HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-7-29, Page 1ELEVENTH YEAR., --564. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1898. C. H. SANDERS, EDITOR.. PARMaa PUR SALE, QE M N .Y TO LOAN. N, The uatders_igled has a few good farms for Sale cheap. Money to loan oa easy terms Jost Sl•ACKMA1i, Sa iswell's Block Exeter oN!♦Y TO LOAN. Weliave unlimited private fonds for in- vestment upon farm or )mage property, at lowestrates of interest. Liiexsux $ CAntaxa, Barristers, eta.. Exeter, 'VALUABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY EOR • SALE,. The undersigned is offering forsale that desirable and valuable property, situated on Moron Street, being part of Lot 21. contain. fig over five aures. There as on the premises a good brick house. con gaining seven rooms, with stone cellar, frame kitchen and wood- shed attached; a frame stable and other neeessar,y out -buildings; 45 0140iee Craft trees,. a good well of water and othereonveniences. Terms reasonable, apply at this *face or to SA311 t l i auszeaToit,Nxeter. FARM FOR ad.I4B _,.. The undersigned is offering his splcnaed farm, in the township of I'sburne, tor sale. being lot G. concession 3, containing acres. There is on the premises two gaud barns (one bank). and other good out -build. luggs;agool *r;une house. good wells and a splendid. orchard. 'i his is ono of the best farms in Vsborne. and will be sold reason. able. Intending purchasers Shou11 see this property before purchasing elsewhere. Apply to a1aTT.RvobANn n P. O., Ont VOTERS' LTAT, 1s:1e-MI'NICIPALITY OF THE VILLAGE OP I••lE T1•:I*. COUNTY OF HURON.--Notive is hereby given that I have transmitted, or delivered to the review, mentioned. in the Ord and atlt sections ni'the 'Voter.. List Act, the copies required by said section to bo so transmitted or tle1iver,'1 of the List. made pursuant to said net of all Persons apl'raring by the last ri.vise 1 asses,• meat roll ut the said Alunieipality to le ole. title,t to vote in tht,ssid Municipality at the elections for members of the Legislative As- seatbly.aud at theMuniciialrlectionc. and that said list was 11r+t posted at my ufilt .•, Tov'tt.tall. Exeter. on nth day of July, lm.n. and remains tint* for inspection. Electors are called upon to carmine the sit list. and it any omia+inn, or other errors ore sound therein to take immediate praceoitn„ s to have the said errors corrected aet•orling to law. M. Eat•r.1;rT, 'Clerk on' the Municipality. Dated this : th day 1S: s. Ffrst-Oiass Farm For Sale. To he so1.1 by r Odle auction by Mr, henry Brown. auctioneer. ou the uu.lermentIone 1 farm. on Tuesday, the f•th ,lay of August, A. 1).,)r64, at two o'clock p.m. (subset to such conditions as shall then be produced.• AU that parcel or tract of land containing by admeasurementono hundred acres. be the same more orl.'ss, being composed of Lot No. It in tho loth concession of the town- ship' . o r sl ora in t County n Boron, f e. the s f t , now in the occupation otThomas S. Clarke. This farm is in prime condition. all under cultivation, eaceptingrt•acres of good Lash, US$ two orchards in full bearing, and two never failing wells. There are aframe dwel- ling,ai.1(111Ss't,.sbedi1 5':, a stable 2oxei, with fences all in a fair state of repatr ;about' 22 acres are 11t for fall wheat. possession of which will be given for cropping this fall. The remaining land is all seeded down with timothy and clover. For further pardenlars arply to Mr. Clarke on the i.rrmiset., to the auctto' ecr, or 11tEssns. ELLIOT ,C lir .tTMAN, Dated nth July, IRS. tolioitors,Exeter KEW MEUT J1IIIRKE The undersigned has op- pened up a new Meat Market 1 DOOR SOUTH OF CARLINGS' STORE, where he will keep the choic- est of meats constantly on hand. A CALL SOLICITED, John T. Manning. NOTHiNC• :SUCCEEDS. ' '"1Ctit e4 . >b OPIIA.NV uslislemgcAnew (ON THE ST CLA IR RIVER) SARNIAoONTA.R10. SUCCESS Is certain to those who take a Business or Shorthand Course at this College... During the past fifteen months our grad- uates bave been located as follows :-Sarnia, 34 Galt, i; Goderiehi 1; Toronto, e• London, 5; Windsor, 3; Winnipeg, Man., i; Norden, Man., 1; Bowesmont,. Dakota, t; Port Huron, Mich., 32: Detroit, Mteh.,10; Sandusky, 0., 2 ; New York, N. Y., 5; Orange, N. J.. 1; Louis- ville, Ky.,1; Chicago, Ili., 5 ; St. Louis, Mo., 1, Desire oines, le., 1, College open throughout the entire year. Students admitted any time. Graduates assisted to positions. Write for particulars. Fall term opens Sept. 1, A. S. NIMMO. Proprietor. dew I000fM.. . or good, fresh Groceries call at the store next to the Post- Ofiee (North.) FI011f,{IYf f eiYlC• We also sell flour, chop, oats, core and all kinds of feed. Cash or trade for produce of all kinds.. , DALil,CEY. Seaforth TORONTO s.F — SnA olaTlr.- This was oue of the fastest and most brilliant games of lacrosse ever played in West- ern Ontario. The Beavers outplayed the city team at most points but the score which. was 9-1 is no indication of the game as the visitors were strictly in it from start to finish. The Seafortl* defence played a regular stone wall game and a fast and brilliant comb. Wenn. Mulcahy In goal made some beautiful stops and Hawkshaw coin• pietely outplayed the ''Terrible" Greatrix oa the home.. Johnston "Brown. Jackson" and Brierly were; very sure and effective. Mr.Kean, of Orillia acted as referee to the satisfae. tion of aLL—Cont, 'Tied urg'. ibiinee.-•-Our animal Childreu's Day was a decided success, as a good pro gram was given both afternoon and evening sessions. ---Mr, Will l: Inkbeiner of Jiilverton, was the guest of Mrs. Wurtz, Sunday.—Messrs. Moses Miller and Jacob IL Ehlers have returned from a few days at Goderich.-•-Quote a number from here attended the grand omen given by the campers at Grated Bead Park. Tiley report a good time.—Mr. henry Bosseuberry, of the Grand Bend Pick, has secured some furniture in order to accommodate the the visitors which are daily received. -Mr. Abraham T. Beall, of Goderich, who is canvassing for the Pamluion Life Insurance Co, is iu town this week. --'.live Clara Bean, of Goderich, has returned home. -;lir. and Mrs. W, J. Norsworthy, Louis Simon aud Miss Flossie Suell have returned home from a visit to Elmira, Galt, Preston and elsewhere, bringing with them a piano and a fine thoroughbred Jersey calf — Campers are daily parsing on our stage to Grand Bend Park.—Mr. Ortwein and the Misses Hannah and Rebecca Ortwein, of Musa, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hall oa Sunday.--- Yr. Fred Kibler and Mr. and firs, Sol. Hardy, of Zurich, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Suell on Sunday last. ' Greenway. We noto with pleasure the number that passed the Entrance examination held. at Crediton. Among them we no- tice Miss Edna Sherrltt and Miss MyrtleWilson, the latter made the largest number of marks in the township.