HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-08-09, Page 1- . . . - . I — - .- r - 1 #,4##W , � J 'VIRW � IF . I __ . -.� , ..' -_ -, - ___ _ - __11-1 --- ,I I � I I I I tk - . , . ^ . , ft, ii ��� " I 11 . . Ifty � -4 - "I 11"W . . . . . . . . N ;" .f 0 04"V � 0 The Stiot's Job Dopartment A92111ft-_0 I � Any J)oi;y Papor at $5 per yoor AV=:;ZW ldw�. , t , I � I'd-YAI V " May bi Cla&b*d With Tho Star 1 Is equqxwd to do all sort-, of %v�r�, , ,I, firom a Ticket or, Bifi t,i ,% Book � . at $6.25 for the two. Almost i I I all we#kly and monthly p � I _ubli- The Goderich Star �, 01m, IV! ) (b b 4 05i �t . [ * 4� tir 0 I t I I . .. "I �_, � 'Cl � �t_ )a , ,C 4 � cations can also be clubbed at a The Monim art Good Printing I ��� . . . . . . I .. ­ I . . � I . saving to our subscribers. 11 ­ .- .----,.-,A f, I ______._ � � . ___ .__ _. � _1 — "I. .....-L-I ­­ I � � _ZG�7�­�_�=� �_:, ­__­ ___11__--a =4�-­_=-�,,��-��­, . , ­ - . I . NEXT WEEK WILL BE CHAUTAUQUA WEEK IN GODERICK-READ THE PROGRAMME ON PAGE TWO ANO IIE SURE TO GET YOUR COURSE TICKUS EARLY 1, �11 ,: ­ �! -1 ­:­ ____­ . I — ­ . ..­_ No MW 4 NuXon 300. GODERIM ONTARM CANADA. THURSDAY, AUGUST 9. 1923 1 Votilfteill V & 'C' M U�Q tv. CeAllyrt'lula�l"vaq-iltllll*k�alteLv%�lI . il, � " — ____ ___ __ , I . -.-, _­___ -11___-______ I I 11. . ... . 11 - I--- I � ... 11 ­.. .. ­ -___ - ­­ _-__-_________-____- 4 ! � I i � ,�,��� ----- -- --- � WAN"M Gilbert. Torento, Mr. and Mrn. Job Phasize the scrlousuc33 of tho ol.' I I , ! �� I 11 lem j I ''I I L �w5pallawamw - . .- 31410 NVANTED.-:41cu5c equipped N'VIM TOWN TOPICS Liciner, Chicago' iss Mildred Lien to warnwitter unerl that THE CIIAUTAUQUA I � - " KX1z^____;1 * all clectrical upplian(T-.4, Apply 11) _�_ I er., Ckleato- Villss Ruth Lcdore­. I tuac,ia:'a 'ORud'a ore alarm all t;4113 mu,st —-- Q. I , 141azls. If. N. DAVI'S --..,-,— Scotch Doubles Toutuillatelat � Walkerville; kr. Ronald Hutchinson,,, W closed so as to assurc ni much The Goderiell Chautauqua will o . , .1 St. Catherinen. Mr. b4corgo Kirk at-1pre sible. It Nvotth to I I WANTED. -;-Teacher for S. S. No. 'kffiter&Y -_,.,,,-.,, t,233ure as res I recut en next Monday in the big tent THE STERUNG BAN ' "' . riek. Toronto; MISsM*TR;1fvt M. Wi a, , Oshawa. all, t, the fint thin , to do wk1uld be be pitelicd at Harbor Pzkfk. It is � 1. 0, Colborne. Second class pro. 'Last Friday nigin w. ro ) Y and ,Kenneth' Fleming, to lower 4111 'exten : I lial - lVi , Mr. ,W locatiew will bO � .. . fe2sio certificate preferred. AV', Q. Symonds won first and . (111ap. Ildsor. . & and onlarge thc� thought the ne . I i OF CANADA salary and qualifications ulan, aul Q. A. N'aira zecond in tile intake ca that an- adcqunte supply more convenicut than the old .one* I � . . . . ------.. . _ _­- .- - I -1— -1 IYU11011" Ir ' HOP X. See. Trcas., bowling tournament. Tile annual 1111ron Oficers Meet of wat('r can be had. � Tito morning, rregra= ivill Cam- - ­­-- _­.___________._ --__"_.",_.1-__-_. .. I ro 11; IL F -TO. - . I � I ", 11 I'l 11 .1. I : -1 � I 10 I 1, I Goderich R. It. a. Scotch doubles tournalnent was )told A tuceting of the 11%gon Bogoilnent Carden Itfirti at Victoria School '21'0"'"' at 10 0,004. - aftomeon at I . . . .p . _­ ­ ­ -..i-- �- ­._,­­___ yesterday afternoon. was he X;0, and evening at 8 . � ofnIcers ,ld in Go4eirich recvnt� Tile I � I . .. I . .� . WANTBI).—District Representative Some very Fine Gladioli IF at Menesetunc Canoe Vtub. Tho nd ��Sd;ciy of 1=t weelz the Iloale, . __ . . I I I ; I . '.1 I . . 'wanted for "GoArIch" and aleoting was fox, the par , a Ch 'el Club of Victoria School The guarantors, would like it to to I I . v underatood -that it Is by tho Purchase . Mr. Geo. Lalthwaito lias had some �, 11 Offive" school grounda which ivero prettily of couwso ticketi; tbat the ptiblie call I . 4 surrounding territory to represent .re D of n hold ri, Wardell "011Y On the IMI, � . f, - very special gladioli spikes On QN111" I and to Arrange for local training at � - I . SAVE,.Because­ - the Old Itellable Foutli'll Nu series, bition. in Mr. M It. Wiglo's store win- decorated for the occaqion. A ban- help thein to nivot the guarantee. I � . A splendid ening for the right main. headquarter points. Arrangements nor of welcome, fts and numProull Even it there ore n largo norahvr of 0 dow the past ,wcol,, including the E. %vero made for trainin _ ' � For full I M to take place booths arranged lit 0 WdO Of the ringle admi��slonq, thene do not re� . n ormation. write STONE . N. Hunt, red., L, lintilaeulco, wlilte; during the month Of 'optember. A- tr � inado a ver.%' iinviting MPVt leaoo the guarantor.) front their rc- � ,A Bxi& *tcount is & m4ket Of OPPOAU14- , & WELLINGTON, ToroutQ. t. to . . � . . ".*-.o."