HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-08-09, Page 2t
P.%Gu TWO 4 OP
TM 00ou" SrAR
It"s HIC0 To sat
E'n',3t ycar tbo watt, W*3 dv;m
F , is AnyUMS YeaLike
IN IDAYS OF YORE 2co,and U."'s year it
&)rza nmA�fV 10,t, Tii,� i3 casiDy
lAugm-1 i-1 Vctcltloro the t6xe line Is now Gut a
4 WRAT WAS DOING IN" ';r, c.on
�!3; D-Gb1n distauce hyond the l5rio
P T�e Geaeneh stoii� of Arsil D. r6C�dQy- 01 former yeara. and 'b�-UIJ=3 wweh
svcro proposing Ruilaing co�tagc covercl with wa- HEARTBURN
Hospital ter t1irce or four - r4ow
T,,b4o Daughters, of the Empire field have Choir �aewb Y�4NII =01 in
propc-lity Sold for 81%03� oln 149 y
judge VircUlr Jas�r,04 M3 rcli- a Special uacctil= OU Tuesday even- view. 'a a
locice to 2dr. w1p. MCLCam for the 6, of the lake levels, Is the "o of heutbum the
sum of The build-1h4i is a Ing when TUOMIKS VcFt4iUiV9 to the Thin lowong water all the way fnawlng and LUMIPI; P�3ia ia the $to=-
1buildirq, of the hmpdtal Or %hQ rent- bau nifected, th
kh Atte:,,d"l by a diaturbe,4 appetite,
ard Mr. McLcatl 13 tO ing building for that f vonj__N!a7,qa to the far Ords Of , in gmcml acidity, hsvtca
,base. ichigan. It is, au" by th, -
k 'rongratulatca 04 its ruiv., WC110 Lalwo SqE'or and M too madi. fo&l ia taken
'ully dEqcu-35cd. tlw it 118 liable to
'gintmont of a romim t! doAlIv-3. ilue to the, dra�ning away
Huron Fpcala being tho apr Ferment and become extremely svav,
pment 1104 Anniver- the 119rpital truatcc3 of th, -it:(? water at the City of CIO -
r vomitin ocmrsi WA wb3t i's thiown. up
Sary tC10 to intccviov� a cottage hes. cag6. .hot (qty in situated onground I
%V tb a view of 90tting 416owell men wut and, bitte
The annivernary of Huron Em- date. that ill aln4 6:3t flat and little elevated , MacDonald, Christ-
Aeamplr4eiat No. �,s wan colebratc(l at Vital bulltat ancarly ot"Ove the riaters. of' LaUe Michigan Mr. Jog'nlil 11.
Hotel. Maitiandvilte, on Salke14 Family Pic"Ic and trie writes-11TIM ye=
the Vn�Qn Ippi River, With the mas lsl=4 N11, -
Taccdoy lilglit. The sup r w= got According to cuOtOm the Salkeld growth of Chicago, a serious pro- ago I saYered a the time imm liort.
up in tho,wn :of style rcjfl� Pre- fanill blem of sewerage dovelo cd, At burlik. I tauk One vi -,4 of Alilbum's Lqxft-
t? be
and �d their annual Picnic Ot
NA aration shQNvn the ability Of IN1110 alla on Friday, and Us us- firi3t the sewer, were opencit into 14ver PiR3 and have, a6ver lxcu troublcil
m an -
11c,3t Lash;tm to� cater 0UeQC30fUlIY for Ual thor�a %vAa a large gathering of alit water for do. since.
,1140 �iliehlian,
bera, were me3tic Ue had to be taken from the., it is very
the public. over 30 mem the clan. _ vice tq be able to t Y
time. was thing you 11ho a�d not have heartbura
s ent a very IMP John Thompson Had Accident )ake, and some years ago I
t tras occupied the chair r. found that it was impossible t any more.
s"n -py vent the pollution of 0; .
M J Xirby the vice chair 0 PL 26e. a
]Ore. u On Tburcdalv Of last wcou Mr. Jno the lake Milburn's T/A=.Liver Fills are
d Bro and wa -a
'an the c3t to make the evening ThOMPE to helping to load a be williong of I
did �0111# whi lumber at Metwan's, �Ons of sewag a� at all dealers, or mailed direct
vine long to be remembered. wagon load of lelyach' day discharged into It. Tho rveLveipt of y
nisfortnuo tor break _rie6 by The T. Milburn CO,,
Saliford. had the I pity then sought another outlet for Limited,16 ato. Out.