— Tao Wilson families and several others from this village and Rev. J. W. Baird, B, A. of Corbett, picnicked at Grand Bendiest week ands spent a very pleas- ant time in Mr. John Specimen's park. —The trustees of our school received ovor 50 applications for teaches on Mon- day evening. Messrs. J. Brown, Wil- son Eagleson and W J. Wilson looked them ovor and selected Mr, John Mc- Williams, of Clandeboye, who comes highly recommended.—Mr James M. Wilson has ordered two improved dust - catcher attachments for his thresher. —Miss L, Sternberg and Miss Lizzie Hohn, of London, are spending their holidays in this vicinity.—Mr. A. C. Wilson wheeled to Forest and Petrolea last week on business in connection with the Guelph Acetylene Gas Co, —W. J. Wilson & Co., report business as improving. They keep an extra se- lect stock of groceries at reasonable prices. They drew in a load of genu ine Fleury Plow repairs last week. They do not advertise to sell cheaper than any other dealer, but good goods at reasonable prices. They are agents for the Wilson Corbide Co., of St. Cath arines, and sell at factory prices. Crediton Miss Ella Beaver, who has been vis- iting her aunt, Mrs. Umbach, Berlin, re turned home Wednesday, accompanied by her cousin Miss Clara Umbach.— Miss Mildred Garner, of London, is vis- iting her aunt, Mrs, Alonzo Hodgins.— Wes. Trevethick, of Glencoe, is here visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Trevethick.—Miss Milly Cudmore, of Exeter, was the guest of Mrs. Wm. Redden for a few days, last week.—Mr. Michael Beaver is busy digging tanks for the fire protection.—Mr. Chas. H. Sanders, of the ADVOCATE, and Mr. R. N. Creech, of Exeter, were in the vii• lage Friday.—Mrs. Connelly, of Detroit, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hodgens.—Mr. C. Zwicker, cora mercial traveller, of London, was in the ;village on business last week.— Mr. Clark, of Hamilton, is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Clark —Brick is being drawn for the new parsonage, and the masons intend starting nest week—Mrs. Israel: Smith and family, of Exeter, are spending `a few days here with relatives: -Mrs. Snell, of Exeter, was the guest of ber sister, Mrs: S. G. L' amport Sunday -A nuinber of our citizens.attended the Children's Day Festival (gindertag) at Dashwood last Sunday. -Mr. Henry. Either, M.P.P., has returned from Man- itoba, where he has been on business. —The German . Evangelical Sunday School, have decided to have the Sun- day school in the forenoon at 9 a.m, in- stead of 2 p.m. as formerly.—Mrs. Louis Roedding, of Zurich, has been visiting friends here for the past week. --Mr William Lewis, Clerk of the 11th Div- ision Court, is indisposed; We wish him a speedy recovery. Centralia 'Public School. Leaving Examine Mssrs. A, Hicks' and P. Hamlin houses are going up rapidly, and wh completed will be the best dwelliu around here.—Rev, W. II. Butt, form pastor of this .church, visited seine his old acquaintances bere oat Prida —Mrs. Sabine, of London, spent a fe days of last week at Mrs, Eowslaugh --lir. Tucker, of Toronto, paid a she visit to Mr. R. Hick's last week.—Wm Ilaggith has returned borne from. Co lege, and is going to speed a fe months with his father.—Mr. Jam Mitchell, of Fairfield, has erected a new windmill on his grass farm in lliddulph which adds to the eonvenieoees on the farina -Miss Margaret Coitelie of Lon. don, has returned home on account of the serious illness of ber si,.r.—rev. ,'Copeland, of Written, occupied the pub here last Sunday.