HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-08-09, Page 6= , I � ,1 a � ­ --- - - —, - - WW77� - , - �V�, - I - ­ - - ­ , , 1% - - I ��: .,i - ­­,""­ ,011�w- ..- � " .- .� -.,, ...W. - -. b"1MKt--1-:-�-A - -.­ 1��,�.�--Ilw­- 10 - -- ,.�� ­ko I I I I I - - ­M-MWWr-- IE�- -001W . W-7� , . V- ----W -��-,.,A.-.".-.L''-X::.--.�,�-. -- - 1i . 'N -�,� I - - � --A W-1--- ­ - 11------ I . * , 4 ­� ----- --Ar .1 I . an; " � - . &.� --A&-#411010'—**­��,�­�­**� ) � ---- N ­ o*Anroirru ATAK ;7�� ---- -- - - - --- -- - Tflur"SPAY, ArG. C",?b ac,2�. . - W I I � - I - ­­—­- -- - � = I I ­ I ­­ ­�- I � ­­­­- - ­-­­ I 441W.0 � --- - ­­ -..-- ------ I— -­ ­­;;;� .00".--------"W` — == ! 1 -!r "","­­ , 77- . ­- .,-- � , ­­­ -. -­ ­­ I- �� ww�='� ==­-.-�­ - -- . W ­­ . ;j;�,­ � - ;1= i 11 FAZWW"""" I -11"I"601""'r-77 !1T!T=�0-*-,"-,"7"""- I �� --- , " - 11 P.liux SIX 0 i W0WW­----*""W1 I . ­ �� �----- .... �-- ­­--, ­­­­ - ­ ,� 1p A WEAK In T ! . ­ "" -- ­-- ­� � SPECIALS . -- ­­��. ­­-­ -, � . .- W -I 1 THE LONEME in, -, - -T�T- "CARE FOR THE BINDER � � ' at MrwEWEN'S � ,; Rw Ev . ilb-N Al&�*,* " ­ --- 1�1 W to Exercise 1 "1!W--7-------11---7-- ---"e-"1%1 � . I I wo l W., FOR TIREE YEARS "No Ckxui:,, MY I 1. '10141� . 1J 4 lceslp I -rke3b, ll'-nno*grown Fronk at Ogh, 1"" , . HEIR SIGNIFICANCF.- Propor Attention Is Both N", Vfoy lfl"PS, Toptlic," is 11�r WOW. ,;.�,--­­! 6 . 1. AM � d , MW,4­­,�­Am­ .-, I V* Sary and prolitable. � %:- 4k I FrO4 Supply of .0 I, , 1-' I I - (1) - hy, 'C'Uham,13calks. �-- �i ­ I � -Woo Thin Forolees Wife Corrget?-, . I e'.6,/ "-N - � �, , . I . du I . "� .L� � V �,.*:t", ; % 6 Reel is prOperly Ad* � I b 'There Any Iresipito Front Moo- "Obffs '�� . - . ­ .,� . . Lr . �, . �, tic See What the '01 "ism (;a know I Tong"$, "i C i 'r". ' 4' . �, , . . r (Xcupation 5101re r,ult j,3 a Condition Of Chao;' ';'� Juitudy tile Lengt1lor 06 � jmisie �Pc,tcm)n: 7"cialarldis, efossy in tile J41fo iol Rural I F.%"� vies ,will r6oner Or later COZJJP�l tho VOW', , 4 %,,-eh to lot oaffW. FreALO-0,6rett . lf�.­If ep 0, Watch on tho 1 Sci*" write#:--- 51 i1wiro's it P.41141!ell F , -ft= - - i cart aid womne"?-What Is the . I I �, al 11, I I)OWt Forget the Oiling. i 1N11111rrv!W;1h1* Fig 4kne fQr me. for rom lA)Ot.Ij1lca!*?-"*ndlhs&1 , oirwoo Cs*qe, FAc. . L�,-- ,� 1. , - Thalk tat O� 11,�ousible Pt4fill getic actiom Jar -In Grabli-Kc o,�-;taiu una 5'.,cy4al-A 0 the, yurw era to tulle "1014W watchful, very Visiotter- 5 .,1,L.S--i2v'.;,-Y" "1 6, . utasds $1 P't I , are A%ltitinjr the tie � "Ptor in Iler attitudis t0" at Of I rot "einly three �,f,, � ). ,,� cin countries cijitirect an PVC ighborl(vantrItuto bit 00t,600 JDOIPartr4e ,, _Its I was very bsd� cream for Buttor. � � 4 in V-4misect to the 1361411 ;�ursl her undisciPliDILA .11c ,,,cj1j bcart, and wo ., 33W,% 0%0r,".14fi fi:atl; i5o u . , . %�Cii,4511M'44,,Snce ,regstrilluir wepara. 4Srl6wtiit0,i. 'TorOOM4 IV i4ft down, bad a ald al. (Csilitributed by ontirto 0001irtwOut of i BOY'S Jor-IjOys. at 500. ear z0o. . 1,Ot(, to I .. werz are bc9sn0uA; to r br modern bar -1 vi neryous, that puln,etimcl I wo I Agricultors, Toronto-) . � ]30y"fi lig�j Summer Dalbriggan. Und0fly 14ux,@tY. k, , 've�y ind,jesli. ,,ihe cther IV,st I I I I t,ens, with I vilde"tand th Viliva is " yet in' T4o grAin NOR' Mild 11r.1cei. + nd that Boy's fiummar'lligg Q,nd Souvenir CAPS, I . ,�c 1 C;411ed at a farm home one day, ,),,,i ED far Vh9Wg a &termination `04 capable jut standing alone, A ycster Is a coinplicated machine with I me3t filiAt Awa -y - , I I _ art ot France to Pursue her ovM Japan WaA t W tuo, pfcdi0lon ­ Ilawd of raso in search of Water for an overheated acL-, Grey and Brown ab -'50. . � . - . it, I tE� ri rivill quIrIng Care I people who had re� Boy% I)Olts in Bl� �lsjulu is illoat anxious to M follow, I many moving Paris, re ! coluirisenjed your Iftrt and Nervo Pills, - ar.' �,�V'aicy- BE. that ths,� that ruin and anatelly WOU Caro It f;o I d,pcidod to lave t1xis, a tn,.d After motor. napping gently on the kit' Metaiis Sulumer 13.111)tiggan Undorwe. I ". , proullse. beli=it"�Jy lead t the withdrawsil Of Jill'"ese trooi:l� ful adju#tolout and constaut - - - - Overall$- ' I �w'd a Cow t 0 -110, . . .. t v ad last- I had:nsod two boxes I found. they bad cheu 400ro .1 was met by the good Men'$ Work- Shirts and in dityevout shikdas., . Pue�eilz, course will ultiall . " it to to, give, the beg 0or lee $I I I lady of til Mon's. � , �k4 14,plivatiolis firom Which extrication frora various .Sections and the Light Sullunior Box all,l 80t 1-310n - , iX11 -which the Otis" , 0 . ­ .. lessible without a bresch Of "de uOthlr(lopted. I,ixck Of ad(,,, Perfect *heat or bundle njaking be- d no Use flood , &o box% 1, W4 compi,ptely relievcd. .0 , e house.. t watert" I Alen $ S riour Point Invisible BcaMs. . . V-.! be 'DIV pvtra have. a tandlaw I I . May I have a P411 a . ct friendly relations with Britain, PC, Itadon focillti" and 31118 with the delivery of 00.0 otreconwiendvourPilSebOugh, . - quote trAllal it have life and platform. to I I c3l�. � sked. 1� n voile3 . . bc. test friend, France is very I,x firm and tronest XOM"Illel a urain to the ki and I -woulid advise, anytiss,01Mving a a .,You waV.,f Is 4 a d . f Prints, Ginghams a 4 . 