The Exeter Advocate, 1898-7-22, Page 5THE (Oita= gorocate, le published every Thursday eforning, at the (Mee, M AII-aTR1aET, -,- EXET> ,R, —By the --,- ADVOCATE PUBLISHLNQ OOMPANY TERMS OF St:BS01i.1rF.moz3, One Dollar per annum if paid in. Advance J o pe id. du if not se l id. ;weer eeettor-eP W,p.C(i=a CAn.c'ipxa�l= a- t:,or,. Ir`o paper discontinued until all areearagee dare paid. Advertisements without eyecdl,o d'iireetious will be pnelisheit till forbid and ehargedaccordingly. Liberal disoountmade for trauscient advertisements inserted, for long Ps lad>, Every deseeiption of 3011 PRINTING turned out in the feueet stylet and at moderate rates. Gheenes,moneyerd' ors. ate. for advertising, subseriptions,ette.to be made payable to Chars, 7E , S blit .erSe EDITOR AND PROP i r L;9fl#ot 1 Cards. rda, d1R a ILKINSMAN, L.D.3 Se DR. A,ft, KINSMAN. L D. S., D 1). S. Honor greauate of Toronto University, DENTISTS. Teeth extracted 'without ems pain, or any bad effects, Office in ]:;aubotea iilook, seat side :Dain Street, Exeter, 71I;,D. ALTON ANDERSO'ar, rieres.,L.D.S„) lea meters + radiate of the Toronto Unite rsity atnd}ioyal College of Dental Sergcous et Ontarae. Teeth extreeted without pale, All mode% ofDentistry up to elate. Malice over Elliot St Elliot'e law edits-epl'eaite Central hotel --Exeter. eicdlCxa1 rtrs. a' A,. R0LI.INS $s T A-. ARIAS, Resideueos, same as formerly AialrIOES, Spackman,. building, Main tit. .I Dr, Rollins' office; setae as formerly -worth door. Dr. ,..moa.' ofliee, same building -south ams door, taw let. !See 1. A Rollins. 31, D. T, A Ames, .51.P lDIe.T,1!. I1l(:LA.F'd3;Hf.IN, MEMBER OP ee the College ot' Phv+ietaus audi Surgeons Ontario, Ph\ etetau, Surgeon alud] Aoeouoil- eur. Office. Deeliwocd, Ont. Let al. lett A. O0LLINS, PARRISTER,SOLICIT- atie Convoyaucer. Notary Public, Moe -Over O'Nell's Baulk. Esetor.Ontario, )LOnev to Loan, T n•DrCIr.G0\,BAitIIT$TER.S0LICIT0R, s of tae curt. :eatery petieie, Gon- vevsanaer, Comm i eloner,S . Money to loan Otlice-Fanson's Meg1t, I•.xeter Cram $: (il.;l,l]M.#N, BARRISTERS, Rte., Couveva+acd re. and Money to Loan at 5 ane! Sit 1'er cent. 13. V. EL.IAele P. W. O>aAtd?rA\. Auctioneers IT BROWN, Wiecheiee. Licensed Ana - L, ieucor for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township af't'ebaruo eonbelo Sellea arrangeciloat Post office. ren- - 'theism. lust&rttadd'e. t' ELLIOT, Iflan mum Agent, Slain St. Exeter "WANTED, HELP. Reliable man in every locality, local or travallinc, to iutrodued, a new discovery rand keep our she wx and .taelted up on trees, feadeee ami twelvs throughout town and couattry. Steady eanpto,\•nitmt, corn tbi Ton or eatery. 4:135 per month and expenses, and money de- t;ositOa in any bank when stnrte,l. Per par. *Ocular, write 'Pito 44'oritt Medical Eleetrte Co.," Lamle u. tint, Canada. -2 94 i`HHE NE1i14O A: IIAR RISON Rtusinefs and. shorthand college Cor. Young, and College tits., Toronto is an .ubeulntely jirst-class business tichool Individual instruction b experienced teach- er, holding highest gaalltleations. (tTood re- sulta. 1'respeotus masque free. Enter now. it. D. :Virtuoso 10.31.II',tv'. Jas. 3larrison te PrinOpals �,rni verrsity an l of P. S 'RCM"'After' VOWS P1102910ainto, The Great English Remedy. • r • Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reit- able medicine discovered. Six packages guaranteed to cure all aims of Sexual Weatkness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental 'Worry. Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, $5. One wird please, sic tomb cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. .,t"ri•Woodl's Phosphodtne is sold in Exeter by J. W. Browiug, druggist, E'ME A MAN AJAX T eaLE s s POSITIVELY CURE -ell.Z rerro,ee Diseases Failing Mem• ory,Impotoncy, Sleeplessness, etc. caused by Abuse or other ilseesses and Dulls - • orations. facia 4Ztsioklfr and surely restore LostVi.ality in old or young. and .fit a man for study, business or marriage. Y - ..Prevent Insanity and Consumption if 1T rn in time. Their use shins immediate improve - :me at and effects a CURE where all other fail lo - slit upon having the genuine air= Tablets. They } ,ve cured thousands and\vi! !cure you.. Wooiveapea- 1 Lye writto:1guar:o_.,teet1 :a-t,,core r., -et in c•chcase rr refrt the r :,.: Pico ,per 1 :okegse; ,,r si o • :gea i • int for 82.60. 13r int lain v, -'• ,'es n :ire. Circular i:ee. A.AX LSi? yT i f,arbora St., ..LiabFro, 11l. ti IN in lax ter ' O. ▪ ., Druggist To cat..^.a the ' ra is tea first requisite la iii ado (lithe reel: ; ;d=art follows should 1e•so wee p1.: ta,_o iter as to excite the Y'-ader'e, iuteit'•r uu•, c bine his attention to Lae entt.. ---Y' eta.a'•• EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every 'Wednesday) Wheat per timbal eo to sl FIRED ON THE IRENE. Flour pax cwt ale Oatso3 40 too Su Peas 52 to 53 Butter 12 to 13 Eggs 'J ORII1RO ON TO PORNO Rico ; bombardment its not yet knownit here.hut Were straaded. The resuof the U Potatoes perbag flay or ton Dried Apples per Ib P. X.': 'eV i WOMEN. Ct, •ween 'eke.; i i greatly dislikes a visitor wh.. is :• i ar el orders or looks agitated o1,en L,:: t', r •. ,T, ? a ho finish of the in- terview til i. >: el:orally bows slightly ,.t vii. 1•a t r.i' ; hi.,G, ;;ted then turns a little to el a side 60 . •..• the very trying neces• bite a f an enli.t•.•t backward exit from net ad 0'41'7 of .Austria has her hair +• e a month:. It is still beau- s• ,...rand perfectly black, and 1 ❑ ,r: r , ,:t touches the ground as she a: she is tall. It is said the hair a:es forty eggs. mut the other in - I -. ,ere obtained from no loss than 1.••,.. ..,iystorions bottles. of the best-known fignres in Paris iue. Yoer; who, upon the death of her. lid, a reporter for the ;+tench press, up, his work and has conducted it 1 marked enterprise. • In her reti n s • is accompanied by a great white poodle L,!ed "The Doctor," who permits no one to Trifle with his mistress. fine of the authorities ou decoration in l e:eland is Mrs. Coinyns Carr. She is the wl.e of a successful theatrical' manager, and to her ideas on stage decoration and. costume he owes much of bis success. Me... Carr has designed dresses for sevei•,t] • of Mr..Irvings' plays, end is almost alwaye Miss Terry's chief counselor on wardrobe matters. 65 toile ios Aa ,d1a A Veteran's Voice Gives High Praise to Hood's for Health • Blood Purified -Strength au-itt up. _- Tobacco Habit Cured.. /any a veteran of the war, whose health was wrecked by wounds, ex- posure and! privation, has found in Hood's a s.rlla just the tonic and blood reviving effects he needled, The following is one out of hundreds of of lettere from a. .A, B. boys prais- ing Hootss Sarsaparilla for llealt,h re- stored and strength renewed in de- clining years. s, "O. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Dear Sirs; On account of the great benefit Hood's Sarsaparilla baa been to me,1 gladly write this, that othere simi- larly afflicted may learn of the sueeees of the medicine in my caro and a positive care for them. I pati. been A Physical Wreck since 1864, and lead also been a constant smoker for 35 years, My wife purchased the rirst bottle of mood's Sarsaparilla and I commenced to take it more to please her than anything else. Ottebottle after another was taken with increasing benefit. Tho effect was of it etrengbening nature, toning up my whole system. Atter I hard been taking the medieino a short time, I laid away nay pipe and /lave mot bad any desire for the wase of tobacco aincae. hood's Sarsaparilla has thoroughly puritled lay blood alnd driven all poison out of my system. It bee also done me A Power of Good physically, and I feel like a new and free aPreviously,a ian man, 1 bad tried good many . different times to stop smoking, and to regain my health, but I was unable to ac- complish the former, so that my attempt for the latter was each time a failure. I am pleased to recommend Hood's Sarsapa- rilla as r. blood purifier." J. R. MOF4DDEi', Ex -Commander Nees Post, No. 81, Q. A. R., Dept. of Kansas, Brownsville, Wash. N. B, If you decide to take Hood's Sar- saparilla do not be induced to buy any substitute; insist upon Hood's and only Slxod's Sarsaparilla Tile One True Blood Puriter. Sold by all druggists. Price, SI per; bottle; six for 0. oatltartnouIousty with It'iraod's PiII� Hood's Sarsaparilla. Cook's Cotton Root Compound, Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000Ladies. Safe, eirectual.I4tdlesask your drugggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- pound, Take no other, as all elixtures, piIIs and imitations are dangerous. Prise, NO. 1, $1 per box, No. 2,10 degrees stronger,$c per box, No. 1 or 2, mailed en receipt of price and two 5-eent stamps s The Cook Compary.Windsor, Ont, reVer sponsible Druggists in Oanadeemgnded by all 1 o.1 and leo 2 sold in Exeter by J.W Browning Druggist, Matthew Craig, an exeursionist from London to Niagara Fails. atternp ted to jutnb from the train at Paris, He received fatal injuries. Mrs. (Judge) Bosse of Quebec was killed at River du Loup through hrr horses rnnraing away and tete carriage. colliding with a telegraph pole. John Marshall of North Iieppd-1 at tempted suicide by taking poison, shooting himself and throwing himself into a pond. He was rescued and will recover, p.i1\ 11AY, }.4 it r,...rivS,-51-71 yA. 7 dy�' �ll`ikit�at�d .. ! J�Plug fl h,tro+l �,' 4 Be Leading Specia09J:s• cid' '"Tenon ?, !.A WO Years la Detrult • ca 250,000 Wed, c° ,caSTRCnUPE T*� E The:. • f young and middle-aged teener. ..id withthis disease -many moonset. . They sway have a smart- •'::nation, small, twisting stroom, • / f ��-azttxns paves at times, slight des-�� el difficulty in commencing, weak e,r ore.. `rnisoiono, and all the symptoms t,34 of nervous debility -they have S`.1'1UC TUii,i.. Dont let doctors erperimenton ' '2 you, by cutting, stretching, or tearing . you. This will not einem. as it will re- turn. Oar NEW METHOD TREAT- MENT absorbs the stricture tissue; honooromovesthostrioturepermanently. ' 6 It can never return. No pain, no suffer- ing. no detention from business by our method. The sexualorgansareetrengtli- ,,- owed. The nerves are invigorated, and the bliss of manhood returns. We C `t l RE, GLEET Thousands of young and middle-aged Mon aro having their sexual vigor and vitality continually sapped by thisdis- ease. They are frequently unoonsoious of tete cause of these symptoms. General Weakness, Unnatural Discharges, Fail- ing Manhood, Nervousness, NOT Mem- ory, Irritability at times Smarting sen- ratton, Sunken Eyes, with dark circles, Weak Back, GeneraDepression, Lack of Ambition, Varicoeele, Shrunken Parts, etc. GLEET and STRIOTURE Maybe the cause. Don't consult family doctors, as they have no experience in these special diseases -don't allow uneketo experiment on you. Commit pocialists,whehatvoniaclealife stud of Diseases of Men .and Women . Our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will posi- tively cure you. Ono thousand dollars for a ease wo accept for tretetnient and eamtotoure. Teems moderate for acuro. CURES GATED. We treat and cure: EMISSIONS, VARTOOCELE SYPHILTS, GLtHLT, STRICTURE. fDIPOTENCY, SECRET DRAINS UNNATURAL DISCHARG- ES,KID NET and PLAI)D ,Ii Diseases. CONSULTATION- I'11�EE. B00000 FREE- If unable to call, write' for a„U.IS'TION BLANI( for HOME Ri1EA T1VIENT. gC;a$ieset.