—After the Ep worth League meeting, Ian it'seek, a 'number of the boys of this pre e made arrangements for a picnic to tee lake, end held it an Friday. The weather was fine, and being accompanied by several young ladies, they had a happy time. They arrived home safely at a seasonable hour that evening, and but for one little variation all want well It appears that one Loon; mala n'b had left his rig here, on roternin started for home, but while ou his tr. fell asleep, and it was net until he ha been pitched cut that be discovered tb wheels of his buggy had been change the eve front wheels being ou elle yid : :'••;i tin, hind came on the other. Grand Send Park The following are the parties wh tat, 12 en The faletteing Is the list of ea.odidates gs passed by the Board of Examiners for er West Huron, together with the marks of obtained by each. On aegourt of the unsatisfactory na- ture of the questions in arithmetic, the Board made* no allowance in that paper. elany €:f the Eatrauee Leaving can- didates did their work in drawing with Y. 's rt I- a peu instead of a lead pencil. This re- st- suited in a very rough wort: in draw. es ing. The ruling in bookkeeping would be done moreeutekl,' with a lead pencil than with a pee. The papers of many would have been neater and cleaner had the ruling been done with a good lead pe:.vul. .,:ing to p.., eatnsed many blots. A large number of candidate% obtain ed U.F.l * tr twee s^andifag, and H. C- I.fltrat•ce ce rt.'ic atte3 will b'• Smit to may of these tete There nut already received them.. EXETER. t'. 5. 3lartin 11'ansan .... .... • • • • • • • .. 759 Olive Hooper ... , ..• .7Q;, l John Spackman .,.. .•• ....628 May Armstrong .... , , ... • 62,7 o Lily RONIIson.,,•......<<,...<.<771 1" 9<ay Tia •rnata , . , . , , . - .. flee 1 1Y Czar Fol ins. ........62S George Il: shale dCharles Westar: ay . ........... 612 e Pellet r. Duff' ........ 661 Will A. 'er'aart- ..........7d4 , Jessie )1 *':iran 712 ; i Charles Wb}:aril. ,... S^?' 0 Ailsa Craig: The annual fall exhi- bition of tate North Middlesex and East Williams Agricultural Societies takes • place on Thursday and Friday, Sept. 22nd and 23rd. Chiselhurst t One day- last week, as Mr. Richard Meters was engaged in drawing in hay, he met with a .serious accident. As ha was driviug into the barn with alis load, it being rattier higb, the top of the doorway caught him, iri;uring hir-a severiy. Since then he has been eaafiae3 to iris bed. Goderich: 'ff:1 leei,ay Fred Kuntz, son of the proprietor of the Saltford brewery, while tnrr.ieg en a tap is supposed to have tarred teo rapidly. as the hend..eame ea and allowed the steam to escape. Ile full force of the steam was tell tri G a the ' tseet hreast and face, letles.ir.n serious and very painful in tellies. Goderich: (11 SAturti i'r Philip Hunt, of 'reroute, was: lauded d at the Co, jail by ChiEf Wheatley , of Clinton, en a eouemi'e."z ' i thirty does for stealing a ride nu the air brake of a G. T. R. car. Hunt had stolen a tide froth Coderich awl got on, or under, the train le ving Clinton for Stratford. but the train .fallen espied. the itttrudur and had him arrested. Glr utoe +aa `iP.nday Allan the six-year ofd sat* of Joseph Grant, was. knocked dor't; 11(4 kii".;•d by aa halve. It mems tite °any. along with another aiaut the statue age was trying to drive the b erre°. which was rua*,it,t Mash on the etret, i .to the yard when t ran over the boy. strieizeg him en tee head. with les 1aor:,f. Ile iit;ed nhaut two hours, but cover ray;;valued con- e e seiousuess. The hunts., tee% VAN on 6:J,; Wetluestlaet. . eel Mitchell: Mrs, 1.7t4 I t is trill 1,:13 matted eeetel health up to a few +t•ce•I;s l i1 psi. t3 .T1!" Saturday. Saturday. int tier 11 a Sikh year. I"•°rt as.