HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-08-16, Page 10� I 1plw."�__ I I- I � � - ___ __ - . � - � - 11 . ­­ - ­'. . . ­_­ -.-,. , _ ,.", __ ____ .- - ­ I - - - __ __ - - - ­ -1 ­ -1 1. � -- - .- � __� -7-MMM, ... - .,-- . . . -1 � .­­­ . ­_ ____ _____1.1_.___-_- - . ­ - .--- , ­ I—— . .— - - I I 11 . V - — " - " - I �, - - ,�,,__ -,--�—:;;-�'�.-,��V-614��a-w.-.Oomgl000 - 1�1� . . .1 I ­ - � . I . I 1. .. � . I I . 0 -1 � , 1) I I U 11 - -1 - . -1 . dN �* -, ___ !!,��_t­4 ­__­ - � � ; : ! I I � ! 1. — ,. I i il - I i P - � , - - - . , . . . , . � ; ! 1 ! �_!rwr=:T.7, r,-- 7 N ­ _____�­_ ! o ! i i� � 1! � � ! 11111 = III I I � 11: I 111::1 I ! : 11 11111!T !111:11111 1.1711 ­_ - ­ !7 - - . PAGE TIEN . I T"Z GODCPXH STAR THURI-WAY, Aug. 1Cb, 1%,'-'� 0 . ­_ � - ­­- I I __ zl!m�1:11111111001 - 1. !., I __ - - , �­ �_ === � � I il \ MWAW- K - . . _11- I I 11 .., I . I I . COUNSEL CLAS" I 0, I - , i 1, I R I ,retrailinobtrt A. Xelicnztlo tcluv fica 40� on Thur13qQy- 1N LIQUOR CASE .------- : I I I I f. Mrs. .W., 11,'Nalze returrici from , augo of Shot Takes I'llacit , ch " IIW* f-,harp:ex I I . . Uron o on lWdvezday of 145t WC4, ' I 'Pentland, at 6ria# 0*04 Trial I . CHINA J&-.,ar,4.U". lElWyll ,of lehle, are bete on a vicit with Mrs. 1� A special despatch of. The Ull" � I � I vaViIII&XVin, Mrs, A. Pavidson and Allan Reed Advertiser is as follows. Grand Send, Aug., 13th. --Sharp , ,� il '. I ,In original Leraldic hautauqqe, in Godo- are on , , , Z clashes between Crown Attorn - X, C. of Godericb, And, D7. � 1 1 I . Fmglish Ivory Por- . . I tipying: rich Is w Mr. 40 Mra� Geo. clowan *04 Urn- .Sesger, ley Rolmes,, counsel for the dolenco. . the trial of B"t Holt At I . � velain,, with views of �1!y,O-Qf Blytky.visited V,ith friendo marked Grand Bend on Monday- The , the Court House and 'r on AM charge was riolliog liquor on August I . . I i Harbour. Mr. and Mrs. F. Ross and little Donald awntertte wcelc-cv 4 with 1, and the Case dragged on *11 d 143'. b�_fgre Magistrate Claarlea A. 1411 , - . . I I I FRY OVEN GLASS friends In Da !ch. Mrs. $. B, Sanderson h4s- bccn in of Goderlelu I Walter Jackson and Murray Wil - had Grand .1 �� � I Goderieb with her friond, Mrs. Pierce � n, of parkhIll, visited vo I . 11. � .1 I . 1; . In, a pleashig Opal during the past week. Mrs. W. A, Maize, of, Toronto, with Bond on th� night of August let., BetNveen arrival and derlartute thOY . I tilt$$ a sJ1.1peforeverN, her infant eon, are v Isiting friend7i absorbed enough liquor to. put thorki . class. Constable Oil - in tile trouble � ii,:e. A-u-sefill,we(i. - , in Dungannon at Present. I 'Messrs. U.Dia,'V,harlds Fowler I ver, of Grand Bead, arrested Jackson for driving 4 ,car while under ther in. ! 0 , �'d I ( � 121� gift. Raymond Brown a�4 "Pat" JohnstO6 fluenee of liquor and a jail terra f�l- I ! . . " � .."""60" - . _­­ �,_ --- left for the Nyest on Wednesday moralk g, going on tho'barvesters' ex- lowed-. I A. Whiteside of the Provincial Pu� , . I - , .. . . . The, 060,104 Oft ShoP 1 cursion. .1 Two able and masterful scrmOus lico,fard - T. Vellow, license I Ile - tot, or utont .a 0 1, 1 anc I= I . I were delivered on 'Sabbath lost, by -,_ a th tw re e 11 uor Jack on as to . , d '. � I I Rev. Mr. Scoble, of WhItechuroh. in 4 $1 �d the charge ai s Olt follo - , . . . . � . . � Erskine Presbyterian church, ROV. �� G, Gomm, of Pine RIvert who. was a ed. . . . A I I I , Wordy Duel � . I . 11"Imer pastor here, will conduct the Whole hours of summer -time ,,veto I � � I I I I I . services. fia this ,church on. SundaY . used up.by the counsel for the, de- , I � ,. I . . . . I I I . 4 ­ � . 11 1 2 � We bospeak'for him a larg next. . ol Audience. . . . I . fince. in trying, to trip J, Flokson and Wilson, It was - during 4ne or the �. . " . : . I " 11 � I . . . I 1, Come onci come, all to Durigaution , Weducada o,,22nd, and 011JOY on A% long-winded spells of� questioning, which the crown attorney Ch4ractev- . I - I I � 1. � . 1 1 -w I ­­. � . I I I -1 . . .y, the afternoon and evening of sport and entertainment provided for all. . I 4wasting, tilne with most ob- izgd as rd questions." that the vious and absu defence Was referred k::""=.10111111,111:111:.M g I . � _ .. . . COLBORNE, . Not a dult moment for anyone. Vivo Itearns will "engage in a baseball lawyer for the ,rtinent And Impudent to ps tin Impe " I , . . � - - mi..' Mrs. Matthew and .daughter, tournament - There 'will be bicycle taces, 'foot and tug-of-war. �pu I and as not realb drig the serious Rav, dig of his calling, Mr. SeagOr . .. .ew, of. Pretoria; $. ;, � Rlizaboth Matth races - Suppqr"vill be served in the W4-�af. accused, hiro of Putting, wrong quos. I I . I I of %ts. J, N. Kcrola- ,. . Africni cousins . -31sk" � been making 4W.OX- V610 have ter Which 811 excellent P14Y Will W1 given by Wingliam Dramatic Socio, tiOn-5, Of Intimidation, and al I manner of1hinsro. winding up with, the state - , ;3 . ii V. - , . . .