HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-08-09, Page 5­ -, ,. ­ - I - - - . 1.-W,M— ____ _ , . . ... - I I - '_ I - A - �'. — -1 -1 . I ; . I ..;:. ; - - - _­ - - __ - . 11 1. A.90&A-NWW-,"' -_ -_ I I-RD-141FINIFIll 14IMP � �s;.. . , . . 0, ­�Allll­ , --__.,_4__,..0______ I - - .,ll 400#W- . VIMM111' 711l I . " A. � *~,JM, -,l �_� Al ,�t _ -1110-", 14l I - I --Nppvrvl—lqw , --Iw . ��%_ 'j�_ AW -1--, Allt _iPMEW.-_4�_00MMIll - —, _. ._�,E,.,..,W.l _. -A-- - ­0mal __ " . � - =! '!!b, � ­ - ----- "l - - -� 77 - -=—!��7�!!���-!O!.-.-,---!.-M-!,-�- _ � !! - M! ! I 1 M -1 � M M 0 - - _ !l : r lls ! s "I Ill ll!�� M !! ­�!rmll!­!!�!t � M I — — - __ - — __-. _-W_ Z� . _! ­ # -3 ­ lll! !.�!7, lll!�! # ]PAGN THRE1 I IM, C*QD=WW 3TAX , ­_ M THURSDA-Y. Aux;. 5th, 1923. �_ M . M I M. ___ I � M IMM -MM- __ ­ - - & I— ,llllllllll� 11111 I Ill milli ­­ ­­­� ­ . !!!! ! !__P __ ­_ __r, - 1, M - - ­ � : I- __­ - 011111111 I - �lllllll!m ,�____ - I ---r. . I ­ — �� ---,---- -----..,.-...-....--.---...",-,.- � - . . - r. ___�l� �__ -------,, __ - Zarich Ul NW, avid Usall, Ji4w- ago==__..4W*. _ � - - --r �, Aiwit1wr watter ilil this ck)nnWctiQr` 0" WE KNOW H.0,*&r4, of (;4&W4_bll Wislfe 11% XbW kil_ r ­ - - ­ .1 r. 1� wa$ that the Hiui water Hixbw*y T U� 'Sinclatir *left on Mora, Iaig* ono day Wet W"k. I I Ap-socUtion had a4vd, Goderich t0klaNnt a Viiit in V4efilhd' , . visa IfQbwol e"010t, V4 T routto 1% .1 ure iloo memblev,4. The municipal- Ur. John Howger, rut Mtv­c'A� is Eir,vv�l- NI-olkagwalt hkrpalcuv�, 111:, 46f..1 4*%. i e3 bad not been living up to their lug IA% vacauuu at bis ho. -no lictx'. I."Walu'roster-st ViMick,,�?. SUMMER "ru" 0 T W E A R . I obli � KODI"ijv&'F'InmIL'—I"'-H'-'ING' fl;ik�uations in, the way of member- � " . iso that the AsSociation had'";)t xiss. �;ora Iturl*�Y� of §aruaa. i% vg�r- 4 Mis Carrio Mil %ho Was vii- 7 . I . I s' j lug ber fith(&. UT.Tlikso3as lluxjv.�. iting Mrs. Walter Naftwl, left ull hk'.- . ­­:�­_ ­�_ � Itheli-4ne.l farl& for public,it - # I I The �_,,Isrnja Chamber of Commerce Nisis flastu Millar. Of Damla. %Tan� return to Torunto on Monday. . wir third edition guirst with Mrs. br. 000W la% %vov4l, Miss Nvtma, NetioualiL ot Tolwut0l, "N:," sea,�."ll,vi,ri lmivlo � .1­,n!w-l%0D I'l, 4%�v 16 li�, s,nk, I[,,,,r, � I � 11 -urn tl 'I r', 0,4� , I 0 � Our prints are made 011 Ve1VX— Iwas going to -t N"ictona. t,to ?,k N� merria In dvirvivil Wo t',i;1 , I . lef a litioulet into a Blue Water edi- ,Vps Marlon C,!ace, of Il V . Is l'i vildtlua her parput4l Mr. suit 316, t,l '. , , .on . ,% - �l i 9116 I " �, ' N. Do .buMi:Vll;lul bii lit . N1110 OV41 in'l tize , 0ei of White Canvas Shoes " . Sarnia Chamber of Commerce the Nt of Bev. &*4 *re. V, . m t y. J,L, M a ,QA , I , r I it gives us the best prints we Call, 'tiQn , raher?it. I 11had had to secure an sextra. clerk to Up aud Mrs. J. woIll tl!rahil of �Vr. gut] ,Vtq. Joho Mult, of A -,% oh III,wh, t, IM111IMS, '4.-m tho lr�wN i !v% t'll tiv-4,t"42,l, of A get. . � I t3upply information to tourists pas- Toronto, are vIsIdug, tclative't in town. b9V9. Ute V61649 0 the 1101110 4-1 UV- � 04,11 lyhitv Strop Slippers and OxfprJs % 1,wh , rich did not fall � . I I , sinx on, and; it Code wiss,I)ena bieucel, of Ivinils1w. ki URIVIS parental, M(P. Rohl Muir. , � ILI V 110%V jll Nt,lvt� . "rpt) I bI`14�q�q 1,4� 0 % k" V I C'J,� , bjt,��ftlt, 149111 . . � in line these ricople would pass our visiting rc1,ll,;jtj%,�saud f0ccaoiutown., Rance Ucon. Detroit, and Ayllner I . � doors. His Worship asked co;bpera- wo-:14ttat thebost. . ired 109 Miss Gintrude Begloy, of Detr"tt, is NUhmald, Ritehener, are Visiting! , - , . - , with Bert Vre Cutt. for two we4s. ' -0, Materials that are Rastmati-made and methods tion in securing the des s. ill town and D004a. aw I visiting fdoud . and Marl rlklgar, of rennisil Nowlinor and Onting Shoes III . that are RastW'ait-improl plug tb; experience of Our. members- btip,o Agucu MCD01131d, Of IkltitAt Is Misses Ella i I wro i I i , I I I t I ke lates t g t v tol To q"�l u k v I I I o I 1"t %V C,w - Tourists Say Very Nice Things -, visiting til blends. Mr. I spending her vacation witufrIVIA8 in Harriptol are I .ng experts, are guaranties of flue'st quality fluishiug.i ,. I 1bout Goderich town. r I I alld Mrs. J48- DiSSMSMItfOrd IlPIAbtq.t' 0 hvink" Iniv tho Life Buoy Brand TheN 1v;%d . . The Mayor, said he had talked td) . Mr. a%l Nvs� T. . j. xcwt,11, or- Mm ROY WoWvrauddaughter.