Death of Mrs. Henry He his left leg midway betweeQ the knee and engineicrs hit upon
Wilday *Itneesed the departure and an4le. , Mr. Thompson was on a the Sewers ptting a great canal
world of Mr. Henry Her- to an- the plan Of 40 urday niglits, "The early days of
London and rio;" The
from this lumber,Eile and was moving from. Lake Michigan to the I�Iissls Western Onta
� -advanced ago of $L er, w ca the plank from which he
ton, sr., at the OtIl sippi, rtiver. In this way thev could ay after.
Ili London Hunt Club Satardi
The deceased gentleman, who appear 0 jump slipped boa,
was about t all In get a fairly good current so that the
ed in his usual health an Sunday Ov, throwing hial forward and c n th, noon. Sept. 15th; Two speed events
6ewoge instead of settling I ept Monday. Plenty,of Mu -
'ening, complained shortlY after ris- the fra4tute. - InUe, would be daily Qxc This
Ing on Monday.morning Of severel dead waters. of the. river. No soon- sic every day hirld all thO time -
In Station -carried away by the i I W the big year with
pains about the head and body, and ON for N14 will certainly
it was while -the affected parts were The fishing pa , rty left 80turday or was the ednal constructed than it The Johnny Jr. jones shows on the
o liniment morning 40t 9 a- )XII., though the ad. was seen that in time it would result kiluilsol^ 2.1
bving lomenteo aidway. , General
with SOW t lowering of,.tbq
th took 00ce. vainice guard had left by the Ossf. in the pernlanen, . heents; chilaren lu cents,*, free oil
that ilea frago two days previously. T are. This %#as Monday, loth.. -Every!Lody come,
Farewell Dinner -to Mr. S. 0.. Perry he lat- lakes, great as theY 110f. It
ter took the tents and s4ndrY cool, going to result in much misel
both th� painless and perfect in their ac,
Oil 13aturday evening a party num- !ng utensils and the main. body - took affected. all the harbors on I.
qigg one bq"4red and fifteen as- 'anadian side. making tion, Miller's Worm, Powders are a
IX tent comforts, provisions and a largb American and ways a safe and reliable remedy foi
sembled at ViViall'S to. Partake of a ' r" advance it im in$ 0
iortment of "bait-" The possible Arlarge vessels to on
4$ Was madiV up here belore they could go with- children who show sympto
parting dinner with Mi!a �j, 0. Perry, guard �oj His Honor ter w]
�Juogo Holt and L. E. Dancey, and the out danger, It Would make dan er, w0ims, These Symptoms, are easlt3
who is leaving to take chargO of the I
"pres% offlee 'at St Thomas, ' The main body consistpil.. of Dr.''W. X. bus many rocks and bars which e' recognizable In a feverish restless.
11 got u and rQfJeCt4S Ross, C. C. Ross, barrister, and T. C fore were harmless. 1. . f;r ness frequently' ending in convills-
dinner was We ig rtable importancl
credit on Mr. Ulan. The Patterson, 'manager Phoenit Insur- A Sanitary Commission, icti" - ions. A point of U(
alga re. once Co., Toronto, W. T.'Hindso mall- Chicago, was given 'the privilege 01 is.tbat after Miller's Worm rowder
E - from Lake Huron 4.,167 cu- hv )rms, the Stoll'
number of gentlemen
ent shows tho high esteem in w Ich ager Merchan an diverting, ekpolled the W(
Jdr. Perry in hol by the people Of Non , I ble feet of water per second, but ach and bowels are toned up into i
L, VIiot alaria er an -of
00derich, Mr. Finlay occupied the W. L. Rorton, to treasurer an v-1this, though It formed a'substantial. very healthy g
chair., and Mt.. Dixie Watson the vicell). RougvIi, erchant, odeA�h.,. river, was novonough to carry away
chair, and the Chicago city sewage. of the &eli
performed the duties %r. The $Ani- Those that go down' to the see ii
1%, ok more ships see the wonders
p admira ly, SUMMER HEAT te
taining to their positlow tary Commission therefore toc
Ing leavd, anil, for some including those of the United Sta
Altor the removal of the cloth the, without aski 10 & 1- .
