HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1923-07-12, Page 761 . ------ ­ I -1 ­ � ­ - . I � ai�l � -.,!�� - I ­ , -= :1 i i ;! m;! - � 11111.1:lrwq� - ­- ­ I rMOMM -- ­ - - !! -- . - - I .---- - I ­­ i i !d 4P �1! - 0. 01 0 - i i N l ---- , -, � . ==T!T! .11, -�-­ - -7-1 I . I I � !!! ! ! � - I. � ! i I ! - ­­ - - - ­­ . - . . . - ---- ­�� —.I------ )---­--777�777Z�;�­- -- , ��-! � I M! 11011 I -1==, TKI'RtAI�KY�XCIN.- 12�h, 3921 1 TM GODOW34 STAR !" I—— mrm 66�!- -- � 0 -. ---,--,-,�-�!$ll�il.!Ppl ­­ ­­� I - ­­ . -- ­ I �i -. ­­,� ­� 4- - -- ­ - - -- - - ­ 666 - ­- - 7, ­ I I , , . ! , - - - � � . .1 1 4 . ­ - 6 - - - ­:�,' � w —6 ! !! 3,; - -- A ! !!raa` ­ " - I : M - 'i;- - " -- -- .1 - , I I . ­ - � - =- '.' 17 ­ 1� _ _ -` - -,--. ­ --- ii ! .;;- 7:� - I .- - - 77 - � - �6 � . ; � � . , � - r ! . ­ !!! � ­ - - ­ -­- . r P --.-. , 6 ­ . � - ­ - --- - . 0 � ---- , . � - r , The samlslitanit ."y&uipj*a in KC Why ba SX*y YoUr A* *-? 1"01 Ur NF11 W a Anil ow J9111011 at ifer"01"All, SUMMER NE" THS 10%1% "r �[ ukrisil OUR CANADMN QW COLUMN I I This WAS llot %ho Arst tim Jles" 11*4 f ' They -10.-- . -- lipportant Events Which Havelv"' eattr0d a $imazitalit vaillace. -p ----- � Ir .6. --- I I tilat 1W VNUW tarrj? I T" 411IM1111111111111. . . ht , . d Se= r I r Wi%h tbolift, & 41111 -� IiW—suily Vft COMPLAINT Clecurred During the Week. ��i Iq ld ile'viWile, tbore two Uestions 4nd Answers on All Sort* of Things W4*0""*q;W" , . "Ife, 0 4.44). I)ot W! this uc- ­— a 16" 1111411 V" 11 I be WAS Nrely, cutuadlan — Vill" 44" 31111111111111lie ` T:.�,,Jsllsy Wor'1414 HOW- ntw 47*"� 1; ; cailion tilwy saw =jotft us=�, .-.k4- ­ �-- - - jj*6!j"U#* "%' MOVA kelft %%* , Is. FATAL .11 1. VAlly compiled *ad &144 111141,6 jo Itku so I I discipleig Collard wox ia'Kova &otia boys 'Who I MOM 0% "Jeffift'll I .. -ormanit civility. kiii � ,ON.IZATIOX. - VW vow r t -bsl!�W-..� ts"ar , lit Rad wit '(1,01 L-.& -AAA* a. i 1.1441fdy and At 'itil,'A ,slow fink � I him c t?Ai* tft&tl" T11F, C. P. R POLICY was. knighted f6jr his ViAk in C0111110c, - . A , 191[111� — -- —0— 644W 04 �-- resell" . ow ,A t, . [%Vigatioll� Th -- -- - - --.4. Perasat by tile Rt*-Itft of OutL"' fiery indignation rNo*--A -16"'la'A tion With �3telllllil 21 , ,P 0-1 -0 -0 - - *N$w � -01-mm At vVinift V" I *. ,,l. , I TO CHILDREN I papor. l!, let thlew call down lit ;Z;,1;1T14ii ,)It I Q, --Wtklkt has the C. P. P. experid. Brittania, was a aidewbiliel ateamer = gmy ftwk 060 4-1160 09 2*000 W" . ". � — ­ �, � . i; them. . 00IS, a short tilue 11140to this led On its cQ10"I"t" Volley? And Made lite t1ill to lWaton' 'Rel;'4- == *"NY iiisilliI&I I -1- VVENDAV. �, 3ante, . y with : ingr the Stop at 11alitax. in fourtean I 1 ,5 and johill In Coal r- u 4K---Thl0 C'"taill'" PaCifie Itailway ril, a Tecord which = -11, I 4 Bummer 0o ue of the I A ;wyore Ii-ailstalin hits ilberta, �. Peter, had $Ott' Moses An Eli*s on on its Colonization Vol' days and Cigght bull] == " it Vigor oftege am *4 bm 040% 004 , . the I Ivra- it*% expellded't), .... of ',Q o erOusMXj1W1k5nk` ,!L$ aiildrva dity. I, jjj4iRpZ0n-5 reunion, is a brilliant ` it. of Tramd*UTAti011, vOlk" *A �r -M-00 then cauwd great eRthU*i**m1 ,b,V j& ig%igag &M 4ft "A. We %V a* = r - oal.v savcv6s. i,k, lag with Joan* and now they recall I" Since 'al 1, land aett emeut, ir- VILLAIGE OF boos. Mv toilia ft 3MV 04ft I JA* bot Siumlrwr niont , and not MR permitted to C411 f4 fololkiliAtiol - ga = .1 . * �44 the young Uuttikina will$ National Ilandleall, 1� surao rig&tjon and similar work. directlY TRE INDIAN Ijt)(,1HELAGTA kt Of 13 V"l1r" ( ). . 1. ,of 4, but, rd , of over . I the stroo and V we 411 vkieP At lioutilion. I down fire, from heaven to con, Accounting; for the Occupation. a Wes� Q. , of � . a 1�0 men (2 gings 1-10-12)- leg ,4;Q,0WA0 acres of farm laud I -Where w4s the village --..Wdmmmmmmm- SWOO111110 01111111111011111 r, , heloga situated? . . TAt.rty.eight, pereolis were hurt in, " , , Jam I - 110c . ­041ill6s IL ....... . , Atild when his diseipleg Wa, The ComPROY has re " . The attack MAY IT slixtt or it rany he a iwilley ssud5il,- near Ruffalo� ,jid, ,,14rd tern V911knounced a generous lioliey A. -Tho anelent fortifted Indian r Perilous, but yqu can -t 0 when it seizes Polo. Watch at Mrooablue kroundxll�,.­ 0;� John, saw this, they 8, -411. t for the future- village of Hochelaga, out of which I .1 ... I ,.,� . 7 3" V ether it will Ord fat4llyor no.,t. , 0 Wilt thou that we command fire to, ciently de- .. 11 6 11 .. . ­­­­­ rr , . I � -- - . 4Z`aw�� I"r9t. crowd. . � come down iron, begveti, and con- of settleMOR f stiTod where the , ; he prerwo dmrrhoca, the Voinit- NG IN VVIDEV Montreal grev I . . It I .