-Tauct," , till 40101-1, in 4111ality ond pfive . ilourists from every st;%to of the TTn­ toNju IR..it of Jarriv.,itowe, N. 1i)a1z., aw VINItI1119 tile � , . . � "I 'e It Done Right MAIL YOUR FILMS OR BRiNG THEM IN (ion and from all parts of Canada and Toronto, Spent % fQ'w days In Let .Us Do Your $hoe Repairi an4luat, . . I 'week. former,al aunt. blr4. Jas. Tates. Wrst St. � I I ne . . r% I I "it you heard the nice things theY I 'r I ,—.---�,;-�.-�,--��';-4FT-�'----..r.1 'r said about 'Go ericIr yob would be Mrs. james Nidearl. anti awzgbtep� I The Mlism.11llaclzA. of Torl who . - I r .� I- I - ,l �_ ____­__.__ __,..___,_7__ __ , r . I - . surprised," he tid, "and, youl Deal Ot I)ktrolt. Ott' ViSititig fit alubavolie-en V1.4ting their "istek. No. J. I . I not ellove them, and if you get -.rour tol I Icuox. returned tu'roloolto kit) satilrday. . ­ . d' A PBE Ll .; Goderich, Ont. -a. Iteld anti 1.�Ijss fl.lva! I h JAS. Ask %l tourists coming factories are 96,119 Mr. Fred Wishart, of stratford, Mr, a'ad Mi . I I - Iteld N.Y. are tile guo,its of M ­ Reld's GE0. Mac"VICAR I . ,) to follow," he added. Wagr -a- Visitor With friend.-, im town 1. r I ====== - .I - m . rl� 1.11 Reeve Knight said if the tourist tile past week. f4al XltiseI4 Falrow.,QvvuerlooSt. of ,,,,, r I I . !!-��_­�_­­­­­., nlm _�= trade was going to build up tile town , I l North Side Goderich . ­___­____ .Via%, - Iocall nnox. tit TI-It-ento, _ iq Usst. J. AleCrackipla iias returnelli from . re I . � �. � I well and good but why keep wide fop- spending bet vw,ation nt the famllyp� Detroit Mich . after viallint; her uleoro. ______ . I . , I ,oil oil Sundav for the tourist trade'! bome"Wal St. Mrs, W. J. McNlAhou for two weelts. &;- I . . � , . Mayor Gallow said that most of . ;4 - . Mis"i Olive Clark, of Detrol�, IR Visit. MIssiLvdiolbech.ofTorouto, whowas . .. rr . , THE 041"OWN COUNCIL tourists he had spoken to had their ring her parents Nir. anti mrs, Itol visiting Ju tQW0, with AID', Mag"1111 I I I r Ohio, and with her sister at -Wind. wain bere taklau 4 v4vatfon usatil Sept. . . . I I . . . I . I own cooking utensils with them and Clark, St. pAtrIch St. . I Swanson, IOU on her i�Ativa oil Monday. sov. 104t. whit'll he will totto a IX)SItion vl I .. . . I I so did not require restaurants in any . � . . Aov. Dr. Cunningham, of,Velland. Vr(Maces auil Clifford Ciozier. of Crowe, I . Mr. anti Mrs. Auslivew Illach. Mri. U.' X.r. .13% Caullsbell. III tits titow. I Tourists From Every State in. the;.Union and Prom All Over cal was .4 guest at the home uP Mr. Jas. visited laqt weol� -wit4 their aunt, Mrs. Tholupsoal, anti bons. llarolil, �ot 141atli'll Mr. ll flume veturned to towa . I . . ­ Hospital BylawAgain . , � Howells of Goilerleh.­tsuchuaw Scutt. I . r f -% .1 . � I Cal Have Visited Goderich This Season b1sevicar this -V�ek- . � sivat a few days the, pal week witit, on Tuepiday after all abaQuee 0 Aw r I I I I . � I . I I . . Reeve Knight, who, with, Council- . . nel. . I I � . . . � . I r W0 Addison. of qN, � George, Mrs. Black's! sister, 154s, Robert Black, weekn, two wcoka of. Which wero � r lor MacEwan formed a committee to Mrs. weel nt tile Is of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs James, Hartly, tit Port St. Davla St. - . spent at campbelifold., 14ADERICH confer with the Hospital Board t the XfS.11 li, I . m t as to open Idler, St. Pavid St. . �m� Volborao, visit�4 the former's mother, '4CUMOY, NIS. 11oleft viluges, Dr. Jots. D. Powrie al�d Mm. Pow- . . ALL �. SAY VERY NICE THINGS ABOUT UV . r hebylaw.it.was proposed tor Submit R. L, atro T. Deaveli, Umat St, over tire wick. anti dt�jlphier, Lav k',a, troul St. Loulso ric, start -this wilok on a motor, trt 7, , . to the people, reported verbally that �lxqrfoid, of Towlato. 