••l with her huslaaud, i "' - who died eree., eieli, er ten ye•;rs since i p came to thie town over thirty years Cr ago and Mre. Pott:., :has..*°sial a resident:: 070: during that 11,ne, She was a faithful member r of ul n t1 ur. • ln :Intl it? hap. . ,. z 1 ..... Ghl re trusting hi her Saviour s love. She have renistered at Grand Lend Pari: dunes Che week ending July 26th:— , Ben W. Mrs. E. Sanders, Clandehflpe. East Edith MeF:wan Alfred Cae vie .............. . VIELFAST. James W. Irwin. Marre- Walker f T, uE1n1S. Fraser YeA:suuld,.., T. J. O'Loughlin. .. • . Lynne Cottage—Daniel C. Worts, Pert:— hill; Geo. N. McCullough, H. Hughes, Herbert Authony, James J. 1er:laer, ieraurpton. Ikw. James E. ford, wife aud family, Rev. J. Hart, Parkhill; Mr. S. Martin, wife and family, Exeter; Mrs. Stephen Martin and family, ;t. Marys; Misses Thompson, Iatlmvilit, Miss icks. Usborne; Miss JI. Pickard, Loudon; Mrs. Thomas and family, Exc. ter; Mrs. Paul Madge of ii foamy, W. g Thames Road; • e Ro•a S. 'Madge, ad e Victor, lot r Colorado, U. S; Rev. W. E. herr, wile and family, Ilensall; Bethesda Epworth League, l3sbarne tp•, 50 in number, W If. Harney,. President; Mr. Joseph Sal• keld, Stratford; Ed. Christie, wife and family, Mr..and Mrs. John Hawkshaw nerd family, Mr. T, W. Iiavrksl*aw, wife at .1 fo=ully, Mies Susie Tait, Miss A. r't't:eke's, Exeter; :firs. D. S. Tait anti family, St. Paul, Minn.; Miss .Maggie Carling, Clinton. Centralia picnic:— Byron. Hicks, C. L. Haggith, Maud Hicks, Grace Oke, Ida Krause, Sarah Nell, Thos. J. Ward, Grace D. Salton, John Patterson, Jnsiah Allen, Wm. Hep- burn, Jennie Salton, Flora Essery, Wil- ber Hicks, Miss Grace Box, St. Marys; Prof. Von Hitmitzol, Toronto. Green way picnic:—Messrs, W. J., S. J., J. T., C. H., and T. Wilson, Misses Alice, May, Carrie and Myrtle Wilson, Mrs, J. T. Wilson, Mrs. C. H. Wilson; M. Ramsay, Mrs. R. English, Rev. J. W. Baird, Zilla English, 3. W. Baird and family, Cor- bett; Miss E. Pheenix, Petrolia. Ross pic- nic Exeter:—Misses M. White, Labia Ross, Eva Browning, Aggie Westaway, Alma Dempsey, Miss Smith, Exeter; Bliss Pearl White, Chatham; Bert Ross, John Spackman, C. Westaway, Percy Browning, Albert Ford, G. W. Willis, Exeter, Clyde White, Windsor. Wood Bros. picnic, Exeter: Mr: J. T. Wood and family, Frank Wood and family, Daniel Wood and family, Joseph Senior and family, Mr J. H. Grieve and fam- ily, Exeter; Mrs. R. Fuke, Chicago, Ill. Woodbine Cottage—J. G. Quarry, wife and family, Mt. Carmel; S. Long, Strat- ford. Ivy Cottage—Mr, and Mrs. S. Passmore, Thames Road, tsborne. J. Craven and wife, Geo. Fanlder, wife and family, Brinsley. Colwill picnic, Centralia. Ivy Cottage—D. McNaugh- ton, Misses M. and K. McNaughton, Misses Katie and Helena Stewart, Ailsa Craig. • The following persons visited Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Westcott, at Ivan hoe Cottage, the past week : Mr. Wes. Snell, W. S. Balkwill, Mark and Emma Mitchell, Exeter; Mr. Wesley and Ida Mitchell, Geo. Mantle, Geo. Bedford and Mrs. James Hill, Crediton. Rev. 1,. Diehl, Incumbent of Trinity Church, and Mr. E. Chapman, choir leader, and choir, consisting of 22 members, of Ailsa Craig, picnicked at the Park on Tuesday. Dingley Dell—Mrs. Scafe, Nairn; Miss C. McKenzie, M. Fraser, L. McKenzie, M. Ross, B. E. Ross, Mr. J. Fraser, D. McKenzie W. G. McKenzie, J. W. Ross, H. A. Ross, Ed. S. Wylie, D. M. McKenzie, Ailsa Crain;. Dothe- boys Hall—E. H. Spackman, wife and family,Blenheim• Mrs. Chas. Southcott Toronto, Mr, E. J. Spackman, wife and family Exeter, Robt. Leathern, Exe ter, is rusticating here.