- ten ed tour of the United 91­,ite " - - __ . I ,� .... I � V,iivada, visitbil at the home of t 4. 1, � ty, Plan of hall to bi seen 4t the post office., Dancing will be engaged Inent, ,,You Impertinent young pup, . 1,11 show you, upf-you refuse to see , I , " I � , I lattvr -over the , week,00J. T y I I . e .�: At h , d . � t liave been tmvellimf since Ata IP . � '4 . r Inrat. , o. Remember the date, tho'clos W ednesday.' 'Aug, 22nd. For parti-1,shall im�roprldy of your Conduct, I the at once tak4l this matter UP --- I CHILDREN1 11 �� DAINTY DRESSES 0 11 . In Voila 404 Pique. soul* , . har.4 ainbroiJored. Sizeii up to � , � I sit yaw% All ularkiml low Aud � �, , � WI�Qff.inxrkod Vvicea for aud I � . � of 00aso" clearauce. � 4 � �� MISS S* NOBLE , ' � panty Go"* 004 "0044work I I MASONICStRIrMES111TWSHILL . - -WV_0"-" I MaltlarA 1,0494, SWAS X111011eft to ulkho ` - Star in lvtulr�CM 0. I -----OP upward$ Of seventy .Alemwrs of morning star Lo_ftNo. 1300i Car- low, and visititiW brot ten from MAit- labd Lodge, No. 03,.Q04or1Chr_A$sCn1-. bledst the tQVA5hIV bull ed in A body to StAith's I Sunday, the 6th in4t. TI K, Holmes pontor, ,pastor street ' M ' eth4dist Church, who is A viewbor of I preached 4 most interesti, structive soFraono -The �, � � . - I sUeet. at the, Q. Mel.,,: a0pre. 1 1 1 rliv days -1 ­ .. I It 0""W ­� t I 1L_ _1 , 9 M 10 I 11 I 1-9 ­ - - 9 """%I%.# BORNE S STORE MME 36 11*4 0 "" L I I -.01,11,111� Orr PHONt '86 :i "1% ---I'- -1 9- . 11 - � � I 19 1 1 " , I ETS, a'd OSE , CORSI 9� , 0 H I 1 .9 . - ­ ., ­ ,. " - ...'' ­ ... .... .111 I -1 I'— ­­ � " .. . . - . *e are showing a large assottjn�ut of SANITARY RUBBER GOOOS, Q,Dveriug 21- , luost every peed.. These goods are all guaranteed. � � I - Rub�er Tea Aprons, $1 . � ,Q, .60 and $2.OG 9 o 4 . Sattitary Dress Aprons., in wilite, at 75c . � 91, . I Rubber Crib $beets, 36-X36, 4t S1�50 1� I . Babies Rttb4ir Peeding Bibs, 35c . I . I .1 I . I . Babies Rubber Pants, Xk aud-6-5o ' I I . - ' . . I Rlibber4in,ed Diaper Sags " . I . Rubber-lineJ, Cretonne Roll -Up$, for, toilet articles, verY Use-- - . I fill lvben, travelliuKi two eizes, swal,91,45c; large, $1.60 ea. I , . . . I . , . I f . . - I . . . I � I . a . . I . .'� . C.orsets for 1$1 s.79�,.A. pair - " ­ . . � I t . . � ... I I . 1 9 1 . , . . . ,� . . . We have 1i .styles of CORSETS selling regillarlY for 0.*59 and $3-00 a pair. ve - 9 . � . I I � . . We offer theof this weqk for $1.7%- . . I , , . ..1. . . . I � - " , ' . . 9 . Also a ueat BRASSIERE "I'll pink- and.�hlte,' sizes 34 iu,�' 36, iu, and 3� in., for . I .1 . .. I . I . . 39c, each. - - I . . . . I 1 9 . . I I � . I ,� . . . � � I . 4 I . / . I I . � I I I I . I p � Auftle . . . 1� I . . . . . . 1. I.i I w I , I . I . I I I . . L "0* , , . - . . . ­� I � . . I I . . .. . L . I , . I I Exc tioual value in tME, 0 ., a . . � ep , ME for 39i'aud 59c , I ' . pair. I . . . . I �- I . I UL � . ;4 . .1 . 9 . I I . ,. I I �, . . " i � � . . I Ask to see our 9& SILK HOW This, WZ­3plWid Alose for ther mouq � . - - I . 9 " -1 I - . I 11 . I . � I . � I .1 . � � . . � ;, . . . I . I . 1. . � I � - � . I _J ' I L . .1). I . - . � 11 . 1-- . � _ . . 1. _­ 1. I . ­­ - I , � . � , '. 0 , culai see bills, - ' " with ney-ueiierd ., ox WO ox,Ki.njr tsolomon unpi, rme year 1717 I . � . 11 I . . . .,L lexpe t 'towrive ROM6 n Jan a, the Attor I . . .1', � I: i � it -1 , -_ - - , - . I I . � . � -1 ­ —_ I I I When degrees'Were first *4opted, and - 11 illm I I . , .1 I ' 'L '' '­ � ­ . . . . . I JOU'VOINTIN -AT':TIIR STAX' , � . ; . 1. . ,. I '. . . - � . . �' I . I I I ., -6 , . I , � . � . ­iiff - ----- . 1 Thu following letter of apPreciii. province " - L . - �— � .. - . . .. " - I . . I . � . . . I Mr. Holinds" not to be outdone by then �4owri to thci.prestmt, �Loay,­ Mr. , I Abaooi,, UOt t4ot -4uite I I . I . tion Was received recently by Miss I - certainty 'thar i; Me au$ Isavwx 440- .. I - I I .., �� � . Iliss V� xsogiiss has boon, visiting this outburst, proceeded with ques- ]R I u , ' - - —_ I . 1 r I I 1. %QljA,os'deC1gVed* flog wi ore ,;Yq I I , �� I I . . 1 B114 Stothers, ex-opergtor at thold�- OU will flnW, a �Maaonic lodge.,, Would In the mow, and the 'ensila. e ! � , I . . 11 � I I I - will X I Ke ! A f4o4 father e . � L I.... .. I I P -Mm . % . . filends .11t 13lytb. I I tious which dealt with itichest. see - .. t no mould In the �oll%, that either can I hopeful readinga dime. UOVOL I � I I I ; : I � . gal telephone "Stem.' - , dif- "Masonry," h6 continued, 41w 4 . . � .1 � misg6s, Delta and 011V641re f , . . h.nds, minutes, distances, namest all no be feq with -safety.. Sow. then , villain," the ' P . � " ` � , I . ;in", 0 . July 20th, 1923, � cap I lul%ara me dete ry I ,. . .