toasts were rocceded with and ea
One proposes met with a fitting re-
nlknu vill 011PI
time bag been kin O,UVU c Use ew
per isevon d. Even t is is not enough
ception. The td4stt 41the guest of thib
D, N
evening," proposed by -Mr. Nat-
S6 stagon of the year JA so dangerous
-7the ,to littlo Ones as is tbo
and they wantAq,Q00 feet per seeondf
0 cubi t
It W this taking 0 18, 00 c fee
received with every maril.
ti of
))-it throws
c�ond that, has lowered the lake
.,#* flummet. at Polint,
fiestation of approval and on'the con- 'the little Stomach out of order SO quich- 1�svels, observable eveTt
selosion of the cheering thO ('OhlparlY ly.,that unless, promptatil Is at hand tho Cl�rk and Bruce Beach. The pro-
l3ung with wonderful ower, 'For � belp.bA- vince of Ontario and the- Stat0st to
He's 0 JOIIN�` Good FA baby, maybe beyond all human iii lakes, hgve protest -
OW'!' After I.Iore the mother reallreg bets Ill. Sklm- the South of 0
'tho-echoes of "Good Fellow" 'had died met Is the season wildin dlarreboea, el to the Sanitary Commissioni but
Away Mr. Frank Lawrence COMO for- oholera, lartutum dy�eu wy awl cAle that body has kept.right. on taking
wgTJ and presented Mr. Perry with are 'lout. Any of theso almost double the Amount of lakswa-
most Prove,
oinegold rings. one a beav it gat ter it is entitled to. However, a Un-�
two hands troublo.0 prove de"ly
veal'Ting fill(] the other a broad., banZ promptly =ed. Dutiogithe summer ited Sta da District court has now
somely�chased hoop* a gift to Airs. laohiet,s beat Irlead la Haby's0wilTab. ordered te City Commission' to go
Perry. JOL9. They . regalato- tbd,,- bowelS. back to'the amount.agreed top with-
'Ckweetcu the Stotuacb' and k.�ep briby in sik months.
Goderjoh Needed a 'Town Hall in '76 is. puts the sireat city in a d!M-
anik!Xeeds a Now, One Now, 'healthly, The Tablets are sold by Thi L The 4,167 cubic fOet
modlolisedewars or bv mail at 25 cents cult Position
Seeing that our town has grown 11
Is as to entail on it & box trom The I)r. williams, godlelno secured under tho,agreement wi not
to Suc ropo . loo., Br4oliville, Oat. carry the sewage, the elty ke on
o pri gr?,iing, and in
the bur ( Ttiolwiding for ora water will "tell re-
Jt*will be necessary to.' quired each yeaf. However,. all the
b I ave a! %Own hall. The town has 41-11WHY 'THE GREAT. other lake . cities pnd ports, cannot be
good location for such a. building in
because of Cilica
LAKES ARE LOW expected to suffer
Its Dwin possession, the lot occupied . go's 'need. Ultimately, the -diversion
by the vrigine house, The Indebted- 16f wa ir would soriouslY affect the
resS, of t;he town Is iiii6t large, and Chic pparent y power, lantg at Niagara.
ago� .4 1 jsi� to Blame for
- Water Shortage
-with due economy In its' manage-
M�gt; it could easily pay the -inter- S0161�Oqulns OP THE DEVIL
With the level of the. water in
est on the debentures that would ne. ; , it (By fr. F% Lockhart)
tossarily be Issued for, its building, Lako Huroll so much.Llower. than I a galley here tho- other day,
'With ---our 'ha,0at IN3_91oderich water I Pie(
increase In
so, 4'_ - blic, OZ. s, kiiif UO i0tb I Before-therblo
population, used to omin? - thing. Veat't.O
1reah wariti *111.arl for p upply cannot
f -decent towip bal I Dri 4eCOmlj'L'6k: Jack of sufficient
Ices, but Vlth'A I wand , I pick measly tbir4 up right
there Nvoald betw increase In,rents head (witness the peremptory order cdL�the
inw- the
loir council elm WAW. and Light Commission away
9 Int". of er
robot, en -last--m ut- wA=k _just by
ees- .+Aud-p 1kh
-tMc --- p _ � _
All I D Ille ev 8).1,
gioney paid for tbege offlees would 90 except from 5 to 8 'in the ening guess.
