildrwl $*I- 600
Whither, pligrims, ate -you. gain 9 thereby building up lance, for he wr9te, Ofte that loveth I r rll�
to be and do, . woiriO. Finding her sister wostMt: evtsolit. JAU QttA a
, A I not, kA 4 -for God Is love." lowf,j, 1,ottic. T^wlor. 1")t assinsal is" "a **L DWI". N"
I -1 �; ,Going eaeb with statrItt ban , - M-4 WP _0W0tb,4U 0=
I , are going on a journey, , Th kingdous upon earth time J-uly Z itiliew the pubilean- tilue so she thinks talking witlk468ux Tattio HArd.V, tow, 111-k Ww;od WW4 VAAO -
. $64 1 . ,,he Appeals to him to sent, her into oar�ulpq "Vat ::�`Uv Was :1
we ij. to do our Part ,so that the Ith-K �, " Forn Thom. ,
� , V tribe _ 4 1mrothy Waiters. VOW � t. tow 406W. #4
Going at our King"s command, the writer of the first, the 11 - to help, Je%uli in his an- Alma ftilOWL.
N. may soon. corad when ever. Matthews 4 W1111o, HOY. r,V(q,Vl1
- valley ' I 9, only twit gw�r I �1'en � 4i1114 V& R*141
over billa'and Plains slid Ige shall ,crown That 'a refers to kimself i=eals to her the true meaning to 0r4I0l*. onions BW Ed"
. We are going to 111� Palace, aud every tot ,a N n U40111- - � I I.- _
Going tip tile better, land. I Lord of all. 111040911 - lte$ms (:hv'st go?'thoss, in a very taw words. He of service. In the second part, (if the willau, LOW(, I WlOr- *t1l;O . �
our Lord. Amen, . . . does not, however, leave out reter- lesson we, see she has gras ��
I pea his lion, r.thel Tabb. _===_ _ - . _. __N
I . Tell us, pilgriing, what You hope for a. S. _LU$SoX FOR 813o]?T." 40N $92a ence to the despised class to which me4ullig aU4 tbough lausy at the, VLOWNUR I .1 ___ _P;QW;WAA__1! no
, ,
I . . � ���-!,--!!!"--,--�;;�,-,�----,-.,;7--
Ili that far-off better land? I � . as a tak collector lie '44 SOU.01 Abrw same sort of work, is p-tvirg no fit- z,qlluth Alaidivell. TAlivotta, �_ - . $. NO. 9.
� I d' crowns of glo*, Lesson Title-itevlew� . tallfil , - 0011('0100 Of 13 tot' IN,zo.3 Obtold), 8. 8- NO- 8, , 8
. S otleus rdbes All bouts, belonged when Je,5119 tention to 11fory's w4ste of U100- "'"" ouldell, UdytIle Marsh. Its" F.thel Tobb. ,
P, . -.11ob. 11-03.46, � . Arvoy 31011keo, F4-,vQlVjj 14,144. INUI, 0. s. s. N�o, I. -
lannd, mil follow 'Q15ton vs't t � .- -
]From a Sav'Quvi loving Lesson Passage hint to leave all t Elm* To 1wr mind it is 'no longer W'WtO Of rl"' *'s . �f ,
I , 1, illy Uobertsoll. 011vO Hill " $wt*t oave& 11;
We shall drink of life's cl"r rIV0ro ,39, 40. .He some time afterwards made a times but another kind of service Dare - III; P1110%. (slive Hill " Horton. '. Invell. Roy Itutiodge. 1101" se,80(g, ,PAIRS W HU*ON
We shall dwell"witb," f -m -ever, jr,014aji , ' 'til 11 n ot 11.1 Woods, ROX *0
�1- in -that bright, gU. bette� u� , . Te#-v-*Aeh. 12 : 1, feqt�0� which he invited big 014 AS- than she can rapdar. Each is serv- 1*4 $, -N q" Uunkle, L 110119 T I%; 0 IMIO . The followl',
'I I � publicans, and sinners. bv, ue- Zinnia, "in Waltors, * W 1111le TrOble, " as is A list of 'WW.
I y 181=140 the Baptist. Lul�o 'sociatea, the i not I fait dAtti for 1 23.*:
. � � I glid big dIsqjpIes who llkg In "c"r ')Nvn wmy' 'he one, longer Ito$ ItutivdgiiA Anisto qlabb% Aft'leau It N
. . . � V'RATER . . .. I I I aigls� lli4-28 I -to� meet Jesus new -friends... Having Ing her hands but with 00 0 Marigohle, 4,oue Wolters, UPOSOU Ful- DRAWINXI, A10 ANO WRVr1 (; 114111twood-SeRt. go. ..
. in the, vn'ld- ere now his troubled spirit, the other by , . calendula, Thel. ,VAq, of Hurolk, 'Mildred Sall"Wit, I --;Sept. 31.