1� vis- end. � I I , , . . I . . I I I ' . bliss Rul the guest pf her nle- . Alo., are visiting, t4cir � liters, Urs. J. to Tkns, where Dr. Powrie has pur- .1 . l? ' they hall discussed the bylaw thor. iting in town, Mr, and Mrs. J. C. , Hadden, actice, Mayor Gallow Emphasizes Importance" of Tourists to God- OV5111 One .or two amendments �es, Misses 5111oVicar. � of ItUeliStQP. MrS. 11, th.11% 1,0 . 8, 411ti NkS ebased a pri, Mrq. 1�owrie's ay�- . . I . ba J�en agreed on by all and the MISS W% UODOnald ,.Of Detroit' 'a tile I h, were recent visitors at the J-. NicUraoUen. to) Mxs. V. .L. 111salett, ae'leompant -!-. - GUtlP . . . arich-Reeve Knight Wants to Amend Sunday Board of Governors was present to , - grandmother bIrs. Will. residence of Mr. and, Mrs. J. C. Had-, Majot auit Mil IlecUt of Toronto, thein to Detroit. . .1 . . . -1 . � � I meet the council, ' . I guest of hei . I Aen. , . . wl'to have booll Visiting lit ts3wn; left on Air. autl Mrs. Joho Pi4 nou Teild:l, , � � . 1. HOUrs. Of, ReOtAUralltg - . .. I I McDonald SO. Patrick St. bliss Edna King and Miss. Lelln their. return to Toxouto .00 V4111MYs anti Nlisq Grave 001, of Toronto. viulti-A � . . The President, Rev. J. E. Pord, and Mrs. A, lialliday, motored to- Mitchell - . � . the secretary, Rev. Canon Hill, spoke. Hammett, of Toronto, are.th uests While in Go4erich they 'Vero tile gue$t'i relatives in town over the week -end. I . . At the last regular'meeting of the curtains were -there for a purpose, Apparently the question, Of the for ovil the woelt-end 1p.n(i attended the of the latter's aunt, Mi�s. J. o Fell, of Air. anti Mrs. J. Th. Altkons-. . They grotowd sip. Miss Drif rettirnin,j � � . Qla Home 13,oys' ne.nnlom. I T!, � . . . : , I I " town council. on Friday night last. I In Toronto curtains were not allow- Board's authority to issue bonds and � .1. ­ Bruce St. . .�... Mr. Tral Martin, otOtiavas bmi by train, Noutlay. Mr. all -d Urs. Duly, I Reeve, Knight gave notice that at the , ed; aid they I hid bqen done away the nature of its charter are involved ,==�_l_____��� -Mr.' and Mrs . . Goo. NalvViear atid joluetl Mrs, M0011- And family, '�whl arul so . . 5 . . . � . . ' '_­ * 0, vettivneil by motor on. ToosdaN ., ' . this we.k at have been at the home of Mrs. 311�. antl 311-6. 1.,l S.. lJolm.es. of IvInd ---_-1____-_- . . . I tie t regii I and legal opinion is being secured on $3700 has I . . I Floradale, the home of Mr,,and Mrs. 4NICIAtOsh, West St,, foll- A, few WCOUS, sor..asl ,Nit. 11arold U'llolmes, (it . ... - ,x Winghaypt- and- Clinton. been paid back by � the son, Alex,, are spvnding . , Jar meeting he would move vdih in I 'to amend the� bylAW regulatinj Am! Mr. Knight said he had talked behalf of the board on this point. 1t county. . I � . . time restaurants are allowed to be with 31 tourists and only one Of is Proposed. to have the bond issue -edit fox, $6000 for sevl,er'N. Dietrich. . and will apead his Val bere. , ., iBultor Br, 1hicagN arttv0slin town V: . I . . . I a open on Sundays so that Ahe limits That a� ci 't C thear thought that the, restaurants made by the board and guaranteee, been arranged ' ' mr. it and Mrs. Lowery-, anti fal a d are me NovtO - Street Pal- r . - Would 5 C 11 n construction *ork has nd Mrs bleGavlo' anti Mrl Xv; - , , - ." . ,- . � be to 9 olclo�k p. m. He 111111- . hhould be open after 7 o'clock on by the town if thi a be do e. The with the bank and Nrm ,recommend Townsenti. of ()well $onud,- vlIl at =0QUIPaIlled by Mims May Urvino. left 1-souago, tile home ' .of tile, geatklmolk",4 I I I self, had counted 25 to 27� persons Sunday night. He ventured to say board's chirter is a declaration char. that tl I A. Halliday, V for Nvindsoix'Mouday. Mis, boill and �, gilcut.4, rlov-il - L . 1101 I'M 404 AlrIll,ol - . I r . , le-svork as autbol be coin, the home of Mrs. lotoda . I I i ab.0 thin wel r 'going jrx�tb"restaurants between 2 and 1hat the frequenters of the ,kestaur- ter filed with -the clerk of the peace, pit. , Ichildre"have beellheve'sineelearly in I Owes. . . . r I . � � . . I I . . 