HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-08-30, Page 2---- . . . . . . . PAGE Iwo THE GODZR" XrAR THURSDAY0 'AUG. Mb, Im i uninjured. The car "VyNTY YEtRS AGO cra MY# WW Mr. Carapbell, town Collector, Would stopped. *114 backed 'alp to, (Fxiira the Godcriph st;ir of AU2:- W"As Soon and vc3ign his position and tun for de- wbere the collision occurred ly to Clinton, 4l hera, puty, reeve, and we wlieve he Would IW3) watebful que. Mr. make 9004 took the W col 90 it WAS afterwards taken sw4ill is also spoken of, who W�)ujd raer, St97 1,ayine, of Hingsbrid to his hoze, IN D 11 *US OF YORNE A I_rl� Z , "Z I C. Church in Goderich township. The track. r� �!e -red, also fill the office. I Fe think with =qr stone of t1le new R- C-I.Vibere, thq about 1611all .1 . The oveldent occur J 'so Abiso SIKk 1$fuetion 'to all, - NowV it this t.Rd Church at Kitipbridge will'be laid nlile and a quarter from Rolm Auist on K41*166 3uw M Rtailvil of ON Ls -t R? tor of Tk&t ogto to, 16C 604ork�k .'happeucd, there *6uJ4 have boon sn� on Sunday, &pt. Gth, at q3il 1). ni. is along a cut, and approach5ag it a is '76 C%vW Ulo 5 election forleouncillors. as well #* de, His Lori3hip, Bishop NeEv'aVe Of train from the West is hidden by a ert, 35 or 40 YOUS WIS W$46 Skiffii$- lkt 604- �puty rceve, whij!)i would incur more ;London, will officiate, uriAstcd by big bilip so it is IsImOst c *In de - "ON l vision 'L nd ir town coin Ill afford Rev. Fathers Boubat. West, Tierqau� ceased. did not see it, *rk% 'lit *76 W Di Court C k, W&S �expl a 0` �at the Present time to throw MV Rota' f OiPtY ribeil there is no, need for it. -A3�lward, Noonan, Pinsolinfult, ITO- Death of X C'Slopion" W. C. Petitisoa to it PositioNo r5410r.r'eTV#vtson deserves the Priiise of gan wid Itaillon, This will be an im- I it was with surprise and sincere WIA Lag the whole town for notresigning *nd pregsive itrid most Interesting cer- regret that our citizens heard OR vice large congre.-ation will illnes7t C. Qure4. Corner StO00 no 40 and a rning that the Twenty Year$ ho Kistskilgle JR. also for acting so nob)Y tO, the wish- ubt be present tomltuc3s it, and'Monday WO veterans of '(A locsivolf LaNil Grants in Now Ontario—Mr. Uos. �:3 of the r4repayers, at some incon., bear His Lorda'hip's, addrom frout Which Mr. X. Campion, pur veolerace to hli��delf- well- "gown barrister, was suffering, McKoxiie,W'Gux Aoclioxt—E- CAMP190, X.C.0 Away. Veterans Received Land GrOWS �bsid terminated, fgtelly at St. jw­ ornet Band Wint Serenading Silver �..! I The following veteflans of '06 have eph's hospital, Londqu, wbither he Oa Tuety evening tile $live]? received deqdo for their land. grants bad g o; previous Thursday. WRAT WAS DOING IN 176 -nor them. We observe by the ice- Qxiti tb C ow Ontario. All Monday the almost sudden death .4)rnet Ban turned out In- full N which are located Port of the noprii of *Works, last wearing Its 'robes of On Connive township, 25 miles frOW was sorrowfully, The Star ;f June altren,,#h, and, discussed, and when 110 ellch - th"t .4arebed, straight toi 'Port Arthur; John 10UP110Y, J. J- the eyle wcelc presented to' the council oface, the hand I ining train from London came the members thereof $Peak as thou in#yor and ea- It, Wilson Salkeld. John, Mit- in with the -to % at t WrIgb mains the, station plat - neat and binding ro 0 the residence of our Harbor Industries Getting ReAdy for It it was a Perm Ito have a 2 Cellt rate. We b -clime tertAilued that- gentleman and his chell and A. Strq1ton. Lt. -Col. Var- - form was Crowded with friends And Operation � getting abroad most family by porforming,.ii uumber of eoe is up in that Country now The casket was tak- The oi the,barbor any such ideg choice aira. The band next visited ing for a number of others of. thoOld'en, to deceased's late residQuee, Nolo -glao for running, I do much to injure our towns pro - A 10alt block of Hoskin$ and (;0. is In � spects, and hence, without wisbing the residence of'Councillor HutchISOU Boys of Go. !