3 rosistuace wreck the Ito, ky& an iteporta4t part; i� roublod %vith uertrou5nes3 , 8 'a $tat . b a too 'lie A Good Assortment 9 , 1�.Qnefuj that th�? Ps",'51",ollapso tivid I done MOW to VyAli"s Asla the reel pi; -, weak hwtQr t I , � , ;'a'Gerruatily will latterly Q 11 uitire le'.,-encrated , C%inft than We height aull i to use. *e .99 . . a 11 and- pointing to the PUMP- , nient of Elite Limoges Dishes, Open V If the United States re at ,if 'Property adlusted for , in , via Nve have C6 good assort " . j? . I .0% ii t�.�t her policy. in tht, II -1311V wi _,�, �in will fall I N. Pills are, 59 tiger and her stoo," Cii�n Sol, you any quaa�it' of 1I;,1(l.,1j 11,nse, Parisian pattern. at this ba3 uernber of the LesiFue jil$tguee, forward, the gri N�Jilburu'# 11. & 0. a, noticed that her ine y . , tbis time 4 3 A 0 in. O ed to work ll� unison WINOU he trade, We 11mve 0, good elich &Qatu SInC0 We first . ,5 inguenve in dealing I and white a than justify - It`301f' B1 01 Nations it and will bo carried in like: cell, I lion at 411 destlerdo or puliled direct 0 11, Me to tidgold. Nobilingnioerivi'L and inatell l bekiis�a Vr - vould ho avculY rice by Tho T, D,lilburft QG-1 f e t . ill'i,. it tile great industrial dis 6-o Chinese situation I . I and bindlog'at- rereiptotp she indicated the. 4104io, . I . a ion c belpijul tion. Of 44,00a to tile packorl 4 stool; of the original Austrian Bridal U080- COfnO mlo.11,9 . I f Get-T-aarly, ond. the overhead Witu - i,-�chweut. With the reel jmprop�rly Limited,1 oroutio, Ont. . pumv. 0 yout sets. I � � . I tri,A 0 - nlost ,trick con . . W111111pan '*Shrewd old girl," I tbOught, an your pieces and complet. I . )i that invasion are eatlPfr , fidence. ext,enses 4 jite. than any Profit Francel,'�v�tc(' 0 * ,* � adJusted. the-orain mQiy fall­torward =---­­���� ­— - tile water flowed into the Pall. "I . . I Up far U14 Of it. . Britain bas of- The porkers Strike in SMAJU or It way be scattered oil the, Plat- � � , , will try alict dzaw her Out. t wonder . Call inahe Out 1,cessions to her form- .�Uritry 0Utq 'kS have -1 .. 11 .. . W EN I I . I ivred Wclxt COT] in our own c . idt form. Once scattered. it is Impos " how she put$ in the! time, What is J. J. McE I I- I been very Patient watched with keen interest the Pro' dillic for the conveyors or P;iok6;X,tQ Her � e C ' 1, she thirskijig about anywa,k?" � . . I I . . or all Vs ,she has landed meth0`11-3s, gres, la . es a an,M r A Farm Woln Thione'46 . .. . We deliverAlle, goock CC Of high -1, z of jabot, disputeu in Which lo, . . 411,9.View of tb4p,,Quiet . � I - the - . I . ill thr to' ie blamed if in t al unions have defied tile bonds Of i3traighton it out, to tile 400"4 cc . - � . I . . anti sue cannA ll.jection of her sug- Z . � -refused to � oary for perfect 'sheaves- Careful t,ait, uniario. - it Is aulfollacell Life. . . . . ... �- event of . a flat rip I heli orderd. and hav( therefore, be kept On I the (,anodiiisi pacific Itallway that After filling the radiator with the I - .. . , she nialwa her own term�. V I letter of - a5recallcuts by I I 1111111 - I I — r,�Qtlons ­ .. carry out the , cold water,. I re . . ---------- -- , I .. � . - In Britain a I watO;4e.0-f1,h00'1UW 14, 1 adjuritniOut xna4e while among the improvements Planned fur cleaF, with the . boxv . I witu Gerluamio lunde with call chal'- motion to� ruciet the 192a to cotollan:, property is ,tbe door . med Pal - . - 11 ployers . 'I tile !I` 1. tio -- ­ ­ - I I . . I 0 * 0 � I �.ruowbat strai ar u time. she met )Vitu Torlis !Aruggle Of a 81 serious proportions., I te�,,,,I�,tult,,I'60,4,atn,�alau,,ael,d, by laosi of uniform- building of � steel water Unk to hold need of rapping this , ' ' "' ­ 1 ... The Test . . . . I Signing uj peace Treaty actor attained _ . . . lie mhtkeC and sells at a low price. , , *era in a ,number Of the ity in the crop "e -he gralu� Passing �4 109,000 gallons at me with a kindly smile. 1, - ' An old Irishman Was sitting in ' 0 , ""' d cause of r I . . . .,inch Celebration . When docil i and . or elevator . Is ' . '.r.o.r�,puTt, . . *,you have a aigis farm Isere," I To argue that ue,:aasie cortain, neigh I I marked the ,ted agreeAlOnt,q trim the coliviryora L have, a ,lilee, quiet tbtlr cream front. of his house Puffing away and � PDrt,EJ ropudiv in direct violation Of buttin " . I I I . , - careless . WLLtL . celebrations , g - attach- said. "'You must bora are . ilreat of the peace treaty with the went on strilte next ad)usted b), the I ill c6untry where overythink provi(tea a. reason way no one needs pulling heroically at His pipe. . He � I � I Ottawa. - A constantly growing life in a a matc). a d I - .signing - .cutive. 111�,nt and the packers. . Produce w.ould continually. light I n .� . - %P' Orders frOh-, the. national ex4 nd i's i Can- about you I I � kis' . Tii-lcs at Luusaune, British, FOUN 0 just pl4lb wholesome , to be.car&ul is ,11100C21- _jipe, then throw . , . .o in the Old La reclation 04 the I . . ,Out, Cl,eALu itia.carev , pull and pull at t �b dele -liers' stril . I I wlecting. tile Need,) of Long.or Shoirt 1Lpp part of . al A tic;(, - L , another. eat� and Turlds ates S4 olbow and, handle y , . 1. 'IV at a W01 ol banquet and always a nuttter Of serious cons,z- &dlaus of their national parks; L-vI­ nature." . the matich away and- lighl : i . ' iderf I r", be. Graiin, . - Ineyease to lo she said with' souls �I�julk Lffia'a!lef, dellvz� It treqpently . r ). iw , to Obo lts -.4. ouence to the. PQOPIC at L jal d by Ito couttnued I ulet I a n kep "Come in to, dinue , pov, said lal .. , I e- . and praise, �ies of I The binder t9ble or the butting at- 4011ce re in the last ' empQhaals-jJ%Us14 Plain nature'?" ­Xes and Luca uealalld, Price I .ping I , .,%:banged !