- i r utt sume them, even as Elias did? But MINI partment of t . I Ing and powng to) coutinue for a day ., �tq epl, 2 to 1. . . r Ad said, q._What Was the mineral produe. a erect a Monument r � Toronto carls-Ritle cup team winir i4i he interior hat made . , ..t 4 Arrangements t . Two coat-ladviii stearraers reported I ,* ye know not whAt planner of SPIAt tablet within Mc -Gill or two said you Will quickly become � vi; he turned and rebuked them 21 on of Quebec ill 191.12? and memorial . HOW to Mak*-0AW00­.0WVY J*ft r . � d ­ ­ wook and prostmted. . ��T . For the Son Of man is til ,ineral production 03 UniversitY grounds. to, commemorate I - -- ­ 1. I . io5c off NVIVrOU041404. .,Us ye are of. -The 01 *To. 6W 10"vo so& A" 1% I" . - I juat 44 moon as owye is .-W sign of the Fifteen reoV.P�, wem hurt in auta- ­ -to destroy men's livOss but A. . the 'Vill 0 of 110che. , $or dwilog give 0A4111111; low. , A" aft v4L I , Rej v *186335,15k the okistence Of r . .0m, . Quebec ui 1%)o reaoh�d -ell Hoche- pit **A a%* 004 ML " *upol Jay* ") a4w I y bowtW bepowing unduly loo:Zencd,up molgle raco ill France. 49 to save them" (54-66). Coat in the lage� The -QUAllit skete of V411 'Use U** ftio, sild istir 0009 I _ , � I ", I yft. Xboulol,mt a bottle of Dr. Fowler A , V 17 VC0 an increa�ie of IS -00, per - awy . - I)oIninjon. Day celebrations held them that the laga'r published - by Ramusic an liame 4 wftl C40 (8 I BI Jesus showed,agwas In the tinile of year. ballift am V"1111 bl�- a 4, 111i - Straw ot living as EI k Pf awrdo *to large 1114to I Fatract of %Vild b and �,hetl; � throughout the Province. - ME ,6dUeed in the ToWita Of Champlain lbj6) cmW dF WK isiftaw. V01111111111111141111. Anwid . TMA= ­s Wd thus' ' the law whea. God frequently! 9410 THE SM -A 'It BRITTANI. togethot with Ca 9 I thope, unnatural move Tlkhou to wage war With - new I de R - I � vtler's interestin 4 . offgot the 4 'VCMjkj0r . " , pUrig,ing , p Tie tilrolia &* in I W06 44 .� no he first Of the �j I*Vo. has made qukkly )UVIet Cjjjjr,�b in HUF ,rath and Divi. - tlie and am % cup Votev. oat to I I iW diarrhoea I _Qla., . li- signs of Divine 'A What Is the bistOTY Of' t descril7tion 4 Ubl"Poona *ft ymps U40 *w r Ccwt% . make,, Bulgaria , f were living in the Q.- � _ $it Uko 49 WW* � , Ited Conspiracy to I Vill ice. The, Steamer, the Prittanial Hocho agg One of the outstanding ­ in cloth and t r lig, _,,_,I_ 'S I . . ­ justj C onlia, th Points In the romance of Canadian 'Witil, k4*0*1" P*ft witi . to 0*04, *" _ 4W 11 I ", Mrs. S. Latontaine, Gmat Desert, and so Jesus- turned U11104 aw= I !�� Mobile. djSc;)vvzed and toiled. 1840, the Britt . 11 . .. f^vw, $or mul. ,, 30*1111111114 ;Wj by,okokok Small. t Constant,. p,,�, time of grace cm, . py, when a year , I and showed then' iticriggigg, 4,4WO � ()at., wjiteg:--­sfy ba I oreCk patriaroll.to. 1jul le amid rebuked tb on July 4, � the Collard line, start history'. Aiga, . . 0101 ­ Or Wm. , 'elos. ,r I It mistake. It was notoull zeal st vessel of cover k4#)## Illubw 10 = pow imill, I . I 1. . U to but nople At relitufat of Venly , tile their waster that eltused theal e19 from Livorr6ol on her. first trip to CAP ROUGE . - 1. ,---- ! �!!! e"Tw��T!!!! I I T, . - I . '. 1) 9 went stop I I it-ng'and ! Lgral Trite Blusand orange Hipme, �At e for , ell and vindiCtIVO- Halifax and 'Boston. Sir $am I U 1 01 Q. -Whore is 040 Itouse? t�'—'­b­l!"-­ � ---r.. ­ ­.- -- r until Soptemuex � . C okle I 1. I ; � i . ­frle ., e to try Dr. .near Toronto, oflicially Qw . to be so Outi'thin them. a wicked . � A. -CA & )uge was built in, 1541 be spoite. , , tval"s Now. I and 2 . . . . It :4�2M . I 1� . ­-�T , tol,-, �1-1 �m,�� !,It- There was wl . I - t le - -­ Ian spirit, -11 - I - ' 900,44T-uq� got a letier tfunt her 30th. -I'- ,,, e Yow . - 't reivib mig MOM , , j'go., r i spirit, though they were unaware Of ey born Again* I . " , isequ6s umlitioro Vh0k I � - ,*K I . r ever that is not Uncommon, today, that 6 1 r not what manner of nect . . r � there before returning to Isellow wr twela Is going to willge, to duay They are tkle Most U1140-datt *lid I I Finish, then, Thy, lievi creation; be -to shown by, John, Jesus in his it, --"ye Kn" He that loveth not, kROWOth not ' satisfactory type, of imountain view- . I r spirit ye are of." Though Jesus h4d 14� �Has no acquaintance wit hl led he wa% PUP � It in . ft Car ancharo in we on the ;Zon. , i US to* fQI r . ce in the next Te4r, It V&S Oe- for 1jula thing 1104 hill I I . . - let us'be; reply gave an example for tht thent.,-to.love their enemies God"- An the winters of .2542-44 istbaoOla0w,otipillandmo. r all �� _ - � . - . � Pure aild spotless leraut C towards him. The , . . I of other tang I eu, . . Let us . I . by ry t. It is to W marktd, by Vogt otthq day trying tO11494 r w, , . � see Thy gre4t; stllv4tionp - ' that cuirsed,them. or right f0elln in tile 0. 