� � � . forent, ypes of corkscrews. whether an eXpgriment.11, It, bad been tried - .0.4, 'N A 9 %0N. . IL . I I . . . Fi am ,� . , Toronto. visited their home and. Aliss V, 114 .Stothers, I , �the mould bo prevented,z' vor"the ed. boy cried, "or - W� , �bl6b t- S'A 1E it & S , ,; � I ,.there .11, bq 4 � I I . % � - I . rJends lost, week., ' . I Dungannon, Qiit� . . it Was three feet to the veranda or an4.ploven. � I , most satisfavtory methodit oPculti. S,h&V � I . � . , 1 " � I . I . . , I , . � I i I .. � . . �fr. W. B. IS . I Dear Via,— . ond Yard, and whether it would take After toucliIng, on'the Work of thoi Wing anti harvesting the realaer is. Ll"No,ll said 11 the father grimly - ' I � % . hoppard and Afr� Ran- I f, five minates'to fill the Jib of. a car. original Xasons in treating -the ter , I, I 0 . . 11 . , , ,a- c., - Bo ds Bought and 'L--- .' aid a f1.yJuL*,, visit to It ,Was With deepest regret tha I vaforre4 to 39ulletin'290 of the Qu,. tightenifig the b0dou t e I oy's I It I - I � - � I . � �', � 31Z�' of Clinton' t � we .received Your. resignation a$ chief igh rainwater to wheel it to pie, the rea9ber turned the attert- tarlo­ Agricultural College. ,APArt 14*,,�'Not bloo,d�wshed,_wQodsho ,. ... I � 1. � Sold - s�. � 'A�' �, 11 I . L . -frivrida at Nile Lat Week., . with enol r , � I- . - I I . . . . I . .. .1 I . . I . � I I .� I.. .1 . - . operator of Goderich Rural Tele. the Bendo pick up a jag �41W;rotutn tl6ii of tfe congregation to AnOtbei from tb'6 mOu'ldiag which ni - ' I . . ,1 I ill by three in the morning. kind of , � . . I I . I Miss Amelia Hetherington, of:Satttf h buildfnj��­the building., of Our �; If, you feel-. blu * take� ' �, I . fi . I 1. . , -due'to '4amp weather, or ,,,, . , a bath. It , a '' 11 , I L., We can truly any that .to Fork ._ In the LAM . � � q, , , , . 10M. called on some of her old school phone Co. � ow aiacter., We should � - � N Real Est -ate � 10 . . ' . , .. I . .;" ... . I . mi.tes and -friends this week. youhavo for the past five years filled . Witnesses'. Story see - our lives, I as temples, he de In. the wow duo to luoupicleat curing, 1"y wash ox., . I .. I L. i . . . I.. �� � �'.,, 4'. . "i. , , . � � I . that positi0ii � with the greatest of Tho Itnesses, Jackson and Wilson, We have a, bi ,claved. .there fs'Anotber way VhlOinust.'be' 'What )�naY look likei 4, joke at the a Insurance I _ � ,_ i., I I . 'A.1183 Nay, Of XITIR4, Man., I$ ski)),..aceuracy, good judgment' an b I I gier job,than Soloinon donsidered. .It Is tho.devetopuzeint or start way Vot seem I so� darn forink' I I � 1; �:., I � d Oth O pokbill, swore they drove 011ding of our.liZ6.---. . . . . � . I . . �: I ­ I speading some time Among friends. with Incredible patience. I now ever h4d,.-Ibe,�b , ar the - - � , . . L �� I I I ' " �� I ; , I . their car up to.'thd bomeLof Bert . at, air rA aklid old acqualvitalkees at Nile. , I Fir$t, we iiiod.an architect bioioauso mould due to the mol , en& . . ! . i . sing no . ... ,,,, ".. -..,... a.— . Barik -of Conmtr�e IWO- � - I I I ' � . . I , � . I . The public has always been I eat- Ott the evening of August lat. 'They' we cannot get alongmithout the do, L throug%, the oeilint of the cattle 1. ''. . . 1. . . . . I I I . L � �� 111'ra. Corbett, of Winnipeg, with ed'prom UY and courteously 14 Ith $4 ther , 0 1-f Atable, below and settil - KETS I thht after parting wt ag out qu tw GODERIC14 MAR M 1, - � P40)", . , : , " I All We allege ,230 ' : *�'­ � , � I i i . two, children, ate visiting At'the would lite you,to know that we ap. became joint Owners, of a battle Qrf signer and .every Y44n a i e is a plan hay in the m - Q*, � Thist I feel � oilro. wheat,, Pek bush ...... I . I � I . .. I I I iDf.jGod. DL,tho secorill place-wo , 1. 11 . I I ­ � - ____ _ . . ; I teo'ni 05oto6 � _1846 - - - I � . . . e of h0r,couslo,'Mrs. T. Q. Shop- I IffO,0�14,te -all .Tou have done for, us. Ointment which Put JuPkst)u out Of should be carelpt about the materlil has been, the �oausc. ,of t46014y . llay in Flour, firnilyj per cwt . . � : �� . � `;: . . . . . I .. � I .11 I . I . I . 4 I , � - ! ,� 1, �: Verd. ' . . . � -fulfil Ing these ey."yday du- business, Jacloon told - the we build into,- . our ,,r Flour, patemt, per cwt ^ 3450 to � 3 go . . ­ .. *! . ; t . I c0r4� .several eade%gl,t aeuatnbe pttwonted t I . � . . I . .. 11 � . ';� I I . � . . .,qoveral Po6ple from Dung4migultles that we have -an -6poortunity. of that he remembered -nothing until tomple.'. Ever� by either 4 c ,,, A;: or plitting, Bran, Pei. LtQn ...... �' �8,00 a *�O,Qo -14-! W Oko too", --- �,_.__�__ .1 , , , L I ., , .11 I I . I . . � tbought, wor& and act is gom6tbing . 11� . . I I _� ; ­ I -64e the. nowo tO put,lato thO,'butilding, . There are, Wj L Cont- 11 . � : I . I � wid other places -attended the quar-t'show!"Ir bur true character and, while Constable Oliver br a­str4w bottom in. the. ing Shorts,, per- ton',�,_..'.1, S2,00 tip 32.00 " . I . I.. , 1; I . � I : "I . ., I I � I . . � ' torby servici 4h Nile church list Suit. we realize that ma ft es him. in the in Oats;'per bushel_...'