3 a. in. on Sunday morning. The by -;ants of tow]i, after that -hour were in On account of the legal opinion not menced. were jill carried, , June owing to bet mother's, llluo�% r I ) . . , (r. allti ' C.. ,1�1.. MaIllotiogh, son . I . . qaw should r be enforced. Another . These reports 'i Mrs. Kennedy �and her son, Mr. MrS, . I t %cry few cases tourists. being received yet the matter W49 Collector 'Campbel1r reported r Geo. Kennedy, and bliss Stevenson, Ital. J%, was the, curtains,'t � I Tito Miasen Margaret alid IiMrla I and slaughter, Mr. autt Ni .4. Cook& I . Councillor Hill suggested that if left with the same committee and follows. I paid uring -of Toronto are vialtingUr. and Mrs. aud Mrs. Albert 1101m. all of A-Sbtlela r . ,thing helobjected to the treasurer d as' Skelton daughters of Mr. and. Mrs. r screening -off the different estimpart'll" , r the month of.Jv .1 �Leltofi, of 1i I null Mr. V'� Tapp, son and tlallghtqr' r . r 'we kept places of annisement open the. Hospital Board. ly on taxes 12,255.45, A. J. AlacRn' r Gen. .tratford, are the I r . ments. He had no objection to the till 12 o'clock then we -must allow `l Meet Auz. 10th'to Go tntorR&te , . Re. I . Y. . . , '1h I Goileil . . - .. ... . . ­ -themselves, -but no doubt -these. and inaddition vesterday V25 f 1. Mrs. Xratilr * lTAstfngF; and. thlrocl guests of Mr. and Mrs. JnO. W. Van- or orokim,'.enjoyed a dasr N � . �.. stalls ,r visitors to be fe,d-. after that, to which . . ivl . sek I u� (Itw . . � .. for the Year. . , .�e led late this afternoon a copy � 0 eb 114ren, of Oil' 1 atter,.,Watorloo street, this we � at tile lalce .On a PiculD Isl 0 , r I � . � . Reeve Knight replied that it would . . . leaga, are vi-dting Mrs. I ". .. . . . � . . The Public eq est that I should in my fat- � Hail Motil I Mr. Goo, Wilson, engineer, accow- In" wof.l; . I �. . r , r be time enough for 'these people �o School Board asked for your T u . r, .vils. Donald Graham � . flowhee . a -levy of $21,000 for public 'school ure reports give amount of -taxes in, � r. ftl� It L eatr r . Ill be coinpilied with., Gloucester TtTrace. . pirlied by Mess. `l,l mail A.W. Xatt Vs.. Aull 'Ahn.. !"Alik , . . . I I .when they got home. "We hear I _ V Is I � IPAM r � . This w rttrA., Wood% all, Otr S%rala, 81)(int tile d(III.,bler 114+'11. Ilf 11.41o.t. it t! %'I, Itk IX � jL r, r th J= for the year and this wtis arrears . . . � . 1. r .. . Model -T -heat no ing ,but touristS,r tourists. If r lount of.arrears a-1 Air. and Mrs. Peter Weir, of Strat- 1 weelc.aud in Godecloll and vihited witu I to Jo%k 11 thJ14 kNk 1:1J., Bi'f%1J'(' V(mlUg. 1W 10 to the hnance committee, Approximate an . i Jbilly. . � I GtJ41t. . . our own�young people ate not more A, the council now has the require, bout $15,000- Within the last , feW. ford, paid 'a, visit to their relatives,: bill, mud Mrs. Win. Green. CoUlsortle Tp� �Itell yl�ltt,d ,)Ir. rkllumbet,b , .1 . WJESKof AUC. to 13th AUG, 18th of. an asset than tourists, then we days I have selit out demand,'circu- I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weir, St. David alstittv. Atrit� Vassitilp. at Ilarsillto0i tAllt, . , , � ­ � Ments of various 4epattments for street, the past week. ' , Mr. A. M. R bertson,.M. A., of the I . I . I I . I � I . — 1 . � ihad better shut up shop-" . .I the y6ftr, it W lars covering ullivards of $8,500. r In I � a. C. 1. staff, 0 1 him - blother, blaillitud, at Stratfolal., . . r as decided to hold a I . left Tuesday afternoon ­ . � Tourists TraffierIS Valuable I ther,,CoUne,l to go the assessuient appeals: *'the county Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mel and : Ill it, trip to the Maritime, �Provin.� I They PlIrlioNo. r(!tJ[Irrstng to their boatt, . . M . 'day and Tuesday ' r special session of _ , , . I . . .. I . on . . . A little later His Worship Mayor 1 into the matter of the - ta; judge has given judgment dismissing sovp, Donald, Of Detroit, motored to ces.'wlhi6re ho will visit r0latives, and to -day. � . r . . I . . -Gallow referred to the value of'.the the year, and ,. rate for the appeals. , . , . . tom Saturday and are, � I . I I Friday, Aug.", loth, was ' Visiting friends for the remainder of AuguaL &Mrs, Will. Haville, accompmules.1 Isl . . HELENE.CHADWICK tourist - traffic. to - G6derich. Secre- ' _ r, . Xoved by Councillor HuMber, sea friends and relatives here, - . ,%. Am, - r . I r Ch fixod for, this meeting. I . : Mrs. J=04 Thornton, , and little Mr- I' ,l`v100 went to Loudon � two. et .. a . by DeputY Reeve unnin s, . M'1138 Verna Bltl*boar,r 6t Godericb, IS - . . . r - : and RJCHA ­DIX tary -Prance, of the Sarni amber I - Chairman MunningS' Of the publie , 14� of Toronto; visited her ago last Monday guit cistered Vlctorl% . . . . ide e I . . . . . I- ,_ - r ,_, in the tale of adventure by , of Commove 00' � visiting a few (lava with her-, grand. ! 