HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-08-09, Page 4F-%
F11r.91111k .
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T11tir.sDAY, AVG, 9th, 1921
_�_ -1 -_1__-- I -11 . . . � I . .
, 0A 1 1111391 -CT V62" an cs��Cl2c1ce never to be f07- 'r _-1 . --- 11 ,- �
91,911" I 13 11111i!:� , 1111lil =0' 11111111 041 III CM 3 JOES FROM 'Ottel . I
_.. � F, "
I �� - If THE SURNEIt 5CH001, ' Up members of the sebool. feel : BATHING CAPSt All Newest Styles
� I - �__ - deeply iudebteJ to all wha eontribut- I
0 Ity fIrgy one of thews) cd to its succc.-B. To the 10"I chur- : � 25c t4 $1.50i'' Al$0, '
- clwa for so frcely opening their do am
t Satur 1 ay and Mond".T Bargaks iho eacivrieb Summer Scb�wl of to the homes where they I 1" C
, r7 'L . 1c,23A baB now bcearno 0 histor,v ,n,41"Woere"ITZLdly entertained, to the la- WATER WINGS9 for Swwmilg ma* ; "
" 11 dic's wbo sq ably and generously -pro-
i " a jaemory. A vievso of lonelinensivided them with meals, to the citi.
W August 11th and 13th ,otnoo over u3 ao we tbin% of tbwo zens as a Whole who made their ViAt Noe Prqmfioss Gains,iorough HAIR NET$ ;
tso pleasant that already many of us Tbc Not Witli tile IM-AlkO IUStrO- �
'I ,tligbtful days ovent' in study, 'rc-,,,, looking forward to next year's I single M09b 100
I VEY'SPECIAL IND ' NTS F"D THE TWO DAYS � - ,reation and In ChOstian fellowship- I summer school In tbo beautiful town Vod U'ver Oil and Malt Df,ublc mesh loc. ,4 for 2!c.
UCEME lift 0,07 8oven days we Piet together in
.be class room, on the lawn or at th, of Goder,lell. , I 111(,gisan Fruit safloo *as (;ainslorqiqgh Powder PUFFS'
�, VIDDID, CHOICE FARLy pUYERS WILL SECURE GOOD VALUES table, In a short time ,those I I I - � � � Bragious Wills! SAIt MOW .
POO I All sizes, N"ClOur 0114 Wool
!,TliMere StrA;lgc;rs- bc.camo Intimate I GODERIGH' RAWPLI I loc to 01.00
I friends and compan � 101115. Lasting . � All popular lines in stock of . 11 .
�),�_,_' Prints and Cotton Dress Go -ods . muslin. Ratis,te , . .riendships were mAde, life purposes Four Gode'rich Bars". In the Agency I ' 1119411 0 & Polorows's. C'hacQ141ca �
� '.. . 100 varda 'Whites yard VAJO 6,1tin strilsol Goft �ormcd. noble idealio developed. And I at Best Rate Meet In Years Voice Powder;, Creams 1. 110 swkeCAIK0141111
. '
30 inela lilcdd qOW, thott all , ters" Perfames, . maltaway lfollc$
. a I - I d Nut Rolled)
rod. chcpk divog goodu in brow", is ever, and the went- I Toilet Wa
$ree",, � blurq,ete�_ 0:.5e0l1Vpb for drespes, " brilliant merceriM b3ti(itc for dro�ses, 1*1 of the sel"I bgVe separated The races under the auspices og Talcums, Compact (min� Toasted and .
, a 9 arid Sone to their several homes it the Goderich Association Which were .% Etc- Turkbk W444 Chm6t, Bars .
I -.,
r .1 ti-ra, goods . -ire wovo finish , , wai, t- , 61ilrto,,Piiheb�5-�Iipi or lltsh-&-- - 1� - 11 ..-__-_-_ I
Pkirls, 'wwfo , 94 held on Wednesday I
I r tvill wash, and, %yeal bpautifullY 60(�tle-_ 9 's tit"'111 h t we should look back- afternoon, Aug. �
UU4 he3vylveigllt. 110"Itolar price, 40AS, 6 t 4' ; that which we found Ist, were the best eventa of the kind
zlise 400 yards splonacd 30 inch 19rint, in I valtleat por Vol. 35.0s. I L Ward on- recall . . phone .orders Promptly Deliverip.d. L
, I " I .uost interesting and rofitable. I seen in Goderich for yegrs. The pro- � 10L
� ao, colom, Saturday Mon- 0 � % Thi§ school is one Wthree conduct- grant had 31 entries for the three 'Telp - MIB . I .
� 11j"Ilt, mia and rk . Ho Co D * LOP,v i a 0
� yard, 19ets. Green Dellim ad under the direction of the London events -and there were 2' starters. Uh .
, day. Salo price per I 0 islethoolist Conference. The- others One of the fastest horses "in the lot, L
e. ,.;�_ 1.4 . P11111 Cott. 11 �, . .. 39. jllebeSL �vjde for coverings or hesvy drai;ea in are at Kingsville and at Alma Col- Lord Kitchener, owned by, J. McIr. I �, - - The J?exall Drug Store I
111ow 0 � splendid shada of green, , Plain Vveav% .ege, St. Thomas. Thus eich Serves vin, of Galt, only arrived at the sta. Phone No. I L "ford Block- Square, GoAer
a certain SeCtIOM Of the Country' al. tion as the races were in S it — - - ! o
. I. -J heavy; pure, fitle. frbo (roll) Regular 75ets. at per yard 39cts. I 111r,101viern ..: 1:11 I !*: 1 1 1 I 1 1 -, �.,, .: � . . I _5__,_��_, ,
,Ole. wide, extra . I chough Sometimes students come and could not be ,unloaded e % = — . 1.