. , 45 to 50 1 " * I ." 10 � � ; 11, .,� � .. . . �, "y in o orning. Afte0 securing many. kinds. Of" buildings which we mon, salt scams to be orrear value - , . _ il . . . . dav to -hor � Rov. .T. W. Hodley touch had to contend with annoyance and the crock they drove around one con- verything else I PLE 'ARK. '. I . : ; ) , . I I . , . . . . I . � can oreet,'but abbye e , In cheokiiig, the'grow Ray4'. � , ', - - ­__.. " 10.00 to 12.00 T W =_ . 1, I'll 4 X, : ; I . I . . -and to, have a handshake. with Elm. unreasonAbloresso as Only - a - told- cession and parked half -the bottle we should build faith' into them." the, _hay mow. From Orty to: on' Eggs, per doz., ,selects 24 to 24 , E '' I . CL . ' "I . 1. I . . : .-W� -_ . I . e �L X,O� I - 2t L AIL � , , "I ... � . I Phone operator knows, we take great under a tree, As proof that the con- Masonry teacl faith in hunaied poundkAs- .requlrvd for eadb Eggs, per doz. , 21 to - . 'Off, !.. / . ... .1 . ,ws,vs to:havo, MEROHANT T , � �r!:,; , . ; . . ' 1: , � I 'At. 14 . . 'Plftlsilre in ,as humanity and brings hopq, � . . � � , .1 - .1 .L . � �- ,� � . . . . LOY ­ Ting Abat You have tents of the crock were working, one into 'bur loa.,.and this must be spriukled unt, Eggs. er -doz.j ditties L . I .1 "� . � ,� . . 1. , ,. . �. . a . true la Y, in: not 'only doing witness described the. eachw,as --A tree s own. lives,. -In, speakinj of faigi 'in forial, " t6oligh Ahe .h4y. While It, is , � l5i! to, it I .. I I an crackod.,. . � . . . . . , . , . . I I (Written 'for lost week." ., , been , I . 7 . I I , / . , .. , . . . . . . " 25 tb 30 Atpartwei#*,over I . I - , I . , �- , '"Alr. and Mrs. Fisher , Ayr, veto Your dutY but in your treat ., God, Mr. Holmes declared thit, th4j. :belog SprO .hq,. maw. %, I Butter, dairy, per lb.. . I ueacws .� . ��. I . , _, of others� At i6he . meht of while his companion called It ashrub . I I ad: In't . '. _ . . . �. Hogo, -per cwt. i ...... 8.25 to 8.50 - I . I . . I ., I I . -ill. 1�' � . , 6 i , 1ho gueso ,o - . meeting Of the Board The magistrate, After hearing all 'man 'Who doubts god doubts his fe14 . Good S*eot. Clover Oartiul"s. . . * . . I ... - I I . I . Potat6effiver hush... . 1.75 to � Z 00 111:11"01 .1 : '' , : A . , .i. I .. .; , ; , , ,: f� th% '*rmer"' shitor# of Dlr#ctor4,J*. loth, 1920, It was the . evidence, held his decision . for I - � L . I I 11i .. I . � � - 1�1 , . 4bl.,Johm Voliox" astwook-tud., - - lqwmen. "Lelt.,us build "a"life, that U :, . . .1 . �� . . �.. . I )ted -and c4Med, unaii1mousiv . Xdnr experiments have ,been cou­� C�ttli� export ....... 6.75 to , 7.26 1� . I . 4 .1 � . Aosift V4 , that the week in -the $ace ,of the blank de I .' t -. � '�­ . ; 11 ­ . I I � I Ilrx. *6ttei,hao returned from VAR- W �wat least �end full of gladness ,and clidert", he .ox- ducted W� the:,jeed1n4 6f� samples, of CaM e aii'a *Ntrtal S � � . , . . � * � 4L . .. . - iting, rolutives in Detrol �. r , .you *. lettdr.o� 48ep. nial.of the charge by gort Holt, who horted. ., � . I ,Ie�`choic& butchers.6-00 to 1.00 - � . �or,.Squar '' I I . �; .. I ..� I . I I t� C.3 gratefulness slid, sincere hp . pre- stated in his dcferic� that li� had In ,the buildi ' ' good &kid bAd- sweet clover tty cal-Ires Cattle* ordina. ­ , ), ,0,5,01 1 1 1 . I - 1. ... . . � , , - ry .. 5.50 U .. .. I I I - , 4 I I . �. - � 74 , I I . , Mrs. Pratilk,wilson,and little son elation Of Your $0rvice. We fliere- been seated On his. veranda 'during , ng ot!A life the third, and rabbfts.� The animals receiviiig ,sboep ,. -k- .. 1, 3.00, to C . I � : . , . � . . � - I " * 1; ' . I , � . I. Are Waiting At the holike ot Xr" aild fore send YOU thioLnote to expteaS in the time mentioned, with a number $jrcot.. -factor ,is wood'workmanshfb. the dafh4ited food ajt;toat uI)v.A�r,s:hbt' ,Sprhit_.­* ,,bdtAW 1p,oto lZoa z,:, -GO09RICH, -"T._-. 4 �'_ , I 11 � � 11 . 'u -4 will take Place `Ilr and' died. I - . - .t� A , . I � . . I I . I j, I I �. . ... . Mrs"Joh Some dayji 9 !!.M.L., WON 1, . . I . I .. 1, * , - ­ : , "', T"onw., � - �, . - it measure our1bankh a4d to Wi.qb of campers, four of whom were in I twotio came , a no* dan A— ­. , , , "..... . .. == . . 'i., I I . . I � L I , I . d .� � I . and the help of Jesus Chilst ahbiqld, iii -be6n��-uny sicknegs In the �kal- � " - � 4 ,— . ­ ­__�_ . ..; � � � A neighborhood picnic ,was hold at You every. success a d bappi .. 1. I I I i � 11 noss in court to',prove that during the time be ugked.W,i� �a I I .. . . . :.-,.T - - - - .. . I I :1_ � � � - - I ,tip, bUlld the building 1hillofed upon, gogd , - t I � W W w00%okow-40 . I", 1, � , - sweet ,clover, riay� v-_- I . I r �� ''I I I the lsko� on'Firldoy last, A yory, on. the futuro. . I connected With the charge no one of. our. liv _ - 11 -.1 .,- 1 � th _1 R - --d- __­ ­ -4 L-U L ,eg.,A$, a .tgraplo of God._ Er 'that .)rour,"� childrees, I I I P I I �al Stuted On WhAlf 01' e (,ar . - had left the*. ve�an­d­a-.