—Mrs. M. Brooks Mrs. John T. Manning, Exeter, Mrs: W. J. Brooks, Owosso, Mich., visited friends here on Monday last.—Timothy Coughlin, Ex. M. P. and wife visited friends at the Woodbine Cottage on Tuesday last. -Mr. Martin ''Sullivan spent a few days at the park the past Week,—Concerts are the order of the evening and every oneis enjoying themselves.—Some very fine sturgeon have been caught in the nets during the past week. Clinton : Master Kelsy Wall, son of Madam Wall, had his wrist badly cut by glass while playing at Mr, 1L R. Walker's Monday afternoon. Percy Bence ... , ... , t,. tt ' 1•• t es four •:,s atel four d-tu; latero to I,•ac George •car<...... , . .. mourn her less. tot i Charles Ernes sl Mews, son of:mmaC `1c.mF.0u l';' Charles Bates, died Sutday ithis ttirPear1 Cabltinh., <,."11 teeth year. C'liarfe had been a cripple ietv1•rten. aud in a weal.; state of health ge*hereby Anna Whiddon Slid since early elittrihootl, but his death aSink' IIIr.D. came eatirely isithout warning. Sat - day higher let tris apparently as well N'o let Ale ..,.i,, elePie I l i .3l as ever, at t1tC.n ':'1;itlC1C nest inorLLli*,f°, CENTR.ALIA. ., ata t .. , ... : • 1,, t a+, No. 15. -Frank 11. Scott *.i•l0 `,u•.d d ` 4 a.t. raietr, taut rtt air It wars found dead in brd. Aithou,gh tie • , , u5.1 barred from taking part in many of thio joys of claildhn, d, he took a keen itl- . -...610 terest in the doings of others and was ....tele usually bright aud cheerful. ...,701 No. 8—Oliver Breen ........ . ..... 675 Ernest Robertson ..........616 CODLP.ICIl. No. 16—Annie plasty © a \ . C Lit 1RNE Y No. 1—Tena M. Johnston Charles Vanes. No. 2—Harbert Olieant. No. 1—Wilfred H. Bell.... , ......627 No. 2—Willie Wilson . 619 No. 5—Adela Cox .......... 657 Charles Newton....... , 701 No. 8—Josephine Stirling617 ITAY. No. 2—John Todd. No. 11—Mabel Jennison STANLEY. No. 4—Hester Armstrong624 Helen Sparks 672 No. 6—Annie B. Foster . 613 No. 14—John L. Kyle 789 Lottie Grassick ....763 Mabel Whiteman ......... 792 STEPHEN No. 10—Stanley Wallis . 617 Useonme No. 1—John Horton ........ 614 Edgar Down 704 Laura Jeckell 618 No. 2—Alfred E. Johns832 Thomas Kay. 646 Norman Madge. ....719 Myrtle Madge 627 Lilly Williams . 616 No. 5—Vincent Wood 640 Maggie Russell..... 731 No. 12 -William Morley.... 707 TUCSERSMITH. No. 1—Alice Drover. 616 Emma Ford ........617 No. 10—George Pybus ....... 733 nueenee, No. 5—George C. Armstrong 647 w. WAWANOSH. (Separate School) No. 1— Oswold Bayle..... , 652 Maggie Leddy • 620 The name of Albert Walters, No. 8, Colborne, was omitted from the Ea' trance list last week, Usborne: Miss Luxton, who left Ex- eter on Tuesday for Dakota, recently disposed of her farm, on the 14th con., of Usborne, to Duncan McLean, for $2400. The farm contains 50 acres. Stephen: A young son of Mr. B, Coughlin, of the townline, had, his leg broken on Thursday last. He was on a load of grain at the time and another bed accidentally falling on him broke the limb. Goderich tp: On Tuesday five doctors were present while an opera• tion was performed on the skull, of John Baker, of the Maitland, who was suffering from paralysis. A clot of blood was found on the brain, which was presumably the case of his suffer- ing. Though improving, he is still. very ill. .. 