I . . I
I � any are;;singfinglisil.cotton. Regular Unto. I . from places quite remote, Thiss=1to take part in the 2-12 class. a. in., field, Rev. J. W. Redley, of Gode-
we bad members from as far� Apart.from the accident to Eva -T. E. Holmes, PastOT; 10 illort address. The re-
'- ot'rer yvdo 30cts. . i crim I as Brownsville, as far West as Av- Mack, J. 11cManus" ware, in the first Men's Club, su6ject, "Counting the tich, gave a E proceeds
" I-
,,,, , , tcona and Thedford, and as for north beAt,of the 2:80, in which sbe broke Cost," intrboluced by Mr.: H. Cool*r- ceiPtS. Rt -the gate And tile
0, I . 11
I 8 I I - I
11 _. . Rdler Towels While norlin, 40 inelles wid% best glaa,lity, for as Tivetton and Rincardine. One a leg, there were toAserlous casual. I Church classes as usual. It a. W., of the booth amounted t,9 over $TOO- .
. curtains or household use or (lusters 2�ct. hundred' and eighty-four delegates ties, Maxine W., Dr. Whitely's "The Story of a Mid-ilight StrU4910;" The quarterly services of Nile Icir. . .
- Zaro linen. heavy crash towels with,red or blue . . -oluality IS06. yard. � I registered, most of them remaimnil = lost her driver in one of the 8 p. in., Church Sehoo"L Bible Classes; cult are to be held next Sunday, Aug. .
� 11 I 1. � . I I p. W., Royal Black Knights will be 12th I .
jast�border. W -go size Irish aiake. Regular ." I the entire week. I of the 2:12 but continued or, ,, in the Nile church at 2 o'clock' .
� . . . . I the course without present.' 'Address by the� Pastor. p, in. The sacrament, is to be ad-
i� � 69cts. each 49ets. . I . I The work, of the school . 4entreff a, driver. She The public oordially invited. . Toinistered, Rev. J. W, Heolley is ex-
, . - .
_1 I . ,. I . I Rugs around several departments of stuoly. took f6orth money. Twinkling Sim .
11 . I This Year slioclial emphasis was laid on in the 2:80 was drawn after the BAptist-obureb, Rov.'C. X. Dewey, p6eted to officiate and will'be asslst� .
I - - , - �
I .1 I I Dress Voiles � . I � 3 - or:!' Themes f .tofi, pastor of
. . � on Bible study, missionsj teen age rd beat ,oil accoulit of lameness. past or next. Sunday, ed by Rev. J. J. Johns
I , � 4 only extra beavy reversible 'wool Ruga, this � )f the ser-
. . I � . I . f I 0- .9. I i Aug, loth- 11 a. in., "Manls,Need Nile circuit. On acebuht ( I
. work arid roost Important of all, per- I There was a largo c wd of ppople . ,
:. i� - I r mn y roo , m s I
. .... $6 to. 4 In light, mid, $0090a a goods, Suitable he study of wis- Present and the grand. stand rawain- of a Refuge;1 T p. in.,, "Histe to tile vice being held in the afternoon the - I .
; .Q inch, dresq.' volles. Sonal religion. In V .
, " I 1�� ' browns'and.greens. sixe'30 �.aras- Rogqlar �4y� Sabbath School gervice will be held'
� I , 1. ,� i i� . And dark color% Regular 7rjcts� at per yard . slons we weroi favored by havingvIth ed filled till Very near the endi in Rescue." Afternoon service at -1 . . , . .
. " ( � . %, . *1 *39cts. . I . I � $16.00 Saturday and *monday $9.95 - us Rev. Mr. Albertson, of China, and fact by far the. greater p4rt-of the lor's Corners at 8, o'clock. On: Sun- at one o�.clock- I . .
; i .. 1� I . - . I crowd remained till after 7 o'clock a al Aug. 19th, at 3 a'- - I .- . .
, 11 �' I . , � . . . � , Dr. Norman of China, both of whow � c , Eternoon, G. A Revg*hge may be, sweet, but seek- I I
� ! 1'r , 4 ' koldressed the students regarding to see the sixth ana final heat in the ' the Rev. . Leichliter, M. 1.
, . � . I . ' - ' I - The -2:80 g , Ing it sours one's disposition, - . I . 1.� I
their respe,6tive fields of- labor _Jais which decided the, winner, .* I of Adelaide street Baptist I ,�
� � ��,, 11 , I : Study classes, in these subjects were Peggy Allerton, owned by 1pr. White,. C or , London,, Ont., is expected and .- . .. . I � . �
. ',_%. I � . E N - . Ow led by Miss M. Uren, B. A., of Uri- . ly, and Opera Queen, Owned by V. will leliver, a never -to -be -forgotten — I I
" , , WTV. 4. -ACH ISO - & QnN - �.
� . I I.... I I . I don, and Mr. J,.. P. 'Netherqott, of Roundtree, 'of. Stan,' bewch having I message in Song And 'story, Ev-' . I PHOTOS. � .
I , e two- firsts. Dr, 11�ehftel§'s Pegg Al. erybody invited and made welcome. - 4 is alwas.a Ill
I ford. These two leaders wer y Don't forget that $allow,
. . I �am � � _ �
J. . - , - 9=== ..... �� a= I , �m -lertOh, took tbe finAl 160- A-d �fiist Rery . ' c ,.t t and . . I
. " lz� .,.. . . � , =0MMOM - � , atirtrig- in, their efforts to awaken: 1) xember the pla e he aa 6. drepared to have you sit for one of
. "I 1_; � � _ - __ - I 1. . - — � .. . .- . ,. � . . and deopen the Interests, of the stu- .MonqY, F. Blair of Galt# was the the hour. Baptist church Goderich, tbose life like pictures Toe which 1116 � .
