The Goderich Star, 1923-08-16, Page 3PAOX XIGRT
= M =VOM I !!!! = �
Im wo I
aid, J
14eW*p*p61C` Publighors Bamuetted it SumwrAdo avd vairletili
C114viottetown and Royally Fjftrwuwd rxlr�
__ , I Cho
ed sit
Mquetonj Pola da Cbmine, Newcastle. 8%th=4 and -Cam attru,
bellto" VWed and Last Voy of Trip Spent in of it
li6toric locate
Of %b
The i
At both Stimmeralide and CharlOt- famous fur-f4rullug industry' 'the the ie
I., the wetuly aevrivw- 1104 liarters of -the PRIncO 'FOX the's
110bubliAers were bailquitt,4 =ers' Association bellig located the �
there. summerside front% on a bay sailol
on the south,side'of the Island, and, lottet
At $ummerslde, the "home -of the
, is delightfully jituated. Yvon', a hill Th,
te$irip appiel
4 resideut of the,AssoclittiOn., in the rear of the town. a glorious
Nip. A., A. arelattail, neidless, to say v.lewof the country and of the Waters Rome
tb� ""ptionwas most cordial. At- npvth and South Is obtained. ther
motor,drive from Borden and
lox direction c4n be segn Bedeque Oh)-, Boml
Allit to one of ' the numerous and its attractive surroundings, und Vince
rjochedi en route an hour wits spent Strait with sc4itj
ss places and see-
,tpuring'the buslue! the Nivi Brunswick oasit Hue inthe St. I
jag the pretty lay -out Of the city,
e Dri. distance. putal
itilij -luncheon WoLo served In th T,�e trip from to Char- �edljl,
t%T11111% Club rooms. -lottotown the capital, was made over IT.4
On# of the features of the enter- an
isdriment here waSstU, 9PPeAT'llea 9f the. 104. 1 Xa�tlonal Railways' and with'
on e party were Ulet At Ae 'i4bl"
SRI* MleGresor, who gung in 111ty a Autos and, were &lVell to in ti�
ad 10 4 iommouity Out- the itclat Farlisment, buildings. 011
Cholottetown e4lie
A44vi6o8e1t,Of'We1cOme were
b Mr. Uunders, M.'P- on The impital Of the; Island Province,' Poft
4balf o. the Government of th;f IS- Charlottetown* has $01110, historic ift' Collf
I*nk xtl4 by j, D� Stewart, M,, Pi. V., terpst'in the fact tb4t It is One Of the, Otani
4161 1 '"� lznrt- -1df, nrovindial or state caPitals,'011 Vuh
nard, Driakw0wo CAWWW
1, Tupper, VartWirt JkDQ4*
MUD" -
L" Joba"a, Pope", After
he tabixt vid r4isterod our
4"rtod fq an automo,
about the city.
tetown is a city ple"llut to
4 deligbtfUl ilk CHNUAtie Von-
nd has been A y dwerib-
of the "most gQ11111elike 'end
little cities to be found
In the central and Chief
'A larare, utiblie squares Wle
Ron .
as a
of 4
t 14
TM rovV0M 3TAK
waole XTO —polill'. An %144"J 4
�unostentatlowly Pretty.
ea Catitedritl liks-tile re.
with driv0d of a Illore" extvildiq Olar�
acter tu such Pointi as 011edia(, aul
TeAdencess the rasiority of
O'de, surrounded by well -kept.
461 Cape mild Locks,
110 �i
lrj!stmorlanti, of which Stenctell 1,4
being the finest church
of Montreat while, the
tke COmulerciat centre,, is one of tilt)
all bieskutiful treeg, while itl
attractive Suburbs with Which it,
8�qtivultural counties ill
Vana". while immedi*t0y
4 if.;
ave the fettile countic-i of
oter's Cathedral,
mAllest god Most, artraltio..