I I Jon thii taptist was IV. from jeoiio. be becomes a ,40us gift t t jorij, Wilmer HardY. 'Wincholodest, �
. o God,Aight of tb4 -bearts 1 that OeQ � ,word" of 'received help ; I . USSR ..
r . I . - and. Life of the ,souls that IOV-6. cruess of JudaeA we issionary, with true'lisissiollary Ing, out her most preet t of 0 In., Tawlor. ,Uapo Green, FMI I Peart Lawlor, Kvrtlit� tjoud. U(IrIKIl't Amees, Hill-sipt), 22. 1
Thee, .th of the t �e to him comlsilssioll- A m � mt� after others. Maiter's feet, It is' rl MarIgo,jis. (IjarlAtIllo Robert- Green. lsolwl Tyndall, Uoury UrInd. wfi -hint
+1, hfs' the Lord, cam The _4 -Sept, 24.25,
Thee, and 'Streng _* '. On I . ing him to� go and reach, �aYlng, zeol. re.ae,hillg (Ittin of Jesus, conduct work We do b t t 0 t in which Frew -b. out1a Amork.ix, U111010 ysilton-SePt. 20. 1 "
. . res of � Thy "'a ants , 4f *at +I : oorvloe so- Wit; Nalpiglosbi, Lottle latiolor, F-thol
to Imitate the III .tl. a. of bon- Phurlsoes eomP we ,do it that cbstatit 1140 of $ .
, � all grace Anepent yo for the k ngd611 outcasts and He tells Tabb- Verbeall. Vesta Tabb" Cosulo$1 Illy r,ileik Hardy, k1yovett young. Dublini 270 . *
ftbat seek 'Thee', grant " all. bad In eating with I . . � - 1. . .. . I ' ' home Md" Olive .11,11. AU'lle 1,11111014i 4 al. ___ A t:1280 � , - I . I
I .to be, and 40,-Aliereby ,buildlog UP *enjs at band-" The Mesa! Un In the world colitable to the Mutpr 1411��Io' Uirdn 00rdOn Jewell- blutt, NVO.
� $� studying. long- been excLeeteil and -the Israel-, them what Rig, miss and to save,tist, Aug. 1.9th-Stephen the Martyr. - I
. atout.whoin we liaie en . . 40 have a -place in Ili$ - is, He came t&poek . garijen bouq%jet. Clayton IVIIIIOU- 1)"n' IYA LOUR; 111441) of,misads. Lottle TAW'- varnl-mt. 1. 8
+ I .� - . 11 ites expected . oft�tbo ones who,'like Agts 4'.9-1s; 7154-40 Dig- , young, Alleu 1.11111014, Uth. �,
i. I ..: . ag., I M__ lose of their descent. sin-slak -, . I air Trouble liavin$ arisen Among the eall"Utillail, Ruth Nldwell, Fred -1 tar, HWart creolton-00t. I. 3. I
. . . I . -7 kingdom beet � � , sees, thought they w , pouglas Vitegall, .),lary oreell. . el Tibit, Boy Rutledge. Ralmor.0ow, -Arlind !L'44� �(kt � 11
from, 'AbtaboTla- But Jolawif 'thei Pharl . � early Christlanti about tile, distribut. set, . I'll Erit, --.--,,. I I
. Preaching Showed them, non- ,0, whole Ana -bad no ,need of the Great 1*0111any . son, Writing,. "JIVOuIRK HY411' . I
. I id f a red . 1, � ter �Ahei#' Wh& did not repent I I . Ing of alms to the widows, t,�o Ap I . Abldo With 'me". Eva I _`qqlq�
. ,$ Jon b; I � col-kerel, Fred Bisset, WMI Quaid I writing, 11
. physician. -chi . ' A* FP�
. 4 . on seven men 1111"Itt, � I
� I - 'ttisitju, Petirl . To.00r, Naldred 14 ,
I , , , ; r sing AM show the sincerit,Y '�' Aug. 5th,_41ary M&giglerie. Luke osi(es get aside - Courtlind rt I 11 + r , "'
. the people to a sad so jew.ell, aarve,i
thdi � 194_ ttond to this and He . McPhee,
L . : .�Qwebt 0 . thoi, 4 8,14 John, '25, 20,111-1$- ,ake " U. 'ImV4, Ilerbert Oreou. stildrod N1111hu I Wjji ,N -
, i ,,!f�L -
I A. I I . oil I . . )eotAnce by,being baptize � . . I eli�ve ille Apostles, whose work was Kopr, V,rie oarAitter, Edgar Ill I oTotilly", Mavy .
. . I � Jesus at a.' later ,dAte I "Wary Magdalne oman 0 1pheii was the most �X. I)IIII0. courtland Kerr, � BOURO11 T4UIU JeWl"'; wrlt"'go Ajjljje� 131111(,r, IF I
11 'solo in, � I � , Possessed prejxehisig. �itv _ JjMet'r V,rlQ (;itrduor, Grou, Ward JQW011, F ' S I
. ;U" " I.=` tiir:,4n4,avr.01A0(t Inut - nature, being prominent of these :seven, be! W I LSON
., � ,John',s, -Pharac .te -1 .
� n . �, . 1. . . Vois densQns'- _-.but. L, Com t&l. sgribi .r .... f , 11 _. , f '':faith . 4114 , r*Ik4�'__11lgkQ'_ .
I I r "It. I 3 his iwo.jo- tho. -� il'tbat,�rQf' Se �) as a man . u 0 - I t
'. � . . . . I C, prPp , 'Valathl;;' 0 o: -Ghost . Ito Iseelime a,prea . VIIQU - you'ag. I I V
� . . . fbe�, 11oly three, %P -R -i -1 N.Wart
. I .� t I 4 in is of - despair "' . 4'by his s. McPhee, E'dgltr '
I r . great lbotioU 16ho *as, "the too .a 'dept) *Dlolat, Qw, I,( er ;
I I . , . I I � 0 hboveli, W. from 'th char as well A naydner, Harr, F L I I r1% -
Frea,Ijarfr � "' 4esii6u99r�*sPo10A a$ by 11 passionA . I under d ' ' lar de- Not.toll, Fred 1� 1*11. of (ilive, 11111.,.-Aouke vabit, vern T'loill; r
, 1.1risiWill viloul. , .