I �V� .,.: ''. - — . I . . . . Vatholit-.4. Mat I. -k to ,qay, that of tho dents in the. mission.. work carried on starter,'and J. W. Smith and J. X& Aug, 19th At three o'clock In the at- . I .
. ;4t 1 0 .- � total niuliber of iiharebolders,lbe out,- in these, two coq Ards, of Goderich, gild X J, . . I . I I .
. "'ki.." - 6 ;_4% . , utries, No mernlitt , w Bred- ternoon. 'Vollor announcement -next .studio to famous. . .1 .,,-
. . . thirteenth at silell. total number joll. of- these classes will soon forget the crick- Of Seafortb, the judges; C. H� week. . I � . . � .
. � . I . . . , I . , I .— I I See SALLOWS . I
r i� . be, Rou*Li oatholleR. But the sterling Christian influence. of these Humber was tivier. ,� . . � � .1 I J , I
. ` AR - � . , I I
�:i, vliasl
. xit.? ATE C peared to , I
.1 � . . . . olliportio wo, study leaders. We only hopel The results of the races, were as � . CARILOW . ��__ I
� d .1 I I I togr , . � � . I . llmt�lit%of flic-sobool taxes as t . I �!�__ _ I I
�? .� -1 -otestant they can soon be with us again. I follows ,� - Xr� and Mrs. E. V. Law'soll, were 11 . .
� � 4 \�j oo, I " , 'o between tho, two sellooloi (111 I . � I I . I
� I , - ��, 4 " and Roman Catholiv) 113 based not up- The addresses In Bible Study,.'were - . 2:3Q. Trot or Pace . .1 Sunday visitors at Carlow. . . . I I
. , I . . _�'; t Qr ( . . I .
, I I I , � I Dr. Whitely, Goderich � . V IF YOUARE I
i� APP AL DISMISSED all I,(, numb of Protestant or Catb- given by Rev. W. - X Kannawin# of Peggy Allert)n ......... 5 4 1 '�I, �3: 1
1 1 , -� �_',� E ,, oile Shareholders but upon tile amount Hamiltom This year he gave a ser- . � Mrs. Win.. Young, of Co6hranet is
,,, �, , . � . I I I ies of lectures on the Prophets of,the Op visiting witho3arlow friends. - . . I _ 1� .1 � I I .
1� �. . . . � I I . . . of stock held Allot owned by thew rO- Vera Queen,'. . - . - . �', I 1 2 2 4 2
1 , I I , �� th6lie Old Testaments, beginning witij the ,I - - 'Roundiree, Weston , � Regge, and 4raest Glen and Jarvis
I I Judge D in Appeal Of III-PertivOly. -If one, Roman Ca 'Hoger'.Lody. -,.� ........ 2.3 4 4 1 McBride vlotted InClinton on6u.nday; I I � .
.p , Teit'B( His Honor u t . life- and work .of Elijah and Elisha . GOING WE"T -
_, - J I B"rd i k*on'� owl)(*tl olle-thirte,enth of tile aitoetc, t4itt and training the work of tb roobet' F. Thower, Adtliii& . Mrs, James McBride, bas, re th .
-.1 . I � ,� � $"rate 1�611061 A inst �C�f,?;."A . .
, . is tile total stocic Issued by tilt,* Appel. 11 I I � ,turned I
. F � I I tlirough the latter history wisiael. King Dalton;'; . .6 23 3, �,2 home otter Spending a few holiday$ - - � Alli . .1 1. . .
I I or Pg . .
. _ %, -..� I I � � ic Sch Is. , . . lailt colopaity, tboro�:could be, no t%4- . . � a 11 . .
... I � . . . I I
-I'. � . . I � I . He helped us� to study BiRe Prophecy Dr. Whitel�s a;- , , , , , Auburn. ,, � . I
� .. I . . I I � . I . - . que,$t190 as to the right of the . derich 1� I with friends in I .- bay ,
I . . . ., I . I . . . I . . . . pute Or . in the light of the age in which the Twinkling Simoq� ....... 4 5 5 dr The W.M.S. held their nobly meet, I .I- 'It Will Pa � . I
I � I . . .. You can 1
1 . � . , . I I Appellant i,ompany to allocate M6.olle-. Prophet lived and. led us to see the A. Russell) NorTich I Ing at the bolus. of Mrs. wo Y'Joa to
I I ASSESSOR CAMPBELL IS UPHELDr' I thirteenth of tile school tax0s, to, . * 4- N. Herning- n-- - You can
: I � I 'L I I I . I �. �. Seil- occasion that led to the writing of. Al Patchen ............... $ 6 dis ban on. Friday. .The. watch word for at . M. .Robi � �. . I I . I � .
� � � . �f . - are Incident Ao I
�, I ! . . . I I . . 11, Arate svilools., Taxeh I the Several books.. In this. way wo, Dr., Hodgens, Toronto itext wouth Is sickle. � . sav . e moneV at,these price$
It mattere Act Wile may U- studied' Anips Hosea, 18ai4b"C' and -.7 . . - ,. - 1.
, I &fjperty, . . I.Zva Mack .... � ........ Ar. Wordbas been.roceived from, wCar- . . . . . . I . . .
I I � , � 1) Must A�woertairi. Religious flelief.s.of ShareWo;lera' rbe,,4woj,r,, From 1921, until the preil- some, Aol the Phorter books of rr.o7 McManus, GoderIch ., `�?,,,, I
.. I ! . . Wilm,161 . . a . . . low old bay, now living in, Grand Patric, � Men's work shirts blue,
hee . . .
