HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-7-29, Page 3RELIGIOUS BELIEFS The Origin of Sectarianism and a Remedy to Cure Its Evil Tendencies. A Characteristio Sermon by Elev. Dr. Talmage—Wrong Education in the Home Circle—Intolerance Never Accomplished Anything—God's Sunshine Kills E3igotry. Washington, July 24.—In his sermon to -day Dr. Tallow shows what secteri. aniszn really is, is origin, evils and cure. The text was Judges xi, 6: "Then sale they unto tem, Say now shibboleth, and be mid sibboieth, or ae could oov frame to pronounce it reglat Then they took bine an sow bim at tiles pamages of Jordan." Do you notice the difference or pronun elation between shibboleth Wed sibbeleth? A. very small and unimportant difference, on say, awl yet that difference was the difference betweele life and death for o treat roanY people. The Lord's people, Gileati end Ephraim, got tut. a great ilght, and Rphraim was worsted, and on the retreat came to the fords et the river ;Jordon to cross. Order was given that all Ephratenitee coming Owe be stein. Bue bow coUld it be found out whet Were Ephraitnitee They were deteeted by their pronunciation. Shibboleth Nvas a word that steed Or river. The Ephraimites had a brogue of their own, and when the tried 0 Fay "shibboleth." always len out the sonnd of the "h." When it was asked that they sey^ shibboleth, they said sibbo. letb, and were slain, "Then they said mio unto him, say now shiblioleth, and lie said mbboleth, for he cetald not tram° to pronounce it right. Theu they took him and slew Mnf at the passages of Jordan." A very small difference, you say, between Gilead and Ephraim, and yet bow much intolerance about that small difference. The Lord's tribes in our time—by which 1 mean the differeot denominations of Christlaus—sometimes magnify a very small difference, Ana the only difference between scores a denominations to -day is the difference between shibboleth and sibboletb. The (Antra a God is Melded into a great number a denomination% Time Vomit* fail me to tell of the Calviniste, and. the Arioinielts, and, the Sabbatiri. tans, and the Ikatteriane, end the Dun - kers, and the Shattere and the Quakers. and the Methodists' mad the Baptiets, and the Eplicepalians, and the Lutherans, and the C011gregati011alist$, and, the Presbyterians, and the $pirinuiliets and a More of other denoreinatione Of relig Motet% some a them founded by very good man, some of them founded by very egotistic men, mine of them founded by very bad niers. But as 1 demand for my- self liberty a conscience I must give that earne liberty to every other man. remain- beriNg that he no more differs from me than I differ from him. I advocate the largest liberty In all religious belief aud form oa Worship. In art lit polities, in Inerals and in religion let there be no gag law, 40 moving of the previous question, no persecution, no intolerance. You know' that the air and the water keep pure by constant circulation, and I think there la a tendency in religious dis. ellssiOn to purification and moral health. BetWoon the foutth and the sixteenth centuries the church proposed to make people think aright by prohibiting dis- cussion, and by strong eeneorship of the press and rack and gibbet and hot lead down the throat tried to =he people orthodox, but it was discovered that you Cannot change a ma's belief by twisting off his heed, nor maim a MUD see differ- ently by putting an awl through his eyes. Thera is eometlePg in a inan's conscience which will hurl off the mountain that you threw upon it, and, unsinged of the fire, out of the flame will make red wings on which the martyr will mount to glory. In that tirae of which I speak, between the fourth and sixteenth centuries, people went from the house of God into the most appalliug iniquity, and right along by conseerated altaes thero were tides of drunkenness and licentiousness such as the world neyer heard of, and the very sewers of perdition broke loose and flood- ed the church. Atter awhile the printing press was freed, and it broke the sbackles of the buman mind. Then there came a large number of bad books, and where there was one man hostile to the Christian religion there were 20 men ready to ad- vocate it. So I have not any nervousness in regard to this battle going on between truth and error. Tho truth will oonquer just as certainly as that God is stronger than the devil. Let error run if you only let truth run along with it. Urged on