&� . ­­ - — Purple Glory*, Lily White. and Prince mong the officers resent wcire4kil, for the crowd of peopiq who sooa sponsibility for the Gale of .4 certqin I'll . , I i—� �,—. Of Wales, a very Pretty salmon cot- C,Icaoral,King, of ,ondon� Lieut. -Co. , :, I I . � I � I ARTICLES FOR SALE I ) gathered front all partn of the tovin , - I I . . . ­j­_-­� __� Mod variety. Ausuber ot course tickets. $o 'those � , . q He!!. 1� 1� I - I Dutilop, Major R. A. $loan, Major F. And completed tbv festive scene with who wish W encourage the mainton- r.kil roft SALE-Overlaud Toullinir car% LloiW, Luncheon at Menesotoug . . I I � . W iligood condition. Prlco,-�300. - J. W.. park Tonight . Major Hart 0 WeR. M.C.; their.bright frockq. The tea ta0l,�; ance of Chautauqua In. Goderich mv)-:;t , - I I I A (I I Lieut,Cci onel Shaw and Captain .. � � � I '. 1!4 1 . I . . CRAI I . . 'oldt.horpe. were pluced oil the east sido-and the ;p1orch4go course ticketu, . . I 11 I I � I . . .'Ar . � __ I Thp Lit,va! Club fit town aro � hilvitig G I � . . 'rilog pilvic this Wistero Canada Board of Trade Ing the afternoon ,Airs. A. C, MaoVi. . � . Oft 1.;ALE�-& used Ford I'ledall. IR ROW i their loac) eon al; A14�avm, children waited on the tables. Pur. � — � � t . I.. . - � �_ ­ . : : F condition. Will sell cheall . tot quirtc Tburs0av evenip" ��t G."10 o'elo(k Air 14"cursion Of _ Cautouqua britigm utA high-cla3s. on- I , .. 11 - I q)ply PHONE 07, N .r . .�. A T. C. U., -Toronto, and Alltm rtainine,lit at, a j�ondorfally low Jig- I - , - I ­ 'I , ie of town, added" to the enjoy- ure.. . _­' - __. - -11 — � to I . . - ­ - ­ _-_'7_._ - - W-____.== --- — , ­ I Jas. Malcolm hT. .. of 'Kineardlue., wat Secretary E. ff. ,R'e`�el �, .1 I � . I � . � "VOR SAIX.-Frarne Building, In 900d adiltesca the gatlictlag. Itid eNpected rich Hill olf -the Gode. Reats Ili ck city theatre (tile on. , I - I I 1. . � I., . . I ­ .11, .1 � I .. I X condition, oxet) ft. will sell then . I Board of Trade has received a ment of the nfternoon by sinning and ly place Outside of Chautauqua where ! - .o V, tbat all tile Lions will 'lliftla. it a lit QQ s me of at THE CU , hes I STONIS 1lOt,SU_l zt 0,_ 11 point eommunication. from the secretary of Mrs. Davidson, who is t t ' h d o t so attractlowi could bo �1_ . I ullding. ____ , � to be viesent. They Are t(% tupeb.at the Western Ontario United Boards of the Rome And School'Clubr, of si.,ell), would c*it a doll3r or so for 1. . I . I 'VOIt SALK.-IlabY Carl'139e,;. ThreO Board 6t Trade r*otas., W(st St., at 6 15 of Trade announcing that it has been Toronto, gave a very brief address. each performance. Titus three per'. , . " I I I I IM6 Assurance Got of Canada """, o'clocit sharp, . " � decided to abandon, for the present, Tito garden 1prty'-Was a success In formaices would cont I . I . . I A: brand now onus at most riolloulOUSIS' . � moro than 1. I ow priv",. and one s4huy used, all re- Meeting, Tonight Re Chautauqua [the Proposal to hold a Western On.. every way. tile attendance showing a (,hautgutliia Ast;t4 jol� the ,%vhole .ilf, " , I 1, .. .1 I I Priosper-ous and. PrO9106SUIVe , lol� 11 IV for the very low. price of $IZ. st ill the co-operation of teen ontef,talnment� Of the wool.. I . .. . I I I fill '.deeper hitere. , I .. I 11 WE'all-Th .NVA=R. A meeting is' called for Thursday tario Trade Expansion Trip to Wes. . . I e . .. ; _o . � 11to Sun Life Assurance Oo. of Qxwotdil, issued its fift policy ir, I I evening (tonight) in the Board of tell, Canada, Although the pro ect Home and $chool. and the .pfoceodvi , . 1.5— I . . � .: ,. I . . I � 1871. In tile ipteryaning fift$,-two 3�ears of its hifttory it has - I � !F011 S.&LE 01i -.0 LET Trade rooms at 8-.39 o'clock, to which, bad been enthusiastically receivol it, Adding a substantial amount to the The total of adnils,ilon prieen forF I I I I - I . I .. . , . . . I - - - - - - - - - _______1_-__ tile public are InVited. This Is In many of Ahe cities and towns notified funds . of the ('tub, The fecelPtS the qerim is $7.W for adults or $3,60 . I . I I . 'osta,Wahed. a. record am6ng' Catimiian Life Companies for. both - .1.1 � ,­. . ­­­ , and the We$ To $Sr fancy tot. thildren, without I , . I � . furnished apartments connection - witb the Chautauqua. tern Boards of Trade Nvere, -a 14ble, 00; tho war tax. A . I . ", : ra�idity and solidity of growth. To -day,. in the wealth of its T4 Olt in eniences., converil"At which is �omlng *next week. Ch4a- I fronj Port Arthur to Victoria had of. work, $18.90; candy and floNver table, courso ticket at $2.50. or at $1.2,1i for I . I .A,- I I I clern. e Av . I ,� 1 : � .1 - resources, in the magnitude of its operatiot% and in the volum, e of to $of a,e a in e, ve and seven,rooniN tauqua will win thiq year if the coin-, fored cordial co-operation and hospi. $10.25; fish poill, $13.11; ho'110-tuade a child. N.thus a great t � I ely.. PINU t er voarifeents. 0. 11. . bargain for . I I I .1 . . I I � , � I I 1v '. . 0" . 1! . . � mittee have our support. It is de- lt'4tity, the test Avas higher than. hud baking, $10.70" Ice, cream, �$5410*, ex. tho purchtiser, � . I . I l its businessi the Sua Life of Cauad%.ocoupies a. proud ancl' com- VIP, E y I I ' , . I . . . manding poBitiob as the- premier Life Company of the Domi ' - ­ ,, ,."