I th I -but Adft� . E Jesus fjhe was, lifted i1rauklin - imfle Nvi-Itiog, ..'rho, arasshopj)�P, oil I OrU.k�
set the- notic , i'awlon ,
. . �ttle 1) A D S
. I .. � i I �� - I , .Is, greatu passionate devotion, wet X11111, Ethill Tabs), X(tio'
. I ast's the kingdom ,f , I I . condition of zeal stirred up strife against hint. Xelsolk 'Nouldoll, Iliens6l, Horton ,. pall' Margo (%timolail, 'ersiyon. 11
Uns. A W.�= , Sr&Wi,r�., V, than he," I . , I She was, one'O�f those who follow0a 'before the kruH, .N*pIscn .Nfouldwt. DaWL4611, UUT It . � -, � �
� � , -,1708 itog-III wish to self, He was brought - of White J�egbc . -0, � �
� owpi Sound Out., W'd ,July. .Stb-r . st lour Tabit, drawing of laildtRoll)(1, U(ThOl't -0rot L I
I .
. , ylitry, the Notber df'.Te.. Jesus oot� of Galilee on his Ili I . . . . ". 7 1;
- f6i th%�bonefit I bavo , . . , Saithedriv to ,answer for his 1)elief, roj�n Thom, John .1%b", Vest-% J1 Farrioll, Allell I'lufleld, Lot I I
. I' wross my, jW,Aka j, inistering t 0 � I
"nrm I 1 .41-62; �J,jstt. 1,21 -Acy to Jerusalem, -in d who, r,oietto t. .
� rabeiv.od-1 our woude , I a,$'tjj#_vAntg of the, comparly.,$he. 00 I Wjjjtt� Wyll "
. 8115_�_L*ilue False witnesses were foun Iick. Aulile� Tallb., pair of Xviluel
I . rom y . ilut I)OAU,4 I I , uke-it W I 2, speak tj(jotte�,. , L4ajR vultord; tie Lawlor, StIlel 11%111i, Aulito IrOw � , I
. M - have certainly At twelve, Yegr� Of when be was the swore that they had heaWhi � . -.1 .. ta, ry 6�1 ! 4i
1 d6ue 11 privilege of every, Jewish boy to at-� I ,a I -(I ftoeu , . -R, XK� Itonell drawlikq. AllbY, Urringtoll, ) � � � 1,
I _duaj M, " they I . -by � big mother. hla�phemous things againstithe tem- � "Itossia, Ito .
. I me is� g6st deslof good., . tend Ahe jestiyals., -at,-, Jerosklem., early at tile s it ro Vol of llarrt Lottle A'aArlor, ROY Aut �r � \ A
. . � 1. I .. t L' 11 d cross .and was . ple�aml Moqes. While being thus ac" Hurvey Baxter, V, 0 I ` UPtinloist" rNola. J."Volyll I - �� . I
Ruled" big , its after � , .A - �' �
� `
. For About two, or t reo- ye" arer I I . with spices to anoint his bod , 4 b son Mouldol., 1pulfolod, 4,am Wititer, jp(Igo, (�tjjytou 1RojjQ lor. �1� ��
� . . . - ott - 7,04A ollow'.. 11(41114oll, __
Vikey.; � -Teg-L's. accomp cused big. face 61sone, As if,it ba . � _-0
. A suffered terribly � ;;ith iiy' . - he become a. ,,goo of,t9e ,j�nAl,�,and' fjQing the grave ellapw she astoil -an Angel. The 11 g' tot,.Franl�. Hortalk. toll ., ivtktt,r volor sI(,t`I1vU# Waid Jeive'll, 2%kll�_ -_
I Ayj ' ad , after t1m. face of � lio�t Medd .. 1111'.k, I . . � . . I , I --.---
. � . . could not, sleep or ,rest in', any' w becoming interested in the-teaOings, ed tO: tell 'Peter and John,. a' ) clear is. 111110111, Win, pullel Tabli.. . .
I � � rk for the paks In '. gi , t him 4 chance. t( . ot A � _*1 � r
111. could not do my- we , eied at rips gave. I Donglam, reagall. Allif � USA
, -hin4y,', uh-,returning with thelh; sho III) - 0 speech he made eul- lodo, Ve , Tholu. . � (,,(),:sll10,T11VI0.N$- �. P -r- I ft in", I I
. � back,� ., 1. I of', tbo� doetord,., tarried M .9imself, but th, at last Trohle, JlAek 111110 , rit . . , Y. i r a is I
MY I . .. .1 % and, - mother- tba tomb weepip and L sr m .. . �'Io I in I
I . Gown to* hii Uth f. net devotion, bittered them more. , .� �. . Ing, Lucy Hardy. �� I" _j &I"MM001
I . They, on �reb .. � d . . V , , O , , � Public spev� .1 ---
I wite told aboilt.,thorod,of or' oking- * sn'In,the ;texh,'. was; rewarded, by sing the first to tjia.mob to rush upon him, and LI V . )I$ p4m4e, S. 6 �G 40. SM ____ — --- ---
, DozWe Xidner Pilw 00 J *, ' ple, rebuked bita, -fipiim which he as� W n Christ spoke beforo ealqse They who did ' %ijWg colt, Agrle., Solo% Tabb, W11- toll Rl ;rtsoil; st�llool I — ..
tricill. em, , hoin the rise -atla.