- � M�. . � ,'I Time: 19 1-4, 2.20,1.,i ` -2,23 1-4, Alta., saying that crops are good In tbat I
1, , * , �, I emption (partial or otherwise) fro�01 Public . ., . __7 * P 2. , .4� r . �� -�
. �;
_r � � � I I - (Continued on 'Page 6) ,. .. , r Kamiawift's - v�er 1.931-4, 2-2434. , ., . I -'amble of t4e., rap " ' 4
, . ( � ,� � . . school Suppprt Q%n.ae Seepred. � , - I . M . - . Addresses 0 � I . . . section, As4n ex ld khe&I black and white . .
Y � �,, ., , . . . . I very' interesting arid , instr , I . I . P .1 I . .
I I I ,.,. .I . . � . � . I . I 1. � � .1 _ lictivo'. I '. � 2.1.18 Ty6t.or Pace * � growth at grain, whestsown on May I .. , .
. I � 1'.;�', � -1- � � I � .� � AUTAUQUA SEXT WEEK The Influence of Mr. and Mrs.. Kan- '. .1 I '_.. 2114- n I 1 79C 95C. . , . I . .
, I I "aft bas,'41g- About thirty ,Shareholders* resident In CH I I . Pilot Unko. , ......... �. heeO out by June 22nd. I
11 We 11(mor Judge 1) Qk , . . nawin and. Jack were felt all 8,1111 . .
I 1.� :, . 1 WOW4 t As r,onfirmed Godertehj,got quo qf'%Vlio.m was Roman .---- 1. � , through I Iff Pearce Rothwell - ' '. The gardens, however, are not as good Men!s work, sox 19c 25c. I
, , appeAl and li , '11uy Your Course Tickets Now aid the ,school. Their presence, was a ' 91sinpast years,owing tQthe'16ngdry . .
� I . �� 41W . Assowqor, In 'the. ab. Cayiig,i Hai,. ,� ... ; I.- I .... I 1 6 3. 1
. . �� 11 t a t (It tile Nve�*�rn Canada (I tholle. The . act Behind the Couift�ttee: ! real beneolktion And it is with deep , H, Fields, Cayuga ....... spell liptteels 25ots., -a 'poond, WIXH04 . Pplice'braces -.25C 35C . * I . . .
. I . � 11 * information . . I , . I 11 , . I � I I � . .
I F1100r. cmillpay til tile vas,ie be- ol " # I . . interest tbat-we lea Will i Billie I Alidell re 12ets, a dozen � 4, light hail-
, , . , , �11 440 -the ' od-lWailsoOf '�n� "'a of tile local I I — ,rn that they * ............... :2 3 -2 eggs a . .4 . I . .
I ; % ".4 Board . It th(�refuryi 1 ,2 Mtn!s civeralls blue- apd' . I
'A , I . . , of Truste ,,a of a . It is not en;rallj understood � that, be with us again next year. . 9, . . D. Wilson, Strathroy .. $term WAR an -at time of writiag,blIt al . .
. , . . �. 4Mtb*1I(*, f3(VArat0,8cbaO1 of the ulanager, to supply staoh Information, ' . The period - devoted to girls . . . I I - I '
. I � . r. Chnotatiq I_ , W . � I . ' ' . .
, ,
- erfrh the Cott Alc . us Burealli, I s Rox-k Joe Grattan .................. 4 2 5:4 not do gby'damage.'
I Ada disregarded the obtlee of tho'compally, through upfa-4 Mar the -direction of Mis � white stripe;'s* ' -34 to .. .
. . . I -, t1w Ivestern Pan ,orable gircurnstances was , An- . . . . . . . . . .1 I lZes I I %. .
11 . 0 N to ,(.1oullway Limited, And elogpol his. Assessment And. Totomed. his, has Won dosh, 0 - H. .Currie, Strathroy , .
.. 11 . I I . I Vl: � ed upon the rock of kint Stratfor& she-inustTated the . _1 I N" I ' . , -
�� I � The Unjty� ............ .....8 8. 1 3 6 . . . I . . 44..'_.__.' ._$1..65. $1.95.- 1 . I
I � .. . I Vyj�, ,%I)�Vllant% and the roll for 1021, arisessing, as I have b6- bankruptcy, -their contracts Wilig Work of the Canadian Girls in Train- i Dr. - Me! , drum Norwich I . I Miss Alice U Shepperd returned 1. ,
0 I
. .1 . , t tilt. .town at Goderlel%4. fare �4tated, I ng and tbld how it.pould be of great . I .,
I . . . . - *At t I � the whole property of tile. been � bought. by� the Dominion Rlod� I Last Chance ............... la�t Friday from Guelphi where she Nimes khaki pants $1.75 . �. ". I .
� t It I 1 '4 jxidgmellt,10110W�4.1 , company for loiblile. school 1wrov,es, All path. Chautauqua, Bureau, the lftrg� value to -the Sunday-.:School�. The S;ith, Toronto......__ . * .", has been taking :; c9urse of study at I . . � I
_11 . I ;
"I I
. . I �* .al trout the inuillelpal hilwal Was thereupon made, to the MO-'tst. bureau of its -kind in the, World, I of this specipl course a' 11bunce --w- ............. 5 5 . .. I and I.M. suit . - .
I . I Mv�t_ It.- dr the Q. -A 47 -, . � . ---.
L. I - __ - _ _ dlsfikl,"61. Ing -an- apileal, illoot �ouvt of - revision, ou_ behalt -ot- in -fact largerthaw all-othev"oloibin- ......___ -all-rquncl�_dinrelopment- - _V- R6- '--dt-- I'Vr(31- - - - - '--- 7 - - ,L ,$_..___.___ cases
_0__� __ - __ _ __ __ __ � _ - - � T, __ __ __ __
- , _� * %"I .. __ . S on .1 . * - -
1. ^ . , ort ), : 411polla. - trrite.sebool, and that coort sus-, .ed, The coming Of Dolo, - of the girl or. -bay. There is no doubt � I Miss 11..Weighi, who for some time #rongly made fibre and
�4'lu 1 . 460 V1 nt$ to ba,ve the St pion Chou La * xteta. .'. - ... - ., - - - .. . .6 6.8 7 has been domiciled with Mrs. T. G. � . . � . ..