inp AIWEt andi Kent, ,
Island ia onis lour hours",
The'site of what is the monetan, 0,
'Was first settled ill, 17w, and
inhabitants Were Pilli,)
Endur" g Values
, iii at
fantilies ifoln. Perilisylvallia,
institutions. the mosit im-
�ng the Prince of WAles
l%ilildelphis, Who, 114,4 Orij&Al-
come frato Qvittilarty in K4%
Sonl;s by local artists wete. inter
the toasto. The C0110-
L price o
trade-ir f 4 1921
locgted on a bend iii. 010 1etit,
river, it was for mally Nears
th OU40
ns ,,, la 90 io S of the Pro-
Ford Is equal to the trade-
as the I'llenda!" a C091101801
obtained Until 1055, whelt it
price of other 1921 cars,,:
inc.orporitted under its esent
ton, a
in 110ROV of IA -94 1011cif
Which cost 30. to In Ore
Liouteinaut,Governor of, NoY4
who had ken present At tile
than th6 Ford when new*
of both Ioulaburp and 4upO
Even, I*totO its settlement III
the French had habitations, it,
This Is proo f of the Ford
vlcluit� Of Moncton.
qi- city of today has many beau-
it InA t1he truarantee
waole XTO —polill'. An %144"J 4
�unostentatlowly Pretty.
ea Catitedritl liks-tile re.
rlkd wIltell
TeAdencess the rasiority of
O'de, surrounded by well -kept.
that the p urchase of a Ford
being the finest church
of Montreat while, the
WN mew I has
all bieskutiful treeg, while itl
attractive Suburbs with Which it,
is an Investment 4$
smorlat Chapel, connectefl.
4 if.;
connected by street car$. IAS h0-
accollimodsition is good. That
tinquishe d from an expen-
oter's Cathedral,
mAllest god Most, artraltio..
Xoneton is still In'the growing Stage
fact last
house at Moncton for. handling its
�6%" is well supplied with
Moviin and� rospoildo4 to by 1. X. is
George,, of Deloisine, Matio,' and & lings,
evidenced by the that year
more than two) hundred new d*014
were erecte.4 within its bound -
institutions. the mosit im-
�ng the Prince of WAles
the C� W. N.
ROY Sayies, mamiger of Or
tablisited under 'Govern-
Ices, all ,d St. I)tiustares
Sonl;s by local artists wete. inter
the toasto. The C0110-
roUl 0 C on to St. John the
Of t he I ational Rallwa a
which attracts stude nts,
spersiad with
donia Club pipes and Drum Wild
th OU40
ns ,,, la 90 io S of the Pro-
leader of the, V inir from 1773. The both:rrom Otbe arts of VallAun An" �avo a program on the round% fol- Ick,
fronl, tile Unit States. The Pro- Vince
of Trade, the continent, dRt 'i
sr4 �e 9 much
era chairmAll, ( t 0 Be he Pro- 4001410111, ONTARIO
via Mayor W. J. , U-fiiiar jiSQ had, editois were weleo=06 in t I tiallibrary is noted- fok the large 'owing the butiquoto willc WS, Newcastle and Bathurst
Vill ApPreo ated
Ancial buildings, on the' floor of the
words of, Welcome., 0ven Uouse, by the Weirder'. tile Ron. number qf valuable books it. posses- The trip from Charlottetown to Our u4xt siop Was at Newcastle,
A 106st el tit address -was ell, and,by.-the Ron, F. J. ae§. Tha1the city does no� want for Borden Was made during the evolling wheie one of the largest wireless
Mr. . J. Loky Holman, Who 111t which comes through Wn was
by e c ro� John H. -B 'Tile the education he fact r4hi, and At, Borden the ti, n
a National Me- Nash, a silver tongued orikto -the world Is located. 10.1W *QTOX COUIpAn or CANADA UMITWO, 1010, XTWO
viai'llag, which he wisupd,to have party thell.had awopportunity 0 vis i0, "Pritics B- From -this
4, duced ta the I the Press is evident from t On the fine car fe statto a of town a motor drive wal 0
mv I that it contains no less than three w ro, Xlecoa.:
-Confederation 'Room, and t& . Ord islan 11 Two trips we provided by t1o' citizens across the
adoptedv a %0=6441 tOL the fallen it the on the 014 ta� daily newspapers, -quite amplei news- across Oi
nadiflu soldier. -, His I4e4 was that gaze With reiiarence, �e the entire train
sary to river through 0110110,111 and
Ca. chairs around which the pApertilen. agree, for a city with A to Tornientlue. The majorltv of tbo drive