." ­­­ -_ ilred that. altarge attendance be pre. been thouglit..possible. . .Penses, $13.53, total $87.413� . I � . . . I .Dion It SALE.-TNOUJIF pigs and one -brood sent� . .1 . 1! Vnur unioue entertainments . . . . -, . . .. . � r POLLOCK., A. R. I . I I 1. of Canada., .1 . . '.. . F0 ow. Apply GEO. I Milk and Cream Samples A Russian, an lqdiap and a N.M*ro for I . . I . � . I The following report bn milk and in Jail - .. I'. %,. . - - . . . � . � —_ I �,_ . No. i, sheppaF.d1ou. Chautauqua. Ticket Vitut . I I I childron. rach to lip -Ormentert oil a V; . I I . I . . I , . — As usual there will be a ticket creant sam niq%i4l eombina ' different day, will be given in addl- I . I . . 1. . . . . . 'VARM FO '100� acres, cast OF. sent to the Institute An ur tio", A Ru"4' tion to tile regular prog,rani% for ad- , . . . .. I , .. . Phone I 1 5 . H. R. LONG, DiktrictAgent, . . R, SALE, hant for.the children lit connection of Public ealth. London, July 20th, ,;Ian, An Indian And a netrro, ,4qro, ,� , . . . . 0110-h4lf lot 4, on the 44 con. with the Goderich chautguqua thik, was received July 28rd-. lodged in the -count, Ults. Many of the "grown.upq" will . . I - . I . I . . . . � . . . I *st o"Joy' these entertainnients wi keenly . .. ... ".....9— . I L, , . I — � . . . . I ___"M ' . L I I . _. of Ashfield. A two-story brick house, year. Cards entitling the .-finder to ' b11119 . Creant week.. The Russian 'g4ve his name an the voutivtorp. The vaur*k tick. . I � . I . . . . I . I . . . with cement kitchen, cellar under Oke Bros ............. 4.70 : 32.00 as. Pete', but beyond that would not I I I . . 'house, -celve a children's course ticket will et Admits tile holder to the elillarpilig I I . birn 54x4O 'straw shed ro Bell .."."". 0.85 �, 207.00 6 could not go, Ewen, whon At. Bob. . Bank be hidden outside In various ,places,. . I ! . 1� . CAUD,5 OF THANKS . . AUCTION SALES * ' 6044, *tabling' under - Ail, including Befittle ._'. :-:,.::8,80 24.00 ins, wa ontertainniontq na well aq to 411 tho � . . about the square or within a block of .� s secured to talk to him'In. his other., In tile progratil. r'lDilcho I � I . ARD OF,,TffAWXS,-Nr. and. AIrs. Xa0k D51INISTRATODS, SALE OF 4 CONI- root house, hen house and pig pent it and the hunt ,will be on Friday Bissctt ............. 3,50 20.00 own language the Russian did not It,,, A . blll� 1 C A FORTABLE FRAME 1101.7 I Mildred Adorton, both of I 11 1 I . Wier)onald doslrA to oxpres,.4 their S E A -ND drive house; artesian well water in .nd . . � . . . I � . deepest: gratttudb, to the kini friermis and FURNITURE, In the Town,of bodericii, morning. See If you eon find one of - - 1 ...I...113.20 X21,00 give his- name but said if Air. Robins them slogers and play6rq, v It givq , ,j : � , tuated on the north side of. tho.Hurou 9t - . Actleras. ....... 4.40 27.00 catne back in a couple of dt . , . 9:119bbors who tendered sympathy unli . fit. stablest and water4n: the house, also 4 these cards. . " * " ays it %I , , I well at the he . . � . ., xThiS cream was marked 15 pox, might come to him from heaven, . . p to them In the sad, loss by orowninx e linistrator of the Estate of Mary good iuse. 2 acres of . . clever coatumed sketches from Juv6' . t� -, . I &I, , ohnston wo s 11 by public auction at tlip ,,.: Now Superintendent of Alexandra ' c I Magi- -, 0, . or their little son, Chester, and to orchard the lutd, is -all under grass Ile ator�., books. -Duval, - the , . sat re ISO ort 7419 Huron Road, Lot No - ent., so that while it is., slig , The Russian I I d at Sea. cIont in uniazin$r sle, �v - those who so generously seat 'llowers. ,htly be was piece U) . �� . ightpf-hand per- , . o 41gspecial thanks to Aim Dewey and Mrs 778 C press I , r. et, In Ifie Town or Gode. railway taxes. One mile from Hospital Appointed - . I low standard it has a good margin. forth, tha Indian at flensau and the foriiiAnces and baffling 111mionary art, Is, � . I liumber, ,who kindly sang and to nit or Pic.- 0 . .school, two miles from church and Miss 1.), Masterson. of Toronto, has ever, the amount claimed, All the ne�ro lit Usborne. . . will he a source of supreme wonder. I Chestees. little playmates for their beau. ',. ' . IT Ay.. AVrIll"ST 111th store. MRS. MARIA, McWHINNEY, received the Appointment of superin- SAmples are thus all right as far as An escap IYII I , t1rul Dural tribute. I . - . - � ed Ininato"of the London ", . .1 I .tommencint'ut !? o'clock p; ru. .1 I , ___7_ tenden At the Aloxazdra Hospital, buttei Ut is concern blent to the younastors, while Flivale , .. I 1. I I I The property consists or a rrame house I � ed. In many ca. Insane Asylum woo brought to town . A real 111ndu, will dtfflght them with - � � i - I , I CHIROPRACTIC s t6 commence sea jileL bactoriaFcount is large,. but by the police of Grand'Bend and AP" Interenting stories of India, - 4ho I �-� . LOST I In fair repair and four large lots. At the . Goderich, ,her diiitie' I .1p _I. ­_.