. I . I f J te, land and busluess tAW, ` Ole. Aast-,hdes asses9filellt, Rod - tauqua bring it it a Service not that the .boys and girls of..thq . . - � . 6wo I I . -95, �
.� . th"" . V s w h I . . ouse, Toronto I I .
I I ", `W ,%vesterlx 01-swissed, the aplwal. The , any other bureau, A sent day need most ,careful trai 1 Shepperd, spent a few days last week eather straps $1, � �
11 � . I ,-,, 4 �ssmtvots of the , equalled by 1 - . Lee. Grattan ................. 7 9 9 8 visiting I t I . Goderich. I � . . 1.
. 't __ 4� . � (,,k*t � - . --lines men- . ., acquain ances, in I ___ I . ... .. .
�;Sl;,� I �_ B., . -
I '. ���v �, � . -, �11 i . !om iy, Limited, school board and high class. Chautauqua . B dsc a ros., Milvertou and $2,45. ' �
�, . " ,�[O,Xw, wl�s, � Ila) Its eo-appella= is recognized and instruction Along the � n I 1, ..
�1; . . . , , api*aled to the, County 31)(11,0Q, Arid tbe: as the finest, .Cleanest And most up- tioned. Miss Rankin's,worl� was also Misses Edith and Mary Sheppeid ,. .
. -, I .1,1,1. , , 'Otlorieh rated an�l,, , . - . I . . .. . 'I---- � . . .1
, witlift gtow# lot G � 1 e: 2-IS14, 2-171-4, 2.1.81-2. .
I I- .11 � - - -
I . , I __1 V - - rat" sehaol� pir Appeal .was bear -4 and tried, by . Uls'lifting kind of.public entertainment. much appreciated.. . I xP_tArA0&1ASt_88,
no si . .. - � _.... ....... . . 1, 1, _. �Z
E I #1i
X.- i . I lice I ter a: tWo weeks' visit I I . . .. .
�-Ib f�!?M'?1W-,-X_t-V f wGWdWc"-dt- —we-must-mentforr-bbe ww - m T6roftfo� jR .
.. ZSor I $ftr =----Tti0--1b-ta-aiim!s- Milor-Jafte- ,",wtr,,�wlicizitl,"IOMMI,--'Othor,tzmm-th"we�--O , other study clags'leaders-Miss I Amerdale _ ' . _A 1 1 a mig.$rienda at Nile and Dungan- , . . . �
� k � ine.lit of $414 eolulk"W'for this year for allowed the Appeal, but made no or. only,regard. the Chautauqua as an in� Wil- ', ... , .. I in I I .
rpOSl,S 1, v any direction that tW'dispensable good time, Son of Parkhill, andRev. A, E. Mill- J. P. Stephens, Norwio;i7 Don. . . . . . . .
":1. I , I" "I I ! .4 $;1Wj,0W. The rate der, nor gov I son, of Brownsville, In the one class Al. Dundee ............ � �2 2 3 - - .
, i ... roll $bould b6 amendedi the judgment wade 31 also very profitable finaticial- Roy � The lawn social. held in the Nile
, for I orposes (publicar separate ... I i MOROBINS . 1.
. . t bee lia tollows.. ' ... 1 I ly. - ,They do this because the people the book "Building the Natioa". was W. M. McLean, Goderich School grounds on Wednesday of last .1 .
I ... . . ..
" , I or ) 11 a up, qAs yet �o d0ermined Is . 'have coine to appreciate. the 'high studied,.Iu the other "The Marks of Peter Xne. .4 ......... ..... � ...6 4 Z week. was, a. great success. The most . . .
. .
, . "it 4p1le-irIng that one4birteenth of - lier
, but t.0 55"gor eStImates that the Soath Side Square � Goderich - I .
I � thereibouts, t3le shareholdors of the, Wost0n Can- class .edumtionab artistic' and enWr- a Wail& Christian." Both. books, Maxine W.,, � ........... I...,.3 74 of, the rogr4W was given, by the ... . I . I .
" I . 33otf IIIA 81jr mills or dix Plour'Mills Company, Limited, are, taining 'program the dbAotauqua, have to do with the, woild -of today- Dr. Why ....,, Redmorlxlco�nciirt Fowpany;,of 'Weat� . I __ . . . -1 __ 1, __ . . I I
I *10b. will Air Idt"Atbout. $3,02M,As it 11 11 h-ln&s to them and because tha,'Ywo- one With Canada, the 'other with Nellie . Patchen.................. �5 'as I � . . . I . ..
RIF* � . I totil I tax to. bo, Pilot by the Said ROU1411 k4ttl1011es, Jougluent that 3290. * I
. � � -,of -these towns lit ,bristian citizenship, T66 work, of S. HodgIns, Clandeboye ,
, I .; , . leolartany. op, tile 14th of.%tamh, 1021, Of the $3,02W approximately;- whool pie . y season tiej� C Was very Jimmie McDonald .. ...... #-A 6 0
to 11 , tile VlerU taxea IlaI4 by the sald corporatiQu,'are eta. , To hear three of the best night: the leaders of these classes .
I *0* the eauillitur P" notice to programs paying single .admission earefully.doati. . . � 11 - I 1, ,.I' & Barnes, Ailsa 6raig ' ..,
1, of lhj� Rtispoodent, that tliv% thereAt- -Allotted to tile Roman Catholic Sel'ar' ivill cost as much as a season ticket, The xec'reation periods were under Otto ZOrobro.._...__,,.7 6 7
�' �
. .� *r, find utitit suoll , U00(,a .Was with- ate school for tit(- tqW11 Of �Uoderleh.!' I The.scason, ticket includes-four,morn- It , I. tiobe R&v. Mr. Ro*too, Of D. Johnston, . Ri . . .