'Insity who could never be ilresent at bles and pogulation. of twelve thousand. The ek and the, enst was buxldl4a. A, thirty minute
S of C( remaloed lip to' inspect, V161% which are lumbering towns. -NOW Bronowl I
W 't 14
tutorials Fath mfederation sat and passengers astle is situated on north _9b the Streets and hills of thl
participate in eenoritl me pr licipal, industries of. Charlottetown a a ig surprise � to
tval conce ved the. i - Miramichl niv
celebrated. it den lde� which culillinOtel, kundries and the Ship. It VA bi store of the tienatIls, brought to, a close by 4 brief Stop at throll
a is Leglala. are machine works, A I w Campbollton. which Was practleally thriving little lumber town 11 Ve
Ints, cou 4 have Ltbo fag in their in ConfederWon. In tb them to find themselves On 004rd 4 point where the rixer s pri: -0. 12 �ears -ago, but flaishint touch to the I visit to -Now
0: tive Council chamber is a tablet Te- PackinLr plants, We weto� huge craft that 'Was fitted out with wiped Out by ill town
Own htnue% however remote, and on, It, After viewing 'the, city luxury of sit ocean liner. An Arm O"be ses" now standa*rebtullt With. modern and. Brunswick, The a at the hoAd
are lu�t the Inued on pag,6 9)
Could un. 04rdingl the foot that -At Bathurst a short stop wits ma e onces and publid Wont
Union Conference. in drivev- to Park GOV01:010411t House All the n 'R,eed entertained his
daiya such as Armistice Da Sid
GeniAl Captal the station platform PicturesRue "a
r. Rolman first Canadian a,44 here . on, Wit
furl Was a memorial. are Xorl-,A. banquet This large building them free
had secured,. a triod6l Whio), he. 4.13- the: Year, 1894. 'Abegoveitaus - pro- was . used as a military hospital dur guests persorwIly and gave They Manager -Sailes and Mrs. SRyles WT-!!- it
iya In the. tipper coruej is the proud of the falotthat their little access to� all parta,of the ship were presented with a beautiful sli.
&Outs metu� 0 lidelabra, aul Pitcher'011,
a cojadle Of confeida;i, ing1he war.. 'Boy, 00aberod dowh l4ddevs into the on- Ver 4
fton Jack and �tbe ust Of the flag vince, was the the entrance 4nd conducted us td the owded itito the Solon..
,enoIO$j0KL the gwe ro, they ox behalf of the special train party. in 1) in Every.
Is olikoose e4nd white striPest t,ion- DOWS and generally saw to our TO the
1 th Vse( This haudsome� tablet erected As A cloak r, whoel house and,they..80 in the cap recognition of the Manager a E,
�,bovdej epre- memorial of.the ever;h te Sol. e6mfOrt And guided us, to the ban. tain's cabin lis did services In arranging the dothils very,
Ole.' e;l0tripes� r ; bears t qi , jet, hall. The banquet in which the teniiii Vith uncouceal.
U ion-' "In the hQ400 ed amazement at his stories qf the C64V 10
theTte'. lvinees� ofthei D6'm- lo*lug insoript of the trip ond.,seeing to the smooth
n pro � maple leiiif apd twb And min4h, of the delegates Ivlia, as� Board of Trade, Auto Club, Rotary, ship's grim battles -with the AcO in carrying out of everything.
Inion. There.. to al group,- ther IloWes sembled, -in �Ais room on, Sept. lat, 014 the local, Pros, and the Ladic winter time, dnd*.thqy egried, away In making the presentation.A. D.
reil poppies in; Aid of the Hospital. oo .,operated, with them treasured gletuies, pro- r rolet,
biingA_ved4bkajtion of the,word6,Jn 1864,was I. the Dominion Of C Callian, Pleton, And J. A. McLavell, Ne'w S 1941. 140
followed � by A X"ga of' to 8 n _ I . . . t I .
piovII(Incia being 4 their guide sent$ from,,Captain Ree . of his COM- the Appreciation of the 7r
the �.Oi6, ty Col.. ec rralvi 11), ayor til Barrie, voiced
de they builded better than the7 knew. music, His -N COM6, 0 -mand -battering her way through the association ot Mr. and Mrs.. Sayies W
its Fields. I -on the occasion made an addresa'�!off w Solidly. frozen straits last 5YInter, Bathurst is' Situated On a tidal In.