� . ., game time .011 the household furniture will ­ _._s� .Sept. Ist. -In the meantime bliss Ma. Iloving note on the report, no peared before Police � Magistrate Hold . � be. sold, Including 1. arlor suite, ! P gdo! '.nRS. bleCLENACIIAN AND McGUETNAO.� and front which . * - . 0 the 'O I . . JPST.�Booveen -Taylor's .corner and 1,Va theson is in charge, .Miss Reynolds doubt, - "There oil Tuesday morning. stranger and curioua I ". - . I . � table, I M11111anissewfusr machine, I " RAN. Chiropractors, oraauates Pat- h c . Donald Itilgil he comes. Xell . th . I Clinton. 'a, Club Bar. Finder return en.bad, 3 Iron beds, 2 dressers, 2 wash mer -School or Chiropractors. Hours, io As gone to Winchester, W. Va -plain 'the cause , y 0 v6fitrilo(Ititst, I I I x � . . to STAft OF.FICE. 1. I .. to w' ce on the samples when re-' Cann was tile name he gave .and, Anil his wo'liderful talld"Ir dolls,�Alk;o . I I �,�, . ! I I - I— ,- � . stands, 2 reathor ticks., 1 tollet set, U1 Pairs a,�m-, to 11 P. or bi-appolfitment. n6w- accept a Position A& assistant super- c�IsA19 and some were quite , soul-, when Asked howold he. was, said that � I i.:� ,I I :. . Ing, August or springs I cupboard. car ets, 2 ulat, denee. anct,011A, corner North and Nei�on intetident, Before leaving Miss: Re which will provide, delightful. entertainment, .� 1. I T.05T.-On Wednesday even i Fr . . y- probably explains the exces. he was not quite as old as his futb , - . tresses, oi stove, chairs. inolenm. etc. Street,,;. � - "r , ' ' ler and floderich, other articles too nu Ion. 1111110 "actle 40(114. rs 40 life, and lirl hiall counts. ' ­' I . . ;� , -, ` -" Vot, between Rommll v, p nolds wAs presented with an appre- sively . _. , . ��, 1. . meroui too luent to yea . � The magistrate , I 11. . . ... or 15e $, I I I � er. t =cted fx__ D. Cummins. Red. . I I . - AITKE'i,� Public, joct to a reserved bid, 10 pet, cew - . a . I .. �, ,;� I , a small brown Club Bair, Finder Piea-,e TERMS. -The property will be sold sub . years I I t & I 0 � clatil�e Address by the hospital board Exeter Visitors to Goderich , his manner h(t migh . wandered Ruth Barrie; If. I I I . or rejurn to A. 11. � ,. I � tot%.V. I I I . . pureliase price of the propegy.t . .. I and with a club bag from the tnedi. E ter Times: Air,' away from some asylum and calred tiath; Mr.,1. Wj J. I . . � 0 be luild xe Wes. Dearing M111q. Nfisges Velon I . ' . . .the day i INSVItAINCE WO REAL ESTATE, cat men of.the town. up London Asylum and. wai told the Alills and Margery Sanderson. Mri. - . � T_OST.-White Wire Wheel, between VW tbl ty days, 6A chattels cash 43n date of . ,� Trivitt . I W, - - . . r ir the sale, the ainn".within .- . ----------- . . . organized.'a plenie for th�* I . . I '. -" Cut Line and Goderich. . on Sundry, sale .1 I R ------------ � — Turret Crown to Cross .Ocean to , , Memorial choir atiol assisted 'by Mes. man had escaped Jast Friday. .Ife P * G. Sandersoit. St. Maryst Affsp X. . 11.�, , I I August 0;b, with 34x4. tire an ;v further particulars apply to 3164 ouse3—Houses will be sent for . � - . . I , - - I;r;. . . I � Engage in Wine *uit F�.rutt Trade srs. IganclDunsfdrd, Wm.� Taylor and ' U. Carpenter, IVWdsoro. �flss Mabel . . .1 , i. formation leading to its recov - . - � ... Jus. ta Mr. Kennedv, wife , ' � , . . and llay�, solicitors for the admin . . � I Walter Jackson, of ParkhIlL. was I M., or. . . . I Ake, ROdgers, Detroit; , ' si�IMIZ rewarded. Appi . y at ij.- -­ . . 1. � 1. I ltrN?�Ilt I . . The' Turret Crown, Probably the motored the choir to ' -irilian . I I . 01, . . � T. 411INDRY. �huetioneer�, kit kinds for sale at about half last of the TurretboAts on the lakesi derich, spntenced on Aug, 2Dd to seven days and. daughter. Owen fqound,, (' I. � . . I � � ... . . I . I . . . . I where A beautiful lunch in Jail fok driving a edr.. while lntox6 IV. Liam, Will. 13ah I . - , . .11 I , , � .,- I.. . I., � 111 I 11 � , , , ­_ �Wlat it would cost you to, littild, It' is to --cross tbe s�,'­ean to Cardiff, was served, After spending several gated. , - : ! � Iwin, Jr.;, London;. , . I . . ­0,�.'. . - . lbl`� I I'll ­­­ I .... % -. t�F ite iiao be.� - - � 404 -ioat, t . � Ache, �� I ' � - 1' "...- �, -, �, , , :I: a i � 1:1 I i I : I .1 Q -be4o, ,$r6nr, lotereit , Widest .Vhtro It, bit .,been -putchniiw. 11011P -At couhtry, be. Choir , bliss 1.,-A.,13a%.N1I&T L. . , , . , , - � Aur6, , � I I ., , - %.7 * 11 . 1. � - . I . . . I . . I Hitiold ftu'Wi � of I . t1stuivef, 4:as fid voti,,' Toronto. I . 1. . . .. . . . . . . . . , I � I � I 4ore­hu�Mgv ­­Seyeral --propirties, .