�Olblillmcy Bri, isluse of the rmwenSeL quantil , ti . . L iWife, at t ,tantlunple Turkin,li and t can", be allitted to West the ..It) number ot vlattoi . I ,F he door.' . ' - .." in 'Com I It, . alid I I just too Itlets. so, So. unwilL,pp.that we itu_tue-Qisawy�­ - -- '. " _an, Oi Will L in a �ajnuteii Bid- .. aIlan military un- food .qtuffi, ­ -�%othep -porwhable t4ehmou ­ . - ud the year Is eniPhMatzOtl In the report o. -- , ­ . . _f I r I , Ff needo ot.long.or short grain, A t t ­ilid I . I . _ .alth I'Molke has b - I 0 I tish, 'enell and 'ilre IDAPOfted into t'lle � Natl�ngj pat -its CommIseloner J 13- ( , ay from It ail, . I ')I een tel L � changed OulutQ3 followln!' ' . ',ht which, ir must 06 ailve to the I I ­ wan � (IV said be, A . its ex V -%oil hout -�Yblcb the Bri- 011ider operatc 14arldn. visitors,.tp. all t,anadian I be natural.."i. i Flushing sows. . 11 Oi shmolled a bit ay .� -. . I which the allied -forces U�, do ha -lo fl� . ,;1,111a anti wit I exist. waiting of the necessary adJustmOntll national parich during. the ypa, in iurprised at her expres� � I Qs at, breeding time to . iff�. me L that if Lite slipots on the - . . . 4 their prepartit;Kkl; fo'��'Q'VaL t'S ewh �Flushlng'ew is a,, , ghlaqs Oi cud see I , 11 people could not long d ath, z3l, t, I . 101 .le bun.djea will not be ot it desir- ' '04 So - I -goike's, .... colup - question were estimated AM 1)0,01, gjdns�aspeactallyotbo "lis. naiural,' increase tLle 11timoer of twin sun. Oi don't know whether . I � - dall t,r,!- q ' of L Whom ere was owners whet .. ov,cuplei Tur� . ;,.11ting, deckers in 110ndon AD tuess.. The bind lier Olive got I xUation of to give 'hearing to ablu shape and UO inwe than 7L000 voa,t i6 1, had always thought that it tkx .ucti4v. 4wong ifocit # been , of glas!�," L 11 Chic wo�der& it! any Of these Q; iiort4L refused , foolin, me or , � � . ancient pL V f , I torv. I ered achment with Its twine run . ftnff. voreign travelerd to the lar�,wr I h ire a person could be . .. I ong kind 1. . t 1, k - ! , , , - 1 42 � I'l LL : I I . - " ` I �` P It'a ` . , a w - - b ,)fr1(jaIJ ,Who condemned their action , tut; nit From an , a y � ac,o ge . out not till recent years havive swirls, hold av tlle,.-,vr I � . . la� — , , atural t diployauto Of the Q1l:c'; "'(��"C`q � mrw. to WOVIC, needle and knotter %vill.give higuly ka were fabout 65,000. t w a on thel,farm.. . . . - thp declaratioP ulad1l'. du'lal',* 'he WO!' c,nd urged their rel � sonable P4.r I raisers Paid Muca attention to this , �" �. . -would be driven out O'r ii,nic-nost leaders of the Labor par -L oalci,mt service At given rea economic Point of View, On a basis 'dward, of th`61owa t Wis, ujoth6rs who know the viri . . that the Turk g and proper , of *$300 spent by each foreign Y'Sitor I The Monotony of Farm Living. practice, ,Prsit. k, f Mother Graves' Worm Etter- . � I , . � a,e�ed, "Why" do you want in got kmperimeut station, has been layes- tubb 0 1 I � ed of- "gut-hority ty � . , like <,,Iynes li�d Thomas, Who attention, by way of 011in V' ,uropt, fin.1 -depriv ­,yo.great-4niluence ill-th(t, C�ouiaoonll q4lqatweat. .The binding attacill1lent, while Ill Canada, the national parka tXgaClRgL its praCL4;:4tstticy With pigs, , minator always have it at hand, be- L . - L _0�8talltinople � ­ ­ I ... 1.1at. .1 � I ­ durlhL k ay . I . .. ': I I _ for , .ever. , or -jr, _ L .oV,,r � , pa"tg 1,ust very, easily * perlods - Of 8,w 8 lie . - . . I . ".. - .1dioneL accounted for an tudireet revenue ,,We have no; lite here. , cause it proves its value . .�Vhctb thought Wag triven to the at, wel, ak� in the L Labor par , , tons of d. I and reports that L40 sows maxing too . I - , , con eturie ,g ss, so liberal r4PPlic4t - - gain at the tlAke of , . I . ­ -L , ­ n 3 � he r P]nd and I get up at five, moo I -. I � 11 - erg 'Al.. - large, have unsparingly' some $191,500,000. whieli amoulits.,q I useba E t rup d ­ on I N . ,.� C,)` ns��cre% of Isiost!; of Ar . 'as I . � aj)fta of Canada's 6 -d --- L . 4 � strikes, rega s or grease to 101 '2 per tt , - 1d;I ,h tile average ; . Thom it heavy, mineral oil aboute 42-L . , I o,c- ock eveq morning. Lie AL due breeding'. ,proituce � - tjle�l as giving a black eyc� to . by paint Will's -ave . opulatio;j, Ot ter revermes, e . . I I. =ea'ns avid other Cheistialls. Theltb&c collec- parts liot� protected � present p I fga more. per litt r than those I .. . . L L way r,r tinlh,jr goes to the barat to feed too stoell. 2.1 pf ' - - 14 1� . . , I 0 . � Turk bas,won i3. great victory, in , I� -is his opinion will save time labor, ' Nvelvou � I I I'-,' Christial .."n" tilt! iunchllse� . from theparlts, Ili the . ,, ,�..�,,. ". ,­, lite slowept gain. An ther . . 'L '. I . . L .1 . a .Ivl� nargo atei, fu I � I I .. . . devil, Over tile SO -e that these 1`1 agree' Rust can be moved concessions. accou , W Whils, I get the breaklas, all A . ,L�l conclusion. reached as the 6 I . , , . . . � . ji�gerlt, fot which the latter Way vet . opudiatiollS Of gkeat 4%ll(I temper. but harvesting. Wa­ sales.aud . . , . the, poultry. I We burry .through PracL . I Ahi�d#'QW. . " y . . - pl-ice than they I ruployers are a . p�,Ver, . - Total aPPrOl-viat'Ono for th$ of this AAislu set Of.obseevill- J . ave.to pay,o higher ments With o Uri" I by, sand $72,000 res4ll, sitters are, looji- I A iT already aid. Only' Jugo-810. f trailes . lcalaes�wv.ve nevor Intended for sucti. - last year wer04166MI). breakfast, and ther, be rustiva away . � I . k;ctback ,to the cause 0 parlts . . . . have 1. all the �, . It iq such occurences, cQm- I treatment, The, wooden slats that . ­ I . . . to the barn or tIel4si returning at tious is WaL %I Julge to bs: showhiwt­ . . vig. of ntel,ested nations, r2.. ionhmu . or,one half hour in Which to ect for, it is Wd4l but Iftlu the I I . I It . . ' ,. I lll�d with the exaggerated language l.form all itilporto.at Pa. -t Of the can-' I owe.