. aud before 1, md- fRoied the 01i� box -conished. them by his answer, lag: Grusting her with a, , inissage to stone him- to 41, jV6rthy Fowler, Attrip-A _;_Ik� . I . , ... ,
I , e6d ris- the deed. took off -their outer gar- met Hardy,, I. � I . '*.,',,'.'%!,11Y ��Ip
' Uadit, V�l-'----.-�,-."-.-..,.,..,I�,���t.,,����-,.�,��,,Il"...�'I `0'y -�'.'�-�:�:*: 4'.."I'i"..., , .'', I
- � ,,.'�,�.� ��
, ,� � V ,� it. , .�".!��'�� , " '. , ..
� � I ,'bad *eIved tho,'greatess azareth.und, ag .� "big br0b,oit that be *as Ind, . 11 - .. ,Xl,;,.,, i�,i�:..;` i". � I �
� .ain be men, . " i�,.�'.".�.ii'.,- .".,�-...;�l,,I�7,�*.,,�.".".,l.&,, . - - '*,i, , .
.-�.�: *�,,. ,
- -t.�, -�i-,,-,i.',-., F .. �,�It..'. -i' � .,
, ". -
- . I them t0d We hi , Y. returned to N )me, 1$ubject to: on. Uis message to her Is big - we$- , ts and laid tbona,down to be.ear� v1sber, litilt,er-I)rokotl.ct)lt.'Axlro'I lasli .._''��7Z��:��* ''..... L' .. .0". "".
� .V, . . X , V. '..,.,
. and kca;uuot Praise . come -a bay inAlai 1. 11 ed'fok by Oni Of Torso Owho of- er, -.4ary righer, Wl'aner, 110r(W- NVOr' '; ..7 . I. i.,,.� 4� .�
,,:*:,.�: -t!� � '. x_ :-��-�,'.�;
.. �
I L . -cerwnl ,raw ,In wisdom, sage .to us today -that 'service for ,� "'�;,:-;,.;.��,'%",��:.�l.,",.:��,P,i:.'��;.,!:�:�:",."i;."� 9 �R...,. .. 0 �1 � � ',',� ,'�' --.' I
" ,-,,':�_ .;. .. , � '.
y recoramolid them 1p'. - tents. and N - th. T60; sprlug 11111111, . -, All. 1.11 �'.1 I. ,. , -2, �., , " � " '111-
", ,
��" , � $.."",�-,:,.-,.-.,!.>,N�,�,.�� : . . . . . . . .
� ""."F.,':'.��'..;!.!:'::��:�".,"���.'4.,"."'��;��-,,:,,�l-.'. -,',:��,-4,�� ,, "*"l-'�:-
I t:� �:�",�":�.�"-.'�:.�:�?.",�:�t�.�k�,-,!..,.�*. 4 1 �.
.1 , Ards becam I .:..'�;_.,.i,'Z.":�.;., n Z ,
I will his Pal way to touch the risen terw, La is ardent a follow v pav�Wr, Joint ;;� "�'I.,;-;, " S. �
. � 4vor with God him is the )hen, to whose ' I) 14,110 - Tabb, oordou -�...�K.:,�-.;,�:.71.1.1:1:,.�;,.., .7". IN.", .. �
. ighbors and Mantis Wilual A f � .. .. .. .... . ... ....... . �,:�._ -�:;:;,'��,�'-, -1: ... � ., ,,..", i; . . il�
. all my Ism � and knowlidgeand in . . . er of 'Jesus as stel ,John 1'41)h, .;,� _�. . ,; I �
, ....
L (11141,11<6 .. ...... 11
apil'inlin., I I it he was now consenting. �%'-'.1`4,, �,;."�",�,�.*.'�,"',�-�-.',,-�'-.�, �;; �� ,.
, , ,
I I py, . . Ut. . . Step- ThOM, Howl"ril young. .� ,1 k I 11�-
I ry-Luke dea Young" . ',� -, L, ' -I. � � "-"-!_-� L
" ,
. know to bave J0011W Zrouple. Chi " - .:; . ! -
I . . idiiiby Plus are -600, er box 5th,,,-WMO1a Ve .-Alatt. 161 Aug. 12t.li-MattlIA, and Ma 9.. died as did his Master,.aaklug VnInVill Horton; beef. calf, Charlie � . ,. .--:. - ,..;., ; -.11. . I .
"..., _ .
. . Dbabu:Z P . A July I ter! - � ben - �� .",-.: - .1 .
, , - � -23*0 4ohn-I0:14,47 � 10-042- Mark 14:3 God to forgive his persecutors. �birroy Howy. wilmor Hardy. , ��.ii'�,'�-.�*��.,,�*�'.4%.,.-�",L"l� .. . I . �
at All diders.,or malled, direct un re I , Thom, ) ��11.` I I
I 13.18" 21 I jiltigiIii4t, Worthy 1.7v�.,.'_ ��.;:,.,:S.
. . 3i Co., S lesZ Jesus I g. )�Wi n g a , ..
� jr Th6 T. Milbux � drew from his --disciples. who I In till . _,.-7,�,,x
1, t rice b, I . the Great- bKeolj,bogK, Jack tr;'x,�--.k74",�,;�,i, .
