HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-08-30, Page 4PAG9 rovu
Ilkc4mom sum ATT44130ib. IN3,
Mr- AW X", W. J. Blair, I
.(frt, Guelf , Milan B". 411 11 11
Clinton' Mi6ii Nan McITAC m Mon -
$@#forth vxpooitov.- Mrs, WAD. treal. W. and Mrs, S. Itt o ir., Te0*04's IRMA
S y IAG, Parkinson arki 41ai*hters, L,aura *ratford; Xiia yfra togilin2:09 k. for, jjay,fever, Dr,mOvial
wid Ruth, who have bee � I C2 zaraioweJ for Rheumatism,
a ypiting tfol Jai" munei Hall, Toroil-
V an M 14heir numeroom rtlotiv" and mrsen" ; Mrs- H. C. Calf. Brantford, Miss NoaniNs, Uout, 8-2dat- Volds, Asthwa,, 139'iI,
AI UR'AY ONDA in g flew, Ge GugwI Relief
:h and yicinity. ka It. CON, BrAAtJor4,. 5irs"ll. ica, Lumbapp ate.
I rot 41 on Sa Y. to thew home Horton, Exeter; Mr. *t1d Afra. C,, S, $1.00 per Nottlo
$1.00 per Battle
A I S 1n. Vetroit� Howard, Exeter; Miss S1. F
�N ,,I
WingbotaTimes: Mr-Jue.JII Ext0r; ldr� V, English. DryW*10; Wo are local gX#vto,for -
BARU 4% M. L, A., Qf LwAnow, left on Mon; Miss stella southcote, Exeter.. Miss
day afternoon for -an extended busi� W Tacker, Woodritock; Mrs. Revillc�
ne"'trip along the Atlantic toaxt, Brantford; MrX' Thurber. Detroit;
ig through Main, Vermont, Mrs. Mure Liuning, MiQh.
Mr. sift
"PosanInctleut and Rkode lslarI1 Ho ietrich,,, Toronto: A splendid rwmg.dv for all disorders arisinif fr*M
ingetiVity of $t0AalPh*,U*W Kidneys, an4j, kto�
Heavy All UnenCrashToweliw ArleddY Dietrich, orantol-, Dr. sj�d
,�ight Gowns ft
will return early in September.
Mr. W. J. Fitzpatrick, "f 31TS- Heliltmonn, Coldwater, MicI
A splendid quality for roller, hand Women's White Flannelette Gowns. taut Cyril and Georgia Heilman", Vold. per
d d or tie
ish towels, fluished u4th rL Mue b0rd- yardmasUr, 0. P. JR., -who has for Witer, Mich.; 6
Welt madei best st%:cs, full sizes. $1.75 the p"t year resided on AngleseeRnal""d; Capt Miss Cesil Adams,
ers. 163� inches wide. Saturday and value, each $1.48 8 -4, J. McNar- G
�t�c*ill take up his permanent rerd- chie. Kimton' and Mt for aderich fortJ
Monday, special, peryd. 11.k. e ; Miss It, A. Ball, Tor. We. are now pathorI alirsilts
Men's Night Giowns of English ti i ak e, le at,the ftuset Cottage, Essex onto, Mima fanious
Mary ID04oulin. Now
lle5t,,niateria,l. $2.00 PiO $2.2S." St., and will receive on. Tuesdays York; Dr. And Mrs. V. S. Coul s
and Tbursd4ys. te A -n
Cotton Blankets Iladelphi*�Mr. and Mrs. R. W.
Mr. sail Mrs. A. D. blebood And Reidr Now ork; Miss Laura Par. N=THA JANE HOME MADE DI"
30 pairs largest double Lied size, heav- Drapery Chintz daughter. Butb,of Detroit. xeco.upgaled row, Toronto, Mrs. Win. Christian, Those are shipped diroct to as frO.'n'the Makers
'est quality and Perfect, With fanCy,Plnk Or by, Miss Genevieve Lamphere, of Munro, Detroit; Mrs. Laura Norris. I)etroit; ever wk. always
we fresh.