---Wor,T1C, at a or eftsllaX6� - In- -one e9vorinifult"two: .S. � dLfOM . , '� I � � , I . . . " �Joyahlell t, Ws. 1pont by aW .. _ � * �� -_ . . � "Souie diq the glgry of, God will, 611 , valglati"oo&b. _ . , . '.- ­­ - ­ � 1�:1.� - � - I . --!-----, . . _'. soa _. , � �41ves,�Iwpre f - f� __ -101�� � t . __:�__ ... _" . I _. - , . L I . . ­­­. ­ -u vhoe$ .10 STOTHERS,'-sec,- Treis-.� -� business activity .at the­'Rend-camelo- -your life- and-�m1ildi,-­- Thi's lit&- is briryr e"n-41cloolve dief'o . . 1. ;_ . , . .. I I �. - � . - I ` _�L . it, Whire, Thite6 , me T I. , . ijowt frWeet clover �eiisjlage '� over a starting thera off'to school next I . � I � 11 i � . � 't I ! - I un! !�1DDVIot,, Pres. a stAndst.111 during the trial, and thp the A WC. of,,tbb,, th -e' to - " - . I , , ,.. . I � A' - i 0. 4—I'That. 11. -1 � ­­'" ------- �-_ I . bull& _verIg4 - - h . 'call. And bavo them -Th 7i I 4, �­l , . �. ­ "Nody, the Latiodre, . _ I , inks. that al v � I % 01r,r voulte sett n Or! Ot '. . townspeople 'and campers vattendefle6bae," be declared. "If 'our , , . f six weeks. and both remain .Woftt � , NOW: Is 0 me i , I I , . n(u ' the trial en magso. . -w "beft -examined., - Our prides - are,, I 1 � 4ow, :X I . SMPFAROTON ed MI- Rabbits "#e � ted QXL . I I . I I '. � .. . ,With s4p, wrappers vha ved ' Mrs, 8, Rby to vi,q1ting, in, Xltdb , ' � . . ., 0 . � inp: i's Wise built, the glory of God . . . . I .. 1. I . *.# I . . I I I I .. I I . .vly. . 4, . ()nor. � . - #A1?Vl y . N . : � -to I . I I t . - es, of, bad sweet clf>iror. " . . . V . : I 6 . � . will t1r6ugh it forever. more�", �� .. got that 110�v . I . . � . . . . . I . AUBURN . entl�, Which were 14ken groin the sAme hay right- .% I � 11 11 � I I I . . . . . . � � . I �"94 14'Willb t19 Visiting bor %tint I .. In conclusion the- reverend g� I . N go, . L t� I I . ... ��-. , I . . Her Stesk4y#-�"That's Stjei' W%O-O'L Atr* 1)urril, To 0, . ' Urs., Henderson, , of Smith's Hill. man exhorted his congregation to * , I . � , ' I . . � . toq I mow� lZbosewhich retelved,tbe'good A. L. COLE - � � vou get%, oliou . � z Naffress - ap, sprig � . I . . ; � X . ah soap wra,riperq sav, : , I . . Y I v d white those Which. rqCCUOd. I . ' . 1. � . . ,vi V0 tn.furnlph ,11 r.,lt Us mu, . vit. ()tit teA0110r, X08-44. Driver, in was the guest,.of, Mrs. Wiir-.Iaat take as their guide, "God, the (;rest 44, I 0 1 I 0010metrin--411"t-tin . . 11 . .. I . I . 4 . � � . � ­ ,. I . � � I., � . I � . ( , I f I I . nwrried-11 - � - I . 1. . . I Ado It week. . . I I . I A:rchiteet of the Vniv6rs.e.1" the Ud ,died, I 11 I . I I " ,ria. . . pbode; � An: Odd chair . � t � I , , . . ., v $It tO'Our T1114190 lAot week. ' . , L . . .. . oaderleii,_qnt� � I I : I ... I . . I I In 10011C1119ton. * . . , . 1, . . I I � - 1. I 1� , � � . . . .1 Mr. Ralph Munro and family were , On returning to, the town4h) hall, ' I I . . . � . .... I . 1. . , .11 -1 .1 11 � . �: � . I � .1 I. � . � I � . . I � I I . �, I . _________.. I .. Kastot Telaievro*otl lig toed . - . I � Th4, use of sweet dlover tot Uy,lff- e!M____*1 -_ -_ I . ! , ,., . . I . I - � ­ $`ketu 1a,Stt*tfofd the former -p4rt of thig' the thanks of. the lodge- Were f�ndbr. . . . I li - , -1 .. � , � I I � . . �1. . from a vacation Rpeut, in Tot . , .. 11 . . I �" . . I 1b , � I W . . t . I . I I I I I . OAto. . � is Of risky = Wo, ave,:theal :'n n . .1 , , I �.%. I � .. 1, - . � T�(, . 'L ' . 4 * week. , I bd Riw, J. &;Uolmes, the offi.ciA ,,, Pe-ause jf.tAoulda -And OtAq . I I .. � . . . ek and . � . I I . I I _ . JAI$$ RAbal Poster 16 the, gii6at of h r . - .1 I ., . .. % " . . Wed. - . ,, � , 4 � . , . .1 LL . � . I . "ant and unc (, xrg.� Kennedy and family took�in the church, and those, who. assisted or-anisras graw in the' hair It may I I .. 1. " ­ , . . I 0 , I � . � , . I I .1, I a le, Mr. isd Mrs. A, r4olq st Wed. in:the, musical PA# of tho''prograin, highly Poisonous fooO,. ., L * I I * , , , , ­ , � I .1 I I . I V 14. , � . eOl the. excursion to Manitoba Jn ,�bpdome a : 11 -Evoythirig for . bhe howe ab I . I 1. I . , . I i, � . . . .. I , . - 0 1 I I : " e5. __1. t I . I ; , �. I I .. . . . , . . I - . � I .1 ; t r I . . I � 0, 1t:W0tftvW.',. V)n t4ji�tur� Of Toronto, ore t Ur I . I . . . I .8. Ali, I . , �, I � - . I . 110,90osta of I 'day at Mr. George Sturdy's 9 . , ;. 1.11 1 is , , . I � I ----* . . The too -cent � iaxtrumont,- so'fti-� . . redt eara. nos( � . . , . � barjaiix'prio V16"15011re. mill 1, and Ivy Normau, Th �,Vo I Institut y peddled sit the tountry filtis, . I I 0 men'. I 1 i i, ... � , . � Noith St Orch . lay,, � 1. I 1, : .. I . " ' . � ! I . I ,qWUhI41,4' T I SET Thi's, �our stor6; uss.-it, , " I I , . I 4rew Bogle. . . . A we -d-, MOULOTSWEET CLOVER is supposed to sevre nX A . I I 1% . I ,­ � . . 1, ., ,. I - Aor* � I . . . .�'from t n . . I f . � . I to for�ogqawnotlts.tor , . . .dozen. PurposaW Ope 4 . . I . . I I I I ' ' - ' nosday. of this week. : . . . 