by ske,ptio's shout and transcendentalist's spar, let it run. God's angels of wrath aro in hot pursuit, and quioker than eagle's beak clutches out a hawk's heart God's vengeance will tear it to pieces. Phases or Sectarianism. I pr000se to speak to you of sectarian- Ism—its origin, its evils and its cures. There are those who would make us think that this monster with borne and hoof.; Is religion. I shall chase it to its hieing place and drag it out of the cav- erns of darkness and rip off its hide. But I want to make a distinction between bigotry and the lawful fondness for peon - liar religious beliefs and forms of worship. I have no admiration for a nothingarian. In a world of such tremendous vicissi- tude and temptation and with a soul that must after awhile stand before a throne of insufferable brightness, in a day when the rocking of the mountains and the limning of tbe heavens anti the upheaval of the seas shall be among the least of the excitements, to give account for every e thoeght, word, action, preferenoe and dislike—that man is mad who has no religious preferenoe. But our early edu- saelon, our physical tenaperaraent, our Mental constittation will Very much de- cide our form of worship. A style of psalmody that may please me may displease you. Some would like to have a minister in gown and bandit and surplice, and others preter to have a minister in plain citizen's apparel. Some are most impressed when a little child is presented at the altar and sprinkled of the waters of a holy benediction "in the , name of the Father, and of the Son, and , cd the Holy Ghost," and others are raore ; Impressed when the penitent coulee up out of the river, his garments dripping ; 'with the waters of a baptism Ythiela sig- : stifles the washing away of sin. Let either have his ow o way. One man likes t no noise in prayer—not a word, not a , whisper. Another man, just as good, pre- fers by gesticulation and exclamation to exprom his devotional aspirations. One io Pest as good as the other, "Every mals fully persuaded in bis own mind." George Whitefield was going over a Quaker rather roughly for some of his religious sentiments, and the Quaker said: "George, 1 ani as thou art. I am for bringing en men to tbe hope of the gospel. Thereiore, it thou win not quar- rel with me about my broad brim, I will not quarrel 'with thee about thy black gowo, George, give me thy hand." In tracing out the religion ef sectarian- ism or bigotry I find thav a great deal of coaxes from wrong education in the home circle. There aro parents who do not think it wrong to caricature and jet, the peculiar forms of religion in the world and denounce other sects and other denominations. It is very often tne ease tbet that kind of educatiou acts lust op - Posits to what was expected, and the ithileiree grow up and after *While go and see for theneselven and, looking in those ohurehes and Audios that the pea - pie are good there awl they love God and keep his commandmeuts, by natural re- action they go and join those very oburchen 1 cordd mention the mimes oa prominent Tao:esters of the gospel wile spent their wleolo lives bomberdieg other elellelnillationS and who lived to the their ebildren email the gospel in those very denominations. But is is often the eaee that bigotry starts in a household, and that the subject of it never recovers. Thera are tens of thousands of bigots 10 years old. I think sectarianism awl bigotry also rise trona too great pronaluence deny one denomination in a community. Ail the other denominatiens are wrong and his denomination is right because his down- illaTiOn le the meet, wealthy or the most popular or the most influential, and it is "our" olturch, and "our" religious be said that it he thought there was one drop of Lather:to blood 'n hie veins he would puncture toom and let that drop out. Just as icnIg as there is so much bostility between denomination, end do- oominetion Or between one professee Christian and ariother, or between one ohurch and another, so long men will be disgusted with, the Christian religion ana say, "If that is religiou, I want none of Again, bigotry and sectarianism do great damage in the tact that they bin- der the triumph of the gospel. Oh, how much wasted amtuunitioo! How many men of splendid intellect have given their whole life to controversial disputes when, if thee had given their lite te something practical, they might have been aastlee useful. Suppose, \allele I