. --- 7-� - All 26th-Burnabas �,_!`;,"'. .1
_*t of :0 ... , .. V, ....'.4
_ I :b`1'f1'1',.,R-2 -
I Jesus , Wilft(A . ..,":;-'b�l*;."..;.$"..",�.1-
Lifnited, Toronto* lint. I . I ' 01, 1%
� -,.--- 4,;_ W6itrted---Acts 4:36, 37; 11119-30 Fowler, (*jaN,tolj . Robertson, A:,
. .
— � r . - Hill, �011vp Hill, VordYee �. �,`;,�,Xk W�.
__W� . I.. 110. .. ;�, 0.
. � � , 1�arnabos was a native .of Cyprop F Isher, Doi -Is ,
. ".. - 11 DUDS - it, I ,, - laille 3111110n,� _ N,,o.:'.,'�,17,:� 1.
- jv-� I � .
- r, ', . - - BINS IN : ,,, . . . I ,j living in Jerusaleni and associated Clt*k, J. W. T(tlxb,. W I '1�
� , I I . H .1 � - � ,oson. HortOn. . I � 01
. CA . - I . j .: , all. , From his lit 1 . , . -
M__ - -1. z.., _:i- � with. the ;early chUr, �- ;.:-:$;��!'-
I 11 - � i 11 w 11.� i : � I . generous naturet his fellow disel leg . . I . . FRX11T 0 .
. 1 v�-�'.,)'T- . i . . I � me from 40ges to warw leis MeTATty, ROY Rut- . I ....
! I :11. � F ,changed,hjA As' Apple$, Fras ,A p1jftro .1
. T �X,W.�.�:";� .
I I ? nabas, meaning ."Son of Constols. . � Nelgon 11oultiop, Ward �owckll, 4W, ,�":.�� t
I - , 1� I
. � I . . I . tiou", He was, regarded as the one lo"9`1 Alma gallows;, collection ... 1;A. '"Al
I I 11 1 4 8ting, tO Vesta Tabb, ... RE
I �� ., best,fitted to carry their pe, �tablos'from school garden, llht . u�"*! .
1 . j .L '. the young church at AMOCO, which *9 . I -, . . I
01 "t 1, on of S. j%. No. 9. Colb6tut'. . � . I
. I . . ; 111;lk".11, I
I . � jt�f�X'�';'L
� 4p*. va. Hort 1� � .
.. 1��,,,
. - ' . I ;,,',�,`�. I
I ,,, `�,, �
! tattered far - t.�.-,..,s�.�,,i
, *
. . . I I It was built up,oy those s DO'.VpS.TtO Se,'mN.09 11 �:�,�, 't, 1�,.,- -_ - - - - - ,
I S ,i' and wide by the.persecution 'Which I .
" I . ..da- �,
I I of Stephen. dmonli., -Margaret , '. - � ;,��,-�N,X . ,. ,.
follow-ed,tbe martyrdom. Apple Pit%, may Re , :�.��
.4'��i?�,�%',�'-,�- � �
, .
. I allows, V#Volyn Her. � � . .. I .,..,.;., .I:--- 1. .,
.�t?', 1 -,�,���.,:�:!.7.,��,��'�",,�.�:
I i Tarsus and Allen. M � W" i�;,--,4,��-.-, _�.,,,�' $ '..� 1,
, . . .11 � From there he went to . lldred,,9. M��.:�;':",.*,X.-, I li, , , , .;
II � ` .. '' � � .�
r�� , .1 I - 1�1, `x- -.; 14"�i,,.. - %,; �%
.. , . , I . �1.4.3_ - . �i 1 �'.1,�..
. I.. , . - -
. I. .1 .11, '/1""', bro, - ..`k'*-,,, 1.�,;;,. "� � ,,, I.. .-','.;,�,:: 'i. � ; I:_
I . � I . . I , :�,�, . I I 1, " . . I I ugbt Saul back with ,him and to- to* Gladys Taylor, Millon, , 4YAM, . , I . .,YX ..1.,.11;1.,- I..,. �� " ..'��'::', _IX �_ .__., -
. . _'. ---- " :�� -
. , , , I I .: I gether the' .,d the - VI'Ve nA11, I)OW's I - kx,%,:-�; . _
, , L . :. I . . 1. � 7 ptanted and waterg jjjgi�t loyer clikO. ;%ill;7; �� . ,� I . � ...
I . , , , _ , L
. � * 11 , 1. Chris Hill, � .g.;..S,,,;, *�.,* '-� � I., - -
� � L '-�4 growilig- church. When -the - ,- ��..'.� -.'..'!I
.4ar� ,�
. . . �,JeWnjnneyj. MJP,&AVL Tat)))' R.... S, " I W ,
I I , "...'..'30,011 -
, .� �; " � . � ,.,-Q;. ,.. .;,:(�, ".. ....
, - tians at -Antioch war � WX`W y . - ; . 6.. ...
KFll�:��1.111.1 ..O.;,F, .. - "
. e, , a warned that U rrisnci-j� M i$11.?'_ '" .� . . .,.!
; 1: ):: � , QC,iatty, Isabel Trndfill; ..
. � 1� 'Waltors. M LL..", 11
. I .. 1. - , jamine was, coming in 'Judea they holue.nifido caudy, Dorothy '151R;`.O� .. i, -1.
" ,
�, . ��,, I . �. ." . -': _ . - I : I . 1,lielia, 1;,Isller.. Nelson 310111401as 31011 .,.jp,,- "'... � � I
. . I , I'' � i sent a liberal of-ino by the hands nor Tyu- , I . � .1 . I I .