111= r. aud, Mrs. Halt Itotledge,, Hospital 1W Ordo . r .1, *, � . . , ,e, who Was in town the, works department repor that 1-1dr. Canipbelf be tendere . ' r it) b(% ti C;Alt 41 torougar ted that the than, a �h . I . I other day, stated that his� chamber Of - Victoria street road .5 of the coul,ticil for his suil . S parents. Mr. and Mrs. gain. Sherwood of I P X d'ab-Acs"tor Insusy friend,; it, Goileric , . . Gouveneur Morris . .1p -commerce .Had routed_,R00 cars -over co way was nearing on agsessrhent appeals.�_Carried. - belfast.-LUCknow Sentinel. , - Palmerston Street, the P%,itr wook anti ivill rogret to IC01,11 that 'there N act . . r 'd , , . InPleti0h. lie suggested that the Charballi and u � . . . 1� Yellow Men and GOW the Blue Witter Highway since.. the ouncil should go over the road.and -The . following applications for Mr* and Mrs. J. J. Ciniphell, aud I Z0otn%A'kHo`ed'boInor by way .or . . otleouble Itaiwavenieut -As )Pt. bt.0 . I . I � . nd r 167 in C buildingr permits were referred to the daughter Atildroy, of Aylmer, Ont, were I J. Murray r J,IiOPO� 41-6.1k0d out that 14110 10MY.VoCI)l .- ,. Double Comedy BIR : . beginning of the season a decide on r What further i was * -s. D. 'Mar-, , r . I . ­ , . . . on the road " wanted re . . Mi - arld Miss fill hermalady. _ , .r_ r . � � . . r I one veek. So that the tourist traf- fi conimittee: From LT. E. Aitkeni guest, of Mr.. anti MrswDr. R'. Taylor, I t and M ster D � . 4.4OUch! SM-ElOPhal . fl, was important to. the tol These - He Would like to. see to place cenient foundation .under Waterloo St., the p4at t 0 Weolts. , . I gave a arwin Alurray, of Nlrs. Bernard layons, of BUffalo, - . � . r . . . - -Il the road made the:best roadr of the honqe on, Ilthl6hrO4,11; from J. S. Bed- I I Vancouver, B. C., and Mrs. B. Spicer 1 .14 Y't who hm . I i I ,, .. tourists spend a good deal of money tvpe that e uld be. This was left. to � I Mr. and Mrs. Albert xacDoWild, sit'and Ur 'Bert. Spicer, of Brantfordir I *r . I been -viniting. her * I � . 'O - �. Wednoday: and Thursday . in -town. ge had himself.stood talk- Mr. Mu ni Port Hurl motored to t niece, Mrs. Jno. McDonald, Of Elgin . * folk r n ngs to. arrange, . ford, to erect gara . . . 1. I . . r while their lady . it side - of glingston � stre own Fil visited their sistor-lo-li ave., WaS Rome years ago 'a . I .1 I I ing to tourists I on wos Mrs, MaoDonald will spend �%, mouth! Nally,, Bruce street. * . � resident . . . "d"% ��. shopping and a . Columittee,Reports.' e-roo I f Goderich and think$ it one of the r . JACK � LT were in the storw � , from, T, �H. Kneeshaw, to r -visiting. relatives and friefi4s In town. 1. , . . I r . . "W g . y 4as left in town. The finance committebr reported as with cedar .shingles dwellin on � I :: . Lucknow -Seill prettiest towns sbo.bpa ever ll i5� . ' .' r in, his now Paramount Picture Of Ottawa, I McIntosh, pastor of 0ev, St��`r!,:-- o tives, and � - . . . � And he had not heird one Aisparag- 'follows : I - r : north side of �Cambria road,, to . . Mist, Atargikrob. 14(chol ait SeelliF old friends and relal ,� ; I . � �l . 4 - 911 I . . d the` ax' yal, 3'r.. to erect house on no - who has been Visiting Mrs. Jenkins at' byterian chunk, London, and ', UTS. on r ­ .. �. 1. . . 011�ey ine remark -fnade about Godel We have examine t collect. C. Ila - � _joy ng the cool breezes of Lake .,� r' I . . . . `Ngbody's Alexan4ra, Cottage. has 900.0 to viellt-1saac Hetherington and - sons, Of 0 ou _ ado . . , , . t L ­ r_ I � :,:! - Mi-, France made o v 20th and recom- west side of Montreal tit et, cc ens - ,via* _ r ­­­­­�­­­ � - . ­­ - � " - I ­ - ­ ." , - _ ,mp _ Or jm�q ,-sp 0rPQ# ,, r� �. 101, . I r - --Rt1AS----t Coderich, Iti�d�__ictittlVes­ in -town -a r .. hus,_" _hQr__Wslt_:A_mol . . gZ7, qv!S-� --Q�tL AU1_ � her-Mmt,Mk%-.