Summerside, about. forty-eight This t4blet is erected - � I . I - a ly
a tieWiinuiversaTy Ofthe ev- President Brenn�Tvof the C. at the mouth -of the Nepisquit Leads the
pititi, is' the second of. thit fit �ngt.h.,!,, . Round replied. His 14o4or Lieut. -Governor Moncton gooA
Ilowing MacKinnon also made an appropriate ras* th� principal city river, where, it Aebouches into the
. ... Xoncton M
the to
It Ot June, bay of the same name, which in tuen
The toast to "'Our Guests vigiiad on Saturlay, the. 23rd
Y ho
We Arrived i
,bell PAI,� address tt ar, jknd forms- a part of the great PAY Of
ly sit Lan. was . Propose Councillor William` il AVI:
as happened at Practically , every Chal6ur.
at the , En route to Campbellton we'&uld
Stopping place, newsboy$ WQrO Or *Iudows vaat, col�
to Sao tbtkt every Weinber oil see from the c
t Am' station, copy unins,of smoke rising skyward front
S de thia, party had.a.coniplimentary
e'r-Ift rest , fires A few miles, away
the local papers. From these we the to
of that which were so dest
of the entertainment Ructive In this re-�
was provided f or us, a drive About gion., C
to Pointr :du ampbellt.Oft,
the city.
Cheho, one:,of the nearby Summer re� Our eutert4lititieut and,vjsltln� of
ast where Jdbstei-And
softs on, the co
Ltd and
clam, chowders,.blscuits, brei
litittor and 'gingor".4 e wero Aerved.,
11N orleton.
A 20-Wle dii QK U�M
brought Us back in time to; leave i on
scbedule� A WW"fili"M
With its POP1211tion, of' 18,000, 'an' After, iat bmrft a" -
;s Suburbs early 25,090s, Monet�
with it
nd largest city in ew
ton, to the seop
Bruns;w1cli, and is steadily.growing
E b*
in !in
A New Superio In
portance. ' One of its OutstAild- VM 14'ds digestron r ve, Passeoger:Tou
el . if; its mportanee As
railway cent, Price $795, delivered to you
e�bral lines. Walqo Meal -*iffu if*'
log point for S
tailis the workshopa'and offices of 4OF $01110,1110 thmat.
National Railways, r-u1ly,-eqtiippcd. Ni&.Extras needed,
the ' C anadian
"me 3,000 persons being employed
in these two brandbeis of the servi0e
with a �,nlonthly imyroll. of about Give us a "Call and let -us dethonstrate to
'Beilig'a ruilwak+centre it
rnallufac- you thut we have
is naturally an important
juring an commercial ceiitre as well.
'Still anotl b #ivy,
ter factor in contributing b
to its importance in these two re- Tne World's Greatest Motor
�pects is that the natural gas p1pecl
rt supplies the
from wells at Allic
factories, business houses and homes; car Value
with cheap power and low-priced fuel, Tseksgs,.
bein"the only city in Eastern Can�
In this position, Among its
", 10'e�
dustries, !it Addition to the railway M.' DAVIS
Shops, are foundries, machine'lihom
woollen mills, cotton
100" mitts, carriag
at 336 so
-fabtory; bAt -=d-cu1r1uctdkyj'-bjscUIt- HE House Pho Garage phome 93
uth St.itoderich D y
marble works, wIre fiii�nclhg a or Night
factory, FLAVO !�P!t�r Night
plant, grist -mill, wood working
plants and mattress -factorli. The
t..enSus 'Of five years ago gave Molic-
toll-A factory ourplit, a Value 01 o
$3,000,000. The T. F:aton Co. of Tor-
onto, has a large six -storev ware
house at Moncton for. handling its
business in the Maritime Pi6�inces.'
One of th� city's +particular AttrAg.
lions; to the tourist is the famous
"bore," or tidal wave) that twice.0
onleq tumbling up the Petiteo-
diae �iver. - Thlst is one of Nature's
henothema, the like of which is not
seen eilgowher4. At times thig
b o. ,
"bore" is A solid, rapidly -moving wall
of water four'to five feet high. and
tons is a wonderfully In.
on Snell occani
Wresting stight, Its cause IF; the In.
rushing tide front the BAY of V 11110,
wbich� forcing itself through Chig-
necto.. Day, enters; the Petitcodiac,
where, rising to a hellobt of over tbir-
tv feet it creates by ita pressure the
There are, tillmy pleasant walks
and dtive,- in' and 46und 11oheton,
rj*t1kj1W 11to *sop#A44 .100 fight. MOW W06" i1)1*MXVW it
horses of the cow -boys, nodiliiii in shirts, ttlepbolle opwatots as c0*4
bucking bo"W"
ills Wiini their' iWid
lifti4romes of with
0"awo atid fitmiliox, cow Outfits, TeAl. 014411rile. 4huck
girls, *#w -boy -%portsj toiiM)oy yells,
madoa, week, famous jA the suntis of sport in tho
*agonx and; Other figures of the last great West, led
- Back about 1005, Aliertit cow -boys visiting cal.