11 ........ I- . I ... e1i , . . .. I ...... . . Thp. WALW 44 .j� i I � , t, 04na to. ArAwing a three 11inth , ­_ I ­-, . __ �. . ___ �' Iretv enjoyable � ,s� Chaptruin, of Tucker . � . � I ch so .. I (!T 0 R., , . . . . 4 �� ;,-4��rt r. ,rafely does more thpm- t -thIngia : . . I I _,*Vff,tW1W_ - -brx- V�� may 4:allse ffisease"Or I)OA01 to I - , � r "V)w1k.-,%:-t1vv , I . MRS 1. . *, -� ­ - ling at', tbo�-ho . me of; Mra and"All . - _--4, , . ;, M - IN SOLID 0 V : :� . ,,, I - � ... . . " II glaTue &Ylast.. ,* i5ltwl 910sig fATisr . . HAROLD BUCKSTONE'S . . . I -,. 1, I � ". . . .WW � I . I well, ancL that is All that xho 0 ,.- I I I . i I I 1.� t;%Oams. vto. Hamliton last week. . . .. - 1. . 114-r-... I I ­ I I I . I . _� . , E 4 , . . . U � . 94 . � . . � exPectod'fortbe monet. - *e,et clar- IR � WAIST ST � . . , . � I . .1 I . I I . V .: Ur". fl� Livermore, sod little girl hair,e, Alr James, Howatt and Mrs. Sarla I " �e I Stkp. . . I . . ! '.I ; � � I . I I I ,V.or term(A see " fttur.AtatO London AftOr & TISIt s1th * , — I . 6 er ham proyed to 1* an ex6ellent soll- 'T" sots ilf soticl M of I on th'o! Broad wa,y of Godorlou ) , I, .,. � * : t, I , . I I ., . . I . I . left, last Wednesday morning o -A the . I qua al , tkne -r, A Li6 I o I I I I . . �. 1. I I . . , I I . � � I the forider's Parents here., " - , so O��dur�. builde 6d casil&96 crop, and t Yellow in . � � , �� . ,.... � .. ..... . 111.11, ''...., 11 I ­ . at.. _ _. _ , _ jzf, � 0, 0 d R so, na vitle, 011so . . , ­­ " 'harvest excutstou- to' the -We .Vprts of jer� .1, ­ . 11 . ­ -111- I .. . ­­ __ . .1 . ... . thkinlog - - I I I -1 ---1-1 - i*9=====6=61M9==== . , F I . I � I � - t Son iiliii�'Jii elkt6i ring amongst I the cattle behig- fed - . I � �1 . � OtOV110 V4=1114_ - I - _ - --- :- *at$- X "I - -, G Juske--valuxtild paitute. -, why ea.. .. Owl I . I I . �� I signal ordoo . * 111100 3 her 10111! Olatevs, two of them being Miss � ;��.�--,;;;;;;;;;;,�7# � - 4. .4 ' . W ite with, Piak, Gieen and - . " i . , . rs Martin of Whitechtirchi-visit- .- danger the raoutttloa, *4 4 Useful ;W I - c A he . I . - , , . � ,; sister, lirs. Jackson, of Walk- upon sweet Vickyor have been received platit7by ,requiring It to fteoniWilt 33lu'e band' 1� .­ .11 I , i ti ; ­ . low , . I . rollook 4u(l Mrs. Smith, Or Torauto. , � . . � 0 � .� I I I . I ­,", �. - i - - 418- .. . . )! , t, I. - - 40' I I . erbUrn the latter part of last week, at the Veterinatey College. The that for ithloh. it *a4 scareutly not, . I . ". ; . , Miss Jean Bogle has undergotio an I I I � � - .11._,*_1 . I L J� . I. I . VY I I I , " , 11 I I , , I I I I --1 11 � � ! I � �1 I . __ I ", ." 11 ,� " , I I I 1. I � 1'1� I 'I. I ( I i � 11 - - i I I I I I �' � � I E, - 1.� , �1 � I!, I L 6 1 � . W L .- - ­ Mr., and Mrs. Charles. Robertson, ease whl'b, Is a oken intended,-Ftaft.W. codeld. DXv Dainty Droakf0ab sbt AD Sorts of Garw**' I . 1 ': � - t� �, , _ Operation tot appen(IlditiFt In Godericii c ow,frequently -sp s in . . . � ,�, , . I 1_10 __ 11 . . * M I I , i I,. . I . LLLLLL 11 ,,"I'll . .. linspital. We wlsh'het a speedy to. of Goderleb.,tcalled on friends. In the ,iswett clover diseae," . or So., -04t. Veterinary College, .Guelph., *it, , Whiter, irith �_ . A ,... I . I . 'L I . . I ­ v! the foirmer:paft,of this weeki� of as . . ]glue. Windtw I I Cleaned . ... . ., :61tid.Str] L I ; L .,. "I , . 'pe, Blil wit . 1 ; � Covery-,. I 1141d 4*00 clover Poisoning", made Ili; , * I ., - - ,� . ,. ­ - I.- I . . .1 I I Was , abam ata1011vo I MeNce mrs. Conway, a former resident of t " I . OBITUARY. . I , . obird, 01a, � � ' ' , . I I es Rots Gr the Xethodist parsonage here,, is re- firat alivearati�e. a.%�far is is kbOwt, I , - no " most; x0proved methods. We . . I I,- �,�", I I of Godertch,have returned after & week*s . ' low. Also: 96me Now H lot, In t, � t . . I ,�� * iftewirig former acquaintances "this during the winter of i921-22. -AX- o ecrd this . . I 0.06equioped for all 0149sea of -work , I I I I . ; , visit with friends at 114110. shepwiltou . I . . I MoLt , Of La long.tinie resi- Di ber sets, vpry roasonable. - . . I . . . � .- awl Leebarn. . . . week. . . Tile symptoms of tho 013040. � I.,weele the death 1) I . I . 1. . I � I . I .. : I I , . L . . .The Rov.`Xr. Ford, of Goderiebt The presence of largo and imill dent, of Goderich in .the porsori, of . . �, 0 r1i e - I . . 1 1 11 Ur.lttig)iTbutlo%vbi%stat,eii-nuother , 1. t, * 4.1 ty I I . 4 Mrs Robert cLean, which occurred M11110 Im ALUft Virg.1101161a AT WL I �." ._ , : I r '. i I . . � __.- . I . ,. �. . . . , I I ! t i : . " I . I 1. Fir*# We illia Comity, I . . . I . A0160911fle flatt, G1 I all I ). �i. I ., . I ) % I &*i asa Maliflity ,� � . f. , I I Hail 1kila"MIA4210-ria, ellrol . ary - . � . I . . .. . . � . L . 00 4,11 Othet,arau&s of Insurance I ., - , , " . il. .. I I I . . .Insure to be Sat* , � . 