650 ....669 Clinton: Last week a Mrs, Blakeslee of Toronto, aged 72 years, came here, via London, in the expectation that she could secure admission to the House of Refuge, as she had been a resident of town about fifteen years ago. She took up her temporary residence with Ed. Saville. It was found that the authorities had no power to commit her, as the regulations of the House require that all persons committed thereto must be residents within the County for a certain period before their commit- ment, She was absolutely without funds, and as she consented to go back to Toronto, where she has a daughter residing, if her fare was paid, the Mayor, after consulting some members of the Council, sent her back, Goderich: Last weak a negro nam- ed Thos. Jackson, employed on a farm in Ashfield, was charged before the P. M. with damaging a buggy and injur- ing the owner, the Presbyterian minis- ter of the Kintail district. The offence was taking up a cartwheel and throw- ing it at the horse attached to the ve• hide, causing the animal to rear up and upset the carriage, causing injury to owner. In answer to the cbarge it was held that the damage was the re- sult of an accident, that there was no intention to commit an assault, and the evidence being contradictory on this point, and the prosecutor not wishing the defendent to be severely punished, he was released on suspended sentence after his employer had paid for the damage to the vehicle. Clinton: Thursday evening while the daughters of Geo. Dale, Tuckersmith, and Miss Henry, of town, were on their way out of town, the horse they were driving took fright, owing to the break- ing of a bellyband, and ran away. All three were thrown out, two of them escaping unhurt, but Miss Henry had the misfortune to have her collar bone broken by the buggy turning over on her. On Monday night a boy named Henry, accompanied by Miss Dale, drove the same horse into town again, and just as it passed St. Paul's church the horse took fright and bolted down Ontario street, Henry pluckily doing his best to check the horse. At Gilroy & Wiseman's corner the buggy struck a telegraph post, and capsized, the occupants being thrown out, while the horse swung around the other side of the post, the harness partially com- ing off; the horse regained its feet, and although in the meantime some one caught it, there was no way of holding t, and it plunged down Isaac street, the buggy dragging behind, aud striking two other buggies as it went, but was soon caught again. The buggies were only slightly injured and that no one was seriously hurt was surprising. JG8IfI's t• i io The Silver Jubilee of the Western Fair, Lyndon, September 8th to 17th, is going to be the best in theAssociatlon'a history, and will be formally opened by Sir Oliver Mowat, Lieutenant- Governor of Ontario, and in all likelihood the Governor-General and Lady Aberdeen will give the Western a visit before re- tiring from o%t'1ce. Such are the en- pectatious at present. and will he fully made known on receipt of their accept - nee. Applications for space are being made at such a rate that several de- partmeuts are dearly full already, and f fthe general inpressiou throughout Western Octario is that with the good crops flow being harvested, the farmers and their families will tura out err MSS to get a much needed rest and I support the Fair, which they have ]need largely the means of bringing to the proud prsition it mon• holds, of being the mast SUCCOSsfui in the Deniuiou to- day. Its immense growth has ccaused the directors no end of trouble in the past, providing proper ae lin 4ation for the Live Stock and Agricultural Imple- arents in partieulr, r, and every other ,dt:paarttuent