- ,. I
'4 . 11 �. I , ,,.dj#*o,*i,.v,Ktjed, it-(tAte.t.-4)mpaikr)-,ro.�---,..Notlipl.,.Ut,tllt,�.V,ild-ourtbt-reviston Ing programs,' five Afternoon pro. Ark _ ffal.. , . Objeet--of-4hig, period I pley
, I 4ulrt�l the one-tbirt".oth of their oa. 110P At tbe bearfug of tllf� allileat bQ' ,.grams and .six night .programs, fif- is to i3art Such training that the _AV0"Xa_TW_CH_,U`_ IR__C_1HES_ - `
. ,
I 7. ,., '0 W*soneut to AW ��Oiitore(L rated lind us- 10M tile '$Aid -1'0010 J dg teen in all. The,otice of a season - un . At the Victoria street "Methodist
r 1� , . it (. was there VO peo Ila of any community may
�� ..,; , , '.. I I *_ be a e to, It the play life of the
. . " .�A I . I WSSNI ter SOPRV400 -- $0001 PUrPOSM evidence taked,- nor was aftirmQ'Alckot Is $2,50 for adults, $1.25 for 1� . ale 1�churcb next Sunday at 11, the Service
. ; $ 4TI11.1 o0tlQQ 11urporta to bolv6 beft gly- IVIV4 Vroof of auy'Wnd oderM I low children.', Concerniole one of thoi pro- people along I some � � will be conducted by the Aster;, Rev.
_ I .
. -S�,,, , , -eu purkunut to fiection Go of tile 8pp. Whitt. sto was b0ld by' ROWAA Vath- grams a the course we vote the can -never forget the ga es. on the John W, Hedley, M* A. Tin the even.
I I State W11001 Aet. and pitrallant to. 41 O"M nor WAS It Shown that an followin .1 lawn or'In the pafk-soft ball, valley, jug tit I the pastor Will- be assisted
I I � � qulry li.,td Well inade by the, y g� letter from The George- Ull, tennis, and a great variety of by Rov. NY, Stoddart,, of Youngs-
� � . , I , ;. ire"'4ution tit tilt' directors ot tile"roul- . company. towrt'gerald Of Augi, Ist:1. 1-1._.... . . - : -pass� ,town, ,Ohi
. , , I., I- i. *- , Joilly. -11001t.mMilt .of4h,o_"ld-not1'o6, M-AkA01*11111164.40 A"Iftaill W I)oar-Mrr.Zditor- . , group�-gamea� that helped ug� to- pi a former resident ,of
I - . �
. e .. I . . by the - 49%ol's'"r of the. Ite"Ildents. the, Apportionment at tbe- - , 11 - - i- I k* oi,er the, cban:;� e�ch afterlmon -very, -pleasantly Coderielf.
i . . �,I� assems oirt I. flotlee u oo ing, * t cordidl invitation is ex-
.. be�w*to to tho eoillpiloy for a list of prolwsed by tile d1reetors Of. Ole eora- tauqu& program thalt John B. Rotto The other evening lectures Were tended ,ter all'to attend 'the services.
. ! � . it catholle sbareholders of Pany wo'.4 In a(vordance with the facts, is to appear before it Georgetown An- given ' by Rev. Mr. Kannawin 'and North St. Methooltit church, Rei.,
i . . , Me no" 'conformed . I Roiir: Mr. McIntosh, of London. 'Mr. .
I., , , Jiw eoiomiy arid for a Statement show. or wItb 'the provisions of dionce once more. It was ten.years -
. , .4. 14, ,% of Seetron 00 of the separate ago last January, that he. delighted I Xannawin spoke very ably and, force- . �
., I Ing wl�olt *1nount of ritoelt was held. by I an audience in our town hall, having fully on his subject� "Canada's Great. , r,,7,,,.,..;:�,"i�,',*,,!,,!;;,,,,.,.,,'.",;ij,,r;i,rI i7-,i,�,T,,,.T.E;�,,:f_,�:!,.,.I"�l,,;;,!�'!'I �"!,�,. V:;1.2111
: '! .. I , stich gowsp Catholic sharebolders. On school net. There was Indeed uothlog Ps .Aaset-" He mh - ve * . I
. . ft 40h of April, 11.121# the Assessor proven, nothl to show that tile �V, been brought bertk by the yoving peo- t . de it ry clear ,,, I .. .
. 11 ple of nox. church.' WO liad four that Our greatest 'Ussets Ste at out
. I I %je )or at, n
. I soot luiving mviveil a reO.ly to his re- 10litnt 061UPOZY, WAS A, duly Orl - concerts running that Winter, the ta. fbrests'or mines or any er natur- - 11
�- I ' . .� �Olnt�st, awkiss(Nd tilt% whole'of tbtw prop. ated coolootay. nothing to $be* that lent being supplied by tile Redt6th al resources, but our boys und 'girls. � Th
. . . -*�riy of Ole, votillpay for public sehool. Ono Rowan Catholic Owned ,Due Share . We Wpre.d6lig ted Mr. McIntosh's address on Friday .__e ..Super-
. lie i3toek of 4104�jjppellunt e0orpally, Lyceum Bureau. . .
, I . �!Ihlo�*& After the assess6flind ow- Of t
� l , � I % � 11113011t roil* lie reve :o that beyoxill tilt% re,solation, of the'with All of them, but the one that n1hts was bright and instructive, f
I . . I . 14 bils 11"p- � Ived $ stands out before wo , most impres- I object, "The World;--Cgn We I
1. I � , � % the .vompony a lettot (dated Allreetors of tile company and the Ito. ,Set it in Order?" was presented in a
? I I . I y Oth, 1021) r")VIng to Ills letter % V sively WA8 the Second,, the one given S,alesman.