[Me"-, are'On A VI trip to 1111iou Miss Rodg
blue borders.' Canadian blanke.ts. Satur- For quilts and c6alforters, Turkel,, _ ers, Detroit, Miss cgrpen.
Rqd�..Paisley and peacock designis oQuiI They spent a, week w1th vela- ter. Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Nolward
friends *u4 relativea la Qo4crich. And At Toledo- Mrs A e Rexall DrULg. Sto
day and Mondaylp rd 315 in. tivei In Seafortbo And hove been with. Kelsey, Jr., Toledo; J)wl t I e ,
er pair.f 69 Nvide. 9 yards will, cover an o ary cora. gh ]Kea y Dunlop 3, re
lb rt-Fireeman, SASI
Vim! lorter. At yer pd. 25c. Nile the piI week. too -ns Wedeke Freeman, Saskatoon; Phone No. I 844tgre, GoderlIch Bredfor' Block
alteWool Blankets Clinton Nows-Record: Miss Vffio Mr. and Mrs. Will Currie, Firgo, N.
Large white, pure, soft, all wool Man- Johnston, Goderich, bus been visit- D.; Mr. Porter Currie, Fargo, X. D.;
Ing Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Jolmston Mr. Porter Currie, FarI N. D
kets. Double bed size,- 6202. Sale pricc Ladies Coats
pq air, $0.9S.. during the past week. .'. Mrs, Per- Miss Joan Hawkins, London, Mi; Ing to enlist should see Ady est -score, A Plus 'of 7. Next. Me
-P Cosy Coats, new styles. Bloosed due,, ar has returned $row � vlo�ry 'GertrudeL Thomas, London; Mrs. X141! tisew in t is day night the last of thoseries 101i
er wu* calling for re I c=ru' rink com
tops, Dolman sleeves, etc. Nicely lined. _qoy4b e visit of several weeks with i thaniel Mill$, London; Mrs. H. J. u of , he Star. petitions will be held. C,
a * Miss Joan W. Allen', - *1A , rm
Hosiery $20.00t $25.001 $30.00. HarristorI Southampto, and Gode. F111cht Toronto, At Friday one of the r1hk tour- TWeedy and IL $ba an are .00-I
rich friongs. jug WeU.up in the score; what will
I I Detroit,' Miss- Peggy MeTagqfrt
"Scout "Rough Rider," Soaforth. News., Dr. and a j, niment competition$ -was.held at tbv be the result of the
Boys' RiI I MrR.'Clintom" - Miss Julia lafrr YX New 11 X%tork street bowling green, when final game?
Heileman, of Michigan, for I of YOrk; Nis$ !a
mor M F no, Jaffray, New York, Swat a cen.
's, J Is$ Mor� J gold's rink, with T. Glazier, Selflabness is death. The elf.
Buster Brown," indestructable alrdost. Dresse's Orman, New York, Mrs'. e t and X Fish ad lit, tred' has Within himself. the germ . of
Z day., Dr. Jaines. DICkSOI Of R. Jr. Rumballi London; T'
si e 7 to m Per pair 49c. Goderleb, were in 'town, or 2 � A"n')d lorod' I%
Girls' Rib Mercerized Black Hose. 30 stylish Navy Blue Tricotine and Cleveland; Mr. Jno. Dickson, or., and, W, R, Elliott r. and Nis. PlAYOMS"1144 0 high- decay,
and obhild n, London!
Sharman, etroolt, Mr,
Sizes 6 to 9ya. Prices ranged 50c, to" 90c. rge Presses. n sale Mond:zy at half Mr. and, Mra.,Jobu Dickson, of Tor -t mt", Walter
All sizes on. price'. 1�acfi& $9.9s. onto, called on friends in town on and Mrs, W. X Reid, Detroi Gilbert.
sale, 39c.
their way to Goderick. id, Detroit; Dr. and rs. W. j.