I . I � . I ,� , ! .j of garuabs-; tAnd Saul, thus Confirm lit so . I
. �'
. . - . , I , 1. :: I *1 . * . him as -,la god � Grqon, Ala . tlowo, Plea % , . 4 . . . I
I . . -, : ` � i Ing,, ... ,oil of the 1, WhItO 'id, Antella Schult4li- .. .., .. .
I . . � . ? an Thelina Lowldk. 11,
� I , . .
. "I 4 1 - ins , I .1 ..
. .� It , tf . � 144110mrs,' Annie Tab% .()live ". 'Goo ,
their belief lit brQl
� : Holy 'Ghost and dall iabb, :
I . torts, St - 110 T 61wa llo*,
. - I Of faith . . Ullilred , hinney; toll I)JAMIlts, .. � mawmwisj� . 1,
I I I . : I I . ; , Soot. gild-piml the Apogtle--Aetli Hill, Isabel Mew ,.. . � . . . .
� .
. , . . . . . . , I 11--
, � — .� , �. . 1, ... I
. . .. 1. 1. ., 1 �,�:. � . . . . . . �, -1 I . . 22.135-111; PhIL 3-7-14 . : Alm! j4aljow�4, Gladys Taylor. ,,gildred �: When, you buy SURPRISE .
. ,,,, ,,, . ., , .1 I am it Itylin, Winnie Wilson, � I I I
. . ;, I. I I �, -, " � Paul, on returning to Jerusill sallows, 1,1111a . , vostit -1 ��'.. I
1*�11, Mac* (),lye Hill.
, I , .1 , oittmeal . eookles, . right, solid bar
� I "t I , � I a missionary tour through . . you get a bigo bn
I , I � : ,I from . '�V,',�.;�,� . . . .
� X41 1 11 edonin was set 11116 ygia.. school luncil, � I 0,�* ,
I.! n b a - mob. and ,rabb, Hazel Law1or, Atildred SAIlOws, ;
P 1� -�- I'll IT, I-A�,,xv,, I hold -
I ..__:;��
I I 1, , dragged from the TOMP a- On being 01AV-0 HIII, Lililan It , ;X,>%�'.��' ouft
I %;emk' � of thic highest gtRde'h
I i Christine RObOtts0n, Isifiry !_ . .
.11 ., . I . taken in charge by the captain ,9f 1,44thot Tabb, n, r'vei'vis , ,,�;��:-Z;;;.:I:. . .1 1. -
. . I I - 4 an op ortull, Redmond. NoMon Atoulde .� ,M*--�: § � � *- d)j't Is jjwtya the samd.
.. - 'r ..� the, band 'he was glvf� '�. -4,:�. .411 I . I
., _1. 11 I d . � i�.�y� �;"'�; simip .. I
1-4, 1 1 " . '. , " ! ro'wd. We tOI 11orton, Boy UOU01190- . P _,�'�; � 7 1 �
, ., ity to speak to the �c ��,,Wli`.� *� �
. . . . '. � � � I � 'Atl�;� . .
.. I : I . .
. �
I I _ I I them ho he.bad been, before he be- "', .. -V I .
- $13WIN0 , ,_ . -
. . w , I" � *7'ir., Wo I I
, . . . .;:� . ,*. .
I i-Aw-',�;.��:i �
I ...:"- N . Jeame a Christian, as zealous a Jew , . handkorehlot, - nolot ,I _ I A Tur*�_H.Ard Sion. - -
.. � I T. �,-�# vx., I ,_ .
� . van periketuting the sect to .110miditelloil g,!�,§r i ....� .,.e
. I �1.:-; I
so they, a _ Rol,ertgoij, i,jargaret ';'. �
.1 I *�
I. , � I I
� I. I
t I
� ,�- - �
, IM
, '. , Pm*d 8J�
� riw*ft X" U=W= CIMWIW
I . ` �
. .. . After this Tabb. D0rOth--Y - .�_ "'..'.
I .,. - ""'. .
, �
,,, , ,�4 - :;,�.�,,:� .1 . .
I ", which he now belonged. � If'. . I .
I -_
. . I � be described Isis conversion, telling Allfil. 11,11011- 111trily, Thelma, Lawlor "I ,
� 1
� �, � , ItIffing, ()IIVA I . ". , ''
I I resus ,appeared to him 1111; iliall's dress raillive . ',
. , how the Lord J * , 1-i.",.. _,.% ! ... 1. .,
, . . �. it, convincing him he Long, Christfilt. RobertFion; knitted . _.: 11.11 r11.o-1;, , �.,
� * and spoke to hit, , . ".; 1-1 , .1 p I ,
. & 'L � I I esslah. From this rd Young, Chrimthas �. I , " �";'. -, I
I '. " . 'Was the true A garviOnt, HOwA,, - I I .
I - I egme a Christian flottertson, 1,11thil, Tabb, 3111dred 14al . i '.' �,7� � i 7 � 11
� - , - -W -
� , time forward he Ix mod. 101114- I :; " .i 4 �1, ,,e,.L..,�o I
. 4 __ I
I .
. * � tter part of the Hill; plalo hom
. . % � lowg. Olive 1-. � � I -
I I zealot and In the In Veda - 111111,101 ! 0 ;
. ;. the things he had I tobertson, _�__. "
i *L�_
�;# on showed bow kerchief, 01`101110 I I �� loom
. 11 1. I � . ''. . less -4-i -a most wortho 10"W, Annie TAM), 114001 Tylidith. ;RRR�1-111 wo - - 4-- __ � ___ � __ .