speak* there were a common enemy coming up the bay and all the forts around the harbor began to tiro into each other. You would cry out: "National suicide. Why don't those forts blaze away lo ono direcnon and that against the common enemy?" And yet I sometimes see in the thumb of che Lord Jesus °twist a stream() thing going on—church against ohne, a, minister against minister, demamination against denomination, firing away into their own fort, or the fort which ought to in on the slime side, instead of consecrating their energy tinil giving ono mighty and ever- lasting volley against the navies a dark- ness riding up ehough the bay I go out sometimes in the summer, and I find two beehives, and these two hives are in a quarrel. I COMO near onougo not to be stung, but I come jest near enough to beer the controversy, and no beehive seye, "That field of clover is the sweetest," and another beehive says, "That geld of clover is the sweetest." I come in between thorn, and I say; "Stop this quarrel, If you like that field of Waver best, go there, If you like thls acid et plover best, go there. But let MO toll you that that hive which gots the most honey is the best hive!" f-.10 I have come out between the ohnrolies of the need Jesus (theist Qua denomination of Ohistions says, "That field of Christian doctrine is the WNW' Well 1say, "Go \vinare you get the most honey,, Ehar is the best church whieh gets the most honey of Christi= grace for the heart awl the most honey Of MOW= Wiefulnees for the 1;1:e. Besides that* if you want to build tip any denomination, you will never build it up bY trying to pub Seine ether down. Intolerance never pin anything down. Bow numb has intelerence accomplished, ergailieelelen, and "our" choir, autt ter instanee, ageittait the alethoslist "our" minister, and ;he roan tome.; bie choral? For long, years her zulnietry head and wants other denomination -1 to Were forbidden the pulpite of Great Bra - know their places. It is a greet deal het- Min. Why wee it thee so meny ef them Ter in any community when the great preeeheil in the lieldsr Simply beeause denominations of Christians are :name they could not get in the churches. And equel in power, marching side by Nide for the name of the chervil was given in clo- the world's conqueet. Mere outside ions. risen] and as a sereeein. 'alio ()Mice of suere worldly power, le no evidence tiler tho church le acceptable to Clod. the einneh said. "They have no order, they have no »lethal in their worship," Better a barn with Christ in the manger anal the (Titles therefore in irony called than a cathedral with magnificent har- them "Methodists." mouice rolling through the long drawn I am told that in Astor library. :dew aisle anti an augol irom heaven 1» the York, kept as curiosities, there aro 707 auzipit if them be no Cnirst in the (than- books and pamphlets against 'Method - eel and no MOM in the robes, Wu. Ind intolerance stop that church? No. Iv is either first or second amid the denominations of tebristendom'her mis. sionary stations in all parts of the world, her men not only important in religious trusts, but impel -Mut in Secular trusts, Church meacleno"on, sold the more lutol. era= against itthe faster it mantled. Intoierauce Notitina. What did intolerance accomplIsh agabast the Buptise church? If laughing morn and tirade could have destroyed the churoh, It would not haeo to -lay a disciple left. The Baptists were hurled out of Boston In olden dines, Those who ,sympathized with them wore imprisoned, and when a petition was offered asking leniency in their behalf all the men who signed it were indicted. Has intolerance stopped the Baptist !thumb? The last statistics in regatta to it showed 44,000 ohurcbes and 4,000,000 communicants. - Intolerance never put down anything. In England a lilW Nsas made against the Jew. England thrueli back the Jew and thrust down the :kW, and deolared that no Jew sbould hold official position. What came of it Were the .Tows destroy- ed? Was their religion overthrown? Na. Who became Prlmo Minister of England? Who was next to the throne? Who was higher than the throne because he eves counselor and adviser? Disraeli, a Jew. What were we celebrating in all our churches as well as synagogues only a few years ago? The ono hundredth birth- day of Montefiore, the great :Jewish philanthropist. Intolerance never yet put down anything. oeit now, my friends, having shown you the °right of bigotry or secearianism and