-on If has been- for� itime-days-An (;Aide- we'Ut--to'Bayffeld ' where another en- ed $10 and costs ,-for exceedinx tile' ­"— — . . I . I . � . * - I very easy terni§ of payment., See my rich harbor but 'May clear any ddy- Joyable meal was partaken of, The I . � . I . I . . I � : . list.. �. t , �,:� It will be used in the wine and fr6t evening was s speed limit, at Wingliam A�- 3rd I W6 learn that at tile utianim9wi �. I . I . I I I , ent at Grand Bend. .The Imperial () 0 d $6 reqtIest of his puPils ItIr. Anderton - � .. . . . .. I 'trade across the English Channel. All report hav ng had.. -the. time of I . P. J.'RYAN, . T, lit Co. was Ane ' � I . Ir U I . I I Real Estate and Insurance. The Davidson, wa� in on ftturday their -lives. - ,� , . for not having tile proper ilia . � , .. �,*-,' �ko � , I . I .1 . I rkerk will be visiting Goderielt oil Wednei. .. I . . - I . ill I I 1* I � , :1 � T` R .. ' . . I I . ­­,­ . - .,-. __- - ­­ - __ wit 3 of corn frota Mll. Exeter Times- The - I -on a trailer. � . days of each week,for the purpose o,f . . I � . . . . - � I . I I ­ *4' * -0-WF44kA-N'4 - It 85,000 busheii .members of - - ­ �� .. I . ... � - � ...__.�._ -.1 . , M&.VL-�E. +NM -AN . . . . - � --Mdho­dIst-�b-'ijh'l ­ - I . 1� . . . . . 11 Main str --Otta- R-erA-emWi�p-4).ish%V*04.,--41411- -gi%'Ing---tuttioft--aftm-fit4--7toinu . .1 I. � : . Ree and e Glen lii�od oet Ure engue to pa Val- - tw­ �-- , . 11 urn, '� I . . � � . . I 1. . W . I . " . Life , (,,an Life), Aeciden't an ji - on Sunday t 111,200 bushels of motored to Goderich Frlda� evening � $2 - and costs for chnnging It- London. , ' .1 oF'', I . I . , . ii if I 0: . . . d AM I . . � I I . " � . . , . I. . :. I . . ry - suranrp� 1. -wheat from Fort William. The for the closing exercises of the sum, cepse. numbers from one car to ail� . . . I I . I 11 I.- , . . FOR MLE;-Farms, �Ilouses and Lots other. . .. . � . SPECIAL OIATICAI, 01'PER .. . . 4 .l.". . . � Goaprich. . I I Drummond is . pected in today with mer school and'report an. eni4yable . Knell and Co., of Kitchener, �had to rade I I . . I HAUTA "WE ' I "4pe j. XV. AMISTRON0, abovp .Pargons, grain from ort illiam. esRecially. . enjoyed I 0111'r I I 1, . .. UA. LA - . . J evening. They . Iligh 9* 1. gold filled spectach-14 and . � .. . 1, . � . I . . � .1 I . . . I . . � . . . . Pali% Goderleh.. . , . Work on the section of the river the address of the ev. W, R. blcln� 3 fine U $5 and costs for speed- o"i,o hilanwn with b"t flat spherical .1 � i . I I I I . . I . -_ I . I I .1 I � I I � . I . . . . . .. I I . � . . � . . . I - .. . .=�.==— - breakwater to be constructed . this Intosh, of King street Presbyterian y I n Grey township.. I I lensen tor only 0.50. All other style of - . . . I . -1 . I . . ,. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ., Year is now under way, , . church,. London, who spoke on thil rylogAnd-,Bert Holt. Grand4kind, comes frario and lenBes at lowem ptle.04 . , I . . I . - I ... I I I AUGUST. 43 to - . 18 ,- � I , ­ � ­ ___ . _ World problems of the present tjrn� up today �harged with selling* liquor. 1`.�(Ili examinvo by Xr. llngii%6. to; I . ­ I . I . ' I . . . . . . . � , , .f . . 0- First 'Battalion Planning Big luellyoptical(lXpert ff)0�vUt,s.Tvr.mtn .r . . . I I . � . . � . � �, ­ . I . I I . I I . I . . . .1 �. I I and found f�Opiration' in them -for ttegistere4 at Hotel Sunset thi I . � --,, I 1, I . . I I I . .. I � ". '. I " . . � Reunion. � - . . . I . the young people of today. . 1: I . , - � . . anti later for Xlenry Ni)rgazl kt, (,O., �tout, � � . I . . . IN THE .��ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF All- ng . of veterans of , tho. Heroic Reach - PastWeek . . 1. � I 111111 51MEll., into. 'or the Township At a ineeti e By G04rich.jky' -, , I . I I 'gill. 'Tile Ilest ootical work to be : , - �,, . . of Colborne. in the county of Huron. first battalion held Ili London On Fri� . T evg. Th,jrn, -bliss Marguerite McLenftan, Wind. obtaitird nnd at moderate lirt I Farmer. dee0ased, and In tile matter Of day.hight a First Battalion Associa. lit A horolo�aud succeizigr6l Attempt at Air,;. M, A. (1111bert, Alisq Katli.- thq; Vulday and Saiurday,'Augn�t ,I. to. I . � ". an appilestion by Charles C. Nte.nell f(w . e saving calne to 11� . I , sht I s or� . 11 .1 THE PAVILION. .I-- ' I : the a4ministratlow of the aboVA OMMP tion wits formed for the purpose.of Godfrey #Tameq, his 601,8111# E ast week, ,e Wells, St.- Thorpas; Si nor J. and 11. Coluo. vallN% I 1-taitll*m Art - . �: 11 . . . I . I'll the Local Master of the Supreme 'inaking preparations for - a r6nion " rnest Arm- Carbon!. Madame Alercier, Alle. S. Store. Goderleh, . . I I I . - . I 6111 rt or Ontario at Goderleb.- pursulint during thb first three days of orruls strong. and the Iatter'.A litt rIng, Toronto; Mrs, J. B­,Simpatin, �� . . . . I I . I— . I .. tp nui-A mi or the consolidpted Rules - .. . .1 � I (Near Sli nset Hotel). ,Godch : I I motorMl out to HI'deklo 11ole 11:=u� F. , Simpson, Ramilton,i' Mrs.' P1, I . . BORN I . I . . . .0 I � � . � . . . 6r,PrWtice., " , . . .. � I . I . I '. I � . . . I , . . . 11 : . tice week. There are. some 4,000 ey Wcr,ean - for, a - They bid ' . 101011NVINj In Ili,n4all, #in Jill-, ..11't.. rA. . . � � . � , . . surviving members of the baftalion I swim 0. Shannon. Dr.',J. Stevenson. Lon- nuff �JJV4. W . ($, (1�111JJ*Ajn. it oA3uR)1tpP . � . I 1. . I , twen In the wn.tern, shorttime wben don, A. It. Marvin, Toronto; Alt. and 311'.. - - . folk I �atflrf , I . � . . s I . . .. - -� .Notlep is hereby. given that all perq,MS and it is expected that the reunion cramp. � . 