9 tinerit. , tir , OxWwnt appoint but to be chari- slid to bless -them a ttavoll"s Owing, . � . low.: -to' bo not' , into .. restored, in Thee, I - modes Of - worsh r bad been -slow to learn tillitfillt, reason for this is contained Whien St rjoal r St rjoal r St rjoal r Ot. . . or tie is Ilk the orkestey or Ile ,, I togut lilikents elftxbl� Porf ect 1 4 . � . t rom glory into glory, our crificianis ,of TOligiOuA thO5 g few wordig-i"God is love-$' hrough the Islorthern Caudiall, I Chat III table in ,d gome to Usher - I we aon!o no witch. the R00111103 to V14W the 11111166"Iftent I . I I heavon we tak& our ac I "Forbid him not; for Son Of MAA hll Lid was Created and pronounc i witch - lives, I it . .. iT -in ,observances. or Usn, peace on earth and good will RmOnf-v the WO1 BRITISH COLUMBIA1101 TooWaT-1110401il TI V on soulW. ed to; be good; when'litah gin r POSSIBILITIES I )wnfj, before hie, he that is,not Against us is I LCTORIS the crlieK vat it big scallery, on both sideo, of tha car with - Till *0 cast out er( 1. known i Mell, to save both bodies and 'theln. WAS given I'Mokiier trial the hand of British vacant hoose 0 � when, po- got U the Uttooillt #Sell and comfort, Irre- . r . I lst IR wobdar,;,Iovo,�ard pralse� ,(verse oo). For reasons best A fire to deStrOV , -What POP111010a, Could . naulo 4� - Im, W hly . . � . was seen, and ever Q. . Wife Dy I L( I (Charles W440Y) - - 1 not to call dowi ind, ex- a loving Godiveless provision whieh Co . rumbla supportz I . . - ve of WoMber conditions, 11 - . i to himself this man had not,associat By Miracle after miracle he I , . does be Call hot that' kWd of x Asmill he speett 0 call bays. been called "Sun- 't �-� , �, . . � - himself with Jesus, � followers, to ,ile-'sitice in the ti A.-pean Bk*c of the University mplVed 0604 sod, Botouse'sbe Sit ws,vs vw, . r � ]MAYER, I � Ad � I heard ercised his Power to beal, not tot thii Countless. mil- I . tr Wh"IS" oWjjW to "the . . . � ­�- !� I though II6 - bad., undoubtedly jGo,d has Made hb;�) states that.1he Char to-Evorythlag, rr A RrOOM11 OV . � p -, -AAor-sty6r, � I ­ � #-1 )t-jolss -used in thel , not"' Iion-a-o-1T­TW - I f-��Blgskol!X-feii"Oftt 410 ailount­ A I O, thank Thee fOV �-aad-he-WOuM-IIAX"a­AiN1PWK' yttatures-In".the.��-Kift, i)t­Br1tish­Q-6.1%lVkb. - 6 JbiniF -, �dncidool r r ­ - - --- ­ ­ 1. � r imighty God, v Ill' liiiclos % Jesus ,Would t #6 W ... X Wil,&r.al ' .him speak, bad seen is n, his name follow his example, . � Most of .11 4 P, I a -,"---- . Thy word 4deth forever. Iti 'a )cfl a Sa�joar brivoing Province Of British rO 14 W A on, the, *1 ows rchnibir � r � 11 irink unto us, believed in him, And,us.el " Pi a today aud On ruotl � . - � ,. . . is indeed mdAt and 4 ; t of devils. JesuA, only punish, them for their incivility rtality to jight;� Nle tQ 'able of supporting a population a Cold 0 ottomobeel ' , 0 . 1, " . I , ­ led, therein are, ag, OF leg for 'thus. dis- but would not, insist on his right to life and immOuth. of the love of God, 2o,000.000- people. He outlined, the scrawled up Ill% face 6041 big Ujillidt 6,44 fr In the $oat airm tests to the cell - - loet�.. It fWSXWM,I, �W.ft skilived to in . ­ --- ­ , . I well ­ , - r Agricultural lauds *Waiting 80t- # W. - - -W -1 I . . - , Attil -- � - - ­ - ­ - . - I _ - - art 4 . we, counselled, con `nk'th6U­­tbWV- ­ fou - 1414 aw. �6- iemn ,t tr6agVer � Therein are we, wara IScIP­ 4 -UN -the --road.- " � rebuked the jostoad, -they- " t to be seen the, tv I ai�anded. and art Even in this World of confusion, dis job th - ­ I I �. 1� 4e error of our couraging Anyone, telli ,other village, ,and no doubf� old, , that�hc IS r tile -rich natural resour -14 'v%t%IjtIis4. Al � I � order Ana darkness, we have evidenep tlemeat And dotbat beco.080 nearly *It of �Orwjo;lo, pgo.14 d "for an Coker$ died tra . I trcAii(i he should rath b ' benevo- ces of the Province. including; miner- . all thou soly .,O*. each side of a tentrior 611116 as . �'Rqi i sufficient to prove � jeleho4jalickjUl, whouixe.gotholue lit an axidins eve being stesto " r faceip We thank hich . , I car, th � . � � ways find ,Seek Th� . I a - Mir- that "theso wore more . nobly than 11 AjS.rtjmbQrIflahorlos, etc.- , .1 be) I . 7 -or 64 ilaolsel 1. - I � I . is. thefullilling of thb there is no ma - lightly they." I r � ,ut the full. glory and meanlyw ., . to. The., Thee'that love 1 Thee 'it , 010 ill My name that . � r V .-Only in I on tot) of All that, . ling capacity Wel r I I � lan xwn to love . H V 9.89.)r. . . . 'o"Tttiha! ti Scott . . i . lont I -Mel Provide Q931101ty for 30 . . ,.