I s Detroit; esleY Reld, Det
Brussels Post-. M1884S �Florvncq Hydo'L - Hamilton; rolt,,. HERN�'S DO 0 T. AS "y
Oliver, Jeauet Uovittie And Jean 'Vesta
Hydot Hamilton; Jai Shirl
Walker are camping at Goderich art,, Hamilton, ey Stew-, —
"th Miss Margaret Wilson, former- London;
vn J;;nI - PerrinI
VV Robt. Mrs, D 8 London;
TV 0 A CHE -SON SON-� ly -of t4wn. Mrs. David TbomP-',Mj,, Liura Acheson, Toronto,, Misi Arvzjums,
son And daughter, Miss 1)OiI Margaret Porte, Detroit; Ur
GoIderjob, Were Visitor$ at the home
of Walter and Mrs. L sharp. lJohnston, Saskatoon, X Edwin
1B.rown,'Chleako; a�Ss' d
..... ..... ==own Mrs. R.
Dewey; pastor of th Mqrre., Berimiller; A.
Moore. Zen -
e 14 year
obul III CUft, Are: Genuine Goo
rab here, and of- Zion for Miss Uelen L'.
P'E4 'visitors with Ur, and Mrsi D. men. South aPpointiol, It I th'S L
DPLE WE KNOW tais witr� Ind Mrs. Dewev*x
Mr. and Mrs. P- J, " CAnte "I holidays.
]on, lighthouse st., W week. w -it Footwear for
t VA Are away -on A Mon TV %i
Miss, Ethel Farrowis visiting In in) NOW9810 St., the, past week. They site making their vacation 4 ma -
Quay, and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. ORIEF TOWN TOPICS
Toronto Y., bro. were week Clarkll of Em, tor outing Ana v411 visit their friends W. J, TrethewoYI eldest son Girls' and . Boys
Spend; Mrs, Vro4 -Hold. of 86heiieota -end visitors with Mr. � � I of the
miss Lillso Farr, of Detroit. is are visiting at the - home Of Wi. It', and Mrs," A. 0. Clark, Parlow iI en route sit St, Mary$ Tillsonburgs late. Capi, T. Ro, Trothowley., passed
bg horJacation at hot home, Eight 00 OV061 le, DunnviUv, Toronto, H11110I PiI away Aug, 26th at bis home in Port T)iey allovi
9 cently. oy oft their grow correCtly and. na
Mr. W. U. Elliott, of the - Lonaon lace. and daughter; Viar for a es hev. Mr. I Arthur, in his /the'feet to
Mrs. Groff and two daughters, of ton, Brockvillo, etc. The 4tar wish, -
55th year sho'lild grow
Dewey Land Wsjewey The Wj, M. the way tbe�
Xew Yotk,'are visitors in town. Free Press, With. his Wife week's furtber stay with albei un- Chum$ re higb qtiality
and jam t r of Victoila street
'a's Agnes Hamilton has,xeturded an enjoyable outing and.,a afe rej Methodist 'ehurch'are Putting on a footioearl air -sold tneaiis.a satisfied �cu"stomer.
ilyi spent his holidays� at 'his old cl and aunt.
�very V
6iaa 'trip to the Pacific Coast,, MIPS . Strang ..arrived home last turn to� their labors bere4
home, Cobourg St., p1layette, "Mrs. Ling's Conversion't,
Miss Nation Nichol,of Toronto 19 We invite You to.-tr thent.
Air.. and Mrs. orneys of Ow- on Thursday, Sept, 20th. Keep the
spending a iveek with N Mrs. W A 31iller and children, week from her trip to the Pacific md,.�,eiitertamod a few , of their date Open.
aurcre-0;d- XQ� -and �LHeleft Miller," Coast 4 �. L fREPA Iql*d ASAPEMA L T Y
S- L Miss Mobel Strang, who ac.