­Wel Raq, I . . i , . . , . -a - -ffii� f6ir- Xidn',­ bficlK�� VL11 � . I enjoyable, bue. - , * ­ . . 1. . I I r 0 Mle-eina-4-Com-edy --'--'- ­ - f.-- - ;0A16h__i'f7;Wl6ln1d be. worth -mend that- it be fif�a nd'thit An. . towel. I L . . !the first of tbe.week. � I .. �'. r I . . " a ' I.. gel d to r , es at- . . . r � It . 1 4 ."Three Strikes' ' , . . whiler acting Upon' r The difficulty collector be .requeste show the fireproof shingles, one a . GAlt Reporte.0 . - � . � . Bert 13re Cutto A. ' . � __ - .11 I people found in finding the right I �ixmount .Of .r outstanding . arrears of ed. cost $4,400; from eo. c Aeld, Mr. and Mrs' It, 'Notler, and daughter. - AITS, - Davison 'and daughter, � returned , from the lar�' r ; . . . road to take to get out of town1rom taxes In his report. , to enlarge verandah at�house on west Doreev, at 'as T. r I . I Detroit, who bavo bleats Lois, of Toronto,, the Misses G 14' W " I Atoka. where 6 spoilt . ' . - � , r , , I ay afna Saturday , by hav- - . I Stratforl, Cil 11 as' ' . I . the centre could be overcome I it Ot Sunday eve . Frid . The Collegiate Institute Board has tside of Wilson street. a weel'i'!, hotla4 I Mr;' . I �.. . . .. ing signs up.on the ,Square indicat- 'been 'Paid $300 n_Ayg. Ls re. Mr. Geo. Stewart asked. ermigsion I r � � wl A., It,, Giildio a Earle .- . . __ " . -Or 6 e � _u 11 .. - I . . renloVe n 1�- " . I I An All Star Cast - __q _ &_" I .. U1-T)fV' - is- . I I ___ $3 __ 15- 7- - -d ­ � , I.. . � I . I -- ­, -1fr9-,tlrd-F6a-d-T6- out or7fuelte : r ... 4 V , - . _. I . - ­ 1, , 0,009 uhicak"o­- town in the different directions. Al- The fire � comirlittee' rep6rted, hav- im f rnt of his grelinhol and to Id. Pfouts,--violluilst of Phi a 6 i Ave . I ' - .. News Prize Story I e that are left as they Harrison. son , a recital in the isitav, a of th otel. : . - - ' . . . I so ,there should be a sign up -direct- ing granted * building Permits to R, trim �O thos . . . There were'400 in atten eel an tbe� . V "Bruken Chain s"! ing tourists to'our camping ground. S., Acheson and Thos. Sturdy, as ask-. were too close. .� I . 9 , MIat4, 001mues"'t affa - ir was touch enjoy an , all- , - , . , . . , I ! 11 I' 11 . i I . § - I 11 I I 11 I 11 P I I J �1 I . I I I I I I 1� I I I I I . 11 I � I I . I og rel * on ,4� a"VeS In ""' 4 4 accompaine" ; 7 — . I "S't' � � __­ .11love a' on — � ro r _L_1 D r! � I A to Bov W - a- Taylor, 11. 1) ; they by M,; Taylor auld 'nan '04 3 i�,Io , or Moore n .0 vorlis guest. I M ad M" I 1110 r. an , a or, r4Utfl Motored Up on . � . . - was ic works guess � 13 r44 . I I \ I BUST'= KEATl "in i Many.peopile found difficulty in knol .ed ..for. . . . . . . L . � Tfii,� - . . . , Were the L griclats of Mr. SiLtur"y al reclative audience le. eat- . I , ll, L Ittee - - ---, and , parks t0nunitl ..� Waterloo St. . nad Mrs. J. J, I ,y V_ . . ' I ing where to,go. and even. our OLWn .: The ,public works' cornmi I re- . V., impressed by r. Vs vocal . . L , \ . , " Illy, Dreams . 1 merchants did not know*where to dir- ported as follows : . L I A petition for is' sewer on Park , Mrs. (1)r.) W. F. Clark has return- � Colwell, 13aifield U094. They returned, I work, The accompanist was Arthur ' L� . . . . S rt P� " . I i to their botio on Monday.- . .. . \$port,Re, S e I f D e f eense " I ect tolunists to AS L Q referred to 'the p0blic. ed from a visit of three weeks at. tho- I I I Hewitt, Who was the organist In . L Abic; tamping That the work on Victoria str,l trf`et was . . . I Then. wp should bstve a alp" . rl flictol.- , a I . . h n, and Mr. Fred Rolineg, .son of Itev. J. B. I Weitminater church Toronto, wlien . " ,� . ., P6 'I " _�_i !nsca�.y r�b on. Huron .and .1 worl�s . - and Holmes, who has been la Stro,l for 'I the ROVL X. B. Dov do it vas p4stol ' : * ' I ", . . �� . ! ground., " oadway. is progressing satis )mmittee. orme of her son at Southampto at = _ I M In 'l I e and of welc6 .: 33Ryfield 1 ft- ApProximately $4200 . has. been i cound1lor Holmes the only a like period with her daughter, I 0 . 11 . * . . I I S tard, , in. 'roads and'at the top of the hill. ,.13ai(I out on the work and thO'sum' ent from i , . Uncil. also with Mrs. Marsh -at Toledoi : several yeam is IP ,tlo" and . 