� .. MAY we les a Oak CA of me" (M John 19:2547, I -uth will be �... I CANAD" ELEVATOR Tliuril.A%Y-1106 SA,Y8 'Wily i � try plittfol , , - T) ibered that ,,Now there stood bV ".c. " (Barlies). . PACITY tZWk Illoo''the Latin to Wore and ,more by Thy inerolful deal I . the cro%i of � CA fti St additional ortions. Wne entire ear � I . I I e I - - ings with the children of plea..' Thou bey should have remen vat'. I mother, AnA his mother's I WIDE MISSI ' And 1 I a sucl f steel with interior fin., I .. . 1. . I perish buo the power to work a miracle m '41' Jesus, his ON $ . Canadn's eIOVAtor� �[!a- AWOL $he use 1. golo�j V�Anglljflh Ma Slalng is 0 L ­ . . . 1. willest not that tiny, should ] r , same source, 4 sister, Xar he Wife � Of Cloopha'.4 WORLD Q. -What is . ich good .111 British Coluvobl* peday', - . ,� , -ways come from the ag Three L 11111141. -Men of the East pacity 7 , ' 84y(.4, 'I SlItid Bay, $lit) as" al labed .. . . I _ * . , I rIM ' . . . I id Mary & t,dalene- When Jesus, %rA '- t $Ito IS Stalned M.00 � . r I na OZUZ power, then he must 'be a friend to his ng power of the Mission Provinces .( Wkjug of. I . with the moist ull-to'date * , . ­ I � 'therefore, saw , . � � be . . �ea L We. thank Thed lit, iknii�'ba ta, and that at 4d ThY love, u by ,wh . ee old .Man of unlimited faith tors, In the : ...... a _$*1117- , he L interior iq .I should cAie unto Tf61',eej "' e that is God; and that K he had that! aAd mother and the di- I Thr A. -The 3,700 licensed In', . OIL . '�Vgwlh!ol th" Ito I' Call tell Wils L � � "i : - ­ '- r. . genenusintprpret:ition-� sciple standing I I loved, . in L the beali VA . Vill, elootrio (lights . L arrived rat tile Christian 1106- have A . . . �jtoi him� jt this L , oin be � �4"" . . hj; R� porl th , " .1 I . .. � ­ .. . .. . I . . ­ I r L S . In, '7'8�7tt;XTTION' I vellitil I 10 An be- - doCtOVS, abaCto . . . . . . V. Wpo- r - Saskatichtwan. and Alberta, 8'. Amen.� .. . wommore fully believed and ob, * he saith unto bjs mother, wom . ol, Persia, a little while total storage capacity of over 100.* CAUS - ­., EL i I I " 1, I I NDAY L SCBOOT, LE990N !FOR Served among Christians,,in our day, hold thy son! Then saith he to the pital in Moshe a enUrely bliiNd, from . NEW . I .. I I r , . � qw 22ND, .1923 , . at And agoi One, wa 000po busholsI. Ontario, , Quebec L �' . I 1. W , IS Litt hand . . r . ,�, JULY I what ,strife would be avolde 1. I disciple, l3ehold thy Mother! almost $0, while the ire stor. M nee And now the 80SOW I ­ .%tL ,iiple took. her cataract, one and Maritime Provinces ha jr)kh 1114liked another a4va � : . r I � I . ,e I . � Nell Al. I . , ay when. motor tourists will.,0111de*vOr . . . :1 I �, � the APONtle, . "And it r eat pass, wben the frorn th hour that dial . . U to MOVO on tile part of I -ion by "de- �� . i, . -John 1 . rto )tccod. !third could still Soo fairly I luta,,bc� age elevators. with CA$.)aOItY UP Lbe Canadian etc destiott I 11 � � . . Lesson Title tinier Was dome that.1le should be ro- unto. his own labille." 10 the I 1. r .1.0 CatraCt .1 I., A,,C, to ),each th , I . . . 10, L � � L . � ory � Lesson P40Sa9c­-T4mjkc( 9 !., 494.6; I Spirit L of bigotry and I though with h r little 3-311801000 bushels' . � National Railway$, whe" ali Ontirely toUr"" L - I � ., 0. , 1. I I L 1". 1 . ­ steadfastly set his face jag verses the 1 gim Jn both, eyes, In theil ty,f,O of Mountain Ohs I h 19 -, 25-27; 1 John 4,,74-� . I ceived up, he alem, In the fullness persecution, WAS .r,r Up ermost in the Icy had .heard of the CANA STRY new I I � ) - Jo U . ,DAIS MILLING. INDUI . - r, to go to jerusl r Son into home town tl L Car.spir des rlbedas.�"Siil-ROOUI 'XWCPA. r . L � L � , . Golden, ,Text ----;I 'John 4-.111.., . r [ent his tile Mind of John,, bali Cro Jesus 4P- le Till$- . S the strength of ., the is put r Into . . 0W4*X%,X^# , � i , jr � I I . . I . 'of time God S Nqonderful cures wroUght by tf Q. -What i . I 0 meryloo on 7 14411141-MOW441111111111,011 � I . ; ' W--- - I � A, i �e­tjiae Of big dre_ . On, Whee 5 W4 � ,e . elledee-and SA- pealed to his finer nature, .ayid L . .1 . I ! I . John, the son of Z � At world, and 'now tJ , hospital . L Ian intiolin Division betw0ion' Jus- r I I . I r �� ­ l4me tradition SLAyS" - to 1 -With illeat as one,- of Con. .1 1: r ., ", . '0 I, per r 1,,6 n4tt4t. I . I was born, partUre was at hana, wheh hie -should brought to -view a detth of.affection sionaVY dOctOrsy And they, had Set out Can4d � jailling industry? the, QV too" aw ���� I , together come to the & . . Xamloops*, Ti Ingtiolt*a, . , .;,. .� prbbable that he be received, back'into his glory -the. that wag in reality t e Main s�ring in . i at . I A .L . Bethsaida. It, is Ili Committing' his,, while one or thojit -number was Still adals. fundamental products, the Oj co U "to r Aw" ­ ­.- r I I 1, r . . . disciple Of,'John the BaPtitd �O, had with 'the father of john!s. lite . Their jour. at I I' - .