ivay. In paying the interest the following -article in. Thr Luvknow the make-up man he chucked it in
a great I I it is true the foral';
-vi the- debentures. We are led to Sentinel Is of interest, it through, Ohl golly'.
thtse. remarks by the necessity of that the Chicago Drainage Zanal is The think W01
e lowering ofthe va- what a st01TA
bovinf.; inour midst a hall capable of the cause of th, may well ask the
4,-ogtaining 600 or,700 people. ter in the lakes'LWO I'Jiobn Smith will sell at 20. Prospect
*TY YEARS AGO (Juiestion aro gri6at lake,harbors, 'to street
T -W EN dig deerer to main.
i compelled to At the bride's home, on Wednesday
Wrom The d6deirich Star 0 * f Aug- tain proper depth an towns like at high noon,
Ith, 1903) Goderich to lower their watevw6tkst An old daughter, beantifttl and Sweet,
g to Winaipeg intakes just to lot ChiedgO have an With spotted feet, and coming two
Shipped Tu easy way of disposing.of its t;ewsgo. o
�jppedL a tUR in noxt Jun
Mr. Wim. Marlton �s] Parties who, are esimPITIF Oil the so help me, tbaV8 tho.way. the darn
P co -es to Winnipeg yeisteway. bores of Lake Huron this season 'thing read,
I I -WOh F -I , , I saw I% and I nearly. fe down dead.
LoKan Lauderman irst have observed an laimistakable'low it
Mr. Frank :Elliott's horse, Logan ering of the 'water of the lake us That alrift the worst. The L thing
Louderman, %�on,first money at the compared L With the level Of a few I . went onto. $a I
.44mike Dolan dieViast night at
hall -Past. eight;
ins an o arri
DUUPIE, No fire. ui c
PRRM NN. QA,341(&� say
s total, but the value was not
yoWd Ought to heard the widow.tear
and rave— y -irts
It makes mei sick the Wla some Sk
behave -I
"A son was -born to Div. Itichard Vose,
A glossy black, trid weight four
thousand flat-;
'by—out of
His mother was by Dan
With gloves to matebil and wore sA
picture bat."
I. The loveman throw three tits- and
cla*cd the air -1
For once he got so 104dike couldn't
11 oThe, Palk House burned to ashes
Tuesday night,
as Softening
The cause, the say, W
of the brain; a gallantl
The noble firemen. glade
In satin duchess, made with fishtail
Ain't that the everlasting limit? "GOO!
The way the whole darn bunch jump.
Rd on to ine. I
The bo,�s he had me oil the carpet, too
(;o3hl lie can dress a fellei: f6 the
I Sneaked his office foolin' mightyl
When all at once I heard I funny
It sound.
The bov; was all aloU:��rd
,uy ww
To know just what that
laughing at t
The attiiiaction at t1ho Exhibition
Sept. Sth to lUll 'this year WPI,bol
away above the aversge. The fol.,
lowing artists will a car twice d3i.
-W B
Nf, S I ANN)l D8 MIT P
WQJ�TF ly corameneing AIM AY ' aftC=0011,
"lit PS
N-0 Nr ) &0- loth.
INN R)T ile ur
wilm the histove �,Rtito audIde", gnedL to giVe the J[4ifiCe an Ar" 1rh6 r.eyaol& and Donegan Ccr-, a
Anto do 11,03u- Dvarance tomratible with - its use Lallet,on wheels, The Six Stolla SIS.