having shown you the damage it does, I want briefly to show you how we are to war against this terrible evil, and I think we ought to begin our war by realizing our own weakooss and our itn- perfections. If we make so many mistakes in the common affairs of life, is it not possible that we may make mistakes in regard to our religious affairs? Shall we take a man by the throat or by the collar because he cannot see religious truths just as we do? In the light of eternity it will be found. out, I think, there was something wrong in all our creeds and something right in all our creeds", but sinee we may make mistakes in regard to things of the world, do not let us be so egotistic and so puffed up as to have an idea that we cannot make any inis tate in regard to religious theories, and then I think we will do a great deal to overthrow the sectarianism front our heart and the sectarianism from the world by Wetly enlarging in those things in whioh we agree rather than those on which we differ. Now, here is a great gospel platform. A man comes up on this side of the platform and says "I don't believe in baby sprinkling." Shall I shove him off? Hero is a man coming up on his side of the platform, and be says, "I don't be- lieve in the perseverance of the saints." Shall I shove him off? No. I will say: "Do you believe in the Lord Jesus as your Saviour? Do you trust him for them and for eternity?" He says, "Yes." "Do you take Obrist for time and for etern- ity?" " Yes." 1 say, "Come on, brother! One in time and one in eternity. Brother now, blather forever." Blessed be God for a gospel plattorm so large that all who receive Christ may stand on it. Noble Institutions and Noble Mon. I think we may overthrow the severe sectarianism and bigotry ha our hearts and in the church also by realizing that all the denominations of Claristians bave yielded noble institutions and noble men. There is nothing that ao stirs my soul as this thought. One denomination yielded a Robert Hall and an Adonirara Judson • another yielded 'John Wesley and the .blessed Surninerlield, while our , own de- nomination yielelecl John Knox and the Alexanders—mon of whom the world was oat worthy. Now, I say, it we are bon - est and fair mewled men, when we come Bigotry and Ignorance. Bigotry is otten the chile. of ignorance. You seldom And a man with largo Intel. lot wbo is a bigot. It is the man who thinks he knows a great deal, but does not. That man is almost always a bigot. The whole tendenoy of education and eivilization Is to bring as man out of that kind of state of mind and heart. There was in the far east a great obelisk, and ono side of the obelisk was white, another side of the obelisk WOS gram, another side Of the obelisk was blue, and travelers wont and looked at thee obelisk, but they did not walk around it. Ono MOD looked at once side another at another side, and they came bone, eaeh ono lookine at only one side, and they happened to meet, the story. says, and they got into a rank quer- rol about the color of that obelisk. One man said it was white, another man said it was green, another man said it was blue, anti whon they wore in tbo very heat of the controversy a more lutelligent traveler value and said: "Gentlemen, I have seen that °Misr, and you are all right, and you are all wrong. Why didn't you all walk around the obelisk?" Look out for the man who sees only one side of a religious truth. Look out for the man who never vvallts around about these groat theories of God and eternity and the dead. He will be a bigot inevitably—the man who only sees one side, There is no man more to be pitied than he who bas in bis head just oue idea—no more, no less. More light, loss sectarianism. There is nothing that will so soon kill bigotry as sunshine—God's sunshine. So I have set before you what I con- sider to be the causes of bigotry. I have set before you the origin of this groat evil. What aro some of the baneful effects? First of all, it cripples investigation. You are wrong, and I am right, and that ends it. No taste for exploration, no spirit of investigation. From the glorious realm of God's truth, over which an archangel might fly from eternity to eternity and not reach the limit, the man shuts him- self out and dies, a blind mole under a corn shook. It stops all investigation. While each denomination of Christians Is to present all the truths of the Bible. it seems to rne that God has given to emit denomination an especial