11 I �� . . -having 0alins or dpmandq a James uai4 stricken with a b"VIS. In Godrden I'l.v. Viz. , ­ I . . � 'a `t 1114' I"- will attract A large attendance from� 11th. it) � Air. and �Jftq� �1'. 11, Ua$14, a �.#"J. , . I I . . � . . I 11' � OP. .. . . . .late or Arthur MrNell. late "or"Itlic, TOWIj- Ai tustrotiq saw Mrs. Geo. R. Myer, New York; MIAs' I I . . I ­ I . . sidp or coiborne, in the county or nurun, all over Canada. While plam are � him sinit thO ilr8t time, Bertha Fleminge, Windsor; Miss Star- williala l0rharAL . I �. ­ .. I - I but thought no 'did not ('I, l'I'TM . . thing of it as he garet Campbell, Montreal; Mr. and .. t. L ..X0. "Nfpad,j%�'­ 1'.1a!10 �l nful..' I ­.­­...' ­'. � � .� .. I . I I I— I I - ­ yeoman, who died on or about.the twelfth inerely in thelembryonid stageas yet - I . I ­'­­ Jer. t?, I I% 19.,!" t ) . 17de, , -Thursday. A ,1k uretrealllre.(I, jt -is -p qe,d to ,ninkc-Sa _ - - he -came up - he�notice& I X-ezr -p;- ;r-,:, X- , , ­ 1�ll - ­ -__Xdtb%eh`_ ,fXPlbm,tro1Ip;-.­on Morkjji. ,Atj t - . . .. Aday, . and Satut a-y�- - - (Jay (of February, A. .m 1w - oilt. �Wlwft , I'! , . I � . . . . . I � , to send or,dellvpP to the Undersignied Lo- yopo. W-rady- of b� � Ze Iot;IC:.oU tile face that sometIlIng . . e 'I yt Wes ,111'. and Airm'. Av� llouflo. 4-iut V111, a wfil" � , . . . , , cat, 314ster of the. Court at floderich full Armi,;tjc9,.- -Week .get-together da,,, was,wrong an(I Imiluediale(y % . .. - 411111vi; AloxAndor. � � :_ .. .. , ... .� - Aug -.16th. � " .:'A -18th ggrtieularg of their Maims duly .verill.ed, � vent to -tba Kelly, StratV I - I .. . I � Kelly and Joan XeUy.,, Wilfrid �,C I I I . .. ­ - . I . . Aub' 144h . �,�I. Sunday will probably see a ehurZii -rescue. .11C, �v )rd; H. ,Tackon, - ft . . DIED I . I . . I . . I , I I . . . � . I I I on or bAtftre� Aug. 31st,.A. D - 19.13. . cceeded Ia getting to him, Thomas; Mrs., J. Fox. London; Mr. . - . . I Tkhl�,l I . . I 1. I I , . � e whIleMonday will -be' the gala . but'james grabbi-�d' him and, he was July at 3108011 14 k 11[ 1 1 lxi , . I . . . I., . - ' , . ANIX.- Fl-ATIlEll TAKE NOTICE Mat I Para MeNINALTI At Toole-leii. 4"I . d of St mas; .Brip "k, I . at ten, ole oelc a. w. 0 J .4;cn.. W. 13. sou 1117 A -!'%',',d1l1;A. ,11�ii"#,.Ilkl"tt,,�'I'l,tt'llfi,l"lt't, ri . � I . I , � I '' 5 - ,M. oftninistration of the sald iday!d A publicity and Mrs,.M. Pollick, Detroit; A. P. 1114 X111 YOU , � . I . . btqfk�V�.app!)I&Tuegdav, Se tpmber elev- committee, com-t toteed to bivalt louse auti in '&Olng 80 11itch, St, Tho _. .1 OPEN -8,15 to I .4 p en. 11 1) 19. F, . pose ,rgeant W.' E. Elliott, Wil. , ujaual,ed to btrilie him In tile face, o Lotdon; Col. V. 1( , ing, Toronto; . I I . . .. � . - . . propped -with the'a liam Sharman and Major Chester x1fiLt . jli , I L .. . . . I . . I I estate, to ruakp.all necessary Inquiploq. it) stunalag, him, lie had to dive artat ,;V, London'. E �i`IMVEN At -AAsolefilli tinvo-ship, set . . . . . I I :1 Butler, will shortly place full &ta!19 bim and brought him to the � Major Philip dultan � .11 . . I . - takp�.aerountq, and to proceed ivitli th., fl. - tilliurmlay, %ug ow ly.n, '431,4!1 4;0untlots. . . . . � . I I - - I . .at winding up Of theL estate both real ond before thd public .and mornberg de- top by the Guest, London: C. M. Rooker Ana I loi� "oe itte ,iji. Wiwi 61r4pil. lit tw9l. � I . .. L � .. I . ippr4onal and for Iho adjuAtmont of the hair. A fislilug pole In We hands ot Arm. wife. nuffalo, N. Y.; 1". V. Iludclon. Roul ,Vpar, '. . . I f - . L " rights for rrealtors and all partle,4 jhterpAt- sirous, of ascertaining dotaMq' are re. strong's young drother aided In bringing, Lambprton, L P4.- (;, (,', Om . ffiannay, 1111311L,, I ... M,,nd,,,, * ,,, ,, ' . . ed I I L 'et, fr i4h. 1!�,V, . . . I ,Jr P-11ted Ot Giodel,101 thig .10th dMY'Or MY, J.. Bennett, of the asselsfilent i I lit w% 111to, le�Vlwl,.-, Q4 Itichillimit -Voot . . L I V . I I 1), 1023. I ging' James around In a, few M %e%t, ljflofit.�, rJ;-t,Jf1A -'all1w , I , lit r int! vi . L - q 11 the .4310 elatale. . , quested to get in touch with' flurry h P fr - 11 , le ,; k"q 11 . lET MEAT -7"HE PA ,de. in bLI ontroal; It. J.'llutehillson. Ottawa; I " 0 A ' " o "' I ' ""' . . , I � I . . I I . L I L . . I .. - R$0*1', , ` � partment, city bull, London, . . a Airs. Leo. .V. Thompson, AlrLennan. ld.w "'Ith year I . . L . - . I L . "'L " I" If. DIC infoutles and he watt able I i walk humO� Alta.;' Airs. J. 1, Johnston, Lindsay* I . . . . I . � . I I --===I:--- L�� I .. N 11EMORIAM I 11 I I -L� L I . L L I L I I . Local Alaster of the supreme eon . rt or visitors at Blue Bird Tea Room, L I bluch etedit is (lue to the two ,P;rm- G . . L 1. . ,,u � .1 . I 1. � I . . _ . ' dprith. I Blue Water Ileach During Past Week , StrOug bOYN for their* prencoce ot tillad . C. mccluenfie. F. Si. flall 411i $f L U11 -441V Ill lil"Ing, J$tlljtpo�, .,v wir 11i; . � - _- � ­. -- 11 -, . 