&on street, and from there 0 on Taos - position and the building almost and gave that gentleman an hour's A Gun Accident , I %urch. i to stop. our town's Improvements, we day morning to St. Peter s i t5a, - haq 4, enjoyment of the sweetest,pf music, .vbaro mass for the dead was Cole.' completed. Theillabi building see .4 rildu�ctfou, In tile, At ricon on Saturday several of tbA nee and xellects no dis. would like to ait street, 4 sts being good appeara after which it visited B. I fficiating PAC, rate for 1876. A employees of the North American brated, the 0: st Of assessment t)A ­ Chemical Co.'s works �iere watching. eat and Noonan. The u.. The In I Played a fow Choice , Aes In. :Rev. Frs.. W vredit on out, tow �blnery Dqiputy' Reeve- Appointed 'Divlilon an of a woll_l�nown resident?s a- 11 -beavers were Judges B. L. Doyle the cars containing. the mal 44tt Clerk Was. Not Unseated,' front the cleaning of a 22-callibro gun and PU C and Philip Holt, Sheriff Reynolds, for Zlvie and Hutehis.on's mill were bode. Thos.' McKenzie, in answer to a 40- unloa ed on 'Tuesday. and Wednes- For From It God.erl Shipping In 1876 pigrec4 to fire at 4 mark. As Surrogate Clerk D. Macdonald, Act - In Jas. D, O'Connell and day. Dixie Wat-son, Bsq., Deputy Reeve team. tbagelolader of the weapon was hand- Ing Registrar On Sunday afternoon four a Uri -Jos. Kidd, T�e bar of Huron Y. IV. C� A. AciivItles, of Go4erich, having received an Ap obee Ing it to MeKenzie, the latter turned powtuient, to office . (Division Court. or$,- the Benton, Bertschy, Qu 'dy�and many old T -his association is'engaged. in fix- round to see someth Fas resent in a bo in A Clerk) in Wingiiam; gave notiewthat and 11011amV,were in view from the . W and, at the v 9s, The late Mr. C.impion was itlg and cleaning one of the rooms In barb same time the gun went off and the irien the old hotel at the harboro to he us- "he would place his reoi nation in the or hill -at one V-100" bullet entered McKenzie's right leg, an- able pleader, Nvell versed In the "hands of the town clart, at the next Arrivals, justbelow the knee, inflicting a nos- procedure of the" courts, and' had'thd ed for religious services on the Sab. regubir meeting of 'the COuncili ty wound. , The bullet entered the ! faculty of placing his client's case � in day. This P * I for tile' a, Sarnia; scbr. the most fimor ble light before Judge tual -wants - 4101' Miding Which, of course, Cam& to .,the cars of - Thursday-4danitob, �hone. and �roblng and all other me - f . rptl1r, of"011hos, neat the harbor will wit lout doubt a number of'ratepayers, who Imme- Ontario,, Baf.flaid wbeatV,schi, Te- di4telY VroteqtVd, against It, And cumschl, IXI dlaM lumlier $team thods known to the medical profeg. 14 and jury, -and with a clearness that meri, could comprehend, Who be much appreciated by them if the iliore prominent at ont Rartila,- ligilt sion failed to locate it, go, it is rest - some C 0 barle Isa MxY Prop. 1KINGSWkIDGE it. C'. CHIURCH. in , b. , J� in, the�jjia kindly disposition, cheery manxior A i4i Per Cvnt�. Tax Rate Aivocattit'got up A petition; w.hIcb,,jn -loss than Bon on, Detroit, ood humored wit of our itiy—Propi City of Montreal, and. genial g xrll, Campbell strack - the, Tight 40 hour, was signed by a M*Jor!tY- - Frk A. Fatal collision late townsman *11 be long and lov. lord when he stated at tile Council of the leading men of the toym Te- Windsor, passengers and freight; passengers and 60ght, Fort Huron,*,. reign sjorame, wbovl� thelfpr down$' On Friday about jigon, as Thos.!Jngly romemberi6d 'by many Citizens boaril -that be had )loved we vvould, questing him to hold oftlee 'antif his schr� Sarah Une, Midlavid,, prop. Bertseby., 'Fort Huron passen- "d 'bloody tipq� had' Ima'ay'll, set to, - was . * not the least of the Tnary good Webster, with his Jittle son, and, have" *,sad that our people had beem, term expired, There weim same 235 Saturday—Schr.