® K NED t �\E4kGAGe7 Dort tdio Mgan Ave, end Sh&Elly St. ([!ETEvorr, MICH. 0 .'v P.� 147 Gen. Mites Already on the Way With Artillery and Troops. Thera Will Not Ise Any Naval Convoys - Not a Spanish Warship in West India Waters That Mare Thrust Its lose Out of Port -Thirty Tltousandt Men Will o the •r Contingent-- War o ti gel t-- I3 in i st u n i t.. F as liifar News., Washington, July 10. ---The Porto Rivan expedition has started on its mission to capture that island, General Miles, lead- ing the Porto glean expedition, left Sib- oney, Cuba, yesterday on the Yale, with four batteries of artillery and a few sea- soned troops. Two brigades now at Char. leston aro embarking on transports to take tto to Io rto ice All the force at Tampa, 13,000 strong, embracing r:iI- lery, will he put aboard ship ste rapidly as transports can be gotten then. One/ sent to reinforce our other ird' p Gen- eral Brooke will take the. iia -t end eseeel divisions of his corps frown Uisid a,en to Porto Rico. General Itrootse lets h -'re yesterday afternoon for (1 Cbge7tenteetterit to get his troops started. It le tee a Lee the whole expedition will last limier r way within the next four bays. It nes lean decided to retain tneneud t%11:elv'r a bri- gade et Santiago for an indeturitd' period. Not a Naval fee Nov. Thera are seine notable ,'reacts in the plans for this t:a t :i t . ,:i stately Naval pngeatie t from Tampa under C.. sell $I:0. •t'; commend to 118100ck Sarni First, there there will ho i• a ,ae.,ll? n rrl.l::al convoys; the Navy Jlt r..r enrl,t hes o.c- elard d that they are unucr, i kirk, ; tint there IS not a Spanish warship In the Weis Indies that dare thrust its haw out of port: In the second place, the expedition does not start from ono polite, but Will he decided among sNyaral, thus preventing the tremendous congestion that was en• countered set Tampa in the oilort to start the big fleet, Lastly, there will bo no effort made to get, the ships away together, but the trunepurts will hes allowed tis fin t their oval \vaay to their destination With'rut concerted lnOvententa. General Aliles leads the way. He had been promised by 8110 President; that he should go to Porto Rico and the pantiles was redeemed yesterday. when the Yale heaadt,d from Siboney for Porto Rico, Soli milt:, distant, (lenoraal Brooke will be the senior ofllier in .Telles' command. and. upon him will Rall the responsibility for the ot. eeu- tion of the details of his superior's piens. will llola.t "Ohl tilers” at Once. It is estimated that Geneva :rhes should arrive by Wednesday night at the point selected for the landing, and will hoist the American !lag at once over Porto Rican soil The point ebo,ell for his landing is kept secret, as the General will land before the full body of tato ex- pedition is at baud, and It le consequent ly not desirable that tho enemy should bo able to assemble a superior force to meet him. Tho distance froin Charleston, Where the first body of troops for Mlles' expedition was to start yesterday, is more than double the distance from Santiago to Porto Rico, so that the transports Which sail from the former city will scarcely reach General Milos before the early part of next week. Those Charleston troops are the first brigade of the first division ot tlio