'Will re. I there. . .. ,. . L .11. I . I . I . . . . i I . V at 3 09 9 I of member abs . . - 1.9 maim _.. I I .— .. .- L _,� L - __ � I — . -1 I ' �L ' _ . L . . ; L 1. . `l,� . . I I - — i . " L . .. I . I � L 1. . . � .. L 1- . . __ 7 L I. . , . , ­ I 1. . . . .. . :. l I . . . . . . . � . � . . I L I .1.1 . . I I 11 . ... - _j�f­h --1 . ,�,, ._ � 0 , . . , . I '.. L. ' .1 m, , li6l S ItC iije, p ea Ing of -Every kirW-1� pieet­­­ I. - ­­- As -a. rcgid,a,t,,�qtlire of ou�'values, we, ard selling '2, spools 6f the L Wonien's - and Misses'. Milli- Pink C'6util ' "P, i hill, Comets" .1h, a. , �Iak ! ng, leaVe L . � -quality G44A S"� "'i n __ j) .1 5C. C I*ti -co 4i ed, a d elastic top,s, in ii*spedal ­ and �i best r cottoly (40()7y N) o celli ' ,,Inf rtable low bust niodel, lightly bo i 11 I ' y , " ­ ­__ _­_ '_�n � _q u�11� eddinr'o iroid .frl, --vour orders with us.., Prol - - -. �' , 'm g. _. , . I . _, L l §2qp,_ _ ff L -,. - w-- .,��.,!!­__. . . I .0 , '. . I I . . L I . . . - I . . . I . � I - . I . L I . , _, .1 I e-ry . . I � I -"-g,,tle",---,fllo-r,pa!"Scv,�-� _-, - . . L . . _ L I I . . . se�. I Silk Spool� 2 fl�tr 15c. I . ­. - . I ., � ,,, . vlc:e ., Ro erate charges.. . . . . � ,. L . . -V. . I . . I . I . . . .1 . 1. L . . I I 11 . . . . . . I . . . . . I . �. I 1. i . .1 . L"',__ I L I I . . . i � - Allllllllllllllllllllllllllllll­ . I � ... I . - -_ ______..L.......l � � 1- l . -, ,, - I ~ - . , . � . .. . . . L . I I . . I . ­ . . . . . I . . ' ' ' I - ­­_., -.­ ­_, - I , . . .- w ­ S L . I ' . � '$kit L . C M . , SP I !A�L � L LINE �FROM­ T. -HE " M -1D. .. SUMMER'-C�LEARING - SAL'r't * E . . I . � I 1. I I . I ­ I . I � - . I I . I I . . ­ 1. .. I �, 1. I .., ­ . .." 11 . �.. .. . .. .-I . I . . . . .11 L L . ' � . I 11, - .. - LL _. . "a' . I . , . — __ . . .. . , , . n I ng .. . � . Fine Raflone SS hs. -. I . 01,01 V, � Silk.-Rati le Sk'l . " L' Dre Lengt . t SWID� . . 11 . . siffing Summer - D1 IS -voiles '.aL,L The -most lovely. Ratinc�.Skirtings reduced for The,fines � Ratino dress lengths in lovely. � f . I - __ 4 1 . (ff JE __ . , . . . . . bn4ci of - cornflower. delf blueff, strawberry, golden , L . '. . . I quick clearance.. Plain. White Snowflake Itatine, .8 _ � . - 11 . A 1 I I I . Brocaded Check in a Capri shade, fanley white silk yellow, and pink with t-ontrasting str es. Tl i . Is I I I I . stripe Ratine, soft peach sbade.q, and -several dark. are' the best QUalitleS of the peafj I On. L kill to clear L .. .. .. .? # I I I . I 391c, 65c and 95C , . - er shades, all reduced to clear at, -Per Yard $2.93 1 .. � . It", . . I I I .., � . ,, I . � I Per Yara 95e. 1 4 . L . .11 L � I ri 0 't -, rhek Voiles ii1clude all of our regular 65c and 75c 1 I I I I -1 0 9 . . ' � . I I I ... , if, L 11 . C niaterials, Tile p,Itterms and" colorings are. all POPLIlar Good Quality Ginghams. , .� ,� L I .finest White Dress Voiles . ' . I . . thig season. Neariv ­ all dark shades, and the Atialifle.s - . Good quality Canadian Gingbama, in 27 ifichL . I - stri � I . 39 1 L Whito Drem Voiles, In satin va and chocks, ?,I, 4 0. � I . are such that will 111,tke lovely dresses. materials. The, colors are In browns, pink checks about to yard.4 in the lot. Tile qualfly ir; from our . . .. . - -ra ,Ago L I I I . .. . . elearanCCL . . . 1. . ,and plaids, pink and green eheelcg, land many otht. , ri% .dol1nr stoelt. The 16t to clear at, As It , . I I AS in largle, and small patter1w. All, to clear at, . . ular one I .I 1 4 k I L , I , To make a quick of. all. our better gralt t: . I � I POr Ysig'55d 1 4 C� i � C Voiles we have reduced them tO sell at Mc a �A*r­d. , I I lie , . .... . Per -lard 25c 1 . - .. . . � . � . . . .44 1 - I . . I . I I .. I . ' I I . I -4 . . I I t . seas6ti and the I patterns and c(.1o1r1n,,,4­1r0 allL nettj. t1liq I . ' I 4 0. i .. . 1.6-5 values are extralirdinarl-�. indeed. - . I - D' tted Swiss . . Yard Wide Bleached - Cottons - - I . . . I . Colored 0 . I , * I 0 . . . I I 'till yard, pure hiemel!pa rdsttonf4. Tbin lit a fine � I I I I . - I . , Three shades, only -pale blue, pile green, and 1,1 1 4 0, d These are Iiie Iiighest quality Normandy Fabrics . , . quality Canadian far&tly Ctitto". witbout orpgtl I Port . 