J "
I ,� I 1. . � I in, J,,,,lit,, �jarsjj, glearlor Tyndall; om- . __ . - I 11 . � .-
. I—, � A fo erjiY,- irrisar 0 1 1
t 11 . � '� .1 I - I I I . . whlu were now as nothing, I . I "' .
, 1:: � 10 . "'i i 4, :
! .,�: . , , I I ,- 1 comparison with -the .
.... . .. � I / I . . I `� .1 11 - follower - of Christ, He was , I" 0
. I . . . '4` .
I I I I . � . - 46si� o . . - , jo I., �K�e . I
, ..
, , ,
11 . I _41, : I � ,, 1; . . need 'be for 110100 11, cotton, Margaret Amn, N,ir wtL , - " .
�w � 11.1 willing p. '117E "
,thel ,.Val,l), Howarti. Youtig.1 button
I I!. . i. even to suffer death it � 'EK49ND - r'"^
gain in being a broldered 1111tiftis. Margaret Alltnt ULS
� :, I " , * . . :'' ... � .1 I his faith. I garpt AlItcholl, Annie Edward", 111ell" IT. 1 .., '. . .... k I .
- , . . I . . . '. I 11 I IMP ' . '
It _� - I � 11 . : "I . I .. 1. . I'll I .1 11 OP. .. I I %h�4oha Mark, Attis 12021 95 nor ii;ndall, (;Iadys Taylor, Amills. .
. I . . Ak -ALL-- � � Soot,( I 0, 2 Tint. 4111. t;ijanoia: patob an cotton, A-10rgar" . : I I
, 1 I., I I 1, 111'4 �� .. � �. 1. to 134.ry;,15.,30-41, ,,Do I rothy 1,.ol)(oroon. Margaret . . ., �
. I i I I 11 I , - ;� . - . .. I .. - -,".- I 1� to references 'in these Passages 31141116 . I WALKLA, S - . . I .
. I I � .11 1-11-11.--11 I _,.__.._._ T) at . . L�
I . '.1 ',' , r, 1. I 1, 11.11.1 I.— I I I I 11,-_11-11 . to 4obn Mark are, in connection with Allin-l',1110lHardy, (41adYA T11,01'r- � . . . 11 1111111NOWN0 I
I " �� %r4 - siol"Mis— �
I .1 11 Z *, "'j, . i . . 1. 1, , ;1� incidents in the lives of Peter, Blirna- ,5f, oy Redmond. . 0 d �OsM I .
VA . " , � r . , : - __ - _ j
� I I . f , �,* i /f":,� I � comes into notice I WAI, TUA1%1X(; ,
I . I I I 4% . I I I I i has and Paul. Hi WAN
. , . �b .. I . - ��;> ". . - 0 Or -, � I- ' I
.0 .. � . ..... r �. .. t 4 I first When peter, on being miracul- . illodol Ill. wood, boys 10,nild fill . ,
� I . I I - I , All"
, I I . . . . , , I ously delivered from Wigan, made his ),,�, r,rrI0gto)l, FfIJU41111 A111111 M, tress Spedials at Walk 's for the . ,i( , 1
1 1 1� . der, Ri. At . .
. .*, I C?�, , _1, r -way to the house of Mary, the - 111011,, ally model In wood,
I �, ,f � I ;O�sr>� Moth i � .
. - � (.- 11 . , J)usseall Sit I . - .
.� �F; . , I - . I
. � I I � . ,,, 'It� I Mark. Then he beging"life Its lwys ovor 10 yi-A. F. Horton. W. Jew. Week End . ,'� � " ,X
'. � . . . ., i';- I � I r , , I I or of lent under Barissbas and Paul, . . . � �, I , - .. It"
% . . 4.f 1. i! I A a stul -, oil Willie Trobtle, NOIN011 SlOuld'"; . � . �� . !s � .1
I ,�, ..... 1. .1 . panies them on their first mis , for io.00.
- I .. � - . 11 � accoin , -weary -six 1j.,UWtA_ �jlotp, Clavitim Ho1wrtNout I
1� . . , ,olt-USUMS - . . I . I -1i 1
I � .. - slonary 10MO r, - but growing buiieoll 10111kin---N. - - sit"Won;All-Miyer It .,at;m4*4-__ _ -11 I .. I
. _3 . . ., I
"I ... ,
\ � big departuro Roy Rutledge. , I I
1� I or discouraged, be tO0 lat. ,�jouldpll. it, 1;sxtor, wimp Wi,blelt . (juava teed'Coil �pring% at WAIWO, any Sizes for $7.90. , ,
I � back to Jerusalem. Some time khoulorgon. a k �, I
% wanted to give John pjweiiil, patch oil bA9. F'. I . ly, . ;1 I
%11, . er Barliabas � haute, but Paul would ,.S,ATj*jtF, ATVl)V These prg'ces for This weith-end on I ( ft..
I Markatiother e . . I
I .: \ I I not consent, and they Parted coni- Collection of 20 "allied W(fedq. All(Av- 1. . .. I . . � .1. ��*#A-�- I . .