- - ,r r .2, -!!!1!!!t�-!t!----V . . . 1� � - 0 follow Jesus. glaryr which . ling industry should become one 1111 �!�.W. WIM."I . . . . , 1. %-, before he, was , 1� Umanly mother ads, if, � I 1�11 "� f I'm . . � - Was a called- � . World was, ,H 'to jolluls care he Put.a, Stamp I able to disee'rit the road. the leading industyles of Can . L � - , that has. raised the ney, on foot � all tiio way, had taken loam - . ," ­ , " � ,�, ,� 1 ' ;LectiouIohn spent,his. before : 'the he ,vismaillea in Galil; on filial duty . . _ the leader IrOm the a 0V20=*CZPft10 ...... ..... ... I . . --- .. I . , L After the resur, , speakifig, had te r dard of hollie life r In. all ages them six months, but with eveiy step Indeed, it is not , - r . . �� . . " �olatrast to' Pet- I have been.safe, but his . . � .. 'r � ' - '.r...".. r . 1� - . I rLary quietly ,in' e Would there their hope for the future,, instead Of . . . ­, . . . . life % lee h r Standpoint Of tile v4lue Of products, a . .' r ­­ - I'D r . . . . r L .. eesJ 'I ry -sacrifice tin�%. Ili lohn's epistles . I .� i , I , : . 'r I ; 1 � jetivity. only once is tie Pronl�- was a voluntA -*J'for this- being dis6ouraged, had grown bright- The value ofmilling Products in 1920 . � . . . r . � � " L , ' , , L . . ..... � . � , I � . Ili connection with - worldi" _ to $239,26r),46j, and in - , . e,".r �:: , - -" L , . r . . i jn(qt1y Ooken of Cpdr ,,,,, I into the KO he breathes this Passion of the soul, this len they arrived, say$' Mrs. iounted I M . , *e . . r � - . i i 'S $ L � � . , mes, , Idlaient whichis the Toot'Of genuine or. W . I . ,e . , _ V, , Church. at JIONS410111117a , 'himself , irk, the way- � of e] Imhu, who with llerlius- An 1, . .. . �the - se R611a E. Hon, L 1919 to $262,174,3,392, In 1919 the 'S L . . 'h �emed to be he'stedfastlY set his fate religion is SeO , capital- investe, ,OQ,or , I I I : '0 � t . , Cephas and John, W 0 SO - tradl. eftio to, out . r . , � I ' r 1 All old - - "' " n M L , . � I . I � -4X,04 (Gal. 11.9.). - r, or "or Jerusalem;II-I'Vi6efore verses: "Beloved, let us love one a'- band hat; chatgi Of thethe 4nds'a d ,0 . I L, . . . r I P0 t. John. left jo alem r I notber; for love is of God; an. - 'fell down and kissed I I olustryramounted to over $70 . . . i .. LL . L .. 11 I I � - - tj6-ij lilai, itr,th, rus -�ag to . .Tl I Plunks in OpeiAtion - - . I . L L I I , � I . . . I I " 0 n phrticularlY in thb hosgital,. they umber 'in the Millijlg� in. , � S I U , , , . I I . . ._ i. _ ��.�j 'elie years tp 0 my fa�e .like it flint, rand -that L-1 A lev ,r . The . 11 . - . "I I . '. . . r . . . L 1. .. after the resurrection, oveth - Ia born of God, feet of.tlie doctors. of e have I -set I slid1l eryonbt told that the was 1,263. TI lig i r .01, � know that . loveth It is good- news to be id A daily, 'L .L . tV ' Ito . ", e m and knoVoth the trio was imme�' Jose plants L 48 UXtraordjUA'ryr,cle4r,4,6cer of woluem's. . I . . . I 'his It (I - G64 � ses' . . � ,� i I . � spent the latter part of Sa. 50.7) ' - Ile that 1 (24 hour) capacity of 141,288 barri * a�d Mis. I I r Ill , . 'not knoweth not-Gool; for God. is sight of one of . I � I r . I . r,;�� - %,o . led -by the fitting . of of flour. And coreals. I . � . '. ,, 4 . , .Vphe , sus, but was for a time bha* , ,,An4 se -at messeigers before his diatelY rcst0r� , I. I . . a . .jumttger Me9seS, I . .. ­ . , . 04 " 0 Job -7-8). ' . . . L 1. , I ishold to the Isle of pgtm6s, The:IeX ac r went, and entered in- I M ii 4. spectacles; another At the group MAY , I . . . -1 I.. . I . . . .1 r .1 . .r . 1� I I . . .1 .. I act d4t* 'of his death is, unknown, , e; abd thel IlFor� love is of God` -All true tber sight of one eye-, while UNIV,E R9XTY LIBRARIE S L L I � 11 I , L ' .. . I I I � r. . .1 L ' L the'L third will 800A U.'r ­'tj ea 7 . ..., - . .1. � , "I ,. I r, - ­. . t )f ther Saniaritans, to I �he completely re-' (4.-��How many -books ard there in .R . . Hl�-,W�4.dlstinguished from the other' *� a village i )r him, An& they; did love hag its origin in God.and shows get back 41 r ., r I . L , not rL - are his Physical Canadian, University libraries? ,, J�1­1 --iftep � " , . .. . j". . ,r r as the one who. leaned up,. make ready fo his sPlAt, and ' ad while . Voikgt L r atil ... , .t i" . . , ''. . . , disciples eceWe hila, because 4is face was that we have hit. love r dwells stored.. A L their i. . . . . . I I .. -Vt('Christlis. bosom, And .Was called oOld go to - Jerusalem" childrell, and because COM,lig back, the three are A. -The Canadian University Ii- . I .. ... . ,..;Lr.. .^*--., .. . ''. .. � . I �,� L ., I I .��, . , : .. I . 1ple ,whoni Jesus IoVed�', L as though'he w . in us we -grow moro'gind more :like sight is - brari9K Contain nearly ,t,.VQ million . .L . . . . : %'� I 1 . . "the disc . . 