0 X 4 eornflower-fineqt Dotted Svviss. This is the last W-Ptill)n I v 1110- - 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 It included in one sale �flce. The of our Sea.146n stock and sold regularly at 95c a Yd. , tit any hind, rlotwlV %00011 and Mile eU I I . ­ I C and Aindrican VoHON. �' - .Special sale price, per yd. 50C., L . I .. . . Mul-suramer Sale FrIce I . I . .. . 95 colorings are immv-L and white, bla(:k and w1ifte, 11rown . I . . . � . Per Yard 25c McCait prMted Adlem 3 . 140 . . and %Afte, rose arA �% hite, and niany other conill . nati.ons. . L I I Per Yard'50fi . I I . . I , . � I . L . . I L . . . I _�_ � I . . . . IIACOtt L _Jf0..1StSL­­ . : L WoMedS ' Coflon Stod*s. 1. I i .'. �fiarch Floss - L, I owel�"ng _-L.- WOMM Oil .1 , ­­ ,__-.' ­ �;. ­­ L" � us, - - ­�- - -M ,,, ,: Pure- Linen T I Q ty. -.1 _ . ­­ - - fill -6 Vt -C gi�*�- ,� � �20 fitch...Napla - , L Oali Silk H6se . .. . I , . I - WompWs'rine 'oven qualitv pury -inch A good quality Cotton Damask Monarch, Flos3 Knittina W001S, 16, -Inch =I�Islh -Bleached Lin- IV o In e n*a ,'Harvey Knit"' fine Silk Thread Hose for women, it, A fine quality 40 and 42 L full 20 shadei of dark brown, nav� blue; VottOn­.,Ntoc%inaFi, in Plain blael:(;. , , � pillow Casej all ready to use, re- Table Napkin, ,in _inch in a1mosV every sbado felo ll en Tea, or Roller Tol quality obtton Vesto., The PAyle1q �vlljte and vivain nhades. clizu;l uill duced for tile mid -summer sale, 'size- These are. hemmed ready black and white) This J.q .1 2 -ply ling. One of the beat values of are in low neck with strap, hig-1) white, blaek, sand, anti erkniol, si- � . to use. , woollin a special sale L__ - the season. Red or blue borders. neck with shoulder. fSale Prict,f Zea. UP to 9�1� Only- Sale Price to L 91j only. Sale. pyke at ,#,,v . I I ., Pair 25c , � � Pair 95C . I Each 25c. Rail Yard 21c ` .' Each 23it 0 . ll Pair 95c . . . 4 � I L' I . # rim 1 ; I - ' Corsets, $1.29 . 66x83 ionli I L able Cloths $195 Clear ng Wovu,a 's -V He Mouses $1.95 - Best Quality Hea r1noleum at 95C Woml- Serviceable. . . 1i Own 0 - I . �t()Aluy the Illest No. I qua- . . V . Fine Linen and Cotton Table C10013, ill better L e;I'l voill? Blouses, ill tilany new - Here is an -ojPV0rtUIl1!h These , are .splendid %,ll Wo"10l'- (,"r'- t, . than I .,%,j liv'2 1,� vds. in size, These are lovely clot About zo Wom lity printed Canadian lAfl;1eu1TlS, ill a '1105t (it I'lock litie Pink Coutil ill -.1 1110l 1,VOight- .. Ils and Smart styles, lit. 1,,Il� ,,r three-quarter sleeves. at d conventional designs. ill full four and throo yard Illade ftl 'It , . " �vjtll about ()0'pj'r celit Ifficti. The size is good and ! . to iz. Illeditlill hl,�t, h"Jal t1ley are very fillich below ibe regular pri Some plain models, other, kVith trininiffi- and late. widtils. 'i'lle price of thN ft;r August, per S'luari Vd. The sii.es are ,froin 21 . � ice. Each, N . 11t,111lej. Speci,tl s,,xic price, pair $1.29. . 0.50. Sale price, $1.95. . .. . I I , 95C. ) $3.05. These are regular up tt,, ��_� � ^ I I . ­ . I 01 L ML , HER GOOD' WE NEVER -CARRV ME"HAN -ONE. SEASON TO ANOTHERs A NEW SEASON MEANS SHOWING I'll S flu SE FRO i 1111 I— I L ­­ . . ===== . I _ , I � � . - ' I � WR . "o t1losle v,11(i call not Costae to fll�.. Just recei,ved—The neiv McCall prin. ' . . . )[Ild 1-0 glad tit for%,"'10 ted patterns for September. These show store- to Amp. we wo all the leading stylon for fall, easv to Sample,; and Illachandke by Ilia% all Chat - use, priced from I 5 to 45c. TV"Itley Sepietli. GRA Ya'nd'-CA R 11 IGH ges paid. -rhi,_; is 3 seTvIce YOu I Should uso. L,cr McCall Magazine oil sale liov, 10c�, I . I . . L- 1. I-- I I I . I . L � I .� L ­ -- � ' ' —im 0, A�! U . � . '% �, Ill'll"F! . I � -1 - � ­ . . - I - '-l - - - - ­_ -- — - - - - — -----r, M - - �00111116ssl . ­ . I � - . ­ . . I ...- I . . ., 1, I �, . . 1: -, — � � - I ill I A- . I � I I � .1 , . I. I If 44 OR . - I ;�; i . 16 L-== "k - _`st ry 01 .0 - ,�O* . - , I . .-. � . Ja— , �6i ­ fiiilliig - .l e __. - - � - - - - _,t_ - __ . ;Vqlk,T_,;. - &,A.. ----A& ­ - __ — _ � - - , — � - _.l � T- — Y'2'