pasaita at RQ otgi to tteL aTChito"
rre wm turned to t%e Xrola!)d 135t will cot c0lif tora Acrotats; lial Jung Cllineso
year, together with tLt tiianastery tUrtl stf*6 Vt any one period but troup(,, a startling show of Itself;
and the Is atieu of Doman and Vho Toni Davis Sensatief, CO.- 4
of tha gedomp. wilibe a combin
1=0as thrilling act in a wile cage-, Tho: Bert
�rs, the dergy did Ilet Gothic. An g&^ as to its, 9,
rtiop_q ean be Itail',ed IWOM tlte Ifughel C�,
thrist Fatti , re tifflt than was Itee- Prom ,, Basketball oil Weyelts,
wasite sty V43 - Length Over ait JN�elson and Nelson Aerobats, on
#10"Ity in lamenting their Toss, but fallo*1119 figures. '90 fett-
C-0, stilts; The four, clown act, -so fun -AY
nstrur-t a tew g12 feet; invirlor length, Z
ftt about at once tO width
'ry shritle sr 'you will never forget it, Firewarkm
Vora d tO Isy plans for length of t-boir. C5 ftet; nseptl
After inave, 134 ffttl, width of tM ovew tight� comething new and flif.
larger and ave, 18-3
ftt deal 6f disculsloin it wat de, 186 f"t; litight Of grand r fetent. A pageant FRday and sst�
fi ' I ArejL 42�00 square
tic that the old thurch W be- feet', 10A I a,
t*w too omall for the dtman& aftd, fect- W M win& Or
thoit t1w exigendes called f0t Ktt*t- tATS, twelTs Of whith will lie in the
ft A", tion. it was tho-re. Crypt ChapieN. kild the lighting of
to", okel" 'to demolish the old the interior will plays large part it%
w0lo, AM t# build a. chorch pr6. the Scheme of doeovation of the
-it factor
P"llosaw to the reeds of the to. church and *ill be a telur
Itarlo *IN for as theyma be foreseem In Providir a boastifal V:w�e for
of tho V"alplifiettit strue. the hundre-1.1% of then'tands, of pil.
AM*" *bov* Were dfroided urmt. trims whn joutl*t �-aeh 3rear to tho
Issilkik %bieh has been famrus sbrina,
At"" wrts
'111URSRkY. AU
$15m00 TO,
plus half a cent a toile beyond to all Points in Afauitobas' Saskatchewaid, Albert%;
13duloutou, Calgary, McLeoiT and R ast. 9PUCIA1, LOW VARUS RUTUR—NXNG
Au met 13th and- 22nd—Torotito, Caledon, Uast, Beetous
Me5ford, Collingwood, 1�evetang, Midland, parry Sound, Sudbury#
COIN C Capreol and east thereof iu 0 intarlo, al , so West Of Lachute and St.
Andrews Uast. ilk Quebec.
August I 5th *nck 24th_Torouto, XugtewQO4 let. and. �111
DATE S stations south and west thereof in Ontario.
4 . P iai -irral its' Timo)
SARNIA—Auguist 15th—S.10A. M. WLStratford—Auxust 15th -7.05-A.
TORONTO (Union Station)—August 15th—. 1230 P�. W-4119ust 15th 10-;3.0 P'?4'
Augh%t 24th -12.30 P.M.—A990111it 24th"10.30 P.M.
Extra equipment on, regular, train service from Goderich
nd Refresbail-Its at��tafnT
'9-- �A 11111: 1111111 Ill 1111IL-11111111111 IL I~- ME
5thma ie persistent sore that refuses to. heal?
Reduced by Asthma:--Thel c"-,coulfort, No home where a! Then,.try Dr. 1rhomasl-Eelectrie Oil
trains of astbroa brings the present in the least degree should be,
Stant S without this. great remedy. iiii the dressing, It will stop slough -
patient to p, dreadful state of �o�pe� I ing, carry away the proud flesh, draw
less exhaustion, Early use slimild by Less and out the pus and prepare vi clean way -
"Some bom6s arii. kept spot] - , -recognized
_4� ua py for e new skin.
gn -,vnnsx be madc of the famous Dr. it is a'
Remedy, in order; o ers: I 'nambers 61
J. D. Kellogg% . Mthma healer among -Ofis all(
bl h lore than any. other. Sets PeOPlo, people ran certify that it healed
rly applied.
'q"uj'c'kIy 'and surely on the air pas- go I -Quickly__'Have you a 1,,where. Prope
sages and brings blessed. -help And res - Rea
a lam
H AUQ 1 000
13TH�. T, 0 18TH
P A 4 - T&VII eL E
Ay 0 'ERA'..S. G G�H,.E Tfl�As
HI D E 9is.. NTE E
BY DA I Asta
motopin 0
-ppson W
11 ltr6ductbry Sxercisos
Grand Conc�rt'.�..,,,......Metr,op6litan Qrchestrl oderich 'should wiii f Is 9.