1(51-52). Christ "sent messengers to th. i'l receiving gpiritual enlightenment at . 1. � .. r an ham"s; - . 1. . I . . ��. . LukeL_9,,49-56- for him and his com- him. L "AAd everg e. that love L is every hope that when booUsj p4raphletg. etc. . " . . 1.08, . . . I . '. .1. . I . .. I . . . � ask permission .L I - so; and there . . . . I . I . 1! Thi ni to their I , L . . . . . . . r f tod4y's lesson we' born of God. P last not be.un . iome -village, � . I *. . . 6 ­ I . . I In this part 0 1 karitan village. , FORT'PRI Not one tXV0 utl . Of a Ifferent spirit pany. to lodge in a Sair . rn I . xve an example TOWS and Samarl- derstood to mean -that everyone th;xt the men retu N011 OF WAILES s but 9 Widt VArIttY L I . bi ?a the light ,'�.. r Felt P* 'of . or diSirable style 0 1 r . . I it, L . I I . I . , . . " , shown by John. Jesus r knew that J vith each Oth- sho;v� natural uffeetiOR towards his they will carry with the ­ - O. -Where I rince I . . . . . L . . 1 . L . I than that of love, tang bad no dealings -N of the.�gogpel: of Jesus Christ. Wales ? . . r 4 � I . I . . . - I . I .. - Jesus, On Coming down.from thel h. own family.or loves his own . . . . 11 I - . I I . I I Mt. of Transfiguration wait. bes(night - or. Their dispute Wa iqns, or is generous to the p= I , -The Continent. . tiVL' p , . , . I - . ..0 I 11 . . .. .. ' r .1 . . r, '. . � .L . L L. I � � . ­ hisip. e Where , men should worship,'s r -----� A,­Vort, PrI e of Wales is the I . L... 0 1 O . . 6 . I I ' . 1. ' to work a cure tbat had b4filed. . . I -- I .11-0� . I . I a t . L L . I . ,­A---­­^-^� 0 L . I . most. historic monument on Itudson L ­—­­--­^---- .. . 10 0 r I . telling Of the 8 . . . .11 . . L, .." .. -�,-�­�- I . * Bay truggles betwepn. I � . I ., I . . . . . 141Ivr . L .. I - urift suits Ott - . . I . I ", I . r"111 . I.. ­ N menica I � Aand for Imisses 0 ,$131-POWS . � ;. 1. ­ � r , ­ . I --.73 -man-Jili , - A e. and Eng the molatwe .- L ­.­ . L . L - -­�-7-,-- � ... I -- - I L I . r . � - - - -1-*,M L' 01& . I . . . . . . I 1. L L r ­ . ­ i I L . 7 ;, r'L , . I . . I � , . ic ,- ­px -­ - 14 _IML th, A . l ... -- I -. Z.—-. ­' --;, :---,-----.. jog- , . Romaid .. . . , Am -----'-- -- ------ � built of . . '. ,I , . . I . 0 erica. It was . � . L I I I r I I . . . I I r 1. r . . . . I .. ­ � .. . . I 164. rebuilt in 1133 land completed .."'lim....0 ....... i'-... � ":.%; '. L' . .. . I . I I .. . ), . I � . 1,i . 1, IT . I I ; I . . I I . -, ;­-� ,.,4 11.- - "� -- . . I ,�., .. 11 . . R I M Extensive rimi of the for- L . . . ... r r � . . ..� V- �. :, , � -, . ., r . r. . . . r . I . � . . i - � , , r . . r 11�1, .e. ., , �� ! ER H - r . I .� �'r .1 L' � . �t ',�, I " .�, , I r tress. remain, � I r SALE Of V SUMM. I Aj,S . I . I . , '�,,r t I `�! -. v. ,!, ., . , . I . . . . . . . .. L. � . . � I .., �, , . - . . .11 r I . ,,a ,,,rd ,,i,,,%, ' r L ... .. .. I .i � I - I L L' CANADA S WINV INDUSTRY -. � Nfil U and. L I . � , . L . . I 'r r . . �:,-4,.. . ... I .. . I . U r White '9.atigl,� r. a . I , . .�: � .� -all I . � .. r � . . . . . . .. . , r - � , . L I .. ' . I At - I . .� I . ­ . . . ­ . . I r . :. '� . � �. . I L � � , .. . I Q..' What is . the extdnt of L 0413 L t . . L . .. . . I ' L ­ . L L . . . . . r . I I - . � . . . . . . . . . �. 1� . .... I . . onimmommon� . r . I L Ada"S Wine L Industry ? other StMW$... . L.. . . I � r, ; . . r .. I � ,� . . I I . .. r I . . -CAnada's ,Wille industry has- 140P r . I . r .L I . . I. . . . I 1. . L L .1 i; .%. , 1. . L . . I . .1 A.- SE L, r . L I . t . .. . I . � . . . , � . , I . . I . . � r I . . . I . r ", 11 .. . _1 .. I .. �J . I ,. ­ " ..., . � egittiblishments with 4 production.va. , I � . # - , . . . . . . . . . . ) I �, r � . � . , . ., I . - li"'A It . I � : ., . ­ .. Mille (lit 10213 Of $404489. SAMPLE -SO . � .. I . .F. I '. ­ I I I L r . I . L . L . IL I I I . . . . .. 1. ... . I . . I r . -- I . , I ', rtat'.� Regulor. , . . . k . L' .1 . . p.twil, and all diffe . e14 IN11 I - - - . .� I . I : . I I . � ..­ r. - I r. - . . :0.rown, 131ack) L . . . L I . lo. r . � �, 1. .r . . . I r . ,, $X ' t qiilmI .. ,,, ' L . r r - , . I r -L L �­ .1.1. . .1 . I - . . a � I ,"LL' U L ... � b . , 0 ,. . I L . � I .1 � . L 1. L � . . I . . � � . . I . I . .. . . . . . 1. . � 11 I . r, I I . . . . I . . . . .1 ,�. L -�, L. I . 8ia,t5'. Diff -56 " . . . . . . L �. � r . . :�� r.. ILL . � I .� ­­ --- ­.. '. r. .. L. . � . . . * I'' . . — 'L , 11 . . * r . .T ! I . . 'L - , . 11 I ..'r, I LL lik. 11 . I ,� 11 ' r'Sy Roag Farquhar . I .. .� I . � 11 . I . rr --"---------.