- Jenny Ru,mball, gers and freillit"', prop. QUM., Pas- (espe.clally At election timQ4 at which led to cx*ct a* I% rate the present riqll township, names on the 11st and, the name could Waybasliqle. sengieve and reight, upret Port$. times a brAWked 1108,44A4 a brutsb4 We driving *along the 14th concesl*m, i things to his memory was his long Yeay. Sun was genarAlly the outcome of the for- 'Gode the d. T. R. pay and efficlent seWice ta the town al; a Wo are awsre that ionetottr- have been doubled had there been day;.'--grop, -Quebec, - Duluth) r"Land Mark Gone c4r, then I returning from Goderiob, member of our municipal council fgr Anothe r assessment Is not any necessity for it. Mr-Watsoo,011 Bertselly, Detroit.; prop. Ban— Qible, atgumeAts xilouceil As, to the In'polities Mr. Cam- Ae ran' into his Carriage, killing Mr. niany. year.5. 4tter do# con- ton, Pay, CRY; Prop. I. Hollailit, PC- on x6riday the old 'log bulldlug qi� mpriia 0 deniarits of Particular r tions. Webster and the hor4e he vJ46 dAy- pion was a, Consistent and ardent .4 to the great trolt. Riogston street. Wjojulug thut O.Ortion of of the 110014 Rodll, XJ2 oueor other of And badly' injuring thia vehicle;,;IlConservative, and his gounsels-were $a places did also ren,ilavon t. ilic 6 0166ced. In 3(onday—stenin barge Mary Rob- the Albion Block Pow oeouriled oy the q he but,. strange to relate, the bay, who always valued- by his associateson Ili sofir. Kolfago, do; Whitepy & rillott, diaeppeared from, Canny Scotto fight 010 Scotias battl0s o realgoing, ertson, M1dlan4 d Punish the %fiountaln dew, Was Picked up from under hls� $atb- the executivo, for -many years Michaels Bay; tug pulft vidw. 'The old strubtare was, at O*er again am sebr. Star, St one time occupied by Robluse, Minnie Widker, 'Boyfield, light; Sv- n Cru", either raw orm "bot wbuql,-,, ening Star, Michael's Day, lumber, (Ceusoo Miller) What Particular vor- son$ of 'peradlous' A.1blo-, alsov bod of -he ght; Sovereign, 1.1libithoillpasseyi- a qUe cognomen, *a are unable to � roast beal s and tion. Dtr� miller'slife I6utltlad Wra totheIr."41taud gltv ag, they contrastecT t Props, Asia, Duluth, passenger thisu 1 1 of morrie Eiglanil vith the beryvemaina ot some ancient bovine 6 V, i say. Wir might sorl it to be, Allat I%t oars afid freight. �4 a �Yea up at their, repast In, 01s; fAtr "k laj4ig.4 W a diiesdak:��ropollers Betschy, &4 he st4o4 In UlLf door,ivay gaging over the not very pellucid :waters of a' Ca,4%d4* and blo 44 %wst my bloody ribs, It an HOD d and Quebec. 0 covered a good�yportlon of 14 he shouldn't h%ve died An tlid yoke swatup ths, tamper, teeth and oath, of his and not tried the tbatownJo,the east a so residence be - might b0xe exclaimeC� stomach of the rAblObAd _60404,; Georgian Boy; prop. Benton, Sag!- am moo motolt be —Times ehange. Alluature arch of all. 1. survoy," there Is undergoing a being no one to disputo lils swaY, bar silent, yet revotudon&ry Ilaw. 10 -and since the time We hAVe Friday—Tro . City, of Montreal, ring W6 little amPhiblous songstor chauge, V,olopt� the foog.7 This 0144og, boll& been speaklog of'we have wltnes�ed the Duluth. h. QfrespouWble Govailn. ­Sch. J. 6, McGratho lng� although of has yea:rs almost rise and gtowt! Saturday modernized off the f�ce of -the earth by went anti a recoeriltion of t1io rights 0 1b. -greak mass. Of -tho peopidi 3114 a Sunda - ueb�c, Sarl Benton, I a 06 Ing, etc., wil rec I to tbe: ol,- sottler vislous of. ojicli'as itmationalislug ot. the provinces wbo,.o :�elrtschy, Uagillaw; Holland, a r Detroit; 'Joutain ribit extends fromses. to sea. sebr.:Sarall Jiine, Midland, 16 or 40 pars$ a 0. 