in general. The addition - a l box stalls. the ex' .ltsion to the Car - ria; a Buitdin¢. un rte Mel: to the Main Building for Ar: will assist them in supplyin,9, ibe wants Of the nuttier - ons exhibitors, and give thein builJ- iugs equal to the been The eutries Flo=e* Sere. 7th, lint as the space aud stabling will be. allotted -in the order the etitrica arse „4'eeivvd, it hello -eves l..ter:e,:,ivae et hibitQrs to make thein as earl; Fee:elle. mid 'chum the deice, p'-,itiens, Write tt*o Secretary, Mr. Thos. A. Beewna', fey in- formation, prize lists, eregrame, tee. The attraetie ns, which have nlweys hpan eutertai„it+ .ars to be even more so this year. The I:tyal Canadian liraomisi will gs t• e bibitiocsof fancy drill, Kwrrdcombats, etc Princee tfKtiles Japs Of' -in number) have been secured. The Wa?Gen Sisters Tri. angular F,ler'riez I Imp-7—.zee, Weld) and Il ssan, the fa iare, Burk a I And. rews, with their Te s en elute, the Oreg- or Cornbinaticut, attd ethers. to l:>.:. sup- plied by Sie Hassell Ben - Iii, 'vko is now in elor(Ca selt'Ctat s. iaw.biug of a very high eider. - Each t'enin; there will be the grandest pyrotechaio el.sp'ay ever glt- .a it. !. ,udon, together with the "Plew;*tg fp e•: the Maine,” assisted by ail 1'.• • r. ere ,*are stage at- traetione. Ae •ilio: i al rat ti,7r.,tl, tra'as leaving London after 10 o'clock each evening are being arranged with the railway companies', it is expected that a ver largo number will remain for the fireworks, Wiugham: Chief Varnnorman is the loser of a tine driver It dropped dead on the race track Fri . ty, Ho had not been driving fast nor Car, but on exa- mination it was found that the heart was not right, being half as large again as it should be. Seaforth: As W. R. Counter was riding through Harpurhey on Monday evening, a dog ran out and grabbed his leg, and threw' him off the wheel. In falling Mr. Couuter lit on his left elbow and sprained it so badly that medical assistance was necessary. Hay: The new school section re- cantly formed by Hay Tp. council will be known as No 10. It contains 3600 acres, 1000 of which was taken from Sexsmith section A. board of trustees will be elected. in December and a new school house will be erected next summer. A. Strong Nation Consists of strong men and healthy women, and health and strength de- pend upon pure, rich blood which is given by Hood's Sarsaparilla. A nation which takes millions of bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla every year is laying the foundation for health, the wisdom of which will surely show itself in years to come. Hood's Pills are prompt efficient, always reliable, easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. lidltLT.RS GissoN.—At Ailsa Craig, on July 11th,, the wife of Jerry Gibson, of a eon. ELLIoTT.—At Fairfield, on July 20, the, wife of Wm. Elliott, of a daughter. NEIL—In Exeter, on July 19th, the. wife of Wellington Neil of a daugh- ter. HEYwOOD—In Exeter, on July 24th the wife of Caleb Heywood, of a daughter. IIIA.RRIA UES. JOWETT—MoonlzoUsn—In Bayfield,' on . July 20th, by Rev. S. Smith, W. J. Jewett to Hilda Moorhouse, both of Bayfield. EvANs-NnwaoaznE—At the residence of the bride's father, Clinton, on July 20, by Rev. H. Newcombe, father of' the bride, assisted by Rev: W. G., Evans, V. S., of Tiverton, to Annie. Gertrude, second daughter of Rev. H, Newcombe. Dexoe.—In Biddulph, on July 13th;, Mrs. Clarissa Dixon, aged 75 years.. WILsoN.-In St. Marys, on July 23rd,. Charles W. Wilson, aged 75 years, 4 months, and 16 days;