-,l . I I . "W I all #�W,EAft ' .11 L ,'r' �, 1 IN# , r , nuYAL LA . READY, .1 -. . i . I �,!T I L . I DIES . . L. � � I . I .. �, ­,, r . Friday -The lodgetwitch ps, belougf; . . I r . I . . . . . IN L. " ' r L � � 7 " .. ,A " L jejj 01*. ' . .00 I . . 'i ill; IV -k, � � , 4 � .. I L. ., -7 , , � to M L I . '. . �a ..� . , , �­� - I . �L, 1,7 list have a lot of nice men ill it I eir � . I . � 1. �; .� . �. :,�­� ... I - - gast V61%viam, . . I 1. , . . I . .'L.. 'r - I . I .r : w, It, . L I .. � . � r L ­ 9(19%. :1 Ofthom washoilij . I . ., . . 11 I . ... ­.,,:* ­ . . . , d � I . . � .. ., � ­ r I . r , ,I', ,r,, ' . at, are house, Waite all . . I., - L I , ;; ; _ L - r . 1. r ­ 'i . . . I . , I .. LL _ * 0=0. � � ,. . ��,L: ","" . . , ­ ­ .0*X0Xft==Nk I . ­ I ', . ­ -Wit 9 111110"31111===001111116 ,I 1. . .. . r . - ­ 'r , L 14.",��.. he tamkod to vie gad ". . * L ", . I � �. d'. . -1 ; I �1111 � . , 1. . I I I V40 AbOUt how WAS I get' . --- - - . r ! �� '! "! -- - - � I . ­ . . r 1!!!J��' aamm __— . r I . � . I ting on to skool And bake -­ ­� I . . i Ir . . . . - MSM= . AI, . . � �. . . boll and shinale slid CON - L 'r : I �j I ' I I 'r . ' rr " . . . I r I I ", :,,;��.:, ....; . I 11 r .. I I Rua When Ile loft. 110 told MOM1111 4" . ' I ' . ­ . - � ,7. ­­ I .-El. :m . I . m% and ps Vito Ili toy a . . . . r ." I. 4�,.��:,� .1 ( ) I," : ., . . present A) .r, I ", . I � . . '. . ,�r � , . S r that I WAS X ..,.. .*,,;�.!',,'�, ther .11 .. .�, -�:, 1, . . . L b0to Yang man. . And I rThe Hot we . . $", - . . ,.­�I-�­4 I ;,�-- .1 . � I I .1 . I 1% -0 .'.� L.:� ", :',r,':,';:, beleaved Ulm oven 19 I I . I ... :.... L , L. - -�'� '. I . . - ' . . .t . I I . ...., ., ". . L L.;:,! 11 � glow he was a lielog to . S � Wi . I . . -:,. . %.'. I I ­ . I . ,..­,'� 'r� . � I . line all the time. But I I r . . .1 I r. .., .: ..., *;.�, - ,:I �, . I , ' .,L . ­ .., A ­, . .. .: 1, I . . ..­.­ . .. , am Only it Yuman )won. L I ­ -L" .. ... ­ - 0 A Us . . k .� . ; r '­ 11. ..:: ." ,� ­.. �". I . � t I .­ � . 'O , . � .1 .r 1j, I ­,,., ��, .. I I., I- ,.V . . 11 .1 paturday-ra. got called . L 9 ,,, I -, I , ., :. , ;, . .. '�-­.­'. LL4 d . . . . . � � -Ii-, � .1 . � ; r - ... -­ .. 1111 own for a nother miss . . � I I , ,. "..... I � I .1 ,, r I Wer Are Fully PrI*lrej: (0( r 1: 1�,,* . ' - I . .., ­ . . I take Ile made on .tile ILA" Ali VerarAsk CoNfell I I , . .. r - . , , I - . And ' =�� : , .. . ., ; ..; I 110080 Paper today. They . ,r - == r . , iit ., � 'I, r. , .r.* i down a old L I . � 1. . . � . �, . . -` I , , . Are te I'll 1 � . . ,..r ""r, al� . ; . .. � � , - .1 house up town and the . I ­ -- - - I .... . . -f-- , Mtor went and vote a I 11L * . I Lawn aftees I I I . I ­ - - ­, I ­ Lawn finairs ' I I . r . . . . ­ . �,., , big peace about it, VionthoyisaiYU119 .- . . . I � . ,�k '. I laft to a .. I 11! .. - 10; �- I -Aff-, -- � -. - . . . I � .� ., got nislotyed thin Wk. & Ile ro . E VERAND ' . . . I . .-� ; t'o 4, �4%6 ..,4k Stojy on that, �And r then 146 had pa to Flulint THE . � . . I T r %T�* . I -1 L set iiii, the bed lines tot the pap6r, Abd . . . . . . . . Ir I ... I � . I � . I : olt:J. � I. . V" , . ,r � I when the PApor cums out yo hold Pull, Boamiiful Cool Old Hickory Chair& Wilt6w in alt yin'4hes' � . I I'. I 'dding Peace the 1104 line We h%V0 11 f4pacial woven %jeat �nd bAck, at $51,50, . I . . . I ��,,..�, . '. L �­_ - over the'We . � . L . I . . . �. 43-�".*­- ­,­.- a yead. 6no ymtd wide, . �. . ­ � I � ,-y-1-.-*,-- . �, I I , . -.Vitch god,OLD LANDMARK GONE. Verandall. 9 . ! L ­ - . �� " 10 L '., I -,!.--.L " � , :.. L 1_'�, LL:,.' -�%Y�� " I I 1---- I- 7 �,Simolay-Tlje, pthe-r-46F -the, tWb9l` I .. ­ -.0 -&-­ ­­­ ­ ---- - ­.. ---r-.-, --" -, ­­­ -.­.---­­­-­­­­­­ ­ I ,� �11.­ r. , ­ ­Coeoa,matfim -rtho '��-:��-­-­­ -�-'­ -1- -­rLL ..... - , . I I � . ,; " 1- 1, ­ . " ­­ I .­, 11 - . . I I . . I s I I . I . .'� I . . 'L - ,.;-, . . - . : told u, in Rkool thLit beat Perduces sagot . N�,Jljo%v Yom Stands, t 5.50. . . . -­ .. 0 I ­ .. I I I 0 - IL 0 1 1 0 , s ""' - , — " I',.-,'- ,I. . I �i 4 ) . . � ­ I '� , , ' L 6 I 0 1 . . I 1,01 r , I . I I ) , , -- - I , . I . bwog L ru" I . L . �, , I 0 - I I � IL , � , , W" , " I - - 14 " TI, I I I It I I ! M IS ", l- .." n n I � h - a" 8 is ai ic, 4 kit fv� the d I ill A I )Xt '* 'i. L I 1 6 =,koop I I , 0.1 0. i ts :, 4. 11 , ge I , 4= " pu � c . it" , . boallsto 4 oil" 111:11111111011114 - 6 near Ile winter F An pled do R be I ill o I he,! 4114Y 14 I 40 "'I'l �V - "th 'e'lu t tut',: ""' , leell , "Th" , I 000 , , onst - rom , "V. �.� I I I. " i I 0 � , � I )) 0 a `0 I � -P, Aoy- I r I I . I . . I r � I -1 1. - L ., . r �'," - I I . �, .. ) . . ; . . , � ii . r . L r I I m1b - I j � ..'r � ";L: '. � I , , . 11 . �; neans to ga suit get Mail In other Verandall 1jugg in Varioug qualities anti sizes. 