*, S,,11,.��I. - SL,pol-Intenduht n6on f r..ne� is sow �Otll the urst pertoa of beat L I .. � fused to sign the trOatv- n1ld that bo - . . I Will, $OM0tLJMt.J tear I , a 1, I eat his d,l,n,,er After dinue L -e � IL 0 . I I I 1. . .. L t of some members of the Labor pnr ;ls cn I , willialn Bethune, orAbe C. P. 11.1, cc W 6 litterk al . - . ooze. .This 15 cau . Mil4w Ilas announced tbe ol,'Pi- . . Ered by the�fmruci I atoat� - supper time. when atte , eaull-4. %% Ildil i.W W r I .1 . I . I sed to birid her"elf 0 .way I . I � she refo - 'bt I � a6, uYal . . � ... I ; , use so part of the tuAlOu * ty in the Common$ that worry the ired U-j"i %Vurk in like lalA";t1 In "e �"" ,. , , . . I ty who. Bove beeri g in. prapet align- I - tbe r — ------ L , I I . I i . -. L . . . L. . "'a that fori,nor Turkish tefiltOr,v lenders of. that par 'eill T 1 I's returnsty' well Worn. by tile long of' I I "1114 d t cors to. ,,,��nninr% f6r thP c0w'�!,' , e o . ae seats of 'it"' rollers not L ti,lds pret , 11 I .. �- . pa'�l 1% I I ttalluing to tI Meat or stinare., hli� (Ii.05culty Is j season. .All latit year's officers wM , I .� ga' gas carried la I I .. I I 'ass � , V 10 L . hopeful of a t - au As , An extra! .;06 . , .. slie, Ind ds** * fear that the� .ff eet Qn vbaw� �. -bottle Under ifie, back sea . I , . It . . * . office. They . , , ,It. overc�suo b�, alljUsting thO Pro" i be In the'r place witbo"t ally day, ol heavy I, or. or t I'L . � I 1, Stop, ' Ind *will militate. agaim . . arueLuntll " 1 'f',,'o Or n'mo to a oh'ay", 4 , t t da d t I i b o u W w a r it. a can , . . I -Ir it lq­square h L, , a o riy� follows' 8, -i- , W e ­ I . . Presid .4, at Vail. bracc% of the 11 � L T fricers r bell - of your car. will ,saVe YOU a L walk. I . . . . 0 - . . � I . I " 0 . . . . [ent Ilardlow lome tile nubile m , L - . .. . � .. . I � . . from L acral. elections, -9 In. alIgnmInt. , , es �IcCtinnel, ulpt J yca� , a,,,e,,,,d �ise work ' In � ail . . L ' L . . causer on W -4y L I tIlCm In the nOxt"o ge . 1, And f'ii lr.)M. I .. latisol.eliam Is Ila somp daY� I . . . I a I I . L L I � jolt of Power or; giviVer, the . 11 L ----. . I . I I . . , L � I g the .Vari_ � Geor, I I -L . I . 'to 10hsures of' The T�'�0101?i I As: go l3etl,Ulse, pu D. A. Suth- � es. ail a3 and tuat W t . � I . I . I Alas I .* *. * awerou, chief eng 'Ongi I . �� - 4) * , rIta u Not Averse -AtIll i 8 olee fr(.m one day's I of the. United 0 I I S.Jor Opel rser; go, ts my,goat. I do t,ot..hear . I , L : President Itar4ling Tet" � . I The powet'. " L 'erlqnd, chief steward. � S,,S. - lcaclwa� ound.of anotnery Bushels of Grala Ili, ,­o's? � , . , , , i . . lil5i�r Oi Lt,Shebt, on i . , , I " : . , ,erAl,Ice ", I � - ,,,% . Rarding, -paid a visit . I Lp , - 6 L . grala binder is trau . - � � I tates and. Mrs. . Prohibiting the us purxs of thO ..N1. NI. ,gephei?, mister; C. :;ut- o t tk.- No woman to CaIlL * . To compute tile till . .. . . - I I ancouver on their Way I'Oule - Lady Astiorlis bill , , , or cil�h- saii,tte't 1 by "Chain and sprocket, -tile tin-' ,f engineer, C. S. Miers. 0i handy by where I . .L b- — , , � i I io V1 � ortbi, dife to, no nelghb . to UltiPIV 1.111a lejigthL 1kidth �__ ��­­��-­-==�- .-� .. 1 I . . i , . � Mitivica'. This is said to b0 06 sale. of liquor .to anyone und, issed by various *4pita being. provided .With torw No chance'. in , bins, m L . -V1 ob_L' � , 7 . I . . L. : .1 .L Ooni ge has been purser* E R. MWall"r), chlet'stOw-, could call for a chat. old dividd'ille number ., . � - . I I firsit time the Chief ExeciltiVe Of theltedn Ye ,tjo Partin- tightenOrS. It tile various chains ;1re, ' LS . I I and depth, 9, I I . . . . L . I . . I . ' a- ,s of .the Britis �, ard. S. _ ).%tanitoba, I;% J. Daylsi. ."ercise lay-tonglio. . s Ives the until.- . I . L. I . I I . other cftntrYi ll !l both Ilouse trouble tatned'by 1%. This 9 L . � L L. . . �. die, or ally -very 1009',Stel) I not run' at propel! tension. . varin Women . 11 . f bushels,* . . I I 1. ­ I. . I . �`o . I master: George D. Mania, chlef'On� JFed Up With'Siiente.. ber o I I . . I . 1 i4ul!l If -toi) tight.,the links If. J.'IsIt,, ch!ef stew- I I , L , t(ld this country while still in Of.- meat. This is not a I ... , it Is hardly necessallt to ey� toward trobilbitionrbut it is an indl- will follvVt . TA ". S. "We. farm women go It figuring oil ear corn, divide by . . gineer; George - flee. I to the 11reslue not adverse toL wIl , the draft will be heavY. I , L I le I L I , . 11%. cation t at Britain is I I broaX, or Chine Will L be; .L rd: joba E. n1no, purser V so much silence. It is Sdl,Luft,W:1111� i 0. % instead of 1 1/4 as for small grata. . . that-vancou'ver gave ; slon, L any ,measures looking.. toward �eol-, If too loose the ma althabnaka:�Mitrd6ck NicX0, mas- , -e elled corn.- : I . � . by of tile Occa t. If t 01 A I Jereit with tile mell,they al r all . . .1 I.,.. . ..-LL . . ­ -, , 11 1%. ­ ­ - ­­ ---. ­­-­ . ---,--V",--t0J -as- di .fro . Ql'bl -4-- Raev-c4t4­P119tilegm� . I *d, - comalou fartil ... ... ,. . . _ I � . 