first army corps, and are commanded by Brigadior•Goneral George H. Ernst, Tho brigade comprises the Second Wisconsin, Third Wisconsin and 10th Pennsylvania regiments, Tho purpose of Secretary A)gor is to make the Porto Rican campaign a short one. An overwhelming force will bo thrown upon the island, and it is possi- ble victory will that a bloodless vie o y be achieved, when the Spanish become con- vinced that they have no reasonable chance to resist successfully. Starts 'With 30,000 Nen. The expedition is to comprise 30;000 mon at tho start, and it will be soon swelled to 40,000 eaten, and, if necessary, to 70,000 men, the equipment of the vol- unteer forces having now progressed so well as to warrant the statement that that number of men can bo ready for service in Porto Rico within a very short time. The entire body of troops at Tam- pa will be taken, numbering about 13,000 men, and including a lot of heavy and light artillery under command of Gonoral Rogers. Tho expedition will be particu- larly strong with artillery, as some of that at Santiago, commanded by Gonoral Randolph, is to bo drawn upon. The Tampa troops aro known as the fourth oorps, under Major-General Coppinger, comprising the second division under Brigadier -General Snyder, and made np of the first brigade, Brigadier -General Schwan, llth and loth U. S. Infantry; second brigade, Brigadier -General Car. punter. 2nd Now 'York and 5th Maryland; third brigade, Brigadier -General Halo, 8rd Pennslyvania, 157th Indiana and 1st Ohio; tblyd division, Brigadier-Coneral Kline aonimanding: first brigade, Col. C. L. Keenan, 5811 Ohio, 1st Florida and 32nd Michigan; second brigade, Briga• dier-General Lincoln, 69th New York, Bed Ohio and ;end Georgia'; the provi- sional brigade, Col. Noyes, 5th U. S. and detachments of 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 6811 and 16th U. S. cavalry and eight troops of rough riders; artillery brigade, General Randolph. two light and ten heavy bat- teries. No Cavalry to Bo Employed. 18 is possible that none of the cavalry will be palled upon. General Brooke will take with him froni Chickamauga Park most of the first and second brigades of his army oorps, the tlrst. These are in addition to General Ernst's brigade at Charleston: Second brigade, first division, General Haines, 4th Ohla, 8rd Illinois and 34th Pennsylvania; third brigade, Col. J. S. :Ctll.yee 1st Kentucky, 8rd Kentucky, 5811 Made; second division, Ooi. 'J. S. Poland oorninanding, first brigade, Brigadier -General C. T. Roe, 31st, Michi- gan, lst Georgia, 160th 'Indiana; second brigade, General McKee, 6t11 Ohio, 16th Tneetos, 1st West Virginia; third brigade. Bele edlae &breve Reeser, 2nd Ohio, 1st 'vatna,y1+,.ra 14e,, Minnesota. 3lanz•.illo I3oinharded. Loudon, July 19.-A special despatch from Havana, dated Monday, says: Seven American warships ,heavily born- bar,dod Manzanillo this horning. Three e'teamers of the Mendez Line were seton fire. Several gunboats that were in the harbor issued for the defence of tbetown, United States Gueaboat Signalled the Gerniee to halt, and Enforced It With, it Shell. Loudon, July 18, .Tho T1ong letug oorrespondent of the Daily Mail saes: "United :elates- Consul 'Weidman in- !, formed rile that as the German cruiser krone eyes pasting Marlveles, .off Manila,. the other day, the united :States gunboat Uugh McCulloch w,as scat after her to ask her to _top. As the Irene rcfusedl to'. oboe, Shell A d 1 was sent across her bows' and a remail Moat went to discover what she was doing, Tim Germain Adiu,iral'. protested. d, ai sxs ithat is rna ships Diad a right to.enter the harbor without being searched, a claim which