� I . . . tlee from Its geeretary to the Jerk. of. by Mr.. Rotto. comprehensive and tbought-compet- I .. .
: t %he- April, 19211. whiell Is Signed tbe.�,Aosjloudeuts, nothing apix-Ared to It was, I think, the ling manner. He endeavored to im.
� ll I I worst attended of the four, and 411
, . . , ... I .. U, t*tary'Jr(%.Nur0r 4 he. chit). 0 - .
� . ,. 'Plltltl(" tile "larate "bool to tile a'- beeiruse - tho poople could not nd r. .
. � . )f 610 Coln' I to e resa the young people with t _L no Mtarwe
I .... "I ... 111�� etating. that. the vollopally had IOCatIOa of Any VOVtJOo of thO $�&Ool stand how one man eon lenge and the ogportunity Ore�ented It ,�,
� 1 ,61�4 enterwil . . I
) I : ..., i As of sharobolders sborwing who W.W1141 0$able primarily by the Atollel. an audience 'for two. Uri; alone, by present wort conditions. . Xn, - ofte, afternoon we
I I � . I . � . I.. I'll rotestouts and who Are. Roman' I without guy music -or other otecom. . f . sold $750,000 worth -of �
I , lant votopaim -for pliblie rehool par- On Saturday -night P?bf. Earl, a
I �. . I , 1 ,4ps. It will be Woted oil ft Ilerufal Paniblent to relieve the monotony. Iowa, gave Inany selections from the .
. . . I . I.. Mes, tbat the'414rcholders live in I Ift I .1
1"i" I
'. �
I ) I wrts,of the vountrro and w diang- I of the judgineut of HIS Honor Aldge, But I aasur6 YOU there wasi not a me, poems of James Whitcomb Riley in boxids by Long Distance
11 I I " "coutinually and ,that It would,110 TAPINIS tb3t be (lid 110t, 414 1P 110W,e011- mont of monotony And I have to say splendid stylei Some. were humor- telophonel- — s a k,s a
. i - . . . � JhKqlbl(� to 4j4 the 111yormatioll. 01W ,tended by Apil(blimits,And nR a fact orl'that I think it was the finest quality OU8,. ,some pathetic, but all batiker. - .
i - . OkMllftle, Aq a f(J(*t.,tbRt 011e-tIlleteenth of of impersonation'T have ever heard I intensely human and all tendered . .
. I 11 i avr )�X.-7). The Asses%or states that the .stkwU of thp Ai,alollant mulpirly.': Try to imoogine a loan acting a triai very ably. �
�, 1. ��fv SI)i4led to the loeal manager ot,the, The teleplione has made
i . I � " company butwwt refusesol an�, Infor-lAvau held by Roman A'alholfe.s. It I. ,,;Cone, impersonAting all tile charae. The more deeply efiritual side of I ' I
.. ,�` jud$loput j%)rm-oy, it, tera4 and without leaving the nlat. the work of, I Wa.4 under the ==S democratic. It is
j I I , AnAtIon, that I* made Inquiry In 00de- v011'StrUP tilt% , mole Ip L 'of Rev. IV. E. Mill$(m,
I . , I mf-au,4 ot)tbill- 111011(� thim It statos. vla4 form, making all hi,q Changes for IL %rah the creative force that
I . . I',, Wh to ARNI'Viih who were sbarphold. " eaeb character before tile audio,lee. president of London Conference. He �
, I 'It it red eputb Q
11.1 , orts here. and that t3w AgKt 111forlilatIon t1l, 0111)413 that olioutl&t The ImpresMon produeed led cnable3 business to rise
-, f , '. . ,,,, 1W c6illol obtain was that there wpro,61thAk 14411701111141tIrS NVerP then Rowan WaA MOA un in our morning devotions and -r
. ,,. many in tea I helped u.- to begin the day *th God. . superior to, e i r c u n -
. i 1, � � Intense rs.
�� . . � . !" . �.'.' I _. , I . I I Then his� vesper talks were vir
. W1400 -1w "I'll ..... ___ - --- i "'10 :7,�!--,, , I had All OPPOrtuftity of being with,. �y clear' stane:es and Competition, -
; I L .A.,_ . I �' 1. . I— .... . - I-— _._.11_.;--1---_ ... . ... ��.._._M= 7.7,� I '...." f - ,mid. defifilte', ,6*11hg -with -Christimi - by - - - � lik - oip4ituuf - - - -
- . , ,,, � . foun `d0*l'Wb11o'-l"1`1�Vaq' life, and conduct. % - ;'' crebLt
. '. I 'here and I - goodd Wim a (tolwi,tot"it - - . - - . .
I " I . , - I 11 * Ntr. -Rotto a I - -1
� �. .I I 11 .. __
.... 1.
I.. �. ,� . . . .1 � I . :
.. . . I I
�l--%��-11--�--l�-I.—I.—�.--�.--�-,.------.,—�-.--..--�ll- _2__�..__,
. .
. . . . . I . 7
1 .
I 1. . . .
� . I I .
. .
I Fresh Car 6f Portland Cement jqs:t received. . . I
� �
. I . .. � I . . . 1.
I .. I I � . 1. . I �_... . . .1 I ..
1. � . . . 1. I
,� . I . �
. I . I . . I
. I . .. "
. . . . . .
: B.I. N 0 E R,,. TWI NE, ... � I .
I . . -11 . 11 . I - .. . ...- I ... .. w .. . I .. 1. �1
� .. I . . �
� Through an'oversight shipment.wo. madi of: two
tou, $of Blu:e,.:�Zibbon (650 It') Bin.der. twine,. which 'we
I �
are selling -at -cost price, which price is . . I.