1. a reception wort) - re,,et�,,ud 0 f, WXgg,on , boXi -1.0-1 ­ *, ­ .�;.., . . . 11 -11 - -11 I- ­ "A­-4­Distion Maly( stinguished M V* - I-,-- ,W1tI1,4-WkY-UL --George, I "' -tsJid" do!'-iidt- " A ` ­ ­­` -7 � . . . . (,-no( 4 a , CdUrfic� oj�r 's- - proiiable. chains are Just slack enough so all --ter ­ ., . ' . � I . , . '- � ' . .L .. C 'There con bil hibition. It Is molt than SL. �', AtWta, JObn T%1�1'�ity'crheicmevtz: I w't4 all alais we Women. do. Once Ong wide. will hold J' L . ,� .. ­ . . . L . . I L . . . , , , - I W' ""' , qi� ' t I- If 0" '. bt c qu * Owls I Tepresented. ;. ch Olt hy ban � L.n lonoliaesa As 'v �i busliels Ot, grain' for ... every , � . 11 , 111 110: Tround in. call not b6 taken d wb Wil,larit'S, Struthm. . I I for ill; I f,ebouli AA'0 a feet I . . I * 1, I no doi I that local option will gut y Vill * ter;, a week Is not Often enough � 1, 2 . . . . "birce try, ! , , . I ting the, friendship betWeeli % whole, thq. inachlue is aut running-, they N 00 . . zl*� - . incer, .1 .. . 0 rich in del th, that Is, a box 18111ch0s I . � . -1 I I . Old L . I o Call- usual -IV .be satlsh�ctory when, Ill I - 6' - , , 1 46 IL . a Nevio . � . I . ., ons, deopitO lotsunder the and, though no well to get togetLer. % lidiall 11 ("I . I I I . I . . � � jow two noti. *korings which Some— 11 le. I-Ities, as in sections I I . -- or WiAt I deep will Ito' -approx.1mately 4ndYO14,11 . I . . I standings Ann 1 4. nun 1pa I �aw districts, .or Lion, C�14111 links and a roclwts n � * t1i apart so long Is If allY wull'A . Id . . . " � '. L- y .L I '. . '� "cep' I "' .11 I .''. I . . I I - , . I . I . .: � . - . roolay, nor can .an Undev.. the lvttiulpef, - La canneet 0 . e eI .11 . ... . � I oda 0,g at both euds when bushels. . . \. k never �., . 1, thue.s.mor the Bar ties mily.have 10-- 41tullid-be well oiled at all . Olat" Of' . to Valleouver our tongues 'W' 10 , 11 � . . - c;t L movement. or . gralu L � . _ _ — . . I �'�- L , destmed,to areas ill municipalil . W does cOlUe." . I I . I L . ,. vhanre�" . I ­­ aubt-t1wtXftnAd8­iS tJQn , o-de8l" T6lltaet., , - Misailil; ,,she3Ve*"-0 &h�-O:PPQ`rL1lnitY-.- LQ-�&9-k-Au­ in 'll.h'il . ­ .- - - ,, � --------- - ­�­­ . I t -A it Lite -voter's--s . r61b­a-5-PnM . -., , ­ � . . . . . . �. WI . I 11 . I ... play a stilt greater par . via is a common trou- I I n Ow . I I I I I a number of residen- Ito tie tile bundle . Including I bruary 211d, thi- Can- IsThere a 1-atiatea for.4111MI LOW I I . . O� . I . . . � I . ­­ I . 13 � ... . . L!�% , I . pire ' . The. suppression of a or.etio r I. I I �. L . terproter of , tile � British enough .to due to the operator's all ay ha delivered Lisri . . .or ,� .b .. I . " I . . . . _ " i�, t - a . . . I I . . . 'y " �ta'ulfuresuAt Y InisUL0 the ad3tlstWenta at vancouver total of 6768 cars of ser. .efjex�l�osuft of irritatto I . "a ' ,a I Visits allph as "! ':'Ctidn� are pleased li ft 'aa .. . d UL I L the United Statoi� I'.- to lallpouvt-r tj�., 1. it. Even those who like their Ldl vac If c .4 After hearing that ilatle milk is the . I . I I � tr .41 . � eat , Stibek chill, , . . I . - � collsolousix stixrteu lor of the UQ­vOus 4.7- - ) I thar ol. air. ­ will. often vot � ave full efficlL.ucy to We � e14 wo-iiette, I uu 1- 1. I : , eleont . 'witience Of mutual _0 for this re t b grain represeatIng 9.894,1116 bu - -: I 11�111g, sensitive . ­ I I I are W , 0 as # N" 10L becali$Q they d je,L. stanalug ou, frightj pain, roug-t 1.11 . I . . I .. . good -will. . . . L ; tar 19cqt e a ,al option I =ala,""�charsi:aii, It tts* nOedl,4 falls �,', uring the same period there has il th I had I . &1f,, ctc., are .. I . I . . . .. , - t I . . I . thi r �ep - ­ I tile roadway. � . . - � I . * 4 * 'lot have to .go very twine far euoogh,Ove on exported from Vancouver totlin t;oming to, my:uellises teats, weaning of 4, � I I � I . know they do I sea, If P0361ble baVe . . . . . � ".. �, . . I "' - Just "'T -Try tile � I . I . � : : . . I I . . ding .0 far to a public house.. The InflUOUN"dact"irti l'Ua'y"'b,) grasped by the twine . 111 . I . I r�s of population Bree � Oilent 1,1.84,550 bilMic-Is and toA e aL;er a tiolo, I 1,414AU to tliiuk� 80wo Of the i . I I c(lit in local Option I I .. at Luere. was 46 *Iiat the. lady of the cow milked by a wonials... . * . . . � I I Minority . of, those experiments . .,Ise, a knot will not be tied, Since but j�ulted �Xlngdiuln D-013,6'-11) busliels' Wa I oung calf at her . " ; . � . ­: � Dangerous � ad. :- ,� . . d, This condition Is . . -effects of placing a.y I I . . .1 . . I . I " .re . or a total Of 3 1; � LAO EA -Mil Us" llad Ito Say# Units re, 1 4 , , , . fore was a iiid4� When the guo- is lill,,ely to sp I . ano� end is hel I," .78,170 buslull. . ,,� - � 11 I . I . . . ,. I I I yJ L I * * V'11- gignized by tho� . am6 11)erjod. lAst year, V,atetl to asyseii her , words, "XN6 head before -starting to -milk., blassage 1� -­� I � .. � I � I . . I . _t,nerally easily 'rea Duilag, the s. I. . . I I . . - . .. I : 1 '014 v I in African .1 :,ia,cIClc 1ta1IW,,t-,% dt,ilv4 caaacii, to ex,,!rclso my to gue. so the .udder giiaifY- for I No . I.... an . ai-�vqctieajlY unknown in this a fe* minutes ! . . . I . o j,"rance Building Railways tNklab uelog knotted Ili a loop at One t%v, Canadian, I A � ,..: I . Country. Yheu 'he did begin to mail I . PossesSIOUS . I , d'b,-,kng free. When It 3,41M, . before. mllklng�� It the:teats afe'ten- ' 1. 