Irs". Jeugn' on $01 orof Mrs. Thos. Sand.
friends In hon 11 'Place L of the IQ40.41
Goderich, companied her sister on'the 'I Who is visiting
Miss Awins MeArtbuiI of London, of St. Helena, are visiting trips re military
r Mon, Godon.
is visiting Miss Dorothy Dickson. triends.—Lueunow 'Sentinel. 4ained for a visit in Chicago, but 01
0411 militgo traiiiing:win bo giv-
Walters �, andL, Miss there, sister of Mr, HlIirney's. The eir. in local Next
two nig Starting . neNt Tel! - p bone,
Miss Clara Brenton, of London, is Mrs,. Reuben has since arrived bome. evening, was a Company headtidarters Phom
pent in games and mu -
ending her vacation at the "'Lako.� Della Waltevs have returned home, to Miss Minnie Campbell, -B. A., Sic, A dainty lunch was served - by _hts 4 'Week, W. HERN Off
leaves the end i Recruit$ are being reeeivodl
Lestilligton after visiting wit if the'weikfor North the hostess an IL her 4aughtor'L foir �thjo training and R"
and Mrs. Chas. Young..
Mr -'and Xro, Fred Th Bay to, I take st?Ositiort as commercial after which '.ihe party 1br6ke up, yolie, *Jili.
OrI= DI specialist ih 6 Collegiate Xnatitute
'red -:,'have returned Uri ?,JRr$h411 and daughters, 01- bost. Rua, hostess for
thanking the
there, Miss Campbell taught for the eii -even ng which they,
Ive and Betty Toronto, ave been,
fri, Aare, Aster, Mrs. Several Years at Niagara. Fajlo. had
Mifiter Colin - iblqlk, of Hickson, visiting V
ont., VAN St visitor with Mr. and Mrs. A.4. MaI the pait. *eek- Ur. and Mrs. P. 0, Eagle irid their Zurich Herald, Mr. and 4 Mrs.
Hamilton, and EVS
C larko.Carlow, last week. Dr. And Mri.,W. Reiiaerson, of De- Ati L trey and Mr. and 'Mrs. B
Y, Mr. F a two Frank Jef well as 19ger' andL. Bet-te" Than P
garniltQ04. L have Softie ekoji of
Miss Laura Farrow left foir Toren. trolti, and- Mrs. 04. And daughter, Miss � Mrs. Bre Toronto, And Grav
imW Eagle,
to Saturday;..�ind' will take � 'her RI Of Xoorehead, Minn., were . rty,,other guests, -spent Surow
N ot returnedL home, after
work at Oogboole-Hall this wee brief: visitors In. town this week. 4 mOuIlt day at the'bonrIa of, Mr. and MrI 008'.
in Goderlob. eph Bederdo St, Joseph Mr�
Afro, Jis, 0. C�rrle'returned on
Mr. and *s. Pullartori and daugh- Paris whdro she had- Mrs, Luc Dickinson, niece, of Mr. and Mrffo- E..'W, Stookopf, of Kitch-
:ter - Lorna, Toronto, ire' -Visiting lUturday � from her
in. Cam W1, of Wn, ber daugh- ener, Mri Oliver Johnson, of Gode-
it Wox ohuroh inscuseZ spent a 'Month with parents, Mr. te Y, anlothe latter's two Achi and son, Xarl� of TorI spent.
Xotnjg., . L. L . rt art.
Miss -9112abeth _ XoDermid, of and blrs� A an left, on their return . to Sunday at theL homlII of Air. and Mrst F.
StratiI spent a week with Mrs. . Mt", H844011t :of Tiondquo and mrs". e r Saturday after spending UW. Quin] 0 Constable
Dodds of Clixtbon.'Were. guests tbliIII, woI three
W, It Jorking, Alexandra Cottage, in. Goderld.h. J I a, ;Mr. Joe. Droar were
with Mr. and Um R. J. TAYlort. Water.