Adluir sl Dewey declined to recognize." Duals Orf to the Wer, Omaha, Neb., July 19, -•-Col. William J. Bryan'=s regiment has ae last started for the feint, and the late Presidential candidate, is his soldier, uniform, is now on the I3urlingtee Road, en route to Jack- sonville, where Col. Bryan and his regi- ment eg ;i-naent will he ureter the eonlnlaud of Gen- eral Fitzlhugh Lee. RIOT ANO BLOODSHED. Frencie ';trines Fire on the Chinese at Nine -Pa Twenty Natives 1ittetl, Thirty Wounded, Shangh:al. July l0. ---The Chinese hes- lug rdfu,rd to accept an offer of money by the Vreneh and the promise of a UAW AO 80 replace rhe tiing-Po jai.; !louse. rho repeeitnry for Nine -Vocal corpses pending; their fin=al burial, the French object belteg the removal of the nulsince and the improvement of the road, elgl!'.y sailors were landed from the French cruiser I': el dreur on Saturday and com- menced pulling down the wall of the un used cemetery. • Tweets Natives; Killed. London, July ata ----The Shanghai cor- respondent of the Times, telegraphing *uud y says: "In the rime at :\ing-Po teeda y a largo slob attacked the police station. The French police and the mar- ines from the bunch eruiser I:elnireur fired on OW mob on two occasions, Tbir- teen nativest were killed and over thirty wounded. Tho Chinese local autharitie; expre' s their inability to maintain order or to commit the Guild to comply with French demands." The Shanghai. corre:pondons of the Daily Neil says: "Twenty natives were killed in the riot sit Ning-Poto•day (Sun- days. Two bemires! Italian sellers -have landed. Thu; far evuf y thing is quiet In the 1 ngileh and American tiettloauouts." In the Centaur. From an unoflieinl but reliable source It is tearnell that for the Centaur, seven shote at mall yeti t4, the sixth place lute boon secured by Col, -Serge. 3llair, 57th Battalion, Capt. Hutcheson, 43rd, is four - Month; Pte, efeetittio, Orth, twenty- seventh; Gunner :►tiller, 5th 1t. C. Artil- lery, twentyolghth, and Lieut. Smith, SOth Battalion, t'iilrtyoighth, making about 27 shillings each, Lieut. Smith will shoot off a tie. In tine lncheonpo pria0 list Sptneo , Broadhurst, Hureheeon nod Rog. tech have 3.4 points. Mo' little and Loge have each 33. In the Golden Penny Trayhurst, Simp- son and Me'4 ittio caoh win prizes. TWO Northwest Drowning Cases,. Winnipeg, July 10. -William Moore ot Selkirk was accidentally drowned be Lake Winnipeg an friday last. Ile and John Scott had talo cantrae8 for bui+ding a lighthouse on the lake. Asmall boat 1 r i Moore had in use at the work bail drifted a short distance out of Ms mole and he seated to walk afore it. Stepping on to a rock near the boat ho slipped and fell into deep water, end, beim.; a'nsbie to swim. war drove sd be.a.a help could arrive. A t ortawee. Motlntea Policeman named iondamore was drowned Wodnes• day last at Mac:teed while bathing. He leaves a wife and family in England. INSANE b1OTHiien'5 DEED. A. alIontreal Wonsan Drowns Herself and Child in the Canal. Montreal, July 10.-A sad case was re- ported yesterday to the police at Point St. Charles, where an insane woman named. Mrs. Charles Lobrocquo took her little girl, aged 6 years, and, dragging the poor little thing by the hand, jumped into the canal. Both bodies were recovered soon after the affair, but life was extinct. It appears that the woman bas been out of her mind for some time past, but as sho was perfectly •harmless, no such sad end- ing was dreamed of. On the other hand, some neighbors state that Madame Le - brogue bad threatened to drown herself and two little daughters, but it appears that when she went to put her insane reso]utions into affect, the