1. ,. �Os � . :. . , � . his . earance. be vaS .More often . ,nd, the Other OW ered at Vancouver .1 total 01. .0 waq mucli alle,ace."' e melted lard each even- � 0 1 .. ­ I I . 4pp. pran�e is undertaking, a series of Lite twine disc in i1eld tot) tight by the aln, , fter all, the farm Is"t6d der aPPIYsOm � I . I . . . . than.not found to be from the UYAit-1 I er African I -lUg, it will, ill turn hold 062 busbefs 6f 1-111. . and thel . Pernaps, a An old-fashionerd tfebtlilent Is - I I . ,. I . . I I � I L ted, fi,om Valleo,avef dur n!z the lonely a place bir the average wo- Ing. . I . . . � tLd S lie other foreign con", strategic rallWa a . in b Inv alid Bpi, , expor , � . In. on tile cow's . I . . ,t:,*,�g or set , . . . 'Ca -1A1`1%`i8Ii- Luau of L04uay, aad With the trend to lay�i a. sack of &ra r. ,TeY. . . . I In n aNdition to Other 'Pub- , aa�.to pinch It oft saine period last yphr �.2031D fullfigure. .1 : .1 . , 1101ts were few and,1 osse"lonsi i �lie ,twipo so t1got . beL j more t milking 0411e. This Is expect- .. For average. I . US. ill$ 4)X to tie. - This cow 11 w(,ro. t­part- loins a : )Zeductsig SIMPs. . Low bust, " I . L � . � . . ris pu�lsjaweut prom Z tie works on,a large scale, In those %Ud. cmls,� a faimr-� ols. 1',A0D06()- at W-hif I os: wouern ll.vlus lt.wlll aitentl6n,so that . . . L 1"J.ot L, . . .. . t it . . .1 � many r cases ?I JItimately al* hopea. to bi�. .1ition is gt!aC.r,tIIy indicate 6d to t1fo Orient and 2'110,04 I tti:00 joileisome pla".1a the guturIP'll,41"s ed -to detract her . We medkm .tkirt, s1ron I : I . . . se . - I . . .VQre, TodaN' L * I , apart frOm regions.. I The I . tl�q 14cias; she Will "lot dQWnLher milk."' . . I I I � ­ 4ad . Lai., is developing able to traiisfor her'black troOPS to ,nd of the, band 0eing frayed. ITDIted'TC1119110111- . .;$QL1let1,4ag, nappengs tOf Cild t, VLO e.0fIIct(1u0Y -of this taufil, sizes 23 A 36, , . 11 � - L L . . ., , , I I I .1 .. . . . foreigners, Cant iean by tin overlanI i�os�lllng.,r t Olds *the .� canno uch fowth ­ . M caft - * I I � ,vn �nd their clinle-S the Mediterrat . u0spring that it In addition to 14hil; Rfrllll� wblcix aad luvals, . '... L � a We have not tried it in prac- NZUQ5ELr.-R1&DUClN , - - I . . prinion. of its '01 4*6 .nma I. 4 -doe of aliv t uble and. the - -ill remedy thiti fault- U I LI. -p- txported froni Van- — - —no" suggest a solution. of plan a I. -1 1-4-1 co-fOrtable ' I I . M L�, . .1 unpleasantLy Mquellu, , you W - 411ralk; 4. I haa atreINP L . in stubborn cases ir is best 1.0 RETO sre e - I ' ii, " . are , ' c urse, -entJ e - I A. 0 i ties. , . � * .. .i 6f tile shooting, u1nd robbery' of ,bank same route *ould of 0 ucts. and $.so twthe disu is, ,loosened too much,. , couver so far this, season, th6re 14 1,1 the yroblenlY­71. bteycllsduit U, - I . and wilthold -their - - I � -� r. btJL � . . and'iiiSh- 1 , .1. : � .. f ,� . I . � .,�A ­�­­­­­­­� qensters Ini V01V heart of Tot, the transportation Of t be Iled; this cotkdi- , $;tore in elevator nt ,that point 112.� utteiva. . . . '. lot a call liurse. ., shgpt lts, long - as they last,, . . � Imot can AO' I ----�, . f - ,. " - -A10 pi�-4De b -i UlatAtjactlirc$. JrAm her,,. rican t . S20o holshel,1. pe"rdinii,vto -1 ',UMPM61t, I L . . 1. . I .. let, think . ` Mlay 3pecial features make - L .1 I �!!k- . " 6-i&.tW-=. ig ,)p I I .t, C-L. ' orally Indicated by. -both, I . . . . I L - ­ - ­ I 0 , I . Onto 8, Usillies L -30-4-11l: I .. belag­h*.Rdo� ,.. 6f--L4;L . . . t I I . -� 1. .. I � - -1 ' ." - -b' . I At the P 11 . . laoll- , 'd Whon cutting In the.wood .. .. L -enves whifiell havo, rft6j�, -rese: ,nds of, tile twI66 tan -D. �roMtelt­-$IIRT' ,Tt.�"I?�-' sti� i 04,ndle Cire4sm tor Buttet C&r4tul1Y­ . L. , "then carsots rUral tot ttdtAk irg_ � - L ­- ­ 1. ­ � , 4 . ` . a Seri& of ciecurl ainst the ­ ­ -111 .. N ahead.4, ,,-.,.--,,. ., .�­­ . I . ,it . ­­ -­j�jj­U,lU'a,Jj0Ur;'but�;rf­ twoat,'V-�04t­ ­ ­­­­ ., Z.dfd'aCd"fJtrTtlSS%sC-'%V I 18L . . , .:: . 1 tieq nil over tbG has a considerable forte P si Careful Eye on the lKnotter. tion. western Llae-4- I Ute,rw. may b . , liv. . . 11� I . � startled coffillinfli lie Canadian- tribesmen. . . Xled t16. in ­� I . I from foreign . I such a detrilacatto hialth and I . : . . �. country and in 'Which t . * * * . it ar cteau and free . I . . . . Aftother cause Of ,failure to liver. — 11, the C. P. R. . To -1lave. the, children sound an , . . . � . I 11 I . . I tv - I f the. German Alaik iftep, found im the' knotter aP taa�es, it will maKe lundY a mother. 11, . appearatice. . . L rn has Ithd a shaVQ. f3lMila 1'-" �," rtug Vanco odors and � .1 other countrkAm-a The Decline 0 Vill be healthy if troubled For sale bY : ' I I i �; . . perienelmo, With recently, �vbit.h holds tho finger down upon -the Hotel ,Vancouver, - at couver, baLter In the hautis ot ars expert out- healthy is the first care Of ' . , � OL . ill ,�. 'Ark WAs - `tOly 64O "Ola" termaker. Cream. approacuia& ran- They cannot laother Graves' . � JLjOL of uarest which IMITIOntly The Gorman. m � hook heing so loose. o not to . there ,ire aPPrO'tlm- with' worm&' Use . - - L �� . . il I ,,of violence. We are Ouoted in New Yor)c at 488,000 to imotte , , I iall-the-year-ronail staff nom- . rylag'Wittl It PaCtICIC4 ator. L - L . I I . L GRAY & CARTWRIGHT . L I .1 i ,,.IQ vent in act,4 - hold tire eads at 141e, -,winei while the The - cidity au(LL car Worm Extermin I . � I ! �� . . roo vel. neeustoluel t') 010 fuct,'thut the dollar. Not so long' ago people 0o employees, Tha 00orsk 1.1 At4u by f -it in this country ut Knot is .pull,d .Qv --r tbo billitoolt. r0, bers. about 4 , of airt whias of undestrable I . 