11 I I ��;, .. . . . . . . � ,; . . - , ., � '. �*. ,� ­ witch n d I diddeab Ito Just what Abe - . I . "4", 1 . 1; � . ; - . wirdo. 'An we WC 0-4b plate ia Goderich to buy COn50111111M r L I , , � ­­.­, I . I , I W ,,,,,,;;�� " ,�'. s out drive. Walker's; ict 014 elleaP r . � I I . ., I . . " . ,.�,­ I..r -4 � I . I'l . ment, but today when . � I I � ) . .. ,� . , " �, - -,. ­ ­. ", iftg in the 2 handed ford I now whM she Rugs. . I � I . , 11, ­ I I . .. I., 11 I : �' . I . I Hitellen chairs. 760, I . .,;.. . . I Ir .. ­::�� . r went When pa, a,ftidently tuk & hold of I t� . I I I � . r L ".. I I � . a boS apart; Plug- I cud toll by the Way . A%* to nee WOWS 9-11colal F01b Mattress at $7.50. - . L. . '­­­'. . � .. ;1 . I ­­ - . - I � i 1� A Polid Oak I.'Attipqion Table in (nmed fini4b.f6V $15, r � . I . .. ��­­ -�, I . � .1 ­..­.­'��, I .. 11 . I . ­ ,ea*sO* On t1ke old ramparti, ot Qatboat I I one only, Couch, iraitation le3th6r, full sPrilla seat, fully 41. . I . ;, OeS,ex mtge* ObOV& tbe. eltyll A,- AA *111WleXt . �Vecj%j $14,715, .1 - the St, lAwrent V - .- a 0", onto tram Quebet elly. I --f-I relitnlar $19, ag a, S I.—Tike 4WOree jorldrso whiLea isp L ague eq,alp"os 4.,- 0101tol bit OIL r6*4 " - I 0,-)L 4"ellite Itaultont, boy With him Victor*, j climb siilV%t,o Pass beneath with O-ue,at . . I comp3ny with the khaki clad sentinel ge. A stiff shor highest water. 1; " Quebec City, the Gibraltar of the 14*r,tilyl",C,"ttlr,y""O,tke from the new railway The harbor front at Quebec Is a f the chief of the pre8ent day garrison fo-rce-.1st.tio the I L 0 . . orld, 'Was One 0 thr,oll jg%to W oh 0 �jk�iacleut St. Loula VatO, New W is sy spot in summer. 4t Its the Port Points of call it, the itinerary of the Quebec Is'a city with $in illdifillu- of call of Ocean liters and tfAlls- L . (_,"adjaa Weekly Prtas, MrOet3tltin Ality. It is unlike any other city It' I rode after his defeat by WOW On the Atlantic frolghters and a great I 11411wayA N j business Vours in and out over the Cautollwa Ntttlbtk3 .1orth,,!kmer2ea. It Is a city of c-bn- nearby plains of Abraham, Thv lume a recently. it was . a vlac6 of intense trasts. nea,lde A, fine modern build- swiftly jit"elled automobile raises VO C the months fit of thig port durin interest,to kh#te $ubtisbers and edl- Mg, Ono finde a atructute with win- by, without a SAlute, the Qual"t, $low open navigation, , of thO C-Ouat* . jorg, fol Quebec is the eradle, of the dows. heavily Mhuttered, with Massive going caltelit. history of Canada. There F,r-kncA,s .doors. and walls of thick gr6y ralles above Qtlebec stands Quebec Is the cleliftc A I populaW by the Ija�Rarits, Therc magonry, tylglying the days when I this ZUS Quebee bridge ,the great - domination of catiada. began and q1jobee, wag a fortre�s and the est Undertaking of its kind in the PeoPle, who correspotd W th* , live in a simple there it 41tol. leaVing the way open , stronghold of the c-ontinent. PrOM world. Across it the CAnadisil Na peasalit of France. for British dominion over, tud tue the apaciduor width 01 thO Grand tional,WIWAYS rVIAN -into the heart way, 4tid lite open-hearted in their eftfederst-y of the provinceo from A1140 one his to *#Jk but it low bteps of the eity. It has a tOtAl 10119th Of bosplWity to the atVAUSer In their ,coast, under OAO 114018111011t, ko'llad a street Ile 'Ahrrav that two 3.248 (tot Vith a suspended stillin Of OMMUllitY. TO their 4'"IDt T)ut lilly I � eollist, to twd ctutilever homes the spinaing wheal may to 046 flag and ont Wing. There On. the p(, C iju& wa,soun ga;y shalke hands acribsig Ift 640 feet 11111119 between tw C- til's"r - -Itadoll r-mmahalftig a h, 'to 4 the la4ern Vogt oftlice srrAg Of 110 f#6t,* jb# suspended seen in use and MnY V2 4UM tt of the C f"hions to be found ftowbor6 site Illut"W"01"t JAWrelkeig. the ph*nkoln it IS OJUY S A%Ort dial"(* toll the tpan, is skogig hUh eftootl on ftcr CaAwwut am Null M vatut. I ft,a#*'Of VUja,VI*W% %oldlefs keel' VrodIS 'Which Or" *0 00' ft 06 1watOr tcl aww *A un . , . - ­ ­­ ­­-­.­­ � . . .. - I 1. � I .1 . � . I . . 11, I . 0 1 0 1 , , I -1 I . I L ­ . ­ ­ . —­­ .. .... —. ­- ­­ ­­­­­.­ '"'Lli.-, ­­ � N ­­ ­ A - ­ ­ � .... .. ­ - ­ ­­ ANIN , Dining Room SUVO, Bolid oA emgn, 0 n 0 ,I, W, �, I , - .Queen Anne d finkiled -in 15,1:191101 hrot6, the. naittieslb thing in OUT . ptove,,, ,voltyspeeial$125. This.suiteigwortli$175- . I A corolial, invitati011 is e%t`6nddd to 311 "all"ler V'S'tor% tourists and stranr I ,era to visit one of tile finiMit Farniturs Starts west od Tor . - I anto. Tilree hoora 16,Lded with, loft's"Ificoub werchandise. We Degver By Motor, Any Distime � b "Often the cheapest, 010-itys 00 koat" . V ) FUDIOURE STORE I WALKER S Jul Phones.- Stdr,e AN *10014 19'11. ­ � I ­� .. I b� j .1 �'-&- , . -i, I ..��. ­ I � "