eldest gill re• Eased to accompany her mother upon her fatal errand. William H. Bowdon, alias Huffernon, who was arrested on Saturday morning on a obarge of forgery, was taken before .the Policia Magistrate yesterday, when he confessed to the crime. He was remanded until 'Tuesday. A Creat Event woks 6447. ExposiIion and. IndustriaiFa ir TORONTO •ew Aug, 29th to Sept.10th '98 New and Wonderful Attractions Excelling All Previous Years The Cuba-Amerioau War Exciting Naval and Military Displays The Latest Inventions and Novelties from all parts of the world Entries of Exlaibitit Mao AIM sth. Cheat' Excur+tolls from Everywhere. Per Prize Lits, lutry Forms, Programs and all partieulaars,addreee J, a. WINTH ,ow. N. J. HILL,.President, efenegcr, Toronto Lucan : Wry Ss Hawksha w, have decided to rebuild the flour mill re. candy destroyed by fire, and work will be commenced at once. They will build on the old sight. George Lisb, aged 60, au Oxford County farmer, attempted to cut his throat at Detroit. The. M edbnaid. Tinware Coss foe. tory at Montreal was damaged by fire to the extent of S15,Oi)0, Mrs. August Beckman, Hamilton, took her own life by hanging herself in the kitchen of her residence. Samuel Bothwell, a farmer living an. the second line of Plympton, was kill- ed in a runaway accident while re- turning from the Orange celebration at Forest. John Cordick, a 'Marton teamster, was instantly killed by the doubletrees breaking and one piece hitting hint over the stomach, He leaves a wife and nine childree. Mr. T. J. Sabin, contractor, of Peter. bre', was drowned) in. Little Lake while (ishiug, and Mr. Geo. W. Routledge, letter carrier, was drowned in the Thames at London. Mrs, C. J. S Bothume, wife of Rev. Bethune, Principal of Trinity School, Port Hope, jumped out of a runaway cab and received injuries which result- ed in her death in au hour. Mrs. Charles Brandon, of Toronto, who was seriously burned in an at- tempt to rescue her daughter, Vaud, from the fire in their home on Friday ui;ht, died at noon on Saturday. TELEGRAPHIC I3IDILFS. Mrs. Root hill, wife of Mr. V. W. Rockhill, U. S. Minister to Greece, died on Saturday at Athens of typhoid fever. Eugene Arnold (colored) of Chatham was sentenced to throe years in tho Pone tang Reformatory for the larceny of 75 cents. The Wisconsin Power, Pule & Paper Company's mill at Stephens Point, Wis., has boon destroyed by fire. Loss between 8150,000 and $200,000. Fully insured. Sheriff Gene/tall left Chatham for Kingston yesterday morning, . having in charge Albert Chandler, sentenced to the penitentiary for three years for the theft of a bicycle. Charles ItioKenna, n pressman ' in the Toronto Mail and Empire, . while in eremnanibulistio condition leaped from the Boole : of the Empress of India, and although an attempt was made to save Lim,• ho was drowned: B. 3. Sandys was killed in St. Louis by S. H. Taylor &r abducting his child and being his wife's paramoue The jury acquitted the murderer on the ground of self-defence. The Toronto Globo says there is little doubt that the murdered man was a son of the late venerable; ' Arohdoacon Sandys of Chatham. E E T I For/ NFRVOUS,WEAK. 