0— I .- ; I taste of tats, oarny In the old days , Toronta I . � 11 . I ,tbJ-$ LgrOW!nl: re-ifec) of n6bulat:ou ill Avc!ro bu.0n matter of Ittlep; " ard ur ceitar the difference I*- IK6PS BROS. Ullilted,, �.. ,n] I . ' i , , I usand to the doll;%r jutting Ili a band with clean cut eads , comparatively small In spotle3s P,n_ and a a somebody Wag L , 11 I .. 11711 � " y , breed!DU U WrY four. to fiv t n ovk, etc., he* ouLter tween a nobody and -- I I thle. country are be con I uO . never loses its liaillittly- 'A: it in the Wood—nojv it is in the bank. L . L r , 1, r I . I I L L mint)rit�r. Germany has is -Zed so touch paperlisu,t O, ki�dt, -,*adjuatolellt throuah, � Ing pat tw t 11 Its ser i I : L i - r oll. hilt. vo,,v. dan­erous .gI, L dition caliq for the , � Jt wiliest dra--8 0 :. - '' t= .............. " . .4111, - . L r . . I r. M, � . I " - to any wCwld *1 human im- We;ir� ot ad3uMalQut throt� . , — : , . I .; . . of peoph, 'who would no nionev that It lie , . or t'iellpli ,.)It. holding tsi vice of fjvc� paintem and tell lli',P. it enteNs, into is Lu . 1. - 1. ­.: ­­­­� .1 . . --- — . I i . � r . retire it nil at any. I &,taking ldos%i of the Is --ir . L - 1�� . I . . . . It'llIA141 to gret aloncy so lun; a?�tlley ptissibility to : knife, cajusing the ser- era; and five engluL,ers with fo ----".,-!- -­ L r� . Nil I . . . ., Inat4l, stensible value. Ilut No s%ovellers — I . . !' !r! !!��j � , agage in legitl thing 111-43 its 0 q . -- , t . 'r . . . 4id Dot have to e: . long al I r lh� ar-%1.1'�r`111P`3 cutting 'jre khe knottier stokers tour ash-uloo. 0 I - — -1� . I . , .1 ? .L , . Avork for tile sawo, We ate a OVef L this epnflneut peOl . ur ni; of. the twilic hel over It. and i" true.kmen. rite reQuired 'it � ---- L - . . . r L . I . . i . I I vin- the PtObI0111 still paying good money for auger or billhook line closed the engine -room. . Then there are I - .1 I.- I I 11. �, ­ � . Way -Vet froul Sol g )L Or $haft,. or ­ I . I . ­� � . I I . . .1 � . . ;j Nvo t�jegs paper.. It the Gerinwin & bout rusty �needl( I ktore-room men, . . I . I . . I . I I I .. . .. . L . 1, t. ana Will cauao . no end Ot , . . , I , , , , . -- Ill I red s ny' � ter � At I ' Vol 14 , 'I , ag n9t the I .. I - I - , - - ) � �. it is not to I I F1 . , " ,1� . . . I 11 4klt Semblanie of ( ' chins, ­ I .­&�� � eurly in th0,jl;.rveS,u thii looses. tkers, and tbr4e men Lon PVV . . . I ,. 1 I . . . 40 trouble a yardman. an Reluatt.' . I . ea * " PaintY FabAcs .� .1 of W CrinlinO. . r ,i disc -or., twlao Issis#D10"t cleaners- I . . - sometimes at this inetfiod of adle, billhook, tWitV k b cleaners. two V.� ntera 11as "mile be wouiloreA a I four ile ",a .t . Disa peared in . financing I (for wean I - - B fOr . I , . 1. , �., -.0 it ever so 11011101Y- thk've,q no or nits,wid shen4v0s. - - - v to, dll� N%WTV uty � I . . . . ,4 � m�mblanee of ft 90Tornment Be uutl�A . . ' 'fodd c�"tr'o')' Tile 111111 Of tll�qO last I ., Ion L . . . , - .. All ace IlRe'Your own. � I is to llee tba fd . I :. I . . . . . . I , . ; � . ,,Is disliopeired ,in China. The to- f . 11 r r . - I - ,-- ear Attention to 0111:19. t o,vory oun . . . � Wear , . : --- L . I . r 11 . . r I I I i111iJk*%" ,, '' L r I — -���- - I yain binder takes Coil- 't the Moreroems 113 tabulated, I L ' . . . . ond Much .ger . , . L— - —7� 1 . oillua the 9 leavin ay the r . . .1 . I., -.__-.—= --.-- � r f4� r , wit',1 fifty -or more oil W, c%p,(l Ot each d ! I r L 1. , 11 ' 'N . . L I . I . .. . P11 r. I � . . side.able t1we 56 tilat at 4b In )Per'lUOUR I , I h4 - 't . . 11 I --wWw%^01 "t edue,,J keel) Clear aluagapplied vilth I results of ,lining-roO 1, . . V.e in wash- r' ' , -ot, ima --rjoil blyi, Ines I I'l I a The t*,.o worries you - .. I � 11 . doles to J� 11 % J� , art4vozv other can be cheirked Instantly. Tbe..Ilit- I . I 4, % nilt4 . . ( - , ,-, Wa3to tiale I ,v ) -4 "Y *��, fr � .0 _4 r 114 Al. Ther0arebeiring. . 'Jisle a�l C ,tin ,v il r - oui 413P6EtTi1J41T it) % -it- -nit Of the hotel- I 11", ing fine fabrics, dainty g1raletits, are i I 'A IT chon Is the largest I I- . =4u a '. . . DON T tion, ma to Mats OIL holes,t1lat rutiat receive r. el IS X ,hot r With 43 ZiSsIstant . I 6 fit - . . removed. You Can launder them DOW I � V waiting to hee�nuo r7. wiltion awa. sucit ac. ttlo . There Ag i- -room and I - I ­� :it 41 11 r I 'I tile".0,0111melcial wovid. . . I varloilu rltalus Auu cooks. to Servo LU,Jr " 4. I I . . with full confidence that fab c: W 110 I . � I t-alldard. re(c . S(IpUato . N " " I . I I . . I I 31 . ligh lital'o i , 14011 DAY s,l,,�)Qkc,ts. 811djug parts Qf tiler bt-l-d* grill. Tht,.re artf th , . Two . ) ,r . elicate colotitigs dulled,. . " . I On TUMAY, SEPT. Ov 1923v YOUR LK" at-A,ellment and 111i I)UndliOl car- cooks for the -lunch coutitpr . . bb hartned, or d , . . � 410graphle ov S,,,eretwial couwso' in 1113 - ings snijjcut to bk,,%1jy of the cooks attend to the 'vironifig. I wid'dainty, ex- . I 1k tie . - ­ S . ' I . - 1-4"ginning 4. Coulluerehl. I­R�o . .r, Ali beari do nothing but trYint.' three - - I ; I . I.. .. ilks, satins, crepes, - � ib%. " : rwvfne, tile Iriptp3n, apo,�;31;avd nbould be oiled , three , I 1 41 ­ 11 � : ' " " r-;-., . I es, - pmelunIvAr­ . and I M � . �,,. . .,: pensive Cottons c0tnei� frOm t1le Ivash � . -1 ­­ r -­ ­ . I I Trio , "'llool in the ­'­­ ­­ ­­ - I - � . .. r �, I 0%10:,v hour it U.0 der 0 to taWtitt - iedbk ve-ettill' n l, 0, s Rti,eesifitl m4net,� � bit; g, . .. . � � . ,,­ , �.,'.,�."'6f.11jatlCe it�nd beAtit.v. In - . 