4U modorn, motor about the streets of'Calgary, Aur-
gar3rp gava tip ths practice of hitchille their onieg on
be, *0 great StAMPAd. Cow -boys and cow -girls,
t cdeces*
Eighth avenue but during otalitTede weeko tle chuck
W�ve in front o modern retail build-
Wo ovedalize in wid"ir, of
Ad;#W in all tha, bright colors which
lots voto 1.4 the early eightio—these, were triev prouil-
$"t A649 . in the great symphony of color.
wagons parked
Ings, horses were tied in front of dignified banks—
the qw-boy literally "pitched vittap on tild main:
all kinfis. Lot us civo y1u. an
estimail for. Wiring your houge,
OR] y. took at, the app
ktar earance of froWkier dA 9
w%k, Ji Qng posts Along the main streets and t9e
drag. To add to the great wild west #Icture wait to
see "Tony," a black pony ridden by a tylolftl -v!t�t*
his through a cafe or to seb Mrs.
OW cow -town ponies st4od in, trout of the sk
arrapors of thL- modern city.
orner, make way
Duek Thief making 'he UP Eighth ovenueo Just i
is tb* steat vitrade -in wbeh iteveial 010110411d
previous to winning the first prize for travois WA -0 ,
1*�Wpat*d, Mayor G*Ory Webstkr 8truck the kpqp�
t ,
iMe IA. bi& wonderful loat er ellapps, blue silk shirt,
;nt, Tho Wpee Poles crom3ed over her horto, dragging
e I followed, quite, tomfoif^bVe -
behind and th famil
plikk hau&trehief and huge Stetion list. The stim-
ilUtIgg, tontroist of the 34w and the old wax evident
except foi the car tra% crogglogs.
The buffalo barbecue was A nevii, interest to the
I& tW %"ir,iiiif the big litplatles overhead Willits the
#Jowooftll Aai old-timers wtion of 64, parade, ven-
jo" XW'4iver carts, origiltal Ruilton's Hity vtbi-
presentgeneration, even If old-timers were 01t6itt
home in enjoying their buffsilo mandwieliell. Vivo
buffalo wore obtaited from the, Wainwright berit
Act V101tic inVARANTEEI)
4hW ageii" ti*ir way'over the pavement that
and tile commiWe xerved over Melvt thiallgAnd x0dw
*ow ow *gin mod they travelled many Yeat's
Va * 4rjJfIl_ by thf Moll of I$% 1870,�andL
of all tVei& Atriklug pictures of the old, wild wa%
and &awn ja mAny Instsn&%, by vefterablo
to if tsoy, too, had slarvived"'tbe
that bave over been Pregen ted to tho world, tho'
great calgilry stampecle will live favelft in tho
We havo an wmoltwent of
#t timl XVtt#A prairie traits to walk through a
that Woo TANt X aftsm wbtn theiv *ork bet".
mindt of th5se, *hoe ImAgIllirtion StAspt In Jagal-
fitsiam 6f the pkssing of the last treat West. _-Aiii
the host Ueetrle Irong and,
Wab 1�* ral old-time Prairie tebooner, tom.
it IS th�is pialting ia pictures that are a dAzzlintiltuto
Toastera, malle in Cauadr,.
The Atove in tbii, gotleut wagon
b1dist Ani all the ho3okeeping re
W" -
A—— 1-_ - load of
ecssion vf bAlliant Colors,
'The pew HA niff-Vi7indermer* mcitorhi way, forni.
""' " " doos 4 EA ilf A 9.000 ttiA of god
7. r . 7tiedi te-
toid%,,ftwisu"d by hundreis of visltOTA Wha moto"i -
a tow. The Sare".
renow"&nt In all
fr '010 t e we3telflm states afta from British C
ard who afterwards toured the Canadian , ratim
-tgitk*, West st
Phone 61 or 2541
b"&A carmnl* and
Rockiek, From every viewpoint the Stoat mmirmp
In WWW"S. Oaks
W" sis *ftV1roC4&4W owcoll.
I W-- 1.1. -1.111 , :%�i
Will -0