mission to give particular emphasis to some one de trine, and so the Calvinistic churches must present tbe sovereignty of God. and the Arminian churches must present mania free agency, and the Episcopal churches must present the importance of order and solemn ceremony, and the Bap- tist ohnrches must present the necessity of owl, oaneee, and the congregational anemia must present the responsibility of the individual member, and tbe Methodist church must thew what holy enthusiasm, hearty congregational singing, can amain- plish. While each denomination of Chris- tians must set forth all the doctrines of the Bible, I feel it is espeolally incum- bent upon emit denomination to put par tioular emphasis on some one doctrine. Damage Done by Se.otarianism. Another great damage done by the sectarianism and bigotry of the church is that it disgusts people with the Christian religion. Now, my friends, the church of God was never intended for a war bar. reek. People are afraid of a riot. You go down the street, and you see an excite - meat and missiles flying through the air, and yeti hear the shock of firearms. Do you, the peaceful and industrious oitizen, go through that street? Oh, nol YOU Will say, "I'll go around the block." Now, men cote° and look upon tine narrow path to heaven, and sometimes me the ecclesiastical brickbats flying every whither, and they say: "Well, I guess I'll take the broad road. There is so much sharpshooting on the narrow road I guess' I'll try the broad road!" Frarihts I. so hated the Lutheran(' that uP in the presence of such churches and suce denominations. although they may be different from our own, we ought to admire tame aud we ought to love and honor them. Churches which can produce such men, and such large hearted °bar- ite', and such megnificerzt martyrdom ought to win our affechon—at any rate our respect, So come oo, ye 600,000 Epee, copellans in this ocuutry, and yo 1,400,- 000 Presbyterians, and ye 4,000,000 Bap- tists, and ye 5,000,000 Methodists, come on. Shoulder to shoulder we will maren for the world's conquest, for all uations are to be saved, and God demands that you and I bele. Forward, the whole noel In the Young Monts Christiati associa- tions, in the Bible society, he the Tract society, in the Foreign elissionery soot- ety, shoulder to shoulder all denopaina- tions. Perbaps I might forcefully illustrate this teeth by teatime your attendee( to an inoklent which took place 25 years ago. Cate alotulay morning as about 2 o'clock., while her 900 passengers were sound asleep 10 her berths cireanling of home, the steamer Atlantio cradled into Biers' Head, Floe hundred souls in ten minutes landed in eternity! Oh, what a scene! ,Agonized men and women running up and down the gangways and clutobing for the rigging, and the plouae of the holplees steamer, aud the clapping of the hands ot the zuerollees sea over the drown- ing and the dead, threw two matinettin into terror. But see this brave quarter- master pushing out with the We line until he Ovate to the rook, auti See these lisherreen gathering up the shipwreeked end taking them into ehe cabMs, and wrapping them in the flannels snug and \Porto, and see thot minister 9f the gos- pel, with three other men, getting into a lifeboat and pushing oilt for the Wreck, pulling away across the surf, and pull ing away until they saved ene more roan, and then getting bad: with hiln to the snore. Can those men ever forget that nignt? Axul con they ever inept their conmenionsbig In peril, eonmeniottslaip iri (Angelo, compaulonship catastrophe and re,4eue? Never!, Neveri In whatever 'part of the earth they meet, they will be friends when they mention She story at that night when the Atlantie etruele Mars' Head. Well, my friends, our world lees gone into a \verse shipwreck, Stu drove it on the rocks. The old elaip bas lurched and tooted in the tempests of 6.000 yearn Oet with the life noel I do not care What denominate:al carries la Out with the lifeboiti I do not care whet denomination VMS 21.Side by side In the memory of common hardships and com• nom triels and common prayers and cern mon tears let us be brothers forever. We muse be One army ef the living God, To lei connuaud we bow; Part of the host here crossed the flood, And part aro crossing now. And 1 expect to see the day when all denominations of Christine -1 shall join hands around the cross of e innst and re cite the creoa: believe in God the Father Almighty, alaker or heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, and In the communion of saiuts, and in life ever lasting, .Amon" NEVER CARES TO WANDER. The Busy Bee Doesn't Like to Oe lIoro Than 5 Miles for Material. The range of the honey bee is but little undereteed by the masses, many suppos- ing that bees go for miles in quest of nectar, while others think that tboy go only a short distance. It may bo curious to many to understand bow any one can tell how far the bee may fly, but this is simple wben understood. Y eare ago whee, with the Italien bees were first in- troduced in the 'United States, these bees, having marks different to the common bees already hero, were easily disting- uished, and after any beekeeper had ob- tained the Italian bees they could be ob- ierved and their range easily noticed. If bloom Is plentiful near whore bees are located, they will not gozvory far, -per- haps a nine in range, but if bloom is scare° they may go five nines. Usually about three miles is as far as they may go profitably. Bees have been known to go as far as eight utiles in a straight line, crossing a body of water that distance to land. It is wonderful how the livtle honey bee can go so far from its home and ever find its way back to its own particular hive. If. while the little bee is out of its home, or hive, the hive should be removed some 10 or 20 Met, according to the surroundings, when it came beet to where its borne was first located it would be hopelessly lost. If its home was in au open space, with no other objects close, it might find its way home, but, even should the hive be zamoved only a few feet, many of the bees would get lost. So, to move a hive, if done in the win - San time, it would be all right, but if in the summer tinae it should be done after dark, or when the bees are not firing, and even then the bees should be stirred up some, and smoke blown in at the hive entrance and a board or some object placed in front of the hive so that the bees in coming out may mark their new location. Bees, no donbt, are guided by sight, and also by sense of smell. They are attracted by the color of bloom, as, if they are at work at a certain kind of bloom, they are not likely to leave that particular kind of bloom for any other as long as they can aura that kind. Again, bees are often attracted to sweets by their sense of salon, for they will go after sweets, even 12 10 the dark, if close. How- ever, any kind of sweets may be placed In glass in plain eight, but if covered so as not to emit any smell, the bees will Sake no notice of them. Nan 00. "Is marriage a failure?" one asked. "Yes," sale tho proprietor of the gents' furnishing store. .All noted his positive asseveration. "Because," went on the proprietor of She gents' furnishing store, 'when a mares single and wears holes in his hose he buys now ones, but when he's mar- ried his wife darns them for him." It seemed a selfish view to take of an important question. To Do What We cier,ot. To do what we ouglat is an altogether higher, diviner, mom potent, more crea- tive thing than to write tbe grandest poem, paint the most beautiful picture, carve the mightiest statue, or dream out the most enchanting, commotion of mel- ody and harmony. Precocious Indian Lads. Um extraordinary precocity of the dill- dren of India bas called forth the aston- ishment of a reeent traveler, who says Shat many of them are skilled workmen at an age when children aril usually learning the alphabet. VARIOUS NOTES. ----- — Pretty Acceesories to onenannany Bantle+ slonmer coetorees. A great deal of jew 'au 21 wern oven with out of door costa*: ,es, although die- cretion must be exercised with rApeet those. Jeweled butonle end, long. jw4.: (amine, with stickpins and breeches, or seen with street gowns --that Is, article:, NEW CRAVATS. which bave or pretend to have some use and aro not solely ornamental, like e bracelet. Out crystal balls are a novelty for ter - Initiating the handles of parasols. Carved Ivory handles are also revived, and various designs are seen, animels, birds, ere., be- ing favorites. Periums the newest pattern is the three plumed crest of tbe Prince of Wales. Embroidered black net is used for many tharming costumes this SOtiS011 over white, black or colored silk. Now is tbe time to utilize zion old lace which Iles become too touch worn to be beautieul as It ie, but retains its bold pat- teru intact, although the mesh bas been broken away. The lace may be