1. . . ­ -- 01412 1%V CLINT. , 11,ontili. I'lougas a binder should. EverYbear, thpre are six pastry cook,4- In 'Mildk� ! � . wit � neiv' 1 . sing r . r . . . COMMERCE0 . I ,t!lve lubrication at tiou. there ard r0ous who hollt ',�ts, .. I thousands of holnesNyonien are U � � inol,100L OF otishoue I L1,1y no tuatter how lit- others 'who make tea. aud Otb"a � I . PALMOLIVE 1`RMCr"7SS SOAP 4"For latottalstievt WM40 l��",;Ot"t,."�,�I'L,�,,�a,,,, erte. on maw sueuds . I a litia B. F. WAItD, B. A., M. -Act% Rp� wortt itie bearina deva. The Willi- who 1111,1CO co] Lktng to3r,t, and � . ­ � - "ES- . i . I - FL.kl,, ­ - . , M. A. MNS-, Cowl. 9--i . rel"Iftsil. 14 driv(s ii,jarjui,p, tite, p.arsian. and th;3 his world1ag hours wO tv ia I ­ I . -57j,,;Cl#Atl. . . , ' Vic. e tllc� 1, tuero 11 another W,l,)i:!C, Sol du r �� , ". rinkly flalces,glve - . � . qa,leag bladatin attachnicht ft'Quit to clean auji op�,�u nv,g,era, To feed ` 1, These Pure whiM cl I . 1. . ... rr . . . , ------ �. . . 04 0% A ^0% 11� . .1 I . atu" lather . I I . . . ---1-1 ­ -- J,-Iosest attentichIV-L. *tevelksoia, E'�'Vc., I . �!� _ r ...0.*W6W.,A,&"*�. ­ - - . I 111016 ­ -- , Urieulturq. . ­ tht, Rzie'stq iYA otc, day Do dozen va% . I . a wonderfill, "Whipped ere I I k r _..___ ­- r - - -====:;%0=0===--%=6 0=0 &vt. ot 1% �L�­�- Wro, r"'lliroil, rcllwoon a.000 to 5,00 1 that dissolves dirt magically. t 4 I 01101101 . . , , Allit dinnL't 101IN are lhiniceil � I '­ , I . I i0o I ,ill do tile wo3t lainiiih ,1,,,,, ,,,,dr for. I W, I'll - r I ­ WVS: By %I I (1, Abe tollow -will 0, )Utt(,r ­ !- -.-- 1, '] . �, � 4 a 13016 W%011 daily. sild io t - - . . I � I - And save money 'in two I , ts " for yon. is the forlow YO Cooking. 100 Its. of erptimov btAter � I 4 I giving- longer -wear front fine fabrios; . 1. F,vielrywing On the MA rhoet In � 1, I . I ­ ,so, �0-11 eaell (lay 'arr,lts are onin- I 1;0a 1, they I UMraSs`taVt0;1jQr(,S Witil itire W.ack ean Ulf 115 Ot 104 1% A day. . d 1��', and, i;ehi- nothing but pure I � I I I � 11 Named at ih6 rite . . � .# Aast longer ­c . .1 I I -, �� , . I �: IV% 16'. b6 86ttribated to la4k *9 a litaulto aaa "d bttwferk SOO *tull I-" IN ot . -1 I. utting Snap cost. I , I . ! ­ s and Vegetables a �1 to ,4krA4d1*X VOtiktoe"t, are wlk�il C.Vthry twentT-firi'lit .. . . I I You can't find allythill- better for , " I , k Fresh rMit %% W.Wlt— ' 411ca'aro luke4 In I . ! ), I I; t Real Priends holirs. othchr,VeKeta! a r4V Ill. ae. . tt�e in tilt! washing Illaebille-nor, in . I" Fouad At I 'Jq t' fact, for all lantldtyr or llbt:�"eltbld use. I I � ()ur Store , subarbsn- nnaftlitlits Ot "m , tst--% itt, 1. I ;, i. I Will Be I rrown, a now�,Y.Wcdded wirnz,*T, 01 , � ' . ,,, :i �jto, had pr-aglisea to be home ffom . mraing to tho. '111, I , . 4 Ing titans " t t � . t,lje, b#qej. it tx'kt1!5 ftbIll 18 t6' 2& PA L KII 0 L I %/ JE 11, 11,,j11(1v otle-pound p -a� - � I " R&*�trjirs, ilackitereles, gtc.., Carrots. &es. Ste xl,. A,t midnigilit hi� Q11r. . ae!. qes or bajq. . I ! 6%vt a 0 'Deli s, sent six 0,1(90110 9411011% of `"�`stn` " r-allol" I* Ar" t-4 Orticr sori'te toilv anel 4i* -t'�:126;:J pent � I �. . . 14(mMag Onliks for thle Hot W-Att � Nvife frantivall: his ftiends livir,g in ima .173 to "to 1� (or Datittry daity to I 1. � , ,,to as w*ny of Ftstiot tbt &,Mihis Of thkw 11"itts' thne You vvash. I ; �. to%v% &Skip XV*fltjt &nd $1tlr6l%#? thfk SOAP i I , , 23* I ,g etich it her husbitid , b(ittl !C41l - PRU N C'N 1E %3 �-� � . . . I . ?k � Cr4 Jukt. Lime juice, 9' TrY Vitltgar was stoppinir with, thens, over-fliglit. ., F I!. t"O. I i " , - , . -/ 1! - - Vie Palmolive C011,t.nw:lV,0, � A nt ions out fe"i tons of ke dstbr I I I ------**,,- ----,,,%,, �� 1i TowatA motlSing hubby mia his bf0t- Its - sovost 'rholosstri r=. � � Z . I - �� -- Ing the Zferk b"*K 4 M '4014 t I � �\ 11, ,- ) I'll ,ea--dowft auto wett Allp"Chi et M hot* I t ,� . ' I I ittler boy rushed PeRtM Wd silt"Re It . I I - , . - .,- .4 - 4,,f d I -,.--- EmLd%.H �1 hoasf� When st rd".� I.W daily. I , LAIN -S Q r ida, I L .' 11 is No L A111tw up with A% telearkrAt. Alt of thell, 06% 1l.W to $ — Mott 044.11"u.. � " 1. . I ... .C.. rhoult ISO reltd: ,-lye% JoAft is $Pending the .i� �, ­ ­.,6.*0.0.W*... I " " I Nju . . -d t, ,�*-*Aa I k . It I t4ht ,with int." � . � �' -41000 ,,.hv Itsilit IfeUlay 0 chi droll Cry I I - ­= ., ­­ ­­- ­�� ---s I L. .1. I 1111 Pl,!ft V,��r 1, %ht'. twift call be billspri WAN)ut LL - i��7 �-- 1:7� 1 - . ii. . , ­;��Z&, -"*.O- I t--% ­,­5�..:�'. 1 � ­­ R(t Wc4tit" a FS FLETUElet 11 1 ­­­­. - ,A­;*O:­�,��­t�f�- 4 - -� . I 31� t-toteCl 11,3�,M f4end, 1-lor rsurt of Vow% III un, W011111i 4s0§6"WWtftC­A,�- 11� ­­ %O 0 1 I I . I � 1. - ---- - m.w"Okwo, i *,w�—!k as &-M!t4c bappy. I . %Wi A ir 0 Ft I A . . . I A . ­,� I , ,I I � .. . I I ­ .. ­ ­­­­ ... .r3i � - � , . I � 101� ..... . 1-ift %M �! �A l� , I I,— -- I L � ­­­ " ­ . . FLU 104-01"*-E,Wviii�l !.� 4 -11-1 I L � I I I ­­­­ ­­- =— —. I I � --- I t . - - . . Z* J, .. .., - - 1'� ­ ­ . , ..-Iba--�191 I I I* 11 14vv-.A�� - 4 , 1.1 , ' ' JENkdNR.....t)& .L&A& - ­w",A d�sd (A , � -- .:. , �, . . a . ? i7, L. .�M�W­ .. ` I-OWNIZAF, I * J , &,-�, IwZsw,44.�A - IIAML .A--&,& _2 . . - I .i" .r MW I— . . .. .1 . I .. ' - - " i'A­.L. '. L . " - L r -- 4 .., , , wlk�-11- , �� 4 1 ­ . 1. �.