� .
. . . .
I . I . � -
I '. I 1 3 1 -2c POO 1b. CaSK _� . .
� I . .
. �
. .
. . .
I I �.
; I . . . 1> . ,
. I . Ve have some excellent values in , , 4
,� .� . ... . . i .
:., . , . I . . .
Padnfoottefirigeositorst " , , I .. I
. � .
. I
11 I . . Ba.se,-Ball Goods, Guney N . .
. . Screen Doom Windowag etc
� . I � .
. I ,
. .
. � .. .
1. I , .
- I .
I I . � . ., �
. ,
IL*t #in fturo� On Vou" P1uvnb111d,,:1Uart.1n*
. .1 eloil
I . . I
. . . I
I ,.� CHASIn Ce LEE , .
� mul,: '202 "111., I . . THE STOIE.AT THE HARBOR
. . . �
� - � .. I I I...., .1 11 � . �.... I... '... . ..., - I.
� . . . . ".
. - __ - ..
I — .
I . 111011 EID 111"T. no Is ii.f'outlefflaft of ClOW lj',�Mc� wil 1JUILU42y Alk VUBSIVU- UM -0 I . . .
.� . . . . aplendid character and NerioUtt pur., ith the sellool wert also eon -
CHAS;, A-6 11 L A CK . 11lose, and *IthOughhe Will give 06at ductod by Mr. Millso". In th*_'lkfj,L%r. v eariess methods of at-
, . . vari(Ity in I& progroonif yet e,pory. toon at Victoria street ehur& ,he tacking the PrOblem Of
. I Mon** and Ro�*` store Worth Whitt" thing N clean and pure. - vonducted the consecration service..
. '7--- - - 1. _._ . � 1. ... t I am'sorry that eirourogtatleeq Q&1I No service could bel.woi* aearching, sales .,qre bringing pro-
. 1� � - -1 V — 1110 to be absent on Saturday nig moro wdilkening or more productivc- � portionate reWS i�
. � lit, of reault,q. Practically all took p
I but Mv sineero and earpost advice 1,.g _oirt, otli,er busineSWS, Ut
I I that all who can, attend. ,�, �
.. � I I)on#t in. , telling in various ways, of thfir . uill Costs. .
. . rZotto, Christian oxporjerj& then ite tkv,. , minim
1; I -a Youra trulv. I Oninst Oervice at ISTorth St. church.
t, . - . Sy KHAKI JPLAA NTS Jadly Compile
11 What a messfige; it was an tht sub- NVO will g
I ,
. 1, ,X--,r�_ .CAMP-Itom feet, "Back to 'thit common.plate, I$ a report on hoir the
! %ye Khaki Pauts,short and long. I EAM(Istiv Yet tthilerly Mr. Millson
I . I 50-060 31EN IVANT90 li)leilid With the vam telo�phone is being sue.- -
* � �g pmple tib be '
BOYS 111ousea, Beli8, Stocking% StIlts Ties etc. To Harvest Wtstern Cithsof . cessfull used in your
, *'A Crops true to G(d tit the humble prolitiarp Y
I I Utest re"llo-fts from tho grain datifs Of life. They hold b"n on � business to inerease
AND'EVERYTHINGIEP"OOR THE MEN I lfiel& of the West indieate a repordift 1`401101LIn foPs At the SurarwLr .
I � . Vield; MW men ate wanted from - Sthool but they wero to go d6wit, t6 ul".
1, - , F*Stern Canada to help harvett this UZO valleYs, vlitl* their Nordes vtre a I : L . I
A ".1; .OUP, TAILORING DEPARTMENT LS COMPLETE erov. To, ii"t this dentand, speeial and their ehllrebev. slid, them try to . ,
;. I -1 i Itarventop-e ExentMons will boL o0tr_ earry tho in.,4piration iind life tholt I L
I ) ;7 ated 'by the Canadian, Xational Rall.1,Was r*Al1yvCbrNtJou�. At thC%L ('IO!5t I
. 'L "' , of tho inipressivo strviee the quitt
, .&
� Awo ` � .Ou�h 'Solid � k . . .
" '. "I, trainn will be opotat. � vog -cq� ma earnest faee,?4 of the r4offt. I . I
�, c;HAS.. BLACv. K nipeg vithout, C-loroge. eon�. bbr� Of the school all indiested that , I
0 Ai,4fiog of convertible Sberth) coler� thO ealt bRd m6t -,vith a devoted it. " I .
. "The Notn's now Roys, Store Worth White" " - ist tars it�i*n. Unt.h4DRAMt, L I
11 I VeOs)llter fairt wilt )AN , It il* hAril to sunj "p tilt) 'if*
I , Attidlia. io "nIt!J ,6f ,
" .1 trains terving food ii -ad refteshment'l th('* tcl%001 It j, always Aftnit I _V#W$a0"!r*?eJA6-t6 Eta
L- .11
_ . ..
� I 1�'Phoft 20 G I I at "Alotablo pric" For far,-;. yeligio`01 works but ent tbing it h I . I- I ... .. Z",N^*h ' W* I Mo I im , I- _ 'I
. , 'I '0 Made - elear,
� I . - L' frAn 0r�, etc, Apily to hexre,tt ZrAPM-siown Wer , and ottcisfowt _
, I - - -.---- 0 10 " '"' rallalk- VAN lial Agat rellft,� I - _ . '. -
I ... A Ill I VA ftr�-A t?jnt TVM I- 2. 1.
. � I 09-m-m-r-PIM-lim-M - - - - - - - I . . � U41,k�. AV, � .
, -
i, . . ,
.1 � I � . . I
, I 4 . I .
- *.at,- A
A� --
0 .
i . � - _�
..0 , ", ,,_.'�.__ L ---V-*--- _ _ —
- �