0 mally t Ave eadoo'lly ts ppeaped I are *a restingwith' laces t a a Not toiiitorr" our light. le 09 01 congrots keturos, arta and invoutious have M. C.: Cameron, an ore nata inau"a Ill naturally Irt ad, a r trospec. : ' Ilia by side In all rdspoets, Chicago; tug Minnie WalUer, Amber-, Ill . pllicbd a"'.slosf; favored ilations of tho 1130 w Ili �1. ly. Props Asla,'-WIndsor, asseng. Uve via t-41 I I V 6 tt's, - ers slid, frolght; Sovereign, Nindsor, Xudge e4d's, I ritish otel, of carth, Vida foreign roW04 of tho so lit at,. d- other places Mominlou at the Centennial. All this -11 pasr id freight; borgo Mary. Ligl3thorkpo fit engers at Robel Uldlandi liE where the boisterous. in0rfixerit within 40 years. Why, AiOuluu.v W42 THE OLD ALBION BLOCK, GODERICH HARBOR wedoesday—Prop, it, Peculiar to the ilowly settled -'Place did have VVID001411611 TUY.� AN OLD "'VIEW OF GODERICIT 0 08 ;1111F I VOINX9 =112v SIR W 00 0121MM CAM. MU JEW, -W �N,L �O w,.. W P, H -A, =t"M s,, on- uem Se ber 4th WL tch Close em h ki�o I Sicond Big Ahniversar w that. we, are offering B e and thers who have thus far availed* Dur y e genuine. argains Those of our. custom rs o dn C3 gi -offered. at in alm e in, Liam and Men" ' Sear The Sale has' botfoii_ days to rail Get iil.tue, swim 5et. -your share of, the. od.,thin h ost every fin s .c argains not listod- here, wi our.i. Wow lot -10 0*mo 40 look ova m other in any .0 IM ~0 :M- %0%0 W !;.w -rail k Meds La"' 'Skirts Table Damas suits eu'si 04eralls Ladies a .1 N,_ and young 'All sizes,Aue and white; stripe, plain e U -akid,black pleated gorge skirts' ice -ig�.Suft, guaran- pair $1.49. FA Coats floal designs, bleached Aa� styles Navy a re Se bluell, Anniversary sale, par All wool V 10 ts, I" tile latest 4 ble, dadiask, two. yards wide. Regular Na� in all tile popular shades, lined through- for ladies and misses. RegularL–p—riCe Anniversary 0.10 teed a I In i o L dye. Regular Combination Overalls, In out. RegWar prkei $19.SO. special $4.50., , Anni'versary'sa.1642.75lii price $1.5,o per yd. S ther flannel plaid skirts at reduc.' per yard. ivers r ate $97.50. -blue, blue and white stripe and k1laki. for anniversary sale, $14,ft. .0 qd prices for annivemiy sale. - Fancy stripe models for YOung men Anniversary sale Butberry inodels, another line of Toweling at special, prices for Anniversary -Sale!. heavy'all-wool cloth coats, fandy chack- for MenTs -Silk and Wooi Sol' 'Regular $20 Ladies' Sweatir-Coat Shawls Irish all lindri roller toweling, With Three-piece Tw6ed Suits ­� ri.g' ed back. and $2.1.50, men.. Extra, soecial $16.50. �oll Anniversary sale price $17-50. All -wool, soft yarn Shawls, Inade red border, -17 Inches wide. - Regular Grey, black and grey. Anniver.,. '25t, 4 sweato coat with pockets AM 1161t price $ 5c. . -Anniversary sale sary sale,,, per pair W. Ladies" and inisseg' , Velours .. and like a M 's, Shirts Duvet�n,,Coatg, lined throughout, son:10 but without Sleeve& , Different colors Crash hand toweling. Reg . ular ell Men"s' Black Cotton Socks Striking patterns in. with fur collar and cuffs, others with fur and patterns, Regular $6.75. Anni- price -28c. Anniversary sale 20cl.. Men's Top collar only. Re erl sale, $05t %, , Regu_ ular price-, $22000 V, Shirts. All sizes, 14 to%� t7y Meh's Black Cotton Socks. Spe� Flannelette lar $1.15, and' .00,L Anniv.ersary sale ciaf for anniversary. sale, Pdrpair IOC6L L Anniversary sale,117-50 Ladies - Vests Sometbing distinctly new for ilia la- Plain white and striped Unelette, ill $1.39. ray�lla Cft% trial. Silk and lisle and all lisle Vests, with various stripes, yard wide. Anniversary All. white Sport Shirts. Regular -Men-s Felt Hats dies and miqms, hia or without sleeves.,. Regular price Soc sale, p4r yd.,23c, $,i.5o. Anniversary sale 9&. med with fur collars and cuffs,or-fur col- and 75c. , Anniversary sile. 29c., Another line of all white 'flannel- Brown,,' black, greyi mauve, sizes lars only. Special prices for our,-ant*6 6,,5-8 to 7%4.. Special price for anWiver. versary sale. ette, 28 inches wide. Anniversary Sale Men s Work Shirts gary sale $2.9 other n6w styles in Ladies, Coats Ladie�, Hair Not's 20t -per, yd. Best,quality Khaki Shirts, aW sizes. Canadian Beauty Double Mesh, Hair TOW Regular en s Heavy Rain, Coats .in different styles it attractive prices. Nets. Light brown, mid brown, dark Bath els 1.50.' AltniVarSaryL sale price M L11, brown, Monde, auburn and black colors. 41.19. � Different shades. Tweed t4s with adies' Fall Suits For Saturd. only� 3 for 260. 2 assorted sizes and heavy and light pharnbray and Black and White belt, rubberized lining,,guaranteed water - in, tricotille and poiret twill, Silk-lill- ay weights, English niake. Just arrlvW. stripe Shirts. Anniversary sale 95c. proof. Sizes 36 to 44. . Re lar SM-� ed. RegUlaf Price 8,14.50. Anniver-' Special prices� for anniversary sale. So. Anniversary Children's Dresseg sale $12.9.c sary sale $17.50. Ile, hl�.twoL r Black sati !,tyleS, With rri a Men's Combinatiobs IZO bloomers. 'also ion'Under- -Men's Work. Gloves 'Ladits Dresses White 'ground with bl a stripe 32, All sizes Alen's Combitiat years. Regular price $1.50. AnOlver, u SpecUl for an One finger. Special for anniversary Lovely cauton crepe dresseg in a saty sale $1.25. Inches wide Aniversary. sale 2ft per Wear, in B. V. D. styla t soco sale, per pair 25c. large vaiiety of the latest styles, Jade yard. niversary sale, per garmen ,green, irley, black, navy and brown Walle. Table Oilcloth d tons INS shade&, Regular 'price $20 to, 525. First quality 1,1,4 yards wide. Re. Ladies, Hats Salbriggan Combinat Men's "' I Anniversary"'sale $15 and $20. gular 60 cents. AnniVetsary sale 41k Special fall opening of our millinery All sizes, in short geaves and long Various.colors and patterns, snappy Tilicotine and Serge Df6ses. Re- legs, and short and short. Anniversary Ties, Anniversary saI6 59c. i z and $14. Almikersary' Sale per yard. department in conjunction with our Ali- sale $1.19. # # . . niversary Sale. Hats in all the popular Boys' Balbrigan Combinations styles. Your ioWction invitedt Fictory Cotton n s Balbriggan Underwear izes 24 to 32. ' Special for ani4ji. %ISJ& ­' I ief's Me Si Aji V4�, Vard wide. Annivo8ally 41L#�', Men"s Colored Handkerch Men's Balbriggan Underwear. Alt sale, &r garment 79e. Ise. Beautiful waists ill tilleolo-tti, all co- Mealg ColorM Handkerchiefs. An. slZcS in tWo Pjeee$ slljrt� and drawers. , flo� 'sary, arment Or lor,3. short sleeves. %�gularp , $3.50, AllaWool Mankets nivers-'ally We, 3 hw 21k. Anniver gle Sk per g. Boys' Sport Shirts Annivor a suit. Honeycomb pattern, cream color. saty sale, U49 g, to 9 pounds per pair, white litill's Work Socks Sizes 12, Yi' to, 14. Reg. price- $1.00. Ladlks� Underskirts Mue or pink Forder, whipped Singly, pa 'if(9 Regular priec 'Grey Work Socks. Anniversary ]BOYS" Sifts Anniversary. sale 69c. . Roil- Special pric Floral Satille Unkiet, &uble bed size. Qk e *S.". kira for Sk. -es for annivef8ary sale. lar price $t.25.' Annivetsary sale 7k. Annivetsaty sal Sale, 4 p .01,014,101 ""Of, W" 00 0% ------ A 0 0% A 04 A 0% 0% 1WT Vst Side Square - EL '"'DERICH. W"t Side Nuare - i GODERIU" A* 'C�OR D