-d 0 0
11 Children 25c
Admission 50C
ro U
MONDAY NIGM -hestra, Pes .8
I. Metropolitan - Orc of L tu
Conceit ............. WjAn B. 111tto
impersonation' Revue ... Children 35C.
Admission 75C
IWORN rtunitiv, per,,
M606,4'Vitis. OPPQ.:,�,_,.f.
ChildieWs Entertaihment--
k,,ellv, Ventriloquist, ,vith flis'Taiking Dolls. hear so'ch. a
Mildren oc hbLps of a"fifetime.10.
Admissr6d 2.150''
COMP tidion.as....
d n. o.
. . i .. N ..Grembe.i. Cie
Popul�.tt-']Entertalilm-ent-.-�-,�-z� �"' r Pr
Admissioli 50C Childrdn 2 ?c tague Light'0
* 1'nd by th&Mi.on P
, 4 . I .. , I 1 0-
concett.. ....... Glen Wells Company gers.-m- p -, a
:>f& Sin th (ft-wesque, cos,
Lecture, "The Needs of th6 Houi" ...... --L 7.
..... judge Geotge D. Alden
Ad M. issioli . 50C Childrpij 25c JUMeSand sCenit efidt . ch
WEDMDAY MORNINO as ge Ald n Ftan'k:
Child e urers Jud e
ren's Entertainment— Bh . ask
."Characters from I Story Books ...........
Misses MIJIer and Aderton, ar H'
Children � Or. Preston Johnsont and,
ml on -5c.
WEMSDAY AIFTERNOON Vale,,. a htghl' . educated nautt Ve of
i - y
Rest -Afternoon
WEDNESDAY MGHT India; or a. gre; at: comedy drama
"Cappy Ricks".,..,... 0..Great Comedy DralTiM,
to . e -present,
ast Ricks b
Now York Q hoke "CaLppy
Admission. 1.00 -1. 1 Children 50c S,
I . -flIUMDAY MORNING - , ed -by a New York c: a�st - or, uch
Children's Eritertainment .... DuvaL. the Magician lo I
Children 10C. aSs musicians -as the M ,
Admission 25c-,. hi" h C1 etro
A, ncert .......... Lieurance's Br�ss Choir politan Orchestra$ ot Lieurance s
Grand o
Admission 50C. Glffldren :15e
TMURsDAY NIGHT. Brass t_,noir, and several other mus�
con�ett. ....... 1.1eurance's Brus Choir'
Basis Of Mert.v . ............... IC41.4�pmpanies wnicn are on. the
Preston J61111solt-,
Admission 50C rR10AY MORNING Children 25c� programe
C,11ildretils Entertainment—
...... Mons
,,torieg of India" o ...... Childreii 10c e series 0
Jhewhol t F
Concert .......... Molitague Light Opera Singers ius war to (Plus
Lecture --"The New India" - - - - .-,, Blvaiskar Hivale fop $2550 (P X)l OP.
Adn&slell 501C Children 25a
C0,11cert peatutitIg 1,6retchen of Holland" war tax), fop childring.
Montague Light OPCV1, S11`19US
75C Children 35c -rickets may
be purchased at the folliowing Places
SATURDAY AFTERNOON Grk-M coborlies Dry Go *6 Store
popular con�ert. Capps male Quartet Lauiq's Drug StOve G. 6, kewttx7s Staft
Admis4on 5w co 01ttkos "WiWare Store CaMAO's bat Store
SATUROAY N14MUT Wil%$e$ whows Forniture Stqre,:�
Conmt ......... .0appa' Male Qqlartet )Mj Store
,.r Walter Here& Sh" Store slop's I
L-'altertainment Redtil ...... �vcwtt Kemp R. 1448 Office, West St.
Adnllsl��)io% 50C alildfal 25C W. 0. set Wel
movo rem*s oo Not Indode Taix
a li—.w......mii�*iiobwimwukwkbsm6ii" I I "am Inlift"1111011"VM