Mrs, 'AiI TrAhewey;, Of Port I _L lit.
Mr, and Mr& It.', pot,ter: and hitant to eric oa4Wednesday.
In Vitt tit SI Motorod (O'Godeooh S& a
-if-to-, , ther mue-
her daughter*. Mrs. Mall000 Itnd Son Everett, turday, ut 0 U 1%.
4. Carver, ayfield' LL Uts Potter i-eturning to DettoI ou, San, bit -. e o at Oulowater Beach;
of TorontO,L Were vis6ii last!week day. but Mrs.
lF, Co
L Mr. wiluatli, lones, of avauttard, Potter Will remain 'for a, Mills ox,'Toronto Mii
with,,Mrs. Mallough's riece, M 1,6X, orouto. W(VS 1g.
skut A. at tho tome of 'Mt. David UCnWajn,L Newgato St. I with her PAVOnts and friends. %r
116W Oabyluwen tbousstweekt Mrs. A, 0. - 31%rI Vaster Qoyc -is
anI 114mea 0 V I and Sguthamptou;, k - W W. Croaley
Mr. and, mis.4. '4mlibelio ' Oro Toronto; Rev. Edward, Hi
Mr. Obas. Shapbqd -and clilldrei dauShter, Androy, of Ayi Glen. 11arris St. Catharines, Mr. Alan %ughton:
Mori 011t4 R I&OOre, Mr. ()harles, V. Lloyd, Strat. Springfield, Ill.; Mrs. � W.. A,, I Miller,'
arrived in, town" on Xotidal evening wet guests last. week. of Mr, and Urs, and Mr. V..E. Bradshaw; iWoot. and Allan Miller,
;r� ford, Ine,
for a few days, vlalt. X0 the guefA90 Mr, and St.:Helons; Laur
-mail Aid umplre.��,S. vamoulla, B. Taylor, Wsiodoo 13#.. gh V001, VVI I . I Mrs. St. Helena;, Helqn Miller, St,, Rel -
Miss M4ty Vanderbur TT UOY&I L. Lloyd over the *aek.ord, Miss''IR..8ilverthorn, Toronto -
And Miss Vrahces 3)uVoolin. have re. turned to her home at Richmond Hi I Mr. Rua Mrs., L. ff. Paine, Toledp:1
turned t* town After st visit to Goolorlob. after a - few. doo,", visit -with he George
Carrell, �Of Toronto., VI
r motored to town Sattirday, and returned ul;, Rolit W' ters J Toledo; - Mil
X1118- Ethel friend, Miss a 1111ams, Xenys St.
Mt On SsItuf4ay Lon a V In
Mrs, Ilobert Blaor and leskey,.Wintlaor, Miss
to Toronto Monday,, 4deompalred. by his and Mt* , r" y
jolt with frietifts Ur. and, to. Barry Whittham and 'WW andubildreI Who'bave been visit. Uelen SlWertborn, tAlington Ont
in 04111111top AY313 Toronto, Porth Bap were Miss Genevieve- Peoples,, -betrofil Canadals. Greatest District Fal it
guests Of Ing the lAttOes PKientO, Mr., and Afro, W, Mr. and Mrs.
Wn liTeart FOim%h,. of Listowel, is 24r, 06ild M.rI John . Roftill, Wil. AT. BISI Louis D. P41nd,. Toledo
IrIfiltin at the home of Mr. And Wire, son street# oter the week -end. Miss. Grace vides" b 4 BrAn Kitchener; Mr. and.
baldoon Victoria OWL tQ froto her two Weess returned Mrs. W. H. Wednesday, Thu JAW-' fr
lamos b*01 home 41ift, HamiltorI Mas- ps Id
% Mi Ella Gibson hito'Lx9turned ks v&b&I ter
X155LEUI& White, of London, is, the Jeli L 8% Blyth after spending spentfIt. QU0,1413 acco W. F.' Dohortyi Hamilton;, Mig'a
home In mpaluea
t her III Catherine pinil to, W.