13ailev. I,ondon; bit,. and N'trit. 7,vickor , , . . � . I _­____­ . . . ;. . I I -1- '. ­ . Rev. J.'J..Yotmr, St. Marya;L I'll I hipf" %111110. %htt FPII ft-roo" Aqq ' I . t I- I I � Mr. . "ad 1101010 efrort, In t.laying the ,young and Geraid, Croditon: Air. and r#l". L . � I 'Wt 10� � IT4,. ag(id 1,; ml.tallij ., L I ,, . . . : L nml tnati-tioin cliowiling. Jameawaquilielt . � I � mn�mm 13 --- folderand mome r)oLlba. heavier. X,oth. i . am I JIMIMUM Jap. A. McCracken. St. blurys-. � 1-1. P,., $mith� Minq Walker and Miss fai, nor trip movil of hpr Ikin h. 11:1, I . . L P l Robt; Bell, Seaforth; Mr. and M Q. can Chatham; Mrs. Richard ftqro A ,"'lit, ffilol tIJ.'qfJ lfft,tL tual aTi. ..Iyll. . � I . I L Mr I I " .11 , '% , I I . I . I I . I . I � , " .. . L _' .1. I G. W. Williams, Dayton, rs' fug would have been RuOivll of the affair Mrs. A.'. Nt. . I "IlL and M1114, 11 L, %vil-fiN, r I ,* I I L . � , , . I . Obi?; Alas. i bad not the parentg queotl6bed About ('ouri, Welland; Mr. and . ? . . , 'ornia. 111,owo, .4t. Thow. '-14ftivil It, 1-0m tuoint-ty pse'. ,44r � � - , . , tgr Bud Williams, Dayton, Ohio; Mrs L, theapparent illness of the two cousina nowe, Misq .N Avarlinsilt,1611.1JI114. 11,A)PIl �Whol. %lJ,t',I,­ I . . I . . , ; . I . I W. Clark, Miss E, M. Clark, Hamil.' .1 aq; Mr. anct Airs. Cotter, bliss D. X 11111144 M14 to 111191i'l t4h. 11"'M ,- . . . . .1 Seager, T,oronto: J., Snell, Stratford; C. B, Redy, -Mon.. N,, ,11,,. 1111,*%,, lj�p . . . I I I . Aon; Rev. Ci A., . B, I from the ("ifeefs. . L I - I . . L. I L I 4110ot 4c'!i5tatho. . � .. . I . . . A* . P0 Ri C 0 . shop Clark. Hamilton; bliss E. blae;. � The Water Supply; A Serious treat-, Yranlc Seeley. Walkpi-ville: C truo, n1a " '.64"ja lj;��v 1.,.t f"J!s I.%79 - . I I � I : L * I . Math, Toronto; Mrs, Du Moullin, Situation . L Stevens, 'wife aw child, 1). Q, Frn- 0- �M�l it, till, thal 14 bor'll I m 04 a " I . �., I � . . Torobtoi; Airs, A. H- -Niegles, flamil- ' At the, regular monthly Meetl g of [�er I , 1w Pao -4.#. �%v 11,�44 ,ft M111; . n and Miss J. Fraser. bli­; L Liv - %%4- 11101% -;-11 - .P. -V!, . . � I ton; Mrs. Al. A. Gilberts, St, Thom- the 16cal board of health on Wonda� in toil, Stratford; W. W. Ament 11"""'J" #"� L I I ." I . L 8-4; 4 N "I'"" N. ff�*' P'"14 Va. w_f� t. I. twv, t,� )t , - Miss 'Carol Fleming, Windqor; afteinoon reports of analyses of via- , m;s Wilson. Seaforth; 0. 11, 'Baird'. Pist tilos fa #1 11111AII 11141 wor,,IV, �, , . .11 . I Ml.'45 Marg4ret Campbell, Montreal; ter from the test well rand lake'wore W, ft. Wurdwk. Toronto., R. Unove. "?.A J!", 'L�"trifrl tpo 110:11A �,_­.,� - , L I � I 1. IN114 ('onstance Gard i Montreal; Miss received, indicating quite a. differ- Kitch(mer; Mul. Z P. 'MeCoriqlch, lq(�CVW btli'll't.4 1A ­%� I L , . 'L � 'ROOF COATING flertha, Flemirig, Windsor; Mins ,Pa- etue between the well water and thc� Miss Ilaid'ne NeVormic1r, London; *D TFIID GIST 00 . I l REPA;RED' . L. . L . L . �;� IN" I L I . .. � . 'L Ir TUP, LIST AN I . . L ifl M. ,!Lla Acres,, StXatharines: Airs. F. lake ,zater. The report from Ve-x 51r�. Edward W. Xolaev. To� .4 f, , lt,r I, - 1p,,�, E N,I.S I.,S ' � , ,14, ,�I)VE � .�, . cath a N L,an Ihvijo,ht Edwaril R00y. Jr. . .. ,% I . o .. �� I d party, Hamilton; Mr. York has. nbt yet b6n received, The i*!df (T; Ir -, ro . � T1118,WEEWS SCAr. �� W ake.any old roof,like new,"Land , I and Mr8.'W. A. Buchanan, Toronto: conference with Dr. McCullough hw, Wieqo. bl. %lortind. W. It. Al'!c .. v". foaufrnlr� %4,0, J,o "",I., IV 41 . . . . L . Leonard Buchanan, t� . �,� . . - .1 L . Toronto: Jach beeti arraimed for Aug. 10th, tknd w:� and baby. NVInti,tir, J. Fravev Vu�ntv, 0 V -'ix- V AU'Vh .%. ,,�I, L;;Ja,-_ . Ii. .1 - �, . -,: Ill — pre�ome ths. outcome will be an -in. .14. R. Lmlore, Wall;ers,41e: P. 6. 114"V- Vomh. , :;a i . . ..w _r ' :!��_ ol �­ I'"Stf!" "" - ':� " 2" ' , ­­­ L . ..... I .. I....., ;;� ­­.. ­;_..., I 1- , .1 ­', " - gf - ,� .1 __ tL�;'� ­'�4,jtj,1�41�� -11",,q- _Vj,",j,1",j, -,i.,,rr " ) tj�__tr.1L,t­J__ .I..''fla., .1 , ­. -7. � __ _­ 1, ' � L. . .. . I.... ­ . ....1.1 _bE if - ` " - - - - -U, 1. _ X11 , . .. . � . � NF , CARD gtrUo�riofl a ,ef lit M, Pv, , PR. ita%0ov- aJtf--,;iifiw Wifaij i( %% - , . , ") , COST_ONLY 'A'TRIFLE. I 1. A. (AIA11,JAI ft to. 4., L. I,. F.,,. lia, we believe the local authorities have Mr. ant Mrs. W. V. Fi�+. R"whe-'Itel. �, W."N ?, �­,t 1,4110 _.- __ . . 1. . S I I . t1herl 1pler 114;70111al vraetlep V tor. fim. practically come to that view thmn. X. Y,, jaa.J4, I �'J-4�,I. a 0 #I..,&, f ., . . . . . Ill. and %tr% Will. A. Van %,411j,"' , . h" 40'4 -tl,w Page _ _ * , , t, Af . 1� , . I L S. 00�ar 4011 M -fit bI 10340d to nlp,el selves, and the intimation received Orden. Brooldyn. N. y : Edward Met- , �. . . I Jerpatr411;-i 4)r I$p. f!aocap J)r an�'J'np.ro, . lA"1&j1gv4 Jilt -3!4 N11- �,;"V[0, .. "' I 4, . ' %tarn, Octt it' 114#01 .1 .... - 1: !