'L L I . �� ---1 *�.,L . . , 111"p, 29$ . . � 1, '� ,& �,� � .�v I t. q - -,,, M "� , . I i 4 , i . . I � I I I . � . . � � I . � I 4 � i I J; I . . . I ; , i - 1� . . " 1, I � � . . .. I " �! I I it I i i, , ,. 11 I . ; � . . I I � � . f 1. ; I I i � � . . I I J " , I . J' " '� L I L � ,-,�,,?., " ,�_� _ , .i -1-- I.! ,,, J I i . !;; . , I �� 4 I ( . 11 I . I , I , � I L, � -4 " I : I � I # 1. . . 'A TRIMMED 01AW" %A HATWMI& Smartly becoinhig,%,"Ur. Mons, of tile Simmer lu'Ide *t Clearing Pticesk I �1111­ 11 11 �Jl A 11 SM4 . rt " bmas " #Ott' At ,' I $vrs 1081*8tinctivo r1dit"d Hats At V -7S tChildron's Hoft At $1.00 006d $1,60 roor Inspoction Is lfwiftd in 08118VICA11 0*0 out SWAN kv,� 0 4%; 14 .41 Buz, C S as t . I I . . tae%iis of 10001notion, We ,wish mt. 00 � � swellinga In 'different part$ 0- the - on Thursday of last week. She .had . .. I t Thutlow ond family Ltuch pleasure in the Methodist church last Sunday I Goderica r rencA . I L . - been ailing for oiX or stiVen years* 0 . _. their now "Star." . . I I. evening. - . . . booy I% usually the first th.Ing whi0b , =�!� I ... . Dry Cleanin.. . .. 1. Ison attract* a Be inaideriL n I L . Do 1hot 1*84 through oat village Willi. a And DIM. mi] iteation. Thle swellings - suitering-1rom �euritis ond sank rap- I � I I . � 11 idly at the last. Her AMC , 8 fih, Iff.8to "' I , . 9 ' ' � 7 , - "IV lot Mt'. tire generally 0cated alork$; %bit li"4� waaL Margaret Elliott and she was the I �. outealling oll,Our school grouuftalltl ,,, ,,151,11t, 1191,1111 this islitY. , I ' - , having a drink of gooa told vater. Mr. minson wo"s 0 former pastor of the over tho shoulder joints orLbetweea fourth. child, and eldest daughter of M . I re ` Work a I �, A.'Gratibbas 3usk put It In Atst *I Methodist church �ero. � . . I . . , .. I 1. 600 thethigba. WyvarymuchlashaVO .the lato Mr., and Mrs. John 'Elliott, . it t'.0t. , 011*600 119411 I— J. � 14. VROOMAN il 11, condition. - 1, . . . Miss Thompson, on the staff of and size auil'may form quite slowly, 7th concession of Goderioh township, I " . I 11 . Toronto teachers, and a former t0ach' or wit]% inarked rapidity. *,,hey are beingL born March 2ndi 1840, There ! . I I I I 046 122 ' West'st., -�."_.,- 'I, HARG;T'*�Ug; WANTED # ;r, of the village school, - spent the , rarely painful, and when opened are were six boTs, ,and four girb in th% ' . L.. I ... . . . I . . . I I ­ L - . I -L . 4' . , More liarvotters 'than ever' will be 0 iner part of this week Calling on found. to contala either blood ot a jamilyo of whom one. bi-6the I . - 1. I .L ­ � , - L... I . I , I . ri� . Mr. - I W.M."W" I L. - - - -I I I I . - L . , . L ____ - _ �Uvcded thisvear"Itt Western caumla. old friends and Acquaintances. . watery yollow duld, The aftooted John Elliott,, Dungatmont a two I I L' � . . . I ­ _1 , Oil aceoug,of the bumper crop. Special Mr. Robt. Scott has purchased a �anlmal d�es not apt)ea� to be Ver,y 819ter$, Mr&.John COX'and Alra. jag. . . . . �, I . .� I . 1. � n . , It was . I I I tvalall Will be VU4 VY the Canadian new thresbing'roachi e from tho Bell ' slok and ,Ith, r stands of lies lit tile COX, Of Potters Hill, survive, ' ' ' k. - Vaelfie RoLilway, which ts #Avertislug Company of seaforth. tasV Monday !,accustomed way. Food way be lxxow Doc_alst, 1867,'thst, 1,1r. and Mrs. A� the "algal law' kateol!413 towinnir.191, was the first trial. Those who were In sai4li,quailltieN, but the Appet9s McLean weve married, It,ay. W. '* I , � � 4 e C uniax! n Me hodist � plus a lisdf-eent per vallo beyou 0 theiv were well tati�fied with' the I a not good. The outer part of .the Shaw, the X W L 0 0 t .11 " tl , L , SHOES' rr" T ' ; (V,stloattob in btardtaba.6asicatehowan work. . 63VO in very pate, so also is tile lining pastor, 'performing. the ceremo � . .. . I � . . and Allitt-M. Itettaillag the fato will I wil. . .. The SignalIK Auburn corregj*ndent luembrance of the noso, Thb swell- For �oven years. they lived on St. . , be *20trold Winnipeg. plus a halveent . _ 9hon they . , V. I ybports trustees' action re sidewalk Ing* *h1gh ,are aj),ch;kracteristlo of David-atreet, Goderich, I , , . ,.n D - ., M10' frOill starting Point- 001fig bylxw. lit h4vin fined, , , if two- offonders, the 41464,8'� skre Aut to an esexpeot moved to the Huron road, whem thO . �,4 1; . I(Sites so. August 13. 15, �11 and 21, lit L finished- With "nuff said." We blood frb�n the Yettels. The atikall d"ek"d Spent, the remaindor vi her , �ARE x—nETI Y �� L, aceo"11*9 to the tdtrlt0r life* , Four sons Survive, Herbert El'i L �1 ()a the Itilwh cats food. y In Ontario' think tbst nuft said covers too much, Uttries AiNd VOWS, have becomo�veak- , - I . , , and reftesh. an wo obaerve that some still tide on liott,. McLeArt, druggist, XM Work, , . : � en0d by ths diselso so that rupture . : tnents ,may bo obtained %t remottuble the sidewsilks. Thb main result is Is . City: Witmer Eddie, Wilfred Tho-naA - . I � vtlee& Bpedal tars will bo provided that thei b4bies and small children are � made eavy. I and Wesley Mattlan All of Gode- .. - . and then some . �, � for 18 I AICS, I ehilitte* Mill fate) and thelt kopt, effft the, -*AlUl, with their littlt lit, another torta of tbq diseate tile tith. Thr" of the liamily are do- . I �tvottom At th v of 010 tint to �, e.vott& Virst 1,41velal train will le%" . 