applied to cloth or satin and the design embroidered clown with sill; or beads, the remnants of the mesh being afterward out out, leaving the design iocrusteci Ole tbo material. Ties forma a very fashionable and effective trimming, and is used. for revers, cuffs, yokes end collam. The sketch Illustrates two pretty cra- vats, The first is of pale pink mousseline do sole, the neck ruffle and. jabot being bordered whiz pink plaid, taffeta. The second is of orauge teffeta edged, with a tiay ruche of white numeseline de sole and bas a jabot of white lace embroidered with oninge baby ribbon. Jrnrc Cuor,r,nr. THE COIFFURE, Breferred Way of Arrnuglug tho Unir-41. ..tow Cont. For the fashionable coiffure the hair =thanes to bo waved. It is lifted to the top of the head, whore 15 is lightly twisted and forum a soft, upright loop. Orna- mental pins and combs are much worn. But little bait: is carried over tbe forehead --two tiny curls perlutpS, For a lowfore- head tho pompadour style is pretty, but a high forehead requires softening by a sur- rounding of light, fluffy looks. Tiny toques without a crown are SOM. Theyare composed of pufangs of tulle and a few flowers or ostrich tips, mod aro Just large enough to encircle the knot of hair at the tap of the bead. Hats lifted in front form a contrast to the general style, which dips down over the face, and aro usually more becoming, SILK COAT. as they show more of the hair in front. Flowers and fruits are the preferred trim - ening, those being garlanded about the crown and a cluster being placed in front under the brim next the hair. Wedding veils are square, being so ar- ranged that one corner falls over the face, the others being drawn back and held in place by being pinned to the hair behind. The veil may also be worn mantilla fash- ion, with the face uncovered, if it is pre- ferred; but the Erst style is the most pleas- ing. The illustration shows an attractive coat of bleek peau de sole. Bias bands of peau de soie outline a bolero and pass up to the collar at the back. The collar itself is of violet velvet, and small gold buttons adorn the open fronts. The tight sleeves ore quite plain. This style of coat is entirely new and may be made of satin or taffeta. The effect depends upon the flt entirely, as 00 triroraing is used, and the tailor made aspect is preserved as far as possible. JUDI° CROX.L.131T. "Lady Babble" Off the Stage. I saw Maude Adams the other day in a hansom and though she does not have the appearance of one who is on the verge of a collapse, as the papers would like us to be- lieve, she looked very thin and worn. She has the smallest face of any -woman I have ever seen, and with all her work and deli- cacy she is most remarkably young look- ing. On the stage in ber Babbie get up she looks like a little girl of about 16. In street dress you can see that she is a wom- an well on to 30, but a very well groomed and good looking woman. She dresses with tailor made severity and has not the leaet suggestion of the actress in her ap- pearance.--nTew York Letter. THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Mg Strange t (nu s d Peouliorities of the Nutivet, Oiled rage are useu for broom.'. Cettle aro no larger than octet% Women (teemed meat in nuinbere. Hats are worn only ley foreigners, All tbe women smoke large clears. Spareen soldiers march barefooted. The natives bathe three tittles a day. Water buffaloes are used for plowing. alanile was founded by Legaspi in 1571. All ',he inhabitants fall asleep at mid- day. Knives and forks tera maze:two in tit• Islamise Freedom of speech is absolutely prohl- bited Mauna is pronounced Mah-nee-la by the natives. Indians apci Chinese patronize the horse oar Hoes. In 1645 the city was nearly destroyed by an earthquake. ttstionpapbelre delicacy for the menu is the g The poorer olasses robe themselves in one yard of cloth. The common laborer receives as much as 10 cents a day. Mosquitoes are more formidable than Spanish gunboats. alleetricity is used for illuminating pur- poses in Manila. Manila has paid $4,000,000 to England as a ransom. - The yearly output of cigars from the PI:0111441MS is 140,960,000, Tbe (thief clocupaeion cit some of the savage natives is murder, The streets or the capital city are un- der water much of the time. Manila is considered commercially equal to Calcutta and Batavia, Visitors to the islands are not unreel,. ous. The earliest was Magellan. The high quality of the indigo