� , . . -1 it . in ., �r , dont3i (or,rijup. (gitt,f., ligniino:1 SL sonie time ago that a prcs�qure P:/i;- toy-. Chipmo, J, M . , 0 - I I I 1, . � . , -_ _-�. tem of filtration would coit a m ere Isobel X Malone, Itamilton: Mr. wid k 11 14 i U I :1 ,'I 1% 'Ll, I lb'�4 t ....... �,r "' * . ,� 11 NOT' A PAINT s - - --- - - - - �_ . I I friietion of the coa of the system, Mul. F. N1. Dav;% Mui. .NI19,A. Do -,,,,% i.,ow, -,, m4l�qllil 11'r..". 5x;. , .1 .. ; � . I I . . which wan orizinally planned fox, trolt., Df. .T. 1). Monteith, Strafford. $.,I 'w'�134-or'l Uir.4. mvpl 11'.41 :11 t, - . . Goderich put.q a difterent anpect oil E .11 DuMoulin, Torants.t: .14. .F. IN 1','A IWO , , '' - t I I t; fi 11 Ilt'Imo 1,044A,uk ti'Lil i;"IA,� lw� 1. . lie ' IS J (.,*,f?6&P4, 4 t. � I but a CIOATING that inakes a' w roof out of the old. - AZAAR the mtuation. If thi-q'system had Moulin, 113milto'll, ft. Elli 4) , I," - I L I L - been .aPpr �,, 1Y "31 It%, , 1%, , , & , , oved before it ig altogeth. don; A. fienry, Lcondon: R.. A N,w- �','g".'1f""'- . .- - - 11 .11. 11, . - " ­ .11''.. 111.11 I'll .1 . I " I 1. I 3�1 4 4 Vi� .? W I A , , 0 . ,44 - . 'L I I . I I I .., I I - � z.. 1, �, 1, I . I— -.,A. .1 , � _f, . I. � , ,,, , " . I , .. I I , I , " f. - , " - L,r ]iltely tI,Q ttft. wf_,IlAvf,uId, not have rki-tind, wifo*. Phil lo-, .1 L, Naeth;ov. Mvi&tre­%f­J,4%1v4 Pazo,t, . . 1, . J 11 " ". , , I'll , A _C "I .1 I I 1. I I . LL . -i;l.;I� t,.1 " q. r%, . � I 6 .hpon,"Eerimented with at all, (yn Kimball ' Notthup, Detroit; A. 1'.. Mor. ,fpa ,rt.4 I's ,"lot I ,�-, . . NOWis &� tiffie to � , - I Carid Pap.ty top of t e quegtion of the quality of timore. T. T. Miorthnore, J. Dalt, � , pillA% 3%,11 IPQP �!, "114 � %Lt �11.t4 . . . our town viater supp4,, the pre.gent London. Geo. It. flalliq anti wife. 11140 .1. - "... . ­ . 1 4 1 1 . . vwho, Oslo; "It-valiv ltl�­ 0,-%,11 I a I I andniance' dry weather has forced an even more TiliqePriburv: Dr. T. V. Analer.lon, wife ,,, " Ilea4v t, %035,_ 1"wi, . . , -7 . I 1S.Tig One, that Of thP qUantit.V_ And Don, ISurnia; 'M-4 Norma Sm- ""' . . . Alt , if Nwl ar-O foe!�gr N%v�4 tt U;1 P.A.� I I . LOOK after. roof repairs, . 61 ,Wt' - It. V. Fettorlu. ifel t'i M., at 11 11,4�,I. bla�,,, f , . . .11; T Al. Leelde, London; Mr. pia-, p4le-1, 1 -to � �t. !wt 144w o, IMF 5vel tl fler"I' 'qt' ""Inct' - �p I I . MviOON of it'11'e tl'ot:to'eanldov;tohreinccono3fc.qtulloctiticre- LOP01 Z N f, t I . . duced pre;3qute under which the in. and 51p. ('. It. Itoterhorn. Jr., Ve� Gt 3i c,*rpuk,,,v4. %iteii ,w rpo.:,,v, P,eZ. I I I CALL AT . 4 t�'Nl Mjqlt .1,390 '...'..'__ - � I � ,' , I . 4_161 ONCE . , fridatyv Aupt, I Oth take receivea the ourply fr6m the,troit: D'Alton .11cfarthy, J. A. Ne. I ' VIP Now Sar,07vq ( ' hvVVk4PS i"uJI'v I I I OL I I A Ir 3.4 0 (11. M. take, the cup VD -4 tk01TP �L. .. . ­ I ­ L 11 Illy in nadequate and wuv. StV1ff0rd;dP- Z MC1114P907, ,or -f'. %I W - . I I I . the vvater an light; cor,latir;sion ilaq Toronto; Air, an Mm. P L .9 ith Vamae F'Ud Mtv and Van4o 4ft. r", � found it nece�;sary to rentriet INIKIR rtiaptop. t 0. Is. L l"Ago � . .A urder the Auspites at 4',4 Of. -oak thip. , q �4"., I min: 1 740 Pi(Otr 02 Q11A114 UaM,Aa-14 & Tel) the In o 04 11prold and I .� I , I �, - � TvIg 7 : " I, ,,, I . , I � I , I . � � I I , I I . t L , I I , I I � I ; I I . 1� -1 1`1 . I , � k . I . � I �, � , . ; , A � ­ � . , - " A I I I 1'�""" , , I I I I I I I I I 'I , ,. .1-1 I I I 11 I = I I '� 1"y . t7 � I " I . I � I I r�' .1 ===t== � I I —13 — 11 " __ 1, : W4 I ,�_." —t,, t�i!)1'11 I —C UQ In I I I ,I. I . . I I. � I I I I I I off I Ii : , . I I I a, I ; P1 L 4' OP. 1.0.0,C, In Q of Ifesp'10 Frind bourq of line of latvO sorvicea and to ,( �011: 31ra. Stuart Unim, Mr. bi V44 110tAbPolar4 11wro_., " _ q I — wik for economy in the lice of W�tor qtualt lllaitq. jameg Baim, 110POP. M. Wr "r L tind in c,aqo of fird that all top5 be Dr. C,. Jr. Ziegler and wilb, M iz rs C. I XIC131 1 Mpq frIpm tho MI'l s(jmntos. "', Goderich anin, Mills� Ltd - - a-" A t,. li'" 0, M. (;JP3Fd1n4'PA.PaV &%l (�J�9%7t(atlt, ?"0-1,1 9 . elo�ofl. The pupply of wittor tbgt Sanderson, London; Mr. awl Urg. lql� %*1F%IJo %%140 %V,eP' lo,qt Mo ­Ivoq I T" so"e$ 1 0�14, Stroo . Pa " I 'Phone 47w P., 0. Box 160 . lheting, Aifttrnm* and tvmim wraild be avollable in enjo of fir6 h A. flowlaud, Detroit; It. W- � d Flo ............ .... -1 .... I .............. t I , i perbapi the mo3t gerion, n Club 0rs3s61.kv4-fq -1 '. � . ,1 Jesture of Tov and wife. Eleanor a d Donald Eg 614�(s, rnap'. . I ____ Ed oe Strpmlloy, Eart lliornpqop , MW4 I neal 1;lk Cl.ld .4 "a WTI- J. W, Anal - I I Ill I I , ___._ ___ ­ ,LL rt%. 1,,,,._,, �I,Mlj, r the situation of 411 and tha not 4.4ona. Pa2o � - I L .1 - IL, - ' - ' I . I 1. - -1- ADfAISSION - - 100ent* Trade at itq mr-ptirig pa *onday llpmriqov" ('Inralwl lveb:ltor. Strat. # .1 A t1,0111— WFAM I I c9amammmumamazzlicam=3 I 'L I � � L ------ I Mul lv� R. rkarrie Meodl' ana 11 PM WI Char), cast 1_030-'6 a* Alftu I hA0W%0%0%0 - idaht re-quelatc-4 Me IV,*1 pftss to for"t; 490 - .. I I L. I 9 Ir a a 0