I 1� 11 . . 11 ...... -1 __ ally, having shown to the world by Ing development from g(ted to nl1ttUr- . _J
1 !�� . p
% % I __ - -_ � 11:111,11, L*010% I im dw C*1460" � Xf � 410"46 At 64 this quarrel that the best of I Mel ! . I � I __ � . * 0
� . I &ter years ,PAU — . ices on Some Farni I
\ , I ���� 9 I Is at 40 of Kwat Irta"Idow, _ ___ - are but men- In. I a. Very Special Pr "'
,. 4 YJOW loft 060" jim ..&Alte *0 tho shor" of "it#
I - Adisli osi or"Tt"A from . A � 'k 'L so"I
- titink better of 0 ,_ _�
I , I aastw O" *Iwo out to 9 , in I g path on Mount ]PAIMew to 04& jig V.21 11 Ill , eying 11 , .
. I quaint Stark and sent f . do . hire Tv&en in bulm"ge
. ddard. ItS futtliShiligs Are am and Best Mono . IR 1W
. 0'ejill ,v OS75 fgtt jiblive lAke Go .. c Tes MOO . L to or . � - minis r . ", 11 . ... 1.1-11 .
\ , g alefty .1 I I I A, ". , '' ,
. . �
. I �1 �1101 , .�, " ,,, isoidli AIZ,td enj6y j% dtip,of tea And tus*-, - , I � If 41-11.. e 1i 0 . , gighist tult tlw is profiftblo to . I -11 ,,, ,,, "I 1� " � - "', . .11 - '" I,,, � %, 4 0 11'
% T The loodiltuffs, are delivered #Y00 *11i . , U, 21ra, 0 Sept. 16th -1,14 . e �tA fty 0 11 # I 'It &D VO4 Some 1&3�Afh' �i*l�k
\ in delightful 811tr6madings 'a one of k poiy ftom. the Chateau. Two. quitint, little lot . . I ld;'14. in&fi Tile ptices sivou below WI . . ��
,tove to, morning bY P40.1 . . elk Mount 'Falrdswo sitlan-Luke ; Z
re ;
r '\.the attl .ttions Offered VW� fuel for eAla, sitoatfd 9.15; 'Cot. 4.,. 4111 Wte y w6 have to offor. .
I ItAo 14u, Ise, Alta. Tesv houses Oft C�attiu ,Luke LOulsei-evell �ed in overlooks SaddlebAck X61hit*111, " - 'on leather, good as nowt
Ar4 Of a the cook stoves Is U4118POtt called because of Its rock fOrmsti" Luke, in, his historical narratives ALc - . . I only, com, uptioisterea in imitmi
. ,l)4ountalls peaks were usshe this Way. 0 the tea toom there being oinsilar to A ood4ls. it Uk" written about the Acts of the Apos- whet% tile "M . .
I $ovir years ago, but torAxy there alre In Addition U concisa ac -count of for $10.00.
. SL dozen Of them situated In Assortment of Isn- Almost two hours by "fir t isake, ties, gives it � I
. At 1#601t Is 'An sttrative 6 poulsi vision whet! 0, man of Mace. to, camplete,in antiqUe 1U'%b0g1k4y'fiU1%ll"
tio'C"itillan Rotkk's- ioul parts Of, the over a aftep %hoax trail, peared to him Alld invited sUeunopetiedo I I only, 11carooro ,& wash Uti,nd and drimtser, $20 -ft
the "llp ich call be xetst wilidiAt doitia AP 5 ", W, springai Mattress,
f Tvi, Of the most pictaTosque ate tiqpes from ,ai during the winter from Wit ch. the gospel in his � Pi
the 0 hivet on this aborel; of Like 916e. collected k9y attexilas And tushitc, btokil 060w hint to tea- . - ., Weboard, beaut
T 41 by ,Rl Pum, n"ch ' Rally lumd carved *3510
,"I ' Ailts soil a half Inonths by Miss Dodd�, who U8111 1101, fircompartic P I only, solid Walnut 8
i 4,71,100ut two r et abroad, sando, of feet below. #at hosts, like W,47 -iii! Luktk, Webt to PhiliPlil, the a ., I � . I
I $.rom th4 cbsteau and, the other a go Ate may surptistsof st-eme This tea room And V 3V D,odjA , �jjef city of U*eedonis, but for cer- "I _ ..-
Therep trail a the .#d by, As 1001mvenwrit, �. __ _ -
rustle loj,�abin on the top Of 901ftist a tea ,,8eebjv#,,, is own tain days found no one to ttceivt �
Valkiiag��ftd pty excur- beauty Along th, and oporittItil by Wils X, IL Vky"OA. I . i
viullm. 1-1 � st Iftbevest-1 — . � tussm. AfterwAVIS th jqmod 4 - . the 6,09ts"
I" -I- --- 1111f"hisillaft the vat 11 _. ..1-_-_A1___ uk-wil- 6;H611ke ty � 4"Ofters the th"IN to 41"MYS
IA . todlolwl
" #
I. �,_� �, ,,, —"-
he I
zm"� I
i D I 121 * took "11, I Z 61""tZ
hL_L1*1t*df Moow"16
. i
t IN L
Phowis: Stafe 89# HIOUSO, 197J - ,)
I _1_416, __ L, � � I -- - ��, A ---- Awiaft.& '� __,___ _�4,,,- ""'. ' �'r_ ' j� _ I. . I . I ., _ - � 1- - - � -_ I _. I . I - -�
Ill . j_i�,_. _A — ______ - -_ --- _
�, -b� -4 . - 2,11;f6� A, __ -1
I ". I . 'I',
, .1 , I