1004 106#6 it$ pove. t - ,yone admires, pretty footviear as � they *dmire .,', I Torovito, Olt each (Utt lit 10-30 p.m, Oil are allowed td us samt time others that 11,4101414'r4sy bleed to death at- ceased; Alfrod Edward died Ir. in Uver I I th e th6 sidewalk for faruey, and Mip Lily 911,sobeth and petty g*rl.�' ,'Bllt is that tbd only requi.ati in a shoe? I .� e tr4tisuctlor ter stving birtil to their calves. In : ; , . each ditte. , of I I # rall Information may be wutta from Most of their busi. OrM irkStA110 a farmer bad branded � Rob�rt John died in young M16hooi I atky VanadlvA VAkollie Itleket offlet. buy res& A, general tlewk-up is in or. his tattle by tilpp�llg a . anhood, Mrs. McLean was strip of sitta � "I'd wom No. There is 200-0t ofte thiog motet the shoes must' , NotivAleW mm-,T.Xt,XWD,eotw der. � ,"._..",��.'_" , ' ­' groft't,�e borftr 9f rlith oar,. ,,AU at s wernbor of North street Motho4lst " I'll "I ... :. 00 litt"t. Godevieb. tht tniftlils Would havo bled to dtath . ebutth,16t, yt*". I � Th#, fut*&r-Wok , lit . I ! fklulAre and V ISROW TOWN TOPICS ! plate Or% SundAy afternoon alid w". 4-je * -good tast*.'. Zhoy, utuat harwo6zo with *o, ows. ­ , : I I L I . 11 hkd,A*t the hohiorrhalto been atoOpP4 L ' L Anywa a sirl nover marriog it TM Kineardine Old Boye Rean. by ligatures, � 1, very largely attended. Rev. Mr.' tuffle, and they laust, be sitited to the occasion v � I . man tot L. ttfr or worse tiowadAys-1on elo�wdwjth over $1,00 in the tr*%. 961mosgastor of Notth street Meth- . ' � she "arrift'hift for mo" or Uis. Sam vaftwdsw*�t cloittr 0004"'Mlff- odist r umb, "nduettil the funeral . One reason why you will 'findit psirdettlimly sads. I � L --0--­w.-kw-** . Mr. $. 3. Maloney will be here to Is 09 '44 #,"" 1411ftillItted Ok services Slid the will.$ftrors Vero I o AD1411411MATMO SALS' alek "10*111 hid been f1d 11,*"t cloit. tM folir song. Arthur lAft'htift factory to do. your sboppiug here la bftatm yon, will , % I . IN '�j­ i'li'', 1' I 104-, ` !, N _01! jsl)etk on gund*y afternoon *t 4 nt. or bar or ftallage, ftkk had b"n #all# 411ock Of A0S." 4000MPSAied . -at from L , , , L, , , ­ ____1 Lk, Oek ift' tbC% X&ftnje T#Vfiy)lt%. . L' A IN _ 0 _ _ _ _ - 04 A A A— I - Ptot,"k9ftuftbt daft4god by' excessift 'estott. Interment eind it ransve of most attiactive footwear to choo I i"t, "The 8ftati" of the heo,ting or ty Mr. D. It. W - L "... ., llk*llldillir� So*etinies ths ebang* wo roade, in Maitland cemetery. Mr. that is tppropriatt for eveo &d9asiou. L I "I ;1 'Aeligi,50." I�ver:YW.v wtkofae. fr"46" 14 thb hay has b"4 oo if. & Met~, oil No* York. it son, Nov#r put off for tomomw The twulsr monthly ""fin, Ott - Mr. John X1661t. # "I , j- ­ . I 1. � . . I L'. 1.111.1. � I L. ..." - 1. 1. � I I . �', �11 bt sli&kt that tko� tAriner hilil #1t&of not AM his wife. . � Th&t Whi,Ch y*U *kW,d & Ahm"k � apttrs 1. 0. 0. T, , fl'il ' '­­ _ - I I L � 6"', It,or b" tho"llit it to be of so Vilew, of Clintoti; and the dfteas- = I 11111 4111 Ill Ill Ill Wild �_-*_ I I I I w^*wb-"&& . . hold in tht Board of Tra& ropres, 46yl"*1s4%4W It Is ifftiolitly dilk. eds bt,bt1*W slid. pisters, wet* here I I , ; T004ky West St., on Xo%dar, August lotbt' 441t t# bw** Ow o,wjk*r 1W11#1* tt,at for tM foaor4 stwo ^"y ftkods . - L I at A ol'-floe-kI.. , I .­ .- , ­ - 4VIC)t IftlAtIt &VAA&M 104 Iii r4oles. fftift 'Varna, iMintm, *ad rMnsaarion. 01 y Shm Stoke �' 'L. I i GUNDRY's $A-$ - __ WISTItIt Abis tir t?A* sttlaus dtfowft nt 1416 'The many Nautifol, f1*ftl.'tri1AW9 �1,11 & Mobourasolkod I I talskau� , . �'bore 'Phil"s " the "("I* In wh,^,e'h Niamall S i I WIF.ONFADAY, A* I - wto th* ***;Out*" 9 -c. WtA—Aw� Tile "Ol -Alt& mel'"n. was held. � f, 0 Con sale,of hbow" fatmtWe SrA *t NOW. ! _0­­­­Wijk** I 'AV. Rtg. Shittmatt � I 10*Ay e1ettg tit Xrx� MoiWa yuklls."Wt- WiWWW QW A6414 Vikith 10 00 .' .' I �) �Ii oe", EWA" At (*M~ 940ft%ft f**" In tho ii1afteg" tftt � It your �i*'wiyw l"a(Vite toods re- .1 "trich, out . - 1, X0 at 14 ths *Nkomo ftujo ot,Ug jW60 p6irijit,ar olit ji *"a vft*l�.* ov&r ; Phone 158, .." DA _ _ - , � J. T. JUL 1:30 6'ektit, 11WX it *9 & oft4t of Xrwt tlilortAat --A..:. . I . 111M, Ptomittor. TR(W, GUN. 4. of as .y,Q, lftv* "r *rA*r at X I ", 1, PA pvt0*00 b & dingor tigalit wh , =ut,04. ramituvt $toft� --L"". - � ........ _­­­­­ - --- - ­­­­­­­-­ - ­­­ --- � � p Prv, AW1.1"ik"r. . . , 1" - I L' MaW*-**&C 4 Jwu " I I- - I - .4,__ =04. YOUN(;- I I I I I I I . 1. 11 , � ___ __ I - mp� A � .- ", -� , - T- r":_=_ -=JW _.�.� *-- I - i7!-77 - - —