gueSt Ot Dr- 04 Mrs- 00004 Uttle At two weeks. In town 0 the,gues oil, her t�turu by MissVthel 1, Detroit; M
'With etL
their summer home herI �Of J. - Halfright, 'Mitchell., MISS M.ArgKr�
Mil. and Mrs. Huston, Bruce street. BaRISI Wboi will spend A week
10. -Scott McNally motored over Mrs. Pordue. SrI bait returned her. Mitcheiff Mrs. Gootgo,
from Mint, Mich ' old is spend MeTaggarill' Clinton; Mrs. Frauk
from a vory it ever. r. Sul Elliott' Cook, of Hovejf, Clifiton; Mi g 3rary Mo
nuounee - * , - I 'th
his holidays at hls"�hffme here. al weeks with 11arriston, Southatop- 03 St. Geowe Sto, Toronto, 6 Tag. h and
Ing doyablo visit of s D 3 Mrs. George e 7
Luclmow 'Sentinel: Mr. Temple ton and God1trich friends.. -Clinton -the OuRs"Weas of - their daughter P
Clark,, Of "erich, xPebt the week- News-ReCo*d. Gertrude Watlorle, to Mr. William
Senator R IA.
And 'vI Lueknow, friends, UOI W% 4. Taylor, Mrs* Taylor And Proudfoott 000 of the late
Mr. (). Jr. Shtpl*rd &nd two datight. Misses DorotI MvIonTayloroot Pronolloot AAA Wes. Prordfoot Of
em, tit Cornwall. ont" arevidtors With Xoorofiel4s Okit.l, wer4 recent visitors at TOrOI The Morriago to-PLke �laco lhir Won and W4iea Large Exhlb' -10
't*7 (I * foW fty*. Ibletkomis, otjKr..r And Mrs. B. 4 Taylor; Tiosday, Sept, 4th.
aridL Mrs. 11. t Fitzger
Woreen have Wjt�erloo. St. In Usle rw 0.v4W30y""
Mr. Alex. 'IN.
ald, of Peter
W, returned to Toronto, After a two Weeks, ]RIfirs. (Dr.) Mire, and daughter born, motored to town last Friday L AIWS"L I*W$
and %fro. J. If. Worsen. have' returfied't* St, �y AO rid son Ger. signaturp of. I
7 montW- _4fter the IiII . orse, S
Visit with Mr. aud Mrs. D. Mexurchy MISS Uvint, an 'Mrs. 4. Xiany, and returned on Monday, aceompari.* the IIIIIIIIIIIIIII"
" led by Mrs. Fitzgerald a
ald.*Ito 44 be6i'visiting d--�P Itry
'L at -P g8r an 00
91 It. U. Vigars and ..with frituds in, G o
Port Arthor,are v1s.
'All, M 11
t*o hil "n
r.o. A,J. Carver, Bay. Rev. and Mrs. McDermid and $out Entpies' eL' I g In
fie, PM from Bruce Beach' Alp
Rose, Of have returned ady COM n
XISSen Elsie..'and -Dot w ere, they have been spendin
*r, at
Toronto, &tq at' present visiting their month Of AUgusto And the
janele# Mt. JVJ"' Johnston, L St, David the ralknoe'
R. V',Reld and
Mr. and Mrs. ON -Ir
miss P. White has returned to her� daughter, III Elva, returned 'to
hOme in Toronto after A week's, visit . elr home In Brooklyn, X. Y., ibis
%vlth Mrs. Win. Johnston, lqt� Juvid, Week, after A months va6itlon at the PALMER'S- N TED ATTRA.CTIO'N'S.
St. homeof Mrs. Reid's Alsterso, the Mis-
Mr. 1 C-. Laithwaste Res Farrow* Waterloo Street. 1Nr THE MIDWAY
andL It.