'OT ��DESPONDENT`1 �i5(� and 13 DIST2,A ED MEN. l � F t) > ,ouN6 f+1Atl You are amen. and de- eq Ll 1 SD c91 t spy. mkt at d d, t,:- , orated, tired morn.ng , nn .,,'in, 0, meta. ry ,+ t poor, easily feigned exen,Liv, eyes son:.. t '$, ant,.,• blurr,d; pimples on t,. [rescdr -u1 ' night losses, drains at stool, coin • on es ,rn- ty ment, haggard looking, wac',c ii,,.k as -ted •`,y or shrunken or.:nn•:, vri.:ncelr, w. i.tu o;- t.n- d�) f'denseand strengthackSj1,�llg,lgtfl a�;,' 0) energy and strength a t..y :-i-. oi.Lr i DON'T LET YOUR l0:2i:: ./F E 0' C, tiitlED AWAY MIDDLE hien td1''2 is , your n,•rv,'nc vy ,:',1.,,,-i.:„ non l0WIi? Do you feel as t'.tn;t t i - .. ve, r sad vie,Or �8) were declining? You tete: w,akayssofdi Orr. ed i. , o.' .,..,..e — ti 1 • t ^ vnot da- its eator-..n., Ites o 1 �� decay and decline. t trt�� AN CURS 'VOL: 1 r ®R. lusCtiu..R Z' Celebrated limns Treatment fitment Builds up and strengthens the n•mwussystem, restores lost vitas ty and devd'.p.nent to the generative organs, stops all drains ,n,d tosses, invigorates and restores lost manhood. It never faits • in curing the results of SELF ABUSE, LATER EXCESSES, BLOOD DISEASES, or the effects of s. MISSPENT LIFE. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY IiV3ti'A'T T CITelt.8": EMISSIONS, VARICOCELE, SYPHILIS NERVOUS DEBILITY, STRICTURE, GLEET, IMPOTENCY, UNNATURAL DISCHARGES, LOST M AN (/OCD, KID- NEY and BLADDER DISEASES. CON- SULTATION FREE. DO NOT DELAY, write at once for free book, question blank and valuable information for home treatment. Highest references and absolute proof of cure. Charges always reasonable and all cones- pondence confidential. Plain envelopes used only. Medecines sent everywhereinplain package, free of duly and secure from exposure. Call or address, naming this paper. DR. G. H. BOBERTZ, 252 Woodward Ave., DETROIT, MICH. T�E EXETER IIIIUJNQ CO. THE PALACE tfi . WARi i I 1DURABLE. MirAP I T LQTHING I� 1 N C 0 fir% i =.4 A man must consider bis purebase well these times; he must buy where be can do the best. Look at some of these figures. Pants hate to ol.ler, all wool heavy tweed'. 52,00 Suits *9,80 Overcoats 8.09 Black 'Worsted suits a spec- ial, 812,00 Our 820 blacks heat all others at $23. Come and see for yourself. JAMES H. GRIEVE Bicycles I Bicycles R Bicycles I i I Bicycles . _ 1 Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel. We can furnish you any 01 the best wheels made, at lowest prices Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We have it choice lot of Pianos and organs, call and 4n speet them before buying; elsewhere A. full stock Of solving machines, baby ear riages, etc. etc. Perkins & Karlin. THE »�IRAL Di//, STORE.' Try \ti INAti'S COUGH BALSAM for Coughs, Colas and bronchial trouble in old or young. dTr0 llltnuraeture- WIINER'S I,WWAIENT which is an excellent remedy for Cramps. Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza. The Old Reliable, Winast's Con- dition Powders, still holds first place in the market. Also Lotion for scratehos on horses and Condition Powder for same —STJCCESSOI6S TO TFIE--- ROLLINS & WILLIAMS MILLING CO., OF :EXETER, Are now ready to do business with the Public generally. All kinds of Flour, Feed and mill stuff for sale at CLOSE PRICES. Leave your orders at the mill. We delivery every day to any part of the town free. We hope ,you will help us to make a success of the business which means'a success for the town. lis tltest Prices paid for Wheat at all times. ,rE72rFrPSTol•TE N C. 3 G. STEWART BROS. & ,WILLIAMS: SOLE AC„ 16 '• O11 DIX LUNG SYRUP, i Ca LUTZ, DRUGGIST. unbatarnursecrarcamos OVER LOADED. Every incoming freight train, since last January, empties part of its cargo on our floors, and the new things have crowded every foot of our large floor space. WE ARE NOT hurrying you to purchase, brat many prefer to get as near es possible the first choice of new assortments. Our Sock of Fur- niture of all kinds was never more complete. Purchasers get from us always the LOWEST PRIES and'the advantage of all thesttete of styles and of the most petit ea taste that we can cemmar,d, S. GIDLBY SOrl Furniture Dealers Dndcrtal:ert,