is ao. knowledged throughout the world. The oil of the cocoa is used for lighting purposes throughout vle islands. The busbraen aro more dreaded than earthquakes, typhoons or plagues. The land is fertile, but the natives are too indolent and ignorant to cultivate it withliunthderebtles"ofrepsoutlotes; s have been sent to othrlite. the settlements, sand even deprived Horses are a curiosity. The few that bareralti.alsed in the islands are too small to The male halt -mete wears trousers and a trousers. The latter is not confined in the Tbe streets of Manila are unpaved. Dur- ing the rainy season they are impassable. The insurrection has been caused by oppressive greed awl a crushing rate of taxation. The British captured Manila in 1762 with a fleet of fourteen ships, and bold 15 for fifteen menthe. Delinquent taxpayers are whipped at the post, banished',' and their property confiscated. The atmosphere of Manila has been likened to the savour of cachous and the bite of rod poppers It is -estimated there are 1,200 islands In the group. There has been no official counting. For three years the United States im- ports front these islands have averaged. $7,000,000 a year. Primo de Rivera, Governor of the is. lands twice, mane an enormous fortune out of gambling licenses. The capital of the Philippines is Man- ila. Ie has a population of 200,000 and over 60,000 in the suburbs. In the Philippines they have butterflies as large as bats. Their color is fawn, and they have ruby eyes. The wealth of the man who wears a shirt is estimated by the fineness of its texture and the way it is worn. Manila is i•traegly fortified. There are long lines of /wavily mounted batteries and some forte along the bay. The streets of the city are lined with massive stone houses, sombre churches, and airy cottages in tropical groves. For 200 or 300 years insurgents in the islands have been increasing in numbers and strength of purpose. General Weyler was Governor of the islands for four years. Ire saved 21,000,- 000 out of his annual salary of $40,000. The chief diversion of Manila is the 000k -fight. The pit is as big as a circus. Four thousand spectators can be accom- modated. Houses are raised on posts to permit the water to flow under them in rainy seasons. They are built to withstand earthquakes. The niestiza of tho islands is supersti- tious and languorous. She bas been called the human butterfly. Her garments are silk, thin and loose. Tbe orchid, found in the jungles and difficult of access, sometimes commands $1,000 apiece. It takes months to stalk tbe "demon flowers." Spain's troublesome and impecunious nobies have always been sent to Cuba and the Philippines. 15 18 not ennsidered mannerly to question how they obtained their wealth when they returned to Spain. The Secret of Daintiness. Daintiness is that undetnable quality in a girl which causes her to appear more charming in her young, sweet freshness and tidiness than those around her; it is an attribute which is seldom inborn, but the result of canter% She is certain of makine a good impression where others ignominiously fail to do so, a foot which causes jealoosy and makes those who are not dainty look on with envious admira- tion and wish that they, too, possessed the subtle charm Daintiness, however, though not inherited, is the automate of babit. A girl is dainty because she has been accustomed to give thought and time to being agreeable to others. Thus it comes natural to her. Her wealth of hair, always so glossy and carefully trained, owes its dainty appearance to the fact that she brushes it regularly and fre- quently, and not solely wheat she feels in a mood to do so, or when she desires to look extra nice. Her pretty, soft hands, witb her shell-like pink nails, are always an immaculate comiltion, for ibis her habit and pride to keen— tbem spotlessly clean. Her person appears to shed awned her a fragrant perfume, delicate yet quite perceptible. This subtle fragrance conies front her dainty way of putting her dresses into drawers which contain sachets of sweetlyamoIling powder, the scent from which seems to be part of herself, With Those Who Suffer. We all need pereonal contact with those who suffer. The most certain softener of a man's moral skin and sweetener of his blood are, I am ;nre, domestic inter- course in a happy marriage and inter- course with the poor. Gladstone never appeared nobler than when he read the Bible to an old street sweeper in an Ratio.