L Salkeld leavI3 this 11 Miss Joan Hawkins, accoimpanil6d
norring to by Miss Gertrude Thomas. have to- Jo
Spend tbe week -enol in. Toronto see- t 'Ine WL'th
lht the lalr. urned to Londoo - after spending! GoIch s Not a carnival but a Mammoth Travelling Exposition. A, Midw
[their Vacation with the former'$ par. ay ablize I
weeks God 110- h
dustr.ial Ekhlbltlon
i Mi," VetnicO ReYnoldal Of 'Wihg-L-I Mr. stud Mrs, Hawkins.
haMo slid Mitts Afary R6Nrt,4On$ Of,r splondor, Olson, Moral and Refined High Glass Amusements.
Niagara Falls,, were visitors jit tl�wa Dr- Matthew Wake, a foriner stu. 'Nationa'.1 D.emonstration.
this *1I dent of, the 0. 0. 1., now prectiging
his profession at Winnipeg, has beet% go -round, ROW Wheil. a great ar ay of Side Shows
Sir. and Mrs. At. A. TrItI And v.isitinf in this vicinity, and lied With Pat
two ebildrft,, of Detroit Amount Week the -greatest motion
Xr- And Uri. A. Jil Ca " are Visitink on G friends the posty VICturc SWOU the World has ever acen gets under
A& I I ve'
M a M Mr. and Xrg- 1,1*4 Hatelfis.n.o. Wl%y,
r. an ra. Aft MeUan and lit. daughter, Mildred 41, r' Geo or=
fle.d;ughicr. of Chathamp we V90 Paramount *�ek, otfeiis tile, opiortutlity for 0,
re 'V.Sl- Untehigon' aIILOf ��orlt Alliam. on
Q DO Qlra
is it Summius or is it Fall?
D -V all'allpem'I itgatila s" r� as if fall 44 00 US.
are You ready 41?
—if noto we are
Our stoek of ralfaud 'W�Aor h Oro
11ats, Cite, -ghixtg, i1a. fileb for
Fall and Winter.
OW Home-braw Tallating is a Winner
""a Ahm"s ftoid,00'Y's" Star* wof-A WAile"
grandriwitwoflulcosac eveme Sandal
the great PaVitiount Pictures'ooming.
cilelirato ParAmeunt Week at your Own, theatre
as milliosks bave, celebrhtcd it dating fire previous
annual FafawountAllftks.
PartmoW Wtok dt yo#r 4144trt mw I
WK'* A Pa"momat "MW"*"01tF* the beet M=-
PA"M0UJVr WEX, SEM1 r0,9
M00I A" T1A*6&,*
woa"Ry *04 TAWS&y
R0D:NgTF4 in tht, play You've, WAlt(A for
,BETTY com'PSON in a bigaly 11mantlo T'Ale of
6 � 0 . �, I -
Thursday and Friday AftISM00"s—TWO Race* Each b
f&MdWrTrot or Paos $150,00: 2.30 Teat or Pace
2.20-' $250,00. I'M
Fw. Straw, Wato aid Light, 1W $falls 011kilall kilfIll RNI"'J, fty"
on. 4L
Something for 1;16f*'�Ladv to See, Hear and Taste Lne Geounds.
Merehtatg of t6wa will have & greab displ&Y of -coxno: ana bring your trienas. Ata enj6y thiI day
X11 kiiaasof gooaq in the, toI building of inter- 0 "HurOn's 00ldOn Gate" and a day of profit, -
mt to 6VOryoud. Ana plesture at Godobrich Irall Fair.
If you h%vap norla of your own come and see Make y6ur eatri" early. I)o not Wait Unr
last dsky. t.he
66rails, ete. Rona for prita list,
A Rew foatut of tie Ewillition fils year will bt the AIA7614y of W&I
(;*&rith G"Alh� filling. oat wist. of the Wait 14,11wims
DRo We Fo CLARKs 8"WI-Its. Godelmlehy, Ont.